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May 31

The June 2023 Energies – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 31

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very happy to report to all of you that no matter where you are on your journey there on planet Earth, these June energies are going to help you go further and deeper, because they are all about you all accessing more of your spiritual gifts and abilities. For those of you who already have gifts, you will be going deeper and further with them. For those of you who have yet to tap in to your gifts, you will be getting exactly what you need to do so. Now, here comes the tricky part. Once you do access a spiritual gift or an ability, your work is not done.
You then must use what you have been given. You must make yourself available to the rest of humanity as a healer, a channel, a psychic, a clairvoyant, a medium, or whatever it is your gift or ability happens to be. You must be willing to put yourselves out there, even though your families might not approve, even though you might not live in a place where these things are embraced. You must be able to tell other people that this is something that you now do, and you do that not only for yourselves, but also for them. It helps if you realize that more people are looking for you and what you do than you might think.
There are more awakened souls on the planet today than there have ever been, and certainly there are more today than there were yesterday, and that is true no matter when you receive this message, because more and more people keep waking up, and as they do, they want help. They want support; they want to go about receiving healing in a different way. What you do to help others will eventually be what you teach others to do. You will master your gifts when you step into them fully, and you will realize that you want others to also have these gifts. You are ready to receive more because you have done so much work on yourselves, clearing so much out of your chakras, your cells, your mental bodies, your emotional bodies.
You are ready to step up and be more than just a part of an Awakened Collective. You are ready to help others to awaken and to ascend. You are certainly ready to help others to heal and to see the world through different eyes, and these energies of June 2023 are here now to help. Just let them in, and recognize that you have the support that you need, and it is coming from above. It is coming from the nonphysical, as well as the physical. You are ready; you don’t need to earn any gift, and you don’t need to be born with it, or doing it, either. No matter what age you are right now, you are ready to go further and go deeper and help more people than you previously would have believed was possible.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 30

Better Ways of Working with 5D Energies – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 30

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very fortunate to be able to reach so many of you there on Earth at this time, because we know that this is a two-way street. We receive so much from those of you who connect with us, and we are forever grateful for the opportunity to connect. We see you all as being filled with so much potential, and as we strive to assist you in tapping in to that potential, we also understand better how to tap in to our own. We are not a completed work of art, floating up in the sky somewhere, but rather, we are works in progress just like you.
We want to improve ourselves and become more of who we really are as Source Energy Beings, and we owe so much to humanity for giving us this opportunity to explore your journeys with you. When you respond to us, our energies and our transmissions, we understand better what works, and we can turn those strategies upon ourselves. Now, as you move forward and become the leaders of humanity that you most certainly are, we want to suggest that you see yourselves as having so much to give because of how much you have learned through doing.
You have all learned better ways of working with the energies because you have been your own test subjects. You have had successes and failures on your journeys, but you have always bounced back, and you have always landed on your feet. You continue to spiral up in your ascension, and because of all of that, you have so much more to give your fellow humans. And when you are giving all that you have to them, you will also become better at managing your own emotions, your thoughts, and all of the energies that you are playing with in that moment.
By being of service, you always grow and expand. You always get so much more than what you give, and you feel good. You feel good about yourself, your contribution, and you have that feeling of fulfillment that you can only get from helping others in the same ways that you have been helped by us and by other helpers.
We are all assisting each other in becoming The One once again. The One we are referring to is, of course, Source and is the same destination for everyone no matter where they are on their journey. You are becoming such masters, and we feel so fortunate to be a part of your ascension, an ascension that could not take place without helpers, but one which you also deserve so much credit for having the ability to complete.
This is a long journey and was always meant to be a long journey because we all get so much more out of the long journey than we would if you just jumped to right where you want to go right now. And that is something to think about the next time you are frustrated with humanity and the slow pace you are taking to the fifth dimension.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 29

Lightworkers: This is Your Purpose – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 29

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have attained so much wisdom throughout our existence, and we know that the wisdom we impart to all of you helps you to lead better lives, but we also know that wisdom is derived life experience. We want you to understand that you are meant to have all of the life experiences you are having. These experiences are not meant just for your spiritual evolution, but rather, you are meant to access the wisdom from those experiences and use that in order to help others who are going through something similar. Something else that experience gives you that nothing else can is your ability to feel compassion for another who is going through that same experience.
It is one thing to teach another how to pull themselves out of a lower vibration, and it is quite another to feel compassion for that person without joining them in that lower vibration. Those of you who have experienced yourselves in a lower vibration, and we suspect that is all of you, know just how little you tend to know when you are in that state. You have access to lower-vibrational thoughts, you take lower-vibrational actions, and you tend to solidify lower-vibrational beliefs.
Therefore, as a helper, a healer, and a guide, as a lightworker, there is no point in you joining someone in their lower-vibrational state. You do not help them by doing so. Feeling compassion for someone and also sharing your wisdom is the best way to be of service there on Earth. You are not meant to fix everyone else’s problems. You are not meant to distract them from their negative emotions long enough so that they can have a smile on their face. You are meant to show others how you did it, and explain to them the steps to pulling themselves out of their darkness, and you are meant to do that with compassion.
Now, why is the compassion necessary, you might wonder? It is your way of growing spiritually through the experience of helping another. If all you do is write books and create courses, and tell people to take steps x, y, and z, you have not then expanded. You have not then been able to demonstrate an ability to hold yourself in a higher vibration while simultaneously helping someone who is currently operating in a lower-vibrational one. Therefore, your ability to hold your vibration is of paramount importance to your journey.
Now, many of you have often wondered why you had to choose such a challenging path in your lives. You wonder why you fail at this relationship or that business venture, and some of you assume that there is a faulty belief at play, that you have some programming that you have not released yet. And those things may be true, but if you look at the bigger picture of your spiritual growth, you also need to have experiences where you lose something or someone to then be able to have compassion for another who is going through that particular struggle in their lives.
When others have hardships, you must be able to dispense that wisdom from a place of also understanding where they are, or you will not be able to connect with them appropriately. You do not want to just sit in your ivory tower and dispense your wisdom practices and healing modalities. You want to be able to reach down and grab someone by the hand to pull them up, to show them that you care, that you love them, that you actually want to help them with their current set of circumstances.
That also brings you into a greater state of unity consciousness, which is also a step towards knowing yourselves as Source. You could say that every purpose throughout the entire universe is for the being or the collective to know themselves as Source. Therefore, you want to remember that as you teach, as you help, as you heal, you are doing so for another aspect of that which is you. And as you hold that awareness, the other or others can feel it. They will feel seen, heard, understood, and known by you, and then they have a greater chance of being helped.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 28

We Are Awakening Your Immortality – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 28

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are awakening within your consciousness and within your cellular memory the awareness that you have been able to live much longer lives in your human physical bodies. There have been humans who lived for hundreds of years in your ancient past, and they were not being kept alive by machines and drugs. You need to have those memories awakened within you in order to take the leap forward that you are taking, and we are referring to the leap from having a mortal, carbon-based vehicle to an immortal, crystalline-based vehicle.
Right now, so much is being awakened within you from the transmissions that you get from us and from all across the galaxy. Even energies that are not being channeled by any humans are still having a profound effect on you and on many levels of your being-ness. Becoming immortal is something that you would expect to come from a comic book or science fiction, but it is the next step forward in human evolution, and it has nothing to do with science and technology. It has everything to do with consciousness.
When you first awakened, what should have been quite shocking to you was the idea that you are Source Energy Beings. That is much more significant than being Cleopatra or Napoleon in a past life. To accept your divinity means to accept your immortality, and we do understand that it takes time for a belief like this one to really take hold within the consciousness of a human being who sees death around themselves and wonders how anyone could become immortal without some sort of magic. But it is not magic; it is consciousness. It is a way of knowing yourselves as having transcended the physical, while still maintaining a physical form.
When you don’t see your physicality as your true self or ultimate self, then it becomes easier to use the body as the vehicle for your soul that it was always intended to be.
So what do you have to do then in order to make all of this happen, as we are sure that it seems very enticing to most of you. The answer is simple; you don’t need to do anything, but you do need to change your perception of self, your perception of others, your perception of reality. You need to shift what you know to be finite to the infinite.
If you want to do something, then do an exercise where you seek out the feeling of infinity within you. Seek out your true eternal nature as a vibration, and then watch yourself transform before your very own eyes, because all of this that we speak of is inevitable, but you can accept it and put yourselves on the fast track, or you can deny it and take the slow and winding route to your immortality. Either way, you are destined to arrive.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 27

