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April 30

The May 2022 Energies – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 30

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very satisfied with the progress we see you all making there on Earth in the fourth dimension, and we also know that there is so much progress to be made. We know that you like it when you receive help from above, and so we are very happy to report that the energies of May will be there to nudge you along nicely on your paths. These energies will be all about getting you to open up to receive from all of the various sources that you have of help.
A few of the biggest sources there in the physical are the Earth and the sun, and they of course are just as aware of you and your journeys as we are. They have the advantage of the fact that you need them both to live. They give you so much, physically. They give you food, warmth, shelter, energy, and everything else that you need to not only live but also to thrive. And your energies of May are going to be about creating new receptors in your bodies so that you will be better at receiving from physical and nonphysical helpers. Open up to the physical ones, and you will find that the nonphysical help comes in very beautifully along with it, along with the help from the physical.
Nonphysical help has a way of piggybacking onto the physical energies that you receive from the Earth and sun, from the wind and rain, from the flowers and trees, and of course your beautiful animal friends who are there to continuously tug at your heartstrings. Some of them are in fact quite aware of how powerful they are and the impact they can have on you. And with the May Energies and the new receptors in your physical bodies, you will want to spend more time with Mother Earth, Mother Nature and the animal kingdom. Some of you will feel that call, and you will go with it, and for others it won’t be as much of a conscious choice, but they will still find themselves receiving more from the physical helpers, and therefore, from the nonphysical helpers by default.
This is a wonderful time to be receiving more help there on Earth as you have a lot to build. You have a lot that you are hoping to achieve, and there is much for you to experience there on Earth that some of you have been able to feel into and dream up, and for others it will be a complete surprise what is available to them there in the fourth dimension of Earth. And of course, everything will always be slowly nudging you forward to the completion of the shift in consciousness to the fifth dimension. And as many of you know, those fifth dimensional energies are available to you right now, and these receptors will help you feel into them and know yourselves more fully as your higher selves.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 29

Accessing New Information, Downloads & Ideas – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 29

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been very excited to witness the way that you all have been accessing the packets of information, the downloads, that have been coming to you from your higher minds, your guides, and other beings in higher dimensions like ourselves. You have been receiving healing energies, but you have also been receiving the templates, the structures, through which your new society will be built. And all it takes is a few of you to be able to receive and translate the energetic downloads into ideas for real change to come about there on Earth.
You are the changemakers, the wayshowers, and the lightworkers who can envision a society where everyone has enough, is treated fairly, and there is peace all across the planet. And so, you must be the ones who will take those new ideas, those new paradigms to the rest of the collective.
Now is not the time to be pointing fingers at who is responsible for what and who is doing what behind the scenes. But rather, now is the time to be opening up your hands, your palms, your crown chakras because there is so much to receive from the higher realms that will help you to create the society that you have always wanted to be a part of.
And all of you who have empathy and compassion in your hearts are more than qualified to build the structures, the systems, the paradigms for the next reality that you want to inhabit, and that you want to take everyone else with you to. When you truly understand that and you let go of the feelings of not being good enough, you can lead humanity into the new age, the new awareness, the time you have all been waiting for.
And we will be here to support you, cheer you on, and give you whatever you need to become the force to be reckoned with that you as the awakened collective truly are. You have what it takes, and now is the time. We are not alone in believing in you, and we are not alone in our excitement about seeing what you will create.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 28

Playing God with the Unawakened – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 28

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have welcomed in many new partners in our time as helpers to those in the third and fourth dimensions. We have experienced different perspectives coming from a variety of different agendas, and we have been able to feel into all of these perspectives, these approaches to helping. We have noticed that when certain beings express a desire to help humanity and other races like yours, what they really want is to play God. They want to be in control. They want to dictate how your evolution proceeds and when you get to certain levels of experience.
We have always taken a more organic approach to the evolution of consciousness. We have seen how too much hands on help can actually get in the way of the development of the beings on the planet or moon. We want you all to notice how easy it is to evolve your consciousness when you just pay attention. When you pay attention to what is happening, what you are feeling, and what the energies are coming in to support you, you have everything that you need to evolve organically in the perfect, for you as individuals and as a collective.
Now, some of you might wonder whether you are at times pushing your fellow humans along at a faster pace than they are actually ready for, and we want to say to you that if you are wondering that, then it is time to pull back and focus on yourselves more. Focus on what brings you joy. Let go of your attachment to when and how others are going to get it and wake up. You want the process to happen naturally, because you want the person to have the same types of experiences that you had, where no one else was pulling the strings, calling the shots, and making you wake up.
So when you want to offer support, just send love, compassion, healing energy to your fellow humans. You can share your stories and your experiences, but you don’t have to hit anyone over the head with them. And know that everyone is coming into their awakening experiences in their own way, by the design of their very own higher selves, and you can let go and put your attention on what is happening, what you are feeling, and the energies coming in to support you.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 27

It Could All Change in a Heartbeat – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 27

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very happy to share with you our perspective on everything that you are living there on Earth. We will always gladly share it with you, and we will also understand that our perspective will be interpreted by the one who is receiving it in their own unique way. We also know that there are a great deal of perspectives out there and that they continue to grow in numbers. We want all of you to recognize that you are the interpreters of the message that you receive in any given moment and that you are always seeing the world through your own unique lens. What that means is that you having your own personal experience of something is far more significant than what you believe.
What you believe will change over time, and perhaps the way you interpret your experiences will also change over time, but we still know that you are better off seeking your own unique experiences than you are getting the one true and right perspective on life there on Earth or on anything. There are so many subjects, so many topics, that people want to get a higher perspective on, and so you often look for that before deciding for yourselves how you would like to experience that particular issue or topic. We urge you not to run around looking for the right way to approach something, but instead, ask yourselves how you would like to experience whatever the topic is.
Create your experience of it, and know that any belief you take on will color your experience of whatever it is that is happening to you or to another in any given moment. Listen to your hearts; listen to your internal guidance, and connect up yourselves to the higher dimensions and higher wisdom from higher-frequency beings and streams of consciousness. Give yourselves that experience as well, because as much as anyone else can give you a perspective or a set of beliefs, they are far less equipped to give you an experience. That is something you must seek out for yourselves so that you can do more than just believe. You can know. You know more, and you learn more through experience than you do through theory and through scientific study.
You are meant to live your lives there on Earth, and the more you seek out the new and interesting experiences that are available to you, the more fun you will have, the more people you will encounter, and the more you can set your beliefs aside for a moment and just be with something or someone. As soon as you start to define something, you start to limit what it is and what it can be to you. And the same is true of your fellow humans and groups of your fellow humans, that it is so much easier to just put in a nice neat little box. Don’t do that to yourselves or to any other, and you will find that this universe can surprise you and it can give you anything you want, including any experience.
Don’t even get attached to your own perspectives, but rather, be open to feeling into what is next for you, what could change in a heartbeat, and what could take you further down your path of expansion and spiritual evolution. There is so much more for all of you to experience, which is why you get so excited and interested in shifting to a new dimension, but also remember that the dimension you are in right now has much more dimensionality to it than just one, static, limited perspective on reality. Open yourselves up and let go, and see where the current flow of energies takes you, because we guarantee that they will take you to a better feeling place than you’ve been before.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 26

Your Many Paths to Ascension – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 26

