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June 28

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Union of two loving hearts)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to touch upon one more aspect of human life in the fourth dimension.
And it concerns family relations, their external “design” to be exact.
Why do you think in the third dimension world so much attention is paid to the legal affixment of relationships between man and woman?
Perhaps, the answer is such an expression as “a union sealed by the marriage bond”.
Feel the energy background of this word combination.
Don’t you think it has a touch of something forcible and even prisonous?
And now feel the energy profile of such an expression as “a union of two loving hearts”.
There is a huge difference, isn’t there?
Well, legal marriage is just an enslavement of a person: depriving them of freedom and total dependence not only on a spouse but also on a state bureaucratic machine – a whole army of officials that settle all law and finance matters of your family.
Quite often a marriage turns into a deal, as a matter of fact, and sometimes into a subject of blackmail and manipulations.
While a divorce may turn out a severe war between spouses and its victims often become innocent children.
There are so many tragedies unfolding in the third dimension world because people “are tied with family bonds”!
And there are so many strangers taking part in these tragedies “helping” unhappy people to divide not only property but children as well…
Just imagine what energies are hovering there and what passions are raging…
A true union of loving hearts actually does not need any interference from without either for the part of relatives, state or religion.
It is “sealed” with not an earthly but Heavenly “seal” – spiritual intimacy and Unconditional Love.
This is the way families will be created in the world of the fourth dimension.
“Marital duty” will be removed by a sincere strife for granting the chosen one with the best each has not allowing strangers to meddle into the holy of holies – personal relationships between man and woman.
And believe me, my dear, it will not be “free” modern intercourse that is often based on selfishness or promiscuity but chaste relations full of respect and endless love to each other that the relationships between Man and Woman in their Divine meaning are.
Everyone will find their better half by intuition, according to vibrations scanning information about a person from the subtle level.
All the Forces of Light will give you a helping hand and start weaving the lace of your destinies so as to make the two halves that are to join meet and bless their Divine union with Happiness, Love and Joy.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 28, 2022.

June 27

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Since one’s student days)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I will tell you about what the education of the fourth dimension world will be like.
We have already talked a lot on this topic but at issue generally was pre-school and school education: the way it will radically change and will be based on the Laws of the Universe study and everything it concerns.
That is why today we will focus on higher education whose structure will considerably differ from the one you are used to.
But first, let us remember what criteria one is guided by while choosing a career and, consequently, an institution or a university in the present-day third dimension world.
You will agree that these criteria have often nothing to do with one’s mission, and one chooses this or that profession exceptionally for current state of affairs’ reasons.
In other words, one searches what is more beneficial, prestigious, in higher demand right now.
And very often the choice is made by one’s parents who are guided by their personal considerations.
As a result, a huge number of people, not to say the majority of them, live their life doing the work they do not like for money, career, family or to please their nearest and dearest…
What energies can such a person generate?
Any other except the energies of joy, happiness and creative inspiration.
They are more likely to be the energies of boredom, oppression, annoyance, discontent with life, which often incites the energy of aggression and guilt.
All this will be the thing of the past, my dear, as in the world of the fourth dimension such energies will not survive because of their low vibrations.
In this new world no one and nobody will make one do the things one does not like.
And, consequently, wishing to develop one’s innate abilities, people will choose the educational establishments that will help them with this.
Unfortunately, now on Earth there are few universities that meet new requirements and are ready to train specialists for the life in the fourth dimension.
Moreover, the overwhelming majority of teaching staff does not feature the conscience of a new formation and lives in compliance with the third dimension world programmes.
But gradually such kind of specialists will appear.
They do exist already now but are rejected by the old system since they do not fit its patterns, tasks and aims.
One more difference from the present-day higher education system will be absence of examinations as such that result in students’ stress and overstrain.
Since higher education will be closely connected with science that, in its turn, will get modified into applied one, university studies will be preparation of young people to practical application of the knowledge their gained.
In other words, theory will begin to come true right since one’s student days so that future graduates are ready to do some specific work immediately after graduation.
That is why instead of exams students will choose specialization in the subject they are most interested in and purposefully work at their topic thereby making their knowledge more profound and advanced, with the focus being concentrated on its practical application anyway.
As a result, the knowledge one has accumulated will not “hang” dead weight on one but will be immediately used, with a newly-fledged specialist feeling helpful and valid for people and society.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 27, 2022.

June 29

Do This to Receive All You Want & Need – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 29

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are quite certain that you are being offered everything that you need in this moment, and we know this because we are one of the groups who is offering you what you need. We also know that not everyone is open to receiving what they need, and most people are not open to receiving what they want. One of the best things you can do for your fellow humans is open to up and receive what you have coming to you, because not only are you setting the example for others and creating the template that others can also use, but when someone comes up to you and says, ‘How come your life is so great?’ you can tell them that you receive consciously from the nonphysical all that is being given to you.
And then they will ask you how you do it, and you can explain it to them. You can explain that you realized that there is a certain amount of futility in forced action and in struggle, and you can let them know that you made a decision to surrender, to let go, to relax and to open up, and that when you made that decision, everything changed for the better. If you want to be healed, open up to the healing energies that are already flowing to you. If you want more abundance, open up to the flow of abundance that is always coming to you. If you want more peace, open up to the peace that is all around you and inside of you when you look for it. Open up to the love of Source, and let the love of Source flow to you and through you, and see how your world is transformed by these simple non-actions.
It does take some letting go, however, and that’s the one caveat. You have to let go of tension, doubt, disbelief, angst, resistance, resentment, and all the rest. You have to let it go; you have to realize it doesn’t serve you. You might also benefit from observing a master; don’t just think about what the master is doing and saying. But also feel into what the master is emanating. Feel into their vibration. Notice there’s no tension in their shoulders, in their neck, in their jaw, in their brow. They have freed themselves from all of that because they know they are eternal, infinite beings of light and that this is just one stop on a magical mystery tour.
You are on that tour as well, and you must let go of the idea that you are there to prove yourself to others and to God. All you have to do is embrace who you really are, and then the doing comes from an inspired place. It comes from a deep desire that exists within you to explore something. It comes from interest; it comes from enthusiasm. It doesn’t come from wanting to make up for a feeling of lack within the self. You are not trying to fill a hole by taking the actions that you take. Your actions can come from an overflow of energy that you opened yourself up to when you gave up the struggle, the tension, and so on, and you let yourself feel the flow that is coming to you at all times.
That is what channeling is. Channeling is possible when the person has opened up to the energies that are all around them. When a person wants to be in the flow and to feel something different, they eventually will. And you can too. We know you can receive all that is coming to you, and we know that you do so best when you are more relaxed or when you are asleep. Sleep is so beneficial for you in so many ways. You let go enough of the doing and the thinking to allow sleep to happen, and you allow in so much at night while you are asleep.
You also never stop having experiences and exploring consciousness, and many of you are aware that you are doing so in the astral plane. Set your intentions for what you want to receive while you are asleep, and then let yourself be amazed at what has come to you in the middle of the night. You can wake up to a brand new life and a brand new you, and all you have to do is let go.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 29


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to digress from our topic and talk about the current events on your planet.
The things now in progress on your planet can be called summing up.
For the last two years at the surface there has been rising all the foam – all the filth that has been accumulated for centuries both in terms of the shadow government that has stopped concealing their true plans and in terms of people whose conscience has become enslaved to the extent that they are ready to execute any most absurd instructions and orders of the authorities.
Now it is easy to trace who is who: see the “seamy side” of everyone both at the helm and the so-called the average man.
The military conflict unleashed in Ukraine that globalists are to blame for has become the “litmus test” that eventually made the essence of present-day authorities and common people apparent.
And the point is not even in who found themselves at which side but in the way people behaved to both the parties of the conflict.
While the marionettes of the deep state come out in a united front pushing their way through even at the expense of their own countries ruining, people respond to the events in a variety of ways.
Some people support their government’s actions, some others protest against them because their personal interests were offended and still others start to understand the profound processes now in progress on Earth and “tectonic” changes of all the world arrangement.
At first sight, it seems a theatre of the absurd, chaotic and surrealistic, but, as a matter of fact, this is how the very separating of the wheat from the chaff that we have talked that much about is taking place.
So now this process has reached its final stage.
Now it concerns absolutely everyone: the shadow government, its representatives at the helm, countries’ heads, the so-called oligarchs, each person on Earth irrespective of their nationality, religious and social identity or occupation.
Now your usual world is being ruined and the way each of you behaves in this situation will determine your further destiny.
Besides, what is at issue is not the destiny of the present incarnation but the destiny of the Soul this time: whether it will be able to move to the Fifth dimension with Earth being embodied or will go on running in circles being born over and over again in new bodies in the worlds of the third dimension.
Too many things are at stake but, unfortunately, few people understand it.
The great process of Transition is not being spoken about in the media yet that is why just a narrow segment of people know about it, as a rule, they are very old souls that have embodied on Earth to live through such a unique experience.
So, this segment, like a tiny brook, forcing its way to full-flowing rivers that fall into an ocean begin to get wider due to the people who have made the first step on the way to enlightenment.
The more absurd the ruling top’s behaviour, the wider the brook of the revived.
And no matter how absurd the current actions of the leading countries’ governments seem to you, they are playing in hands of plenty of people who thanks to it find their place in this advancing process of the old world’s overthrowing and the new world’s being started to arrange.
Look around and compare the things that used to occur two-three years ago with the ones now in progress around you, in your city and in your country.
Human conscience is swiftly changing, as a result of which the seeming chaos gains a certain order.
Now everyone is following the way that will bring them where their Soul has chosen, not their relatives, management or government.
The one who has chosen Transition will not turn off the road.
The newly revived are increasingly joining the general stream of the people heading for the Fifth dimension.
Those fast asleep go on believing everything they are told from TV screens expressing their discontent only when their personal interests are affected.
Thereby there begin to appear the enclaves of the people of a similar level of conscience ready to create a new structure of the society of the fourth dimension that is exactly the topic of my latest series of messages.
This process at the physical level has already been triggered and is gaining in strength every single day.
Natural selection of the souls ready for Transition is in full swing, and each revived Soul is making this Transition closer.
You create your reality yourselves!
Never forget about it, my dear!
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 29, 2022.

