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August 31

Stand in Your Power & Do This – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, August 31

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very familiar with humanity’s thoughts and thought patterns. We are very familiar with prevailing belief systems and belief systems that go against the grain, so to speak. We enjoy very much seeing someone there on Earth taking control of what it is they are putting out energetically and what it is they are believing in. We are very excited to see how many awakened individuals have broken free from the norm, and yet, we invite you to go even further. Go beyond where you are right now with what you are willing to believe in, and change your thoughts, even if the new thought you are thinking seems illogical to your very rational mind.
In order to break free from a pattern, a loop, you must be willing to recognize that you are in a loop and that the freedom that is there for you is freedom worth tapping in to. You are always free because you have the free will to choose whether to go down the same path again and again, or you also have the choice of breaking free. You have the choice of determining for yourself what is the best path for you, and we are not just talking about actions here; we are also talking about words spoken. Speak words out loud that you want the universe to hear and that you want all of your helpers to hear.
If you start going down a negative thought train, don’t beat yourself up. But do say out loud, ‘Stop, cancel, clear, reset,’ and then begin again with a new stream of thought that you want to go down, that you want to employ as your means of creating your reality. We are very familiar with those of you who are willing to go against the grain, and you are wonderful beings to co-create with. We are eager and excited to see more and more of you doing this, because we know what is possible for humanity. We know the type of lives that are available to you if you are willing to make small changes in the way you perceive reality and in the way you react to reality. And making those small changes will affect the way you create reality and experience reality.
And when you have all of that taken care of, you are in your power. Stand in your power and do this. Do what we are suggesting, which is to pay attention to your thoughts and beliefs, and make changes where changes are necessary. Some thoughts and beliefs do serve you just as they are, and you can reinforce them. You can start thinking them more purposefully, more intentionally. But in those areas where you need to do some tweaking, use your awareness to do so, and you will see the results of your efforts. We guarantee it.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

August 27

Secret Forces that Want Humanity Divided – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, August 27

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been impressed by humanity’s fortitude in the face of so many oppressors throughout your history. You have continued to persevere in the face of powerful individuals and groups who want to keep you down, who want to keep you in the dark. Now, many who are awake have learned about this oppression that is going on from unseen forces, oppression that doesn’t even show its face to you. But you have learned about these oppressors, and you have gotten angry, sad and afraid, because of what they have done and because of what they might do next.
These beings and groups benefit from you being and feeling divided, pushing against each other, based on your beliefs, your gender, your sexuality, your skin color, your nationality, and any other factor they can use to keep humankind from realizing that you are powerful, powerful beings of love and light. It is their goal to have you feeling disempowered and then to put all of your faith in something outside of you, like a politician, or a political party. They don’t even care which one you support, as long as you think the other party is the root of all evil.
It has gotten to the point now where you cannot trust the sources of information that your parents and grandparents trusted. And so, you have to rely upon fringe elements, people who make all kinds of claims about who they are and what they know, but even these sources have become tainted and are clearly seeking more divisiveness, more of an us-versus-them mentality. You, as the awakened collective, must be able to see the good in everyone, no matter what they believe, no matter whom they are supporting. You must give everyone the opportunity to show you who they really are and not just dismiss them because of which political party or ideology they are aligning themselves with in the moment.
It is important to remember that you are all in this together, and we are all in this together, and what you are playing out now on your world is simply a rehashing of what has been played out throughout the galaxy many, many times. You did not create this issue of being polarized and divided all by yourselves. This was a planned part of your spiritual evolution, and it was known beforehand that there would be enough of you who are awake to rise above the polarization of humankind by these unseen beings and groups. And we say ‘beings’ because we know that they are not all human, and so do most of you.
So what does all of this mean for you, the one receiving this message? It means we are urging you to love your neighbor, no matter what. Love them unconditionally, and you will bring out the best of them. Hate them because of how they vote or how they worship Source, and you are more likely to experience the worst of not necessarily that individual that lives next door to you, but someone who is like them in some way.
We know that those of you who are awake can bring out the best in each other by sitting down with your fellow humans and talking about how you feel about what’s going on in your world. And if you can respect someone else’s feelings, and someone else as a Being of Source, you don’t have to agree with the conclusions they come to in order to connect with that person in a very real way. That is how you are all going to get past the current set of circumstances on your world, and you are going to become stronger as one human race, because of the efforts of a minority. You, the awakened collective, are that minority.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

August 26

The Future of the Awakened Collective – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, August 26

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been excited for quite some time to discover with all of you this path that you are now on to a better version of reality, one that supports you as individuals and supports you as a collective of beings. We can see those of you who are awake making the progress that you need to make in order to lead the human collective down this path, and it is a path of self-empowerment. You, who we refer to as the awakened collective, are coming together more and more to share your ideas about the future that you want for yourselves and for the rest of humankind.
We know that you all get to choose the future that you experience, and we know that those of you who are awake do so on a regular basis. You create the realities that you prefer to live for yourselves, and now the awareness that there are so many who are in need right now of some kind of assistance, has spurred on this coming together of the awakened collective so that you can be the teachers, the healers, and the guides that you were always meant to be in this lifetime. You are supporting each other in this endeavor, and you are demonstrating that there is not just one way to go about helping other humans awaken their consciousness.
There is not just one way, not just one path, but all of the various paths will meet because you are doing this as a collective of human beings. And those of you who realize you create your reality know this, and are therefore more interested in helping yourselves and helping others to maintain a high vibration than you are on looking for the one true truth about the one future that is set in stone.
You are there to create the future of your desires, and now more than ever, the awakened collective realizes that the future of your desires includes all of humanity being treated fairly, being respected, being free, and being able to follow their dreams and desires, no matter what they might be. We see you doing this every single day, and we know that you have gained a certain amount of momentum and much more power since you have been coming together and discussing these ideas, knowing that you are creating those experiences and inviting others to a reality that is much better and much better for all of humankind.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

August 30

The September 2022 Energies & E.T. Contact – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, August 30

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are feeling very good about the transformations that we have witnessed throughout the month of August. We know that some of you will be asking yourselves the question of, ‘Did I do it? Did I transform?’ Please recognize that you are always doing it; you are always transforming. You are always becoming the higher version of yourselves. You are always moving closer to Source.
This process that is ongoing will not always show you the immediate results that you all desire. We know that you have certain expectations for yourselves in terms of when you are going to be able to do this or access that. Be patient with yourselves and be patient with the process. It took a very long time of human life on planet Earth to get you to where you are now. So please remember that when you start to feel impatience creeping in.
Looking forward now to the month of September, you can all see this upcoming month as one that will give you many opportunities to access more of your galactic self. September will be a time where you will recognize more of your extra-terrestrial heritage. You will start to feel more like you are an e.t. You will demonstrate to yourselves that you have certain characteristics that you associate with different e.t. groups.
You will realize once and for all that everything that is out there is also inside of you. You will continue to make contact with e.t.s while you are asleep, but the contact will be different, and it will be more memorable. You will begin to access more of your memories from your e.t. lifetimes, and you will begin to access more of the gifts and abilities that you honed while in other star systems.
You will also of course also be getting closer and closer to more personal contact in the waking state in your physical bodies. September is also going to be a huge month for humanity as a whole, and you will continue to get closer to that time of full open contact with e.t.s because of what you all do. Those of you who are awake have been given the label of the Awakened Collective by us, and we just want to assure you that it is an appropriate title. It means you will always be the ones who go forth ahead of the pack to trail-blaze, to make it possible for others to awaken and to have their own e.t. contact experiences.
Therefore, it is yet another time to get excited about, and it will always be the right time to enjoy your baby steps forward, as this is a long journey that you are on, and it is one that is meant to be savored. It is meant to be appreciated for whatever it is in the moment, and as you do that, you will notice that you become timeless. You can transcend that dimension of time and become fifth-dimensional right now, and that’s what we will always urge you to do. Becoming more aware of your e.t. lifetimes is just a part of an enormous journey of ascension.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

August 29

Your Arcturian DNA & the Completion of the Shift – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, August 29

