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December 27

Father Absolute – WINDOW TO THE NEW WORLD (Unified Energy Center)
December 27, 2023

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today we return again to the Energy of Transformation of Physical Matter into Light Matter.
Now that you have mastered the practices of interacting with the pineal gland, as well as the seventh, sixth, fifth and fourth chakras, I want to offer you a practice to consolidate this energy in your subtle bodies: atmic, buddhic, causal and mental.
It is these bodies that are your main protection from the energies of the three-dimensional world.
And if you keep them intact, then the process of transforming your physical body into a light crystal body will significantly accelerate.
But in order for this process to proceed smoothly and harmoniously, it is necessary to balance all your subtle bodies.
At the center of the practice I propose will be your Crystal of Love, already activated and in resonance with the Energy of Transformation of Physical Matter into Light Matter.
Being in the middle of a person’s chakra axis, it is able to balance his upper and lower chakras.
But first, you need to tune it to an average frequency that will allow a person to feel comfortable in the third, fourth, and sometimes fifth dimensions.
You are now in a unique situation that no one has ever experienced before, since many of you are simultaneously in several dimensions.
So, your consciousness may well be already in the Fifth Dimension, your subtle bodies in the Fourth, and your physical body still in the dense three-dimensional world.
And in order for you to feel comfortable in all these dimensions, you need a Unified Center that can balance your energetic, mental and physical state.
And such a Center is your fourth chakra, or rather, the Crystal of Love, which was once activated by you in order to balance all your chakras and subtle bodies during the transition of the Earth to the Fifth Dimension.
So, let’s move on to the practice itself, which we will call “Unified Energy Center”.
You can do it either in a meditative state or in a normal calm environment.
Summon all your Celestial assistants, place yourself in a protective sphere and then call upon the Energy of Transformation of Physical Matter into Light Matter.
Focus all your attention on the Love Crystal.
Feel how it is gradually saturated with this energy, which descends into your fourth chakra from above, passing through your Golden Triangle and fifth chakra.
And when you feel its maximum filling, ask your Love Crystal to balance your energy space and all your subtle bodies, bringing them to the vibrational level that is available to you at the moment.
Perhaps you will feel how your Crystal of Love begins to rotate clockwise, gradually increasing its range of action and filling your entire energy space with its Light.
Exit meditation when the flow of energy completely subsides.
The purpose of this practice is to prepare your lower chakras to receive high vibrational energies that they have never experienced before.
Repeat this practice every day until it becomes automatic.
And only after this we will be able to move on to the next stage of work with the Energy of Transformation of Physical Matter into Light Matter.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on December 27, 2023

December 22

Father Absolute – WINDOW TO THE NEW WORLD (Interaction between chakras and subtle bodies)
December 22, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today we will return again to the Energy of Transformation of Physical Matter into Light Matter.
I hope that during these days you have already mastered the previous practices to adapt to this energy of your chakras, starting with the seventh and ending with the fourth.
And now we will gradually move on to tuning not only your chakras, but also your subtle bodies to the vibration frequency of the Energy of Transformation of Physical Matter into Light Matter.
But first I want to explain to you why there is often a gap between the vibrations of your chakras and subtle bodies, although, at first glance, they are inextricably linked with each other.
The fact is that chakras are a direct “receiver” of energies coming from outside.
And subtle bodies “process” these energies and “project” them onto your consciousness and physical body.
So, for example, when you watch a movie or observe any life situation, your gaze first catches the general picture of what is happening, and then it begins to unfold in front of you in accordance with your perception of reality.
That is why very often different people react differently to the same events – in accordance with the level of their consciousness and the characteristics of their worldview.
For example, upon learning about impending danger, some experience panic fear, to which their lower chakras react.
Then this energy is “projected” onto their corresponding subtle bodies, as a result of which “wounds” appear in them – energy “breakdowns”.
And the stronger these etheric “wounds” are, the faster they manifest themselves on the physical plane.
This, for example, explains the “bear sickness” in moments of severe fright.
Other people, in moments of danger, on the contrary, mobilize their strength and sometimes commit incredible and impossible actions under ordinary circumstances.
This happens because their third chakra reacts to danger in this way, emotionally preparing a person to overcome the danger, and his fifth chakra helps him “bring to life” these emotions in the best possible way.
As a result of such teamwork, a person instantly finds a way out of a seemingly hopeless situation.
In this case, his subtle bodies do not break through, but, on the contrary, expand as much as possible, thereby energetically protecting him from danger.
This interaction between the chakras and subtle bodies occurs constantly throughout a person’s life.
And if you learn to be conscious of everything you see, hear and do, tracking your thoughts and emotions, then you will be able to ensure that your chakras and subtle bodies vibrate at the same frequency.
This will help you gain a subtle perception of reality, which, manifesting itself on the physical plane, will allow you to see everything that happens not in an illusory, but in a true light.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on December 22, 2023

December 29

Father Absolute – Victims of Tradition
December 29, 2023

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to talk to you about your attitude towards the holidays, and especially New Year’s, when there is a general excitement around, and New Year’s Eve is perceived as something special and even magical.
And, as always, we will look at this phenomenon from an energy point of view.
Why are the centuries-old traditions of celebrating Christmas and New Year so enduring?
For many sincerely believing people, this is truly a great holiday, symbolizing the birth of Jesus Christ, as Yeshua later became known.
But most people, including non-believers, celebrate this day according to tradition, using religious and other “fetishes”, one of which is the Christmas tree.
Just imagine how many living beauties are sacrificed to this “rite” and what energies a dying tree brings into people’s homes.
By and large, the sacrifice of living trees is not inferior in cruelty to other sacrifices, when hundreds of thousands of sheep and other animals are destroyed on religious holidays in dozens of countries around the world.
As a result, any traditional holiday on Earth turns into a mass sacrifice, carrying the energies of pain and suffering of living beings destroyed by people.
And if you add to this abundant libations, when alcohol flows like a river, attracting hordes of astral entities, then you will get a complete picture of the energetic state of your planet on “holidays”.
Children who sincerely believe in miracles and Wizards who bring them gifts are taught to all these traditions from childhood.
And this beautiful fairy tale lasts for centuries.
So what is the basis of all these traditions?
As sad as it may be, there is still the same deprivation of pure Divine energy from people by those who are deprived of this energy.
Since the pre-holiday excitement begins long before the holidays themselves, energy vortexes of various vibrations begin to “walk” across the Earth, concentrating all human passions and desires.
Commerce flourishes, “gifting” people with unnecessary tinsel and excesses of all kinds.
People rush around looking for gifts, and sometimes buy a lot of things they don’t need.
And now comes the holiday itself, which often brings disappointment to those who have been preparing for it for so long, not meeting their expectations and the efforts that were expended on it.
And most often this happens due to a person’s energetic emptiness, when the anticipation of the holiday and its preparation take away all his strength, preventing him from enjoying the results of his work.
The expectation of a miracle, inherent in a child, is also characteristic of many adults, but now this “miracle” has to be “created” by them themselves, and as a result it ceases to be a miracle, resulting in endless troubles and fatigue.
And yet the holiday can become bright, joyful, happy and filled with pure Divine energies.
And in my next message I will tell you what needs to be done for this.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on December 29, 2023

December 30

Father Absolute – Holidays of the Soul
December 30, 2023

Hello, my dear beloved children!
So, let’s continue the conversation about holiday traditions, and today we’ll talk about how you can “break” them without harming yourself and others.
But first I want to say that not all traditions are bad.
However, there is a big difference between those that are imposed on you by society, religion, and simply other people, and those that you create yourself, based on your own desires and spiritual impulses.
As you already know, almost everything that comes into your life from the outside is of artificial origin, and what your Soul tells you is natural, and therefore beneficial for you.
For example, many family traditions take into account the characteristics and spiritual needs of all family members, and therefore bring them the true joy of communication.
Such traditions include the joint performance of favorite songs, family recipes for various dishes, games, intimate conversations, gifts not bought in a store, but created with your own hands, and much more – what comes from the heart and Soul, and therefore carries yourself a warm, loving energy that multiplies even more when the whole family gets together.
Such relationships can also develop among like-minded friends, since not everyone is lucky enough to live in a close-knit family whose members are on the same wavelength – energetic, emotional, mental.
Therefore, the main criterion for creating a truly festive – joyful and happy – atmosphere is the spiritual closeness of all participants in the holiday.
But it is precisely following traditions that deprives many people of the luxury of spending a holiday with those with whom they want – with whom it is soulful and warm, and not with those with whom it is necessary, accepted, profitable, despite the fact that with these people a person feels very uncomfortable.
To destroy traditions that have developed over the years, a certain courage and firmness of Spirit is required, which is not given to everyone.
That is why people, by inertia, continue to “pull their weight” to please others – those who sacredly observe traditions, be it in the family or at work.
But what becomes a habit and does not carry novelty in itself does not please a person for a long time, turning into a routine – in this case, a “holiday” one.
But a person who has free will and a certain amount of imagination is quite capable of organizing holidays for himself and his loved ones at any time and for any reason or for no reason at all.
And such impromptu always carry novelty – a kind of “magic” that so diversifies the routine course of your life.
Thus, going beyond the framework of official and generally recognized holidays, a person creates something of his own – original and unique, bringing creativity into his life and the lives of people close to him.
This alone contributes to the destruction of the system, which has managed to drive people into the narrow framework of official and generally accepted holidays, not only depriving them of freedom of choice, but also profiting from the pre-holiday rush with its tinsel and useless waste of money and mental strength, which significantly lowers the general vibrations of the Earth and humanity in in general.
And I wish you, my family, to create your own traditions based on YOUR desires and preferences, and to organize holidays of the Soul for yourself as often as possible in the circle of your most beloved and closest people.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on December 30, 2023

