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March 31

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Fine tuning on like-minded people)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to move on to a new topic and talk about the way you are to establish relationships with like-minded people, that is, those who are at the same vibration level as you are and feature similar worldview.
I know that it seems to many of you that in the world of the Fifth dimension, with the Energy of Unconditional Love holding sway, everything in your life will get settled all by itself – with no efforts for your part.
It is actually not quite right.
Each person is so unique that even in ideal conditions of the unipolar world they will have to find their niche both for professional activity and personal communication.
Of course, people will be attracted to each other, first of all, according to interests.
And this is quite natural since a person of technical mind, for example, will feel bored while communicating with romantic and poetic individuals far from applied scientific knowledge.
But even within groups of common interests adaptation to each other’s characters, temperaments and approach to work is unavoidable.
Fortunately, in the absence of duality all this will happen in quite a different way this time – with no annoyance, aggression or censure.
And it is mainly due to the fact that people will be able to scan not just vibration level of the people around but catch their slightest vibration nuances.
Up till now you have been learning to identify one’s vibrations with the help of chakra scale that implies rather a wide range of energies.
It can be compared to large points of a ruler marking dozens of centimeters.
But there is also division into millimeters between them.
So, while in the third dimension world your ability to use chakrometer can already be considered as a great achievement and advanced perception of energies, in the world of the Fifth dimension you will start distinguishing slightest nuances as well – vibration “millimeters” of each person you come across on the way.
It can be called fine tuning on other people’s energy.
In the space of high dimensions energy acquires quite distinct qualities now.
Not only it becomes tangible but also visible and audible.
And it is accounted for by the fact that your subtle sense organs having thrown off the burden of the third dimensionality will become keen indeed.
Your subtle bodies having been purified from negative energies and rarified to the utmost, will readily “absorb” vibration information about other people “sieving” it and taking in only the components that correspond best to your own vibrations.
As a result, by intuition you will be attracted to those who match you best in all parameters.
Besides, it does not mean at all that emotional people will be attracted to emotional ones and reserved to reserved ones.
Your fine tuning will be aimed at choosing the people with whom you will be able to establish really harmonious relationships complementing and setting off each other’s strong points.
And all this will be possible due to the fact that it is not your Mind that will be involved but your Soul that never makes mistakes and feels free and easy in the space of the Fifth dimension – feels at home.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on March 31, 2022.

March 30

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (How steel gets hardened)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will talk about acute problems that people are facing more and more all over the world.
As you see, globalists have managed to drive people out of their usual comfort zone even in the most well-off and prosperous countries.
And it has happened because they had to put to life their programme on the planet’s population reduction and complete digitizing of the rest of it under emergency and at an accelerated pace.
Now with the adroitness of jugglers they switch people’s attention from one problem to another stirring up human passions of the lowest order.
It has become by far the most apparent in the situation with Ukraine, with all the facts being distorted and people and even whole countries being skillfully played off against each other.
And though from the point of view of the average citizen these events seem tragic, they actually facilitate revival of millions of people who having found themselves in emergency start thinking about the things actually in progress in the world and who actually controls countries and the planet in general.
As you already know, it is emergencies that can make a stir in the “swamp” of the sleeping third dimension conscience opening new horizons of worldview and reality.
Which is actually going on all over Earth now.
For millions of peoples stereotypes are beginning to collapse, as well as authorities and traditions.
But all this is beneficial to their Soul that will get more “leverage” in terms of human conscience.
It is becoming easier for it to get through to a person: make them hear the clues provided by their Safeguard Angels, Spiritual guides and Galaxy family.
Now the process of humanity rescue has been joined by all the Higher Powers of the Universe, and there is not a single soul striving for Light that is left without their assistance and support.
Therefore, all the tricks of the Dark Forces on human will suppression fireback on them since sorrow and misfortunes only make people’s will stronger and give them impulse for spiritual development.
As a result, natural selection acquires mass character.
While in peaceful times spiritual progress and preparation for Transition was typical of just a small segment of Earth’s population – the so-called Divine seeds, now they are joined by many other pure human souls that are learning their lessons faster.
Overboard there will just remain the representatives of low vibration civilizations embodied as humans whose subtle material structure does not allow them to grow spiritually and, of course, clones who were artificially introduced into human society.
Unfortunately indeed but such selection will concern a lot of pure human souls too who for these or those reasons have accepted gene modified injections that were offered to them under the guise of “salvation vaccines”.
Yet, it was the choice and experience of their Soul, which should be taken with understanding and respect.
This year will become a crucial one not only for your planet but for all her inhabitants: everyone will move the direction chosen by their Soul in compliance with the eternal and unshakable Universe Law of the Free Will.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on March 30, 2022.

March 29

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Leaving third dimension matrix)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I feel like talking to you about the current events on Earth and consider them from the perspective of the third dimension programmes again that were spoken about in a series of my messages.
Everything that has to do with the military conflict in Ukraine and more is assuming a grotesque touch now, isn’t it?
It is not even a theatrical performance now but a real clownery that involves the leading countries of the world’s governments.
But a lot of people take it seriously and unmurmuringly believe what they are told by politicians.
Why does it happen?
The only reason is that these people live not following their mind, let alone intuition, but in strict correspondence with the programmes of the third dimension world.
And in this case when the old world turned out endangered, all these programmes were brought into play at a full capacity.
It is them that the shadow government pins their hopes on that knows perfectly well what buttons to press to gain the desired result.
They act in compliance with centuries-old tried-and-tested scheme: first, to intimidate people and make their life unbearable and then throw a sop for them they will be over the moon with.
Which has shown especially vividly for the last two years.
But this time the “sop” will turn into a means of their final enslavement – digital one.
This is exactly what is staked on by those who contrived this inhumane scheme.
Well, what third dimension programmes have been set in motion here?
Almost all of them.
Among them is intimidation: creation of fatal danger under colour of “pandemic”.
And compulsion to mandatory “vaccination” that leaves almost no option to people.
And application of favourite globalists’ tool “Divine and rule” as a result of which society has divided into two groups – vaccinated and unvaccinated people who are quite aggressive to each other.
And introduction of the notion of being “chosen” that has actually turned into digital enslavement by means of special admission codes for public places.
But seeing that the first stage of the operation started to malfunction, globalists brought into play “heavy artillery” this time: they provoked a military conflict in order to encourage still more separation among people dividing them into aggressors and victims.
As you see, not everyone could figure out all the artful design of the shadow government’s plans since the majority of people acted exactly in compliance with the programmes of the third dimension world “churning out” just the reactions they were expected to produce.
And only a small segment of Earth’s population managed to “break” the time-tested third dimension pattern of mentality and behaviour in an attempt to convey to the others the actual causes and aims of the events.
This is the very unconventional reaction that can ruin the vicious circle of stereotypes instilled into human conscience and making them “dance to somebody else’s tune” not caring a bit about the consequences.
And I see that the number of such people is getting larger and larger and, consequently, the dual “empire” of third dimensionality that has been created for centuries is beginning to collapse gradually making space for a new unipolar world.
And you, my dear, take active part indeed in this evolution process crucial for humanity and your planet.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on March 29, 2022.

