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October 30

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Revealing talents and abilities)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will look into the way the process of your Revival is influenced by the causal body.
Since it ranks among upper chakras already, its activation amplifies the impact on this process manifold.
And in this case by the word “activation” I mean not simply fifth human chakra developed but the one rarefied to the level of at least the fourth dimension.
At present it is typical of many of you since this is the level reached by the conscience of an individual who knows about Transition and the things that accompany it.
As the human causal body is responsible for self-expression and self-realization, it is the one that helps you get down to constructive work – building of a new society on Earth.
It is the fifth chakra that is responsible for revealing of one’s talents and abilities, as well as for the means of their application.
And this is how it occurs in practice.
As soon as one ONESELF realizes what the things are just one oneself wants to dedicate life to, one’s causal body joins the process of making one’s wish come true.
Yet, in this case it is of great significance that this wish is inspired by one’s Soul, not imposed from without by family, friends or relatives, which happens to the people lacking self-confidence who often take somebody else’s desires for their own ones.
I know that a lot of you have already experienced watching the Universe facilitating your true desires coming true and, on the contrary, preventing those forced by others from coming real.
This is exactly the way your Soul, your Safeguard Angels and your Spiritual guides try to point out the right direction to you: so that you find out your true predestination not wasting time on the untypical work you do not like.
This process is similar to your Soul’s integration when you put together everything YOURS getting rid of alien energies, desires and intentions in respect of yourself.
This way you express free will to realize your own desires.
And if this happens, your causal body getting activated as much as possible starts attracting to itself the right situations and people who are at the same wavelength as you are and have similar interests and abilities.
As a result, there are started hobby clubs that later grow into professional societies and enterprises.
And since such societies will be arranged according to quite different – not dual – principles, all their members will “charge” each other with their high vibrations, exciting ideas, as well as share their experience and learn from others.
Due to this, the Revival of everyone and anyone will get accelerated manifold, with the arrangement of a new society running smooth and easy because everybody will be busy with their favourite occupation – the one to their Soul.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on October 30, 2022.

October 29

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Rainbow of Crystal of Love)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will talk about the impact produced on one’s Revival by one’s mental body.
Quite a significant, actually, since in the heart chakra that inseparable from it there is the Crystal of Love that is not activated in almost all the people on your planet.
Another thing is how one disposes of it.
Of course, a lot of people do not even suspect of its existence.
The thing is that your fourth chakra is a boundary one between the lower and upper ones.
And depending on the level of spiritual development or total lack of it, it “takes the side” of either lower or upper chakras.
It occurs in consistence with the Law of Attraction: prevailing vibrations of one’s chakras and subtle bodies “draw” it to this or that side.
That is why the Crystal of Love can be completely activated only in case of people who have their upper chakras well developed that are ready to take in the energies of vibrations that high.
I know that many of you feel your Crystal of Love in the heart chakra almost physically.
And it means it is fully activated now and you can use it according to its intended purpose.
And the “purpose” is to speed up the process of Revival of you and the whole humanity as well.
A lot of you have made use of this instrument unintentionally since long ago.
The very presence of you on Earth changes its vibration profile because your high vibrations merging with present-day vibrations of Earth transform the energy space around you into the space of at least the fourth dimension.
But if you learn to use this “instrument” intentionally, the process of your Revival will speed up manifold, which will influence beneficially all the people around you – those you know and do not know.
And though you have already been provided with practices to work with the Crystal of Love, I would like to offer you one more – very simple and efficient that you can use literally on the go.
As soon as possible imagine your Crystal of Love iridescent, which symbolizes the Energy of Ascension, and your seven chakras and the corresponding seven bodies too.
Try to feel it is entirely impregnated with the Energy of Ascension.
Thanks to the highest vibrations of this energy it is getting more and more rarefied turning into a huge sparkling Crystal of extraordinary beauty and might.
The rainbow rays it is emitting dissolve all the negative energies and programmes of the people you meet on the way.
Its Divine Light penetrates all the backs of human souls purifying human conscience of all kinds of duality that prevents them from advancing on the way to Ascension.
Start the “non-stop mode” of performance of this wonderful powerful high vibration “instrument” for transformation of Dark into Light, which will promote manifold both your own Revival and the Revival of everyone you come across.
As a result, human conscience will start changing too thereby promoting the prompt transition of your planet to the fourth and later to the Fifth dimension.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on October 29, 2022.

October 28

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Reforge swords into ploughs)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
As a follow-up to my previous message today we will talk about human emotional body and its role in spiritual Revival.
The emotional body is also often called the astral one and, of course, it is not accidental.
It is mostly this body that astral beings of all kinds and levels “fly” to.
Each of them is drawn by this or that emotion that, as a rule, has a lot of shades and nuances.
The emotional body also absorbs all the third dimension world programmes, for it is them that breed all the feelings that the dual person generally lives by.
Almost all these emotions and programmes feature energies of very low vibrations that are based on the main and most common one – the ENERGY OF FEAR.
We have already talked a lot about it therefore today we will focus on the way new high vibration energies influence human emotional body and the way you can speed up the process of your Revival by purifying your emotional body.
It is essential that its purification occurs not only from without but from within too.
As you already know, the energies of high vibrations that are now arriving at Earth are received by one mostly unintentionally.
But if one amplifies their influence by the conscious work at oneself, your Revival will start running at a much higher speed.
And though you have already been provided with lots of practices on deliverance from fear and all the emotions that result from it, today I would like to offer you one more practice – a universal one that matches well the present-day energies of your planet that has already completely entered the space of the fourth dimension.
We will call this practice “Reforge swords into ploughs”.
Why have I decided to call it just this way?
Before all, because in the worlds of high dimensions there are quite distinct goals and life priorities.
They are not aimed at survival as it is and often at the expense of other people but at peaceful constructive life that is based on Freedom, Equality and Brotherhood.
Well, let us move on to the practice itself.
For this you should get completely relaxed, invoke all your Heavenly assistants and plunge into quite a deep meditative state.
Then invoke the Flame of Universe Love and ask it to purify your emotional body from all the energies and programmes responsible for the survival in the third dimension world.
You can feel your third chakra start vibrating or rotating clockwise.
If you feel rotation, try to add the maximum speed and radius to it – so as to thoroughly work at your emotional body having “crumbled to dust” everything obsolete, out of date, third dimensional…
And when you feel that the rotation has ceased and your emotional body has got totally purified of the third dimension world energies, invoke the Energy of Ascension and ask it to fill the body with itself.
It is quite possible that you will feel motion in your upper chakras since this high vibration energy will enter your energy space through the seventh chakra gradually descending to the third one.
Recover from the meditation only after all the sensations in the third chakra entirely cease.
You can do this meditation several times till you are eventually sure of the fact that you are out of reach of low vibration energies and programmes of the third dimension world.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on October 28, 2022.

October 27

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Etheric body revival)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to return to the stages of humanity Revival again and talk about the things that can speed up passing through these stages.
First of all, of course, they are new high vibration energies themselves that make this work.
Not only they rarefy the dense energies of the third dimension world with their old programmes, patterns and stereotypes but subtle bodies of people that contain these programmes too.
This is exactly the reason why human conscience starts changing.
So now I would like to let you know about the niceties of the process that is the one to be connected with the stages of human Revival.
Let us start from the very beginning.
What happens to one when one’s etheric body starts rarefying?
Since it is directly connected with the physical body and is its etheric double or, in other words, its subtle material body, the change of its vibrations immediately tells on one’s physical body as well.
It happens in a variety of ways depending on an individual and determined by the level of their conscience.
So, for example, a spiritually advanced person keeping pace with the new energies of Earth starts getting younger noticeably, with their chronic diseases gradually disappearing from their life.
Why does it happen?
Because, before all, their rarefied upper chakras and the subtle bodies corresponding to them speed up the process of rarefication of their etheric body.
Since a human being is nothing else but a Divine vessel in terms of energy, the energy that is prevailing in them is the one to fill the “vessel” little by little rendering it coloured the way usual to the energy.
But in this case this “colour” is vibrations.
Of course, this comparison is rough to an extent since human chakras and subtle bodies do not change their palette drastically.
And, nevertheless, if they reach one level of vibrations, their colours having blended together will flash out bright white.
Few can manage this so far but this is what makes the final goal of a highly developed spiritual person: to transform their body into the light crystalline one.
Well, what occurs to an individual whose conscience is deeply plunged into the third dimensionality and whose subtle bodies remain almost dense?
Their etheric body remains as dense and, consequently, all their diseases that resulted from negative emotions and inveterate third dimension programmes persist.
They go on falling ill, getting old and, eventually, die.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on October 27, 2022.

