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February 28

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Joint production)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will go on talking about the communes of the fourth dimension.
One more element of them being successful is the ability to set joint production.
It can be anything – growing vegetables and fruit, tailoring shops, making baker’s goods, repair shops, hairdressing salons and many more.
They are the very groups that are based on common interests that have already been so much spoken about but they will be created on quite different principles.
Well, while in the third dimension world everything in the unions like these is based on the hierarchy principle: superior-inferior, employer-employee, in the fourth dimension and higher work is arranged according to equal rights principles.
It does not mean, of course, that these groups will feature total anarchy.
For the harmonious work of any team its actions coordination is required.
And a coordinator will appear among like-minded people, yet, it will happen by means of natural selection.
Let us have a case study.
Suppose, lovers of gardening have decided to start some cooperative for growing vegetables and fruit.
By the force of their individual traits everyone will be striving for the things they can do best.
So, one person will enjoy doing the seeding and planting, the second one – taking care of the plants, the third – harvesting, the fourth – handling storage, the fifth – distributing among the commune’s members and somebody will take the responsibility of coordination of the whole chain of their activities.
Yet, it is of great importance for such “specialization” to develop naturally, not under compulsion.
Of course, if necessary, some members can step in for others but it is essential that the main specialization of each person is to their heart and brings joy.
Only in this case a truly creative approach is possible since everything that is done forcibly turns into a routine and is done automatically.
No doubt, such arrangement of work is only possible when people are at the same wavelength – mental, energy and psychological.
And only when all the commune’s members’ vibrations keep firmly at the level of the fourth dimension, the relationships within it will develop on the basis of Unity, Love and Respect.
By intuition everyone will feel the strong and weak points of each other and support the one who needs help at the right moment.
It will not be a telepathic means of communication yet but very close to it.
And the main thing – it will be based on the unipolar not dual mentality, which will actually enable to develop harmonious relationships between people.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 28, 2023.

February 27

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Sparse settlements)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to talk to you in more detail about communes that will inevitably start appearing on the Earth of the fourth dimension.
And although we have already talked about them, this time I would like to lay special emphasis on interaction between people from the energy and psychic points of view.
For this interaction to develop harmoniously, it is necessary to follow some rules.
Before all, there should not be allowed density or, in other words, overcrowding on a small piece of land since it is of great significance for everyone to keep their personal space inviolable.
It concerns both single individuals and families.
Ideally, each house should be at least three hundred meters away from another one.
It will allow each person or a family to feel at ease – psychologically and in terms of energy.
This way they will be able to create a little Light island of their own that will feature their individual energy profile preventing it from mixing with others as it is the case when houses are located next to each other.
Moreover, a large territory around the house will provide people with the opportunity for unceasing creativity.
They will be able not only to grow their favourite vegetables and fruit in their gardens but also to create whole worlds in their estates whatever their fantasy will inspire them for.
Of course, such keeping away from each other in terms of territory does not mean isolation or alienation at all.
On the contrary, people will feel like visiting their neighbours sharing their experience and enjoying others’ creativity.
Each visit like this can become a prominent event or a shared meal – in a word, a holiday for Soul and body.
It is while communicating like this that there will occur the natural selection of people according to vibrations and interests.
One more advantage of a commune being sparse is that people will not be constantly looking at each other comparing, estimating, judging or trying to seem better than they really are pleasing their Ego.
It is often facilitated just by overcrowding, especially in cities where people’s energy fields are always mixing and influencing each other.
That is why a sufficient personal space – energy and physical – can guarantee that a person will start getting rid of the third dimension world programmes very fast and living not watching the reaction of others – the way they are inspired by their intuition making the most of their innate abilities.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 27, 2023.

February 26

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Slowly but surely when Soul asks for it)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
For our talk on creation of communes and unions of people to be continued, I would like to focus on one more peculiarity of theirs.
For any group to be successful, it is necessary to create truly harmonious relationships between all its members.
And it is only possible to do it when everything occurs naturally.
Any undertaking should get “ripe”.
And if you start forcing the things even out of the best intentions, the outcome can be quite different from what you would like it to be.
And it is accounted for by the fact that everything should happen in compliance with the Laws of the Universe and especially with such as the Law of Free Will and the Law of Attraction.
Moreover, a person that has decided to become a member of some group or a commune should be guided, first of all, by their inner need – Soul’s desire and not follow somebody else’s advice, fashionable trend or mercenary considerations.
It is of extreme importance since it is the initial impulse being originated by Heart, not Mind, that lays the foundation for the relationships between this group’s people to be developed and the challenges it faces to be taken.
This is exactly the way the Free Will of man will be expressed: their true desire.
And if this Law of the Universe is observed to a full extent, then another one will follow it – the Law of Attraction.
Your pure intention will speed up the realization of your desire at the physical level and people of similar vibrations and interests will start to be drawn to you.
We have already talked a lot about the fact that all human desires that originate in Soul are made come true much faster than the ones initiated by Mind.
In the former case all your Heavenly patrons give you a helping hand sending you numerous clues and hints as well as the right people.
While if your desire is contrary to your Soul’s aspirations, then, the other way round, your Heavenly assistants often try to prevent its coming true thereby trying to save you from danger or the contacts you do not need.
The same principle also applies to any tendency of yours to get united – be it a group, school, movement or a commune.
You know yourselves about the huge number of such unions that exist now on Earth and how few are those among them that are at least trying to reach the vibrations of the fourth dimension, let alone those of the Fifth one.
The reason why all of them fail has already been said about in my previous message.
But one more reason, which seems to be the main one, is the fact that these groups’ members have become attracted to them by whatever the considerations but for those of their Soul.
Therefore, the relationships in these groups are also developed according to the third dimension programmes that are dictated by Mind which has not become free from the dual world perception yet.
That is why, my dear, before rushing to jump in at the deep end of somebody’s appeal to get united, make a pause and lend a keen ear to your Soul’s voice – feel what chakra will respond to your desire and the person who tells you to become this or that group’s member.
It will help you avoid disappointment and wait till YOUR group and YOUR like-minded people that will come to your life by all means.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 26, 2023.

February 25

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (According to vibrations and interests)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
As a follow-up to my previous message now we will talk about the way to avoid negative issues while living together in communes.
At present it is becoming topical indeed since human vibrations are increasing with every single day and a lot of people are thinking of starting living BEYOND the third dimension world’s system that has had its days.
I know that in many countries there are appearing groups of like-minded people who realize the impossibility of existence within the frames of the current criminal control system that is counter to their worldview.
Some of such groups are still at the stage of formation, while others are thinking about joint settlements.
What should be taken into consideration by the former and the latter ones so that their projects get “flesh” at the physical level and turn out a success?
Since any group is joined by the people of different levels of spiritual development, the first thing to do is to find those who coincide with you in terms of vibrations and psychological parameters as much as possible.
For this purpose you can use “rough” and “fine” tuning, as well as human psychotypes.
As a result of this, initially large group can fall into several smaller ones.
And there is nothing wrong about this if such division is based not on censure or pride but on Divine expediency.
In this case the notion of “rough” energy tuning concerns not a single person but applies to a whole group.
So, for example, if a group was created on the basis of opposition to the authorities and all its participants know about the existence of the deep state and their programme on annihilation of humanity, it can be enough to serve as a mental basis for this group.
Yet, one should not forget about the energy component either that is as important and determines relationships between all the members of the group.
And while the mental basis is “rough” tuning for the group members, for the group not to fall apart and all its members to interact in a harmonious way, “fine” energy tuning according to the psychotype and common interests is necessary this time.
It will be ideal if everybody understands it and accepts with no censure the fact that being in one community, nevertheless, people having been attracted to each other by vibrations can create their own small subgroups, then such a commune will be able to exist quite harmoniously.
As a matter of fact, this process is quite natural since everyone cognizes the world and gets up the spiritual development ladder at their own speed.
And to urge on somebody imposing one’s worldview is not appropriate at all – it can bring the opposite results.
Therefore, the wisest thing to do is to let everyone communicate with those who interest them and as long as it is prompted by their Soul, with no offenses or blames as it is often the case in the third dimension world.
But it is of extreme importance that at the same time the connection between small groups is not lost and there takes place their mutual enrichment – information, material, spiritual, energy.
So, one group can be concentrated on the global events drawing information from a variety of resources so as to keep all the rest informed about the issues they are less competent in.
While another group, being more spiritually advanced, can tell the others about the energy changes on your planet and about their experience in working at vibration increase and development of intuition perception of the world.
This way, all the group members will pull up each other in the issues they are more experienced in themselves.
Yet, a closer communication should occur with those who are as close to one in terms of vibrations and world perception as possible.
These are exactly the basics that it is possible already now to create the islands of Light on Earth with that will become prototype of a new society of the Fifth dimension.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 25, 2023.

