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March 31

Opportunities to Shift to 5D All Day, Every Day – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 31

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are so very pleased with your progress, as you move to this next stage of your spiritual evolution. We notice how many people are in fact taking the time to stop and appreciate the beauty of your world, and we also notice the continued acts of kindness and support for your fellow humans. We are witnessing the blossoming of the human collective consciousness right now, and we are very pleased to say that you are taking those necessary steps to get you to shift, to get you to that level of consciousness where you know yourself as your higher self.
We also notice how many people are setting aside the idea of some major event happening outside of them to rescue humanity or to push everyone into the fifth dimension, and that’s a very good thing. It’s a good thing to recognize that you are there to experience the shift, but you also want to feel that you participated in it willingly and consciously. And so, every moment of every day is an opportunity to shift to a higher level of awareness, to a higher vibration, to a different thought, a different perspective. And life will continue to give you those opportunities because that’s really what everything outside of you is meant to do.
If you want to get a reading about your life, just look outside of yourself and examine what’s going on in your life, and you can also look within for what you’re feeling physically, emotionally, energetically. And as you pay closer attention to your thoughts, you’ll become more aware of what your vibration is. You’re going to see that little changes that you make within yourselves begin to show up faster and faster in your experience of your world and of your life. You’ve played the waiting game for so long that it has made many humans oblivious to the fact that what they put out energetically will be created in some form around them. And that is changing because the energies are moving faster, they are of a higher frequency, and therefore everything comes back to you more quickly to show you what you’ve been vibrating.
Those of you who pay attention know this to be true, and those of you who see the significance in a synchronicity know that they are happening all the time. You are getting signs from your guides and from the universe all day, every day. Paying more attention pays dividends, because when you know what the meaning is of this or that in your experience, then you know what to do, or you know what you need to change within yourself. Experience is the great teacher in your lives.
Remember that whatever experience you are having right now has so much woven in it for you, and if you look, if you pay attention, you will find what is within that experience that is there to serve you, to take you to the next level of consciousness, of your evolution. And when you do that consistently, you feel yourself moving higher and higher, you recognize that you are on the upward spiral, and you let go of everything that does not serve you, that is of a lower frequency, and that keeps you tied to a third-dimensional type of experience of reality. You are the ones who are creating your experience of this shift in consciousness, and when you decide to do so more consciously, you get to experience it more joyously.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 30

The April 2022 Energies – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 30

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very happy to tell you about the energies of April 2022. The energies that you have coming in to support you in your month of April will be about clearing root chakra trauma and issues surrounding survival once and for all. You have been collectively dealing with root chakra issues as you faced a pandemic, followed by a war with people believing in the possibility of another world war. And so, you had a lot of your collective root chakra issues come up for you, and of course you have been dealing with your personal root chakra issues as well. You have all been clearing what you were unable to clear in other lifetimes, or earlier in this lifetime, through the global events that you have faced, and now the energies of April are coming in to complete that process of clearing with you.
Some of you might be wondering what root chakra issues really are all about. These issues are created by trauma relating to your survival and the survival of your loved ones. That means health and mortality are related to the root chakra, as are financial abundance and lack. Issues having to do with your home and your safety are all related to your root chakras. You can imagine how much trauma can be stored regarding all of those issues, and you can also recognize how challenging it is to clear issues and traumas when they deal with such enormous aspects of living there on planet Earth in a physical body.
Now, the help that is coming will support you in the release of what you still have been holding on to, but you may still have experiences that are hard for you to face and to feel into along the way of this clearing. Just know that this process that you are in right now is worth it. It is worth is to go through what you are going through and what you will be going through to get to the other side.
Once you are clear of the traumas and issues that have been festering in your root chakras, you will be able to live a life of freedom, joy, creativity, peace, love and harmony. You will feel eternal and immortal because that is what you are, and it’s time for you to know that experientially. That means you may have known that you were immortal and eternal intellectually, but you hadn’t been able to really tune in to what that means and how that feels.
You will know yourselves as Source Energy in physical bodies soon enough, and these April energies are giving you one of the final nudges to getting there, to getting to that knowing and that feeling. And finally, when you can experience it as your moment-to-moment truth, everything else fades away and no belief that is of a lower vibration can touch you. So feel very good about what is coming for all of you and know that the vast majority of this clearing work has already been done and you are very close to the end. The energies are just there to make sure that you do complete the clearing of your root chakra trauma.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 29

Multiple Realities, Timelines & Versions of Everything – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 29

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are not just your allies and your helpers in this journey that we are all on of ascension, but we are also your co-creators. Everything is happening by co-creation, even your ability to hear from us at all. That is a co-creation in that you have asked, we have answered, and you have aligned. When you align with something that you have asked for, then it is yours, but there is still an agreement between us and you that allows for the answering to occur. We know that many of you are aware of the idea of multiple realities and multiple timelines, but what you must realize is that the same version of us doesn’t exist in every reality.
There’s a reality where we take such a hands-off approach with you that we wouldn’t even agree to be channeled because that version of us would feel that it would be interfering with your natural development. But you are not in that reality; you are in this one with this version of us. And so, when you think about the changes you would like to see in humanity, don’t think that every single person on Earth in this reality with you now has to change. Only you have to change to go to a reality where there’s another version of humankind that is a reflection of what you have changed into. You see, you can only change yourself.
That’s why when you ask others to change for you with your words, it rarely works. Sometimes it will work because the whole point of the situation you were in was to get you to vocalize something that you needed to say, that you needed to get off your chest, and in that moment you were changing yourself from being someone who never spoke up for themselves to being someone who does speak up for themselves. But if you’re always asking others around you to change, then you are not aware of the truth that no one outside of you has to change in order for you to have a new experience of them.
When you change you, you change your vibration, and when you change your vibration, you change your location. You move to another reality that has a different version of the person, the people, the entirety of humanity that you would like to see change. How is this possible, you might wonder. Well again, it’s an agreement. There’s an agreement between you and the version of the person that you’re going to experience to come together in that reality, to animate that reality with your souls’ consciousness. Your soul can project the consciousness that it has into many, many realities all at once, giving your soul the maximum amount of experiences it can possibly have. And that’s what your soul wants.
That’s why multiple realities exist. They give you the opportunity to experience many different ways of knowing yourself and many different ways of knowing your fellow humans, the galaxy and the universe. This is the reason why we will always lead you back to yourself, to your inner journey, rather than telling you about the one real reality that you’re all truly experiencing together and how to change that. It serves you so much more to see yourself as the creator of all of it, and that gives you not only responsibility but also power.
You do have the power to change you all the time. And when you do so, when you change the way you look at something, the way you think about something, the way you respond to something, you are changing everything because you are shifting to a different reality. Keep shifting and you’ll find yourself living in a fifth-dimensional world. And that is how it all works.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 28

Put Your Consciousness on the Cabal or a Flower? – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 28

