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June 30

Many of you will put off doing something that you know needs to be done. For whatever reason, your soul is beckoning you to take care of something, yet you resist. What is interesting to us is the fact that the resistance to that act is often much more uncomfortable than doing the actual act.
When you are being resistant you end up being in a tug of war with yourself. You go back and forth, knowing you should really just take care of something but then resisting the call to actually do it. This will create a build up of energy that will only find release once you follow through on the action that needs to be taken.
So if this is something that you frequently experience, we offer you this. You can feel dread or you can feel relief. Which do you choose? Asking yourself that question can be all it takes to get yourself back into a much better feeling flow.
One of the beautiful aspects of becoming a conscious human being is that you get to know and understand yourself so completely you develop strategies to guide yourself forward in ways that bring you back to presence and comfort. What have you been putting off that can you do that will bring you some energetic relief today? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 29

Today we offer an explanation to help you understand why the past seems to come calling as soon as you decide to move forward in a new direction.
Think of it this way. Let us suppose you are wishing to expand in a certain way. That immediately creates a fork in the road that honours your free will. You get to choose whether you move forward in the new direction or whether you wish to continue down the same old path. There is no right or wrong, just free will choice and an awareness that you now have two options.
The opportunity to stay with the old is simply there for you to be sure. Sometimes you need to take another lap around an old cycle in order to be sure you are really done with it. Sometimes you already have that clarity and don’t need to dabble in that energy ever again to be sure.
We understand that this can be confusing to you, but if you realize it is simply the natural means of you giving your consent to moving into the new and taking a new path it will start to make more sense to you. It is like the universe is asking you, “Is it this, or this?” to confirm your choice. Once you truly choose and step in your desired direction the energy will become more congruent and you will be off to your next great adventure. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 28

If the thing you fear the most is judgement, why do you continue to inflict it upon yourself? Is your understanding and acceptance the healing balm you seek? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 27

Surrender is how you heal the pain of separation because it is how you rejoin the divine whole, which is the safe, supportive whole, not the churned up energy of the collective. It is from there you will be able to hold your balance and implement the changes you wish to see on your planet because surrender is a solution based system. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 24

If you find yourself yearning for a previous relationship, it is not necessarily a sign that you are meant to go back. The relationship ended for a reason and those energies are expired. What you are really missing are the elements that did work for you in that relationship. It is feedback for you to know what to look for in your next partner without the things that didn’t work. Simply put, your soul is giving you a yes for the elements that did work, and a no to the ones that did not. This is to give you clarity to help you discover your next highest match. Many people misunderstand this and try to go back into the relationship, only to find out that it still does not work.
Your soul is always trying to move you forward into the perfect matches for you. Many times you get caught up in the idea that you can only find the traits you enjoyed in that relationship in one place, but the fact is your old partner was likely a near match and your soul is trying to lead you to the true match, the relationship that holds what you enjoyed without whatever issues made that previous relationship unsustainable.
Have you considered that you could find an even better relationship than the old one that contains all of the joy and none of the angst? Open your heart and your mind that you can have it all, Dear Ones, and you will make that a true possibility which will allow yourself to align with the match that is truly meant for you. From that space, if your ex is truly meant for you, they will show up in a more evolved version of themselves that makes the relationship a viable match for you again. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 23

Dear Ones, please be aware that your unconditional love practice is incomplete if it doesn’t include you. Is self love the missing piece you’ve been seeking? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 22

It is your inherent fear of judgement that makes you reluctant to sit fully with yourself, but you get to choose whether you approach yourself with love or reproach. Isn’t it time you become a safe person for yourself?
You deserve to be completely safe within yourself! If you take the time to commune with yourself with love, acceptance, and compassion, you may be very surprised to see yourself open up and bloom into your fullest potential with far greater ease than you could have ever thought possible.
Do you see? You can’t be the love and reject loving yourself at the same time. Loving yourself is the key to the kingdom that exists within you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 21

June 21
So many of you are reluctant to sit in silence with yourself or find yourself in perpetual troubleshooting mode with yourself whenever you do. Your inner explorations are not to find what is wrong with you! They are to discover the beauty of the being you truly are and to befriend and love yourself and get to know yourself like never before. You do not need to fear what is inside, Dear Ones, for you are an individuated aspect of Source and what is at your core is absolutely glorious. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 20