March 28

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Unconventional approach)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to focus on one more peculiarity of the third dimension programmes existence in your society.
And what will be at issue is how you can control them so as to prevent them from further spreading.
As I have already told more than once in my messages, only unusual – nonstandard – reaction can break the chain of stereotyped behaviour of the people around you.
And it stands to reason, for any expected answer or action just makes any settled subtle material structure of the third dimension programmes exacerbated and even more sustained.
One standard laying over another concentrates a certain type of energy and fixes the given emotional or behavioral pattern.
That is why human communication often comes down to some clichés implanted in their subconscience.
And if by your unconventional behaviour or mentality you suddenly start breaking the chain link of stereotyped reactions, one gets confused and unintentionally falls out of these programmes control.
And now imagine that on Earth there appear more and more people who have broken free from the influence of the third dimension world programmes.
Not only they think in an unusual way, but are also emotionally completely free from all the negative energies that are bred by these programmes.
The unipolar conscience of the human featuring new worldview just by their high vibrations will start deleting all the negative low vibration programmes and forcing them out of the energy space of Earth.
And for this to happen as soon as possible, it is really essential for you to work on it not only in terms of energy but physically as well.
Therefore carefully monitor your words and actions: whether they comply with the third dimension programmes or are already beyond their bounds.
But, of course, the significant role in this process is played by your emotional state since at present when Earth is filled with new energies this time it is becoming increasingly hard to hide one’s emotion behind words.
You can easily see how fast masks are getting off politicians, your friends and relatives, how easily you scan the things that are actually behind their words and actions.
Any lie and hypocrisy become apparent as they are.
Yet, my dear, while chaos is reigning Earth for the time being and the centuries-old order has not been abolished completely yet, you should be somewhat cautious and diplomatic.
Try not to ask for trouble persisting in your opinion with the people who are not ready to accept it.
Remain calm and neutral onlookers.
Simply do not keep standard predictable conversations going just by this breaking the habitual “scheme” of communication between people of the third dimension world.
Fill explosive situations and aggressive talks with Divine energies thereby purifying energy space and human conscience from negative energies whose source of origin are the very third dimension programmes that these people got used to living in compliance with.
So, the meditation on dissolving the third dimension programmes on Earth and your own behaviour that does not fall in with these programmes will make great contribution to the process of your planet’s advancing to the new space of the Fifth dimension.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on March 28, 2022.

March 28

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Generation of unipolar conscience)
Greetings, my dear beloved children!
And the last thing that I would like to draw your attention to is upbringing of your children in a new – unipolar – “mode” that third dimension world programmes would not fit in because of their low vibrations.
But it will be possible only when you yourselves get free from the influence of these programmes.
Of course, it will be easier to do for those of you whose children do not attend school or kindergarten, with a well-established system of upbringing being based on dual perception of the world and the norms of communication corresponding to it.
Yet, you can level these programmes explaining to little ones the Laws of the Universe and cause-effect relationship of all the things that take place both in their own life and in the world in a comprehensible way.
Now it is really essential since the new high vibration energies arriving at Earth do not resonate with the dual perception of reality typical of the third dimension world.
And while older generations of people have such programmes fixed in their subconscience, children are at the crossroads, especially crystal children that are now being born on Earth.
Their conscience initially pure and ready for life in the unipolar world of the Fifth dimension is subject to vehement energy attacks for the part of adults living in compliance with old programmes.
And since a child cannot explain what they feel, they often behave in an inadequate way as viewed by the adults who are used to judging others’ behaviour relying on their own experience.
As a matter of fact, a child feels ill at ease just in terms of energy because their innate pure energy at every turn contradicts the third dimension energy that has not been eliminated up till the end on your planet so far.
This is the fate of the little ones who are born at the junction of two epochs that are incompatible in terms of energy.
But such challenging experience of existence on Earth was chosen by their Souls.
Fortunately, at the same time on your planet there exists the generation of indigo who came here to support the next wave of the pathfinders of the new Earth – crystal children.
But having plunged into the third dimension world, not all of them remembered what they had come for and not everybody switched over to Service, which was planned by their Souls before incarnation.
That is why every revived person aware of the greatness of the present moment can become a spiritual guide and patron for a child they come across.
And the first aid you can provide to the children who find themselves at the border line of two dimensions is energy leveling of their emotional state.
And this is how you can do it.
Invoke all your Heavenly assistants, Angels, Archangels, your Galaxy brothers and sisters and ask them to take the immature children souls under their patronage.
Work not only with your children and grandchildren but with all the little ones of your planet that find themselves in the energy situation thus difficult and contradictory.
Envelop all of them with the Energy of Ascension and ask it to balance their subtle sense organs so that the children feel comfortable and harmonious during the transition period that is not easy: to prevent their psyche from breaking, their health from ruining and promote their making Transition to a new dimension all right.
Do such meditation as often as possible, my dear, as most parents of such children are far from understanding the global events now in progress on Earth, as well as from the things their own children feel and take their spiritual wounds for just being naughty.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on March 28, 2022.

March 27

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Dissolving third dimension “web”)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will talk about the programmes of the third dimension world on a global scale now and dwell on their interaction with collective human conscience.
I would like you to work not only on your own conscience and subtle bodies, but on common collective conscience as well.
But there are some peculiarities of its own, and the main of them is that collective human conscience is not homogeneous since it embraces not only the conscience of pure human souls, but also the conscience of low vibration civilizations’ representatives embodied as humans.
As a result, quite a complex structure comes into being in which collective consciences of different civilizations featuring their own specific characteristics are united under the “aegis” of common third dimension programmes all of them live in compliance with.
What do these programmes look like at the subtle level?
Well, they resemble a “cobweb” most of all that entangles all around your planet and that unsuspecting human souls get into.
This “cobweb” has been made patiently for a long time by the Dragon reptiles and Orions who were the ones to create these programmes with the purpose of enslaving human conscience and making a certain “etalon” of an obedient executor of their will.
And, as you see, they have succeeded in this.
It has shown especially vividly for the last two years when a small group of the shadow government subordinated to themselves millions of people making them follow absolutely absurd instructions pernicious to them.
And a lot of these people have now no chance to escape – they will die this way having failed to get out of the sticky “cobweb” of lie, hypocrisy and criminal activities of the authorities.
Yet, you can help the part of your planet’s population that has already started to revive and see the fraud.
For this purpose I suggest you should do the following meditation.
Invoke all your Heavenly assistants, Archangel Michael with his army, all your Galaxy brothers and sisters and ask them to burn down this “cobweb” of the third dimension programmes with the Flame of Universe Love.
Let this Divine energy pass through your energy space grounding it as much as possible and imagine this subtle material structure created by your enslavers and that has had its days melting, burning down and turning into ashes.
Visualize your wonderful planet light, pure and liberated from centuries-old chains keeping people within the narrow bounds of the third dimension conscience.
Try to see light, bright and happy faces of people whose conscience has advanced to a new level of spiritual development and who now live not in the dual but in the unipolar world of the Fifth dimension.
Fill this vision with the Energy of Ascension.
And let it illuminate the whole planet of yours and her inhabitants with its rainbow shining.
Feel being part of the renewed humanity that has entered the wonderful era of the Fifth dimension.
Do this meditation several times.
Enjoy the feeling of Unity, Equality and Brotherhood uniting you with all the revived souls of the planet Earth.
And I bless you for this!
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on March 27, 2022.