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are illuminating many paths to ascension for each and every one of you. There is not just one. There will not be one experience of ascension, as that would not serve Source’s desire for a variety of experiences. You, as souls, desire a variety of experiences because you are little chunks of Source Energy, so why would Source be any different from you as the individual chunks? You crave variety of experience, and so does Source. Therefore, there will be as many different experiences of ascension as there are beings incarnate at this time throughout the entire universe and throughout the entire multiverse. This is why we say we are illuminating many paths to ascension; it is because there isn’t just one.
You get to decide which path you take, and we will always encourage you to take the path that feels the best, that has the most opportunities for joy and expansion. And we know that you want the same for yourselves, but we also know that it is easy to sucked in to someone else’s story of what ascension will be like for everyone or for the percentage of the population that is going to ascend. We would like for you to forget about everything you’ve ever been told and instead tune in to your ideal path and feel into what it feels like. Now, as you do so, you invite others to join you, but they don’t have to join you on your path. They can take their own good-feeling path to a higher level of consciousness, because we are all different. Therefore, you don’t have to tell people that you have found ‘the way’ and try to get them to join you on ‘the one and only path.’
Instead, you give everyone permission to be themselves and to follow the path of joy by doing so yourself. Now, along the way, of course, you are going to encounter the themes, the issues, the karma and the trauma that you came to experience so that you can release all of your negative energy, your judgments, your fears, and so on, around those experiences. But you might as well encounter those little potholes on the path of greatest joy for you, and we want you to know that you get to decide what your joy is as well. You are there to experience it all, not just the good stuff, but all of it, in order to then choose the stuff that you deem to be good for you, good as far as you are concerned, and joyous, of course.
When you make those choices, and you continue to focus on the choice you have made, you manifest that reality, you experience that path, and you get to have more joy because you have chosen to be yourself, your whole self, rather than to follow along with what everyone else is doing or what most people are believing is necessary for you to do or to partake in, in order to get to the next level of consciousness. All you have to do is be yourself and follow your feelings.
Now, of course, you have heard about the differences between service to self and service to others. Well, guess what? When you’re joyous, your service to others matters more. It creates a bigger impact on the lives of those you seek to serve than when you are doing so out of guilt, out of obligation, or out of a feeling that you have to do it in order to be the better version of yourself that others have told you about. Inspire others with the way you live your lives, and they will inspire others, and those will inspire others, and so on and so on. That’s the path of joy, and all the paths of joy are what we are illuminating with our messages to you and with the energies that we send.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 25

You Are Working as Spirit Guides in the Flesh – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 25

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are listening, watching, waiting, and reading the energies of all of you who have agreed to be the leaders of the expansion of consciousness there on planet Earth at this time, because we know that when you can handle more, your fellow humans can also handle more of that which we send to you energetically. We know that you can ground in what others will access later on, and we also know that you work with all the energy fields that you have access to, including the energy fields of your fellow humans. You can see yourselves as spirit guides in the flesh to those around you, because that’s what you are.
You are emanating such a high frequency that you influence others to also be in a higher frequency. You offer others what they need and what they ask for, whether they know it or not and whether they are asking consciously or unconsciously. That is why we are so happy to have you there as our ground crew members, and there are many councils and collectives up here in the ninth dimension who are also working with each and every one of you that we consider to be a part of the awakened collective. You are also helping those who are awake but who are a bit behind you in your understanding and in your vibrational offering, and we know that even if you do not. You will, of course, become more aware now of what you are doing when you are around other people.
You feel it and notice it, and the chances that they will are increasing all the time. You are going to find people gravitating to you because of what you can handle energetically and because of what you emanate to them. You have the ability to put people in a better mood, to help them come to realizations that they have been seeking out, and to activate their spiritual gifts and abilities. You are anchoring in more of the crystalline energies and therefore can see yourselves as walking crystals as well. And we always trust that you will be where you are needed most in every moment of every day because you always are.
Now, we work with you while you are asleep, as you travel the astral plane, and we work with you during the day when you are awake. This gives you more power, and you need that power to influence and to create change there on Earth as needed. You are awakening others with your words and your stories, but you are also doing so with your presence and with your intentions. You want others to join you and you want them to succeed. You want them to feel good so that they will do good in the world, and we are supporting each and every one of you in all of this, and you can expect more of that support now that we have noticed how much the awakened collective can handle energetically, how much you are grounding in, and how much you are spreading out to the entire human collective.
This is a wonderful time for all of you to be very active and to be very fruitful. It is a wonderful time for you to be very expressive and to get out there into the world and serve humanity in the way that you intended.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 24

Benevolent E.T.s & Malevolent E.T.s – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 24

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are always searching for the best possible ways to reach humans with our energy, which we consider to be very helpful. And we have been noticing that there are opportunities presenting themselves to us that are new and exciting. You all have been more receptive to our energy due in large part to how many positive depictions there have been of extra-terrestrials in your science fiction. People are seeing a new breed of e.t.s.
Extra-terrestrials are being seen now as friendly, helpful, knowledgeable and perhaps even more evolved spiritually, and that is helping to bridge the gap between humans and extra-terrestrials. We know that science fiction writers, directors, storytellers of all kinds, are receiving downloads, and those downloads are showing up in the work that they produce. But the evolution of e.t.s in your science fiction is also related to the evolution of your consciousness.
When you first saw e.t.s depicted in your various storytelling works, they were grotesque, evil, and out to take over your planet and annihilate all life. Now you are seeing a much more realistic depiction of the extra-terrestrials that you share this galaxy with. You are seeing that some are very good, very high-vibrational, and very much want to help humanity, to connect and co-create with you. And of course, you also have the other end of the spectrum. You see that there are still depictions of e.t.s that are malevolent and want to hurt and take over every planet they come across.
We want you to know that in reality the number of benevolent e.t.s in the galaxy far outweighs the number of malevolent ones. It is the same on your world. As above, so below. And the more that you recognize that your fourth-dimensional extra-terrestrial friends are not that different from you, the easier it will be for you to have open contact. And so, we recommend that you put your attention on the well-intentioned e.t.s and seek out that personal contact, as it will only bring you to a place of feeling more whole and complete as a being, as a traveler, as someone who has their very own galactic history.
The day is coming when humanity will openly be a part of the galactic community, and we are seeing that day coming sooner and sooner all the time.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 23

The Progress of The Awakened Collective & Ascension – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 23

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very satisfied with humanity’s progress, as we see you from the perspective of reading the overall vibration of the collective, and we are especially happy about the progress that you have been making as the awakened collective, because you are capable of expanding and growing in leaps and bounds. You have that ability because of all that you are doing to keep up with the energies, all that you are doing to examine yourselves, to look within and see where there are stuck energies that need releasing. This ascension is all about releasing that which is lower vibrational, letting it go. The more you let go of, the more you can rise up.
The less attached you are, the less you have clinging to you, and your energy gets lighter and lighter, and the only place for you to go is up. It is not important for you to look out at the world today as it is today and ask yourselves how you can fix it. Do what feels best to you to be a good citizen and a good steward of the world. But as you take care of your own vibration, your own energy, and you show yourself that it is possible to relax in a tense situation, it is possible to be joyous in a mundane situation, and it is possible to love in the face of hate, you demonstrate to not only yourselves, but to the entire collective how it is done, how you can be light at any time of day and in the face of any amount of darkness.
You are not there to figure it all out. You are not there to figure out who is representing the dark and who is representing the light. All of those other beings are just reflecting something back to you anyway. You are there to shine your own light, and the more you let go of, the easier that is. the more you give in to the current set of circumstances, the brighter you can shine. The more you seek to be love in all situations, the more you see love all around you. That’s the goal and the mission for everyone, and that’s how you get to where you are going joyously, with grace, love and ease in your hearts.
Practice the art of letting go, and you will be letting in more of who are, more of the light and love of Source, and more of the higher-frequency energies that are coming from above. Now, we tell you all of this, and at the same time, we want to point out that we see so many of you already doing it. We want you to know that this is why we are so satisfied with your progress, and that as you keep it up, as you keep going, you will pull humanity up with you into the higher realms that you are all destined to be living in some day. But as you do this consciously and deliberately, you make the journey more satisfying for you, and you open the door to more fun, to more joyous experiences along the way.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 22

