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January 31

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Point of view)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Well, today we will talk about the way one can protect one’s Soul from shocks during this period of your planet’s life that is not easy for her.
We will act on the premises of that the one who is reading this message now knows about the transition of Earth to the Fifth dimension, which is by far the most powerful stimulus to live through any stressful situation easily.
If you know and believe with all your Soul that all these hardships not only temporary but the last ones, since you have a new happy life ahead of you, they will seem not tragic, inescapable though.
We have already talked a lot about the fact that Dark always gets thicker before the Dawn.
Therefore, Dark starts vanishing into the air for those who see the Dawn breaking, moreover, you yourselves facilitate it with your everyday practices and meditations.
It concerns global events on Earth.
But there are also a lot of problems of personal character since each of you make your own way to Light – unique and inimitable.
Some people are lucky and they enjoy their close people and friends’ support on the way, while others face obstacles at every turn and they have literally to force their way through them causing a lot of suffering to their Soul.
Of course, there is no universal advice for everyone to avoid these sufferings, yet, I will give you some tips and energy practices that will help you if not avoid stressful situations then reduce their consequences as much as possible.
And we will start with understanding of what a stressful situation is.
As a matter of fact, everything depends on your personal perception of this or that event.
So, for some people it can be tough and tragic, while for some others it can be inescapable or expedient.
Let us have a case study in terms of the present-day military conflict in Ukraine.
Those who it concerns directly – who find themselves at the military actions zone or whose close people participate in the military operation on either side – take everything tragically experiencing by far the heaviest stress.
While those who find themselves onlookers of the conflict and who get to the heart of the things take it as an inevitable stage of the struggle against the deep state and consider it expedient since, in their opinion, it is making the victory of Light over Dark closer.
But if it is considered the same way by those who it affected directly too, the degree of their suffering will decrease considerably and, perhaps, will be reduced to zero.
But this can happen only if these people’s conscience advances to the level of understanding the greatness of the moment: when there is coming the change of epochs and transition of the whole planet with her inhabitants to a new level of development.
Unfortunately, not many can manage this though there some people like this now.
But for the time being they are few and far between and considered by the people around as white crows being often accused of cruelty and callousness.
Actually, it is the other way round, their Souls have managed to get over the situation and remember their genuine mission, the very one they have incarnated on Earth for during these times of great changes.
And this mission is in making transition to the Fifth dimension themselves and helping others in this too.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 31, 2023.

January 30

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Interaction of Soul and conscience)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will study the mechanism of interaction of Soul and conscience.
But for a start, I would like to draw your attention to another phenomenon that now is not only common everywhere but, possible to say, has become fashionable.
And at issue will be psychotherapy that translated from Greek means “healing of soul”.
Have you ever thought why they are so striving to “heal Souls” these days and whether they really heal it or, maybe, on the contrary, cripple it with their inappropriate interference with the holy of holies of a person?
But, the most important thing – why there have appeared so many people recently who cannot cope with their problems themselves and have to refer to psychotherapists for help?
As a matter of fact, everything is very easy to explain: the very life in the third dimension world and especially in densely populated cities has turned so unnatural for a normal person that their Soul cannot stand it anymore, which develops into spiritual suffering.
While those who live in the country far away from the city fuss rarely suffer from spiritual disorders because nature itself heals their Souls with its beauty, peace and quiet.
But let us come back to what we started with: interaction of Soul and conscience.
In my previous message it was mentioned that the first blow under stress or while getting a frightening message is always on Soul, which immediately tells on one’s subtle bodies as energy ruptures.
And only after that there switches on conscience – Mind that starts “digesting” the information received: realizing the things that have happened, drawing conclusions, searching for the ways out and so on.
Besides, if an energy blow was powerful enough, the result of its influence on a person almost immediately gets down to the physical level too, which can show as sudden feeling unwell.
In this case there switches on psychosomatics this time.
So, for example, learning the news about some of close people’s death mostly strikes the heart chakra, and one can get a heart attack.
While if mortal danger threatens one, the energy of fear “breaks” one’s first chakra, which can result in disorder of intestines’ functions.
But most often the interaction between the subtle bodies and the physical one can be not immediate and, consequently, one has opportunity to realize the things that happened and adjust one’s reaction to the event in good time or, in other words, protect one’s Soul from excessive suffering.
You can ask me: “Why is Soul so sensitive, it does know that it is eternal and that all the things that happen to it on Earth are just a short episode of its destiny?”.
Yes, it is actually so but getting plunged into the world of the third dimension its vibrations decrease drastically and, moreover, it gets into the world alien to it that exists in compliance with the laws that are unnatural to it.
That is why even a lot of mature souls do not withstand the tests that become their lot in the dual world despite the fact that it was them themselves who planned them before their incarnation on Earth.
Not every Soul being in the subtle worlds of high vibrations can rate its strength adequately then descending to the dense material world.
It is these Souls that most often suffer from psychic disorders that present-day therapists try to cure with chemical preparations thereby just making one’s suffering worse.
And next time we will talk about the way it is possible to avoid such complications and keep one’s Soul and body pure.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 30, 2023.

January 29

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Spiritual shock)
Greetings, my dear beloved children!
For my previous message to be continued I would like to tell you in more detail about the things that happen to a person at the subtle level when they get the information that frightens them.
Now it is becoming more urgent since the excess of negative information influences not only the subtle bodies of certain people but also the whole humanity in general thereby distorting the energy space of Earth.
The first and most powerful blow under stress always falls on the human psyche that is the most vulnerable and susceptible.
But first, I would like to explain to you what psyche is from the Divine point of view.
This notion derives from the Greek word “psychi” which is translated as “Soul”.
Therefore, psyche is reality perception by Soul.
And as you already know, Soul is a nonmaterial substance and, consequently, subtle and imperceptible.
So, for example, having received a mechanical thrust from without, your physical body immediately responds to it with sensations of pain.
Yet, your Soul responds to negative stressful situations the same way but not everyone is to feel it.
Few in the third dimension world can perceive energy blows that influence their subtle bodies.
Well, this is exactly what happens when one receives scaring information especially if it is presented in an aggressive and sometime exaggerated way.
It is well-known to those who “bombard” people with the information of this kind thereby ruining their subtle bodies first and then physical ones too because any disease results from a spiritual shock.
As a result, there arises the following succession: psychic disorder being the consequence of a spiritual shock results in one’s physical body disease.
That is why, so as to escape such scenario of life, one should learn to resist spiritual shocks.
Of course, for the people who are totally plunged into the dense energies of the third dimension world it is extremely hard to do.
But it is becoming within the depth of those whose conscience and, consequently, vibrations have already reached the level of the fourth dimension.
And the first step to protect your psyche from shocks can become the understanding of the fact that your Soul is eternal and everything that happens to it at the moment is just a short episode on its long road of low vibration worlds cognition.
And even the most tragic episode of your life is actually another experience of its that will never repeat if you take it calmly and wisely not hurting it with excessive sufferings.
In order to reconsider one’s attitude to life, it is necessary to change the mechanism of interaction of Soul and conscience.
And we will talk about it next time.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 29, 2023.

January 28

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Keeping calm in deed and not in name)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we start a new topic that has to do with the present situation on Earth.
And at issue will be the way to protect one’s psyche and, consequently, health from the flood of the negative news that hits now each of you despite all your attempts to escape it.
Though you stopped watching TV long ago and do not take trust in the mainstream news channels, it is impossible to be in total information vacuum and it is not necessary anyway.
So as to work out the right tactics of your current actions, you should know about globalists’ plans and the threats they make in respect of humanity.
In other words, so as to make up appropriate defence, you should know the enemy by sight.
Many of you have already found the sources of information that, as you feel, you can rely on.
Moreover, there were a lot of messages about the way you can identify the validity of information and scan the energy profile of the people that communicate it to you.
That is why what we are going to focus on now is psychological consequences of taking information in because recently tensions on your planet have grown to the utmost, which produces a ruinous effect on people’s psyche who are living in constant fear and uncertainty.
It is especially hard for those who live by current news and the perspectives of the developments in isolation from the knowledge about the transition of Earth to the Fifth dimension.
These people either accept the rules of globalists’ game having now completely suppressed their desire to oppose them or being aware of the genuine essence of their plans suffer from their powerlessness to change anything.
Sometimes the latter participate in protest actions, sign up petitions and take other actions available to them aimed to prevent the disaster approaching humanity.
But could they keep calm being constantly in fight – inner and outer?
Their mind is busy with finding the way out of these problems all the time.
They are tirelessly searching for the information on the confrontation to the fraught danger especially if it has already come close to them as state regulations that restrict their freedom of actions.
Many of you are likely to have experienced it yourselves or come across the people under the unceasing stress of being aware of the situation and impossibility to change it.
Now it is the case in any corner of your planet.
And the psychological condition of those who have put up with their position is much more stable than that of the ones who continue fighting with the system, their government and immediate environment.
Therefore, my dear, it is time to learn to keep calm in deed and not in name in order to protect your psyche and physical health from destruction.
Now it is becoming important to you as you need not only survive yourselves but also help others overcome the last and most difficult period of Dark that has turned thick before the Dawn.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 28, 2023.

