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There are astral beings who, as inhabitants of the emotional world, feed on emotional energies. For them, human fear, anger outrage, shame are the most delicious steaks or fruits (whatever he likes). These creatures have managed to organize on Earth a livestock farm (the whole of mankind), which produces the necessary food for their survival. Since it is about emotions, these beings have become outstanding masters in their ways of getting / milking / manipulating them. They are more known as the devils they tempt. Note, these beings do not torture directly (they are not entitled to this), they can only take advantage of human weaknesses.
If, of course, we have the desire to get rid of our role as livestock, we should be mindful of manipulating and stopping to succumb and radiate those who are so desirable for these beings. Ie. we have to develop our intelligence (as God’s purpose when allowing these beings to inhabit the Earth). But for our misfortunes, the process is progressing very slowly.
These beings are not strong as Gods, they are not infinitely clever, we are not doomed. Their power is possible only while they are hidden until we have the idea of ​​manipulating them. As soon as we begin to self-analyze and analyze our motives, we become more and more vulnerable and less vulnerable, we reduce our weaknesses that use these beings for their manipulations.
It has to be borne in mind that their impact has been going on for thousands of years, and they have been able to transform, according to their needs, all areas of human life, human relations. But as I have already written, it is not their merit, and most of all our inertia and incomprehension have brought things to the situation we are in. Particularly deeply affected are interpersonal relationships (man is a wolf), family relationships (jealousy and ownership of another soul), education (suggesting that we do not know and someone has to tell us what to do to avoid compliance, that we are manipulated), physical (medicine that has no interest, people being healthy) and social health (politics as an imitation of democracy). In general, it can be enumerated infinitely, but it is not necessary, you only have to remember that everything (is illusory) is not what it looks like. And everything that causes just anger – the desire to fight, to revenge, to punish – everything is artificially inspired to produce the necessary emotions. All horror movies, soap, news of murders and crashes – do you notice the manipulation?
Take, for example, science. It should be a leader in the evolution of mankind, but it is the main brake. Science has been created as a substitute for religions (because their influence has begun to diminish and people cease to believe them as before), and is essentially a religion – a worship of imaginary intelligence, rationality, materialism. Never forget that in order to be persuasive, any manipulation, there must be a reasonable carrier, ie. experience-tested principle behind which manipulation can be hidden. To make it clearer, what do I mean, I will give a specific example. For example, well-known Einstein. What he has created is far from insignificant, but his popularity is a pirate share, that is, artificially provoked interest in his activity, in order to be able to inspire a certain thought / principle through his popular authority. In this case, through Einstein a taboo has been introduced on the research of the ether, and that’s why we have been storing fossil fuels for so long. Science has laughed at its “concrete” argument: “no evidence”, in all areas. This argument is only evidence of the “concrete” heads of those who claim it, because in the multidimensional reality, every evidence is a private case, an exception to the rule, not something that can be relied upon. Do you notice the manipulation? an exception to the rule, not something that can be relied upon. Do you notice the manipulation? an exception to the rule, not something that can be relied upon. Do you notice the manipulation?
Favorizing science continues to grow at a rate of mass manipulation / information, because you have to keep in mind and do not bet that about one-third of research is manipulated in the interest of the payer. do not reflect real reality, but the wishes of someone. Do not tie yourself to your proposed scapegoats: greedy corporations and bankers, secret world government, and so on. Behind them all these manipulative beings stand. As I said, they use their weaknesses (in this case greed, and above all their fears) to get the necessary emotions. And like all of us, in most cases, they do not realize they are manipulated.
The solution to the problem is not the physical removal of bankers and greedy managers because the system will immediately replace them with others. The solution is to realize the manipulations and to stop the emission of low-frequency vibrations. It is very effective to radiate these beings with love (they are also children of God), it increases their own vibrations and they go to eating with much more noble emotions and energies.
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