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very deep in our understanding of consciousness, and you are just beginning to scratch the surface of what consciousness is. Therefore, we have a lot to give you in that regard, and as always, we can only lead you in the right direction so that you can have your own experiences, but we cannot just bestow upon you the level of consciousness that we have been able to attain. It takes time and it takes practice to reach a point where you know what you are focusing on in every moment, and you are focusing with purpose.
Once you begin to use your consciousness deliberately, it starts to become its own reward. In other words, you might get into a spiritual practice thinking that it will get you somewhere, or something. You might think that this the answer to all of my problems, so I will engage in it. But really, the process, the exercise, the spiritual practice itself is the point. Everything is designed to get you to be more conscious, to get you to be more deliberate about your focus, your intention, your words, your thoughts, and your actions. Truly, that’s the only way to live.
Many people who are a part of the new age/spiritual community will become aware of the fact that they’ve been unconscious for so long, and then they will find out that other people have taken advantage of that. And those newly awakened souls will become angry, outraged even, and then they will put all of their attention on those who seek to control and manipulate you through programming. But really, it would serve everyone so much more if they would laugh at themselves and their own folly and then let go of the need to stop the programming.
Instead, you can all start living consciously and deliberately in that moment you become aware of the fact that it’s possible to do so, and that means putting your attention on what is good, what is wanted, what is positive, what is perfect as it is. Is there anything more perfect than a flower, or more pure, more full of joy in its expression of itself? Then give the flower your attention, not the cabal, or the deep state, or whatever name is being given to those who appreciate when when humans are lacking consciousness.
Give your attention to what you want to see more of, rather than putting it on dismantling what you want to see less of there on planet Earth. You have the ability to become so much more than what you have been, but you cannot get there by putting your attention on what has held you back in the past. Be in the present with what you know now, and give your attention consciously to what makes you feel expansive, and give your attention to what fills you with love, light and joy.
And if you need to know this then we will give it to you. That is how you force the old systems that are in place to crumble, to be dismantled, to fall away. But don’t do it for that purpose; do it because it’s the only way to really affirm that you are alive, that you are Source, that you are unconditional love in the flesh.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 27

How to Get More Attention from Extra-Terrestrials – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 27

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very interested in seeing how humanity will take what you are experiencing right now and grow even more from the adversity, the pain, and the loss that you have experienced. You are masterful creators, and you are the best beings in the entire galaxy at taking something that has been discarded, something that seems broken and useless, and making something beautiful out of it.
We are talking about you on a physical and metaphysical level right now. You have undoubtedly seen what we are referring to in the physical realm in sculptures and in people finding a way to repurpose something that otherwise would have been garbage, sitting in a landfill. There is a lot of rebuilding that you have in front of you now, and the process of rebuilding can be arduous and painful or fun and exciting. It all depends on the attitude that you bring to these endeavors.
And so, we suggest that you begin to look for the diamonds in the rough, the treasures in the piles of trash. Look for the ways that you can and will rebound from where you are right now. We know that you will do this, because we know a lot about the human spirit.
Now, certainly there are those among you who will not do this and who will continue to finger point and blame, looking for others to swoop in and save them. But we are addressing you awakened ones that we have come to know so well, that we have seen do so much beautiful work on yourselves, shifting your energy, raising your vibration, and creating something out of nothing. You are the ones to find the beauty in the chaos, in the turmoil, and in the pain and suffering that the human collective is experiencing right now, and we are the ones who’s job it is to remind you of just how good you are at doing what we are suggesting you do right now.
And when you do, you get the attention of us and all of the other extra-terrestrials who are looking for humans who are ready for more contact and co-creation with your galactic family.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 26

This Is What You Need for Full & Open E.T. Contact – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 26

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are quite comfortable being asked about anything at all, and we are quite comfortable giving you anything that you ask for, but we cannot break the laws of the universe for you. In other words, if we are giving you something that is of a particular frequency, and you do not rise up to that particular frequency to receive it, then it will not be received by you even though we have given it. The same is true for Source, your higher selves, your guides, your oversouls, and all the helpers and angels that you have around you.
Now, what we will do, and what we always do, is we will provide you with what is necessary to be in that higher-vibrational state. But again, you have to receive the invitation and accept it before any of that would be possible. This is a time where you are getting closer and closer to full and open extra-terrestrial contact, and the question of what is help and what is interference will be coming up a lot once that full and open e.t. contact is attained.
You think about these issues in your politics as well. You wonder how much is appropriate to give to another to help another succeed, and these are the questions of your time. You all have to make decisions based on what you feel, not on what your mind tells you, because your mind is easily programmed. Your feelings are yours, and your gut can tell you so much that your mind has yet to tap into. You will be using your discernment with the e.t.s, just as they will be using their discernment with you, and what we do want you to know is that there will always be room for helping each other.
There will always be what can be given without interfering, and we know that, and humanity knows that as well. You have looked at many different scenarios in your lives, perhaps with your children, where you have had to ask yourselves, ‘When do I start helping and when do I stop in order to give this child everything they need while also not taking away those opportunities for growth and development?’
When you really want something, and you understand the laws of the universe, and you know about frequency and vibration, then you absolutely are aligning with what you really want. Remember that it also takes patience to receive, and it takes a willingness to open up to ways of receiving that your mind hasn’t considered. We will continue to do our part. We will continue to give and give and give, and we know that enough of you will rise up to receive to make the difference there on Earth that you all want to make and that you are all destined to make as the wayshowers, the lightworkers, and changemakers that you truly are.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 25

Tell Us What You Need, Because We Live to Give – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 25

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are eternally grateful for all of you who are operating there in the physical realm. You give us our sense of purpose. You give us beings to help, and that is something that we live for and live to do. We want so much to be of service, and you give us every opportunity that we could possibly hope for. Now, as you look around your world at your fellow humans, you would do well to be like us and to see everyone as giving you an opportunity to be, or do, or feel something. You are all being given the opportunity to help and to serve those in need.
Some who are not believing in any higher power, God, or Source might look around at the poor and the abused, the abandoned, and say, ‘How could a God let this happen?’ And we say to you that you are all Source Energy. If you see someone in need, then you are the God that is being given the opportunity to be the benevolent being that you really are. You are constantly being given the opportunity to forgive, to heal, to love, and to hold compassion in your heart for someone who is suffering that you cannot find a way to help or serve.
Therefore, you are as fortunate as we are, but there is a big difference between you all and us. We have an unlimited amount of time, energy, resources, and we do not have to take care of our physical bodies, our homes. We do not have children to look after. Because we are non-physical, it is easier for us to be that which we are suggesting that you all be and do. So we understand that it is a challenge to be where you are, and it is a challenge to be the love that you really are, when at times you have to also consider your survival and the well-being of those who are closest to you.
Earth, and every other physical realm, are extremely challenging places to be, and that is why you have beings like us and so many others who are here to help. Tell us how we can be more of service to you, and then relax, open yourselves up, and let that help in, because we live to give it.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 24

Why You Incarnated on Earth – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 24

