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November 30

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Intuitive perception of life)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will go on talking about the global “web” that encircled all the spheres of your life.
But this time we will talk about how to resist it at the physical level.
You already know that the energy underlying reason of the world top’s plans is to decrease people’s vibrations as much as possible guiding all their thoughts, emotions and actions the material way thereby having ruined everything pure, spiritual and Divine in humans.
Well, now it is time to turn everything back and having changed one’s life priorities to come back to one’s origins and one’s true desires.
It is not that hard to do this.
For this purpose you should cut down on the mainstream sources of information influencing human subconscience rather than conscience.
Stick only to the most proved and high vibration news sources so as to be in the know of the current events.
This will be the first step to save you from unnecessary temptations and useless things in your life.
Switch all your attention to your inner sensations – the intuitive perception of life.
And let it concern absolutely everything in your life: from everyday routine to the global world events.
Train yourselves to scan the energy profile of everything that takes place in your life and, first of all, people – those you know and do not know, your immediate environment and world leaders that determine their countries’ policy.
Try to see what remains “behind the scenes” being guided not by the words but actions of these leaders since their words and deeds are almost always at variance.
And now let us talk about how being a common person not conferring powers you can physically oppose the plans of globalists.
First of all, of course, you should stop obeying their orders contrary to your desires and understanding of the things in progress.
And I know that many of you act just like this.
And this is thanks to this that globalists’ programme on general vaccination of population failed.
Even by means of threats and deprivation of legal rights they did not manage to break the will of the pure human souls, which triggered the second part of their programme – the provocation of a military conflict in Ukraine whose consequences this or that way influenced almost all the countries of the world.
And now this conflict, too and, which is more important, the actions of the ruling top and their marionettes at the helm in its respect, require your intuitive “assessment”.
Many of you have passed this durability test in an appropriate way, too having penetrated by your conscience into the very kernel of the things despite the tragic character of the situation.
The struggle between the Forces of Light and Dark is a war to death now and, unfortunately, the deep state sort out their problems by proxy and at the expense of suffering and sometimes supreme sacrifice of common people.
And the more people understand it and rebel against their criminal governments, the sooner will finish this bloodshed that cannot be justified by anything and that has caused death of hundreds of thousands of people and resulted in the unseen-before world economic crisis.
And it will also be your protest against the criminal actions of globalist at the physical level.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on November 30, 2022.

November 29

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (The way your chakras will respond)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
As a follow-up to my previous message today we will talk about the way you can get disconnected physically and in terms of energy from the global “web” of the values alien to you.
The first thing to do is, of course, to understand what exactly in your life is valuable and necessary for you.
And it concerns absolutely everything: life priorities, your immediate environment, your material needs.
It is essential to understand what was introduced into your life from without and what is your Soul’s desire.
For this purpose it is possible to use the same practice as you applied to understand what dimension your Soul would like to find itself in.
But for a start, I recommend you to make a list of the questions you want to ask yourselves.
And then being in calm and balanced condition pronounce them aloud.
The answers will arrive as your chakras’ sensations.
Depending on which of them will respond to your question, you can identify the vibration level of your life’s sphere, person from your environment or an object that you possess.
Since everything is energy or, to be exact, this or that level of vibrations, having learnt to identify them, you will be able to adjust these or those aspects of your life gradually “moving” them from the third dimension to the fourth and then the Fifth one.
But so as to get distinct and right answers, you should learn to formulate your thoughts correctly.
I know that many of you have already learnt to use a pendulum to get information from the subtle level.
But while a pendulum gives you only short answers: “yes” or “no”, this practice is more voluminous because it identifies the energy level of what you are thinking about.
In this case you do not even have to ask a question – you can simply pronounce words that are characteristic of the main idea of the issue you are interested in.
For example: profession, accommodation, colleague, husband, wife, hobby, foodstuffs, future plans – in a word, anything that is urgent for you at this moment.
And since you address your Soul that is well aware of the things you actually need, it will do its best to communicate its hints to you by all the means available to it.
If someone still does not feel their chakras and subtle bodies, the answer can come from without and in the most unexpected way.
But for this you should be very attentive to details – all the signs and clues that will start arising in your life.
While those of you who already feel their chakras well will be able to get the answer through the respond of one of them.
You already know that the border line between the dimensions runs at the level of the fourth chakra.
Everything that is below it totally belongs to the third dimension world and everything that is above it belongs rather to the fourth dimension and sometimes to the Fifth one, too.
Start with this, my dear.
Let this practice become some kind of a game for you that is designed to sort out all the useless things unnecessary to your Soul.
This way little by little in your life there will remain only the things that morally, physically and in terms of energy will correspond to the high vibrations of Earth and genuine desires of your Soul.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on November 29, 2022.

November 28

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Price of prestige)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Well, today we get down to practical work on the eradication of globalism ideology that has taken deep root in your planet.
And we will approach this work both in the energy and physical – material – way.
But we will start with its energy part since, as you already know, everything that happens to a person acquires shape first at the subtle level.
And it concerns absolutely everything – from household routine to the crucial events of your life.
Let us look into it as clarified by specific cases.
How does fashion arise: for clothes, electronic appliances, cars, travel, prestigious professions?
What energy is it based on?
First of all, it is the energy of competition and self-assertion, which is commonly called prestige in modern society.
Sometimes one devotes all one’s life to get prestigious things and keep up with the others.
One does the work one does not like, but which makes profit, gets loans, socializes with necessary people stinting oneself of everything required by one’s Soul – the things that could bring one real satisfaction.
And one gets into this material trap “thanks to” the advertising promoted worldwide that imposes “well-off prestigious life”.
Well, this is the global web, too at the everyday level though that is designed to unify human needs irrespective of the culture and traditions of the country one lives in, people one communicates with and material resources at one’s disposal.
As a result, for millions of people the purpose of life becomes the “ideal” imposed from without.
What is the price such people pay for achievement of their goal?
And the main thing – what energies are their actions and deeds based on?
Most often they are the lowest vibration energies: of envy, jealousy, self-assertion at the expense of others – what is commonly called “making one’s way over corpses”.
And if the goal is not finally reached, then they are the energies of anger, powerlessness, guilt, self-humiliation.
And having even reached the supreme of “the happy” life as viewed by the public, one’s life is constantly accompanied by the fear to lose it since the higher social status and greater prosperity, the more it hurts to fall down off “the top” of success.
I think, my dear, that many of you have not only watched this from aside but have also lived through similar experience yourselves chasing for the better life not thinking about what and who you do it for.
And all this actually disguises the profound scheme of globalists to drive people to material slavery, lead them away from the spiritual aspect of their life – their Divine predestination and Soul’s mission.
And now it is time to come back to your origins having thrown off the “sticky web” of the values alien to you – material or moral ones keeping only the things YOU need and leaving in the past everything that was imposed on you from without with no good intentions at all.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on November 28, 2022.

November 27

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Globalism’s origins)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
As a follow-up to my previous message today I would like to come back to the issue of globalism and talk about when, how and why this idea penetrated into your society gradually enveloping your planet with its web.
So as to understand how to oppose this evil, it is required to remember about its origins.
It will help you eradicate this phenomenon completely, otherwise the sprouts of globalism will grow over and over again.
The ideology of globalism appeared on your planet long ago – at the very time when on Earth there appeared the race of reptiloids that started “settling in” human bodies.
Not featuring Divine conscience and love and sympathy typical of it, they concentrated all their potential and attention on self-asserting on Earth due to their reason and desire to wield power.
What it resulted in is well-known to you: they have managed to penetrate into all the power-holding structures – state, religious, financial.
They felt being chosen and omnipotent.
Yet, they wanted more – they wanted to place under their command the whole world this time turning people into a submissive herd that they could rule as they wish.
As a result, there appeared Jesuits, Masons, Zionists and a lot of other secret societies that were invariably headed by the high caste reptiloids.
The atmosphere of mystery and secrecy attracted into these organizations a lot of human souls, too who were seeking for romance and eager to change the world for the better, which was hypocritically promised to them by the founders of these societies.
But, as a matter of fact, their pure human qualities were taken advantage of by the reptiloids for their personal interests.
It was these people who often became their “hands” – the secret “weapons” by means of which they implemented their plans of humanity enslavement.
All their actions and projects were invariably based on their favourite motto “Divide and rule”.
For centuries they succeeded in playing off countries, nations, religions against each other, unleashing wars and revolutions, overthrowing the governments out of their favour and replacing them with their protégés.
Little by little having come to believe in their impunity, they stopped concealing their plans from people putting up for show once secret symbols of their power and instilling satanic rites into the life of modern society through entertainment industry, advertising, fashion, sports.
The glaring example of it is the “holiday” of Halloween that has become traditional in almost all the countries of the world now.
This way, the influence of the shadow government that has well fortified their position on Earth started to spread over not only their marionettes at the helm but also over common people who follow fashion blindly not thinking about who, when and why introduced it into their life.
And now globalism has attained the features of a real monster that gobbles human souls and bodies that people obediently and voluntarily provide for the slaughter themselves.
Consequently, humanity is in danger of extinction now.
That is why, my dear, it is high time to fight this monster – “many-headed beast” who seized power on Earth.
And next time we will talk about it in more detail.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on November 27, 2022.

