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May 30

THE WORLD OF ASTRAL (Magicians and wizards)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Having described the structure of the lower astral world and the scheme of its inhabitants and humans’ interaction I would like to focus on another aspect of this interaction: how it can be changed, precisely, how not to let extraneous thoughts and emotions into one’s conscience.
Most humans on the planet think and act unconsciously as they know not what they do.
They got influenced by the momentary urge being unaware of the fact that it was created in the astral world in order to fill them with the energy needed for astral beings so as to get back the same energy of higher concentration.
This never ceasing low frequency energy rotation has eventually led to the state when humans are guided by the astral world not the astral beings are guided by humans.
And the humans aware of this fact have always taken the opportunity to take astral beings on.
These are magicians and wizards of all sorts, the ones who are commonly known to sell one’s soul to the devil.
In fact, it is really so because having deliberately rejected the Light and accepting the Darkness the Soul becomes a part of the latter getting dissolved in it and falling apart into particles that after one’s death start rambling in the lower astral and are at it again.
If humans knew about disastrous consequences of their evil actions while embodied I think they would never take any.
Now, my dear ones, it is high time to tell you everything about “the back stage” of the planet to deprive humans of excuses that they hold a candle to the devil through ignorance ruining souls and ignoring the consequences for their own worthless Divine Souls.
The one who practises conjuring intentionally intruding into somebody else’s energy space and guiding their conscience one’s own way is not simply the conductor of low frequency energy but, moreover, the “earth connector” of the demonic energy of the lower astral world.
As a matter of fact, one turns into Demon in the flesh amplifying the negative energy effect on humans hundreds of times.
The things that take place on your planet nowadays resemble a bacchanalia, the revelry of the Dark forces who rule over the world as magicians and wizards have legally become an integrated part of your world and humans willingly buy their services to get the desirable because they don’t want to make any efforts either moral, spiritual or physical ones.
What happens to those buying the services?
Their destinies are as sad as that of the magician because their souls get resonated with the magician’s soul who conjures to excite love or hatred or, in some cases, practises death conjuring.
As a rule, magicians perform their rites by means of the clients’ energy field and it is the clients who become “the tool” of making their wish come true.
Thereby magicians share responsibility of committing the evil and the one who bought the service can stay within lowest frequency energy field for long and, sometimes, forever being the captive of the demonic forces finding oneself within the channel opened for them by the magician who made their wish come true.
Imagine, my dear ones, how many crippled and ruined souls there are on the planet at present because the high and mighty represented by the Reptiloids have opened the flood-gates for the legal acceptance of magicians and wizards.
They publish their advertisements in all the mass media and the Internet space beyond borders. It has turned into a habit, fashion, lifestyle for lots of people…
Here we will stop for today.
Father – Absolute, who loves you without measure, has spoken to you.
Channeled by Marta on May 30, 2018

May 31

THE WORLD OF ASTRAL (How to neutralize the lower astral beings’ influence)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will discuss the way you can neutralize the lower astral beings influence on you and the way you can close the channel of their influence on your conscience.
First of all, which is the most important, you should learn to recognize the state of being influenced.
This is how you can manage that.
Try to monitor every single emotion and thought you get, even the transient one.
The strict supervision will help to estimate the frequency vibration of any thought or emotion.
To facilitate this you can make use of the most reliable “frequency estimation scale” which is your own chakra system.
For example, if unintentionally you have had a negative thought criticizing or blaming someone feel the chakra the thought vibrates at.
The lowest frequency energies are common to vibrate at your first chakra, those of aggression, anger, hatred, envy, jealousy, blame and many more that are generated by lower astral beings.
Your chakra will respond with pulsing or rotation.
The fact that you “have caught” the thought and “unmasked” it is a great success anyway!
The last thing you have to do now is to dissolve it in the energy of Love and Light.
It is better to replace the unintentional blame you generated for the intense Love flow out of your heart chakra towards the human.
By doing this you both dissolve the original negative thought and build up the highest frequency vibrations barrier impermeable to the astral beings, which will protect you as well as the object of your thought.
I certainly understand, my dear ones, that in the 3D world it is hard to be up to the mark ALL THE TIME.
At crucial moments of your life you tend to act on an impulse or under inertia then you think better of it and feel guilty.
You should do this by no means because feeling guilty, strange as it may seem, is also among low frequency emotions with LACK OF LOVE underlying it.
And like any emotion lacking Love it is a slice of cake for lower astral beings.
Believe me, they will catch at your feeling guilty boosting it more and more making you think you are not decent.
So, having realized that you thought or behaved the wrong way you can make some rearrangements: return to the situation in your imagination and change the thoughts, emotions and actions.
Let everything happen to the highest good of all with the best physical level outcome.
Next, anchor the success putting the rearranged situation into a golden cocoon of Love energy.
ANYTHING CAN ALWAYS BE HELPED, my dear ones, so don’t give way to despair under any circumstances blaming yourself of the things you have done.
Accept this as another experience or your lesson learnt.
Be thankful for it and move on your spiritual path having corrected the mistakes.
But try to do your best not to repeat them any more.
So, getting used to monitor all your thoughts and emotions step by step you will rise to the level of existence that lower astral beings will not be able to reach for.
And I bless you for this!
Father – Absolute, who loves you without measure, has spoken to you.
Channeled by Marta on May 31, 2018