Learn from E.T.s All Throughout the Galaxy – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 22

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very excited to be a part of this journey with humanity. We have been observing not only human life on planet Earth, but we also observe other beings in other star systems, and we make note of what works, regardless of where you are and what star system you live in. You are all looking for the deepest possible connection that you can find, and you all seek to experience a feeling state, one that has been elusive perhaps for your entire life, or even many lifetimes in a row.
And so, we invite you all to benefit from what the extra-terrestrials in your galaxy, our galaxy, have come to know about finding the way to experiencing that elusive feeling. These other beings that we have been observing have found a greater sense of connection and a greater ability to find a feeling within themselves when they have anchored their physical body onto whatever planet or moon they find themselves living on.
You often hear about being grounded, and sometimes being grounded refers to your consciousness in your physical body. But the ‘grounded’ that we want you to experience at this time is being grounded to Mother Earth and allowing her to give you the feeling that you have been searching for. Mother Earth has access to all vibrations, all emotions, and all desires, because she has experienced so much through all of you. And so, the secret is right beneath your feet and always has been. The secret to getting everything that you want is not about thought, and it’s not about actions taken. It’s actually about slowing down and recognizing that everything you seek is within you and the way to access it is through connecting to the biggest helper that you have in the physical realm. Your planet is that helper.
She is there to support all of you. She is there to give you life. She is there to help you transform, and she is transforming with you. She is on this journey with humanity, and from our perspective, she is doing a wonderful job of inviting you back to center, back to a place of balance within yourselves. So many are looking for that feeling from something or someone outside of themselves, while Mother Earth is literally everywhere in your experience, ready to flip the switch for you. And all you have to do is give her some of your time and attention.
There you go. Getting to where you want to be could not possibly be easier, and we have just laid it all out for you. Learn from your friends throughout the galaxy who have been able to connect to their world and become and feel everything they’ve ever wanted.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 21

The Completion of the 5D Crystalline Energy Grid – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 21

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very interested in how you all handle the next batch of energies that you have coming your way as you complete the month of April there on Earth. We know that you have the capacity to handle so much and to keep up with the faster-moving energies, but we don’t know about those who are still asleep and who are having a very hard time keeping up with the energies that are among you right now. This is an opportunity for those of you who are awake to open up even more to receive for your fellow humans that which is going to serve them, and that which they will be able to access at some point.
At some point, everyone has a moment where they let go, where they are at peace, where they relax as they tune in to Mother Nature, or the energies coming up from Mother Earth. You help those people by anchoring in these energies and going out and exploring your world. Whenever you are anchoring energies in for yourselves and for the collective, they move through your physical bodies and eventually get to the Earth’s many grids. The energies can then go where they are needed, and many will be ready and waiting for one of your fellow humans to take a moment where they put down their devices and observe a tree or a cloud in appreciation.
All the times when people are going to the beach and getting in the ocean, or getting in any body of water, most of them don’t realize how many of these energies they are accessing, and that is why they feel so much better after a day of leisure in Mother Nature. Now, you are not just anchoring in these energies for your fellow humans; you are also doing so because the fifth-dimensional crystalline energy grid is nearing completion and is ready to be the dominant grid there on Earth. You are all ready for more of that which is fifth dimensional. You are ready to create it, to experience it, to talk about it and teach about it, and there will be more students awaiting those teachings because of the energies that are present right now and because of the ones that are coming to support all of you in the completion of the fifth-dimensional crystalline energy grid.
This means you are that much closer to completing the shift, of course, and it is a moment worth celebrating there on planet Earth, as you continue to make such remarkable progress in spite of all of the challenges that you face there on a daily basis. We are so proud of you, so excited about what is to come, and so eager to see how all of you who are awake handle the faster-moving energies that are coming in to assist in the completion of that grid. We also encourage all of you to remember that you still have to take good care of yourselves.
Drink plenty of water. Get plenty of rest. Ground in your bodies, and do make sure you are enjoying Mother Earth and Mother Nature, especially at this time of great growth, faster-moving energies and the completion of this beautiful grid that will be with you throughout your entire journey in the fifth dimension. It is also a grid that supports you in the transition to that higher level of consciousness. It is a wonderful co-creation, and one you should feel very proud of being a part of completing.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 20

Time for Humanity to Admit What’s Inside of You – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 20

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are giving you as much as we can in any given moment, but you can give yourselves everything. There are no restrictions, no limitations, when what you are receiving is from within. Now, we will always attempt to assist you with unlocking and opening those doors to the inner realm that can and will eventually grant you everything. We are talking about everything that you are and all of your gifts and abilities, as well as everything you want in the external world. It is all inside of you, and that is not just something we say. It is instead something we know to be true in a very real way.
If you look at your environment as a projection, then you can start to get an idea of how this is possible. Everything that you experience comes from your own energy, the projection of your own consciousness. You are showing yourself what is inside of you when you witness the outside world. If you see people arguing, then even if you are not arguing with people in your life, there is a lot of internal dialog that holds that same vibration as the argument you are witnessing. If you want to manifest something, then you have to offer the vibration of it rather than offering the vibration of the lack of it in your experience. And we know that is easier to do. It is easier to look outside of yourself, and say, ‘Well, this is just how it is. This is the world I am in.’
It is a bit more challenging to admit that this is the world you are creating and projecting, and it takes some real courage to take responsibility for everything that you see and experience out there and then do something about it. Once you realize that the infinite and the eternal are inside of you, then you have to accept it all. You have to be willing to embrace all aspects of yourself, instead of judging and criticizing who and what you are, and then you get to choose from all that is inside of you who and what you want to activate, and the choices are limitless. They will only seem limited if you believe what everyone else is telling you about yourself, including your own mind.
Your own ego can work against you by not wanting to admit that you are so much more than you appear to be. Start believing in yourselves and in your abilities to put out into the world everything you want to experience and to become everything you want to become, and it will be so. The other way of living is an unconscious way, and it doesn’t work very well for those who are moving through life believing that they are the small ego and that the world is so chaotic and confusing. When you realize what you have the power to do, then it is up to you to use that power. And because you all have the ability to focus, to feel, to think, and to activate what you want to, we know that you can and you will.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 19

The Future of Humanity & Your Best Possible Timeline – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 19