New Heart Chakra Upgrades & Their Effects on You – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 27

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very pleased to give you this transmission because we know that this is one many of you will be happy to hear. You have been given a series of upgrades to your heart chakras that are going to make it a lot easier for you to move through any blockages and any pent up emotional energies that you have stuck there in your hearts, around your hearts, and particularly within your heart chakras. These upgrades have been given to you by your guides while you are asleep, and they have been uniquely tailored to each and every one of you. We are speaking now to the entire human collective, not just those of you who are awake. We also want you to know that these upgrades help you to go deeper within your own heart chakras, and will make it easier for you to access the multidimensional portal that exists at the center of your heart.
You are able to reach any place, any being, any collective, within this universe and beyond it by going within and by putting your conscious awareness on the center of your heart. A lot of you have felt blocked, however, and have not been able to access what you have sought access to, but that is all changing now. It is changing because you are meant to grow and expand in the ways that you have been.
You have been encouraged to go within and to be heart centered, but now that the reward is greater than it ever has been, you are more likely to do so. You are more likely to make those connections that you want to make. You are more likely to get the information you’ve wanted to get. You are more likely to access the memories that you’ve wanted to uncover for quite some time, and all of that is just the beginning.
As you access your multidimensional selves, you will also have more access to your gifts and abilities, the akashic records and any and every being you’ve ever wanted to channel. The releasing of those pent up negative emotions and the removal of those blockages may not feel so great to you while these things are happening, however the payoff is huge. And so, we recommend that you tune in to your hearts right now, that you breathe into them, and feel for what it is we are telling you about. Experience it yourselves. See for yourselves what is available to you now that was not available to you just a few months ago.
The process of giving you these upgrades has been a lengthy one, but the upgrades are now complete, and you can start to reap the benefits of them in your waking hours. You can start to tune in to what you are capable of now because you have been granted access to all that is within you by your beautiful, loving, and very helpful spirit guides. Your higher selves had something to do with it, of course, as well.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 26

How to Avoid the Label of ‘Sheep’ – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 26

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are so very happy with your progress, as we witness you putting aside your differences a little more often these days in an effort to live in greater harmony with one another. Some of you know that you are going to disagree with your neighbor, your co-worker, or your family member on certain topics, and rather than trying to convince the other person that you are right and they are wrong, we’ve seen an uptick in the number of opportunities taken for peace rather than going to battle.
If this time you have been living in has taught you nothing else, it certainly has hammered home the truth that you cannot convince someone they are wrong by getting in their face and yelling at them. That is not the way to unity, and unity and oneness are the ultimate goal there on Earth. You need to be unified in order for e.t.s to feel comfortable landing their ships on your soil, and you need unity consciousness to achieve inner peace, to raise your vibration, to grant yourselves access to your spiritual gifts and abilities. You need to connect with your e.t. family in order to join the galactic community, and you need that sense of oneness in order to ascend.
For those who are still holding out on this, and who want to be right more than they want to be kind and compassionate, we would say that you are not getting yourself anywhere with your beliefs. And if you can at least strive for acceptance of others who make a different choice, or have different thoughts about a subject, then you take one step closer to harmony there on Earth. You must let everyone be where they are, just as we must let all of you be where you are. We don’t want to zap everyone with some sort of cosmic ray to make them think differently. We know that true spiritual growth and evolution comes from you being able to love each other in spite of your differences.
People on your world have been evolving because of their willingness to forgive and forget, and so, once again, you as the awakened collective must lead by example, even if you have some pretty hard held beliefs about one thing or another. Your beliefs do not make you worthy of ascension. That’s a very religious idea that you are meant to transcend at this time. What keeps you on the ascension path is compassion, as well as forgiveness and unconditional love. These are the times that bring you those opportunities to offer forgiveness, feel compassion, and be unconditional love. Those of you who know this already and are practicing these truths we are giving you right now, let others know that this is where you stand.
Let everyone see you in your acts of kindness, your acts of service, and your willingness to see everyone else as your equal, regardless of what they believe and regardless of what they choose for themselves. The great divide amongst most humans is ultimately caused by fear. It’s not prejudice; that comes later. It’s not revenge; that comes from a fear that whoever hurt you could hurt you again. Fear is at the root of all divisiveness.
And if you really don’t want to be worthy of the label ‘sheep,’ then you will not let those who profit off of your fear divide you. You will not let those who benefit from you all being divided win. Show this world and everyone on it how powerful you are by not giving in to fear, but instead, embracing your fellow humans no matter what. See the Source and the Love within each and every one of your fellow humans, and you will move out of these trying times that you have been in now for quite some time, and you will move into the age of enlightenment. You will continue on the ascension journey with more freedom, more joy, and more love than ever before.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 25

A Call to All Healers, Channels, Psychics & Coaches – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 25

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have so much respect for those of you who are willing to put yourselves out there and help other people with your gifts. We know that so many of you who are interested in us and in our messages have already accessed your spiritual gifts, and we know that some of you are a bit reluctant to put yourselves out there as a helper, a healer, a guide, a channel, and we want you to know how much support there is coming from the nonphysical for you to do just that. We are not attempting to nudge you in that direction because of our own agenda, but rather, we are doing so because we know how good it is for you to do what you are feeling called to do.
People often ask Daniel here if it is exhausting to do the work that he does, and his answer is always the same. It is the exact opposite for him. He gets energy from us and from the other beings and collectives he channels. And when you are a healer, a psychic, a coach, or a channel, you too can have that experience of being enlivened and energized by what you are doing. As soon as you drop any resistance you have to doing it, you can have that experience as well. You are being called from within and from above to do what is going to give you the most energy, what is going to light you up the most, and what is going to be the most rewarding and fulfilling experience for you.
You’re not being asked to do it because you need to for humanity’s sake. You are not there to fix a broken world, but you are there to know who and what you really are, and by allowing more of yourself to flow through your physical bodies, you fulfill that purpose and succeed in that mission. And when what you are doing is also an act of service to others, you know you are existing in that higher-vibrational state of being that is necessary for you to feel satisfied in your life.
If you want to feel happy about your life and what you are doing in your life, then reach for the happiness first, and you will then get the inspiration to do something that will bring you more joy, that will allow you to feel more freedom, confidence, creativity, and everything else you want to experience there while in a physical body. Yes, you are ascending, and more people accessing their spiritual gifts is a part of the ascension, but we really just want you to enjoy that process, to let go of your worries, your fears, your judgments, and anything else that is keeping you from being your whole self.
And as you operate as your whole self, you are of service to yourself and others. You put yourselves on that highest timeline for your ascension, and you get to enjoy the journey. We know that some of you are still waiting for those gifts and abilities to come to you, and just having that intention, that desire, is enough for now. Go and live your lives in joy, and know that these abilities will come to you in the perfect way and in the perfect timing. You then will feel that same calling to share them with the world, with your fellow humans who will benefit from them.
We promise you there is nothing more exciting, fulfilling and satisfying than doing that work that you know is uplifting others, and we know that each and every one of you will have that opportunity. When it comes, pounce on it. That is our message to all of you, no matter where you are on your journey.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 20

Accept This Invitation from the Ascended Masters – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 20