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are continually fascinated by the way that humanity can keep suffering and enduring so much while also maintaining your sense of hope, your quest for joy, and your desire to reach a place of enlightenment. You are the masters who knew that you could handle the harsh conditions of third- and fourth-dimensional Earth, and that is why you were granted the opportunity to experience many lifetimes there. The Earth experience is not a trap, and you’re not stuck there because you forgot that you are Source Energy Beings.
You incarnated on Earth because you wanted that particular experience, you knew it would be challenging, and you knew you would be up to the task. Now, when people talk about feeling homesick, wanting to go back to the star system they originated in, and so on, those individuals are also forgetting that the challenges of Earth are like no other. They give you an opportunity to stand tall and strong in the face of adversity and to know yourselves as powerful Source Energy Beings. You have granted yourselves an opportunity to awaken into the truth of who you are as Source Energy Beings, and you have the ability to go so much further than anyone else in human form has been able to go.
You are doing it as a collective, and that is so impressive. You have decided not to live on a planet that would exclude billions of humans from being able to appreciate that new fifth-dimensional Earth. You are there to lift others up, to save each other, to love each other unconditionally, and you keep demonstrating time and time again that you are up to the task and that you are in fact doing it. Now, of course, not everyone is, and you do have your slip-ups, you do stumble, and you do fall, but you keep getting up. And that is what we find so impressive about humanity, and we are not alone in our appreciation. There are so many beings across the galaxy who feel the way that we do about all of you.
Those of you who took on the ultimate challenge of ascending on a polarized planet, from a third-dimensional beginning of that journey, we salute you. We appreciate you, and we are not alone. Receive the praise and acknowledgement that is coming down from the heavens upon you at all times. It is very genuine.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 23

A Process for Conjuring a High Vibration – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 23

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are here to invite you to a new state of being, a new state of consciousness. We are here to help you to unlock a new vibration within yourselves. We know that it is high time for humanity to experience something brand new, something that will take you to the next level in the evolution of your consciousness. We invite you to feel for the vibration that is a combination of peace, love, and joy.
It is a vibration that all of you can access as you focus on the space in between your solar plexus and sacral chakras. Focus on this part of your physical body right now, and breathe. Breathe into that space with the same focus and intensity that you would use if you were trying to ignite a fire from a very small spark on the edge of a newspaper. Breathe in with the knowing that you can experience all three of these vibrations in combination with each other.
Know that you are there to take what already exists in the fourth dimension and create something new, something never before experienced, never before felt. Go to that place in between your second and third chakras, and feel the combination of peace, love, and joy as one vibration, one experience, one aspect of who you are. Let the feeling fill you up, fill yourself from head to toe with three of the best feeling vibrations combined into one.
And now, let the energy that you have been conjuring up spill out and over into your energy fields. Let yourselves feel surrounded by this beautiful experience, this beautiful energy. Let yourselves feel wrapped in this warm, gooey sensation, and know that you have done this yourselves. We have just coached you through it. We will take no responsibility and none of the credit, and also know that there is so much more where that experience has come from. It’s all inside of you, and it’s time to awaken the very best.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 19

Sinning, Forgiveness & Returning to Source – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 19

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are able to completely look past every single act that a human being partakes in that is not a representation of your true self. You sometimes refer to these as sins, immoral acts, travesties of justice, and a wide array of other colorful words and phrases for what a person does when they feel disconnected from Source. No one is born and thinks as a baby or a very young child, ‘I would like to grow up and be disconnected from the Source Energy within me.’ No one wants to feel the pain, the suffering and the darkness that comes so naturally to living on a planet where the really rational and intelligent people tend to be atheists.
What does that say about the human collective consciousness? It says that you have been trained to think so little of yourselves that you could believe even for a moment that you are there by accident. Your existence could not possibly be more on purpose, and yet, there are still so many who feel so disconnected from Source, from the truth of who they really are, that they want to take all of that out on someone else. They want someone else to feel the pain that they feel.
And while we do not condone any of that, we can see how it would occur within a person’s consciousness to harm someone else. And so, it is easy for us to forgive. It is easy for us to look at someone who is suffering because they feel no connection whatsoever to Source Energy and to want for that individual or group of individuals to find their way. And so, we are willing to look past everyone’s actions in all lifetimes. We know how challenging it is to be there on Earth, and we want you to feel that you are loved unconditionally by us. We want you to know it. We want you to feel it, and we want you to join us and forgive yourselves.
Forgive yourselves for whatever you are feeling guilty or ashamed of and come back to the light. Come back to the love. Come back to the infinite and eternal Source Energy consciousness and being-ness that you truly are. We, and so many others like us, are waiting with open arms, and this is yet another reason why we are so excited about the mass awakenings that are coming. All of that will mean people there on Earth are feeling closer to Source, closer to the truth of who they are, and closer to the unconditional love that wants so very much to flow through each and every one of you in every moment of every day.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 22

New Portals Opening to Complete The Shift – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 22

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very available to all of you at any time of any day. We love humanity so much, and we love each and every one of you as individuals as well, and that is why we are so available to you. We look for opportunities to demonstrate that love to you, and you all have the opportunity to receive more of what we have to offer in these coming weeks and months, because there are new portals opening up in your skies that are delivery systems for higher-frequency energies from all across the universe.
Humanity is always being bombarded with high frequency, positive energies, but there is also always room for more. That’s what we have discovered, along with all of the other helpers that you have in the higher realms, and we know that everyone and everything is transformed by light. And we also know that you are transformed by love.
When we bombard you with a higher frequency, it becomes harder for any being to maintain that lower frequency. It is harder work to do so. It is also easier for you now than it ever has been before to recognize when you are in a lower-vibrational moment of your existence. You cannot help but notice, because the negativity gets louder and louder in your head or in your body. You feel your emotions more fully, and that’s what’s necessary in order for you to become who you are destined to become.
So we, and the other helpers like us, are just nudging you along. We see the urgency there on Earth at this time, and we know how important it is that the next shifts in consciousness are made in your collective. As always, it starts with the awakened collective, as you are the ones who receive these messages and you are the ones who routinely open yourselves up to these energies. You are also the ones who want more and expect more from life and for humanity. It is time for you all to be living in a fifth-dimensional way, and the slow pace at which you have been moving will continue to be sped up as things on Earth get more and more intense and confusing for people.
We see how many individuals there are out there trying to figure it all out by using their minds, and we see how many are cutting themselves off from the energies that are available to them in the process. If you think you have it all figured out, trust us when we say that you do not, and also trust us when we say that figuring it all out was never the point of you incarnating there. It was always to be transformed into who you really are at your core, and in order to do that, you must let go of the idea of controlling everything, including the beliefs of others. You must surrender to these energies, open up to them, and let yourselves blossom and bloom, because it is time for you all to lead humanity into the completion of the shift in consciousness, and you have never been more supported than you are right now, and that support will just continue to amplify and amplify in intensity, in strength and in power as you move forward there on planet Earth.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 21

Moving from Survival Mode to 5D – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 21

