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May 31

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Right for one’s opinion)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to talk to you about those who you are accustomed to call “media personalities”.
In recent years there have appeared a lot of them and each of these people communicates their own truth to the world and finds faithful followers.
Beside TV presenters, in the open of the internet it is possible to find a huge number of journalists and bloggers with their own audience.
So, let us try to find out what way the audience of these or those presenters forms.
It may seem at first sight that people are attracted to this or that source of information according to the similarity of opinions.
But as a matter of fact, the determining factor here is an energy component, anyway, though few are aware of it.
The thing is that, an individual scans other person’s vibrations unintentionally and is by intuition drawn to the people whose vibration profile corresponds to theirs as much as possible.
Yet, if an individual’s vibrations change in either direction, there also change the sources they draw information from.
Perhaps, many of you can find the evidence of this in terms of yourselves.
Remember who of journalists or bloggers you used to listen to several years ago or just not long ago but these days they stir up your rejection.
It actually happens because your vibrations have increased, while those of another person have remain at the same level or, maybe, even got decreased since media personalities are subject to huge external influence for the part of their viewers and listeners.
Invisible energy attacks are constantly initiated towards them for the part of those who do not agree with their opinion, which happens in people unintentionally – by intuition they attack at the subtle level those who they condemn, who annoy them and sometimes make them angry.
As a result, in the media space there develop real energy wars.
And because of the fact that they take place at the subtle level and are invisible to humans, they do not become less harmless than war of words at the physical level.
And imagine what is happening now in the energy space of your planet when the information wars unleashed by the deep state’s marionettes have befallen her.
The negative energies that accumulate at the subtle level of Earth and in collective human conscience are exactly the result of the confrontation between countries, and group of people that hold the opposite opinions.
And so as to minimize the consequences of this, you should learn to switch over to other information sources calmly and painlessly for yourselves and other people that your point of view has grown apart from in terms of the current global events.
Having stopped to watch or listen to someone, do not condemn or scold this person because they are at their own level of understanding of the events and, which is most important, at their own level of vibrations.
Just leave this source quietly and find another one – the one whose ideas are similar to yours and that corresponds to your present-day level of vibrations.
As you see, my dear, the processes now in progress in your society are too complicated and multistage.
Therefore, so as not to multiply negative energies, treat with respect and understanding all your interlocutors – physical and virtual ones.
Learn to be in the condition of a calm detached observer all the time being aware of the fact that any person is unique and has the right for their own point of view.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on May 31, 2023.

May 30

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Salvational shock)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to consider the energy processes that are in progress in society now in more detail as well as the things that can be done to minimize the consequences of the confrontation both between different countries and groups of people that have opposite opinions.
Unfortunately, in the third dimension world any contradictions convey the energies of censure and aggression.
But the things witnessed now are the apogee of the uncompromising struggle between the people of the past and the future.
Of course, this is a very rough and approximate gradation but this is the way one can describe the conscience of those whose conscience cannot break free from the “vise” of the third dimension world and that of those who are striving heart and soul to get rid of the burden of the past and to start developing a new life on the Earth of the Fifth dimension.
As you know, this division is far from being proportional: the former exceed in number the latter ones manifold.
And such an energy “distortion” retards the process of Transition significantly.
To turn the tide it is of extreme importance to increase the general vibrations of humanity to the level that will facilitate by far the most powerful shift of conscience in terms of the unrevived part of Earth’s population.
What should be done for this?
First of all, you should control your own emotions so as, despite the difference in opinions in respect of the current events in the world, not to feel censure or aggression towards those who do not agree with you.
Or, in other words, by no means should you become like the people who prove them being right foaming at the mouth and who fail to take somebody else’s opinion that is contrary to theirs.
And I see that you are not very successful in this so far.
The feeling of justice and “righteous” anger that is quite acceptable in the world of the third dimension cannot exist in the energy space of the fourth and Fifth dimensions now because of their vibrations being too low.
Well, how can you tame your “righteous” anger in respect of your enslavers?
There is only one way to do this: through understanding of the expediency of the events in progress and complete acceptance of the cruel and absurd, at first sight, events as those aimed at ultimate opening of all the “abscesses” of modern society and showing the true colours of the deep state’s marionettes.
And the expression “All the masks should be thrown off” that has been recently repeated so many times is the best one to reflect the true picture of the events that are taking place all around the globe.
It is impossible to bring to light either internal or external executors of the globalists’ programme on reduction and enslavement of humanity without bringing all the things to the extreme – almost to the point of absurdity – all the political, military and social problems, which is exactly the case now in the overwhelming countries of the world.
But so as to respond to the things that deeply hurt you and elicit a storm of protest in a wise way, it is necessary to restrain your negative emotions and be thankful to those who arouse anger in you.
It is these criminals that by means of their actions facilitate the revival of the passive part of population that without this by far the most vehement shock would have taken obediently all their actions contrived for annihilation of humanity as a species.
Find, my dear, among the numerous energy practices that you have been provided with at this website those that are most convenient and efficient to you and by means of them tame your emotional impulses in the very beginning preventing them from bursting out into the world thereby multiplying negative energies on Earth.
And I bless you for this!
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on May 30, 2023.

May 29

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Like ball against wall)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
As a follow-up to my previous message today we will try to work out the tangle of the modern world where people have divided into opposing groups not only in different countries but also in their immediate environment.
And in this case beside the policy “divide and rule” that has already become usual and that is made by the world leaders there is made an impact by the mental duality of people themselves and each particular individual’s Soul’s age.
As a rule, in the most aggressive way one’s point of view is persisted in by young souls or the low vibration representatives embodied as humans.
Their reasoning is peremptory and they are not ready to listen to the opinion that differs from their own.
One should not start arguments or discussions with such people by any means since not only will they turn out useless but will also decrease your vibrations considerably.
Well, how should you behave in respect of such people if they start to provoke you talking about the current events on Earth and especially about the military conflict between Russia and Ukraine that is nowadays one of the most topical issues?
Before all, it is necessary to set an energy shield with mirror-like external surface at yourselves immediately and concentrate all your attention just on it.
Whatever this person or people say, imagine that all their words and especially energies conveyed by these words bounce against the surface of your protective sphere like a ball against the wall.
At the same time, try to control your own emotions, too so that they do not ruin your protection from within.
This is exactly the counter attraction – a ball that bounces against the wall – that can help you with this.
This is what your inner reaction should be so as to protect your energy space from penetrating negative energies into it.
As for the external reaction, you can respond to the words of your interlocutor with unimportant neutral expressions: such as, for example, “I think, the things are not as simple as they seem”, “We shall see what we shall see”, “Let’s hope for the best” and so on.
The main thing here is not to express your point of view on the events being aware in advance that it does not coincide with that of the interlocutor.
For one word pronounced thoughtlessly can provoke another wave of such person’s negative reaction.
But, of course, you had better avoid communication with the people who stick to the worldview and opinion on global events that are too distinct from yours.
I know that it can hurt really a lot to break old ties of friendship with the people who you used to be at the same wavelength with and communication with whom used to be quite harmonious.
Yet, this is what the present-day objective reality is.
Everyone must make their choice: whether they stay in the third dimension world with its dual and, consequently, narrow mentality or whether they cross the line that separates the third dimension world from that of the fourth and even the Fifth one where their conscience will extend to the understanding of global changes that precede your planet’s transition to a new era.
Take it with understanding and do not cling to old bonds by inertia – out of the feeling of duty, tact or decency.
It will do no good either to you or the people who it has become hard to communicate with for you.
But do your best to handle this as mildly and tactfully as possible so as not to leave bad memories about yourselves or make “enemies” as energy ties in terms of the people you offended.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on May 29, 2023.