November 26

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Collapse of the global “web”)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to talk to you about the global processes now in progress on Earth.
But, first, one should understand what globalism is that is so much spoken about at present.
It is total depersonalization of countries and nations and their submission to one management.
And for this goal to be achieved all the means available to the shadow government are made use of.
As you see, they are managing it quite well.
The only but rather important obstacle on their way to total accomplishment of their plans turned out the “unsinkable” – yielding to no contrivance – Divine essence of man.
While clones, reptiloids and representatives of other low vibration civilizations embodied as humans are easy to “train”, pure human souls feel the catch by intuition and oppose to insane plans of globalists on “dehumanization” of Earth’s population.
And it has become especially evident when society has divided into those who take for gospel everything they are inculcated by the authorities in globalists’ grip and those who do not believe a word originating from the mainstream sources of information.
That is why the unification contrived by globalists is falling apart at the seams and to “fill in holes” that have appeared in this “many-coloured linen” will be now impossible for them.
It can be said that their thoroughly developed programme whose implementation has been promoted for years has already collapsed.
Unfortunately, this victory was won by humanity at too high the cost – by loss of a huge number of human lives that have already been taken away and will be taken away by false vaccination in the coming years.
And no matter how much we speak about the free will of these people the lion’s share of the responsibility for their life belongs to globalists who by fraud led a certain segment of humanity to such a tragic end.
It was possible for the supporters of globalism to commit this crime thanks to the one governing policy that was made and is being made by the shadow government by means of their protégés at the helm.
And now it is time to destroy this world power “web” that has enveloped the whole world – cut down the energy “sticky threads” of this criminal structure of power that devastates human souls and ruins their health and life.
You can ask: “What can be done in a situation like this by an average person conferring no powers, the one who almost nothing depends on?”
They can actually do really a lot.
Having expressed clearly and distinctly your inner protest against the criminal actions of the authorities, you set in motion the energy chain of opposition to the Forces of Dark that in compliance with the Law of Attraction draws your supporters not only at the subtle but also physical level.
This way you give signals of more active and efficient actions to your Heavenly assistants and your Galaxy family, while your environment starts attracting the people you have a lot in common with who scan your mood and intentions by intuition.
Everything around you comes in motion being triggered by your sincere and strong desire to live in Light, not in Dark.
This is what globalists are afraid of most.
Yet, this is what starts happening everywhere, which in the long run will ultimately destroy the hierarchy pyramid of power and under its wreckage there will remain the old world and all its henchmen.
And it is within your depth, my dear, to speed up this process as much as possible.
I bless you for this and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on November 26, 2022.

November 24

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Keeping up with the Laws of the Universe)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to summarize our talk about the Laws of the Universe that now show in a new way in many things.
And it happens not because the Laws themselves are changing but because energy space is changing and, consequently, the vibrations of the people who live in accordance with these Laws.
The processes now in progress on Earth are unique since on no other planet the vibrations of the planet itself as well as those of its inhabitants have changed so swiftly ever before – within several decades.
It usually takes centuries if not millennia.
And it is, of course, not within every inhabitant of your planet’s depth to adjust their conscience, let alone their bodies, on a tight timetable.
But the souls that have incarnated on Earth now are not ordinary either but those who have been carefully getting ready for such a great event for a long time.
What is more, a lot of souls have come here from other planets – from higher dimensions.
Some of them decided to live through the unique experience of transition to a high dimension in their physical body.
Others volunteered to participate in this experiment so as to help their star brothers and sisters embodied on Earth now to overcome the hardships of the third dimension world on their way to Ascension appropriately.
And at birth some of them had their memory about who they are and where they come from preserved.
But let us come back to our topic – the way the Laws of the Universe work in a new reality when the energy space of Earth is changing, which this way or another tells on every person’s life.
In these conditions the fast karma that was told about in my recent message works in a different way for every person – depending on one’s vibrations.
To a large extent it depends on how accurately one observes the Laws of the Universe – whether one knows about them and tries to comply with them.
Of course, the majority of your planet’s inhabitants not only fail to know they exist but even do not bother to think they can exist being guided only by their primitive instincts.
That is why the new energies keep clear of such people being “bounced” from their energy space due to a huge vibration gap.
The case is different with pure human souls who have come to Earth to live through the experience of Ascension.
Even having no idea of the Transition of Earth to the Fifth dimension, they are instinctively ready for it and eagerly absorb the energies of high vibrations so dear and native to them.
It is these people’s conscience that starts changing fast and they get deeply involved into new knowledge, energy practices and meditations trying to make up for the time that was wasted.
The Laws of the Universe are not empty words but a guide for action for them this time.
They start applying them in their daily life tracing their performance and adjusting their thoughts, emotions and actions in compliance with them.
And these people are now able to see how quickly time parameters are changing on Earth, how quickly everything good and bad returns to them in a “boomerang” way, what people and events are attracted to them depending on their psychic condition and the emotions generated outwards.
It is possible to say that the Laws of the Universe changing their parameters as long as Earth is advancing to higher dimensions help people grow spiritually and keep up with the new vibrations of the planet.
And since all the Laws of the Universe are constantly interacting with each other, resulting one from another, human conscience transformation features a multi-aspect character – occurs at several levels at the same time.
Thus, for example, having learnt to trace the cause-effect relations of the events taking place in their life, people advance to another stage of the Laws of Attraction, Reflection and the Free Will’s mastering and, generally speaking, to a new level of awareness of the reality that they find themselves in at the present time of their life.
And this very fact is great progress on their way to Ascension.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on November 24, 2022.

November 23

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (“To make friends” with the Law of Cause and Effect)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to focus on one more Law of the Universe that is likely to make influence on you indirectly.
And at issue will be the Law of Cause and Effect that is inseparable from two other Laws: that of Attraction and Reflection.
Why have I decided to dedicate a separate message to the talk about it?
First of all, because it is this Law that is the easiest for you to monitor especially now when fast karma has come into force.
It is the easiest for you to work with since it calls everything what it really is becoming quickly apparent at the physical level.
It is even possible to say that it is the most “material’ Law of the Universe.
So, any event in your life is ALWAYS a consequence of these or those thoughts, emotions and deeds of yours – both in big and small.
Therefore, if you learn to find the reasons for your failure or, the other way round, success, not putting it to the back burner, you will quickly “make friends” with this Law, which will enable you to advance in your spiritual development considerably.
Having mastered it in practice, you will make sure yourselves that everything in your life depends ONLY on you yourselves irrespective of external circumstances, your environment, political situation, etc.
And the recent years have made the most vivid example of it when under the circumstances same for everybody some people compliantly allowed themselves to be led by the authorities, while others even at material and moral expenses managed to protect their right to be their own masters and did not let outrage against their body and Soul.
So, one and the same cause depending on the free will expressed by people has lead their way to absolutely different effects: has plunged some people still deeper into the third dimensionality, while raised others to the height of the fourth dimension thereby opening the way to Ascension for them.
Well, the things are not so simple as this, of course, since the behaviour of the former and the latter category of people features a variety of difference nuances.
Thus, somebody’s Soul did not accept “the rules of the game” but one had to agree to it so as to save one’s children from starvation, while some others having rejected the so-called “vaccination” were only thinking about preventing any harm to themselves not being aware of the scale of the crimes against humanity.
Each person, as well as their life conditions, is so unique that there are no similar causes or effects on Earth, there are only general tendencies for them, the ones that eventually make up the overall either positive or negative development vectors of the whole humanity.
And the behaviour of each single individual goes into the piggy bank of the common collective conscience.
And I would like you, my dear, to be perfectly aware of your responsibility not only to your own Soul but also to the whole humanity whose part you are.
Try to make your positive contribution to your shared energy “piggy bank” invariably, which will enable you and millions of other people to make the long-awaited Transition to the Fifth dimension faster.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on November 23, 2022.

