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February 28

If you have something you need to do that you may find long or boring, we encourage you to invite the angels to join you in your activity. Not only will it infuse the energy of what you have to do with support and flow, it will put you in a state of alignment that allows you to be far more present. From that shifted state of alignment and presence you will experience time distortion, which will make the task go by much faster. You don’t only need to connect with angels for the big things in your lives, Dear Ones, for it is also our joy to join you in day to day tasks and make the mundane magical. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 27

It’s Metaphysical Monday! Today’s topic is:
Are you afraid of surrendering into the flow because you think you’ll have no control?
This is a very common fear. Let me reassure you that you always have control. First off, your free will is always honoured above all else. You can surrender and take it back as many times as you like. You just won’t make as much progress as quickly as is possible if you do it that way. You make true progress by committing to surrendering into the flow and staying there with your faith and trust. Likely what you are not understanding is that the flow has a steering wheel. You direct your flow by your feedback to the universe through your focus and your gratitude. It is always taken into account and respected. So don’t be afraid to experiment with it. Try surrendering and staying there for a while and you will see how much smoother your surrender days are than your non-surrender days are. The longer you can stay in it the more progress you make and the better it gets. You can do a grand surrender or many mini acts of surrender to get comfortable with it. But over time you’ll start to trust the process and see that it is actually much better feeling than your resistance could ever be.

February 24

It’s Affirmation Friday! Today’s affirmation to cap off the week of daily messages is:
I transform my manifestation process by choosing presence, wonder, and joy in every step of creation.

February 23

Discomfort comes from being too caught up in how you think things should be because it dismisses the beauty and full potential of the now moment. Sometimes you simply can’t jump from where you are to where you would like to be because it is too great of a vibrational leap. The now moment will lead you through the series of stepping stones that will ultimately align you with the manifestation of your desire. It is a process that is customized for your success, and one that can be filled with magic if you can shift your focus out of lack and into the full recognition and appreciation of the many ways you are being loved and provided for from a universe that adores you. By doing so you truly make your life wonder full, not just at the end result, but every single step of the way.~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 22

Dear Ones, judgement is a separating energy while acceptance is a welcoming energy. If you can feel the truth of that statement, you can see that when you are judging the speed of your manifestations, you may actually be holding an energy that keeps them separate from you. If you are in acceptance, both of the now moment and also of the divine orchestration of your dreams that is happening behind the scenes, you give them everything they need to break into your physical reality the quickest way possible. Do you see? Acceptance truly is the grease to your flow and the magic balm of inclusion. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 21

Your ego self is the part of you that thinks things should happen within a certain time period. It may help to think of your ego self as a little toddler. It wants things now and has little patience for waiting to have its wants met.
Your soul understands divine orchestration and can settle into the unfoldment with acceptance and ease. It is much more patient and has the maturity to make the most out of the now moment however it is presenting, secure with the fact that things are taking shape behind the scenes.
So if you are frustrated with the timing of your manifestation process, it is likely you are out of alignment. With your conscious awareness connect with your inner wise one. Be willing to cast your net wider and be open to more possibilities. Work with your guides and be willing to flow and receive. Most of all, stay grounded in your knowingness while making the choice to see the wonder that exists all around you. This will align you with the magic of both the present and the future while supporting the continual discovery of your truest desires. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 20

It’s Metaphysical Monday! Today’s question is:
What if I’m trying to connect with a higher being and nothing happens?
There can be a few different reasons for this. If you are first starting to try to connect with a certain being, it is quite possible that your energy, and the energy of the being, needs to adjust until you can meet in a space of alignment. Don’t be afraid to ask them to adjust your energy so you can hear or connect with them better. Tell them if you can’t hear them and would really like to. This can be a process that takes a little bit of time and practice. Trust. Every time you try you are moving closer and closer to that alignment. You are also putting action to your intentions. Before you know it things will start to come in clearer, much like tuning yourself into a radio station.
Being psychic means being self aware. Check in with yourself before you try. How do you feel? Are you hot or cold? When you try to connect pay attention if you get any physical signs that are indicators that the energy has shifted. Spirit can give us signs of their presence in a multitude of ways.
If you are more experienced with connecting with higher beings and suddenly can’t, you may be going through an energy upgrade or download. Once it is completed you will be right back into feeling your connection again. It may also be that there has been a big energetic shift since the last time you connected so your connection point is slightly different than where it was last time. Your soul always knows where your connection point is, if it has already been established. Simply send your soul to the being you usually work with and you will meet them in the space that is being energetically supported that day.
It’s important to remember that a higher being will always be honoured that you wish to connect with them and they will do everything they can to meet you in the middle. Don’t give up. Ask for their help. Trust that if nothing is happening you are still making progress. And most of all, know that your intention is a powerful thing and you will find success if you stick with it.