June 26

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Science at humanity’s service)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will talk about the way science will be developing in the world of the fourth dimension.
The main thing that makes it different from the present-day one is merging of theoretical scientific developments with their practical application.
It will resemble what in the third dimension world is called science and technology base.
Of course, theory as it is will still exist but the main role will be increasingly taken over by its practical application.
Moreover, a lot of your scientific postulates will be completely reconsidered since they were based on wrong data.
And it was put hand to by the very reptiloids and Orions again for whom breakthroughs in science were not beneficial leading humanity’s way to a happy and comfortable existence.
Genuine discoveries of your scientists that were often made by scanning information from the Universe data bank as it was the case, for example, with Nicola Tesla, were carefully concealed, while scientists themselves were persecuted and sometimes physically neutralized.
As you already know, censorship in terms of the ruling top was applied to all scientific discoveries with no exceptions that could influence their source of income as well as changes in human conscience, which was as important for them.
As a result, pseudo-science thrives on Earth in absolutely all spheres of knowledge, which affects not only your health but puts your life at risk.
And only in the world of the fourth dimension, with the yoke of the Dragon reptiles and their marionettes on your planet having eventually ceased, the world of science will appear before you in all its original beauty.
Discoveries in all spheres of life will harmoniously match human needs since it is for this purpose that these discoveries will be made.
In other words, it will be not science for science’s sake but science at humanity’s service.
Everything will occur by contradiction: as soon as there will arise some need in this or that sphere of your life, scientific research centers will get orders for meeting it.
Therefore, scientific developments will be initially aimed at certain result – some specific requests of society.
Besides, it will concern both exact sciences and humanities.
Let us have some case study.
So, to study the history or geography of some location on Earth there can be made an enquiry for historical information – a detailed description of all the stages of its development including the nations living there, natural and climate peculiarities, animal and vegetable kingdoms and so on.
It will help understand and follow this region’s evolution of development and get an integrated vision of the past, present and future, which can have practical application for the people living there.
As for technical developments, they will be aimed at execution of specific orders necessary for improvement in industry and agriculture.
So, the scientific world of the fourth dimension will represent synthesis of science and practice.
Primary importance will be assigned to close collaboration of scientists and local practitioners, which will allow to adjust scientific developments the way they meet customer’s needs as precisely as possible at the same time being efficient and easy to use.
In a word, it will be an exciting creative cooperation of people featuring scientific and practical habits of mind, which will bring joy both to the former and the latter.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 26, 2022.

June 25

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Vibration medicine)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to talk about medicine that in the space of the fourth dimension will still exist but undergo tremendous changes in comparison with what you call medicine now.
We talked a lot about the fact that the very approach to work in “classical” contemporary medicine is essentially wrong since what is taken into consideration is just healing of the human physical body.
It is this body that is being manipulated in a variety of ways, be it medicamental treatment or surgical operation.
Of course, what is at issue is not serious physical injuries when one’s life must be saved by any means and as promptly as possible at that.
The things actually in progress in your world with no exaggeration can be referred to as a one-way street because globalists who seized power on Earth both provoke people’s diseases and “save” the infected from them.
Both in the former and the latter case they get enormous profit.
How does it happen?
First, they deprive people of healthy food, pure air and water, active lifestyle and then offer them a “magic pill” from all the diseases that it entails.
And, perhaps, the most glaring example of the criminal activity of the deep state and large pharmaceutical companies has become recent years.
Having introduced in to the world an artificially produced virus, they offered humanity “panacea” for it as a variety of the so-called “vaccines” and earned hundreds of billions on it.
And though this is an apparent example of a masterminded outrage on humanity, even honest and decent doctors who have received classical medical education unintentionally follow the same pattern prescribing people preparations that cripple their health and are promoted by the very pharmaceutical corporations again.
Sometimes different medicines for hundreds of diseases do bring relief but it is always of temporary character and is also addictive, which is the main target of these medicines producers.
In a word, contemporary medicine has nothing to do with a profound and thorough approach to the human body, that is, to work not only at the physical body but also at subtle ones, as well as at finding out actual causes of diseases.
But this is what will make the basis of the fourth dimension medicine.
Chemical medical preparations will be replaced by natural ones, while the recovery of the physical body will become multilevel.
After careful research and revealing of true causes of a disease, psychosomatic first of all, healing will be carried out in several stages.
Most attention will be paid to human conscience – the changes it has to go through so as to prevent the mistakes all over again that resulted in deviations in the functions of this or that organ of the body.
Then “ruptures” in subtle bodies will be identified.
The elimination of them, as well as smoothing of subtle bodies will be mutual work of the healer and the patient, which will be a guarantee of one’s ultimate recovery.
Energy work will become the main integral part of healing.
As for the work on the physical body is concerned, you will be provided with the support of most cutting-edge technologies, extraterrestrial ones among them too, that will be based on the vibration peculiarities of each organ and opportunity of their regeneration.
And, of course, in the fourth dimension medical services will be free and available to everyone.
So, people who will be able to settle in this high vibration space will be prepared to the next stage of their existence in the Fifth dimension now where self-healing will become accessible to you, as well as more efficient work on transformation of your physical bodies.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 25, 2022.

June 24

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Not luxury but means of transport)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will talk about the means and ways of travel in the world of the fourth dimension.
As it has already been mentioned in the messages of the Light Forces’ representatives, your galaxy siblings will be generously sharing the most cutting-edge technologies with you.
But it will occur gradually as long as your society will be getting rid of heritage of the past, when advanced technologies were used mostly in military purposes, as well as for the sake of the ruling top.
Means of transport that you will use in the world of the fourth, let alone the Fifth, dimensions will be absolutely different from your present-day cars, airplanes, trains.
They will function on the basis of quite distinct principles this time, and it will not take you long at all to move from one part of the world to another – from several hours to several minutes.
People are to master new technologies that will seem fantastic to you in comparison with the ones you have at your disposal now.
The main feature of your new means of transport will be eco-friendliness and noiseless motion.
It will change your life drastically since exhausts, noise of motors and other attributes of present-day transport affect your health and psyche despite the fact you have got used to them and sometimes even do not take any notice of them.
Imagine the planet with silence being broken only by natural sounds: noise of water, birds’ singing, rustling of leaves…
It will be quite a different world – featuring high vibrations, harmonious, peaceful, majestic…
There will get gradually ruined the border lines between the countries, which is the case, for example, in Europe, and people will be freely travelling around the world with no restrictions or formalities.
As you have probably guessed, all the restrictions that have to do with people’s getting around the world were designed for the same purpose: to divide and rule, as well as to provoke people’s outbursts of negative energies driving them into expenses and stressful situations.
In the third dimension world the Law of the Free Will is violated at every turn as a result of which true tragedies unfold and destinies of millions of people are ruined.
The planet of Earth that is initially natural-born belonging of each person being their home irrespective of the place of their birth or residence at the moment has been turned for many people into “prison cells” at the location they live which they are not to break free from till their death.
All these obstacles – psychological, physical and in terms of visas – will disappear from the Earth of the fourth dimension, and one will be free to be one’s own master: chose a place to live and a means of transport to get around the planet without any formalities or bureaucratic impediments.
You will get relieved and feel free as the bird with no limits for it and that can fly wherever its Soul calls it.
A lot of you will abandon their settlements and find a new residence being drawn there by intuition and it is quite possible to be your karmic ties – coming back where you once were so calm and happy.
Of course, for some time language barriers and local customs will still be an obstacle on your way to free travelling all across the globe but in the course of time these “expenditures of the past” will be coped with and you will feel at home everywhere.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 24, 2022.