May 24


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to start a new series that can be roughly titled ‘The world of astral’.
We have already talked a lot on this topic but we mostly focused on the way of distinguishing lower, medium and higher levels of astral beings because they are keen on introducing themselves using different names that are often dear to you.
But now we are going to talk about treating them in the right way in order to prevent their activity and keep our energy space clear.
As you already know astral beings are disembodied souls or, more precisely, souls fragments that were unable to come Home for this or that reason.
As they can’t merge with the higher dimensions of the Divine they can’t get a clear view of the things happening to your planet.
But they are brilliant at scanning the collective conscious of humans getting into the energy information space of the third dimension.
Participation in human routine is becoming sense of their existence, major entertainment and source of nourishment.
They resemble batteries that get charged with energy ‘current’ of humans of the corresponding voltage.
Moreover, they are energy ‘suppliers’ for corresponding egregors, some sort of intermediaries between humans and egregors.
Just the way the energy of Light and Love penetrating us gains strength and reaches Earth in a concentrated form, so do emotions generated by you, but they ‘move’ in the opposite direction. Your energy penetrates astral beings, gets dense and is literally pulled to the corresponding egregor.
Why does it happen?
The reason is mirror reflection. While you are dense material beings bridging subtle and dense levels of Earth, astral beings are subtle creatures bridging dense and subtle levels.
This is the way the Law of Reflection functions in terms of your planet – energy circulates at all its levels.
Now let’s consider how humans aware of these processes can supervise them and what kind of relations they can have with astral beings.
But first of all, you should estimate your potential – your vibrations frequency, and your chakra system is a measuring scale for this.
It accurately reflects all seven levels starting with the first chakra that corresponds to the level inhabited by lower astral beings and finishing with the sixth and seventh ones that make contacts with the Light Powers of the Universe possible.
As a rule, the fifth chakra is the limit that higher astral beings can’t go beyond. They are the ones that live at the turn of two worlds and can often get information from the Forces of Light: Archangels, Angels and Ascended Masters.
They get connected to their channels and scan information about the Ascension that hovers in the collective conscious of the Forces of Light at the subtle level of Earth.
So, higher astral beings have access to both the databases: the collective conscious of humans and the collective conscious of the Forces of Light inhabiting the first ‘floor’ of the Divine.
Now, I think, you understand why it is so difficult to tell the Forces’ of Light messages from those sent by higher astral beings. The difference is by far the slightest and human vibrations frequency should be by far the highest to get the point.
Here we will stop so far.
Farther – Absolute, who loves you without measure, has spoken to you
Channeled by Marta on May 24, 2018