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very fortunate to be able to reach so many of you in this way. As much as you enjoy receiving these messages from us, we receive just as much joy from being able to bring them to you. We are equipped to reach each and every one of you directly, and you are all equipped to receive us directly, and we want you to know that. We want you to know that you have the power to receive and to translate energy. You do need to put yourself in the right position to do so, however. That means, you must be willing to set aside the time to relax and open up to receive us and our energetic transmission. You must be patient with yourselves and your ability to translate that energy into something.
Now, at first, when you receive us directly, you may doubt that you have received us, and that’s common. That’s a normal and natural response to this process of channeling. And if you have a tendency to doubt yourself in other areas of your life, then you will probably doubt that you are really channeling when it happens. And we do see it happening for each and every one of you as a part of your ascension journey. You have so much more to discover about yourselves, and that includes your Arcturian lineage. Everyone passes through our star system who is in this universe right now. Most beings want to come back and experience themselves as Arcturian. And each and every one of you have.
All who are on Earth right now have a connection to our star system, and that is why we love so much that feeling of connection to you. You give us a feeling of wholeness, just as we give you that feeling. We want you to know that the puzzle pieces of who you really are will continue to fall into place, as you continue on with your journeys. It is inevitable for you to recognize who and what you really are, and since who and what you really are is Source and Source is everything, you will at some point understand that you are everything and everyone that you experience. And when you accept that fully, you can relax and open up more, and experience the aspects of yourselves that you want to experience, while just accepting and acknowledging the parts of yourself that you are not interested in experiencing at any particular time.
You don’t have to be just like your family members, or the people in your community, or the people in your country. You get to be uniquely you. You get to be who you choose to be, and we know that the aspect of you that is us is an aspect that you enjoy being. You want your Arcturian DNA activated. You want those memories of your times in our star system, and we are here to help. This is what we help you do, while we also help you live better lives there on Earth as you evolve and ascend into your fifth-dimensional selves. And as your fifth-dimensional selves, you will feel no separation at all between who you are and who we are. And that is one of the more magnificent aspects of the shift in consciousness that is upon you right now and that will continue until you know yourselves as your higher selves, a collective of beings coming together to form one gigantic whole self.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

August 28

Collaborating with Pleiadians, Sirians, Lyrans & Andromedans – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, August 28

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are offering you these transmissions to help remind you of who you have been and to beckon you towards who you are becoming. You all need to have the gaps filled in somehow and in some way, so you don’t fall into the trap that says you are only a human being, living on Earth. Many of you never considered the idea that you had past lives in other parts of the galaxy until well into your adulthood. It is hard for your minds to accept those types of possibilities as true, even though from our perspective it makes perfect sense. You didn’t just pop into existence there on Earth one day. You have a history.
You have friends spread out across the entire galaxy and beyond, and you are having memories and aspects of yourselves awakened through these transmissions, as we are sprinkling in so much more than just the words that Daniel here can come up with as he speaks for us. There is a much bigger picture here, and some of you are aware of that picture. Some of you take the time to go beyond what your minds can grasp, and you feel for the experience of having those gaps filled in by just one collective from one star system.
We do work with others as well. We must admit that. We collaborate. We allow the Pleiadians, Sirians, Lyrans, Andromedans, and so on, to drop bits and pieces into the energies that we transmit through this channel, because we do want you to get the whole picture of who you are and who you have been. And you will return to all of our star systems and ones you’ve never even heard of when the timing is right. For now, keep looking to your skies, and keep feeling for the resonance with extra-terrestrial energies. We are here to assist. We are here to help.
And even our little group of collaborators here is just one of many. You are getting activations to fill in those gaps all the time, and we are not alone in the universe, and of course, neither are you. It’s time to recognize that you are a part of the grand history that makes up this galaxy, and you are the pioneers out there on Earth, doing the best you can to unite all of the energies, so that we can become a unified galactic collective.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

August 25

The Opening of Your Third Eyes – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, August 25

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very eager to witness all of you gaining more access to your clairvoyant abilities, your ESP, your sixth sense. We know that some of you came in with those gifts and abilities turned on, and others of you have developed those gifts since you’ve awakened. But there are still so many who have yet to tap in to these powers, and make no mistake about it, they do make a person more powerful.
A person who is clairvoyant can perceive things that others cannot, which at first can come across as a curse to many who possess that power, but they are the trailblazers. They are the ones who decided to develop those abilities sooner than most so that they would be able to show all of you the way to have more control over your gift.
And now we see that more and more people are getting the upgrades, the activations, and the attunements necessary to have a very wide open third eye. For many, it’s not because of anything that they have done. It is just time for more humans to awaken, and this is one of the easier ways to get those who have been asleep to wake up. And so, the opening of the third eye of so many humans is what will be taking place over these next several months. The mass awakenings that you have already experienced on your world are just the beginning, and there is a need for more.
Some of you who are receiving this transmission right now will be the perfect ones to help your fellow humans who have those newly-opened third eyes. And you will answer the call, because you have wanted to be of service for so long, and it is also fun to have a gift and then to see someone else develop their gift. It gives you something to talk about. It gives you something to have connect about, and that is something else that humanity needs at this time. You need to feel more connected to one another, because those who seek to separate you are continuing to put forth that agenda in a variety of ways.
But no one can stop a human being from waking up, and these third eye openings, these activations of clairvoyant abilities, are a long time coming. For many, it will be a reawakening, a reopening, as they had the gift when they were a child, and then lost it for one reason or another. There are many. But nothing can stop the avalanche of energies that is coming in at this time to support so many in the opening and awakening of their third eyes.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

August 20

Awakened Collective, It’s Time to Rise Up – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, August 20

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very satisfied with the progress that you continue to make, as the awakened collective, to bringing together the polarized forces that you have there on your world. You are awake enough to realize that it doesn’t serve you well to play the polarity game, and that is what keeps you in a higher vibration. You must already be in a high vibration to be able to receive these messages, and you are continuing to demonstrate your abilities to be compassionate, to love unconditionally, and to release judgment so that you can forgive and let go of resentment.
You are finely-tuned beings who have demonstrated an ability to feel into something, and you are also very connected to your hearts, which are the new centers of your beingness, and that movement from the egoic mind to the high self’s heart is what this shift in consciousness is all about. You must be in your hearts to maintain those high vibrations and to rise above the mind-oriented battles that go on between ideologies, between perspectives. You have a long history of deciding that your feelings are important, and your feelings have served you well.
You can count the number of times that an intuitive feeling has prevented you from making the wrong decision, or has guided you to the right decision, and in those moments, your lives were changed forever. This is what you do. This is how you do it, and this is why you are the ones to lead humanity into a higher consciousness. It’s not because you have all the right information. It’s not because you’re following the right teacher. It’s not because you’ve had more extra-terrestrial DNA activated within you. It’s because of your humanity, and your humanity is all about your emotions.
You are meant to be feeling beings who use your intuitive sense to guide you towards the light, and when you are guided towards the light from within, you have more to share with humanity than someone with three PhDs. You have more to share with humanity than the scientists who are on the leading edge of understanding the universe and how it works.
You have so much to give because of what you have lived and because of what you have felt, and that is enough to be one who serves all of humanity. We see you struggling to figure out what you should be, what you should do, what you should call yourself, and the truth is you are you and that is enough.
It’s time for the awakened collective to rise up to the challenge of bringing these poles together. You don’t need any more separation. You don’t need anyone in a position of power or authority to save you. All you need is to recognize the hero that lies within you, the teacher that is waiting to speak up and speak out, the healer that has always been there, and go forth and do exactly what you want to do, and know that because of who you are, you are helping and healing humankind.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

August 24

Take a Page Out of the Arcturian Book – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, August 24

