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Of sudden deathю

Of sudden deathю

Of sudden deathю

I have said before that the soul can leave the body whenever it sees fit. This is starting to happen every day-sometimes single cases, sometimes mass cases (the case in Seoul), and will probably increase even more. Increasingly, pilots and drivers die in the workplace – often as a result of vaccinations – a genetic conflict occurs in the body, which prevents the rise of vibrations, evolution along with the planet.
As the soul leaves, the body first stops heart activity – it looks like suffocation/shortness of breath. You have probably read or heard that when, during sleep or meditation, the soul leaves the body, it remains connected with it through T.N. “silver thread” – this is an energy stream that feeds the most pressing life processes, for example, the heart and kidneys. And when the soul leaves the body for good, the silver thread breaks and the vital processes stop. This creates big problems for pathologists who can’t imagine how a healthy heart can stop. After a long scratching of the back of the head, they come up with a conclusion far removed from reality.
Increased mortality is due to natural changes, and as you know, species that do not evolve/adapt to these changes are dying out. T.well. for some souls, the increased energy of the planet becomes inappropriate – it is not suitable for their development/evolution. That is why they leave at an accelerated pace: those who do not have serious karmic obligations leave directly, and those with karmic obligations are killed, raped, killed in accidents or due to diseases. In general, there is an accelerated cleansing of karma in all possible ways – that is why human relationships become more and more tense.
What will be the number of extraordinary dead, not even the boss can say – we surprise him constantly and confuse his accounts. It’s about changing personal consciousness through personal effort, and that’s an equation with millions of unknowns. It all depends on how scared they are for their lives and how serious they are about personal evolution. It seems to me that the Earth’s population will decrease tenfold, but probably within a century or two. It is likely that death rates rise and fall in waves – again directly dependent on human effort. Never forget the old fairy tale: God gives, but in the crib does not bring – t.well. there is nothing to give to those who are waiting for it to fall on top of them.
The evolution of consciousness adjusts to natural changes, in short, you need to clear the bugs in the head (What Is Right) – t.well. stop acting on someone else’s mind and trust yourself. Only then can you become human again, stop being Zobi-Automata.
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