May 27

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Epoch of disagreement)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we start a new topic with you, the one that is actually not new to you but this time we will consider it from a little different angle.
And at issue will be the attitude towards the people who do not share your point of view.
Since such people are in majority among those who surround you now, you should work out clear tactics of interaction with them so as not to do any harm either to them or to yourselves.
What can your disagreement be in?
Before all, it is in a general approach to life and the reality that exists now.
As a lot of the things now in progress in the world feature negative character, the overall mood of people is mostly oppressed, dispirited and sometimes aggressive, too.
And very often when they see someone calm, reserved and balanced, they take them as indifferent or even heartless.
The fact that you see everything that is going on as appropriateness – as an indispensable stage of Earth’s Transition to the Fifth dimension  – cannot be explained to everyone since the majority of the people who know nothing about Ascension will not simply understand it.
They act in accordance with the things they know and understand, that is, they think in terms of the third dimension world drawing conclusions on the basis of the previous experience both historical and that of their own.
And such kind of perception of the current events features hopelessness.
In their conscience, as a rule, such people predict a horrible future for humanity: digital society that is controlled by artificial intelligence and total submission of humanity.
Moreover, not few are the examples of this that can be witnessed in many countries of the world and this process is gaining in scale with every single day.
And some people who are far from this knowledge simply complain of life: economic hardships, injustice, corrupted government, incompetence of the authorities and many more.
Apart from this, there is a military conflict between Russia and Ukraine that has directly influenced hundreds of thousands of people this time.
This tragedy leaves no one indifferent and the general energy profile concerning this conflict is ominous indeed.
This negative energy is being constantly replenished not only by the inhabitants of Russia and Ukraine but also by the nations of many other countries now that are indirectly involved into this conflict and incur economic losses because of this.
This issue is widely disputed accumulating more and more new details of the negative character.
And I understand that it is impossible for you to remain alienated – keep silent not expressing your position in terms of the critical issue everybody are concerned with.
It is especially hard for those of you whose family and friends have the point of you opposite to yours.
As a result, in families, at work and among friends there arise conflicts and misunderstandings, which hurt really a lot all the participants of the disputes and discussions on these topics of the public concern.
Yet, it is always possible to find the way out of such situations – the best variant to solve the dispute, which we will talk about next time.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on May 27, 2023.

May 26

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (From the contrary)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to draw a conclusion to our talk on the things that hamper your energy work at your physical body.
Perhaps, you have noticed that almost all the causes I mentioned are closely interconnected, while some of them result from others.
So, for example, lack of belief in your strength does not allow you to set life priorities correctly assigning enough time for energy practices and encourages you to follow other people’s advice.
And all this considered together leads your thoughts and emotions astray from the right route and instead of getting concentrated on the desires of your Soul and body you waste your time and energy on the actions and talks you do not need.
This is the reason why it can be so hard for you to get a desirable effect.
So as to avoid all these mistakes I suggest you should act from the contrary.
For this you should set a goal: what exactly you would like to heal and then make a certain thoughtform that includes all the mentioned-above causes of your failure but with an opposite meaning.
And it can be like this:
– I am absolutely sure that I will manage everything.
– From now on I get all my thoughts and emotions concentrated on the final result feeling I am completely healed.
–I listen only to my Soul and body that I am in a regular contact with.
– I understand that healing needs time that is why I am making my way to complete healing calmly, with no haste and taking time.
– Every day with no exception I spend some time on the energy work at my body.
Try to repeat these easy statements or affirmations as often as possible – at least several times a day.
It is necessary so that they become well fixed not only in your conscience but subconscience, too.
And, of course, it is preferable for these statements not to be abstract but feature mentioning of the body part or organ you would like to heal.
For example:
– I am absolutely sure that I will restore my eyesight, grow new teeth and etc.
Yet, it is of great importance not to pronounce these phrases automatically but literally “enjoy the taste of each word”, that is, render them as powerful in terms of energy as possible and feel the way these words echo in your Soul.
They should become so kind of a mantra for you – a linking element between your conscience and physical body, each cell of its, for all of them are intelligent and hear you perfectly well.
This way, you will keep always in touch with your body and the part you would like to heal.
And from now on this contact will be not just an energy one but, being covered with a verbal casing, also mental and emotional, which will make it amazingly powerful and efficient.
As a matter of fact, my dear, it does not take much time, especially if you make a habit of it but the result will be impressive.
And the last thing.
Do not forget that even your body’s healing and recovery can be turned into an endless creativity, game, nice communication with your body’s cells.
And then this process will run smoothly and cheerfully, which will increase its vibrations and advance to the level of the fourth dimension at the minimum.
And I bless you for this!
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on May 26, 2023.

May 25

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (To live one’s day wisely)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will for nth time talk about the way you can learn to set your life priorities getting rid of the things that prevent you from heading for the goal.
And in this case at issue will be what distracts your attention from your work at your physical body.
To understand this, try to split your usual day into components and estimate how much time you spend on yourselves – rest, meditation, energy practices – and how much time you spend on all the other things.
And then analyze impartially and without bias “the other things”: what they actually are, how important they are and whether they meet your spiritual needs.
Of course, my dear, I do not encourage you to sit in meditations for hours and concentrate all your attention on yourselves only.
Such extremes are of no good either to you or your close people.
This is exactly the reason why I try to provide you with “working” practices that are not time-consuming and that you can do in between other things.
But if during the day you failed to spare a minute for yourselves, it is the evidence of you setting your life priorities in the wrong way.
In this case there is not, certainly, a remedy for everyone either: somebody needs an hour for a meditation, while somebody else needs just a few minutes – everything depends on your individual peculiarities and the ability to get focused on the task assigned.
The main thing that you should be guided by is your spiritual condition.
It is necessary to find the balance between the time you spend on yourselves and on everything else so that you do not feel guilty, unsatisfied or stressed because of the fact that your day was lived unwisely.
Well, what does it mean to live one’s day wisely?
First of all, it should be arranged the way that at the end of the day you feel happy and that there are some things to be thankful to it for.
And it can be anything: some work that you did well, new knowledge that you gained, an interesting person that you met, a delicious dish that you cooked for your family and yourselves, interaction with nature and even exchange of smiles with a stranger that, as you felt by intuition, is your kindred soul.
Sometimes one “accidental” glance you caught can charge you with positive energy for a whole day since there is nothing accidental in your life.
Try, my dear, to live mindfully – remember and analyze everything that has happened to you during the day collecting the golden grains of pleasant memories in your Soul’s treasury and getting rid of everything “garbage-like” – of the third dimension world.
The best time to do this is before falling asleep when one is more vulnerable.
It is really essential to spend the night in pleasant energies native to your Soul, which will save your energy space from penetrating of astral beings.
And one more tip.
If you have had a busy day and you failed to make time for yourselves, do at least a short meditation before sleep for filling your conscience and body with the high vibration Divine energy that was prompted by your intuition.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on May 25, 2023.

May 24

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Bonfire of healing)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will dwell on the fourth cause that is the obstacle on your way to healing.
And at issue will be your impatience and desire to get an instant result.
Unfortunately, not many are capable of a systematic and committed work for a long time.
In most cases it happens only when one is really within a hair’s breadth of death or when there is a threat of a disability for life.
Then one gets a powerful stimulus to work on one’s body.
But if one needs just a minor “repair” of some body part, one, as a rule, lacks patience to see it through.
As a result, it is hard for one to believe one can work wonders by power of thought and intention.
As a matter of fact, it is crucial to start small because the work at minor defects of your body is some kind of training in case you happen to get more serious problems.
And now I would like to offer you an easy practice that will help you overcome inertia and work out your own “strategy and tactics” of communication with your body.
We will call it “Bonfire of healing”.
The idea of it is to learn to work on the problem spot of the body not only during meditations that you can sometimes fail to spare time on but at any time when you are free from everybody and everything.
For this it is necessary to concentrate your attention quickly on the spot that requires healing or correction.
If, for example, you made up your mind to improve your eyesight, having done the deep initial meditation to trigger the process of healing, then as often as possible direct in thoughts the energy you chose to the eyes.
You will feel its presence by all means as well as certain sensations that you have already experienced and that can show as pulsing, warmth, pricking, moving of energy…
At present, when Earth’s vibrations are rather high, for the healing of your body will be most appropriate the Energy of Ascension or the Universe Energy of Plasm.
The Energy of Ascension is the most versatile energy that is great to be used for the transformation of the physical body to the light crystalline one.
The Universe Energy of Plasm is more suitable for pointwise work and is the most efficient for creation of an ideal etheric double of an organ or body part and its further merging with the physical medium.
If you master this practice, having triggered the process of healing or correction of your body by means of a deep meditation, you will only have to maintain the process preventing it from ceasing.
Get the “bonfire of healing” you started fixed in your conscience and, for it not to get extinguished, throw “firewood” into it all the time as the Divine energy of high vibrations.
So as to avoid monotonousness, you can turn such meditations into an exciting game reminding yourselves from time to time: “Why don’t I throw some firewood into my energy fire?” and sending a healing flow in the required direction.
In this case it makes no difference how many tasks you gave yourself as the power of your thought and intention will be enough for everything: the intelligent energy will hear you by all means and will fulfill all your assignments to a full extent.
Work wonders, my dear, not sparing either time or effort!
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on May 24, 2023.