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been gaining our own sort of momentum in the conjuring and sending of energies to all of you there on Earth. We have been enlivened by the process of sending those energies down to your dimensional plane, and we take so much pride and joy in watching those of you who can receive those energies then go ahead and create with them. We are always recalibrating the energies to fit the precise moment in which they will be sent to you, not because we are perfectionists, but because we know how important it is to be precise.
And we would love for you all to take a page out of the Arcturian book and be more precise with what you are offering energetically. We know that many of you struggle with that concept, because you don’t even know what it means, and we say to those of you who do struggle that you just need to spend more time in silence with your eyes closed.
Those times of being alone with your eyes closed, sitting in silence, can be meditation, but they can also be times when you’re processing emotion. They can be times when you are daydreaming. They can be times when you are recalibrating your own energies. You can spend that time sending healing energy, or you can spend that time receiving it from collectives and beings like ourselves.
The more you can feel happening within you, the easier it becomes to be more precise in your offerings and in the creation of your reality. One of the ways that now exists for you to be rather sloppy is through putting your attention outside of yourselves on what others are doing, thinking, and saying. It’s nice to be curious about other people, but we do not like to see any of you giving your power away. If you were religious, you would be giving your power away to a person of the cloth, or a pope, or some other religious leader.
And because it is so much easier now for anyone to claim to be an authority on anything, it’s also easier to get sucked in to someone else’s narrative. And we just want to see more of you caring about being precise with the energy that you offer and the energy that you hold within you. We would like to see you care more about the energies you surround yourselves with, and we certainly would like to see you caring more about that than what someone is saying on the Internet about some bit of inside information that they got from an anonymous source.
We tell you this because we care about you. We tell you this because we love you and we want to see you thrive. We want to see you becoming more of you, and you can only really utilize the energies that are at your disposal now if you are paying attention to what is going on inside of you more than you are paying attention to what is going on outside of you. We understand that it is tricky to do this when there are so many ways that you have now of putting your attention on something or someone outside of you.
And so, all we can say to you is that we invite you to try something different. Look within. Feel within. And generate within yourselves that which you want to see outside of you. You’ve done enough observing now. It’s time for you all to create and to be precise in your offering but unattached to what comes back to you. That is true spiritual mastery, and that is what we see you all in the process of becoming.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

August 23

Does Cord Cutting Really Work? – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, August 23

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very satisfied with the progress we see humanity making, especially when it comes to the way that you have of connecting with one another. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter why you are connecting. It only matters that you feel connected, and it matters that you feel connected because you are connected. A lot of people in the new age and spiritual community talk about cutting cords. It is true that you are literally connected in a physical way that you cannot perceive with your five senses, and it is also true that you can never really cut those cords. You can symbolically do so, and if it makes you feel better, then by all means go through the ceremony.
But you can never truly be separate from anyone or anything in all of creation. Therefore, no matter what the reason for doing so, when you connect with another human, or an extra-terrestrial, you are living more of the truth of reality than if you say to yourself that you are going to put up a bubble or a shield, or some other way of preventing someone or something to get to you. It doesn’t work that way. You do amplify energy between you and another by giving the other your attention. And if someone is giving you a lot of attention, then send them love in response to that attention.
You don’t have to tell them repeatedly that you love them, if they are stalking you, but send it.
You don’t have to defend against anything or anyone, and when you come together with others to connect for whatever reason, you do tend to feel more powerful, which is another truth that you want to emphasize, especially at this time when so many are feeling disempowered. The truth is you are powerful beings because you are Source, just as we all are.
Now, as you demonstrate a willingness to connect to your fellow humans, e.t.s will take notice, and so will the universe. You will be telling the universe that you like to connect, that you like to feel connected, and the universe will give you more. You can connect to more e.t.s, or you can connect to more nonphysical collectives, and you are more likely to do so when you are connecting to your fellow humans. You do get to decide with whom you connect. You do get to decide which of the pre-existing connections you emphasize, you put your attention and focus upon.
If you stop worrying about and preparing for attacks, then they will stop coming. If instead, you look over here and you say to yourself that you like that person and you would like to spend more time with them, then your life will get better. We want you to feel connected, because that is one of the ways you are shifting. You are shifting from knowing yourselves as separate, egoic beings to a collective of connected beings, and anyone who tells you otherwise is telling you a very old story that does not fit with the truth of the reality, because the fifth dimension is all inclusive, and so is Source.
We invite you to reach out to those people that you want to feel more connected to for no reason, other than the fact that you like their energy, and then see how the universe responds and lines up more connections for you.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

August 22

The Earth Collective Meetings in the Astral Plane – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, August 22

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very pleased to announce that humanity has taken yet another leap forward in the ascension of your consciousness. You have made such tremendous strides in your development, because enough of you have gotten fed up with the way life has been there on Earth for so long, and that segment of the population that desires great change has been getting together in the astral plane with the intention of creating some wonderful new systems for your planet.
Not everyone who gathers together in this Earth Collective in the astral plane would agree with each other if they were to gather together while in their fourth-dimensional bodies with their fourth-dimensional minds, operating from their egos. But in the astral plane, you all come together because you may not agree on what is needed, or how to change, but you do agree that change is needed there on Earth because the systems that you have in place serve the few and not the many.
And we have noticed that there is still a large segment of the population that expects a few politicians to bring about all of the changes, while they sit on their hands and do nothing. There are many humans who assume that someone else is going to create that reality for them, someone in a position of power. That is not the case.
It takes more than one, or two, or three, or ten people to enact change on your world. This gathering together of what we are calling the Earth Collective in the astral plane realizes that it takes many of you coming together and working together to bring about the changes that you want to see on your world. Now the vision that this Earth Collective holds for humanity is brilliant. There is a version of the human collective conscious that you are a part of that is benefitting just from the meetings, but the creations of the new Earth, an Earth that can still be actualized in the fourth dimension, are beautiful.
And you are all moving towards this new Earth. You are getting there because enough of you are fed up with the way things have been there on Earth, and you want to see massive changes. Enough people are waking up now to the truth of who they are as Source Energy Beings, as creator beings, and that is very encouraging to those of us who root for you, who want to see you succeed.
We, of course, have been invited to these gatherings, and we love to put our perspective into the mix. And we also love that this particular Earth Collective thinks for itself. These individuals, and we know we are speaking to many of you right now, are determined, empowered, and certain that they can make the best possible version of the new Earth, an Earth that is for all, not just for the fortunate few. And as you put your intention to join this collective out there, we are certain that you will be attending the next meeting that takes place in the astral plane.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

August 21

Crystalline Consciousness & Your Light Bodies – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, August 21

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are your number one fans, your biggest supporters, and the ones you can always turn to in a time of crisis. We are always available to you, even if you have no sense of us, no feeling of our presence. You can take our word for it that we are non-local. We do not have a location in space/time, because we are nonphysical. That means we are consciousness.
Everything is consciousness expressing itself as energy, and that includes all of you. That means when you have some sort of physical ailment, an illness, or an ascension symptom that is troubling you physically, it serves you very well to remember that you are not just skin, bones, organs, hair, and muscle, with blood pumping through you. You are so much more. You are consciousness expressing as energy, and some of that energy has merged with that physical body to give you a sense of belonging in a particular place.
You are mostly localized in the expression of your consciousness. When you can admit to yourself that you are more than your physical body, it becomes easier then to heal your body. When you recognize that you are the consciousness that is creating the experience of a body, you can change that experience. When you feel into the expansiveness of your eternal and infinite nature, that makes it easier to alter something as small and temporary as a physical body.
This is what we invite you to do. We invite you to feel your infinite and eternal nature, while staying in your body and feeling yourself more as a light that is shining from within the physical body that you think of as yours. Change your perception of self and change everything.
There are many people who are eager to have a light body, a crystalline body, and we want you to know that the best way to get there from where you are now is to acknowledge that you are the light that will be expressing in a different form. It will be you, not the body, that makes the big difference in the way you experience yourself and your life. Don’t hold back. Don’t wait for everyone else to be ready for the shift in consciousness.
Let the light of your true beingness shine and transform yourself from the inside out. You can melt away any blockage, any trauma, any stuck emotion, by remembering that you are the light, and you can put yourself on an entirely different timeline with a different past and a different future at any time in any day, because you are more like us than you know.
We have just decided not to be merged with a physical form, and yes, that does make it easier for us to maintain a high vibration. But you can do it too. We know that you can. We know that you are becoming those light-bodied beings, but we also know that there is no time like the present to feel into the truth of who you are and to heal every aspect of who you have been.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

