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August 31

As empaths and sensitives, many of you naturally have profound compassion for others, including those who have hurt you. This is a wonderful trait, but your compassion for those who have hurt you should not exceed your compassion for yourself.
You can understand that a person hurt you due to unhealed aspects they may have. This is wise because it allows you to forgive, but you must also know that until they prioritize healing they are likely to do it again.
This is not to say you can’t have love and compassion for them. Far from it! It simply means you may wish to rethink giving them VIP access until they are able to treat you with the love and respect you deserve.
Cause and effect is not punishment. It is a natural outcome and fosters accountability and ultimately facilitates change and evolution. Allowing someone to continue to show up as such a lesser version of themselves perpetuates painful cycles and doesn’t support the growth and expansion of anyone involved. Healthy boundaries, when created from a wise and conscious space, will always find a connection point that supports the respect, safety, and empowerment of all, and that is very in line with what your empathic heart truly desires. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 30

Many of you think change has to be all or nothing. In reality, true change comes from small consistent shifts. If there is an area of your life you would like to see change and evolve but have been afraid to do so, how can your inner wise one coax you forward? What small step forward can you take today?
Once you take that step, you can celebrate your success! You have taken one concrete step forward and you can be proud of yourself for doing it. You put action to your intention and it wasn’t too much or overwhelming in any way. In fact, you may find that there is a feeling of relief for taking that action after thinking about it for so long.
If you do the same the following day, and the days after that, before you know it you will have both the momentum and the accumulation of energy that creates true change and you have done it one very manageable step at a time. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 29

You are in the midst of the glorious unfoldment of you. Just as you cannot tug on the petals of a flower to make it open faster, you also can’t stop a bloom from occurring when it is the natural outcome of your growth. All you must do is stay grounded, and make sure you get enough sun and water. You can trust the process of your own evolution, Dear Ones, because it is a system that is already in place that is designed to lead you through the most beautiful version of embodiment you have ever experienced. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 26

It’s Affirmation Friday! Here’s this week’s offering:
It is safe to be me because my presence inspires kindness and love.

August 25

Dear Ones, there is nothing you have to do. You change, evolve, and expand because you want to. It brings you great joy and deep soul satisfaction.
We understand it can be hard to accept because you have been conditioned to think otherwise, but your beingness is your energetic contribution to the planet and your growth is your service.
Do you see? There is no way you can get it wrong. Your energy is already on the planet and if you are on the planet you are growing and evolving. All you ever have to do is simply be you and follow the nudges of your soul. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 24

Fear of judgement is a very common theme for many enlightening human beings. This is one of the things that holds many of you back from reaching your highest potentials.
We wish to offer you this about judgement. Judgement does not necessarily mean you are wrong. When another judges you, all they are really saying is that what you are doing would not be a match for them on their journey. In no way does this automatically mean that what you are doing is not a match for you on your journey.
The thing about judgement is you will never be able to completely avoid it on a 3D planet. That is because every person has a unique soul agenda, and most can’t see that what wouldn’t work for them is exactly what another is meant to do and experience. (Interestingly, if they did have the ability to see that, they would be viewing you from a higher vibrational layer and from that space they would have no interest in judging you. The very fact that another is engaging in judgement indicates they are not qualified to do so.)
The way to keep other people’s judgement from deterring you from doing what your heart is calling you to do is to understand that what people are really saying is not that you are wrong because they do not have the vantage point to know what your journey is meant to contain. What they are really saying is simply that your choices are not a match for them, and that is perfectly ok. It would be a very boring and inefficient world if everyone was the same!
If you keep following your heart and guiding yourself with your wisdom you will not make a mistake, so we urge you to be true to your path and your soul’s desires. The only mistake you could possibly make would be allowing the opinion of others who are not qualified to advise you to keep you from stepping into your most glorious expression of self. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 23

Dear Ones, it is your highest self that wants to express itself as the love and the help for everyone else. But for it to be truly satisfied, you must allow it to offer those things to you, too. Otherwise its job is incomplete. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 22

When you incorporate a large energetic download or release a considerable amount of old energy, it is common to feel somewhat undefined. You may need time to feel into who you really are as this latest, upgraded version of self.
The reason why we are sharing this with you today is because so many of you are in a space of not knowing – feeling like you don’t know who you really are or what direction you would like to take moving forward.
If you have been feeling that way, it is not because you have somehow lost your ability to run your own life. Rather, it is a sure indicator that you have shifted a considerable amount of energy. It is a sign of success and that the bulk of the work you are doing is energetic at this time. Once you have fully accepted and settled into this new state of beingness, you will have far more clarity on who you really are and what lines of potential truly align with who you have evolved into.
Your growth is always going to contain shifts that occur internally and then are reflected externally. We urge you to trust the process of evolution because it is a divinely intelligent process and it is impossible to get it wrong. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 19

Hey everyone! I’m starting something a little different. From now on I’ll be having Affirmation Fridays. Every friday I will share a healing affirmation. It may go with the theme of the week if Gabriel has been focusing on one topic, or it may simply be what I feel guided to share. I hope you find them helpful! So with that, here is our very first Affirmation Friday post.
I give myself permission to be authentically me. I am seen, loved, and respected for what I bring to the world.

