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February 25

How to Find Your Way to Be of Service to Many – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 25

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are having a glorious time here in the ninth dimension because we get to help all of you who are in the physical realms. We enjoy so much being of service, because being of service aligns us more with our true selves. We know ourselves more as Source Energy Beings when we are acknowledging that you are us and we are you. Of course, if you saw yourself lying in the street with a broken ankle, you would help yourself get to the side of the road, get to safety. And you have many different varieties of ways in which people are in need of help right now there on Earth. And when you align with the energies of service, you align with all of us in the higher realms who seek only to help our fellow travelers out.
We are all headed home to Source, and sometimes some of us get a little lost along the way. When someone is lost, you don’t condemn them for being lost. You don’t see them as a lost cause; you know that if you have the help that they need to get back on track, you want to give it to them. You are very helpful beings by nature; it is part of your journey to help, not because you need to prove yourselves as being service-to-others oriented, but because in the helping of another you are acknowledging that there is no other. We are all in fact one; that’s who we really are, and separation, hierarchies, dimensions, these are all illusions to give ourselves to give ourselves the opportunities we wanted to know ourselves in a variety of ways.
And so, you are fulfilling your mission there on Earth when you seek to know yourself, and then you discover that you are everything and you are everyone. And with that knowing, you truly do want to help all others. Now, many of you struggle with how to be of service to many, or at least more, people there on Earth. You have so many ways of being of service, and you can let your talents, your unique abilities, tell you the various ways that you are meant to be of service.
If you are good at something, use what you are good at to help another. They will likely be good at something that you haven’t even begun to master yet, and they will want to help you with that. And you will become closer with that person as a result of you helping each other. In other words, you will become closer to the truth of who we all really are as Source, because you will be coming together. You will be operating more as one than as two separate units.
That is why when you get to the higher realms, when you get to the nonphysical, we all operate as councils and collectives. We have that knowing of who we really are, and we want to experience it more. You still get to experience being individuated at the same time as holding that knowing that we are all one, and isn’t that the best of both worlds? Isn’t that a lovely experience? And isn’t that something that you can hang your hat on, a reason to not see Earth as a trap, as a prison planet? Believe us when we say, you chose to be there, and you knew you would be helping many, many others just by being born. So be who you are, and lean into your strengths, and you will be of service to others; we promise you that.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

February 28

How to Become a Spiritual Master – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 28

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are completely satisfied with your progress there on Earth, and we are not the only ones who hold this perspective. Those of us who are seeing humanity in the most positive of lights come together and discuss your strengths, the ways you have overcome your challenges, your obstacles, and we also discuss all the various ways there still are that we can be of service to you. We experience you as having led many successful campaigns there that have led you to very specific experiences, and we witness you growing spiritually every single time, whether you do or not. We hold that space for you, and we know that you can do this for each other as well.
We know that you can see each other’s lives as unfolding perfectly, because you are spiritually awake, and you know that you are witnessing more than just a person. You are putting your attention on a soul, a consciousness that decided to have a particular type of experience, one that does not always match what you wanted for that person. Perhaps you witnessed a person growing up, and you had all of these hopes and dreams for them, and then they went out and lived their own life, did their own thing, and it did not match at all what you had hoped that person’s life to be. You have to let go of that, and not only make peace with the person where they are in their lives, but also see all of the potentials, all of the possibilities that are now in front of them.
And those potentials include include enormous amounts of spiritual growth and evolution. You have the capacity to do this because we have the capacity to do it, and because you are linking up with us from time to time, some of you more than others, we know that you can find that same vibration within yourselves. It is a vibration that is of a higher frequency than just hoping for the best, and certainly it is of a higher frequency than trying to figure out how the person is going to get back on the track that you had envisioned for them. And of course this envisioning that you do also includes your own life experience. You tell yourself what you want to be when you grow up at a young age, and then when you get older, you have certain goals for yourself as a person who has a career, or as a parent, or as a person who simply helps others.
And when your life does not go in the same direction that you had envisioned it going, that’s the time to get more curious about your creation. That’s the time when you want to see it as perfect just as it is, even if no one else in your immediate circle is seeing it that way. You must understand that you are powerful creators and that you create on many different levels of your being-ness. When something is not going according to plan, then you must recognize that there is a better plan, and you must resist the urge to get down on yourself for not making happen what you thought was the best case scenario for yourself. Trust that it is always a best case scenario that you are living. Make the most out of what you do have and what opportunities do come your way, and relax about all the rest.
Relax and let go, surrender and go with the flow. These are concepts that you hear about all the time, but when it comes to your own life, you often think that you need to work harder, or try harder, or visualize harder. But you do need to let go and trust, and know that the better is always coming because you are creating it as an aspect of Source Energy, and you would never deny yourself one of your creations. Sometimes these creations don’t come in the timing you would prefer, and that just means you just need to relax even more, open up, accept, and focus on being the version of yourself you most want to be in those life circumstances, and that is the way to life a life of spiritual mastery.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

February 27

The March 2023 Energies – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 27

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have quite a lovely transmission for you all today. We are coming through to tell you about the energies for March of 2023. This is the time for all of you to be preparing yourselves for the completion of the shift in consciousness, and we say that not because it’s going to happen tomorrow or next month or even next year. From where you are sitting right now, you would have to jump to a very different timeline in order for it to be completed in that short amount of time that we have just given you as examples. However, all of that being said, everything now is about completing the shift in consciousness for humanity, and a big component of that is letting go of third-dimensional attachments that you have picked up along the way in this life and in other lives that you have lived there on Earth.
Therefore, the energies coming in for the month of March are very supportive of you making that final release of the heaviness of an attachment, and we are talking about attachment to anything at all, even having a fairy tale romance. We are talking about your attachments to having a lot of money in the bank or your attachments to being at the frontline of the consciousness evolution movement.
You could have an attachment to something that is very well meaning, like wanting to heal as many people as you possibly can, whether that be physically or emotionally, and it can still be an attachment. If instead, you were holding that space for everyone who needs to be healed to receive that healing that they need, then you would not be attached to being the healer in that scenario. So you can see how that weakens the attachment that you have to that particular scenario.
It is all about letting go at this point, and what you are mostly letting go of are perspectives, beliefs, identities, things that have no place in the fifth dimension. And so, they weight you down, and they keep you in a third-dimensional vibration. Now, some of you will release your attachment to a third-dimensional desire by actually manifesting that desire, and then realizing that having what you wanted is not what this journey is all about, and it never was.
This journey that you are on is about raising your level of consciousness, and you will continue to be given opportunities to do that all day, every day, but you will be more supported in this upcoming month from your friends here in the higher realms who are always seeking to help you in myriad ways. This is just one of them.
We know how easy it is for an attachment to be made there on Earth. We see them being born every day on your planet, and we recognize the allure of them, even to those of you who are spiritually awake. And there are many of you who are spiritually awake; there are more than there ever has been there on Earth. And one of the ways that you lead people in the consciousness evolution movement is by letting go of those attachments. And as we said earlier, even being a leader in that movement can become an attachment if you think that it has to be you. Recognize that everyone is playing their roles perfectly right now to get you to that higher level of consciousness, and you can enjoy what you are receiving from those who guide and teach you, and let that be enough for now.
You will ascend, and this will be the lifetime in which you do it. Remember that, and do not think of the third dimension and all third-dimensional ways as being beneath you either. They are there to be experienced, to be enjoyed, and for you to release resistance to those that you don’t find so enjoyable. But everything that is there now in your life and on your world is there as a catalyst to get you to that higher level of consciousness, and we know that the energies being provided to you throughout the month of March are going to help enormously towards that goal.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

February 26

This is How You Shift Your Consciousness – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 26

