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March 31

Breathe, Dear Ones, breathe. When you focus upon your breathing, you not only connect with your body, you also connect with the natural universal rhythm of ebb and flow. It moves you into alignment with both giving and receiving, expanding and releasing. and the overall system of balance that you are a part of.
When the energies get intense, just breathe. Many humans have a habit of holding their breath when things are feeling stressful which puts you further out of balance. Shifting into conscious breathing is deciding to not hold yourself separate from the support that is all around you.
When things are wonderful, breathe it all in! Embrace it through your breath and allow anything that is not fully resonant with that experience to go, further honing your energetics. Allow the wonder to enter your body and settle into every single cell.
Breathe as an act of love for yourself and your body. Breathe to embrace your presence and your Now moment. Breathe to celebrate the gift of being in your body on an ascending planet. We promise you, it is what you couldn’t wait to experience. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

March 30

Instead of being frustrated by what isn’t being supported, we highly recommend you embrace your phase and explore what you can do right now. Most people find the lull phase more challenging than the action phase. So we invite you to ask yourself, what did you wish you had more time for when you were very busy? You were yearning for a chance to do those things. If the energies are supporting those activities now, we encourage you to take advantage of those opportunities!
To further assist you in embracing whatever phase you are in, you might find it helpful to make notes for your future self. If you are in a super accelerated phase, write down what you feel grateful for, but also write down what you miss from your quieter times. If you are in a lull phase, write down what you are grateful for, but what also what you miss from the action phase.
By doing both you can expand your gratitude for wherever you are, and you will give yourself a loving reminder of what is possible for you right now that you can refer back to whenever you might feel you need it. This will help you remember the balanced perfection of the greater cycles you operate within, and to harness the opportunities that are right in front of you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

March 29

Dear Ones, we speak of it often, but we wish to remind you that you are part of a larger overall system of ebb and flow. As you continue through your own embodiment process, there will be times for expansive forward movement and other times that are for rest, rejuvenation, and integration. No phase is wrong. Each is necessary and supports the other.
A wise human trusts this and naturally shifts to reap the rewards of each individual phase. If you are in a lull, rest and reflect knowing you are in preparation for your next action phase. If you are in an action phase, ride the wave and embrace every bit of your supported forward movement. There will surely be a time to rest that will follow.
When you can stay in acceptance of it all as part of a greater system that is designed to support you and assure your success, you will find the blessings of every phase, and be able to settle into presence and gratitude for every bit of it, and that will make your journey far more pleasurable.
Do you see? Just as the sun rises and sets, and the tides go in and out, your are part of the same systems. How glorious to recognize that you are not separate from it all, but rather as important as the moon and the oceans because you are a beloved soul who dances and breathes with the universe. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

March 28

We understand it can be frustrating for you when you are in accelerated or intense energies. It can be difficult to get your bearings! While you might be tempted to think that none of your truest desires or manifestations will come to fruition because everything keeps changing, we offer you this perspective.
Accelerated energies are like an agitating cycle of your washer, where things get moved around a lot. The purpose of that is to dispel what doesn’t belong on the principle item. It is a cleansing process.
Just like in the washing machine, the energies are shaking things up to allow anything that isn’t a true match to you to be released and cleansed away, leaving the most clear and pure version of your truest desires.
It is important to remember you are part of a process, one that is serving you and your ultimate goals. During times of choppy energies we highly recommend you understand it is a time of letting go, not a time of gathering or building. The next phase of the flow will support creation, and you will have the most beautifully prepared canvas to paint your dreams upon, thanks to the work you are doing now. Trust the cycles, Dear Ones, for there is purpose to all of them. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

March 25

We spoke yesterday of the rite of passage that humans go through as they step into the role of elder. Today we would like to share that many of you are going through a similar spiritual rite of passage as find yourselves stepping up and into the role of spiritual elder.
We have spoken of the change of service many of you will experience as you flow forward into the new energies. You will continue to be wayshowers and pioneers, leading through your beingness and preference as energetic stabilizers on the planet. The heavy lifting you might have experienced as you walked in service will be left behind. We have described this in the past as moving into a form of spiritual retirement. Another way of thinking of this is stepping into the role of spiritual elder.
As elders, your path becomes simpler, smoother, and easier. You are still of profound service but it is through your embodiment, patience, and wisdom. You are the anchors of peace, the encouragers, the ones that hold the space for others to find their way.
It is a beautiful phase that honours the work that you have done and allows you much more time to simply enjoy life, harvesting the fruits of your labour. It is safe to trust this phase for you have earned it, and there are many eager newly awakening souls that are excited to fill any old service positions you have vacated. It is part of the grand shift you are participating in, and such a joy to behold! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