January 27

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Exception to the rule)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to draw a conclusion to our talk on the influence of the third dimension matrix produced on humans.
It can be compared with a trap for human souls where they find themselves from the very moment they are born in the third dimension world.
And this trap is arranged so skillfully that the majority of people are born, live and die not even suspecting of the fact they are inside of it.
You already know how and why it happens that is why today I would like to talk not about majority – those who live in compliance with standards and patterns established in the dual world but about exception to the rule – the people who have managed to break free from it.
As a matter of fact, they have always been around – in any times and, as a rule, produced indelible recollections.
Among such people there can be singled out two groups.
One group is those who did not wish to live in accordance with the well-set rules and laws due to the feeling of contradiction or injustice.
Their freedom-loving nature did not fit into the narrow bounds of the third dimension matrix, with each step of a person being controlled by secular or religious institutions.
Among them there were a lot of young souls that did not have enough time to gain the karma of obedience from previous incarnations.
But the freedom of this category of people was expressed in indomitable rebelliousness that sometimes bordered on crimes since the spiritual aspect of life had been unknown to them before.
It is these people who arranged revolutions and mutinies multiplying others’ sufferings because any violent confrontation inevitably results in bloodshed.
As a result, they got plunged into the dual world with all its attributes still deeper and fell easy prey to the third dimension matrix.
The other group is pure light mature souls that incarnated on Earth a lot of times and, that’s why, they were opposing the constituted power system in quite a mindful way.
Unlike the former group their “rebelliousness” was based not on the desire to obtain justice by means of violence but on the strife for changing the world by introducing Love and Light into it.
This is the very non-resistance to evil by force that was preached by one of the most famous representatives of this kind on Earth.
And such an approach was actually capable of ruining the third dimension matrix from inside.
But at that time the conscience of the most of population of Earth was not ready for this, and one regime taking over another followed the same patterns of the third dimension matrix.
This goes on up till now too since at the helm of the authorities of the overwhelming majority of your planet’s countries there are the deep state’s representatives who prevent the third dimension matrix from destroying, the one by means of which they manipulate people.
Yet, the transformation of the third dimension world has already begun.
And it occurs thanks to your unceasing energy work and being aware of this out-of-day structure being out of place in the new high vibration world of the fourth and later the Fifth dimension.
The very inner unacceptance and rejection of yours in respect of the existing reality is enough to destroy age-old foundations of the third dimension world depriving it of the energy feed.
And the more people like these on Earth, the sooner this dual world that has had its days collapses.
Meanwhile, it is essential that in your intention to ruin it you are guided not by the usual attributes of this world – negative thoughts and emotions but profound realization of the fact that it is inappropriate and impossible in the high vibration space of the new Earth.
It is high time to destroy the third dimension matrix with the Divine energy of Love and Light that is much more powerful than the energy of aggression and violence typical of low vibration worlds.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 27, 2023.

January 26

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (By trial and error method)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
As a follow-up to my previous message today we will talk about the way the third dimension matrix retards human spiritual development.
As you already know, one is born on Earth over and over again so as to “fill in the interstice” of one’s conscience or, in other words, gain the experience one’s Soul lacks on the way of its evolution.
But it is the third dimension matrix one gets into again and again that prevents one from making this ascent in one incarnation.
Finding oneself in its captivity one has to overcome a lot of obstacles making slow progress by trial and error method.
And it happens because one finds oneself in the world unnatural for people where instead of the Laws of Universe there hold sway social laws that suppress one’s free will that is the only capable of letting one grow and develop.
Servility and obedience do not let human creative potential get revealed, with the latter one being the basis of one’s spiritual development.
That was the reason for the wheel of samsara to arise, the one that is very hard to break free from for humans.
A lot of people “go in circles” for millennia from incarnation to incarnation making the same mistakes and tightening their karmic knots still worse.
And it happens in an unconscious way since almost all religions of the world deliberately abolished the notion of “reincarnation” so as to hold human souls “in leash”.
But for this humans would be living their lives being aware of the fact that they are given them to grow spiritually and develop their best traits.
They would be doing their best to live piously not of the fear of punishment for their sins as it has been the case for centuries but out of understanding of Soul’s evolution with no limits for its advance.
And then their top priorities would be not material but spiritual needs as well as maximum realization of one’s creative potential.
But this is exactly what was the main threat for the ruling top since a free person is out of control.
And it is especially apparent now – at the threshold of the fourth dimension.
No menace or blackmail turned appropriate to make people who feel free inside do the things not to their Soul’s liking which became the unforeseen obstacle for globalists in promotion of their plans on total enslavement of humanity.
As you see, despite the fact that such people appeared to be in minority, they managed to “make a breach” in the well-established firm “construction” of the third dimension matrix and launch the process of human conscience transformation liberating it from century-old mentality and behaviour stereotypes.
And now this “breach” is getting wider and wider, and now it is not a few but hundrends of thousands of people who are striving for Light that they have been deprived of for so long.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 26, 2023.

January 25

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Phenomenon of general submission)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to tell you about the way there occurs interaction of the third dimension matrix with the human conscience.
Since the third dimension matrix has been created for centuries, the process of its interaction with people was also adjusted as the code of laws was being widened or transformed, the one that makes the basis of the matrix.
For these processes to run simultaneously, each stage of society life consolidated the previous one by implanting into human conscience and subconscience well-acquired mentality and behaviour patterns.
So, for example, the acceptance of monarch power by the population of different countries in recent centuries grew into the acceptance of secular power that is presented by presidents and Prime ministers.
It results in a certain stereotype being fixed in human subconscience: whatever the power it should be obeyed.
The same concerns the religious aspect of human life: priests, as many centuries ago, remain “intermediaries” between man and God in the human conscience.
And it is very hard for churchgoers to get rid of this stereotype even taking into consideration that in recent years there was spoken a lot about appalling crimes committed by both religious management and single priests.
Acting on the premises of this, it is possible to say that in the course of time not only the third dimension matrix fails to loosen its grip on humans but, on the contrary, makes it tighter manifold.
This is what accounts for the amazing phenomenon of almost general submission of people to absurd demands of the authorities in connection with the false pandemic that was announced all over the world.
Why do I cite this example over and over again?
The reason is, mainly, that for three recent years people’s mentality and behaviour has become the apotheosis of human interaction with the third dimension matrix that has already enslaved human conscience completely.
It can be compared to the idea that many centuries ago there was thrown a loop over the human neck and then gradually it was tightened, with people not noticing it.
But now the Dragon reptiles and their henchmen have decided to make the last and final jerk so as to ultimately “suffocate” the remains of common sense and freedom in people.
Unfortunately, few have managed to escape this “loop” having realized the ominous plans of the deep state on humanity annihilation as a species.
But those who have succeeded in this will be rewarded a hundredfold getting into the wonderful free world of the Fifth dimension.
Now there is still a little time left for those who will be able to make a “spurt” in their conscience and jump into the last carriage of the train that is leaving for a new world.
And your task, my dear, is to see such people and help them not stumble at the very last moment.
And I bless you for this!
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 25, 2023.