November 23

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Free will “tug-of-war”)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to go on talking about the Law of the Free Will that is now gaining a specifically important status.
And now we will consider it on a global scale.
But first I would like to explain to you the difference between this Law’s influence on individuals and collective human conscience.
As it has already been numerously mentioned in my messages, each person makes their contribution – positive or negative – to the collective human conscience.
And to a great extent it concerns observation of the Laws of the Universe.
But none of these Laws influences the “quality” of collective conscience condition to such a degree as the Law of the Free Will does.
It is this Law that determines the direction humanity will move on – whether it will follow the path of evolution or involution.
The things now in progress on Earth can be compared with tug-of-war and not only in terms of the quantity but quality ration at that.
And now I will explain what it means.
At one end there are the people who are tooth and nail clinging to the old life in panic being afraid to change anything in it.
They agree to anything and unreservedly believe what they hear in the mainstream news channels.
It seems to them that if they suffer the hard times of their life having experienced material and moral hardships, soon everything will come back to normal.
This way they show their free will to remain a cog in the machine of the third dimension world that has already had its days and is in the grip of the world government.
While other people see everything in the raw and are well aware of the fact that the past is not to come back and what the world ruling top is leading their way to will turn out a catastrophe for humanity – their death in the direct meaning of the world.
And their free will is vividly expressed in their active opposition to the present-day system of power that vigorously promotes digitizing in all the spheres of people’s life and gene modified preparations that kill the human Soul turning one into a submissive executor of somebody else’s will.
That is why it will not be an exaggeration to say that the free will manifestation of this or that category of people is the reflection of the struggle between the Forces of Light and Dark.
Everything has become interweaved on your planet having reached the boiling point not only in the political, financial and social spheres but also in the conscience and Soul of each person.
But light revived human souls have got a great advantage as high vibration energies of the Fifth dimension that are pouring down on Earth in full-flowing streams now, as well as the support of the Forces of Light and your Galaxy brothers who secure you not only at the subtle but physical level, too.
And it has become possible only because they “scanned” the free will of the millions of the people unwilling to live the old way and execute mindless orders of the ruling top.
While the Forces of Dark on the watch of the deep state are already “choking” in the new energies and cannot support their once powerful “protégés” and those who decided to follow them any more.
Therefore, the “tug-of-war” in terms of the free will expressed by Earth’s inhabitants will be inevitably won by those who find themselves at the side of Light.
It only takes a little more effort and this “rope” will be torn into two taking away to the third dimension the former and to a new high vibration world the latter ones.
Everyone will find themselves in the energy space that they chose themselves having shown the free will.
Yet, now this dividing line will run in collective human conscience, too: one part of it will follow the path of evolution and the other one – that of involution.
And it is within no one’s depth to change it since the Laws of the Universe remain eternal and invariable.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on November 23, 2022.

November 22

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Law of Free Will “coming back”)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will talk about one more Law of the Universe – one of the most important that concerns every living being on Earth.
This is the Law of the Free Will.
This is the law that has been violated most and is still being violated on Earth.
People have always been driven to certain limits by those who seized power on your planet preventing the former from being their own masters.
Moreover, little by little they managed to make obedience and following earthly laws a virtue.
As a result, all universal human virtues and natural needs of the human Soul have been perverted.
Right from childhood a child was taught they are not free in their choice – that their life and destiny comply with their parents, religion, state and simply circumstances and that they themselves cannot change anything.
Rare “rebels” who dared to “stray from the herd” were sooner or later forced back, and it had been going on that way for millennia.
This is exactly the reason for the situation to arise on your planet when billions of people found themselves hostages of a group of criminals who took over your planet.
As you can see in recent years the suppression of the human free will has been brought to the point of absurdity this time which developed into mass destruction of humanity.
But this was the thing that was a powerful spur to the revival of hundreds of thousands of people who eventually realized the true essence and actual goals of the ruling top.
And the fact that it has finally happened resulted mostly from the Law of the Free Will’s manifestation that has come back to Earth with the new high vibration energies of the Fifth dimension.
Purifying human conscience these energies have managed to get through the thick of the third dimension world strata with its stereotyped mental patterns that suppress the free will of people and turn them into submissive slaves of the system.
And now this system is starting collapsing taking along to nonexistence all the laws and traditions that are based on fear and human will suppression.
Of course, not everybody is ready to set out for a “free flying” and take responsibility for their life and destiny on their own shoulders.
A lot of people will be clinging to the old moral values not even bothering to think who imposed such “morals” on them.
But freethinking has already broken away and to force the people who have taken a deep breath of the “air” filled with jolly anticipation of a new life back to the “cage” of the third dimensionality will now be impossible for high and mighty.
The third dimension matrix is going to pieces now in such a legible way that only the blind cannot see it.
Yet, “the blind” are numerous enough on Earth and they will leave for their worlds of low vibrations to go on with their existence until they recover their sight and gain the free will – the one that can return people their Divine essence and make them the Creators of their life.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on November 22, 2022.

November 21

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Multilevel essence of the Law of Unity)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will go on talking about the specific ways that the Laws of the Universe show in different dimensions.
And now we will talk about the Law of Unity.
I think that many of you have already seen the difference in its “behaviour” in the third and Fifth dimensions.
And it is natural since the person whose conscience has already advanced to the level of the Fifth dimension understands this Law in quite a distinct way because it leaves for them the metes and bounds of the third dimensionality and embraces not only your Galaxy but the whole Universe as well.
This is exactly the phenomenon that many revived souls witness, which at the same time is a manifestation of the Fifth dimension in their present life.
Yet, all this happens gradually – in successive steps.
As a rule, the one who has embarked on the way of spiritual development starts feeling Unity first with natural elements, animals and the people around.
But as long as the knowledge of the Universe, diversity of life under the sun, their Galaxy brothers and sisters is getting revealed to such a person, the Law of Unity in their understanding gains quite a different scale.
Of course, it is only possible if one unconditionally believes – feels with all one’s heart and soul that everything is really so that it is not one’s fantasy but reality though invisible and unprovable so far from the point of view of the third dimension world man.
This way the multilevel essence of the Law of Unity shows that depending on an individual’s vibrations and worldview assumes various forms: ranging from family, group, national Unity to the Unity of the Universe scale.
As far as the fourth dimension is concerned, where many of you now find themselves in, here some things intermediary between the ways this Law shows in the third and Fifth dimensions occur.
And the reason is as follows.
As you know now there is in progress vigorous stratification according to vibrations among the inhabitants of Earth.
As a result, some people feel Unity with the segment of the population fast asleep, while some others – with its revived part.
And between the two groups that often are antagonistic towards each other there is no Unity.
The third dimension world duality is to blame for it that has become as apparent as ever.
But such stratification of the society is well in consistence with laws – this way the Law of Attraction and the Law of the Free Will work.
Each person has chosen their path – the very energy space and reality they feel comfortable and that meet their Soul’s needs.
Therefore, on Earth there has arisen a unique situation – two parallel realities, sometimes intersecting though, where people live according to their Laws of Unity.
But in the former group of the people who remained in the third dimension world the Law of Unity shows in a curtailed manner being limited to the frames of family, country, Earth at most, while in the latter one – in an extended manner since this Law now embraces not only Earth but the Galaxy and the whole Universe.
In the long run, the people of the latter group start feeling Unity with those who chose to remain in the third dimension world, too being aware of the inevitability of the stratification of the planet’s inhabitants according to vibrations and the free choice of every inhabitant of Earth.
And the higher one’s vibrations, the wider and the more voluminous the Law of Unity’s manifestation in one’s life becomes that now covers all the dimensions and all the kinds of living beings both on Earth and far away from it.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on November 21, 2022.

November 20

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Law of Reflection and Transition scenario)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will consider one more Law of the Universe so that you get a better idea of how it corresponds to the time parameters changing now.
And now at issue will be the Law of Reflection.
We have talked a lot with you about the fact that in recent years karma laws work in a different way – much faster than before.
While in old times retribution for your unseemingly deeds could come even in your next incarnation, now everything happens in the current life and rather quickly sometimes.
This phenomenon is also a manifestation of the Fifth dimension on Earth, which promotes Revival of many people.
Such fast karma enables you to clearly see the cause-effect relationship of all the events in your life and adjust your attitude to these or those people or events in time.
Of course, not many people can put to practice this skill but only those whose vibrations allow to do it.
Those fast asleep are accustomed to blame all their misfortunes and sufferings on other people.
And only the people whose conscience has already left the metes and bounds of the third dimensionality can realize the “inner” reasons for their failure.
By the way, it concerns not only some particular individuals but humanity in general, too.
So, for example, if collective human conscience had featured a higher level of vibrations, people would not have got to the trap the world government prepared for them as the false pandemic and false vaccination imposed on them with all it entailed.
Therefore, the slave psychology of the overwhelming majority of your planet’s population and their unmurmuring obedience in respect of absurd and illegal requirements of the authorities resulted in still more trouble.
Beside the fact that a lot of people lost their health and even life itself, for the worse was changed the scenario of the planet and humanity’s transition to the Fifth dimension, too.
This way, the Law of Reflection has shown not only in lives of certain people but the whole humanity as well.
And now it is time to realize it so as not to repeat again the mistakes made before but quickly and confidently move to the Fifth dimension with your planet instead.
We have mentioned more than once with you that one really revived person is worth hundreds and sometimes thousands of the unrevived.
That is why if each of you start heedfully treating everything that takes place in your life monitoring cause-effect chains of all the events and relations with people, it will be a great contribution to increasing of collective human conscience vibrations.
This will be the very compliance of yours with the Law of Reflection and prompt correction of your behaviour in accordance with it.
Try, my dear to monitor all your thoughts and emotions more carefully so as not to miss the moment when they lead you astray from the road you chose.
It is, as a matter of fact, quite a fascinating occupation.
It can be compared with the game of “ping-pong”: if you catch the “ball” of the event that reflects your inharmonious thoughts and emotions outwards and neutralize its consequences at least at the energy level, you will win, while if you do not catch your “ball”, you will have to “play” over and over again studying the same lesson.
And I wish you, my dear, to finish this “game” with a quick and resounding victory having got rid of all the third dimension reactions to the events and people who “mirror” you.
And from now on let only happiness and joy, pure and light souls be attracted to you that reflect the harmonious condition of your Soul.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on November 20, 2022.