May 22

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Preventive examination)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
As a follow-up to my previous message today I would like to tell you about the way you can establish a contact with your body.
Before all, you should learn to get its signs at the physical level.
And in this case at issue are preventive measures rather than painful sensations that arise in it as a “SOS” signal this time.
It is extremely essential to anticipate the development of a disease and start working at the body’s spot or organ that is just at the very initial stage of a disease.
For this it is necessary to develop a habit of “a preventive examination” of all one’s body.
But this examination, unlike the medical one, will be carried out by you in terms of energy while finding out the deviations in your body at the subtle level – at the minimum in your etheric body.
And this is what you can start with.
Having invoked your Heavenly assistants and having plunged into quite a deep meditative state, ask your body to point out the weak spots that need your attention.
And then having relaxed, try to merge with your body in terms of your conscience.
But it is of great importance to switch off all your thoughts in respect of possible “symptoms”.
The thing is that quite often people’s sensations of different diseases do not correspond to the general symptomatology that doctors rely on to make diagnoses.
The reasons can be really plentiful but, as a rule, the official diagnosis of this or that disease is worked out by doctors on the basis of “statistics” – more frequently occurring symptoms that arise in case of this or that disease.
As a result, absolutely all the people who experience similar symptoms are given one and the same advice, prescribed the same medicines and diets.
Meanwhile, individual peculiarities of a person are not taken into consideration at all.
And only your own body cannot make a mistake since it perfectly knows what is healthy or unhealthy to it but, which is the most important, what is the real cause of your disease.
Well, having relaxed and switched off all your thoughts, try to catch the signals that your body is sending to you.
The first of them are likely to be those that will not come as a surprise to you.
Well, for example, if you have poor eyesight or you feel discomfort in some part of your body from time to time, you will feel pulsing or some other physical manifestations exactly at these spots.
And it is really great because the first tangible interaction with your body will render you sure that the contact is established and the body answers your questions.
The second step is agreeing on conditional signs between you as the “yes” or “no” answers.
It is really essential since not everyone can quickly make a telepathic contact with their physical body, with its conscience, to be exact and began to get full answers from it.
Such signs can show in a variety of ways: certain movements of a hand, fingers, a nod or a shake, rotation of the energy in some chakra in this or that direction – in a word, it depends on a person.
The main thing is to consolidate this conditional sign by a lot of repetition so as to be sure that you really “talk” to your body.
And, of course, do not forget to set an energy shield before and after the meditation.
Try to maintain the level of your vibrations during such “talks” so that not a single astral being could but in your communication.
Such a meditation should not last long, especially, in the beginning otherwise it will be difficult for you to keep your conscience neutral, which is really crucial.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on May 22, 2023.

May 21

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Out of submission)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will talk about the third cause that blocks your way to self-healing.
Why do people have more belief in “expert” opinions of others and only in the very last turn in themselves?
It is accounted for by a lot of factors but, first of all, by the fact that the idea that it is necessary to obey others has been imposed on them: first one’s elders – parents and teachers, then bosses and state officials without a murmur executing all their orders and instructions.
Generally speaking, the third dimension society is based on submission of all kinds.
It can be evident and concealed.
The evident submission means following common rules, while the concealed one – well-established opinion.
And this “opinion” is latently instilled in one by all the means available –through the media, literature, art, scientific and medical research and advertisement.
So, even by far the falsest statements that concern one’s health and that have been repeated over and over again for many years become an axiom – the very well-established opinion that is gradually introduced not only into human conscience but subconscience this time, too.
It is done, of course, in quite a mindful way by those who benefit from people’s health.
They apply bribery at all the levels of power as well as in scientific and medical circles.
As a result, this vicious circle gets closed up, and all the society find themselves invisible criminals’ hostages.
And now having just been born, a child gets a whole set of compulsory “vaccines” as they are called that provoke numerous diseases and all kinds of psychic deviations in a child.
All this is aimed at enrichment of pharmaceutical companies and total dependence on them.
But since all this is presented in an attractive “wrap” of government’s care for their countries’ population, few ever think who these governments are under control of.
Such a notion as “the deep state” has begun to make their way only in recent years, taking pains at that and sometimes thanks to the supreme sacrifice of the brave politicians, scientists, doctors and journalists who open people’s eyes to what is going on.
But even with the criminal part of influence on the modern society for the part of the deep state’s representatives being left aside, a lot of people have lost the habit of listening to their Soul and body to the extent that they eagerly follow any advice of their family’s, friends’ and acquaitances’.
But if something turned out beneficial to one person’s health, it does not meant at all that it would be as beneficial to another person.
Even folk medicine and homeopathic means should be taken cautiously as humans are very profound “structures” both physically and in terms of energy.
The only healing remedy beneficial to you can be only prompted by your own body and Soul.
Therefore, it is time to establish a contact with them and do not be distracted for what you are being imposed on from without.
And it applies to absolutely anything: your diet, sleep, life style, physical exercise – in a word, the things that directly influence your health – physical and mental.
And special caution should be taken in respect of medicines that most often being of a short-term effect ruin your body from inside thereby making you addicted, like to a drug, to a wide range of medical preparations.
And next time we will talk about the way you can learn to listen to your body and Soul so as to get now completely rid of somebody else’s opinion as far as your health is concerned.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on May 21, 2023.

May 20

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (You are masters of all your thoughts and emotions)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
So, the second cause that hampers your success while working with your physical body is your inability to control your thoughts and emotions.
We have already talked really a lot about this, and you have been provided with numerous practices and meditations that are aimed at the transformation of your negative thoughts and emotions into positive ones.
That is why today I will just summarize everything that has been said for these years and provide you with the general direction of actions.
The first thing you should always remember is that it is you who are the master of all your thoughts and emotions.
Do not delegate the reins of government to other people or astral beings.
If you learn to live mindfully, you will automatically direct any negative thought or emotion that arose in your conscience the opposite way changing it into a positive one.
Of course, it requires certain efforts to do this but it is worth doing: this way you will secure your psyche from stresses and your physical body from diseases.
While if you give your negative thoughts free scope, your energy space will turn into a magnet that attracts whole hordes of astral beings of all kinds.
And in this case you will not only have to get rid of negative thoughts but uninvited “guests” as well.
It is also necessary to monitor your relationships with the people around carefully: kith and kin, friends and colleagues.
If you notice that someone of them is constantly provoking your negative emotions outbursts, you had better reduce to a minimum the contacts with such people and do a practice on the energy disconnection from them.
But so as not to be under constant strain while expecting energy attacks for this or that part, you should learn to live in a high vibration “cocoon” that low vibration energies will not be able to penetrate into.
And it would be great if this “cocoon” or sphere will be made of the Flame of Universe Love with mirror-like external surface.
While you are in the third dimension world, such a precaution will do you no harm, anyway.
But having secured yourselves from external influence you should not forget about the threat that originates in you yourselves either: your low vibration thoughts and emotions can ruin your energy shield from within.
Therefore now, your main task is keeping your vibrations up to the mark not sporadically but constantly this time.
And you have everything you need for this: free will, sincere desire and power of intention.
Make use of this Divine tool nature granted you with and do not let anyone or anything manipulate your conscience and, generally speaking, your life.
And I bless you for this!
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on May 20, 2023.