October 26

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Getting up spiritual ladder)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to summarize the series of my messages on the energy information component of your life and the way it correlates to different stages of human Revival.
The whole process can be compared with getting up the spiritual development ladder, with each of the stages having its own peculiarities.
The higher one gets up the “stages”, the more active one’s chakras become and the more rarefied one’s subtle bodies get.
At the same time there also become more “rarefied” and greater in volume the energy information fields that one is surrounded with.
It occurs thanks to the fact that the information that gets into them gradually turns from “dense” – third dimension that was imposed on from without – to one’s own – the one that was realized and gained through much suffering.
Its energy profile changes as well when one hears oneself now – one’s Soul and intuition, one becomes connected with the Creator and the subtle level of existence.
One breaks free from the metes and bounds of the third dimension world leaving behind the borders of the fourth and then the Fifth dimension.
All this occurs little by little and for now the main part of humanity is at the first stages of Revival and, consequently, the energy information component of these people’s life is still in the grip of the mainstream media.
This is what retards the process of mass spiritual revival of humanity.
Yet, everything is not as bad as it seems, my dear.
For you know now that one revived person is worth of hundreds and sometimes thousands of unrevived ones.
Due to this the odds in favour of the Forces of Light on Earth both at the physical and subtle level are indisputable now.
The pure energy information space conveying truth and highest vibrations to people is embracing the whole world now.
And as long as Earth’s and humanity’s vibrations in general are getting more and more increased, the more people will get opportunity to plunge into this Divine space that heals body and Soul and that is constantly replenished with new energies and valid information thereby dissolving everything dark, dirty and out of date.
The situation that has now arisen on Earth will “explode” not at all the way that the shadow government and their marionettes planned it to do.
As a result, there will “explode” the falsity, hypocrisy and corruption that all the strata of modern society are impregnated with and especially the ruling top of most of the countries of the world.
Unfortunately, common people’s pain and sorrow cannot be escaped but it will be now the LAST tribute to those bloodthirsty and merciless creatures that have ruled your planet for so long.
This is the last battle indeed – the very Dark that is inevitable before the Dawn.
You are at the threshold of great accomplishments and each of you can make the victory of the Forces of Light over the Forces of Dark closer.
And I am happy that you have already realized it to a full extent, my dear beloved children.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on October 26, 2022.

October 25

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (The highest level of developments understanding)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
And, eventually, we have come to the last stage of humanity Revival and the energy information component it corresponds to.
The seventh stage is reunion of humanity with their Galaxy family.
Those who have already managed to reach this stage is at the highest level of understanding of the events now in progress not only on your planet but in the whole Galaxy.
These people have all their higher chakras revived and pineal gland activated now.
A lot of them can get information from the subtle level as clairgnosis, clairvoyance or clairaudience and even establish a contact with the representatives of the Forces of Light.
It occurs by means of receiving the very energy information packages that were mentioned about in my previous message.
People get such information in a variety of ways – in accordance with their energy, psychic and intellectual peculiarities.
So, some people are shown images or scenes that one should decode and understand their deep meaning.
Others get information as insights. They suddenly get answers to their questions and know for sure they are true.
Still others can channel information from the Forces of Light as messages.
Yet, in this case there are a lot of hidden hazards since entering the subtle level by one’s conscience, one plunges into the densely populated astral world.
And in compliance with the Law of Attraction one is drawn to those inhabitants of it who feature the level of vibrations similar to that of the person.
At present when the veil between the worlds is becoming thinner there are a lot of people who can hear the “voices” that come from the subtle level.
And these are the mistakes I would like to warn you against.
It should always be kept in mind that valid information from the Forces of Light comes as energy information packages that one has to decode by virtue of one’s abilities – energy, intellectual and even literary ones.
But few are able to increase their vibrations to this level so far.
That is why most often people receive information from astral beings: some people from the upper level, others from the medium level, still others from the lower astral.
As a rule, astral beings present information in a very clear way – what they do is to dictate it preventing a person from cooperating.
Being also good at human psychology and people’s love to sensations they are fond of providing them with these sensations and even predicting dates of crucial events on your planet.
But, as a matter of fact, the multichoice of events is so huge and different circumstances influencing them are so many that it is almost impossible to predict them.
That is why, my dear, if you have your channel of communication with the subtle level open, be very attentive and cautious.
Do not try to get information from the subtle level being in an annoyed unharmonious condition and you had better not initiate contacts with the creatures who live at the other side of the veil.
Believe me, your Galaxy brothers and the representatives of the Forces of Light will contact you in case of the barest necessity themselves and when they see that your vibrations allow to channel true pure information and, which is most important, that you can correctly interpret the energy information packages sent to you.
Gradually, as long as vibrations increase, the number of the people who can contact the representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations will get larger.
Your Galaxy family will share with you the experience of the life in the worlds of high dimensions first in a telepathic way and, as long as Earth is moving to the Fifth dimension, physically too.
All this will come to your life, my dear. Keep patient for some more time.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on October 25, 2022.

October 24

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (All people are brothers)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will look into the way the energy information field changes in terms of the people who have reached the sixth stage of Revival now.
The sixth stage is merging of all countries and nations into One family.
It means quite a high level of people’s vibrations this time who have managed to pass the five previous stages.
These people have their sixth chakra partially or completely activated, which enables them to see the whole picture of the world and not to divide people in accordance with nationality or religion.
Such an expression as “All people are brothers” is not big or meaningless words but a guide for action for them.
Featuring pure energies and extended knowledge on the events taking place on Earth they spread them all over creating an energy information field of highest vibrations of a wide range of action around themselves.
It can happen both intentionally and unintentionally.
It happens intentionally when they do directional meditations or séances.
And since they are always participated by the Forces of Light, the impact of such séances is huge indeed because the filling of humanity and your planet with Light occurs both from the subtle and physical level.
Why do I combine these two notions: energy and information components of your life?
As a matter of fact, they are inseparable from each other, humans are simply not aware of it most of the time.
For each thought of yours or a piece of information you get, whatever the source you draw it from, always convey this or that energy.
But most often one being unaware of it deals with energy information “packages” that one “unpacks” in virtue of one’s opportunities – intellectual and spiritual ones.
And these “packages” fall thick and fast as if from the horn of plenty – from the people around, the mass media, and now from the subtle level too since as long as Earth is entering the fourth dimension, the veil between the dense and subtle worlds are getting increasingly thin.
We have already talked a lot about the fact that high vibration energies themselves change human conscience for the better.
But of greater impact on it are high vibration information energy packages as they also influence world perception of people leading their thoughts a constructive direction.
In other words, human conscience gets “impregnated” with the thoughts of high vibrations thereby ousting all negative thoughts and emotions from people’s mind.
As a result, the people who get into the energy information field of spiritually advanced person that has already reached the sixth stage of Revival start unintentionally feel Unity with every living being.
They do not feel rejection towards people of a different skin colour, different traditions or speaking other languages.
They take these people as the planet of Earth’s inhabitants of equal rights, with the planet being their shared Home where they are to build a new life after the old governing system ultimately collapses that has had its days in all the countries and on all the continents.
And the larger the number of the people who have reached the sixth stage of the Revival becomes, the wider the energy information field of all Earth’s inhabitants’ Unity will become and the sooner there will come to your planet the long-awaited world of Freedom, Equality and Brotherhood that each person subconsciously dreams about.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on October 24, 2022.

