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March 31

It’s Affirmation Friday! Today’s affirmation to cap off the week of daily messages is:
I have everything I need within me to navigate the shift. I was born ready for this! It is safe to trust my instincts and my inner wisdom.
Have a wonderful weekend!

March 30

Dear Ones, all living creatures on the planet, including you, are geared towards evolution. There is an innate wisdom within you that will guide you if you take the time to quiet your mind and listen to your inner knowing. You are in unprecedented energies which means you are experiencing them for the first time. You would not send yourself onto a planet to experience this unprepared!
You have everything you need to be successful. You have your own inner wise one that is more than prepared for the times you are in and you have an entire team of helpers ready to assist and guide you if you need extra help. It is time to trust your ability to intuitively move through the shift with the same built in instincts animals use to adapt to new conditions. You don’t need to hone it or develop it or have it given to you – it is part of you. You simply need to accept it exists and allow it to lead the way.
And while you are driving the shift through your conscious desire to evolve, the shift is also serving you by allowing you to hone even more skills. Not knowing what is next allows you to open to new possibilities and to navigate one now moment at a time. Intense energies teach you to prioritize self care and tend to your needs. Not knowing along with energetic intensity creates the perfect circumstances that allow you to get more comfortable with surrender and flow with your faith and trust – the exact elements of the Divine Combination that is the operating system of the higher energies and the empowered human being.
Do you see? You are doing a magnificent job just by being you. You were born ready for this. You will not mess it up, we promise. In fact, the shift is well under way and there is nothing that can stop the momentum it has gathered now. So rest easy and keep doing what feels right and aligned for you. Phase one is complete and phase two is where it really starts to get interesting. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

March 29

Let us suppose you have inherited a house but it’s full of old furniture and features that really aren’t your taste. The hard work is sorting it out, deciding what you want to keep, what you want to let go of, and giving everything a deep cleaning. Now that you can see what you are dealing with, you can decide if you have to shore up the foundation or would like to tear down any walls or make any structural changes or upgrades so it can better meet your needs. While you are in renovations it can be uncomfortable and messy. Unknown issues can crop up and you may feel like they will never be done! But ultimately they do come to an end, and once the renovations are complete you get to paint and decorate your house in a way that matches your style and preferences as a true expression of self. You get to experience the joy of having your vision become a reality you get to live in!
You could use this analogy to understand the energetic shift you are going through. Some of you are seeing the house for the first time, some of you are in the cleansing/restructuring phases, and others are putting the finishing touches on their decorating. Ultimately you will all arrive at the point where the hard work is done and all that is left to do is to enjoy the space you have created – a home base that will support and sustain you as you step into the next exciting phase of your incarnation. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

March 28

Releasing can be an intense process, but it can also become a gentle act of energetic refinement after the bulk of the work has been done. If you feel like you are coming to the end of a theme you have been healing, we invite you to try using the following visualization. Get into a meditation and intend to see any energetic remnants of the old gently transform into butterflies that flutter away leaving you light and clear and reborn. Some releasing techniques can feel quite light and joyful! We recommend that you make room for that potential in your releasing and healing practices because there is so much more available to you in the energies you are in than just the heavy work of the past. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

March 27

It’s Metaphysical Monday! Today’s topic is: How can I tell if a message has come from spirit and isn’t just me?
A big part of being psychic is being self aware, and noticing the subtle energy cues that occur when you are connected with spirit. Messages from spirit, if you pay close attention, will seem to come from up and above. I have always experienced them coming in from above my head and slightly to the left. It was years later that I learned we have something called the causal chakra that is above our head and slightly to the left, and it is the chakra that spirit messages come through before they enter through our crown and into our conscious awareness!
A message from spirit will feel like an inspiration or piece of knowledge you have received from outside of yourself, where your own thoughts and opinions come from inside your body. If it surprises you or is information you didn’t know before, you can give it weight because you don’t have the ability to surprise yourself.
Of course, you are always looking for the indicators we have discussed before, as well. Higher chakra activation, feeling wrapped up in love, and messages that are supportive, encouraging, and positive in nature and honour your free will, growth, and healing are all hallmarks of connection with a higher being.
That, coupled with the feeling that the message has dropped in from above will let you know you are definitely on the right track. Over time you will get very good at recognizing the feeling of being connected with your guides and angels but in the beginning it is wise to always look for all those indicators every time you connect.
And above all, practice! It is much like forging a path through the forest. The more you travel it, the smoother and more familiar it becomes and it will reliably help you get where you wish to go with ease.

March 24

It’s Affirmation Friday! Today’s affirmation to cap off the week of daily messages is:
I trust in the shift because the shift trusts in me.
Have a wonderful weekend!