December 16

Father Absolute – WINDOW TO THE NEW WORLD (Starting point of energetic “ascent”)
December 16, 2023

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to give you another piece of advice that can be applied to working with energies of any vibration.
But first I want to explain to you why I have been paying so much attention to the intricacies of energy work lately.
First of all, because now the Earth is receiving energies of such high vibrations that not everyone can interact with them.
If previous practices and meditations contained energies accessible to people of the three-dimensional world, then the current ones are intended for those of you who have already managed to cross the border separating the fourth dimension from the third and are confidently moving into the Fifth Dimension.
Nevertheless, it is very important that you do not give up and continue to move on even if the vibrations of the energies of the last months have turned out to be too high for you.
And here’s what I suggest you do for this.
Try to determine your current vibrational “ceiling” in order to find that golden mean that will become your “starting point” for further energetic “ascent.”
Use the gradation of energies that was given to you on this site, starting with the Energy of Light and Love and ending with the Energy of Transformation of Physical Matter into Light Matter.
But remember that in order to obtain an objective result, you must completely exclude your Ego from this process.
You can start by writing down all the different types of energies on a piece of paper.
It is very important to write their names by hand, and not type on a computer, since this is the only way you can come into close contact with these energies, not only on the subtle, but also on the physical plane.
So, once this list is compiled, move on to the next step.
In a calm, harmonious environment, tune your chakra axis to receive these energies.
To do this, breathe deeply and mentally draw an energy line through all your chakras from the center of the Galaxy to the center of the Earth.
Try to feel your chakras properly.
And then begin to call upon each of the energies noted on your list.
Take your time and carefully monitor which chakra it vibrates on and, most importantly, how it affects your emotional and physical state.
Your task is to find the one with which you are most comfortable interacting.
It is this energy that currently best matches your vibrations.
At the same time, this will allow you to determine which chakra you yourself are currently vibrating on.
To achieve a pure result and not get an energy overdose, it is better to do this practice in several stages, starting with the Energy of Light and Love and gradually moving higher on the list.
Learn, my dear ones, to achieve not desired, but objective results – this is the only way you can move on.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father Absolute spoke to you
Accepted by Martha December 16, 2023

December 17

Father Absolute – WINDOW TO THE NEW WORLD (Light Crystal of Love)
December 17, 2023

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today we will return again to the Energy of Transformation of Physical Matter into Light Matter, this time to adapt your fourth chakra to it.
But it is advisable to begin this process only after you have thoroughly mastered the previous practices, bringing the filling of your pineal gland, as well as the seventh, sixth and fifth chakras, with this energy almost to the point of automaticity.
In this case, a very important factor is the gradual filling of your subtle sense organs with the Energy of Transformation of Physical Matter into Light.
Since you are still in the three-dimensional world, interaction with this energy occurs in a certain space bordering it, and in order for this interaction to become natural for you, a period of adaptation is necessary, first of your subtle bodies, and then of your physical body to a new state for them .
So, if you feel that you are ready to move on, then I offer you the following practice.
It will be slightly different from the one that was intended to work with the fifth chakra.
If in the previous practice the filling of the fifth chakra came directly from your pineal gland, then this time the pineal gland, seventh, sixth and fifth chakras will be involved.
And this is explained by the fact that the human heart chakra is not only located in the middle of the chakra axis, thereby connecting the upper and lower chakras, but is also a kind of light center.
It is not for nothing that the Crystal of Love is located in it.
And it is she who is the source of such Divine manifestations as Love, Gratitude and Compassion.
Therefore, having united with the energy of such high vibrations, which the Energy of Transformation of Physical Matter into Light Matter carries, the human heart center reaches a new – truly Divine – “height”.
But in order for such a connection to take place as harmoniously as possible, it is necessary that this energy enters the fourth chakra already in a form “adapted” to the third dimension.
And she underwent such “adaptation” thanks to previous practices in the interaction of this energy with your upper chakras and the pineal gland.
And this is what this practice itself consists of, which at first is best done in a calm meditative state.
Relax completely, breathe deeply, center your chakra axis, and only then call on the Energy of Transformation of Physical Matter into Light Matter.
Wait until the pineal gland, seventh, sixth and fifth chakras “respond” to it in turn.
For someone, perhaps, the entire “Golden Triangle” will “light up” at once, followed by the fifth chakra.
And only after they all begin to vibrate at the same frequency, ask this energy to fill your heart chakra.
Most likely, energy will begin to flow into it in small “portions” in the form of pulsations.
Wait until it stops.
And then ask the Energy of Transformation of Physical Matter into Light Matter to move your Crystal of Love completely into the light space, thereby taking it beyond the three-dimensional world.
Try to experience the process of this transformation as vividly as possible, focusing completely on your heart center.
But at the same time, do not try to induce any sensations artificially.
Everything should happen naturally.
Exit meditation when the flow of energy and all your sensations have completely subsided.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on December 17, 2023

December 24

Father Absolute is the Foundation for a new humanity
December 24, 2023

Hello, my dear beloved children!
In conclusion of our conversation about human dignity, I want to draw your attention to one more quality of it.
It has the property of “multiplying” or, in other words, sharing its energy with others.
This is explained by the fact that, according to the Law of Similarity, people with similar qualities begin to be attracted to a person with a sense of self-worth, as a result of which groups of people are created who are able to change a lot for the better.
A striking example of this is work collectives, in which the tone of relations between employees is set by their leader or just a strong personality who enjoys universal authority.
If this is a person with a sense of self-esteem, which means that he respects himself and others, then he creates an environment in which those who are characterized by reverence, hypocrisy, envy and other low-vibration emotions cannot exist.
Such people will feel uncomfortable in this collective due to the too large difference in the level of vibrations with the rest – those who organically interact with the energies of high vibrations.
Conversely, if the leader himself does not have a sense of self-worth, but is obsessed with all kinds of fears and other negative emotions, then people of similar qualities and vibrations will be attracted to him.
Unfortunately, the second option is more common in the three-dimensional world, which generates intrigue, envy, gossip, sitting up to their colleagues, resulting in stress, illness and constant nervous tension for many people.
Based on this, it is safe to say that self-esteem takes a person beyond the three-dimensional world and is the dominant quality of the inhabitants of higher dimensions.
And the more people on Earth realize this and begin to get rid of thoughts and emotions inherent in the third dimension forever, the sooner the Transition will be completed.
It is self-esteem that is the foundation on which the building of a new humanity is being “built”, the main qualities of which will be inner Freedom, Love and Respect for oneself and others, and Faith in one’s own strength.
It is such people WHO DESERVE to live in the world of the Fifth Dimension.
And I wish all those who are deprived of this valuable quality to find it as soon as possible, and those who already possess it, to preserve and multiply it.
I bless you and love you immensely!
The Absolute Father has spoken to you
Channeled by Marta on December 24, 2023.