March 27

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Consolidating results)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Well, we have come up to the last point of the plan on deliverance of your subtle sense organs from the third dimension world programmes influence.
And it is in consolidating the results of your work.
How can you check whether there are any traces of these programmes left in your conscience, subconscience and, consequently, subtle bodies?
Before all, you can understand it judging by your reaction to current events and the people around you.
This is what we get started with: these are the signs that you relied on to find these or those third dimension programmes instilled in yourselves.
So now after you have eradicated the cause for all your negative reactions to be aroused, ideally, your condition should be stable with not emotional swings or blowing hot and cold in terms of your soul.
Of course, it cannot happen immediately: for some people it will take only several meditative séances to reach such a condition, while some others will have to work longer – for weeks and, maybe, for months.
Yet, this work is really essential for you.
First of all, it is accounted for by the fact that it is now when events will start developing swiftly and for many people in an unpredictable way.
The battle of the Dark and the Light Forces has reached its crucial and physical stage of its development now.
Therefore, everything that is happening and going to happen in the world in the coming months in some extent will effect absolutely each person on Earth.
As you see, the “vassals” of the deep state are doing their best to spread aggression, panic, fear, famine and devastation all across the globe.
And, certainly, you, my dear, – those who have revived and see the whole picture of the things going on, are in a much advantageous position.
You understand that all these hardships are temporary and inevitable since what is in progress is not just breaking of the old government system on Earth but a revolution on a global scale – your planet’s moving into a new era, other coordinates, a higher dimension.
And you, unlike average men who live by merely material needs, can live through this hard period with the least moral expenditure.
Unlike them, you see the aim – the bright future of your wonderful planet, not the hell that globalists’ henchmen are trying to drive humanity to.
And so as to help other people not to plunge in the gloom of despair, you should get purified as much as possible morally, physically and spiritually for others to see in you the very island of Light that their Souls could get attracted to.
But it is only possible to become an “island” like that after you yourselves have got rid of all the alien programmes that were the ones that enabled the shadow world government to make humanity live according to their rules making use of humans as pawns in their filthy game.
While if you notice that the whirl of the events pulls you down again – into the third dimensionality, monitor what exactly was the reason for that fall: what third dimension programme is still has to be worked on – and then by all means repeat the meditation on deliverance from it.
Only after that you will become a person to rely on for your family and friends and be able to support them from quite a different level now lending them a helping hand from the fourth dimension they cannot reach so far.
I bless you, my dear, to finish the work thus significant for you: full and final deliverance from all the third dimension world programmes alien to you and for going out in the open of a new existence!
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on March 27, 2022.

March 26

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Disconnecting from third dimension programmes)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will talk about the way you can learn to feel your subtle bodies’ reaction to these or those programmes of the third dimension world.
A lot of you undeliberately feel the reaction of your lower chakras when you are “sick at heart” or you have “a lump in the throat” or your solar plexus is chilled with fear.
But now we will move on further so as to learn to monitor whole programmes rather than certain negative emotions that are triggered by them.
So as to get a better idea of the interaction mechanism of the third dimension programmes and human subtle organs, it is essential to understand the difference between a programme and a negative emotion.
Any emotion is part of one of the third dimension world programmes that serves as a “trigger” for such emotion.
A programme includes a complex – a certain set – of homogeneous energies that influence specific human chakras provoking one’s outburst of these or those emotions.
Thus, for example, the third dimension world programme “Fear of the unknown” features a huge arsenal of all kinds of fear: for one’s own life and health, as well as those of close people, fear to lose accommodation, livelihood, one’s own importance, control over others and many more.
Another programme “Following generally accepted standards of behaviour” includes the energies of pride, self-assertion, superiority, censure, comparison, jealousy, envy – in a word, is determined by the desire to keep up with the others.
One more programme ranking among the most sustained ones that has been instilled into the human conscience for centuries is “Fear of one’s superiors and submissive execution of their orders”.
It encourages such human qualities development as dislike for oneself, lack of self-confidence, inertness, weak will, servility, self-humiliation and so on.
Well, how can you learn to work with whole third dimension world programmes this time, not only with their derivatives – specific types of negative energies, which many of you have already learnt to cope with?
For a start, you should clearly identify what programme the negative emotion reiterating in your life is based on and try to bring to light other emotions accompanying it.
All of them, as a rule, are at the same vibration frequency and, consequently, interact with one and the same chakra and the subtle body corresponding to it.
And next you are to do the following.
Create an image in your mind symbolizing a “core” – the programme itself – and “rays”, “spikes”, “sprouts”, “feelers” brunching off – it depends on one’s taste.
And then imagine all these energy “offshoots” get gradually drawn inside this “core” and remain there.
As a result, you can work not with each negative energy in particular now, but with the cause it was bred by.
As soon as you get everything together, try to feel what chakra of yours this programme interacts with.
And only after that you are to cut the energy channel with the help of which your subtle bodies were connected to an alien programme of the third dimension world.
For this purpose you can use the practice Golden scissors or invoke Archangel Michael with his Divine sword and ask him to cut this tie.
The main thing is for you to feel the result: total energy deliverance from this programme influence.
Then ask the Energy of Plasm to heal your “wounds” – the spots of “connectors” location so that your subtle body that was attacked in terms of energy regains its evenness, smoothness and beauty.
And, certainly, for the work thus responsible do not forget to invoke all your Heavenly patrons and assistants.
At the end of the séance set a shield of the Flame of Universe Love at yourselves with mirror-like outer surface so as to secure yourselves from possible astral beings attacks who were deprived of energy infeed by you.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on March 26, 2022.

