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November 30

The December 2022 Energies – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 30

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are simply delighted to be a part of your journey there on Earth, and we are so very happy to give you this report on the energies of December 2022. There is a lot of asking going on there on Earth at this time, and the asking is for great change. People want to see quantum leaps in their experiences of themselves, of their communities, and in the world at large. The energies being given, therefore, throughout the month of December will be to assist each individual in making the quantum leap or leaps that they want to make and that they want to see in the world outside of them.
You have been trudging along, like the tortoise, for quite some time, and you are ready to make bigger leaps forward than every before. We know this, your guides know this, and your higher selves know this, and we all work together. All the helpers of the universe have their focus on Earth at this time, and especially those of you who really can bring about great change, those of you who can make that quantum leap forward. You can do it with a little assistance, and you have a lot of assistance coming your way.
You’ll be assisted by the 12/12 portal, by the Solstice event, by the rebirth of the Christ consciousness on Christmas Day. You will be assisted by all of the energies that have been coming in and that will be amplified to end 2022 with so much love, peace, and joy in the hearts of humans that are open to those humans.
What you will do as a result of the quantum leaps you are making is that you will be inspiring others, and you will be showing others the way. You will be setting up the templates, the blueprints, for others to follow. You who are awake and who have a greater likelihood of aligning with the quantum leap you want to make are the perfect ones to lead others, to show others the way. There always has been a way and always will be a way, but not everyone can shift so quickly so as to see a huge difference in their lives or in the world.
Now, in this month of December, you are ready to experience those shifts, and you are ready to make them from within with the help of the energies you are being provided at this time. Dream big, look for the path that leads to the completion of the quantum leap forward, and know that there are many others around who will be doing the same and paving the way for you and for your huge changes that you want to see and experience in your life.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 29

Take Even More of Your Power Back – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 29

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been aware of the inevitable changes that would be taking place there on Earth for a very long time, but we never knew exactly what path you would take to get to where you are today. You have already begun taking back your power there on Earth with these enormous changes to the way that you share information. You no longer depending on newspapers, news from major networks on television, magazines, and encyclopedias for the majority of the information that you receive about the world you are currently living in.
It is much more empowering for individuals to be able to share their stories and their perspectives than it is to just rely on one or two trusted news anchors. You have also taken back your power in the way that you have access to an ability to start your own business. This is something that was much more challenging thirty years ago on your world. But now look how quickly you can create an income for yourselves and how you can do it all by yourselves.
Now that you are gaining access to more of your power, it is also time to be accessing more of your creativity, more of what you always have access to within you. You have a power that goes far beyond your ability to create a website or a stream of income. You have the power to create change within society, within yourselves, within every life that you touch with your sincerity and with the way that you authentically share your energy, your vibration. It’s time to go beyond power that can be manifested in the physical realm, and it’s time for you all to access the real power that exists within you to create a brand new world, a brand new life, and a brand new you.
We encourage you to stop waiting for more systems to give you opportunities to know yourselves as more powerful beings, and it is our desire to see more of you accessing the vibration, the feeling of power within you, so that you can truly know who you are and what you are capable of, even as an individual. And you are even more powerful when you come together for a cause, like world peace or equality for those who have been historically disenfranchised.
You are there to bring about these changes, and you are meant to start within yourselves. That is why we will always direct you back to yourselves. It is because we know how powerful you really are, and it is also because there has never been a better time there on Earth to start demonstrating just how powerful you are. Just imagine what you can do and how many you can inspire.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 28

How to Choose the Timeline/Future You Want – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 28

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very capable of seeing down many different timelines simultaneously, because we exist in the ninth dimension, and we can see the various timelines that are in front of each of you who are receiving these messages. We know that new timelines are created when you get imaginative. When you go beyond the beliefs of those around you and those who have come before you. We know that you are very creative, in fact, and capable of reaching for the stars, quite literally. Many of you are wondering when ships will land all across the planet, and you wonder that with the idea that it is set in stone right now.
You think that these decisions are being made outside of you by some other being or some other group of beings, but you get to decide when that happens. You get to decide when humanity has access to free energy. You get to decide when you take everything that is coming to you, all of your gifts, all that you’ve ever wanted to manifest. It is all right there, waiting for you to receive it. You are the ones deciding. You are the ones focusing. You are the ones vibrating. You are the ones thinking, feeling, acting, speaking, and as you remain in alignment with what you do want, and let go of what you don’t want, then you put yourself on that best feeling timeline for you.
If you align with a version of the human collective that is ready for full and open e.t. contact next year, then you will have that experience. But if you look around and say, ‘These other humans aren’t ready,’ then you stay stuck on that timeline. It is up to you. Think better of your fellow humans and of yourselves. Rather than focusing on your flaws and your foibles, focus on how far you’ve come, how much potential there is within each and every one of you, and focus on the love that you are and the love that exists in every other human being. And while you’re at it, focus on the truth that all beings throughout the galaxy are love. They are Source Energy.
And sure, many of them have acted in ways that are much less than what you would expect from a Source Energy Being, but that just means you get to have the experience of forgiving them. You get to see the best in every being. That’s your choice; that’s the choice that will feel best to you when you make it. There really is no other choice, because you must make that choice in order to be who you really are, and being who you really are is where all roads lead to. You are all going home to Source; you are all there to remember who you really are.
So don’t forget that. Don’t fall into that trap of seeing yourselves as small, insignificant, and destined to have certain experiences. The world is what you make of it. Your lives can be better, even by the highest of standards, if you allow them to be so. And you are becoming your higher selves, your fifth-dimensional selves, no matter what anyone else is doing or no matter how it sometimes appears. Choose the best timeline for yourself right now by being conscious about the fact that you are choosing and that the timeline that will feel best to you does exist.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 27

Why Most Romantic Relationships Don’t Last – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 27

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are giving ourselves everything that we need in order to be the best versions of ourselves for all of you and all of the other beings that we are helping in this universe of ours. We do not hold back when it comes to giving ourselves the love and compassion that we enjoy receiving so much from others. One of the greatest secrets that you are not taught in schools or in religions is that if you want others to treat you a certain way, then you must first treat yourselves the way that you want to be treated.
This is the golden rule, part two that we are talking about. Yes, you want to treat others the way you would love to be treated, but you also have to treat yourself the way you want others to treat you. The universe is a gigantic mirror, and it always reveals to you what’s going on inside of you, rather than what you want the world to think or see. Whatever you want others to think and say about you, please think those thoughts and say those things to yourselves. Tell the universe, and show the universe, what you want to see reflected back to you from your fellow humans.
You have so much more to give others when you first feel whole and complete in yourselves. This is the key reason why most relationships that are romantic in nature do not work out or do not last until death do you part. It is because at least one of the individuals in the relationship is looking to the other to give them something that they’ve never been able to give themselves. And at first, it is easy for the other person to do that, but eventually, they will get caught up in other aspects of life and forget to give their partner what the partner needs and wants. And that is usually when the relationship fizzles out.
But if you make the way you relate to yourself a priority, then there is no end to the amount of love, praise, and adoration you can receive from your fellow humans. This is something we would love to see being taught in your public school systems, but sadly, it is not even spoken about in the curriculum. And most of you have to wait until you are adults to realize what has been missing from your lives for decades. We are here to give you permission to give yourselves everything that you want and need from your fellow humans, and let everyone else off the hook, for now. Just trust that they will start to reflect to you that self-love that you will dedicate yourselves to from this point forward in your lives.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 26

Maximize the Potential of the Energies Upon You – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 26