February 17

It’s Affirmation Friday! Today’s affirmation is:
My self love practice is a beautiful opportunity for me to get to know myself in a new and loving way that feels soothing and wonderful.
Have a great weekend!

February 16

Your self love practice is not selfish, nor is it a chore. It is a beautiful opportunity for you to place the missing puzzle piece that allows you to be the love and receive the love, which can only deepen and expand your relationship with yourself and with others. Allow yourself to feel the deliciousness of your own love! Not only will it feel absolutely wonderful, it will mark the end of the pain of separation and shift you into experiencing the healing joy of inclusion. Your quest for love completes when you come Home to loving yourself, which opens you up to brand new timelines you didn’t even realize existed for you. You’ve simply been waiting for yourself to shine your glorious light on you so you can take things to the next level. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 15

There is a pervasive belief among some people that says, “I shouldn’t have to love myself. Love should just come to me because I am a good person.” Most people who have this belief are people who didn’t get the love they deserved in the past. They are carrying a wound from the lack of love. They feel it is somehow a failure if they have to love themselves because they should have been loved properly by another.
First off, let us make this clear. You are a good person. You are a beloved piece of God and the love we have for you is immeasurable. You have always deserved love. That has never been in question, not even for a second. If someone wasn’t able to offer you what you have always deserved, it was never about you. You are always worthy of love because you are born from the love of Source.
Now that we have made that absolutely clear, we wish to offer you a different perspective on this issue. If your wound is due to the lack of love, why would you perpetuate it by denying yourself the love you deserve from you? Why would you hold yourself separate from any love for one more second? It is your own glorious, delicious love that will heal your heart to fullness, which will then naturally draw even more love to you. You will be so steeped in love you will be absolutely magnetic to even more of what you have always deserved.
You will no longer be seeking love as an external to fill you up, you will be leading the love parade through your actions and essence as an expression of who you really are. From there the rest can’t help but fall into place beautifully. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 14

On this day that celebrates love we hope you will expand your focus to see the love that exists everywhere for you, if only you have the eyes to see. Mother Earth gives you flowers every day. The sun warms and heals you. Your body serves you tirelessly by offering you a vehicle for your soul. Your guides love you, encourage you, and cheer you on through your earthly adventures. Whether you have a partner or not, there is so much love to wrap yourself up in if you can shift your focus from lack to abundance.
But more than anything, the love you truly crave is love for yourself. In fact, we would even go so far as to say all the love you can see around you serves the purpose of showing you how worthy you are of love to remind you to shift into loving and accepting yourself.
Again we say the final frontier of your enlightenment process is finally shifting into the love and acceptance you have been yearning for so deeply from yourself. From that space of inclusion you become the true embodiment of love, allowing it to effortlessly flow to you and through you, becoming one with your truth and your purpose. Like all other things spiritual, unconditional love and unity consciousness cannot be fully experienced from externals. They are the ultimate gifts you must give yourself, and from there all the truly wondrous things you seek become possible. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 13