March 23

You may find the shifting energies somewhat overwhelming at times. We agree, navigating them is no small feat! But what we wish for you to know is there is so much support available for you to ensure your success.
The planets are supporting you. Your ancestors are supporting you. Your guides and spirit helpers are supporting you. Your higher self is supporting you. The earth herself is supporting you. An entire universe is cheering you on!
Everything is in place to help you become all you can be, so you can then support the planet and others to become all they can be, too. It is divinely orchestrated with you moving through it with your free will, your tender heart, and your desire to be the change and pioneer into the new.
When you consider all you are doing as a beloved member of the ground crew of such a profound and pivotal shift, you must know you would never be left to go it alone. So call on your help, trust the momentum, take the time to acknowledge the magic and wonder of the times you are in, and know you have reached a place where your success is assured. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

March 22

As you consider what you would like to create for yourself moving forward, we suggest you focus on the key elements of freedom and expansion. That is always what the soul is looking for and what brings you the most joy and satisfaction because it honours your evolution.
So where does your soul draw you to go? What do you wish to have more time to focus on and enjoy? What do you wish to learn or experience? How do you wish to finally express yourself as the most authentic version of you? These are all clues to where your soul is trying to lead you.
Freedom and expansion are core elements of the new. What you decide to do with that freedom and expansion is where you find your joy. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

March 21

The 40 days after the equinox, which will bring you to the end of April, is a very potent period for manifestation and creation. What dreams have been waiting patiently for you to give yourself permission to recognize and grow, not just for you but for the highest good of all? What have you always wanted, deep in your heart, but never had the courage to see if it could become a reality for you? Not only is it time to connect with your truest desires that represent the full and authentic expression of who you really are, it is time to anchor so deeply into your faith and trust you give them everything they need to open up for the next incredible chapter of your life. All the work you have been doing has been for the period you are in right now, Dear Ones. The moment is now. We urge you to remember and apply what you know, settle into being your truest you, and allow the unfoldment to lead you from there. It will serve you, and your planet, beautifully. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

March 20

It’s Metaphysical Monday! Today we will be discussing how to tell if you’ve connected with a higher being.
Many people have a desire to connect with their spirit guides, angels or ascended masters but have fear around it because they don’t want to get tricked into connecting with a being that is not a higher being. It is very easy to tell the difference!
Contact with a higher being will give you upper chakra activation, from the heart chakra up. You may feel heart expansion, or being washed with love. You may feel ringing in the ears, or tingling on top of your head. You may get a minty mentholated sensation (this is called the breath or the kiss of an angel) that is cool feeling under your nose or on your chest. Any of these are reliable indicators because a lower being doesn’t have the ability to activate higher chakras.
The quality of the messages you receive are also a sign. Messages from higher beings are only loving, supportive, accepting, encouraging, and honour your free will. They will never tell you you have to do something you don’t want to do or feed fear or doubt.
By paying attention to what is going on in your body, along with the quality of the messages you receive, you can proceed confidently into connecting with spirit. If you do connect with a spirit that doesn’t give you the right indicators, you don’t have to be afraid, you simply just say no, my intention is to work with a higher being and redirect, or you can come out of your meditation and go back in with the intention of connecting with a higher being. You are always in charge.
If you do receive messages from spirit, please always run it through your own wisdom. Does it feel true? How does it sit in your body? Does it feel comfortable or do you feel clenched or resistant? It is essential to use your discernment, particularly when you are first starting. Over time you will develop a relationship with one or several guides who you will recognize and know you can trust.
If you do begin to connect with spirit and feel you’ve received a message for another, please make sure you are using the same traits the higher being use with you, which is making sure it is loving, accepting, encouraging, positive and honouring their free will. That includes asking the person if they would like to receive the message rather than giving it without their consent. It is important to respect every person’s preferences and right to choose.
By using these tips you’ll be able to truly explore communicating with your guides in a way that feels safe and supported and can lead to much expansion and joy in your life.
PS. Happy Equinox!

March 17

It’s Affirmation Friday! Today’s affirmation to cap off the week of daily messages is:
I embrace the continual unfoldment of my manifestations for the highest good of all.
Have a wonderful weekend!