January 23

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Illusive ideals)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to talk about one more component of the third dimension matrix that keeps many in captivity.
And at issue will be one of the most common stereotypes of the personal character this time: how to meet the standard of a successful person.
This is what has become the stumbling stone on the way to Ascension for a lot of people.
Of course, the image of “success” ranges from person to person: some people need millions for this, while some others agree to be satisfied with a modest income.
Everything depends on the environment one socializes in and what their immediate contacts’ demands are.
Such a desire for an “ideal” can also be ranked among the general stereotypes of the third dimension world since it features merely material character and is based on competition that is an inevitable attribute of duality.
Why do I raise this issue again?
We have already talked a lot about how artificial and unnatural the “ideals” are that have been imposed on a person by modern society.
But now I would like to focus on the fact that not simply they are harmful but also destructive for human psyche as they keep it stressed all the time provoking the enormous outbursts of the negative energies of all kinds.
This is what was staked on by those who created such “ideals”.
The main problem of humanity is that a larger part of it is guided and controlled from without.
Having made humans unused to listen to their Soul, the life priorities initiative was taken over by the deep state that created the pictures of glamorous life to people thereby entrapping them into unceasing consumerism.
As a result, the consumption society “has weaved another spider’s web” around your Earth entangling people with the “threads” of desire for a glamorous excessively replete life.
And there were sacrificed a lot of human lives on the altar of this desire.
Why is it so hard for one to see it so as to stop in good time?
The reason is, before all, that this “trap” is skillfully disguised and presented to people in a bright colorful wrapping.
One is constantly being tempted by something: fashionable clothes, delicacies, expensive cars and jewellery, exotic resorts…
But few are aware that it is not as harmless at all because the implication of all these advertisement tricks is to impose material luxuries of all kinds on a person thereby making them work for pipe dreams instead of living a happy life here and now.
As a result, the majority of people do not actually live but find themselves either in the past or future, not in the present at all.
Yet, it is the present that makes the sense of life.
The third dimension world man is given so few years of life that to neglect momentary joys and feelings means to deprive oneself of a full and happy life.
And enjoyment can be found even in little things.
Everything you need for this is the awareness of the fact that each moment of your life is unique, irrevocable and invaluable experience that, in fact, makes up your present incarnation.
It is especially important now when for many people it becomes the last one before transition to a new stage of their development.
And for this to happen as quickly and painlessly as possible, it is essential to get all one’s energy concentrated on gaining the lacking experience of living in the third dimension world so as to leave it forever.
But to gain such experience is only possible when you mindfully live each day, each hour and each minute of your life.
Try, my dear, to look at everything that takes place around you with the eyes of a person who finds themselves at the threshold of the fourth dimension or even has already crosses this border.
Separate the husk from the grain: spiritual from material, eternal from artificial thereby delivering your Soul and conscience from the third dimension matrix that has already had its days.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 23, 2023.

January 22

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Out of obedience matrix)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Well, as a follow-up to my previous message I would like to offer you a meditation on deliverance from the stereotypes of recent years of both your conscience and that of the collective human conscience in general.
The main aim of the meditation is dissolving of the “spider’s web” of lie that the Dragon reptiles and their representatives at the helm created around naive human souls.
Quite often in their criminal interests they apply against people their best human qualities such as love to one’s nearest and dearest and desire to protect them from misfortune.
And one more “virtue” that has been trained in the third dimension world for centuries is law-abiding.
As a result of this, it has already become a lot of people’s flesh and blood, and they dutifully obey any laws running from above not even out of fear of punishment but out of well-established belief in their conscience that it will be good and right for everybody.
To some extent law-abiding has already become a synonym of virtue.
These are exactly the qualities that were cultivated in society by your planet’s conquerors so as to put to life their plans and programmes with impunity.
And now at the most crucial moment when humanity finds themselves within a hair’s breadth of death, it is these qualities that were taken advantage of by the representatives of the deep state to drive people to the trap of false pandemic and digitizing.
At present, humanity has separated into two unequal parts: law-abiding citizens and “rebels”.
And so as to minimize the consequences of such separation, you can do the following meditation.
Let us call it “Out of obedience matrix”.
Invoke all your Heavenly assistants and plunge into quite a deep meditative state.
And then imagine globalists’ programme on depopulation and digitizing of society as a “spider’s web” that all the globe has found itself in.
But some threads of this web are really “new” – very thin and fragile since they have not been created for centuries like others – general – stereotypes but for decades.
So, while the “spider’s web” of the well-established stereotypes that penetrated into human subconscience have already took root in the flesh of Earth, the “web” of new stereotypes barely touches her.
In order to cleanse Earth from it, invoke the Flame of Universe Love and in thoughts make it run through all the “spider’s web” as if inflaming Bickford fuse.
Since all of you are located in different parts of Earth, this Divine energy will start its work in thousands of her parts simultaneously.
Imagine this picture as bright and clear as possible.
Watch the thin threads of “web of lie and hypocrisy” getting crooked and falling down in the “beams” of this energy…
And when it has burn down to ashes, ask the Flame of Universe Love to spread over to another “spider’s web” that is general mental patterns of humanity.
This “web” is much more durable than the previous one, yet, it cannot resist the powerful flow of this omnipotent Divine energy either.
It starts melting and little by little burns down.
The liberated planet and collective human conscience that is inseparable from her are as if “rising from the ashes” having thrown off the “chains” of centuries-long slavery…
Try to feel this condition of incredible inner freedom.
From now on only humans themselves can dispose of their destiny.
They are out of control of somebody else’s opinion and stereotypes of the third dimension world that their conscience has overgrown.
They are the fourth dimension creatures who not looking back are confidently moving further – to the world of the Fifth dimension with their beloved planet.
Recover from the meditation only after you feel the energy flow has ceased.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 22, 2023.

January 21

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Web of lie and hypocrisy)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to draw your attention to one more peculiarity of the third dimension matrix’s influence on human conscience.
It can be compared with a spider’s web that almost everyone gets into from the moment they are born.
And the majority of people spend all their life in this “sticky” third dimension space that prevents them from breaking out of it and feeling genuine freedom – internal and external.
But even those who have managed it risk to get into this “web” again since the “spider” that symbolizes the deep state in this case unceasingly goes on “making the web” of more and more new obstacles on the way of the person who is striving to live a life independent on the system.
It became especially apparent during the so-called “pandemic” when all kinds of restrictions had to do with everyday natural needs of man.
And it was done by imposing stereotypes that used to be unthinkable.
So, the people who refused to wear face masks harmful to human health were not allowed to shops, hospitals, chemists’, public transport, trains and planes and were cut off a normal life completely.
But then the authorities went even further than that forbidding even those wearing face masks to visit public places without vaccination passports.
And it makes sense of its own: if people make concessions so unnatural to them, consequently, it is possible to act on totally cornering them this time.
As a result, in the society that is divided into those who agree to the authorities’ demands and those strongly objecting to them there have appeared new stereotypes that they are now trying to fix in human conscience tooth and nail.
The main of them is that a person who refused to get vaccines and wear face masks is an egoist that does not think about the people around and is fraught with great risk to them.
And since it was done systematically and persistently, a huge number of people who even doubted the use of the untested preparations made this decision “out of love to one’s neighbour”.
A lot of examples like this can be cited because the representatives of the deep state knowing about the Ascension of Earth are in a hurry indeed.
And for you to break out of this “web” of lie and hypocrisy will be only possible after you have got totally free of the “spell” of official propaganda that “hammers” into human conscience the things globalists need to promote their programme on reduction and robotization of population.
All this is not new to you, yet, this time the range of action of the deep state’s “web” has reached unseen-before scales: they are now working big – not with certain countries as it used to be the case but with the whole planet at a time.
Therefore, as global should be the perspective you consider the ways out of the trap made for you.
And next time I will offer you a practice that will help you get rid of the recent-year stereotypes that have not become ultimately “compressed” in human conscience yet.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 21, 2023.

January 20

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (My Divine body is out of time’s control)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to go on talking about the influence of the third dimension matrix on your physical condition and focus on one more pattern that has been persistently embedded into your conscience for centuries.
And it has to do with aging of man and age-related restrictions.
It is a durable programme of the third dimension world rather than a pattern – the very indisputable “ultimate truth” that almost no one tries to deny.
What is the purpose this programme was created for and how does it function?
The purpose is the same again – depopulation but while it used to be hidden from people, now not only has it been voiced but is also being put to life according to the plan.
To reach this goal all the resources have been involved: wars, revolutions, artificially created famine and epidemics, economic and financial crises and many other social “disasters” that exhausted one physically and in terms of psyche thereby cutting down one’s life expectancy.
But the things that have been in progress in recent decades can be called genocide on the global scale with no exaggeration.
People are literally being poisoned by additives harmful to their health that are contained in foodstuffs, pharmaceutical goods, hygiene items, let alone the obligatory “vaccines” from cradle to grave.
And all this is gaining in scale like a snow ball.
Unfortunately, the majority of people do not realize this taking total trust in advertisement, “intelligent” considerations of corrupt scientists and doctors and fail to understand that the final aim of this imaginary “care of population” is its reduction.
These plans are so horrible that few can believe in them, which the representatives of the deep state and their henchmen at the helm take advantage of.
Those who try to communicate truth to people are at best mocked at and at worst – taken out of the physical level.
Alongside with the processes harmful to humans there ranks the programme of inevitability of illnesses and aging.
And since the conscience is primary, the physical body obediently follows these mental and emotional directives.
If one is SO sure one must fall ill and grow older, the physical body has nothing else to do but to obey.
Of course, the third dimension man is not immortal – too unfavourable the living conditions in the dual world are, yet, even here the “bracket” of their psychic and physical activity could be not less than 100-150 years.
Under favourable external conditions such as living in the country far from big cities, in a friendly environment and consuming plant food and pure water only it could be quite possible.
Still, the main condition is not destructive but constructive subconscious programme – such as “My Divine body is out of time’s control”.
This was exactly the case at the dawn of humanity but the Dragon reptiles and those of their elk did not need SO MANY slaves, that is why they have been trying for centuries to hold back the increase in Earth’s population with all the means available to them.
And one of such means has become the programme of average age limits that was firmly embedded into human conscience.
And for this programme to run as efficiently as possible, there were also added some external physical factors corresponding to it and influencing human health and life expectancy.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 20, 2023.