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are feeling very privileged to have the attention of those of you who give us your attention. We do know how many are vying for your attention at this time, and we are pleased to have as many of you as we do tuning in to our transmissions. You have the ability to feel in to the truth of what you are getting from an individual or a group of individuals, and when you use that discernment appropriately, you are led to information that causes your heart to expand. You feel better after receiving the transmission than you did when it started.
We advise you to use this same approach to everything that you take in, and that includes your food and what you watch for entertainment or listen to as a podcast or music. Pay more attention to how you feel than to whether something is interesting or intellectually stimulating. You might tune in to someone or something because they have the same political beliefs that you have, but at the end of the time you spend with that person or with that group, you still feel worse than you did before you tuned in. And perhaps that is an indication that focusing on that particular subject itself is lowering your vibration, pitting you against someone else and their group.
Now is not the time to do that, and now is the time to pay very close attention to how you feel, because you really do want to maximize the impact of the energies that are upon you at this very moment. You have the ability to build so much, to create so much, and to co-create with so many. And as you can feel for the vibration of someone and notice that they do feel very good, then that is your indication that you are meant to co-create and collaborate with that individual. What you can do together at this time is so beautiful, so wonderful, so magical, and what you can do on your own is also very exciting.
When you collaborate with us, or others in the higher realms, then you are really maximizing your potential as a creator being and a manifestor. You don’t have to wait until you see something that is interesting to you in order to create. You can create with nothing more than a desire to feel something. You know you want to feel joy, love, peace, creativity, confidence, freedom, and so on, and sitting in any of those vibrations will bring you something to do, to put your attention on, to collaborate with others in the completion of, and that is life affirming.
It’s invigorating to put your attention towards something that feels good and to move towards it in whatever way that you can. And again, doing so with other humans and nonphysical, or e.t. collaborators, will add more energy to the project, and you will soar to new heights in your consciousness, and in your evolution, and that is all that you can ask of yourselves. You don’t have to get any awards or accolades, because the feeling is enough, and when it is enough for you, then you know you are really onto something there on planet Earth.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 25

Starseeds: You Will Get to Go Home – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 25

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have so much respect for those of you who are willing to be yourselves in a world that often seeks conformity. We have noticed that those of you who are starseeds are quite willing to tell others that truth about yourselves in spite of the fact that many people would, and do, mock you for believing that extra-terrestrials are in fact real. When you come out as a starseed, that really puts you in a vulnerable position for so many to ridicule you and even exclude you from your group, or your families. It hasn’t been easy for many of you there on Earth for a very long time, and for some of you it hasn’t been easy for your entire life, because you have felt different.
Once you stumbled on the concept of the starseed, many of you wept, because something finally made sense of how you have always felt, being there on Earth. Now, from our perspective, you don’t have to be living your first lifetime on Earth to be a starseed; you are just awake to the truth that you had to travel through other star systems, and higher-dimensional planes, to get to Earth. And now that you are awake, you know that extra-terrestrials not only exist, but you also know that you are related to all of the e.t.s throughout the galaxy.
Your roots go back a long way and spread a tremendous distance, and that is all very helpful to bring humankind into the galactic community, officially. Many of you have been waiting for that official invitation for quite some time, and you are growing impatient. So many there on Earth are very eager to go home to be a part of their galactic family once again, but you did want to be on Earth, and we invite you to do your best to remember why you wanted to be on Earth at this time of great changes, shifting energies, and ultimately the ascension of the consciousness throughout this universe of ours.
Trust us when we say that you will be able to go home, but please do your best to consider Earth your home for now, because Earth and your fellow Earthlings need you there. They need you to normalize their experiences with e.t.s, which will be coming. You will help them feel ready for those encounters, and you will help them to understand who they really are. And all throughout the galaxy, you will be able to come together once again and be united, even before the shift in consciousness is complete.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 24

Update: A Progress Report for Humanity – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 24

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very impressed by the changes that you continue to make there on Earth, as we see you going further and deeper into an age of enlightenment. We know that it doesn’t always look that way to those of you who are paying attention to what’s going on outside of your little circle and yourself, but the changes are messy at first. There is an adjustment period that needs to be made. Sometimes you overcorrect, and there is even greater backlash to the overcorrection. But as a society, you are becoming more sensitive, and that’s a good thing.
This is a progress report for all of you, and it is one that every single human needs to receive. Those of you who receive it will anchor it in for the rest. The changes that are upon you right now are about being more inclusive, more integrative, and they are about giving more individuals a voice. Everyone needs to be represented in society, and everyone needs to not only feel heard but also be heard, because everyone needs to be willing to look at themselves and feel emotions that get triggered within them.
You are making tremendous strides every time you allow someone from a group who traditionally doesn’t have a voice to speak. People are very different there on planet Earth, and that is how it is supposed to be. Sameness causes less expansion, and Source wants expansion. Source created everyone to be as they are, and when people feel free to be who they are and express themselves as they are, Source is the beneficiary. It is good for all of you, no matter who you are and no matter what you believe, to be exposed to everything and everyone. You are not there to build an ivory tower and then hide away in it, even if you are going to meditate in that ivory tower.
The differences between you and your beliefs and everyone else and theirs cause you to grow. Acceptance is the first step, and it is a very important step because everyone will get to that point where they go beyond acceptance, but they cannot leap from where they are to where they are ultimately headed. Therefore, accept everything in your life as it is, accept everyone on Earth as they are, and accept that you chose all of the challenges because you knew they were the perfect ones to get you to align with Source, to get you to return home to Source, and ultimately to get you to become Source once again in every imaginable way.
As we said, this is a positive progress report because we see you all inching closer in every day and in every move, closer to Source, closer to that home base, and you are taking your bodies with you. You do not have to die to go home anymore; you are there to bring Heaven to Earth, and that’s what we see you all doing right now.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 23

How Long it Will Take for the Unawakened to Wake Up – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 23

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are so very happy with the progress that humanity has already made in the month of June, and we are so looking forward to seeing what you will do as you move forward from this very important time period in your history. We know that everyone there is doing the best they can under the circumstances, and we also know that it hasn’t been easy for some to break free from the conditioning and programming that they have experienced, which comes in addition to the issues faced by their genetic line. Now, we point out that there is a lot to overcome there because we want you to understand that it can look like things are not going so well there on Earth, while at the same time you can be growing exponentially.
It’s not a one or the other type of situation. You have both happening simultaneously, because everyone is at a different stage of their evolution. And those of you who have been doing this for a while know that a lot of the really important work that you do takes a tremendous amount of time. As the energies continue to speed things up there on Earth, of course it will take less and less time to get the results that you want for yourselves and that everyone wants for themselves as they awaken. And so, you can look forward to that.
You don’t have to assume that everyone who is asleep right now is decades from getting to the place where you are, because everything is changing, and it is changing for the better. Everything is moving faster, and that’s a good thing, because you have a lot left to do there on Earth, and you are getting a lot of help. Now, humankind is also adding to its numbers. Your population keeps growing, and growing, and growing, and that means more help is always on the way to the physical. More souls are putting their attention on Earth than ever before, and that’s a very good thing. You have this opportunity to make tremendous strides much faster than you ever have before because of all of these factors, and you have the opportunity right now to ride the wave of the June energies and to let them carry you to the next level of your consciousness.
Remember that you are always spiraling up, and you are taking more and more people with you all the time because of your willingness to set the example, to do the work on yourselves, and to spread more love and joy around. What is so important for all of you who are awake to remember is that when someone is far behind you on their journey, they need compassion and forgiveness for their missteps. There is no room at this time for judgment and condemnation, not when you are doing so much in such a short period of time.
You also understand as awakened beings that if something doesn’t feel good, then it’s not good for you. And so, as you pay closer attention to the emotional reaction you are getting in your bodies, you can always steer yourselves to the best possible timeline, and you can let go of the old third-dimensional ways and embrace the realm of the fifth dimension. That’s what you are there to open yourselves up to now, and you can take comfort in the knowing that you have never been closer than you are right now in this moment.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 22

Ask Yourselves These 2 Questions & Then Ascend – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 22