December 26

Father Absolute – With the support of the forces of light
December 26, 2023

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to talk to you about current events on your planet.
On the eve of the New Year, which traditionally marks the beginning of a new stage in people’s lives, many are trying to complete their unfinished business.
Representatives of both Light and Dark Forces on Earth are no exception.
And if the former mobilize their efforts to uncover the crimes of the deep state and their proxies in power, in order to open a new page in the history of mankind and begin building a just society, then the latter, on the contrary, are doing everything to speed up the implementation of their criminal plans.
Both of them understand that there is less and less time left until the “final”, since the vibrations of the Earth are steadily growing and along with them the vibrations of pure human souls are increasing, which under no circumstances will accept the slave position that the globalists have prepared for them.
What is happening now on the subtle and physical plane can be compared to a tug of war.
This “rope” is nothing other than the consciousness of humanity.
But the very concept of “humanity,” as you already know, has many faces, since this category includes both pure human souls and representatives of a wide variety of civilizations, as well as clones, of which there have been especially many recently.
And since the consciousness of the clones is controlled by their creators, they are automatically on the team of the Dark Forces.
The same thing happens with representatives of low-vibration civilizations who live according to the programs of their collective consciousnesses, which means they do not have free will.
Thus, a smaller part of humanity ends up on the side of the Forces of Light.
And yet their free will is capable of working miracles.
But this happens only when pure human souls vibrate at the same frequency with the renewed Earth and their Heavenly assistants: Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Star brothers and sisters.
Only through their joint efforts is it possible to “pull the rope” to the side of the Light.
The opposite side cannot receive support from the subtle plane, since the Forces of Darkness are no longer able to influence the events taking place on Earth due to its new vibrations.
Therefore, my dear ones, despite the numerical superiority of the low-vibration inhabitants of the Earth, only you now have the invaluable support of the Forces of Light, who have intensified their actions so that their tireless work manifests itself on the physical plane as quickly as possible.
But here you are already their “hands,” which I have told you more than once.
And may your joint efforts bring the long-awaited “fruits” of the liberation of humanity from slavery – mental, emotional and physical.
And I bless you for this!
The Father Absolute, who loves you immensely, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on December 26, 2023

December 23

Father Absolute – Human Dignity
December 23, 2023

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today we will talk about human dignity.
Why did I suddenly decide to bring up this topic?
First of all, because the events taking place on Earth right now are the main test for each person for the presence of this quality.
The globalists’ program in each of its points is aimed at depriving a person of his own dignity, which allows him to remain on top in any circumstances.
If you look closely at this program, you will probably notice that one of the defining words in it is the word “universal”.
For example, you have already passed through the stage of universal vaccination and are now at the stage of universal chipization and digitalization.
So why are so many people obediently following this program?
One of the main reasons for this is precisely their lack of self-esteem.
These people do not have their own opinions, self-respect, or even the ability to reason sensibly and logically.
In fact, most people are so used to living according to instructions from above that sometimes they do not even think about the meaning and purpose of these instructions.
We have already talked a lot about the reasons for this, so I will not repeat myself.
My goal today is to show you how important and necessary it is for you to maintain a sense of self-worth right now.
Only it can help you resist the insane plans of the globalists to enslave humanity.
A person with such a feeling is like a “rock” against which all attempts by the proteges of the deep state to corner him and force him to obey absurd laws that run counter to natural human needs and desires are smashed.
As you can see, everything is developing so rapidly that many people simply cannot believe that all this is true.
This is what the globalists were betting on.
Who could have imagined just a few years ago that such abnormal and unacceptable things for humans as same-sex marriage, transgender propaganda, sex change, starting from childhood, advertising for eating beetles and artificial products, paying for services with a “face”, social ratings, interference in natural processes, depriving a person of the sun and clean air, and much, much more.
But all this is not the fruits of human imagination, but facts that have already become reality in many countries of the world.
And it is only thanks to caring and strong-minded people with an unshakable sense of self-worth that you still stay afloat, not allowing representatives of the deep state to introduce all these absurd innovations into the legislative channel with the application of punishment to all dissenters.
It is impossible to break such people, because they are ready to defend their human dignity at any cost.
Self-esteem is most often a natural quality, and you can observe this on the example of children: someone allows himself to be humiliated and meekly obeys adults, while someone cannot be forced to do what he considers unworthy of himself.
But still, this quality can be developed in yourself if you make some effort to do so.
And next time we’ll talk about it in more detail.
The Absolute Father, who loves you immensely, has spoken to you
Channeled by Marta on December 23, 2023.

December 24

Father Absolute – The Returned Dignity
December 24, 2023

Hello, my dear beloved children!
So, in continuation of my previous message, today I will tell you about what needs to be done in order to develop a sense of self-worth.
Since it is based on qualities such as self-respect and lack of fear of “superiors”, then first of all you should honestly and objectively answer yourself the question whether you possess such qualities.
It is quite possible that they are fully inherent in someone, and partially in someone, depending on the circumstances.
And this is understandable, because the three-dimensional world is multifaceted and multifaceted, and few people manage to build their lives exclusively in black and white tones – fate throws too many “shades” and nuances at you, testing the strength of your Spirit.
And to determine the degree of your inherent self-esteem, I suggest the following.
Try to remember the most significant episodes of your life, starting from an early age – something that has sunk deep into your soul, and analyze the feelings that you experienced then from the height of your current understanding of yourself and the circumstances that caused these feelings.
What did you feel then: fear, humiliation, confusion?
Or maybe, on the contrary, you were proud that you did not feel such feelings at all?
Based on these significant episodes of your life, try to trace how your character and your attitude changed as you grew up and went through new experiences.
Do you still have the first childhood and adolescent reactions to similar situations, or have you gained self-confidence and developed a sense of self-esteem as you age, getting rid of all kinds of fear?
And someone, quite possibly, had childish courage and self-confidence over the years, on the contrary, were lost and they were replaced by reverence and various fears.
The purpose of this task is to identify your natural qualities and understand how they changed as you grew up: they were lost or, conversely, they developed more and more.
And only after you answer these questions honestly to yourself, you can move on to the next step.
And it consists in energetically working out those qualities that prevent you from gaining full self-esteem.
Use the practices and meditations that were given to you on this site.
Energetically dissolve your fears and other negative emotions inherent in you, mentally replay the unpleasant situations that you had to go through and in which you did not behave in the best way, replacing them with new ones.
In other words, try to build a new chain of those events in your life in which you could not prove yourself worthily.
But the main thing is to feel, literally live, these situations from other positions and experiencing other emotions, which are based on self–love, self-respect and self-esteem.
This work is not easy, but if you are not too lazy to do it, remaining extremely honest with yourself, it will bear fruit and help you regain lost qualities or strengthen those that you already possess.
I bless you and love you immensely!
The Absolute Father has spoken to you
Channeled by Marta on December 24, 2023.

December 14

Father Absolute – A WINDOW INTO A NEW WORLD (Adaptation of the fifth chakra)
December 14, 2023

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today we will continue to work with the Energy of Converting Physical Matter into Light.
Now you have to adapt your fifth chakra and causal body to this energy.
And this time, your pineal gland, which is the main “receiver” of this energy, will be involved in their interaction with the Energy of Converting Physical Matter into Light.
Before starting the practice, you need to harmonize all your chakras, because now you are moving on to work with those of them that are responsible for your life in the three-dimensional world.
If your upper chakras – the sixth and seventh – belong to your Divine hypostasis, then the fifth chakra is already a more “material” substance, as well as the corresponding causal body.
According to their energy structure, they are much denser than the upper chakras, so more effort is needed to decompress them.
And the pineal gland, which, by virtue of its Divine potential, has the property of dissolving the energies of the third dimension, is the best suited for this.
This practice requires a fairly deep meditative state, since your fifth chakra may not immediately perceive energy whose vibrations it is not yet familiar with.
So, after you have harmonized your chakra axis, connecting with the center of the Galaxy and the center of the Earth, summon the Energy of Converting Physical Matter into Light.
Take your time and feel how this energy begins to interact with your pineal gland.
Wait for the moment when it is filled with warmth, and then it begins to pulsate or rotate.
And only then proceed to the next step.
Ask the Energy of Converting Physical Matter into Light to move into your fifth chakra.
You can mentally imagine an energy channel through which this energy begins to flow smoothly from the pineal gland to the fifth chakra.
And as soon as it too is filled with warmth and begins to vibrate in unison with your pineal gland, ask this energy to fill your causal body with itself.
Feel how gradually it also begins to vibrate in the same rhythm as your fifth chakra and pineal gland.
It is quite possible that other sensations will be added to this, since simultaneously with filling the causal body with this energy, the process of its transformation and purification from three-dimensional programs and negative energies is launched.
Wait until the flow has completely subsided, and then exit the meditation.
If you feel any unpleasant sensations at the beginning of meditation, it is better to stop it immediately.
And before this meditation, it may be useful for someone to do a practice of energizing the Transformation of Physical Matter into Light in your upper chakras in order to ensure a smoother transition to working with the fifth chakra.
In any case, my family, the main criterion for success should be your own feelings and your creative approach to this meditation.
Always remember that in any energy practices, I give you only general directions so that you can further choose for yourself the intensity and individual characteristics of such work.
And you are already quite ready for this.
We will stop there today.
The Absolute Father, who loves you immensely, has spoken to you
Channeled by Marta on December 14, 2023.