June 23

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Culture of speech)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
As a follow-up to my previous message today I would like to focus more on the culture of communication between people in the fourth dimension.
Since language communication, not telepathic one, will still prevail there, a lot of attention will be paid to the purity of language, to its vibrations, in other words.
The ability to express one’s thoughts clearly, vividly and in a comprehensive way is quite a rare quality but to show love and respect while communicating with people is within everyone’s depth.
Let us consider what decreases and, on the contrary, increases the vibration frequency of your speech.
Of course, the lowest vibrations are featured by rude words conveying insult and humiliating one’s proper pride.
They will be excluded in the world of the fourth dimension due to vibrational inconsistence with your new habitat.
But there are many more language components that also decrease one’s vibrations.
And a glaring example of it is verbosity and “weed” words that your speech is often rich in.
What is their negative impact on your communication accounted for?
Before all, they make human speech more awkward drawing off the sense load to themselves.
Excessive words and interjections like balance weights hang over the main – key – words depriving them of the freedom of expression.
As a result, your interlocutor loses the thread of a story because their attention gets distracted “clinging” to parasite words, and your communication becomes defective.
There is lost the beauty and free “hovering” typical of a beautiful, vivid and correct speech.
Another factor decreasing human speech vibrations is illiteracy: incorrect pronunciation, stress, sentence structure.
This way disrespect to language is shown – to this Divine gift to humanity in the world of the third dimension.
Culture of speech was highly estimated in society from times immemorial and was one of the main features of an educated and well-brought-up person.
Reverent attitude to language is characteristic of the people of profound spiritual constitution and, consequently, pure and old souls.
They feel the “magic” of word by intuition: the way it works wonders at the subtle level and influences the inner state of the person who scans its high vibrations.
This is exactly the reason why while listening to wonderful verses or texts “written by one’s soul” it sometimes seems to you that you are leaving the ground and soaring into Heavens – thus overwhelmed by the Divine bliss you become.
This is how become manifested at the physical level the high vibrations of pure, clear and light Word incited by Love.
This is what the language of the fourth dimension will be like.
The love of Word and skill to use it will be trained in children from early childhood, while the foundation of their upbringing will be provided by the most beautiful samples of literature and poetry of all times and nations.
Culture of speech will become integral part of general culture in the society of the fourth dimension.
Yet, already now those who realize gaps in this sphere of their knowledge should start to make up for the lost time thanks to reading good books improving the culture of their speech and enriching their language, which will help you keep your vibrations high too.
Choose works of rich and vivid language that convey not only deep message but also love and kindness.
And, of course, try to purify your speech from unnecessary and useless words that decrease your vibrations and make your communication with other people poorer.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 23, 2022.

June 22

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Culture of the new world)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to talk to you about the way the cultural sphere of your life will change in the fourth dimension.
From times immemorial any country’s culture reflected a general level of its development and was rigorously controlled by high and mighty.
The same is happening on Earth now and, besides, in an intensified – exaggerated – variant.
As it usually happens at the joint of epochs, before its ultimate collapse the civilization that is being relegated to oblivion reaches the apogee of lapse in all the spheres of people’s life.
And it is culture that is the most vivid evidence of it since it is always in the public eye and concerns almost everyone.
As you see, my dear, the things now being earnestly propagandized by the media all across the globe cannot be called culture even at a stretch: it is now a satanic “dancing” in its undisguised and most appalling form.
Culture in its classical – universal – meaning, of course, still remains in wonderful works of literature, music, dances and architecture.
But it is just an echo of the former greatness that is enjoyed by a small segment of Earth’s population whose Souls do not accept the surrogate that the deep state’s representatives and their marionettes are trying to substitute genuine culture with.
While the so-called “mass” culture is based on the very globalist perversions aimed at ruining everything Divine in man turning them into a miserable, heartless, sexless creature.
Vulgarity and lust, aggression and violence, Satanism and sexual perversions have overwhelmed TV screens crippling human Souls and breaking their psyche.
The cultural space of your planet is now reigned by the energies of lowest vibrations, which plays in hands of those who tooth and nail are trying to prevent Earth and humanity from advancing to the Fifth dimension.
Well, what will the cultural life of people in the fourth and later Fifth dimensions be like?
Universal, Divine, featuring high vibrations!
It will absorb the best things that have been accumulated for centuries – genuine masterpieces of each race and nation that has ever lived on Earth.
Like golden grains that have been sieved through huge strata of cultural “trade” they will go on shining bright making people’s life in a new high vibration space beautiful and inciting their own creativity.
It is them that will become the basis of children’s upbringing and education and will also sooth the Souls of older generation.
In the absence of low vibration energies nothing else will be able to exist in this new world, with Unconditional Love, Unity, Equality and Brotherhood holding sway.
And everything that will be created on the Earth of the fourth dimension will feature the highest energies.
Any creation of the new world man will be saturated with their energies and personal experience variety of their numerous incarnations.
There will occur natural convergence – synthesis of cultures of the past, present and future because humanity will gradually move into the space of timelessness that will become their natural condition and will open boundless space for creativity and constructive endeavour for them.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 22, 2022.

June 21

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Means and ways of mutual settlement of accounts)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
For our talk on the social arrangement in the fourth dimension world to be continued today I would like to focus on its financial aspect.
As I have already mentioned, in the transitional period between the third and the Fifth dimensions the system of commodity-money relations will be preserved.
And the reasons for that are as follows.
Before all, people are not ready to abandon money completely yet – for too long it has been an equivalent of these or those goods and services for them.
So as to prevent psychological discomfort or people being at a loss which is inevitable during an abrupt switch over to a direct non-monetary commodity exchange, money will still be circulating in use for some time.
But pricing policy will undergo significant modifications.
While at present the cost of many goods is artificially overrated sometimes almost hundreds of times, in the fourth dimension everything will be sold at cost price – with no price markups or unfair margin whatsoever.
It will become possible as a result of business relations between people being based on quite other principles.
Entrepreneurship the way you are used to it will become a thing of the past.
In the absence of competition and desire to make a fortune to the detriment of others, commodity-money relations will turn into trade barter on mutually beneficial terms.
Well, what terms can be regarded as mutually beneficial?
In this case by the word “benefit” is meant not the desire to enlarge one’s capital but an opportunity to make the most of something for the sake of a certain group of people.
To help you get a better idea of such an interaction mechanism, let us consider it using the example of a food programme.
Such a programme will be carefully thought over and calculated at special coordination centers.
So, for instance, to get good crops it is necessary to have certain machinery and organic fertilizers.
Enterprisers that produce them can make contracts with farming goods producers on getting a certain amount of the crop in exchange for the machinery and fertilizers provided.
To facilitate the settlement of accounts between companies there is developed a pricing policy – some general money equivalent that enables to regulate the amount of components and goods required.
Everything is reduced to a common denominator – so as no one is losing and has opportunity to work with no worry about accidental losses or misfortunes because of making unfair contracts.
Believe me, my dear, in the absence of competition or financial interest people’s attitude to work will change beyond recognition.
Especially if it is favourite work that one puts one’s whole heart and Soul into.
As for a monetary fee for the work done, it will not be a salary as you got use to receiving but a general monetary fund of a community or an enterprise where people can take the amount of money they need at this particular moment.
Everything will be based on trust and a reasonable approach of people to their everyday needs.
Money as it is will lose their value and gradually with the advancement of Earth and humanity to the Fifth dimension will disappear from your life forever.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 21, 2022.

June 17

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Society of reasonable material wealth distribution)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will talk about what the needs of man in the society of the fourth dimension will be like.
Perhaps, you have already guessed that they will differ considerably from the ones that are being cultivated and artificially imposed in the third dimension world.
It will not be a consumption society this time but a society of reasonable wealth distribution.
What do I mean by these words?
One will get what one needs for a happy and comfortable life and one will decide on it oneself.
Of course, such life’s criteria will vary from person to person – depending on their needs and desires.
Yet, these desires and needs will initially be reasonable since people will not have to invest money in something so as to provide an appropriate standard of life in the future.
So, accommodation, for example, will be distributed according to the size of the family the way each of it has their personal space but at the same time there is no excessive surplus which is often the case in the third dimension world, with someone living in castles and others huddling together in tiny flats with no opportunity to stay alone in private.
The life of the fourth dimension will be abandoned by such a notion as prestigiousness, and it will be enough to change the approach to life of this high vibration space’s inhabitants.
Well, how will such redistribution of material wealth occur?
To start with, the fourth dimension can be only moved to by the people whose conscience completely corresponds to it.
Jealousy, competition, the desire to be notable – all this will remain in the past that is why reasonable distribution of accommodation and other material things will become a natural process and the basis of a new society.
In my previous message I already mentioned that the fourth dimension society is akin to communism in its ideal variant.
Until you ultimately move to the Fifth dimension where you will be able to create your reality by power of thought, in the transitional fourth dimension you will have to take an awareness test: in ability to co-exist with other people according to the principles of Unity, Equality and Brotherhood.
Not everybody will manage to pass it since for too long and in a too persistent way separation of all kinds has been instilled into your conscience.
To get rid of this programme is impossible all of a sudden. That is why already now do start to get ready for this approach to life absolutely new to you.
Get rid of all unnecessary things and try to realize your genuine reasonable needs.
But REASONABLE indeed.
Do not go to extremes, with asceticism among them, unless it is typical of you.
Yet, on the other hand, avoid luxuries that please your Ego and are fashionable attributes of the modern consumption society.
Let it become your dress rehearsal – preparation to a new life.
Look closely at you environment: perhaps, someone needs the things that are excessive to you.
But to offer help the way so as not to offend another person is also a skill.
It should be done delicately indeed so as not to humiliate them but to share the joy of donation with them.
Already now, my dear, learn to live the way as if you have already moved to the world of the fourth dimension.
Get rid of all the things you do not need or the ones out of date both in your conscience and your life.
And let it become an apparent material manifestation of the changes that are now occurring to you at the subtle level.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 17, 2022.