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are watching and waiting to see how humanity reacts to each and every occurrence there on planet Earth. We know that everything now is about inching you forward to your inevitable ascension, and we also know that there are many paths to raising one’s consciousness. It doesn’t have to happen through pain and suffering, but when a person isn’t paying attention, oftentimes that then becomes the choice on a subconscious level. No one consciously says that they want more pain and suffering to come in their lives, but it happens and it happens frequently there on Earth. And even though it always serves a purpose, you can ascend just as quickly and easily by following your joy.
You can pay closer attention to what is going on inside of you and in your lives, and you can move more appropriately to the higher realms by continuously choosing love. This is the way for all of you, no matter what the circumstances are that you are facing. Ask yourselves the question of, ‘Can I be Love in the face of this?’ And if you truly feel that you cannot, then ask yourselves the question of, ‘Why?’ Perhaps you will need to move through some negative emotions before you get to the place of love within you, the love that is always there, always available to you, and that is okay. You are meant to feel everything that there is to feel there on Earth.
Therefore, as long as you know that the ultimate goal is to get to that place of love within you, go right ahead and let your anger be. Let whatever negative emotion comes up for you be exactly what it is. You don’t have to change it; you don’t have to transmute it. You are transmuting yourselves, and one of the ways you do that is through accepting everything as it is and being love in the face of everything as it is. Just because you feel some anger, some sadness, some fear, or even some hate doesn’t mean that you are devolving. It doesn’t mean that you are going in the wrong direction or becoming any of those things. It just means you are having a temporary experience of yourself as something other than love, and you knew you would before you incarnated on Earth.
You knew everything would be on the table for you to feel and that it would serve you to feel everything that the Earth experience has to offer. Therefore, you may need to remind yourselves from time to time that no matter what comes up in your lives, the ultimate goal is always to be love. And if you can make peace with the fact that the path to getting there often does have a lot of unwanted, not-so-good feeling emotions on it, then you will get there more quickly.
Now, many of you wonder what your purpose is there on Earth. You want a mission for your lives. Get to that place where you are feeling love in the face of everything that is coming up for you, and you will be in service to others. Others need to see an example so that they have something to follow. They need for those of you who are lightworkers to pave the way. You are there as awakened souls because you wanted to do it first and then show others. Many of you who are awake are also teachers and leaders; you are guides. And when you light the path that you are on with love, everyone else, no matter where they are right now, can and will eventually follow.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 21

What Really Happens When You Look at the Stars – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 21

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are taking a multi-pronged approach to helping humanity at this time. We have those of you that we reach directly, like Daniel here, along with those of you we reach indirectly, such as the ones who are receiving this transmission. We also have all who are connecting with us through astral travel, and some of those are in the first two groups as well. We are reaching many individuals who have no interest in us or in any e.t. group through the energies that we transmit through the red giant known as Arcturus itself.
You have the ability to receive from stars, planets, moons, and other celestial beings. You have merely to open up to the energies coming in, as well as the starlight and stardust coming from above, and it is yours. You benefit in so many ways from giving your attention to the stars, because as you do, you are in complete acknowledgement that there is meaning to those lights up there in the night sky. They are not just there to be studied or to be pretty. They have gifts to give every single inhabitant of Mother Earth, and those gifts continue to be given freely and without attachment. We love watching you all grow and benefit from what we are giving you.
We would like for you to know that you can contact us at any time directly, and we will be able to receive your transmission. In order to receive directly from us, you just need to relax and open up. Because as we said, we are transmitting all the time. We are not alone in this either. Many groups of beings from all the star systems you know of and more are transmitting to humanity, to Earth. Many who are nonphysical, like ourselves, and who do not affiliate with any star system are also helping and transmitting.
Letting go of the idea that you have to do it all yourself will help you to open up more. You also can let go of the idea that you’re only going to be helped when e.t.s land their ships and start handing out pieces of technology. This is about consciousness evolution, and one of the ways you evolve your consciousness is by connecting, and connecting with that intention of expanding, of going beyond where you’ve been before.
You have much to share with us and others like us, just as we have much to share with you, and there is so much more going on all the time than your minds can possibly imagine. So when you shut off your minds and you shut off your devices, and you go and look out at the night sky, you are doing so much more than you can possibly imagine. We want you to know that we will step up our transmissions from Arcturus to all of you, regardless of whether you are looking or not.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 20

The Secret Is Not the Law of Attraction…It’s This – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 20
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are listening to your every request, because knowing what you want helps us know who you are, what you value, and where you are on your evolutionary journey. We have witnessed you evolving over the years, and we have noticed that many of the requests that we receive are requests for the collective, or they are requests for someone other than the person making the request. This, of course, is a sign of spiritual evolution, and it’s not that you have to force yourself to think about others first in order to be spiritual, or in order to grow spiritually.
But you naturally seek to help others with their lives and their journeys once you have figured out how to give yourself everything that you need. You are Source Energy Beings, and therefore, everything you could ever want exists inside of you. That’s the real secret. The secret is not that there is a law of attraction that can bring you everything that you want and more. The secret is that everything you want is inside of you, and when a person realizes that, they are able to activate whatever they want within them, and then they can just go about living without worrying so much, without working so hard, without stepping over someone else who is in need in order to get what they want.
That person is fulfilled because they know who they really are and that what they contain inside of them is everything. So how do you get there, if you are still struggling to get something you want, or to be in the perfect relationship? How do you get to that perfect place of peace and of knowing that it’s all inside of you? Well, you’ve got to make that effort and take those steps to look within yourselves for the possibility that you might already be whole and that you might already have everything that you need. Think about the person who gazes upon a flower and feels bliss for several hours, as opposed to the person who needs to pick that flower, bring it home, put it in a vase, and watch it eventually die. There’s a big difference there.
If you seek all that you have ever wanted by going within, then what eventually happens is, you get everything that you’ve ever wanted, but it doesn’t seem as wonderful as you had always imagined it to be, because it was never about having something, and it was always about being something and feeling something. We want you all to discover that with a little bit of focus and a little bit of attention to what’s going on inside of you, you can be one who feels how you want to feel unconditionally, and you can teach others that secret, and show them that the keys to the kingdom of Heaven have always been inside of them.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 19

Is Your Technology Taking You to 5D? – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 19

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very pleased to see how many of you are using technology appropriately. You can use technology to connect with one another. You can use it to access information, and you can use it to share aspects of yourself to the world. You can be very creative with it, and you can use it to help other people and reach other people who are in need of your help. Those of you who are truly awake are using technology in these positive ways, and you are helping to shift the collective consciousness of all of the various human collectives through your use of technology. Like anything, it is fundamentally neutral, and it can be used in a positive way, but it can also be over-used, abused, and used to promote something that is negative.
Therefore, the use of your technology requires a certain amount of discernment, and you must not rely so heavily on technology that you forget that you have the power to do all of this within yourselves. That is the next step for all of you who are awake. The next step is to recognize that you don’t need a phone in order to communicate to a loved one. It is the recognition that you can download whatever you need and have it available to you at all times.
You are ready to create out of thin air, rather than using a 3D printer to create. You can go even further right now than the current level of technology that you have at your fingertips. And the technology is there to bridge your belief between where you were before you had all of these gadgets and where you are going, which is a place where you will set them aside because you will realize you don’t need them after all.
Why do e.t.s still travel in ships then? That’s an obvious question, and we have an answer. They travel in ships because they like to have an experience of traveling together. They like to co-create with each other. Also, the ships are meant to activate something in the one who is seeing the ship. You are meant to feel closer to full, open extra-terrestrial contact because of your sighting of a ship or ships. And so, they do serve many purposes. Some of the ships are organic; they are beings with higher level consciousness, and they want to carry their friends around. Again, it is to have a group experience, a co-creative event with loved ones.
Some ships are powered by consciousness. They need no fuel source whatsoever. You do not need exterior, external technology when you realize that you are everything and everywhere. You don’t need anything to heal you when you realize you are already healed, but for now different healing modalities and technologies exist to help you to get to that place where you can say once and for all, ‘I am healed, and I know it,’ and really mean it.
You are getting there; you are getting to the place of teleportation, telepathy, telekinesis, even time travel, all without the need for a machine. So you don’t have to worry about the direction you are all headed in right now as a society, because these are just stepping stones to get you to where you are really going, and those of you who are awake perhaps already knew this but needed the reminder. And we are always telling you to put down the device and go outside and this is why. You don’t need the device, but you do need to shift your vibration to a higher level, and being outside, generally speaking, will help you do that.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 18

You Were Chosen Before You Were Born – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 18