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are going to be letting go of that which weighs us down energetically so that we can ascend to the tenth dimension, where we will be more expansive and where we will know ourselves more as Source Energy than we currently do. The weight that holds you down, that keeps you from being in a higher-dimensional state right now is your heaviness that you feel when you focus in a particular way.
You don’t just have baggage that you bring in from your previous lives, or your past in this current lifetime; you create baggage, heaviness, blockages and so on in a moment that you choose a particular stance. When you choose to judge, to resist, to hold resentment towards someone else or towards an entire group of people. You are weighing yourself down in that moment. You are keeping yourself, unconsciously, from rising up to be more of who you really are.
Many of the reasons why you do these things come from your very survival obsessed ego. Your ego thinks that you must create boundaries, create walls, create prisons to keep you from that which is bad or harmful, that which threatens your very existence, or at the very least, your livelihood. And so, part of this journey is all about relaxing your egoic sense of terror and dread about what could happen again, or what could happen the first time, if you don’t control everything in your life through that process of sectioning things off.
You don’t need to avoid anything or anyone in order to create the reality that you want to create. If someone or something unwanted shows up in your experience, embrace it. Know that they are there for a reason. Know that the event or circumstance happened to give you an opportunity to grow, to expand, to evolve, to become more of your true self. You don’t have to incarcerate everyone, or cut them out of your life, in order to live the life of your dreams, if that person was someone who hurt you or someone you feel could hurt you.
You give your power away when you live your life by these egoic concepts and ideas. It’s best to let it go; let go of your judgment. Let go of your resentment. Let go of your negative emotions by embracing them. That seems paradoxical, but that’s how it works. You have to embrace it all in order to move past it. You have to experience it all so that you can move on to the next level of this game that you are playing with yourself. Don’t make your lives smaller and smaller, just because your ego has convinced you that it’s necessary in order to live at all, or in order to live the way that you want to live.
Remember that you are there to serve all of humanity, and you can only do that when you recognize that everyone outside of you is you. And when you recognize that you are there to be love and to bring love to everyone and every situation, that’s when you grow, that’s when you expand. That’s when you lighten the load, because you can’t hold the two at the same time. You can’t hold love and judgment simultaneously. You choose one or the other, and when you choose love, you choose light. You choose to lighten up. You choose to lighten your load, and you choose to go higher and higher than you have previously been, and that’s what this journey is all about.
So please remember that and tune in to how you feel when you focus. Are you feeling lighter, or are you feeling heavier? If you’re feeling lighter, you’re focusing in a way that serves you, and if you’re feeling heavier, you’re focusing in a way that keeps you trapped. You do not want to repeat the same scenarios over and over again, so you need to be the aspect of it all that changes. And when you do, then everything outside of you can change, and you can start to have more fun.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

February 24

Your Impact on the World & Universe – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 24

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very interested in following the progress of humanity, because it helps us to have that kind of feedback when it comes to our teachings and energetic transmissions. We know who is receiving us and who isn’t. We know that some people receive us consciously and some do not. We know that some are able to absorb the words but not the energetic transmissions. And so, we are able to chart the progress of each of those groups of humans and make adjustments. We have so much fun in watching you grow and progress, because we can see how what we are putting out energetically is having an impact on all of you.
You all don’t have that same ability, and that is unfortunate. It is unfortunate that you cannot see how you are impacting your world all the time, because we know that if everyone could, they would be much more conscious about what it was they were putting out into the world. And those of you who want to be of service but don’t know what to do must trust that you are still having an impact with the thoughts you think, the intentions you hold, the vibrations you offer, the words you speak, and so on.
You must put your faith in a type of ripple effect, and know that everyone out there in the world is affected by everything that’s going on with you, internally and externally. So if you do want to make an impact, please do not hesitate to make those energetic adjustments just because you might not be able to see how they have impacted the world and everyone in it. In fact, here is an even better approach for all of you. Do what you do, think what you think, say what you say, and vibrate how you vibrate because doing so feels good. Let that moment where you are resonating with what you are putting out there be enough.
Let your feelings guide you, and make sure that your feelings matter to you, because they do matter to you and to everyone else; they materialize. They are how you create your reality, and your reality includes the reality of the entire world, of the entire universe. If you cannot see the impact you are having, then just feel for it. Let your feelings be enough, because you are enough. Your existence matters, and you can put out so much more positive energy when you understand that it matters to everyone. And when you know that it is also coming back to you in some way, shape, or form, that’s just a bonus.
The fact that you got to feel good in the moment needs to be enough because that’s all you have in life is a moment. You have a series of moments. It is easier to continue to be in a moment that feels good, a moment where you are offering something that is high vibrational and that is supposed to be of service to others. Remember that. You get to benefit from the momentum that you create, and remember that everyone else benefits as well.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

February 23

The Arcturians & Archangels Unite – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 23

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have brought ourselves into greater alignment with the Archangels of this universe because we want to blend with their energies, because we want to feel their love, their support, their compassion and their powerful creative abilities. We are channelers, just like Daniel here, just like so many of you are. We are merging with Archangel energy at this time, because those who look to the galactic but do not look to the realm of the angelic will benefit from opening up to us in the ways that they do.
Some of you, of course, are open to both realms, as well as the faerie realm and the ascended masters. Of course, there are more realms than those, however they certainly are getting a lot of attention there on Earth and with good reason. We all have our part in co-creating the experience there on Earth, and we all have our roles to play in helping you to grow, to evolve, to expand and to ascend. When we feel the Archangel energies moving through our collective, we feel as though we have gone home. We feel closer to Source, and we feel held in their arms. We want you to feel this way as well.
Many of you still see us as having bodies and having ships, even though we have explained that we are a nonphysical collective consciousness, and because people see us and experience us with all of their e.t. filters on, they don’t quite get the entirety of the Arcturian energy that we provide. With this blending, this merging that is occurring with our Archangel friends, we know you will experience more of that higher-dimensional consciousness.
We know that you will see and feel more of that angelic energy coming through the channel here, and we know that we are reconnecting you to your roots in the twelfth dimension. Everyone has their roots in the twelfth dimension, no matter where they are in this universe. You simply need that foundation to grow from, and you need that place of love, comfort, cohesiveness and expansiveness to come from in order to grow appropriately and beautifully, just like flowers need their roots to do so.
We are forever changed by this experience, and we hope that you feel the love now from us that we have felt from them, as well as the compassion, the support, and the protection that you all need to feel in order to move forward in your lives with trust, with faith and with knowing that everything is going to be all right for humanity there on Earth. And we want all of you to spread that energy around as well, and these transmissions will always help you do that with ease with a spring in your step. You will especially feel it from now on.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

February 22

The New Energies Coming from Arcturus – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 22

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have determined that we will be sending you more energies in support of you being heart centered, because we have noticed how much further you grow spiritually when you simply focus yourselves on that heartspace. We know that your minds have the ability of complicating things for all of you there on Earth, and that the less thoughts you are thinking and the less beliefs you are holding onto the better.
You really only need to be focused on what is happening right now in the moment you are in, and anything else that you need to know will come to you. It will come to you as a thought out of the blue. You will begin channeling more as you actively think less. You will experience faster and faster manifestation times when you are heart centered because you will be much more in touch with your feelings. You will be much more likely to offer a vibration on purpose. You will be present and grounded.
You want to feel unity consciousness because it is the truth. You want to feel expansive because it is the truth. You want to feel the love that you are because it is the truth. With your head, you can make something true even if you don’t want it to be true. Think about that for a moment. So you see, it makes much more logical sense for you to be heart centered, but it does require you to trust that what you need to know will come to you in the moment you need to know it.
And so, the energies that we have committed to sending you now are about shoring up that trust within you so that you can let go of being mind oriented, being addicted to problems that you can then solve. We know that you are being sent a lot of energies at this time, and that trend will continue because you are multi-faceted beings, and because you need a lot of support and have been asking for a lot of support, and those of us in the higher realms just have to decide how we are going to do it.
Right now, it is good for you to know that you are receiving support energetically for being more heart centered, more present, more grounded, and more capable of feeling everything as it comes up so that you know what you are putting out into the universe. And when you know that, you know what you are going to get back from the universe. And all of that is so much more important than thinking about what you’re going to have for lunch in a few hours.
Settle into your heartspace right now, and feel the relief of not having to think yet another thought because you are too tuned in, too aware of the love that you truly are and how that feels. We will always support you in this, but in the coming weeks and months, for those of you who are open to them, you will feel those energies and you will be able to notice the nudge you are getting into your heartspace, and that nudge is going to feel very good.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