March 24

As humans you recognize many rites of passage along the way, all marking some form of expansion and stepping into a new version of you, such as learning a new skill, graduating school, getting married, and becoming a parent, just to name a few. But one rite of passage that is rarely recognized is that of helping a parent transition and then stepping into the role of elder.
Losing a parent creates a profound energetic shift. You are connected to your family members by energetic cords. When someone transitions out of the body, that cord dissipates, and you shift to reflect that energetic change. The mourning process helps you navigate that shift. We wish to reassure you that your connection to your loved one always continues, but in a different, non-physical way.
When you lose a parent, particularly to old age, there is a passing of the baton, if you will, making you the new family matriarch or patriarch within your own family unit. You become the elder, the source of wisdom, and the one that anchors traditions. It is a new sacred role, one that you may feel honoured to assume, or one you may doubt you are ready for. If you lost a parent at a young age, another will step in to hold the space of elder for you until it is your time.
Please rest assured if you find yourself stepping into that role, you have found your way there through a soul agreement, and you are ready. Be kind and gentle with yourself as you go through this process of energetic shifting that requires you to acknowledge your own wisdom as you assume the role of elder. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

March 23

Today we invite you to go back and encourage the you that had big dreams and didn’t have the support to make them happen, and give yourself what you always needed and deserved. It is safe for you to acknowledge your truest desires and follow your heart, for those dreams have always been there to direct your path. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

March 22

Your highest self and your guides always conspire to delight you by leading you to your highest potentials. It’s their greatest joy! When you release your 3D based habit of trying to control your manifestations, you move into the flow of 5D co-creation and that is when you can start to discover new possibilities that create giant leaps on your path that are so satisfying for everyone involved. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

March 21

When you get too specific with your manifestations you are trying to wrestle your dreams into submission. Can you feel how constraining that energy is?
Let them go! Let them expand and take on whatever form is for your highest good. Be willing to be shown what you couldn’t have imagined possible because the unfoldment, when allowed full rein, will never fail to surprise and delight you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

March 18

Don’t fight your dreams, trying to wrestle them into some version you think is acceptable. This won’t work because you often get the template of how you think your dream should look from other people’s matches, which may not be a perfect match for you. Your dream is a completely unique blend of your energetics along with the energy of the dream itself. The two combined together are what creates the magic.
So trust your dreams and your soul because they are a dynamic duo with a plan that will be far beyond what you could imagine from your vantage point. Your willingness to give them all the space they need to become all they can be is how you move into next level manifestation. You might help to think of co-creation being a combination of co-operation and creation. Again we encourage you to hold the core essence of your desire and then cast your net wide, stay willing to be led, stay willing to receive, and allow your life to get as big and beautiful as it truly wants to be. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

March 17

Trusting yourself and your own instincts is vital as you step into the new. Your life expression wants to unfold in a way that honours you and your soul’s truest desires. That means you must trust that what you yearn for truly exists for you in a version that is perfect for you.
Dear Ones, your desires are how your soul beckons you forward. Your yearnings are there to point the way. They lead you towards the discovery of your greatest potentials. Not only that, there is much magic every step of the way as you follow that path of unfoldment.
Some of you have put your dreams on a shelf, thinking they were frivolous or unattainable. They are a big part of you and who you wish to be! Is it time to dust them off and explore where they might take you? Let us reassure you, we give this idea a resounding yes! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