October 23

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Intuitive insight)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will go on talking about the correlation of the stages of the Revival of humans and their energy information component of life.
The fifth stage is the beginning of constructive activity.
Those who have already reached it have become completely aware of the grandiosity of the events taking place on Earth that are marking the change of epochs – destruction of the current ruling system that has had its days and replacement of it for a new one that is not exactly clear yet though.
Not many in this category of people know that Earth is moving to the Fifth dimension and about the influence produced on their conscience by the new energies that are increasingly forcing out old low vibration energies of the third dimension world.
The things that are now happening to these people can be called intuitive insight.
And it occurs exactly due to the powerful flow of high vibration energies of the fourth and Fifth dimensions arriving on Earth now.
The people who it has already happened to cannot sit on their hands now and they start searching for the ways out of both their inner – spiritual – crisis and the external one that is getting aggravated every single day producing chaos in all the spheres of social life.
As a rule, they are the people who have their fifth chakra and causal body as activated as possible.
That is why they begin to look for the ways of self-expression both verbal and operative, which, eventually, results in the start of their constructive activity.
Many of these people appear in the open of the internet creating their blogs, independent channels, websites and even TV programmes contrary to the mainstream media that are still under control of the shadow government’s marionettes.
They can take the courage and determination to do so now since they have become tired of bowing and scraping before the authorities.
These people’s top priorities are dignity and inner freedom that they are eager to share with others too.
Of course, not all of them manage to maintain the quality of their work at the appropriate level as a lot of them are overwhelmed with the emotions of aggression, irritation and censure in respect of those at the helm.
But the very fact that they are trying to communicate truth to people – open their eyes to those who control the world and what their actual plans in terms of humanity are is now a huge step forward towards the destruction of the old world and building of a new just society on Earth.
And since such people are becoming more and more numerous on your planet, the overall energy information profile of humanity and Earth in general begins to change for the better swiftly.
And everyone who has succeeded in reviving their immediate environment join the ranks of the people who have started the constructive activity on Earth for the good of humanity thereby making their long-awaited Transition to the Fifth dimension closer.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on October 23, 2022.

October 22

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Independent civil position)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will consider the energy information component of people’s life who are at the fourth stage of the Revival of humanity.
The fourth stage is mass spiritual revival.
This category of people is quite large but, at the same time, of different vibrations.
The people who have overcome the third stage and, consequently, started to realize a new reality still feature vibrations of various levels so far.
That is why spiritual revival is experienced by each of them at their own speed.
As a rule, these people have their fourth and fifth chakras well developed now, as well as mental and causal bodies corresponding to them.
Due to this they are capable of self-analysis and understanding of cause-effect relations of events both in their own life and that of the whole planet.
And this is a huge step forward on the spiritual path of development this time.
These people do not lay the blame at somebody else’s door any more but try to see the cause of all the problems in an integrated manner analyzing the situation so as to understand what, when and why went wrong and if there is common people’s fault in the fact that they were deprived of freedom and made play according to others’ rules.
These people do not feature slavery psychology now, and in the picture there is moving the feeling of dignity that does not allow them to follow the authorities’ rules and regulations any more that do not match their own desire and understanding of the current events.
In case of many of them their inner spiritual revival is accompanied by the physical manifestation of their discontent.
It is them who go in the street for protest actions against the lawlessness of the authorities showing their independent civil position.
They are really concerned about their future and not only about its material aspect but the spiritual one as well: inner freedom and opportunity to be their own masters is the breath of life for them.
The majority of these people have managed to uphold their right not to take the experimental preparations under the big name of “vaccine” even at the expense of losing job and refusing a lot of their civil privileges.
These people systematically and meticulously search for and find the evidence of the things they know and feel themselves in the alternative sources of information.
It is impossible to impose others’ opinion on such people or make them act disregarding their Soul’s choice.
Their energy information field is getting larger and larger every single day absorbing true information and high vibration energies that convey self-respect, self-sufficiency, dignity, the right to be one’s own master and the desire to get at the heart of the matter whatever it takes – to the root of the events now in progress on Earth.
And this mass revival of humanity is in full swing now advancing in scale every day thereby making the fall of the deep state’s marionettes closer that are still trying to accomplish their masters’ plans.
And the larger the number of such people becomes on Earth, the more saturated the energy information field of Earth turns with high energies from within now – at the physical level – from her inhabitants that have managed to make their Souls free from the “dungeon” of the third dimensionality.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on October 22, 2022.

October 21

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Those at the crossroads)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will talk about the way the energy information component changes in respect of the people who are already at the third stage of Revival.
Well, the third stage is awareness of a new reality.
As a rule, this category features the people that have their fourth chakra well developed this time, as well as the mental body corresponding to it.
Their conscience still being in the third dimension, can take the information beyond its frames though.
And, first of all, it concerns their spiritual life aspect that starts gradually forcing out its material – practical – aspect.
The collapse of the old system is considered inevitable by such people since they understand it has reached the dead end and cannot revive.
These people start searching for the answers to a whole lot of questions they have in alternative information sources.
They now refuse to draw information from TV programmes having lost trust in official channels.
In their conscience they have already drawn an invisible line between their former usual life and the new one that is being born.
And although they do not understand so far what this new life holds for them, they do not want to come back to the old one now.
We can say these people are at the threshold of spiritual revival though still at the crossroads.
It is this category of people who are in need of your help and support most of all because now a lot depends for them on their environment and those they meet on the way.
As a rule, such people start being guided by their Safeguard Angels and Spiritual guides more actively and the latter send them hints and clues, as well as people who can help them at the physical level.
Believe me, my dear, any step of yours towards Light, even the slightest and shyest one, cannot remain unnoticeable.
And especially now when every Soul is making its most important choice: whether to go on walking around the worlds of the third dimension or leave the wheel of Samsara and make a never-seen-before progress in spiritual development moving to the Fifth dimension in its physical body.
Your Souls are now catching at any straw not to lose this unique chance.
And one’s awareness of a new reality is a springboard for one to make a spiritual breakthrough and extend the world cognition limits.
And the more information about the future of Earth one gets, the more rarefied one’s mental body becomes and the more voluminous one’s energy information space gets having been liberated from the “vice” of official propaganda and false statements.
There is in progress the deliverance of Soul from the “prison” of the material world that has had its days and its gradual ascension to the world of Spirit, with quite distinct laws reigning – Universal, not earthly ones.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on October 21, 2022.

October 20

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Disclosure and energy information component of man)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will look into the way the second stage of Revival corresponds to the energy information component of humans.
Well, the second stage is Disclosure.
Little by little the true information about the events taking place on Earth starts leaking into the general public circles.
And even the mainstream media, by grains though, tell people about going too far in these or those spheres of their life.
As a result, the people who got used to getting information exceptionally from TV programmes like it or not start thinking and understand that not everything at all should be taken for granted.
This way, as long as they take the information unusual for them, new horizons open to them that facilitate activation of other chakras – of higher vibrations – and leave the door ajar to the world they have had no idea of up till now, with everything being not as definite or familiar to them there.
And the more information like this they get, the richer their inner world and the more voluminous the view of the current events on Earth becomes.
Since the external always reflects the internal, moving up the chakra “scale” allows some people now to see cause effect relations both in terms of events in their personal life and of the world in general.
So, for example, when the third chakra becomes more active, the feeling of self-respect and dignity gets revived in one.
But as this chakra features rather low level of vibrations though, at the same time one can feel aggression and censure towards those to blame for the crisis that has struck Earth.
At the physical level it shows in endless discussions of negative things and world events, which creates a negative energy information background around such a person.
They see everything in black and white so far not taking into consideration a wide range of shades and nuances that your life is rich in.
And the main thing is that they unconditionally consider themselves a victim not even thinking about whether there is their personal guilt in the world developments taking such an unfavourable and even tragic turn.
For everything occurring on Earth now is actually the consequence of the slavery psychology of the overwhelming majority of your planet’s population that obediently accepted all the “game rules” that were offered to them by the shadow government and their marionettes at the helm.
This is the reason why everything on Earth followed the hardest scenario.
Unfortunately, passivity and spiritual backwardness of people gave them no option but Revival through “shock therapy”.
But even this therapy has failed to open eyes to current events of those who are not ready for this yet.
As a result, the energy information part of these people still remains at the level of their lower chakras making insurmountable barrier for their worldview expansion and ability to compare facts and events.
Yet, a small step forward has been made by them, and, consequently, their Soul has got a chance to evolve.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on October 20, 2022.

