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February 1

February 1

Dear Ones, your soul loves expansion. You are on the planet, in a human body, just so you can experience expansion. Because it is your driving force, resisting expansion or growth will result in discomfort.
So even if you are in a space in your life where your next steps are unclear and you are waiting for more clarity, you can continue your expansion. There are so many ways you can do this! Visit new places. Take a different route to work. Take a class. Try new foods or restaurants. Read a book. Experiment. Get curious. Explore. Open to making new connections. Cast the net of your dreams even wider. Act like a tourist in your own town and discover things to do that look interesting and could bring you joy.
If you have been in the discomfort of what feels like a holding phase, this will bring you energetic relief. Your soul delights in trying new things! Treat the world like your playground and before you know it you will find new delights and preferences that you didn’t even know you had. This will only bring you more clarity about how to proceed in your life when your next action phase comes rolling in. The explorations you do now not only improve your todays, they will enhance your tomorrows in the most marvellous ways. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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