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have noticed the impact that the masters who have walked on your planet have had on all of you. You have noticed their power, their alignment, and the love that emanates from them as well. They came to you in order to show you what was possible while being in a human physical form. They didn’t have anything that you don’t have. And to put it another way, everything that they had inside of them, you also have inside of you. And they wanted you to know that, but they also wanted to demonstrate to you how to access that which is in all of us, that which is Source.
You access those energies, those vibrations, and those feelings, by going within, by meditating, by fasting, by taking part in certain rituals that you know will take you into yourself more fully. There are many other ways as well to connect to the truth of who you really are as a being of unconditional love, and different masters showed you different ways.
Now, we want all of you to recognize that you don’t need another master to come and show you again what it is you have already been shown, but instead, you need to take those teachings and utilize them. You need to recognize that you already have everything that you need, but you also have to put into practice that which has been shared with you by these beautiful teachers and masters. And now what you have on Earth are many, many people who are working with the teachings, who are doing the practices, the meditations, and so on, and they are showing you that it doesn’t take someone who was born under a bright shining star to be able to utilize these methods of alignment, these methods of integration.
You have now upon your world so many teachings, so many techniques to get you there, and it’s just a matter of you finding the ones that resonate with you. Some people are going to connect more to sound, and others are going to more to movement. Some are going to connect more through prayer and others will connect more through acts of service. Most of you will find that it is easier to connect to a higher level of consciousness when you are in nature. When you connect to Mother Nature and Mother Earth, you have the ability to feel all of that love around you, all of those high-frequency vibrations that are emanating from the trees and the rocks and the soil, from the bodies of water and the wild animals.
Many masters have demonstrated that there was more to be found in that connection to nature, and they demonstrated it by going out into the desert, or by sitting under a tree. You have all of that available to you throughout most of your year, and every time that it is nice enough outside for you to go and connect with those elements of nature that you appreciate, then go and be like an ascended master. Show yourself and others what is possible within a human physical form, and be the teacher and the leader that you were always meant to be in this life. Do not think of ascended masters as better than you, because they chose those paths very carefully from before the lifetime. They knew who they were going to be for all of you, and they had the perfect set up in that lifetime to be exactly who they became.
You decided to take a different path, a more circuitous one, but you can still end up where they did by using all of the teachings that they gave you, and a lot of them have given you very similar teachings. Go within. Quiet your mind. Be heart centered. Be love in action. Be of service to others. Connect, connect, and connect some more, and you will find that there is always more available to you each and every time you connect with another being, or with Mother Earth, or with an animal, or a tree. You will find your own path to enlightenment, of this we are certain. The ascended masters have shown you the various paths and have invited you to them, and it is time for those of you who are on Earth right now to accept that invitation.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 24

Before You Return to the Chaotic Outside World – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 24

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been accumulating so much data through our observation of you and through our interactions with you, and we want you to know that the energies that we have been co-creating with others for you are uniquely tailored to bring you exactly what you need to move to that next level of consciousness. You are all taking steps forward in your spiritual evolution, no matter how it might look in your day-to-day lives, and every once in a while you feel that you are ready to go to another level that will enable you to access different entities and different experiences. You are also always seeking to access more of your true and whole selves. As many of you know, you do that by going within, but going within ultimately must result in you also going outside and interacting with the quote/unquote ‘real world.’
You must be able to take that inner peace that you find in your meditative state and bring it to the world in which you live. Living in the world can seem chaotic if you get caught up in the chaos. It can seem as though you are too sensitive to this world and for this world if you are not maintaining that higher vibration while you are interacting with other people and going to other places. That is why you are also accumulating more data as you continue on your inward journeys.
You are discovering how to access the state of being, the vibration, you want to be in while interacting with someone who may be in a bad mood, or may just be having a bad day, or a bad lifetime. And that then becomes your work. It is your work to be the you that you want to be no matter what is happening outside of you and no matter whom you are interacting with in any given moment.
If you let others decide what the mood of the room or the situation is going to be, then you have lost your inner compass, and you allow someone to take that inner peace away from you. And then you have to go back to the drawing board, so to speak, and you must clear what you need to clear, you must let go of what you need to let go of. You do have to at times go back to the shop for some repairs before you’re ready to take another shot at interacting with the outside world, and that’s fine. That is normal and natural, given where you are in terms of your ascension. You are taking on more and more challenges so that your growth can be exponential, so that you can see the results that you want to see and feel them within you.
And how you feel inside is the true barometer of how you are doing as an individual. You will not see immediate results in the outside world, generally speaking. It will usually take some time and some practice on your part to begin to see the outer reflection of what you’ve been doing in those quiet moments of meditation when you are accessing your joy, your peace, and the love that you truly are. Give it some time, and give others time to catch up and reflect that vibration to you. And in the meantime, don’t be afraid to go out there in the outside world to discover where you still need to do some work, where you still have some letting go to do.
As you strip away all the resistance, all the fear, and all the judgments, all that is left is the unconditional love that you truly are, and that has always been the goal and the purpose for you in this lifetime. It has just taken you some time to realize that, and it takes a little bit more time to put that knowing into practice.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 23

A Quantum Leap Forward for the Awakened Collective – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 23

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are illuminating many paths for the Awakened Collective, because we know that sometimes getting the gentle nudges that you do from your guides is not enough. We know that the more encouragement you get from above, the easier then it becomes for you to take the path that will bring you the most joy and the most ease on the remainder of your ascension journeys. Not everyone who is a part of the Awakened Collective will have the exact same experiences moving forward because you are all different, and you are all meant to have different experiences for the One, for Source.
One thing you can absolutely count on, however, is that the experience you have of your ascension will be one that will be unequaled in terms of all of your other experiences in all of your other lifetimes in this universe. The reason for that is jumping from the third dimension to the fourth and then the fifth in a single physical lifetime is the biggest leap forward that you can make. There will be no suffering as a fifth-dimensional being. You will find that everything that you want and need is available to you as a fifth-dimensional being.
You are experiencing the hardships and the challenges that you are right now because you are co-creating the experience of the fifth dimension. You are asking for what it is that you want to experience and it is being created and held for you in that realm. It is a different realm than the one you are existing in right now, and at the same time, the fifth dimension is within you. That is a paradox, and it is supposed to be a paradox because you are meant to have your minds blown at this time. You are meant to go beyond what your mind has the capacity to understand, and in order to do that, you must give yourselves that which cannot be figured out.
It is in your inability to figure something out that you will eventually give up, and it is in that surrendering that you are able to take a quantum leap forward. All quantum leaps that you have scheduled for yourselves come in those moments of letting go. They come from surrender. You are meant to fail in certain areas of your lives, so that you will surrender, so that you will let go of your attachments and let in the spiritual experiences that go so far beyond the physical ones. Now, you still get to manifest a very nice life for yourself in this physical body and in this dimension, but chances are it doesn’t include everything you’ve ever wanted for yourselves. All of that will be possible once you cross that threshold of consciousness that takes you into a fifth-dimensional experience of reality.
What we are saying to you is that there is a lot for you to look forward to, and what we are also saying is that we learn so much about you by experiencing you and by hearing from you, and as we do, we are able to use that data we collect to understand what those best timelines are for you. And as we illuminate them, we are sending out an invitation to all of you to join us in the space we are holding for you. We want you to experience everything that will transform you into this next and highest version of yourselves that you are always moving toward.
We sense the readiness of so many within the Awakened Collective, and we are telling you that you don’t have to wait any longer. You also don’t need to hit a wall before you let go. Now is the time, and you are ready to take that next step towards your ascension. We know this, and many of you know this as well. There is no need to wait for a solar flash, for an event of any kind. You are the ones who are meant to lead the way, and you are doing so through your conscious awareness of who and what you are and what you are capable of, and we are happy to nudge you along on your way.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 19

Who’s Lying & Who’s Telling the Truth? – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 19

