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September 29

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Fifth stage – start of constructive activity)
Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will talk about another stage of mass revival of humanity.
The fifth stage is the beginning of constructive activity.
After the old system of world order collapses, the one that is based on a hierarchy pyramid of power, humanity will have to learn to live a new way.
It will be not easy to do as in this case at issue is not children whose bringing up and education can be adjusted quite fast but about generations of people with well-established world view who are to break all their time-tested notions and habits that have taken root deeply in their subconscience.
So, even for the people who have completely realized the new reality and embarked on the path of spiritual development it will take some time to start living not in accordance with earthly laws now but Universe ones that are quite distinct from those of your modern society.
Unity should get “ripe” in society and show up not by means of words but deeds this time.
And it is in the fact that each person’s top priority should become common, not their personal, interests, which is the case in the third dimension world.
And for this to happen there is required a sharp and prompt leap in human conscience.
And as it has already been mentioned in my recent message, such a leap can be provoked, sad as it may seem, only by “shock therapy” that this or that way will concern everyone.
It is this therapy that will become the very “litmus test” that will show the real essence of a person – Divine or nondivine.
And this is already in progress on your planet: the hardships that have arisen are plunging some people still deeper into the third dimension world, while in case of others, on the contrary, they are pulling them out of it opening up their best soul qualities that have been hidden up till now.
Perhaps, many of you could witness this in terms of your immediate environment.
Sometimes the one who seemed strong and brave to you at the threshold of real trials suddenly became drooped and frightened, while a modest and quiet person showed incredible power of Spirit.
Masks are flying off each person now irrespective of their age, social status or residence.
And it always happens this way: the very essence of a person becomes apparent only when they find themselves in the face of great shocks – both personal and social ones.
And only the people who will pass the durability test having “squeezed themselves through the eye of a needle” of the last and most challenging trials will start to build a new life on the Earth of the fourth and later Fifth dimensions.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on September 29, 2022.

September 28

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Fourth stage – mass spiritual revival)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we move on to the next stage of mass revival of humanity.
The fourth stage is rearrangement of people’s world view: reconsideration of both one’s own life and that of society in general or, in other words, mass spiritual revival.
After people have realized the scale of the shadow government and their henchmen’s crimes, they will not be able to live the old way.
All their being will demand renewal and, first of all, moral one.
All this will be taking place meanwhile the processes that will start to occur in society.
As a matter of fact, it will not take long for people to get back to their original human values in respect to which there were being made violent attempts in recent years so that to take them away from people.
As soon as there ceases the propaganda of all kinds of vulgarity and perversions that has literally flooded all world’s media and it is replaced by manifestation of pure Divine relations among people, which is so dear to the human Soul, everything will return to their normal course.
People will not believe themselves how they could be in dormancy for so long that was imposed on them by the creatures alien to them without kith or kin.
Having seen everything and everybody in their true colours, in the raw, they will be horrified by their own deafness and blindness and they will feel like making up for it: as soon as possible filling the emptiness, with the artificial values instilled in them overwhelming the spiritual aspect of their existence.
This way mass spiritual revival will begin.
And already now there are enough pure mature souls that incarnated in this period unique for your planet to revive humans – to bring them back to their Divine essence.
They have already switched over to their mission but for now are acting “behind the scene” since they are mortally dangerous to the shadow government and their marionettes at the helm.
But even in such capacity through alternative information sources they convey Light and true knowledge that are absorbed with gratitude by those people whose conscience has already left the metes and bounds of the third dimension world.
It is such light and pure people who will gradually be able to take leading position in society rearranging bringing up, education and government system a new way – without bureaucracy or corruption, without suppression of free human will, treating each person’s interests with understanding and respect.
Yet, all this will become possible only when there has occurred mass spiritual revival of people and all social strata have reached one level of conscience.
Only then it will be possible to build a harmonious system of human relations of really equal rights.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on September 28, 2022.

