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May 31

The New Orion/Andromedan Alliance – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 31

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are always on the lookout for new alliances throughout this galaxy of ours, and we have noticed that on the physical plane, in your dimension, there has been a new alliance struck between the Orions and the Andromedans. Now, this is significant for several reasons. The Orions have often been seen as the oppressors, the villains, the ones who want to dominate everyone else in the galaxy. And yet, they are evolving spiritually, just like everyone else is. In fact, it was an evolution of consciousness in the third-dimensional Orion System that led to the end of the Orion Wars.
There certainly has been a lot of energy to clear since that traumatic time in the galaxy and in the universe, but enough of that work is now done to get the Orions to the point where they are ready to reach out with an olive branch to the Andromedans to form this alliance, to help secure the peace in the galaxy that most beings want. Now, this is also significant because the Andromedans have had an isolationist type of approach to the rest of the galaxy for quite some time. They have been watching from a distance and waiting to see who would raise their consciousness enough to get to the point where they would reach out to the Andromedans, and of course, the Orions did.
Now, beings who have existed in physical form in the Orion System have grown spiritually even more because of the Orion Wars than if there had not been that degree of oppression, violence, and general discord amongst all the beings who lived there throughout their history. This is something that all of you on Earth can use to start to appreciate everything that you’ve been through there and continue to go through on your very long journeys to raising the your level of consciousness to a fifth-dimensional frequency.
You’ve had a lot of wars, a lot of oppression, a lot of slavery, and of course right now you are going through a crisis of being divided and also a crisis involving the health and being of your air, water, and soil. All of this forces a person to grow spiritually, because if they do not, they bring about more suffering, and that suffering is getting harder to ignore, even if it is happening to someone else who lives on the other side of the planet. You are all so connected now, not just because of your Internet, but also because of your consciousness.
Many people have traveled to parts of the world that they never would’ve dreamt of traveling to just a couple of hundred years ago. Your world is getting smaller and therefore more connected, and you are getting to the point where you as a collective are readying yourselves to reach out to other beings throughout the galaxy, and you will do so as a collective of human beings who wants to be a part of the galactic community, just like the Orions want to join with so many others throughout the galaxy in making sure that all are in agreement that peace and harmony are the way to ascension and the only way for all beings to live joyously, with love in their hearts.
Before you assume that the Orions have a negative agenda because of something you’ve read somewhere, remember that we are reading their energy, and we know when someone is lying to us or lying to others. We can tell you right now that this is real, and that they are sincere, and it is a giant step forward for the entire galactic community, of which humanity is right now an unofficial part.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 28

This Is What Really Matters – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 28

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are quite capable of receiving all of your requests, even if they are all being made at the same time. That is one of the advantages to being a collective consciousness, and it is also one of the advantages of being nonphysical. You have two ears to listen with, but we have no ears, and yet, we can sense all. We take your requests as energy that we then are able to format in a way that it makes sense to us. That is what Daniel here is doing with our energetic transmission, and it is what we do with your energetic transmissions. This is how communication is happening on so many other levels than just words spoken or written, and you are receiving energies from above all the time, but many of you want to hear a little voice in your head so that you know exactly what you are receiving in that moment.
Others realize that there’s a subtlety to the communication that is happening from the higher-dimensional planes, because that communication starts out as energy, and those who are really tuned in can feel for those energies. That is what we suggest you do when you want to communicate with us, with other nonphysical, higher-dimensional beings and collectives, and with each other. Realize that what you are projecting energetically matters. It will be interpreted by whoever is receiving it. Make sure you clear whatever you need to clear out of your bodies, out of your systems until you feel that it’s no longer there, and then you can communicate with another more clearly. You can align your words and your intentions with your energy. You are projecting energy all the time, and it is the way in which you create your reality.
You want to pay attention to what energies you are receiving and what energies you are offering, because the time of being able to hide behind words that you don’t really mean is coming to an end. You are all becoming telepathic. You are all recognizing that you are energetic beings and that energy matters, and at the same time you are shifting your consciousness. When that shift is complete, everyone will know that they are communicating telepathically and energetically, and you will find less and less need for words. You will be energetic beings who vibrate on purpose, and you will know that you are. You will know what vibration you are offering.
Every time you process an emotion, you get closer and closer to being able to discern exactly what vibration you are offering in every moment. Make sure you are clear energetically, if you want to be clear in your communication, and clear in your offering to the universe of what it is that you truly want and need. The universe, and all of us within it, respond more to your energy, your vibration, than we do to your words, and even your thoughts. If you are going to speak a mantra, make sure that mantra aligns with the energy that you are offering. If you are going to think a thought, make sure that thought is in alignment as well. You are getting there, step by step, day by day, and you can practice all of this with us, because as we said, we are open to receiving from all of you all the time.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 27

What to Do When You See a UFO – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 27

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been looking for new and different ways of connecting with all of you. You will sometimes notice that you can feel us around, when you are just relaxing and enjoying something that you love. You will find that you can sense our vibration in a movie, or a television show, or even a song, as we inspire those who create art on your world. We also find opportunities to connect with you when you are having a deep conversation with someone, and you feel that the conversation is moving in the direction of extra-terrestrials.
We, of course, are not the only e.t.s who are doing this. When you see something in your sky, and you either know or suspect that it is a UFO, that’s an e.t. or a group of e.t.s testing the waters, so to speak. They are gauging your reactions to them. When you see a UFO, what you really want to do is to open your heart. Feel for the vibration coming off of the other beings that are on board. Feel yourself opening up to more direct physical contact with the e.t.s that are right there, in your skies, looking for those of you who are ready for contact.
Now, we as a nonphysical collective, have many ways of connecting with you, including through this channel right here. But we look for opportunities all day every day to offer you some guidance or just a sliver of our vibration. We like to feel that we are a part of your journey, and we will always seek out more contact with you, as you are very precious to us. We, and others like us, want to help you evolve and ascend with as much joy in your hearts as possible. And this entire ride for us is fun. It’s exciting. It gives us a sense of purpose. And of course, this is a holographic universe, so you are within us and we are within you. By helping you, we help ourselves.
And by helping you, we get to feel more joy and more satisfaction. Most of the physical e.t.s that are flying around in UFOs can say the same. They want to help. They want to succeed. But you can still use your discernment and your feeling senses to determine for yourselves whether an e.t. or a group of e.t.s is right for you to be connecting with in that moment. That is why it is important to use your hearts and your intuition, because they are the tools you will utilize the most as you complete your shift, and they are the tools you will use the most as fifth-dimensional beings.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 30

June Energies, Mass Awakenings & the Solstice – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 30

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very happy to report that June will be a magical month for humanity. You have the next batch of mass awakenings to look forward to, and you also have the summer/winter solstice coming up in the month of June, but the theme of the energies for the month of June will be a stabilization of your three lower chakras. You need to be stable in your root, sacral, and solar plexus chakras in order to be grounded in your bodies. You need to be grounded in your bodies in order to know what you are feeling, and to be able to open up to the higher-frequency energies that are always coming in to support you, upgrade you, and give you what you have been asking for.
Therefore, these June energies will stabilize you in your lower three chakras, helping you to clear what is no longer serving you and what never belonged to you in the first place. They will help you to let go of what you have been holding onto in those chakras. They will assist you in cleansing and clearing, as well as balancing and aligning those chakras so that you can move forward in your lives, confidently, strongly, with a sense of power and a sense of who you really are as a Source Energy Being, rather than clinging to the notion of who you have been as an egoic being.
Now, you will also be able to benefit more from the solstice energies because of these stabilizing forces that will be all around you, helping you and calling you to sit, relax, and release more often. That is what you really need to do at this time. Clinging to your attachments will make things worse, and it will slow you down. You want a smooth, easy, and joyous ride to the up-leveling of your consciousness, and paying attention to what’s going on inside of you, as well as what energies are available to you will always help you be on that better timeline to ascension. You are creating your own experience of this journey, and the more stable you are, and the more tools you have, the easier it is for you to create.
In the past you may have been told that it’s just your thoughts that create your reality. That’s it. Just think good thoughts, and you’ll be fine. But you have evolved past that level of teaching. You have evolved into a higher level of consciousness where you understand that there’s more involved than just your ability to think a thought on purpose. You also have to be willing to feel all the feelings, face everything that comes up for you, and you can’t think your way out of either of those. So get ready to create your reality with powerful energies that support you, align you, and give you everything that you need to move forward, closer and closer to the fifth dimension.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 29