December 20

Father Absolute – To clean up the house
December 20, 2023

Hello, my dear beloved children!
To conclude the conversation about the migration policy of the globalists, I want to focus on one more feature of it.
Why does the supposedly good goal of relocating the unfortunate and suffering from poverty and deprivation to prosperous countries turn into trouble and suffering for the inhabitants of these countries?
All for the same reason: the purpose of the deep state is not to unite people, but to divide them along national, religious, and social lines.
“Divide and rule” — this favorite slogan of globalists is being implemented always and everywhere.
Everything that happens naturally is always beneficial, but what is artificially planted invariably carries tragedies and destruction.
For example, until quite recently, the movement of people of different nationalities around the world was quite painless, since the initiative came from the people themselves, who wanted to expand the horizons of their knowledge in the areas of interest to them.
The result of this was the mutual enrichment of people of different cultures and traditions, the exchange of experience and knowledge.
A person could well stay in another country if he saw that it was close to him in spirit and that he was able to organically integrate into its cultural and social life.
But what is happening now has nothing to do with this picture.
The migration policy artificially imposed by globalists carries with it insoluble contradictions and the inevitable separation of people, since the religion, culture and traditions of migrants arriving in developed countries are so different from the religion, culture and traditions of these countries that they are practically incompatible in nothing, and therefore cannot be adapted to each other.
As a result, enclaves of foreigners are being created everywhere, which grow so rapidly that sometimes they win back entire districts, and sometimes cities, displacing local residents from their homes.
But all this is fixable, my family. It is only necessary to make efforts to reverse this process.
And for this, it is necessary to oblige the leaders of their countries to urgently adopt laws that do not allow people who do not want to adapt to the realities of the countries that sheltered them to stay in them, and send them back to where they will live in accordance with their traditions, culture and religion.
Any hospitality is good as long as the guest behaves decently in the house of the person who sheltered him, but it ends when the guest begins to expel the host from his own house.
And this is exactly what is happening everywhere now.
And here the Forces of Light will no longer be able to do your work for you – this requires not only your firm intention to restore justice and cleanliness in your Home, but also your “hands” capable of bringing this intention to life.
And I bless you for that!
The Absolute Father, who loves you immensely, has spoken to you
Channeled by Marta on December 20, 2023.

December 19

Father Absolute – A civil position
December 19, 2023

Hello, my dear beloved children!
So, let’s continue talking about the so-called migration “policy” of the deep state.
And now we will look at it more comprehensively: not only from an energy point of view, but also from a physical point of view.
Its physical aspect is that those political leaders who have “opened the floodgates” for “refugees” in their countries and who are doing everything to ensure that their number multiplies every day, expect that the migrants they have favored will support their candidacies in the next elections.
They are trying to stay in power at their expense, because they have lost popularity with their own citizens, whose interests they have not thought about for a long time.
And this state of affairs is now visible in dozens of countries around the world.
As a result, no matter how dissatisfied the indigenous people are with their leaders, it is increasingly difficult for them to remove them from their posts and it is increasingly difficult to resist the massive influx of migrants.
So how can you get out of this seemingly hopeless situation?
And there is only one way out: uniting the indigenous people of these countries and creating governments that will protect their Home and their interests, and not the interests of foreigners to the detriment of the local population.
What is happening now in developed countries resembles an invasion of locusts on agricultural land, which is capable of destroying the entire crop and thereby condemning people to starvation.
In the same way, migration policy condemns thousands of people to death, mentally and sometimes physically, who are held hostage by strangers in their own home.
The gradual displacement of the cultural heritage and traditions of entire peoples leads them to spiritual “starvation”, which means that they disappear as nations.
And in such a situation, my family, energy work alone is no longer enough, because events are developing too quickly, and the migration “locust” no longer leaves residents of developed countries with no other choice but to act physically, protecting themselves and their families from the invasion of foreigners.
As you can see, the Dragon Reptiles are in a hurry, realizing that they have almost no time left – the vibrations of your planet and the awakened part of the Earth’s population are rising too quickly.
Therefore, look for leaders who are able to resist the criminal migration “policy” of the globalists and unite the indigenous population around themselves.
Support those who have already started to act in this direction.
It’s time to show your civic position in order not to allow the puppets of the deep state to dispose of your lives and deprive you of your legal rights, granting unjustified privileges to those who came “with their charter to someone else’s monastery.”
We will stop there today.
The Absolute Father, who loves you immensely, has spoken to you
Channeled by Marta on December 19, 2023.

December 19

Father Absolute – Migration “policy”
December 19, 2023

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to talk to you about current events on Earth.
But now we will focus on their energy component.
Probably, many of you have noticed that in recent months the concentration of energies, and especially negative ones, has increased significantly.
Or, in other words, passions are heating up everywhere now, not only in connection with military events, but also in connection with migration problems, which I want to focus on in more detail.
Why do the official authorities say so little about them, literally turning a blind eye to the obvious facts and sometimes monstrous crimes on the part of the so-called migrants?
First of all, because this is exactly the behavior of immigrants and was originally envisaged by representatives of the authorities of the leading countries of the world, who, at the behest of the deep state, flooded their countries with foreigners unable to adapt to the culture and living conditions of their new place of residence.
At first glance, such a policy seems insane.
But in fact, it has far–reaching goals, namely, the destruction of European civilization along with its historical and cultural values.
Why do these values pose a danger to the deep State?
First of all, because they are humane and moral at their core.
This is what the Dragon Reptiles lack and what poses the main danger to them.
Having failed to finally subdue the true Divine essence of man by imposing artificial, and sometimes unnatural “views on life” in society, they decided to go the other way.
Having opened the gates wide to millions of people of other faiths, cultures, worldviews and traditions, they hope that the energy and physical chaos created in these countries will lead to the fact that people’s consciousness will be paralyzed so much that the globalists will be able to easily complete their program for the complete enslavement of humanity.
Fear and panic, which invariably arise when people come into contact with diametrically opposed views in everything, are for them the best helpers in achieving their goals.
Violence, robbery and robbery are becoming familiar attributes of the life of once prosperous countries, and the streets of their cities are gradually turning into dirty enclaves inhabited by foreigners.
Large cities are particularly affected by this, to which migrants mainly flock.
So who are these people and why are they behaving in such an inappropriate way?
The vast majority of them are clones whose minds are controlled by their creators and who live according to certain programs that sow panic and fear in society.
It is these energies – fear for their lives and the lives of their loved ones, as well as a constant feeling of irritation and aggression against the invasion of strangers into their usual quiet life — that reduce people’s vibrations as much as possible.
And the larger the city in which this happens, the greater dividends the Dragon Reptiles extract from their migration “policy”.
Of course, all displaced persons cannot be classified as criminal elements, but even those of them who really emigrated to the so-called rich countries of their own free will because of the unbearable living conditions at home have difficulty fitting into living conditions that are too far from their traditions, remaining dependents and freeloaders in the eyes of local residents.
Thus, the dominance of migrants in developed countries was another attempt by globalists to stay in power and slow down the Earth’s transition to the Fifth Dimension.
And in my next message, I will tell you what can be done to neutralize this phenomenon, which is so painful for many people.
The Absolute Father, who loves you immensely, has spoken to you
Channeled by Marta on December 19, 2023.

December 18

Father Absolute is a “Revision” of his inner qualities
December 18, 2023

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today we will talk about why some of you can not get rid of your feelings of inferiority, including energy.
And although we have already talked a lot about this topic, now I want to draw your attention to another “facet” of this phenomenon, which is usually overlooked.
And we will talk about the vulnerability and dependence of your inner self-esteem not on external factors, but on self-perception, which is based on your natural qualities.
It is their influence that is most difficult for you to overcome, because they are given to you for your current incarnation in the form that best meets the needs of your Soul at the current stage of its development.
In other words, you are all born with certain “settings” for the perception of the world.
Those obstacles of the spiritual plane that you failed to overcome in your previous incarnations in the three-dimensional world return to you until you are able to cope with them completely.
Most often, these obstacles, even for a spiritually pure person, are qualities such as fear in all its manifestations, pride, hypocrisy, and sometimes unconscious – because even the desire to seem better than you really are is already hypocrisy, and to a lesser extent modesty, which does not really adorn a person, but it only belittles his dignity.
These qualities are insidious in that it is very difficult for a person to notice them, because in the three-dimensional world they are so common that they are no longer considered something shameful, and sometimes even, on the contrary, they change the sign from “minus” to “plus”.
Thus, fear helps a person to avoid dangers and does not allow him to commit risky acts.
Pride turns into pride, and modesty into meekness, which is not at all condemned by modern society.
As for hypocrisy, to one degree or another it is inherent in almost every inhabitant of the Earth, with rare, rare exceptions, since extreme sincerity and purity are often perceived in your society as stupidity and impotence.
And, of course, such a substitution of concepts is not accidental, since the three-dimensional world dictates its own rules of survival in it.
But now, on the threshold of the Fifth Dimension, it’s time, my family, to face the truth and put everything in its place, at least in your own Soul.
Of course, you need to do this carefully, so as not to cause pain and suffering to yourself and your loved ones.
Nevertheless, to carry out an “audit” of one’s inner qualities, taking into account no longer the realities of the three-dimensional world, but from the position of a person whose consciousness has reached the level of the fourth or even Fifth dimension, is now becoming an urgent necessity.
This will help you look at yourself from the outside and correct what you have not been able to do up to this time.
Only by freeing yourself from the last “husk” of the three-dimensional world will you be able to gain real self-confidence, which is based not on false values, habits and traditions of the world of the third dimension, but on eternal spiritual foundations that are commensurate with the same eternal and immutable Laws of the Universe.
And I bless you for that!
The Absolute Father, who loves you immensely, has spoken to you
Channeled by Marta on December 18, 2023.