November 19

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Law of Attraction influence on spiritual revival)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
And one more sign of the Fifth dimension in your life will be discussed by us today.
At issue will be the change of time parameters again, which has been noticed by many of you since long ago.
This time we will focus on the influence produced by such changes on the Laws of Universe according to which one lives irrespective of the dimension one finds oneself in.
And let us consider each of these Laws taken separately.
We will start with the Law of Attraction that was already mentioned about in my recent message.
It is perhaps this Law that enables to trace the most vivid manifestations of the Fifth dimension on your planet.
Let us remember and compare the way it used to work – at least ten years ago.
And we will consider it in the context of your spiritual revival.
Remember the year 2012 when a lot of people were expecting great and crucial events on Earth: some of them were expecting the end of the world and some others Ascension – depending on the knowledge they had at that moment.
Well, what actually happened in December 2012?
The expected Transition of the planet to a new stage of its development did occur but not the way it was supposed to.
It turned invisible for the former and the latter because it took place at the subtle level only.
As a result, the people who were expecting the end of the world calmed down and went on with their usual life.
While those who were expecting Ascension divided into several groups.
Some of them having become disappointed with the fact that events did not live up to their expectations deviated from the issue of Ascension, while some others whose belief was strong and whose intuition prompted that the things are still to come began to master the subject of Ascension even more thoroughly trying to get to the root of the things and understand the reasons for such a delay.
How did the Law of Attraction work in this case?
Before all, in accordance with vibrations and free will of each person.
The vibrations of those who were expecting the end of the world were low due to the fact that they were seized with fear for their life.
That is why they came back to their normal existence of the third dimension world with pleasure – the reality that corresponded to their vibrations and desire to leave everything as it is in their life.
While those who with all their heart and soul were striving for a new reality taking the third dimension world as the one that had had its days and failing to meet their desires and spiritual aspiration maintained their vibrations rather high.
And these people kept on moving towards the Fifth dimension.
As you see, both the former and the latter in compliance with the Law of Attraction find themselves in the reality – the energy space they chose themselves and that corresponded to their vibrations.
But it does not mean at all that the first group of people has no way back to Ascension forever and the people of the either group will make Transition by all means.
Life circumstances, new energies, as well as tireless work of the Forces of Light introduce some amendments to people’s destinies, as a result of which some people can revive almost immediately and others can fall down from the spiritual heights they have already reached.
Which has been the case during these recent years.
A lot of people who seemed to be absolutely unprepared for Ascension have revived, while those who had been moving to it for many years made an astounding fall down into the third dimensionality thereby cutting down the way to Ascension to themselves.
And now these processes are gaining in speed more and more not only thanks to the changes of time parameters but also because of the fact that now everything is becoming apparent – good and bad and it is becoming harder and harder for people to conceal their true colours.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on November 19, 2022.

November 18

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Scale pan of the Fifth dimension)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
While my recent messages said about the obstacles on your way to the Fifth dimension, now we will talk about the things that help you and what signs of the Fifth dimension started showing in your present-day life.
In other words, it is time “to tip the balance” of your existence in the fourth dimension in favour of the Fifth one.
But it can happen only when you have made sure that you have got ultimately free from the third dimension mentality burden that is based on the stereotypes that have been instilled into it for centuries.
And though it is very hard to do, the general outlines of “freethinking” are getting manifested in many of you.
It is, first of all, your own merit, of course – your daily spiritual work at yourselves.
But there are external elements, too that facilitate your spiritual growth.
And though they are quite difficult to monitor, they produce a huge impact on you pulling your vibrations up to the level of the Fifth dimension now.
Well, what elements are these?
Before all, they are high vibration energies that are literally ousting out from Earth everything old – of low vibrations.
As a result, people who can withstand them unintentionally tune into them in terms of their conscience and bodies, while those whose vibrations are too low begin leaving the physical level, which is the case everywhere now.
And the higher the new energies’ vibrations are, the sooner your planet will start getting free from her low vibration ballast, no matter how cruel it may sound from the point of view of the third dimension world man.
There is no evil intention: this is how one of the main Laws of the Universe works – the Law of Attraction that no one can abolish.
The evolution of your planet is inevitable, and it is already in progress now.
And the fact that not everybody will be able to carry it on with the planet is inescapable consistency with the laws.
Each Soul is following its own track of development and has its own goals for the incarnation on Earth at this period crucial to her.
Some people are destined to move to the Fifth dimension with her, while for some others it is enough just to get a vague idea of this process living through negative experience.
Some people will be able to ascend in their physical body, while some others will move to the new Earth of the Fifth dimension through disincarnation since their body is too worn out to resist such a powerful energy shock although their conscience is ready for Transition this time.
There is a wide range of options, and you will be surprised at the great number of the light human souls who left the physical level that you will see on the Earth of the Fifth dimension.
Yet, the overwhelming majority of your planet’s inhabitants will leave for other worlds, and you have to put up with it.
Their Souls will get drawn where they will be able to gain the most useful experience they need.
And now such stratification according to vibrations has reached its final stage.
The time that was meant for humanity to Revive is running out, and each Soul is now making its final choice – intentional or unintentional.
And I know that your intuition allows you to recognize the people who are at the very threshold of Ascension and those who are too far from it.
At present on Earth there is in progress a vigorous “regrouping” of all the souls that are embodied here, and this process is increasing in scale.
Very soon it will seem to you that you are living in parallel realities with those “outboard” of Transition.
This is exactly the element of the Fifth dimension that is being actively interfering with your life.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on November 18, 2022.

November 17

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Divine “tool” for world vision)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to summarize my series of messages about the sixth chakra – the “third eye” of man or, in other words, their spiritual vision.
Its activation and application in everyday life enable you to leave the frames of the third dimensionality and start seeing the current events from the “height” of the subtle level.
In case of most people it occurs unintentionally, while some others start making use of this Divine tool for world vision intentionally now.
And now we will consider the advantages and disadvantages of both the approaches so as to find the best variant of interaction with one’s higher aspects.
Unintentional application of the “third eye” is great because in this case one is guided by one’s intuition through life in the most natural way, with no efforts for one’s part.
Everything goes with a swing since one completely trusts one’s Soul that interacts itself with the “third eye”, and this “tandem” finds the best variants of one’s life’s events.
As far as intentional work with the sixth chakra is concerned, it presupposes “work” as it is, which conveys the element of seriousness and careful watching the events that take place.
Meanwhile, the playful element and that of ease in one’s behaviour disappears.
One is too concentrated on the expectations of one’s “labour” results, while unintentional intuition makes one free from these expectations, and everything occurs naturally – the way it is to be and always to one’s good.
The only negative feature of the unintentional work with the sixth chakra is that it can be difficult for one to trace cause-effect relation of the things in progress since one simply does not care about it.
Yet, sometimes, it can be important and even necessary so as to avoid making one and the same mistakes in one’s life, which will facilitate one’s advancing on the spiritual way faster.
While the person that intentionally uses their spiritual “vision” monitors all the nuances of both their behaviour and that of the people around analyzing them carefully and making appropriate conclusions.
Anyway, my dear, there are no rules or instructions here.
Everything depends on your individual traits, temperament and worldview.
It is typical of some people to be spontaneous in behaviour and light-hearted in perception of reality, while some others feature analytical turn of mind and excessive responsibility and systematic approach.
Yet, the golden mean is appropriate here, too.
The main thing is to feel that you are guided by your “third eye” in life – your intuition, not by the cut-and-dry material “vision” of the third dimension world man that often leads your way in the wrong direction.
This is what the golden mean implies: the inner feeling of the road you have chosen being right – of it being YOUR own decision, not imposed from without but the one from the deep of your Heart and inspired by your intuition.
This is exactly what “spiritual vision” is, the one that higher worlds’ inhabitants rely on and the only one capable of seeing the road they are originally destined for.
But already now you can use your “third eye” as a Divine tool of spiritual “navigation”, which will allow you to settle in the fourth dimension still more securely.
And I bless you for this!
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on November 17, 2022.