We understand you can find lull periods challenging. What we want you to understand is that your lull periods are not an indication that you are out of the flow. Rather, they are an indication that you have entered a phase within your flow that calls for depth.
Think of your flow as a moving body of water. You might think of action phases as being when you are on the surface of the water. You are aware of the waves, and can see where you are and the direction you are going. Because you can see the shoreline, you can track the progress you are making.
But there are other times where you might go deep within the water. In the depths it can feel very still and quiet. You can’t really perceive the progress you are making because there are fewer things you can see that allow you to track your progress. It is a time of introspection and rest, but if you stay surrendered before you know it the current will pick you up whenever the time is right and bring you back up to the surface so you can orient yourself once again.
So if you find yourself in a lull, simply see it as a time to explore the depths of your being. Take the time to feel into your truth, to love and know yourself again, to review, to heal. This is an ideal time to stay in your faith and trust so it can open you to the elements of acceptance and allowing, patience and peace, and finally your beingness. The treasure is always found in the deeps, Dear Ones, and it is the same within you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 17

If you are frustrated with where you are in your life, we want you to understand that surrendering into the flow and staying there with your faith and trust will allow you to shift onto a completely different timeline that contains the solutions you seek. Using the Divine Combination consistently indicates your readiness for movement and expansion.
If you have surrendered and it seems nothing is happening, it is simply a matter of divine timing. You haven’t done anything wrong, you are just waiting for the alignment where true and profound change can happen that will be for the highest good of all.
While your human self may be impatient, your soul is not interested in making any changes that do not meet that criteria, because as a conscious being you do not want to take your forward movement in a way that is unsustainable or at the expense of anyone else. You wish to use your time and energy wisely. Trust that the universe is working for you so your desires can be met in a way that honours your soul mission and serves everyone involved. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 16

The Divine Combination consists of the four core elements of surrender, faith, flow, and trust. Faith and trust deepens into acceptance and allowing. Acceptance and allowing deepens into patience and peace. Patience and peace deepens into beingness. Do you see? The core elements, when employed together, create an opening process that becomes the manifestation tool for your highest life expression. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 15

So many of you don’t know what you want. That is because you have exhausted the potentials that you are aware of and are ready to move beyond the known into the unknown. This is a positive thing!
As you move into the energies of the new, we urge you to resist the urge to micromanage any new manifestations and become much more open to discovery. This doesn’t mean that you don’t have a hand in your co-creations. Far from it! The key is to switch over into working with broad intention and let your highest self and the universe fill in the rest.
Let us give you an example. Many of you wish to manifest a large amount of money. It isn’t really the money you want but rather what having the money will offer you. Money is always an energetic middle man, if you will.
So why do you really want a lot of money? For most people, it is because they want freedom. They want more enjoyment in life. So we urge you to surrender into the experience of more freedom and enjoyment in life.
Why this works is because most of you don’t really believe you can manifest a large amount of money for yourselves. That will make it very difficult for you to align with the experience. But you do believe you can create more freedom and more enjoyment, even if it is a little bit at a time. That feels within the realm of possibility for you.
What we want you to understand is that when you surrender into the essence of what you would like to experience, you can start to align with it, incrementally, almost immediately. This allows you to have more comfort as you go through the discovery process of what the universe is wishing you to discover that is your highest outcome. It starts to make your desires part of your experience, even if it is the smallest way, as you follow the unfoldment until your intention becomes a predominant part of your life. It is planting a seed and watching it grow.
While both are equally possible, it is far easier for most of you to step into a dream bit by bit rather than all at once. In fast moving energies such as you are in right now, a small amount can grow into a big amount very quickly because doing it a bit at a time will keep you out of doubt and resistance.
So connect with the essence of your desires and why you want them and enter into the flow towards the discovery of what your truest version of that dream can be, and you can make big progress in ways that will continue to surprise and delight you, every step of the way. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 14