May 25

THE WORLD OF ASTRAL (Structure of astral world)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will go on talking about the world of astral in all its variety and abundance and I will focus on its structure.
The comparison with honeycomb is likely to be an appropriate one. And there is a reason for this.
Its cell structure allows astral beings keep their energy “privacy”.
Therefore, different quality and frequency vibrations don’t intermingle and it enables astral beings to accumulate energy of this or that particular kind.
This is the reason of their being safe and sound. And everybody benefit from this division.
And I will explain why.
For example, if all kinds of negative energy were accumulated by one single astral being it would be unable to “digest” them, for its energy potential is not that high.
That is why it prefers feeding on one particular kind of energy which is most delicious for and most typical of it.
So, it sorts out negative kinds of energy generated by humans attracting the most typical of it according to the vibrations frequency.
What does happen to someone obsessed by several passions like, for instance, offence, jealousy and envy?
That kind of person feeds several astral beings at the same time and they, like bees, swarm around them in that way maintaining the vibrations frequency corresponding to these emotions.
One becomes really possessed by the beings and if one fails to block their way the outcome may be sad.
The expression “to commit a crime in the heat of passion” is a common knowledge. These are the low frequency beings who drive one to the condition like that. They totally rule one’s conscience and make them do the things that generate the desired energy in the most concentrated form which is a real feast for them.
And the committed crime triggers the chain reaction that results in some other negative emotions such as sorrow, pain, fear of losing someone close and others.
This is the way astral beings of all kinds step by step gather in the energy “tribute” for their honeycomb and humans are unaware of paying it so generously.
What if one realizes it is a low-water mark and tries to break free from one’s passions? What happens in this case?
As a rule, one in despair starts calling on the Higher Powers.
And They always hear you and come to you, my dear ones! They start filling your subtle bodies and the space around you with the Divine energy of Love.
It looks like dolphins fling themselves into the breach and raise a drowning man to the surface.
But it is you who everything else depends on.
Your Heavenly helpers can grant you a chance of salvation encouraging you to choose Light but if you refuse “swimming” towards It you will start “sinking” again.
They can’t change your conscience but just grant you a flash of illumination and it should be followed by hard work of your Soul on moving to the Light – painstaking and slow, patient and systematic…
What happens with the astral beings in this case?
Having received the Divine Light blisters they will have to keep at a respectful distance. They go on watching their “victim” from there and wondering if one will be able to maintain the high frequency vibrations granted by the Higher Powers.
And if one gives way to the low frequency emotions again they fall on their “food” with good reason.
In my following messages I will tell you how to treat your invisible “companions”.
Father – Absolute, who loves you without measure, has spoken to you.
Channeled by Marta on May 25, 2018

May 26

THE WORLD OF ASTRAL (How demons come to being)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I will tell you what happens to a person unwilling to get rid of their passions that later on get quite different features.
And, believe me, my dear ones, I want you to know the ins and outs of the astral world not to scare you but to make you aware of the harmful consequences of your negative emotions that you let like the genie out of the bottle so carelessly.
Let’s take a particular example of someone who can’t forgive and nurses a grievance day by day and let’s see what happens to them.
First of all, it starts rooting in their physical body which results in neoplasms such as tumors and cysts.
And if one doesn’t come to one’s senses and doesn’t change one’s course of thoughts these neoplasms will turn cancerous gulping down all one’s organs.
These are the consequences at the dense material plane.
And what happens at one’s subtle energy plane?
The astral being fed on generously generated offence energy grows bigger and bigger turning into a real Demon of offence.
This is exactly the way Demons appear, my dear ones.
Just the way a tiny embryo in mother’s womb little by little turns into a human being so is an astral being that is someone’s soul particle feeding on the energy so characteristic of it gets bigger and stronger and develops till it turns into a Demon.
Unlike lower astral beings this creature has its own conscience and like human embryo it is connected to its victim with “a naval string” that facilitates the circulation of offence energy in both directions till a Demon of offence comes into the astral world.
As soon as the astral world is a reflection of the dense material one the processes that take place here are the same but they are of subtle nature – creatures are born out of the subtle material, precisely, your emotions that are certain density variations of energy of this or that kind.
So, what happens next to a new born Demon?
This creature, like a child on Earth, grows, matures and opens the world, the astral one in this case.
But it has lop-sided development because for its nutrition it utilizes the offence energy only that is actually what it is made of.
It knows from the cradle about its one and only food it needs to survive and flourish and it tries to get as much of it as possible.
As a rule, it fixes its affection on the human it was brought up by just like a child does on its mother but later on it sees how the land lies and finds new sources of nourishment as its ”parent” is totally exhausted or has passed away.
Therefore, by frequency vibrations of the original offence energy it is attracted to someone else obsessed by this passion and, for there are plenty of them on Earth, it starts growing by leaps and bounds till turns into a huge Demon that with the energy accumulated can totally control humans’ conscience and make them do dreadful and ill-considered things.
One is quite unaware of all these things because Demons are very skillful and sophisticated and have got a lot of tools and improvised means at their disposal which we will talk about next time.
Here we will stop for today.
Father – Absolute, who loves you without measure, has spoken to you.
Channeled by Marta on May 26, 2018

May 28

THE WORLD OF ASTRAL (Lower astral beings cooperation)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!