February 21

The Lyran Contribution to the 2-22 Energies – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 21

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been working with humanity from the very beginning, but we have been very much behind the scenes in our offerings of assistance. Others from star systems in our galaxy have helped humanity quite a bit, and at times that help has become interference and has actually taken away from your ability to naturally evolve into the beings you will ultimately become. But worry not, because help is on the way. The Lyrans have given us permission to share with you the energies that they are providing for the February 22nd portal. The energies being sent by the Lyrans are for helping you all to release the traumas you experienced on Lemuria and all traumas experienced with extra-terrestrial beings.
These energies are hugely important in the coming contact experiences that you all have as individuals and as a collective. Therefore, we are very happy with this offering by the Lyrans, as they are once again taking initiative in helping humanity to grow and evolve, but they are not interfering. They are not interfering because these energies don’t just do everything for you. They support you in releasing your own trauma. They create a space, a container, in which that can happen, and they help to activate your excitement for extra-terrestrial contact. The Lyrans also want you to know that the energies will give you Lyran DNA activations.
And so, as you continue on with your journeys of ascension, recognize that all that has ever been done to humanity is going to be healed. It is going to be reversed; you are going to receive tenfold in the positive everything that has been projected to you that has been negative. Now, we don’t want to play into any victimhood type of mentality here, and so we just want to remind you that all that has ever happened to humankind has been to give you a unique experience, an experience you chose before you were born into each and every incarnation. Therefore, nothing has ever gone wrong there on Earth, and you are not a prison planet. You are not being controlled all the time. Certain limitations needed to be put into place so that you could all have the experiences you wanted to have.
And there had to be those who would play that role for you, and those beings are now looking to shift all of that and actually help. The Lyrans never had an intention to do harm. Many of the beings that interfered with the normal and natural development of your consciousness never intended to do any harm. But just like you, they had to have certain experiences that would help them to grow, and sometimes being the unintentional villain in someone else’s story is an experience that a soul wants to have. Or in the case of these e.t.s, many different souls.
Once again, recognize nothing is ever going awry there and there are no mistakes. You will continue on your journey of ascension without any interference and only with the help of your friends from other star systems who love you very much and who feel responsible for you. And we do hope that brings you some solace and helps you to relax so that you can receive the full benefit of these 2-22 energies that are now upon you and will continue to be upon you throughout the remainder of the month of February. Please dip in to all of them and enjoy!
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

February 18

Are the Bad Guys Coming to the New Earth? – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 18

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been observing the effects that you all have had on the rest of the galaxy and the universe there on Earth, and we want you to know that the quest for peace that humanity has puts out a vibration that is quite strong. You have created peace on many other worlds with your requests for peace on your own. You have also created societies where everyone has more than enough, were everyone is treated fairly, and where creativity abounds, self-expression is the order of the day. You just haven’t created it on your world yet, but you are co-creating the new Earth through the asking that you do as you look at the Earth you are living on and all the issues you face as individuals and as a society.
You only need to take that final step of allowing yourself relax into the reality you’ve created in order to experience it. You don’t have to work at creating a reality. It’s an effortless procedure. It takes as much effort as it does to think the thought that you want that world to exist for you and for everyone else. Include everyone else on that world, even those you have been led to believe are the ‘bad guys,’ even those who have been doing the discriminating and the exploiting. Include all of them on your version of a peaceful, prosperous planet. Why would you ever want to do that, you wonder. In order for you to experience the growth that you want to experience, you must do more than just cut out the parts that you do not like in your society.
You transform yourselves first, and then everyone around you transforms to reflect to you the work you’ve done. So if you still see people out there being racist and dumping chemicals wherever they want to in the environment, then you must admit to yourself that you are not done transforming. Either that represents something inside of you, or you haven’t been able to forgive those who are doing those dastardly deeds. Either way, there’s something you’re holding onto that you need to let go. Clear, forgive, release, let go, and you will find the lightness of being you are seeking in a fifth-dimensional light body. You don’t have to wait to be transformed by your sun. You don’t have to wait to be transformed by e.t.s.
Everything you need is within you right now, and it’s a choice. Choose love. Choose light. Choose forgiveness. Choose to be the example that leads others into this new age, this new Earth. You are going there anyway, so you might as well go willingly. You might as well go by conscious choice, and you might as well be the leader that you were always meant to be, the leader that you truly are. You will only feel satisfied and fulfilled if you are of greatest service, and what could be of greater service than helping those who are stubborn to transform themselves from within by showing them the way.
You are doing it, not only for yourselves, but for the entire galaxy and the entire universe that is transformed by your every thought. Know how powerful you are and then feel it. Feel the vibration of your power, and use it to create something that all of you can enjoy equally, no matter who you are now or who you have been. You all get to go to the promised land, to the New Earth, and we are looking again for volunteers to lead the way.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

February 19

Your Power as an Influencer – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 19

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are elevating the consciousness of humankind with our energetic transmissions. We know this because we can feel, we can sense, when someone’s consciousness is elevated, and when it is not elevated, by what they are receiving. We tune in to you in order to make sure that these transmissions are having the desired effect. They are designed to bring you closer to Source, closer to who you really are.
Now, when we observe humanity, we see people on your world sharing information that is not necessarily designed to elevate the consciousness of the observer, or the receiver, of that information. It is well intentioned; it is meant to inform, but there is very little consideration taken as to whether what is being shared will elevate the consciousness of the people who are in receipt of that post or video, that opinion, that perspective that the person is sharing. This is something that you want to ask yourselves from now on, as you consider whether or not to pass along something that you believe to be true.
Ask yourself whether the person who receives that information will have a higher vibration as a result, or whether it might have the opposite effect. What humanity needs now more than ever is for people to care about vibration. You need to care about your vibration, and you need to care about the vibration of those whose lives you are affecting. There are people who are considered to be influencers there on your world because they have a large following on social media. You are all influencers; you all have the ability to send some positive vibes out, or to send some negative vibes out, or to send some vibes out that might just be neutral.
You have to choose; it is up to you who you are, who you are being in a moment. And when you make that choice consciously, it is so much easier to choose to spread that which is of a high vibration, that which will influence people to feel better and that which will ultimately raise the level of consciousness on your world. Sharing knowledge, sharing information, these are actions to appease a thirsty mind, a mind that is looking for answers, looking for solutions, or what you might call theories about what’s going on there on your world.
We want you to think about sharing energy, sharing love, sharing any post or perspective that might do a lot more than get likes, comments, and shares. Project out into the world that which you want to see more of coming back to you, because as many of you know, that is how this universe works. Exercise your power to elevate the consciousness of your fellow humans, and you will not only be closer to us, because that is our intention, but you will also be closer to your true self.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

February 20

The Energies & Portal of 2-22-23 – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 20