Hey everyone! I’m starting a new kind of post called Metaphysical Mondays. Every Monday I will be posting the answer to commonly asked questions and/or sharing tips and tricks for all things metaphysical. I hope you enjoy this new offering and find it helpful!
These energies are kicking my butt! What do I do?
First of all, I hear you! These energies are strong. We are in unprecedented times, and with that comes unprecedented energies. Gabriel tells me that if we had been exposed to these energies a couple of years ago, they would have been completely unsustainable in our bodies and would have led to our demise. That goes to show how much shifting we’ve been doing!
The good news is if you are experiencing these energies, you are well on your spiritual journey. It is proof positive that the shift is occurring and we are moving along with it beautifully, even if it is giving us some symptoms along the way. Here are some tips to help you navigate these strong energies with the most grace and ease possible.
1. With knowledge comes power. Educate yourself with what is going on energetically and astrologically. There are many wonderful sources online that will let you know current conditions with the schumann resonance, solar flares, and astrological elements. Just search energy updates and you’ll find a lot of resources. is a good resource for information on solar flares and the like. By understanding some of the circumstance that are occurring, it takes you out of fear and doubt and allows you to realize how energetically sensitive and connected you really are, and that’s a wonderful reassurance!
2. Be kind and gentle with yourself. The processes we are going through can take a lot of energy. If you need to rest, rest. If you are craving a certain food, allow yourself to have it as your body is probably in need of one of the nutrients in that food. Walk in nature. Immersing yourself in salt water can be very helpful. Ground yourself. Drink plenty of water. Stay surrendered to the flow and listen to the wisdom of your body.
3. One of the most helpful things you can do for yourself is to start an energy journal. This will help you identify how certain conditions make you feel and what brings you relief. Write down how you are feeling, and also any conditions you are aware of. What brings you comfort? How long did it last for? This will be valuable information for you in the future. You will begin to identify patterns, and before you know it you will just know what is happening by how you feel because your body is a very reliable indicator once you know what to look for.
4. Don’t worry if have trouble meditating during times of energetic intensity. This is normal. There are some downloads that need to take precedence over all else. Your guides are still there cheering you on, you just temporarily can’t hear them. There is nothing wrong, it is simply an indicator that there is a process that is happening that needs to be allowed to complete in its purest form without any other energies or processes running at the same time. Once you have integrated your download things will go back to normal.
5. Forgive yourself if you have been reactive and forgive others if they have been reactive, too. People tend to not be their best selves when they are feeling energetically overwhelmed. That is why good, tender self care is essential.
6. Remember that ascension symptoms usually don’t last for long. If your systems persist, please be wise and reach out to a health care provider.
7. We are in the throes of transformation, both individually and planetarily. It can help to remind yourself that these are the exact times that you just couldn’t wait to experience. We are never given more than we can handle. Ask your spiritual team for help and guidance, and reach out for human assistance, too, if you need it. The intensity won’t last forever and before we know it we will be back in a much more comfort space and starting to see the fruits of our labor.
In closing, the more ways you can find to stay surrendered to the flow and out of resistance, the more comfortable you will be. Feel free to get creative and find new ways that help you do that! There is no one size fits all method because everyone is different, but there are definitely ways to make yourself more comfortable and taking the time to discover what helps you stay in acceptance to it all is key. You’ve got this!

February 10

It’s Affirmation Friday! Today’s affirmation to cap off the week of daily messages is:
I allow myself to turn fully toward the light of my future, and as I do it feels like the healing warmth of the sun’s rays on my skin and I realize it is going to be absolutely wonderful.
Have a great weekend!

February 9

There is a common saying that says the past is the best predictor of the future. That is true if you are still focused on the past or invested in things staying the same.
But if you are growing and expanding and allowing the unfoldment of your journey, the future will continually shift to reflect your latest level of attainment. That is what evolution is. You are not on the planet to anchor in more of the old. You are on the planet to be pioneers and lead the way into new higher potentials.
So we urge you to integrate whatever wisdom and growth your past experiences offered you, untether yourself from the past, and turn confidently toward the future and where your soul is beckoning to you to go next. By doing so you allow your life to get as big and beautiful as it wants to be while supporting the shift of consciousness on your planet. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 8

Now is an ideal time for you to examine how you might be limiting yourself with your beliefs. Many of your beliefs are based on past experiences that were unpleasant so you think the best way to proceed is to avoid that experience completely, rather than being open to having a better, more satisfying experience.
Let us give you an example. Let us suppose you have had several relationships that were unsatisfying and ultimately failed. You feel that relationships are a lot of work and make your life worse so you decide you would rather be alone. We agree, it is better to be alone than to stay in something that doesn’t honour you. But to deny yourself the experience of having a relationship that is a true match to you and supports and uplifts you in every way would be a great disservice to yourself.
It is not that you don’t want relationships, you just don’t want that kind of relationship. That shows that you have grown and evolved. Give yourself the time you need to heal, deepen your self love, and get clarity about what your energetic priorities are moving forward. When you are ready, be consciously aware and allow the universe to align you with a new, wonderful relationship that is a match to how much you have grown.
The same holds true for all areas of your life. If you see a doctor you don’t care for, it doesn’t mean you avoid doctors forever, it simply means that one was not the right match for you and you will redirect into finding one that is. If you have a job in a certain area that you truly don’t enjoy, you don’t have to stop working, you just have to shift your focus into doing something you love.
Cast your net wider! Identify what you might be holding yourself back from and release that and open to the idea that you can have a completely different experience that is wonderful and lights you up. There are infinite possibilities in the realm of potentiality. With the wisdom you have gained it is absolutely safe to get curious and see what else is out there.
Do you see? Don’t limit your future by painting it with the brush of the past. You are an ever-evolving being. Allow the future to unfold to express itself as a match to who you are today. You just might be amazed at what is waiting for you to discover! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 7