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are quite ecstatic about the possibilities that we see in front of humanity right now. We see that there is renewed hope within the collective consciousness about where you are headed there on Earth, and we can feel all of those who are connected to the higher realms and their willingness to lead, their willingness to set the positive example to the rest of the collective that we know they can. We are very interested in watching all of this unfold, but we also know that we can help to guide you to the best possible timeline for humanity, and so that is always what we will endeavor to accomplish with you.
We know how many people are aware that they can shift everything in a moment, and we see those numbers growing every single day, which gives us reason to feel hopeful and excited for the future of humanity. We also know that as we guide continuously to go within and feel for that guidance you have, more and more people will start to listen to that sage advice instead of continuously looking for the latest prediction about what will happen.
Remember that you are always choosing and that just because you become aware of a possible, or probable timeline, it doesn’t mean you are destined to be on it. Remember that your vibration is everything. Your vibration determines how much you are enjoying the current moment, and it determines what you are expanding into next.
You can always make a sharp left turn or a sharp turn, no matter where you are and no matter how you have been vibrating. The only thing that is set in stone at this point is that you are ascending, and that is because the entire universe, the entire multiverse, is ascending. There is nowhere to go but up, no matter what you are jumping to, but of course you want to jump to that best possible timeline for humanity, and you do so by listening to your gut. Feel for those impulses, those nudges, those intuitive hits that you are continuously getting, and follow that inner wisdom that you have, and know that you will always be on the best possible timeline for you, and you will help to bring so many humans with you to the best possible timeline for humanity.
It is okay to look around and see that certain things could be better and to acknowledge that changes need to be made, but you also have to remain positive in order to help yourselves and others. There is plenty to feel good about there on Earth right now, and those of you who understand the power of positivity must be the ones who are leading the way on this path that humanity is on to ascension.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 18

Awakened Collective: Here is Your Impact – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 18

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are always so very interested in what you, as the awakened collective, are doing to help your fellow humans, and we have noticed how many of you have been the trailblazers and trendsetters lately that you always intended to be in this lifetime. You are creating new templates, new roadmaps, to show the rest of humankind how it is done, and you are utilizing your own creations as well to bring about the experiences and the realities that you have decided you prefer. Your desires have given birth to new energies that then come into your awareness as ideas, as inspiration, as thoughts about how you can continue to move forward in the ways that you want to there on Earth.
You, because you are awake, always want to go further, to go deeper, to stretch the consciousness that you have out, so that who you are includes more, and you are basically showing the rest of humanity how this is done by leading the way, by setting the example. Many people ask us, and the other guides and collectives that Daniel channels, about their purpose, about what they are supposed to be doing. You may not recognize your contributions because it’s not like you put this all down on paper and then got a publisher to put it out there on the Internet and in book stores.
You cannot see or feel the impact you are having by creating these new templates, these new roadmaps for ascension and expansion of consciousness, but we can, and that’s why we tell you about these things. We want to reassure you, always, that you are contributing and you are on the right track. Also, many of you worry about your loved ones and whether they are going to make it, whether they will also be able to shift their consciousness, and the answer is, of course they will because they have you. And whether you know it or not, you are leading by example, and you are planting seeds within all of them, and these are very good things.
Start to feel the impact that you have had on your very own life, and you will start to get an idea of the impact you are having on the collective you are a part of. You will continue to do this because it is the only thing that is truly satisfying for you to partake in, and because the energies will continue to give you those nudges, those inspired ideas, and those intuitive hits that take you to the next level of consciousness and that help you to bring more of your fellow humans along for the ride with you. This is how you fulfill your purpose and complete your mission, and we are very happy to say that we see more and more people doing it every single day.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 17

A Process for Letting Go & Empowering Yourself – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 17

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been explaining our approach to how we help all of you for quite some time, and we have even given you some tips for receiving the assistance that we provide. But we want you to recognize that you have your own way of receiving the help that you ask for, and many of you recognize this as something you call hitting rock bottom. When you hit rock bottom, that’s when you have nothing left to lose, and when there’s nothing for you to cling to, then there’s no attachment that you are also holding on to very tightly.
So the trick for all of you to being in the receptive mode more frequently is to let go of what you’ve been clinging to in your lives. That means you first have to identify what you are attached to. Perhaps you are attached to a particular belief system, or you are attached to doing something in a very specific way. You can also be attached to the help that you desire coming to you from a very specific source or in a very specific way. And these are just a few of the attachments that you might be clinging to at this time.
As soon as you identify what your attachments are, we invite you to at least consider letting go of that tight grip. Sometimes this means that you have to let go of being right, or letting go of the possibility that you are right. Whatever it is that you are attached to has you holding more tension and anxiety in your physical body, and nothing repels help like tension and anxiety.
Therefore, this very simple exercise can help you quite a bit, if you are willing to engage in it. Make a list of your attachments, and then consider what your life might be like if you weren’t so attached to those beliefs, those circumstances, or those ways of doing things. Just the idea of you letting go can get you to let go. We want you to empower yourselves by recognizing that you don’t need those attachments. All you need is to be yourselves fully. And chances are your attachments are related to the idea that you are not enough by yourself. Your attachments are related to the concept of not being whole and complete and needing something outside of you to give you that feeling.
So as you let go, you are letting in more of who you are, and you are everything. You are Source. You are All That Is. Now is the perfect time to be focusing on what you want to let go of so that you can become more of who you really are and lead humanity into the higher consciousness of the fifth dimensional realm.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 16

Receive All the Energy, Wisdom & Support from Above – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 16

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are making ourselves as available to all of humanity as we possibly can. We always want you to feel that you are surrounded by love and always want you to know that help is on the way, and that is why we invite all of you to seek out a personal relationship with us. We are always listening, and we have the ability to hear each and every one of you, in a manner of speaking, all at once. We feel your energy, and we feel fluctuations in your energy, and that is how we know you and that is how we can respond to you. We can respond to you energetically, and some of you will be able to interpret that energy into words or sounds, visions, intuitive hits, internal knowings, and so on.
And the more that you reach out and up to us, the better you will get at interpreting the energies that we send to you directly. We also send you energies, of course, through the channel here, and many of you pick up on those energies and realize that there’s much more to every message than the words that are spoken. We want you to feel more of that support coming from above, not only from us, but from all of the higher-dimensional beings.
And so, if you feel a special connection to Yeshua or Archangel Michael, Quan Yin, Buddha, or St. Germain, go ahead and reach out to those beautiful beings and collectives as well. We all want to help; it is what we do, and it is our purpose to help all of you. We will continue to give all of humanity everything that we can, but we do like the personal connections that we can make as well. We do like hearing from you, and we do like responding to you. There is so much more that we can deliver to you and that we want to, and so, we invite you to also feel yourselves opening up to receive us and our energies, because as we have said, there is so much more to receive from us than just the words that Daniel delivers to you on our behalf.
You are multidimensional beings, and you have projected just a small portion of who you really are into a physical body, and that means there is really no difference between you and us, no hierarchy, and therefore, you are connecting to us on the ninth-dimensional level all the time. And it is time for you to bring some of that back down into your physical bodies, along with all the other energies, and all the other wisdom and support you are getting from above.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 15

The Awakened Collective the E.T.s Are Waiting For – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 15

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are extremely satisfied with the progress that we can feel you making within your collective consciousness there on Earth. More of you are awake on Earth than at any other point in human history. This means that you have the collective power to see great changes there on your planet, but it also means that you must let go of the beliefs that separate you in order to harness your collective power as the awakened collective.
You must let go of the ideas that are putting you in one camp or another so that you can be free, finally, to unite, to come together, in order to change the world for the better. And so, rather than focusing on the details that you disagree on, we invite you to focus on the truths that you can agree upon.
We are talking about the truths that include your sovereignty as Source Energy Beings and creators, and we also know that you can agree that there need to be changes there on Earth to make it a more harmonious world, where everyone is free, respected, and where people stop fighting over what religion is right and stop fighting over resources like oil, and the boundaries that separate you, the borders that are completely unnecessary.
You are one human race, and those of you who are awake have a unique opportunity to come together, in spite of your different opinions and perspectives. You all have the opportunity to be the collective that extra-terrestrials, who are waiting in ships in your atmosphere, are waiting for you to be. They want to connect with a unified humanity, one that they know they can trust, and they also want to see you evolving to the point where you don’t see different as scary or bad. Embrace the differences between yourselves and other people within the new age and spiritual community.
It’s better that you don’t agree on everything, because you don’t want to become a cult. You want to honor that diversity that exists, and also see the Source Energy in each and every one of your fellow humans, so that you can come together as the harmonious whole that is and will be the fifth dimensional society you seek to create.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 14

