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September 28

There’s an interesting phenomena we’d like to discuss today. Sometimes human beings, even though they know there is healing to be done, refuse to because they are resentful that they have to do the healing. They think they should have received the love and support they deserved, so they hold themselves back from healing because they think healing would somehow mean what happened to them was ok or didn’t matter.
We agree, you absolutely deserved to be loved and supported in all ways that would have allowed you to thrive. But refusing to create those conditions for yourself now is a perpetuation of the original wound. Hear us when we say your wounded aspects don’t care where the love comes from, they only want to be loved. How wonderful you have reached the point of your evolution where you can now step in as your own hero and give them everything they could ever possibly need! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 27

Your self presence brings a deep sense of balance to your enlightenment journey because it honours both your higher self and your human self equally. That balance you will help you stop abandoning yourself through old limiting beliefs and patterns because it will be able to recognize those old habits in a neutral and non-judgemental way. When you are connected to your inner wisdom you make much healthier choices. This creates an energetic space where profound healing can occur.
You might be surprised when we tell you that one of the things you yearn for the most is your own presence. Your self presence is a key pillar of your self love process. When was the last time you made space to simply be with yourself? Can you make the sacred commitment to start to do that? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 26

We realize it can feel overwhelming during times of energetic intensity. We also realize that it may feel as if it has been intense more than it has been calm for the past several years of your linear time. What we want you to understand is there is purpose to all of it.
When things get churned up it allows you to see what is a match to you and what is not. When things get noisy it points you to the stillness within. When things are unknown you start to navigate one now moment at a time. All of this will adds to clarity about your own life and path.
And let us assure you, when the energies settle as they always do, and you emerge from choppy waters into a smoother, fast forward moving flow with your well honed clarity and skills, you will realize how far you have come and what new wondrous possibilities have become fully open to you from staying the course. Trust the process and your own divine capabilities, Dear Ones, for you are navigating it all far more adeptly than you realize. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 23

It’s Affirmation Friday!
I follow the beckoning of my soul and embrace the continual unfoldment of my highest life expression.

September 22

We find it interesting that some people think the key to their comfort is arriving somewhere and then doing all they can do to keep things exactly the same. Ironically, trying to stay the same will always ultimately lead to your discomfort.
When you try to stay the same, you are trying to thrive in energies that have already passed rather than harnessing the power and support of the current energies. While that may work initially, over time it will feel less and less supported as the divide between where you were and where you are now deepens.
It may help to see yourself as having an operating system that requires continual upgrades to keep running at peak performance. Those upgrades are exactly what you are receiving and integrating, and they automatically support new discoveries and opportunities that serve your evolution.
We encourage you to allow yourself to flow and evolve because the discomfort you are trying to avoid doesn’t come from change, it comes from trying to resist the tide. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 21

If you are feeling discomfort in your life, it is often a sign that you have become too constrained or contracted. Your soul is always seeking expansion, and that is exactly what brings you satisfaction and relief. You were never designed to simply arrive in one energetic place and stay there. The whole point of coming into the body is to experience expansion and evolution.
So if you are in a space of discomfort, how can you create some expansion? You can do this in a multitude of ways. You can support internal expansion by meditating, learning something new, or devoting time to get to know and love yourself better. You can support external expansion by trying something new, exploring, moving, or casting your net wider to include new potentials and experiences.
Get curious! If you still feel like you don’t know what direction you wish to expand in, simply ask your guides to show you the way and surrender into the flow of your own divine unfoldment. Expansion is the freedom to express the vastness of your soul, Dear Ones, and a glorious thing to experience. Allow yourself the space that will continually honour your own becoming. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 20

Dear Ones, you enter into the body with specific themes you wish to explore. Think of it as a focused area of study.
You may never release those themes completely, nor are you meant to. They are present for you to expand your mastery with that particular area or theme. The reason we tell you this is we want you to understand you are not a failure if it is never gone. It is not about getting rid of it per se, but rather about coming to a place of peace and mastery with that theme.
The success comes not from eradicating it, but rather from being able to see how much you’ve grown, how you’ve expanded your conscious awareness around that theme, and have come to experience it from a far more empowered space. From there you will be able to see the gift of it all, how it has affected your life and experiences, not as a punishment but rather an opportunity that has supported your continual growth and evolution, and often pointed you to your own service path.
Do you see? The pre-set themes you choose beautifully direct you in the most marvellous ways to your expansion and purpose. They ensure your growth and let us reassure you, you are doing a magnificent job in harnessing every opportunity they offer you. ~Archangel Gabriel though Shelley Young