September 27

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Third stage – realizing of new reality)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
As a follow-up to out talk about mass revival of humanity today we will talk about its next stage.
The third stage is realizing of a new reality by humanity.
Taking into account fine psyche structure of humans, they should be allowed some time to reconsider the information absolutely new to them that actually turns upside down their usual life.
And in this case the moral “shock therapy” will become much more traumatizing for them than, for example, financial or economic crisis.
Any disappointment always deeply hurts one, be it disappointment with family, friends, colleagues or government.
That is why the disappointment on a global scale that people are to live through having realized the actual underlying reason of the tragedies that have been taking place on Earth for centuries and having learnt about those to blame can affect not only the psyche of certain people but collective human conscience in general.
And, as you understand, its vibrations will sharply decrease because of that, which will retard the Transition of Earth to the Fifth dimension still more.
Which is happening everywhere now though.
People’s discontent with their government and living standard getting more and more depleted have already caused a wave of protests and led to social shocks.
Yet, all this is usual and easy to understand for common people.
They always hope that with the change of authority there will come a new and happier life therefore they act in compliance with a certain time-tested programme.
Few on Earth know about the deep state that, as a matter of fact, calls the tune on your planet nominating their protégés for all ruling posts and exercising control over each step of theirs.
Thereby, any change of power brings little to people since no one who has found themselves at the ruling top can be free from the influence of the real “masters” of Earth.
Perhaps, you have already noticed a lot of times that nice and right words and promises of a better life for people pronounced by authority aspirants are very soon forgotten as soon as these people get in their chairs.
And it happens because they themselves get into the power of those who make the general policy on your planet.
The representatives of the shadow government have a lot of tools and opportunities to break one even if one really used to be honest and sincere in one’s intensions to help people.
While if they do not manage to make one submit, they simply remove one from the physical level.
And there are a lot of examples like this.
So now there is coming the moment of truth that the people far from understanding the deep processes now in progress on Earth are to realize.
And it will not be that easy for them to do.
That is why, my dear, great responsibility rests on you: to help such people to live through this period hard for them with the least moral expenses.
And you have been provided with lots of tips on how to do it both in my messages and those of other representatives of the Light Forces.
A rush season is coming for you, and I hope you will cope with the task appropriately.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on September 27, 2022.

September 26

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Second stage – Disclosure)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will go on talking about the stages of mass revival of humanity.
The second stage is upcoming Disclosure.
Little by little the true information about current worldwide events that you gained from alternative sources will start to leak into the media.
It actually starts happening already now but in tiny quantities so far since the mainstream media are still in the grip of globalists.
Unfortunately, most people go on believing everything flowing from TV screens whatever absurd and incredible it may seem to them.
For many people a “blue screen” has turned into a drug indeed and they take their usual news programme as another long-awaited “doze” they now cannot imagine their life without.
And imagine what could happen to all these people if one day all of a sudden the information vector all across the globe changes into the opposite one.
The same presenters in the same news programmes would start telling about the horrible crimes of the world leaders inhumane indeed, about them belonging to the deep state and servile execution of the shadow government’s will under whose control they have found themselves for a long time.
The truth with no embellishment would flood people with the facts on the false pandemic and criminal collusion of pharmaceutical giants and almost all the countries of the world, about their carefully planned and arranged campaign on the planet’s depopulation.
Could it be withstood by the psyche of people especially of those who have already taken and not once the so-called “vaccine” that in reality has turned out not salvational but deadly for them?
How would they react to the fact that the programme of the shadow government features total enthralment of human conscience and turning them into dutiful slaves?
How would they take the fact that they are going to deprive people of not only money, property but also children having destroyed family institution and all their traditional moral values?
Could they survive the news that they are governed by NONhumans who incarnated in human bodies being totally deprived of such feelings as love and sympathy usual to people?
Could their psyche cope with the news thus shocking?
Wouldn’t there start mass insanity on Earth?
This is the reason, my dear, why the decision to retard the process of Disclosure was made communicating this shocking information in a meted – gentle manner.
It is impossible to endlessly conceal the truth, and, of course, Disclosure will occur by all means.
Yet, this fine and complex process does not correspond to haste and requires being thoughtfully prepared by skilled experts who should find the right words that do not hurt people but inspire their hope for the better future.
This is the task that is being accomplished by those who entrusted this hard mission to themselves, and I believe it will be successfully completed in no time now.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on September 26, 2022.