Do This, And Everything Will Get Better – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 14

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are certain that you all are getting exactly what you need in your lives right now, because we know that is the way of the universe. We know that you’re always being given exactly what you need in order to grow, to expand, and to evolve. We know that sometimes this ascension journey of yours is not pleasant and it’s not what you want it to be, but we also know that it is what is most appropriate for you in each and every moment. Now, if you could see each moment as showing up to give you exactly that you need to grow, expand, and evolve, then you could have more fun in your lives. You would find that there is always something to appreciate about the moment that you are in, and you would look at your spiritual growth as your number one priority and desire.
You would also know that eventually you will get everything that you want as well, and that would bring you solace. If you can be at peace with what is, you have everything that you need to move beyond what is and to that better place, that better reality that you seek. As soon as you go into resistance mode, and you start thinking about how you can change the outer reality and make the things you don’t want go away, you have taken yourself out of that place of peace, and you have inadvertently thwarted your progress.
We all live in a universe of duality, and that means you must accept that the opposite of what you want and what you believe will always exist. They are not there to taunt you or terrify you, but they are there to give you the opportunity to choose, and you can choose what you do want without vilifying what you don’t want. You can be positive in a sea of negativity. You can be the light in a room filled with darkness. Those are your choices, and you know that when you are coming from the light and focusing on the positive, you feel better. You don’t feel good when you are trying to defeat or snuff out what you don’t want, but you ignore that feeling because you think what you are doing is for the greatest and highest good of all.
You go on your own personal crusade to rid the world of a perspective, a point of view that is different from the one you are currently holding. And that is where humanity gets all tripped up. Look at your life as it is right now, and bless every ounce of it for showing up to give you what you need to grow spiritually, and then ask yourself the question, ‘How do I grow spiritually from this situation?’ You don’t even have to label it as a negative situation or an unwanted situation. See it as just being what it is. No judgment. No definition required. And then you can get to the point of acceptance. You can embrace it. You can forgive those who you have deemed responsible for bringing it to you, even though deep down you must know by now that you are creating all of it.
And everything is temporary, but when you fight it, and when you resist it, when you blame it and judge it, you’ll get more of it. You’ll stretch out that temporary visit, and you can turn it into years or even decades of you battling the same thing or the same people. It’s time to let go. It’s time to let everything that exists within Source be exactly what it is. And then you can choose by how you feel, by what you resonate with, everything that you would like to see more of in your reality. And if it doesn’t show up right away, make peace with that. And if it doesn’t show up the way you want it to, make peace with that.
You are not there to dictate everything, to become dictators. You are there to be unconditional love, and that means you are choosing love in all conditions, and all conditions must be allowed to be in order for you to be the unconditional love that you always have been and always intended to be for this time there on planet Earth.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 13

The Newest Upgrades, Activations & Energies – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 13

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are aware of all of the upgrades and activations that each and every one of you is getting from your guides, and we are pleased to report that you have been given much in recent weeks that will help you keep up with the energies coming in from all parts of this universe of ours. If you are aware of a need within yourself for an upgrade or an activation, now would be a good time to vocalize that desire out loud. That willingness to speak out loud what it is that you need can be the final step necessary. It can be the permission that you need to grant to your guides in order for them to complete their work on your cells, your DNA, or your chakras. Even your energy fields are getting work done on them so that you can handle more and hold more of all the wonderful energies coming in to support you at this time of great evolution.
Every moment that you step into now is going to be the moment where you’ve had the greatest amount of activity happening around you to serve you. Every moment is going to represent the moment when the energies were moving fastest and faster than they’ve ever moved before, and that is as it should be. It is time for you all to accept the help that you are being given, and that help is so much more. It’s so much bigger than just getting something you want in the physical realm. You are receiving the keys to the kingdom, because when you are able to handle higher-frequency energies, you are able to co-create with them anything and everything that’s going to serve you, your loved ones, and all of humanity.
And that is how you shift. It all starts with you, and then you are the first domino that falls, and you help others. You can help others awaken to the truth of who they really are by being more of who you really are. And you are getting support all the time, support that helps you to remember and to be who you really are. This is not a dress rehearsal; this is the real thing. You have been shifting for quite some time, and you will continue to shift until you have completed all of the work that you set out to complete, and then the awareness of who you really are will always be a part of your consciousness. It won’t just be a mantra that you have to recite over and over to remind yourselves.
When you carry that knowing, and you be who you really are to the fullest possible extent in every moment, you fulfill your purpose for being there, and you inspire others to fulfill theirs. Welcome the energies that are upon you right now, and know that you can do with them whatever you like. They are there for you, and you are the ones who are meant to receive them openly and consciously. We see more and more of you doing that every day, and that is something to get excited about.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 12

What Will You Do After You Complete the Shift? – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 12

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very pleased to be a part of this journey with all of you, and we are aware of the progress that you are all making as individuals. We can feel the ways in which you have expanded and grown into the selves that you are today, and we can feel into the amount of expansion that is in front of you. This is why we are always very excited for you. You may wonder what your work is there on Earth, what you have left to do before you expand and evolve to the point of being fifth dimensional. We want you to know that there is always going to be more for you to discover about yourselves and more for you to love in that process of discovery.
What you have yet to love within yourself is the work that you have left to do. Now, sometimes what you have yet to love within yourself is being represented to you in another. You see the actions and hear the words of other people, and you might come to judge and condemn those words and actions, not realizing that they represent aspects of you. Even if aspects of you are dormant, are not active in this lifetime, they are still inside of you, and they still need to be acknowledged, or discovered, and then accepted, and finally loved. The people who give you most drama and trauma in your lives are the ones who need the most love from you, and what most people don’t realize is that when they are giving that love to the other, they are giving it to themselves.
And so, they withhold that love. They may ignore that person on the street, or ignore their calls and texts, pretending that it is possible to just ignore someone or something out of existence. But eventually you will turn on the unconditional love inside of you, and you will give it to everyone, including yourself, and you will grow and evolve and expand a little bit more, getting you closer and closer to Source. Now ultimately, of course, you still have choices. You do get to choose who you spend your time with, what you focus upon, and which aspects of you there are that you can emphasize and pump more life into. That’s your free will.
But you can exercise that free will and still love all the other aspects of you and all the people that you are not spending the majority of your time with there on Earth. Now, there are many paths to getting to this point where you recognize that this is your work. You have all of your interactions with people on a daily basis, and you have meditation, and you have prayer, and you have all of the other spiritual practices that there are, and you can even make up your own spiritual practices that put you in that space of love. Anything that helps you to realize that the love inside of you is infinite and eternal is a good thing, and it’s something to partake in as often as you can.
You will continue to be on this journey, even after you shift to the fifth dimension, because there will always be more of you to discover and to love, and that’s a good thing. Just notice what you are not loving about yourself and what you are not loving about others, and know that the list you compile is your work. But it’s not work you have to toil away at day and night. You can complete these tasks in the moment that you decide that you are love and that being who you really are is the only thing that really ever matters.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 11

The Mass Awakenings & What They Really Mean – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 11