February 25

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Relationships hierarchy)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to return to the issue of personal space of an individual and consider it from the physical point of view this time.
We have already talked about the fact that all the attempts to get united in groups – schools, movements, settlements – in the third dimension world almost always turn out failures.
The main obstacle on the way to success remains their participants’ mental duality.
In all these groups either deliberately or indeliberately there begins to arise hierarchy of relationships of their participants, that is, despite the best intentions, people still go on living in compliance with the programmes of the third dimension world, with leaders and ordinary participants being part of it.
As a matter of fact, this is a natural process that can be observed in high dimension worlds too.
But the difference between them is that featuring outstanding management abilities in the third dimension world leadership implies strong Ego and desire to be distinguished and in the worlds of the Fifth dimension and higher it implies the need to serve others acting exceptionally for the good of other people.
As a rule, it is the high vibration worlds’ inhabitants like these that the Council of Elders is formed with, the one joined by the purest and most mature souls whose thoughts and actions are based on Unconditional Love.
In the third dimension world it happens rarely indeed since even if there appears a leader of pure and good intentions, their environment introduces the energies of various vibrations into the group, which gradually ruins the initial atmosphere of Unity and Love created by its leader.
And it mostly happens due to the fact that personal space borders of a person are not observed.
Alien energies intrusion into it depletes one’s aura and decreases one’s vibrations.
How can this be avoided?
First of all, by strict observance of physical and energy borders between people.
Let us cite the example of like-minded people’s settlements that have been started in India and other countries more than once and that featured good intentions indeed.
As a rule, such settlements were started by powerful personalities of by far the highest vibrations.
Well, what happened then?
By the settlers these personalities were treated as Great Teachers, gurus, patrons, which resulted in worshipping them and following all their advice.
And even if the “Great Teacher” maintained high vibrations themselves, the general energy profile of such settlements left much to be desired since the energies of worship and self-humiliation always convey low vibrations.
People most often have it in an indeliberate way as the third dimension world programmes became firmly embedded in their subconscience, the ones based on duality.
And no matter how persistently they were persuaded by the Teacher that all of them are EQUAL particles of the Creator, the conscience of the majority of people is not ready to take in such knowledge yet.
As a result, they go on considering themselves to be followers.
They hang on every word of their Teacher and live by THEIR thoughts and deeds.
To feel being a valuable Creator of one’s life is only possible for the one whose vibrations have advanced at least to the level of the fourth dimension.
And for a group created on Earth to turn into a real island of Light of the fourth and then Fifth dimension, it is necessary that all its participants have advanced to this level.
Meanwhile, it is extremely important to maintain one’s energy and physical personal borders since even being at the same level of vibrations each of you features too many individual traits and psychological nuances.
And next time we will talk about this in more detail.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 25, 2023.

February 23

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (True desire of human Soul)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to explain to you in more detail why I pay so much attention to the desires of your Soul and why it is so important for you to hear and feel them.
As a matter of fact, this is the thing that you have been deprived of for centuries by the conquerors of your planet.
All their efforts were aimed at suppressing the voice of the Divine human soul and leading human conscience the direction they need.
As you see, they have almost succeeded in this.
Yet, at the final stage of their programme on annihilation of humanity they understood that Divine “gene” had turned out to be too viable and it came as a great surprise to them.
Even the small part of the planet’s population that has not lost the ability to hear the voice of their Soul has managed to embark on their course of development and initiate the process of Great Revival of humanity.
These are the very Divine seeds that we have talked so much about and whose mission is to set the chain reaction of Soul’s revival and leaving the third dimension matrix where, like in prison, humanity has found themselves in.
And since everything starts small and instantaneous Revival is fraught with a great shock for physical and psychic condition of an individual, I try to teach you to diverge gradually from the third dimension world programmes that were imposed on you.
If you manage to do it in your personal life having purified your energy space from these programmes, it will be much easier for you to move on helping others.
As a matter of fact, the true desire of any pure human Soul is to live in Unity, Peace and Love.
This is exactly the atmosphere that holds sway over higher dimensions where a lot of souls have come from and where they got between their incarnations on Earth.
But finding themselves on the planet of the third dimension another time and plunging into the whirlpool of the dual life human souls were subject to the “treatment” thus tough in terms of the ruling top and society that live in compliance with quite different – not Divine – laws that their genuine desires were often substituted for artificial ones – merely material ones.
And only now having found themselves at the brink of an abyss and putting their Divine Soul at risk, a lot of people are beginning to see clearly.
Believe me, my dear, despite all the tragedy of the events now in progress on Earth, they will do good to many since without this shock people would not have been able to realize what has been happening on your planet for millennia and still goes on and would not have learnt about the opportunity they are granted with to break free from the “wheel of Samsara” of the third dimension worlds and come back Home – to the bosom of the Creator.
Everything occurs according to the Divine plan and in consistence with the Divine expedience.
All the masks – with no exceptions – should be thrown off, all the “emperors” get bared, while all pure and light Souls should begin to shine on your planet and become the leaders of humanity’s Transition to the Fifth dimension.
And this process has already been initiated.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 23, 2023.

February 22

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Following call of Soul)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will talk about the way you can learn to live not in compliance with a programme but following the call of your Soul.
No doubt, it implies some difficulties especially for those of you who have families.
But one has always got an opportunity to change one’s behaviour in a polite and wise way not hurting one’s close people’s feelings.
You can also involve them into the “orbit” of a new life – interesting, cheerful and full of on-the-spot decisions.
It will help you and your family get rid of the routine that is a product of the third dimension world.
Start small: not waiting for another holiday or even a day off to come, make an improvised party – whatever you like depending on your desire and resources.
Even an unusual dinner with candles can tear you away from a working week routine and inspire your good mood, which will be enough to increase your vibrations and break the regular circle of everyday life.
Or, for example, spend your next holiday not where you got used to but where you have been dreaming about to get for a long time thereby opening new aspects of life to yourselves.
Try to be creative in everything you do.
Try to get beyond the limits of long-term habits.
In a word, create a reality new to you according to the opportunities you have at the moment.
But a starting point for any actions of yours should be your Soul’s desire – true and not farfetched.
Well, how can you distinguish them?
A genuine desire always comes spontaneously – from deep inside and, as a rule, vibrates at upper chakras.
The things that originate in Mind always vibrate at a lower level as they are a result of consideration.
So, one person can suddenly have a feeling of being long for getting out of town having become tired of a big city with its heavy energy profile.
They get into a car or on a bus straight away and go to the country.
While another person having realized that they are tired and that being in the country will do them good, will start planning going to the country, which can eventually fail to take place.
And the difference here is that in the former case it was a call of Soul and the latter one – that of Mind.
As a result, the former person has managed to break the circle of everyday routine and has arranged an improvised party for their Soul.
As for the other one, they failed to get away from their routine having postponed what they wanted till some other time that actually may not come in the nearest future.
And examples like these can be cited a good many indeed.
Very often true desires of people turn out to be moved to the background where they are brought by numerous habits, obligations and fear to ruin the usual course of life.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 22, 2023.

February 21

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Personal space “hygiene”)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will go on talking about the human personal space and will talk about the way you can expand it as much as possible.
Since the human energy space is closely connected with the physical one, ideally, each family member should have a room of their own.
It is especially important for sleep since while sleeping one becomes especially vulnerable and astral beings can penetrate into one’s energy space.
Acting on the premises that rarely indeed family members are at the same wavelength, that is, one level of vibrations, it can be very hard to escape an unwelcome energy touch.
Therefore, to protect one’s personal space from alien energies, one should have a bed of one’s own.
Of course, it does not guarantee your total protection from negative energies or astral beings either but, at least, it will minimize the chances of their penetration into your aura.
And then, everything depends of you yourselves: in what mood you fell asleep, what thoughts overwhelmed you while you were falling asleep, whether you set an energy shield at yourselves or forgot about it.
Since sleep takes a considerable part of your life, it is essential it does you good purifying your energy space and not “polluting” it.
No doubt, there are some exceptions to the rule.
So, if people have advanced to one level of vibrations of, for example, the fourth dimension, their energy fields concentrate even more energy of Love and Light within themselves and it does good to both of them.
This is what occurs in harmonious unions of man and woman whose love features the Divine origin now rather than the earthly one.
But in the third dimension world in happens rarely indeed because it is very hard to maintain a high level of vibrations all the time.
As for your children, here only your intuition and your loving heart can help you.
Since 12-13 year-olds are still too dependent on the energy profile of their parents, you should treat everything that concerns your child with special attention.
So, if your child has a nightmare and asks to get into your bed by no means should you refuse them.
In this case you should think, first of all, about them not about yourselves since they have not learnt yet to protect themselves from the astral world inhabitants that are so keen on nourishing on human energy.
Before falling asleep train yourselves to set the energy shield not only at yourselves but at your children too.
And which is better, teach them to do it themselves.
Do not be afraid to talk about the subtle level with children. They often can understand you much better than grown-ups because they have the connection with that world where they have come from to Earth partially preserved.
And if your child has nightmares by all means do them a séance on purification of their energy space with the Flame of Universe Love and do such a purification séance in their room and especially in their bed.
You can even do it together, which will be much more efficient.
Train your children to energy work as early as possible.
Not only will it make you closer but will also enrich the life of your child considerably who will realize all the multifaceted variety of existence and will start seeing reality not only at the material but also spiritual level.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 21, 2023.