March 16

We have spoken of the importance of staying committed to continued expansion once a desired manifestation takes form. We have also talked of the importance of being aware of what your intention is for manifesting your desire. These two habits will shift you into mindful manifestation, which is an extremely important aspect of working in the new energies and moving forward into the next exciting phase of your incarnation and the creation of the new earth. All things are being upgraded and that includes your manifestation processes and outcomes. What exciting times you are in! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

March 15

It can be wise to explore why you wish to manifest something. If you are trying to bring in an external that you hope will fill you up in some way, you are likely to be disappointed because your fullness and satisfaction must come from within. Thinking you need an external to make you whole will only keep you dissatisfied with your now moment and separated from the wholeness that already exists and is waiting to be discovered within you.
But if you are wishing to manifest something as a means of expansion and expressing yourself as your next highest version of self, it is a journey of discovery that will bring you much joy. Taking the time to get real about what your true intention is before you try to manifest something can save you a lot of time and frustration because the universe is not designed to help you avoid evolution but it will absolutely support you in every way possible for your desired growth and expansion. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

March 14

Let us suppose you have a desire to play the violin. You put that out to the universe who automatically supports you in your desires and starts to put the elements together for you to receive a violin.
But receiving the violin is only the first step. You support the fulfillment of that dream by picking it up, finding instruction, and practicing.
Do you see? The universe will put the tools you need in your hands but it is your consistent effort and dedication to the unfoldment of your dream that will make you a virtuoso. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

March 13

It’s Metaphysical Monday! Today we will be offering tips to improve your meditation practice.
It seems that very few people seem confident with their meditation practice. If I ask people if they meditate, they say they don’t meditate as much as they should, or they try but they don’t know if they’re doing it or they think they should be better at it. Who knew there was so much pressure about meditation!
Your meditation practice does not need to be complicated. It can be as simple as stilling yourself and having an intention to connect. You can follow your breath, or not. You can sit a certain way, or not. You can aim for stillness, or not. (Sidenote: I’ve never been able to achieve nothingness. My most successful meditations have come from allowing my brain to go where it wants to go with a broad intention of what I would like to do during that meditation). All that really matters is that you find a space that is comfortable for you, that relaxes you, and allows you to do whatever your intention is.
Falling asleep during meditation can be an issue for people, particularly with the busy lifestyles we have. If that’s the case for you, try to meditate earlier in the day, or meditate sitting up.
On the topic of sleeping, if you have trouble sleeping, meditate when you wake up in middle of the night. Often it will allow you to go back to sleep, and if it doesn’t the act of meditating will equal a couple of hours of sleep so you won’t be as tired in the morning.
If you have trouble with seeing things in your meditations, cover your eyes with something. This will immediately tell your brain to stop trying to see with your physical eyes and to switch to seeing with your psychic vision. Covering your eyes with something with a little weight to it like a weighted eye pillow can also help you relax into your meditation easier.
Water is a great amplifier, so if you are wishing to enhance your meditation practice meditating in water (safely!) or near water can be very helpful, as well.
It is common when you are meditating to doubt if you are “in there” enough or if it is just your imagination. If you are relaxed you are in good enough! Keep practicing, before you know it you will get bored and then any resistance will ebb away and the good stuff will start happening.
I always tell people to not get too caught up worrying about if something is “only your imagination” because your imagination is the bridge to the psychic part of your brain. If you immediately dismiss things as being your imagination you are cutting yourself off before you get where you want to go! If you just let your experiences unfold without judgment, what will happen is one day you will be completely surprised by something that happens and at that point you will know it’s not your imagination, because your imagination doesn’t have the ability to surprise you but a spiritual experience absolutely can.
So be light with your meditation practice. Experiment. Make it enjoyable and make your own. Trust the unfoldment of it. No matter what happens during it, the health benefits are vast so it is never ever wasted time. If you keep an open mind before you know it, it will grow and evolve into something absolutely wonderful and perfect for you.

March 10

It’s Affirmation Friday! Today’s affirmation is:
I nurture my manifestations like an expectant parent and understand the birth is just the beginning of our journey together.
Have a wonderful weekend!

March 9

When it comes to manifestation you may feel like when your desired creation finally takes form it is the end result. In fact, manifestation is only the first step! It does not stop there. Your creation is an energy that has come into your physical awareness that serves as a starting point for new expansion, experiences, and potentials.
The universe, and you, are always growing and expanding. Allow your life the freedom and encouragement to continue to grow and evolve and see what is possible from your latest level of attainment. If you start to see your manifestation as the opening of a door, you will stay in the unfoldment that is so satisfying to your soul.
So if you have been thinking that receiving what you wish to manifest is an end point, that may be exactly what is stalling it. It is a beginning, a fresh energy coming in to shift your experience to open you to new vistas. Can you feel how that has so much more flow than seeing it as an end result ever could? The manifestation is only phase one, Dear Ones. What you choose to do with it from that point forward is where it starts to get really interesting. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