December 13

Father Absolute – A WINDOW INTO A NEW WORLD (Undeserved “laurels”)
December 13, 2023

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to focus on one more aspect of working with energies.
As you can see, now is the moment when not everyone can perceive the energies of the last months, which, in turn, are no longer able to interact directly with the energies of the third dimension.
Therefore, in order to receive such highly vibrational energies as the Energy of Dissolving the Three-Dimensional Matrix and the Energy of Converting Physical Matter into Light, you must first ground them through your upper chakras and pineal gland.
And yet, despite all my warnings, I see that some of you disregard this rule, believing that you are already ready to work with such energies in practice.
What is the risk for such people?
By and large, their excessive self-confidence will not do them much harm, because, no matter how much they want, these energies will not resonate with them due to too large a gap in vibrations.
But the indirect damage will be for them that these people will be confident in their spiritual ascent to the level of the fourth or Fifth dimension.
And this will happen because, as already mentioned in my previous message, they take energy clusters of rather low vibrations for the Energies of the Fifth Dimension, which they themselves create by the power of their thought and intention.
As a result, confident in their “rise”, they not only amuse their Ego, but also rapidly fall down, not only spiritually, but sometimes physically.
Spiritually, because they are not able to objectively assess their current state – the level of vibrations from which they should “push off” in order to continue their upward movement.
It seems to them that they have already reached the “ceiling” and can rest on their laurels.
As for their physical condition, it is unlikely to improve, and sometimes it may even worsen, unless the “placebo” effect, to which many people are exposed, works.
And such a deterioration may occur due to the fact that these people will affect their physical body not at all with the energies they think about, but with all the same energies of the three-dimensional world that come to their call, but which no longer correspond to the new vibrations of the Earth.
As I have already told you, any energies are intelligent and interact with a person only when their vibrations are, if not at the same, then at least at frequencies close to each other.
Therefore, in order to be sure that exactly the energy that you have called has come to you, you should keep your attention on your chakras, which will never deceive you and tell you what level of vibration energy has entered into interaction with you.
And so that your chakrometer does not let you down, train yourself before each meditation to “tune” your chakra axis, mentally drawing a line through it from the center of the Galaxy to the center of the Earth.
But the main thing is to avoid any haste in working with energies and do not forget to put protection before each of your meditations or practices.
We will stop here today.
The Absolute Father, who loves you immensely, has spoken to you
Channeled by Marta on December 13, 2023.

December 12

Father Absolute is A WINDOW INTO A NEW WORLD (Trapped in his own Ego)
December 12, 2023

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to return to the conversation about why some of you think that you clearly feel the energy, but in fact this is not always the case.
First of all, you take wishful thinking when you really want it.
And since a person is inherently so omnipotent that he is able to realize what he wants with the power of his thought, then you literally “materialize” sensations in your subtle bodies, and sometimes even in the physical body.
Is it good or bad?
On the one hand, it is good, because in this way you can practically feel the power of your thought and your intention, which means that you can believe in yourself even more.
But, on the other hand, in this case, there is a substitution of concepts, because, without reaching new energies with your vibrations, you gather third-density energies into energy clusters by the power of your thought, which manifest themselves in your sensations as something new.
This is exactly what happens to those of you who are not yet ready to accept the highly vibrational energies of recent months, but who, not being able to objectively assess their current capabilities, cannot accept this.
In my previous messages, I have already told you that the initiative should always come from New Energies, which, unlike you, are able to accurately determine the level of your vibrations and decide whether you are ready or not to interact with them.
Therefore, in order to avoid mistakes, try to turn off your Mind completely by invoking energy, remaining neutral in your desires and intentions.
Treat it like a game, while not being afraid to lose, because you still have so many opportunities to “win back”.
Why did I decide to remind you of this again?
The fact is that the so-called “overdose” most often occurs exactly when you are trying to force things.
As for such energies as the Energy of Dissolving a Three-dimensional Matrix or the Energy of Converting Physical Matter into Light, they are so intelligent that they will never be attracted to the energy space of a person who is unprepared for this, so as not to harm him.
Therefore, my family, when invoking the energies of high vibrations, always carefully monitor your thoughts and your emotional state so as not to fall into the trap of your own Ego.
And then everything will happen in due time and in the most natural way, without any effort on your part.
When your consciousness and your physical body are ready for this, new energies will easily and freely resonate with your vibrations, and you will definitely feel it.
We will stop here today.
The Absolute Father, who loves you immensely, has spoken to you
Channeled by Marta on December 12, 2023.

December 11

Father Absolute – A WINDOW INTO A NEW WORLD (Attunement with the “upper” bodies)
December 11, 2023

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today we will continue our work on adapting the Energy of Converting Physical Matter into Light and now we will transfer its effect to your subtle bodies.
It is in this order that you should “connect” this energy to your aura in order to avoid overdose.
So, after you ensure that your upper chakras – the sixth and seventh, as well as the pineal gland vibrate at the same frequency, you need to transfer this frequency to your atmic and budhic bodies.
But take your time. Start doing this only when you bring the practice of the “Trinity of the Golden Triangle” to automatism.
It is important that you learn how to do it fairly quickly and consolidate the feeling of unified vibrations in your energy memory.
Then you will not need to mentally draw lines between the “points” of the “Golden Triangle”, because now it will begin to respond immediately to your call for the Energy of Converting Physical Matter into Light.
And when that happens, you can start the next stage of working with this energy.
And it will consist in expanding its penetration into your energy space to the boundaries of your “upper” subtle bodies: atmic and Budhic.
To do this, you need to visualize your subtle silhouette, and someone can see it with their inner vision.
And after that, summon the Energy of Converting Physical Matter into Light.
Wait for the moment when your “Golden Triangle” lights up and begins to vibrate in a single rhythm.
And then imagine how this energy smoothly “flows” first from your seventh chakra into the atmic body, and then from the sixth into the Buddhic.
You can feel pulsating or undulating movements that will come alternately from each chakra, and for some it may happen simultaneously.
When the filling of the atmic and Budhic bodies is complete, you can feel the slow rotational movement of energy clockwise, as if someone is tracing their energy boundaries with an invisible hand.
The practice can be considered complete when the flow of energy completely subsides.
Repeat this practice until you bring it to automatism, as well as its first part.
After it, you will feel an extraordinary fullness, because your aura will take on a completely different shape and volume.
We will stop here today.
The Absolute Father, who loves you immensely, has spoken to you
Channeled by Marta on December 11, 2023.

December 9

Father Absolute – A WINDOW INTO A NEW WORLD (The Trinity of the Golden Triangle)
December 9, 2023

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to return to the Energy of Converting Physical Matter into Light.
I hope that during this time you have already managed to get to know her better and have learned how to fill your protective sphere with her.
And now we are moving on to the next stage of interaction with this highly vibrational energy.
Why am I gradually bringing you to her direct interaction with your physical body?
The fact is that not everyone is able to use it for practical purposes yet, because its vibrations are too different from the vibrations of the three-dimensional world that surround you.
Therefore, in my previous messages, I gave you simple exercises with the Energy of Converting Physical Matter into Light, so that you can understand for yourself whether you are ready to work with it or not yet.
And if you have felt it well, and when filling your protective sphere with this energy you felt quite comfortable, then you can proceed to the next stage of working with it.
Now we will fill your chakras and subtle bodies with it so that they come into resonance with a new energy for them and gradually adapt to it.
And we will start with the upper chakras.
As you have already understood, your pineal gland and, to a lesser extent, your sixth and seventh chakras respond to the Energy of Converting Physical Matter into Light.
And now your task is to make these chakras resonate with the vibrations of your pineal gland and acquire a single frequency with it.
To do this, I offer you a practice that we will call the “Trinity of the Golden Triangle.”
You can spend it both in a meditative state or just in a calm, relaxed environment.
Summon the Energy of Converting Physical Matter into Light and wait for the moment when it begins to interact significantly with your pineal gland.
Focus all your attention on the pineal gland and try to catch as clearly as possible the rhythm and type of its vibrations.
Most likely, these will be pulsating or rotational movements.
And then gradually begin to mentally transfer these sensations to your seventh chakra, as if drawing an invisible line between this chakra and your pineal gland, while carefully maintaining the original frequency of its vibrations.
Feel how the pineal gland and the seventh chakra begin to vibrate together in unison in a single rhythm.
And when this happens, mentally draw another “line” — to your sixth chakra — and feel how the energies of the pineal gland and the seventh chakra, already vibrating in unison, “flow” through this energy channel.
Feel how your sixth chakra picks up this Divine “dance” and, in turn, connecting with the pineal gland, strengthens the Trinity of the Golden Triangle, which now vibrates at a single frequency of the Energy of Converting Physical Matter into Light.
This is a very powerful practice that takes you to a completely different energy level and opens up new possibilities for your existence.
But if you fail to do it the first time, then calmly and slowly continue the preparatory work with the two previous practices so that your consciousness fully adapts to this new energy for you.
I bless you and love you immensely!
The Absolute Father has spoken to you
Channeled by Marta on December 9, 2023.