Your Roles as the Ground Crew, Lightworkers & Gridworkers – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 29

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are continuing to observe the many ways in which you humans there on Earth are coming to a new understanding of who you are and how you are creating the realities that you experience. We see you coming to new conclusions, able to sort out the various ways in which you have been operating at a particular vibration, and we see you making the necessary course corrections.
We are talking, of course, you who we refer to as The Awakened Collective, because you are the ones who are doing the majority of the heavy lifting for the rest of the human collective. Now, where you go next with this will tell the tale of the rest of your journey to the fifth dimension. You can feel like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders, like it is all up to you, and like you have very little help there in the physical realm, or you can recognize the help that is all around you, coming from physical and nonphysical beings in the higher dimensional realms.
We are all seeking to be of service, to help humanity grow and expand in your consciousness evolution, and we make ourselves continuously available to you for whatever help you might need. Therefore, we invite you to see yourselves as the ground crew, see yourselves as the ones who have taken it upon yourselves to ground in the higher frequency energies, making them available to the rest of the collective. We invite you to see yourselves as the lightworkers and gridworkers there on planet Earth, making it easier for everyone else to ascend with you.
But we will also continue to remind you that you have access to energies that are beyond the imagination of the physical mind. You have co-creative partners up here in the higher realms that can make your lives so much easier, and that can and will happen when you relax and open yourselves up to us and to the beautiful energies we are providing. Right now, as we have mentioned before, the stabilizing energies of June are coming in, the solstice energies have already begun to influence you in a positive way, and there will be more to come.
We invite you to accept your roles as the ground crew, and as the lightworkers and gridworkers that you are. We also invite you to accept our help by telling us that you accept it. Speak it out loud, and then feel for the energies that are new in every day, because there is so much love and support for all of you, and you give us a sense of purpose when you accept our help. We and all of the other beings here in the higher realms want to make your lives and your roles easier, so please do lean on us, and let us know what you need. We are here for you and for the entire human collective.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 26

You’ve Been Here Before: Lemuria, Atlantis & Egypt – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 26

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are offering higher-vibrational energies to all of you at this time because we have noticed an ability amongst the awakened collective to handle higher-vibrational energies. And when you demonstrate that ability, we amplify the frequency, and we send a fresh batch, and we see how you handle them. You are getting quite good at noticing when higher-vibrational energies are upon you, and most of you have been able to make adjustments in order to receive them and acclimate to them. We know we say this often, but it bears repeating. You need to be hydrated, grounded in your bodies and present, and then you can handle the latest energies that are upon you, and you can do even more than just handle them. You can work with them; you can co-create with them. You can access more of your gifts and abilities with them, because those are the things they are meant to do.
Now, there are certain side effects to receiving higher-vibrational energies, especially for those who haven’t been taking such great care of themselves. But those individuals benefit from the side effects because they are then more likely to make the changes in their lives that they need to in order to be better conduits of higher-vibrational energies. That’s what the shift in consciousness is really about. It is about holding higher-vibrational thoughts, emotions, awareness, and accessing higher-vibrational beliefs, information, ideas, and even memories. You have been down this path before, even though you didn’t quite make it in Lemuria, Atlantis, or Egypt. And now here you are, accessing so much more than the average person is, and you are doing it at a time when humanity is shifting.
You get to move at whatever pace you want to with these energies, but it is good to be prepared, and it is always a good idea to take care of yourselves physically and emotionally. It is always good to be cleansed, and therefore, able to receive that which is higher vibrational in nature. Your cells are much better at receiving nutrients and minerals when they are not filled with toxins, and you are much better at receiving higher-vibrational energies when you’re not carrying around a bunch of lower-vibrational ones. So do your cleansing of your chakras and your organs, and you will be so ready for what is next.
As you know, we also prompt you from time to time to take leadership roles there on Earth, and the best way that you lead is by example. Live is a healthy, happy, creative life that is filled with love and peace, and others will want to know what your secret is. A lot of what we teach is common knowledge and common sense at this point. Most people know about the importance of being hydrated and eating healthy foods, processing their emotions, talking about their feelings, but not everyone knows about being present and being grounded. And when you have all of those put together, you become like a lightning rod for higher-vibrational energies.
And what you can do with those energies, what you can create with them, is beyond your wildest imaginations at this point. That is why it is also important to go with the flow of the energies, because they will lead you to where you have not been before, and when you get there, you will like it. You will like it a lot.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 25

What Will a Mass Landing of Ships Mean for Humans? – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 25

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very delicate in our approach to humanity. We know how long and hard you have been working there on Earth, and we know that you make so much progress with just your willingness to be there and to have earthly experiences, and we do not want to get in the way of all of that progress. We do not want to disrupt the natural flow, and that is why it is so much better for us to give you what we give you from afar. That is why it is best for you all to receive messages that help you help yourselves.
When we talk about a mass landing of ships there on Earth, we don’t ever want to give you the impression that they will be coming to save you, to rescue you from yourselves or from some cabal group. When they land, they will be doing so because you are ready for them, not because you need them so much that they could not stay away any longer. This is why we are always cautioning you against putting all of your eggs in a basket that looks a lot like a rescue mission of some kind. It serves you so much more to move incrementally, to take baby steps. It serves you so much more to embrace everything there on Earth as it is and to realize that you were the ones who were sent on the rescue mission.
You are the ones who are there now and who are capable now of making a huge impact on the human collective consciousness. When you look to those like us who are in nonphysical form, you are looking to receive energies and information that will help you take that next baby step. You all had your awakening experiences already, and you knew that when you were having those experiences, they were just the beginning.
Therefore, as much as you are excited about our last transmission regarding mass awakenings in the month of June, remember that those individuals who will be waking up will have their work cut out for them. And that’s the way you all wanted it to be there on Earth. You wanted to take the longer journey, without any shortcuts, and that is the one you are on, even though so many people will continue to tell that there is some magical rescue plan in the works.
Yes, your sun is playing a role in your evolution of consciousness, but even your sun is not there to save you, to give you a blast of energies that will change everything for you. You will feel so much more satisfaction at the end of all of this, at the completion of the shift in consciousness, because you took it little by little and step by step, and you could feel yourselves growing and expanding. And you will look back at these times as the best times in all of your human experience, because there is so much growth available to you and because you gave yourselves the opportunity to experience that growth, instead of jumping from point A to point Z with the help of some very benevolent e.t.s.
You will continue to receive all the help that you need and that is appropriate, and in your calm, rested, and relaxed moments, you will recognize that you want to be on this journey, and you want to be the ones who are making the progress intentionally and feeling the results of that progress in each and every moment.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 24

The Next Moment of Mass Awakenings – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 24