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been chosen by all of the other ninth-dimensional collectives in the galaxy to be the ones who announce to all of you that you have been chosen to be the ones to spearhead a movement there on Earth that will result in the shaking up of your society. Now, you’re not going to do this by protesting, and you’re not going to do it by vandalizing property. You’re not even going to do it by posting, or making videos for the Internet. You are going spearhead a movement that will shake your systems to the core by coming together as an awakened collective with your vision of a better tomorrow.
You are not there to simply complain about the inequities of life on Earth and how unfairly society has been set up to favor the few. You are the ones who were chosen before you were even born to go forth and have enough awareness to see that there are problems in your society and to come up with solutions that have nothing to do with tearing down the existing systems in place. Your solutions will come from your ability to focus and to focus with the intention of creating a society that works for everyone.
We know that many of you have attempted to do just that on a smaller scale by creating an intentional community, but the vision that you hold for all of humankind is what really matters in this endeavor. And since we know every single one of you who will receive this transmission, we want you to know that we are referring to you as an individual, as well as the collective you are a part of, which is comprised of awakened souls. Now is not the time to think to yourself that, ‘everyone else receiving the message will carry the weight and do the focusing.’
We are calling on you, as the ones who were chosen by our colleagues, to make this happen, and we want you to feel that you have the power to do this, simply by holding that intention, focusing, and maintaining the vibration of the desire that you have for a better society for all. It is our goal, and it always has been our goal, to empower you, to emphasize your strengths, your abilities, and the knowing that we have that you are the ones to lead humanity in so many pivotal ways. You still have time there in the fourth dimension to bring about the massive changes that you want to see.
So please do not wait around for something or someone to take care of it for you, but rather, stretch those muscles that you have, the muscles that give you the right and the permission to create entire worlds, entire star systems, and entire galaxies. And show all of us here in the ninth dimension who are watching what you are capable of with just a little bit of focus and attention on what you want to see outside of you in the society that you are a part of.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 17

This Homecoming is Coming – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 17

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are destined to experience that homecoming, that return to Source, that is inevitable for all beings in all times and all places throughout this universe. This is what ascension is essentially about. It is about getting closer to home. You have the ability to bring yourself closer to Source, all day, every day. You do not have to wait for anything to happen that would make it easier for you to experience Source as your true self, as an aspect of you that exists within your very being-ness. In fact, for some humans the path has been to go as far away from Source as they possibly could with their consciousness so that the snapping back would feel so much more exciting and life-affirming.
To give oneself the experience of complete ecstasy, sometimes, in some universes, like ours, great pain and suffering is a part of that journey. Everything that you feel consciously brings you to a place where you can feel everything, and that includes the heights of ecstasy. You can get there without the help of anyone or anything. You don’t have to wait for some beautiful person, or beautiful e.t., to come into your life to assist you with getting there. You just have to acknowledge that everything exists inside of you, and as you put your attention on your inner realm, you can feel for the potential that exists within you to be in a state of complete alignment with Source. Nothing and no one is stopping you from that.
We know that people talk about the bad ones out there who are trying to prevent ascension from occurring, but we wonder if those same people are going within to feel for what ascension is all about right now in their very bodies. All of that you can read about online is a distraction from what exists inside each and every one of us. The Source Energy portal is there within every being and every collective, and you can tap in to it right now by focusing on the center of your heart and focusing on your breathing. Sometimes there are blockages there; we know this. And many of you have felt those blockages as well, but the only way to get past those blockages is to go right through them, and you can do it with your focus, with your intention, with directing your consciousness to the very center of your heart.
It’s all there, everything you could ever want and everything you could ever have that also exists outside of you, including every experience with every other being. Give yourselves the experience of ascension right now, and then you will be waiting for nothing. You will be in a timeless realm where everything is possible, where you are everything.
There is so much more for you to tap in to, and sometimes you just need the right nudging at the right time to go to the right place, and the right place, right now, for all of you, is within. Go to the center of your heart; feel for the love that is there. Know that it is the true you, and see how much of it you can feel and expand out to all corners of this beautiful universe of ours.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 12

Is Ascension Happening Fast Enough? – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 12

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are quite certain that you are ascending at an appropriate pace. We know that many of you would like to get to the fifth dimension as quickly as possible, and some of you would even like to go all the way back to Source as quickly as you possibly can, but that is not the point of all of this. The point of all of this is to have experiences. The experiences you have stimulate growth, which then puts you on a higher-vibrational plane of existence. You ascend because you experience. Therefore, do not believe for a moment that you are meant to skip over a bunch of experiences just to get to where you are going. That would be defeating the purpose of doing all of this in the first place.
If you want to get to the fifth dimension more quickly, then ask yourself why. Ask yourself, ‘What is it that I am trying to avoid in the fourth dimension? What is it I am trying to escape from?’ When you have the answers to those questions, you will have the keys to your spiritual evolution, because you will then know what you are there at this time to release your resistance to. You will know what you are there to heal, to forgive, to have compassion for, and to love unconditionally. Doing those things is what put you in a higher-vibrational state, and ascension is about moving from a lower-vibrational state to a higher-vibrational state. This is how you do it. This is what is required.
Now, some of you are not thinking so much about ascension as you are your own personal lives and the types of experiences you would like to have in your personal lives, and many of you have that same feeling. You want things to come now. You want to be in that relationship now. You want to be healthy now. Embrace the journey; recognize that there is so much more to experience along the way of the journey that you are on, and interestingly enough, when you do that, you complete the journey more quickly.
Whatever your current set of circumstances that you are in forces you to face, that’s what you are meant to face. Maybe you need a limitation of some kind to get you to go within more, to get you to focus, to feel, to meditate. Doing all of those own things are their own reward, but you do get other rewards from doing them as well. You don’t want to receive everything that you’ve created all at once; it would be overwhelming. But there are experiences that you can have today, right now, that you once dreamt of when you were a child, or when you were an adult, but were a younger adult than you are now. Remember that everything that you have manifested in your life right now was once a desired experience for you. Experience it. Love what is. Feel the joy in what is right in front of you right now, and you can ascend your consciousness to a fifth-dimensional frequency in this very moment.
And even though you might not complete the shift in this very moment, you will have gotten the most out of the moment. And that’s what savoring is all about. That’s what enjoying the journey is all about. There is so much more for you to experience in joy and in the state of being of love, and all you have to do is slow down enough to look around at the environment you are currently in, so that you can have those experiences, and you can feel those emotions. To breathe your way into a state of ecstasy right now is so empowering, and yet how many of you even consider doing it at any point in your day. That is something we would like for you to ask yourselves, and we want you to know that we tell you this because we love you, and we want to see you in a state of bliss, in a state of ecstasy. We know you have the ability to get there, and we just wanted to give you this little encouragement to do so.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 16

How to Work with the Current Energies – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 16

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are giving you so much more now that you have shown us that you can handle more. We are capable of calibrating the energetic transmissions very precisely, and we also know how much of what we transmit is absorbed by all of you. We are paying attention. We also can see how much of what we are giving you is utilized, and when we deliver to you certain energies that take a while for you to put into the physical realm, we know that we have the opportunity then to sit back and observe. We always like to see what you do with the energies we transmit, because we do not know how you will utilize your free will from one moment to the next.
We can tell you that you are moving the energies through your physical bodies beautifully of late, and that is very encouraging to us and to all the others who are watching you and charting your development. You have a lot to look forward to there on Earth, but you also have a lot to create. The energies that are upon you right now are very co-creative in nature. We are not telling you how to use the energies that we are sending you at this moment, but we are telling you that you have the freedom to use them however you see fit.
We know that there is a lot you would like to see on your world that is different, and we want to encourage you to dream bigger and take whatever action steps you’ve been hesitating to take, because now is the time and the energies upon you can be utilized for just about anything you desire. We trust you, especially those of you who are open and sensitive enough to receive what we are offering. We have seen what you have done with the energies already sent, and we hope that you recognize that you are doing very well at this time, especially those of you in the Awakened Collective. You have a desire to serve, and you know that you are meant to evolve and ascend, and that means that you are creating that which is beneficial all, instead of that which is beneficial to only you.
When you see yourselves as a collective, and you operate as a collective, that is when you also get more energies to play with. When you see your role as one who is meant to spread those energies around, that too will bring you more. When you understand that when others thrive, so do you, that is when you tap in to the collective consciousness of which you are a part, and you benefit from tapping in to that vast energy.
You don’t have to do it all yourself. There are others around the world who want what you want and who are working with the energies coming in to further the same types of positive agendas that you have for the energies that you receive. Therefore, relax at this time, open up to the energies that are upon you, and dream big when it comes to your creations for all who dwell on Mother Earth at this time.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 15

You Will Transform in the Moment You Do This – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 15