October 19


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
And now I would like to tell you about the way each of one’s Revival stages corresponds to one’s energy information life component.
And we will start with the first stage.
How do the people whose conscience is still at the very first stage of spiritual development take the crisis that has broken out on Earth – political, financial, social and, most important, spiritual?
As a rule, the way “dictated” by their lower chakras: they are seized with panic, fear, hopelessness and lack of confidence in future.
It seems to them that earth shatters under their feet since the world they are used to is falling to pieces and they see only gloomy future ahead.
And the people like these are really numerous on Earth.
It is them that the shadow government and their marionettes stake on and they do their best to consolidate fear that seized these people’s souls.
This is exactly the reason why in all the media you can hear and learn only negative – terrifying – news.
As a result, around such people there arises a negative energy information field that is constantly maintained from within and without.
The negative news they draw from without being overlapped with their own negative energies of fear create an “armour” around them that is unbreakable for light energies.
Their belief in gloomy future is so strong that nobody and nothing can persuade them into the opposite.
This category of your planet’s inhabitants can feature very young human souls, yet, they are mostly clones, as well as low vibration civilizations’ representatives embodied as humans.
There are a lot of reptiloids of low rank among them too and owners of two souls.
And if a human being who has got two souls is at the first stage of Revival so far, their human Soul leaves the physical body being aware of the fact that they cannot revive so promptly and, consequently, participate in the Transition of Earth to the Fifth dimension.
It is really often the case if one, moreover, has already taken the so-called “vaccine”, with this category of people seized with fear being exactly the first one to get vaccinated.
Eventually, the energy information field of FEAR in all its manifestations is also joined by a genome alien to the human being that this “vaccine” contains, which makes their energy space even more distorted giving them not a slightest chance to get out of the “prison” that an individual put themselves in.
And, of course, it is impossible to explain anything to such people now – so low their vibrations are and so pattern dependent their mentality is.
But it is their choice that should be taken with no censure or aggression.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on October 19, 2022.

October 18

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Interaction of human subtle bodies with their energy information field)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Well, let us go on talking about your step-by-step advancement to a new high vibration space.
And today I would like to tell you about one more nicety of this process.
As a matter of fact, your Revival stages are connected not only with extension and more profound understanding of the energy information component of your life but also with the change – rarefication – of your subtle bodies.
Since each human subtle body conveys not only this or that energy but also certain information about an individual, all their subtle bodies are in close interaction with their energy information field.
It is even possible to say they make one with it.
To make it easier to visualize, let us look into the way one’s chakras and subtle bodies influence one’s world view.
As all people differ – in terms of character, temperament, level of physical and spiritual development, each person’s subtle bodies convey individual traits typical just of them.
This is the reason why one and the same events are treated by each person in their own way.
Some people are scared by them, others are made happy, still others are incited to ponder.
Everything depends on what chakras and corresponding subtle bodies are more developed in a person.
And it becomes vividly apparent now when chaos has penetrated all the spheres of your life.
Some people panic and fear the future, while some others are happy about the chaos being aware of the fact that it is only through crisis and destruction of the old system of your planet’s control that it is possible for humanity to advance to the next level of their development and to start building a new happy life.
The former have their lower chakras prevailing that are responsible for survival, while in case of the latter the upper chakras are prevailing that allow them to see the prospect of developments.
And, correspondingly, the first category of people is at the first stage of Revival experiencing a crisis that has broken out not only in the outer world but in their own souls too.
As for the other category of people, they are successfully moving through next stages – that of Disclosure and realizing of a new reality.
And it means that the energy information components of these people’s life differ considerably.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on October 18, 2022.

October 17

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Expanding perception scope)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will start a new topic that is directly connected with the two previous ones that said about the stages of Revival of humanity and about the energy information component of your existence.
This time we will talk about what unites them and how the energy information part of your life will be changing while you are passing these stages.
Well, what unites these two topics?
Since each stage of Revival implies a certain level of human conscience that as long as it advances will be getting higher and higher, the energy information component of people’s life will accordingly change too.
So, for example, while an average person of the third dimension world is mostly subject to the influence from without and most often lives in accordance with somebody else’s opinion and well-established mentality and behaviour stereotypes, the person who has already moved to the Fifth dimension by their conscience is guided by their intuition and call of their Soul.
As a result, the former finds themselves in the imposed energy information space, while the latter creates it themselves now since their vibrations allow them to create their reality by power of thought.
And you must admit that they are two absolutely different worlds.
This is exactly the reason, my dear, why it is so crucial to get rid of all the stereotypes of the third dimension world as soon as possible, as well as of pattern perception of reality.
As soon as you manage to do so, you will gain the long-awaited inner freedom and, consequently, the scope of your perception will expand to the degree that will enable you this time to look behind the veil that separates the dense material world of the third dimension from the subtle material world of first the fourth and later the Fifth dimensions.
And now I would like to explain to you in some detail the difference between the subtle material world and the dense physical one.
Just as each human subtle body is getting more rarefied as long as it stands away from the physical body, so do change energy information fields that encircle a human being: as long as they are making spiritual progress the fields are getting more and more expanded.
Why does this happen?
First of all, because it is the imposed stereotypes that “press” them down to earth thereby making their world conception “denser” – narrowing the frames of their perception.
This is what for centuries has been struggled for by those who actually controlled your planet.
This is exactly the idea of the slavery psychology that is typical of the majority of the third dimension world inhabitants.
Their thoughts, emotions and actions are in energy information “prison”, and it is not easy at all for them to break free.
So now we will learn to expand the limits of your world perception thereby enlarging your energy information space too, which is integral part of Transition into a new higher dimension.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on October 17, 2022.

October 15

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Things to remember about in any discussion)

 Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to summarize my series of messages on the information energy component of your existence.
What should you remember first of all when you start talking to someone or join a general discussion?
First. Do not forget to set an energy shield at yourselves so as to keep your own energy space pure, which will allow you to convey this purity to the world sharing it with the people around.
Second. If you would like to communicate some thought or idea to someone, make sure they are your own – the ones that it took pains to gain, time to think over and that were not imposed from without – and that they feature a positive – constructive – charge and, consequently, the energies of high vibrations.
Third. Scan your interlocutor in terms of vibrations or, if it is hard for you to do this so far, approach the issue you are interested in working up to it by means of leading questions so as to understand the general course of your interlocutor’s thoughts.
If they are opposite to yours, you had better not initiate a talk that will turn out annoying for both of you.
Fourth. Carefully monitor the sources you draw information about the world events from in terms of vibrations: whether they resonate with yours.
If they do, they will not raise rejection in you.
Fifth. Always check the news even from your favourite sources that seem to be verified against your own feeling about the situation.
Trust your intuition more than anybody else.
Six. Try to maintain your own energy information background invariable.
It is certain to be uneasy to do since everything is changing in the world and, as it may seem at first sight, not for the better so far.
But if you have a firm belief in the Forces of Light’s victory over the Forces of Dark deep in your heart, it is this belief that should make a durable basis – the very unbreakable foundation that your life’s energy information component rests upon.
Seven. Always keep in mind that the energy profile of your city, country and planet in general depends on each person: not only on the level of their vibrations but also on the quality of their thoughts and perception of the world in general.
If one’s energy is positive, with one’s thoughts being pure and constructive, then one’s contribution to the general energy information component of your planet is invaluable indeed and can “overlap” thousands of other – negative – energies and thoughtforms.
As you see, my dear, this series of my messages’ emphasis is also laid on your personal responsibility for each emotion, thought and action of yours that make their contribution – positive or negative – to the developments on your planet.
And I am happy to see that you are becoming more and more aware of it.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on October 15, 2022.