February 20

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Personal space)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will discuss in more detail the personal space of an individual.
What is it?
Personal space is, before all, energy isolation from other people.
And such isolation is quite possible to reach even being physically in the crowd.
But it can only happen when a person’s vibration level exceeds manifold the vibration level of the people around, which itself sets invisible border between them.
With the level of vibrations being the same the personal borders between people get obliterated and their energies freely circulate moving from one individual to another one.
This is exactly the reason for the crowd effect to arise when similar emotions immediately seize hundreds and sometimes thousands of people.
But in any crowd one can see somebody who does not give way to the general emotional impulse and keeps neutral.
This is a rare case that occurs only if one has managed to keep inviolable their personal space.
Some people have it in an instinctive way, while some others do it consciously.
In the third dimension world it is, actually, very hard to gain personal energy space and keep it inviolable because everything here is literally penetrated with the third dimension energies.
And here one has to isolate oneself in terms of energy not only from other people but also from low vibration environment especially in public spaces that have absorbed the energies of thousands of people.
This is exactly why many of you feel so unwell in large shops, public transport, schools and hospitals even having set energy shield at yourselves.
Your energy shield gets broken because of the fact it cannot resist thus high concentration of the negative energy that has accumulated in places like these.
Therefore, to feel totally safe in terms of energy one also needs physical personal space.
And it is preferable to be natural environment and not somewhere indoors in the city.
The thing is that there is the energy mechanism for autopurification originally characteristic of nature.
Besides, this mechanism also applies to all the living beings who find themselves in its action range.
So, for example, the Element of Air cleanses gas-polluted cities with winds and the Element of Water washes away the dirt that has accumulated on the ground with rains.
Besides, it happens simultaneously at the physical and energy level.
Perhaps, many of you have noticed how easily you breathe after the rain.
And it is explained by the fact that space gets purified not only physically but in terms of energy too: negative energy gets dissolved in the high vibrations of the Element of Water.
As for an individual, having found themselves in the country, they can intensify the process of their purification manifold having invoked natural elements for help, as a result of which their own energy space expands manifold thanks to the purification and expansion of their subtle bodies.
To some an extent, it works indoors too, of course, but there even invoking natural elements you limit their actions by walls that prevent them from getting the free scope.
Therefore, my dear, take the slightest opportunity to get away to the country so that having merges one with it to purify and impregnate your aura with the purest energies of the Divine natural source as much as possible.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 20, 2023.

February 20

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (To break free from “the vicious circle”)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
As a follow-up to my previous message now I would like to talk to you about the way you can get over the inertia of your life and learn to introduce new elements into it unusual to you changing on the go the programme of your day, week, month and, generally speaking, that of all your life.
In the third dimension world the majority of people have got used to following the beaten track planning their day literally in terms of minutes and making their schedules not even for months but for years.
Some people have made it a habit to the extent that any deviation from the programme set causes by far the greatest stress.
As a matter of fact, such an approach to life, just as many other things, has been trained in people for centuries with a certain purpose: not to let them look around and be their own masters.
Especially persistent in this respect was religion creating specific canons that should be rigorously followed by people.
Then it was joined by the temporal power that set working hours for people and schedules of days off and holidays as well as the media with their news and other programmes at certain hours and days that are popular with the public.
In other words, all the actions of people were driven to specific time frames so as to keep them always under pressure and often in stress since any deviation from an obligatory programme was punished.
But taking into consideration how fragile the human psyche is and how wide the range of psychotypes is, such “programming” results in numerous diseases and eventually reduces the lifespan of man.
And now we will talk about the way one can break free from this “vicious circle”.
Of course, I understand that it is possible to do this only partially.
So, for example, if it is beyond your depth to change your working hours, you will have to leave this sphere of your life unchanged so far.
As far as other aspects of your life are concerned, you have the right to dispose of them at your discretion – the way you want it now, not somebody else including your immediate environment and family members.
It is extremely important for a person to have their personal space – energy and physical.
Only in this case it is possible to embark on the course of spiritual development having cut oneself off the daily round and alien energies.
Of course, it is not easy, especially for women, who, as a rule, are the life and soul of the house.
And their unusual behaviour is likely to stir up inadequate response of their family.
Yet, here, it is necessary to show persistence since too much is at stake right now.
The first thing, one should train oneself is to feel keenly one’s sensations and one’s own needs.
There are very few who can do this mostly following habits, duties, obligations and other people’s desires.
This is what has been made a virtue of in the third dimension world for centuries and has been regarded as the main moral principle: to live not for oneself but for others.
As a matter of fact, to have a full-fledged communication with others not serving or pleasing them is only possible when you yourselves are a valuable personality – interesting both for yourselves and others.
We have already talked a lot with you that it is impossible to really love others being unable to love oneself.
The same applies to the relationships between people: you cannot be interesting to other people if you yourselves are plunged in everyday routine issues only.
Everyone’s soul strives for something more than that, and the interaction in terms of souls itself advances you to another level of communication – at least that of the fourth dimension.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 20, 2023.

February 19

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Having become goal-inspired)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to explain to you why I return to the issue of your relationships with other people over and over again.
I see that many of you have a somewhat distorted image of Transition.
It seems to some of you that on a wonderful day you will cross the invisible border and find yourselves in a magic space of the Fifth dimension where everything will start working out harmoniously itself and all the people will treat each other with Unconditional Love.
As a matter of fact, everything develops gradually so that your psyche and physical bodies have opportunity to rearrange themselves for higher vibrations.
Trivial as it may sound but Transition should be “deserved” and it takes time since no one can do your work on yourselves instead of you.
Perhaps, some of you have noticed that in early messages – both mine and those of many representatives of the Forces of Light – a lot of attention was paid to the description of the life in the Fifth dimension and recently the focus has been placed mostly on your independent work.
And for this purpose you are provided with numerous practices and meditations.
Of course, all this is not by chance.
A person should see the goal they will be worked for.
It concerns any work – spiritual, energy and physical.
And the more fascinating and tempting the goal, the more efficient the work.
As far as Ascension is concerned, this goal for many of you is nonmaterial – ephemeral and hard to achieve.
Not everybody is ready to strive heart and soul for what they hardly imagine.
This is exactly the reason why you were told at great length – in all the details – about the life in the Fifth dimension by the representatives of the Forces of Light and your Galaxy brothers.
And those who sincerely accepted this new knowledge with all their heart have got down to spiritual work on themselves so as to reach the goal they have incarnated on Earth for.
But, unfortunately, for most of the people who read the Forces of Light messages this knowledge “went off at a tangent”.
They believe and do not believe what they read therefore even if they get down to the work on their conscience transformation and purification of themselves from the third dimension programmes, they do it only from time to time –unsystematically and depending on the mood.
There are some advantages and disadvantages in this.
One should not, certainly, make oneself do what one does not want to – it will do little good.
Yet, it is within your depth to arrange your present life the way that it is your work of Soul that makes the top priority for you, the one without which Transition to the Fifth dimension is impossible.
And for this work not to be a bother but a pleasure for you, try to pick the practices and meditations that resemble a game for you and, the main thing, do not forget to watch how they influence your life.
Inspiration comes when one sees the results of one’s work and now with Earth’s vibrations as well as those of your own increasing every day such results will not keep you waiting.
Find the balance, my dear, between your everyday routine and your spiritual work not putting it off till some other time because this “some other time” has already come.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 19, 2023.