March 22

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Turning duality into unipolarity)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will talk about the way you can learn to reveal the fact that you have the third dimension world programmes instilled.
Perhaps, the easiest method to do this is to watch your reaction to the people around you ranging from your family to the people you hardly know.
But it is essential to monitor the very first reaction until your mind joins since the first impulse always comes from your subconscience.
A lot of you are likely to notice your reiterating reactions: thoughts, words, gestures, actions.
Well, it is the very programmes that have taken deep root in your subconscience this time.
It is them that stereotypes and patterns like these are typical of.
The second thing you should pay attention to is the fact that you are often provoked to react in a stereotyped way by other people.
Quite often one tends to agree with something only to make the conversation going, though, the topic of the discussion arouses one’s inner rejection.
As a result, one unintentionally gets tuned onto the wave of the interlocutor, with one’s subtle bodies taking in alien third dimension programmes.
It happens more often with gentle polite people who lack courage to stop the talk unpleasant to them and who are actually susceptible to other people’s influence.
So, what should you do next after you have discovered you have reiterating stereotyped reactions that, generally speaking, are the very programmes that got securely fixed in your subconscience?
And then you should start “stubbing” them out of it.
These “weeds” prevent you from moving forward, and now it is really important to make space for a new mentality and behaviour you need for the life in the Fifth dimension.
You can start this “weeding” with reprogramming any negative thought or emotion from “minus to plus”.
For this purpose you have already been provided with a corresponding practice.
Yet, so that new thoughtforms start to appear in your conscience, you will have to make some efforts.
To facilitate this you can try to make the practice “From minus to plus” more sophisticated.
You can make the foundation of it not just by transforming a negative emotion or information into positive but turning duality into unipolarity.
But as soon as you still find yourselves in the third dimension world the only possible way to do it is with the help of visualization.
For example, if confrontation is at issue – between people or countries, instead of taking somebody’s side imagine these people or countries in one energy space – peaceful and harmonious that is reigned by Unity and Unconditional Love.
Try to focus your attention not on somebody or something but make your vision of the situation “extended” to the state of unipolarity.
The same way work with your own programmes and stereotypes.
Look at everything from a global point of view not getting distracted by minor things or details.
As often as possible imagine yourselves and your environment in the new energy space of the Fifth dimension where thanks to high vibrations not a single negative thought or emotion can appear, let alone an action.
In other words, under any unfavourable circumstances that arise in your life move them with all the participants into a unipolar world, with confrontation being impossible there.
If you learn this, all your third dimension world programmes – major and minor – will dissolve by themselves giving way to a new mentality typical of man of higher dimensions.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on March 22, 2022.

March 21

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Admitting one has third dimension programmes instilled)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Now we will move on to a more detailed consideration of each of the items enumerated in my previous message.
And the first of them says about admitting you have the third dimension world programmes instilled.
What should you start with?
Try doing the following.
Every time you say a phrase or commit some actions ask yourselves: “What am I being driven by at this moment? Is my Soul guiding me or am I acting and thinking by inertia and, consequently, according to a certain programme?”
It is especially easy to monitor now when passions on Ukraine are running high and you unintentionally find yourselves got involved into this information whirlpool.
As a matter of fact, the things now in progress on Earth are “litmus test” for everyone that enables their Soul to show and declare itself known.
This is also “an indicator” of whether one has certain programmes instilled since it is on the basis of them that most people take all the recent events on Earth.
These programmes have been implanted into the human subconscience for centuries and this is the reason why they have now worked off so well to the Dragon reptiles and their henchmen’s delight.
If you are able to look at the things that have taken place over two last years in an uninvolved manner – from the height of your new conscience, you will see the efficient mode that favourite methods of human conscience manipulation for the part of reptiloids and all the state establishment under their control worked.
They acted in accordance with a certain scheme – with a programme developed in advance that they even did not conceal from people but, unfortunately, not few were willing to get to know it.
This is what they relied on: the inertia of the human mentality enslaved by the third dimension world programmes.
So, first, all the humanity was intimidated by a “horrible” disease by means of the programme of fear for one’s life.
Then people were granted with an “escape” in the form of the so-called “vaccines”, with another third dimension programme being applied: mass psychosis to save oneself.
For this purpose people agreed to anything even to absolutely useless masking that ruins psyche and health.
Yet, all these programmes are subordinate to the main one: that of submission to one’s superiors and, consequently, obeying all the orders of the officials who know better what people need.
And if you tell these people they were acting not out of their free will but in compliance with alien and third dimension programmes baneful to them, do you think they will agree?
The overwhelming majority will look at you as if you are insane.
And only few people have managed to see these things that seem so apparent.
And they are the only ones who can rightfully say they have got rid of the herd mentality allowing themselves to “go against the tide”.
The same scheme operated in terms of the second point of globalists’ programme too: to play off the whole world against Russia that dared to ruin their “testing area” – centre of their criminal activity which Ukraine has been for them for years.
Resorting to the same human conscience manipulation they triggered a whole series of third dimension programmes that, despite all their absurdity and implementation crudeness, still worked out well with respect to the average citizens who are not used to thinking independently.
Well, they would never admit, anyway, that it is alien programmes instilled into their conscience and subconscience from without that are to blame.
And again only a small segment of your planet’s population has managed to revive from the dormancy of the third dimensionality and see the military operation in Ukraine in its true colours having completely realized its inevitability for the sake of humanity.
Of course, I have made examples of most apparent and common programmes of the third dimension world that a lot of you have already succeeded to eradicate.
So now you just have to catch and admit minor and less evident programmes that, nevertheless, produce considerable effect on your subtle material structure and retard your spiritual progress.
And I bless you for this!
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on March 21, 2022.

