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November 30

It is a common occurrence for enlightening human beings to get inspired by something and then shortly afterwards experience fear or doubt. We would like to explain why this happens.
Your inspirations come from your soul. They lead you to greater expansion and point the way to your highest life expression and help you fulfill your purpose.
Your ego self is a rather insecure aspect of you. It dislikes change and worries if you move into expansion it will lose its role with you and be left behind. Because of that, it will try to immediately block your progress by activating fear and doubt.
The ego is a necessary part of the human experience. It is not to be eradicated, but rather reassured of its secure place with you. So if your ego is triggered by your ideas of expansion, simply let it know that you love it and it will always be going with you. It might help to think of it as a small child that has separation anxiety and is simply looking to feel safe, important, and included as you guide it forward with your conscious awareness.
Do you see? If you suddenly feel fear and doubt after receiving an inspiration, it is because you are onto something truly empowering and expansive. If it were not, your ego would not be activated. Your ego, in a sense, is a growth detector.
So with your wisdom, follow the path that is beckoning to you and reassure any parts of you that are feeling unsure. Before you know it you will be experiencing the wonder that comes from seeing where your soul has been trying to take you all along. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 29

A lot of you are feeling both an accumulation of energy and the discomfort of not having anywhere to direct that energy just yet. This is always a precursor to profound forward movement. The accumulation of energy will propel you forward when the timing is right. The discomfort prepares you to embrace the movement when that time comes. If everything was always calm and comfortable you would never wish to move or expand at all! This is the natural cycle of birthing the new and becomes very predictable when you know what to look for. We wish to reassure you, you are exactly where you need to be and you are doing a magnificent job! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 28

Many of you would like to begin a self love practice but aren’t sure where to start. We would like to offer you a simple exercise to begin with that will be surprisingly effective if you use it consistently.
What we would like you to do is simply smile at yourself every time you see yourself in a mirror.
A great many of you are in the habit of negatively assessing yourselves the second you get in front of a mirror. The practice of judging yourself every chance you get automatically puts you in resistance and distrust of yourself. It is very difficult to thrive under such conditions!
Smiling at yourself without agenda is a loving greeting. It is a space of openness and acceptance. It is friendly and kind, which is love in action. You don’t have to add any words or actions to it, just a smile that reaches all the way up to your eyes is all that is required.
What will happen as you practice this over time is you will automatically light up and smile when you see yourself. It will become a habit of acceptance that will allow you to both be and receive the love that you are. And that, Dear Ones, will make your soul very happy, indeed. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 25

It’s Affirmation Friday! Today’s affirmation is:
I embrace manifestation as a fun and joyful flow of magical alignment.

November 23

Your greatest manifestations are birthed through you. You receive a divine inspiration that lights up your soul. You say yes and proceed to connect and align with it until the moment when it is ready to take on tangible form.
Because you are integral to its creation, you must be willing to enter into flow to allow it to move you, and to have energy come to you and through you. You must be willing to expand, create, discover, and receive.
Do you see? The greater your willingness to work with all aspects of the flow, the greater your ability to be a vessel of creation. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 22

When it comes to creation, some of you do better focusing solely on what you want. It is most productive for you to not distract yourself with thoughts of scenarios that may or may not happen along the way. You feel like the best use of your energy is to stay focused on where you wish to go.
Some of you find it easier to shift into creating what you desire if you first take the time to consider any potential pitfalls and have a plan on what you can do should they occur. Feeling like you have been thorough and diligent soothes the mind which then makes it easier to shift fully into creation mode and stay focused on where you wish to go.
You might think it’s not a good idea to explore what may go wrong but if it allows you to feel more secure to enter and stay in the flow once you have done that, it is still supporting your forward movement towards what you truly wish to experience. Please be aware that your results come from where your focus goes most consistently.
One hundred percent compliancy is not a necessity, in fact, it may put undue pressure on you and take the joy out of creating. So be easy on yourself and give yourself permission to use whatever method works best for you to find a way into the flow of conscious creation that makes it comfortable for you to stay there long enough for the magic to happen. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 21

Dear Ones, your greatest creations are like flowing water. They will redirect around any obstacles to find a way to you. All you ever have to do is continue to show up, move with the energies, redirect if necessary, and be willing to receive.
Remember, your dreams want you as much as you want them. The connection already exists! Staying surrendered to the unfoldment in a state of acceptance and curiosity allows you to be moved into the sweet spot of right time/right place scenarios that creates an opening for them break through into your physical reality.
Do you see? It is your flow combined with the flow of the universe that makes the magic happen. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 18

It’s Affirmation Friday! Today’s affirmation is:
It is safe for me shift into receiving the love, support, and abundance that has always been there waiting for me.