June 16

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Horizontal line of “command”)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
As a follow-up to my previous message I would like to concentrate on one more peculiarity of the social life in the space of the fourth dimension.
And at issue will be total absence of subordination in it.
It will also be a novelty for you that will take you time to get used to.
Well, how will new relationships between people at work be arranged?
To help the visualization of it, let us use the notion usual to you – such as, for example, “the line of command”.
Well, this “line” typical of the third dimension world will gradually turn into a “horizontal line”.
In other words, assignment of orders down the subordination ladder will be replaced by the “horizontal” system of allocation of responsibilities.
How can it become possible?
With no bosses and people, at the center of the consumer goods distribution chains there will be coordinators who receiving information from the local will draw a plan of actions for the sake of a district, city, country or even a whole continent.
Of course, they will have assistants – local coordinators.
So, if for instance, at issue is a country, in each city and its districts there will be local coordination centers from which information will get to the central state coordination center.
The main feature of all the people involved in this chain will be total absence of self-interest or desire to enrich themselves to the detriment of others.
In the conditions when one is absolutely sure of tomorrow and reasonable distribution of material wealth, one’s soul will get rid of the fear of the future and strife for putting by for a rainy day.
Believe me, my dear, peace of mind and full trust to life can work wonders.
Human conscience will start changing swiftly, which will influence social relationships in a favourable way.
In the absence of management, authorities, tax or financial institutions, utility bills that are heavy burden on one’s shoulders in the third dimension world human conscience will get free for constructive creative work.
Perhaps, it can be called communism in its ideal variant.
But while this utopian idea turned out a failure before because of the fact that human conscience was not ready for it yet, with dual low vibration energies holding sway over Earth, in the high vibration space of the fourth dimension such an arrangement of society will become quite possible.
And though during the transition period between the third and Fifth dimension commodity-money relations will still be preserved, they will feature exchange character rather than payment one – for control of people’s consumption of this or that produce.
In other worlds, money in the fourth dimension will be necessary only for convenience: to make produce distribution among population easier by tracing delivery chains by means of money.
Believe me, my dear, Earth is rich in everything necessary for your happy and well-off life and the fact that in the third dimension world a lot of people can hardly earn their living resulted from the unjust slavery laws that were artificially introduced into your society by the Dragon reptiles and their henchmen.
This is the reason why they are clutching at power tooth and nail keeping people in fear and submission.
Yet, this last agony of theirs will result in still more people on Earth being able to recover from the third dimension dormancy and starting to assert their rights and freedoms, just like millions of people are doing now all over your planet.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 16, 2022.

June 20


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to talk to you on a very delicate issue that, nevertheless, is of extreme importance to you just now.
I know that a lot of you feel guilty to your nearest and dearest because of the fact you have broken away from them in spiritual terms and stopped sharing common interests with them.
Family and friends started gradually to alienate from you and for you yourselves they started to seem boring and strange.
And no matter how hard you try to convince yourselves that the natural process of separation of people according to vibration is in progress, you are still sick at heart due to misunderstandings and sometimes even from censure for your close people’s part.
That is why I would like to give you some tips that will help you get rid of guilt and make the unbalanced relationships with the people you love harmonious.
Not even for a minute should you forget that at present your Soul is living through the most important and unique experience of transition from one dimension to another in the human physical body.
In comparison with the grandiosity and greatness of this event all the rest should move to the background even the relationships with your nearest and dearest.
The fact that you are destined to be by each other’s side in this incarnation is just an evidence of these people having helped your Soul learn crucial lessons that it did not study in its previous lives.
It is quite possible that it is thanks to these lessons that it has managed to “reach for” the level of vibrations that enable it to make Transition.
As a rule, the harder and more painful a person’s life experience is, the more valuable and significant it is for them since it allows them to make not simply a step but a huge leap in terms of their spiritual development.
Acceptance of people the way they are with no censure or judgement for many is a great obstacle on the way to Ascension.
Just as well as getting rid of the feeling of guilt and responsibility for one’s family and friends – these programmes and patterns of social and family behaviour that have been implanted into your conscience and subconscience for too long.
The freedom to think and act as your heart tells you is often considered to be the manifestation of hard-heartedness and egoism.
Human behaviour has been forced into metes and bounds of “decency” that sometimes was reduced to the ability to please others and adjust oneself to somebody else’s habits, interests and desires.
Self-sacrifice was believed to be a higher virtue and it is in that a person often sacrificed their own life for the sake of those they were brought together by destiny in the present incarnation.
In other words, they lived somebody else’s life forgetting about themselves.
And while in the third dimension world it was encouraged and praised, in the advanced understanding of man’s mission  such a life is lived by them in vain since it was hardly beneficial to their Soul that failed to fulfill the tasks and goals it planned before the incarnation.
It is especially crucial to understand it now because due to the stereotypes of behaviour in respect of your relatives that have taken root in your subconscience you can deprive your Soul of the invaluable experience of transition to the Fifth dimension with the planet of Earth.
As a result, your Soul will have to go on wandering for long in the third dimension worlds only recalling the missed chance of the unseen before leap of your spiritual evolution.
This is what you should remember about now, my dear, leaving behind all the habits and behavior patterns typical of the third dimension world inhabitants.
You, chosen pure and old Souls, cannot allow yourselves to stumble at the very last moment for the sake of young and inexperienced souls who have their own destiny and are to travel a long and hard road of spiritual development.
Do not let them “drag you under the water”!
Keep on the surface, my dear!
Love you family, help them but do not identify yourselves with them!
Do not look back!
Move on to your destination with confidence maintaining your vibrations high!
Remember about the greatness of your Soul’s plans and goals!
This is the only thing that matters now.
Affectionately loving you,
Mother of the Universe spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 20, 2022.

June 19


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will digress from our topic and talk about the way you can learn not to force events, which not only breaks their natural course but also decreases their energy value.
What happens at the subtle level when you are overwhelmed with impatience?
We will consider the most topical issue at this moment – the Transition of Earth to the Fifth dimension.
I know that a lot of you wonder why it is postponed again despite the numerous assurances from the subtle level about the Light Forces having already won.
The very reason for that, my dear, is mostly, you having failed to learn to control your thoughts, emotions and desires so far.
To facilitate visualization, you can imagine the process of Transition itself as a huge, magnificent sailing vessel that is heading for the bay of the Fifth dimension.
But so as to get to this bay fast and freely, it should cover enormous spaces separating it from the third dimension world.
If it is lucky to get a favourable wind, it will start to move towards its destination fast and persistently.
While if waves rise or, which is worse, a storm breaks out, its advancement will be delayed or, at worst, it can be thrown far back.
And this “weather” is created by you, my dear: with your light high vibration energies you “blow up” the sails of the ship and with negative ones – slow it down and sometimes even jeopardize it.
The energy of impatience is always unharmonious and, therefore, destructive.
It lacks calmness and confidence which guarantees success in any undertaking you initiate.
Let us study in more detail the components of the impatience energy.
They include the fear not to have enough time to do something.
And annoyance because your desire does not come real fast.
They also include lack of self-confidence.
Among them is also inability to live at the moment of “here and now”.
And offence because your expectations do not come true.
Among these components there is not a single one that is positive and could “blow up” the sails of the wonderful ship that is standing due the Fifth dimension.
Your unharmonious negative energies simply make obstacles on its way raising waves and sometimes stormy ones…
Well, how can you get rid of the impatience that seized you?
For this purpose try to imagine that you are travelling by this Ship.
Enjoy the greatness and beauty of the calm and immense Ocean of Love that it is sailing.
Imagine the Divine Energy of Unconditional Love filling all your being – every single cell of your body running all over it with warmth and bliss.
Get resonated with the vibrations of the Ship that is bringing you to the Fifth dimension.
Feel peace and harmony.
Stay at the moment of “here and now”.
Wherever you are, whatever you are doing in thoughts and, most important, in terms of energy remain on board this Ship that is heading for its goal in a calm and confident way: through the space of the fourth dimension to the Fifth one.
You do not have to plunge into a meditative state for this practice.
It is designed to help you overcome impatience in yourselves that throws you back.
Instead of creating a “storm” in your Soul, “blow your sails up” with the Energy of Unconditional Love and Faith in a better future.
And I bless you for this!
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 19, 2022.