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are always very interested in the progress you are making regarding your spiritual evolution there on Earth, and we’ve noticed that the human collective consciousness has increased in its overall vibration by a larger margin than you are usually in that process of increasing your overall vibration. And we know that it is due to the fact that many more people have been waking up to the truth of who they really are. We know that these mass awakenings are inevitable, as the awakening of each individual is planned by the guides and the higher selves of those individuals.
We also know that there is more transparency there on your world than ever before, which means the average person will make a choice at some point in their lives between believing in nothing and believing that everything is Source Energy. Some of you have perhaps been down both of those paths, and right now, you find yourselves on the path of recognizing that everything and everyone is Source. We congratulate you for having made it, because anything else that you would believe in would put Source outside of you, and that can become a very lonely place to be.
When you recognize that you have Source Energy within you, then you have the option of radiating that Source, that Love and that Light to all points across this beautiful universe of ours. That’s what more and more people are doing, and that’s why more and more people are not even looking for a guru, or a person who wears a particular cloth, or is a member of a clergy. You are recognizing that you do not need someone to be the go-between for you and Source. You realize you have direct access, and when you realize you have direct access, you use it, and your vibration naturally goes up, affecting the overall vibration of the collective consciousness that is humanity.
That is what raises the vibration of your collective and brings you closer to completing the shift. Nothing else matters. Whether or not there are ever mass arrests, or a currency reset, or a financial collapse, does not matter. It doesn’t matter because you are all of those things. When you recognize that you are Source Energy, then you must also recognize that nothing exists outside of you, nothing that is good and nothing that is bad. Therefore, your journey now is about reconciling all of that. Your purpose is to make peace with the fact that you are all of it and that you can access any of it with the power that you have to focus, and as you focus, you become what you are focusing upon. So make sure you are focusing upon that which is deemed good by you and that which you want to experience.
We know that as more and more of you truly awaken, you can help anyone who has been dabbling in the dark to come back to the light. Many of you know this and many of you have done it with nonphysical entities, with thought forms and with negative energies. You can just as easily do it with a human being or a group of human beings, and it’s so much easier when you see that human or that group as Source Energy, an aspect of Source that has lost its way. When you find your way, you show others the way, and you bring about the shift in consciousness with peace, with harmony amongst all humans, and with great possibilities for more joy along the way.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 9

What the High-Vibrational Energies Upon You Are For – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 9

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very focused at all times on what it is that we would like to feel more of and experience more of in this universe of ours. That is why we are always able to find some good news to give to humanity. We know that from the human perspective not everything is going so well there on Earth, but we are focused on the positives and focused on where you are going, which is always to a better place. The vibration of the human collective consciousness continues to increase in its frequency, and you can either feel for those positive changes, or you can choose to point to what is wrong with the world today, or with your life in particular, and stay stuck there. The choice is always yours.
To us, it doesn’t even feel like a choice. We follow the feeling, and we follow the feeling all the way back to Source. We would never want to stay in one place and resist that place we were staying in, but humans do make those choices over and over again. We are here to help you realize that they are choices and that there are better choices than the ones you’ve been making. Use your ability to focus because it is a powerful tool that you always have at your disposal. Focus, and then feel for whether what you are focusing on is taking you with the flow of that higher vibration that is always coming in to serve humankind.
When we talk about the current energies, we are always talking about energies that are of a higher vibration and energies that are there to serve all of you, but you don’t always go with the flow, and then you feel the pain and the suffering that results in that particular choice. You can look at these higher-vibrational energies as if they were air. There is good, breathable air around most humans all the time, and it would serve everyone to consciously take in more of that air by breathing a little deeper, but how many people are actually doing that? It is the same when it comes to these higher-vibrational energies that are always coming in, always supporting you and always giving you exactly what you need.
When you let go of your resistance and decide that it’s time to go with the flow, those energies will carry you to the next level of your consciousness and to a better reality for you to experience right now. When you become aware of these energies and you feel for them, then you get to have a more visceral experience of what is truly happening. What is truly happening is that you are always growing, evolving, and expanding, and there’s no stopping any of that, but you can go on that journey kicking, screaming, scratching, and clawing in your attempts to stay where you are, or you can let go and truly enjoy the ride.
Feel for what is available to you right now, and know that with a little bit of focus, and perhaps some deep breaths, you can move mountains, right now from right where you are. And that is living a satisfying life of fulfillment and joy.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 8

Newly Awakened, Spirituality 101 & Ascension Buddies – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 8

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been establishing many new connections with the newly awakened who have shown an interest in their galactic heritage. We have noticed that the enthusiasm displayed by the newly awakened has been carrying some who have gotten very jaded and cynical over the decades since they awakened. This is a time where all of you who share in the knowing that you are infinite and eternal beings of light must establish relationships of your own, with one another. Those who have been awake for quite some time can help the newly awakened in a variety of ways, and the newly awakened can offer that enthusiasm, that joy, and that hope to help those who have allowed their vibrations to dip.
Now, the dips in the vibration of some awakened individuals have been caused by a lot of predictions that haven’t come to fruition, including the ones about the shift in consciousness. And they have also gotten sucked in from time to time by the conspiracy theory proponents and websites. So what you have there on Earth is a unique set of circumstances where those of you who have been awake for quite some time can recognize this opportunity to steer the newly awakened by into themselves, rather than allowing them to go down every rabbit hole and to listen to or read every prediction about what’s going to happen next.
Those of you who are newly awake have a unique opportunity to guide the more jaded and cynical awakened ones back into themselves, back into their hearts, back into what got them to awaken in the first place. Lately the spiritual and new age communities have gotten a bit cluttered, and rather than sifting through it all to find the one true truth, we recommend spending more time in meditation and in relaxation, more time in nature, and connecting to loved ones, including your animal friends.
Now is a time to remember the basics, spirituality 101 as it were. You are infinite and eternal beings of love and light, and you do create your reality, every last second of it. You make changes by raising your vibration, and you can only do that by going within and feeling for what is present, because you cannot raise your vibration if you don’t know where it is. If you don’t know how you feel, you cannot change how you feel.
So we advise to look for the perfect ascension buddy for yourself, and being utilizing the buddy system. You all can benefit from connecting with each other, and when you do, you bring humanity that much closer to unity consciousness, to oneness, the version of the human collective consciousness that will ascend.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 10

Help from Yeshua, Archangel Michael & 10D Pleiadians – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 10

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are the recipients of assistance and high frequency energy ourselves here in the ninth dimension. We receive from Source directly, as well as dimensions ten through twelve in this universe. There are many beautiful collectives who are assisting us in the same ways that we are assisting all of you. Now, you might wonder what we could possibly need help with. We are constantly developing new strategies and ideas regarding how we can better be of service to you and everyone else who needs our assistance. Therefore, we need to get higher perspectives as well, and we are very open to the suggestions of Archangel Michael, Yeshua, tenth dimensional Pleiadian collectives and so on.
We are very pleased to have such beautiful helpers, and of course, you also can benefit from the help that is being given from realms that are even higher than ours. Therefore, it is so important for you all to sit in acknowledgement of the help that is coming in from above, and we also implore you to sit in quiet expectation, as you open yourselves up to the higher frequency energies, the downloads, the upgrades, the activations. They are all coming in because of what you are living, because of your willingness to endure fourth dimensional Earth.
You provide us with so much in your willingness to be there and have challenging experience after challenging experience, because all that you go through there on Earth gives birth to new ideas about what we could create here in the higher realms. And those creations will be experienced by all of you as you continue on in your journeys. You are in this for the long haul, and so whenever things are not going so well for you in the short term, you need to remember that. You need to remember how many beings are supporting and assisting you and that you are creating new worlds, new systems, new galaxies, and new universes because of your willingness to endure dire circumstances and the horrors that you sometimes experience just by living, just by being in a human body there on planet Earth.
It is a difficult place to be, and that’s why only the masters like you were able to incarnate there. There was a knowing inside of each of you that you would awaken and that you would receive help from the higher realms. Sometimes we just need to remind you of how much good will there is for humanity up here in the higher dimensional realms, and we are very happy to remind you that you’ve done enough, you’ve worked enough, and now it’s time to receive all that you’ve asked for in this and every other lifetime.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 7