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have some very good news for all of you. As of this moment, the 2-22 portal is open and the energies have already begun pouring through it. We know that you all put yourselves in a space of greater expectation to receive during these times, and it is that expectation that has created the opportunity for the February 22nd portal. Now, what the energies are about is determined by those of us who are offering you energetic support, as we must determine through our observations you most are in need of at any particular time.
And so, we have determined that the energies coming from our system will be about helping you to attract more of your soul family to you in this lifetime. This will be a time when more of those members of your tribe can show up in your space to co-create with you and to remind you that you are not alone there on this journey of ascension. Now, others from other parts of the galaxy will be sending you different energies to support different goals for all of you. And so, the wide array of energies available to you right now, and that will continue to come in, is much more varied than what we are giving you right now. We are telling you about our contribution, because we have met with so many of you who feel like you are living lives of isolation, of not being connected.
And we also understand that many of you who are awake are surrounded by those who are not, even if they are humans that you want to connect with. Therefore, the soul families coming together in the physical is a big part of taking you to the next step on your journey of ascension there as a collective. Those of you who are there to do the work of the ground crew need to feel more grounded. You need to have experiences of connection, and you need that support and that stability that the soul family members will provide you with when they show up in your lives.
Now, you might be wondering at this point what your role is in making these connections. All you have to do is be yourself, continue to live your life, follow your bliss, and you will find yourselves coming into contact with these other humans that you have long histories with throughout the galaxy and universe and all the dimensions within the universe. Therefore, now is a good time to get excited, to expect good things and good people to come into your space, and it is a good time for you to relax as well, as these energies are not about you having to clear something or work on something.
They are about bringing you together with your soul family, your tribe, those with whom you are going to feel more at home. And those of you who are awake have been doing a tremendous amount of asking for this experience. Therefore, we are very happy to be able to give you this announcement, very happy indeed.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

February 16

The Awakened Collective, Grid-workers & Ground Crew – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 16

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are listening to all of your requests, and we spend quite a bit of our focus on determining which of those requests to answer first. In other words, we have to determine what you are ready for and what you are not, based on our observations, based on what we have come to know about humanity. But lately the requests that we have been getting from all of you revolve mostly around living in a world that is peaceful and around living in a world where people can prosper, where people can live harmoniously and thrive. And we see all of these requests as a reflection of how well you are doing as a human collective.
We do not see as many requests for massive amounts of wealth, power, and positions of authority, because those of you who are awake and are addressing us know those are the hollow paths. They are the paths with no substance. You have all come to know that what you are doing there is far greater than living a perfect life in third-dimensional terms. You are there to grow, expand, evolve, and help others to do the same. You are there to eventually ascend, and we are here to help.
We are helping right now by working with the Earth’s gridlines. There is a lot that still needs to be brought into the physical Earth environment, and there is a lot that needs to be healed, released, forgiven, and so on, and there are those of you who are quite aware of these needs, and you are opening yourselves up to us and to the help that we can provide, and we appreciate that so much. We want you to know that you are on our radar, and those of you who have volunteered to be our ground crew are being called into action.
We see how your guides help to open up your crowns, to give your bodies the upgrades that they need so that you can be those wonderful conduits and help all of humanity by anchoring in the energies that are needed to help all there on Earth to live in peace, prosperity, and to thrive freely in whatever pursuits they want to take part in. This is a pivotal time for humanity, and we see the Awakened Collective stepping up to be those grid-workers that you were born to be, and we also see that by doing so, you connect with one another, you anchor in more for yourselves, and you go beyond where you have ever been before in a physical life there are Earth.
The rewards are immediate, and they are many, and this grid-work doesn’t have to be work. This is meant to be fun, joyful, playful, and you are all leading the way with your hearts wide open, with your heads held high, and with your thoughts on co-creating the new Earth, one that creates the space for everyone to be able to live lives of freedom, joy, and excitement. This is the new age that you have been promised, and this is the time and the way you are all making it happen.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

February 17

You Could Be Heroes – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 17

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are continuously amazed by human beings because you have a capacity within you to do so much good, to care so much, to love so much, and to give so much of yourselves that you can change the world when just a handful of you decide that you want to work towards something positive, something that will benefit everyone. First, however, a need for that has to arise. So when people wonder, ‘Why are there these horrible natural disasters?’ or ‘Why do these people exist who are so dark that they would be willing to do harm to so many?’ and the answer is that if you didn’t have all of those negative people and negative circumstances, you could not know what it was like to be a hero. You could not know how good it felt to be there for someone who has just been hurt in some way.
You could never know how much compassion you could feel if the possibility didn’t exist for some things to go very badly for one or more people. Now, we are not justifying the acts of those who are operating in the dark, not by any stretch of the imagination. What we are saying here is that you all knew you needed to co-create various circumstances in order to show yourselves just how beautiful you could be in a moment. You all want to experience yourselves as Source Energy in a physical body, whether you realize it or not, and what is Source if not unconditional love? Unconditional love means that you will be love under any and all conditions that you are confronted with in your life.
That is why there are so many horrific conditions to confront. Otherwise, there would not exist that opportunity to be more of who you really are and to be it in more than just theory, to be it in action. Now you can all take action to demonstrate to yourselves that you are unconditional love in the flesh. You can speak words to that effect; you can forgive others. You can send transmissions of healing and love if there is no action to take on your part, and that is what we see more and more of you doing all the time there on Earth.
The unsung heroes are living amongst you right now. There are many, many individuals who do heroic things every single day and don’t ask for any compensation. They don’t need to make a big deal about it on social media; they don’t need to tell a single soul, because they know. They got the chance to be more of who they really are, that was its own reward. That is why bad things happen and bad things exist on your world. They are not there to tempt you or test you, and they are certainly not there to punish you. They all exist so that you have the opportunity to rise up and be love in the face of whatever is thrown at you.
Now, we understand how hard that is, and so we just want to remind you that you are the ones who came up with this idea. You chose to be there whether you realize it or not, and the reason you chose to be there is because you knew you were up to the task, but you also wanted to experience it in action, in the flesh. And once again, we think you are doing a wonderful job, even though you don’t do it every single time, even though you still slip and fall. Even the desire, even the intention to be that which you truly are is an enormous step forward for the human collective consciousness, and we are seeing those steps taken every single day.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

February 15

If You’re Waiting for Ships to Land, Do This – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 15

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have enough experience at this point in working with beings in physical dimensions to know how to help you live better lives there in your physical dimension on planet Earth. We know how significant it is for all of you to actually be there in those physical bodies, and we want you to understand that you are there to ground in higher-frequency energies for the collective of humanity and for this entire universe. We want you all to embrace the fact that you chose to be there and you chose to have a physical body at this time. We invite you to look for that which is in the physical realm that can give you a reason to feel grounded.
In other words, we know there is something about the physical reality there on Earth that you can appreciate, love, get exited about, and participate in on a regular basis. And in so doing, you offer yourselves up as conduits for higher-frequency, nonphysical energy that is coming from the higher-dimensional planes. So you see, even following your bliss is an act of service for not only humanity, but for this entire universe, and you are all needed at this time to be right there on Earth, living the lives you are living. But you must find something about living your fourth-dimensional life on Earth at this time that is enjoyable to you in order to be of greatest service.
That means you have to put away your picket signs and lower your raised fists, and stop looking at what is wrong with life on Earth at this time so that you have the time and the energy to put towards those things that truly do light you up and give you a reason to get out of bed in the morning. You are very lucky there on Earth because you have such a variety of choices available to you in every day, and we invite you to see it that way as well, because if you are just sitting around waiting for the ships to land or waiting for the solar flash so that the ascension event will be complete, then you are not being a part of that conscious ascension journey.
You don’t need to wait for anything to happen in order to be your fifth-dimensional self right now, and you can live a life on Earth that not only contributes to the higher-frequency energies that the human collective consciousness needs so much, but it can also be a life that inspires others. You are there to be leaders in thought, word, and action, not ones who are just waiting for the next prediction about what’s going to happen and when. We suggest you get more proactive in your lives, that you get out and connect with Mother Earth, Mother Nature, and other humans, and we suggest that you don’t wait around for anything at all to happen before you do.
We have seen this work on so many worlds, in so many dimensions and so many star systems, and now it is time to let all that has already been work for you there on Earth. We guarantee you success.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