September 19

As you shift from 3D to 5D your service will also shift from 3D service to 5D service. 3D service is often out of balance, based in the martyred service paradigm, and is dependant upon external results for personal validation while 5D service is balanced, supported, and a means of joyful self expression.
3D service is the entry point to your evolutionary journey of being of service. It can show up as codependency, assuming responsibility for others, feeling like you have more mastery or know better than others, and taking credit for the healing others have done. Because it is driven by externals, it can also feel like you can never do enough. Because it is based in the martyred service paradigm, you may feel like you need to wear yourself to the ground to try to prove your own goodness, both to yourself, and to others. 3D service still operates in separation by seeing yourself as more advanced than others yet not including yourself in your own love and care. To be clear, 3D service is a necessary starting point and one most who truly wish to make a difference will evolve beyond.
5D service is service that is done for no other reason than it brings you joy to express yourself in that way. You are conscious about your own growth and evolution, and honour others as the masters they truly are. It is a path of empowering others rather than having others develop dependency upon you. It is soul led, rather than personality led. It is inclusive, meaning you accept others where they are and you also extend your own love and care to include yourself. It is balanced and ever-evolving, and based on allowing your beingness to lead the way. It is a pure emanation of you that does not have an attachment to outcome but rather is grounded in the faith and trust that your growth is your service and your beingness is more than enough. It is allowing yourself to be a teacher by example and allowing others to find their own way while still being honoured to share your gifts in ways that help others discover their own truth and mastery.
The shift from 3D to 5D will be happening in all areas of your lives, Dear Ones. Allow your service to unfold into that space of joyful, peaceful, beingness and brand new pathways will open to you that will take you to the next level of both your purpose and your life expression. Release the expectation that it needs to look any specific way and you will move into the discovery of a whole new service paradigm that will support you, your growth, and the evolution of the planet like never before. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 16

It’s Affirmation Friday!
I shimmer and shine in the magic that I am.

September 15

When you commit to being present with yourself as your own loving parent and guide, you become a consistent source of love and acceptance for yourself. This allows you to create safe attachment with yourself which is absolutely vital for your healing, growth, and expansion, especially if you’ve been in the habit of being hard on yourself in the past. As you allow yourself to be a constant source of love for yourself you can rely on, you will find greater balance and ease because it is coming Home to yourself. Your path ahead steadies and becomes more peaceful and efficient. You feel the satisfaction of being complete within yourself, and this allows you to be and thrive like never before. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 6

Hey everyone! I’ve found myself under the weather so I’m going to take a little time off for me. Hopefully it’ll only take a day or two to feel more like myself and to get back to the daily messages. In the meantime, please know there are literally thousands of daily messages on the website that are all completely free to read. You can even search topics by clicking on the magnifying glass and putting your search words in the search bar that appears at the top of the page. Thanks for understanding!

September 2

I am the embodiment of divine wealth.
It’s Affirmation Friday! Today’s affirmation partners with yesterday’s daily message, so if you missed it you may want to go back and read it to get the full energetic effect. Have a great weekend!

September 1

If you are having trouble with monetary abundance, it could be that you are subconsciously rejecting the flow of money into your life because you equate wealth with certain lower vibrational traits you are dedicated to evolving beyond, such as greed, separation, excess, control, and lack of compassion. But in reality, money is neutral, and an element everyone has access to. What you do with it reflects your own level of attainment.
So we say to you, what if you shifted from resisting 3D wealth to embracing 5D wealth? What if you saw wealth as a resource that anyone could align with? What if you saw it as part of the divine, that could expand your growth, your experiences, and your service to the world? What if you saw it, not as something you need to chase or sell your soul for, but as part of your own divine birthright? What if you saw wealth as simply another aspect on your planet that is looking to shift into a higher vibrational, more inclusive expression of itself?
Feel into your relationship with money and explore your beliefs and reactions to it. Do you judge people with money? If so, you will find it difficult to accept money. Is it time to heal any old wounds or belief systems you may have around money so you can allow it to also be part of the easy flow of your life? It is a relationship like any other that can be transformed through love, greater understanding, inclusion, acceptance, and your conscious awareness. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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