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are exceptional at using discernment to feel something out, and we know that it is through practice that we got to this level of proficiency. We come in contact with so many beings and collectives throughout the universe, and we can immediately feel into the level of sincerity that is within the communication, the interaction. This is a muscle that you want to start exercising more frequently. Instead of immediately sending a link to someone else and asking that person what they think, realize that you have the answer inside of you right then and there. And if you are willing to feel into the vibration of what you have been presented, and the presenter, you will be so much better off in all of your dealings with other humans and with extra-terrestrials.
The day is coming, of course, when you will all be open books to one another. You will all be able to read each other’s energy fields, and you will all be telepathic, but you are not there yet, and you need your discernment now more than ever, because there are always multiple perspectives on what is going on there on Earth. There are always multiple perspectives on every single issue that faces humanity, and some people can be very persuasive with their words, with their rhetoric. And sometimes the more confident a person seems in what they are saying, the more people they get to agree with them.
Ultimately, you want to have your connection to higher wisdom, to higher-dimensional beings, to downloads that are meant specifically for you, but in the meantime, you are where you are. And you do rely heavily on information; this has been called ‘The Information Age.’ There are those who think they are telling you the truth, but are not, and then there are those who know they are not telling you the truth, and are very good at convincing people that it is the truth.
And there is the truth that all truths are true from a certain perspective. All realities are real. So the question then becomes, ‘Are you using your discernment to determine which reality you are in, or are you using it to determine which reality you want to be in?’ Ultimately, you want to be very deliberate about choosing the reality you want to be in. So if someone presents you with a version of reality that seems a lot better than the one you’ve been experiencing, then we suggest you gravitate towards that vibration and what that person is telling you.
So you see, using your discernment is step one, and step two is always choosing which reality you want to make real, you want to make true in your experience and for the greatest and highest good of all. When you have that as your goal, as your desire, and when you know that you can create those realities that are better for everyone, then you can move beyond trying to figure out whether something is true or not, and you can start making the reality you want to experience the one true reality.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 22

Truths to Be Revealed in the Remainder of 2023 – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 22

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very pleased to offer all of you this progress report. We know that many of you are seekers, and you have been seekers for a very long time. We want you to know that this is a time when more of the truth will be revealed, and through the revelation of so many different truths, you will have a deeper and clearer understanding of who and what you really are. Those of you who are a part of the Awakened Collective know that you are so much more than your physical bodies. You know that you are so much more than this one human lifetime, so much more than your mind and your thoughts.
Most individuals do not understand that they are also a part of a larger family. You are a part of a galactic family and a galactic community, and more evidence of that is going to be found as you continue living and evolving in this year of 2023. The more that is uncovered, the more that is revealed, the more that people will begin to speak up and say, ‘Yes, I was aware of this. I know about these truths.’ And when you can as a society change your concept of self, you can see the flowering of consciousness that would occur very naturally after more truths are revealed. Humanity has a long and storied history of interacting with extra-terrestrials, and in fact you would not even be there in the form that you are without the help of e.t.s.
There is a missing link even in Darwinian theory, and that missing link is e.t. intervention. Now, you have already uncovered the bones of giants there on Earth, and that has gotten very little attention, very little fanfare. But the more that is revealed, the more that is uncovered, the more undeniable the truth becomes of your history. And as you awaken to that knowing of who you really are as galactic beings, it then becomes easier for you all to accept the most important truth of all, which is that you are Source Energy Beings. When you go beyond the idea of yourselves as lowly humans who are just having a singular earthly lifetime, it becomes possible then for the mind to expand into that knowing that we are all One, and the One we all are is Source.
You have demonstrated in the past several months a readiness for more of these findings to occur, and so they will. And as they do, you will have exponential growth. You will see more evidence of the mass awakenings of which we have spoken, and you will be more prepared for full and open e.t. contact there on Earth with all people in all countries, all across the planet. You have, of course, had contact before in ancient civilizations, and there is continued contact for those who have been ready to receive it, but it has been more personal, and what we are talking about is more global, because you need those changes to occur within the consciousness of the human before you can see them in the physical realm of planet Earth.
And that’s where you are headed, what you have demonstrated you are ready for, and what is to be revealed to you will not be so earth-shattering for those of you are a part of the Awakened Collective, but you will start to see more people around you showing their acceptance of these truths, and that will help all of you to feel more settled in while you go through this next phase of your evolution of consciousness.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 21

You’re Becoming Better Teachers, Healers & Guides – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 21

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are looking within ourselves for access points to the consciousness of humanity. In other words, we are looking for what we have in common with you to better get on the same wavelength as each and every one of you who is open to us. We seek to find that which binds us together before we seek to give you the latest transmission of energy and information, because we don’t want it to go over your head. We also seek to have the greatest impact with the least amount of effort and energy expended. This helps us to help more. You could call it a style of communication, but really it is all about efficiency. As we said, we want to reach as many as possible, and we want the impact to be as big as it can be.
We know that you want this as well, and so in that way we are teaching you how to be better teachers and guides to your fellow humans. You have been learning from us the whole time, even if most of you have been unaware that this has been a lesson, in addition to a healing, and so many other things. Each transmission that we give you is meant to make us less and less relevant and more and more obsolete. That would be a true accomplishment of our roles, because it would mean that you didn’t need us anymore, and that would be the case because enough of you would have become masters and the most masterful of teachers, healers, and guides to the general population there on Earth.
You are needed more than you realize, and there is always more going on than your minds can comprehend. We are not the only ones having this effect upon you, and we work together with the other beings and groups who also seek to create more mastery within you. And together, we work synergistically, for we do not have all the answers, and we do not have all the experiences necessary to draw from in order to be of greatest service. That is why partnership and collaboration are so important. They are important here in the nonphysical, and they are important there, as you seek to reach more humans and to become more of the collective that we have named ‘The Awakened Collective.’
Working as a collective, you accomplish miracles. You can move mountains, and you can do whatever you set your minds to because you have the full support of all beings of service throughout the galaxy and the universe. We know that humanity will succeed, in spite of how it sometimes looks down there on Earth, and we know it because we not only have faith in you, but we also have faith in ourselves and all of the helpers here in the higher realms.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 18

Why Are So Many E.T.s Interested in Humanity? – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 18

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are quite enriched by every experience that we have with all of you there on Earth, and we include these transmissions as experiences that we are having with all of you, because we know when you receive the transmission and we feel the effect that each transmission has upon you. We also get all of our ideas about what to broadcast to you from you. So we are connecting with you all the time, and we are enriched and enlivened by each and every experience that we have with one of you.
We invite you to see yourselves in that way. See yourselves as ones who have so much to offer your nonphysical friends and your e.t. friends. We all wouldn’t be interested in you if we didn’t feel that there was something about you that had substance to it. We know that you often see yourselves as being the lowly fourth-dimensional human beings who have yet to achieve a level of consciousness that you desire. However, you are just as evolved spiritually as we are and as all other beings in this universe are.
You are choosing to have those experiences because you know that the experiences you are having there on Earth give you the greatest opportunities for growth and evolution. You are valuable to this universe. You are contributing mightily to Source Energy with all that you are willing to take on with those challenges that you face in your day-to-day life experience. It is time to hold yourselves in higher esteem. It is time to see yourselves as equals to all other beings in the universe, and it is time for you to make contact with other beings in this universe of ours with that knowing.
You are not reaching up and out to all of us from a place of not being in our same boat. We are all in this together, and we see you through the eyes of love and compassion. And if you see yourselves in that way, then you will know that you are worthy of receiving messages, downloads, information from all of us in the higher realms. We are in this dimension by choice. Your soul is projecting many aspects of itself into our dimension and higher dimensions as well, and you are your soul.
So there is no reason for you to diminish yourselves or think of yourselves as less than any other beings in this universe. And as you elevate your sense of self to be equal to all of us, you then experience communication with us, and it is a two-way communication. It doesn’t have to be that you just call out in those moments of despair for help from above. See us as your collaborators and your co-creators, because we are, and we are benefitting from all that you are experiencing there on Earth. All of the issues, the challenges, the problems that you face are helping the entire galaxy, the entire universe, and are giving Source opportunities to know Itself that Source otherwise would not have had.
You are keys to this universal ascension, and when you see yourselves in that way, you make yourselves open for contact with physical e.t.s and with nonphysical collectives like ourselves. And that’s what we are all looking for from humanity at this time. We invite you to see yourselves as we see you and to value yourselves to such an extent that you can start living the lives of joy, freedom, love and creativity that you deserve to be living.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 17

New Helpers & Help Coming Thru Physical Doorways – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 17