November 15

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Spiritual pilot)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to give you one more advice concerning the way you can use your sixth chakra in everyday life.
Since the fourth dimension is energy space that almost lacks duality and the energy of Unity comes to the picture, relations between people gain quite a different character.
But as you still live in combined energy space plunging now into these energy, now into those ones, your “third eye” can become some kind of a spiritual “pilot” for you that can successfully lead your way preventing you from third dimension “running aground” and take you to the safe open of the fourth dimension.
In other words, it can find such people and such situations that correspond to your present-day vibrations thereby extending “affected zones” of new high vibration energies on Earth.
We have already talked with you more than once that in recent years there have taken significant changes in time parameters and they go on changing.
That is why the Laws of the Universe work in a different – accelerated – way, too.
And the Law of Attraction is no exception.
So, while it used to take you years to find congenial souls, now it happens much quicker.
And it is accounted for by the fact that new high vibration energies that are coming to Earth literally “magnify” people making the energies most typical of them concentrated.
As a result, both positive and negative qualities characteristic of a person are becoming so apparent that it is impossible to conceal them.
It will make the work of your “third eye” – your intuition – much easier.
If you had to “watch” another person for a long time before so as to identify their true colours, now it happens almost immediately.
And it does not matter if you feel your sixth chakra or not – everything depends on your individual peculiarities of the subtle level perception.
In this case the result is of importance: whether your intuition went off or not.
You already know that your Higher Self provides you with instant impulse – the very first one before your Mind and Ego have time to “join in the work”, the ones that unlike your Soul are guided by the laws of the third dimension world.
Well, it is for you to hear your Soul’s hint that it engages your “third eye” helping you “see” what will be beneficial to you – not only in the spiritual aspect, besides, but also in material one.
And now you can establish a reliable and inseparable bond between your Soul and sixth chakra.
For this you should do the following.
Invoke the Energy of Ascension and ask it to make a permanent “communication channel” of your Higher Self and your sixth chakra so that from now on you can look at the world not only with your physical eyes by also your “third eye” – your spiritual vision.
Make a clear intention for it to become your first-priority one and guide your life with confidence.
How can you understand that such “a communication channel” has been established?
The one who percepts energies keenly can feel their motion near their upper chakras – from the fourth to the seventh one.
And those for whom this is inaccessible so far can check it in practice switching their intuition on every time they need to make some decision and it does not have to be a crucial one – it can be a simple one.
If you learn to catch the very first impulse not turning on your Mind and make decisions in accordance with this impulse without any reasoning, it means such a communication channel is already established.
As for confirmation of your decision to be right, now it comes quite fast thanks to time frames becoming narrower, which we mentioned about in the beginning.
But, as usual, I only give you the main direction of your spiritual work.
And you go on being creative: turn this new approach to your life into an exciting game treating your “third eye” as a Divine “torch” that lights your way to Ascension.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on November 15, 2022.

November 14

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Wearing one’s heart on)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to go on talking about your “third eye” activation.
But this time we will talk in more detail about the way it can help you in your communication with people.
As a matter of fact, the “third eye” already facilitates recognition of spirituality level of the people around in respect of many of you.
But so far you manage this mostly unintentionally.
Yet, now it is time to use it intentionally as a tool to get “behind the scenes” – the energy space of the person you are communicating with.
We have talked a lot with you about the fact that the third dimension world man made it a habit to wear a mask that hides their true colours long ago.
And the “colours” do not necessarily have to be bad.
Very often one passes the desirable for reality concealing their weakness or lack of self-confidence behind it.
Anyway, a really sincere and open-hearted person, with their “heart being worn on”, is now extremely rare to come across.
People intuitively draw into their shell so as to escape the danger of gross interference with their energy space feeling the third dimension world being hostile and unpredictable.
But the difference that makes the fourth dimension distinct from the third one is the lack of duality there as such and the fact that self-respect and respect towards others come into the picture, which is the first step of mastering the practical application of the Laws of Unity and Free Will.
But all this becomes possible only when one has managed to eradicate FEAR in all its manifestations that are plentiful.
Only being in safety – physical and moral – one can open to others completely not being afraid to appear ridiculous, weak or misunderstood.
The fourth dimension is the very preparatory stage of people’s life in such a safe energy space, which the Fifth dimension is.
Yet, already now you can start creating around yourselves this blessed high vibration space where each person will feel happy and confident.
And in this you can be greatly assisted by your inner vision – your activated “third eye”.
But to see the essence of a person, not what they want to appear, you should become as open and sincere yourselves.
This is the only way you can get through to another person’s Soul.
In this case the Law of Reflection goes off: only having shown sincerity toward another person, top open-heartedness and affection, you can hope for reciprocity.
And this is how your “third eye” can help you in this.
While interacting with a person try to tune it into the “third eye” of your interlocutor.
And it does not matter whether it is well-developed – whether they feel it or not.
The fact that it will resonate with the high vibrations of your sixth chakra will be enough and it will mean that at the subtle level there will be established a contact between you of a different level now – a Divine one, which will be quick to tell on at the physical level, too.
Your communication will break free from the metes and bounds of the third dimension world and will gain “thin” contours this time.
A person will not understand themselves what has happened to them because all of a sudden they will readily take what used to seem ravings and fantasy to them.
Of course, it will happen not instantaneously but little by little.
But if you master such a method of communication with people – at the physical and subtle level at the same time, you will be astonished by the results.
But, undoubtedly, you should talk about Ascension only with those who you will be able to “pull” to the level of your “third eye’s” vibrations.
This skill will enable you not only to develop your sixth chakra making practical use of it but also to identify human Souls who are the only ones capable of vibrating that high, which is the main condition for Transition.
This is exactly the way of communication, my dear, that should become a norm for those who have already become well settled in the space of the fourth dimension.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on November 14, 2022.

November 13

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Divine scanning)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
As a follow-up to my previous message today I would like to offer you a practice to get your “third eye” focused on the current events worldwide.
It will enable you to see not only their external side but inner – deep – essence too.
Since the confrontation of the Forces of Light and Dark has bred a lot of chaos and contradictions recently, it becomes not simply hard but almost impossible to understand for common people what is actually in progress on your planet.
No matter how much information you receive from a variety of sources both mainstream and alternative, none of them features the actual picture of the events.
And it is accounted for by the fact that anyone who tries to analyze recent events and make opinions in their respect makes it from the perspective of the third dimension man engaging their Mind and Ego.
Moreover, people can make analysis of these events being guided by visible signs only, that is, by the facts easy to recognize.
And what occurs “behind the veil” – at the subtle level and even “behind the scenes” of the physical level is unknown to them.
Besides, almost all analysts – political scientists, journalists, economists and even representatives of esoteric schools – unintentionally slant events and facts in favour of their own theories and their own worldview, which cannot be impartial anyway.
That is why, my dear, so as not to get lost in this sea of contradictory information, I suggest you should do the following.
Since you cannot get totally isolated from the hot news that is raining down thick and fast on you eliminate, for a start, those sources of information that stir at least the slightest doubt in you.
Keep only those of them that are to your Soul’s liking.
I am sure that many of you have already done it.
And next we get down to the practice itself that we will call “Divine scanning”.
And this is what it is.
Before you start reading or listening to some information, invoke the Energy of Ascension and ask it to make your “third eye” as activated as possible.
And only after you feel its activation signs at the physical level as a wave of warmth or pulsing and, maybe, rotation of your sixth chakra, start reading, listening or watching what you intended to.
In thoughts ask your “third eye” to show you all-round and true picture of the current events and sift out everything that was introduced to it by the personality of the one who is conveying the information to you.
What are the benefits of the practice to you?
This way you can automatically – intuitively – separate the husk from the grain drawing the gist of the things in progress and rejecting the unnecessary details that are, as a rule, savoured in the information field getting heaped up with guesswork, exaggerations and false data.
Now Earth witnesses an information war to death, and this war is as dangerous as military actions since it destroys not bodies but souls of the people who are intentionally or unintentionally involved into the confrontation of the Forces of Light and Dark both on Earth and in Heavens.
And your task is, my dear, not to get attracted to the whirlpool of this war remaining wise onlookers if it is beyond your depth to change anything at the physical level.
Work in terms of energy doing séances and meditations on harmonization of the situation to the greater good of all letting the Forces of Light decide what and for who is good in this case.
So far it is much easier for them to see the whole picture from the subtle level and identify Divine expediency for each Soul that is involved into the current events.
And your activated “third eye” can be a reliable assistant for you in this scanning the information received in respect of “hot points” that need your attention urgently and leaving “off screen” everything extraneous and useless.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on November 13, 2022.