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are absolutely aware of how many souls choose to awaken there on Earth in every single one of your days. We know that it may seem shocking to some of you to learn that when a soul awakens is a choice, but souls like to have all kinds of experiences, and certain experiences can only be had while be in the state of being asleep. They are all awakening in their own ways and for their own reasons, and sometimes one of you gets to feel that satisfaction of being a part of their awakening. You will have more people to talk to about the things that matter most to you as you continue on there with your experience of ascending through the fourth dimension to the fifth.
You have all been very patient, and the next batch of mass awakenings is coming soon. So you will have more people to talk to and play with in the very near future. At the rate souls have been awakening there on Earth, we see a mass awakening occurring in the month of June. This mass awakening of souls will enable humankind to access more of the energies that are upon you at all times. You will be getting help from your newly awakened cohorts there on Earth; they will be anchoring in the higher-frequency energies with you. And you all will be assisting those who are still asleep by planting seeds and by supporting them as they awaken.
Again, these awakenings are planned by their souls, so you can facilitate the process and feel that you are spreading that which you want to spread to your fellow humans, but ultimately you must be patient and allow for those seeds to sprout. And most importantly is the support that you will bring to them, the healing, the comfort, and the confirmation that what they are experiencing is real, beneficial, and that you have been through it yourselves. You know what they have to expect and can help them with your knowledge, your wisdom, your experience, and your compassion.
Being empaths and being sensitive ones, as you are, has never been more important there on Earth than it is right now. You can relax when one of your family members is not yet awake, and you can connect with that person on the topics you are able to connect with them on, as you wait for their souls, their true selves, to decide to have their awakening. And then of course they will know that you are the one to talk to about it, because you’ve always been into that sort of stuff. Again, everyone gets to awaken in their own way and in the perfect timing, and it all supports the ascension of humanity’s collective consciousness, which of course we and so many others are in support of all the time.
We love you, and we want you to feel that, and we want you to feel how much support you have coming from us when you are supporting others in their awakening experiences and in the aftermath that can be a bit challenging for someone who is newly awake. Trust that you are right where you need to be and that you will be there for everyone who has ever been in your life in the next moment of mass awakenings.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 23

The 5 Steps to Creating Your Reality – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 23

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are always in the space of creation, and we are aware of what we are vibrating in every moment. Therefore, we are aware of what we are creating in every moment. This is a beautiful experience for us, and it is also an experience we have not always had. There have been times in our history when we were subconsciously creating our experience of reality, but over time we understood how to manage our vibration, and therefore, we mastered the art of offering a vibration on purpose, and that changed everything, literally.
Becoming aware is the first step to making changes in your lives. Accepting what you have been offering and creating is the second step. Relaxing into the feeling that you are having and emanating is the third step. The fourth step is choosing what it is that you want to offer to the universe and what you want to feel in the present moment. The fifth step is finding that vibration within you and activating it. You can think of your bodies as being filled with dormant and active volcanoes.
The active volcanoes can be so familiar to you that you don’t even realize they are there, and the dormant volcanoes can also be a part of you that you are unaware of because you’ve never felt or experienced their lava before. When you accept the active volcanoes, then you can decide whether you want them to continue to be active or not. You may have an active volcano within you of love. You may be very experienced at loving other people, animals, nature, the Earth and even e.t.s, but then self-love might be something you’ve experienced very little of, or none of, in this life. That would be one of your dormant volcanoes that you want to activate, and you can when you seek it out and discover that it too lies within your heartspace.
But if you’ve got an active anger volcano, and you’ve been angry for so long that you don’t even realize that you have a choice not to be, that would be something you would want to become aware of, accept, address in the proper way, and not have active all the time. Of course, anger serves a purpose, and so, you don’t want that volcano to become extinct. But dormant volcanoes can be activated when needed, and they don’t have to erupt and wipe out entire cities when they are activated.
We hope you like our little analogy here, because a volcano is what created the island of Maui, which the channel here lives on, and in fact, he lives on the volcano, which is now dormant. It is a very good analogy for many reasons, and the Earth is filled with these types of analogies. Nature teaches you in every moment, if you are willing to sit quietly and listen to her and feel her wisdom. We want you to know how beautifully set up this all is for you, and we want you to know that you can get to where we are without any more uncontrollable eruptions within yourselves. We also want to thank you for being there and being willing to experience so much energy and so much emotion, and we are very happy to guide you to the place where we are now, because we love to see any being becoming more aware and more in control of what they are vibrating and therefore creating.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 20

Your Mission at this Time – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 20

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have always appreciated the ways that humans have of resolving your differences and disputes when all parties involved decide to take the high road. When you recognize that the only way to live in peace and harmony is by talking about the issues that you have, that’s when true progress is made. You all have come to many tables and sat to discuss peace in your time there on Earth, and that really is the reason why you create the violence, the discord, and the wars in the first place. They are all meant ultimately to bring you closer together.
When you see how your actions and words affect others, that is how you get to a place of compassion. Therefore, you all set up a system on Earth where you would first experience the violence, and then the guilt, and then the desire for peace. You all desire peace, but some of you have different ideas about how you get to that place of peace. Some people think they need a lot of power or money in order to have peace in their hearts. Some people think that only being around people who agree with them, and who look like them, and act like them is the way to achieve peace in their hearts.
We know that you know that inner peace is a challenge. Unconditional peace that does not require anyone or anything to change is a tall order. It is something that the spiritual master hopes to attain in a lifetime. We want you all to know that this is your mission at this time. Your mission is to be peace, to exude peace, to hold peace in your hearts, in order to be of service to the entire collective, to yourselves, and to those who are experiencing a lack of peace right now. You can be the examples and hold the vibration, and you can send that peace out to everyone and to every place that needs it right now.
You can also look within yourselves for where you have inner conflict, and you can seek to resolve that inner conflict by simply letting go of the fight. Let go of the struggle, and become one unified whole that is un-fragmented, that is ready to recognize yourself as a being of pure love and light, as all that is.
We call upon you to work with all of the higher dimensional beings that are holding space for all of humanity, and we just want to include the fact that they always do. But when you look to the higher realms for assistance in these times of great need, you find that it is always there. It is always there because higher dimensional beings are always looking to help. We are here for you now and always to help you find and hold that peace in your hearts.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 21

Is There a 5D Blueprint for Yourself & Humanity? – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 21

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very happy to see so many of you exploring the different possible timelines that you have in front of yourselves, as we know quite a few of you have awakened to the truth that there is not one future for you or for all of humanity. And we see you getting more serious about focusing on the reality that you want to experience, rather than giving in to the idea that you have to experience a certain predetermined reality. Now, that may have been the case in all of your previous lifetimes there on Earth in the third dimension. Before you set out to live those lives, you may have created a blueprint for each and every one of them, a blueprint that you would stick to because you knew it served your consciousness to do so.
You knew that you had to have certain experiences to fill out your punch card, so to speak, but this is not one of those lifetimes. This is a lifetime where everything is shifting and changing, including how much of a say you have now that you are on Earth, about what happens next for you. Now, you may think to yourself that you can choose for yourself what’s going to happen next, but you may also believe that because humanity is shifting as a collective, certainly there must be experiences that you all have to have as a collective. But that is not the case. You are choosing which version of the collective you align with, and therefore, which future experiences you are going to have as a part of that particular collective, and you are doing this all the time.
Think highly of your fellow humans, and you get a better reality to experience with them. Look down upon your fellow humans, and you will continue to wonder why they keep messing everything up for the rest of you who are awake. You want to elevate everything, not just your vibration and your consciousness, but also your expectations for your fellow humans. See them as having all of these potential awakening experiences that they have yet to tap in to but that they are destined to experience themselves.
See the consciousness of the collective spiraling upward with you, and see yourselves as leading the way, but know that you are not in this all by yourselves as the awakened collective. Everyone is there to serve the experience of ascension in their own way. Everyone is there behaving exactly as you need them to behave to give you what you need in order to grow spiritually. You are the ones who are the changemakers, who will decide that the path for humanity can be a smooth, easy, and joyous one, as you help others awaken with your own level of consciousness, with the stories you tell about your own experiences, and with your ability to hold space for all of them, especially those who are lagging furthest behind.
If you saw them all as a part of yourselves, then it would be easier for you to see that they need you. They need your help; they need your positive expectations for them, and they need you to hold your vibration in the highest possible frequency, which you can only do when you are seeing them all as Source Energy Beings, instead of as the ones who are messing things up for the rest of you. That’s what you came to Earth to do, and we believe in you, even in those times when you don’t believe in yourselves. So call upon us for help in maintaining that vision, because we know that humankind as you experience it can experience the shift in consciousness in the most beautiful of ways.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 22