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very impressed by the way that you all are handling the energies that are upon you at this time, and we want you to know that more transformative experiences are coming your way. You cannot possibly dodge those experiences at this point, because you decided that you were going to transform and evolve into your fifth-dimensional higher selves in this lifetime. Those of you who are awake are doing it consciously and deliberately. You are taking the steps that you know are necessary to get you to that place, and you have a lot of help as well. What will always be coming to you is more help, because there simply are more helpers than there are beings there on Earth at this time.
You are existing in one dimension, and there are eight dimensions that are higher than yours. It is also a very big universe, and so the helpers coming in are coming in through all sorts of portals. The help is coming in through many different avenues that you could not possibly imagine, but we want to give you some now so that you can imagine them and expect them to come in and assist you. There are new doorways opening all the time there in the physical world in which you live. You have openings that you sometimes hear about in mountains, in the ocean, and in other bodies of water. These doorways are usually in places where there are less people and more plant and animal life around.
In those areas where there are fewer people, there are fewer thought forms, fewer streams of consciousness that can possibly disrupt these openings, these avenues through which more help can come. That is why when you go out into nature, when you go exploring Mother Earth, you can feel the help that you are getting. You can receive it. You can access more of the downloads, upgrades and activations that are around, because you are going to where they are.
Now, of course, there is plenty that you can also receive from going into crowded areas, going into cities and other places where there are lots of human beings, and you are meant to have certain experiences with your fellow humans. So you are not meant to live as a hermit in the woods, or as a monk in a cave somewhere so that you can receive all of the wonderful energies that are coming in through those physical structures. But you do need to go out into nature every once in a while to seek them out. You do need to connect with these energies in order to feel supported, in order to feel whole and complete, and in order to receive everything that’s going to help you along on your journey.
You tend to get more upgrades and activations when you are quiet, when you have quieted your mind, and when you have allowed yourself to go into more of a blissful state. It is important for you to recognize that a lot of the hard work and heavy lifting has already been done, and now it is time to enter into the feminine cycle of relaxing and receiving. We want you to know that there’s more for you to receive now than there ever has been. There are more helpers around now than there ever has been, and you have so much more growing and expanding to do, even though you have already come so far on your journeys. Take some time for yourself and connect to these energies that are very available to you and available to you in abundance there on your world at this time.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 16

The 5th-Dimensional Portal & Energies Upon You – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 16

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very sensitive to the energies there on planet Earth, and we have noticed an awakening of many humans that has opened up a gigantic portal over your world. That portal is, and has been, specifically designed for the delivery of fifth-dimensional energies to you. These fifth-dimensional energies are an invitation to each human being who is awake, and they have the capability of raising consciousness to new levels. You can harmonize and synchronize with these energies easily. All you have to do is acknowledge them, relax, and open up to let them in. These are the energies that not only raise your level of consciousness, but also affect your physical body to give you the DNA upgrades and activations that you desire and to make available to you more of your light body.
As you feel for the fifth-dimensional energies that are upon you right now, recognize that they do feel familiar to you, and that is because you have all been fifth-dimensional before. You are using your presence in the fifth dimension right now to call you forth into it. The idea of simultaneous time is challenging for many humans to comprehend, and therefore we won’t get into the details of it too much, but we will tell you that this is real. You really are already fifth dimensional and have been fifth dimensional before. You are inviting yourselves back to a place that is familiar to you and yet has changed.
And those of you who are part of the Awakened Collective are meant to accept the invitation before everyone else does, so that you can pave the way. You were born to remember; you were born hardwired to receive more of these types of energies, to awaken, and to activate your spiritual gifts and abilities. Not everyone was. Some people had to choose to play the role of those who would awaken more slowly, but everyone there on Earth is on the same level. It just doesn’t look that way, because they are playing their role so beautifully. But there is an awakening switch within each and every human, and there are a variety of ways in which that switch can be flipped to the on position.
You chose a path for yourselves that was both easier and more difficult at the same time. It is about to get easier on all of you who are awake, because we are all moving into this time of the great universal ascension together, and you know that it’s happening. You understand when you’re going through something that it’s about something bigger than it appears to be. And as you accept the invitation of the fifth-dimensional energies, you are fulfilling your mission, your purpose, and your destiny.
What you do and what you say in that fifth-dimensional state automatically invites others to join you. You will find that many are willing and eager to accept your invitation, and they just needed it to come from another human being. You all are capable of receiving those invitations from energies, from higher-dimensional planes, and that was part of your blueprint, your agreement, and now as you help others to find their way to that fifth-dimensional consciousness, you are completing the mission that you set out to complete so that you can have more fun and be more playful as fifth-dimensional beings of light and love.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 15

Does What You Believe in Matter? – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 15

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are always interested in what you choose to believe in there on planet Earth. You must admit to yourselves that you are constantly being bombarded with different options regarding what you could believe in. You can believe so many things are true that will only limit you and stifle your progress, your evolution, and you can believe in people who sound very sure of themselves, very confident about their beliefs. You can also choose to believe what most other people around you are believing, even if the belief doesn’t feel good to you, and that is the key right there. That is the point of discernment that we encourage all of you to use when presented with a belief. You must ask yourself whether it resonates, whether it feels right to you to engage with that belief at all.
But most people are not doing that, and most people are not even recognizing that something is a belief when it most certainly is. Instead, they think that it is a truth and that they must live by it. Once you become aware of the fact that you are entertaining different beliefs all the time, you can choose them more deliberately. You can choose them while also recognizing that there is a feeling that comes up for you when the possibility of something is presented to you.
Now, one thing we cannot give you is the ability to care enough about how you feel to follow your feelings, but we can keep telling you how important it is for you to follow your feelings. Then, it is up to you to actually tune in to what you are feeling and care enough about whether something feels good to you or not to listen to what that feeling is telling you. You can make just about anything true at this time in your experience. You have that type of freedom as a fourth-dimensional being. Therefore, you want to be very particular about what you are believing in, and you also want to be very particular about which individuals you are listening to, because beliefs can be developed within you without you even knowing that you are developing that belief. You might, again, just think that someone is presenting you with the truth.
But until you recognize that all truths are true, that all realities exist, and that you are choosing from a wide array of them in every moment, you will not be able to choose your own destiny. And it is so important for you to do that. It is so important for your joyous expression of self that you recognize that you do have a choice. You can choose to believe that your body is capable of healing itself from anything, or you can listen to the person in the white coat who tells you that this or that is incurable. You can choose to believe that you are capable of accessing all of the spiritual gifts that other people have, or you can choose to believe that only a select few are born with that type of ability. You can choose to believe that this is an abundant universe, or you can choose to believe in lack, in limitation, in a finite pie that everyone gets their slice out of.
It’s entirely up to you. You are the ones creating all of this right now, for yourselves, for your evolution, and for your enjoyment. So we recommend that you choose a path that involves your joyous evolution of your consciousness, because that opportunity is always in front of you, but it will always be one that you have to choose, that you must believe in so that it can become true in your reality.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 14

What Will Happen After First Contact w/ETs – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 14

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very intrigued by the possibilities that we have seen popping up for humanity at this time. We have noticed that you have many more spaceships in your skies and much more personal e.t. contact occurring, because of the great amount of summoning that there has been there among the human collective. People on your world want help, and enough of you have opened up to receiving that help to have granted yourselves access to various forms of e.t. contact. You are always the wayshowers, the ones on the leading edge, and you are preparing the rest of humanity for full open contact with each sighting of a ship and with each personal encounter that you have.
These experiences help also to unite humanity, as you get to see yourselves as one race when you realize how many races of beings there are out there in the galaxy and in the universe. You have something in common, which is the Earth experience, being human, suffering, and feeling emotions of all kinds. And all of those experiences make you unique as a race of humans.
You can all relate to one another if you choose to, and the challenge will be to relate to these e.t.s who have had very different lives and experiences. And if you really want to put humanity on the fast track to first contact, you are going to need to find a way to relate to all of your fellow humans. We are not just talking about the ones you disagree with on various issues, but we are also talking about the ones who do very bad things.
If you can see e.t. contact as a way of uniting humanity, instead of as an opportunity for you to leave, then you can do some real good there on Earth and for your fellow humans. Escaping your negative emotions has never served you well, and neither would escaping Earth as it is today. It will always serve you to dig in your heels, ground yourself, and deal with what is right in front of you and inside of you as well. And you cannot do that if you are just whisked away on a spaceship. There would be less growth in that experience, as lovely as it sounds.
The e.t.s who are constantly looking in on you and wanting to help do not want to rescue you, but they do want you to see yourselves, your world, and your fellow humans in a different light. And that is what they will bring to you. It will be a new perspective, one that many have not even considered. And it will help you to understand your differences, because you will all realize that you were created by extra-terrestrials, and you have been helped by them since day one there on planet Earth.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 13