The realm of potentiality is the energetic space just beyond what you can see that holds the solutions and matches you’ve been seeking. If you feel into this, it will make sense to you. If the solutions were within the space of what you already are aware of, you would have selected them by now.
So how do you get there? Surrender. Flow. Ask your guides to lead you. Get curious. Be willing to explore and discover beyond the edges of what is known to you. Your dreams are trying to beckon you forward. Understand the meeting point will be somewhere between where you are and where they are because your surrendered movement activates a divine intersection. Be willing to move and take inspired action when the right energetic wave comes. Release micromanagement and be willing to be surprised. Stay in a space of faith and trust and receiving. Let go of the old and be willing to embrace the new.
There is so much more available to you than you realize, Dear Ones, and that is exactly what your team of helpers, along with the assistance of your highest self are trying to reveal to you. The unfoldment will take you there if you are willing to move out of the known into the energies of divine discovery. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 13

As you move into the energies of the new, you are very much pioneers. When you pioneer, you are exploring. You move beyond the ideas of good or bad, right or wrong, success or failure, into the acceptance that all your experiences have value.
Let us suppose that you are a pioneer in a new land looking for water. You decide to go to your left. As you explore that direction you realize that there is a cliff there and no water source at all. That is valuable information! You will remember in the future that going to the left cannot provide you what you seek. This will allow you a more direct route to water when you discover where it is. It will also help others know that is not the direction to take if you are looking for water. You are getting used to navigating without a map because you are the creators of the maps!
This is a beautiful example of how your curiosity and explorations serve not only you but also the whole. You are entering previously unexplored energies on your planet right now. Be curious! Know that all experiences have great value for you. And rest easy that as you find your way, you will make the way much easier for those who will one day want to walk in your footsteps. This is such an exciting time on your planet, where much will be discovered and those discoveries will serve many generations to come. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 10

Dear Ones, you can’t be controlling and guided at the same time. You can’t decide you are going to do it all yourself and be open to receive at the same time.
You are going through profound change, both individually and as a collective. You are being made aware of what is not working for you so you can let go of the old and find new solutions and ways of being.
If you are perpetually exhausted by your life it is a sign that you have outgrown where you are and you are ready for expansion and new discoveries. It is an indicator that you are ready to up-level into something that is a much better match for you and your soul’s agenda. Your soul is beckoning you forward into the new.
So allow yourself to be led. When you don’t know what to do next get curious. Ask to be shown what is possible that you aren’t aware of. Give the reins to your team who have the vantage point of being on the other side of the veil and allow them to show you the way.
There is so much fun and wonder to be had in the discovery of the new matches and solutions that exist for you, that are patiently waiting for you. All you must do is be willing to explore in the realm of potentiality that exists just beyond what you can see, and that is exactly what your spirit team is in place to help you to do.
And if you hesitate because think you might be disturbing us by asking for help, please know it brings us just as much joy to guide you into those discoveries as you have in making the discovery itself. It is great fun for us to get creative with our signs and synchronicities. We wait with bated breath and celebrate when you find your way to your next right time/right place scenario.
It’s all very simple, you see. We can’t know the joy of service if you don’t allow us to serve you. By asking for our help you honour us in our purpose, as we honour you in yours. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 9

You have heard of the dark night of the soul. Many of you have experienced it. It is the time when you hit an energetic rock bottom where you realize you simply cannot continue on the way you have been. It is the moment where you drop resistance and embrace change. The low acts as a catalyst to detach from an old timeline and shift into something far more conscious and expansive.
What you may not realize is that the dark night of the soul can also happen for a collective, and that is exactly what is happening on your earth at this time. And what is so remarkable is that you chose to come and assist the planet as a source of unconditional love and stabilizing support as the planet bottoms out and shifts onto a new time line.
Dark nights of the soul are difficult. They are messy and distressing but they always signal a huge leap in growth and the opening of new potentials and possibilities. They happen because the being or the collective is ready for more and always mark the end of one phase and the dawn of a new day.
The dark night is a transformative process designed to birth the new. You might liken it to hard labour. You do not think you can possibly survive, but you do and much good comes from it. It might help to consider yourselves birthing coaches of the new. You cannot take on the labour for another but you can certainly stay calm, offer support and encouragement, and share in the wonder of the birth that is sure to come.
This is the time to allow the process but to also be the anchor of love and reassurance others are seeking. Your beingness is your gift, Dear Ones, that shines a light forward for others to follow, and that is glorious service, indeed. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 8