June 18


Hello, my dear!
Today I would like to talk to you about the things, as I know, worry a lot of you.
And at issue will be your impatience that is sometimes so hard for you to cope with.
Numerous messages of Father-Absolute and other Light Forces of the Universe said a lot of times that impatience can just delay the desirable event since it conveys the energy of too low vibrations.
Beside this I would also like to remind you about the fact that impatience is distrust to our Creator and the scenario he prepared for the inhabitants of Earth.
Of course, I understand how hard it is for you to put up with the fact that chaos is still holding sway over your planet and events develop according to an absurd, inhumane and criminal scenario.
The creatures knowing no love or sympathy who you are used to calling globalists and who are still at the helm of Earth are pushing their way through and go on with the implementation of their programme on annihilation of humanity.
And seeing all this you feel being powerless because, unlike them, you have no other tools of influence on the current events beside energy ones.
So now I would like to explain to you why the process of Earth’s transition to the Fifth dimension is being procrastinated.
Before all, the reason is that the majority of the population of Earth is still not ready to take the appalling truth – it goes too far beyond the limits of the world perception of an average man.
I know that a lot of you think that everybody who can revive has already revived.
Yet, it is actually not right: the revival of humanity goes on – every month, every week and every day the army of people is replenished with those who start realizing who actually controls your planet and what horrible consequences their rule results in.
And it happens for the following reasons.
Firstly, globalists themselves do not conceal their plans and are increasingly intruding into the holy of holies – a Divine Creation which is man.
They are doing their best to ruin your genuine essence, cripple children’s psyche and introduce poisonous gene modified preparations into your bodies.
They incite fear, anger and aggression everywhere.
And all this is becoming SO apparent now that only a blind man can fail to see it.
At least, pure human souls see it clearly this time and it means that their conscience is starting to change quickly too.
All the things now in progress in the world can be called an operation named “Live bait fishing”.
So as to fair and square unmask those who enslaved your planet, they should be let show themselves fair and square too.
Which is the case now everywhere.
These creatures who are used to treating people as a herd of obedient sheep that they have been controlling so easily for so many centuries by inertia still believe that it is under their control as before.
But they do not take into consideration that Earth herself has rebelled against their millennia-old yoke and stood up for humanity.
And, generally speaking, the whole Universe has rebelled against them as well as all its highly developed civilizations.
From the subtle level you are now being provided with enormous support.
Each revived person is held by hand by the Higher Aspects of their Soul, their Safeguard Angel, Spiritual guides and Star families.
We see each of you from the subtle level and are trying to do our best to help you break free from the captivity of the third dimension conscience and advance to a new level of your evolution.
We are fighting for each and every pure Soul for the purpose of which there is being prolonged the crucial process of selection of the revived from those unable to revive that is now in progress on Earth.
And it is coming up to an end now.
And so as to speed it up, live for the day, enjoy small things and in terms of energy make the long-awaited moment of Transition closer.
Believe me, my dear, everything will happen at the best and most favourable time for everybody.
Just confine in the Creator and try to “tame” your restless Mind.
Affectionately loving you,
Seraphim of Sarov spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 18, 2022.

June 15

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (No social stratification)
Greetings, my dear beloved children!
In my previous messages we dwelled on ten components of the communication “code” in the world of the fourth dimension.
All of them concerned more your personal qualities and relationships with the people around.
Yet, today we will focus on the social aspects of a new society that you are to live in the nearest future.
The first and most important distinct feature of the fourth dimension society in comparison with the one of the third dimension is absence of social stratification.
It will be hard for you to get used to it in the beginning – thus unusual it will appear to you.
Working class, peasantry, intellectuals, political and financial elite – this separation into social strata has taken root in your conscience and seems natural and inevitable to you.
Well, how and due to what will the border lines between all these “estates” be obliterated?
First of all, thanks to the change of human conscience.
Being at one level of vibrations people will take others in quite a different way this time.
With no duality in their conscience everybody will be equal to them despite their current position in society and inevitable superiority in some brunches of knowledge.
If one is self-sufficient, one is perfectly aware of the fact that even the most highly educated intellectual is no better or no worse than one who is keen on one’s occupation – no matter how simple this work can be, yet, exciting for one anyway.
Such awareness is based on the knowledge about each Soul’s unique mission that has embodied on Earth to gain its own experience.
In the absence of the energies of comparison or censure there vanish into thin air the feelings of jealousy, envy or superiority.
There remain only the energies of acceptance and gratitude to others for their work as well as one’s own energies of creativity and self-actualization beneficial for other people.
So, for example, a person who enjoys fulfilling tasks assigned by a coordinator in some sphere of your life with full dedication will be just grateful to the one who took this responsibility.
Not everyone is to be leaders – it requires some abilities for organization and management.
While another person is a perfect executor by nature and simply needs guidance and arrangement of their work.
The society of high dimensions, unlike that of the third dimension world, possesses the ability for self-organization.
And it is in the fact that everyone finds their place in society in a natural way fitting into it harmoniously and by intuition taking the “niche” designed just for them.
With pulling strings, careerism or the self-assertion being impossible the fourth dimension person is inspired only by the desire to find out one’s mission that will grant them with happiness and endless creativity.
And they can be found in any occupation – even the simplest and unambitious one.
The vibration harmony of the space itself will promote the creation of “units” of spiritually close people according to interests.
And it will happen because now people’s Souls come into the picture and for them it is easy to “puzzle out” not only like-minded people in terms of profession but also those of similar temperaments and approaches to work.
The work according to the “Swan, Crawfish and Pike” principle will remain in the past and people mutually complementary in everything will get down to work.
The “engine of progress” will become energy congruence and vibration compatibility, which is quite rare in the third dimension world because of Earth’s population being heterogeneous.
So as to make this wonderful time closer, try, my dear, to maintain your vibrations high and look closely at your environment: what if the “lace” of your new destiny has already started to be made around you…
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 15, 2022.

June 14

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Relationships with older people)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will turn to the next point of our “code” of communication between people in the space of the fourth dimension.
Tenth. Relationships with older people.
The third dimension world is still held sway over by the false belief that elderly people, to say nothing of very old ones, are always cleverer and more experienced than the young.
So, for example, such expression as “practical wisdom” concerns, as a rule, an older generation.
Yet, actually, one’s age itself does not guarantee wisdom or experience at all.
The only thing that matters is the age of the Soul.
This is exactly the reason why in the third dimension world the advice of older people not simply turns out to be invalid but even leads astray from the way one is destined for.
It is explained by the fact that elderly people even sincerely wishing good to their children and grandchildren always rely on their own experience that has nothing to do with the tasks and goals of another Soul.
Well, what happens in the world of high dimensions?
In the world of the Fifth dimension and higher people’s physical age gets smoothed over since everyone is in their best – ideal – age there: from 30 to 40 when they are in the prime of life and have enough life experience now.
As for the fourth dimension that many of you find yourselves in already, with others being at the very threshold of it, in this energy space your physical age though being partially “frozen”, is still preserved so far.
That is why out of habit there can also be preserved your attitude to older people as to wiser and more sophisticated ones.
So as to avoid this trap, I advise you, before starting a conversation with any person, to “scan” them in terms of energy in order to identify their level of vibrations.
You will be surprised at how low a “sophisticated wise” old person can vibrate and how high – quite a young one who is supposed to be inexperienced.
This way, having learnt to “scan” the age of one’s Soul, you will quickly get rid of the stereotypes of the third dimension world that from times immemorial have “put on pedestal” one’s physical age sometimes endowing it with non-existing advantages.
As you have probably guessed, stereotypes of this kind were created deliberately.
By means of them society, religion, parents managed to keep the young in submission manipulating their conscience for their purposes.
Quite often it caused pain and sorrow depriving the young of the right to be their own masters.
But all this is a thing of the past in the world of the fourth dimension where relationships between people will be based on equal rights, with the Law of the Free Will being strictly implied with irrespective of one’s age or social status.
Communication at the level of the Soul will help you overcome all age barriers, while the exchange of experience will occur by mutual consent when really necessary.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 14, 2022.

June 13

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Relationships between adults and children)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will turn to the next point of our communication “code” between people in the space of the fourth dimension.
Ninth. Relationships between adults and children.
In the worlds of high dimension any relationships are based on equal rights.
And children of any age are no exception.
The reason, before all, is that communication between people in the fourth and especially in the Fifth dimension occurs at the level of the Soul now.
And in this case it is the age of the Soul that is taken into consideration rather than one’s physical age.
Since really young souls will hardly be able to cross the border line separating the third dimension from the fourth one, in the world of the fourth dimension there will find themselves mostly mature old Souls.
And quite often children’s Souls can be much older and more experienced than their parents’ ones.
Well, how will they get along with each other?
Of course, a child’s upbringing should not be allowed to take its course even in the most favourable conditions of high vibration space.
Having incarnated in the physical body even the oldest and wisest Soul still needs patronage and upbringing so as to adjust to the present conditions of its existence.
But it can be done in different ways: strictly and didactically, as it is most often the case in the third dimension world, or gently and patiently not imposing one’s opinion on a child but simply explaining what they do not understand.
In the series of my message about children in the Fifth dimension world I described in details the methods of their upbringing and education so now I will just briefly remind about them.
The main criterion for upbringing of a child is respect to them as an independent and self-sufficient personality.
And it will be enough to exclude their will’s suppression or imposing of somebody else’s opinion on them, which you can come across very often in the world of the third dimension, with a child being treated almost as parents’ property.
Of course the very vibrations of the fourth dimension will facilitate establishing of respectful relationships based on equal rights between parents and children, as well as between teachers and pupils.
It will be absolutely different energy space, with not a single negative energy being able to “survive” there.
Yet, those who will choose work with children as their career will have to adjust their conscience and their approach to their upbringing and education proceeding from the new reality and new life priorities.
While in the third dimension world they prepare children for struggle for survival and try to develop combative qualities, in the worlds of high vibrations they will not need such qualities any longer.
The focus is replaced to their talents and abilities’ revealing, as well as their practical application.
So, my dear, having crossed the border line separating the fourth dimension from the third one, you will have to become friends to your children rather than mentors – attentive and wise ones who help their child to learn the basics of social communication and find their mission and its practical application.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 13, 2022.