May 19

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (“Miracles” become reality)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
As a follow-up to my previous message, now we will consider in more detail each of the causes enumerated in it that interfere with the success of your work on the physical body.
And we will start with your disbelief in miracles of healing.
It seems to many of you that even if such wonders happen to other people, they turn out rare exceptions to the rules, not a usual phenomenon typical of anyone at all.
Well, how can you overcome such a pattern that has already got firmly fixed in your conscience?
There is only one way – to reprogramme it for another one.
And this is how you can do this.
You already know that since the year 2012 and even earlier the energy profile of the planet has started to change swiftly.
Earth is getting filled with quite distinct energies this time and their vibrations influence not only human conscience but their physical bodies, too.
As a result, your conscience is growing extended, while your physical bodies are growing rarefied.
And it means that now the initial conditions of your work at spiritual self-improvement and self-healing are changing.
And although it is not the Fifth dimension yet but it is a borderline one now, which opens enormous opportunities in all the spheres of your life including the work on the physical body.
Nowadays the “wonders” that used to seem hardly achievable to you become quite realistic for you.
Moreover, as long as the energies of increasingly high vibrations are arriving at Earth, there becomes thinner the veil between the third dimension world and other worlds where disembodied beings of Light live including your Galaxy brothers and sisters.
It is quite possible for you to communicate them already.
Even those of you who cannot establish a telepathic contact with them can interact with them in terms of energy.
And I know that many of you already do it.
Invoking the representatives of the Forces of Light and your Galaxy family for your meditations and energy séances you feel their presence, feel the energies they send you pointwise, too – to the spots and organs of your body that need healing.
Isn’t it a miracle, my dear?
Could you believe just some years ago that such things would happen to you?
Therefore, based on your new opportunities that you are getting more and more access to with every single day, try to reprogramme your conscience making use of the following statement:
 “I can heal my body myself having assured a complete renewal of its cells and thereby having restored the performance of all its organs and vitals till the ideal condition.
I am the Creator of my reality both spiritual and physical one.
I feel the support of the Forces of Light and my Star family that are always there for me in all my initiatives”.
Of course, you can choose any other statement to your Soul’s liking but try to preserve the main idea of the said above.
And then get down to work on your body making use of the numerous practices that you have been provided with for these years.
Pick up those of them that you feel more keenly and that are easier for you to do than the others.
You can invent your own practices as well: the main thing is for you to feel and see the results of your work.
Work wonders, my dear, and do not hesitate even for a minute that you will succeed in everything!
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on May 19, 2023.

May 18

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Impediments on way to healing)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to talk to you about the causes that prevent you from making the desired come true: to heal your body or even restore a lost organ or body part.
The main cause is, without doubt, that people lack faith in such “wonders” that are actually not the ones.
The knowledge of unlimited opportunities of man has been concealed from them for such a long time that in human subconscience there has become well fixed the statement about aging and related diseases being unavoidable.
As a result of this, by power of thought and intention one has been programming oneself for this now, not for a happy long life.
One has put up with one’s lot being unaware of the fact that such programmes were instilled in one artificially.
Meanwhile, even collective human conscience began to influence age limits having absorbed the thoughtforms of millions of people who are connected to it.
The second cause is one’s inability to control one’s thoughts and emotions.
The majority of people live mindlessly getting literally drowned in the unceasing flow of thoughts and emotions that follow each other in chaos and are, most often, negative ones, unfortunately.
Some people do not restrain themselves and outburst them, while others – well-brought-up ones – keep them inside.
But because of this the negative energies aroused by such thoughts and emotions do not vanish, anyway, remaining in the energy space of this person and sometimes even ruining their physical body faster since not finding an escape from the “dungeon” they, like rust, corrode their body from within.
And as soon as all diseases originate exactly from the inability of people to control their thoughts, emotions and actions, gradually humanity has degraded to the extent it has “bred” an endless list of various illnesses that reduce human life expectancy significantly.
The third cause is the common belief and habit to listen to others more than to oneself.
For millennia people have been deliberately trained to enhance the “gregarious instinct”.
As a result, few took courage to become “a white crow” and “go against the tide”.
Most often the crucial part in making a decision in respect of one’s health has been played by “expert” opinions of doctors or scientists, advice of relatives and friends, national traditions and religious rites – in a word, anything by the voice of one’s Soul and body’s needs.
The fourth cause is impatience and the desire to get an immediate result.
Few are capable of working at their body regularly and persistently for many months and sometimes years.
Unfortunately, because of its low vibrations the world of the third dimension, including human physical bodies, is so “dense” that one’s thoughtform has to make a long journey to “break through” it.
It concerns both human conscience change and influence on human physical body.
Even people of pure Souls and strong in terms of energy have to make a lot of efforts to change their worldview and get rid of diseases.
Therefore, time and patience are one of the main factors of success in this case.
And the fifth factor is inability to make life proprieties getting concentrated on the main things and rejecting everything alien and irrelevant.
It concerns people, habits, possessions and, generally speaking, everything that makes up your life.
Well, what are the main things for a person?
Before all, they are their Soul and body.
Keeping them fit in all respects, you will be able to do as much good as possible to the people around you, too.
Only by your own example you will manage to awake others that will want to be like you and live a happy full life.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on May 18, 2023.

May 17

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Self-healing by power of thought)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to focus on one more peculiarity of the human body self-healing and self-restoring process.
And at issue will be the ability of people to control this process by power of thought and intention.
Unfortunately, in the third dimension world such ability has been almost lost and only rare strong personalities manage to gain this ability to adjust their body’s functions themselves.
Sadly enough but most often one recalls of God and one’s Divine origin only when in dire straits.
And sometime the misfortune befalls one just to prevent one from plunging in to the third dimension world completely and stopping one’s running in circles to give one the chance to remember what one has come to Earth for.
Of course, it is not always efficient but only in cases one manages to understand the underlying reasons for the misfortune to have occurred and does not start blaming it all on destiny, circumstances and the people around.
This is exactly the reason for the miracles of healing in terms of some people and a sad outcome in terms of some others.
Let us take two opposites.
For example, two individuals having got spinal injuries in an accident find themselves immobilized.
Life has stopped and plans are ruined for them, they are seized with despair.
In such situations this is the first reaction of the overwhelming majority of people.
And then, everything depends on one’s power of Spirit, one’s Soul’s age and spiritual groundwork for the life.
If it is a young soul of merely material worldview, the one is likely to become embittered and will curse one’s destiny and those guilty of the accident.
Not only will one’s negative thoughts and emotions fail to trigger the self-healing process of the body but, on the contrary, will aggravate the situation thereby making one’s sorrow deeper.
While the other person, spiritually developed and possessing a pure mature Soul, finding themselves snatched out of their usual life will plunge into quite different thoughts.
Before all, they will try to understand the actual reason for the misfortune to have happened to them and they will be searching for it in themselves, not others.
Having found it, they will do their best to change the course of their thoughts, emotions and actions.
And then they will work at their body in a committed way with no doubt that the power of Spirit will help them recover.
They will certainly take the necessary physical efforts, too sometimes living through pain and suffering.
Yet, the crucial factor remains their belief in their own potential and the unlimited abilities of their body.
And such people get on their feet indeed making doctors and close people surprised.
Why does this happen?
The only reason is that one, whether deliberately or not, gives clear commands to one’s injured cells to recover and imagines oneself absolutely healthy as often as possible.
So, even knowing nothing of chakras, subtle bodies or energy processes that take place in their body, they form their healthy etheric double in thoughts that with the course of time merges with their physical body.
And now imagine how much faster the body of a mindful person can recover, of the one who works at one’s body making use of spiritual practices and high vibration Divine energies and, the main thing, who is aware of one’s ability as a particle of God being really limitless.
Therefore, my dear, start working at your body already now not waiting for your Transition to the Fifth dimension.
And I bless you for this!
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on May 17, 2023.

May 16

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Energy mechanism of cells renewal)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I will tell you about the way the cells renewal process occurs – what energy mechanisms are involved into this process.
For a start, try to imagine your body as honeycombs of a microscopic size.
And each cell of theirs is exactly what your body cell is.
In their ideal – valid – condition they are filled, like with honey, with Divine vivifying energy.
But as soon as there are some faults in the body, this “honey” – the vital energy of a cell – starts to be ousted out by alien negative energy as a result of which a cell gradually dies off being unable to withstand such force.
You can ask me: “Well, why cannot high vibration Divine energy dissolve negative low vibration one?”
The thing is, my dear, that in the third dimension world the general energy profile is so low that cloaking the human physical body it automatically influences one’s whole energy structure.
And it is only possible to oppose this influence for the one of a highly developed conscience whose vibrations can maintain all the cells of the physical body at the appropriate level.
But since the majority of people live mindlessly even not thinking about such things as energy fullness of the body, their body, as a rule, remains unprotected under the pressure of low energies.
Moreover, if one oneself emits negative thoughts and emotions from inside one’s energy construction this time, such double force gives one’s body cells no chance to withstand the alien energies that gradually kill them.
As a result of this, cells die off and lose the self-healing ability.
While if one starts to fill one’s body with high vibration energies directing this flow to the ill or weakened organ, one’s honeycomb cells get filled with vital energy again, that is, self-heal thereby triggering the process of the recovery process of this organ.
As you see, the quality of energy plays here a crucial part, too.
So, changing the negative energy in your conscience into positive one at the same time you change the quality of the energy of your whole body, too facilitating its recovery.
And if among all the rest you manage to create favourable conditions for your life, the self-healing process of your body will run quite quickly.
These are the conditions that alongside with a highly developed conscience allow the inhabitants of the Fifth dimension to live without diseases or death controlling their physical body by power of thought and intention.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on May 16, 2023.