Rise Up & Become Your Higher Selves – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 22

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are putting ourselves out there to connect with any and all beings in this universe and beyond, because we have nothing to lose and everything to gain by doing so. We know that no one could ever take anything from us, even if they wanted to, because we are non-physical beings, and because we are sovereign.
So there really is no threat in this universe, or any other universe that we know about, to our wellbeing. You all, on the other hand, do feel vulnerable with your physical bodies, your loved ones, your bank accounts, your homes, your possessions. There is a lot that you could lose, and what you could lose is often in your consciousness when you think about making yourselves available to connect.
But now is the time to let go of the third-dimensional attachments so that you can rise up and become your higher selves. In order to do that, you must be able to let go. You must be willing to see yourselves as infinite and eternal beings who really don’t have anything to lose, even though physically and emotionally speaking, you do. That is a tall order, we know, but it is also the next step in your consciousness evolution.
To be unattached is to be truly free. And when you are truly free, you feel the weight of the world lifting off of your shoulders, and that’s when you become the lighter version of yourself that you will exist as at all times in the fifth dimension. Now is the time for releasing tension, anxiety, and fear, as well as letting go of all of the responsibility that tends to weigh you down. You don’t want to feel like you are unable to do what you want to do because of a fear that something bad might happen if you do.
Taking leaps of faith will always pay off for you, because you will either succeed, or you will learn. You will get better with each leap, even if you don’t make it. Therefore, we are suggesting that you look at your life right now and determine for yourself where you are not living fully enough because of a fear, because of an attachment, because you are clinging to something that does not define you. Your bodies do not define you. Your status does not define you. Your wealth, or lack thereof, does not define you.
Take chances. Be brave. And you will be demonstrating to yourself and to your e.t. friends that you are ready to take the next giant leap in your consciousness evolution. There is simply nothing more exciting than that.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 19

What You Have Coming with Full E.T. Contact – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 19

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are always interested in what makes humans tick, what keeps you interested in life there on planet Earth, because as the awakened collective, you know that there is so much more available to you. However, you do share a planet with many people who are seeking very specific experiences that they can only have in their physical bodies there on Earth in the fourth dimension. It’s very interesting to us to observe what motivates a person to get up in the morning and do all the things that they think they need to do in order to have what it is that they want and experience what they want to experience.
We are watching the movies of your lives with great enthusiasm, because we love to learn about the nature of your consciousness. Knowing about the nature of your consciousness helps us understand ourselves better, and that’s what e.t. contact is really all about. Many people want to be rescued, want to be whisked away on a spaceship, want access to that very advanced e.t. technology. But those of you who are awake must recognize that when you meet an extra-terrestrial being, you are meeting more of yourself. You are being given an opportunity to explore an aspect of you that you never knew before. In some cases, you can’t even fathom what these e.t.s will be like and what they will activate within you when you are in their presence. That’s something to get excited about.
We know that when you get an opportunity to observe your e.t. friends and to see what makes them tick, you will be fascinated as well. You will have new understandings of what existence is all about just because you will see how culturally different they are from you. Merging your culture with their culture will create something new, something never before seen and experienced in this universe, and that will be a delight for us to witness as well, but even more importantly, it will be such an amazing experience for all of you to partake in, that coming together of different perspectives, different practices, different art forms.
We are so in favor of you having more extra-terrestrial contact right now that we want to encourage you to open yourselves up to them every night as you fall asleep in your bed. Do not be afraid, because you have so many well-meaning e.t. friends that are your helpers. They want to connect with you, and they are waiting for the right timing and the proper invitation.
Tell them you are ready to meet with them and to co-create with them, and you will send that signal out to all of your star family members, all benevolent e.t. beings, both physical and nonphysical, and you can expect to have some remarkable experiences when you do make those connections, experiences that go far beyond what their ships are like and what gadgets they have on board. Get ready for an explosion of your own consciousness into so much more than what it’s ever been before to you, because that’s what you have coming with full e.t. contact.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 18

Predictions About ‘The Event’ & a Solar Flash – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 18

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very much in favor of humanity choosing your own path. We do not feel that we have a better perspective than you do on what should come next for humankind. We know that there are a lot of predictions out there about what needs to happen before you can shift your consciousness, but this shift has never been about external factors. It has never been about what the sun is doing or what the planets are doing in your solar system and beyond. It has always been an inside game, an inside job, and therefore, each of you are allowed to choose what comes next on your individual paths and what you want to experience as a part of a human collective.
The reason why you don’t need to pay attention to predictions about an Event or a Solar Flash is because there is not one future, and there is not just one Earth and one human collective. There are more than you can imagine, and you get to align with the one that feels best to you. You don’t have to wait in anxious anticipation for what some higher-dimensional being or collective says is going to happen so you can decide when it’s necessary to stock up on supplies or to build a shelter underneath the surface of the planet. You are the ones choosing the destiny of yourselves as individuals, and you are choosing consciously or unconsciously which version of the human collective you are going to join on its ascension journey.
Therefore, we always advise you all to stop looking outside of yourselves, and we always remind you that everything is inside of you. Most importantly, your vibration is inside of you. It’s the part of you that tells you what you are aligning with. Do you want to align with a world that is very third-dimensional in nature where there is a battle going on between the forces of good and the forces of evil? You can, if that’s what you want. Would you rather align with a version of Earth and a version of the human collective where everyone is coming together, uniting, forgiving one another, releasing hate, and moving towards a higher level of consciousness as one unified whole? You can have that experience, if that’s what you want, and to us that sounds a lot more like a shift in consciousness.
People in the new age get way too caught up in who has what technology and what they’re using it for. They get way too caught up in what’s not being told to the public, and which pieces of technology are being held back from the average human. You must know by now that your inner technology is more powerful than anything that could be created by human or extra-terrestrial hands. As awakened souls, you must know by now the power that you have within you to access your inner technology, to elevate your vibration, and to align with that version of Earth and humanity that you feel is most resonant with who and what you really are.
So basically, what we are saying is, if something that you’re reading, or watching, or listening to isn’t about raising your vibration, loving, forgiving, releasing judgment and healing, then it’s not important for you to have that version of reality as a part of your consciousness. You only need to focus on the version of reality that you want to experience, that experience has helped you determine is the right one for you. So that’s our recommendation, and we make it because we see so many falling into more of a 3D type of mentality, an us-versus-them paradigm, and fear-mongering disguised as spiritual wisdom, and we want to help.
We want to help guide you back to yourselves, back to what is important to you and what is inside of you so that you can decide where you’re headed next as an individual and where the collective you are aligning with is headed as well. We will join you no matter where you go and no matter what you decide, and we will continue to guide you, love you, and send you energetic downloads, but we also want you to know that you do have the power to choose.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 17

You Hold the Master Key to This – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 17