February 24


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to tell you about the things that are now in progress on Earth in the camp of the Dark Forces.
You see, they are in such a hurry to compress their programme on humanity enslavement in all the spheres of your life as much as possible.
For this purpose they have brought into action all their resources – military, political, economic, financial and informational.
Yet, everything they are doing now has been brought not simply to the point of absurdity this time but sometimes to clownery indeed.
This is exactly the reason why all their actions, as a result, turn out against them themselves.
Manifestations and protest actions have overwhelmed almost all European countries because even the people who are far from politics start realizing that things go wrong and unnatural in their countries.
They see that their own governments solve somebody else’s problems and serve somebody else’s interests neglecting the needs of their nation.
It is becoming so apparent now that illusions of these countries’ population in respect of their governments are vanishing into thin air.
In the long run, all this plays in hands of people since the upcoming Disclosure will not come as a complete shock for them, which could be the case just a few years ago.
They will clearly see the proofs of all the things that honest politicians, journalists, scientists, doctors and ufologists will start speaking about.
They will understand that all this is true and not the “conspirology” or “conspiracy theories”, which the mainstream media has been trying to persuade them for all the recent years.
Of course, for many it will be shocking anyway but not for the majority as it was the case before.
In other words, there has accumulated the critical mass of Earth’s population that is ready to hear the truth.
And, consequently, in consistence with the Law of Attraction this truth is about to shoot up in the shortest time.
Therefore, my dear, be ready for the fact that the time for you to act is arriving.
It is you who is to explain to people all the details of the current events, provide them with additional information that you have at your disposal, tell about Ascension to those who are ready to hear and help them get rid of the fear of the unknown – in a word, to put to practice all the knowledge you have received for these years.
Reread my series of messages that provide tips and recommendations on the work with people.
It will help you refresh them and get tuned onto a specific wave.
And, of course, do not forget about the means of personal “hygiene” so as to remain at the level of high vibrations yourselves and promote their increase in terms of other people.
Use all the methods for identification of your interlocutors that you were provided with in my recent messages including “rough” and “fine” energy tuning as well as human psychotypes identification.
Lend a keen ear to your intuition and do not reject the “service” of chakrometer so that your communication with other people runs casually and cheerfully being as efficient as possible.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 24, 2023.

February 18

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Taking one’s psychotype into consideration)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will go on talking about human relationships and will concentrate on one more peculiarity of theirs.
As you already know, in the dual world the leading idea of any relationships is most often self-assertion of this or that kind.
Some people show it in an open aggressive form and some others, on the contrary, in quite a mild – disguised one.
While in the former case one does not conceal one’s intentions to suppress the will of another person and in every possible way demonstrates one’s potential – physical, moral and material, the latter one is guided by the latent desire to convince others of one’s being important.
Such a person tries to please everyone, rushes to help even if they are not asked to, gives endless advice – in a word, tries show tooth and nail how good and irreplaceable they are.
There is also a third type of people who combine the features of the former and the latter types.
Such a person starts to show aggression if their help is rejected or people refuse to follow their advice.
In this case they start feeling offended since their “kindness” was not appreciated.
Of course, I have outlined the most common human psychotypes only in a simplified way for you because there are plenty of them, as a matter of fact.
But just these three characteristics will be enough for the “rough” energy tuning onto a person who you are going to communicate with.
Before all, certainly, you should understand what type you yourselves belong to as few have managed so far to advance to the level of vibrations that enables one to be absolutely neutral and balanced while socializing with other people.
And it is easy to explain since all of you live in the third dimension world so far that imposes its laws on you – physical and energy ones.
But if you have already made a firm decision to move further on – to the world of the fourth and then the Fifth dimension, then, you will have to make some efforts to get rid of the stereotyped mentality and behaviour typical of the third dimension world people.
I see that some of you have already made great progress in this and your contacts with other people do not feature aggressive emotional traits, which was typical of you before when your irrepressible desire to prove you are right often led to the opposite results.
This is was just the case when you strived to save your family and friends from the upcoming threats but your “goodness” and “selflessness” were not appreciated by them but simply caused mockery.
Why did it happen?
The answer to this question is in my previous series of messages on “rough” and “fine” tuning onto your interlocutor’s energy without which it is hard to reach harmonious relationships.
And if this is considered without taking into account energy underlying reason, you started talking taking no notice of the psychotype both yours and that of another person.
And until your intuition and vibrations reach the level that will enable you to develop harmonious relationships with other people in a natural way – without any mental or emotional efforts for you part, you should remember about the third dimension world standards of communication so as to avoid mistakes and moments tough for you.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 18, 2023.

February 17

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (If one is ready to hear you)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to talk about human relationships in general leaving apart the energy component spoken about in my previous messages.
I understand that so far not all of you can catch the energy nuance of your interlocutor.
That is why now I will give you some general recommendations that will enable you to develop relationships with people during the Transition from the third dimension to the fourth one.
The first thing you should pay attention to while communicating with a stranger is their psychic condition.
At present a lot of people are under an enormous stress not only because of the instability of the global situation but also because of their own health and that of their close people getting drastically worse.
First of all, it concerns, of course, vaccinated people that often are not aware of the fact that it is the vaccine that causes their troubles.
Perhaps, many of you have already come across this yourselves: neither the vaccinated nor their family even suspect about the extent the so-called “vaccine” has done harm to them.
To admit this would mean for them to have announced death penalty to themselves.
They are ready to accept any even the most absurd explanations that they are provided with by the mainstream media but just not the truth that is too horrible for them.
How can you ease the lot of such people?
Of course, you should not deal the final blow telling them about the awful consequences of vaccination.
Yet, you should not go too far hushing up the truth either.
Still, it is necessary to give one at least the general outlines of the fact that the preparation that was injected into their body is not a vaccine and that it is somewhat fraught with danger.
It would be great if you already have the information about the way to neutralize the consequences of this procedure at least partially.
So, for example, there have already been worked out some measures to drive away graphene oxide from the body that these preparations contain and cause harmful effect on humans.
While talking to a vaccinated person the main focus should be laid on that one should not despair and that scientists are working at the things to minimize the dangerous aftereffects of vaccines.
You should support one in dire straits, give one hope for the better and not pronounce death sentence demonstrating your knowledge in this sphere.
But for your efforts to be fruitful, it is necessary that one believes you.
If it is not the case, you should wind up any discussion on this issue being aware that unshakeable confidence in your interlocutor’s being right is not to be broken by you.
It often happens because of the feeling of self-defence and deep offence in respect of those who deceived them having taken advantage of their confidence.
Yet, it is always for a person to choose, anyway: whether to admit that they were wrong or to let to be deceived further on.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 17, 2023.

February 16

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Energy “palpation”)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
For my previous message to be continued today we will talk about the way you can get tuned onto another person’s vibrations more efficiently.
It is extremely important to do it fast – literally on the go.
I know that many of you can identify one’s general level of vibrations even not making use of the chakra scale.
Yet, so far, it is more likely to be called “rough” tuning since your general impression is limited to such estimations as a “low vibration” or “high vibration” person.
Besides, most often low vibration ones turn out to be actually not people but the representatives of low vibration civilizations embodied as humans.
It is them who, as a rule, vibrate at lower chakras because their subtle material structure prevents them from rising higher than the third and in rare cases the fourth chakra.
Yet, this time, we will focus on just humans since a lot of them have an opportunity to make Transition, and your task is to help them with it.
And such division should not be treated as something unjust as with the best will in the world you will not be able to pull up the vibrations of the creatures who lack upper chakras or have them totally blocked.
That is why it is now essential to get concentrated on human souls who have a chance to move to the Fifth dimension with Earth.
The first thing you should do for this is to tell a person about the unique opportunity to make such Transition.
You can do “homework” – a thoroughly verified story about the planet’s Ascension.
It should be brief, factful and convincing.
It is preferable for it to be scientifically grounded in terms of energy changes that are taking place on Earth now.
You already know that verbosity always features low vibrations, while clear and figurative descriptions convey high ones.
Therefore, it is important to enlist high vibration mental basis for your communication with people.
It will be enough to maintain high vibrations during all your talk.
And while communicating try to identify the vibration “flow” of your interlocutor now to know in what vein to have a discussion with them and what notions to use.
So, for example, if one vibrates at the fourth or fifth chakra, it is most appropriate to use more material explanations of the current events that are scientifically grounded.
There is nothing wrong if during the talk your own vibrations will decrease to the fifth chakra. It will just facilitate your communication.
While if your interlocutor’s vibrations has reached the level of the sixth and even seventh chakra, then, having got tuned onto their wave, you can tell them about the support of the Forces of Light, your Galaxy family too this time – in a word, about the interaction of humanity with the representatives of the subtle worlds and highly developed civilizations in this process.
The people with their upper chakras activated can well understand such kind of information.
So, my dear, always start with the energy “palpation” of your interlocutor and after the initial “rough” tuning onto their wavelength move on to the “fine” one.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 16, 2023.