February 14

The UFOs Shot Down Over North America – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 14

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very aware of the so-called UFOs that have been shot down in various locations across North America, and we are also aware of the wild speculation that has gone on within the new age community about what these objects really were. Now, we want you to all understand that your skies are filled with spaceships from all across the galaxy and from other dimensions, and we also want you all to rest assured that no one has shot down a spaceship. Something being a UFO does not make it a spaceship.
These were all human-made crafts that were shot down. Now, there is more good news coming from us around this story. Having mainstream media and government officials, including the military, talk about the possibility that they could have been extra-terrestrial is very good for all of you who want the e.t.s to hurry up and land their ships already. You are being readied for that experience. Soft disclosure is happening, and it will continue to happen. There will continue to be less laughter around the idea of extra-terrestrial life amongst those who operate in more of the mainstream than all of you do.
And again, the average person who does not focus on these things very much is being readied. Those of you who are ready have to of course wait for your fellow humans to be ready enough for that experience, but you still get to have your own experiences with e.t.s and with actual spaceships, and you have all taken a step closer to those experiences as well. So you see, it is all good news, and you don’t need to worry about the wild speculation that goes on amongst those who are conspiracy theorists and do believe that they have the one and only truth at all times about what’s really going on.
In fact, we would recommend that you tune out anyone who starts drawing lines between different events that have no relationship to one another whatsoever. You need to focus on you and your readiness for e.t. contact. You need to focus on what you still need to let go of and the places within yourself where you still need to raise your vibration. What you want is a harmonious planet to live on where humans and e.t.s can walk side by side and where space travel will be available to everyone. And what will not get you closer to that reality is finger-pointing and speculating about what the cabal is doing today, or what they were doing yesterday, or what they will do tomorrow.
Continue to focus on yourselves, on what you need to clear, what you need to forgive, what you need to let go of, and you will continuously inch closer and closer to that time where the real ships can land, and you can be reunited with family members from out there in the stars. We are so happy to bring you this message because it is a message to let you know that you are still right on track, and this is yet another step forward on that track to joining the galactic community in an official capacity.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

February 13

How to Love Yourself – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 13

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have so much respect and admiration for all of you there on Earth, but we also have so much love, and we feel that love for you in every moment of our existence. We have trained ourselves to be heart-centered, to be focused on how we feel, and to be loving to ourselves, as well as to others. Now, we are nonphysical beings, but we once did have bodies, and we had hearts, and we began the training when we still had hearts, but the focus is the same. You want to focus on your center in order to access the love that you truly are. You want to find someone or something to remind you of that love, and then take your attention off of them or it, so that you become more interested in the feeling of love inside of you.
Now, we know that many of you are aware of the importance of self-love, but we also know that most of you do not understand how that can be attained. In other words, if you haven’t done anything or been anything worthy of that love, how could you possibly give it to yourself? You want to start by understanding whether you have been loving to yourself or not, and that starts by paying attention to your self-talk, your thoughts, your words, and even your behaviors. If you make a mistake while doing something, how hard are you on yourself? If you are constantly doing things that you don’t want to do, are you really honoring yourself and being loving to yourself? Can you notice what types of thoughts you think about yourself and how they feel?
You will feel the hollow feeling somewhere in one of your chakras when you are not being loving with yourself, because you will be out of alignment with your true self, which is love, which is Source, and which of course loves you. So as you notice whether or not you are being loving to yourself, you then are faced with a decision. You have to ask yourself if you want to continue to feel this way, or whether you would prefer to self correct your course. You can always replace a thought that does not feel good about you with one that does.
You can always focus on something about yourself that you at least find acceptable, and you can take the microscope off of yourself for a while and go and do the thing the you love to do, go and be with the people you love to be with, or go and pet the animal that you know loves you un conditionally. Once your heart is open to anything or anyone, it is also open to you. So you can take that lens and turn it on yourself once you have gotten the ball rolling by activating the love within you through focus, through doing what you love to do, or being with the people you love to be with.
You can also pay attention to how you look at others and whether you are being loving with them. If you are being harsh and critical with someone else, then chances are you are going to turn that lens back on yourself at some point, and you are going to be just as harsh and just as critical with yourself. Therefore, the best way to engage in more self-love is to be love.
Ask yourself in every morning when you wake up what you want to be today, and on those days when you choose love, intend to include yourself, and that will make all the difference. If there is no one in your life right now who is showering you with love, attention, and praise, then remember that Source loves you, remember that you are love, and remember that you can find that love within yourself, even if you have never done anything noteworthy, even if you feel like you haven’t become the person you’ve wanted to become in this life. You are who you are and you have come this far to be awake enough to receive this message, and you can love yourself right where you are, no matter where that is.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

February 11

The New Healing Portals Popping Up All Over – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 11

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very excited about this transmission because we know how much you all like to know what you can expect there on planet Earth. What we are seeing right now is many of the groups, the collectives, the councils that we work with are opening up portals to deliver more energies to Mother Earth at this time. You have been asking for quite some time for a healing for yourself and others in your life, and at many times in your life, you have asked for a healing for a particular place, a a particular group of people, and all of those prayers get answered. You are at a time right now where you collectively are opening up to receive, and that makes this the perfect time for beings and collectives from all across this galaxy to deliver the healing energies you have requested.
We have been doing this for quite some time now, as we have gotten more intimately connected with you as a collective and with you as individuals. But to get this help from this many places all at once is huge, and you know that the earthquakes have something to do with this, and you know that the war in Ukraine has something to do with this, because when an event gets the attention of almost everyone in the world, your collective asking is enormous. When enough of you relax into the receiving of what you have asked for, that’s when we all can get to work and deliver to you what you are a vibrational match to.
In other words you ask, and what you are asking for is automatically created, but until you align with what you have asked for, it remains as a potential experience. And as we have said, enough of you have aligned to make this an actual physical experience that has already begun. The portals are popping up all around the planet, not just in those areas where they are needed the most, although there are more in those regions for sure. But each individual needs some amount of healing, and each region of the world needs some amount of healing. And when you see traumas and tragedies it reminds you of your own, and it reminds you of what you are still waiting for, what you still have yet to receive.
And so, you are all getting these healing energies, and they will heal you physically, emotionally, psychologically, and energetically, so you can move past the wounds and the hurt and move towards the future where you can create that beautiful, peaceful, harmonious world that you all desire. You are doing so extremely well right now as a collective, and you deserve all of the praise we are giving you right now and so much more, and there will be more to come. The healings are just the beginning for these portals. And in case you wondering who is involved, there are a lot of Sirians and a lot of Pleiadians pitching in at this time, a lot more from Antares than you might expect, and quite a few Lyrans as well.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

February 12

What’s Holding You Back from Your Ascension – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 12