So, let’s go on speaking about the world of astral which is the reflection of your thoughts, emotions and actions.

I decided to let you know about all its ins and outs so that you would realize how far-reaching consequences of your emotions are and how dangerous it is to let them out carelessly.

You have already been told many times that each human being is a whole Universe and, believe me, my dear ones, it is not an exaggeration.

Everyone creates one’s own world in small and inhabits it with the creatures according to one’s inner state.

And all these creatures, though invisible to you, are real and alive because they exit in the subtle material world, at different levels of the astral world.

They become visible when one is at the altered state of conscience.

Just like a drunken man sees devils inhabiting their subtle bodies so an enlightened one during meditations or being blessed sees Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters who are attracted to them due to their high frequency vibrations.

Now let’s come back to the lower astral beings you give rise to by your low frequency vibrations.

In my previous message I showed you the way demons come to being and now I would like you to realize how sophisticated they have become in human psychology and what numerous means they have at their disposal to make humans supply the low frequency energy they long for.

As soon as they feel that their source of nourishment is about to fail they will make things hum and fan the dying flame of human passions.

I have to give you more details on the structure of the lower astral world so that you understand the way it happens.

Just like the 3D world that it reflects the lower astral level has a clear hierarchy that is determined by the energy potential of this or that being.

The more negative energy it accumulates the higher it moves up “the job ladder”.

There is also a clear distinction according to the type of energy: fear, offence, pain, jealousy, greed, guilt, power, control – in a word, all types of negative energy in existence that supply energy for the corresponding egregors.

And the conductors of the energy, the intermediaries between humans and egregors, are the astral beings who do their best to keep the energy flowing.

In order to benefit from human passions as much as possible they have made “a mutual aid treaty” asking each other for help so as to put various negative emotions and thoughts into humans’ heads that clinging to one another drive humans to a new phase of “insanity”.

Being really good at human psychology and peculiarities of the 3D world they are perfectly aware of the fact that some negative emotions are closely connected with each other.

For example, one possessed by the idea of control of one’s environment – one’s family members, friends, colleagues – is usually imposed by the ideas of their infidelity, betrayal and disobedience as well as by circumstances created with the purpose of arousing suspicion in such humans.

As a result they start doing guesswork and making much ado about nothing, which leads to fanning “the flame” of offence, jealousy, suspicion and fear of losing love and respect of relatives and a great deal more.

And in my next message I will tell you how it is performed.

Father – Absolute, who loves you without measure, has spoken to you.

Channeled by Marta on May 28, 2018

THE WORLD OF ASTRAL (Lower astral beings cooperation)