January 19

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Written all over one’s face)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will talk about the way the third dimension matrix influences your physical bodies since it is closely connected with the third dimension stereotypes again.
You know that any disease originates from one’s inharmonious thoughts and emotions – the so-called psychosomatics.
But, as a matter of fact, even one’s appearance – face and posture – mostly depends on the degree one is susceptible to the influence of commonplace stereotypes and patterns of modern society.
In this case I do not say about plastic surgery that has become fashionable and sometimes changes one’s look beyond recognition.
Another thing will be at issue: what impact is produced on one’s appearance by prevailing thoughts and emotions that have turned fixed in one’s subconscience.
And let us start with one’s posture.
Perhaps, a lot of you have noticed how numerous slouch people are among you.
Official medicine accounts it for sedentary life and lack of proper exercise.
To some extent it influences the spinal’s condition, of course, but the main reason is behind something else.
And it is in the fact that these people feel FEAR, sometimes not even being aware of it though.
This fear can be so multifaceted that it can be really hard to identify it.
It is most often based on uncertainty – lack of confidence in tomorrow.
So, one fears to lose job, close people, welfare and many more – the things that are most valuable to a person.
As a matter of fact, it is the same pattern again that was spoken about in my previous message: that little depends on the person themselves.
As a result, under the “load” of uncertainty of tomorrow one’s shoulders get down, the spinal compresses and gets curved – as if one is pressed down to the ground.
Well, this is actually true: such a person is subconsciously afraid of losing “earthly” – material things.
This condition often tells on their face too – they get sallow complexion, gloomy or mourning expression, as well as on their look – most often perplexed and frightened.
A lot depends of one’s character, of course: some people, on the contrary, in an attempt to conceal their fear of life begin to swagger and behave defiantly.
Yet, the appearance of a person who feels fear can rarely be harmonious anyway.
And only the one who feels inner freedom and complete trust to life can convey external beauty to the world too.
Besides, one does not have to be ideal in appearance.
As a rule, the inner beauty of such people is expressed in a beautiful and straight posture, tender, trustful look and inexplicable charm that shows through each gesture and action of theirs.
So, even by one’s appearance it is possible to say what one lives by: the third dimension world’s patterns or inner confidence of the fact that nothing wrong can happen to them just because they themselves are the Creator of their reality.
I think that many of those who have embarked on the path of Ascension notice how fast there begin to change not only their health but appearance too.
This way one of the main Laws of Universe works: what is inside shows outside.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 19, 2023.

January 18

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (We are creators of our reality)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
And there is one more general pattern that I would like to tell you about today.
This is a common belief that little depends on you.
And in this case I mean not personal but global events both in your countries and on the planet in general.
Perhaps, many of you have heard from your family, friends and acquaintances the utterances like “Well, it cannot be helped, anyway”, “Nothing depends on us” in reply to your stories about globalists’ crimes.
Well, this belief has also been created for centuries especially thoroughly, besides, since only the behaviour like this allowed your planet’s conquerors to implement their plans on ultimate enslavement of humanity.
So now the climax has arrived: with enjoyment and superiority they were watching almost all the population of Earth dutifully following all their demands concerning the so-called “pandemic”.
In the beginning, being ordered from above everybody put on face masks that prevent people from breathing properly and then obediently queued in to get “vaccines” – the experimental preparations not tested on humans.
People were “locked down at their homes”. But they took it submissively and with “understanding”.
Not everybody, of course. But rebels turned out too few to turn the tide of this absurd situation unnatural for humans indeed.
Forces turned out too unequal.
While globalists brought down the power of official propaganda over people, the “renegades” of conspiracy could communicate true information to people only through their channels in the internet but the latter were carefully watched and blocked by the henchmen of globalists.
When people eventually went out to streets to protect their rights and freedoms, there were put into action “truncheons” – forcible dispersion of protest actions and their masterminds’ arrests.
All this has just reinforced the firm belief of the average man that “nothing actually depends on” people.
Well, what can you do, my dear, so as to destroy this durable pattern both in your own conscience and in that of the people’s that surround you?
To begin with, try to substitute it for another belief and try to make it secure in your conscience.
You can formulate it the way your Soul will prompt you: for example, “We are our own masters”, “Everything depends on us”, or “We are creators of our reality.”
And feel keenly these expressions with all your being.
The idea of such transformation is to feel Unity with other people, your joint power and might.
Meanwhile, you can visualize humanity as a whole – the way your imagination will have it – or get connected with its collective conscience in your thoughts.
Be creative here too, my dear.
Try to “see” and feel how at the moment of common mortal danger you get all your spiritual and physical strengths concentrated so as to eventually break free from the third dimension matrix and enter a new happy era of your life – to the world of the fourth and later the Fifth dimension.
And as soon as you gain spiritual power, at the physical level everything will start changing so fast that you will not believe your eyes.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 18, 2023.

January 17

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Ultimate “truths”)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
One more general pattern of the third dimension matrix is dependence of people on “expert” opinions of politicians, economists, scientists, historians, writers, religious figures – in a word, famous people who enjoy respect of society.
And few think about the fact that this “opinion” is often created artificially by those who benefit from this, with quite definite purposes at that.
So, the representatives of the deep state have reached unseen-before proficiency in creating “public opinion” and manipulating it.
In their grip there are all levers of influence on human minds as the mainstream media, scientific societies and financial institutions.
All this is also integral part of the third dimension matrix that is aimed at concealing the truth from people and “feeding” them on either outrage lie or half-truth, which is often even worse than lie.
As a result, at present, there is NOT A SINGLE brunch of science left that is based on true – deliberately undistorted – postulates.
It concerns both the humanities and exact sciences.
Why and how did it happen?
The reason is, first of all, that communicating the knowledge about the Divine origin of man to people was not among your planet’s conquerors’ plans, as well as the knowledge about inseparable connection of the subtle and physical levels of every living being on Earth.
Everything was deliberately adjusted to the third dimension matrix of the dual world forcing out of it everything spiritual and nonmaterial.
So as to fix these artificially created scientific postulates in human conscience, “the boys” were introduced into the scientific world.
Not only they promoted pseudoscientific ideas into society but also ousted out of it those who having managed to get to the heart of the matter tried to deny these false postulates.
A lot of honest and talented scientists paid their lives for such truth searching.
Such policy has been made for centuries as a result of which the “knowledge” necessary for the masters of the world has gradually turned into dogmas – “ultimate truths”.
In other words, all modern science is based on originally distorted fundamental information.
How, for example, is it possible to consider physical phenomena not taking into account the fact that everything is energy?
It is as impossible as to heal people appropriately ignoring the fact of their having not only physical but also subtle bodies.
Well, these are the delusions that official science is based on.
Everything that goes beyond well-established norms – the things that are already recorded in textbooks and works by famous scientists is viewed as pseudoscience and the people promoting nonofficial point of views are treated as pseudoscientists.
And such an approach is constantly fixed in human minds through the media.
The same concerns political and social issues.
The people who are revealing the true goals of the ruling top are called conspiracists and their “conspiracy theories” are scoffed at in every way.
And it shows especially apparently now when it is “conspiracists” who have led the fight of the Forces of Light on Earth and are trying to “get through” to the other people who take for gospel the “official” point of view usual to them.
And as you have already learnt from your own experience, this general pattern is so durable that to corrode it out of conscience and subconscience of the people around you is within the depth of few of you so far.
But your efforts will bear fruit anyway especially when Disclosure gains in scale and the media are cleansed from the representatives of globalists and the journalists and TV presenters paid by them.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 17, 2023.