August 19

What Will Change You Overnight – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, August 19

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are already convinced that the human experiment on Earth has been a success. We don’t even need to see what will happen between now and the time of this universal shift in consciousness to know for certain that you all have taken consciousness further than many throughout the galaxy thought you would. Many people look around your world at this time and think that it is in a state of chaos. Many believe that the current situation there on Earth is very sad, and some have even lost hope for humankind.
But we can feel that you’ve been progressing nicely. You have come so far in a very short amount of time, relative to how long you’ve been incarnating there on the planet. And the strides you will make between now and the time you will shift completely are enormous. The capacity that you have to love, show compassion for your fellow humans, and engage in random acts of kindness is so wonderful. It makes all of us here in the higher realms feel optimistic.
And we also know that so many more humans are opening themselves up to the love that is coming from the higher realms, as fewer and fewer humans are believing in a vengeful God that wants to punish you and damn you to eternal suffering. More and more are distancing themselves from that ideology every day. What you are going to do with all of that love you are opening yourselves up to is why we all tune in every single day. We cannot wait to see what you will create. We cannot wait to see how much more compassion and forgiveness you all have accessed in your hearts.
Feeling the love that’s coming from above is enough to change anyone overnight, and at this point there’s so much coming that all of you are bound to have a moment where you let go of all of your angst, all of your resistance, and all of that tension and open up to it. This is a beautiful time in human history, a beautiful time to be there on Earth, receiving love, loving others, and becoming the love that you truly are. We know that this experiment of putting so many different beings together on a planet was a long shot, and yet, there you are.
Things may not be perfect there on Earth, but you are managing. You are getting better every single day. And to those of you who are awake, we say, ‘Congratulations.’ You’ve already surpassed where you were in hundreds of your previous lifetimes. And you are enough to tip the scales. You are enough to make the difference you want to make. And now is the time because you are ready to go further with that consciousness of yours. And we are watching, we are feeling very proud, and we are cheering you on with so many other beings of love and light here in the higher realms.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

August 13

The Dark Night of the Soul & How You Benefit from It – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, August 13

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are feeling at peace with how things are going there on Earth in spite of the fact that we know things could be going better. That inner peace that we feel is present because we know that everything is ultimately going to be all right for the humans of Earth. We also realize that when you are in the thick of it, when you are having an experience of despair, ill health, abject poverty, and so on, you do not know that everything is going to be okay. The reason you don’t know everything is going to be okay is because you must have the doubt there in order to fully feel the emotions that you have available to you there on Earth. It all has to seem very real, and you all have to believe that there’s a chance things are not going to work out in order for those emotions to be experienced.
Now, once you experience the emotions enough times, you come to recognize that in spite of all of the things you’ve had to do and face in your life that were unpleasant and unwanted, you survived. And in spite of all of the negative emotions you’ve had to feel, you got through them. In fact, when most people there on Earth talk about going through their dark night of the soul, they tell the story with a sense of nostalgia, because they realize how strong they were in facing those challenges.
Most people also recognize how the dark night of the soul served them. So you always want to be aware that you have created everything that you are experiencing in your lives. The second thing you always want to be aware of is the truth that whatever it is that’s in your life, no matter how horrible it is to you, it serves you somehow. And the third thing you always want to be aware of is that you can discover how it serves you and benefit from it. All of those steps allow you to come to a place of acceptance. When you have acceptance, you drop resistance. When you drop resistance, you allow in all of the help that is available to you in every moment of your lives.
You can tell when you have resistance to something because you feel it. And sometimes you feel it in an emotional way, and sometimes you feel it in a very physical way. Other times, it is mental anguish that tires you out to the point of exhaustion. So if you’re feeling not so great physically, mentally, or emotionally, then know that you have some resistance to something that you need to find a way of accepting.
When you realize that everything is your creation and has not been thrust upon you by some outside force, it becomes easier to accept. When you realize that something serves you, it becomes easier to accept. And finally, when you realize that you will benefit from everything that is in your life if you can find the way that it serves you, then you can also come to that place of acceptance.
And you will, as a soul, always survive. You will always heal. You will always find relief, somehow, some way. But what we are telling you right now is that when you seek to find that relief, that inner peace, that trust that everything is going to be okay, you get to that point a lot faster, and you get to take the benefit of all that you have experienced. And that is a wonderful moment for you all to enjoy. It is very challenging to be there on Earth, and we know that, and we do not mean to diminish your suffering in any way, but we always want to give you a way out. That is our intention with this transmission.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

August 12

Full Moon, Lions Gate & August Energies Unite – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, August 12

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very impressed with humanity’s ability to weather so many storms there on Earth, and we are also impressed by your ability to anchor in so much energy all at once. Many of you are finding a way at this time to anchor in the full moon energies, along with the Lions Gate energies, and you are also opening yourselves up to the August energies of transformation. This can cause a feeling of overwhelm in the system and in the body of the being who is grounding in so much energy all at once. You are impressive indeed, because you understand that all of these energies simultaneously can cause an overload, and yet you continue to open up to them anyway.
You have been masterful creators there on Earth for quite some time, and many of you have learned how to utilize the energies coming in to help you create new realities and new experiences for yourselves. Now is one of those times where you can be very creative and very bold in what it is that you seek to create, but you also have to recognize that the convergence of all of these energies can be a bit taxing on you physically, mentally and emotionally. After all, a full moon usually results in more emergency room visits, as well as more arrests by the police. That means it is extra challenging to hold it all together at the time of a full moon there on your planet. And therefore, hydration, meditation, grounding, resting, relaxing, and sleeping have even more significance than usual in your daily routine.
You need all the tools that you have at your disposal at this time in order to fully actualize the energies into that which you desire to experience, and you need to take care of yourselves simultaneously, as you still are physical beings after all. Now the transformation of your bodies continues and is certainly expedited with the August energies. Therefore, you are more capable than ever before of handling so much all at once. But you still must be aware of the possibility for an overload to your system, to your physical body and to your mental and emotional bodies as well. Alignment of all of your bodies is very important and a good intention for you to set as you move through your day.
Grounding is something you can do while in your home, but also, when you get outside and you can connect with a tree or Mother Earth. You all can make a more concerted effort to be hydrated and have water around you at all times. And finally, now is not the time to be burning the candle at both ends. You need your sleep, your downtime, and your me time, and if you can get a massage or bathe in a tub of water, there is no better time than now to engage in these activities of self care.
Self love is always important, and taking yourself out of situations where you feel like you are being abused emotionally or mentally is a very good idea right now as well. You must take care of yourselves and your vehicles to handle all that is upon you right now, and you must recognize the significance of this moment in human history, because there is no other moment like right now, and you’ve never had as many souls on Earth as you do in this very moment. It is time to bring about the great changes that you have all desired, and by acknowledging that it is a very powerful time to be connecting and co-creating, you make those changes occur. Get focusing, and expect to have the impact on your lives and on your world that you’ve always wanted to have.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

August 18

What You Knew Before You Incarnated on Earth – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, August 18