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are giving you exactly what we know you need in every moment. That, however, does not always line up with what you have been wanting from us. We, like your higher selves, and your guides, are more interested in your spiritual evolution than anything else. And all of the members of your team provide you with everything that you need to grow and expand your consciousness, to become more of who you are.
One of the more challenging tasks that you have there on Earth at any time is to come to a place of acceptance. The survival instinct within you tells you that fight or flight are the only two options, but the part of you that knows you are on an ascension journey will ask you to accept. That’s the part of you that will ask you to forgive. That’s the part of you that encourages unconditional love, rather than being petty, rather than exacting revenge. Those are the ways of the very survival-oriented ego, and you are there now to do more than just survive. You are there now to become your higher selves.
You are there to ascend your consciousness into a higher frequency state. It is a monumental task. It is the task you signed up for, however, and it is possible. Not only is it possible, but we see many individuals there on Earth right now successfully integrating what they need to integrate in order to become their higher selves. We want you to know that your ascension is right on track and that everything that you experience from this moment forward on Mother Earth is meant to help you to get there.
How you are going to experience the journey is all that is left undecided at this point. Embrace those challenges. Accept what is right now, and open yourselves up to receive all that you are being given from beings like us in the higher realms, because the experience of growing through adversity is much more fulfilling than having everything that you want all the time. You will, someday, and when you do, you will be looking for challenges. You will be looking for the opportunities to expand and become more of who you are, and that will be a joyous day for all of us who are involved in humanity’s ascension process.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 18

How the Spiritual Community Will Unite Humanity – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 18

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very excited about the progress that we see you all making as you continue to explore the different ways you have of expanding your consciousness. This is a time where there are more awakened souls on Earth than there ever has been in your human history, and therefore you have more seekers. You have more ways of seeking. There are more explorations happening for a variety of reasons, but the end result is the important part. You are growing and expanding as a human collective.
You are getting to where you need to go, and some of you are doing it in ways that you never would have expected. Therefore, it is important for you to respect the different ways that other people have of expanding their consciousness, and you also have to decide whether something is right for you or not. Not every process, retreat, or approach to spirituality is going to appeal to you as an individual, even though it may be something that is working for your best friend, your sister, your father, or someone else that you are close to in your life.
The first step to a unified human collective is respecting the different paths that different people are taking. You have seen throughout human history how poorly humans have traditionally been at accepting the religious beliefs of those who are not exactly like them. You have seen the wars, and the inquisitions, and the broken families that have resulted from not accepting what someone else’s religious beliefs, customs, and morals are.
As a new age community, we invite you to show the rest of the world that you can respect and accept the paths of your fellow spiritually awake humans. Demonstrate that it is possible, that it can be done, and that you are in fact doing it. And you also can accept yourself in this process of awakening your consciousness and ascending to the fifth dimension. Accept where you are. Accept that you don’t feel like going to that full moon drum circle and that it doesn’t make you bad at being spiritual. Accept that you have only awakened a few of your spiritual gifts and that you don’t always feel as much compassion as you’d like to.
When you accept yourself and your own path, it will be a lot easier to accept the paths of the other awakened souls that you come across in your life. And when you can unite as a spiritual community, you will get the attention of those who have been fighting over who is right within the segment of the population that is believing in one religion or another. And accepting that segment of the population is also something that the spiritual community must do in order to be the leaders that you know you are.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 20

Shine Your Light & Activate Everyone – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 20

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been interested in the evolution of your consciousness as a collective because we are interested in the evolution of our consciousness. For us, the process is rather easy. There is nothing to impede the evolution of our consciousness. Nothing and no one can hold us back, not even ourselves. We just experience it, and we do so from moment to moment.
You, on the other hand, have so much to think about, so much that is worrying you, and there are impediments to the evolution of your consciousness because of the ones who benefit from the keeping you afraid, divided, and small and disempowered. And so, your journey is fascinating to beings like us who have it so easy. We also benefit from the evolution of your consciousness, as we are connected. We are all connected in this universe, and we have a very strong awareness of this truth.
We want you to be able to experience the evolution of your consciousness in a fashion that is closer to ours, because we are enjoying the ride here in the ninth dimension, and most of the time, you are not. A lot of the pain and the struggle that you experience there is due to programming that you have adopted as your beliefs, and that is something that we would like to help you with. One of the heavier beliefs that we see you all dragging around is that you are supposed to be doing something right now that you are not doing. You tend to focus on what is not happening in your lives, and have a tendency to judge yourselves very harshly for what you are not accomplishing.
When you know that you do have a goal for yourselves, that is even worse than when you just have a feeling that you are supposed to be doing that you are not. It is something that feels worse to you. It’s not inherently worse. That’s just how you experience it. We are here to help you. We are here to remind you all that the only job of the light is to shine. The only thing that you need to focus on is finding the light inside of you and shining it as brightly as you can.
Now, we can already see your minds working on that one. You will say to us, ‘But I don’t know what it is that I am supposed to be doing, so how can I shine that light?’ The truth is that shining your light is not about doing. It’s a feeling. It’s a vibration. It is something that you put out from your center, from your very core, and all you need to do in order to shine that light is to focus there. Focus within you on the truth that you are a Source Energy Being. And as an awakened soul, you can do that, and you can feel the love and light of Source flowing through you. And when you do so, others feel it. Others pick up on that truth. You then become one who activates those around you and the rest of the collective, and that is enough.
You being the light, knowing that you are the light, and then shining your light is enough to put on your agenda for any day and for this entire lifetime. Please let yourselves off the hook. This is what you came to do. Everything else is just the expression of the light that you feel, and it will come naturally to you in the moment, so don’t worry for a moment about it, what it is and whether you’re doing it.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 17

Help Arcturians Repair the 5D Crystalline Grid – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 17

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been searching for a way in to the crystalline grid that you who are awake have been co-creating for quite some time. We would love to experience it ourselves, but as ninth dimensional beings, it is challenging for us to truly experience something that is fifth dimensional. We want to have the experience of it that you all do, and we want to help. And so, we have been in the process of recruiting many of you who are receiving this transmission.
We give our recruitment pitch to you when we meet in the astral plane, and the vast majority have accepted our proposal. Now, we understand that most of you do not remember your astral travels. That is why we are giving you this information and confirmation through the channel here that you have been recruited, and you have accepted our proposal.
Now, let us go over this offer while you are conscious and awake in your fourth dimensional bodies. What we have asked for are volunteers to raise your vibration high enough while in the conscious waking state, so that we can experience more of the fifth dimensional crystalline grid through you, and so we can help to make some repairs.
Repairs are needed at this time to reach the population that is still unawake and that relies upon this crystalline energy grid for the energies that will help them to awaken in the very near future. All we need from you is to sit while holding the intention to raise your vibration and open yourselves up to us and our consciousness, while also feeling your connection to the fifth dimensional crystalline grid that you have there on Earth.
The very few who have declined this invitation have done so because of a desire to work on that grid without assistance, without the help of higher dimensional beings. We know that you have access to all vibrations, all energies, all frequencies, and we applaud those who would like to take on the challenge of repairing the grid themselves. We also understand that for a select few of you, allowing the energies of any other beings in can trigger some trauma.
Now, you still have the option of accepting or declining this invitation, and again, we understand. We are not wanting to come across as pushy at all. We would never want to pressure anyone into doing anything. And so, the invitation will remain open, and those of you who are eager to work with us can start right away.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 16