September 25

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Stages of mass revival of humanity)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
As a follow-up to my previous message, today I will tell you about the stages that mass revival of humanity will occur in.
The first stage is political, economic and financial crisis that will concern almost everyone on Earth.
But this time it will be different from the former crises that people have experienced more than once.
Since now when Earth herself is giving you a helping hand sharing the high vibration energies that have been in abundance arriving at your planet in recent years, human conscience starts changing gradually.
That is why the hostility and strife that previous chaos periods in Earth’s history were accompanied by this time will be taken over by the feeling of Unity of pure human souls that will help them overcome with dignity this last and the hardest period before the global renewal of your planet in all the spheres of human life.
And it will happen because the new Divine energies convey the Spirit of Unity and Unconditional Love.
I know, my dear, how hard it is for you to put up with the things now in progress around you and especially to see the lack of logic and contradictory resolutions of some countries’ governments.
But do not try to sort out all the cobweb of the secret world government’s marionettes’ actions who are trying tooth and nail to keep at the helm even at the expense of their own citizens’ ruin.
Your sad thoughts and games of mind just sustain the situation on your planet that is far too complicated and tragic.
Get concentrated on the things that depend on you thereby changing reality for the better.
Direct your thoughts and energy the constructive way imagining how the old world is falling down, how one by one the governments leading their countries’ way to an abyss – economic and moral – send in their resignation.
Imagine mass actions of disobedience in respond to their criminal laws aimed at ruining people’s health and welfare.
And the main thing – do not let the energies of annoyance, anger, aggression, depression, impatience or discontent into your energy space.
I know how hard it is to remain a calm and unbreakable “cliff” in the middle of the raging ocean of human passions especially for those who have witnessed military actions and whose close people are their immediate participants.
Of course, it is not within the depth of everyone but only of those who have managed to overcome the barrier separating the world-view and mentality of the third dimension world man from the reality perception of the Human God who has firmly fixed in the world of the fourth dimension.
And I believe that such people are not few among you now.
And let you turn into “beacons” and reliable support for your nearest and dearest inspiring them with optimism and belief in the prompt victory of the Forces of Light on Earth.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on September 25, 2022.

September 24

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Shock therapy for average men)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Well, let us go on talking about the reason why the scenario of Ascension was changed, with its time frames being shifted.
While the previous messages were focused on the fact that even people who had the knowledge about the Transition of Earth to the Fifth dimension were not ready for it, today we will talk about the rest of humanity who has even not embarked on the path of spiritual development yet.
Well, such people make the majority though.
They are the ones who are totally overwhelmed by their everyday concerns and problems, as well as material issues and who do not even feel like thinking about anything else that goes beyond the frames of the world they live in.
These people draw information from official sources only regularly watching the news and entertainment programmes that the world government’s henchmen generously stuff them with and in whose grip all the mainstream media are.
Such people are commonly called the average men and this word is rendered to sound contemptuous.
Yet, should it be blamed on them?
From early childhood the majority of these people have been brought up and educated in accordance with the artificial mental and behaviour stereotypes imposed on humanity.
All over the world irrespective of national and religious peculiarities they have been built in compliance with one pattern that is based on obedience: first to one’s elderly, then to teachers, management, authorities and religious gurus.
This way there has been trained slavery mentality in people for centuries, from early childhood depriving them of the ability to think independently or listen to their Soul.
As a result, very quickly – in the course of just a few years – there has been completely blocked the Divine channel that connects a child with the subtle level, with a little one plunging deeply into the third dimension world.
Well, this is what the goal of the world government has been: to deprive humans of the memory of their Divine origin turning them into obedient executors of their will – the very average men whose conscience is so easy to control.
And people like these are millions on Earth.
By the way, they are actually humans who potentially – having changed their conscience and increased vibrations – could make Transition.
They are mostly young souls but there are some “old-time” souls among them who because of hard life circumstances got too involved into the world of the third dimension.
And this segment of population is much more difficult to revive.
A real shock is required here – the so-called shock therapy – that will drive these people out of comfort zone thereby getting them see the world and their own life with another eye this time.
This is them who the scenario of Transition was gradually changed for from a mild variant to the hardest one that is being realized all over your planet now.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on September 24, 2022.