May 15

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (God’s particle in human body)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Let us consider in more detail the mechanism of self-healing of the human body in the conditions favourable – ideal – to it.
As it was mentioned in my previous message, the mechanism is based on the process of unceasing renewal of all its cells.
Well, what is the human physical body cell from a Divine point of view?
To cut a long story short, it is the minutest Divine substance that possesses a conscience of its own.
And now imagine how many particles of the substance are contained in your body!
And each of these cells is intelligent and, consequently, it hears and feels you responding to the slightest shades of your mood – to all your thoughts and emotions.
Making a single whole – the human physical body, its cells, nevertheless, possess their own individual peculiarities, too.
So, the cells of your dense tissues – such as, for example, bone and muscle ones considerably differ in terms of their structure from “liquid” cells that your blood and lymph contain.
There are also some nuances of perception by this or that organ’s cells as for a person’s mood is concerned.
And this feature of theirs made the foundation of psychosomatics that correlates the cause of one’s disease with one’s character and emotional condition peculiarities.
Heterogeneity of your cells perception of such peculiarities is a protective mechanism of your body.
So, for example, the emotional disbalance of a person affects one certain organ more than the rest of them.
As a result, one falls ill, which is a sign one should change one’s behaviour and reality perception – get rid of the negative thoughts and emotions that seized one.
If it happens, the intelligent cells of the organ affected will immediately respond to one’s conscience change that has managed to transform negative energy into positive one.
And this positive mentality will by all means trigger the affected organ’s cells’ renewal process, which will result in its complete recovery.
Always remember that your body is intelligent and is constantly “bringing you up” supplying hints on what you should correct in yourselves through various diseases and disorders.
Be thankful to it for its acting in a meted way – through its certain organs giving you the chance to change.
And talk to your body and its cells more often.
Send them all your Love that they need so much just as any living being does.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on May 15, 2023.

May 14

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Favourable condition for self-healing)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Well, let us go on talking about the mechanism of self-healing of the human body.
It is based on the unceasing process of all its cells renewal.
And under favourable conditions this process is endless and, consequently, almost endless is human life expectancy.
What do I mean by the expression “favourable conditions?”
First of all, it is life with no stress that is the main factor to shorten human life.
As you already know, in the dual world one is constantly under pressure since this world is based on self-assertion, competitiveness and desire to be better than others in everything.
And even if one is not striving for it in an apparent way and has a quiet and inconspicuous lifestyle, subconsciously one compares oneself with others, which provokes inner strain in one and, generally speaking, stress again not as visually apparent though.
The second feature of favourable conditions is complete safety.
And in this particular case I mean not only danger to your life as it is but also the threat to lose job, accommodation, usual lifestyle, sweethearts…
So, finding itself in the condition of awaiting danger the body and, first of all, human psyche, experiences stress again.
The third favourable factor is purity of the environment.
When one breathes poisoned air of industrialized zones and megalopolises, there gets upset the natural cycle of one’s cells renewal as they are deprived of the elements they need for this.
The same applies to foodstuffs, too that have mostly lost their natural purity and contain a lot of additives harmful to the human body, let alone gene modified vegetables and fruit that these days dominate among all kinds of agricultural produce.
By and large, your body consists of what you breathe, what you eat and drink.
And if none of the components meets the requirements of “favourable conditions” of your life, the self-healing process of the body fails and its cells begin to die off.
This is exactly the reason for such a short life expectancy of the contemporary man.
Yet, in this process the “tune is played” by the human conscience that has got a statement of aging and death firmly fixed in itself.
People have been deprived of the knowledge about their Divine origin, about the limitless abilities of their body and immortality of not only their Souls but bodies as well.
Not numerous data about this still remain in ancient sources that are thoroughly concealed from the contemporary man by those who took over your planet long ago.
But now it is time to return to humanity what it rightfully owns.
And such Disclosure will take place soon now.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on May 14, 2023.

May 13

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Self-healing)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
For our talk on the human physical body to be continued, I would like to focus on one more of its peculiarities that in the third dimension world has almost disappeared.
And at issue will be its ability of self-healing and even regeneration of lost organs and parts of the body.
But first I would like to explain to you why this ability has been lost.
Everything was happening little by little – as long as man was plunging into the low vibrations of the third dimension world.
As a result of this, all human bodies were getting increasingly denser and especially the physical one.
And you already know that the denser the body, the more difficult it is to work with it visually and in terms of energy.
This is the reason why it is much easier for people to change the conscience because it corresponds to the most rarefied bodies of theirs that are controlled by the upper chakras of man.
As for the physical body, at the dawn of humanity back to the unipolar world people had it quite rarefied so that they could correct it by power of thought and intention.
So, they could regenerate even lost limbs forming them first in their etheric body and then getting this “mould” down to the physical level.
The echoes of this phenomenon can be perceived by the people who lost some limb: for a long time they go on feeling it almost physically.
And it happens only because the lost organ is eager to be restored and is expecting a person, who is even not aware of it, to make certain efforts – mental and energy ones.
This is the manifestation of the body’s memory of the former Divine abilities of man.
That is why the lost organ goes on “living” in the etheric body always ready to descend to the physical level.
And it does not happen only because an individual does not even suspect of their limitless Divine abilities – there is not simply a thought like this in their mind that is deeply plunged into the realities of the third dimension world.
It should be said in all fairness that nowadays, too, there have been some cases on Earth when one managed to restore, for example, a lost limb.
But the only reason for this to happen is that one had not even a shade of a doubt that it would take place.
Of course, such case is by far the rarest exception to the rule.
Yet, in the world of the Fifth dimension it will become a usual thing for every inhabitant.
And next time we will talk in more details about the energy mechanism of self-healing of the human physical body.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on May 13, 2023.

May 12

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Be thankful and listen to one’s body)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to give you general recommendations on your physical body care during this period of Transition crucial to you.
Before all, do not forget to be thankful to it every day because it facilitates your life in the third dimension world experiencing exorbitant loads of all kinds.
Just think how perfect it is – what amazing durability it possesses.
Few on Earth have been lucky to live in the genuine natural conditions breathing pure air and having a balanced diet consuming their own fruit and vegetables grown with love and not getting plunged head over heels into the third dimension world with all its problems and human passions.
The majority of people have not escaped this lot and their physical bodies are in a constant fight with the unfavourable environment and harmful foodstuffs.
But still, even in such hard conditions human bodies manage to keep fit, for which they deserve your Gratitude and Love.
And one more tip: learn to listen to your body guessing all its desires.
And it can be manifested in the satisfaction of its immediate needs and wishes.
So, for example, many of you eat and drink not when your body wants it but when it is convenient to you or when you have such an opportunity.
It is a good idea to have a bottle of water and a snack at hand as some vegetables, fruit, nuts or seeds.
It will enable you to remain energetic not making your body suffer from hunger or thirst.
Of course, the distortion of the other kind is not desirable either: try not to overeat or stop immediately as soon as you feel you are full.
What is more, never stick to the diets that other people have invented.
You can listen to some advice, general recommendations that are to your Soul’s liking but your main “dietician” should always remain your own body.
Learn to get answers to all your questions from it: what and how much you should drink and eat, how many hours of sleep, physical work, walks and rest you need.
And try to avoid overstrain.
I know that many of you have a habit to finish what you have been doing whatever it takes even if you are about to fall with fatigue.
Never do it, my dear!
This is a manifestation of lack of love and respect to your physical body.
Tiredness is a warning and intense tiredness is its cry for help this time, a calling to stop and let it rest for a while.
If you do not do this, your muscles, bones, all your inner organs experience enormous stress, as a result of which there begins to suffer your psyche this time, which is fraught with various diseases at the physical level.
Of course, I understand that there can be extraordinary – exceptional – circumstances when you cannot allow yourselves to listen to your body’s desires.
In such cases there are put into operation all “the reserve mechanisms” of your body that is under an enormous stress.
Yet, in your everyday life it is not worth exposing your physical body to excessive unjustified strain.
Sometimes even several minutes of rest and complete relaxation can replenish your strength and you will be able to go on with your work – mental or physical – being in quite another condition: without strain or exhaustion.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on May 12, 2023.