August 18

Dear Ones, allowing yourself to settle fully into your beingness is the foundation for both your greatest purpose and your greatest joy. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 17

Dear Ones, we would like to point out that you are on the planet to be a human being, not a human doing. Your beingness is all that is required, and your purest creations and experiences are born from that space. Your unique essence is exactly what the world needed and exactly what you wanted to offer when you made your plan to come into human form.
You may think that simply being yourself is not enough but in reality not allowing your beingness to light the way is a great disservice to all. You are important, you are beloved, and you are everything you need to be, exactly as you are. When you can accept that, everything else will unfold beautifully from there. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 16

Every time you allow yourself to simply be, you shift into being a balance/anchor point for yourself and the planet. You emanate your purest vibration which will become the clarion call for all that will further support and uplift you. Allowing your beingness to be the predominant energy before you move into inspired action is one of the most profound shifts you will ever make as a human being and sets the course to your highest and most satisfying life expression. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 15

Sometimes daily messages come back into my awareness and I always take it as a sign that they want to be shared again. That happened with this message that was originally posted way back on August 14, 2014. I read it yesterday and it had such a lovely energy I thought it would be the perfect way to start our week, so here it is!
Dear Ones, you understand that the way to create the New Earth is through love, but for many of you that has become a concept that sounds good but is difficult to understand. Your minds wonder, how can love really make that much of a difference?
Love is essential to the Shift because love is the energy of Source. It is moving back to your divine essence, your true roots, your authentic power centre. To love is to proceed and make decisions from your highest self. It connects, it includes, it inspires, it encourages, it accepts, it unifies, it harmonizes, it heals. It is heart-centered living that embraces and uplifts both the one and the all. To choose love is to anchor the energies of heaven on earth.
Do you see? Love is complex and multi-faceted, yet delightfully simple. It is yours to use, whenever you choose, and is the way to create the world, and life expressions, you dream of. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 12

If you are a person who is energetically affected by the solar flare activity of the sun, we suggest you practice getting ten minutes of sun on your bare skin every day. You can also leave water in the sun for a short period of time to receive its benefits and then drink it as a tonic. By doing both you absorb some of the sun’s energy which allows you to shift much easier with it.
The sun’s rays also offer many more healing properties than you realize. Of course, too much of anything is not wise or recommended, but allowing yourself to take in small amounts of the sun’s energy with the intention to receive its healing can benefit you in many ways.
You might also experiment with the energy the sun offers you at different times of the day. You may find it purifying very early in the day, energizing mid day, and calming later in the day. The sun has always been there to assist you in a myriad of ways on your journey. We highly recommend you take the time to explore this wonderful resource and the different ways it can serve you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 11

Dear Ones, all your discomfort ever wants is your acknowledgement. Sometimes you feel discomfort because your soul is trying to get your attention to redirect into something that is a better match for you. Sometimes you feel discomfort because there is something within you that is looking for your love, tender care, healing, and release. Your discomfort is simply a flashing neon sign trying to get your attention so you can take action that will bring you back into your natural state of being, which is comfort, ease, inclusion, and flow. Just like anything else in life, once your discomfort gets your attention and has been truly seen and heard, it will feel like its purpose and needs have been met and it will settle quite quickly. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 10

The unfoldment is a supported path. If something feels wrong to you, going ten steps further into that energy is not going to suddenly make it feel better. In fact, it will only get more and more uncomfortable until you listen to what you already know.
So often we see you have the awareness that something isn’t a match for you but you continue on in the same direction because you want to please others, you think it is something you should do, or if you just try hard enough you can make it work. This is when your body will step in and do everything it can to get you to redirect. Your discomfort is like a dear friend doing whatever they can to get you to pay attention and change course!
As you move forward into the new energies, many of you will find yourselves more and more energetically sensitive. As you deepen your trust in your own abilities and give yourself permission to be the empowered leader of your own life expression, you will not need to wait until you get really uncomfortable before you listen to what your inner wisdom has been telling you all along. You will start to respond to much more subtle energies and that, Dear Ones, is exactly what will make your path forward far easier and more direct than ever before. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 9