September 23

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Were not ready physically and morally)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
As a follow-up to my previous message I would like to tell you about one more reason for the procrastinated Transition of Earth to the Fifth dimension.
The thing is that a drastic increase of vibrations not in the near-earth space but right on Earth now could have been pernicious for your mental and physical health.
For even the people who knew about Transition and had been getting ready for it in a thorough way spiritually, yet, were not prepared for it physically.
Remember yourselves in 2012.
Had many of you given up consuming meat, alcohol and other passions that keep your bodies in low vibrations by that time?
Were you ready for large-scale leaving of the physical level by your friends and relatives who were totally plunged into the world of third dimension and had no idea of the change of epochs and dimensions by your planet?
A lot of pure human souls were still not ready psychologically for such drastic changes in their life even if a wonderful future was awaiting them.
It should be noted that it was not easy to change the scenario of Transition and its time frames, for Earth herself had already been prepared to it to a full extent by that time.
To rescue as many human souls as possible or, to be exact, to give them a chance to ascend in physical bodies, there were involved all the Forces of Light and representatives of highly developed extraterrestrial civilizations.
Everything possible was done to adapt the new high vibration energies that are arriving at Earth as much as possible to people’s condition at that moment of time.
And it was fruitful.
A lot of people unconsciously started to search for spiritual knowledge, refuse heavy low vibration food and change their life style and environment.
Of course, it was much easier to do for those who knew about Ascension since they worked at themselves in a conscious way.
But a lot of human souls by intuition felt the upcoming changes due to the fact that new energies were hovering in the air this time influencing human conscience and subtle bodies.
As it has already been mentioned in my messages a lot of times, in case of each revived person and the one potentially ready for Transition there was carried out individual work by their Heavenly assistants: Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters.
They were accompanying them gently holding their hand like that of small children so that they would not stumble or digress from the path chosen by their Soul but could participate in the Universe experiment thus unique.
And, you see, my dear, your family has extended considerably and is getting large to a great satisfaction of your invisible assistants.
But for the last wave of the people ready for Transition to revive, another change of the Ascension scenario was required, which I will tell you about in my next messages.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on September 23, 2022.

September 22

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Why Transition has procrastinated)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to talk to you about the reason why Transition to the Fifth dimension has been so extended, with the original impulse to it being produced in December 2012.
You see, almost ten years has passed since then.
And now let us consider what has happened for this time on Earth.
We will start with the esoteric world which at that time possessed the information about Ascension since the Forces of Light were striving to communicate the information about Ascension to humanity with all the means available.
Well, what were these means?
Before all, they were doing a lot of energy work on dissolving of the third dimension world programmes in human conscience, as well as the negative energies generated by Earth’s population.
But these efforts could not be successful to a full extent because of the fact that people went on living with their usual concerns making their lives and did not want to change life style or mentality.
The Forces of Light also found people on Earth who can perceive energies keenly and channel messages to humanity by them.
Unfortunately, these people’s channels stopped being pure due to a variety of reasons but most often due to the personal traits of the channelers themselves.
Because of their characteristic features they could not reach the pure Divine source anymore and started to channel messages from astral beings of all the levels: from upper to lower.
At the same time the Forces of Dark made their work activated on human conscience influence embedding into it the principles they need and perverting to the utmost traditional moral values usual to humans.
So, a whole generation has been raised who began to consider the pseudo values and various perversions imposed on them quite normal and acceptable.
I will not focus on details because I think you understand very well what is at issue.
What were the goals of doing so by the representatives of the secret world government all around your planet?
First of all, the goal was to decrease the vibrations of Earth’s population as much as possible so as to retard her Transition to the Fifth dimension.
People were artificially led away from everything pure, light, Divine provoking their qualities that convey the energies of the lowest vibrations.
We have already talked a lot about the fact that even the esoteric world “has changed” to wear the clothes of greed and profit.
And it happened due to the representatives of low vibration civilizations embodied as humans or people under their total control who were skillfully introduced into it.
Some of them managed to found their own trends and schools that lead people’s way in the direction opposite to that of Ascension.
It was performed in a profound manner, as a result of which a lot of pure and light human souls rose to the fly of the newly gurus.
And I know that many of you witnessed their idols’ collapse and that the degradation of many of them is in progress up till now.
But, my dear, this is the way Divine sifting occurs.
Everyone has equal chances for Ascension despite different living conditions and spiritual maturity.
Each learns their own lessons and they are sometimes the most difficult ones that they failed to learn for their numerous incarnations.
Some people cope with this, while others get plunged into third dimensionality still more.
Yet, this is what Transition was so prolonged in time for, so that as many people as possible manage to make it themselves and help others to do the same.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on September 22, 2022.