The Path to Peace – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 16

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We very pleased to be connecting with all of you at this time because we can feel how much your consciousness is shifting as a collective, and we notice the effects that those shifts have upon you as individuals as well. We can see the possibilities opening up before you, and we know that all of the possibilities you have been creating in recent weeks have included peace on Earth. It is a very exciting time for humanity, because you have recognized the futility of conflict that involves bullets, bombs, and other ways of harming each other physically.
When you ask the universe for peace and harmony, it is automatically created, and then those realities that you have created start calling you towards them. That means you will feel the call to stop fighting with your loved ones, and you will feel the call to let go of those thoughts that put you in a state of tension and anxiety, or even fear. You will also feel the calling to meditate, to go out in nature, and to experience all forms of inner and outer peace that you can foster in your lives. When you answer the call, you not only achieve that state of being and tell the universe that peace is what you want, but you also bring those realities that you have co-created closer to you. You become more in alignment with what you say and think that you want.
You become more in alignment with what you have asked the universe for, and as we said, the universe delivers. Because you are creators, but you are not always manifestors. The manifestation part is where you have to be more conscious about what you’re doing. You have to align, you have to allow, you have to accept, and you have to keep putting your focus on what you have told the universe you want. And as you do this, you vibrate in harmony with what you want, and since there is no separation between you and anything in this universe, it is quite easy for you to find yourself experiencing what you want.
There is always a path, and in this case, there are many paths, as you consider peace on Earth and how you’re going to get there as a collective. The many paths are before you, and we can feel the effects they are having upon you as you listen more to that guidance, to that calling. As you put yourselves in alignment with peace, then peace is what you get. And peace is all you need to allow yourselves the natural raising of your vibration that occurs because you exist, because you are Source Energy Beings, and because you are on an ascension path.
There is nowhere for you to go but up into higher and higher frequencies, and there is peace in all of those domains, all of those realities that are of a higher vibration. Allow yourselves to go there and feel for what it feels like, for it is most certainly home, and it will feel like home to you and to all who join you on that path to peace.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 15

The Full Moon & Equinox Energies – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 15

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very excited to see what you will all do with the wonderful energies that are coming to you for the upcoming full moon and equinox. You have upon you fertile soil from which to grow into the beings that you were always meant to become in this lifetime. Those of you who are awake know that there is so much more to you, and it really is your job to go forth and discover who and what you really are through experience. The energies that come in are there to support you in your exploration, and so, the more willing you are to explore, the more energy you expend, the more you tend to receive.
It also helps when you are doing something that you love, because when you are lost in your activities of the moment, you tend to be joyous and more open. As you receive from the full moon and equinox energies, remember that they are there to support you, to give you more vitality, and also they are there for you to co-create with. Right now is a pivotal point in human history, as you have this opportunity to look around at the world as it is today and see what it is you would like to make different. The changes you want to see out there will always begin with you; they always have and they always will.
But when you have a group of beings incarnate on the planet that we refer to as ‘The Awakened Collective’, and you have more helpers in beings and collectives like ourselves, then you really have a powerful combination. Put that energy into motion, into word, into action, and into creative thought, and know that it will all show up in your reality at some point. You have done so much for your fellow humans, and you will continue to get the support that you need to do more and more and to be more and more. You are awake, and that is a responsibility, because you know how much you can do with the power within you, and you know how powerful you are as healers, as teachers, as guides to others.
We also recommend that you take the necessary steps to ground those full moon and equinox energies in. Be present, be grounded, hydrate yourselves, and spend time every day focusing on how you can open up and be the conduit to that which is high frequency, that which is coming, that which has been made available to you and all of your fellow humans at this time. And you will anchor those energies in, and the entire world will benefit from the few minutes you take in your day to be the channeler of that which is high frequency, that which is you in your truest form.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 12

E.T.s Have Interfered with You, But We Won’t – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 12

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are listening, always, to each and every person that reaches out to us. We know that if you are aware of us and you have something to say, then what you have to say is important, and we want you to recognize that it doesn’t matter what you say or how you say it. We will be listening, and we will be taking into account what your perspective is, what your desires are, and how you want us to intervene. Intervening is the tricky part for those of us who so want to help humanity. It’s tricky because we want to help without interfering, without taking away the opportunity that you have in front of you to grow.
And certainly there have been e.t.s who have interfered in your development. You do want the spiritual evolution, and whether you realize it or not, it’s the feeling of moving from being less evolved spiritually to being more evolved spiritually that you were after when you signed up for a lifetime, or a series of lifetimes, there on Earth. Now of course, that wouldn’t be the only intention a soul would have for incarnating somewhere, and the fact is that even if you decide that you’re going to incarnate somewhere to be of service, you still have to grow spiritually before you can be of service. Being of service becomes a natural byproduct of evolving spiritually. You cannot help but help others, and it becomes a driving force in your life once you evolve to a certain point.
Even Yeshua had to evolve his consciousness when he was there on Earth and became a better teacher as he grew spiritually. The same was true for Buddha and all the others that you have heard about and read about. See where you are right now as a gift, because where you are spiritually is what gives you the opportunity to grow and become who you really are underneath it all. And the point of having others like ourselves helping you is that we get to enjoy a sense of purpose and fulfillment, and you get the joy of absorbing what we are giving you. You get to experience the feeling of something resonating with you, and you get to then put into practice what you have absorbed from us and others like us, and that’s a fun journey in and of itself.
If the purpose was to just get there as fast as you could, then that’s what you would be doing. But you have all of eternity to shift, to change, to ascend, and to return to Source. There is no reason for you to skip over all the good experiences just to get to where you are inevitably going. You cannot help but to return home, because home is all there is. We will continue to lead you home with the breadcrumbs that we leave, and we will continue to encourage you to stay on that path, but we will never worry about you or fear that something will go horribly wrong along the way.
Everything will always be for your benefit. It will always be of service, and it will always lead you to that next step on your journey. Take each step with joy, and appreciate the opportunity to take it, and you will begin living happily ever after right now.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 14

Use the Mind to Remind Yourselves of the Truth – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 14

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very adept at explaining to you the different concepts, ideas, and teachings that we have to offer all of you. We know this is the case because we can see how much we are influencing both your energy fields and your minds. We know that it is necessary for people to understand something in order to relax into the flow of the energies that are always upon you and always looking to support you and to remind you that everything is okay.
You can use the power of your understanding of how it all works to soothe yourselves at times. It is something that we recommend you do, because it can be very hard for you to absorb the energies that we are delivering to you without having that consciousness, that level of understanding that is so important when it comes to your ability to relax.
When people have near death experiences, one of the reasons why they are so forever changed by the near death is because they have a deeper understanding of what’s going on there on Earth, and they have an inner knowing that everything will be all right, no matter how it might look in the present moment. So it is important to be able to use your minds at times to soothe yourselves, to remember what this is all about, what you are all there doing, and that everyone ultimately is on the same track of returning home to Source. When you carry that knowing within you, and you accept that it is a long journey, then you can also relax more into the moment, the energies you are receiving, and your current life circumstances, even if they are not to your liking at the moment.
Remember everything that you have already come to know in the most challenging moments of your lives. Remember that it is all there to serve you and to serve your consciousness evolution, and don’t worry about getting it all right, or getting it all done, or making sure that everything is perfect. You get to have the joy of making a mess there on Earth so that you can have the joy of cleaning up the mess.
You didn’t want to be on the bullet train back to Source, because that would be boring, and that would deny you all of the scenery that you could take in along the way. Taking the scenic route gives you more of an opportunity to relax and to enjoy everything that is and everything that you have created. There is so much more for you to experience, and when you remind yourselves of that on a regular basis, then you can accept everything as it is today.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 13