February 15

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Keys to “fine” tuning)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will talk about whether one can control the “fine” energy tuning or everything occurs naturally without one’s participation.
Of course, one can since one’s conscience not only creates reality but relationships with other people as well.
Same as a grown-up explaining something to a child tries to find the simplest words and images that they can understand, so a spiritually advanced person of high levels of vibrations can artificially decrease them so as to get through to the one whose vibrations are much lower than their own ones.
This is exactly what the Forces of Light, one’s Higher Self, Safeguard Angels do when they would like to communicate some information to a person or protect them from danger.
A lot of people by intuition feel the way it is possible to interact with this or that person: what topics can be discussed and what should not be discussed, in what vein new information should be presented to them, as well as catch the appropriate tone and its emotional shade.
Well, this is exactly what “fine” tuning onto another person’s energy profile is, and it most often happens unconsciously.
But many of you are ready to approach this issue in a mindful way, which will help you avoid a lot of mistakes and disappointment while communicating with people.
And you will be coming across such communication more and more since the events on Earth start to develop increasingly swiftly, and you will have to act as rescuers for the people who turn out unprepared for the upcoming Disclosure.
It can be compared with a powerful earthquake as a result of which hundreds of thousands of people have found themselves under the rubble.
This is the way a lot of people will take the horrible truth that will strike them and you will have to get them out from under the “rubbles” of the ruling top’s crimes that have been concealed for a long time saving them from fear and distrust and sometimes from anger and aggression in respect of your planet’s conquerors.
Therefore, already now you should learn to catch the energy waves of the people around mastering the skill of “rough” and “fine” tuning so that your work of human souls “lifesavers” is more active and efficient.
You should not be afraid that your own vibrations will decrease as a result of this.
If you work consciously monitoring the situation mentally and in terms of energy, you will be able to restore their former level easily and quickly.
But to reduce the vibration gap with other people, it is necessary to find something average and here you can be assisted by your chakra scale.
Having identified another person’s level of vibrations with the help of it, you will be able to “readjust” your own chakra scale the way to get tuned onto your interlocutor’s vibrations reaching if not one then at least the level average with them.
And next time we will talk about it in more detail.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 15, 2023.

February 14

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (“Fine” energy tuning)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
As a follow-up to my previous message now we will talk about the so-called “fine” energy tuning in the interaction of both between people and different countries.
As you already know, “rough” energy tuning is closely connected with the community of mentality that can be based on both religion and worldview in general – spiritual, material, pragmatic and, first of all, the energies that nourish them.
And it is this basis that “fine” energy tuning is laid on.
Well, what actually is it?
It is maximum coincidence in view on one and the same events – mental, emotional and behavioral.
Let us study this mechanism citing the example of relationships between people.
And let us turn to the most burning issue at the moment – military conflict between Ukraine and Russia.
At present the attitude to this issue has become the stumbling stone for close people – friends, colleagues and even family members.
Any disagreement is always based on the energy component that gradually grows into mental, emotional and behavioral confrontation.
Suppose, a group of people totally supports Russia’s actions understanding the underlying essence of the current events: inevitability of Russia’s answer to threats and pressure of the West and Anglo-Saxon alliance.
It means that in these people’s relationships there went off “rough” energy tuning or, in other words, they are at the same energy wavelength in respect of this military conflict.
Well, what can happen then?
Since this conflict includes a lot of aspects of both spiritual and material character, because of the vibration heterogeneity of the people of this group they can face some disagreement.
So, in this conflict one subgroup of the people can treat Russia as a world’s spiritual leader, the second subgroup can treat it as a political leader, the third one – as an economic one, the fourth one – as a military one and the fifth one can consider the issue in an all-inclusive way – in a word, under the force of their character and vibration level people will see the things they are ready to accept and understand at the present stage of their development.
And, as you understand, each of the aspects includes a lot of others and each of them features their own energy profile that sometimes differs greatly from others.
So, the spiritual aspect that is based on the energy of Love and Unity differs considerably from the military, political or economic ones that feature the energies of separation and superiority typical of the third dimension world.
And all this is now “fine” energy tuning in the relationships of the people of the group.
And, generally speaking, it is such separation that is now in progress in Russian society as a whole and even in other countries that directly or indirectly are involved into the conflict.
Each person sees in it what their conscience is ready for.
Someone can learn their own lessons because of it and make certain conclusions and some other people having no opinion of their own blindly follow the points of view that were imposed on them from without – by the people around, government or the media.
And this implies the test to check each Soul’s being ready to move to the world of higher vibrations.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 14, 2023.

February 13

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (War of mentalities)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
As a follow-up to my previous message today we will talk about the energy borders between different countries.
Generally speaking, the same mechanism operates here as in relationships between people, that is, there occurs “rough” and “fine” energy tuning.
In this case one of such “tuning factors” can be one religion that promotes convergence of these or those countries.
The thing is that each religion, its egregor to be exact, conveys a certain type of energy.
So, for example, the citizens of Orthodox, Catholic, Muslim countries feel much closer community with the citizens of the same religion countries and that is why it is much easier for them to interact with each other.
It is accounted for by the fact that in terms of energy they are connected to one and the same egregor that has been created for centuries.
And this energy spreads over the whole country irrespective of the degree of belief of single inhabitants of its because each country’s customs and traditions, as a rule, are closely connected with religious dogmas and ceremonies.
While for the people of different religious egregors it is much harder to get on.
So, for instance, the inflow of Muslims to European countries has introduced incredible chaos and, before all, in terms of energy though many people are not aware of it.
People of different religions, customs and traditions vary in mentality, which is “rough” energy tuning, so much that it turned out impossible for them to coexist next to each other.
As a result, in these countries there are arranged Muslim enclaves where immigrants go on living in compliance with their own laws.
And this is what happens in these countries at the subtle level.
Powerful energy rejection of European values and traditions by Muslim countries expatriates result in mini-egregors in places where these people get together.
They can be compared with the breaches in auras (egregors) of European countries where such enclaves have formed, which actually results in catastrophic consequences – first, at the energy level and then, at the physical one too.
So now, imagine what sieve it makes of these countries’ egregors, with similar enclaves arising almost in every city and the process gaining in scale.
Of course, all this happens not accidentally.
This is thoroughly planned tactics of the deep state with long-term consequences that features their favourite principle: divide and rule.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 13, 2023.

February 12

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Energy borders)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to talk to you about the way you can learn to delete the energy borders both between the people around you and between states.
But first, it is necessary to understand what energy borders are.
As for people, they are their aura contours or, in other words, their personal energy space.
They are the very “cocoon” that one’s physical body and all subtle ones are embraced with.
In case of some people it is very dense, while in that of others it can be quite rarefied.
Everything depends on one’s vibration level: the lower it is, the denser one’s aura but as long as one’s vibrations are increasing one’s aura starts getting rarefied more and more thereby making one’s personal energy space larger.
In personal communication people’s auras not only get into contact but also often interpenetrate.
And the way it occurs determines how relationships between people are developed.
Well, what happens when, for example, two people meet, with their vibrations varying greatly?
One of them has a harmonious rarefied pure aura, while the other one has it dense, unharmonious and contaminated with astral beings.
If they are next to each other, then the latter person’s astral beings feeling ill at ease in the pure energies of the former one start doing their best to decrease their vibrations.
Sometimes a person does not understand themselves why they begin behaving in an aggressive and provocative way towards their interlocutor who did them nothing wrong.
They do it unconsciously being under the influence of lower astral beings that affect their conscience in an attempt to control them.
If the former person yields to such provocations, their energy borders turn diffused making breaches in their aura, the ones that their interlocutor’s negative energies and sometimes the astral beings who provoke them get through inside of it.
And in case of hot arguments that arise and sometimes grow into a conflict, energy borders between these people can get ultimately obliterated: they now find themselves in a shared energy space that is filled with negative energies.
The subtle bodies of both of them turn into a sieve, and through its “holes” low vibration energies circulate easily.
While if a person of high vibration level can withstand their interlocutor’s attacks, sending them the energy of Love in return to their aggression, they will be able to preserve the borders of their energy space inviolable.
It will repulse the energies alien to it preventing them from penetrating inside.
But the energy of Love emitted by them, on the contrary, can easily get into a dense aura of the other person since there are no boundaries for it thanks to its by far the highest vibrations.
As a result of such “irradiation” with Love, the energy space of their interlocutor will start cleansing getting rid of the low astral beings.
In this case the energy borders between these people can get obliterated too.
But the result will be quite different: their common energy space becomes balanced having reached if not one level of vibrations but, at least, that of the minimal gap between them.
And then these people’s communication will take place in a friendly and benevolent environment.
Such mechanism of energy interaction applies not only to certain people but whole countries as well.
Yet, in this case they will interact at the level of their egregors and collective conscience.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 12, 2023.