October 14

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (In close liaison)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
As a follow-up to my previous message I would like to tell you about one more peculiarity of the present-day energy information condition of your planet.
Since life is really “boiling” at her subtle level now, this makes an impact on the overall energy information background of Earth as well.
As you already know, the energy and physical processes now in progress on the planet of Earth concern not only her inhabitants but also many other civilizations.
It is accounted for by the fact that you are closely interconnected with each other, and the evolution or involution of one of the planets inevitably tells on the general energy profile of both your Galaxy and the Universe.
So, moral and, consequently, energy “lapse” of one of the planets or civilizations invariably affects the rest ones since it drastically decreases the general energy profile of the Galaxy – the shared home of all the civilizations it includes.
This is how your Unity shows but, at the same time, your reciprocal influence and interdependence too.
And as all highly developed civilizations are interested in further evolution, they do their best to help those who “stumbled” to rise on their feet and move on.
As far as your planet is concerned, as you know, she is given a unique unprecedented opportunity in the Universe to move to a higher dimension not only herself but with her best inhabitants too who have managed as promptly as possible to advance their conscience to the level of at least the fourth dimension.
Such experiment is taken interest in by all the highly developed civilizations since if this experiment turns out successful, other civilizations will be able to repeat it too thereby speeding up the process of their evolution considerably and gaining opportunity to move from one dimension into another one in their physical bodies.
That is why your Galaxy family is sparing no effort now for this experiment to be accomplished successfully preventing every revived Soul from making a mistake.
For this purpose the Galaxy Light Federation that includes the best representatives of your Galaxy closely watches all the events taking place on Earth securing people from the danger that threatens them and supporting their brothers and sisters who are embodied on Earth to fight against the Forces of Dark.
Nowadays there is in progress an increasing merging of energy information fields of the subtle and dense levels of Earth, which shows in the confrontation between the Forces of Light and Dark becoming aggravated in all its manifestations: military, political, financial, social, religious.
The veil between the worlds is getting thinner and thinner because while vibrations are increasing the subtle material body of Earth is changing its parameters.
As a result, people get opportunity to interact with their Galaxy family: feel their energies, hear their advice and recommendations, receive the information they need.
Of course, so far it is possible to do for those who have already managed to make the vibration gap with them as little as possible, yet, the number of such people is growing every day on Earth, and quite soon the moment will arrive when you will be able to contact them physically with no detriment to your health or psyche.
And I know that many of you have already felt the information energy Unity with the representatives of other civilizations, which influenced beneficially your general state – moral and physical.
This way the Laws of the Universe work: that of Unity and Attraction which, as your planet is advancing to the space of the Fifth dimension, show at a higher level this time.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on October 14, 2022.

October 14

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Change of energy information field of Earth)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to draw your attention to one peculiarity of the present-day condition of the energy information field of Earth.
Same as there get leveled – reach an average level – people’s vibrations during their communication, so do collective consciences of all inhabitants of Earth getting “adapted” to each other as well.
And it happens because of the fact that your planet is home to a variety of her inhabitants: from mature enlightened and pure human souls to the creatures of the lowest vibrations who are embodied as humans.
But so as to live in one energy space and have opportunity to communicate with each other, the former and the latter ones naturally undergo the process of vibration level evening-out.
Generally speaking, this process is beneficial for everybody otherwise a too large vibration gap would not allow people to communicate in their everyday life.
Of course, each person chooses their immediate environment to their liking: common interests, life priorities, worldview and state of mind.
Yet, all of you live in a society and like it or not people have to interact with many and various human beings and sometimes UNhumans.
And when there is the case of too evident mismatch between them in terms of vibrations, everyone has their natural mechanism of energy evening-out going off, which enables people to communicate even with those who cause rejection or hostility in them.
Something of the kind would always happen in the energy information field of Earth.
It is due to this fact that it has been possible for the creatures of thus different origin and different vibrations to live on her for so long.
Yet, now the situation is changing drastically.
Since Earth has already moved into the fourth dimension and is confidently heading for the Fifth one, such a “compromise” is becoming impossible.
This is exactly the reason for a sharp stratification according to vibrations to have already started not only in terms of people but also of political, financial, national, social and religious levels.
The same kind of stratification is being observed now between collective consciences of Earth’s inhabitants as well and even between various egregors.
It can be compared to tectonic shifts of Earth crust that change your planet’s geography.
But in this case these shifts result in Earth’s undocking from the world of the third dimension and her moving to the energy space of higher vibrations.
At the physical level these processes show in conscience changes of the people ready for Transition and in the conscience “anabiosis” of others – not ready for it yet.
These processes begin to show at the national level too – between different countries whose citizens either stick to their former positions or demonstrate readiness to drastic changes in their life despite temporary difficulties awaiting them.
In other words, some people stick to the good old things not willing to change themselves by any means, while others “see light at the end of the tunnel” and are ready to move in its direction despite anything.
Such interstate stratification is accounted for by the fact that the general energy information background of a country automatically influences the conscience of its citizens thereby consolidating the Unity of this nation and its will either to lose or win.
And this is what you can witness now on Earth, and this process will be speeding up with every single day until it results in an ultimate separation of the third dimension world from a new Earth and a new generation of people who have managed to advance the level of their conscience to the fourth and later the Fifth dimensions.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on October 14, 2022.

October 13

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Energy information virus)
Greetings, my dear beloved children!
And there is one more peculiarity of the energy information exchange between people that I would like to tell you about.
This time we will talk about mutual influence of interlocutors on each other.
Sometimes it can be positive and salutary and sometimes – destructive and ruinous.
Everything depends on the overall energy background of the people who joined a discussion or an argument.
As a rule, when two people meet and start talking, their vibrations come to some average level necessary for these people to communicate.
It happens automatically – at the intuitive level – it resembles the way one tries to tune a radio so as to catch the frequency one needs and to get the sound of the best quality.
Well, what happens next?
As a matter of fact, the quality of the communication between two individuals depends on a lot of factors: their state of mind at the moment, the general psychological tension of the current events, the place they meet and so on and so forth.
So, for example, far from the bustle of the city during a walk somewhere nice the nature itself will facilitate a harmonious and calm discussion of even the hottest news by people.
While at the epicenter of the raging human passions the energy profile of a place will be quite different and, consequently, the discussion of the current events will feature a distinct – “explosive” – character.
Yet, a lot depends on person themselves – their inner conviction, strength of spirit, belief in themselves, ability to get concentrated on main things and see the perspectives of developments.
In this case their high vibrations will promote their interlocutor’s condition harmonization and even that of a group of people transforming their negative state of mind into a positive one.
Perhaps, many of you could witness calm and confident people suppressing other people’s panic mood and inspiring them with the belief in a favourable outcome.
And on the contrary, those seized with panic and fear immediately passing them on to the people around.
It can be compared to a contagious disease that is spread by means of an energy information virus that infects human conscience depriving people of good sense.
Such condition is especially dangerous because of the fact that low vibration energies immediately draw attention of astral beings that start “heating” human emotions getting into their aura so as to go on with their destructive activity there.
That is why, my dear, always carefully monitor your state of mind during any talks and especially arguments with other people.
It is extremely important that positive energies scale pan always outweighs the energies of low vibrations, with the information energy component of your dialogue featuring a constructive character.
And I bless you for this!
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on October 13, 2022.

October 15


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will digress from our topic and talk about the current events on your planet.
What changes have occurred here for several weeks?
Of course, we will focus not on well-known facts but on the processes in progress behind the scenes both at the subtle and physical level.
In terms of energy your planet has already entered the space of the fourth dimension to a full degree.
At the physical level it shows in enhancement of confrontation between the Forces of Light and Dark.
The marionettes of the shadow government now deliberately, now undeliberately show vehement activity that sometimes goes beyond common sense.
Following the instructions of their bosses they make themselves vulnerable since the wave of public protests is ready this time to “sweep” them away from the state ruling posts they hold now.
It is before long now that the change of the leading countries of the world’s governments is to take place.
Well, what happens at the side of the Forces of Light?
The energies now arriving at Earth encourage an increasing number of people to start understanding the actual essence of things, with the version of the events in Ukraine imposed on people being among them.
There, certainly, remain a lot of those who, anyway, take everything communicated by the media for gospel and judge the current events exceptionally by external factors not pondering over the causes and effects of this conflict or those it is beneficial to.
While sensible people try to find as much truthful information as possible so as to make up their own opinion and understand how to live and act on.
And, without a doubt, it is not by chance that the confrontation between the two countries of common Slavonic roots that has developed into a fratricidal war has influenced the whole world now.
It is this appalling crime of globalists who managed to play off against once united nation that became the very litmus test that has made apparent the essence of the processes in progress – torn away the masks not only from politicians but from each inhabitant of Earth irrespective of their nationality or residence.
And it has happened due to the fact that too much is being staked on now: as much as the existence of a whole civilization.
This is the reason for a crucial battle for it to unfold on the territory of the Russes – the main keepers of the Divine code.
As ever has everything become obvious everywhere – no one can hide their true intentions behind nice words.
And everyone is free to take the side of either Light or Dark.
So now this confrontation has embraced the whole world.
In each country people intentionally or unintentionally choose Dark or Light – and, before all, in their Soul.
And the things that show themselves in the external world help them make their choice.
Looking at the participants of the conflict they now feel by intuition who is who, what the tasks and goals of the conflicting parties are and whose interests they represent.
Therefore, it is now a global conflict of interests of the secret world government and common people and, consequently, the outcome of the situation depends on each inhabitant of Earth no matter whether they know about it or not.
But, fortunately, my dear, the energy contribution to this process made by pure human souls is uncomparable to that of the rest ones – those souls who have not recovered yet.
And it means your victory over the Forces of Dark is close now.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on October 15, 2022.