September 20

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Recovery through crisis)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
For my previous message to be continued today I would like to explain to you why the increasing global economic and food crisis on Earth can turn out not a catastrophe but an advantage for humanity.
To help you better understand the processes now in progress in the world, remember that the recovery of the human physical body always occurs through a crisis: aggravation of a disease’s symptoms, weakness, high or too low temperature and sometimes even through falling unconscious.
The same is going on in respect of social and economic processes.
To change them radically the destruction of the former system or its total restructuring is required.
But in this case for Earth to advance to a new level of her existence the destruction of the whole order that exists on your planet is required: political, economic, social and even psychological which includes deleting of well-established mental stereotypes.
Therefore, general chaos arranged on Earth by the agonizing Dark Forces who are trying to remain at the helm, as a result, has played into the hands of the Light Forces who by all the means available have been trying to awake humanity from the third dimension “dormancy” for a long time.
You see, this process has turned out to be slow and not too efficient because the conscience of the overwhelming majority of your planet’s population has plunged into duality too deeply, and without a great shock – the very crisis I mentioned above – people cannot “dive out” of the “lethargy” the third dimension submerged them into.
When one is full and content with everything, one is rarely capable of thinking about the destiny of the world and other people who are deprived of the comfort and safety one is lucky to live in.
Only common misfortune can make people of different nationalities and social strata really united.
And this is what is happening everywhere now.
Of course, even in stern conditions not everyone can behave up till the mark.
But at issue is rescue of pure and mature human souls – the very Divine seeds that have been mentioned a lot of times in the Higher Powers messages.
It is these people having realized all the greatness of the processes taking place on Earth and knowing about her Transition to the Fifth dimension who will get the right message conveyed by these tragic events and become leaders of the arrangement of a new society on a new Earth.
Now on your planet there is in progress by far the greatest stratification according to vibrations and conscience level: the one who has not lost will to life and ready to take Light in one’s Soul will not only “recover” but will also become immortal, while the one who will “burn down in the beams” of Light will leave the physical level to keep wandering in the worlds of the third dimension.
And I bless you, my dear, to “recover” – to overcome the upcoming crisis both in your Soul, your Divine body, and in terms of its external manifestations: social, political and economic.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on September 20, 2022.

September 19

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Significance of universe scale)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Well, as a follow-up to my previous message today I would like to explain to you in some detail why all of a sudden the struggle of two small provinces at the territory of Ukraine has gained the importance of the universe scale.
As you know, after the power on Earth was seized by the Dragon reptiles and their henchmen, wars have hardly ceased since it was them that provided the energies of aggression, pain and sorrow necessary for these creatures’ existence.
Yet, they were local conflicts even if World War I and II are taken into consideration.
As far as the present-day events on Earth are concerned, they embrace almost all the globe now despite the fact that the military actions are participated by a few countries only.
Why has it happened?
The main reason is that the new high vibration energies of recent years and especially months do not allow the Dragon reptiles and other low vibration creatures embodied as humans to be satisfied with their former “nourishment” anymore.
To survive, now they need a “snow-slip” of negative energy that can decrease Earth’s vibrations and prolong their physical existence.
One more reason is the very desire to annihilate the population that features Divine gene, who Slavonic nations are.
You see, they have managed not only to start military actions against these nations but also play off one against another, which brings the Dragon reptiles special joy and satisfaction.
They enjoy watching the “seed” they hate killing each other causing special pain and sorrow to the people who realize all the tragedy of this fratricidal war.
But globalists have gone even further than that multiplying this pain by the fact they have managed to arouse hatred towards Russia in terms of millions of people all over the world.
Taking advantage of the fact that the leading countries’ governments and all the mainstream media are in their grip, they have put on a wide scale unseen before the hunting for the only country that dared not to submit to them and their plans on annihilation of humanity.
The things that are taking place on your planet are a glaring example of how indifferent the world government is to common people’s interests: their life, health, welfare.
They are systematically destroying the infrastructure of economy, industry and agriculture dooming people to misery to achieve their goal: whatever it takes to remain on this planet and submit its population by means of “dehumanizing” it.
At the current stage of your civilization’s development it is the human of a pure Divine Soul that becomes mortally dangerous for them since, having absorbed the new high vibration energies now arriving at Earth, they can restore their Divinity and, consequently, get completely out of control of these cruel creatures who conquered your planet.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on September 19, 2022.