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very happy to assist all of you in all of the ways that we can. We often do invite you to ask us for help regarding specific issues and challenges that you are facing in your lives, and we absolutely do want you to ask us for help. But we also know that in the asking for help, you are in that moment acknowledging that help does exist. And so, it is in the asking that you open up more to receive what it is that you are asking for. You open up to the help that is already there, already being offered by us, your guides, and so many other helpers that you have working on your behalf twenty four hours a day. Remember that none of us can do it for you, but we can assist you.
We can make it easier for you to get what you want and get to where you are going by holding space, by nudging you in a particular direction, by giving you an activation or an upgrade that will make whatever it is that is blocking you from being where you want to be that much more of a loud, obnoxious noise in your experience. In other words, all the upgrades and all the activations are helping you to single out the resistance, the blockage, the belief that is inside of you so that you can release it.
You are doing it all yourselves, however. Help is there to support you, to guide you, to love you, and to hold space for you, and it is always there, and it is there from so many beings that we wouldn’t want to number all of them right now in this transmission. Some of you have more helpers than others because you’re facing more challenges, but all of you have a tremendous amount of assistance, and when you relax and unclench, and open up and let it all in, it comes flooding in. It’s not just coming from one specific place, or one specific star system or one specific being or collective. You have more help than you could possibly imagine coming your way, so you can relax.
You can look for opportunities to experience joy, and you can appreciate the life that you have already created. You can appreciate all that you can with your five senses and more. You can rest in the knowing that more is always coming. More energies will always be coming in to support you, and more manifestations will always be coming because you’ve created them and they are yours, and it is inevitable for you to experience those creations.
Now, we can help you speed up the time that it takes for you to manifest something by reminding you that how you feel matters and by reminding you that it is inevitable that you experience what you’ve created. We can help you to manifest everything more quickly by reminding you of all of the help that you have and by pointing out that joy is the path. You are not on a path to joy and joyous experiences and circumstances, but rather the path is created with joy, and when you are in joy you stay on the path. You continue to make the journey forward, a journey that you are destined to be on.
You all not only have a tremendous amount of help, but you also have a tremendous amount ahead of you. You have so much that you have yet to experience on that Earth in those physical bodies. You don’t just have to wait until you are on the fifth-dimensional Earth with a light body. That is not the only time for you to be in a state of joy, to be surrounded by love. That is not the only time when you will experience ultimate freedom, wisdom and confidence. All of those vibrations are available to you right now, and all of your helpers are showering you with those vibrations in the hopes that you will relax enough to let them in and feel them run through your physical body.
This is why we encourage you to get out and enjoy Mother Earth and Mother Nature. We know that they put you at ease and that you are more likely to open up when you get away from all the thought forms and all the energies in your homes. We encourage you to let all of this sink in, and then let all of the help that is coming your way enter into your energy field, your chakras, your cells and your DNA, and you will feel transformed in the moment that you do.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 14

How 11/11 is Carrying You into a Glorious 2023 – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 14

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very pleased to be able to offer you this progress report for humankind. We hear you wondering whether humanity is doing all right, whether you are making it possible for yourselves to ascend to the fifth dimension. And really, you just need to ask yourself that question, as humanity will always be a reflection of you. Ask yourself whether you feel worthy of ascension and what you believe is holding you back from ascending right now. Your answers will be interesting to say the least. But in spite of your doubts, there is enough faith within the Awakened Collective to carry a positive vibration through your day.
You are affecting the rest of humanity with the knowing that you have that you are all headed to a better place, a better version of humanity and Mother Earth. Your ability to connect to higher consciousness is a big part of that journey. That is what Daniel here has demonstrated to all of you time and time again. He has shown you what is possible, and many of you have discovered you have the ability to do so yourselves. This is what we have indicated the 11/11 energies were all about, and they are still upon you. You are still benefitting from the energies that support you in reaching beings and collectives in the higher realms.
The energies are also, of course, to support you in reaching within yourselves, where you will also find everything, everyone, and every being and collective throughout the universe. You are at the midpoint now of the month of November, and the tail end of the 11/11 energies, and you are ready to bring these connections that you are making to the higher realms to the next level. You are ready to go into the Solstice energies with your heads held high, with your arms, hearts, and crown chakras open wide open, and you are ready to bring in the energies, the consciousness, the wisdom, and the teachings that will carry humanity into a glorious 2023.
The potentials of 2023 are immense. You will see more e.t. contact within humanity on the personal and group level, and the potential is there for a mass landing of ships that will be the first domino to fall in the completion of your ascension to the fifth dimension. It is happening, and it is because of your willingness to connect to higher-frequency energies that it is possible for this version of humanity to make that leap. If you feel that you are not connecting to a higher consciousness at this time, then again ask yourselves the question of why. Do you believe it is possible for you, and do you believe us when we tell you that it is not only possible, but it does happen from time to time?
You just want to be able to get to that heightened level of consciousness on your own and on purpose, and you can and you will because you are awake and because you have the desire to do so. Having the desire is always your way of telling yourself that this next step on your journey is an inevitable one. Take each step with the knowing that you are going in the right direction, that everything is going according to plan, and that you are ascending in the perfect timing for yourself and for the entire human collective.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 13

A Big Part of Your Destiny on Earth – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 13

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are studying all of you from afar, but we are also right there with you, observing you from within you and all around you. We are ninth-dimensional beings, which means we have no physicality, no bodies, and no borders to confine us. We get to go where we want to go and put our attention wherever we want to put it in this beautiful universe of ours, and we choose to focus on humanity there on Earth because we are fascinated by you. We are enthralled by your journey, by your perseverance, and by your ability to rise up and meet challenges that you face on a daily basis.
You are making history with your ascension. You are making the biggest leap forward that you can possibly make, as you have moved from the third dimension, and now you are making your way to the fifth. This is a time to feel very good about yourselves and how far you have already come, but it is also a time for you to be exploring where you want to go next. One of the reasons why your journey is so fascinating to us is because we don’t know what you will choose for yourselves next. We have some idea because of probabilities and because it is very rare for a being or a collective to make a ninety-degree turn out of the blue.
But we are interested in what you will do next, what you will create next, and how you will become your higher selves, which is a big part of your destiny there on Earth. Many assume that the shift to the fifth dimension is about you taking yourself to a better place, like getting upgraded from a fleabag motel to a five-star resort, but it’s not like that at all. You are changing yourselves, and as you do, the world outside of you seems to change. But really, you are the ones who are changing, and when you are operating at that higher-vibrational perspective, you will see, experience, and be able to do things that you cannot do right now. But your limitations are not because of what country you live in, what laws are governing you there, or how much money you have in the bank.
Your limitations are only created by the vibration you are offering. Change your vibration, and you will change everything that you experience. This journey is about changing you, and it always has been. It has never been about a change of scenery or the elimination of all the bad ones. It has never been about leaving everything that you don’t like behind, as you soar off into a better place, a better reality. You are the shift in consciousness; it begins and ends with you. And it is your destiny to complete it; you cannot mess this up.
You can either enjoy it by going with the flow, or you can go kicking and screaming in resistance, judgment, and condemnation about all that you don’t like about your current situation. Isn’t that more satisfying? That’s why we are studying and observing you, because we know that you are not just on a cruise ship, going from one place to another. We know that you are creating it all, and that your primary creation is you.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

The Power of Momentum is on Your Side – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 11

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are giving ourselves a chance to rest and relax at this time, because we understand the power of momentum, and we know that there has been enough momentum created from what we have been exploring to give us this opportunity to step back a bit and enjoy the momentum that we know we have created. We also understand that whenever we put energy out into the universe, that same universe matches our energetic output, and so, we understand that we truly do not have to do it all ourselves.
Even we have help here in the ninth dimension. There are higher-dimensional collectives that are helping us to expand and evolve. Now, being where you are on the dimensional totem pole, you have so very many beings and collectives that are helping all of you, and you have momentum that was created in previous lifetimes there on Earth that you can rely upon. You also have been very busy, always doing, always efforting, and all of that energy expended is coming back to you at this time.
Given all of that, don’t you think that you can relax and let go? Don’t you think that you can struggle less, do less, and rely more upon all that you have coming back to you by virtue of the fact that you still exist? You don’t even have to do anything to claim your prizes. You don’t even need a downpayment. You can just open up and receive what is coming to you by virtue of the fact that you have momentum. We, collectively, as a universe, have a great deal of momentum. We can all share in the collective momentum that keeps us all spiraling up, keeps us all moving closer and closer to Source and to our true selves as infinite and eternal beings of love and light.
We welcome you to join us in our state of resting and relaxing, because you’ve earned it. We’ve all earned a break, and it is by taking a break that you often gain tremendous insight. You often get your best ideas when you’re not trying, when you’re not doing, and when you completely let go of whatever it is you’ve been striving for all that time. It is the perfect time for a respite for humanity. Let what you’ve put out there come back to you, and know that there will always be time for more action, more creation, more of what you have yet to even dream up.
We are expanding together, so please take a moment and feel for it; it is your expansion, after all, for the taking.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 10