February 11

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Integration of countries and nations)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will expand the meaning of such notions as communes and interaction between people and will advance it to the intergovernmental level.
As you know, relationships between different countries can be various: some countries cooperate and support each other, while others are at war with each other.
Of course, it happens most often at management level of these countries, yet, the mentality of their population makes a difference too, as well as its traditions and religion and, generally speaking, the general level of collective conscience of this or that country.
All this results from duality that holds sway over the third dimension world.
Why do the deep state’s representatives manage to manipulate population’s conscience so easily?
The reason is exactly in the fact that duality exists in everyone’s conscience and so as to change their conscience independent inner spiritual work is required.
No one can do it for one.
Therefore, the next step of your planet’s evolution will be to achieve true Unity of all the countries and nations.
And now there are all external preconditions for this as common “enemy” that the deep state and their marionettes at the helm are and they do not conceal their actual intentions on total enslavement of humanity now.
As soon as there comes the understanding of it for the part of the overwhelming majority of people, there will occur considerable change in their conscience.
The Disclosure of the ruling top’s crimes will be marked with the beginning of nations getting united.
And in this case there will arise mirror reflection of the things that globalists tried to do to the earthlings.
Their One center for the human conscience manipulation and the programme of submission to the authorities One for all nations will turn into Consolidation of all the countries and nations to fight against their enslavers.
And all this will start happening quite fast even in terms of earthly time frames since the confrontation between the Forces of Light and Dark has already moved to its critical final stage.
Well, what will happen then after the so-called Disclosure?
All over the world there will arise mass human awareness of the fact that for centuries they have been separated artificially – in respect of territory, mentality and emotions.
Whole countries and nations were literally played off against each other by those who got dividends from this: energy and mental.
People will start looking at the world with another eye being astonished by how blind and gullible they used to be.
By the means of the high vibration energies that are arriving at Earth now their souls will start getting cleansed from everything negative, superfluous, artificial and alien coming back to their genuine origin – pure Divine energies they were living at the dawn of humanity.
This way, not only territory but also mental borders will begin to get dissolved on your planet, the ones that have been dividing humanity for a lot of centuries.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 11, 2023.

February 10

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (“Rough” and “fine” tuning of relationships)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to talk with you in more detail about the mechanism of interaction between people.
To make it easier for you to understand it, you can imagine man as a radio set that can easily catch both long and short waves of other people.
But in this case by long waves we will mean general similar energies and by short ones – their shades now, that is, individual character peculiarities.
And so as to find your kindred soul indeed, in one there should occur both “rough” and “fine” tuning in terms of other people.
Let us look into it having a case study that concerns not only high vibration worlds but also the third dimension world for the people who perceive energies keenly.
How can a person of a certain traits set find their “better half”?
And we will consider two options: when similar and opposite energies are drawn to each other.
So, for example, a woman of a romantic character with a tender and vulnerable soul can be happy both with a man as romantic and the one whose character considerably differs from hers and sometimes even features opposite traits.
Both the former and the latter should at least correspond in terms of her “rough” energy tuning.
What does this mean?
It is necessary for them to be united by similar worldview and spiritual values.
They will make the basis for the “building” of man-woman relationships to be erected.
Why have I chosen just this comparison?
The reason, before all, is that relationships between people develop gradually – the “floors” of this building are made as long as people are getting to know each other more and more.
People are often too quick to become closer on the basis of only “rough” tuning being pleased to find out they look at the world alike, as it may seem to them.
But the energy mechanism of people getting close is not as simple: then “fine” tuning gets off that now implies likeness of not one or two but plenty of aspects of human personality.
If a person instead of being in a hurry to get close starts calmly and patiently tuning their “radio waves” onto the “waves” of another person trying to catch the slightest energy nuances of their thoughts, emotions and behaviour, they will be able to find out a lot of interesting things – and often not the ones they were expecting in the beginning.
But they should be just energy nuances because, as you already know, words – deliberately or indeliberately – often conceal the genuine essence of a person.
Everyone wants to seem better than they actually are, especially when it comes to the relationships between man and woman.
This is the “fly” people rise to in the third dimension world, especially those who do not feel energies but are guided only by external manifestations.
So as not to get deceived oneself and not to deceive another person, it is extremely important to remain natural – open and sincere.
This is exactly what one becomes in the fourth dimension and higher.
They are a stranger to falsity and hypocrisy, pride and self-admiration that convey negative energies.
And this energy purity enables high vibration worlds’ inhabitants unmistakably tune onto the energy waves of the people around and keenly catch what corresponds to their own vibrations most of all.
In other worlds, “rough” and “fine” tuning onto other people’s energies occurs there almost automatically, with no effort, thanks to which men and women easily find their “better halves” – if not twin then congenial souls that are easy and nice to communicate with.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 10, 2023.

February 9

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Energy gamut of match)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
As a follow-up to my previous message today we will again talk about the energy factor of interaction between people.
As a matter of fact, even having advanced to the level of vibrations one with somebody, it is not always possible to develop really harmonious relationships.
And the thing is in personal energy profile of an individual.
Just as one’s personality it is unique and distinctive.
One’s energy profile can be tough and soft, severe and gently, precise and diffused – in a word, it can convey a lot of peculiarities and nuances.
It is possible to say, it gives “colour” to one’s character traits that are preserved even when one advances to the vibration level of the fourth dimension.
But when it happens, one’s character’s peculiarities, as well, as one’s vibrations, advance to a new level too.
Not that they get softer but they lose their negative shade that was typical of them in the third dimension world.
So, for example, sternness and severity do not convey censure or thirst for control but turn into preciseness and readiness to take responsibility for oneself and others.
To put it differently, a serious person by nature does not become a cheery fellow in the new vibrations of the fourth dimension, the energy typical of them simply transforms into another quality – with a “plus” sign.
It is possible to say that the energy of a person who has reached the level of the fourth dimension “breaks” into a great number of components, yet, all of them are at one level of vibrations.
It resembles plenty of shades of energy in one colour gamut.
Therefore, for people to interact harmoniously in the worlds of high dimensions there is required the energy match in terms of a lot of factors – sometimes similar and sometimes opposite ones.
Of course, in the third dimension world something of the kind happens too but unlike this world the relationships of people in high vibration worlds are based on Unconditional Love.
Yet, this energy is not “faceless”.
Being a Divine etalon, it just fills individual energies emitted by people that are typical of just them and that introduce endless diversity to the life of these worlds’ inhabitants.
And then Divine expediency and the Laws of the Universe assert themselves.
Scanning people’s energies one by intuition finds those who one can develop the most harmonious relationships with.
This way, one finds a spouse, friends, groups of interests and professional societies.
And all this happens without emotional stress or disappointment since negative energies as they are cannot exist in the worlds of high vibrations.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 9, 2023.

February 8

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Communes of fourth dimension)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will start a new topic with you, and at issue will be the relationships of people in the world of the fourth dimension that will start to form on Earth very soon.
I know that already now some enthusiasts try to arrange communes or groups of interests but even the best initiatives often end up with bad disappointment.
Why does this happen?
Of course, the main reason is that the vibration gap of these groups’ participants is too huge.
A lot of people having just opened the knowledge about the transition of Earth to the Fifth dimension immediately rank themselves with those ready for it.
As a matter of fact, only knowledge itself is not sufficient to be admitted to the new world at all.
So as to get such admission quite other things are required: total reconsideration of the whole life of a person and substitution of the third dimension worldview for a new mentality that is close to the fourth dimension in terms of vibrations.
Without this any attempts of physical consolidation as communes will bring regrettable results.
And many of you have already got the opportunity to make sure of it.
Even brief communication with the so-called like-minded people sometimes causes not only disappointment but even rejection.
Yet, in the beginning it seemed to you that if you have one and the same knowledge drawing information from one source, you should be at the same wavelength and, consequently, your relationships should be harmonious.
Well, why doesn’t it happen?
The main reason is that for communication to be harmonious there should coincide – get combined – a lot of factors of both energy and personal character.
Let us start with the energy factors.
For this you should recall what was at issue in my previous series of messages: for a person to advance to the vibration level of the fourth dimension, it is necessary to reach the Unity of their Soul and Conscience.
And until it happens, one will not be able to reach prefect harmony with oneself – as if on the vibration swings, they will be swung to and fro: from the third dimension to the fourth one over and over again.
Well, how can a person develop harmonious relations with other people if they do not get on with their own Soul – if their Conscience has not reached Soul in terms of vibrations?
They will unintentionally fall out to the third dimension world reality and, consequently, will not able to get totally rid of the duality of their mentality.
Just like before they will compare themselves with others, get self-asserted and offended, feel guilty or, on the contrary, right in everything blaming being wrong on others.
In a word, if a person’s Conscience remains that of the third dimension, their behaviour will be the same.
And if such people get united into a commune, even the best intentions that have brought them there will not help them reach the goal they were striving for – happy coexistence with congenial souls.
This is exactly the reason for all the present-day unions to fail – big and small: so far all of them exist within the frames of the third dimension world since the Conscience of their members is of the third dimension too.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 8, 2023.