March 20

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (How to purify subconscience from third dimension programmes)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
So, after I have told you about the most common programmes of the third dimension world that have taken root in your subconscience and the way they interact with your subtle bodies, it is time to get down to practical classes on deliverance from these programmes.
But for a start, I would like to give you general commendations on the work coming.
What is the gist of it?
First. It is necessary to ADMIT you have such programmes instilled.
As a matter of fact, it is not that easy to do because many of you can get an impression that you got rid of them long ago.
And it is true that due to the practices and meditations on your conscience purification it has already advanced to rather a high level of vibrations.
Therefore, now you have to draw all your attention to your automatic reactions that got securely implanted in your subconscience.
You are to learn to capture them immediately not allowing them to show even at the subtle level, let alone your actions at the physical level.
Second. Learn to IDENTIFY each of them.
This task is not an easy one either, as a lot of these programmes ensue from each other and are so closely interweaved that resemble a tangled ball of wool, with each thread representing one of the third dimension world programmes.
Why is it so important to “untangle this ball of wool”?
The main reason is that all these “threads” feature their own individual energy, and you have to learn to feel each of them to understand what negative energy exactly prevails in your energy space and which subtle body you have to work on meticulously indeed.
Third. Find the principal CAUSE why you have some particular programme.
It can be of both karmic character, and a newly gained one acquired in the present incarnation.
And depending on this you will be able to choose the practice or meditation you need.
Fourth. Learn to feel your subtle bodies’ reaction to these or those programmes of the third dimension world.
It is this thing that can become the principal “magic wand” in your work since it will help monitor immediately any deviations from your aim that is living in accordance with the Laws of the Universe in the Fifth dimension space now new to you.
And fifth. It is necessary to consolidate the results achieved.
It is really essential so as not to run in circles or repeat the mistakes of the past.
Thus, for example, having once realized you have manifestations of this or that programme of the third dimension world, you may get relieved and decide you have learnt this lesson.
But your subconscience is sly and resourceful, and it is quite possible it will throw you in this programme again but with another “dressing”.
As you see, my dear, you are to do some work that is not easy but we will move step by step, and you will be supplied with practices to help you that are not difficult, yet, rather efficient.
And I believe that in the shortest possible time you will manage to purify your subconscience along with your subtle bodies from all the third dimension world programmes that have already had their days and that it is time now to be broken free from for those who find themselves at the very threshold of the Fifth dimension.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on March 20, 2022.

March 20

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Energy “battles”)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we move on to the fifth chakra and the causal body corresponding to it.
What third dimension world programmes instilled into the human subconscience make influence on it?
Before all, it is the desire for conveying one’s point of view to others.
It is this programme that breeds endless arguments and discussions both in families, among friends, and in the media environment.
You can ask me: “Well, what is wrong about this programme? Are there any other ways to make others see your point?”
In the dual way there are actually no other ways of doing this.
Therefore, the fifth chakra bears the brunt of the people who vehemently persist in their opinion.
As a result, their causal bodies get distorted being constantly attacked both from without, and from within.
Since any argument gives birth to emotions and, as a rule, they are far from being positive, your opponent unintentionally attacks your causal body, while you being eager to answer them, ruin yours from within now because of getting unintentionally tuned onto the negative wave of this person.
And, moreover, then reproducing in your mind the things you were going to tell them but did not manage, you go on with this destructive inner work.
Perhaps, the most vivid example of discussion and arguments is TV battles on political issues.
The one who feels other people’s vibrations keenly cannot stand this energy “skirmish” that produces pernicious effect on their physical and psychological condition.
You have probably noticed that in such “battles” people almost do not hear each other but try to make “a counterblow” to their opponent as quickly as possible.
Well, it is the very energy “skirmish” that takes place at the subtle level making harm to human subtle bodies, which subsequently produces irreparable damage to their physical bodies as well.
The things now in progress in the information environment of your planet in relation to the events in Ukraine with no exaggeration can be called energy “carper bombing” of Earth that leaves a “burnt down field” in the conscience of people consuming this information.
It also gets aggravated by stirring up fear, aggression and censure, which makes influence on other subtle bodies of people as well.
And all this is the third dimension world programmes that were introduced into your conscience and subconscience long ago.
They are based on self-expression and self-assertion, which is integral part of the life in the dual world of the third dimension.
As you see, my dear, the human subconscience and automatic reactions connected with them have been living a life of their own in people for long now.
And few realize the destructive action they produce in terms of their subtle bodies.
Of course, I have not fallen to enumerating all the programmes that have been introduced into your subconscience by the Dragon reptiles for millennia.
I dwelled only on the third dimension programmes most common and significant for you and, consequently, most dangerous and ruinous for your subtle sense organs.
And next time we will talk about how you can start getting rid of them rearranging your conscience the new way so as to be ready for the life in the Fifth dimension.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on March 20, 2022.

March 18

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Emotional attachment)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Well, let us now move on to the consideration of the mental body and its interaction with the human subconscience.
Since at issue is the heart chakra, subconscious programmes are mostly connected with affection of people to each other.
Have you ever thought where the very expression of “emotional attachment” comes from?
As a matter of fact, it already conveys a certain programme: energy bonds of one person in respect of another.
There seems to be nothing wrong about it, does it?
In terms of the third dimension world this state is quite natural especially when close people are at issue.
But if relationships between people are considered on a global scale – taking the Laws of the Universe into account, such relationships feature division into ins and outs.
Of course, it is impossible to love anyone and everyone absolutely the same way since the creatures inhabiting the third dimension world that is dual by origin vary greatly.
But excessive attachment to somebody, and most often to children, turns now into a certain programme with all it entails.
And this programme, as a rule, includes all the rest ones too that were spoken about in my previous messages: programmes of possession and control.
This way there now occurs distortion of several subtle bodies one by one that get impressed with subconscious programmes of the third dimension world.
All this is not as innocent as it may appear at first sight since they initiate by far the most powerful energy ties that affect both the one who overwhelms another with one’s exceeding love and care, and the one who they are addressed to.
Such people turn to “communicating vessels”, with negative energies circulating between them, and the latter have nothing to do with real Love in its Divine manifestation.
Well, what is the difference between the love of a third dimension world person and Divine Love?
Before all, it is in the former lacking freedom, mutual trust and respect.
The earthly love is usually based on the feeling of ownership and control, while Divine love is based on complete trust and respect for personal space of another person – energy non-interference in their field.
In the third dimension world being unaware of it themselves, people become energy aggressors literally “inhabiting” their close people’s subtle bodies.
And this is a gross violation of the Laws of the Universe.
True Love implies energy freedom and independence.
As for energy dependence, it is difficult to monitor because its consequences are invisible at the physical level.
They can only show as diseases, but in this case too there are few who are to understand their actual cause.
Well, what happens to the mental body that experiences all the “niceties” of the third dimension world programme called “emotional attachment to one’s close people”?
At the subtle level all the mental body of a person like this is stuck around with “suction caps” that are energy “connectors” of “loving” people.
And through them their mental bodies are injected with thoughts and emotions of their close people who thinking about them introduce their mental programmes there and being worried and anxious about them – the energies of fear.
As a result of such alien energy “infusions”, one’s mental body gets distorted, while one oneself starts living in accordance with other people’s programmes experiencing other people’s emotions sometimes not even being aware of it.
And one’s life is certain to develop in quite a different direction – not the one intended by one’s destiny.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on March 18, 2022.