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are so very pleased to have so many of you there on Earth in human form responding to us and our messages in a positive way. We know that it is easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of your day-to-day lives there on Earth, and we also know how much you all know you benefit from remembering that you have helpers in the nonphysical like ourselves. We also remind you of all of the other nonphysical helpers that are around you, supporting you, giving you everything that you need, and reminding you that you are loved.
With all of this love pouring down upon you from the heavens it then becomes easier for you to remember who and what you really are. You are beings of pure, unconditional love. You come from Source, and you still are Source, even though you forget sometimes who and what you really are, and Source is Love. Now, our transmissions to you are all about reminding you of who you really are so that you can go out into the world and be who you really are.
Nothing feels as good as loving, and when you love another, whether that other is a person, an animal, a plant, or some other aspect of Source, you are in that moment being your true self. You are being true to yourself as love, and therefore, by receiving the love that you get from us and from the other nonphysical consciousness that is constantly sending it to you, you then have more to give. You have the love that you are activated within you, and from that place of being activated, the love that you are pours from you into the world effortlessly. You don’t have to try to love others when you are being love, when the love within you is so active that nothing can switch it off.
And only you can switch that love flow off that comes from within you. You have the master key. If you decide not to be love in any given moment, that’s you using your free will. That’s you making a decision that gives you a feeling once again of separation from who and what you really are, and that allows you to play in this game a little bit longer, the game of the third and fourth-dimensional Earth experience. As you remember who you are throughout the course of your day, you are more likely to spread love all around you and create a universe of love for you to experience.
Now, as you go about your day, being the love that you truly are, you are then the ones activating love in others. So there is a domino effect with whatever it is you are spreading there on Earth. Spread what you want to see activated in others, and they will show you that reflection, and you will enjoy each other’s company, because what is most important about each of you will be at the forefront. You will have to let go of that which is not who you really are along the way, but that’s going to happen one way or another. Do it consciously and deliberately, and you will enjoy the rest of the ride that you have there on this fourth-dimensional version of Earth. And so much awaits you in the fifth dimension, so much more of who you are, and we are just excited to witness that journey with you, and we are so happy to be a part of it. That’s what brings us the most joy in delivering to you these transmissions.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 16

How Humanity is Handling the Full Moon/Eclipse Energies – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 16

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are noticing the effects of the full moon and lunar eclipse energies on humanity at this time, and we want you all to know that no matter how you think you are doing, no matter how you think you are handling the energies, we can see the bigger picture from the broader view, and we see you all getting exactly what you need to take you to the next step of your evolution. You spiritual evolution will not look like a neat little graph with a line steadily going upward, because you will experience dips along the way, dips in your vibration.
And when you experience those dips, it’s easy to see how someone in human form would interpret that as backsliding or regressing, and that is why you think you are not doing as well as you are. It is because when emotions are high and feelings of tension and anxiety come to the surface, you think you must be doing something wrong. But in actuality, everything you feel brings you closer to ascension. You really are on an upward spiral, no matter how you might feel in any given moment, and that upward spiral includes feeling some feelings that are uncomfortable and unwanted. It includes facing some aspects of yourselves that you haven’t wanted to face, and it also includes letting go of some 3D attachments.
One of those attachments might be that you are in control all the time. Once you realize that you offer a vibration, and you can offer it on purpose, many of you get down on yourselves any time you are not offering a high vibration. But that’s the perfectionist in you coming up to be loved and lovingly released. You don’t need to be perfect to be on a spiritual path; you just need to acknowledge everything that is inside of you and embrace it just as it is. So when an eclipse and/or a full moon comes along, and you feel yourself getting triggered in some way, or you feel yourself breaking down for no apparent reason, celebrate those moments of progress.
Celebrate that you have tapped in to something else that needed to be felt in order to be released or integrated, because that’s how it really is. And because we see so many humans right now facing what they need to face and feeling their feelings, we know that this planned event has done wonders for the overall vibration of the human collective consciousness, and that is something we can always feel shifting and changing for the better, even if emotionally not every human is where they want to be in the moment.
Use this time to clean house, to let go of what you need to let go of, and use this time to get clearer about how you do want to feel, even though you simultaneously have to give up control of feeling the way you want to feel all the time. When you can accept that seeming contradiction, you can move forward from a more third-dimensional type of consciousness, and you can close in on the fifth-dimensional consciousness that you are all destined to hold.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 14

Receive More from the Archangels, Ascended Masters & Others – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 14

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are so very consistent in our offerings of energy to all of you, because we are offering you energies even when Daniel here isn’t channeling us. We want you to know that you can open up to our transmissions at any time, and you will receive the latest. We also want you to relax into the receiving. We advise you to let in our energetic transmissions. There is no trying involved, and struggling to feel for them will not help. But if you can relax into what is coming to you, and you can do that consistently, day after day, moment after moment, you will feel the expansion of your consciousness occurring in leaps and bounds.
Now, as we have said many times before in these transmissions, we are not the only game in town. We are not the only ones who are offering you higher-frequency energies. We are not the only helpers you have here in the higher realms, and so at times you may feel like opening up to Pleiadian energies, or the energies of your favorite ascended master or archangel. You may even feel like faerie energy is what you would like to attune to in that particular moment. It’s good for you to know that your spirit guides and higher selves are also very consistent in their offerings to you.
The transmissions just keep coming and coming, and many of you feel for them. Some of you realize that you have been feeling them after the fact. You may notice some changes in yourself or in your world, and then when you look back at the past several days or weeks, you will realize that you have been receiving energies and you have been working with them. For some of you, this is not new. You’ve been doing it for a very long time, and you know then that it is part of your journey to help others to recognize that they too have energies they can tap in to, receive and work with at any time.
A lot of people who are receiving this transmission are wondering how to do it. It’s quite simple really. You just have to relax. Let go of all of your tension, your anxiety, your thoughts, your worries, your fears, and then you naturally open up to receive those higher-frequency energies that are coming to you from above. And as we’ve said, you can point yourself in any direction you like. You can receive archangel energies one day and Sirian energies the next. The day after that, perhaps you will be more into faerie energy. Think of this as choosing what you’re going to wear today or what you’re going to eat today, and know that we are always open for business. We are always seeking to help, to heal, to guide and to support.
Most of what we offer is just love, healing, compassion, peace, and all the other high-frequency vibrations, and sometimes it is more specific. And when it is, Daniel here usually tells you about it with our help. Right now, just luxuriate in all the energies that are positive, playful, and helpful, and all around you all the time, and you will never feel alone again. You will never feel separate or abandoned again, and you will always feel full of everything you need to create the beautiful 5D Earth you are continuously moving towards.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 15

The Awakened Collective: Answer the Call – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 15