March 16

March 16
Do you have a distrust of ease? Do you wait for the other shoe to drop when things are going well? Do you live by sayings like, no pain no gain? Do you feel struggle is noble or somehow necessary before you are worthy to receive?
All of these beliefs have been created by systems that taught that you needed to fight for what is yours, that you need to prove your worthiness, that there is a limited amount of resources, and that struggle is the norm. None of these beliefs are true!
Dear Ones, flow is your natural state of being so having a distrust of the ease and support it brings you puts you in resistance to yourself and your true operating system. It is time to step out of the old conditioning that has only served to keep you exhausted and giving you limited results into the full support, love, and guidance of the universe.
The old ways are no longer energetically supported. You will notice it takes more and more effort to do things the old way. This is designed to get you to explore new, more empowered ways of navigating your life expression. You see, once you get too exhausted by the old system that gives limited returns, you will surrender, which is the entry point of the divine combination which consists of the core elements of surrender, faith, flow, and trust.
You will finally accept the system that can truly get you where you wish to be and to start to experience the love and support that have always been there for you. And the good news is you can enter that system any time you like by making a simple heartfelt request to be led into the experience of more and allowing yourself to be led until you discover where your soul has been trying to take you all along. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

March 15

The conscious choices you start making today are acts of love for your future self and begin to shift your path into one of greater grace, ease, and satisfaction. What one thing can you do for yourself today that you will be grateful for tomorrow? We urge you to start small and pay attention, for the ripples of one wise choice can spread far and wide. If you do this every single day, before you know it your entire life will be transformed, and you will be amazed at how far you have come and how much better you feel about both yourself and your life expression. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

March 14

If someone else’s success has made you feel bad about yourself, you are misinterpreting what is playing out for you. Your soul is making you aware of what is possible for you and bringing examples of it into your awareness for you to create your own unique version of it. It is not to make you feel lack, but rather an attempt to lead you forward into a more satisfying experience.
Celebrate other people’s successes because not only have they done some wonderful creating and are showing the way, they are also doing the service of making you aware that your own success is drawing nearer and nearer to you, too. The energy of success wouldn’t be so close to you if it were not so! We highly recommend you allow them to inspire you, join them in their happiness, and get curious about what your soul is trying to lead you to discover that will be the perfect match for you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

March 11

Many of you have noticed that when you go through a leap of growth things can feel more challenging between you and your loved ones. We would like to offer you a new perspective on why that occurs.
Almost all enlightening human beings have had other lifetime experiences where embracing their spirituality or authenticity has resulted in them being shunned, punished, persecuted, or killed. While you are absolutely safe to explore those areas now, feeling judgment or a lack of acceptance from those around you can trigger the memory of those old wounds and make you fear similar things.
For your loved ones, your growth and expansion can trigger fears of separation. On a deep level they are afraid that they will be left behind if you continue to evolve. This can cause them to be resistant to your beliefs and to be unusually reactive.
What is interesting is it is the same wound that is triggered in you both – a fear of separation and abandonment. The key to healing this is twofold. First, reassure the other that growth and evolution is safe and will serve everyone involved. Let them know that the love you have for them is a constant.
Second, it can be very helpful to find activities you both enjoy that put you on the same energetic page. Meditating together can be a wonderful way to connect in a safe energetic space. If your partner is not spiritually minded, find an activity you can engage in together that inspires presence and a positive shared experience. You might go for a hike, or take in a show, or visit a beach if you are in a climate that supports that. Salt water is an excellent energetic cleanser and can help everyone feel much more comfortable.
The key is creating space that allows you to both be fully present and open to each other. This will act as both reassurance and a stabilization point for your relationship as you continue to grow and evolve. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

March 10

If you are always trying to prove your goodness you are implying that your goodness is in doubt. When you simply lead with your goodness, you demonstrate your acceptance of your inherent goodness, and that, Dear Ones, is embodiment. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

March 9

Community and connection are prevalent traits of the new energies you are stepping into. Many of you are yearning for your energetic peers and for those who can see and understand you in your truth – those you can simply be your authentic selves with.
We encourage you to seek out those who lift you up, who encourage you, and can meet you where you are. Dear Ones, you would not go to a dog show to discuss cats! Use your wisdom to find your energetic matches.
If there is no one around you, seek out communities online. If you can’t find one that seems to fit what you are looking for, build it and they will come! Create your own community that is lead by your own unique energy and know that those who are drawn to it are those who are true matches to you who can see and appreciate you in your truth.
Slowly but surely the days of separation and division will be healing, with a grand reshuffling of souls finding each other and connecting in deep and satisfying ways. This will bring you great joy. Now is the time to think outside the box when it comes to creating connections.
Be innovative and true to you. Allow your soul to lead you, and trust there is much more support for you moving forward than you have experienced for a very long time. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