March 18

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Living somebody else’s life)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to go on talking about what third dimension world programmes instilled into human conscience get “printed” into the human emotional body.
One of the most settled programmes like these is programme of control over one’s close people that is actually very similar to those of possession and self-assertion.
But in this case at issue is control over someone’s conscience and strive for keeping them within one’s own worldview frames.
In other words, it is not physical but psychological “possessing” someone this time.
We have already talked a lot about the influence produced by parents on their children wishing them “happiness” but the way they themselves consider it to be.
Many manage to break their child’s psyche and impose their concept of life and image of success, as a result of which a huge number of human souls live somebody else’s life and gain not the experience they embodied on Earth for.
This way one gets an alien programme instilled into one’s conscience, the one that shows in the emotional body as rejection and disapproval.
Besides, it often happens unintentionally – at the Soul level that suffers from powerlessness to change anything.
And now let us study the energy mechanism of human conscience and subconscience interaction with the human emotional body.
What happens each time when one’s actions contradict one’s Soul’s desires?
For a start, imagine an ideal human emotional body who lives in harmony with their Soul.
It is even, smooth and elastic with no flaws.
And this is what occurs to it when one stems their real desires and let oneself be run by the third dimension world programmes imposed on them and alien to their Soul.
They like stains start getting “printed” into it interfering into its ideal design and gradually making it go “flat”.
The emotional body becomes wrinkled and ugly, it gets “shot holes” that astral beings are quick to take advantage of, the ones feeding on the energy of discontent and melancholy that inevitably seize the one living not one’s own life.
Here are to add alien energies of this person’s parents, for example, who not only introduced such programmes into them but also constantly monitor them to be implemented thereby “bombarding” their emotional body with the energies of suppression and control…
Well, this is the way that a great number of people live on Earth now following not the call of their Soul but the things instilled in them by their family, friends or the media.
This is the very reason for a great deal of diseases, with your doctors being helpless to explain their origin.
As a matter of fact, their cause is an upset and distorted emotional body of a person that is constantly subjected to attacks from without, which results in the destruction of their physical body too.
All these subtle invisible processes are the very result of human conscience and subconscience interaction with subtle sense organs that play the principal role in people’s life.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on March 18, 2022.

March 17

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Omnipresent fear)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will talk about the next chain of interaction between your subconscience and subtle bodies.
Let us move on to the next – emotional body – and the third chakra corresponding to it, perhaps, the most vulnerable one since it is this chakra that takes the burden of all your worries.
And the main of them is FEAR in all its manifestations.
It is by means of this emotion out of human control that the Dragon reptiles successfully manipulate human conscience overloading it with endless programmes and stereotypes.
As fear is a subconscious emotion, it is not easy to monitor except the cases when life is on stake – one’s own or that of close people.
That is why in a “disguised” form it is present everywhere and is integral part of almost all programmes of the third dimension world.
Even such seemingly “fearless” emotions as strive for power and control over others convey fear to find oneself in the shoes of those who are controlled and whose will is suppressed.
Well, what stereotypes instilled into human conscience correspond to the emotional body?
Before all, it is self-assertion in all its manifestations whose underlying reason is the fear not to be able to “keep up with the Joneses”.
This is exactly the thing that has become the main object of manipulation for the part of the Dragon reptiles who try to reduce man to their level bringing to the foreground merely material values and practical reasons.
It is the principles of self-assertion that dual perception of life was based on too that for centuries has been imposed on human society.
People were separated by all the means available to make them easy to control, while the usual method of high and mighty has always remained promises of a better life.
This way human conscience got literally impressed with images and patterns of success and prosperity that became sense of life for millions of people on your planet.
While those who did not fit to these stereotypes were considered losers, eccentric or rejected ones because they stand out of the programme of generally accepted “norms” of success.
And the Dragon reptiles’ efforts have paid off.
The things you witness now are the summit of their success.
Consumption society has absorbed people to the extent that the overwhelming majority of your planet’s population is in permanent pursue of “successful life”, the main attribute of which has become beautiful houses, cars, appliances of fashionable makes and designer’s clothes, travel all over the world and other comforts of modern civilization.
And all this would be all right if it were not for the fact it has turned into settled programmes imposed on people from without that overwhelm the spiritual aspect of life leaving neither time for it, nor strength.
These programmes have gradually “polluted” human emotional body to such a degree that it has compressed to the utmost being buried under the thick layer of unfeasible desires and human passions related to them.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on March 17, 2021.

March 16

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Sexual “revolution”)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
As a follow-up to my previous message let us consider another example of interaction of the third dimension world programmes introduced into your subconscience with your subtle bodies.
The physical body is followed by the etheric one and the second chakra corresponding to it that is responsible for procreation and sexual appeal.
And the things that happen in your world now are mostly reprogramming of initial Divine programmes naturally instilled into man into perverted – satanic ones.
It started long ago when the elite, being sick of cakes and ale, started to indulge in homosexual and lesbian pleasure thereby having perverted the sacred meaning of the union of man and woman for the sake of procreation.
These perversions have gradually become fashionable, they were given a touch of elitism, originality, exclusiveness thereby getting fixed in human conscience as certain programmes that later got impressed in their etheric bodies.
In some people they were so strong that they were transferred from incarnation to incarnation.
Quite often people being born with such programmes already instilled suffered a lot and tried to get rid of their poignant and unnatural bent.
They could not find the reason for such deviations that, as a matter of fact, is in a step-by-step introduction of programmes like this into the third dimension world matrix and later into human subconscience.
Another deviation from the design of God in relationships of man and woman is the fact that sexual relations have little by little become an item of buying and selling.
Besides, it was expressed both in the direct meaning, as long as scarlet women were made legal in many countries of the world, and in the indirect meaning when marriages were made not for love but for some practical reasons.
Gradually this phenomenon has also shaped as a third dimension programme that has taken root in etheric bodies of people.
Sometimes a tight-filled purse produces a more “sexual” effect on people than physical or spiritual qualities of a person.
It has become especially apparent at present when the consumption society has ultimately absorbed people, with pursue of material benefits coming to the picture.
Yet, in recent decades humanity has gone even further than this having set the creation of sexless beings by means of changing their natural identity.
And now it is being imposed on the young almost by force.
This way, the Dragon reptiles through the media in their grip are perverting people day and night, and especially young immature souls, by unnatural propaganda of all kinds of sexless creatures representing it not just as a trend but as an existing norm.
And even in case of those who respond to it with indignation and rejection there occurs “uploading” of these programmes onto their subconscience as an alternative to natural relationships between man and woman.
While those who initiated this bacchanalia with sexual perversions win double this time.
Getting a huge profit from the “beauty institutes”, not only do they deprive people of their Divinity, but at the same time provoke their most powerful outbursts of negative emotions since such people’s psyche is as unstable and perverted as their physical outlook.
The things now in progress on Earth are a gross crime against humanity, and it is committed with approval and consent of people themselves by means of instilling of satanic programmes into their conscience and subconscience aimed at depriving humans of their natural identity and at the same time at depopulation of the planet’s inhabitants.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on March 16, 2022.

