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Grand Jury proceedings begin seeking justice for crimes against humanity by Fauci and his cronies

Grand Jury proceedings begin seeking justice for crimes against humanity by Fauci and his cronies

Grand Jury proceedings begin seeking justice for crimes against humanity by Fauci and his cronies

by Seth Hancock
“We, a group of international lawyers and a judge, hereby announce that we will conduct a criminal investigation modelled after the United States grand jury proceedings. This grand jury Investigation serves as a model legal proceeding to present to a jury (consisting of the citizens of the world) all available evidence of COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity to date against ‘leaders, organizers, instigators and accomplices’ who aided, abetted or actively participated in the formulation and execution of a common plan for a pandemic. Crimes to be investigated include all acts performed or omitted by a person in pursuance of a common design to commit Crimes Against Humanity, and all such criminal acts condemned in the various communities of jurors around the world.”
That’s the statement on the website for the grand jury Proceeding by the Peoples’ Court of Public Opinion. Opening statements were delivered earlier this month.
A quick search on CNN, Fox News and MSNBC finds that there is not even a mention of these proceedings.
Included in the proceedings are 11 international attorneys and a judge, including Dr. Reiner Fullmich who is licensed to practice law in Germany and California. Fullmich has called for a Nuremberg 2.0 trial.
In his opening statements, Fullmich said there are six key figure heads guilty of the “most heinous crimes against humanity.” They include Americans Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates, German virologist Christian Drosten, Tedros Ghebreyesus of the World Health Organization, Big Pharma company Pfizer and investment firm BlackRock.
Fullmich said that four sets of facts will be presented over the coming days, the first set proving that there has never been a viral pandemic but rather a plandemic based on the worthless PCR tests which was “fueled by an elaborate psychological operation designed to create a constant state of panic among the world’s population.”
“This agenda has been long planned,” Fullmich said. “It’s ultimately unsuccessful precursor was the swine flu from 12 years ago, and it’s been cooked up by a group of super-rich, psychopathic and sociopathic people who hate and fear people at the same time, have no empathy and are driven by the desire to gain full control over all of us, the people of the world.”
The governments and media around the world are “literally” owned by the global elites pushing this plan, Fullmich said.
Evidence has shown the planning over decades with help from the United States Congress.
As previously reported, the PCR tests are being fraudulently used yet pushed by the political class, and on a bipartisan basis here in America. The Food and Drug Administration admits the home test kits contain known hazardous drugs.
The second set of facts, Fullmich said, known effective treatments are being suppressed while harmful jabs are being pushed.
The elites got a huge amount of help in October of 2019 to push mRNA jabs when President Donald Trump signed the “Modernizing Influenza Vaccines in the United States to Promote National Security and Public Health.” That came around the time Fauci was discussing with his cronies how to forcefully inoculate everyone with every jab the rulers think everyone should have.
The third set of facts will prove that the same people planning this were guilty of financial crimes when they attempted the swine flu plandemic,” Fullmich said. Those financial crimes were covered up by politicians who profited off the theft of the people.
The fourth set of facts will prove that the elitists want full control of all of us, Fullmich said, and the goal of lockdown was always to kill off small and medium sized business to create monopoly control for the Big Corporations. They want to move to a cashless society with a one world digital currency.
Fullmich called out the World Economic Forum as the puppet masters seeking total global control. They want control of everyone’s money, energy, food and everything in between.
“In the end, the most important thing is to get people to understand what’s really going on so that they will rise up and fight this because it’s not the courts of law,” Fullmich said. “The courts of law will not turn things around. And also, to understand that they are the sovereign. We are the people. It sounds very simple, but that’s what it is. That’s what brought the wall down between East and West Germany. That’s how the American Constitution starts: ‘We the people.’ If they understand that, it’ll only be one small step until we really do regain our sovereignty.”
Fullmich added: “We have to disconnect from this old system, its politicians, and it’s institutions, including the global NGOs, which are run by the same people who are running the global corporations. It is no use. It is a waste of time and energy to try to reform that system. It is not reformable. It’s beyond repair. We’re going to have to set up our own system, including our own judiciary.”

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