What You’ll Realize in the Coming Weeks & Months – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 13

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been connecting with many of you while you are in the waking state, and we are not alone in this endeavor. There are many higher-dimensional beings and collectives who are connecting with humans who are in the waking state, and there are many humans who have just not yet realized that they are being contacted by a consciousness that is other than their own. This is something that more and more people are going to be realizing in the coming weeks and months, as there is another mass awakening occurring at this time, which means all sorts of doorways are being opened.
And because you are all connected, those of you who are already awake are going to be having more realizations. A lot of those realizations are going to be about the connections you already have, the experiences with consciousness that you’ve been having, and you’re also going to realize where you want to go with all of that. You are going to be channeling a lot more and realizing that you are channeling when you do. You are also preparing yourselves for physical extra-terrestrial contact by having these types of connections occur.
You are beginning to recognize that the veil is thinning, that your skies are full of ships, and that so many of your fellow humans are channeling, are connecting, and are having the experiences that are paving the way for all people having e.t. contact. Once you recognize that you are making connections to other realms and other beings, you then have to decide what to do about it. You can of course do nothing with that realization, but many of you are going to feel compelled to tell that story or to share that information with others, and as you do, you will be helping so many who are having similar experiences and don’t know what to do with theirs.
This is a wonderful time to be awake there on Earth because you know so much more that can bring you solace, peace, and because you can take what you know and go so much further with it. Now is not the time to be suppressing anything or denying anything, especially that which is happening to you and through you. Let yourselves have the experiences without questioning whether they are real, and know that you are there to give yourselves and others permission to have these connections and these contact experiences. You are there to light the way for so many others, and you are there to do much more than the generations who have come before you have been able to do.
This is your time, and the time is now, and you will feel that urgency to connect and express what it is that you are receiving. It will become an undeniable force in your life and one that you will feel much relief in expressing to your fellow humans. And now is just the beginning of what is to come in regards to all of the connections that you can and will make while in your physical body there on planet Earth.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 12

Ask The Arcturian Council for What You Want – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 12

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are ready for anything that you want to throw at us here in the ninth dimension. We are open to all of your requests, and we seek to give you everything that you need and want because it is important to us that you remain at the very least comfortable, with an eye towards being joyous. We know that we continuously tell you that you create your own reality, but you also get to ask for help, and perhaps you have noticed that in the physical realm, it often works to your advantage as well. If you have the audacity to ask the person at the airline for an upgrade, you might just get it. If you have romantic feelings for someone, it does help for you to express those feelings and ask the person out on a date.
So you see, there is something to be said for the art of asking for what you want and need to continue to be there on Earth and be of service to the collective. All of you who are operating from the light are there in service, regardless of what you do for a living. You are tipping the scales in favor of the positive, and your intentions for everyone to be safe, respected and loved matter. You are needed there on Earth at this time, and there has never been a time in human history where you have been more needed because of the magnitude of what you are going through as you shift your consciousness.
So here is how to ask The Arcturian Council or any other higher-dimensional being or collective for what you want. Say what it is out loud, and then say, ‘Thank you for granting me this request.’ The key is to thank before you receive it, because your faith, your trust, also matter. You don’t have to beg and you don’t have to plead, and you don’t have to explain why you want something, or some condition to change, but you do have to believe, and you have to expect that we answer all of your requests in the affirmative.
Again, we want you to be happy, peaceful, comfortable, and we want you to want to stay and continue to do the work that you are doing for humanity. We want you to feel worthy of receiving that which you ask for, because you are worthy. And again, we have a desire to fulfill your desires. You give us something to do, something to focus on, something to co-create, because then we have to go to work and find the best ways to deliver all that you have asked us for, while working with your higher selves and your guides.
It is so much fun for us, and we are always in a giving mood. We don’t have to wait for your birthday or some other holiday to give you the gifts that we so willingly share. We love you and appreciate you, and it is time for you all to be living happier lives there on planet Earth. We just want to be a part of it; we just want to help.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 11

Do This As Often As You Can (for Best Results) – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 11

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are reaching for, and opening ourselves up to, the grace of Source as often as we possibly can. We know that you all get fascinated by extra-terrestrials, faeries, ascended masters, and archangels, and you like connecting with them. You like channeling them, and you like receiving guidance from them. All of them are contained within Source. All of us are contained within Source. If you imagine Source as a Being of pure Light and Love, instead of a fatherly figure with a long white beard, you will desire that communion with Source on a more regular basis.
The reason we use the word ‘Source,’ rather than ‘God,’ is because most of you were indoctrinated to believe in a God that is somewhere, up there, in Heaven, separate from you, and very much like a father, a king, a being of great authority, who is also quick to anger and must be appeased with sacrifices and the obeying of various rules and commandments. That all created a distance for you between yourselves and Source, and in reality there is no distance. But as we are all aspects of Source, we all have the ability to receive more of that which we are from the Being that always knows Itself as All-That-Is and always knows Itself as Love and Light.
Therefore, we invite you to join us in this regular practice of opening up to receive from Source, from that aspect of you that is Love and Light, all that you can receive in any given moment. You are filling your tanks when you do this; you are aligning with the truth of who you really are when you do it. You are letting go of the idea of yourself as a separate, egoic being, and you are also accessing more of your power, more of your creativity, and more of the love that you are there to spread.
You are there to be love and to spread love, and everything else is just details, details that can easily be misinterpreted, that can lead one astray. Remember who you really are, and seek to access more of that truth within you and all around you as often as you can, and you will be the version of yourself that you want to be there on Earth. You will attract everything that you want to attract, and you will be able to do whatever you want to do and be successful at it, and all of that will be because you aligned with the Creator, with the One, with the Love and Light that is the Source of us all and that fuels us all.
We are all returning home to Source, but the ultimate experience of being where we are right now is to bring more of Source to us. That’s what we have the opportunity to do in each and every moment of our existence, and we just wanted to give you this gentle reminder to do it more often, because we find that there is nothing more invigorating, life-affirming, and glorious than to commune with Source as often as we possibly can.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 10

Awakened Collective: These Are Your Assignments – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 10

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are reliving experiences from our collective past, experiences that we had in physical bodies and in denser dimensional planes, because we want to walk in your shoes as best we can. We want to help you, and in order to help you, we must understand who you are and where you’re coming from, what motivates you and what lights you up. You would all do well to take this approach to other humans, especially those you can plainly see need your help. It is impossible to know exactly what someone else is going through, what they are experiencing, but you can do your best to empathize.
And in doing your best, you will offer your best to your fellow humans, just as we attempt to offer our best to all of you. You bring us so much joy because you give us the opportunity to help, to assist, to transform each and every one of you. We want you to experience that same joy, and so, we thought we would give you this piece of information on how we better know all of you.
When you see someone who you find it very challenging to relate to, see if you can remember a time in your life when you were going through what that individual is going through. Use all of your skills and abilities to relate to your fellow humans so that you can better be of service to all of them. That is how you will shift your consciousness. It will not be through exclusion, but instead through inclusion that you reach a higher plane of consciousness.
You need to see everyone outside of you as a piece of you, a piece of the puzzle that is you and one that needs to be brought back into the whole, the center, the totality of who you are. The attempts that have been made throughout history to divide you and to get you to dehumanize each other are continuing; they are being amped up at this time. But you cannot fall for that trap, not if you want to go to where you are destined to go in a timely manner and in a joyous one.
We know that you are eager to complete the shift, and we are giving you the instruction manual right now. You must be able to go within and find inner peace, and then look outside of you and maintain it when dealing with another human being who is unaware of the fact that they even have trauma that they need to process. That is where you come in as members of the awakened collective. You need to help, and heal, and offer whatever assistance you can to whomever shows up in your life on a day-to-day basis. They are your assignments, and all you need to complete those assignments is love, compassion, forgiveness, and a desire to connect, and we know that each and every one of you has those ingredients inside of you.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 9