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been looking for a way to address the idea of separation that you have there on Earth, and what we have decided is that now is the perfect time to be sharing with you our perspective. Separation from Source was a necessity in order for people to truly believe in their mortality and the mortality of their loved ones. When you awaken to the truth that separation from Source is and always has been an illusion, then you can start to recognize that all other concepts, all other notions of separation are also illusions. They are illusions that you play with to give yourselves an opportunity to come together.
You come apart, and you come back together, and the coming back together is so much sweeter because of the time that you spent apart. Now, the issues that you have there on Earth that involve a sense of duality, polarity, and the idea of us versus them, are all a part of that big picture strategy that you all had for moving apart so that you could come back together. When you recognize that everyone and everything is Source Energy, then you can let go of your judgments, because you will know that no matter what that person is doing or saying, they are really just Source playing a role, a role for you to experience, and for all of humanity.
Rising above the separation and us-versus-them mentalities is necessary at this time on your world. It is necessary in times of crisis, and the ideas that people have in their heads about who is to blame get magnified. They are amplified in their speech, in their writing, and even in their actions. Whenever you are facing a problem there on Earth, it is always an issue for the consciousness of humanity. You are always being given an opportunity to raise the consciousness, and when we address you as the awakened collective, we are implying that it is you who are raising the level of consciousness, and we are inviting you to do even more.
Let yourselves feel into the vibration of the level of consciousness that is needed on Earth at this time to bring people together, people who are seemingly enemies. You as awakened ones must hold the level of consciousness within you to project onto those individuals the truth that you are all one, separation is an illusion, and that the biggest common denominator that you all have is that you are Source Energy Beings. Those of you who know that and embody it can help to raise the level of consciousness on your world by going beyond pointing fingers, blaming, and politicizing tragedy and trauma.
Now, will you be able to convince anyone with your words or your writing? Perhaps not. But as you hold a vibration and you send love and compassion everywhere it is needed right now on planet Earth, then you demonstrate that truth. You put that truth into action, and that goes beyond the mind of the person who could argue with you and dig their heels in to further their agenda, their beliefs about how everyone should think.
You are there to move beyond thought and belief. You are there to move into a heart-based experience of reality and to spread compassion and love wherever you can. Now is the perfect time to do just that, because it is needed, and you are the ones to answer the call.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 13

Get Eager about the Grand Plan of Ascension – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 13

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very interested in the evolution of consciousness of all beings throughout the galaxy and the universe. We are not just focusing on humankind there on Earth, but rather, we are able to compare your journey as a collective with the journeys of so many other beings who are also shifting their consciousness at this historic time in our universe.
We enjoy the process of analyzing what is working for some and why, and we have determined that those beings who are doing the best right now are the ones who have recognized that something big is happening. It is the vibration of eagerness that is assisting those who are awake in other parts of the galaxy, and it is our observation that a lot of the eagerness that those of you in the awakened collective had has been diminished by the current circumstances that you are living at this time.
Eagerness is not the same thing as neediness. When you are fed up with life on Earth, and you throw your hands up in despair and look for the shift to save you, or to make everything better, that’s not eagerness. You want to see everything as a part of the grand plan of ascension, and you want to see yourselves as the ones who are taking an active role in the deliberate creation of the ascension experience.
You can, of course, sit quietly and comfortably, knowing that everything is going to work out for the best, for you and for all of humankind, but you wanted to play a role. You wanted this to be something that you could feel yourself as being one of the ones partially responsible for the elevation of the human collective consciousness. You can and do contribute to the shifting of humanity’s consciousness, and you don’t need to do something that affects billions of people to have an impact. But when you let go of that despair, and when you process your fears and your anger, you can make enough of an impact as an individual to get humanity back into that very helpful state of being of eagerness.
The expansion and evolution of your consciousness is something to feel very good about. It’s something to get excited and enthusiastic about. And it is now and always has been in the hands of the people, no matter what anyone outside of you is doing. You have the power. You are the ones, and you have more support throughout this galaxy than you ever have before. Let the eagerness flow once again.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 12

As Awakened Souls, This is Your Work Right Now – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 12

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are always impressed with the way that humanity has been handling all of the challenges that you have thrown at yourselves in this particular lifetime of ascension. It hasn’t been an easy path for most people, whether awake or asleep. You would think that being awake would make it a lot easier to be there at this time, but as awakened souls you are less likely to sweep something under the rug or numb yourself to it with drugs, alcohol or some other way of smothering emotion. This is the time where everything is rising to the surface, and that is why it looks like things are not going so well there on Earth and humanity is not making the progress that we always report you are making.
When things come to the surface, it can get a little hectic and chaotic there on Earth, but all of that has to be seen and felt, acknowledged and forgiven in order for you to move on. So whatever you see out there in the world right now that upsets you, remember that it is not your job to copy, paste, and post so that others can agree with you about how horrible that person, group, country, or situation is. Your job in that moment is to offer forgiveness, release judgment and have compassion for those who are doing the horrible things they are doing or saying the horrible things they are saying, because they are doing so from that place of being out of alignment with Source. And there is no worse place to be in, and you all know that because you have all been there as well.
So what your fellow humans need is not more condemnation, more finger-pointing, but rather, they need to be seen as Source Energy Beings who have lost their way and who are acting out like a toddler having a tantrum. That is the way you bring the level of consciousness to a higher level there on Earth, and that is the only way. There are no bypasses. There are no ways of getting around what your work is at this time, because if you cannot forgive another and have compassion for them, you won’t be able to do it for yourselves either. And there are many aspects of yourselves. The one you are right now is not the only one, and you carry the rest of them around with you, sometimes in your energy field, and they need love, compassion, and forgiveness. And many people who are awake will go to a healer, or someone who is like a healer, and ask to have that entity or that attachment removed, when in actuality it needs to be integrated.
This time you are in is all about integration, not about separation, not about the light defeating the dark. There is no spiritual war, and warfare is not the way, whether it’s physical or metaphysical. Those of you who are awake know all of this, of course, but at times something can get under your skin just enough for you to forget. And so, we are here to remind you, because we absolutely love it when we see you right on track, and no matter what other challenges you are facing in your lives right now, the challenge of uniting humanity is the biggest one that you have. Remember that, and remember that you are there to help and to heal, and everything will be all right. Everything is of course all right, but there is always room for it to get even better.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 11

You Have Been Preparing Your Whole Lives for This – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 11

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are so very excited about what is to come next for humanity, because we know that the experience of the growth that you have in front of you is going to be pure ecstasy, especially for those of you who take that growth on fully. Those of you who accept the expansion that is available to you are always going to enjoy the ride more than those who are fighting against change, progress, movement forward that is inevitable.
Therefore, you could say that you have been preparing your whole lives for this, for what is to come. You have been clearing out your traumas, your chakras, your negative beliefs, thoughts, and emotions, to get you to this point where you would be able to take on all of the potential growth that is there for you. And when you embrace it, when you know that it is the next step in your evolution, it is so fun, playful and enjoyable to partake in.
Now, as you know, everything is changing there on Earth and changing for the better. Those inevitable changes are the result of all that humankind has lived collectively, leading up to this point. The changes have all been asked for, and the asking has been answered in the affirmative. And now it is about opening up the floodgates to let it all in, and those of you who are ready for the energies of change will not have the impediments in the way that others around you do. In other words, by clearing out everything that you have released, you have made yourselves these wonderful vessels for high-frequency energies to flow through. But not everyone has been doing this, and they are going to have a harder time.
Anytime you see someone clinging to something, feel compassion for them and send love, but also ask yourself if there is anything you are still clinging to that you need to let go of in order to be that open, pure, clear vessel. And know that all that you allow to flow through you will eventually get to those who are clinging, who are closed off, and who are afraid of change. They are coming along for the ride, whether they know it or not, and the ride will include some dismantling of old systems that only really worked for the few anyway. And the new systems are being birthed all the time. They are in the stage of infancy right now, but they are growing. They are growing in power, in numbers, and those of you who are focused on those new systems are bringing more energy to them.
You are doing a wonderful job of ushering in the changes that will support the new level of consciousness. These changes reflect the new level of consciousness as well. And when you feel for it, when you feel for more of that oneness and equality, more of that unity, you know that it feels right to you. You know that everyone is a part of this giant puzzle that is Source, and everyone’s piece fits in some way. As you set the example of playing your part beautifully and willingly, you make it easier for others to remember who they really are and the part that they have to play in this cosmic dance of ascension. The ascension will of course continue until we all return home to Source and to the feeling of who we really are.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 10

What Those Who Are Awake Do Not Know – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 10