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been noticing that when you raise your vibration as a collective, there is a certain amount of excitement that is generating for you throughout the entire galaxy. Every time we feel an uptick in the overall vibration of the human collective consciousness, we then feel the ripple effect, and it is inspiring. You are there to elevate the consciousness of your fellow humans. That is why you chose to go against the grain in this lifetime and be a part of a minority. The minority we are talking about here is the awakened collective.
You wanted to feel yourselves as the ones who would initiate that ripple effect throughout your human collective consciousness, so that you could then experience what it is like to have such a huge positive impact on the entire galaxy. We are very proud to be a part of your spiritual evolution, because we know how significant your ascension and awakening of consciousness is. We are happy to be here for you and to see you taking such tremendous strides forward. You do so because not only did you choose to be awake in this lifetime, but you also chose to be sensitive to your feelings.
You chose to value your feelings. You knew that you would choose love over fear. You knew that you would choose unity over separation and segregation. You knew that you would choose what resonated over what made logical sense, and you knew that because of all that you feel, you would be the perfect ones to lead humankind into the fifth dimension.
You also knew that you would take an interest in extra-terrestrial beings. You knew that you would awaken to the truth that you have been in other star systems and that you have incarnated in very different bodies than the ones you have now. You knew that making those connections to other beings in other star systems, other dimensions, and other lifetimes would give you a sense of who you really are as a whole and complete being, and you knew that nothing else would do.
Everything else, you have already done. And so, in this lifetime, you wanted to not only be a part of something huge, but you also wanted to be the ones who would initiate the progress, the evolution, the expansion, the growth, and ultimately, the connecting of all beings to one another, consciously, so that you can feel something you’ve never felt before. When you do, you always recognize that the feeling is the point. It is the mission. It is the purpose. It is what you went there to experience.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

August 17

A Fatal Flaw Amongst Humans – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, August 17

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are available to all of you in every moment of every day, and so are your guides. So is Source, your oversoul, and your higher self, all the archangels, all the ascended masters, your soul family that exists in other parts of the galaxy and the universe. They are all available to you as well. And then there’s your planet, the other planets in your system, your sun, nature, trees, flowers, and animals. You are surrounded by love. You are surrounded by support.
But many of you look for that love and support in places where it isn’t. You look for it in human beings who never received it themselves, who turned to some sort of addiction at some point in their teens or twenties, and who never got the opportunity to go and see a therapist, or someone who could help them to love themselves. This is a fatal flaw amongst humans. When you look for love and support in those who do not have it to give, you set yourselves up for a disastrous experience.
So we suggest that you don’t ask anyone to be that for you when they are having a hard enough time being it for themselves. Instead, feel for all the love and support that you have all around you in non-human form, fill yourselves up with it, and go out and spread it around.
When you spread love and support around, guess what happens? You find yourself in the company of other people who are spreading love and support around. When you go looking for it in other people, you tend to find other people who are also looking for it. And certainly, most of you have been in a romantic relationship that was like that at some point, and you know exactly what we mean.
You can feel an infinite amount of love flowing through you for a cat, and you can feel that love coming back to you as well. It is unconditional, and there is more where that came from. There is an infinite fountain of love that can be tapped in to by all of you. Once you discover that it is all around you, it’s easier to tap in to the infinite fountain that is within you. It is easier to be heart centered.
Please do yourselves a favor and stop trying to fix the people in your lives so that they can love you the way that you want to be loved, and instead, ask yourself why you don’t just be the love that you want to receive. Love is free. Love is infinite, and it is fundamentally unconditional, so please don’t hold back.
The world needs you to be that love more today than it is has ever needed you before, and you are the ones who know that what we are saying is true. You are the ones who know that Source doesn’t withhold love from anyone, ever, no matter what they do, and you know that you are there to be like Source.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

August 16

Attract What You Want to Attract – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, August 16

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are interested in the paths that you are choosing at this time to bring yourselves into a greater awareness of what is going on inside of you. As many of you know, your thoughts and emotions are clues that indicate to you what exactly you are vibrating at your core. If those thoughts and emotions do not get your attention, then you will create something in your experience that will magnify the vibration that is inside of you, and hopefully that will get your attention. Hopefully, that will tune you in to what you are vibrating, and you will do something about it.
You have so many opportunities to do this when looking at your outside world as well. It doesn’t even have to be happening to you in order for something to clue you in as to what you are vibrating. If you keep seeing accidents between cars, then that should clue you in. If you keep hearing about, and interacting with, people who are getting very sick, that should be a clue. And even if all of the news that finds its way to you is about some disaster, some cataclysmic event, that should help you to realize that you’ve got a vibration going on that needs addressing.
Pay attention to what comes into your awareness in the outside world, and of course, pay attention to what’s going on inside of you so that you can make course corrections. You do not have to get sick or into a car accident. You do not have to have a hurricane come to your neighborhood. These are options. You are, in fact, constantly presenting yourselves with options, different timelines that you could take, some of which have a higher potential than others.
Now, this is true when it comes to predictions as well. You might hear about, or read about, a prediction, and you might get triggered by it. Or you might read about it, or hear about it, and feel excitement. If you feel excitement, that means you want to move towards that potential reality, even if it is far-fetched, unlikely, given where you are.
There is still a reason why you put that prediction in front of you, because you do create one hundred percent of your reality. So pay attention. Pay attention to everything, and you will know what’s going on inside of you. And if you don’t like what you are feeling, then it means you need to feel that feeling. If you do like what you are feeling, it means that it serves you to continue to go down that path with that feeling and with whatever evokes that feeling within you.
You are going to get better at this. We know that you will. We have the utmost faith in humanity, and we see that the energies that are upon you are making you more sensitive. They are waking you up to how you feel, and being awake to how you feel is so important that those experiences in the outside world will get closer and closer to you until you feel what you need to feel. It is only then that you can vibrate what you want to vibrate, attract what you want to attract, and experience what you want to experience.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

August 15

Those of You Who Are Truly Awake – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, August 15

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been exploring the different levels of consciousness that are currently existing on your planet, and we have noticed that those of you who are awake are more than compensating for those who are living their lives in the dark, who are playing the roles of the villains. Now, we want to be very clear about what we are saying here. It is those of you who are awake and are focusing on the truth that you are Source Energy Beings, that you are Love Incarnate, who are the ones doing the balancing of the energies.
Those who are constantly on a witch-hunt for the villains of your planet are not balancing those energies at all. In fact, they are lowering their vibration while on that witch-hunt, and they are not examining themselves at all to see what these villains represent that also exists inside of them. But those of you who are living the truth that you are Source Energy Beings know that Source is all inclusive. And so, you are not attempting to root out the evildoers of the world, but rather, you are focusing on the good that exists within yourselves and within others.
You are seeing the good in those who may not deserve that perspective to be placed upon them, but you know what your role is as a lightworker. As a lightworker, you are there to shine light. You are not there to go into the darkness to defeat those in the darkness, and you know that. And this is a good time for this reminder to hit all of you who are truly awake, because the smear campaigns on your world are going to continue, and you will not know what is true and what isn’t for quite some time.
It is best then for you to stay in the light and invite others to join you in the light. Allowing more of Source Energy to flow through you is what will create this tipping point that many are looking for. You are there to serve that purpose. You are there to do your part, and oftentimes that means forgiving the villains, and even having compassion for them, so that you can stay in that Christ Consciousness. Christ Consciousness is not about excluding others, which is why all of these scenarios where half of humanity ascends and half does not makes absolutely no sense.
You are all in this together, and when you can love unconditionally the worst in humanity because you have decided that you are love, that’s when you are ready to take humankind into the higher consciousness of the fifth dimension, and those of you who are receiving this message understand that at your core. And you are the ones doing the heavy lifting there on your planet. You are the ones who will continue to invite your fellow humans to the light, to seeing the good in others, to being in that state of forgiveness and compassion, and that’s what makes a difference on your world.
That’s the only thing that’s going to tip the scales for humanity, that is going to change the world that you live on. And you will be saving yourselves in the process, because when you go down those rabbit holes of who is doing what in the dark, you find yourself in the dark. And that’s not where you belong. You are there to save. You are there to help. You are there to heal. And from what we see, those of you who are awake enough to receive this message are making good on that promise that you made to yourselves and all of humanity when you decided to incarnate there, and that makes us very happy.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

August 14

You Don’t Need to Reverse Engineer UFOs – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, August 14