June 12

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Recognizing spiritually close people by intuition)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will proceed to dwelling on one more criterion of human relationships in the fourth dimension world.
Eighth. Recognizing spiritually close people by intuition.
Perhaps, it is the most difficult one of all the points mentioned by me above since it is impossible to learn to do, it is only possible to feel it having reached a certain level of vibrations.
What is intuition?
It is one’s Soul’s voice.
But to be able to hear it, it is necessary to travel a long and thorny path of trial and error.
Only thanks to experience and having accumulated a large store of knowledge, spiritual knowledge, first of all, one starts realizing that behind the apparent picture of the reality and other people’s faces there is something else rather than just the tip of the iceberg.
Understanding this is the first step on the way of developing subtle sense organs of man that are prevailing in the worlds of high dimensions.
And it is intuition that becomes the “connecting link” – some kind of the centre for all the rest of the subtle material “tools” of a revived person for world cognition.
Among them there can be ranked such human abilities as clairgnosis, clairaudience and clairvoyance.
All of them are components of the notion of intuition common for them.
Even in the third dimension world some people are guided not by logical reasoning but by intuition.
To tell the truth, it shows up not always but only in an altered state of mind that goes beyond the metes and bounds of the third dimension world.
As a rule, it happens in extraordinary complicated situations when one’s whole destiny is at stake.
At such moments Soul manages to “press” one’s Ego that lives in accordance with the third dimension world laws and to prompt the right decision, that is, the one that it itself planned before getting incarnated in this physical body.
Therefore, Soul prevents one from getting astray from the path one is destined for.
Sometimes one cannot explain one’s unexpected and seemingly reckless actions in a logical way even to oneself referring to the fact that it was “hinted” by one’s intuition.
As for the fourth dimension, it will be much easier for the Soul to “get through” to the person there since they will exist at the same wavelength.
The person will get resonated with the Soul, and the communication with it will become a natural condition for them.
From now on it is the Soul that will be guiding them in life and since they will be surrounded by the people featuring vibrations as high, they will also exist at the level of the Soul, not at the level of the third dimension world conscience.
And believe me, my dear, your Souls will be able to recognize easily those who are destined for you and you will feel light and free being by their side finding common interests and things to do.
That is why, all that you need to take you to a new level of intuition perception of people and life is to increase your vibrations as much as possible that will enable you to settle in the space of the fourth dimension firmly now.
And then your life will be guided by the Soul or, in other words, by your intuition that never makes mistakes and will always find the best way out for you and your most kindred souls.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 12, 2022.

June 11

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Mutual assistance)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Well, we will move on to the next point of the communication “code” between people of the fourth dimension.
Seventh. Mutual assistance.
At first glance the process of mutual assistance may seem simple and natural necessity for the people featuring high level of vibrations.
But, as a matter of fact, it is a very subtle issue that requires close attention.
To start with, let us remember what makes the basis of the mutual aid in the world of the third dimension.
Quite often it is the feeling of superiority over the ones who are in need of your help.
But it can also be the other way round: one mindlessly fling oneself into the breach for anybody and everybody forgetting about oneself.
These are, of course, extremes but, anyway, people do not think about the reasons why someone got into trouble and to what extent they should help them so as not to do harm either to them or themselves.
So, vigorously interfering in another person’s destiny with seemingly good intentions, you often meddle into the “picture” of their destiny that has been carefully designed for a long time at the subtle level thereby preventing them from learning the lessons so crucial at the physical level themselves.
In other words, in the third dimension world giving somebody a helping hand people most often act almost “blindly” relying on their intuition at most and at worst – executing their Ego’s instructions.
What about the mutual assistance in the world of the fourth and then the Fifth dimensions? What is it based on?
Before all, keen understanding of the extent of its appropriateness.
Despite the fact that in the worlds of high dimensions pain and sorrow will disappear from people’s life forever, nevertheless, people will need help of others to some degree.
Yet, it will be help of another kind now – both in material and spiritual terms.
By material assistance I mean what you are now used to in the world of the third dimension.
It is both exchange of experience in household issues and opportunity to secure each other if necessary, which is a natural desire of people living together.
As for more important issues and crucial decisions that require wise advice of the people who have access to the Data Bank of the Universe, such people will not throw themselves into the breach any longer sharing their own experience or their point of view on the situation but will approach this from the perspective of the Laws of the Universe this time.
Having opportunity to look through the karmic scenario of both the person who applied for assistance and other people involved including themselves, such a person will help either providing advice or taking actions only in the case it is really necessary, that is, stipulated by the karmic “scenario” of this person.
Therefore, assistance or refusal to provide it will be MINDFUL, which will be beneficial for all the interested parties.
And while in the world of the third dimension the person who was refused most often feels offended, in the worlds of high dimensions, with negative energies being out of place, one will be just thankful that another person having got “acquainted” with their problems, realized their underlying reason and behaved the way beneficial for everybody, that is, for the greater good of all.
But what I described above concerns the world of the fourth dimension to a larger extent.
In the Fifth dimension all its inhabitants will have access not only to the Karmic Chronicles but to the General Data Bank of the Universe this time so the mutual assistance in this high vibration space will be based on complete and profound understanding of tasks and goals of each person’s Soul.
And for now, my dear, try to use your intuition every time when someone of your nearest and dearest asks you for help: feel how appropriate it is and whether it will do good to you and the one who asks for it.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 11, 2022.

June 10

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Mutual spiritual enrichment)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will move on to the next point of human communication “code” in the world of the fourth dimension.
Sixth. Mutual spiritual enrichment.
Proceeding from the fact that the world of the fourth dimension will be inhabited by the people who though have already got out of the third dimension world’s control but whose vibrations are not homogeneous yet, more advanced ones in spiritual terms will start pulling others up to their level.
But again the relationships between these people will be based not on the “Teacher-pupil” principle but on the equal rights principle.
All the gurus, spiritual guides and recognized “experts” will remain in the world of the third dimension forever.
And it is accounted for by the fact that not simply people have exhausted such type of interaction but also it has got completely degenerated since in the dual world few manage to “tame” their Ego.
More often even a person of the best and purest intentions who switched over to Service and started working with the public having become an object of worship for a large number of people cannot resist the temptation of self-admiration or false pride.
And you can see the evidence of it at every turn in the modern esoteric world.
Especially if Service of such a person stops being disinterested and it is joined by material incentive, then it attracts a whole army of astral beings who very fast “eat up” once pure and noble Soul of the person.
While in the world of the fourth dimension, with Ego getting dissolved in the high vibration field of Unconditional Love, one shares one’s spiritual wealth readily and easily granting others with the knowledge one possesses oneself.
It is akin to the way how Yeshua once educated people telling them funny stories from his life by means of which it was possible little by little to do the jigsaw puzzle of the Laws of the Universe and follow their functioning, as well as one creating one’s own destiny.
At the same time he also provided his listeners with the opportunity to remember similar stories from their own lives this time, which helped them to trace cause and effect of their thoughts, emotions and actions thereby getting to know the Laws of the Universe in practice.
But in the worlds of high dimensions one will be able to trace not only one’s present incarnation but a lot of previous ones – most significant incarnations that influenced one’s incarnations to follow enabling to learn the lessons unstudied yet.
In other words, spiritual enrichment of people will advance to a new level having torn the karmic veil and expanded the horizons of one’s genuine mission understanding.
And the one who will manage to get through the veil will help others to travel the last part of the road to the Fifth dimension as soon as possible.
But they will do it not in a didactic manner but in a friendly, casual and cheerful way being perfectly aware of the fact that everyone is at one’s own stage of spiritual development taking it for granted and showing no superiority over others.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 10, 2022.