January 16

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Destruction of third dimension matrix)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
As a follow-up to my previous message now we will talk about the ways you can get rid of the voluntarily “slavery” that you have undeliberately found yourselves since the very birth.
And in this case you are assigned with a task that is, no doubt, much more difficult because at issue is not transformation of your own conscience, which totally depends on you, but the change of society in general.
The things that have been created for centuries not only at the subtle but also physical level are extremely difficult to ruin on a tight timetable, for it is this slaveholding system that is the very third dimension matrix is and the one that modern world is based on.
And this system can disappear only when the very matrix itself is ruined.
But this is what your goal is, my dear!
What Transition of Earth and humanity to the Fifth dimension implies is breaking free from the chains of the dual world of the third dimension and gaining true Freedom in all its manifestations.
As a matter of fact, such Freedom in the dual world of low vibrations was impossible for several reasons.
And the main of them is that a larger part of Earth’s population is humans and UNhumans of a low level of conscience.
And since negative thoughts and emotions prevail in them, they are likely to understand Freedom as permissiveness taking advantage of it for their own mercenary purposes.
True Freedom to the greater good of all is possible ONLY in the worlds of high dimensions.
Proceeding from this, so as to break free from state “slavery”, it is necessary to carry out some work not only on the destruction of the third dimension world but on transformation of collective human conscience towards the Divine.
One is impossible without the other.
And this work requires not only individual but collective efforts this time.
Individual work is about energy practices and meditations in this direction, while collective one implies actions at the physical level too.
It is searching for like-minded people, arranging of communes, enlightenment of people and supporting them in gaining spirituality that is the only one capable of leading their way to Ascension.
And the more people get involved in this work, the faster there occurs the collapse of the state “slavery” system that has had its days and on Earth there will start to develop the structure of a new just society.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 16, 2023.

January 16

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Legalized slavery)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will go on talking about what the third dimension matrix patterns are.
One more general stereotype of the third dimension world is a firm people’s belief that they must blindly follow all the instructions of the government and state bureaucratic apparatus.
To persuade people that such submission is inescapable and is not subject to discussion, it is recorded in state legislative acts.
As a result of this, life and destiny of each person is carefully followed by the state apparatus.
And people have got so used to it that no one even doubts, let alone, protests, against the fact that birth or marriage certificates, passports and all kinds of identity cards are their breath of life.
As a matter of fact, all this is legalized “slaveholding”.
As soon as one is enlisted in the state register and they get a certain number, they stop being a free citizen of the world and is attached to a “master” – to this or that state’s power institutions in this case.
And then they are imposed with taxes and different kinds of obligations in respect of their master.
That is it. The cage is closed.
And if one tries to break free from it, on the watch of the “master’s” interests there are a lot of judicial, social, financial and other institutions that by joint efforts force one back to the “stall” of law-abiding and “decency” – the way they are viewed by the rulers of the world.
Of course, there are some who manage to break free from the “fencing”.
But what reputation do they enjoy in society?
At best they are called marginal, at worst – “scum of society”.
Ponder over this expression… it has arisen not by chance.
This is how high and mighty call those who have managed to “scum” the values alien to human essence that have been artificially imposed on them.
And the meaning of this expression so pejorative has been gained because this way the authorities are trying to intimidate the others – so that it would be untempting for them to break free from the cage that they got from the moment they were born.
The things now in progress in many countries of the world go far beyond humane notions this time: people are deprived of the freedom to dispose of their own life and life of their children.
And the examples of this are numerous.
Among them is forcing of people to take experimental preparations – the so-called “vaccines” by blackmail and intimidation and setting of foster organizations in many countries aimed at forced depriving families of children, and numerous perversions that are passed for a new “normality” and are imposed on people through all the mainstream media.
But, you see, people have got so used to the existing power structure and their submissive position that they unmurmuringly execute even the most absurd demands from above that threat their life and health.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 16, 2023.

January 15


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will go on talking about the things you should do to destroy the third dimension “matrix” of your conscience.
After you protect yourself from the seat of influence on your conscience produced by the mainstream media, you can move on to the next point.
Second. Deliverance of conscience from general mental and emotional patterns of your mentality and behaviour.
What general patterns are?
Among them there can rank everything that concerns stereotypes of the third dimension world man’s worldview that is based on duality.
And, before all, it is the principle of “in-out” that has been embedded into human subconscience this time.
In the third dimension world it can be witnessed at every turn both in state relationships and personal ones.
Why is it this principle that has got so firmly fixed in your subconscience?
The reason is, mostly, the fact that it is this one that has been trained in human society for millennia by the Dragon reptiles who seized power on your planet.
They understood perfectly well that only “dividing” people they would be able to “rule over” them.
This is the reason why there were made boundaries between states that “divided” not only territories but also drew “border lines” in human heads according to national, political and religious principles.
Further on there was cultivated division in one’s personal space too – according to the family, clan, professional and friend principles.
And now it is time to realize all the artificiality of such division on Earth.
But having realized that, it is necessary to transform one’s conscience the way to work out in oneself a balanced and harmonious approach to the events in progress worldwide.
I am perfectly aware of the fact, my dear, how hard this task is.
How can you consider “ins” those who ruin health and life of people shamelessly disposing of their destinies believing they are the rightful masters of Earth?
It especially concerns recent years when the battle between the Forces of Good and Evil on Earth has reached its final stage.
So as to overcome this obstacle, remember what we have already spoken about with you a lot of times.
Treat the “villains” of all kinds as fairy tale characters that exist both in your life and the life of your planet in order to revive your Divinity.
For it is in dire straits, with a life-and-death struggle being in progress, when humans can show the best traits they have: power of Spirit, wisdom and desperate intrepidity.
Remember the stories about the facts when being within a hair’s breadth of death people got enormous physical strength activated that under usual circumstances is simply impossible.
Well, the strength like this should show in humanity now but spiritual one this time, which will allow you to get ultimately free from the captivity of the third dimension matrix.
And it is these “villains” of the global scale that can elicit this strength in you who are the deep state’s representatives both hidden and apparent ones.
And in this – Divine – sense even they can become your “ins” since they encourage your swift spiritual growth and profound understanding of the crucial processes now in progress on Earth.
The very fact of getting rid of this pattern– the “in-out” principle – can cleanse a huge “layer” of the dual world perception that has become firmly fixed in your subconscience.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 15, 2023.

January 14

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Destruction of third dimension matrix in one’s conscience)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will go on talking about the third dimension “matrix” and outline the ways out of it.
Since it is impossible to destroy the control system and human society bureaucratisism that have been created for centuries immediately, you can start with destruction of it in your own conscience.
If the former is beyond your depth so far, the latter is quite realizable and, moreover, you will simply be unable to make Transition to the Fifth dimension without this.
Well, what should be done to destroy the third dimension “matrix” of one’s conscience?
First. You should realize that you live not in a free world but in its illusionary reality.
And in this reality, especially, in recent years, everything has been “turned upside down”.
All the notions have not been simply distorted but sometimes perverted to the utmost.
Those at the helm of your planet act on the premises that “the more outrage a lie is, the more likely people will believe in it”.
This is the reason why the representatives of the deep state play big now not being satisfied with lies or half-truth but display their plans on humanity annihilation openly.
But, since people did not take seriously such absurd ideas that are contrary to usual human notions and have been introduced into human society in recent years, it has turned out a complete disaster to them.
Now it is this abnormality that is being imposed on people as something progressive and “natural” thereby changing younger generation’s conscience that has already grown up on these appalling “values” knowing no others.
This is what globalists staked on: annihilate the older generation of people who were still brought up on natural moral human values and grow a new one that totally lacks them this time.
And since these new ideas and “values” are presented by means of the mainstream media, advertisement, TV, internet and hit human conscience as a flood, they become fixed in human subconscience as new “vibration patterns”.
That is why so as to prevent it, you should get isolated from the “bed of influence” on your conscience and subconscience that almost all official media are.
We have already talked a lot about this, but I know that some of you underestimate the danger they convey that is now not only in influence on people by means of words but also in applying psychotronic weapons that have been used since long ago by those who seized power on your planet.
This is not simply bringing human conscience to submission but, actually, zombifying of people and immediate influence on their psyche.
Always remember about it, my dear.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 14, 2023.