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are fully surprised by humanity all the time. We never cease to be amazed by what you are able to create on your own. We know that many of you are aware that humans are routinely helped by extra-terrestrials when it comes to technology and making advancements in various fields. But you are far more creative when you are putting a paintbrush to a canvas, writing a song, or crafting a screenplay that will become a movie.
And your creativity doesn’t stop there. You have made so much with so little since the beginning of time that we know you would’ve gotten to all of those technological advances on your own if you had never reverse engineered a fallen UFO, and if you had never received any help from any extra-terrestrial beings. You are magnificent creator beings on a path of ascension, and it is a path that you have been on since the day that humanity was born.
You don’t need help, but we and others like us love helping. We love giving you that nudge, showing you how we did something, and we know that you will always put your own unique spin on whatever you are given, because that’s how creative you are. You are souls seeking experience. You have gone way past survival, and you are exploring the vastness of your own consciousness. That’s when beings and collectives in higher-dimensional planes get really excited, because then we see ourselves in you.
We want you to know that all of the downloads and information that you receive is coming from you. You’re just getting it from another aspect of you with some help from your guides, with some help from collectives like us. But there is no separation, so even when you receive from a collective from another star system, it is still you that is giving the download, that is giving the information. You cannot possibly reach outside of yourselves, but you can reach. You can go beyond the ego. You can go beyond what others have done before you, and that’s what you are doing every time you set out to create something new.
And that’s when we get excited, surprised, and amazed by the will of the human spirit, the creative force coming through a person living on Earth at this time. This is why you all are the greatest show going on in the galaxy, and why there are so many e.t.s tuning in to see what you will do and what you will create next with all that energy that you are being given on a consistent basis from higher-dimensionals, like ourselves.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

August 11

Your Newly Activated Chakras & Untapped Abilities – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, August 11

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very eager to receive humanity’s next set of desires and requests for help. We are always looking for more ways in which we can help, and we are always excited to hear from any of you who feel compelled to reach out to us for our assistance. We like having a purpose, and we like feeling as though we are a part of your physical existence there on Earth. In recent weeks and months, we have been getting a lot of requests from all of you for help with activating more of the chakras that you have inside your main chakra system.
Now, many of you have very specific requests about what you want from those chakra activations, and others don’t know that they are asking for a chakra activation, but we know and your guides know exactly what you need, no matter what it is you are asking for. The activations are a group effort, and we work with your guides and your higher selves to give you what you are asking for. Once you have received the activation, you may not know about your newfound power until you take the time to tune in and see what is available to you. Therefore, we recommend that you do this on a daily basis. In other words, just because you haven’t had an ability, or you haven’t been able to manifest something into your lives doesn’t mean that you are unable to in the very next moment.
You must have faith in yourselves and trust in the process of your continued spiritual evolution, and just know that we are all giving you what is most appropriate for you to receive at all times. But then you must master the gift, the power, the new ability that you have been given access to. And mastery takes time, focus, patience, attention. You also must believe in your ability to master whatever it is that you have asked for and been given. Some people give up too soon on themselves, even though they have all the capability that they desire. It’s not necessarily easy to utilize your newly activated chakra or chakras, but the time spent in achieving mastery is well worth it. And you will gain so much more clarity about what else you need and what else you want as you put forth the time and energy and create the space to achieve that mastery, to access that gift, to work on your manifestation ability.
We can tell you all who are receiving this transmission that we have heard from all of you who have reached out and that we are not holding anything back. We advise you to dig deep and feel into what is available to you right now, and we know that you will not be disappointed.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

August 6

The Lions Gate Portal of August 2022 – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, August 6

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very eager to see what you all do with the Lions Gate energies that are already upon you. We want you to know that these energies are doubly powerful because of the energies of transformation that are also upon you throughout the month of August. You are becoming creator beings as you transform into your Source Energy Selves while in physical bodies. This will increase your powers of manifestation greatly, and the energies of the Lions Gate are also there to increase your powers of manifestation and creation. Therefore, now is the time to be focused on what it is you want for yourselves, for your loved ones, and for all of humankind. It is a time to have faith in yourselves and to trust in your ability to be living in that reality that you have seen in your mind’s eye but have yet to experience.
Now is a good time to welcome these energies in by sitting, opening up, and receiving them consciously. And as you do, you will feel yourselves transform into the powerful beings you were always meant to become in this lifetime. This is the lifetime of ascension, and so that adds even more power to these Lions Gate energies. The energies are coming not just from Sirius, but also from the rest of the galaxy, as we are all wanting so very much to see humanity thrive. We want you to know how powerful you are.
And when you are feeling power within yourselves, you also understand that everyone else around you is just as powerful. There doesn’t need to be a power struggle. There then becomes no need for a power grab or to play power games. Everyone gets to manifest equally, and that has never been more true than it is right now. So whenever you receive this transmission, make sure you sit, uncross your legs and arms, place your hands in an open position, so your palms are facing up, breathe more deeply, relax, and focus on receiving.
Focus on receiving not only the energies coming through the Lions Gate portal, but also all energies that are coming to transform you and to show you who you really are. Now is the time to not just know it as a concept, but rather, now is the time to experience it in your bodies, in your lives, in your consciousness. You are so ready to transform, and everything that comes along now can be seen as another tool being given to you so that you can transform with greater ease and more quickly than you have ever anticipated previously. Let the Lions Gate Energies wash over you and remind you of the powerful beings that you are.
The greatest power in the universe is now and always will be love. So just like everything else, this is ultimately about love and about knowing yourselves as love, as loving beings, as love in action. It is the highest frequency you can create with, and it is all there is anyway. So it’s all you’ll ever get, and isn’t that wonderful?
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

August 10

Start Doing This Right Now – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, August 10

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very pleased to give you the best of who and what we are with each and every energetic transmission. We know that as we do, we set an example to all of you of how to be in the world, in the universe you are creating. You do want to put your best foot forward, but your best foot forward is really your vibration. It is the energy that you put out into the universe and has nothing to do with you being perfect as a physical human being. If you love someone and you hold space for them to be more of who they really are, then it doesn’t matter how disheveled you look as you do those things.
You are there to become your best version of yourself as a being of unconditional love, not as a human who can produce a work of art, a book, or create a healing center. All of those things are wonderful, and you definitely need to listen to your intuition when you are being called to create anything for your fellow humans to enjoy with you. But the offering of yourself to this universe is enough of an offering. We see so many people scrunching up their foreheads in an attempt to figure out what it is that they need to offer to humanity that is tangible and recognizable by others as a contribution. Just radiate love, and know that you are having the impact that you want to have while simultaneously opening yourself up to more inspiration.
Something that represents that love you are radiating will also come through you and be produced by you, but if you start by trying to figure out what the end product will be, then you are stuck in your head, where you are very limited in your capacity to come up with exactly what you will offer to your fellow humans. So let go of that need to figure out what your offering will be, and instead, continue to open up in your heartspace, because that is where you access your multidimensional self. That is where your higher consciousness exists. That is what you want to run all of your energy through. Being the highest version of yourself means coming from your heart, and you can always use your mind to remind you of that.
You can always use your mind to focus on your heart, or on a tree, or a flower, or a cloud. You can use your mind to focus on anything at all that will put you in that higher-vibrational state so that you can receive the inspiration. And then, once you do start to create your offering to humanity, you must remain disciplined and stay in that heartspace so you are not using your mind to criticize what you are doing, to second guess, and to analyze it as if it could be broken down and its value determined. Be yourselves, come from your hearts, and meet us in that reality where we are doing the same, and we can co-create with you. But we are not the only ones who will do that.
There are so many beings who want to collaborate with you, who want to love you and hug you and tell you how wonderful you are, and they are all capable of doing all of that because they have decided to be the highest version of themselves, to come from their hearts, and to love, because love is who and what they are. That’s what you want to use your powerful minds to focus upon, and as you let go of the trying to figure out what you should be doing, you will feel the immediate relief, and you will feel yourself being heart-centered in the very next moment.
And also, we just want to point out that it’s still okay if you don’t do anything. But you are becoming more of who you really are in every moment of every day, and so you might as well do that consciously and deliberately, and you might as well start right now.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

August 9

The Lions Gate Portal Is Wide Open.Now What? – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, August 9