May 11

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Life’s breath)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will go on talking about the preparation of your physical body for the Transition to the Fifth dimension, which is now becoming the barest necessity for each of you.
Today I will offer you one more practice that will combine the two previous ones, thanks to which its efficiency increases.
We will call it “Life’s breath”.
This practice requires quite a deep meditative state this time as well as the participation of all your Heavenly assistants.
It is of great importance to do it taking your time and being in a calm harmonious condition.
So, having relaxed completely, imagine all the surface of your skin as a grid.
And then in thoughts start making the “cells” of it as large as possible.
Invoke the Energy of Ascension and ask it to fill all your body with itself.
Feel the way similar to flowers all the cells of your body are getting opened towards this gentle blessing vivifying energy that like the sun is gradually filling with itself all your physical body penetrating through the “grid” of your skin.
Try to achieve the maximum opening of it towards the Energy of Ascension.
Feel the way your skin and all the organs of the body respond to this Divine Energy…
Breathe in a deep and rhythmic manner…
And when you feel that your body has taken the Energy of Ascension as much as possible having become completely merged with it, imagine that with every inhalation and exhalation you “shower” all the body of yours with this energy.
Each organ, all the vitals, bone and muscle tissues, all the skin – everything is breathing the Energy of Ascension as one well-coordinated organism.
With every inhalation your body is extending due to the fact that this high vibration energy decompresses the “clodded” tissues of your body.
And with exhalation you are getting rid of the old third dimension energies that all the body of yours used to be filled with and alongside with them you are getting free from all the diseases, disorders, imperfection…
As a result, you trigger the mechanism of the energies circulation the way that with every inhalation you let the healing Energy of Ascension into it that purifying your body helps it get rid of everything invalid and out-of-date.
As soon as you master this practice being in a meditative state, try to transform it into a working one so as to practice such energy breathing on the go this time – at any time and any place.
It is really efficient and on short notice can bring to a balance the performance of the whole body of yours as well as trigger the process of your body’s transformation into the light crystalline one.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on May 11, 2023.

May 10


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
So, today I will offer you one more practice that will help your body get adjusted to the new energies that are arriving at Earth now.
And we will call it “Towards the sun”.
It is based on visualization that often influences your physical body as efficiently as energy work.
For a start, remember the way plants and especially flowers behave in spring when they are warmed up by the sun and start opening towards it.
They eagerly absorb the salvation warmth that is pouring from Heavens and that is sent with the gentle sun beams granting them with vitality and beauty.
And now try to imagine each cell of your body as a flower – the one you like most of all and that evokes tenderness in your Soul.
In the beginning they will be closed buds that are hiding their beauty away from the “nasty weather” of the third dimension world.
The sun has not come from behind the clouds and they are shrunk with cold…
But all of a sudden, the wind starts blowing, the clouds are going away, the sun is coming out and everything around is acquiring bright colours.
Before your eyes the “flowers” have raised their heads moving them up to the gentle sun beams.
Then little by little the “buds” start swelling getting larger and larger until completely open displaying their charm to the whole world and trustfully turning their “flesh” to the sweet sun.
Get this wonderful view fixed in your conscience so as to transfer this energy and physical process of opening to each cell of your body.
In this case the sun symbolizes the high vibration energies of the Fifth dimension.
They are generously flowing down Earth from Heavens sweeping away everything dirty, dark and third dimensional that has accumulated in your physical casing and filling each cell of your body with its Divine light…
They are opening towards these “beams” trustfully taking in the blessing vivifying energies increasing in volume and thankfully letting through themselves high vibration energies that trigger the process of your body’s transformation into the light crystalline one.
In this practice you can use the energies that your intuition will prompt you: from the energy of Love and Light to the Energy of Ascension.
Feel which of them corresponds to your physical body best of all and brings you most pleasure.
Do not be afraid to experiment, my dear!
Be creative!
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on May 10, 2023.

May 9

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (General vibration frequency)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to carry on with the talk on the way you can help your body withstand the energy overloads connected with the change of the vibration profile on your planet.
New energies are arriving at the planet not evenly, which tells on your physical and psychic condition.
As a rule, one explains it by weather conditions, poor sleep, troubles in life.
But, as a matter of fact, this is how these flows are regulated now – now being accelerated, now being slowed down so as not to cause harm to your body.
How are they regulated and who is responsible for this?
This question cannot be answered definitely since beside the representatives of the Forces of Light including your Galaxy family that control the general vibration frequency of the energies arriving at Earth, it is also participated in by your personal assistants.
Among them are your Spiritual guides, Star families and Safeguard Angels.
These energies overdose is as undesirable as their shortage.
That is why the ideal vibration frequency is the one that completely corresponds not only to the present-day level of your conscience but also to your physical condition.
This way there is accomplished leveling of the human physical and psychic components that, as you already know, are closely interconnected.
This is exactly the reason for the fact that people respond to high vibration energy “tides” in different ways.
Thanks to such a complex multistage process your body is getting adjusted to a new mode of operation little by little – without an excessive load over either your conscience or your body.
Yet, your physical body, being the densest one, remains most vulnerable in this process.
Moreover, unlike conscience, that under certain circumstances can revive almost immediately, it cannot catch up with it having increased its vibrations as immediately.
Therefore, it is essential to start securing it already now.
And next time I will offer you one more practice on the “decompression” of your physical body.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on May 9, 2023.

May 8

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Skin “breath”)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to talk to you about your attitude to your body during this crucial period of moving from one dimension to another one.
I see that many of you have become so concentrated on spiritual and energy practices that almost forgot about the work at your physical body.
As a matter of fact, everything should run parallel since your body is exposed to the loads exorbitant to it that are associated with the fact that it is constantly letting through the energies of very high vibrations.
And now it should be paid as much attention to as to the spiritual side of your life.
Being the densest one, your physical body cannot let through these energies unusual to it as easily as, for example, the buddhic or atmic bodies do.
That is why you should help it with this.
We have already talked a lot about the fact that you should change your attitude towards your diet gradually switching over to the food of the plant origin.
And I see that many of you have followed this advice.
But now it is time to provide your physical body with additional support so as to purify it not only from inside but from outside, too.
For a start, you should learn to widen the pores of your skin in terms of energy so that it could let through high vibration energies more easily, which will facilitate the gradual rarefication of your physical body.
And this is how you can do it.
While in a meditative state, try to imagine the surface of your skin as a grid.
And then in your thoughts start to enlarge its cells and watch with your inner vision these “cells” – your skin pores – getting widened.
You are quite likely to feel this in terms of energy as a scarcely tangible motion on the surface of your skin or gently pricking sensation.
While someone of you can feel their physical body getting expanded increasing in volume.
As a matter of fact, it is really so.
Such visualization produces a powerful impact on your etheric body, before all, that begins to expand thereby provoking its physical double expanding, too.
After you have consolidated these sensations during your meditations, try to do this practice as often as possible on the go, that is, at any time and any place when your thoughts are free from routine and circumstances facilitate you concentrating on yourselves.
And, of course, always invoke your Heavenly assistants who will adjust the flow of high vibration energies the way your physical body does not experience discomfort but gets the energies of the vibrations that you need just now.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on May 8, 2023.