November 17

Dear Ones, your heart knows. Your heart knows! It knows how to be with you right now. It knows how to unite with others. As an expert on flow, it knows when it’s time for movement and when it is time for quiet presence. It knows how to joyfully give and how to joyfully receive. It knows when it is time to offer support to others and when it is time to love yourself. It is wise, it is compassionate, and it is always there to serve and lead you. It is an amazing resource that you can connect to whenever you like that is a guiding light for your journey. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 16

Self respect is making choices that honour all aspects of you – the human you and the soul you that is beckoning you forward. It is choosing acts of love that tend to your current self and your future self in ways that are balancing and support the unfoldment of your highest life expression. Shifting into wise and conscious respect for all parts of you is an empowered act of inclusion and a vital aspect of a complete self love practice that will serve you well in all ways. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 15

Dear Ones, you have uplevelled considerably over the past several months of your linear time. The energetic intensity lets you know without a doubt that profound transformation is occurring.
You are wrapping up many old themes and laying the foundation to anchor new experiences and ways of being. You are integrating higher vibrational energy than ever before in a twofold process – part of it due to the universal downloads you have been receiving, and part of it from your own personal embodiment process. Again we tell you what you are doing is no small feat!
We highly recommend you take a moment to soak up the wonder of the times you are in, for they are unprecedented and exactly what you hoped to achieve. We realize sometimes it can be difficult to be fully present during times of intensity, but these times will be gone in what will seem like the blink of an eye, and in future days you will look back on them with amazement for all you have done. The momentum you have created will carry you far and there will be much to discover and savour in the times ahead. Such glorious times, indeed! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 14

Many of you are seeking healing but what you are really looking for is peace. You can greatly assist your healing process by incorporating more activities, environments, and interactions that support your experience of peace. From there you create the ideal space for healing of all types to be supported and occur. When you realize that peace is the true goal and put your focus there, the rest will fall into place nicely. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 11

It’s affirmation Friday! Gabriel gave me this affirmation last night and it gives me the sweetest visual. Your affirmation for today is:
My cells sing every time I remember to love myself.
Can’t you just see a choir of little cells singing their hearts out?

November 10

Shifting into a true self love practice allows you to navigate your way forward through the guidance of your human self and your higher self, which is incredibly balancing for you and allows you to experience both being loved and being the love. This is the foundation of your embodiment practice. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 9

Dear Ones, you are far more masterful than you realize. That is why the enlightenment process is often referred to as realization. It is realizing the full extent of your mastery. So trust the process of your own evolution. Trust the inherent wisdom of your own soul to help you navigate your life expression.
We often talk about getting into alignment with your inner wise one or your higher self and this can, to some of you, feel like an elaborate process or one that is beyond your capabilities. We wish to assure you it is not. It is a simple as asking yourself, “What does my human self think?” and “What does my soul self think?” and following the advice that seems most empowering and expansive. You and your soul are one and the same, so there is never a time when you don’t have access to it. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 8

Dear Ones, whenever things reach a peak of intensity something new is sure to follow. Labour leads to the birth of a new life. The shell cracks open when the chick becomes too big to be contained by the egg. The seed splits when the plant is ready to germinate. There is a feeling of pressure or an accumulation of energy that always precedes the emergence of the new. We wish to reassure you that while intensity can be uncomfortable at the time, it is a sure sign profound transformation is about to occur. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 7

The fact of the matter is, you are a tender, beautiful soul who is courageously in the body finding your way back to your own divinity on a planet that is in the throes of a huge shift of consciousness. What a wonder you are! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 4

It’s affirmation Friday! Today’s affirmation is:
I settle comfortably into the truth that my beingness is more than enough and my growth is my service.

November 3

Every time you settle back into who you really are and remember what you know, you create an anchor point that is stabilizing for both you and the collective. This is exactly what is driving the shift on your planet. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 2

Your self love is what waters the flower of your enlightenment process. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 1

There is a belief that if you are a good person, people should just be kind to you. But are you kind to yourself? Are you a good person to yourself? If you are lacking respect from others, it isn’t personal it’s energetic. People are responding to the energy you hold for yourself, not responding with what you truly deserve. When you treat yourself like an afterthought you will experience people treating you like an afterthought, as well. The energy you hold dictates how people respond to you. All people are equally worthy. It is a person’s acceptance of their own worth and value that anchors the energy of their expectation of treatment. This is exactly why your self love practice is so important. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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