December 8

Father Absolute – A WINDOW INTO A NEW WORLD (State of Thoughtlessness)
December 8, 2023

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today we will slightly complicate the practice that was mentioned in my previous message.
Once you learn how to determine which thoughts are really yours and which are brought into your energy space from the outside, you can move on.
And the next stage will be to filter out other people’s thoughts and emotions associated with them, leaving only your own.
But even your thoughts may not always be harmonious and useful for you.
Therefore, the next step may be to “sort” your own thoughts.
And to do this, you can use the very three tips that were given to you in the first part of this practice.
So, by determining the vibration level of your thoughts, their energy coloring and how your body reacts to them, you can easily separate negative thoughts from positive ones.
In fact, despite the rather long description of this process, in practice everything happens quite quickly.
And a particularly effective way to check this is the reaction of your physical body and your Soul, which instantly react to your every emotional outburst and to your every thought.
In short, these reactions can be described as “painful” — sad and “open” — joyful.
It is the “tandem” of Soul and Body that is your most faithful assistant.
And what is important is that this is not something new for you, but if before these reactions were unconscious for you, now you can observe them consciously.
And not just to observe, but, if necessary, to correct your condition, trying to immediately find the causes of your negative thoughts and emotions, and neutralize them as quickly as possible.
So, gradually we came to the third stage of our practice.
How can one achieve a state of complete thoughtlessness by freeing oneself not only from others’ thoughts, but also from one’s own?
In fact, such a skill is very useful not only for practice and meditation, but also for your daily life.
It is the state of thoughtlessness that frees up space in your consciousness for the prompts of your Soul and your Heavenly helpers – otherwise it is very difficult for them to break through to you through the “thickness” of your endless thought process.
There are many techniques for achieving the state of an “empty head”, but common to each of them is the replacement of thoughts with emptiness.
What can this “emptiness” be expressed in?
In everything that your imagination tells you.
It can be a white fog or the “ringing silence” of outer space.
And someone may be closer to a light gentle breeze or an endless expanse of water.
Of course, “emptiness” is not meant literally, but figuratively.
In this case, we mean emptiness from thoughts – from all manifestations of the three–dimensional world – and replacing them with something eternal, vast, majestic, boundless: something that you cannot fully grasp with your consciousness.
Find an image that is so close to you and “turn it on” on the “screen” of your consciousness every time destructive thoughts begin to overwhelm you, or during practices and meditations, in order to completely disconnect from reality.
If you manage to develop such a skill, you will be able to “dive” into the “void” almost instantly, freeing your mind from the endless running of thoughts.
Show creativity and patience, my family, and you will see how quickly the reality around you will begin to change.
We will stop here today.
The Absolute Father, who loves you immensely, has spoken to you
Channeled by Marta on December 8, 2023.

December 7

Father Absolute is A WINDOW INTO A NEW WORLD (Is this your idea?)
December 7, 2023

Hello, my dear beloved children!
So, in continuation of my previous message, I want to offer you the practice of freeing yourself from extraneous thoughts.
You can use it at any time and under any circumstances, not just during your meditations.
Its purpose is for you to learn how to separate your own thoughts from those of others — imposed by other people or astral entities.
So how do the former differ from the latter?
As a rule, your own thoughts are SUFFERING, but not from the word “suffering”, but from the word “suffering”, which means “harvesting”.
So, having “processed” — having comprehended — the information received or the personal events that occurred in your life, you usually come to some conclusion.
And this conclusion is already your thoughts, and not those that other people have suggested to you – familiar and unfamiliar.
Unfortunately, even this is not given to everyone – some people live their whole lives with someone else’s mind, being unable to make their own decisions, and by and large take responsibility for their lives.
Therefore, it is very important to learn how to track the course of your thoughts to make sure that they are under your control, and do not live their own lives, which most often happens under the influence of astral entities.
It is not so easy to do this, because out of habit you follow your thoughts, and they do not follow you.
And to begin with, I suggest that you just keep track of your every thought in order to determine whether it is yours or not.
This is what this practice itself is, or rather, the first part of it.
But to make your task easier, I’ll give you some hints.
First. Make sure how often you have this thought: once, several times, or it is constantly spinning in your head.
If it only flashed by without catching on to your consciousness, it is quite possible that this is just your instant reaction to what is happening.
If the thought has firmly settled in your head, then, most likely, this is the work of astral entities.
Second. Try to determine what kind of energy one or another of your thoughts carries – positive or negative.
This is not difficult to do.
Pure high-vibration thoughts always fill you with strength, and your soul becomes light.
Low-vibration thoughts, on the contrary, take away this power from you and feel heavy in your Soul.
Both can be either someone else’s or your own thoughts, depending on many external factors.
But if these are negative thoughts, then it is very important to find their cause and work it out carefully.
And the third. Try to feel how your physical body responds to a particular thought.
As a rule, it reacts to your own calm reflections and reflections in the same calm and harmonious way, being in uniform vibrations with your consciousness.
But his reaction to an alien mental invasion may be completely different, especially if it comes from astral entities or from people with a low level of vibration.
Your physical body seems to shrink, trying to “repel” an energy blow, and sometimes reacts to it with a headache or other ailments.
Of course, there are many other ways to recognize other people’s thoughts that have “made their way” into your energy space, and I believe that over time you will develop your own tactics for catching “strangers”.
We will stop here today.
The Absolute Father, who loves you immensely, has spoken to you
Channeled by Marta on December 7, 2023.

December 7

Father Absolute – A WINDOW INTO A NEW WORLD (Where other people’s thoughts come from)
December 7, 2023

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to draw your attention to another aspect of energy work that significantly affects its outcome.
And it’s about your ability to turn off your Mind during your practices and meditations.
In fact, the most difficult thing for any person is to be in a state of thoughtlessness.
There are many reasons for this, but the main one is that the vast majority of thoughts in your head do not belong to you.
This is explained by the fact that, being in society, you involuntarily become a “receiver” of so many extraneous thoughts and emotions that they firmly settle in your energy space.
In addition, from all sides, you are bombarded with such a stream of information that an ordinary person cannot digest.
As a result, you keep coming back to her with your thoughts.
And it is not at all necessary that these are some kind of global issues.
Even minor family problems and troubles of a purely everyday plan tend to constantly “spin” in your head.
Remember how difficult it can be for you to get rid of them: they, like a broken record, constantly pop up in your mind, especially when it comes to relationships with people close to you.
And yet even these thoughts are often not yours, and that’s why.
If information about events taking place in the world reaches you in the form of other people’s thoughts of politicians, journalists, scientists, doctors, then your family problems often fall upon you with the direct participation of astral entities.
As you already know, any negative thought or emotion of a person is a welcome “food” for various kinds of astral entities.
Therefore, they do everything to ensure that these thoughts and emotions do not leave a person for as long as possible, thereby continuously replenishing their “diet”.
And if suddenly a person sits down in meditation in order to get rid of these negative manifestations in his life, they try their best to prevent him from doing so, so as not to miss their “prey”.
And they do it well, because they are already in the energy space of this person, “corroding” his subtle bodies from the inside.
Therefore, even the energy protection of such a person does not always work.
He often fails to expel astral entities from his energy space simply because he does not even think about it.
And in the next message, I will tell you how you can deal with this problem.
The Absolute Father, who loves you immensely, has spoken to you
Channeled by Marta on December 7, 2023.

December 10

December 10, 2023

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to talk to you about how you can learn to abstract from the events that are happening, but at the same time participate in them as much as possible.
At first glance, it seems that one excludes the other, but this is not the case.
In this case, the word “abstract” means only emotional detachment from these events, no matter how cruel and unfair they may seem to you.
And in order to achieve this, it is necessary to see the big picture.
Now you have almost all the information regarding the current state of your Land.
Unlike many other people who are subject to the “hypnosis” of the official media, you know that your planet is now at the junction of two epochs.
But this time, such a change of epochs implies not only political, economic, financial, social, cultural, but also — and most importantly — energy changes.
And you are not only aware of this, but also feel new energies, applying them in your daily life and in your meditative work.
In other words, the entry of the Earth into a new energy era is no longer just words for you, but your own experience of living in completely different realities.
More than one of my messages has been dedicated to the fact that the awakened part of humanity will have to live simultaneously in two dimensions – in two parallel worlds.
And now that time has almost come.
Now each of you will have to make your choice: to continue to “cook” in the events of the three-dimensional world, mentally and emotionally completely immersed in them, or to abstract from them, watching them from the height of the fourth, and sometimes the Fifth dimension.
And if you choose the latter, it does not mean that you will not participate in these events.
It’s just that your participation will be completely different.
Physically staying in the three-dimensional world, you become an energy bridge between the Light Forces that work tirelessly for the benefit of humanity on the subtle plane of the Earth, and other people.
By your very presence, you are grounding highly vibrational energies in such a way that they can “reach out” to the rest of the unawakened part of the population of your planet.
But if you approach your mission consciously, purposefully working with diverse energies of high vibrations, then your participation in the events taking place on Earth will be invaluable.
You will be able not only to minimize their tragic consequences, but also to accelerate the Earth’s transition to the Fifth Dimension.
Therefore, always remember that as soon as you descend to the level of the layman, passionately discussing what is happening, emotionally emptying yourself, your vibrations drop rapidly, which means that you are no longer able to positively influence the course of events.
As a result, you energetically throw far back not only yourself, but also the collective consciousness of humanity, which is now in such need of clean energy “infusions”.
Be vigilant, my dear ones!
Keep a close eye on your moral and physical condition, because now you have a huge responsibility for the fate of your planet and all mankind.
You are the very “locomotive” that pulls a long “train of wagons” with people who are still able to awaken and free themselves from the fetters of a three–dimensional matrix that is already bursting at the seams.
I bless you and love you immensely!
The Absolute Father has spoken to you
Channeled by Marta on December 10, 2023.