May 7

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Energy of power)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to offer you one more practice on transformation of negative energies into positive – constructive – ones, which will help you maintain a high level of vibrations even in the most complicated situations.
And again we will start with the very first practice – moving negative thoughts and emotions that arose from the lower to the upper chakras.
From now on you should make a habit of this practice this time since it is this one that is the basics for the person striving to move to the Fifth dimension world.
Always remember that any negative thought or emotion feature duality and your main task is to get ultimately rid of the dual reality perception.
And now we will cite one more example that is quite common in your life.
It is the feeling of powerlessness to change the things that provoke your indignation, rejection, censure or offence.
It makes you suffer to see the injustice around you and your inability to oppose it.
What can you transform the energy of powerlessness into redirecting it from your lower chakras to the upper ones?
Into its opposite – the energy of power.
But for this it is extremely essential to understand what your power is: to find it inside yourselves and, what is more important, to feel it.
As a matter of fact, it is not that easy because each of you has a power of your own that depends on a lot of factors and, generally speaking, on the totality of your individual features and physical abilities.
One person can be strong in terms of energy, another one has well-developed visualization, still another enjoys good oratorical abilities and the power to persuade, while someone else can influence the current events thanks to their high post in the state structure.
Therefore, to do this practice it is of great importance to find your greatest strengths that will help you “reprogramme” the powerlessness that seized you into the confidence in the happy outcome.
But this confidence should be based on not the blind belief that somebody else will do everything for you and it will work out well but on your own power to change the situation for the better.
So, acting on the premise of the power you have found in yourselves, start taking actions.
Not shelving it, someone can straight away start working in terms of energy at the situation that upsets your balance making use of the energy hinted by your intuition.
Someone else can create in their imagination the happy outcome of the matter imagining all the details and nuances of the desirable result as vividly as possible.
Still another being endowed with the talent of persuasion can start to reveal a true picture of the things to the people around them – family, friends, colleagues so that there accumulates more quickly the critical mass of those not agreeing with what you reject, too.
While those who are authorized to make decisions can change the course of events at the physical – political and social – level now.
In this case the main thing is not to be tormented by powerlessness thereby multiplying negative energies but to start acting.
This way not only will you increase your vibrations having “remelted” negative thoughts and emotions into constructive and efficient ones but will also make your contribution to the changing of the situation unpleasant to you for the better.
This is exactly the way the low vibration dual mentality is transformed into the high vibration – unipolar – one.
And now this is within your depth, my dear.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on May 7, 2023.

May 6

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (“Arbitrator”)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will go on talking about the way to learn to control one’s thoughts and emotions redirecting them a constructive way.
My previous message said about the energy of anger that can be well turned into the righteous “anger” of the Flame of Universe Love.
In this case it befalls the one responsible for this negative emotion to arise in you with the Divine Energy of highest vibrations that was invoked by you this time.
Well, what is “righteous anger”? What does this common phrase conceal?
This way people have become used to calling the fight for truth and justice.
But the thing is, my dear, that everyone has got a truth and justice of their own.
Depending on the level of their conscience people can consider the same events in a different way sometimes rendering them mean diametrically the opposite.
What is more, any anger – whether righteous or not – conveys the negative energy of aggression, censure or offence, anyway.
Unlike it the Flame of Universe Love is an all-purpose – impartial – Divine Energy.
This energy like an “arbitrator” does not take anyone’s side simply making energy space harmonious so that all the events that take place within it work out the best way for the greater good of all.
It is endowed with enormous potential since possessing its own Divine conscience it sees not external causes of the events but those below the surface as well as every human and NON-human who is involved into the situation.
As a result, the “judgement” is passed over them by the Creator himself that “checks” those involved into the conflict by means of the mechanism you triggered, the one for the concentration of one of the highest vibration energies on Earth – that of the Flame of Universe Love.
You may not see immediate results of this work.
But believe me, my dear, everyone will answer for all their actions by all means as not a single thought, emotion, let alone action, remains unreciprocated: this or that way everything comes back to one without fail – this is a Law of the Universe.
And your task is just to invoke this great “arbitrator” from the Heavens that, unlike you, never makes mistakes.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on May 6, 2023.

May 5

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Neutralizing cause)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to offer you one more practice that is the continuation of the one I offered you in my previous message.
As soon as you learn to “redirect” all the negative thoughts and emotions you get “upwards” – to the energy space of the sixth and seventh chakras, you can move on to the next step.
And this is what it is about.
After you have neutralized negative energy into more or less neutral, you can go on transforming it towards the increase of vibrations.
For this you should do the following.
Depending on the kind of energy that initially escaped from you, you will have to “reprogramme” it from “minus” into “plus”.
For example, you can well turn the energy of anger into the Flame of Universe Love directing it to the place where the crime was committed or to the people guilty of it.
I know, my dear, how much your Soul is aching because of the current events in Russia and Ukraine.
And since you know the underlying reason of these events as well as about those who have masterminded this tragic confrontation of the Slavonic nations, you can carry out work at both the territories of the countries and the ringleaders of the conflict.
But it is extremely important for this work to be carried out in the energies of high vibrations – with no emotions of anger, offense or aggression.
And now we will dwell on the energy processes that you can launch and what their consequences will be like.
Let us start from the very beginning making use of the previous practice, too.
For instance, you read or heard the latest reports from the front line that provoked a storm of negative emotions of yours.
And if you approach this mindfully, you will be straight away able to send these emotions for “remelting” to your upper chakras – the sixth and seventh ones.
Afterwards, having being “purified”, they could be transformed into the energy of the Flame of Universe Love which you will be able to “treat” all the territory of the military conflict with, as well as its initiators.
You do not actually have to know their names since its genius masterminds always remain behind the scenes, while the ones you see are just executors – the obedient marionettes of the deep state’s representatives.
Therefore, you can formulate your intention, for example, with the following words:
I ask the Flame of Universe Love to neutralize the executors and those guilty of the tragedy that is taking place in Russia and Ukraine for the promptest arrival of peace for the greatest good of all.
Meanwhile it is really essential to remain absolutely calm and uninvolved in your thoughts and emotions.
Do not put your way of understanding the events into the process by any means because whatever you think it will turn out too far from being the reality.
By all means invoke all the Forces of Light for help.
Unlike you they have a lot of things opened to them that is why it is them who will direct the Flame of Universe Love you anchored at Earth pointwise – to the places and living beings that are to blame for the conflict.
Such practice will not only enable you to keep you vibrations at the appropriate level but also make your contribution to the promptest end of the conflict.
Do it as often as possible, my dear.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on May 5, 2023.

May 4

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (“Purification” of thoughts and emotions from duality)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
As a follow-up to my previous message today I will tell you about some methods that will help you find yourselves simultaneously in the third and Fifth dimensions.
We will start with the fact that every human with a pure Divine Soul incarnated on Earth in the physical body is always in two dimensions, anyway, and sometimes in even more than this – depending on the level of their vibrations.
So, for example, if one has already one’s sixth and seventh chakras completely activated, one is quite capable of moving to higher dimensions by one’s subtle bodies.
Another thing is that it happens to one unintentionally and most often during meditations or altered mind condition when for some instants one “falls out” of this reality.
But now your task is to make such getting around intentional this time and, moreover, to learn to control it.
Besides, you have to do it on the go now and not in a calm meditative state since time is getting inexorably compressed meanwhile changing its parameters and the people who are striving to move to the Fifth dimension with Earth have no opportunity now to spend a lot of hours on long meditations any more.
Now you are to live in some kind of a meditative state that will enable you to adjust your vibrations in accordance with swiftly changing life circumstances.
And the first tip I would like to give you is: learn to shift any thought or emotion that has arisen in your conscience to a higher level – to the energy space of your upper chakras.
What is more, it is essential to make it automatic – only this way you will be able to get rid of the dual perception of the world.
Let us cite the following example.
What happens to an individual who is watching or listening to the news about the deep state’s crimes against humanity?
Most often anger and feeling of hopelessness to change anything arise in them.
What are the consequences of such reaction of theirs?
Sharp decrease of their own vibrations and a powerful outburst of negative energies outwards that are the ones necessary to the very criminals whose actions they are outraged by.
Well, what kind of response should a revived person show?
The first thing to do is to trace the anger that is arising in their energy space that, as a rule, gets accumulated in the third chakra and then deliberately direct these negative thoughts and emotions upwards – to the subtle bodies that correspond to their sixth and seventh chakras.
This is the energy space that goes beyond the scope of the third density and is at least in the fourth dimension.
What happens when you move there the negative thoughts and emotions that spontaneously arose inside of you?
Getting into the high vibration space that is controlled by the sixth and seventh chakras, they immediately change their “shade” since negative energies cannot exist in these high vibrations.
They become at least neutral, which is enough for you to look at everything from aside or, rather, from above not getting emotionally involved into this situation.
Try, my dear, to live this way at least for several hours to drill this exercise.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on May 4, 2023.