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very impressed with the way that humanity has been evolving, expanding your consciousness beyond where it has ever been before there are on Earth. These are exciting times for humankind, as you continue to move closer and closer to the fifth-dimensional frequency range that you will soon exist in all the time. You are making it much easier on your guides, because you are awake, and collectives like ourselves feel that we get so much from all of you because of your willingness to absorb the energies that we transmit. We want you to know that as much as you are receiving help from above, you are also helping those around you.
You are helping them with your level of consciousness, with your acts of kindness, and with your vibration. You are balancing the energies there with the high vibration that you continuously offer to your fellow humans. You offer it when you are sitting and doing nothing, but you also amplify the projection of your high-vibrational energy when you see that others are in need. You answer the call with your intention for others to be fed, clothed, treated fairly, given the same opportunities as everyone else, and respected as the beings that they truly are.
We are all Source Energy Beings, and we seek to help each other remember that. When you are in a space of remembering who you really are, you cannot help but add that to the collective consciousness of humanity. And the more people there are out there who are seeking something better, something different, the more you answer the call. You don’t even know how much you help your fellow humans just by being there, just by being a part of the human collective, but you truly are there to make a huge difference. And that is why you respond so well to help coming from above.
We are to you as you are to your fellow humans. And so, you recognize us and what we are doing, because it is so familiar to you. You will, of course, continue to awaken and hold that consciousness of who you really are consistently, and we want you to know that you are making it possible for so many other humans to ascend with you because of who you are and because of what you do. We also want you to receive more of the help that is coming from above, because there will be more people all around you who are waking up and needing someone in human form to be the helper that they have been seeking.
Eventually, they will find us and the others up here in the higher-dimensional planes, but for a while they will be seeking someone else, someone in a physical body who can relate to them and what they’re going through. And that’s one of the reasons why you all needed to come into this lifetime with less forgetting of who you really are and with a determination to know yourselves as spiritual beings, as Source Energy in the flesh. You are anchoring in more of that truth all the time, and we see the effects that it has on all of humanity, and we just want to thank you for your service.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 9

The Energies Coming to Make Sense of It All – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 9

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are so very interested in what it takes to awaken a human being. It fascinates us to watch as your stories there on Earth unfold, and as we notice people awakening in peculiar and unexpected ways, we realize that we still have a lot to learn about the human experience there on Earth at this time. We know that all of you must have unique paths in order to fulfill your purpose, and we know that each and every one of you is playing a part in the expansion and evolution of the consciousness there.
We often wonder how to be best of service to you, because as we watch and witness you, we realize that so much of your journeys are unfamiliar territory for us. You’re having these amazing experiences that have never been had before in this universe, and it is an absolute delight to play any part in the unfoldment of your stories. We would like for you to have the same fascination with your journey as we do, because we know that you could be enjoying your process of evolution more. We know that it is time for you to start acknowledging yourselves and seeing yourselves as the beautiful creators of these experiences. We also want you to know that the help that is on its way right now for all of you will come in the form of energies that will help you to make sense of everything you’re experiencing in your lives and globally.
We see a lot of humans trying to make sense of what’s happening, and in the process of doing so, they are creating stories that they are then making true for themselves. And that comes from a person who doesn’t pull back far enough to see the bigger picture. Within the bigger picture there is continuity, synchronicity, and it all makes sense. But when someone looks at something so specifically, and tries to get to the bottom of it, to deconstruct it, oftentimes they will find that they are in a bottomless pit. Once you start down a path of creation, it can be challenging for all of you to get off of that path, to zoom out, and to remember that in the bigger picture we are all creating this journey for fun, for the joy of it, for the experience of it.
And when you zoom out far enough, there is no ‘them,’ but rather each and every one of us plays our part to weave the tapestry that is this universe, a universe that becomes more integrated and united all the time. The energies we and our colleagues are getting ready to send to you now will help you see that. They will help you make sense of it all in a bigger picture type of way, because that’s what so many of you need who tend to get fixated on one issue or one aspect of life there on Earth. You are meant to be conscious of the bigger picture at all times, and we know that you can be and that many of you are already starting to see the world and the universe in that way.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 8

E.T.s Are Watching: Use Your Superpowers – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 8

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been exploring the connections that you feel with one another when you have a shared experience. When you know that you have something in common with someone else, that is important to you, then you are more likely to open your heart to the individual or individuals that you have that important thing in common with. You need to find these commonalities right now, even when you are aware of the differences that you have between yourself and anyone out there in the world.
Now is not the time to be drawing lines in the sand. Now is not the time for more separation. Now is the time to be coming together as one human collective. Even when you have different perspectives, and even when those different perspectives seem like enough of a reason to go into an us versus them mentality, you don’t actually have to go there. One of your defining characteristics as a race is your willingness to let go, to forgive, and to see past those differences.
You stand out to the extra-terrestrials in the galaxy because of how many humans have been able to see past the differences, find the commonalities, and come together. You have an opportunity to do that right now, and in the process, you have an opportunity to forgive. Forgiveness is a strength. It is a superpower. It does not make you a pushover or a doormat. It does not make you weak. It makes you strong, and you need all your strengths at this time. You need all of your superpowers. Remember that.
And remember that the e.t.s are watching you. They are watching and they are waiting for enough of you to demonstrate the gift that you have within you, that gift of being able to forgive, being able to love unconditionally, and being able to come together in spite of your differences. These are all superpowers, and they are what will get you a seat at the galactic table. It’s not your technology. It’s not your intellect. It is the heart of humanity that will grant you access to all of the other beings in this galaxy who want so much to co-create with you.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 7

Being Awake in a 3D World That Mostly Isn’t – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 7

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are particularly curious about the way that you all are seeking to find your way in a world that is mostly not awakened. We see those of you who are among the awakened collective trying to figure out where you fit in society. We see you struggling to find a way to earn a living in a world that is mostly not supportive of you and your beliefs. This is a time when you are meant to bridge the gap between the third and fifth dimensions, and it is an enormous gap. It is a gap that some of you have been attempting to fill for decades, and it is still there, but the gap is narrowing.
It is in fact becoming easier for you to find your way and to hold your beliefs without being ridiculed. It is even more possible now than ever to earn a living as a spiritual practitioner of some sort. Now, we keep telling you that the world is changing and changing for the better. We keep telling you that there are mass awakenings occurring all across the planet. We keep telling you how powerful you are as creator beings, and we will continue to tell you these things because they are true from our perspective.
You, however, might live in an area and with an immediate family that say otherwise. You might look at what is being broadcast on most televisions and think that we are just offering you wishful thinking or pie-in-the-sky ideas. But there is a sweet spot there in the fourth dimension, and we know that you can find it. We know that you can have a tribe of people around you to talk about your beliefs with, and we know that you don’t have to settle for the traditional nine-to-five job in the corporate world.
But you’ve got to get creative. You have got to believe in yourselves and believe in the limitless possibilities that are before you, so that you can start living in that sweet spot and so you can bridge the gap and be fifth dimensional in a world that is mostly clinging to the third. Now is the perfect time to put what we are saying to the test and to find your comfort zone, as you continue on your quest to the fifth dimension.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 6

How to Connect with the 9D Arcturian Council – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 6