October 13

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (One’s opinion inspired by a stranger)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
As a follow-up to my previous message today I would like to focus on one more peculiarity of communication between people.
Sometimes one does not have one’s own opinion but simply pronounces the things learnt from others.
Besides, one thing contradicts another, yet, one has got so used to trust recognized “experts” that obediently repeats their words even not noticing contradictions or discord.
What kind of energy do such people convey to their interlocutors?
As a rule, chaotic and that of different vibrations.
The thing is that if one is not self-sufficient or has not got an opinion of one’s own, one gets easily under somebody else’s influence in terms of energy.
The one with a stronger energy profile literally “absorbs” such a person in one’s energy field overwhelming their conscience and will.
As a result, they start to repeat the “expert’s” words dutifully that are later communicated further on being given out as their own point of view.
Such things actually happen at every turn.
It is especially true about TV viewers who are thrilled to watch political debates that have become so numerous recently since the events on your planet are unfolding swiftly now.
What happens at the subtle level to a person who watches this kind of programmes?
To begin with, a self-sufficient person having an opinion of their own and a high level of vibrations simply cannot plunge into this vibration “bacchanalia”.
While those who are still watching these programmes by means of their attention and likings are undeliberately attracted to those participants of debates who are the closest to them as far as vibrations are concerned.
And then they start to “broadcast” into the world their point of view about current events interacting with their nearest and dearest, family and friends.
This way “masses” are instilled with some opinion about an event, and it conveys some information energy component of these or those vibrations as well.
This is exactly the reason for such a huge range of different point of views about one and the same events and interpretations of one and the same piece of information.
Which you are witnessing now everywhere.
This is why it can be so hard for you to prove to another person the things that are so evident to you – too large the vibrations gap is between you and them: some people’s conscience has not become mature enough for the things that are clear as day to you.
That is why, my dear, I remind you over and over again that before starting a conversation with somebody, it is necessary to feel a person and try to identify their level of vibrations.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on October 13, 2022.

October 11

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Reverse side of words)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Now when you have learnt not only to scan the information energy component of your thoughts but also correct it if necessary, we can move on to the next stage.
How can you learn to identify falsity and secret interests of a person that hide behind their words?
Of course, it is much easier to do when you see a person – their eyes, mimic, gestures – and it is more difficult to do when you just read some text.
Yet, in both the cases of a greater importance is the energy profile of the words produced, and if you learn to scan it, you will never make a mistake in your estimations.
When you communicate with someone personally, you are always given a lot of hints on whether they are sincere to you or not.
But now a lot of people have learnt to use certain artificial methods so as to conceal their true intentions.
It has even been commercialized: experienced psychologists develop methods of work with people for big companies so as to gain their confidence making the circle of their customers wider.
So, in modern society hypocrisy and falsity are becoming the second nature for many people.
While purity and sincerity are not only rare to come across but are also treated as stupidity sometimes.
This is what the present-day “masters” of the planet were striving for since by means of such human conscience manipulation people’s vibrations decrease considerably, while their favourite tactics “divide and rule” was flourishing at all the levels of your life.
Yet, as you already know, the time has come for all the masks to be torn away and the genuine essence of everyone comes to light irrespective of their social status.
New energies are highlighting everything that was either deliberately or undeliberately hiding in each person for the time being.
That is why it will be much easier for you to identify the information energy component of the people both at the helm and those in your immediate environment.
What should you keep in mind first of all?
You should feel whether this or that person’s words feature a destructive or constructive principle.
A destructive principle means all kinds of negative energies: fear, panic, aggression, censure, hopelessness…
While a positive one even revealing the tragic side of the current events always offers one the way out of the situation and hope for a favourable outcome.
And it is now when you can trace it clearly indeed.
All of you are following the crucial events that are unfolding on your planet now and that are the final and determining battle between the Forces of Light and Dark.
And you see how different are the ways that one and the same situations are presented by various bloggers, journalists and political commentators.
Having listened to some of them, people get depressed and panic.
While some others can present everything the way that people are inspired with hope for the prompt collapse of the old world and the beginning of the arrangement of a new happy society on Earth.
The difference between the former’s and the latter’s energy profiles is huge even if they talk about one and the same events.
The same concerns the people who channel information from the subtle level.
Depending on the vibrations one finds oneself in, one scans information either in a negative or positive style.
Negative information originates, as a rule, from astral beings because this is what they nourish on, while positive information comes from the Forces of Light even if they show the objective picture of the tragic events that take place on Earth in the raw.
The same approach is valid for your everyday communication with your nearest and dearest: always check the vector of one’s mentality – whether one thinks in a positive or negative manner.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on October 11, 2022.

October 10

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Colour gamut of thoughts)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
While my previous message was focused on the energy component of your life, today we will talk about its information part.
Both of them are sure to be inseparable from each other since one’s emotional – energy – mood of a person determines their thoughts too.
In a blessed and harmonious condition people, as a rule, do not think about anything bad and only when they are overwhelmed by fear, doubt, lack of self-confidence and other negative emotions, in their conscience there form thoughts coloured with these negative emotions.
That is why for the people who do not feel energies well yet it can be easier to work with the thoughts that have already formed in them using reverse psychology.
For this purpose I offer you the following practice.
Let us call it “Colour gamut of thoughts”.
It does not require plunging into a meditative state because it is designed to teach you to catch the thoughts that arise in you on the go and change their minus into plus straight away.
And so that this work brings you joy, you can use the following method.
Try to imagine any annoying thought that arises in you as a bundle of a dark colour – the one your intuition or imagination will have it.
And then in your imagination start lightening it until it shines with blinding light.
So, if at the beginning of your work you coloured it dark green, for example, after your work it can become bright emerald green, while if it used to be dark blue then, having been transformed by your intention, it will turn sky blue.
This instant exercise is aimed at two targets at the same time.
Firstly, you will get distracted from the annoying thought turning your work with it into a game.
And secondly, since any colour features certain energy, you can change it by power of your intention.
So, dark colours of dirty shades are always of low vibrations.
While light, bright and sparkling colours contain energies of high vibrations.
A lot of people can choose the colours for their thoughts by intuition, with them being those of the chakras and subtle bodies that these thoughts were “bred” by.
In this case transformation will occur much faster because you will manage not only to transform your thought into the energy of higher vibrations but also synchronize it with the source it originated.
So, for example, a thought bred by fear or, on the contrary, by aggression can be dark orange, while that one bred by the lack of self-confidence – dirty yellow.
And if you manage to “repaint” these thoughts into bright shining colours, they will quickly lose their initial message and you will switch over to a more positive view of the currents events.
Try, my dear, to “play” with your thoughts this way not allowing external factors to overwhelm your conscience or lead it destructive way.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on October 10, 2022.

