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May 17

May 17

Dear Ones, it is very simple. When you hold yourself separate from your own love, you are inadvertently taking an action that holds the energy of saying no to love. Opening the door to receive your own love opens the floodgates to feel and experience all of the love that has always existed for you all along. It is finally, finally, saying an emphatic YES to love. Our greatest wish for you is that you will allow yourself to experience the fullness of who you really are by recognizing you are not just a being of love for others, you are a glorious being that is born from the love of Source which automatically makes you deserving of all the love in the world, including your own. Opening up to your own love is coming Home to yourself which is one of the most powerful shifts you can ever make because it moves you from self denial into self acceptance and the embodiment of who you truly are. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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