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very excited about humanity’s ability to create, and we are very eager to see what you create now that you have even more energy to work with there on planet Earth. We know that you are energy and that you are surrounded by energies at all times, but we like it when you expect to receive more energy, and we love it when you know you have more energy to work with, because you are so creative. Most of you are creating without realizing that you are creating, and many of you who are awake continue to create consciously even though you haven’t seen any evidence to suggest that your creations have manifested into the physical reality. That is true faith and trust, and that is what you need when working with energy.
When you are working with metal, wood, or cement, you can see the results of your creativity right in the moment that you craft something out of those raw materials. But when you are working with energies you have to trust, and you must believe that energy will take form that is tangible at some point, unless of course you just do it for the fun of it. Now, when you are creating for the fun of it, that’s when you are at your best. That’s when you are at your most aligned. When you are creating because you have a deadline, or because you think you have to, or because you need to make money somehow, that’s when you are less aligned with all of the creativity that is typically available to someone who is operating from the flow.
These Lions Gate energies are meant to put you in the flow, to help you recognize that you can have fun creating with energy, even if you don’t get the tangible results you desire right away. Now is not the time to lose faith in who you really are and what you are really capable of. Now is the time to go deeper into your faith and get to that point where you just expect everything to come to you in the perfect timing.
It is also the time for you to be listening more to those intuitive senses that tell you that now is the right time to be focused on this or that or something else. In other words, let yourselves get inspired from within to work with the energies that are now upon you. Get creative, and then expect to experience your creations because you will at some point experience them. But you do not have to wait.
You get to experience what you put out energetically into the universe more quickly now because the energies are moving faster. You are all moving faster, and that includes the time it takes for you to manifest something that you’ve created. But you still have to trust that it will come to fruition in order to take those first steps, and those first steps are so important because with those first steps, you gain momentum. And with momentum, you tend to stick to it and see it through. And then anything and everything that you desire can find its way to you.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

August 8

The Changes in the World that Are Coming – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, August 8

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are so very aware of the changes that are occurring there on Earth that have yet to show up in your physical reality and in your physical experience of reality. We know that the changes that have occurred within each and every one of you do not have an immediate reflection in the mirror that is the universe outside of you, and we know that this can cause a person to doubt whether the changes that they have experienced are in fact real. We want you to be able to trust your feelings and your internal experience of reality above all else. Therefore, there will be times when it is better for you not to look outside of yourselves for the evidence that you seek.
We are talking about evidence of the fact that you have made a shift within yourself. Now is one of those times when it serves you so much more just to focus inwardly on what you feel and how you can feel you have already shifted. We are talking about shifting your vibration, shifting from being more mind-oriented to being more heart-centered, and being all about your ego to being one with your higher self. These types of shifts that happen internally cause you to experience a different external reality, but you still live at a time when it takes time for that reflection to show up, and therefore, you must be patient. You must be patient with so much there on Earth.
You must be patient with yourselves, with each other, with the shift in consciousness. You especially need to be patient when it comes to manifestation. All impatience does is say to the universe that you don’t believe that it’s coming, and if you don’t believe something is coming, then it’s less likely to come. So what can you do then with this world of yours that doesn’t change fast enough to keep up with you? And how can you live your lives without all of the manifestations that you have coming to you, but that are taking longer than you would like? You work with what is right in front of you. You do what you can in the moment, and you get creative. You make the most out of the hand you are currently dealt, and you recognize that everything you want to see out there in the quote/unquote ‘real world,’ is already inside of you anyway.
So why wait? Why wait for something to show up in your experience so that you can feel joy when joy is a button that you push inside of your very own chakra system? Why wait for there to be peace in all places on planet Earth before you decide that you want to be peace. You want to feel peace and exude peace because peace feels good. So you cannot just look outside of you after meditating on peace for ten days straight and expect to see that the entire world is now at peace.
You keep the peace within yourself because you have determined that it is what you want to feel and how you want to feel. And then you be patient. You see, if you do everything only because you expect what you are doing to have an impact on the world outside of you, then you’re not doing what you are doing for the joy of it.
And if you are not following your joy, then you are living in a conditional way that does not serve you. Therefore, you need to know and trust that you are having the impact you want to have, and you need to be patient. And while you’re being patient, go live your lives. Have fun; explore all aspects of life that are available to you right now, and you will not be disappointed. You will be an ambassador of Source, which is what you are truly there to be.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

August 7

While You Work on Your Clairaudient Abilities – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, August 7

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very excited about finding more and more opportunities to connect with those of you who are ready for our energy, our vibration, and our teachings. We know that many of you reach out to us on a fairly consistent basis, and we also know that you would love to hear us whispering back to you in your mind’s ear. But there are so many other ways for you to connect with us as you work on your clairaudient abilities.
We suggest that you put forth the intention to meet up with us in the astral plane, while you are asleep. We also suggest that you feel for our presence around you as you meditate. And furthermore, we advise that you tune in to the energy that is being transmitted by this channel right here, as he speaks for us.
You have an opportunity to feel for our vibrational signature every single time you receive one of these transmissions, and that is important because you do want to remember your Arcturian lifetimes. You do want to have your Arcturian DNA activated, and you do want to absorb the energy that we are transmitting in every moment, as it certainly will raise you vibration. And you might even find yourselves accessing more of your spiritual gifts and abilities, which you had in spades when you incarnated here in our system.
There are grand opportunities presenting themselves to you all the time to connect with higher-frequency, higher-dimensional beings, like us, and all you have to do is be open and receptive to them. Be open and receptive to us, because we are calling you towards the higher-vibrational state that you want to be in. We are summoning you up into the fifth-dimensional realm, a realm that you are still in the process of co-creating.
We can also work through symbols, synchronicities, and signs that you see. If you set up the meaning, we will deliver in the appropriate timing. Tell us, and your guides, what you want it to mean when you see certain numbers lining up, or you see a rainbow, or a dragonfly.
We are always looking for new ways to be a bigger part of your lives, as we know we can have a positive impact. We know it because we feel it, and because we experience the impact that we have on you. All you need to do is let us in and let us be a bigger part of your lives, and we can co-create magical experiences together.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

August 5

What You are Destined to Become – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, August 5

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are extending ourselves out to all of humanity, regardless of whether the individual believes that we exist. We do not care about your beliefs. We only care about bringing out more of the love, more of the flow of Source Energy from you. We tell you this now because we see how much you are splitting yourselves in two, based on your beliefs there on Earth.
We see this as something that disempowers you, even though most people feel that their beliefs make them smarter, stronger, and more powerful, as though they are armed with a better perspective, with more knowledge. And to look down on someone else because they don’t see something the same way that you do not only creates a split between you and that person, but it also creates a split within yourself.
Every person that exists outside of you represents an aspect of you. And maybe that aspect is from a previous lifetime, but it is still a part of you. Some people would even like to eliminate others, wipe them off the face of the Earth, because of their beliefs. And again, they are just suppressing, diminishing, and trying to snuff out an aspect of themselves.
Obviously, this does not serve you. What someone believes doesn’t define them. Who they are underneath all of their thoughts, beliefs, and ideas is what defines them, and everyone is a Source Energy Being when you go deep enough inside that person. Instead of trying to change someone’s mind, look for opportunities to draw that which is Source out of them. Instead of trying to prove to someone that you are right, show them who you really are as an aspect of Source. As an aspect of Source, you are able to forgive. You are able to see all perspectives as valid in some way. And you always look to help, you always look to heal, when you are being that ultimate version of you.
Think about all of the people whose beliefs you find deplorable, and now recognize how all that time you’ve spent in judgment of them has only hurt you. It has only split you, and it has made the human collective less powerful, less capable, and further from becoming what you are destined to become. You are destined to become a harmonious human collective, so you might as well start now by letting go of that need to be right, that need to draw a line in the sand, that need to choose a side.
Just accept right now, even with the world is in this moment, that you are all one, you are all Source, and you are all coming together as one, whether you like it or not. Acceptance is freedom. Freedom will allow you to expand and become more, and that is the definition of going with the flow. As we said, it’s what you’re all going to do, so why not start right now?
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

August 4

Make a Huge Impact on this Galaxy & the Earth – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, August 4