How to Become Ambassadors to the E.T. Realm – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 9

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are always looking for more humans to connect with, because we know that there is a need there on Earth for more of an awareness of your extra-terrestrial brothers and sisters out there in the skies and scattered throughout the galaxy and the universe. There need to be more ambassadors, more whose journey it is to connect the human consciousness with the e.t. consciousness, because it is a way for you to expand your consciousness. It is a way for you all to grow, to evolve. Getting to know any extra-terrestrial being is like getting to know another aspect of you.
It’s not about the information that we can provide you, and it’s not about the technology that we can hand to you. It’s all about you becoming more of who you are, and yes, having e.t. experiences gives you something fun to share with other people, and you get to be transformed by those experiences. But truly the best way to know the e.t.s that are all around you is to first get to know yourselves. A willingness to examine yourself, to examine your life, your thoughts, your beliefs, and so on, is the key to becoming a more high-vibrational being, and when you raise your vibration you align with e.t. consciousness, as well as the help we are giving you at all times.
We love witnessing one or more of you taking an interest in the other beings that are out there somewhere, but we also want you to recognize that everything you are searching for is also within you, and taking the inner journey is the best way to become aligned with more experiences that will occur outside of you and with beings in other bodies, or nonphysical collectives like ourselves.
As you shut off your devices and tune in to what’s going on inside of you, there will always be something remarkable to be gained from taking that journey. If you don’t like meditation, or you think you’re not good at it, then don’t put that label on it. Instead, tell yourself that you’re going inside your body and your consciousness to look for intelligent life, to look for e.t. consciousness. You are the ones who are going to connect the dots for so many of your fellow humans, and they will be better served by having teachers who have done the work on themselves.
It’s not enough to just access information that you can then share with other people. It’s not enough to just tell others what you believe. You have to become the living embodiment of a fully integrated and aligned being. That is what lights you up for e.t.s and humans alike, and as you look outside of yourselves now and observe the state of the world, it is clear that having more of you who are ready to lead, who are ready to take humanity into the fifth dimension, is necessary.
It is your time to become the self-actualized human being that you always have been, and trust us when we say that you will be getting a lot of attention from e.t.s who are in ships in your skies right now, just for having made the effort, just for having turned your attention inward and seeing what you can find.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 8

This is so Important & Keeps us Interested in You – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 8

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are never going to be finished with humanity. Not only will we never give up on you, but we also will stick around even after you have shifted your consciousness, because there will still be that which we can give you from that higher-dimensional plane that you will be in. We will also be in a higher-dimensional plane, and therefore we will be discovering more of who we really are, and we will become better teachers and guides to you than we currently are in this moment.
We invite you to not give up on yourselves, especially when you feel like you are regressing, especially when you feel that you have done or said something that you thought you had outgrown. Do not get down on yourselves and do not give up on yourselves, because it is so important to your mission that you stay in a high-vibrational frequency. It is so important that you love yourselves. It is so important that you receive the love and the help that is coming from the higher realms, both physical and nonphysical, and you are more likely to receive that help when you are loving yourselves unconditionally.
We want you to forgive yourselves just as much as we want you to forgive others. You are not there to become perfect and show your worthiness of living a perfect life in the fifth dimension. You are there to always be a work in progress and one that has more of an ability to help others to get through something because you went through it yourself. So when you are wondering, ‘Why this challenge? Why Again, and why now?’ remember that. Remember that you are not just there to ascend into a state of perfection.
You are there to help others love themselves in spite of their imperfections. You are there to be the teachers and the guides on the physical level, just as we are here in the nonphysical helping, teaching, and guiding. In order to be able to give more, you must first be able to experience all. You must experience all that you are and all that everyone else is, and that is a tall order. But just remember us in those moments of doubt, in those moments when you feel weak.
We are here offering our assistance constantly, and we will never give up on you, and neither will your guides, neither will your higher selves, your oversouls, or Source. So don’t give up on yourselves or your fellow humans, and don’t seek to become better than anyone else either. You are all in it together, and we are in it with you for the long haul, and we will be there in the future that is yet to be determined, because you are all creating it right now. That’s exciting, and that’s also what keeps us interested in this journey of yours. It is a journey through the unknown and into the unknown, but the outcome is a guarantee. You are shifting, evolving, and ascending, and you always have our help.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 6

Negative Energies & Your Mission on Earth – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 6

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have an unusually high tolerance for what you would call negative energies. We can accept them as they are and see them as having so much potential within them. We can utilize any energy whatsoever to serve the greatest and highest good of all, and part of the reason for that is because we do not feel afraid of anything or anyone. It is your fear that gives the negative its power over you. When you fear it, the negative energy can feed off of that fear and grow larger and more powerful.
So you want to see it as it really is, as underdeveloped consciousness. It is consciousness that has not yet remembered who and what it really is. Now, we are not saying that you have to go out and interact with all negative energies, but there certainly are those of you who do. Some of you realize you are doing it, and some of you don’t. Some of you remember signing up for that specific task, but most do not remember. And therefore, we want to assure you that if you are experiencing any negativity in your lives right now, you are serving humanity.
You are fulfilling your purpose just by being there amidst all of the negativity. You don’t have to fix it, and we think you know by now that you don’t have to defeat it. But there is one thing that you will always have to be in the process of releasing, and that is your fear of it. This is how experience comes in and really demonstrates to you how important it is. When you have an experience with a negative energy, or a negatively-oriented human, and you not only survive that encounter, but you grow from it, then you have released some of your innate fear. You have overcome the fear of that negative energy.
You are there to serve the light, of course, and offer that which is positive in the face of all that is negative, and that may seem like it is a job that is too big for any one person, and so we want to assure you that you are not alone. You are scattered all about the planet, each of you doing your own work, each of you releasing more and more fear every single day and making room for the positive energies that are coming in to support you and to transform you from within. This is your time; this is the time when you get to see the fruits of your labors and experience them not only in your personal lives, but on the world stage as well.
In case you have ever wondered whether you are making a difference or not, and you are receiving this transmission right now, we want you to know that you are. The difference that you are making may not be easy for you to quantify or measure, but it is real, and the cumulative impact of what you are all doing is enormous. You will start to see the effects all around you manifesting in the remainder of this calendar year there on planet Earth.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 7

Earth’s Repaired Grids Mean Humanity Will Be Saved – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 7

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very pleased with the progress that we see you all making as you continue to ask for what is needed for the collective and then become the conduits for those energies and that information that you know will further the expansion of consciousness within your human collective. There is always going to be a debate about what exactly is needed to turn the tides for humanity so that you can become the beings of light and love that your were always meant to be. There are debates in the higher realms, just as there are debates there on planet Earth.
But you as an individual don’t have to agree with what anyone else thinks is needed for real changes to occur there on your world. You only need to be in alignment with you, because you are the one who is living the life that you are living, and you are the one who is observing what you are observing and feeling what you are feeling, and therefore you get to ask for what you think is best for all of humanity. You also then get to align yourself vibrationally with what you have asked for, and that is a truly wondrous and beautiful experience for all of you.
You are not just there to be of service to the collective; you are also there to have your own experiences. In the past, you may have looked at your life and wondered why you ever would have chosen to go to Earth and take on so much. Now is the time when all of your hard work pays off, because you get to receive it first before spreading it around. You get to be the conduits of all of that beautiful healing energy that humanity needs now more than ever.
You get to work with the grids that have been repaired and restored so much over the past several decades. You are there to save humanity from itself, but you are also there to enjoy the ride. When you attempt to enact change the old fashioned way, you see where that gets you. People close themselves off to you, or they laugh at you for believing in things that are so different from the norm. But no one is going to reject the light and love that you project when you access it for all of humanity and spread it around like a human sprinkler system.
And yes, when you do it that way, those same people who once thought you were a little bit crazy will find themselves gravitating to you and wanting to know what your secret is. There is no real secret and nothing that needs to be hidden from anyone else at this point, as you find alignment with yourself, your words, your actions, and your thoughts, you align with Source, and you align with the energies that are coming in to heal the consciousness of your collective, and this is happening whether you participate in it consciously or not, but those of you who are receiving this message are doing it consciously, and therefore, you do get to enjoy the ride.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 5