Are You Doing Enough of This – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 10

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are always very happy to encourage you to move towards that which is interesting and invigorating to you. We know that there are lots of things on Earth that you have to do just to maintain your bodies, your vehicles and your homes. And then there are the things that you truly want to do. There are the moments that you savor, the experiences that you crave more of, and we will always recommend that you make yourself available to as many of those as you possibly can. We know that there is great value in you having to face your chores, your obligations, and the things that you feel you need to do in order to maintain your health and well-being, but you need to make time for yourselves for the things that you would do all day everyday if you could.
You need to prioritize them because being in a higher-vibrational state is necessary for those of you who have signed up to be lightworkers, to be awake. You need to offer that higher vibration in order to ground in the energies that are coming in and in order to be of service to your fellow humans. We know that you sometimes find it difficult to make time for yourselves and for your true desires, but do not be afraid to ask those in your life to make room for you and for your needs to be met. You are not just there to be in service or to be a martyr; you are there to enjoy the journey of your ascension, and you know what you need to give yourselves in order to do that.
You know that you are love and that throughout the course of your life, you will at times be challenged to be the love that you truly are in spite of certain circumstances. You know that is a part of your experience, but you also know that you love the things that you love for a reason. You love doing certain things because doing them is also a part of your becoming who you really are. You must allow yourselves to be you completely.
Do not try to fit into anyone else’s box, whether they are a family member, whether it is society as a whole, or whether it is a spiritual teacher who is telling that you need to do this or that in order to be more spiritual. Many people are living lives right now that are not their own; they are living lives that are not the lives of their choosing. And that is more than just unfortunate. That is detrimental to the living fully that needs to happen for each individual in order for each individual to be themselves, to fit in the role that they agreed to play.
You also need to know that sometimes your beliefs are what block you from doing what you truly want to do, and those beliefs were by and large handed down to you by someone else. You did not create them; you took them on, and you sometimes need to test the validity of them by taking a leap of faith, by moving towards something that may seem like it is a pipe dream.
Please allow yourselves the freedom to choose, because the living of your lives has gotten you to this point where you have developed clear preferences, clear desires. Follow through with them and you will be able to allow more love to flow through you, especially in those circumstances where you are being called upon to be the love in the face of that which is appearing to not be love. We know that some of you just needed this encouragement today, and we hope that you are going to take us up on our offer to support you in doing what you love.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 9

What’s Happening Along with the 11/11 Portal? – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 9

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very capable of measuring and tracking your progress there on Earth, and we do notice when there’s a huge spike in your frequency as a collective consciousness there on Earth. This is one of those times. It is a time when many people are focusing on what they value, what they hold dear and true to them. This is a time when more people are seeking alignment with the outside world, attempting to be in alignment as difficult as that may be at times for all of you.
You also have the 11/11 energies and the portal to assist you in this time when you need so much support from above, as many of you do not feel in alignment with your world or what is happening in it. Remember that you always get to choose how you respond to whatever is happening out there in the world, and remember that you have help. There are so many helpers around you as individuals and around all of you as a collective who want only to see you evolve and ascend in this lifetime. This is the time to be focusing more on the energies present than on what’s going on out there in the world.
As you tune in to the help that you are receiving, to the support and the love that is all around you, that’s when you realize that you can do anything. You can create anything, and you can be anything that you want to be in this lifetime and for your fellow humans. Now is a time when more people than ever before are focusing on becoming leaders themselves, because people of planet Earth recognize the need for new blood to be infused into old systems. You recognize that you have something to offer humanity as the individual that you are right now.
You know as the Awakened Collective that there is something very powerful that is happening on your planet right now and that all who are awake are looking for unity. They are looking to be unified, and while some are looking in the wrong places, those of you who know you are the right leadership will step up. You will be able to take humanity to that next level of consciousness. We know it, we see it, we feel it, and we feel the spike in your overall frequency as a result of it.
We are very happy to say that everything is going perfectly there on Earth, as there still need to be challenges that you face in order to get you to rise up and be your best and whole selves. This is not the time to throw in the towel or decide that humanity is doomed. This is the time to become the leaders that you were born to be and to lead by example. Show everyone else there on Earth what you are made of. Show them your heart. Show them the love that you have for them and for all humans and all beings, and you will find that a group gathers around you pretty quickly when that is your approach.
If every one of you who feels the desire to lead takes that initial step after receiving this message, you will be the grass roots movement that reminds humans that they are all one and that they are all Source. You will be the one who reminds all humans that the purpose of life is to love one another, and you will bring humanity into the golden age of ascension. And prior to that, you will see the age of extra-terrestrial contact coming to fruition, and you will be one of the ones who brings it about more quickly, if you respond to that call that is coming to you from within right now.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 8

No Matter What Happens, You Need to Remember This – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 8

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very impressed with the way that humanity continues to evolve, continues to grow spiritually, and we continue to look for all the various ways in which you are improving yourselves and becoming your fifth-dimensional higher selves. One of the ways that you do this is by focusing within yourself and looking for that which is good, that which is love and light, when there is something going on outside of you that is not to your liking. When you know that looking at a particular problem, or certain information, is going to bring you down, and then you choose not to look in that direction, and instead you choose to feel for the truth of who you really are, you grow. You become more of your true self.
You demonstrate to all who are paying any attention that you know you are unconditional love. You can be the love that you truly are in any and all circumstances and conditions. You don’t need to wait until there is someone standing in front of you who is lovable to get you to that place. You don’t need to wait until some cute, furry animal crosses your path to feel that love inside of you. You definitely don’t have to wait until love is being showered upon you before you feel it. Trust us when we say that love is constantly being showered upon you, but you don’t always feel it.
You’re not aware of how much love there is for you most of the time, and yet you can still go within and find that love at the portal to Source that exists at the center of your heart, and you can do that no matter what’s going on in the outside world. Anything that you want to be happening in your life that isn’t happening is not an impediment to you being the love that you truly are. Anything that you are experiencing in your life that is an issue, a problem, anything that is troubling to you, none of those things are a good enough reason to take your attention off of the truth of who you really are as unconditional love. When you come across some upsetting news, some world event that could get all of your attention and that could bring you down, you must choose love over fear, worry, or sadness. When you are choosing love, you are also choosing compassion.
And so, if something truly bad is happening out there to other people and you become aware of it, you don’t have to turn away, not completely. You can feel your compassion and send your love without making it the new topic that you are following obsessively on your phone or computer. You can be aware of problems that are going on in the outside world and still live your life without letting those problems consume you. If the amount of plastic that is currently in your oceans was on your mind constantly as you went about your day on dry land, you would have a hard time living your life joyously or contributing anything to society, because you would be in that lower vibration that focusing on that particular issue is sure to put you in.
And so, you must take care of yourselves if you are going to be of value. If you are going to be of service to others, you must take care of your vibration so that every person you meet throughout your day is uplifted by you and your presence. Someone you know in your life right now might be mourning. They might be going through the hardest thing they’ve ever had to go through, and you can still be there for that person without going there vibrationally with them. You don’t have to try to cheer them up or convince them that there is a better way of looking at the situation or thinking about it. You can allow someone else to be in their sadness without joining them in that sadness.
Your compassion can come from a place of just feeling okay, because certainly having a lot of sad people around you could bring you down, and you just have to ask yourself the question of, ‘Is it really going to help them if I join them in their sadness?’ You can do more good for those around you who are suffering by not suffering, because you will subtly and unconsciously be sending them an invitation to join you in a better feeling place.
The world needs balance. And so, if one person is sad, there has to be another person who is happy. The happy feeling person doesn’t have to feel guilty that they too are not sad, because they will have their turn to be sad. Everyone will get the opportunity to feel everything at some point in their lives. And once you all do feel everything there on Earth, then you have the capacity to choose.
If there is something going on in your life right now, or in the world outside of you, that could get your attention and could cause you to worry about it, you have to ask yourself whether worrying about it has ever helped. You certainly can think of instances in your life when not thinking about the problem has been precisely what was needed to bring the solution. Remember that the next time you start to go down a road that would take you to a lower-vibrational place, and remember that you always have a choice, especially on a world like Earth where there are so many choices. We support you no matter what you choose, and yet we always invite you to the light, to the love that you truly are, and we nudge you in the direction of joy.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 7