Dear Ones, it is okay to be tired. It is okay to pause. It is okay to take a break if you need it. There is wisdom in making that decision. Tending to your needs is self care, and it is essential to keep yourself in balance so you can continue to do all the things that are important to you.
But as you rest you are given an ideal opportunity to evaluate what is going on. Does your body need more care than you are giving it? Does something in your life need to shift? Are you trying to continue on with things that you know are no longer an energetic match to you? Are you resisting a call to change? Is your soul trying to get your attention that there is an opportunity for much more if you would open up to new possibilities? Are you tired because you have exhausted what the known has to offer you and it is ready to explore beyond what you can see? Is it time to up-level or cast your net wider?
Sometimes you will simply be tired because you are integrating energies or have been having an unusually busy time. That type of fatigue is usually short lived. If your fatigue becomes more constant we invite you to delve into what is going on. Your inner wise one just might be trying to lead you to new potentials that will be far more supportive and satisfying for you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 3

It’s Affirmation Friday! Today’s affirmation to cap off the week of daily messages is:
I effortlessly flow where my soul wants to go and that brings me comfort, relief, and deep satisfaction.
Have a great weekend!

February 2

The Divine Combination supports your enlightenment process. The core elements of the Divine Combination, surrender, faith, flow, and trust, when combined together, open the door to acceptance. Acceptance opens the door to the experience of peace. It is good to understand how certain elements make the experience of other elements much easier. They all work together as a team.
But you can also reverse engineer if you are having trouble with a certain element. Let us suppose that you feel like you struggle with the element of trust but you have tremendous faith. Now you may wonder how someone could have strong faith and not trust. Allow us to explain the difference. Faith is the belief in something bigger than yourself. Trust is the belief that the bigger something loves you unconditionally and will always be there for you. Most people believe in something bigger than them, but many haven’t yet discovered how loved and guided they always are.
But let’s get back to our example, you are struggling with the element of trust. The good news is you already have one crucial element in place, which is the element of faith. Rather than struggling to develop trust by itself, it can be very helpful to skip over that element for a moment and focus on acceptance and peace. You might find it easier to connect with those elements. If you can move into acceptance or peace, trust is inherently part of both of those elements. If you can connect with either of them, trust is a skill you already have, you just are not experiencing it singularly. By focusing on the elements that contain trust as part of their makeup, you will then find it easier to explore the element by itself.
The core elements of the Divine Combination of surrender, faith, flow, and trust don’t need to be done in a specific order. If you struggle with surrender, try to focus on flowing with faith and trust and before you know it you will be surrendered without even trying! That is the beauty of the system. It is designed for your success because all the elements work together. You can enter it through the element you find the easiest and the others will naturally start to fall into place. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 1

Dear Ones, your soul loves expansion. You are on the planet, in a human body, just so you can experience expansion. Because it is your driving force, resisting expansion or growth will result in discomfort.
So even if you are in a space in your life where your next steps are unclear and you are waiting for more clarity, you can continue your expansion. There are so many ways you can do this! Visit new places. Take a different route to work. Take a class. Try new foods or restaurants. Read a book. Experiment. Get curious. Explore. Open to making new connections. Cast the net of your dreams even wider. Act like a tourist in your own town and discover things to do that look interesting and could bring you joy.
If you have been in the discomfort of what feels like a holding phase, this will bring you energetic relief. Your soul delights in trying new things! Treat the world like your playground and before you know it you will find new delights and preferences that you didn’t even know you had. This will only bring you more clarity about how to proceed in your life when your next action phase comes rolling in. The explorations you do now not only improve your todays, they will enhance your tomorrows in the most marvellous ways. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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