June 8

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Exchange of experience)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
As a follow-up to my previous message let us move on to the next criterion of the communication “code” of people in the fourth dimension world.
Fifth. Exchange of experience.
How will exchange of experience between people occur?
Whatever the way but not according to the “Teacher-pupil” principle by all means.
And the reason is as follows.
In the third dimension world education is arranged the way that material presented by a teacher at school or a professor at university is taken as an axiom – the ultimate truth.
As a matter of fact, as you already know, science and education are constantly changing.
It is especially true about the humanities in which some “alterations” have been made from time immemorial to meet the needs of the ruling top.
History, Geography, Science, political and economic sciences are constantly being rewritten in compliance with the current situation and social orders.
So, the knowledge gained by pupils and students are getting out of date very quickly but people go on preserving it through all their life employing it in their career and sharing the experience they got based on it with other people this time – students, colleagues at work, children and grandchildren.
As a result, one pseudo-science overlapped another one and created now a complete chaos in one’s concept of the world arrangement.
Unfortunately, few can think independently learning and systemizing facts from different sources so as to find out the truth.
Most often people follow the line of the least resistance repeating after other “competent” sources already common statements and “facts” that are fixed in the conscience of many people.
And only in the fourth dimension world you will get opportunity to break through the vicious circle and gain genuine knowledge.
It will happen due to the fact that many of you will already get the opportunity to consult the Data Bank of the Universe where you can draw information on any issues you are interested in.
And although the access to the Bank will be available not to everybody yet but only to those who will manage to pull up their vibrations to the level of the Fifth dimension, the lucky men will now be able to share their discoveries with the others.
Moreover, gradually but quite fast new extraterrestrial technologies will be opened to you, the ones based on absolutely different principles – the physical laws you do not know, which will promote your scientists’ astonishing discoveries.
In this case one more reason for the principle “Teacher – pupil” to turn out invalid is that, perhaps, it is the “pupil”, with their level of vibrations appearing higher than that of their teacher, who will get the new knowledge and technologies open that they will be able to share with “teachers” – scientists and practitioners involved in a certain branch of science.
Therefore, in the space of the fourth dimension the main role will be played by one’s level of vibrations, not one’s social or professional status.
And the higher one’s vibrations, the more opportunities will open to one who is striving for gaining new knowledge and then sharing it with the others.
On the other hand, a high level of vibrations facilitates one’s advancing to the spiritual height where it becomes impossible to display such qualities typical of the third dimension man as pride, self-admiration, self-assertion and other manifestations of Ego.
That is why exchange of experience and knowledge will occur featuring Unity, Equality and Brotherhood and will always imply the greater good of all.
Everyone will make their contribution to the common matter – someone in terms of theory, others – in terms of practice, still others – in terms of energy.
And none will regard their or others’ contribution as being more or less significant since everyone will understand that they act to the extent of their strengths and abilities.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 8, 2022.

June 8

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Topics for discussion)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will move on to the next criterion of the “code” of human communication  in the fourth dimension world.
Fourth. Topics for discussion.
Since in the space of high vibrations the third dimension world energies cannot exist any longer, the majority of usual talks will be relegated to oblivion.
Everything of the negative and, consequently, destructive character will be taken over by positive emotions and actions aimed at creation.
As a result, the main topics for discussions for the fourth dimension inhabitants will become their plans and opportunities on arranging a new society that is based on the Universe Laws, not those of the third dimension world with their dual reality perception.
But it does not mean at all that your talks will be limited only to “high matters” with philosophy implication or spiritual orientation.
You will go on living your usual life but due to the fact that your vibrations will considerably increase, your communication will not feature aggression, censure, comparison, distrust, self-assertion and other “attributes” of the dual world.
By intuition you will find the people who are not simply at the same wavelength with you but whose interests coincide with yours.
This way the communities of like-minded people and professionals in different spheres of your life will get formed.
It can be related professions whose synthesis will lead to creative cooperation and the best realization of your plans and dreams.
So, for example, the union of architects and builders will facilitate creation of wonderful cities of unique architecture, with the implementation of the conceived being of a high quality.
The union of designers, artists and experts on cloths will encourage a new fashion based on natural cloths, beautiful and comfortable clothes thanks to which women will become still more womanly and men – still more manly.
As a result, the people who plunged into common creative projects will get a lot of topics for interesting and exciting discussions enriching each other.
Many of you will have to re-master their professions that in the third dimension world have experienced a lot of alien, unnatural and absurd amendments that are often aimed at destruction of natural human needs and demolition of human spiritual essence.
It is especially true about upbringing, education and culture that have recently acquired a truly monstrous character on Earth.
You are to destroy everything antihuman and create human – Divine – in all the spheres of your life.
Therefore, my dear, there will be plenty of topics for your discussions, and all of them will feature constructive creative profile and, as you know, there is no limit to perfection.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 8, 2022.

June 7

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Ability to listen and hear)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will go on talking about the components of communication “code” in the fourth dimension world.
Third. Ability to listen to and, more important, hear another person.
As a matter of fact, few feature such qualities in the third dimension world.
More often human communication is one-sided even if a conversation is joined in by several people.
Each of the participants is striving to share their opinion and most often not simply to share but impose it on others.
This is the way the dual world is, with everything having its opposite there.
It concerns absolutely everything that is why human communication – people’s talks and arguments – almost always convey an underlying message: I am right and you are not, my point of view is more valid, I am cleverer than you are.
In other words, one either in an apparent or disguised way tries to self-assert and show one’s superiority over one’s interlocutor.
But it can be the other way round: with one’s mouth open one follows one’s interlocutor admitting their superiority over oneself in advance.
And very seldom human communication features equal rights character which implies the ability to listen to and hear others.
Since quite different vibrations hold sway in the fourth dimension world, the very Energy of Unity and Unconditional Love diffused in the air will facilitate your advance to a new level of communication.
Duality will be gradually giving way to unipolar mentality, with such qualities as self-assertion or other person’s will suppression being untypical of it.
As it has already been said in my previous message, such communication is based on self-respect and respect to others.
Yet, so as to learn to really hear another person, you will have to make some efforts.
To a large extent the practice “Time nulling” can be very handy to you whose  aim is exactly to switch over to another type of mentality – that one at the level of Soul.
In the timelessness stream finding yourselves at the moment of “here and now” it will be much easier for you to get tuned onto your interlocutor’s Soul’s frequency and, consequently, to feel their uniqueness, peculiarity and originality.
And then it will become exciting for you to communicate with them because they will completely open before you not being afraid to seem silly, funny or odd, which is often the case in the third dimension world when one hides one’s genuine essence behind the set of “right” words.
The same will occur to you too as having tuned onto one vibration frequency, both of you will feel inviolable Unity that has always existed among people but was roughly ruined by those who want not to unite people but “divide and rule” them for their personal mercenary interests and benefits.
Well, the memory of the former Unity has preserved in your language.
Recall at least such an expression as “heart-to-heart talk”.
This is the very talk at the level of Souls when people hear each other and, consequently, enjoy communication.
Of course, such things happen in the third dimension world too but in quite rare cases and only when one of interlocutors can pull up in terms of energy another one to one’s high level of vibrations.
While in the fourth dimension world it will become a norm and the first stage to switching over to telepathic communication that is natural for the space of the Fifth dimension.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 7, 2022.

June 6

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Self-respect and respect to others)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to come back to the issue we started one of my previous messages with and give a more clear definition of the “code” of behaviour of the fourth dimension person.
And today we will consider its main components.
First. Self-respect.
It is extremely important, my dear, because without self-respect there cannot rise respect to other people.
As well as Love is a guarantee of Unconditional Love.
It is easy to explain: so as to share something with other people, it is first necessary to accumulate the thing you are going to share.
It concerns both material and spiritual values.
Self-respect includes a lot of factors.
They are Love to oneself, dignity and belief in one’s potential.
They are also the feeling of being the Creator’s particle and Unity with the Universe and its inhabitants.
They are also understanding of one’s value and uniqueness that make their genuine contribution to the “jigsaw puzzle” of human collective conscience.
All the things mentioned above feature the energies of highest vibrations that go far beyond the metes and bounds of the third dimension world.
The one who perceived the depth of such a notion as self-respect will never be able to bow and scrape to others, execute soulless and absurd orders, do the things that their Soul resists to do or the things that can bring harm to one or the people around.
Such a person gains freedom indeed – the very inner “core” that makes the basis of all their further actions and deeds.
Second. Respect to others.
Only after one has fully mastered such a notion as self-respect, it will show up outward as respect to other people.
This way one of the main Laws of the Universe functions: outside world reflects inside world.
In other words, respectful attitude to the words and actions of the people around is the reflection or continuation of self-respect.
And now let us look into the difference between these notions in the third dimension world and that of the fourth dimension.
Before all, it is in the fact that respect to older ones, management, more powerful and influential people in the dual world is based not on self-respect but on self-humiliation: recognition of one’s weakness and invalidity.
Generally speaking, it is based on fear in all its manifestations.
And even awe of a wiser or clever person that seemingly features a positive character is based on the fact that one considers oneself to be silly, inexperienced or less educated in comparison to them.
Well, intelligence and education themselves are of little significance if one is poor in Spirit or obsessed by false pride.
In the third dimension world all the notions have been distorted deliberately so as to make idols artificially with their “expert” opinions that can lead people’s way in the direction beneficial for high and mighty.
That is why self-respect has been stemmed in humans and, on the contrary, servility and obedience have been cultivated.
What can such a person share with others?
Only their weakness that sometimes grows into aggression and other person’s will suppression – of the one even weaker than they themselves…
This is what people have to get rid of first of all, those who have chosen the open of the new existence and return to their genuine Divine essence.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 6, 2022.