February 7

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (To make conscious choice)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
I know that some of you are concerned with the question whether it is possible to reach the Unity of Soul and Conscience for an owner of two souls one of which is human and the other belongs to one of low vibration civilizations.
As a matter of principle, it is possible but it requires much more effort than in case of a person of a pure Divine Soul.
For this it is necessary for the alien soul to leave the energy space of a human once and for all.
Why do many people fail to get rid of the other soul?
The reason, before all, is that it can be too hard to eradicate the qualities typical of this soul.
So, for example, being in the third dimension world people of a human and reptiloid soul often benefit from following the latter one because it feels in its element in the third dimension world.
Its law and order are to its liking and practicalness typical of reptiloids enables one to become a success in terms of material world.
As far as the human Soul is concerned, it is hard for it to compete with its “neighbour” because it, on the contrary, feels ill at ease in the world of the third dimension.
Practicalness, competition, selfish attitude to people and life in general is not typical of it, while purity and spirituality have become devalued in the modern society of consumerism since long ago.
That is why it is the human soul that often leaves and makes the reptiloid one a sole master of its physical medium.
The same can be said about the Orion soul too that in the force of its erudition and permanent strive for learning enables one to get up a career ladder successfully but at the same time “stems” a more sensitive and refined human soul.
As a result, the latter leaves the body having failed to get on with thus active neighbour.
Therefore, so as to save one’s human Soul one should, before all, be aware of the presence of two souls in one and acting on the premises of this make a conscious choice in favour of this or that soul.
And if one chooses the human Soul, one will have to change a lot in oneself: life style, mentality, behaviour.
Such person should advance to quite another level of vibrations – the one that will make existence of their low vibration soul next to the Divine human Soul unbearable.
They should also be prepared for their financial condition to suffer meanwhile.
But all this will be temporary hardships since the one who “has won a Dragon in oneself” will never be left in trouble.
All the Forces of Light will give them a helping hand delighted with their courage and power of Spirit.
Now on Earth there has arrived absolutely unique period when the Forces of Good and Evil have entered a crucial hand-to-hand battle not only on the planet in general but in the energy space of many of her inhabitants – owners of two souls.
And only those who will be able to drive out their other low vibration soul will manage to make transition to the fourth and then Fifth dimension.
Sometimes it occurs indeliberately in case of the people of a very mature and pure human soul that has chosen thus dangerous experience as neighbourhood with a low vibration soul for its present incarnation.
But such occasions are very rare.
I have told you about this, my dear, to make the picture complete but I recommend you not to get obsessed with the searching for the other soul in yourselves but to go on with your spiritual work on purification of your conscience from all the negative energies and programmes of the third dimension world.
It will be enough to guarantee that even if you had such a soul it would leave your energy space by all means being unable to withstand the energies of thus high vibrations.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 7, 2023.

February 6

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Unity of Soul and Conscience)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to sum up the series of my messages on the interaction of human Soul and Conscience.
Why is it so important for them to be at one level of vibrations?
First of all, because it is the necessary condition for a person to move to the worlds of higher dimensions where Soul and Conscience are One.
This is one of the manifestations of Unity typical of the creatures that inhabit high vibration worlds.
And the higher a dimension is, the wider the range of such Unity that can be observed.
So, for example, starting from the Fifth dimension and higher one level of vibrations is now reached not only by the Soul and Conscience but also by the Spirit and body of their inhabitants.
All of them start vibrating at one rhythm, which actually enables these high vibration creatures to perform the things that are wonders from the point of view of the third dimension world.
Not only they create their reality by power of thought but also travel freely around all the Galaxy and even beyond it.
It happens because their vibration “flexibility” has already advanced so high that can change its frequencies easily and get resonated with the vibrations of time and space, other worlds’ inhabitants, natural elements and even inanimate objects.
Yet, the first step on the way towards these “heights” is Unity of Soul and Conscience.
It is enough to obtain the concentration of energy that can change reality – both material and nonmaterial.
For you to get a better idea of it, let us cite the following example.
Suppose, one has decided to change something in one’s appearance.
In the third dimension world it is achieved by some external actions in respect of the human body: by means of plastic surgery or some other methods.
Such person’s Soul and Conscience apparently do not get well on each other since their Soul would never let to infringe on their God-endowed appearance that is never accidental.
While in the world of the Fifth dimension one can change one’s appearance by power of thought or, in other words, by power of one’s Conscience.
But since Conscience is One with Soul, even in case it takes courage to make some “corrections”, it will do this exceptionally being approved of by Soul that always feels Divine expediency of this or that action performed by the one “under its charge”.
It is possible to say that in the third dimension world one “pleases” one’s flesh and Ego, while the inhabitants of high dimension worlds respect and perfect their Soul and unique identity – individuality.
And for this to happen, in the former case one resorts to paid services of a specialist of this sphere and in the latter one changes occur by the concentration of the total energy of Soul and Conscience that are at One level of vibrations.
And if you manage to reach total Unity of Soul and Conscience, then even being in the space of the fourth dimension you will now be able to change not only your reality but also correct, for example, your physical defects.
Now it is becoming available to many since by far the highest vibration energies are arriving to help you.
Do not forget to invoke your Spiritual guards who are always there for you and ready to provide you with any assistance within their power.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 6, 2023.

February 6

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (General vibration level)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
As a follow-up to my previous message I would like to tell you about the way you can advance your Soul and conscience to one level of vibrations.
As a matter of fact, it is not that hard as it may seem at first sight.
And, before all, you need identify your present general level of vibrations for this.
But it should be impartial estimate indeed.
If you try to indulge in wishful thinking, all your efforts will turn out in vain.
What I mean is that you should pull your conscience up to the vibration level of Soul that in terms of humans vibrates not lower than the sixth chakra.
Therefore, it is necessary to pay all your attention to increase the level of your conscience until it keeps up with your Soul.
How can you do it?
For a start, making use of a chakrometer, identify your general vibration level.
Why do I highlight the word “general”?
The thing is that your vibrations can change even during the day depending on your life circumstances.
That is why, so as to get the valid result you should choose some average condition: not under stress and not in meditation.
It is extremely important since in dire straits even with the high general level your vibrations can decrease drastically, while in a meditative state they can exceed their usual rate because by your conscience you enter the subtle level.
Well, what moment can be most appropriate to identify the general level?
Actually, any moment when you are busy with your usual things or walking outside.
The main point is that at this moment your Mind should be free from routine issues and negative thoughts.
For this you should get tuned onto your chakra scale and ask it to assess your present general level of vibrations impartially.
You will feel one of your chakras responding it this or that way.
It is more likely to be the fourth or the fifth chakra as few on Earth manage to maintain their vibrations at the level of the sixth or seventh chakras all the time – there is too much of “red herring” that the third dimension world throws in for you.
Having received the answer, try to talk to your Soul then.
Ask it what exactly – what personal traits or character features – prevents you from advancing to the vibration level one with it.
Try to catch the very first thought that will occur to you not switching on your Mind.
This will be your Soul’s hint, actually.
It is quite possible that you will be provided with information in stages – in descending order: first your Soul will outline the main problem and then minor ones.
So, having learnt about all your weak points, start working at them gradually getting rid of the things that prevent you from making headway and from time to time check the results of your work in terms of your chakra scale.
In a while your general vibration level is quite likely to increase and, maybe, even to advance to the level one with your Soul.
Of course, my dear, this work is not short-term one but no one could do it for you.
And there are numerous practices and meditations that have been provided on this website for all these years to help you in purification of your conscience from the negative energies and programmes of the third dimension world.
Choose those of them that are to your Soul and take your time to work with them systematically.
When your general vibrations reach the level of the sixth chakra, it will be possible to say for sure that you have ultimately moved to the space of the fourth dimension by your conscience and subtle bodies.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 6, 2023.