December 6

Father Absolute – A WINDOW INTO A NEW WORLD (Compatibility of high-vibration energies)
December 6, 2023

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to talk to you about the compatibility of energies: how and why they can be combined or, conversely, when it is not worth doing.
This is based on the eternal Divine principle of observing the Laws of the universe.
But the fundamental law in this case is the Law of Similarity, and it operates in several aspects at once: vibrational, semantic and targeted.
And now we will look at each of them in more detail.
Similarity in vibrations implies a minimal gap between them, because the larger such a gap, the less harmonious the union of the two energies will be, and vice versa.
Probably, those of you who once used Reiki energy have noticed that now it is already “outdated”, since the vibrational background of the Earth has noticeably increased and now Reiki energy is not able to enter into resonance with the new high-vibration energies of the Earth.
Therefore, if you start conducting a Reiki healing session while simultaneously invoking, for example, the Universal Plasma Energy, the result will be disastrous, since these two energies are unable to interact with each other due to too large a gap in the level of vibrations.
Approximately the same thing happens during mass meditations, which are conducted together by people whose range of vibration levels is truly limitless.
And now let’s look at the semantic aspect of working with energies.
First of all, it concerns the intention of the person invoking this or that energy.
Since any human action carries a certain meaning, the energy sessions, practices or meditations conducted by him are also based on his desire to get a specific result.
These may be desires of both a personal and universal nature.
Therefore, those energies that “specialize” in the realization of desires can be well combined, especially if they are also close in terms of the similarity of a person’s intentions.
For example, let’s take such seemingly dissimilar energies as the Energy of the Creator of the Universe and the Universal Energy of Plasma.
These two energies are quite close in terms of vibration, so the second amplifies the first, responding to a person’s intention to harmonize his physical and mental state.
And a person’s memory of his Divine origin will strengthen his faith in healing, and therefore accelerate the process of harmonizing his general condition.
And finally, let’s talk with you about the target aspect of energy compatibility.
That’s what you use most often.
So, for example, in order to strengthen your protection, you sometimes summon several energies at once that are close to each other in vibrations: the Fire of Universal Love, the Energy of the Great Central Sun and the Energy of Dissolution of the Three-Dimensional Matrix.
And when working with the collective consciousness of humanity, such energies as the Fire of Universal Love and the Energy of Dissolution of the Three-dimensional Matrix can perfectly combine, since both of them are purifying.
This is how your energy capabilities and abilities gradually expand.
And the higher your vibrations are, the more subtly you will feel the peculiarities and originality of each Divine energy, and also learn to accurately determine the possibilities of their combination with each other.
We will stop there today.
The Absolute Father, who loves you immensely, has spoken to you
Channeled by Marta on December 6, 2023.

December 5

Father Absolute – A WINDOW TO A NEW WORLD (Two-stage design)
December 5, 2023

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to return to the Energy of Converting Physical Matter into Light.
I think that over these days many of you have already managed to feel it on your upper chakras and pineal gland.
Now we will begin to gradually adapt it to the rest of the chakras, which also takes time.
And now I want to give you one simple exercise that will help to consolidate this energy in your energy space.
First, you need to place yourself in a protective sphere of the Fire of Universal Love.
You can also enhance it with layers of the Energy of the Great Central Sun and the Energy of Dissolution of the Three-dimensional Matrix.
After that, summon the Energy of Converting Physical Matter into Light.
But it is very important to make sure that this energy responds to your call.
That’s why I asked you to work with her for a few days to get to know this energy better.
But the main purpose of this preliminary work was for you to be able to understand whether you are already able to vibrate at the frequency of the Energy of Converting Physical Matter into Light.
This was necessary because an overdose of energy of such high vibrations is fraught with unpleasant consequences for you on the physical plane.
So, if you think that you are ready to accept this energy and have already felt it properly, ask it to fill your protective sphere with itself.
Most likely, you will feel how, slowly rotating clockwise, it will begin its journey from your pineal gland, gradually increasing the radius of rotation until it fills your entire protective sphere.
But at the same time, it will not lose its connection with your pineal gland.
It will remain one with it, and the energy that fills your sphere will flow into it through an energy channel, like an irrigation system connected to a water source.
In this case, it is the pineal gland that is such a source, since it is a direct receiver of the Energy of Converting Physical Matter into Light.
As a result, a rather complex two–stage energy structure is formed.
Through the pineal gland, which is an “antenna” tuned to receive the Energy of Converting Physical Matter into Light, this energy, already adapted to your vibrations, enters your protective sphere through an energy channel originating in your pineal gland.
And now your task is to get used to unusual sensations for yourself, because they will really differ from the previous ones due to the higher vibrations of this new energy for you.
We will stop there today.
The Absolute Father, who loves you immensely, has spoken to you
Channeled by Marta on December 5, 2023

December 4

Father Absolute – A WINDOW INTO A NEW WORLD (Respect for Divine Energies)
December 4, 2023

okno-v-novyj-mir-uvazhenie-k-bozhestvennym-Hello, my dear beloved children!
In continuation of my previous message, I want to draw your attention to another feature of working with Divine energies.
Since each of them has its own specifics, you need to learn how to feel the appropriateness of using one or another energy.
For example, there are Energies of purification, filling, transformation, dissolution, healing and many others that we have not yet talked about.
Therefore, try not to ignore the detailed descriptions that I give you when introducing each new energy.
In fact, it’s not so scary if you mix them up, invoking one or another energy for certain purposes.
The most important thing in any energy work remains the power of human intention.
And sometimes the energy that is needed at the moment comes to your call, even if you are calling for another one.
But still, if you learn to clearly distinguish them and pronounce their names correctly, you will thereby show respect for the intelligent Divine energies that so readily respond to your requests, trying to help you in big and small things.
And even if you have not yet developed sensitivity to energies and have not learned to distinguish them by vibrations, do not despair and calmly continue to develop these skills that you need so much now.
But in order for your work in this direction to be as effective as possible, refresh the names of energies and their properties more often.
As you can see, a separate message is dedicated to each of the energies, and sometimes more than one, with a detailed description of their distinctive features, as well as the goals and methods of their application.
So, my dear ones, all the “instructions”, tips and recommendations are given to you, and then everything depends on yourself – on your desire, patience and perseverance.
Just as it is impossible to achieve noticeable success in sports without long and constant training, it is also impossible to acquire energy work skills without practices and meditations, without trial and error, without spiritual ups and downs, without constant efforts aimed at increasing your vibrations.
And if in the first case we are talking about the hardening of the physical body – its strength and endurance, then in the second – about the development of human energy sensitivity and the strength of his Spirit.
Therefore, my dear ones, never despair if something does not work out for you right away, but calmly and slowly go to your goal, without looking back, without comparing yourself with others, without trying to seem better than you really are, and at the same time without downplaying your abilities.
Each of you is unique.
And it is quite possible that someone who has recently set foot on the path of Ascension will overtake someone who has been following this path for a long time, which often happens at the “marathon distance”.
I bless you and love you immensely!
The Absolute Father has spoken to you
Channeled by Marta on December 4, 2023.