March 8

You may think of co-creation as asking the universe for something and then receiving it. Identifying a desire and being ready to receive are certainly components of manifestation but there is so much more to it than that. You continue to cooperate with the process by staying in the flow while using your patience, faith, and trust to hold the space long enough for the required elements to take on form in a way that is both satisfying and sustainable.
Do you see? You are co-creating with the universe but also co-creating with the manifestation itself. It is your job to encourage your desire into life, giving it all the time, space, and support it needs until it is ready to be birthed into your physical reality in its highest expression. By putting your intention out to the universe the answer is an automatic yes and then the baton is passed to you for you to be the mother or father of your own creation. We highly recommend you do not neglect or abandon your creation before it has a chance to be born but rather nurture it with care and anticipation until its gestation is complete and it is fully sustainable in form. It is then the joy of meeting in the physical can occur. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

March 7

We understand many of you struggle with the phase of manifestation that occurs behind the scenes. We would like to offer you another analogy to help you understand the importance of that phase.
Let us imagine that you have an idea to start a website. That idea feels really good to you so you start to take the steps to make that happen. You purchase the domain name, decide on the host, and begin the building process.
You know how you want it to look as an end result, and the pages you need it to contain. But before your site can look and behave the way you need it to, it must be built behind the scenes. The coding and templating and content must be in place in order for it to work properly and give you the result you are looking for.
If you tried to launch the site before it was completed properly it would give you a frustrating result, with broken links and limited functionality. It is the exact same with your manifestations. Giving them the time they need to give you the full result without trying to rush things or giving up before they have a chance to take on form is an essential part of the creation process, and well worth your patience and care. It is how you serve the manifestation so the manifestation can serve you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

March 6

It’s Metaphysical Monday! Today’s question is: Why do I get spirit messages randomly but I can’t seem to get them at will?
This is all a matter of alignment. Many people will get an unexpected message from spirit when they are in the state between being awake and being asleep, or when they are driving a car. The reason it happens during those times is because you have entered a light trance state and stumbled into the alignment that allows the message to come through clearly.
The good news is, if you have received any messages from spirit it is a skill you already have! You just have to practice how to hone into where that space of alignment is. Some people receive messages from a very light trance state that’s very close to a waking state, others from deeper states, like being in a meditation or almost a sleep state.
Experiment. Try different ways. Try to replicate the alignment where they seem to come through easiest. If it seems to happen when you are driving, try to connect through a light state of meditation. If it seems like you connect naturally when you are in an extremely relaxed state, aim for a deeper meditation to try. Water is a great amplifier so you may also want to try to connect when you are in the shower or the tub.
State your intention to spirit that you’d like to move into a more reliable way to communicate that you can enter whenever you like and ask for their help and guidance. You can absolutely learn how to do this and it will add to your life in the most wonderful ways.

March 3

It’s Affirmation Friday! Today’s affirmation is:
I release the old patterns of the past and step confidently onto a brand new timeline.
Have a wonderful weekend!

March 2

Many people think changing old patterns and habits is a huge task but we would like to give it to you this way. Imagine there is a destination you thought you’d really enjoy visiting, but when you got there the reality of the place wasn’t at all what you thought it would be. You ended up feeling very uncomfortable and disappointed. So we ask you, would you keep driving there over and over?
Now what can happen is if you haven’t been down that road for a while, it may look different. There may be new buildings or attractions along the way that make you feel like it’s not the same road that takes you to the place you don’t care for. But at some point you will discover it’s taking you to the same destination you don’t enjoy. What we want you to understand is at that exact point you can do a U turn and choose not to continue on with the same old experience. And over time you will not be tempted to go down that road ever again no matter how tempting it may seem initially.
You can always choose to redirect. There is always a different path to take and with your conscious awareness you will spend much less time reminding yourself of what you don’t like and more time simply choosing what feels good and supportive to you. This is all about growth and recognizing that you always get to change course as soon as you realize something is no longer honouring you and that, Dear Ones, is letting your self love and empowerment lead the way. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

March 1

Now is an excellent time to ensure you are not bringing old habits or patterns with you into the new. Old unconscious patterns continue to keep you in an unsatisfying loop, while conscious choices will place you on a new path that has the ability to take you where you truly wish to go.
The first step is to get clear about what you would like to experience for yourself. We recommend using broad intention to give the universe the most room to bring your highest potentials into your awareness. So perhaps you wish to experience more freedom but you keep repeating a situation that keeps you restricted. Your broad intention might be freedom and expansion.
So moving forward use your conscious awareness with every decision you make to ask yourself, does this bring me closer to having more freedom and expansion, or is this going to create more of the same? If you catch yourself accidentally falling into old patterns there is no need to beat yourself up, simply redirect and start staying truer to your goal.
This is all about becoming congruent and making your actions match your intentions. This is exactly how you break out of the old and start stepping into higher timelines that honour your truest desires. You have been working hard on your empowerment processes and you are more than ready to start forging new, far more satisfying paths forward. In fact, that is exactly what you are on the planet to do and the times you are in support you in doing just that. ~Archangel Gabriel though Shelley Young

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