November 12


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
So as to round up with the issue of obstacles on your way to Ascension, I would like to touch upon one more thing.
And though it does not directly concerns your transition to a higher dimension, it influences it to a large degree.
And this time at issue will be your physical perception of reality that up till now used to be the only and usual one to you.
For the time being few feature subtle perception of reality that includes not only physical vision and sensations but also its invisible part.
Of course, there are people who “see through” others in the third dimension world too.
And such an expression has arisen not by chance.
What to “see through somebody” exactly means is to understand one’s essence.
Such integrity of other people’s perception allows to feel the true causes of their behaviour whatever hard they try to hide them from strangers’ eyes.
Sometimes a person cannot explain even to themselves why they are drawn to some people and pushed off from others.
The causes of this are sure to be many but the main of them is the ability to “look behind” the veil of the physical world and see what goes on at the subtle level – in the energy space of another individual.
And though the third dimension matrix you find yourselves in, as a rule, does not let you see subtle bodies of people and the astral world inhabitants who often live in their energy space, by intuition you can feel their presence and even identify their “specialization”.
An individual who feels energies keenly judging even by the eyes and facial expression of their interlocutor can figure out what they are obsessed with – envy, jealousy, greed, fear, despair, lust for power, anger, offense even if they are trying to conceal their actual feelings behind a smile or polite words.
And on the contrary, they will feel a pure and light soul of the one who is trying to hide it away from the people around being afraid to appear miserable and ridiculous.
This is how intuition works – the very “sixth sense” that enables to look at the world with the “third eye” that can penetrate through the veil of the visible physical world.
It is not accidental that all these processes are so clearly demonstrated in your language since the sixth chakra is the very “third eye”.
So now, my dear, it is high time to make use of it as often and efficiently as possible – train your natural “tool” for seeing the subtle level.
It will enable you not only to find people close to you in terms of vibrations and avoid the wrong ones – alien in spirit, but also get faster used to the space of the fourth dimension that many of you find themselves in all the time now.
And next time we will talk about it in more details.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on November 12, 2022.

November 11

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (“A-bird-in-the-hand” comfort or “two-in-the-bush” Ascension)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will talk about one more obstacle on the way to Ascension that many of you have not managed to overcome anyway.
I see, my dear, that even the people who have known about Transition for a long time take it as something mystical and ephemeral.
Of course, it is mostly accounted for by expecting it for so long.
The fact that it did not occur in December 2012 distressed greatly many of you.
People felt being deceived, and there arose a doubt in their heart that it would actually take place.
Since then almost ten years has passed.
And today I would like to give you more details on the reason for such a delay.
The thing is that ten years ago few people were able to withstand vibrations of even the fourth dimension, to say the least of those of the Fifth one.
And to initiate such a grand experiment to make Transition of a whole planet to the Fifth dimension with a tiny group of people capable of following her would have been not only unreasonable but even cruel.
At present there has incarnated a huge number of souls on Earth who came here with the aim of participating in her Ascension.
Yet, by force of different life situations many of them had not even had time to learn about Transition since their conscience was totally overwhelmed by the third dimension world with all its troubles and sorrows.
That is why a decision was made to “rock the boat” of Ascension so forcefully that people would come up to the surface out of their usual daily routine and look around.
Which actually resulted from a series of events, with their intensity and tragic character increasing.
The Dark Forces have taken advantage of this delay to a full extent in an attempt to “play their part”: put to life the depopulation plans they had been cherishing for a long time, as well as those on exercising control over the rest of the population.
The process of Revival of humanity is complex and contradictory because the performance of the Light and Dark Forces runs simultaneously.
And each person chooses who to follow.
But to make a final decision is not easy at all.
And the cause of it lies not only in the rigidness of mentality of the majority of the planet’s population but also in the fear of the unknown.
A lot of people live according to the principle: “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush”.
Yet, in the recent decade millions of pure and mature human souls have been attracted to the “two birds in the bush” of Ascension.
It was worth delaying Transition, my dear.
Now the “ship” of Ascension will go on a wonderful journey not with a few passengers but will take millions of people to the Fifth dimension.
These ten years has not passed in vain for them.
Their conscience has been really reborn and it is getting filled with new energies, knowledge and understanding of the current events on Earth in their true perspective every single day.
Everything is running in accordance with the plan, my dear, – the Divine one, not earthly, that is often unclear to you because for the third dimension world man it is hard to understand what is good and what is bad for them.
But your Soul knows this, and if you learn to hear it and follow it, all your doubts will vanish, as well as the fear of the unknown.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on November 11, 2022.

November 8

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Plunge into the unknown)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to draw your attention to one more fact that prevents many of you from ultimate settling in the space of the fourth dimension.
And at issue will be your unintentional inner resistance to start a new life – unknown and unusual to you.
We have already talked a lot about the fear of the unknown that is typical of almost every person on Earth.
Those who are ready to leave behind their former life without any regret are few indeed.
And now I would like to give you a tip on how to overcome this fear and lack of self-confidence.
For this imagine at least for a minute that you have no prospects of a new happy life in the Fifth dimension.
You remain in the third dimension matrix that is heading for a precipice – political, financial, social and, most important, moral one.
All universal human values are being swiftly ruined and zeroized there, with people being turned into digital slaves whose conscience is controlled by a group of criminals featuring no Divine soul.
Would you like to live in such a world, my dear?
Aren’t you frightened of it?
At present the most crucial thing for you is to understand that there will be no more life usual for you anyway.
The struggle between the Forces of Light and Dark has reached the stage of a face-off and a compromise between them is impossible to reach now.
That is why you have got little to choose from now: either to agree to the plans of globalists or to make a leap to the unknown world of the Fifth dimension that you know about by hearsay only.
And here you have to take your faith durability test or, to be more exact, that of your intuition.
What does your Soul feel like when you imagine this new wonderful world?
How does it respond to your thoughts about this world?
With spiritual thrill and warmth or fear and suspicion?
It is actually very easy to check.
Pronounce slowly and heedfully even not engaging your imagination: “My life in the Fifth dimension” and perceive keenly your inner sensations.
Which of your chakras will respond to your words?
Or maybe, they will be responded to by the whole Golden triangle of yours?
You will feel the respond of your body to these words by all means both at the subtle and physical level.
And then pronounce as slowly: “I stay in the third dimension matrix”.
And compare your sensations.
They are likely to differ a lot.
Such an “exercise” will allow you to hear your Soul and follow it this time, not the stereotyped reactions of your Mind that have been drilled in you for centuries.
And do such an “exercise” again every time you feel scared of the future.
This way you will gradually fix in your conscience a clear intention to break free from the third dimension matrix forever now and will begin to view future without any fear, the future that is awaiting you behind the threshold of the fourth and later the Fifth dimensions.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on November 8, 2022.

November 6

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (With no regret or feeling guilty)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
As a follow-up to my previous message today I would like to go on talking about the “echoes” of the third dimension world that you cannot manage to get rid of so far.
One more problem for many of you remains the indecisiveness to “undock” from your close people who have made up their mind to stay in the third dimension world.
That is why even being in the fourth dimension by your conscience, yet, by your Soul, you remain in the third one since cannot accept their decision to a full extent yet.
And it is really extremely hard to do especially when it comes to parents or children who have very strong energy ties with each other.
Since we have already talked a lot about this, today I just want to give you a tip how to make your Soul free from regret and guilt because of the fact that you cannot take your nearest and dearest to a new happy life.
As a matter of fact, it is impossible for them not because you failed to tell them about Ascension so that they understand and respond to it the same way as you did.
They cannot move to a higher dimension due to their low vibrations that do not resonate with the fourth dimension.
If an individual completely denies the spiritual side of their life, it means their conscience is not ready AT ALL to leave the metes and bounds of the material world.
And any persuasions or explanations for your part will turn in vain.
For it is impossible to make a young child who has just learnt to read get down to studying profound philosophic works.
Well, this is what many of you are trying to do: make a person understand what their conscience and Soul have not become mature enough for, the Soul that has not mastered the basics of the third dimension world.
It is curious of and interested in everything here.
There are so many temptations and toys it has not got enough of yet.
And you are trying to take them away from it and force into your boring “adults” world with its better life ephemeral perspectives they do not understand, the life they cannot “touch with their hands” just as they can in respect of the third dimension reality – dear and close.
This is the reason why you incite such annoyance and even aggression in your close people when you talk about Ascension.
It is too complicated and incomprehensible for them – they cannot jump from a kindergarten straight to a spiritual university.
The gap between your conscience and theirs is so huge that it is impossible for them to overcome it during the time left before Transition now.
And you should put up with it, my dear, whatever sad it may seem to you.
Moreover, your Soul does not want to go back there either – to the “childhood” that passed.
It has already had enough of those games – this is the stage it passed long ago.
Let everyone follow their own way – the one that is exciting and was chosen by their Soul.
Do not violate the free will of each other.
And remember that even if before your incarnation on Earth your Soul chose this particular family, it does not mean at all that all of you were attracted according to vibrations or age of your souls.
Most often the Soul chooses the families to incarnate into that will enable it to live through the experience it lacks or to untie old painful knots of karma.
So view your close people just this way – as temporary fellow travelers you were granted with by your destiny in another incarnation of yours.
And do not regret that your ways have parted: it means this is what the “design” of your destinies is, and this is the predestination of each of you.
Only in the Fifth dimension you will meet and recognize at once the ones who are your actual family – your star brothers and sisters, congenial souls and your twin flames.
You will also see your close people who remained in the third dimension and will clearly understand how far they still are from the path you are destined to.
You will let them go easily with a smile on your face having sent them all your Love and Gratitude for the years you lived side by side.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on November 6, 2022.