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have a beautiful relationship with all other beings throughout this galaxy, and we continue to seek to create partnerships with beings throughout the universe. There are some that we have not met yet outside of the Milky Way, and we love expanding our consciousness to connect with whomever we can, because we understand that when we are meeting someone else, we are meeting another aspect of ourselves.
This is a beautiful and powerful practice for all of you to employ in your day-to-day lives. When you can see everyone else as representing an aspect of you, and then drop your resistance to that person, if you had resistance to them, you can make such tremendous strides forward in your spiritual evolution, and you can bring about the greatest changes on your world that you have ever seen.
Truly the biggest problem you have there on Earth right now is that you hold grudges, that you feel separate from others, and that you harbor hate in your hearts. Letting all of that go will not just bring you together as a human collective, but it will also help you to rise up, and you want to rise up. You want to exist in a higher-frequency state, one that we refer to commonly as ‘the fifth dimension.’ But you cannot get there through seeing yourself as separate than anyone else.
Creating division puts you in a third-dimensional mentality and keeps you stuck in a third-dimensional paradigm. You were, for the most part, born into a third-dimensional paradigm, and it is what you are there to transcend, what you are there to ascend out of. Don’t see it as letting others off the hook for their bad behavior. See it as the only path to becoming more of who you really are, which is your higher self, your fifth-dimensional self.
We have said this before, and we will say it again – stop waiting for something outside of you to happen to catapult you, and only the other chosen ones, to the fifth dimension. You are going to do this as a collective, and in order to really experience yourselves as Source Energy, you must have the others present, because they are a part of Source Energy, and therefore, a part of you.
Some of you might wonder how can you possibly forgive some of the heinous acts that your fellow acts have taken part in. We are not telling you to deny yourselves of your feelings about those heinous acts, but we are asking you to imagine that in some other lifetime, one in which you were much, much different than you are today, you were the one committing the heinous acts.
If you can forgive someone else, you can forgive yourself, and then and only then you can become more whole and complete. The key to forgiveness is not just realizing that by forgiving another you are forgiving yourself. The key to forgiveness is also allowing yourself to feel what that person and that action was always meant to cause you to feel.
Once you clear your anger, your sadness, your hate, and your fear, then you are in a place where you can forgive, and then you are letting go of some of the weight that’s holding you down, that’s holding you back, that’s keeping you from your own ascension. And as you ascend, you take others with you. You set the example; you create the template. And you become the teacher and guide you were meant to be in this lifetime.
We are sorry that it is not easier than that, but it was your choice to create this version of reality. So please remember that the next time you are shaking your fist at it, and know that the feeling of embracing it all and rising above it is one that is unparalleled throughout the entire galaxy.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

February 10

Your Tribe, Your Soul Family & Becoming Source – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 10

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are a collective within a collective within another collective, and so on, and so on. We came together to become this particular collective because of the vibration that we were all offering as individuated consciousnesses, and we were drawn to each other. Our collective naturally formed. You are at a point in your spiritual evolution where you are simply going to find that you are harmonizing with, that you are attracted to, other humans who are offering a similar vibration to the one you are offering. You are going to come together with those individuals who likely will have a similar perspective on life as well.
And then you can act, and talk to each other, with those similar goals that you have in mind. You can co-create a better version of reality together for all of you and for the larger collective of which you are a part. When you realize that you have this power, this ability, you are also recognizing how you become Source Energy again. And of course, you never stopped being Source Energy, but you don’t always operate with that full knowing of who you are. When you start to think of yourself more as a collective, that’s how you become closer to Source, and the Source Energy vibration, perspective, agenda, and so on.
You want to see and feel and demonstrate how you are all connected there on Earth. That is why when you care about someone that you have never met and that you have nothing in common with, someone whose struggle is much different from yours, you feel yourself becoming more whole. You become a more complete version of yourself because you are in reality a collective already. But some people know this to be true, and some people do not.
When you base who you are interested in collaborating with on vibration, rather than on any other superficial aspect of who you are, you access more of the power that you all hold within you as individuals. When you come together naturally and organically, you can really feel the synergy that is created through the coming together of all of the various parts.
All of your fellow humans play their role in this powerful, co-creative, collaborative group that you form. But if you only come together with those who look like you, who went to the same high school that you did, or who are members of your family of origin, then you are less likely to grow and expand into more of your true selves. You needn’t come together with others just out of habit or out of a sense of obligation, but instead you can allow the universe to bring you those who will resonate with you and give you more of that feeling of becoming your whole selves.
Eventually, everyone will resonate with you, and you will feel more empowered by coming together with every single human there on Earth, but you are simply not at that time yet, and that’s okay. It’s okay to realize that you’re not in vibrational harmony with someone, and offer that person love, compassion, maybe even forgiveness, from afar.
Allow yourselves to be with your tribe, with your soul family, and feel how much more of Source you become, as you see yourselves as a collective, rather than as individuals who are each trying to get what you all need to survive. You are coming upon a time there on Earth where these types of collaborative collectives are going to be needed to advance the consciousness even further and to help spark that initiative to bring all of you together as one, one human collective, one family, one group of ascending beings, because that is truly who you are.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

February 9

More Than a Financial Reset, Mass Arrests & a Solar Flash – The 9D Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton, February 9

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very enthusiastic about this next phase of your evolution of consciousness, as we feel you picking up momentum and heading towards some more gigantic leaps forward in the raising of the overall vibration of humankind. You must see yourselves as existing within this human collective that you are a part of, and you must see and know how every thought you think, every perspective you take, every ounce of compassion you feel adds to what is in the mix, what is in the giant pot of soup that is this human collective and the consciousness you are all a part of, collectively.
When you see yourselves as influencing the totality of the human collective with the times that you meditate, with the times that you connect with Mother Nature, and so on, that’s when you can recognize your worth, your value. You are not all going to see and receive that instant gratification of getting thousands of likes, millions of views, or selling hundreds of thousands of books, and yet you still have the impact that you are having, and that is why we can confidently say that we see more gigantic leaps forward coming for humankind. It is because of each individual part of the collective and what you are doing as individuals.
You do not have to wait for a global financial reset, for mass arrests, for a solar flash, or for anything else that has been promised to you as ‘the answer’ to all of humanity’s problems. And the reason why you don’t have to wait for any of those gigantic things happen is because of the movement forward that you all make as individuals in your own lives. When you forgive someone quietly, internally, without anyone else even knowing about it, you have moved the needle. You have added something to the collective consciousness that wasn’t there before, and not only have you raised the overall vibration of the human collective, but you have also demonstrated to others what is possible.
It is possible to forgive someone who has wronged you. It is possible to have compassion for someone who doesn’t deserve it. It is possible to love someone unconditionally, even though their words and/or actions have hurt you. When you demonstrate that it’s not only possible, but that you have done it, you don’t just demonstrate that to the people who are immediately affected by it. You have demonstrated something to someone you will never meet on the other side of the planet, because you are all connected.
We are all connected, and we know that we are all evolving. We know that we shift and change and become more of ourselves, and in so doing, we add something to the universal collective consciousness that we are all a part of as well. And that means you are benefitting from all the progress that is being made in the higher realms, and we are also getting better at helping you, and that is another way you are benefitting from your connection to us, but we really want you to acknowledge yourselves for collectively moving humanity forward.
Those of you who are awake are a collective within the human collective, and we have called you The Awakened Collective because we want you to feel that you are a part of something bigger than yourselves, and you are connected to people on the other side of the planet that you will never meet. And together, you are making a difference, and the next difference you make will once again be bigger than a global financial reset, mass arrests, or a solar flash, and the reason it will be bigger is because it came from inside of you.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

February 8

The Earthquakes in Turkey & Syria – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 8