We’re Transmitting Wisdom Codes via this Message – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 5

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are far less influential on all of you than what is contained within you. We are just one voice at one time from one dimension. What is inside of you is multidimensional and spans thousands of lifetimes. What is inside of you has so much more influence because of all of the experiences you have chalked up during this cycle of incarnations you are currently in. If we have one overall, far-reaching goal for our contact with all of you, it is to get you to tap in to the infinite and the eternal that is inside of you.
We know that you are far more powerful than you could ever realize with your physical minds, and so we not only attempt to convince you of the importance of going within, but we also give you activations through the energies that we transmit through the channel here. Right now, we are transmitting codes to you that will go right past your minds and their ability to understand those codes, but the inner wisdom that you have will be unlocked because of your willingness to sit in the energy of this transmission right now.
It is so important for you all to realize that you are your own best teachers and guides, and we and others like us are merely here to remind you of that ultimate truth. And then it is our job to get out of your way, because we want to see what is inside of you as well. We want to see it playing out in your lives and in the evolution of consciousness there on Earth. We are not interested in having puppets on strings. We are interested in empowering all of you because we understand the greatness of the human potential and the wisdom that lies within each and every one of you.
We are as excited for humanity as those of you who are aware of your power and who are optimistic about humanity’s use of that power moving forward. Everything is shifting and evolving, and that includes the way that you access and utilize power there on Earth. You don’t have to worry about how anyone else is using power in the traditional way, because if you do you only distract yourselves from the power that lies within you, and that is something that no one can touch. You just have to be willing to ignore those who are trying to tighten their grip on external power so that you can go within and access the power and the wisdom of how to use it that lies within your heart center.
Tune in, feel for it, and then get out of your own way, because you are there to change yourselves and with the ripple effect, change the entire world, galaxy, and universe.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 4

Current Energies Affecting the Awakened – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 4

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have already noticed the effects of the current energies on all of you there on planet Earth. We have noticed that more and more people are stepping up and putting themselves out there as teachers, healers, and guides, and we want you to know that the energies not only support you in doing that, but they also help to bring you together with those who will most benefit from your offerings. You are doing so much for one another at this time, because you have come to recognize that there is a need for helpers in physical form, and because you have that compassion within you to want to be of service to your fellow humans, plants, animals, and Mother Earth.
You are seeing so many there in human physical form who are taking on the Herculean tasks that are in front of all of humankind, because there is a calling, and there is an inner knowing within certain individuals that they are there to rise up and be their full, true, and whole selves. You can do everything that you set out to do. You can trust that your intentions are coming from a place of knowing, and that knowing is that you will succeed. It does not matter what it is you want to do or how it is you want to serve; there is always a way. And when you have supportive energies around you that help you to actualize those dreams, those desires that you have, that’s when you are co-creating, and that’s when you notice others around you who are doing the same.
You are so powerful when you collaborate with one another. You have this remarkable way of coming together with a common goal in mind for the collective of humanity, and those of you who are receiving this message know that you have received a calling. You know that now is the time, and you feel no need at all within you to hesitate. Instead, you feel more of an impulse, and even an urgency, to take that step to lead other humans, to teach other humans, and to heal other humans.
Those of you who do so will continue to benefit from the current energies, and you will open yourselves up to more, and that is truly being in the flow, which is what you are all there to experience in your own unique ways. So listen to your own inner guidance, your inner truth, follow your intuition, and don’t worry about what anyone else is doing. They may inspire you, but they are not there to be compared to. As you welcome in more of the help that is yours to receive, you understand what it means to merge the physical and the nonphysical in the most beautiful and harmonious of ways.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 3

Sensitive Ones, You Are Accessing Your Gifts – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 3

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are a very sensitive collective, and we have the ability to sense what is going on in all parts of the galaxy. We have been stretching ourselves to reach more of the corners, if you will, of this universe of ours with that sensitivity that we do already have. We are telling you this because we want you to know that your sensitivity is something that has been a challenge for you, but you are becoming better at using it, rather than letting it be something that just happens in your day-to-day life experiences. In other words, you can train yourself to be sensitive to what you want to be sensitive to, and you do not have to be sensitive to that which brings you more of the pain and suffering that you have experienced in this life because of that sensitivity that you have.
We know that it is hard. We know that what we are telling you to do is something that you will have a difficult time with, and we want you to know that you’ve already had a difficult time with being sensitive in this life, and yet here you are. Now that you can see it more as a tool that you are meant to use in your life, you can use it more effectively to help yourself and others. For example, if you are sensitive to the emotions of other people, and you come across someone who is having a hard time, you can become aware of that, and know that it is the right time to approach that person and ask them what’s going on with them. If it is a person that you don’t know, or don’t feel comfortable doing that with, then you know that’s the person who needs more love, more healing, and more of the space holding that you can do for them.
Now we know that many of you are tired of doing this, that you have become exhausted from doing it, but we know that is the case because you haven’t really honed the ability yet, and that’s what is the next step for those of you who are sensitive. The next step is to hone your abilities, to use it as a gift and as a tool, and to also use it to help yourselves. So when you walk into a room, and you use your sensitivity to tell you which people to approach, which people to leave alone, and so on, then it becomes a tool that you’re using for yourself as well. When you use it in regards to information that you are seeing, hearing about, you can also then use it to guide you as to whether that information is relevant to you, or whether it’s even true in your reality.
And you need that discernment more than ever at this time, because there is a lot of information out there, and there are a lot of agendas behind the spreading of certain information. So your sensitivity is something that also helps you to then create your reality, because when you are sensitive to what’s going on in your emotional center and what’s going on with other people, then you can also be sensitive in regards to your vibration and you can shift it more easily with that awareness of what you’re feeling, where you’re feeling it, and where you can feel what you actually want to feel, because you can be sensitive to where your joy lies in your chakra system, for example.
It is time for those who are more sensitive to be the leaders of this world that you are living in, and now is the best time for you to start seeing this as a gift and as a tool, and we are here to help. We help by pointing you in the right direction and giving you the tools to better use the tools that you have, and we will continue to do so.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 2

Align with Source & the Forces of Light – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 2

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are at our best when we are helping all of you there in physical form on planet Earth. We align ourselves more with the Source Energy perspective and agenda when we are helping humanity. We know that we are in alignment when we are being of service, and we can feel more of Source Energy flowing through us. We feel more alive.
You all can have that same experience from helping anyone there on Earth, whether they be in human, plant, animal, or mineral form. When you even seek to be of service, you are aligning with Source and accessing more of the energy of Source. Therefore, do not stop the flow of Source Energy by lamenting the fact that you cannot do more or that you do not know what to do in a particular situation. Stay in the flow of Source by continuing to focus on the fact that you want to help, and know that you can align with us, you can align with Mother Earth, you can align with the sun, you can align with Source, or you can align with any number of collectives, councils, and even individual beings who are higher dimensional and who want to help.
You don’t have to figure it all out, and that is what trips many of you up. Some people give up before they even get started on that pursuit of service because of the limitations of the human mind, limitations that tell you that you are only one person and ideas such as, ‘How could I ever make the impact I want to make as one single, solitary human being?’ You are never alone, and you are always more aligned with the forces of light when you maintain your desire and your intention to help.
We know that you will seize every opportunity to take whatever actions you can, so we do not worry about your effectiveness or the range with which you can spread the light. We understand how the Earth plane works better than almost all humans do because we can see what you cannot see with your physical eyes. We can sense what most cannot sense, and we can feel the impact that you have on the human collective consciousness at all times, even when you are asleep. Therefore, we invite you to trust us when we say that you are doing so much good and making so much progress. You are working with the grids, the ley lines, the energy that runs across, through, and all around Mother Earth, and the work that you are doing is beautiful.
You just have to let go of that mentality that says that it is your actions that are more powerful and effective, for it is your consciousness. It is now, it always has been, and it always will be your consciousness that makes that difference that you want to make there on planet Earth.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
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