November 5

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Villains or “heroes” of Revival?)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to go on talking about your life in a new reality and focus on some other peculiarities of its.
What makes the principle difference between life in the third and fourth dimensions?
Since the fourth dimension is a transitional one – intermediate – between the third and the Fifth dimensions, it features some traits of both the third and the Fifth dimensions.
While the third dimension lacks any features of the Fifth dimension.
And now we will try to figure out what you should eliminate in yourselves as the third dimension echoes and what, on the contrary, you should gain.
We will act on the premises that you feel quite confident in the world of the fourth dimension and you only have to “correct” some things in yourselves so as to eventually tip your scales in favour of the Fifth dimension.
Well, what heritage of the third dimension world have you brought to the fourth dimension?
First of all, it is instability of your vibrations.
So far it is hard for you to get emotionally uninvolved from the events taking place in the world – so unfair and contradictory they seem to you.
That is why you plunge in discussing them over and over again lacking the ability to look at everything in an impartial way completely accepting their negative and positive points.
It is really hard to do, my dear, since your Soul is striving for just and punishment of the guilty.
But if there were no those guilty and of thus appalling crimes at that, the ones the shadow government and their marionettes at the helm have stained their honour with, you would not be able to revive from the dormancy you have been for so long either.
Be thankful to them for the fact that they have helped millions of people to open eyes to the current events: that they have brought everything to the point of absurdity, to the condition when no one can remain indifferent because the effects of their activities have concerned every inhabitant of your planet now.
And if to consider all their deeds from such a perspective, they will seem “heroes” to you who have assumed the mission of the Revival of humanity.
This way, having changed your attitude to these criminals at the helm, you will make your psychic condition balanced and, consequently, your vibrations will come back to normal keeping at the level of the fourth dimension all the time now.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on November 5, 2022.

November 4

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (In new energies and new reality)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Since there begins a very important stage of your life now – in new energies and new reality – I would like to give you several tips.
I hope, they will help you remain at the height that you have managed to get due to tireless everyday work at yourselves.
First. Never forget about your main goal – Transition to the Fifth dimension in your physical body.
Whatever hard times you are living through, as soon as possible imagine yourselves in this Divine high vibration space moving there by all you being.
And the more realistic this picture is, the less the distance you have to travel to achieve your goal is.
Remember that time and space are relative notions and, consequently, the moment of “here and now” can be lived by you where your conscience finds itself at this minute.
And let it be as often as possible at the space of the Fifth dimension thereby making your personal Transition closer.
Second. If you are overwhelmed by doubts, impatience or lack of self-confidence, in your thoughts throw off your physical body and imagine you are a pure Soul that is never afraid of anything since it has got eternity in front of it.
Be thankful to all your hardships – physical and moral – for the invaluable experience of living in the third dimension world they gave you and the one your Soul has coped with appropriately and due to which it finds itself at the very threshold of the Fifth dimension.
Third. Do not be lazy to work at your physical body gradually transforming it into the light crystalline one.
Remember that everyday and laborious work at it can work wonders.
The same way as physical exercise keeps your muscles fit, so energy practices change the subtle material structure of your body and its vibrations.
These energy “muscles” are the breath of life for you now since it is them that can resonate with the new vibrations of Earth, which will enable you to go on a fascinating trip to new dimensions.
Fourth. Do not get involved into the whirlpool of events that will develop increasingly swiftly with every single day.
Learn to restrain excessive emotions, both negative and positive ones.
Remember that it is necessary to stick to the middle course in everything sustaining a calm and balanced condition of your Soul.
Only this way you will manage to keep a regular – uniform – level of vibrations in all your chakras and bodies.
Any energy leaps or distortions are fraught with falling out of the fourth dimension space where many of you have settled rather firmly now.
And fifth. Do not get involved into long discussions.
Learn to be laconic expressing your thoughts simply, clearly and briefly, which will render them important in the eyes of the people around.
In everything avoid excessiveness that features low vibrations of the third dimension world.
And let it become the first step to telepathic communication for you that is based not on words but images and sense algorithms.
Getting imprinted at the subtle level they create energy designs of extraordinary harmony and beauty.
And this harmony is attained due to the fact they lack excessiveness that ruins such designs.
Verbosity, fuss and excessive emotionality are the lot of low dimension worlds’ inhabitants.
The worlds of high vibrations are reigned by laconism, wisdom and simplicity that are guided by the energies of Unity and Unconditional Love.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on November 4, 2022.

November 5

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Seed of Spiritual Revival)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Now let us summarize the way human chakras and subtle bodies influence people’s Revival.
You see, all of them respond in a different way to the new energies flowing down on Earth and take them in accordance with their mission.
Since their vibration level is not homogeneous so far, human conscience is very unsteady too and depends on changing situations, social contacts, energy background of the place of residence and a lot more other factors that influence one’s emotional and physical condition.
Why do I thoroughly reveal the issue of Revival in such details to you?
I would like you to understand to a full extent how subtle and at the same time all-embracing this process is.
Everything is closely interconnected with each other: emotional, mental, energy information components of your existence.
And all of them make an impact on your Spiritual Revival every minute and every second of your life.
By force of habit of mind and character every person will gain something dear just to them from my messages – the things to their Soul that will make them faster review their approach to the upcoming crucial changes of life in terms of your planet and humanity in general.
The reason is the same for providing you with a whole range of practices: so that you could choose those of them that get a quick respond in your Soul and that you can do easily, happily and quickly.
Despite the fact that I offer you information in the simplest manner understandable by anyone, all of you take it in a different way.
The things important for some go “en route” for others – almost unnoticeable and the other way round.
Everything depends on the lessons that one is learning right now.
And they vary greatly, as well as the quality and quantity of your incarnations.
The knowledge that is offered to you at this website can be compared with seeds thrown at a crowd.
And each of you will catch the seed designed for you personally.
But whether it will sprout in your Soul or will still remain a seed depends on you only.
If you manage to cherish it gently and cautiously not sparing efforts or time to take care of it, you will grow the necessary spiritual qualities that will enable you to make Transition.
While if you let it take its course in the hope it will be done for you by others: high vibration energies, the Forces of Light, your spiritual guides, this “seed” will not sprout – for it was meant just for you as a chance to change yourselves for the better.
And now the expression that is so popular in the esoteric world “separate the husk from the grain” is gaining the universe scale this time.
Only the “seeds” of eternal spiritual virtues that have “sprouted” in you can take deep root in the fields of the Fifth dimension where your pure mature Souls are so eager to get.
Remember about it, my dear.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on November 5, 2022.