March 8

Your soul always knows your worth as a beloved part of the divine. In fact, it knows there is never, ever a time where you could not be worthy. So if you are struggling with worthiness issues, it is a sign that you are in your head, not your heart. Shift into the knowingness of your soul and you will realize, time and again, that you are always loved and cherished exactly as you are.
Our unconditional love is a constant, Dear Ones. Our greatest wish for you is that you will prioritize choosing the alignment that allows you to feel that truth and know that love, and as you do the old stories of separation will heal and fall away until they are not part of your inner chatter any longer. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

March 7

The act of settling indicates you know there is better out there for you. You know there is a more satisfying match but you decide to play it small.
Choosing to do that is usually due to the following – a lack of trust that you can really have what you want, not being willing to do whatever it would take to allow the better option to become your reality, a fear of change or success, or fear of how others will react to you having the full experience.
Dear Ones, your soul knows your highest potentials and matches and beckons you forward because it knows what you have always intended for yourself, is secure in your worthiness, and knows what is the the next highest step for you on your journey. Why go against the expert on you and your life expression?
There is nothing to be gained for you or anyone else by choosing to stay smaller than your full potential. Allow yourself to bloom and thrive as the empowered leader of your life expression and you will be an inspiration for others to step into their next highest version of themselves, too. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

March 4

Dear Ones, there is a potential for many different truths to exist, depending upon where you are on your evolutionary journey. Let us give you an example that is easy to understand.
If you showed algebra to a child in grade 2, they would say you were silly and that everyone knows math uses numbers not letters. But to a student in high school, the use of letters in a math class makes perfect sense. Both are truths to each student. The truth simply expands and evolves as each student continues their learning.
If the high school student wished to connect with others over a love of algebra, he would not find understanding or support from the student who thought math didn’t contain letters. He would need to find his peers who are at a similar level of understanding.
But there is a common ground he can find with the younger student. They both agree that letters are used for reading, and that is a space they can happily connect in.
Do you see? There is great wisdom in seeking out your energetic peers, but also in finding the common denominator that allows you to meet people where they are. From there connection and satisfaction in relationships can always be found. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

March 3

If you think of your dreams and creations as little sprouts, how can you tend them today? It is true that seeds germinate on their own in the earth but if you make sure they have the right conditions to support them, you are far more likely to see them break through the soil, bloom, and eventually bear fruit. While you are at it, we highly recommend you apply the same logic to yourself and your own growth. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

March 2

If you allow your regret to redirect you into a better version of yourself, you have given your past purpose. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

March 1

Many of you are finding yourselves at a crossroads of change. It may be that you cannot continue on with behaviours that do not honour you or others, or you may find that you cannot continue on with others whose behaviours do not honour you.
If you have found yourself needing to make some serious changes for yourself, we congratulate you on coming to this point! It is likely you have found yourself in a painful place in order to facilitate change. This painful place gets you to realize that what you’ve been doing isn’t working for you and that you simply cannot continue along in the same manner. It is from that space you will open to exploring other options.
If you need to change, the first step is to surrender into the guidance of your higher power. Ask to be shown the next steps and for the right assistance to help you navigate your change. Make your wisest choice, one now moment at a time. Try not to overwhelm yourself by taking on too many things at once. You are building a new foundation for yourself. Look at what is most important for that foundation and start there.
You always have an inner wise one within you. Connect with that part of you. If you don’t know how to proceed, if you have a mentor who leads their life in a way you admire, it might help to consider what they would do. If you aren’t sure, wait until you have more clarity. If you need professional help be wise enough to reach out for it.
If you need to know if someone has changed in order for it to be safe for you to be around them, it is important to look at their actions, not words. Real change is not instantaneous, but rather the result of becoming more mindful and conscious. Breaking out of old patterns and establishing new, healthier ways of being doesn’t happen overnight. It is a process. It is wise to not jump right back in with them but to allow the time for the new ways to become well established. They don’t need to be perfect, but they do need to show consistent effort, introspection, self accountability, and a commitment to being better, not just to get a result, but as a preferred expression of who they are.
True and lasting change is a commitment. If you commit to the core values of truth, transparency, integrity, and consistency, and use those as your guiding light one now moment at a time, you will find your way out of the dark night into the discovery of where your soul is trying to lead you, and from there a much more satisfying life expression can be found. Know that your evolution can only take you somewhere better and every forward step you take is a step toward the light. There is much love and guidance for you every bit of the way. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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