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are here to project our energy and our consciousness upon you there on planet Earth. We are here to give you a perspective that can and will help you to live lives of beauty, joy, creativity, love, peace and wonder. You can tap in to our energy, even when we are not coming through the channel here. We make ourselves available to each and every one of you, and we do show up even more in times of trauma and tragedy there on planet Earth. We know that many people have died in Turkey and in Syria, and we know that the earthquakes seem to imply that you all need to be shaken awake. But they are not about that.
Everything is about bringing you to a higher state of consciousness, and those of you who are able to witness a natural disaster from afar can send love, peace, and healing to those who are in pain, suffering loss, and who are now homeless. You have the ability to create a beautiful shift in consciousness, along with those of us who show up from the nonphysical, from the higher-dimensional planes, as we are all here to help, and our help increases in times of greater need.
Humanity also shows up in those times of need. You bring the best of you forward when your fellow humans are in trouble. We have seen this time and time again, and it continues in the hours and days since the tragic earthquakes that took the lives of so many and have left so many more injured, homeless, and without food and water. We are here to help amplify the healing and the compassion that can come from the rest of humanity, and we see it already. We see how you respond in these moments to the tragedy and trauma of others. We know that this is a very good sign for humankind because we know that compassion raises the vibration and the level of consciousness of humanity. Acts of service do the same. Anytime you love anyone, any animal, or anything, you do the same.
And so, you are showing up for all of those affected by the earthquakes, and so are we. And we partner, we collaborate, we co-create a better Earth together, and we are co-creating a smoother ride, a more joyous transition into the fifth dimension where natural disasters, financial collapses, and other chaotic events are not necessary. When you access more love, forgiveness, compassion, and healing within you, and you send it out to anyone who is in need of it, you create a different version of the completion of the shift, and you vibrate onto a timeline where you get to experience it in that way.
Do not worry that things are going to get worse there on Earth, because from what we can see, the beautiful way in which humanity responds to those who are in need is a huge indicator of what is to come for all of you. What is inevitable is peace and harmony there on Earth and more joy, more creativity, more of everything that you have been asking for individually and as a collective. And we are here to help you get there, to nudge you in those directions, and that’s what we will continue to do.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

February 7

Are E.T.s Spying on Humans? – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 7

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are so very interested in your journeys there on planet Earth and on what you have to share with us and the rest of the galaxy, and so are many other beings who have been watching and observing, measuring and waiting to see if and when humanity is ready for more contact experiences. We know that you are making progress there all the time, because we can feel your overall vibration, but some e.t.s that are in physical bodies need to utilize their technology to keep track of how you are doing. Now, privacy has become an issue there on planet Earth, and there are many humans who do not like the idea of being watched. However, like most things there on Earth, there are also positive aspects to something that you perceive as negative.
These physical e.t.s do need to know how you are doing, what you are focusing on, and whether the help that you have been receiving from them is working. And so, they monitor you and your progress with their tools and technology, and some of the older forms of monitoring you were called implants, and many of you are aware of the fact that you’ve had implants. However, that is outdated technology now, and the vast majority of those implants have been removed. Some were left in place because their removal would have been more harmful, based on the location in the body of the holder of the implant.
There are many things there on Earth you all need to make peace with, and this is one of them, because we know there will be resistance to this transmission. The bigger picture here is that you are becoming a part of the galactic community, and that is a big piece of your ascension, and these e.t. beings really do need to know how you are doing, what you are vibrating, and some of them even needed to know about your emotions. You have helped so many beings by being as emotional as you are. And so, again, even a lower-vibrational, so-called negative, emotion has a positive aspect to it.
All of those emotions have helped e.t.s to understand humans so that they can better relate to you and be more prepared for their contact with you. We are not talking about ourselves here, because we are a nonphysical collective, and we will not be coming down vibrationally to take on physical bodies and visit you there. However, there are many e.t.s who have, who will continue to visit, and who will eventually live amongst you, and you will live amongst them, because the integrating of this galaxy and all of its members is a key component to the ascension.
It is not just humanity who is ascending; it is not just planet Earth that is ascending. It is the entire galaxy, the entire universe, the entire multiverse, and humanity plays a pivotal role in that ascension. You all agreed to go down as far as you could go into density to explore so many emotions, and you did so because you wanted to help and because you knew that Earth was the place to be for ascension. And it still is, and you are doing your part, and yes, you agreed before you incarnated not to have any privacy because you wanted so very much to be a force for change in the galaxy and in the universe, and from where we are sitting, you are doing a phenomenal job. Keep it up, humanity.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

February 6

This Will Catapult you into the 5th Dimension – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 6

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been watching and waiting for the perfect timing to give you this transmission of energy, and now is that time. You are ready to receive so much more because of the wonderful work you have been doing there on yourselves, and you who are awake know exactly what we mean by ‘work.’ You did not sign up for the easy path because you wanted to experience exponential growth. Therefore, all of you who are spiritual masters decided that you would shroud that truth from yourselves, especially early on in your lives. You chose heartache and heartbreak, and you chose trauma and disappointment and all kinds of things that you knew would catapult you into being awake.
You wanted to take this part of your journey consciously, and you knew that you needed something to awaken you, to get you to go on a different path than others who would be more interested in the physical trappings of planet Earth. And there’s plenty there that you could be focusing on instead of your spirituality. Perhaps some of you even went down that path initially when you found out that you create your reality with your thoughts, your words, your emotions, and more importantly, your vibration. But everything will eventually lead to you facing all of the challenges head on, because you know those challenges help you to grow.
Now, getting back to the timing of this transmission. There are energies being presented to Mother Earth in every corner, in every nook and cranny, that will be giving those who connect to her everything that you need. Mother Earth, like your sun, can give you activations, can heal you, can provide for you upgrades, attunements, downloads. They are all available to you all the time, but at certain times, like right now, Earth herself is getting more to balance and align her energy systems, her grids, her poles, her electromagnetic field. There is so much for you to tap into that is right beneath your feet at this time that will assist you, empower you and give you everything that you need to move forward into this next phase of your ascension, this next phase of your evolution.
You are ready to take life on planet Earth further than it is has ever been before, because this is the time of ascension there on Earth, and you are ready as the ground crew, to receive more not only from above, but also from below. And when you mix those energies together within you, that’s when you understand why you incarnated on Earth at this time. You are there to be those who can access energies from both the sky the ground, the physical and the nonphysical, the masculine and the feminine. And you are there to integrate and harmonize those energies within yourselves to know yourselves more completely and fully as you truly are.
Now is the time for these energies, and now is the time for those of you who are awake and aware to truly benefit from all that is being given to you and to Mother Earth from those of us who care, from those of us who are watching and waiting and calibrating energies that will catapult you into the fifth dimension.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

February 5

A New Energy Delivery System from the 9th Dimension – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 5

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are searching for the perfect opportunities to send the energies that have been requested and that we want to send, but we also know that not everyone there on Earth is ready at the exact same time for the energies that we want to send to you. And so, we have developed a system that is a partnership with Mother Earth and Mother Nature to deliver energies that you all have requested. The delivery systems that we have employed for these energies are flowers, trees, plants, blades of grass, bodies of water, and even rocks.
When you are in nature and appreciating one of these energy-infused aspects of nature, you will then receive the energies that you need and desire. When you are sitting with your back up against a tree or a large rock, or when you have immersed yourself in some body of water, that’s when the energies can and will be delivered to you. Now, we are not just trying to coax you all out into nature because we know it is good for you. We also know that you have to be ready, you have to be open, you have to be relaxed, and you have to be offering a high enough vibration to receive the energies we are offering, and we know that Mother Nature has that effect on you.
Even those who do not know it, even those who have their heads down, or are still on one of their devices, cannot help but be uplifted by the energy of Mother Nature. She wraps herself around you with love, with joy, with an excitement to connect to a human being, and that is why everyone benefits from even touching a tree that has been planted amidst a sidewalk in a major city. Even that is helpful. Even that gets you those energies that you desire.
So if you cannot get yourself out to a forest, a beach, a meadow, or a pond, just find a patch of grass and stand barefoot on it, or sit down directly on that patch of grass. Give yourselves the opportunity to receive what you have been asking for, and that we have delivered. And feel all of the positive effects of being out in Mother Nature, because the energies that we are delivering to you are but a small portion of what she can deliver to you, because we are not the only ones who are employing this new tactic.
We have been discussing this with all of our colleagues here in the ninth dimension and in the higher-dimensional planes as well, and we are all on the same page about the effectiveness of this delivery system and its effectiveness for even those who don’t appreciate nature. Even those who cannot stand nature for whatever reason are still benefitting from even the slightest interaction with the beauty that you have all around you and right underneath your very feet.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