How to Grow Spiritually from What’s Happening Now – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 7

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very interested in tracking your spiritual evolution as it relates to what’s going on in your lives, on your world, and throughout the galaxy and the universe. Of course, there are times when you have certain planetary alignments going on, and there are times when you have an eclipse or a full moon, and then there are times when you have global events happening. And of course, there are the times when you have things happening in your little corner of the universe, things that affect you directly and immediately.
We’ve noticed that you tend to be affected more positively by the world, galactic, and universal events and that your evolution happens more smoothly as a result of those events, even if they are not what you would call positive. When something happens there on Earth that affects millions or billions of humans, but not you individually and directly, you can grow by accessing more of your compassion and you can clear what you need to clear around that event because you don’t have a big mess to clean up in your own personal life. When something happens to you directly, you are not taking the spiritual evolution as quickly, because there are things you have to do with action, and there’s all the thinking that you do about what you could’ve done differently, and how you could prevent this from happening in the future, and so on.
But when you do take the opportunity for the spiritual evolution because of something that happens in your personal lives, those are times when you can grow by leaps and bounds. Not everyone takes advantage of the opportunity, however, and then what happens is that person will recreate something similar again and again, until they do take the leap forward that’s available to them. Whenever anything is present in your life that is unwanted, ask yourself that question of, ‘How do I take the spiritual evolution from this?’ And whenever there’s not something in your life that is wanted, ask yourselves the same question. And when there’s nothing dramatic happening in your lives, you can also ask yourself the question of, ‘How do I grow spiritually from this place I am in now?’
You will get an answer. When you ask a question like that, there is always an answer. There are usually several answers, in fact, and those answers will come to you. You can ask yourself these same questions when there’s something going on globally, or when you become aware of some planetary alignment that is coming up. Of course, you see people gathering for the equinoxes, the solstices, the full moons, and so on and setting intentions, seeking to create something new, seeking to receive what they’ve already created. But if you don’t have anyone to gather with, then do it on your own.
And you can always tune in to what’s going on throughout this universe of ours that might be helping you to grow spiritually to add something to your list of spiritual gifts and abilities that you’ve been able to attain. There’s always something that you could be receiving, and there’s always a growth opportunity in front of you if you take it. You will find that you don’t need to create anything negative in your lives to get you to go to that next level of your spiritual evolution.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 6

We Hope You Included this in Your Awakening – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 6

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very intimately connected to each and every one of you, just as you are all intimately connected with one another there on Earth. We know that you see people out there in the world doing things and saying things that upset you, and you think that there is no way that you could be connected to that person or that group of people, but you are. You have the illusion of separation there on Earth, which has given you the opportunity to have certain experiences that you could only have while under that illusion, but we certainly hope that part of your awakening process has included the knowing that nothing and no one really exists outside of you.
In fact, they are all saying things and doing things that will spur on more of the evolution of your consciousness, if you allow the expansion to occur from what you are witnessing. You just have to decide that whatever is upsetting you in the moment is doing so because it’s meant to push those buttons. You are meant to love unconditionally, to forgive and to have compassion for all others, no matter who they are and no matter what they’ve done.
You are not meant to judge, to fear and to draw lines in the sand, but that has been the way of humanity for so long. Once you realize that people out there in the world all represent aspects of you, then you can start seeing the possibilities for you. What you really want to do is become a whole and complete person, and you cannot do that while simultaneously condemning an aspect of yourself. That’s why you have to let all of that go and accept everyone the way that they are, and that is also why you get to experience all of this as it is. You created it as it is so that you could have the experience of growth.
There’s no growth to be had if everyone is lovable all the time. There’s no movement then from judgment and condemnation to acceptance and unconditional love. And if there is no movement, then what was the point in you fooling yourself about who you really are and taking on the illusion of separation, not only from other humans, but also from Source?You want to experience who and what you really are viscerally, which means you want to feel it. You want to do more than just say that you know you are a Source Energy Being of love and light.
You want to actually have that experience, and all of the people in the world are giving you the opportunity, but you have to accept it. You have to take it and run with it, and decide who you really are, who you want to be, and what you want to become. Believe us when we say there is always more. There will always be more love and more light, more expansion and more growth. And even after you complete your shift in consciousness, you will not be done. There will be more for you to experience and to grow into because Source is expanding. And so, of course you are expanding as well. It is the movement from where you are to where you are going that is the journey that you all signed up for, and it is the only journey that there really is.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 5

Steps for Getting Closer to Your Higher Self & Source – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 5

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are existing within a plane of existence that we can feel constantly expanding. We can focus on that expansion while simultaneously focusing on yours. Your scientists know that the universe is expanding. So on that physical level, you can confirm that this is true, but on the metaphysical level, it is something you have to feel for in order to know the truth of it. Feeling for your expansion is easy, but it takes a little bit of focus. You must take your mind off of everything else that you are normally focusing upon, and place your conscious awareness on your heart.
When you are in that space of inner peace, in that space of love, you cannot help but feel for the expansion that is occurring within you and all around you in that moment. Suddenly, you realize that you are bigger than you thought you were. You realize that you are bigger than all of your problems combined. You realize that you are one with Source Energy and that there is nothing to worry about. And then after engaging in this heart-centered exercise, you might wonder why you don’t do it more often. And that’s the trick. The trick is convincing yourself that these types of exercises are more valuable than what so-and-so is posting on twitter right now.
They are more valuable than what is going on in the world, as far as the news about what’s happening is concerned. These exercises will help you to release all that is holding you back, all that is limiting you and preventing you from being your true self, your whole self. Now, there are other exercises as well that are good for you, like eating your vegetables is good for you. And even though you know that eating vegetables is good for you, sometimes you have to remind yourselves to do that simple act. Fruit is good too.
Other exercises that you can easily engage in that will bring you into a state of bliss, expansion, and oneness, are connecting with Mother Nature and connecting with Mother Earth. You can stare up at the sky during the day or at night. You can take an extra long shower or bath, and realize that you are cleaning more than your skin and hair while you engage in those activities. You are cleansing your aura, your energy field. You can speak mantras or words of appreciation. You can listen to music that uplifts you. You can spend time with an animal, or just think about the people you love, watch the sunrise or sunset.
There are so many things you can do to put yourself in that state of realization, and we are talking about the realization that you are an ever-expanding being of love and light who is there on the earthly plane to recognize that truth about yourselves and then to live that truth. This is more than just a series of steps that we are giving you to intellectually know who you are. You want to experience it, and feeling it is the way. Now, if you can just remind yourselves to engage in these activities, you will feel closer to us, closer to your higher selves, and closer to Source.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 4

What’s More Powerful than the Deep State? – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 4