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have established so many beautiful connections with those of you who have been receiving these transmissions and have reached out to us. We are very pleased with the way that you receive our transmissions and our energy and vibration. We have been noticing that those of you who seek direct communication with us are doing so from a place of genuine curiosity, and that matters. That makes a difference when you are seeking to connect with any higher dimensional beings.
We are curious about you and how you handle the challenges of your lives, and so, if you get curious about those of us who exist in the higher dimensional planes, you will be more likely to be a match to our energy. And that will make the connection stronger for you. Now, this way of connecting to higher dimensional beings also works because you will feel for our vibration, rather than just thinking the thoughts, and speaking out loud, and hoping that someone, somewhere is listening.
You really do want to feel for the essence of the beings you seek connections with. And therefore, when you receive these transmissions, it is always a good idea to feel for the vibration that is embedded within them, rather than just analyzing the words, concepts and ideas, hoping to give your mind an advantage.
We know that those of you who are truly awakened understand the importance of recognizing a vibration. Being able to recognize us by our vibration is truly a gift. It’s a skill that you can hone, and that skill will be useful to you when you are channeling higher dimensional beings. It will also be a useful tool for when you are in physical contact with extra-terrestrial beings. You will need to feel them out to determine what their agenda really is.
When you listen to a human being on your world, giving a speech, you can practice this skill. You can use your ability to discern what that person’s vibration really is and whether it matches the words they are speaking. Most of all, you want to use discernment in determining whether something is coming from your ego and mind, or whether it’s coming from your heart and intuition. And when you have that skill, you have everything that you need.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 5

Manifest Your Desires Faster than Ever – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 5

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
You are capable of a more immediate manifestation of your desires than you ever have in human history. You seek to see the changes that you want to experience there on Mother Earth, but most of you are looking for someone else to bring about the changes that you seek. And that is why we are calling upon all of you as the awakened collective to put what we are saying to the test. Demonstrate to yourselves and others that the time lag in between you putting a desire out into the universal consciousness, and that manifestation coming back to you, is shorter than ever.
Not only are the energies on your world moving faster than they ever have before, but you are also stronger, more confident, and more experienced than you ever have been before. You need to witness your new manifestation abilities for yourselves, and we suggest that you start with something small, something that you can easily believe in manifesting fairly quickly. And then keep building. Keep reaching for bigger and bigger manifestations, and you will see that what we are saying is true. You will also be able to teach and guide others who have been seeking to amplify their manifestation skills.
One of the many reasons why this is the perfect time to hone your manifestation skills is because of how many of you have been forced to take less action in recent months. The less action you take, the more energy you have for creating your reality. The more confidence you show in your ability to create your reality, the less action you feel you need to take. And so, now is the time to benefit from all of the energies present there on Earth, as well as all of the personal energy that you have been saving up to demonstrate to yourselves how powerful and magical you are as creator beings.
We are talking about anything and everything that you have ever wanted to manifest, so please do not assume that you will not be able to manifest something just because you haven’t been able to manifest it yet. These are strange and wonderful times you are living in, and this is a unique opportunity to explore your newfound manifestation abilities.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 4

You are the Starseeds & Galactic Ground Crew – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 4

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been in this galaxy for so very long, and we have been able to make connections from beings in every single star system, including of course yours. We have been able to determine that your star system, and your planet specifically, is a wonderful representation of all of the energies that we have ever encountered.
Now, the mixture of energies that you have there on your world is precisely what makes it so challenging to be there. Not only do you have access to all of the trauma, all of the emotions, all of the failures of the other star systems, but you also need to find a way for all of these different energies to co-exist harmoniously. And up until this point in human history there on Earth, you have not been able to achieve this lofty goal. You have not had world peace with a complete lack of interpersonal violence ever, and you might think that makes humanity low on the galactic totem pole, but it does not.
And the reason it does not is because you all have taken on so much that literally no one expected you to be in a place of world peace at this point in your evolutionary history. We all feel responsible for the chaos and the discord there on your planet because we all contributed our energies in the co-creative event that was putting sentient life there on planet Earth. And so, you do not have to feel at all like you are supposed to be doing it all yourselves. You can take the weight off of your shoulders and let the galactic help in, because we were always meant to be a part of the process of attaining world peace on Earth.
And when we refer to ourselves, we are talking about all of us who hail from other star systems. The Earth experiment is our responsibility, and those of you who are there in the flesh are the ground crew. You are the starseeds. You are the lightworkers. You are the changemakers for this galactic experiment, and we and the others like us are your helpers from far, far away. We implore you to lean on us more and to recognize that our help is not interference; it is collaboration. It is co-creation, and it is about time that those of us in other star systems and other dimensions took a bigger role in the creation of world peace there on Mother Earth.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 3

Are You Keeping Up with the New Energies? – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 3

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are elevating the level of our consciousness, just as you are, and therefore you may detect changes in the quality of the energy transmissions you are getting from us. As you pay more attention to how the energy feels coming off of someone, some thing, or some collective of nonphysical beings, you become a better creator of reality. You have to know what you are vibrating in order to create with any level of precision, and you need to know how others are vibrating in order to receive help from those it is appropriate to receive help from and in order to help those who may benefit from something you have to offer. By being precise about what vibration you are emanating, you can see a more direct result of that vibration out there in the world, and you can see it more quickly as well.
We are here to serve you, and the best way that we know to be of service is to come from the highest level of consciousness we possibly can, and so that is what we do. That is what we will continue to do, and those of you who have become more sensitive to energies over time will be able to pick up on the shifts in what we are offering. As our level of consciousness rises up, so does yours. It must in order to receive us and the energy transmissions that we are giving you. You do keep up with the energies, even when it feels like you are being tossed around by very rapid currents.
You have the ability to do this because of the inner work you have done on yourselves, and because as you continue to tune in to the available energies, you cannot help but keep up. You benefit so much from all that we and others like us are offering to you, because you are open, you are sensitive, and you realize that you are energetic beings first. You then take these higher-frequency energies and spread them around in everything that you do.
Even when you are just doing your chores, your errands, or working a job that has no identifiable quality of service to it, you can still be of service within it. You can be of service while sitting in traffic, surrounded by other people in their cars. Just keep opening up to receive, and know that everything else will be taken care of because you chose this journey, you are meant to be on this journey, and the journey takes you with it to higher and higher levels of consciousness. And trust us, because we have been to all of the levels you are going to, when we say that up is the only way to go.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

May 2

Do This Every Day Before You Get Out of Bed – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 2

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are open to any and all possibilities that will make this journey easier for all of you. We are not attached to one path, to one way of going about expanding your consciousness, evolving, and ascending, but we have noticed some things about humanity and your approaches to returning home, returning to Source. We have noticed that there are many false paths that appear in front of you when you are more physically oriented and physically focused. When you are looking outside of yourselves for the path that will return you to Source, you often find something or someone, some activity or some way of approaching life, and then you believe that it is ‘the way,’ ‘the one true way.’ You believe that it is the only way you could ever return home to Source, because in your experience it works.
And it works until it doesn’t, and then when it doesn’t, there’s usually a great deal of sadness, some suffering, perhaps a dark night of the soul, and then you are there to pick up the pieces and move on. What you have outside of you in the physical is all lovely; it is all to be enjoyed and experienced. And you are meant to have interests, things you are fascinated by, and people you want to be around. But your paths to Source are so much more long lasting when they involve going within, being silent, meditating, feeling your feelings, and focusing on the love that is within you. Love doesn’t have to be something that is initiated by someone or something outside of you. It doesn’t have to be state dependent or conditional.
The feeling of oneness isn’t something that you can only access by taking certain steps in the physical to get to that perfect point on the planet. You can experience it anywhere, and many people have experienced the sensation of oneness in the strangest of places and at the strangest of times. There is, of course, not just one way to access what we are all seeking, but there are ways that are more effective. They may seem like they are the long way to return home to Source, but in actuality they are the shorter way. You can avoid a lot of trial and error by sitting and tuning in to what you can feel inside of you as that spark of Divinity.
We suggest you start every day of your lives from this point forward seeking to feel that spark before you get out of bed in the morning, and notice how less attached you then are to the circumstances of your world being just right for you. And then you can really live, because as you accept the world as it is, so much more of it can open up to you and bring you that which you are no longer attached to, all because you took the time to feel for the path to Source that is within each and every one of you.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
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