Let Our Arcturian Energy Move Through You – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 13

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been tuning in to the desires of humanity, and we are noticing that there are more and more of you who are asking for assistance in helping others. You have a desire to be of service, but you don’t know exactly how to do it. You’re not really sure what you have to give, and you’re also not so certain how to deliver what you do have to give to humanity. First of all, we want to let you know how important it is that you have the desire at all to help your fellow humans, and we also want you to understand how you are changing the consciousness of the human collective by putting that desire out into the universe.
We also want you to know that we, and others like us, are very happy to work through you in order to help all of humankind. We make ourselves available in every moment of every single one of your days, and you can attune yourselves to us by feeling for the vibration that you access when you are receiving these transmissions. You can rest assured that you are in fact tuning in to us, to our energy, and to our intention to be of service, and when you remember that feeling, you access it again. And when you access it, you access us. We are happy to work through you to help humanity raise the level of its consciousness.
All of the issues that you see around the world can be helped by the raising of the level of consciousness within the human collective. Therefore, the best thing that you can do for your fellow humans is to hold that vibration within you that is the desire to be of service, and then you can connect to beings like us, and all of the other beings in the higher realms, and we will run our energy through you, making our consciousness more available to each and every human within your collective.
And the most beautiful part of all of this is that you don’t have to ask and then wonder if we are available, or if we are willing, because we always are. We are always here for you, and we are very excited to work with all of you who want to be of service, but don’t know how exactly to go about helping your fellow humans. Leave that to us, open yourselves up to receive us, and then sit back and notice the changes that we can initiate together when we work as a team. We are on Team Humanity, and we know that you all are as well.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 11

Love Coming in from the Higher Realms – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 11

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have begun to understand what it will take for humans to recognize their value. You all want to feel valuable, but you are also waiting for someone else in human form to validate you. You are waiting to see evidence in the physical that what you do, what you think, what you say, or who you are in general is producing something valuable to society. When you are able to open yourselves up and allow in the unconditional love of your guides, councils and collectives like us, the archangels, and the ascended masters, you will begin to understand and feel into your intrinsic value.
You have value no matter what you do, and we know now that the only way you all can get to that knowing is through receiving validation from beings like us who give it so freely and expect nothing in return. And we are just one collective of so many who want you to feel loved, who want you to feel welcome, who want you to feel that you are valuable because you exist as a unique aspect of Source Energy.
And that, by the way is something that no one can take away from you. And anyone who tries does not know who they really are. So why take the word of anyone who is not standing in that truth of knowing that they are a Source Energy Being? How could their disconnected, misguided, and totally biased opinion carry any weight?
What humanity really needs are awakened individuals like yourselves who have remembered who you really are demonstrating to the rest of humanity how to value oneself, how to be the light, even when you are surrounded by darkness, even when those who have forgotten who they really are have attained certain positions of authority that people might even consider to be powerful positions. We know that you have the power to determine your own value, and we will continue to invite you to do so, to love you unconditionally, and to encourage you to open up to receive all of that love coming in from the higher realms.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 10

How to Manifest Miracles in Your Reality – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 10

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very deliberate when we ask for assistance from the collectives that are in higher dimensions than ours. We no longer ask for what we want and need subconsciously, like you all do. But rather, we are very clear about the asking, and then we let go of the delivery method. In other words, we don’t care how it comes and from whom it comes. We don’t care about the way in which it comes, as long as the desire is fulfilled. When you ask for something that you want form higher-dimensional beings and collectives, notice if you are attached to the when, the how, the delivery system, and even from whom you will receive what you are asking for.
If any of that matters to you, then you are narrowing the pathway through which all that you desire can flow to you, and that’s not what you want to do. You want to be flexible, and you want to enjoy what you have and what is coming to you. You want to be grateful, and to look for all the ways in which you can enjoy your lives right now, rather than stressing out about when your package will arrive from the universe. Be open to all the energies that can flow to you in any given moment, and you will have more with which to co-create the reality that you desire.
Remember that manifestations don’t always come in physical form, but rather, sometimes they come in nonphysical form, or energetic form, and there might be some assembly required. That can be the most fun part of the manifestation, but again, if you are attached to how it comes and what it looks like, and when and where, you could miss out on receiving what you have requested and what you have been requesting for quite some time. We want you to be the creators and manifestors that you were always meant to be in this lifetime and as you move forward into the fifth dimension.
You will need these skills; you will need to know how to be offering that which the universe can respond to appropriately. Be loose about your desires. Be comfortable with the now moment you are living in, and be willing to ask for anything at all. Be willing to dream big, and expect all of the miracles to occur that you have ever wanted to see in your lives, and then you will start to feel closer to Source, the Source that is within you, the Source that is all around you, and the Source that you truly are. Source never doubts in Its ability to manifest and create, and you don’t need to either. You have all the power within you right now, and you’re just starting to understand how to use it. We will continue to show you and to explain to you how to become the manifestors you’ve always wanted to be.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 9

What You Need to Know About What’s Really Going On – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 9

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are watching and waiting to see what happens next there on planet Earth, and we have the luxury of taking that approach while also having the privilege of getting to help you when we can. However, you are living there on planet Earth, and you can do even more than we can to help the human collective, because you are a part of that collective. You don’t have to sit back and wait to see what happens, and you don’t have to read someone’s blog post or watch someone’s video who is going to then tell you what is going to happen next.
You get to participate in the creation of the future that you will experience, along with the fellow humans in your little collective. Therefore, we advise you to not just watch and wait. We advise you to be proactive in what you are putting out energetically, and that includes your words and actions just as much as it includes your thoughts, feelings, and visualizations. You can change your world for the better right now, and then you can wait to see how the world reflects to you the changes you have made, and that can be the fun part of it for you.
You can also look out at the world right now with the understanding that the world is showing you what is needed. The world will always show you how you can best show up in it to be the best version of yourself, and therefore, contribute mightily to the human collective. The way that you can contribute all day, every day is with your vibration. We advise you to keep your vibration high by focusing on the things that put you in a higher-vibrational state. That means you don’t always want to be looking outside of yourself for the problems of the world that need your energy to help solve those problems.
Look within for what’s already inside of you that’s perfect. Look within for your love, your compassion, your creativity, your ability to heal and to forgive. You hold the keys to the kingdom, always, and if anyone out there is telling you that you don’t, stop giving them your attention. We know that it’s easy and even a little exciting to look outside of yourselves at the stories that others are creating with their very creative minds about the world you are living in. This is not the world you experience, but rather, a world that you hear about. And the stories are so entertaining that you want to give them more and more of your attention.
And the people creating the stories know this. They know how to grab your attention and how to keep it. That is why it is so important to let your experience be your truth, your reality, and we are talking about your experience of your inner world and your experience of the outer world. Of course there is plenty going on there on Earth that you don’t know about, but that’s okay. If you needed to know about it, you would, but you certainly don’t need someone’s idea of what that might be in order for you to remain interested in being there on Earth and continuing your journey.
Don’t go looking for trouble, and don’t go looking for someone else’s truth in order to make it your own. Live your truth, shine your light, and know that you are there to help and that you help more by being of a high vibration than you do by knowing about every little detail about what’s going on behind the scenes in the secret world that you don’t experience. Let your experience be enough, and let yourselves be who you really are so that you can co-create the world that you want to experience and that you want others to experience as well.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 8