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very capable of sending out energies that will encourage people to look within themselves more frequently for whatever it is they feel is lacking in their lives. And this does not interfere with your spiritual development, but rather, it is a catalyst for all of you to be more spiritually inclined. It is easy to get caught up in what is going on out there in the quote/unquote ‘real world,’ but it is also good for people to remember the real world is an illusion, a projection of their own consciousness. But when you go within, you find the truth, you find the real you, the real reality, and that’s why it’s so important for those like us to encourage you not only with our words, but also with our energy transmissions. And we do encourage you to go within often.
What do you do once you go within, one might wonder. Well, certainly, going within makes you more aware of your thoughts. And any thoughts that you know are repetitive and not helpful to your spiritual evolution, you will become more aware of when you are inwardly focused. Any feelings will also become harder to ignore when you’re focused on what’s going on inside of you, and when you get past the temporary thoughts and feelings, you can get into the truth of who you are as a being of unconditional love, and you can feel that unconditional love at the very core of your being. You can radiate it out on purpose, and you can fill yourself up with it as well, and then when you go out into the outside world, you won’t be looking for anything within it to fulfill you and to fill you up. You will realize that you are the one who has to do all of the filling and that you are there to fill the world up with your love and light.
Now, when we give you something like this, hopefully you realize that all the stories out there in the outside world are so less important than you thought they were. All the beliefs about what’s really going on right now hold so much less weight when you realize that it’s all a projection of your consciousness anyway. If that’s the case, why would you need a whistleblower or someone who has their finger on the pulse of the deep state to tell you what’s really happening in the reality that you’re projecting from within yourself? Of course, these stories are entertaining, and they get your mind’s attention, but you really want to use your mind proactively. You want to use your mind creatively. You want to use your mind to focus, instead of just feeding it what it finds interesting or compelling.
Just because something makes logical sense to your mind, doesn’t actually mean it’s true. Remember that, and remember that you can make anything true if you focus on it enough. And now, perhaps you will realize how powerful you are and how important going within really is to you accessing that power. The power we are referring to is not the type of power that billionaires and world leaders seek. It is the type of power that lets the individual know that you are already everything, and therefore, you need nothing. That’s the type of power that has inner peace attached to it and the type of power that no one could ever take away from you.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 3

Why E.T.s Don’t Swoop Down to Save You – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 3

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been listening to your requests for assistance for quite some time, and we know that many times you would like to receive a miracle in regards to whatever your current circumstances are. And we can appreciate why you would request a miracle, or two, or three, because we see how difficult life is for you there on planet Earth. We prefer to support you, to nudge you, to love you, and to give you all of the upgrades, activations and downloads that you need so that you can work yourselves out of whatever dire circumstances you find yourselves in.
We want to empower you. We want you to feel strong and independent. We want you to believe in yourselves as much as we believe in you, and that is why we do not swoop in with a miracle, and it is also why the other extra-terrestrial helpers that you have don’t swoop in and take care of all of the issues that you have there on Earth.
It is going to be far more satisfying to all of you to demonstrate that you do in fact have the ability to create whatever reality you want to experience. And it’s going to feel even better when you recognize that you actually create your reality through the high frequency vibrations that you access within yourselves. That’s powerful, and that’s empowering, and that’s how we know you benefit the most.
We will continue to give you the tools necessary through our energetic transmissions and the teachings we deliver, but we want you to get stronger so that you can stand on your own two feet as you move into the fifth dimension and access all of your powers, all of your gifts, all of your abilities. If you haven’t first sharpened your ability to summon a vibration at will, then the fifth dimension is going to be as messy as the third has been, as messy as the fourth as well.
Again, if you want our help raising your vibration or finding the right frequency, then we will assist you in whatever ways that we can. But we want you to know that you are there amidst all of those challenges you face there on Earth because you wanted to face those challenges. You wanted to demonstrate to yourselves that you were capable of rising up, of accessing what you need to in every moment, and of completing the shift in consciousness with some assistance from beings and collectives like ourselves. But ultimately, you incarnated there to demonstrate to yourselves that you could do it.
Life on Earth is not a prison. It’s not a punishment, and it’s not a trap. It is now and it always has been a choice and a choice made by those souls who knew they were powerful enough to handle all of the challenges of planet Earth. You knew that you could have a joyous and beautiful ascension experience, and we trust in you. We believe in you enough to be your supporters but not to do all of the heavy lifting for you. Remember that the next time you’re facing another one of life’s challenges. Remember that you knew you were up to the task and that we have a tremendous amount of faith in you as well.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 2

What Else Can You Expect in April? – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 2

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very pleased to see how so many of you are benefitting from the April energies already. As we mentioned in a previous transmission, this is a time of root chakra clearing, but it is also a time of root chakra integration, and it is a time of healing. Whenever you are doing a lot of clearing, you are also doing a lot of healing and integrating. So it is a time for you to be building, for you to be creating, for you to move to that next level of consciousness and that next level of your lives.
It is time for you to grow exponentially, and with that growth comes more of who and what you really are. More of that means more of a reflection in the outside world, a reflection that shows you the work you have done and the being you are becoming. It’s a time to throw away the old ideas of limitation, of being oppressed, not being free. These are ideas that many people have ingrained in them now because a variety of people have told you that you are not free, very limited, and very oppressed. But as you heal from the trauma that has been stored in your root chakra, you get to move into a greater sense of empowerment and an acknowledgment that you are the ones creating all of this. You made certain choices before you incarnated, and you have chosen ever since with your vibration.
Now, as you step into a time of greater empowerment, you also want to consider how your choices are aligning with the needs of the many. When you grow, you realize you are living in a collective and that there’s no separation between you and your fellow humans. So when you want success for everyone, you are included in the everyone that you want that success for. When you realize that what’s good for you is good for others, and what’s good for others is good for you, then you start to get an idea of what it is actually like to be a part of a collective consciousness and a collective of physical beings, all spinning together on the same globe.
Let yourselves move through the month of April with an expectation for something more, something better for humanity. See that better version of Earth and of your collective, and feel for it. It’s already been created by you and by everyone else, and it’s time for you to actualize the freedom and the limitlessness that is true to your true nature. You are whole and complete beings; you are the entire universe expressing as an individual, and you have more tools now than you have ever had before, as well as having more helpers, more energies, more support. Build from the root chakra up the life that you want and the world you want to be living in, and know that you can because you have discovered the truth of who you really are as a Source Energy Being.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

April 1

Your Newfound Spiritual Gifts & Abilities – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 1

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been noticing that quite a few of you are starting to recognize that you have spiritual gifts and abilities, and we also have been observing you not only accessing them but also letting them shine. You have had plenty of time on your hands for not only introspection, but also for sitting quietly and long enough to recognize the gifts and abilities that you have floating to the surface of your consciousness.
This is wonderful news for you as the individuals who are accessing those gifts, and it is even better news for the human collective, as they all get to benefit from the sharing of your gifts and abilities with as many people as you can. You may feel that you are under-qualified or not good enough yet to start sharing, but trust us when we say that humanity needs you and the freshness of your new voice, your new perspective, and the new energies that you are accessing as the new breed of awakened individuals who are ready to step out and step up to a larger audience.
Some of you have been hiding, not allowing your gifts and abilities to be experienced by others, and we understand where that apprehension comes from. We know that it is challenging to put yourself out there, even though you are so desperately needed, and even though your fellow humans have been summoning the new breed. You are the healers, psychics, channels, clairvoyants, and so many other labels that will lead those who are just waking up at this time.
And as we have said many times before, the mass awakenings are upon you and will continue. Therefore, you will be more sought after by those who are just waking up now. And even those who have been awake for quite some time can benefit from those of you who just starting to acknowledge what you have to share, what is burning and shining so brightly inside of you. You are the ones, and now is the time, and if you needed a sign from the universe to start putting yourself out there, consider this transmission that very sign.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
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