Dear Ones, hate takes a lot of energy. Resistance takes a lot of energy. Division takes a lot of energy. All of these, eventually, will shift because they all take too much energy to make them sustainable over the long run.
Do you know what happens when people become too exhausted to continue separation? Love happens. Love will rise to the surface, when given even the smallest opening, because it is your true state of being and an inexhaustible resource. Love will always find a way. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 7

Moving back and forth between two levels of attainment allows you to establish comfort with any new phase. It allows a gradual integration of new energies as well as the time to gain confidence in new abilities. Much like a child will move into a greater level of independence and then retreat back to the comfort of the parent for reassurance, eventually your expansion will take precedence and you will be able to stay in the new energies more consistently. This is all part of the flow of evolution and a very predictable part of the process. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 6

In our daily message on Friday June 3, 2022, we outlined the common trajectory of healing and the enlightenment process. What we would like you to understand is that it is common for one phase to overlap another. You may very well dabble in the next step until you are ready to stay there permanently. There is often a process of back and forth until you have fully integrated and evolved beyond one phase and are ready to concentrate on the next. We wish to reassure you that this is a perfectly normal part of the embodiment process that makes your transitions from one phase to the next much easier to integrate and navigate. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 3

Dear Ones, there is a common trajectory of healing that occurs in enlightening human beings. It is:
Victim consciousness/disempowerment/separation consciousness/deep discomfort
Bottoming out
Finding some relief (usually this is found by employing positive thinking/changing focus)
Starting to explore deeper healing
Falling into being in perpetual troubleshooting mode with yourself
Moving into deeper self love/self acceptance
Deepening connection
Accepting help/getting more comfortable with surrender, faith, flow, trust
Allowing the unfoldment of expansion
Settling into beingness/empowerment/unity consciousness/peace
This process leads you from separation to inclusion, from God “out there” to God “in here” also known as coming Home to yourself, moving out of contrast into preference, and shifting from the old martyred service paradigm into the joyful service paradigm that is awaiting your discovery.
But what we really want you to understand is that no one phase is better than the other. Your embodiment process is like a manifestation process with every step taking you forward even if you may not be seeing the progress that is occurring behind the scenes. Every discovery, every process, is simply another step on the staircase of becoming, and as important and sacred as those that have come before and those that will come next. It is a beautiful divine unfolding that is breathtaking to behold, every single step of the way. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 2

Your mind is a wonderful gift. It can observe, assess, organize, manage, and learn. It is also a very efficient central operations unit that leads bodily processes, as well. It is integral to you having a human experience.
But your mind can also run amok. It can worry, fret, micromanage, control, judge, and catastrophize. When this occurs it is because it has become disconnected from the heart.
Your heart is always trying to lovingly guide your mind. It is a settling resource, looking to soothe and calm you. It is your font of wisdom, your guiding light, your balancer and reassurer. Your heart is where your voice of reason comes from.
As you move forward into the next phase of your incarnation, it is not about denying the mind, but about bringing the heart and the mind into a much more cooperative balance. Can you imagine your mind and your heart becoming a dynamic duo, each lending its expertise to the greater good of the whole? Can you imagine them joining forces as friends and allies, leading you forward to your highest life expression? Can you see how shifting into a cooperative unity within can also be a model to begin to heal the division that is rampant on your planet?
Again, we wish to point out that your growth and evolution is your service, and provides a stabilizing presence for your rapidly shifting planet. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 1

The signs and synchronicities you experience are the breadcrumbs that lead you out of the forest into your next grand discovery and adventure. Watching for the signs and following them when they appear is how you stay open to being led to what is waiting for you just outside of your conscious awareness.
It is a powerful practice to simply concentrate on making your next wisest choice, one now moment at a time, because it keeps you operating from a space of presence, which is your base of empowerment and what allows you the greatest unfoldment.
We understand you often consider not knowing to be a negative but the reality is the not knowing so many of you have been experiencing over the past few years has been a gift designed to help you to develop the skill of operating from a space of presence and learning to only move with what is energetically supported.
This is an essential skill that will serve you well once you move more fully into the energies of the new for it keeps you open to all potentials and possibilities. It is switching from being led by the mind and experiencing yourself as being separate to being led by the heart and the fullness of conscious alignment that will never steer you wrong. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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