January 13

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Third dimension matrix)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will talk again about the things you should do to transform your conscience till the level of your Galaxy brothers and sisters’.
And this time we will approach this issue more on a global scale.
In a lot of messages of mine it has already been said about the fact that to make Transition to the Fifth dimension it is necessary for your conscience to go beyond the third dimension world or, in other words, break free from the “third dimension matrix”.
And now I will tell you in more detail what the third dimension matrix actually is.
Generally speaking, it is the code of laws that the third dimension man lives in compliance with.
And these laws are based on the total control over each inhabitant of your planet and their total submission to the power institutions.
As a matter of fact, it is the slaveholding system again, with the master disposing of their slaves’ destinies.
But now the part of the master is performed by the state – its power institutions and bureaucratic apparatus, the ones that a person gets into total submission from the very first moment of their life.
Few on Earth manage to break free from the vicious circle and gain true freedom.
The so-called “civilization” has now reached the very remote and wild tribes that still remain on your planet.
This way there was set bureaucratic slavery on Earth that was given a nice name of “citizenship”.
How and why it has arisen is known to you now.
The goal of your planet’s conquerors was separating countries and nations so that it will be easier to control and rule over them.
One more component of the “matrix” is creating certain mentality and behaviour patterns in people – some kind of a general standard that was based on duality in all its manifestations.
This is also separation but of a personal character – on a smaller scale.
So, every person of the third dimension matrix tries to self-assert to get a certain status in society.
For this purpose there was created some standard too – “ideal” that should be strived for.
And this ideal is based on material values only.
Everything that has to do with the spiritual aspect of your life is now beyond generally accepted norms of modern human life.
It is considered to be the lot of daydreamers and visionaries.
Where does the expression “Not of this world” come from?
Here exactly.
The people who have gone beyond the metes and bounds of the third dimension matrix by their conscience did not fit into the stereotypes of the dual world that they treated as something alien and inconsistent with the original Divine manifestation of man.
But now so as to meet the “standards” of higher dimensions what you are to do is to become “not of this world” and having broken free from the third dimension matrix to start living in compliance with the Laws of the Universe that are based on unipolar mentality and such notions as Unity, Freedom, Equality and Brotherhood.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 13, 2023.

January 12

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Pyramid of Conscience)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
As a follow-up to my previous message I would like to explain to you today why I told you about the peculiarities of low vibration creatures embodied as humans in such detail.
The reason, before all, is that you should learn to communicate with them in a harmonious way.
Paradoxical as it may sound, but for you to be able to transform your conscience for the interaction with your Galaxy family, you should get totally rid of the negative emotions in respect of those whose conscience is at a much lower level of development than yours.
And it is accounted for by the fact that you yourselves are the same for the inhabitants of higher dimensions.
The thing is, human psyche is arranged in such a way that it takes in more readily not the external manifestations of life but its inner vibration patterns.
To get a clear idea of what is at issue, imagine human conscience as multistage pyramid or ziggurat.
And every new stage of this pyramid conveys the mental and emotional trace of the previous and following stages.
As a result, the stage you find yourselves at the moment is an intermediary and at the same time linking one between these two traces.
And so as to be getting up faster – to the top of the pyramid that will have absorbed now all your multistage experience, with each new stage you should get rid of old “vibration patterns”– of the mentality and behaviour standards that have had their days.
So, having got rid of condescending, contemptuous and sometimes aggressive attitude towards the creatures that are at a lower level of spiritual development in comparison with you, you now transform your conscience towards the Divine and, consequently, will rise up one more stage of your multistage “pyramid” of conscience.
At the same time it will make you closer to the spiritual level of the beings who inhabit higher dimensions and will reduce your vibration gap.
Remember the common expression: “Treat others the way you would like to be treated by them.”
This is just what it is all about.
If you learn to treat wisely and accept with understanding any living being even if they are not to your soul, then you will also be accepted by your Galaxy brothers with love despite all your present imperfection and weak points.
But for this to happen and for your interaction with them to move to an active phase, you should if not reach them in terms of vibrations then at least reduce the gap between you and them as much as possible anyway.
That is why, my dear, I suggest you should start with this – reviewing your attitude to those who you consider to be lower than you: what emotions you feel in their respect.
And if they are negative, try to transform them into the energies of acceptance and Unconditional Love proceeding from deep understanding of the fact that they cannot “jump over their heads”.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 12, 2023.

January 11

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (You will know them by their deeds)

Greetings, my dear children!
Today we start a new topic with you that is closely connected with the previous one since it has to do with the transformation of people’s conscience towards their convergence with their Galaxy family.
And though we have already talked a lot about the necessity of human conscience change, this time we will change the focus a little and will concentrate on the ability of people to interact not only with each other but with the creatures who differ from them considerably.
As a matter of fact, on Earth there live quite a lot of creatures embodied as humans but the majority of them rank among low vibration civilizations.
And today I would like to tell you in more detail how you can identify them.
Of course, according to vibrations, first of all.
You already know that the vibration limit for the representatives of low vibration civilizations is the third and much less frequently the fourth chakras.
The exception is some Orions who thanks to their well-developed intelligence can vibrate at the fifth chakra.
Yet, the sixth and seventh chakras are out of their reach.
Low vibration creatures can also be identified by their appearance.
As a rule, their bodies are not harmonious since they lack the Divine component typical of man.
It is especially characteristic of the representatives of the Alpha Centauri civilization.
They are, as a rule, either unnaturally – morbidly – thin and rather tall or, on the contrary, too short and very obese.
Unlike the harmonious bodies of the representatives of highly developed civilizations, their bodies being also “extraordinary” stand out in a bad way though.
Yet, even if low vibration creatures’ bodies do not look too unnatural, they cannot be considered beautiful or proportional as the human physical “casing” is not native to them and it is difficult for them to adapt to it.
But, probably, it is eyes that betray them most.
They are never lively, kind, clever, cheerful, happy or ironic – in a word, fascinating like in case of pure human souls.
And it is accounted for by the fact that eyes are really the mirror of the soul, its reflection in a pure form.
You are likely to have noticed that some people can “smile” by eyes only, which is absolutely beyond the representatives of low vibration civilizations who express their feelings through facial expression only.
And, of course, they can be recognized by their actions that are almost never ingenuous or unselfish, which is so typical of pure human souls.
But since on Earth there are a lot of creatures of two souls, their appearance and character can vary endlessly.
That is why I suggest you should try to identify the people of your environment judging by vibrations by intuition scanning their energy profile as well as according to your feelings: whether it is nice for you to communicate with them or not, whether they incite trust or rejection in you.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 11, 2023.

January 10

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Energy of Star family)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
I know that many of you are interested in the details of life not only of your Galaxy but the Universe too.
But my current task is not to satisfy people’s curiosity that is quite justified though but to help them move to the Fifth dimension.
Therefore, I tell you, first of all, about the things that you really should know to correct your thoughts, emotions and actions.
And the compressed information about your Star families that I provide you with in this series of messages is quite sufficient for you to realize your Unity and constant interaction with them both conscious and unconscious.
The unconscious interaction is in the fact that irrespective of whether you know about it or not your Star family always guides you in life securing in dire straits through your Safeguard Angels, Higher Self and Spiritual guides.
This help cannot be overestimated indeed because there are by far a lot of temptations and threats that lie in wait for one in the third dimension world.
Many of you by intuition feeling such a support from the subtle level, nevertheless, do not suspect that this way your Star family takes care of you – such suggestion seems too fantastic to you to be true.
But now you know that it is actually so.
Therefore, it is time to move on to conscious interaction with your star brothers and sisters now.
And this is what it can be like.
For a start, try to feel the energy of your Star family.
For this you do not necessarily have to know what planet or civilization exactly your Soul has come to Earth from.
You had better not push things thereby tempting astral beings to show their “knowledge”.
Instead of this, being in a meditative state, ask your Star family to show at the subtle level as “tangibly” as possible – so that you could feel the native energies.
And having perceived them, try to remember this condition of merging with them.
It will allow you to feel the presence of your Star family in an emergency and, quite possible, to “decode” their hint.
Anyway, train yourself to invoke along with other Forces of Light your Star family for your meditations as well, which will enable you to make your interaction with it still closer – conscious one this time.
And at this stage of Transition it will be quite enough.
All the rest will come to you later when you ultimately have moved to the high vibration space of the Fifth dimension.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 10, 2023.