June 5

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Time nulling)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to explain to you why I pay so much attention to the relationships of people in the fourth dimension though most of you are still in the space of the third dimension so far.
For you to get a clear idea of it, let us remember what one’s condition at the moment of “here and now” is.
This is timelessness condition and, consequently, that of being in the space of highest vibrations since it is only there where time and space implode thanks to which one advances to quite a different level of one’s existence.
Most often it happens to you during meditations when you manage to cut off your conscience completely from the vanity of the world and you merge with your Higher Self and, consequently, become Soul in its pure form.
Many of you can do it to a full extent now but it occurs only when you are all alone, that is, interact only with your Higher Self.
Yet, when you learn to remain in this condition finding yourselves among other people and, besides, not simply being next to them but communicating with them too – it will be enormous progress on your spiritual way since thereby you will start creating the islands of the fourth dimension amidst the raging “ocean” of the third dimension world.
And now I will offer you a practice that will help you remain in the condition of “here and now” while communicating with other people.
We will call it “Time nulling”.
And its idea is that while talking to another person you stop clock’s hands in your thoughts.
And it does not matter at all where they are at this moment.
The main thing is to “see” that all the hands of the clock including the second one, stand still.
That is it. Time does not exist for you any more.
Around you and your interlocutor there is vacuum, time lapse.
You can even feel it physically.
As soon as it happens, get in touch with your Soul and ask it to guide all your actions and words.
You can even see your Soul – as a light silhouette or a transparent cloud.
In your thoughts get completely merged with the image you got.
All this can take you just several seconds but you will find yourselves in quite different time parameters and under your Higher aspects’ guidance.
You will even get a physical sensation of the space around you having changed – everything having stopped, become calm and harmonized…
Now you are totally plunged into the vibrations of at least the fourth dimension and, consequently, your communication with people will occur in quite a distinct way.
You will feel your interlocutor at the level of Soul, not Mind, and it means that all your words and actions will be tuned onto their Higher aspects, not onto momentary material needs of the third dimension person.
And your interlocutor, finding themselves in the conditions new to them, with distinct Laws holding sway – energy and physical ones – will not be able to act according to the third dimension world standards.
Their conscience having “submerged” into your high vibrations will unintentionally pull up to them and even if it does not keep up with your vibrations, it will minimize the energy gap between them anyway.
And the wonder like this will be worked by your condition of “here and now”, as well as your complete plunging into another person’s Soul.
Try, my dear, to incorporate this practice into your everyday life, and I am sure that results will not keep waiting.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 5, 2022.

June 3

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Sense and emotional component of communication in the fourth dimension)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
For my previous message to be continued I would like to draw your attention to one more peculiarity of human communication in the fourth dimension.
And it is in that the energy component, that is people’s similarity in terms of vibrations, is joined by the sense and emotional one too.
So, people unintentionally start scanning the information field of others and get to know their interests, habit of mind and emotional peculiarities.
In other words, they begin to be pulled to each other not only according to the level of vibrations now but also to cultural, educational and hobby background.
In the series of my messages about the society of the future a lot has already been said about the way communities will be arranged.
Yet, while at issue there were mostly common interests, now I would like to draw your attention to the energy coincidence of people according to habit of mind and character since this is the thing that actually facilitates truly harmonious communication between people.
Therefore, even the lightest souls emitting Unconditional Love will not be able to create the atmosphere favourable for communication if, suppose, one of them tends to be too talkative, while another one prefers to keep silent most of the time.
Yet, sometimes difference in life perception can do a good turn too.
For example, the one perceiving events and people at the emotional and intuitive level can see and understand what the one featuring logical rational approach cannot catch.
As a result of such synthesis, they will be able to get a real-life picture of the current events and assess the role played by the people involved.
But it happens only if people being so different in habit of mind and character can hear each other and treat other’s point of view as friendly as possible.
This is the thing people lack in the third dimension world where even a slightest lack of correspondence of characters or worldview, as a rule, results in annoyance and confrontation.
That is why, my dear, already now try to see in people with the temperament, habit of mind or worldview opposite to yours not opponents but people having the right for their own opinion that, quite possible, will help you get a whole picture of the things in progress.
Even if the levels of your vibrations do not coincide, your one-way acceptance, Love and Respect to your interlocutor will do its part and your communication will occur in a harmonious way.
As a result, not only will you preserve your vibrations at the level of the fourth dimension but will also pull up another person’s vibrations to it making an energy bridge of benevolence and mutual understanding between you.
And I bless you for this!
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 3, 2022.

June 4


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to return to the current events on your planet and tell you about the things that are taking place at the subtle level of Earth and how they can be manifested at the physical level.
Before all, it concerns the military operation in Ukraine that is reaching its final stage now.
The theatrical performance that is being staged about everything occurring both on the territory of this country and beyond its boundaries has already turned into a farce and facilitates revival of millions of people.
Citizens of many countries of the world start seeing the actual pattern of the current events and understand who is really responsible for the crimes against humanity that are now in progress at the military, political and economic fronts.
Yet, unfortunately, it mostly happens only due to the fact that personal interests of people are affected.
The third dimension matrix still has the overwhelming majority of your planet’s population in captivity that is why their protests and discontent are generally caused by the depletion of their welfare standards, and just a small segment of people see the genuine reasons for the things in progress and true masterminds of the crimes being committed.
This is exactly why the long-awaited Victory of the Light Forces over the Dark Forces at the physical level is constantly being postponed.
There is happening what you call “One step forward and two steps back”.
There would not come the very energy breakthrough that should show up outward as the dismissal of the criminal ruling regime on Earth and its complete replacement with the people of a new formation who can create the human society of the fourth and later on of the Fifth dimensions.
The reason for such a delay is most people’s inability to change their worldview and believe in their potential.
Look around and you will realize that many and many people obediently pronounce one and the same drilled phrases: “Well, what can we do? We cannot change anything, anyway.”
And this people’s obedience that has been formed for centuries blocks in terms of energy the manifestation at the physical level of what has already happened at the subtle one.
In other words, the Light Forces’ efforts do not get to a sufficient extent the energy of earthlings for anchoring and implementation of the things upcoming.
I see, my dear, that your patience is wearing thin and you cannot put up with the fact that criminals at the helm go on with their programme of humanity annihilation in a maniac and persistent way.
I understand how hard it is for you to maintain your vibrations high under such circumstances and despite anything believe in Victory.
Yet, believe me, my dear, that it is “blind” faith of yours as well as ungrounded optimism that make this Victory closer unlike sadness, depression and disappointment that are just the ones to be the main obstacle on the way of a powerful light wave that is long ready to lead your way directly to the Fifth dimension.
Well, take this last “barrier” away so that everything that was created at the subtle level of Earth by the best representatives of humanity and the Light Forces of the Universe shows up outward for the greater good of all.
Visualize as often as possible this Divine light wave that is washing away the old world and making space for the new world of the Fifth dimension.
This is the best thing you can do now, and you will see how fast events will start developing in quite a different direction and the long-awaited changes eventually come true.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 4, 2022.

June 3

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Peaceful backwater of the fourth dimension)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will talk about the way energy interaction of people in the fourth dimension space influences their psychic condition.
Unfortunately, for now there are few people finding themselves at one level of vibrations.
Yet, let us consider the ideal variant of such people’s communication so as to see the difference between the third and fourth dimensions.
The communication of people at the level of the fourth dimension implies that in the process of their interaction their Ego is “laid aside”.
People start communicating not only at the level of Mind but also at that of Soul enriching each other with new knowledge, personal experience and, the main thing, generously sharing spiritual wealth and granting their interlocutors with Unconditional Love and Respect.
Endless arguments of the third dimension people that are mostly based on false pride and strife for self-assertion are replaced by peaceful and harmonious talks on the issues both the interlocutors are interested in.
And it is accounted for by the fact that unlike chaotic energy space featuring a wide range of vibrations that the third dimension world people find themselves in, the fourth dimension is a quite energy “backwater”, with only those being present there who corresponds to it in terms of vibrations.
Yet, while the fourth dimension space itself is already formed on your planet and remains unchanged, people’s conscience and, consequently, their personal energy space is not stable so far.
They are constantly “floating” now plunging into vehement waves of the third dimension world “ocean”, now reposing in the peaceful “backwater” of the fourth dimension.
And if several people happen to find themselves there at the same time, communication between them features quite another level, which influences their psyche in a beneficial and conciliating way.
Such people finding themselves at one and the same vibration frequency enjoy others being quick on the uptake.
It can resemble the situation when one person starts an utterance and another one finishes it.
It is not telepathic communication in the pure form yet and only a “prelude” to it – scanning of each other and experience of getting to know one’s interlocutor at the level of Soul, not Mind.
It is possible to consider the interaction of people in the fourth dimension to be synthesis of Soul and Mind.
While full-fledged interaction at the level of Souls starts only when one completely moves to the space of the Fifth dimension now.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 3, 2022.
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