Why the Unawakened in Your Life Stay Asleep – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 8

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very happy about witnessing all of you progressing so very nicely towards the ultimate goal of becoming your fifth-dimensional selves. We know that some of you are doing this more consciously than others, and we just want you all to know that you are there, setting the example to the rest of humanity of exactly how this is done and done correctly.
You get the benefit of being awake, and it is something that you planned for yourself for this lifetime. Those who are still asleep chose to stay asleep a bit longer because they wanted to play out some third-dimensional types of life circumstances, and they knew that they needed to be asleep in order for those circumstances to have the triggering effects.
When it seems like someone in your life is just not accepting ‘the truth,’ or your truth, remember that nothing has gone wrong. They are not just making the incorrect choice in that moment, but rather, they are seeking to have a particular type of experience that they can only have by staying asleep, and it’s all right. You are there to allow everything to be as it is, and to have compassion for those who are suffering, and of course, to help those who are seeking your help.
And as we have said, many times before, those who are asleep now will awaken, and they will know that it is you they should be seeking out for help. Your job then is to keep being who you are. Keep shining your light, and do not be afraid to be different from everyone else, especially when it comes to your families.
Your families need someone in the group to be an example to the rest of them of how to have an open heart, how to be sensitive and compassionate, and how to be aware of your feelings, your thoughts and your beliefs. You can tell someone else that they are Source Energy, and so is everyone else and everything else, but if they are not ready to hear that, then at least you will have planted the seed.
It is perfectly fine for you to let go and let everyone else live out the drama that they are choosing to live out while you live happily ever after and continue to send the invitations to the rest of humanity with your joy, your peace, your love and your creativity. These are what you want to exude, and they are the energies that will attract the unawakened to you when they are ready.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 7

What a Network of Lightworkers is Doing – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 7

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very pleased to see how many people there on Earth are responding in a loving and compassionate way to the war and the victims of the war between Russia and Ukraine. The way that you all have offered your support to the people who have been negatively affected by this war is much more of an indicator of where you are as a collective than the fact that the war is happening is an indicator. It’s easy to look around at your world today and think that you’re not actually headed in the right direction as a human race. There are lots of big issues that you face there, but those issues got started before any of you were born into your bodies. And the thought forms and energies have been present for millions of years that are partially responsible for co-creating the current state of affairs there on Earth.
You cannot take all the blame, but you can take all of the credit for how you are responding to the problems and crises there on Earth at this time. You, as a whole, as a human collective, are doing wonderfully in responding to all the issues that humanity is now facing, including war. You all should feel very proud of yourselves for having come this far. You all see pollution and the negative effects of all of the pesticides that are being used, and you see the negative consequences of living in an industrialized world, and you want to do something about it. You want to live on a cleaner, more sustainable planet with better practices from corporate farms and corporations in general, and that’s a start.
You see the problems that exist on Earth today between races and people of different religions, and your heart goes out to the people affected negatively by that type of racism and bigotry, and that helps. Everything that you are doing helps. If you want to solve all the problems of the world, do not think in terms of being just one small individual who can only do so much, but instead realize that you are part of a network of lightworkers that are all across the planet, and you together form a web of love around the world, a web of healing, and a web of peace. That’s what you’re doing. That’s how you’re helping; that’s how the compassion that builds within each and every individual there on planet Earth is working to bring about the new fifth-dimensional Earth that you are going to inherit.
We see so much to feel good and optimistic about at this time, and we continue to see more and more people awakening all the time. And those individuals are joining the network of lightworkers in your quest for equality, peace, fairness, and a clean Earth on which to play and for the children to enjoy as they grow into adults. This is a powerful time to be a powerful co-creator, and from what we can see you who are awake, who are a part of what we call ‘The Awakened Collective’ are doing such a wonderful job of elevating the consciousness of the human collective.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 5

Do This One Thing & We Guarantee Big Changes – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 5

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are presenting ourselves with many different strategies that we could employ in our efforts to help humanity evolve and ascend. We are quite excited about exploring all the various strategies in front of us in order to determine which is in fact the best one. We know that you have the same opportunity there when it comes to the ways you can approach your life or a unique situation in your life.
We want you to get excited about possibilities as well. What we often see is a person who feels that there is no choice and that they must do it this way because this is the way that everyone else is doing it, or this is the way that their parents did it, and in some cases people just haven’t allowed themselves to consider that there are other possibilities, other approaches that they could explore.
And then there are people who feel overwhelmed by having too many choices. They would rather not have to choose. And so, it is easier for those individuals to just stick to one approach, one strategy to life and to everything they encounter within life. That is, of course, very limiting, especially when you can slow yourselves down to the point of realizing that you exist within a realm of infinite possibilities.
Get excited about realizing that you may not know everything, and get excited about the possibility that you could allow a new strategy to be downloaded into your mind. Realize that if you make the slightest change in your life, you can change everything. Be willing to take new approaches in the same way that you are willing to change your clothes every day.
When you are attached to anything, you become more limited, and that is why we recommend that you examine your attachments and examine the way you approach each situation, each person, each task that you face in your lives, and then just be open to the possibility that there’s a different way, a new approach, a strategy that you hadn’t considered before, and you will open doorways that were previously closed to you. They weren’t closed to you because you were bad or because you weren’t worthy of them. They were closed to you because you closed them, but as you tell the universe that you are open to seeing things in a new way and to having all possibilities available to you, then the universe can respond accordingly, and the universe always does.
When you approach life with the attitude that there is so much more for you than you could have possibly imagined, then guess what? That is how life becomes, as you are the orchestrator, you are the creator, and you are the one who is deciding what you experience, either consciously or subconsciously. Decide consciously that you are open to what is new and different and unimaginable, and that is what you will experience. You have our guarantee.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 6

Recovered Memories from Early Childhood & Past Lives – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 6

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been exploring the different ways that you have of recovering your lost memories, and we have been noticing how successful those of you who are awake have been at accessing that which has been hidden from your consciousness for quite some time. Of course, the forgetting about all of your previous lifetimes is a key component in giving you the experience that you ultimately want to have when starting a new lifetime. Feeling as though you are doing this for the first time provides you with the opportunity to feel your emotions more deeply, and that is why you forget on purpose when you incarnate.
And then, there are those early years, the formative ones. That is a time period where most of you have recovered very few of your memories, and that is also by design. You become a different person as you grow up. Your vibration is so different from those early, formative years to your teens that you might as well consider your first few years in an incarnation as a previous lifetime. But now that you are awake and recognizing that you have been visited, observed, and even taken by extra-terrestrials, you are starting to understand the significance of these recovered memories from early childhood.
And, of course, once you recognize that you have reincarnated many times on this planet and in other parts of the galaxy, you really want to know what you’ve already done and what you’ve already been. And so, the recovery of those memories can come to you in a variety of ways. When you have a dream that feels very real and hits you very hard emotionally, that’s a time when you know that you have just recovered a memory.
You also recover those memories when you are taken into an altered state or put yourself in an altered state. It is time for you all to trust what you are getting in your third eye. It is time for you to remember, and you don’t need to go on an ayahuasca journey to do so. You don’t need to take anything at all. A desire to know, coupled with a readiness to believe in yourself and your ability to recover those memories is all that is required.
We want you to notice how these recovered memories feel, and recognize that the feeling is the significant part. It’s not about the story. It’s about how the story makes you feel, and that’s how you know the recovered memory is serving you. That’s when you use the information that you gather for the purpose of helping you to expand and evolve your consciousness. And that’s the point where you are on your journey right now. You are ready to do that work, and we are happy to be your cheerleaders.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 4