January 9

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Adaptation team)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to tell you about the way there will occur your collaboration with Galaxy family after the ruin of the old power system on Earth.
Since the majority of people are not ready for the appearance of other civilizations’ representatives in physical bodies on your planet, in the beginning the interaction with them will be possible by means of “intermediaries” who the embodied representatives of these civilizations on Earth are exactly are.
It is through them that you will get knowledge and new technologies in all spheres of your life.
Sometimes it will be done openly but most often discretely.
It will depend on the kind of knowledge you will need.
The fact that these technologies are of extraterrestrial origin will be concealed from people for the time being so as not to provoke unnecessary stir and excessive curiosity.
And only after the majority of your planet’s inhabitants ultimately move to the fourth and partially to the Fifth dimension, it will become possible to tell more about those who help you.
Such precaution measures are required so as to protect people’s psyche from sharp changes in their life.
As soon as “myths and legends” about aliens are alive in their subconscience, people can respond inadequately to their physical arrival at Earth.
And any fright, distrust or alertness convey the energies of low vibrations, which is intolerable on the Earth of the fourth dimension.
Human conscience is the most vulnerable part of Transition because it is easily controlled from without.
And as long as such a threat remains since not everybody will be able to cross the line that separates the third dimension from the fourth one, physical convergence of earthlings and high vibration civilizations’ representatives should not be pushed.
Do not forget that a lot of your nearest and dearest will find themselves at the other side of this “border line” and their influence on you will preserve for some time – too strong family bonds on Earth are.
And only after there occurs total “undocking” of your conscience from all the things that connected you with the third dimension world, you will be able to get ultimately “docked” to your Star family and your Galaxy brothers and sisters.
And it is for this process to run smoothly and painlessly for you that the “adaptation team” was sent to Earth that is designed to provide an energy and physical “tier” of earthlings who have moved to the Fifth dimension with Earth to their Galaxy family.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 9, 2023.

January 8

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (To pacify human passions)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to tell you what goals are pursued by the highly developed civilizations’ representatives embodied on Earth as humans now.
Being aware of the fact that the process of a whole planet moving from the third dimension to the Fifth one is rather complicated, your galaxy brothers and sisters have taken such risk as coming to Earth to help you overcome the obstacles on your way.
And the obstacles are really numerous, both material and psychological ones.
On your planet there are now in progress drastic global changes: change of epochs and break of old power system.
The main problem is that only a small segment of Earth’s population is aware of it while the overwhelming majority takes all the current events as temporary hardships.
It seems to them that after the economic crisis is overcome, military actions are finished, another virus’s surge is lived through, everything will come back to normal and they will go on living the way they used to.
Few plunge into studying globalists’ plans and the information about their numerous crimes.
That is why in the coming years humanity will have to experience cognitive dissonance when all the usual things will collapse and the future Disclosure will reveal the facts of the ruling top’s crimes horrible to them.
And it is to neutralize this wave of negative energies of fear, resentment and aggression of millions of people in terms of the revelation of this information that your Galaxy brothers and sister have come here for.
Their vibrations high indeed straight on Earth now, not only at the subtle level, can actually “put off” the fire of human hatred to their enslavers.
Unfortunately, so far few can take thus inhumane crimes of the deep state in respect of humanity wisely and calmly.
The overwhelming majority of Earth’s population will fail to control their emotions, which is fraught with considerable decrease in Earth’s vibrations and those of humanity in general.
And this must not be allowed to happen – too little time is left before Transition.
Therefore, the top priority task for the representatives of high vibration civilizations now embodied on Earth is energy work aimed at minimizing the harm caused by the outburst of huge amounts of negative human energies who have learnt the bitter truth about who and how have been disposing of their destinies, health and life too for centuries.
And in this respect they will be working arm in arm with you – those who are already informed about the genuine essence of the current events and whose mission is to help humanity make Transition.
And only after all of you have lived through the most difficult stage of Disclosure together, your Galaxy brothers and sisters will be able to get down to direct cooperation with people on developing a new society based on the principles of Freedom, Equality and Brotherhood.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 8, 2023.

January 7

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Reliability and impartiality)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to go on talking about your star brothers and sisters from high dimensions who are now embodied on Earth.
What features are typical of them?
First. Unusual appearance.
They are mostly tall – taller than average, proportionally built with beautiful hair and quite large and regular features.
It is possible to say about them that they have everything a little “extra” than usual.
And it is accounted for by the fact that in the worlds of high dimensions there are no ugly beings that is sometimes the case on Earth.
It is impossible to see obese, bow-legged, bald – in a word, not beautiful men and women there.
The worlds where harmony holds sway it shows in everything and, first of all, in their inhabitants.
That is why, even having found themselves on Earth the representatives of highly developed civilizations preserve their usual appearance.
Second. Look.
As a rule, it is normally very calm and friendly.
It does not reflect the emotions typical of the third dimension world man who is often overwhelmed by passions and inner conflicts.
These creatures have already reached the condition of an onlooker who makes no judgement in terms of other people.
Even being in the third dimension world they continue living in compliance with the Laws of the Universe, and their look shows it to a full degree.
Third. Manner of behaviour.
They are noble in every word, gesture and action.
It can be called inborn aristocratism without arrogance or alienation from other people.
They feel equally at ease everywhere – in high circles and among common people since the person themselves is valuable to them, not the status they enjoy in society.
Alongside with this, they do not try to adjust to somebody to please them or stimulate confidence.
The very presence of theirs tunes their interlocutor onto a certain wave of sincere and respectful communication.
By intuition people scan the high energies of such a person and try to get tuned onto their frequency themselves.
Fourth. Reliability.
Decency and reliability are literally in the air when they are around.
It can be understood by all their appearance and, as a rule, people believe them unconditionally.
Scanning it at the subconscious level people are always drawn to them.
And fifth. Ability to express their thoughts clearly.
These people are not talkative because inner haste and lack of self-confidence is not typical of them.
Their speech is laconic but not dull though a sense of humour can be rarely among their traits.
And the reason for this is the fact that the world of the third dimension is strange to them anyway and they are not well familiar with its reality.
But each word of theirs is significant and each promise is always kept.
There is no double meaning in their words and they always dot their i’s and cross their t’s.
This is what makes people trust them and stimulates the desire to cooperate with them.
All the peculiarities mentioned above concern both the groups of highly developed civilizations’ representatives that have incarnated on Earth.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 7, 2023.

January 6

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Star “residents”)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to tell you in some detail about the way your Galaxy brothers and sisters who are now embodied as humans on Earth interact with people.
And at issue will be those who have descended here with their memory unblocked.
There are two groups of such beings.
The first group includes those who are born the usual way from earthly parents who are chosen for them especially thoroughly.
So as to preserve their inborn high vibrations they require an appropriate environment.
That is why, as a rule, spiritually advanced parents are chosen for them who could understand an unusual child and develop their innate abilities.
Yet, even under the ideal conditions as it is viewed in the third dimension world they have not always managed to fulfill the mission they came to Earth with.
If there was a failure in the programme set for them in advance, they were often brought out of the incarnation in the young age so that the child having become an adult would not have fallen to the vibrations too low for them to be able to come back to their Star family.
This is exactly what accounts for the untimely death of some unusual children with a pure sensitive soul for whom the low vibration third dimension world has turned out to be “more than they could chew”.
The other group features those representatives of highly developed civilizations that are “embedded” into the society of earthlings as grown-ups already.
And since they come from nowhere, like illegal scouts, they are provided with the biography that corresponds to the tasks they descend to Earth for.
So as to maintain the level of vibrations typical of them, they keep in touch with their Star families all the time.
For this purpose there is made an energy channel that is something in between a charging device and at the same time an “adaptor” for different dimensions.
This group same as the first one can be called a “risk group” because the third dimension world is fraught with danger for the beings who arrive from high dimensions.
Yet, for the good of humanity your Galaxy family takes such risk that is, unfortunately, not always justified.
As you know, new and unusual knowledge counter to official science is scorned at and hushed up by those at the helm of your planet.
While new technologies designed to improve earthlings’ life are concealed from them and used in military purposes or for the benefit of the deep state’s representatives.
Yet, everything will change soon.
As soon as the criminals who seized power on your planet are replaced and there takes place the Disclosure of all their evil deeds, your Galaxy brothers and sisters will then be able to cooperate with earthlings openly sharing their experience and cutting-edge technologies with them thereby speeding up Transition to the Fifth dimension of those ready for this.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 6, 2023.