May 3

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Detached observer)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we start a new topic with you that, I hope, will help you get rid of the remains of the third dimensionality both in your conscience and in your everyday life.
What is the main obstacle on one’s way of spiritual development?
First of all, it is dual perception of reality.
So far few have managed to get completely rid of comparison, censure, anger, offense, disappointment whatever hard you try to change yourselves.
And it is especially difficult to do right now when the situation on Earth has become as tense as ever, with your patience running out.
I will straight note that you should not blame you by any means – it is inevitable while you are living in the third dimension world, with literally everything being impregnated with the energy of duality.
But at the same time you should not let your emotions follow their own course otherwise you will still not be able to increase your vibrations to the level that will facilitate your making Transition.
And though we have been discussing the issue of your conscience transformation and liberation from the third dimension world stereotypes for many years, it remains quite acute up till now.
That is why this time we will approach it from a little different perspective – from the point of view of the individual who finds themselves at the very threshold of the Fifth dimension now.
As a matter of fact, for many of you it will turn out not a big challenge since you have mastered the theory quite thoroughly.
Now it is time for practice.
And this is what we will start with.
Try to imagine that you have already moved to the space of the Fifth dimension and now look at yourselves as on the one who has not reached this level yet but is striving for it heart and soul.
The first thing you should do is to get accustomed to the thought that now you are living in two worlds at the same time – in the third and Fifth dimensions.
Or, in other words, by your conscience you are almost always in the world of the Fifth dimension and are only controlling your third dimension “projection” adjusting your thoughts, emotions and actions “from above”.
In this case such “split personality” of yours will do no harm but, on the contrary, will be beneficial to you and will teach you to remain a detached observer in terms of both other people and yourselves in any situation.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on May 3, 2023.

May 2

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Surrogate children)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to draw your attention to quite an unusual issue that starts to arise in your information space more and more often.
And at issue is the arrival of children that are grown in an artificial womb.
Why are technologies like this gaining in scale?
It is accounted for by the fact that the experiment initiated by globalists on the inhabitants of Earth is actually unpredictable.
The birth rate on your planet is drastically decreasing.
And it is not a natural process at all but the result of a thoroughly developed programme on depopulation of the inhabitants.
This programme includes a lot of aspects: medical, food and social ones.
But the most efficient of them is, no doubt, general “vaccination” of the population.
It is common knowledge now that this name conceals quite distinct goals far from the protection of public health and prevention of diseases.
Just on the contrary, these preparations are the ones to provoke numerous diseases of both physical and psychological kinds in the human body.
But now the situation gets still aggravated by the fact that the so-called “vaccines” change human genetics completely.
No one can predict what children will be born from vaccinated parents since it is with no exaggeration is an experiment on millions and even billions of people.
Crimes of the scale like this have never been witnessed on Earth yet.
Of course, each person’s body responds to such “vaccines” in its own way: someone can leave the physical level immediately and some others can still “keep afloat” for quite a long time.
Everything depends on one’s vibrations: the lower one’s vibrations, the less noticeable the changes that take place inside an individual.
The same can be said about the children born from vaccinated parents, too: the lower the parents’ vibrations, the more viable their child will be.
And though it sounds paradoxical, it is easy to explain: low human vibrations reject the low vibration civilization’s genes that were introduced into their body through the injected preparation much slower.
While if a vaccinated one is a person with a pure Divine Soul, the embryo is unlikely to survive and mother will have a miscarriage, which is now widely the case all over Earth.
Now on your planet there are a great number of families with one of parents being vaccinated and what will happen to their posterity is a mystery, too, since nowhere before there has ever been carried out such appalling experiments on the population of a whole planet.
It is quite possible that the depopulation programme that was launched by globalists will surpass all their expectations and they have become frightened that soon there will be no one to have children any more.
On the premise of this they are searching for the way out of the possible dead end creating artificial wombs where they will be able to grow clones with certain programmes they install in them.
But I would like you to know that a child grown in an artificial womb will not be able to have a Divine Soul.
All these “surrogate children” are nothing but clones that are created by the Dragon reptiles for their own needs.
And now they are trying to commercialize this process officially this time.
There are no boundaries indeed for a perverted fantasy of the creatures who are deprived of the Divine spark and sympathetic soul.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on May 2, 2023.

May 1

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Responsibility for every thought, emotion and action)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to come back to the talk on collective human conscience again.
Why do I lay such great emphasis on this issue?
It is mainly for you to realize all your responsibility for each thought, emotion and action of yours.
We have talked more than once with you about the fact that even one light person finding themselves in a company of the people who are possessed with passions can transform the energies that hold sway over there into positive ones.
Sometimes they even do not need words for this since the energy of Love overflowing them dissolves the low vibration energies of the people around itself.
The same way you fill collective human conscience with high vibration energies at the same time dissolving the negative energies it contains when you are overflowing with Love, Gratitude and Sympathy.
Always remember that all of you are a single whole with collective conscience through which you are connected with every human being on Earth.
In other words, collective conscience is some kind of an energy storage that constantly changes its vibrations depending on what it gets from without.
And at the moment when the quantity of high vibration energies outweighs its low vibration ones, collective conscience can advance to a new level and sometimes to another dimension, which must happen to your planet in the shortest time.
But since this process has got procrastinated because of the fact that the third dimension world with all its attributes took too deep root in people’s minds, now you are getting unceasing support from without as a flow of high vibration energies.
And as collective human conscience is in the subtle bodies of Earth, this flow inevitably passes through it before reaching the surface and every single individual.
This way you receive the energy infeed you need for your revival and that is intensified by the might of collective human conscience.
This process is unique, too, as well as Ascension itself because everything usually takes place in a closed energy exchange system of the planet’s inhabitants and their collective conscience.
The support from without is also provided to you to turn the tide on Earth as in recent years the tension has become critical because of the unwillingness of the Dragon reptiles and Orions to let the “prey” slip out of their hands.
Such energies are fatal “overdose” for them, which they are completely aware of.
And so as to maintain the low level of vibrations on Earth vital to them, they are multiplying human pain and sorrow with every single day spreading chaos everywhere that sometimes reaches the point of absurdity now.
I know, my dear, how hard it can be to keep emotionally uninvolved into the tragic events especially for those of you who have been influenced by them directly this time and, yet, under the most complicated circumstances try to remain wise and calm so as not to nourish with your negative emotions those who are striving to get them so much.
Remember that, still, “one man can win a war” – each of you can outweigh your collective conscience scale pan in favour of Light thereby speeding up the Transition of humanity to the Fifth dimension.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on May 1, 2023.

May 1


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to highlight one important aspect that concerns the present-day confrontation between the deep state and the revived part of humanity.
Why does Disclosure occur much slower than you would like it to do?
The main reason for that is the fact that Disclosure takes place in different ways for everyone – depending on the level of one’s conscience.
And such levels are plenty, as a matter of fact, starting from a merely average man’s one when an individual begins to worry about their material condition and finishing with being completely aware of the global changes that are taking place both to your planet and the whole humanity.
Unfortunately, their ratio is not in favour of the latter category of people.
But between them there is also a considerable social stratum.
It is those who have already heard much about the deep state and about their plans on digitizing and depopulation of the inhabitants.
This information began to leak into the mainstream media, which makes people ponder over their future as well as that of their children.
Moreover, a lot people vehemently reject the transgender propaganda that is vigorously imposed on them and that is aimed at destruction of traditional family values.
Fortunately, so far on Earth there is still living the generation of people for whom it is sacred.
And now the moment has come when it is really essential to make advantage of this category’s discontent about the policy made by the ruling top so as to shift the focus of reality perception towards a more profound understanding of the events in progress on Earth.
It is necessary to show them the whole picture and explain what causes their trouble.
In other words, now you have something “to go by” since when people are happy about everything, they feel unwilling to leave the comfort zone and listen to the things they do not enjoy.
But when these things have become their reality and affected them directly, they are ready to think over the causes of the things in progress.
This way, little by little – from easy things to complicated ones – these people’s level of conscience will start to increase, with the vision of the situation expanding.
As a result, they will understand that it will be much more efficient not just to protect their welfare but destroy the whole system that has led people to the result so regrettable.
In other words, an increasing number of people will be ready to eradicate the cause of their problems instead of eliminating a lot of its consequences.
Now this process has already been triggered the evidence of which is protest actions extension all over the world.
Not only people are trying to stand up for their rights but also speak for the resignation of their criminal governments.
The next stage will be the understanding of the fact that these governments are just a screen for actual criminals who get else to do their dirty work.
Thereby, in people’s conscience there will be made up a whole picture of the events that are developing on Earth now.
And only then the next step can become the acceptance and understanding of the information about Transition that will then fall into fertile soil.
And the sooner there will occur the shift in people’s conscience towards if not spirituality then at least the extended understanding of the global processes that are taking place on Earth now, the sooner Disclosure occurs, too, the one that will not be as shocking for the overwhelming majority of your planet’s population this time.
It is high time for you, my dear, to get involved into this process and I see that many of you understand it.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on May 1, 2023.
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