There is a difference between knee-jerk resistance and discernment. Resistance is judgemental and avoidant while discernment takes the time to feel into something before deciding whether it is a match for you or not. The first is a reaction, the second based in conscious awareness. Reactivity is often a clue that there is something within you that is seeking healing around that theme or energy, while conscious awareness is more curious and neutral, and comes from a balanced place. To proceed in your life in a way that can get you where you truly wish to go, we highly recommend you wait until you can find your balance and can look at any situation from a place of wisdom before you take action. Your heart-centred choices will always lead to satisfying and empowering results, while resistance and reactivity will keep you on the merry-go-round of what is unwanted. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 8

Dear Ones, you don’t create the life of your dreams by finding things to say no to. You find the life of your dreams by finding what your heart can give a resounding yes to. Saying no will never light you up the way a heart-centred yes can.
So allow yourself to see what doesn’t resonate with you as the energy saying, “Not this way”, and rather than entering into resistance with it, accept it and allow yourself to redirect into what feels more joyful, expansive, and supportive. You were never put on the planet to conquer the no’s but rather to discover the yes’s that light the way into your highest self expression. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 5

Dear Ones, you cannot resist and create at the same time. You cannot resist and flow at the same time. You can’t resist and discover, or laugh, or love, or heal, or release, or receive, or accept, or do any of the things that bring you joy at the same time.
Simply put resistance is an energy that cannot get you where you wish to go. It is a deeply ingrained 3D habit of the human experience and what you are seeking to evolve beyond.
So we highly suggest the next time you find yourself having a knee jerk reaction into resistance that you pause and explore why. Your new level of consciousness knows it is simply old conditioning that was born from fear, doubt, separation, and judgement. A little bit of encouragement from your inner wise one can be all it takes to shift out of the resistance into some empowered forward movement.
What you do not wish to do is resist your inner resister, as that will only dig you in deeper and put you in a tug of war with yourself. Acceptance, understanding, love, and guidance are what you are looking for to feel more comfortable with exploration and expansion. As you get more experienced with offering that to yourself the old habit of immediate resistance will start to fade and will be replaced with a new curiosity and zest for life. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley

August 4

While every beautiful and kind act is a gift, shifting beyond doing good deeds as a means of gaining acceptance or proving yourself in some way, to doing good deeds for no other reason than to express who you really are, is exactly how you move from the expectation that often accompanies doing into the pure joy of simply being. The first involves waiting for external feedback while the second is unconcerned with external validation because it is an act of divine self expression that is inherently complete. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 3

As you continue to have old memories surface, you may find yourself mourning over what you have been through. This sadness and acknowledgement is self compassion and part of the last stages of the life review process so many of you are experiencing. If you feel grief or anger it is normal and healthy and part of your healing journey since you may not have had an opportunity to properly examine or feel those feelings while you were in the experience. Identify what you are feeling, thank it for coming up for release, and let it go, all the while giving yourself the respect and support you always deserved.
This is an opportunity for you to practice self presence and self love which allows those emotions to process and release beautifully. It is an act of completion and will leave you lighter and freer so you can step into the next phase of your incarnation without dragging with you the wounds of the past. It is part of the final preparations for you to be able to truly step forward into the new to create with a clean slate and far more conscious awareness than ever before. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 2

If you are feeling blocked, it can be helpful to feel into what you are currently resisting. Even if you are just resisting the lack of perceived movement, shifting out of the resistance into acceptance will allow you to make the most out of the energies you are in while keeping you completely open to forward movement whenever the time is right.
There is a misconception that if you enter into acceptance you are choosing to stay in energies you don’t prefer. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is your focus and engagement with what is unwanted in the form of resistance that stalls your flow and creates frustration and discomfort.
Acceptance allows you to be conscious of what is happening and then, with your wisdom, shift your focus beyond it to what is preferred. It is the grease to your flow and how you keep yourself primed for continual forward movement toward solutions and new discoveries. It is exactly what creates greater comfort and satisfaction on your journey as your soul finds great joy in your willing expansion. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 1

Resistance is the decision to engage with an unwanted energy in a way that doesn’t allow much forward movement towards what you truly prefer. Feel into the energy of resistance. At best it feels oppositional, stuck, immoveable, or like tug of war energy. At worst, it becomes triggering and digs you deeper into energies that are not your preference.
Acceptance is choosing to acknowledge an unwanted energy exists in a way that also allows you to explore why it is there and to flow beyond it.
Resistance is like petitioning to close a buffet because it has onions and you don’t like onions. Other people might get mad because they love onions and they want them as an option at the buffet. Both sides might become so consumed with the fight that nobody receives the sustenance they were looking for!
Acceptance is seeing there is a food option at the buffet you don’t care for and knowing you can choose to not put it on your plate and keep moving toward your preferences. You also understand that the option that is not your preference may serve someone else well. It is peaceful forward movement while honouring the choices of all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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