September 18


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to talk to you about the military operation in Ukraine.
I know that it worries you most of all since no one expected that confrontation between brotherly nations will extend for as long as months.
We will act on the premises that you already know what the cause of this conflict is that for decades has been prepared by the deep state’s representatives.
It is the territory of this long-suffering country that the main battle between the Light and Dark Forces has unfolded.
Therefore, all its participants should be considered from the point of view of the global confrontation of Russia and criminals who took Ukraine hostage of their personal mercenary interests.
What these interests at the physical level are is well known to you so now we will focus on the things now in progress at the subtle level of Earth and on the way the conflict influences the Transition of Earth and humanity to the Fifth dimension.
To start with, little by little this operation’s hostages have become not only inhabitants of Ukraine and Russia but those of almost all the planet who often have no idea where Ukraine is and why military actions are in progress there.
Well, how did two small freedom-loving provinces at the territory of Ukraine cause an energy and food crisis that broke out almost all around the globe?
Of course, all this is not accidental.
Their separation was a pretext for the hidden government to let their marionettes to fan the conflict to the universal scale indeed.
And this is how it all developed at the subtle level.
A small island of Light that appeared at the territory of Ukraine became for the Dark Forces both on Earth, and in Heavens some kind of a trigger to start full-scale actions against the representatives of Light on Earth who are descendants of the Russes mostly living at the territory of Russia.
It is them who from times immemorial and up till now have embodied most danger for the Dragon reptiles who seized power on Earth.
That is why, having placed Ukrainian government under their command, they did their best, to start, just by their hands, a crucial battle with Russia that got in their way to ruin the humanity enslavement plans.
They gradually got the rest of the world involved into the orbit of hatred and confrontation against it too, which in the course of time has led to a global humanitarian catastrophe.
Yet, it is thanks to this that humanity will manage to turn over the most tragic page in Earth’s history so as to come back to the Golden Age of their existence.
And next time we will talk about this in detail.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on September 18, 2022.

September 17

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (To remain oneself)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
As a follow-up to my previous message today I would like to draw your attention to some more factors that retard your moving to the fourth dimension.
One of them is your desire to appear better than you actually are.
You often try to persuade not only the people around but also yourselves that you meet all the criteria of a spiritually advanced person.
You plunge into long discussions about the things you do and the way you do them sometimes instructing others and not noticing your mentor-like intonation and superiority over the people who are, to your mind, less spiritually advanced.
But you forget that verbosity features low vibrations since the truth is always simple and laconic.
Recall your proverbs and sayings: great messages are conveyed by short and wise statements that are presented in bright, lively and funny manner.
While any moralizing is always won over by apt expressions pronounced with humour and in the right time.
It is them that remain in one’s memory and often support one in dire straits.
But there is another category of people.
They, on the other hand, underestimate their abilities thinking they are not as spiritually advanced as other people who are more confident.
It seems to them they do not meet the fourth dimension vibrations due to their weak points, lack of discipline, inability to meditate correctly.
In other words, they created some ideal in their imagination that they should strive for, and it constantly seems to them they do to live up to it.
The truth is actually somewhere in between.
All you need to reach your goal is to remain yourselves: be friendly, sincere and open for new knowledge.
This is already a guarantee that you will not judge others, yet, will also treat yourselves with love and respect.
Remember how many times I have told you that the most valuable thing that one has is one’s individuality.
As soon as one starts following somebody else’s example thereby creating for oneself an object to imitate, one’s vibrations immediately decrease.
And it happens because one loses connection with one’s Soul that has incarnated with its individual goals this time.
But it is often the case that making an ideal of another person, you become their shadow.
You give them your energy and uniqueness depriving yourselves of the opportunity to make it your original – distinct from others – way.
All this happens unnoticeable to you since you are guided by quite good intentions being unaware that no one can ever understand you to a full extent or give you the only right advice.
But as soon as you become absolutely independent of any experts having learnt to listen to your own Soul only, you will gain the degree of spirituality that will allow you to move to the fourth dimension easily.
The thing that makes it different from the third dimension world is that there is no authoritarianism or subordination, patterns or stereotypes, teachers or students, with the most valuable thing being unique personality and self-respect.
These are the qualities that feature high vibrations because they let one explore the world and the people around relying on subtle feeling and intuitive perception as in this case one is guided by one’s own opinion and world-view.
Try to feel these fine distinctions, my dear, so as not to stumble on the way to the fourth dimension.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on September 17, 2022.