December 4

Father Absolute – A WINDOW INTO A NEW WORLD (Without waiting for the result)
December 4, 2023

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to talk to you about energies from a slightly different angle.
Why do people perceive the same energy differently?
They see it not only in different colors or shapes, but also their physical sensations vary greatly – to the point that they feel it on different chakras.
There are several reasons for this, but the main one is that these people have a rich imagination, which throws them not only images and pictures, but even physical sensations.
Most often this happens when a person REALLY WANTS to see and feel this or that energy, thereby making sure of their spiritual worthiness.
As a rule, such a desire is based on either self-doubt or, conversely, overestimated self-esteem.
These seemingly opposite qualities actually have the same “root”: a person’s inability to objectively evaluate himself.
In fact, to get the right result, you need to completely turn off your Mind and surrender to the will of the Soul or, in other words, your intuition.
This is the only way you can achieve a value-free judgment by giving up the right to your subtle senses to interact with Divine energies, since the human Ego is almost never objective.
As soon as the Ego takes over the Soul, astral entities rush into your energy space.
Moreover, these may not necessarily be entities of the lower astral, which, I think, most of those who read this site have long since got rid of.
Most likely, these are entities from the higher astral layers who are well aware of the energy changes taking place on your planet.
And because they also want to participate in the Ascension process, they come into contact with awakened people.
They have a lot of “opportunities” for this, because they are able not only to energetically influence a person, but also to act out whole performances, as I have already told you in my series of messages about the Astral world.
So, for example, if the level of human vibrations does not reach the level of any Divine energy, then representatives of the higher astral may well take the opportunity to take its place.
They begin not only to show pictures to someone who really wants to see them, but also affect the subtle bodies of a person, as a result of which he may experience certain, sometimes almost physical, sensations.
Therefore, my dear ones, in order not to be captured by astral entities, it is necessary to take precautions.
And the main one is your emotional detachment at the moment when you invoke this or that energy.
This is the only way you can get an objective self-assessment.
And in order to achieve it, it is necessary, having entered a calm and harmonious state, to summon the energy you need at the moment, WITHOUT WAITING FOR the RESULT.
Try to completely detach yourself from all your thoughts and emotions about this energy.
Let her enter your Divine “vessel” herself and, having “scanned” your vibrations, decide whether you are ready or not to interact with her.
The initiative should always come from intelligent high-vibration energies that never make mistakes, always being in harmony with the Laws of the universe.
We will stop there today.
The Absolute Father, who loves you immensely, has spoken to you
Channeled by Marta on December 4, 2023.

December 3

Father Absolute – A WINDOW INTO A NEW WORLD (Energy Discrimination)
December 3, 2023

Hello, my dear beloved children!
In continuation of my previous message, today I will tell you in more detail about the Energy of Converting Physical Matter into Light.
Probably, someone who has already tried to interact with it, felt that it responds with a pulsation or clockwise rotation in your pineal gland.
You could also feel its “echoes” in the sixth and seventh chakras.
At the moment, this is the energy of the highest vibrations that a person physically residing in a three-dimensional world can interact with.
Only your consciousness is responding to it now, which is why so far it can “break through” only to your upper chakras and pineal gland.
And now your task is to help her “reach out” to the rest of your chakras, which will allow you to start the process of transforming your physical body into a light crystalline one.
In order for this to happen, it is necessary to carry out a little preparatory work.
And it will consist in fixing the vibration level of your “Golden Triangle” at the frequency of the Energy of Converting Physical Matter into Light.
To do this, you can use the same practice that I gave you recently to maintain your upper chakras at the level of vibrations of the Energy of Dissolution of the Three-dimensional Matrix.
Only this time you will summon the Energy of Converting Physical Matter into Light.
It is very important to learn to feel the difference between these two energies, since each of them has its own characteristics and “specialization”.
It will be great if you can distinguish them in the same way that you distinguish colors or sounds.
But for this to happen, it takes time and patience.
Therefore, my task today will be for you to learn how to distinguish the Energy of Dissolution of a Three-dimensional Matrix from the Energy of Transformation of Physical Matter into Light.
But once again I would like to remind you that in no case should you force events and try to embrace the immensity.
Impatience and haste will not lead to anything good, because if your consciousness has not yet reached the level of vibrations of one or another energy, you will not be able to interact with them with all your desire.
And the Law of Similarity (Attraction) will be “guilty” of this, which no one can undo.
Don’t get upset, my family, if something doesn’t work out for you the first time, and don’t blame yourself for it.
Energy work is endless creativity, but already on a spiritual plane, and in order to reach heights in it, considerable wisdom and patience are required.
And as you already know, any rush and fuss carries energies of very low vibrations.
Everything will come in due time when you are really ready for it.
We will stop there today.
The Absolute Father, who loves you immensely, has spoken to you
Channeled by Marta on December 3, 2023.

December 2

Father Absolute – A WINDOW INTO A NEW WORLD (Energy of Transformation of Physical Matter into Light)
December 2, 2023

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to introduce you to another energy that becomes available to those whose vibrations have already reached the fourth dimension.
As for people who are still in the third dimension with their consciousness, their vibrations are not yet able to enter into resonance with this energy.
And we will talk about the Energy of Converting Physical Matter into Light.
If you learn to vibrate at the same frequency with this energy, then the process of transforming your physical body into a light crystalline body will accelerate many times.
But you need to start small, as in everything that concerns the human physical body.
By and large, excessive energy load is just as harmful to you as physical overstrain.
I think many of you have already experienced this for yourself.
Overdose of energy can be expressed in different ways: dizziness, nausea and even loss of orientation.
That is why I always ask you to work with the energy that best corresponds to the current level of your vibrations.
Always remember that high-vibration energies will not disappear anywhere, but will only serve as an additional incentive to increase your own vibrations.
Remember how gradually you moved from the Energy of Light and Love to the Energy of Ascension.
And now many of you are ready to use the Energy of Dissolution of the Three-dimensional Matrix.
But the energy in question today is no longer just another step on the path to Ascension, but a kind of “tool” that allows you to prepare your physical body for the transition to the Fifth Dimension.
Although before that you had already been given a lot of practices for transforming your physical body into a light crystalline one, but all of them were rather preliminary in nature.
This can be compared to how a child is first taught to read and write: letters and words, from which he gradually begins to put together sentences.
And only when the child learns to read fluently, he will be able to plunge into the vast book world himself, enjoying the works of his favorite authors.
The same thing happens to you, my dear ones, when you gradually master the energies of various vibrations one after another, sometimes combining them for some purpose or using them singly.
Without mastering the energy “alphabet”, it is impossible to embark on a long voyage across the boundless “ocean” of unlimited vibrational diversity.
Therefore, today I only suggest that you summon the Energy of Converting Physical Matter into Light in order to feel how it will resonate in your subtle bodies, and maybe in your physical body.
We will stop there today.
The Absolute Father, who loves you immensely, has spoken to you
Channeled by Marta on December 2, 2023.

December 1

Father Absolute – A WINDOW TO A NEW WORLD (Beyond the 3D Matrix)
December 1, 2023

okno-v-novyj-mir-za-predelami-trehmernoj-matriczyHello, my dear beloved children!
Today I will tell you how you can strengthen your defenses at this difficult time when the Forces of Darkness become especially aggressive.
This is happening because more and more people are waking up and starting to understand the real causes of all their problems and see what a dark future their governments have in store for them.
But particularly strong attacks from the Dark Forces are experienced by the pure light souls who fight with representatives of the deep state on both the subtle and physical planes.
As soon as you forget to put up a defense, the astral entities at the service of the Dragon Reptilians use this “loophole” to attack you on the subtle plane.
Many of you have probably noticed that sometimes, for no apparent reason, you suddenly feel completely empty.
And some feel energy attacks even on the physical plane in the form of acute pains or exacerbation of their chronic diseases.
Of course, there may be other reasons for this, but if a person is actively engaged in practices and meditations aimed at cleansing the Earth of third-dimensional programs and especially those that interact with the collective consciousness of humanity, then most likely such manifestations are a consequence of energy attacks by the Forces of Darkness.
Therefore, I now want to offer you another method of energy protection directed against all types of astral entities, as well as reptilians and draco-reptiles.
In fact, they can see you perfectly, as your aura stands out significantly against the general gray background of your planet’s population.
From the subtle plane of the Earth, you really look like fireflies – it is not for nothing that this word is already firmly established in your everyday life.
So in order to become invisible to all types of low vibrational beings living on both the subtle and physical planes, you must learn to “mask” your Light.
And for this, the practice “Double Mirrors” is very suitable, but slightly improved for greater efficiency.
On the outer mirror surface of your protective sphere, you can create another layer of three-dimensional matrix dissolution energy.
This energy will not only boost your defenses, but also make you invisible.
The fact is that the Forces of Darkness are unable to affect a person OUTSIDE of the 3D matrix.
It is she who gives them power, as she was created to imprison pure human souls.
The three-dimensional world is their domain, in which they feel absolute masters, able to influence the consciousness and physical bodies of people.
But outside of this world they lose their power as they cannot exist in the higher vibrational energies.
By doing practices and meditations to dissolve the three-dimensional matrix, you strip them of this power.
Therefore, they are fiercely resisting you, influencing you with all available means.
Therefore, dear ones, do not forget to put on the double protection that I have just offered you, so that you are fully protected not only during your practices and meditations, but also in your daily life.
I bless you and love you endlessly!
Father Absolute is speaking to you
Accepted by Marta on December 1, 2023
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