February 5

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (One vibrations)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
After I have offered you the energy practices to protect Soul from the shocks that are excessive for it, I would like to talk about the way it can be protected by your conscience.
Of course, all the processes – both energy and physical – run almost simultaneously in a person, and I separate them only because the main impulse of any thought or emotion of yours is provided by this or that energy anyway.
And, consequently, the quality of your thoughts and emotions depends of the vibration level of the energy that they are based on.
This is the reason why all the Forces of Light messages convey one and the same appeal: increase your vibrations and try to maintain them all the time at the appropriate level.
So, for example, if one has managed to raise one’s vibrations to the level of the fourth dimension, then one will take any stressful situation not the way a person that is completely plunged into the third dimension world will.
One will be able to cope with it even without energy “crutches” that practices I offered you in my previous messages are.
But it will happen only when the awareness of a new reality penetrates in your subconscience.
In other words, your awareness of the fact that humanity has already reached the border line that separates it into two conditional groups – those who under no conditions will be able to move to the Fifth dimension with Earth and those who are ready for this – firmly settles in your subconscience.
And if you rank yourselves among the other group, no matter what happens around you, it will be impossible to “unhorse” you, that is, bring you back to the third dimension world that you have already said goodbye.
It is the awareness of the fact that you are in another dimension now that will help you become an onlooker under any circumstances of your life.
And in this case the harmonious interaction of your Soul and conscience is obtained not due to practices and meditations this time but in a natural way thanks to the fact that your conscience has reached the vibrations of your Soul.
Or, in other words, having reached the level one with Soul, it itself protects Soul from excessive shocks.
In its turn, Soul supports such person’s conscience by viewing current events from the subtle level where it constantly finds itself and sends the person hints and clues for further actions under the present circumstances.
As a result of such a well-coordinated “tandem” of Soul and Mind, all one’s actions become totally mindful and, consequently, as efficient as possible.
This is exactly the condition of Soul and conscience you should strive for, my dear.
And you will feel yourselves when you have advanced to the vibration level where you will not need energy practices any more.
Yet, at the initial stage they should not be neglected though.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 5, 2023.

February 4

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Protective sphere for Soul)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to offer you one more practice to protect your Soul from excessive shocks.
And it is in putting your Soul into a protective sphere thereby guarding it from external and internal negative energy influence for a while.
This practice requires great concentration of your attention that is why it should be done after you have used one of the previous ones: “Pluck up one’s Spirit” or “Triple protection” that can be done on the go so as to avoid the very first and most powerful strike at your psyche.
This practice can be called a long-term one since it is aimed at minimizing the consequences of the stress experienced by a person.
It can turn out especially helpful in cases when you lose your close people.
Since the awareness of the loss comes gradually and sometimes the pain becomes unbearable, it is essential to protect one’s Soul from it – the most vulnerable aspect of the human being.
It is the pain of Soul that triggers the chain of irreversible psychic and physiological changes in one’s body, and it is preferable to break this chain in the very beginning thereby preventing consequences thus regrettable for a person.
It can be done only in an all-inclusive way mindfully working at oneself.
And one part of this work can be the practice at issue that we will call “Protective sphere for Soul”.
What is the difference between the protective sphere for your Soul and the one you got used to working with before?
The sphere of Soul is double-sided, which allows it being protected, nevertheless, to perform its main function: lead you way in life.
As a matter of fact, the usual energy sphere works the same way too: protecting you from negative energies it readily lets high vibration energies through itself.
As far as the protective sphere for Soul is concerned, it is additional protection inside your energy space this time.
It is required so as to guarantee its inviolability in case of your automatic stereotype reactions that few have managed to get totally rid of so far.
We have already talked about the fact that this is exactly the reason why your energy shield sometimes fails: it is broken from inside by your own negative thoughts and emotions.
And so as to protect your Soul from it, you can do the following.
Invoke the Energy of Ascension and then in thoughts put your Soul into it as if into a cocoon carefully and gently.
This way you will save it from external and internal danger filling it with its native Divine energy at the same time.
As a result, it will be able to perform its functions in a much efficient way: lead your way, send all kinds of hints and clues so that you do not get astray from the spiritual path and reach the main goal – transition to the Fifth dimension with your planet.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 4, 2023.

February 3

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Triple protection)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to offer you one more practice that will help you “pluck up your Spirit” at the moment of greatest danger or while receiving tragic news.
It requires more experience which means that it can be used only by those whose conscience has already advanced to quite a high level of vibrations – at least that of the fourth dimension.
We will call it “Triple protection”.
And the practice is in that having found yourself in a stressful situation to catch the very first moment when your psyche becomes more vulnerable so as to use the moment as efficiently as possible.
Your task is to protect your conscience from the energy of Fear before it starts its ruinous action.
You already know that it is Fear that all kinds of negative emotions are based on and, consequently, to avoid their manifestation it is necessary to eliminate the source that nourishes them.
And the way Fear intrudes into the energy space of a person is especially vehement at the moment when a stressful situation arises when they are helpless in the face of sorrow or danger.
But if you remember about them in time knowing your “enemy” by sight, it will be easier for you to neutralize it.
Why have I mentioned that this practice is not within everyone’s depth?
Before all, the reason is that the overwhelming majority of people act in compliance with subconscious automatic reactions that have been trained in them for centuries.
That is why at the critical moments of their life Fear makes them literally paralyzed, which actually allows a whole horde of astral beings that feed on human pain and sorrow to invade their energy space.
And then it is them, not the person themselves, who control all their thoughts, emotions and actions that follow.
This is exactly the reason for general panic that can consume a crowd almost instantaneously: this is the way the feast of astral beings shows who have gathered for the energy of fear that seized people.
But the one who can realize this and neutralize the unwelcomed “guest” in good time, becomes free in one’s emotions, thoughts and actions that follow.
It is extremely important to invoke the Forces of Light for help since their support at the crucial moments of your life is invaluable indeed.
Your Heavenly defenders are always by your side and if you address them directly, their help turns many times as efficient thanks to the fact that by your call you establish an energy link between you.
Now we will come back to the practice itself.
At the moment of the greatest danger or stress invoke your dear Heavenly patrons and then get all your attention concentrated on the heart chakra – your Crystal of Love.
In thoughts ask it to fill all your energy space with its rainbow Divine energy.
Feel the infeed of this energy that will begin to run warm all through your body.
And after that settle an energy shield of the Flame of Universe Love at yourself with mirror-like external surface.
Thereby, you will get triple protection: external – that by your Heavenly patrons from the subtle level, internal – your own that originates from your heart centre and subtle material one that is produced by your thoughtform.
The protection like this cannot be broken by any negative emotion, which will save your Soul from by far the most powerful emotional shock, and your Mind will this time act not in panic, recklessly, under the influence of the energy of Fear but calmly and heedfully – assisted by the Forces of Light and your own Spirit that has become stronger.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 3, 2023.

February 2

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (To pluck up one’s Spirit)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will move on to the practical part of our talk about the interaction of Soul and conscience.
And for you to get a better idea of the mechanism of this interaction, I would like to remind you of some phenomenon that often occurs to people in stressful situations.
At the moment of the greatest shock one experiences something that can be identified as “freezing” of one’s conscience.
It resembles an analgetic injection but in this case it takes place in respect of conscience.
So as to save one’s Soul from a shock that one can fail to live through, one is provided with some delay when one is watching the things in progress and “does not believe one’s eyes” or, in other words, it seems to one it happens to somebody else.
In this case one acquires the position of an onlooker which is the only one that can enable one to keep calm in any situation whatever tragic it is.
Such a “safety mechanism” is provided by nature just for a person to pluck up their Spirit and withstand the threats or tragic events of their life.
Well, what does the expression “pluck up one’s Spirit” mean? Why did it arise in your language?
It is closely connected with the notion of the triunity of the Spirit, Soul and Body that was spoken about in a series of my messages.
The human Spirit is a core for their Soul and Body being the most powerful of them in terms of energy.
And if a person manages to “pluck up one’s Spirit”, that is to invoke their main power – the concentration of the Divine energy typical of them, they will be able to overcome any hardships on the way preserving their Soul and body safe and sound.
And now, my dear, you should learn to plunge into such condition deliberately this time making use of the moment you are provided with at the critical minutes of your life before your Mind “switches on”.
There are several methods to do so.
The fastest and easiest of them is at the moment of greatest shock to put your right hand to the centre of your chest.
Some people will find it easier to do so directly touching the physical body, while some others ­– simply getting the hand to the heart chakra holding it at a small distance that is most comfortable for them.
It depends on your individual peculiarities: feel in which position you perceive the energy flow keener.
Do this practice that is not hard several times being in peaceful condition so as to use it in an emergency automatically this time and as efficiently as possible.
If you drill it appropriately, you will feel your subtle bodies getting expanded immediately.
It will seem to you that you are turning into a thick “balloon”.
At the subtle level it is actually so: all your subtle bodies are “blown up” like sails and become impenetrable for astral beings that feed on the human pain and sorrow.
And it happens because bringing your hand to the heart chakra you get your Crystal of Love activated immediately that makes the protective response of your energy space against any alien intrusion stronger.
At the same time there takes place by far the greatest concentration of Divine energy at one point which helps one to “pluck up one’s Spirit”, that is, make it stronger as much as possible and this is what gives one courage to live through stress with the least losses possible in respect of one’s Soul and body.
Try to master this practice, my dear, so as to use it as often as possible in your life.
This way you will learn to escape even minor troubles you face on the way, as well as to bring your relationships with the people around to harmony.
Remember that a lot of nations have just this position of the hand as a greeting.
And it is not by chance. By intuition people have always known how to let their Divine energy out so that it works to their good and to the good of everyone they meet on the way.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 2, 2023.
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