October 9

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (We can cope with anything)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Well, as a follow-up to my previous message today I would like to make use of cases study to show you the way to immediately reprogram your negative thoughts into positive ones.
And we will start with the most usual “routine” thoughts that human life is mostly filled with.
But for a start, recall your state of soul when you are to do something not too pleasant for you.
It is as if pressing you down – even physically you feel the burden of the care that is due on your shoulders, and the thoughts about them are constantly coming back to you.
Nevertheless, you put off the challenging work or an unpleasant talk over and over again.
Why does it happen?
The reason is, before all, that you are AFRAID of a failure: not to cope with your assignment or get a refusal or hear rude words from your boss or authorities.
Unfortunately, the third dimension world’s human conscience when facing some obstacles on the way is a priori disposed to a negative reaction to them.
And it is not by chance, of course.
The thing is that FEAR is a prevailing energy of the third dimension and at the same time a driving force that helps one struggle for survival and defend one’s rights.
We talked a lot about it before that is why now I would like to focus on the fact that any negative thought of yours is always based on fear, with its varieties being plentiful.
So, in order to reprogramme your annoying thoughts into nice ones, you should remove the cause – dissolve the fear they feature.
And in this case we will not apply the mental methods when one starts persuading oneself of the opposite using one’s Mind but will work merely in terms of energy.
It will help you not only save time but also purify your energy space of the negative energies of fear and lack of self-confidence immediately.
Let us look into the following example.
Suppose, you are to register some documents – to deal with what you are used to calling “red tape”.
The very expression itself programmes you for a long and annoying process of going through channels.
As soon as you get such a negative thought, the main thing is to catch it in time and then immediately invoke the Flame of Universe Love and ask it to dissolve this thought.
Try to see it blaze up brightly, become charred and sink.
Next, invoke the Energy of the Supreme Creator of the Universe and ask it to make the paper you need materialized promptly.
And feel the joy and satisfaction of the fact that all the troubles are over now as distinctly as possible.
Put the vision – of a happy you with a registered document in hands – into a sphere of the Flame of the Universe Love with a mirror external surface and in thoughts send it to the Universe.
Ask your Spiritual guides and the Forces of Light to help you make your project come true.
And only after that get down to it at the physical level this time.
Believe me, you will have quite a different mood and real feeling of being supported by the Forces of Light.
Everything will go with a swing since your light and positive energy profile will simply be unable to attract any problems or rudeness to you.
For the Laws of the Universe are unshakeable and omnipotent.
Remember this, my dear!
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on October 9, 2022.

October 8

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Obsessive thoughts)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will move on to the practical aspect of our talk about information energy component of your life.
And again you will have to start with yourselves.
Try to trace the energy component of your thoughts – any thoughts even the least significant at first sight – concerning your daily round.
What lies behind them: what energies, desires, intensions?
And it makes no difference whether these thoughts concern you personally, your family or they are of a large scale: that of your town, country or Earth in general.
In this case your main task is to identify what energy these thoughts are coloured in – what emotions they are filled with.
I know that it is not easy to do since in one’s head hundreds of thoughts crowd intermingling and sometimes contradicting each other, with the focus being moved from one to another.
And it is explained by the fact that people have been made to drop the habit of being in the condition of THOUGHTLESSNESS since it is only this state that allows one to get connected to one’s Soul and, consequently, to gain freedom from the alien ideas imposed on one from without.
You also know that any negative thought attracts astral beings “of different calibres” to your energy space and the lower your thoughts and emotions’ vibrations, the more active they become and the lower levels they come from.
As a result, one’s energy space turns into the territory occupied by unwelcomed guests where verbal (mental) debates develop that the person themselves takes passive part in now as their conscience has been overwhelmed by “invaders”.
This is the reason why a lot of people get obsessive thoughts that it can be so difficult for them to get rid of with the best will in the world.
They sound like a broken record in their head thereby nourishing an astral being that feeds on this particular kind of energy.
It makes a person worn out physically and morally and it takes them a lot of efforts to get rid of their obsessive thoughts.
Some people try to do some physical activity, some others realizing the source of their problems start purifying their energy space with the energies of high vibrations, while still others get depressed being unable to withstand such energy attacks.
But if you learn to scan the energy profile of your thoughts immediately, as soon as they appear in your head, you will be able to control them easily.
For this you should straight away – without any delay – change minus for plus.
And next time we will talk about this in some detail.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on October 8, 2022.

October 7

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (An iron fist in a velvet glove)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Well, let us go on talking about information energy component of your existence.
So as to learn to scan it in terms of other people, you should start with yourselves.
Strange as it may seem, but a lot of people are sincere in their wrong assessment of the energy profile featured by their own words and actions.
The things that seem right, useful, spiritual to them are often just their Ego manifestation.
Remember the way you sometimes reject the people who talk too much and too long about spirituality, moral values and principles and call you for following their example.
But you do not feel like doing it at all. On the contrary, a desire to run away from these people as far as possible arises in you.
And they are sure they are doing good: give people knowledge and Light bringing spiritual enlightenment.
It can be really useful to someone. As a rule, they are the ones who are at the same level of vibrations with such people and find themselves at the very beginning of the spiritual path.
Such people perceive only information component of a speaker, while the energy one is out of their reach so far.
While those who have left the metes and bounds of the third dimension world and learnt to scan people’s vibrations, can clearly see and understand what lies below the surface of their nice words and what energy they are filled with.
As for the energy they are filled with, it is the one the speaker contributes to them.
That is why one and the same words pronounced by different people will be perceived by you in a different way.
Surely, of great importance here is their emotional colouring.
So, being artistic and charming by nature one can adorn one’s speech with the help of mimic and gestures so much that people will believe every word of theirs.
While another person of the best intensions who is trying to communicate the truth to people but lacks an oratory talent can crush any good undertaking in the bud.
People simply get bored while listening to their monotonous dull speech.
And this is fraught with great danger for you.
And it is in the fact that charismatic and artistic people taking advantage of their inborn gift can cause more harm than untalented orators.
While the latter simply lose their listeners, the former can lead people to a dead end in terms of spirit.
Touching the cords of pure human souls and manipulating their noble qualities, they can impose whatever they like on them.
And a glaring example of it is scheming on love and sympathy of people in the time of the so-called pandemic.
Remember how many people took fatal “vaccines” only to protect – not to infect with the “dangerous disease” – their nearest and dearest.
Well, and the reason for this to have happened is mostly the fact that these people failed to scan the ENERGY component of the unanimous polyphony of corrupted representatives of authorities, doctors, officials, scientists who as if on command called people for “caring for their nearest and dearest”.
These people heard only words but failed to feel what low vibration energies hide behind them.
And examples like these are in plenty on Earth now.
Shadow government’s representatives of all kinds are promoting globalists’ plans all at once, while unsuspecting people are dancing to their tune not realizing the trick in their words and actions that feature energies of the lowest vibrations.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on October 7, 2022.

October 5

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Information energy components of existence)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to start a new topic that to some extent develops the previous one.
But today we will consider the recent events taking place on Earth at a little different angle.
This time we will learn to split any events both in your personal life and that of your planet into information energy components.
Not to split, to be exact, but realize them since absolutely everything on Earth are nothing else but them.
Every word, thought, emotion or action of yours conveys certain energy and message at the same time.
So now it is time to approach this interaction from the point of view of a person of at least the fourth dimension.
You already know that everything is energy – positive or negative with a number of nuances and shades.
While the energy that colours one’s emotions is quite easy to trace and realize, one’s utterances conveying some information can often deceive you.
Which is actually the case quite often.
Many of you already feel when nice and right words conceal the energy of lowest vibrations.
The lack of correspondence between the energy and information components of such person’s words is explained by the fact that their aim is to communicate to people the things that are beneficial to them or their supervisors.
But being perfectly aware that the majority will not like it such people try to wrap the unpleasant truth into a bright catching cover of nice words.
This is what is going on at all the levels of power.
Shadow government’s representatives being its “talking heads” are shouting from all the tribunes about their desire to make their countries’ nations happy giving unbelievable and sometimes absurd reasons for their actions that are actually aimed at infringement of common people’s interests.
Yet, a lot of people believe them as are absolutely unable to scan either these people’s energy profile or that of their words.
Well, it is energy not the sense of the words pronounced that is of great – determining – importance.
So now the time has come for everyone who has embarked on the path of Ascension to learn to recognize the information energy component of everything that surrounds you and thereby not letting deceive you or lure into a trap that you will not be able to get out this time.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on October 5, 2022.