November 9


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to digress from our topic and talk to you about the current events on your planet.
Now a really crucial moment is coming for each of you since Dark is not simply getting thick but sometimes it seems it is making some kind of a breakthrough strengthening its positions on Earth.
Yet, it is actually the very last convulsions of the representatives of Dark who are trying to hide their total defeat behind fleeting success.
At the same time it is one more test in your Belief in the Forces of Light’s victory too.
The things now in progress cause many people to have a “déjà vu” effect as the Forces of Dark make use of their favourite methods of lie and fraud over and over again concealing them behind right and nice words.
They seem to be trying people’s patience in an attempt to estimate the degree of their trust and obedience.
I see that many of you can hardly restrain the feelings of despair and disappointment with the current events.
What can I advise you to do in this situation?
If nothing depends on you personally and you cannot influence the things in progress at the physical level, work in terms of energy, with your efforts being twice or even thrice as hard.
Do not spare time for that and, instead of hunting for more and more new details of the tragic events taking place worldwide, do séances and meditations on the prompt and final victory of the Forces of Light on Earth.
You can use the Energy of Ascension and the Flame of Universe Love for this purpose.
You will feel it yourselves which of these energies will appear more efficient at this or that moment, in this or that situation.
It is high time, my dear, to show spiritual maturity and moral durability displaying an example to others of how one should behave in complicated life situations.
Now it is not the right time to discuss, criticize or savour the details of the things you do not like or disagree with.
It is time to act decisively against those who attempt the very human essence, the right of people to be their own masters.
Everyone should do their best where they are.
Some of you holding a state post can act for the good of people more efficiently at the physical level, while some others will contribute significantly to the deliverance of humanity working in terms of energy.
The main thing is for you not to sit on your hands waiting for somebody else to do everything for you.
Although the victory of the Forces of Light is inevitable, you will get quite a different taste of it if you know you helped to bring it closer too not watching from aside but plunging into the very thick of the crucial events.
And I bless you for this, my dear!
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on November 9, 2022.

November 8


Greetings, my beloved children!
It has been long since I came to you last but not because I have nothing to tell you but because all my attention was focused on by far the most important and crucial events on Earth, the one that is my huge personal responsibility.
The planet of Earth is my patrimony that I created long ago in hope it would become a blessed residence for all her inhabitants.
And in the beginning it was just like this until foreigners came here: some with good intentions and others with foul ones.
And quite another life began here, with good intermingling with evil, truth with lie, humans with unhumans and the power of money reigning for many centuries.
All this had been progressing till it reached its peak.
The things now taking place on Earth are not only the summit of Evil but also degradation of many human souls that I created with so much Love and Belief in their high mission.
For the rescue of humanity as a species there was made an unprecedented decision by the Father of our Universe to take the planet of Earth with the pure mature souls that remained on her to a higher dimension.
And this unique experiment was entrusted to me as a chief keeper of Earth.
Since then I have been working hard for her Ascension to occur within reasonable time frames and for all the human souls who can ascend with her to be able to do it.
So, this process was prolonged in time not by chance.
Thanks to this a lot of people have managed to revive in recent years and, consequently, they have time to get ready for Transition.
What exactly my role in the process of Ascension is?
Before all, it is in coordinating of all the actions of the Forces of Light and your Galaxy family that are aimed at prevention of the military operations and natural disasters’ consequences that are irreversible to Earth and people.
As you see, despite the fact that in recent years natural disasters on Earth have increased in frequency, catastrophic consequences of them have not been witnessed.
And a great merit in this is of your extraterrestrial brothers and sisters.
Another concern of mine was support of speeding up the disclosure of those who are guilty in dehumanization of people – turning them into an obedient slavery grey mass.
I did not prevent the attempts of the deep state’s government to cut down Earth’s population only because I wanted you to live through the experience of disclosing criminals at the helm yourselves and to learn to tell the truth from a lie, as well as see what lies behind nice words.
I wanted to provide each of you with a chance to remain a pure human Soul under the hardest and most dramatic circumstances of your life.
And I see I was right.
In recent years each Soul has shown what it really is.
No one could withdraw in themselves, hide or disguise – all the masks have been thrown off indeed.
So now, eventually, “harvesting” time is coming that will be followed by the last “cultivation of land” of the planet of Earth so as to take away “weeds” – the souls that cannot make Transition by any means.
But believe me, my dear, every little sprout striving for Light will be noticed and caressed by me, while my numerous assistants in Heavens will get them in their patronage.
And I know that in the last months of the passing year a lot of such sprouts will appear, for every opportunity has been made for this now: severe life trials that make the Spirit of mighty and light souls stronger thereby giving them the chance to make Transition.
Do know that I am always there for you and embrace each of you with my fatherly Love.
God-Father spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on November 8, 2022.

November 2

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Summit of Revival)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
And, finally, we have come to the description of the way the seventh chakra influences human Revival.
The one who has it completely activated leaves behind not only the metes and bounds of the third dimension world by one’s conscience but is now able to interact with the energy information field of your Galaxy and sometimes that of the Universe.
This is exactly what happens to the people featuring clairgnosis, clairaudience, clairvoyance as well to those channeling information from the Forces of Light.
Of course, it happens to them sporadically since these people still find themselves in the world of the third dimension with its low chaotic energies.
But the fact they manage this proves that they have reached the last stage of spiritual Revival and they have only one step to take so as to cross the border line that separates them from the worlds of high vibrations.
At the same time their responsibility to their own Soul and humanity in general increases.
For those who have risen that high, a failure can be very painful.
And the reason is as follows.
The one who has reached such heights of one’s spiritual development, as a rule, has been getting to them for a great number of incarnations “pumping up one’s spiritual muscles” through by far the hardest trials – physical and moral ones.
One’s Soul was growing faint under a weight of third dimensionality and, at last, it broke free having felt the native space of high vibrations.
One’s Spiritual guides have also made a sigh of relief having made sure that they have brought the one in their charge to the cherished goal – leaving the third dimension matrix and coming back to the sweet Home of Divine energies.
Their joint work for centuries is worth a lot.
The price for it is not only leaving the wheel of Samsara and gaining a new status of the high vibration world’s inhabitant but also getting the unique experience of transition to the Fifth dimension in one’s physical body.
If one who has reached such heights stumbles and allows to be pulled back – to the worlds of low frequencies, such failure is incomparable with what happens to common people who are slowly getting up the spiritual ladder of their development.
As an example of comparison, imagine a person who has taken pains to climb a very high mountain and at the very last minute suddenly falls off and down from this height.
And another one who taking one’s time is getting up a gently sloping mountain that is not high and, having stumbled, falls from a little slope.
The former has no chances to survive, while the latter can get away with a minor injury.
This is what happens to people at the subtle level.
The former have to start all over again poignantly wandering through low density worlds for a long time, while the latter having stumbled will raise and keep on climbing up the “slope” of the third dimension.
Or we can consider another comparison.
A talented pupil has been fostered by the best teachers for a long time, with their education being brought to perfection.
But in the long run they do not make use of it and decide to take up something else having nothing to do with the talents and abilities that were diligently developed by their teachers.
And while other, less talented, people will be easily forgiven, in this case the ingratitude of the pupil in respect of their teachers for the efforts it took will result in their tragic spiritual lapse.
This is where your saying “The higher you get, the harder you fall” comes from.
Remember about this, my dear, and live up to your Soul and faithful Heavenly guides’ expectations that have been leading your way to Ascension.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on November 2, 2022.

November 1

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Profound understanding of existing reality)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will talk about the part played in your Revival by your sixth chakra and the buddhic body that corresponds to it.
Why is the sixth chakra also called the “third eye” of humans?
Before all, because due to it people get profound understanding of existing reality revealed.
One leaves behind the limits of the third dimension matrix and looks at everything from the height of one’s Spirit, that is, from the subtle level of oneself.
And the reason for that is the subtle material structure of the human being.
While their lower chakras – from the first to fifth one – and the corresponding subtle bodies are more about their material component, their upper ones – the sixth and seventh ones – are totally subtle energy structure.
Of course, this division is rather conditional as chakras and subtle bodies are not physically tangible to you, nevertheless, your lower chakras and subtle bodies are more responsible for your survival at the dense third dimension world than upper ones.
In case of the majority of your planet’s population the sixth and seventh chakras are in dormancy so far since these people live by merely material interests not even thinking about the spiritual part of their life.
But those, who have these chakras activated, and the number of such people is getting large, change before eyes.
Even not being aware of this, thanks to their “third eye that has opened” these people start intuitively feeling their Unity with any living being on Earth.
And it applies absolutely to everything.
They feel invisible ties that connect them with their friends and foes, pure human souls and low vibration creatures embodied as humans, with animals, plants and natural elements.
All the diversity of the world reveals to them in all its manifestations: in its beauty and tragedy, big and small events, sad and funny things…
They start considering everything as a grand action that is unfolding on Earth now being aware that it is this time the very last and most gripping act of the play that has lasted for millennia.
Meanwhile, they have a clear idea of their own part in this play too trying to act it appropriately.
This is what makes the difference between the one looking at the world with the “third eye” and those who have not got it “opened” yet.
And such a person cannot view oneself in isolation from others thereby tearing the thin threads that keep concatenations and all the participants of the play together whatever the side they find themselves on – that of Light or Dark, for one cannot exist without the other.
But having once chosen Light, such a person will go all lengths protecting it even at the expense of their life.
And their arms will be not anger or aggression but Power of Spirit and Unconditional Love.
They are the only ones that can be a “password” to the world of the Fifth dimension not allowing one to decrease to the vibrations of the third dimension world again.
And these “weapons” are feared by the Dark Forces most of all.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on November 1, 2022.
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