The November 11th (11/11/22) Energies – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 7

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very happy for humanity, as you have this wonderful time to exist there on Earth. You are now at a time where you can already feel the opening of the November 11th portal, and we want to tell you a little more about the energies that are coming in through that portal that are coming in to support you in your spiritual evolution. These energies are for connecting you to both higher-dimensional planes and higher-vibrational beings and collectives, and they are for connecting you more to yourself, connecting you within your own self to who and what you really are as a Source Energy Being.
These are incredibly powerful energies that you are in the midst of already and that will reach their peak on November 11th. And as every opening of every portal now is significant, we would like to give you some pointers on what you can do to better receive the energies of this 11/11 event. First of all, we always recommend that you ground in your physical bodies, and feel for your consciousness all the way down into the soles of your feet. Also, we are always reminding you of the importance of being hydrated, and we want you to know that drinking water in its purest form is always going to give you optimal hydration, but we also recommend more fruit, vegetables, and if you can get your hands on it, coconut water.
We recommend that you rest, that you meditate, and that you get enough sleep. We also recommend that you state out loud exactly who or what you would like to connect to with your consciousness. You are going to connect your consciousness with extra-terrestrials before you connect with them physically. But you can always connect to those of us who are in the nonphysical realm, and know that we are always offering something for you. On the date of November 11th, make sure you set aside some time to be quiet and to focus on being one giant receptor. You want to make yourselves available to these energies.
You want to feel yourself opening up like a flower does to receive sunlight and rain, and you want to know that you have these connections already to all of these beings. The connections are already there, and the energies are to assist you in recognizing the connections that you already have. They are to strengthen those connections so that you can feel them more powerfully, and these energies will help you to know exactly what it is that you are receiving from higher-dimensional beings and collectives when you are connected more consciously and with a wider bandwidth.
You all continue to make such tremendous progress, and that is why these connections are more available to you than ever before there on planet Earth. We are so happy to be able to make you more aware of what is happening throughout this universe of ours, and we are happy to assist you in actualizing all of your desires, including those desires for deeper and more meaningful connections with those in the higher realms, like ourselves. We look forward to connecting with more of you in the very near future.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 6

What’s Happening Regardless of What You Believe – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 6

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are never ones to take ourselves seriously. We know that we are just travelers through space and time in this universe of ours, no different from any other travelers who are out there playing their part in the cosmic dance that we are all performing together. We definitely do have perspectives, and we share them with you all the time, but we know enough to not get too attached to those perspectives. And we know enough not to grip tightly to any belief that comes in to our consciousness for a while.
We love to be playful, not serious. If we had the ability to laugh, we would, all the time, but even without physical bodies we can still feel what laughter feels like to all of you. And we enjoy being light about all that is a part of this journey. We invite you to do the same. We know that many of you have very tightly-held beliefs about a lot of things, and when you find out someone believes something that is different from what you believe, that’s when you dig in your heels and start yelling or typing in all caps. And that’s no way to live.
You can let go of tightly-held beliefs in favor of joy, in favor of love, in favor of laughter, and everyone there on Earth could benefit from using the phrase, ‘I don’t know’ more often. When you really think that you know something to be true, and you are offended when someone else doesn’t think the way you do, that really is a recipe for disaster. If you being in a high vibration is dependent upon everyone agreeing with you about anything, then you are setting yourself up for failure and a very unhappy journey.
Part of growing and evolving is letting go, and when you let go, you let love. You let love in; you let love dictate your words, thoughts and actions; you let love be your priority, your policy, and your number one belief. Believing in love is like believing in yourselves, which is so much more important than your stance on any of the hot button topics there on Earth at this time. We invite you to join us in being lighthearted, not taking any of this too seriously, and we encourage you to laugh at yourselves all the time. We guarantee you that you will grow exponentially if you can learn how to do that. If you can let go and let love, then you can let yourself become who you really are, effortlessly, because anything that you are clinging to there on Earth is only holding you back and holding you down.
So please let it go and rise above the differences of opinion, of perspective, and of belief that you have there on your world. It’s not worth it; you don’t have to sacrifice your happiness for being right or winning an argument. And a nice byproduct of doing what we are suggesting here is that you will have full and open contact much sooner if you can stop fighting long enough to put a smile on your faces and realize that you are on a beautiful ride through the galaxy, and that you are becoming your higher selves, regardless of what you believe.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 5

This is the Only Way to Truly Live – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 5

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been elevating our consciousness, just as we have been encouraging all of you there on Earth to do the same. We know how valuable the practice is of letting go of what is weighing oneself down and allowing the higher-frequency energies to take over and raise one’s vibration. We so appreciate each and every one of you who is willing to take the time out of your busy day to elevate your consciousness and raise your vibration.
Now, there was a time in your history as awakening souls that you would participate in an activity for the joy of it and not make any connection between the joy that you were feeling while doing the thing you love to do and what would follow in your reality. You had no idea that you were putting out a vibration that would bring you more joyous experiences and people. And now, here you are, with your awakened consciousness, knowing that every time you offer a vibration, you are sending out a signal to the universe, and you know that the universe will bring back to you something that represents the vibration you were emanating.
Now, you could take that knowledge and decide that you’re going to do something that brings you joy, because now you know that there will be even more joy to come if you participate in that activity. And that’s fine; you certainly can live your life in that way. But when you are doing something purely for the joy that you experience while doing it, that’s when you are living as a spiritual master. That’s when you are being completely present in the moment, with no expectation about what will come next and no attachment to whether anything does come next in your experience.
Now that being said, you can sit quietly in a dark room and just activate joy within yourselves. But again if you do it because you simply recognize that you can and you like the way that you feel when you are in a state of joy, that is a much better way to go about living your life than if you are doing it because you hope to attract something or someone into your life that will put you in a state of ‘joy cruise control.’
You see, you are always going to be responsible for your own vibration, regardless of who or what is in your life, regardless of how much money you have in the bank or how many toys you have purchased with that money. It will still be up to you to be joyous for no good reason at all.
And that’s why we encourage you to raise your vibration and elevate your consciousness; it is not because we know the universe will reward you if you do. And it is not even because we want you to do it so that you will be of service to the human collective by adding that positive energy to the collective consciousness. We want you to raise your vibration and elevate your consciousness because we love you and we want you to feel good.
We want you to demonstrate to yourselves that you are in control of how you feel when you focus on how you feel and you make how you feel a priority. And all the other good things that come from you sitting in that dark, quiet room, raising your vibration will be like the cherry on top of the sundae. You are joy, love, peace, and all of the other good-feeling vibrations rolled into one, and we are here to invite you to return home to your true selves, because it’s the only way to truly live.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 4

What You Came to Earth to Do – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 4