March 16


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to explain to you why a new series of my messages will be issued under the title of “Window on new world”.
The thing is, my dear, that the door on this world has not opened wide yet even for those who are potentially ready to walk through it.
And the reason is as follows.
For the majority of people who have found themselves in the third dimension matrix for so long it would be too hard to overcome the barrier between the dimensions.
It is like bringing the person who spent a long time in a dark cellar right to the bright sunshine.
They can simply go blind from this light since their eyes cannot adjust to it immediately.
But in your case what will not be able to get tuned onto new vibrations is your subtle sense organs – chakras that are used to existing to their own beat and in a certain energy environment.
Sudden upsetting of their balance can result in regrettable consequences up till one leaving the physical level.
This is the reason why for so many years you have been provided with plenty of practices and meditations aimed at gradual and meted adjusting of your subtle bodies to the new energies arriving at Earth.
Some of you succeeded in this almost immediately, while it took several years for others to learn to feel your chakras and identify different kinds of energies.
Why was it so important for you?
The reason is, before all, that such practices helped you purify your subtle bodies from the negative energies and programmes of the third dimension world that are literally impressed into your aura.
As a matter of fact, human conscience is directly connected with one’s subtle bodies.
That is why all the mentality and behaviour patterns instilled into it are automatically sealed in one of these bodies.
So as to monitor this interaction, let us consider the following examples.
One of the well-established stereotypes of the dual world is likely to be the feeling of ownership – possessing something.
What body is this stereotype “sealed” in do you think?
It may seem strange to you, but it is your physical body’s “responsibility”.
Since possessing something or somebody implies something material, it is demonstrated physically.
It has become fixed even in your language: have a woman or a man, property or some knowledge, a talent or a skill.
All this is your first chakra’s responsibility that symbolizes connection with earth and everything related to it.
Remember the expression “to have one’s feet on the ground”.
The meaning of it is that one POSSESSES all the necessary things for a well-off and, consequently, happy life.
And for the majority of people enjoying welfare has become the breath of life long ago.
But this notion also includes people: husband, wife, children, friends that are viewed by many as their property – an object of possession.
It is especially vividly expressed in reptiloids and other low vibration civilization representatives embodied as humans who are unaware of the spiritual aspect of life and that is why they live it in practical terms only.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on March 16, 2022.

March 15

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Awareness test)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we start a new topic with you, and it concerns those of you who have managed to overcome the inertia of your mentality and break free from the metes and bounds of the third dimension world by your conscience.
Why do I lay emphasis on this particular quality?
The thing is that the events related to the Russian military operation in Ukraine became the last and the most important awareness test for the revived part of your planet’s population.
It is the only way – in practice – to identify the spiritual development level of a person.
Theoretical knowledge that many of you have been receiving for more than a decade now is just preparation for the actual revival.
They provide the first impulse for your conscience recovery: deliverance of it from century-old customs – patterns, stereotypes, traditions, habits…
And since all this has taken deep root in your subconscience and so as to get rid of this load of the past, you had to carry out a lot of work that was done by each of you in consistence with your strength and ability.
I see that the most difficult thing has turned out to be the eradication of the habit to separate all the people into ins and outs.
It concerns both your immediate environment, and countries, nations, continents.
And it is no wonder, my dear, since it is the separation that was the basis for the policy that has been made for millennia by those who seized power on Earth.
The slogan “Divide and rule” has become not only their tactics, but the mentality mode for the overwhelming majority of your planet’s population.
And the things now in progress on Earth are the apogee of such a worldview.
Therefore, I understand perfectly well how hard it is sometimes for you to keep “afloat” and avoid being involved into the whirl of human passions that have now seized almost all the population of Earth.
Some people were directly influenced by this conflict in the most tragic way, while some others in an indirect way, with the conflict only having affected their welfare and stability.
But as a result, the former and the latter generate negative emotions of the lowest vibrations, which deprives them of the opportunity to make Transition that reaches its active phase this year.
It makes me sad to see that many of those who knew about Earth’s Transition to the Fifth dimension and have been selflessly and patiently moving to it for decades have failed this last and most challenging trial.
Having plunged into the information war head over heels, they did not manage to look wisely and impartially at the current events with another eye, of those whose conscience has already broken free from the third dimension world frames.
It especially concerns those who were directly affected by the military operation in Ukraine: who are in the hostilities zone themselves or worry about their close people who find themselves there.
It is so easy to understand from a human point of view, and they are not to blame for it.
But the greatness and meaning of the things that are taking place now on the planet scale are going so far beyond all the earthly wars, conflicts and human arguments that not everyone is to realize it.
Let alone to make one’s final decision: having given up all one’s past – earthly – conceptions of life to make a courageous step into the unknown.
Wonderful, long-awaited, cherished as it may be but the UNKNOWN so far.
It is so typical of man to cling to everything old and familiar, even if they condemn it all, that at the threshold of Ascension, as a result, there turned out to be not many bold spirits ready to make this reckless leap into a new life.
And my next messages are addressed to these bold spirits – the pathfinders of the new Earth of the Fifth dimension.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on March 15, 2022.

March 14


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to tell you about what is happening now to the energy background of Earth in terms of the recent events.
As I have already told you a lot of times in my messages, the main purpose of the Dragon reptiles is keeping Earth and humanity in general in low vibrations, which is the chief condition of these creatures’ survival.
And now when Earth is entering a new high vibration space, it is becoming their barest necessity.
The military conflict they provoked in Ukraine in this respect is a “life jacket” for them indeed.
Having all the levers of power in their grip, by means of a large scale information war unleashed by them they managed to plunge the whole world into fear, aggression, panic, blame – in a word, made up a “bunch” of all the negative energies that exist on Earth thereby almost reducing to nothing the wonderful energies of Unity, Equality and Brotherhood that shortly before wrapped around all the planet of yours thanks to the brave Canadian truck drivers.
The things now in progress are a glaring example of human conscience manipulation.
As a matter of fact, they have been acting like this all the time but, as a rule, they did it gradually, step by step, in a sly and disguised manner.
Yet now, when globalists have found themselves within a hair’s breadth of death they have no time left for sentimentality or contrivance.
That is why they have to work roughly and in a clumsy way.
They have no repugnance to anything now: neither to impudent distortion of facts, making use of computer graphics, crudely fabricated stage frames, nor to outrageous lie.
Not caring for consequences now they are pushing their way through violating the laws they introduced themselves, defying the principles of the so-called “democracy” – in a word, loathing nothing with the only aim to initiate a powerful human negative energy outburst that would actually become their salvation.
I would like you, my dear, to have a clear idea that the energy component of the events now in progress on Earth is as important as the physical one since they are closely connected with each other.
Human pain and sorrow and especially fear for their life and life of their family is the low energies “volcano” whose “eruption” can be fatal for many pure and light human souls.
Not anyone can withstand such a test and remain an island of Love and Light amidst ruin and grief.
It makes each Soul even more valuable, the one that has managed to keep calm and self-disciplined in the middle of the chaos reigning now and capable of seeing the current events just as they are, not the way the ruling top is trying to represent them to Earth’s population.
It is these people who have a huge responsibility resting on their shoulders since they are to improve the energy background of Earth restoring the condition it featured before the beginning of the military operation in Ukraine.
And I know that a lot of people among those now reading this message are the people like this.
That is why I am addressing you with a request to pacify the “volcano” of human passions “pouring” it all over with the Flame of Unconditional Love as often as possible.
This Divine Energy can work wonders, but it is essential for its action to be reinforced by your sincere intention to dissolve the energies of annoyance and separation to make all people, irrespective of their present location – the military operation zone or the other side of the world, feel their Unity and revive from the dormancy of separation that is being imposed on them from without by the criminals at the helm.
Ask all the Light Forces and your Galaxy brothers and sisters to help you with this work for the good of Earth and all humanity.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on March 14, 2022.