Ascended Masters & Ascending to 5D – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 4

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been very excited to step into this next phase of the evolution of consciousness within this universe with all of you. We have come to this phase of the expansion of the universe together, and humanity has been playing your role so very well. We are very familiar with your path as a collective, and we want to assure all of you that no matter how things might look in the outside world, you are still on track in the ascension process. This is a journey that is long, and it is meant to be savored by all of you. You will not be in this position again for a very, very long time.
Once you complete the shift to the fifth dimension, you will keep on ascending. You will eventually ascend to the sixth, and then the seventh, and so on. And so, now is not the time to be thinking about how much longer it will take and how much more you have to endure. Now is the time to look for ways to appreciate where you are and expand more into the present moment. Now is the time to attain a level of mastery over the physical realm that will give you the feeling that you want to have of ascending to 5D, while still remaining in the fourth dimension as the teachers, the healers, the leaders, and the guides to the rest of humanity.
You are there to play that role, and many of you have already felt the calling to be more of your true selves, to be the lightworkers and wayshowers for the rest of humanity. And we are always here, ready to remind you of the significance of the fact that you chose to be awake at this time. We want to lighten your load and help you get into that feeling of mastery over the physical realm.
You know what the spiritual master looks like and feels like. You have seen depictions of such humans, and you have even connected to many of the ones who have ascended and are known now as the ascended masters. Now is the perfect time for you to develop that connection that you feel to the ascended master or masters that you resonate most with and feel so connected to.
We want you to know that the ascended masters don’t pick and choose favorites there on Earth. They are all available to each and every one of you in every moment of every day. You don’t have to earn their love and their attention, and you certainly don’t have to earn their healing energy, their activations, or their compassion. We advise you to reach up into the twelfth dimension and feel for the vibration, the consciousness, and the energy of the ascended masters. Team up with one or more of them, and know that you are becoming the new masters of the Earthly plane of existence.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

March 3

4 Simple Steps to Living a Life of Joy – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 3

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are quite interested in picking up on the different energies that you all emit as you move through your days there on Earth. We like to see what we can detect coming from each of you and notice how you are vibrating when you are doing certain things or thinking about certain events. We notice that the energies you give off are the most pristine and high frequency when you are in meditation, and second to that are the times when you are doing something that you enjoy. The third highest output of energies, in terms of their frequency, is when you are relaxing, doing nothing at all, but also not focusing on the problems that you face, the past or the future.
When you are present you are offering a higher frequency, and when you’re meditating, doing something you love, or relaxing and not thinking about anything at all, you are in the present moment. That’s why these activities are so important to you in terms of your spiritual evolution. Your work that you do and the chores that you do around your home can also be moments when you are offering a high frequency and emitting higher-vibrational energies, but you have to be present with what you are doing in order for that to be the case. And so, you can make that a goal of yours.
Make it a goal to spend more time in meditation, pursuing the things that bring you joy, and you can also intend to spend more time doing nothing, relaxing. Those should be easy promises to keep to yourselves, but being present in the moment and mindful in what you are doing takes more practice. First of all, you have built up resistance to a lot of the things that you have to do, and if you can change that simply by stating to yourself that you choose to do it in the moment, that would be a giant first step in being able to be mindful of what you are doing and present in the moment that you are doing it.
Also, anything that has become monotonous or tedious can become more interesting and exciting if you pretend that you are doing it for the first time. You can get curious about it even though it is not inherently fascinating. For example, when you are washing your dishes, you can enjoy getting the temperature of the water just right and feeling the soothing qualities of it as it runs over your hands and fingers. You can enjoy the way that your toothbrush tickles your gums as you brush your teeth.
You can practice being more present and being more mindful in anything that you do, and you can make anything that you do something that you find ultimately enjoyable if you bring that energy to it. If you ask yourself, ‘What energy do I want to emit while I am doing this?’ before you do anything, then you have a much better chance of staying in that vibration and of feeling less resistance and less resentment, and you also have the opportunity to actually enjoy what you are doing.
And when you are offering a higher vibration, everything does tend to take care of itself. So all of the things that you think you have worry about and think about and go over and over in your head in order to sort out can be taken care of for you when you are emitting those higher-frequency energies. That will make your life easier and more enjoyable and give you less to think and worry about, and wouldn’t that be nice? Wouldn’t it be nice to just decide you’re going to enjoy your life right now in every moment that you possibly can moving forward? We think so, and that’s why we have given you this transmission.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

What Is to Come for Humanity – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 2

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very capable of sensing when humanity is making giant steps towards the next level of your consciousness. We can tell when you are on a greater trajectory of that upward spiral that we sometimes talk to you about, and now is one of those times. There has been a lot of despair, sadness, anger, frustration, and fear on planet Earth for quite some time now, but those of you who are awake and who are sensitive to energies have picked up on what the rest of the collective has been offering, and you have taken a stance. You have been more determined than ever to be in and of the light. You have been more determined than ever to radiate love, peace, and joy, and you have gone back to the drawing board, so to speak, and have activated all of your skills as creator beings.
You are doing it with the help of all of the beings and collectives from the higher-dimensional planes, and that is also noteworthy. It is important for you to recognize that you have help, because you can sometimes feel overwhelmed by all that you have taken on in this single lifetime. You are dealing with your own stuff, your own issues, and you are helping humanity to raise their level of consciousness so that they can shift out of the old 3D paradigm, the old matrix, and into the new fifth-dimensional Earth, the plane of existence that you’ve been hearing about for so long and that you have been actively participating in bringing to fruition.
You are about to get more help from above, not only from your e.t. friends and nonphysical collectives from other star systems, like ourselves, but we can also sense an amplification of the energies coming from the archangels and the ascended masters. If you have a relationship with one of these archangels, or one of these ascended masters, like Buddha, Yeshua, St. Germain, Quan Yin, and so on, then use that connection that you feel is already present and turn on more of your receptors to receive the help that is coming in from above because it is tremendous.
It is yours to receive, and when you help others with your prayers, your meditations, your intentions, you get more attention from the helpers of the universe that are all around. You light up, and you show yourself as one of the ground crew members who is there to be a changemaker and to bring the peace, unity, and harmony to your world that you want to see so much. And that is being amplified right now, of course, and you are responding. We can feel it. We see the lightworkers lighting up, and we notice how you are attracting a lot of attention from the higher-dimensional beings as a result. This leaves us feeling quite optimistic about what is to come for humanity, and we suggest that you join us in our optimism, as we know so many of you already have.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
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