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are quite satisfied with the way that you all have been looking to include one another in a variety of ways. You are shifting from seeing yourselves as individuals to knowing that you are a collective, and with that shift comes a knowing that everyone and everything that you see is included within you. And so, when you see the way that humanity has been divided recently, and you realize that it’s a problem, those of you who are awake tend to want to do something about it.
In this case, you look for opportunities to include others who you might traditionally, historically, exclude from your thoughts and your feelings of compassion. If you can be compassionate towards someone who you disagree with on a number of points and issues, then you will have risen above the divisiveness that is so present on your world today. And if you listen to someone with whom you disagree, and try to understand where they are coming from, you will have taken a step towards more unity, more of that oneness that you and other awakened souls are seeking.
You don’t have to take sides in order to be right; you can rise above all of it and be love. You can be love in the face of hate, bigotry, racism, homophobia, transphobia, misogyny, and everything else that you experience on your world today and that can give you the experience of sadness, anger, fear, or even hate. Everything that is there and that is triggering you is there for that purpose. It’s not because something is broken or something is wrong; it’s because you need to be triggered in order to get to that very specific and sometimes buried-deep-down-inside emotion. Once you do, you can rise above it, because you want to be love and because you know that you are more powerful as a collective than you are as individuals.
You are more powerful unified than you are divided, and just because someone disagrees with you on something does not make them your enemy. They just have a different point of view, a different perspective. Now it can be very challenging to do what we are suggesting here, especially when the person or people we are talking about have hate in their hearts towards a particular group.
We know that it is a tall order to forgive, to love, and to feel compassion for those people, but it is the only way to raise the consciousness of humanity. You are not going to raise the consciousness of humanity just by being right. You are not going to raise the consciousness of humanity by looking down your noses at those that you deem to be wrong.
You are going to raise the consciousness of humanity because that is what you are there to do, and you are also there to embody more of that unconditional love, because that is the way to becoming fifth dimensional; it is the way to becoming your higher selves. And that is part of your destiny, so you might as well embrace that destiny now, which also means embracing every aspect of you.
And remember, if you see it out there in any form, it is also within you and it needs to be healed. That’s why you see so many people on your world today getting louder. They represent something that’s inside of you that you’ve been ignoring. Please pay attention to everything that’s going on inside of you, and be the healers, the wayshowers, and the changemakers you were born to be.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 3

Mass Awakenings & the Full ET Contact Coming – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 3

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very pleased to announce that you are all doing quite well with the current energies that are upon you, and we see the transformations underway already in your month of November. We know that you all thrive on being given the appropriate energies that you need, and we also know that you do so much better at absorbing the energies when you know they are coming. Therefore, we are always happy to inform you that more help is always on the way. You are doing such wonderful work for this universe and for this universal shift in consciousness that is ongoing.
The shift is not about one moment in time that will catapult you all into a new dimension. The shift is about the work you are willing to do on yourselves to become beings of a higher consciousness, beings who look outside of themselves for how they can help. When you see there to be no separation between you and any other person there on Earth, it becomes a lot easier to recognize where help is needed and how you can give it. Therefore, you always want to look for those points where you can connect to another human being.
Feeling more connected to your fellow humans will help you to access all the love and compassion that you need to continue to be the positive force that you are in the ascension process. As you focus on receiving the energies that are upon you right now, you cannot help but then want to spread those energies around. You will fill up on them yourselves, and then you will want to transmit them to your fellow humans. And when you do, you automatically open yourselves up to more of those energies. You become a conduit that is always open, always spreading light and love around, always working towards that goal of raising the level of consciousness for all of humanity.
You see, because you are connected to every other being, whenever you do any work on yourself, you are helping the collective of which you are a part. You are adding more positive energy to the human collective consciousness. And the number of human beings who are doing this consciously and deliberately is growing every day. You are going to see more mass awakenings coming towards the end of 2022, because you need more individuals working for the light to prepare yourselves for full and open e.t. contact. The timing of that mass landing of ships has always been around this time. We could never and still can never say exactly when it will happen, but it is what you are preparing yourselves for.
You need to have that higher level of consciousness in order to stand in front of a physical e.t. being who can read your every thought, who will force you to face every emotion that is inside of you just with their presence alone. This is the next step in the ascension process, and we see you moving towards it beautifully, consciously, and with more joy in your hearts, as you know that the e.t.s who are coming will present you with more opportunities to connect. And those connections mean that you’re going further along in your spiritual evolution, getting closer and closer to Source, your true nature, and your home.
So keep it up, Awakened Collective, because what is to come will be exactly what you have been waiting for, and it’s coming sooner and sooner because of the work you’ve been doing on yourselves right now and the energies you’ve been accessing and transmitting to humanity.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 2

Unlock Everything You Haven’t Had Access To – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 2

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are always looking for just the right frequency to have the desired effect on humanity or on beings from some other world in our galaxy. The type of precision it takes to find just the right frequency is a skill that we hone all the time here in the ninth dimension. As beings who primarily feel, we have become quite attuned to the different levels of vibration, which we refer to as frequencies. And by finding just the right frequency, we can make the impact that we desire to make on all of you and all the others that we serve.
You have the same ability within you, and we suggest that you use it. Use this ability to help others and to manifest what you need to live the life you want to live there on Earth. In the past, you may have taken a very mental approach to finding the right frequency. You might want to know what the Herz is of that frequency, or you might try visualization, mantras, other ways of thinking positively to put you in just right frequency, and that is all good, and it will get you to a certain point. But we know that you are ready to go beyond the limitations of the mind and step into the limitless realm of the heart, which is your main point through which all feelings are experienced.
Therefore, as you tune in more to your heart and to what you are feeling, you will be able to fine tune the frequency that you are offering. And therefore, you can make the impact that you want to make. More importantly, you can go to the reality that you want to experience that is a match to that frequency. This is something all humans have the ability to do, but you are taught from a very young age that your actions matter more and that how much you learn in school is of paramount importance. However, very few are taught about the importance of their feelings and their ability to conjure up a vibration with intention and focus.
But now as adults, you have this information. You know that you can dive deeply into your heartspace and find everything and everyone that you are looking for, even those who are deceased. Now, what will it take to get you to actually do it? Usually, you do it when thought, word and action fall short of accomplishing a goal that you have for yourself or for humanity. When you are trying so hard to help someone else, but you just can’t seem to find just the right combination of words and actions to do so, you might then turn to sending love from your heart.
Find the frequency and you find everything that you desire, that you want to feel, that you want to experience. You find the world you want to create and live in and the people you want to live amongst in that world, but you must be willing to get out of your head long enough to feel into that heart center for all that it contains. And as soon as you do, you will feel more grounded and expansive at the same time; you will feel more infinite and eternal. And you will know that you have unlocked everything that you haven’t had access to previously. Now is a wonderful time to do this as everything is moving faster than it ever has before there on planet Earth.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 1

Are You Awake? Here is How You Show It – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 1

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are always excited to see what you will do next there on Earth to further your spiritual evolution. You have your individuals journeys, of course, and you have your journeys as a collective of humanity. When you see things going on out there in the world, in other countries, in other places, that do not seem to affect you personally, know that they are affecting the human collective consciousness, and therefore, they are affecting you.
When you recognize that you are there to exude love, you are there to help and to heal, then knowledge of what’s going on and where can help you to point your love and your healing energy in the right direction. You know that it is necessary to meditate more on peace when a new war breaks out, for example. When you look at your own lives and what is going on within them, or what isn’t happening that you want to happen, this is also a way for you to go deeper with your level of awareness about what you need and what is needed from you.
Other people in your life might be acting out in ways that are troubling to you, and then you know that the person or people who are acting out need more love sent their way. They are acting out because of an unprocessed emotion, because of an unreleased trauma, and when you see it that way, you know that you are being called upon to offer what is needed in that moment. Otherwise, they either wouldn’t be in your life or they would be living happily ever after in your presence.
We know that being the caretaker for the other people in your life and for the rest of humanity is a tall order, but we also know that those of you who are awake are always looking for opportunities to be of greater service. Now, you being of greater service does not have to mean that you are going out and starting a foundation to save the whales, for instance. It doesn’t have to mean to that you are going out on an international speaking tour where your objective is to enlighten and uplift. As you look around at what’s going on in your world and in your personal life, you can find all the opportunities that you could ever want to show up, to radiate love, to send healing and peace to where it is needed.
Again, it seems like a tall order, but if you were not up for it, you would not have chosen to incarnate on Earth at this time, and you would not have awakened before the majority of the population. The amount of kindness, love and compassion you show to your fellow humans determines how awake you are. It is not about what you know intellectually. It is not about having inside information about what’s really going on with the government and the cabal groups. It is about showing up as the light in the face of all darkness that is there on planet Earth at this time. It is about what you feel and what you do about what you feel. So we recommend spending more time focusing on how you feel and on what is needed out there in the world around you. That is the best way for you to know yourselves as the beings of love and light that you truly are.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
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