March 12


Greetings, my dear light souls!
Here has actually arrived the moment of the outcome of the confrontation between the Light Forces and the Forces of Dark that has been in progress on your planet for millennia.
And it is taking place at the very threshold of Earth’s entering the Fifth dimension.
You have the last “height” to take that the deep state’s marionettes are so desperately trying to hold by means of the media in their grip.
You must admit, my dear, that lie, cynicism and hypocrisy have never gained thus huge universe scale.
But this is the only way to ultimately tear off the masks from all Dark henchmen.
It is essential to bring to light all the criminals who seized power on Earth and show them in the raw – in all their undisguised meanness.
As you see they have repugnance to anything and are ready to ruin their own countries and nations in the name of hatred to those who dared to show independence and oppose the plans on Earth’s population reduction and total enslavement of the people survived.
And my role in this process is to reveal the genuine essence of each inhabitant of Earth as much as possible.
Perhaps, it is now that on your planet there is no intelligent being left who can escape making their choice either in favour of Light, or Dark.
But the choice becomes much more complicated to make because they have just TO FEEL the truth, not to allow themselves to be led by somebody else’s point of view that is being constantly imposed on them day and night from without.
Now each person on Earth is taking their last and the most difficult exam in their soul purity and ability to separate the husk from the grain.
But his “grain” is hidden under such a thick layer of falsification of the authorities and the media under their control that few are to find it.
Everything is filled with the “husk” wrapping thick around the planet.
The golden “grains” of the truth are being communicated to people by few honest bloggers and journalists who hold the fort and all-round defense courageously sometimes putting their life and welfare at risk.
Now on Earth everything has reached its climax being brought to a head, and I only have to watch the fruit of my labour.
I have already done everything I could: provided people with the opportunity of choice between Light and Dark.
So now there have joined their Souls and Safeguard Angels who like nobody else are concerned about the person choosing Light.
Each person on Earth now is getting a lot of support and clues as various pieces of information, right people and complicated life situations.
Now everything depends on people themselves: whether they will see the clues, accept the valuable support of the Light Forces and their own higher aspects or will allow themselves to be run by “public opinion”.
But, of course, the greatest help is arriving now from Heavens.
It is high vibration energies purifying human conscience from the negative influence from without and the third dimension world programmes, as well as the energies of Love and Light that are being sent to you by Ascended Masters, Angels, Archangels, your Galaxy brothers and sisters.
The whole Universe has joined this grand crucial battle of earthlings for deliverance from slavery in an attempt to rescue as many light and pure human souls as possible.
I see that a lot of people are starting to revive, and I am happy to realize that I also have made my fair share to this sacred action despite the fact that I was assigned with quite an unenviable role of a “provocateur” to initiate these or those emotions and actions in people.
Yet, believe me, my dear, sometimes “shock therapy” works out in a far more efficient and quicker manner than slow and sparing “treatment”.
I believe that many of those now reading this message will pass their last exams on Earth coming off with flying colours and their Souls will acquire the never unseen before experience of transition to the Fifth dimension in their present incarnation.
I deeply love you and take pride in you!
Archangel Lucifer spoke to you today
Channeled by Marta on March 12, 2022.

March 2


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
And again I have to return to the issue of the military conflict in Ukraine because I see that all your attention is focused on the events taking place there.
But today I would like to call you not to get involved into this information, contradictory and most often biased, that is showering you from everywhere but to get down to practical measures for harmonizing the situation to the greater good of all the humanity.
I would like to offer you a practice that I ask you to do until passions cease and the truth triumphs ultimately this time.
We will call it “World peace”.
For this is what you are striving for, isn’t it?
Now it is important as ever to get rid of separation, blame and aggression as the more you get involved into arguments or reasoning, the more you plunge the world into Dark.
As it has already been mentioned in my messages a lot of times controversy never serves the cause of truth since people are at different levels of conscience, and the thing that is an axiom for one person for another one is an unknown and unreachable summit of understanding.
And it shows especially vividly now when people have found themselves at different sides of barricades where they are sometimes deprived of basic conveniences and their lives are at risk, while the lives of others are not threatened by anything, and they find themselves in their usual comfortable living conditions.
The reason why I offer you this practice is to help you remain ABOVE the situation and not to introduce even more energy chaos to the current events.
And believe me, my dear, if you dedicate enough time to it, the result will be quick and impressive.
It does not require a meditative state but is more of the kind to facilitate your switching over from the physical level to the subtle one.
Well, each time you are about to be overwhelmed by the emotions of injustice of the things in progress or of powerlessness to change anything, invoke the Flame of Universe Love and start purifying your energy space from all the alien negative energies.
Feel this energy like a gentle summer sparkling rain putting out the “fire” of your negative emotions purifying all your subtle bodies…
Then this “rain” is embracing more and more space purifying your city, country, all the continents on your planet and all her inhabitants.
It is washing away all the energy dirt that has accumulated on Earth purifying human conscience and all physical material objects that have absorbed the negative energies that are being generated by many people right now…
It is dissolving the dark that hides the incredible Divine beauty of your planet and the natural innate purity of human souls…
The purified and renewed Earth is reviving again gaining bright colours, while the faces of people are changing and start to emit Love, Sympathy and Kindness…
Imagine this sight as often as possible thereby changing your reality and saving yourselves from danger that the information dirt flows covering over everything around are fraught with.
I ask you, please, do this practice as often as possible!
And you will see the results by all means.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on March 2, 2022.
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