September 16

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Your conscience level “test”)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to offer you some kind of a test that will allow you to identify not only the level of your vibrations but also your location at the imaginary scale of dimensions: from the third to the fifth one.
I know that it seems to many of you that you have already crossed the border line that separates the third dimension from the fourth one and have firmly settled in this high vibration space.
Yet, to make ultimately sure it is really so, try to honestly and impartially answer the following questions to yourselves:
How do I respond to the negative information that comes from without?
Besides, it is not essential what sources it is received from: mainstream or alternative.
It you become desperate, irritated or seized with the feeling of powerlessness to change anything, you are still in the space of the third dimension.
While if you just take into consideration the changes that occur on your planet trying to contribute one more piece to the whole jigsaw puzzle of the eventfulness so that taking into account the new reality to start arranging a new society on Earth, then you have actually crossed the cherished border line and by your conscience find yourselves in the fourth dimension.
In this case of great significance is not the mental perception of the reality but your emotional background: the ability to respond to the information that is conveyed in a wise and calm way maintaining harmony in your Soul.
Can I treat somebody else’s opinion on the events in progress on Earth without a touch of any censure even if it is absolutely different from mine?
But there are some details here.
It is extremely important to feel another person’s potential and talking to them being appropriate.
And to do so it is necessary to learn to judge people not only by external signs but also by those that are concealed from stranger’s eyes.
Very often one is afraid of opening one’s Soul to a stranger and hides one’s lack of confidence behind trivial stereotyped statements.
And here you can be facilitated by mindful probing of one’s true views on the current events.
For this you can work out you own strategy with key words that allows you to understand how far your talk on the issue you are interested in can go.
Yet, here what is of importance is your emotional mood and readiness to accept any result of your “probing” too.
If having made sure that one is far from your perception of reality understanding, you respond calmly to it switching over to another issue, then your conscience has already advanced to the level of the fourth dimension.
While if you try to convert one to your religion by force, your vibrations are at the level of the third dimension so far.
And the third question.
Do I do my best to bring Transition closer and increase human collective conscience vibrations?
Here at issue is your individual responsibility and readiness to sacrifice your time and efforts for the prompt advancement of Earth and humanity to the Fifth dimension.
How often do you do practices and meditations on transformation of the third dimension world programmes and negative energies dissolving?
Are they top priority for you or do you live your usual life just occasionally enjoying spiritual knowledge that still remains theory not practice to you?
The main feature of the person who has firmly settled in the fourth dimension is efficient, constructive and systematic work for the good of the whole humanity and the planet in general.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on September 16, 2022.

September 14


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to talk to you about the things now in progress at the subtle and dense levels of Earth.
Perhaps, many of you feel great energy changes these days.
And they are connected with the fact that now the Dragon reptile hierarchy pyramid of power is being changed on Earth.
Such changes being required has resulted from the fact that the deep state’s representatives have finally made a decision to announce the death of the queen of Great Britain officially.
Why have they done it just now arranging the funerals of another double of hers?
It is accounted for by the fact, first of all, that there is some kind of an energy limit of an original being substituted since neither doubles, nor clones can concentrate the energy power that the Dragon reptiles embodied as humans convey.
It is especially true in case of the prominent figures of this race on Earth, with Queen Elizabeth being one of them, in whose hands there were concentrated powerful levers of control.
Despite her deceitfully fragile appearance at the physical level, at the subtle level that is invisible to human eye she was a Dragon reptile of incredible strength who, with the death of her original physical body, was drastically losing this strength and the power associated with it every single year.
As a result, a decision was made to replace another clone of the queen who is holding this “post” with her son now thriving.
Yet, since he is just a makeshift substitute for his mother, to maintain the pyramid of the Dragon reptile power on Earth that has been created for centuries is beyond him.
That is why a good moment is arriving for all the Light Forces both on Earth and in Heavens to take the most active actions on annihilation of the power structure and overthrowing of the deep state’s marionettes who find themselves in an energy vacuum now.
It is now that it is crucial to launch the campaign on Disclosure of their crimes against humanity making use of all the information means available to you.
But one should do it steering the middle course and providing indisputable proofs of the ruling tops’ crimes against Earth’s population.
And let each of you make your own contribution to this great process of humanity Revival.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on September 14, 2022.
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