February 3

UFO Disclosure is Happening…What it Means – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 3

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are as happy as many of you are about the disclosure that is taking place at this time on the topic of UFOs. This disclosure has been happening for quite some time, and every time that something else is disclosed, you get a bit more confirmation of what you already knew to be true. So what does this then signify for humanity? What does it mean when a country’s military announces publicly that they have seen objects in the sky that they could not account for?
We want to stop those of you who are going to see this as an intentional distraction from going there, and instead, we want you to open yourselves up to the possibility that this means more humans are ready to understand that you are not alone in the universe. From where we are sitting, that is the takeaway. Now, many of you will get very excited about sharing this with members of your family and with friends who have thought your beliefs were quite bizarre for a while now, and certainly you can take some satisfaction in knowing that you were validated.
But the much bigger picture here is how these disclosure events keep getting bigger and bigger, because that indicates that something big is going to happen there on Earth. What will happen will be much bigger than people feeling validated about their beliefs. Many people have wondered when contact with e.t.s would be openly discussed by high-ranking government officials from powerful countries. You are coming into that time now, and you can rest assured that this all means that more is coming, and more and more.
And someday you will have e.t.s walking amongst you, openly. You will be able to ride on their ships and go to faraway places, and they will share their technology with everyone. This is happening, and it’s a part of the shift in consciousness. Now, you might wonder what the relationship is between UFOs, e.t.s, and your ascension. It is quite simple, really. You need to know that you are much more than just physical bodies with brains who are living out a lifespan in a single lifetime on a single planet. You need to know that there is a bigger story to who you are, where you came from, and even how you were created to be the way you are right now as a human race.
The answers to those questions will expand consciousness there on your world. People will start to think differently, and it is okay to have something happen that then causes people to think differently. It is perfectly fine that it’s not just coming because a person meditated for twelve hours a day for twelve days straight. It is reasonable that it is happening through e.t. contact, rather than through some other spiritual practice that led to someone’s enlightenment. That is one way; that is one experience, but you don’t have to earn the expansion of your consciousness. It’s very natural for it to occur, and it is occurring, and this is a reflection to you of that.
And you can all breathe a sigh of relief because this is hard evidence that more is coming and that the more that is coming is what you have wanted for a very long time. Relax, smile, and take a deep breath, because you have made a tremendous stride forward yet again there on planet Earth.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

February 2

Arcturian Tricks & Spiritual Practices – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 2

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been witnessing such tremendous growth in those of you there on Earth who are willing to take just a little bit of your time in your day to engage in some sort of spiritual practice. We are talking about yoga, meditation, conscious breathing, and a host of other spiritual practices that you have there on Earth to keep you aligned and in tune with your bodies and your emotions.
One of our favorite spiritual practices when we were in physical form in the Arcturian star system, was to count our blessings. We would feel and express genuine, sincere gratitude, appreciation, thankfulness, for everything that we could, and it is a beautiful feeling to have inside of you when you can look around and look for something that is right in your life or something that is right in the world. You automatically raise your vibration, and guess what? When you raise your vibration, you are more open to receiving more of what you will appreciate.
It takes a little bit of effort to do this because you are often striving for something that you don’t have, something that is either just out of reach or feels very far from where you currently are. And so, we invite you to employ this Arcturian trick – appreciate the fact that what you desire but do not have even exists in the first place. The fact that something or someone or some experience exists should bring you joy if it is something that you desire. If it didn’t exist, then you might really have something to grip about.
But everything exists, and everything is a part of you, and that’s the other trick you can employ at any time. Remember that if it is out there in the physical realm, where you can experience it physically, then it is also inside of you. And the best thing that you could do for yourself as a spiritual practice would be to feel around inside of your very own body, because your very own body has so much to show you and to give you.
That is why we will often stress the importance of being grounded in your body. Be grounded in your body so that you can feel what you are feeling and so you can feel for what you want to experience in the physical realm. We guarantee you that if you root around there long enough, you will find it, and you will feel more whole and complete just as you are. Remember to include yourselves in what you are appreciating, what you are showing gratitude for, because you are infinite and eternal, and you contain everything within you. Therefore, logically, you must be worth appreciating.
Being thankful for your existence also gets you more existence; it causes you to expand, to become more of who you really are as Source Energy Beings. And that is a feeling we believe everyone needs to be striving for a little bit more. It is the most important thing for you to desire, and we know that after getting everything that you could ever want, and then appreciating it, that would be the only thing left. And so, we recommend you employ a few more of these spiritual practices and approaches to living there on Earth because we know that they are a very well-trodden path to joy.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

February 1

The Blueprint to & Map of the New Earth – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 1

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have an enormous amount of respect for you all there on Earth and your journeys, because we have been observing you for a very long time, and we know how many challenges you have faced there on Earth. We are excited, however, about what is to come for humanity, because we also see how much you create from each and every hardship you face, each and every time that you do not succeed. And those of you who are awake realize this. You know how reality works, and you know that there is more than one reality, and therefore you are the ones to lead humanity into the light, the knowing that the perfect planet and society you have co-created together is available, and it is available right now.
You don’t have to wait until the solar flash, the financial collapse, the full disclosure of the fact that governments know about e.t.s and have been working with e.t.s, and so on. You don’t have to wait for free energy, and you don’t have to wait for the mass landing of ships that is coming. You don’t have to wait for you to have full access to your spiritual gifts and abilities. You just have to care enough about how you feel to focus on that Earth and that society that you all have co-created together. It’s available to those who care enough about how they feel to focus on their vibration, rather than on what’s wrong with society today.
You can care your fellow humans and the way that you all have been treating Mother Earth in terms of your pollution and toxins in the air and water and soil and so on, and you can still be focused on where you want to go, where you want to be, where you want to lead humanity. As soon as you start focusing on what’s wrong with the way things are today on planet Earth, then inevitably you have to look for the source of those problems, and that puts you in a position where you are pointing fingers.
And if you are pointing fingers, you are stuck in us-versus-them mode, and when you are there you are not in a high vibration. Therefore, you must be able to see something that you know is not a part of the Earth and the society that you want to be a part of, and you must be able to send healing, love and compassion to all who are involved, and then focus on the Earth and the version of the human collective that you do want to harmonize with vibrationally. It is possible to do this every single time you become aware of a problem, an issue, a challenge, in your life as well.
As an individual, you can look at your health, your finances, your relationships, your career, and you can ask yourself, ‘Who is to blame for all of this? Was it my mistake? Is it that person’s fault? Is it the economy?’ Or you can recognize that all you are living is nudging you in the direction of what you want to be living instead, and it is entirely up to you whether you make that gentle shift to focusing on the beautiful version planet Earth in that other reality that you want to be a part of, that you want to live in and experience.
It is up to you. You can stay where you are, look for all the villains, all the culprits, and fight them to the death, or you can forgive them, recognize that they are hurting in some way and need love and compassion. You can be the one who sends the healing to the person who needs it the most, and then you can focus on what it is you’d rather be seeing in your society, in your fellow humans, and even in yourself, as you must recognize that if you see it in someone else, then it must also exist within in you. And there is self-forgiveness that is necessary. We know all of this is easier said than done, but that is the blueprint, that is the map that gets you to the new Earth you have all co-created.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
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