October 6


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to let you unveil the things that are actually taking place on Earth now.
You see how fear is being increasingly stirred among your planet’s population every single day and that a lot of mainstream media are predicting humanity the third world war.
And these words are well manifested in deeds: “sabre rattling” that is shown by the countries finding themselves in total control of the secret world government.
Now anyone on Earth being far from political and military events can clearly see who on Earth represents the Forces of Dark.
Anger, aggression and at the same time despair of globalists’ marionettes are apparent to all sensible people now.
But by their warlike statements and absurd actions they just show their weakness and powerlessness to influence the forthcoming changes crucial to Earth.
The present period of chaos and confrontation between the Forces of Light and Dark has now reached the phase of “turbulence”.
And thanks to this energy and physical “shaking” there will fall down the very last masks not only off political figures but everyone too, no matter what country they live and what social strata they belong.
The things now in progress on your planet can be called “Revelation” in the global meaning of the word: unveiling of the truth in all its manifestations.
But not everyone on Earth is to understand and feel it.
And only those who can do it will be able to move to the fourth dimension that your planet is already finding herself in.
It is now when the very time of life in parallel dimensions is coming, the one that I told you about in my messages.
It resembles the way spiritually “sighted” people are walking through the crowd of the spiritually “blind”, and it is impossible to return vision to them as “blindness” was their own choice.
Everybody had time to think everything over, to analyze the situation, to search for alternative sources of information about current events.
So now everyone is reaping the fruits of their labour or inertia.
A revived person cannot remain now an indifferent onlooker of the insanity occurring all over the world.
They start acting physically or in terms of energy helping the Forces of Light to bring the long-awaited Transition closer.
And I am glad that the number of the people like these is growing on Earth every single day.
While the grey mass of “the blind” is now incapable of retarding the grand process of the Ascension of Earth with her best sons and daughters.
The fourth dimension is asserting itself, and now you are to learn to live in this high vibration space parallel to the third dimension world that is living out its days.
And believe me, my dear, it will not last long.
But without it – without the transitional period of your getting accustomed to a new reality and new energies – it is impossible for you to smoothly and painlessly plunge into the Fifth dimension that your Soul is striving for so much.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on October 6, 2022.

October 4

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Energy “explosion” of collective human conscience)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to summarize my series of messages on the stages of humanity Revival.
You see, so far people are at the very beginning of this road but soon the situation will drastically change.
It has already been mentioned a lot of times that the number of the people who are POTENTIALLY ready for Transition is quite large.
And now I would like to explain in some detail what I mean by this phrase.
The thing is that a lot of pure human souls are now in the condition of some kind of spiritual “anabiosis”.
It is explained by the fact that from incarnation to incarnation their Divinity was if not ruined completely then driven very deep into their subconscience.
People over and over again were learning tough lessons of living in the third dimension world that was under the Dragon reptiles and Orions’ control.
This way slavery psychology has been formed in humans for centuries being passed on from one generation to another.
It made the basis of bringing up, family and national values as well as religious dogmas.
But now many-millioned army of “servants of God” has found itself at the last ditch.
If they show tolerance and obedience to authorities now too, they will turn not to the “servants” of God but Satan this time who is worshiped by the representatives of the deep state.
Sodom and Gomorrah is flourishing on your planet and only the blind cannot see it.
But this is what people were let reach the very verge for – to eventually help their real natural essence out of the depth of their subconscience and bring it to light – the Love and Light that live in every pure human Soul and that the “masters” of your world were trying to stem and ruin for so long.
And as soon as people see the real face of these “masters” and learn about their plans on depersonalization of Earth’s inhabitants, there will occur an “explosion” of collective human conscience indeed.
It sweeps away all the filth, cynicism and hypocrisy that have been holding sway over your planet causing so much human pain and sorrow.
This energy “explosion” will quickly show at the physical level as a result of which criminal governments of the leading countries of the world will fall one by one and they will be taken over by the people of quite a distinct formation.
And now each of you can become a “trigger” of this “explosion” thereby bringing the long-awaited time of Transition closer.
You have everything for this: the necessary knowledge, energy practices and, main thing, sincere desire to live on the renewed Earth of the Fifth dimension.
Let it become your top life priority now.
Bring the victory of the Forces of Light on Earth closer by all the means available to you, my dear!
And I bless you for this!
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on October 4, 2022.

October 2

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Seventh stage – reunion with one’s Galaxy family)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will move on to the last stage of mass revival of humanity.
The seventh stage is reunion of humanity with their Galaxy family.
But it can happen only when your collective conscience is ready for it.
In other words, there should get accumulated “critical mass” of people who can with no fear or doubt take the fact of your Galaxy being inhabited by other civilizations, with many of them being at a much higher level of development than you are.
So far humanity in general is not prepared for such kind of Disclosure.
And it is explained by the fact the idea that man is the only intelligent creature in the Universe and all the talks about aliens are nothing but fantasy has been instilled in terms of the older generation since childhood.
While the younger generation that has been brought up with the films about aliens where they are presented mostly as your planet’s invaders is more likely to take their arrival with fear and distrust.
It is the “knowledge” about aliens that has taken root deep in the subconscience of the former and the latter.
That is why an actual arrival of extraterrestrial civilizations’ representatives in your life should be preceded by an extended and laborious work.
While the Disclosure of the world “elite’s” crimes and switching over to a new system of world order will be a hard though quite accomplishable task, the arrival – materialization on Earth – of their extraterrestrial brothers and sisters can become by far the greatest shock and stress for the majority of your planet’s population.
That is the reason why I have ranked this stage of humanity revival the very last item – the seventh one.
But it is not less important because of that.
As a matter of fact, it is the reunion with your Galaxy family that will allow you to make a dynamic leap in arrangement of a new society of the Earth of the fourth and later the Fifth dimension.
Extraterrestrial technologies will not only encourage the technological progress and welfare of your society a little but will also contribute some magic to the life of each person.
With endless love and patience will your Galaxy brothers and sisters share their experience of life in high dimensions with you.
They will teach you to create reality by power of thought as well as use teleporting to get around your planet.
They will help you get used to the high vibration space new to you where each wish of yours comes to life almost immediately.
But they will also teach you a lesson of responsibility that inhabitants of high dimensions have for each their thought, emotion and action.
All this will come to your life, my dear, but only when your conscience will have ultimately reached the level of the Fifth dimension.
And for the time being try to invoke as often as possible the energies of human-friendly civilizations that they are generously sharing with you already now.
And then actually having met them face to face, you will recognize the energies familiar and dear to you, which will facilitate your first contact and your further collaboration to a great deal.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on October 2, 2022.

October 1

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Sixth stage – uniting of all countries and nations into One family)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will go on talking about the stages of mass revival of humanity.
The sixth stage is uniting of all countries and nations into One family.
But, of course, it does not mean each country’s identity and culture will be destroyed as it is the case now.
On the contrary, the reverse process of history and culture renaissance will start in terms of all the nations that inhabit Earth.
As you know, for centuries the true history of your Earth has been concealed, distorted and ruined by your conquerors.
It is easy to explain: same as they were afraid of bright individuality and inner freedom of a person, so they were scared of uniqueness and peculiarity of each country and each nation that featured their own collective conscience and very powerful at that.
This way not only personal freedom of humans was suppressed by the representatives of the deep state but the former were deprived of their cultural and ethnic roots thereby being turned into dutiful slaves without kith or kin.
This is the only way they could with impunity put to life their plans on total enslavement of people and turning Earth’s population into huge featureless grey mass.
And in recent years their activity in this sphere has reached horrifying scale indeed.
But these creatures have gone even further than that: now they are trying not only to deprive one of one’s identity, belonging to one’s country, its culture and traditions – they are depriving one of their innate essence, one’s Divinity too.
In many countries of the world not only adults but also children are almost forcibly pushed to gender change, sexual perversions, while pedophilia is being given a status of a norm and same sex marriages are being made all over the world.
Not in the least it is concealed but announced in many information sources including official ones.
Sometimes it seems to you that the world has gone crazy, doesn’t it, my dear?
Well, it is actually so.
And it results from the fact that at the helm of the leading countries of the world there became firmly settled the representatives of the secret world government long ago, which we have already discussed with you a lot of times.
That is why to break this vicious system and return humans to the “bosom” of their essence is only possible by expulsion of these creatures from your planet who are alien to you and for whom humans are nothing but small change on their way to power.
And as soon as people overthrow their criminal governments that drive them into this mad inhuman world, everything will change very quickly.
Spiritual Unity of people will sweep away all borders, all bureaucratic impediments on the way to their getting united into one common family of Earthlings where each nation like a precious purl will take its place in a unique and wonderful “necklace” that encircles your planet.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on October 1, 2022.
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