January 5

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Star families)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to reveal one more aspect of the relationships of humans with their Galaxy family.
And at issue will be your Star families.
Right in the beginning, I will make a reservation that not every human that embodied on Earth has such a family since a lot of young souls have come from the civilizations that exist in the parallel worlds of your planet.
And the expression “Star families” implies the civilizations of higher dimensions of your Galaxy.
As I have already mentioned a lot of times, now there is a huge number of mature souls embodied on Earth that have come here with a certain purpose: to make Transition to the Fifth dimension in their physical bodies themselves and help others do the same.
And such a “business trip” to the third dimension world for these souls resembles the submerging to the ocean floor whose water column hides Light from them that these manure souls are used to living in.
It is especially hard for those of them who get into unfavourable life conditions, into the environment of no spiritual people – those of high vibrations.
Even if the memory of their extraterrestrial origin is not totally blocked but remains as deep recollections, it can be hard for them to switch over to Service and sometimes dangerous too because any mentality deviation from the standard of the third dimension world is treated as mental disorder in modern society.
That is why such people’s Star family tries to protect them especially diligently making use of all the means available for it.
So, it keeps in touch with such a person’s Safeguard Angel all the time, their Heavenly patrons who lead the way of each person embodied on Earth with the mission of Service to humanity.
The methods and ways the Forces of Light apply to help people have already been spoken about a lot in my messages so I will not repeat myself.
Today I would like to focus on the interaction “peculiarities” of such people with their Star families.
Since the vibration gap between them is enormous, Star “parents” can communicate with their “children” only at the subtle level.
And it mostly happens during sleep when the Soul can leave the physical body at least for a little while and move to the worlds of higher dimensions.
Such communication can be called unconscious since it takes place at the level of the Soul that having communicated with its Star family “adjusts” the person’s thoughts and actions with their Safeguard Angels and Spiritual guides’ assistance.
Sometimes the person does not understand themselves why all of a sudden, for no good reasons the vector of their mentality and worldview changes.
Some call it enlightenment or insight but, as a matter of fact, this is how this person’s Soul’s interaction with their Star family shows at the physical level.
At the subtle level their invisible assistants “weave the lace” of their destiny sending the appropriate people to them, the right information and the life circumstances that are most favourable to complete the mission that they have come to Earth with.
Believe me, my dear, not a single pure and mature soul that has found itself in the conditions of the third dimension world could reach the spiritual level that allows it to make Transition to the Fifth dimension on its own – without the support from above.
That is why do not forget to be thankful to your Heavenly assistants and your Star families for guiding your life, protecting you and leading your way to Light so that you will not get lost in the Dark of the third dimension thereby depriving your Soul of the unique experience it intends to gain.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 5, 2023.

January 4

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Galactic tourism)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to tell you about the way the interaction occurs between different civilizations of your Galaxy on the so-called everyday basis.
If it is to be correlated with earthly reality, it can be compared with your visiting different countries that are sometimes quite exotic to you.
So, for example, a European that finds themselves in Arab, Asian or African countries will find a lot of things unusual and strange.
But, on the other hand, it will make such a trip more interesting since it will open new horizons for them to explore the world.
Meanwhile, it is essential to know the customs and traditions of these countries so as not to insult the locals by one’s behaviour or find oneself in an awkward situation.
That is why each time before going to a new country experienced travelers carefully study the peculiarities typical of the country and its citizens.
Something of the kind happens in your Galaxy too when some planet’s inhabitants are going to visit another planet.
What goals do they pursue by this?
Same as you do: curiosity and desire to learn something new, adopt experience and knowledge in some sphere of their life.
But sometimes it is because one gets a desire to learn a new profession or something that is necessary for one to improve one’s work.
It can concern anything under the sun – new technologies, agriculture, architecture and even music.
Since all the inhabitants of high dimensions have access to the Universe database, they can easily get to know where exactly – which planet or civilization – they can find what they need.
They can even find out the names of those who have been most successful in the sphere of knowledge they are interested in.
And then it is just a matter of “paperwork”.
Since all the inhabitants of higher worlds can communicate with each other in a telepathic way, they contact who they need so as to get an approval of a meeting.
After “proprieties” have been observed, they set out for a visit to another planet.
This is as far as business contacts are concerned.
But there are also “tourist” visits to get a general overview.
In this case some “etiquette” is observed too.
As a rule, to get a permission to visit this or that planet one should apply to the Council of Elders that is some kind of an analogue of the government on Earth.
This time guests are met by the representatives of this planet that are assigned with this task, guide the tour around it and answer the questions of the visitors.
Sometimes even the intergalactic language is used so that everybody present understands what is at issue since telepathic communication is mostly used during the direct contact of two inhabitants of higher worlds.
As you see, my dear, you have got a lot in common with your Galaxy brothers and sisters, with the only difference being the fact that you visit different countries of your planet and they travel around the whole Galaxy.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 4, 2023.

January 2

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Intergalactic language)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to tell you about the way the representatives of different civilizations of your Galaxy communicate with each other.
The inhabitants of the Fifth dimension and higher possess the ability of telepathic communication that is why they “talk” without words by means of scanning information energy “packages”.
Yet, there is some kind of intergalactic language too.
It vaguely resembles the language of Esperanto artificially created on Earth that is based on the words loaned from different language groups.
But unlike the earthly language, the intergalactic one includes mostly not words but notions.
It relies on the very energy information packages presented as certain sounds this time, which is the material manifestation of telepathic communication.
There is something like this on Earth too, but it is exclamations rather than words that are clear to everyone.
They can convey surprise, delight, fear, approval, censure, threat.
The same applies to gestures too – hand “talk”.
It is this way of communication that is, as a rule, resorted to by the people speaking different languages so as to make themselves understood at least minimally.
So as to get the idea of intergalactic “esperanto”, imagine that their “exclamations” convey not only emotional but also sense component – the very energy information package that was spoken about above.
This language was not made by anyone. It has arisen naturally as a result of telepathic communication of high vibration civilizations representatives.
There was not even an urgent necessity in it for direct contacts of high dimensions inhabitants.
And it is generally referred to when it is required to “commit in writing” something important or a jointly made decision.
To some extent it can be called clerical language that is used at joint sittings of Galaxy councils and federations.
This language can be extremely rarely heard as a spoken one, except perhaps during the talks in the time of military operations or for clear orders given to the groups including the representatives of different civilizations to avoid misunderstanding.
The thing that is passed for the aliens’ language by some channelers is nothing but the tricks of the lower astral beings.
And you can easily scan it by their energies of very low vibrations.
Galactic “esperanto” is not taught at school.
It is easy to understand for every inhabitant of high dimensions since it is based on the vibration sense component – the same as the one that makes the basis for telepathic communication.
This language will be clear to you too, my dear, as soon as you get used to the world of the Fifth dimension and get to the open of the communication with your Galaxy brothers and sisters.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 2, 2023.

January 1

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Not dreaming but when awake)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will go on talking about your virtual trips to other worlds.
And this time we will talk about the things that take place at the subtle level when you move to other planets by your subtle bodies deliberately – not while sleeping but during meditations.
Fantastic as it may seem, but some people really manage this.
Yet, it happens only when such a desire arises for the side of those you are going to visit too, not out of curiosity at that but for some reasonable purposes.
Well, what purposes could they be?
It happens most often due to the call of your Soul that needs at least to get the glimpse of its sweet Home so as to replenish strength for further wondering around Earth in the world of the third dimension.
It is thanks to its “efforts” that you suddenly feel like visiting this or that planet or civilization.
Does everyone succeed? Is only one’s desire that is enough for such a trip?
Of course, not.
For this really to happen, one should reach the condition of rather high vibrations so that the vibration gap between one and the civilization one is going to visit becomes as little as possible.
And then everything depends on individual features of a person – their ability to switch off their Mind completely relying on intuition and inner visualization only.
It they fail to switch off their Mind completely, then the pictures they see during their meditation are likely to be inspired by the things they heard or read about the planet they decided to visit.
Or it may be the things they themselves invented.
Such things also happen to those with well-developed imagination.
Well, what should you do so as to make sure you have really managed to visit your Galaxy brothers?
Before all, you should unite with them in terms of energy and get an approval for such a visit.
You are quite likely to be received with open arms by some civilization, while another one can refuse your visit for some reasons.
And only having obtained such a permission you can get down to the meditation itself.
Invoke all your Heavenly assistants and by all means the representatives of the civilization you are going to visit.
It is really essential since you are to travel far, and this trip runs through the near-earth astral layers – from the lower to upper astral one.
Without energy protection and high vibration guides you run the risk to stay too long in one of these layers.
You had better make such a trip in a merkaba that can repulse any energy attacks.
If you have done everything correct, you will get to your “destination” safe and sound.
Having left the physical body behind on Earth, by your conscience and subtle bodies you will be able to see and feel and, which is most important, perceive the energy profile of that planet and the atmosphere that its inhabitants live in.
You will be met there by all means and provided with an “escort” so that you will not get lost.
But remember, my dear, that it is unsafe to make such trips especially lacking profound experience of energy work.
And I have told you about such an opportunity today not to inspire your interplanetary travel but rather to warn you against mistakes if you get a desperate desire to visit your Star Home – if your Soul will be really aching for it.
Never push things.
There is a time for everything, moreover, in future you will be able to travel around your Galaxy in your renewed light crystalline bodies taking almost no risk.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 1, 2023.
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