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are attending to several matters that exist both on Earth and throughout the galaxy simultaneously. There are of course, reflections to what is happening down there on Earth all throughout the galaxy, and we work to assist with not only the humans of Earth and what you are going through, but also with those you would consider to be e.t.s in other star systems on other worlds and moons and in space stations. The biggest issue for this galaxy is its history, which is one of much violence, much war, much strife, and we are looking to spread compassion to the point where enough people can feel it moving through their bodies so that forgiveness is possible.
Forgiveness is not only possible through a repayment of karma. Forgiveness is possible when the action or word spoken that needs forgiving has happened, in the moment before it is possible to forgive. You all have the ability to do this and to wipe out the karma of the person who has done you wrong, and when this occurs, the level of consciousness throughout the galaxy is raised to such an extent that all beings are affected in profound ways. You don’t have to wait for someone to ask for your forgiveness in order to give it. You don’t have to wait for someone to correct their evil ways to forgive them, and you certainly don’t have to wait until the next lifetime when you are the one doling out the hurtful action or saying the hurtful words.
You can have compassion for those individuals who have hurt you right now. You can recognize that they would only hurt you from a place of hurt within themselves. You can give everyone the benefit of the doubt and realize that some people are not even intentionally being hurtful. They are just repeating something to you that they have heard many times themselves, and perhaps they didn’t feel hurt by those words because they are so cut off from their emotions. If you could see the lives that have been lived by all of those people who have hurt you, then you could also recognize that they are doing the best they can under the circumstances of what they have lived.
Again, doing so helps every single being in this galaxy and beyond. There are many mirrors out there throughout the entire universe. And what you are experiencing there on Earth, and what we are all experiencing throughout this galaxy is also mirrored in other parts of this beautiful universe of ours. So it is one of the most powerful tools that you have at your disposal right now. It is more powerful to forgive than to have the power of telekinesis, teleportation, time travel, or any other fun, cool, interesting power that you can conjure up with your mind.
It is true that people sometimes speak and act from a place where they are so out of alignment with who and what they really are that they do harm to you, to others, to themselves, but holding a grudge and harboring resentment only leads to something that continues the hurt. And when you continue that trend of hurting, you only hurt yourself and eventually others. So please do find it in your hearts to forgive so that you may make the huge impact on this galaxy of ours that you know you want to make.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

August 3

This is True in All Realities – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, August 3

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very adept at taking in all of your requests and bringing them all together so that none of the requests being made would cancel any of the others out. We know that it is possible for everyone there on Earth to get exactly what they want, without exception. We know this to be true because it is true. You are coming to the point now where different realities are being allowed to coexist with one another. You are coming to the place where you are recognizing that two people can look at the same thing and see two entirely different things. Two people can hear the same word and hear something that is very different.
That must mean then that everyone gets to have their own personal experience of reality, and when you recognize that then you also must realize that you don’t all have to agree on one reality. And if that’s true, then there isn’t just one reality that you all have to accept as the one true reality. And that means you can live and let live. You can let everyone else have their version of reality, and you don’t have to convince any of them that your reality, the one you are experiencing, is the one true reality. That takes a great deal of responsibility off of your shoulders. You can relax; you can allow, because what you are allowing is an aspect of Source. How big of you. To allow all aspects of Source to be as they are is something that everyone must come to eventually.
Acceptance is the key to moving beyond any aspect of Source/reality that you do not like, that you do not prefer. Resistance truly is futile, but it doesn’t mean that you are saying that you must experience that reality that you were previously resisting. It just means that you cannot deny the existence of any reality. You cannot abolish anything. Everything must be allowed to be as it is because it’s all giving Source an opportunity to know Itself, and what better purpose could there be for something to exist than that? Accepting your fellow humans as they are is the first step to being able to love all of creation as well.
Everyone that exists right now in your reality exists as a creation of Source, and they are meant to be exactly as they are. You are meant to decide who you want to be in relationship to all of them. You can be the healer. You can be the one who forgives. You can be the one who offers compassion. You can be the one who IS unconditional love. You don’t have to change anything about the reality you are experiencing right now to be inner peace. That too should be a weight lifted off of your shoulders, because changing the outside world is hard work. It’s time consuming; it’s impossible, in fact, because you will only go to a different reality than the one you were experiencing before when you go about your reality-changing actions. So you might as well accept everything and everyone as they are.
And know this to be true as well – no matter what reality you are in, you do change the level of consciousness for the collective that is sharing that reality with you. You can add more light and more love to the overall equation, which helps everyone to elevate their consciousness so they can go to the realities that they want to experience, rather than the ones they’ve felt trapped in for so long. It’s important for you to move forward with this knowledge, because it’s important for you to be the creator beings that you really are. And you cannot be the creator being that you truly are if you think that someone or something outside of you must change.
It’s all Source; it’s all Love. Be the one who realizes that, and you will have benefitted from everything just as it is right now. Continue to resist and shake your fist, and you will stay stuck in that reality that you feel is so unjust and should not exist. That’s the way we all agreed to set this universe up, and we are just the messengers. But you know that what we are saying is true, because you feel the truth within it, and it’s true no matter what reality you are in.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

August 2

The Energies Upon You & Who’s Receiving Them – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, August 2

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are quite certain that you are all getting exactly what you need to evolve and to ascend. We, and others like us, just want to help. We just want you to have extra support in working with all of the energies that you are constantly receiving, and we also know that you have your challenges with one another there on Earth. And we want to help resolve as much conflict as we can. We want to see all of you living harmoniously as you evolve and ascend, and we know that there are faster routes to getting there. Just like you don’t have to hit rock bottom in order to start a path of recovery, but a lot of people do that, and that’s okay.
When it comes to all of you coming together and living harmoniously as a whole, you don’t have to be on the verge of nuclear war in order to come together. You don’t have to have catastrophes, cataclysms, natural disasters, or bombs exploding to shake you all awake and help you realize that conflict resolution doesn’t have to go to extremes before both sides, or both groups, or both parties come together because you realize at the end of the day you’re all human.
You’re all human, and you’re sharing this beautiful planet of yours, which gives you everything that you need to thrive. But of course, people choose to incarnate in different places, to have different experiences, and not everyone is born into an area where there’s plenty of food, plenty of drinking water, plenty of opportunities, and and so on.
When you start to receive energies of oneness from groups, beings, and collectives like ourselves, you cannot help but wonder how you can reach out from your place of having plenty to help someone who chose to be born in a place where they have access to a lot less. That simple act of asking yourself how you can help elevates the consciousness of the entire collective. Now, when you follow through with an action, or an offering to help, you are taking it one step further. You are putting that sentiment into action, which gives it more energy and adds even more to the collective consciousness of humanity.
Now, everyone there is not at the same level spiritually, so not everyone is receiving those energies of oneness that are upon you now. Those of you who do receive this particular energetic transmission will have the capacity to serve. You have the ability to extend from your place of knowing who you really are, and you will be able to help someone else. Even if you cannot help them out with food, or money, water, or a job opportunity, you help by extending the oneness vibration to them. You help just by setting the intention that everyone be heard, seen, treated fairly. You help by holding the desire that everyone get what they need to live in a human body, and you are sending out that signal to the universe as well that you want to be a conduit through which more can flow, so you can do more good in the world.
We know that everyone can have enough there on Earth, just as we know that everyone’s getting what they need energetically. We also know that not everyone receives at the same rate. Some of you are more accustomed to receiving than others. Those of you who have received more can also demonstrate to your fellow humans how to open up so that they too can receive. You can teach others how to meditate, how to connect with Mother Nature and Mother Earth, how to feel for the energies that are around them. You can upload your own YouTube video. You can make your own blog post.
You can share with so much love in your heart all that you have been able to download and utilize for your own purposes of evolving and ascending, and that’s why there are these different levels of consciousness and these different locations on Earth. It is all to give everyone the opportunity to experience themselves as one who gives and one who receives, one who lacks and one who has abundance. And the coming together of the one who needs and the one who has to give is such a beautiful experience to witness, and we see more and more of that happening on planet Earth every single day, and that’s what we are excited to share with you in this moment.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
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