May 29

THE WORLD OF ASTRAL (Egregor of meanness)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I will tell you how lower astral beings communicate at the subtle level and you will be surprised at the exact way it reflects the things that take place at the dense level of Earth.
The best name for “the mutual aid union” of astral beings that was spoken about in my previous message is “the Egregor of Meanness” because it has incorporated all its subdivisions, the slightest shades of negative energy in existence.
It is the mankind profile in its most disgusting manifestation where humans are guided not by Love but by hatred, not by the desire to help one but the desire to make one suffer…
But in this case everything occurs at the subtle level of Earth and this never ceasing energy exchange between the embodied humans and the disembodied astral beings “nourish” the former and the latter.
In what way does it happen?
Let’s take one of the most common situations as an example.
One is on one’s best behaviour at work and is eager to make one’s way up.
If one is at the very beginning of one’s spiritual path and one is ultimately driven by the desire by all means to make one’s fortune which is the guarantee of “happiness” in the 3D world they do their best to achieve the goal in the shortest possible time.
Low frequency vibrations of arrogance and self-affirmation attract the lower astral beings fed on this energy.
For some time there is equal energy exchange between them then the human’s energy exhausts as the possession by low passions always leads to physical and moral degradation.
So, in order to maintain their good source of nourishment lower astral beings search for assistants to supply the human with more emotions.
You see, they don’t need the high frequency vibrations for that and they ask their “senior fellows” for help who are more powerful and experienced lower astral beings, that is, demons of all kinds.
The latter are pleased to participate because they understand they shouldn’t miss the easy prey that nourish their beloved “Egregor of Meanness” and find numerous assistants and means of encouraging this meanness at the dense level of Earth.
And they have got vast field of activity at their disposal. They call on various astral beings: big and small, those specialized in lie and slander, greediness and jealousy, envy and cunning, rudeness and arrogance and a great deal more traits they need because they fill the human’s energy space with low frequency vibrations characteristic of these kinds of energy.
“Technically” it is performed by putting into one’s conscience the necessary thoughts and emotions that in their turn provoke one’s certain actions at the dense level.
If a highly proficient “expert” is up and doing all the environment of “the victim” is involved: one’s friends and relatives get invaded by astral beings generating fear and fault or, the other way round, aggression and anger.
What happens next?
One gets drawn into endless series of intrigues and arguments that work up negative energy of all kinds more and more offering numerous astral beings the most sumptuous feast.
So, the energy of arrogance has entailed the whole lot of negative energy varieties that have caught hold of both the one who gave rise to the original negative energy and one’s environment.
Here we will stop for today.
Father – Absolute, who loves you without measure, has spoken to you.
Channeled by Marta on May 29, 2018

May 23

ASCENSION IN ACTION (All life is a play)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I’d like to complete our conversation about an upbringing of the man of the future.
Many of you, who bring up young children, have realized how different they are, freedom loving, uninhibited, observant, intelligent and talented.
And now, dear ones, so much depends on you: if you could preserve these special qualities in them, develop, nurture and grow them carefully.
I know, it is difficult for many of you, because life circumstances do not allow you to devote yourselves to your children only; and you have to enroll them into nursery schools, kindergartens and schools, which often do not satisfy your spiritual needs and where they seemingly break the soul of your child.
But still the most important part of the upbringing depends on you. If you create in your family an atmosphere of Love, harmony and mutual understanding with your child, you could minimize any outside influence.
And it is very important to be wise here.
Under any circumstances, do not blame or judge the teachers, educators or other children, whom your child meets outside your home.
Otherwise, he will involuntarily transfer your opinions, meaning he will radiate the energy of mistrust, judgment, criticism, and then, according to the Law of Reflection, he will receive in return more negative emotions from his peers and teachers.
Your task is to teach a child to regard calmly and with understanding ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE.
It is not easy, but possible. Now I will give you one advice how to help your child to survive in the 3D world, while staying in the 5D world with his consciousness.
Try to transform all his life into a play.
Tell him, that all the children in his nursery school or in kindergarten are beautiful angels of light, but they wanted to play and as part of the game started to put on the masks of bullies, greedy, rude or cunning people.
And now these masked children are “testing” how other children will react to that. They are very interested and very curious about that.
And, if he wants to, your child could become a magician, who will take off the masks from the “villains,” and under the masks he will surely see beautiful gentle angels.
Thus, he will gradually transform his offenders into friends.
But to do that, you have to give him a “magic wand.” It could be anything, depending on the fantasy of your child and his character.
It is important, that his wand will be “charged” with the energy of Unconditional Love, which his little heart radiates.
Let your child imagine that he touches his offenders with this Divine “wand” and then observe what their reaction will be.
And if he would be able to do it sincerely, then he will see the results of his “magic” instantly: negative energy won’t be able to penetrate through the Light radiated by your child.
And, believe me, dear ones, as soon as your child will see his first results, and it will surely appear; he would like to continue playing this game forever.
It will turn into a habit, in his way of life, in his natural state…
Thus, unnoticeably, the birth of the man of the future will happen, and the more children like that will be on Earth the sooner she will “raise” her dense body into a long-awaited Divine space of 5D.
I bless you, dear ones, for wise, patient and loving regard for the small citizens of your planet!
Father – Absolute, who loves you without measure, has spoken to you
Channeled by Marta on May 23, 2018

May 22

ASCENSION IN ACTION (The basis of education – continuation)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I’d like to continue our conversation about the principles, which has to lie at the foundation of the system of education for children of the future, and about combining them with the current system of education and upbringing.
As you understand, the Shift into another dimension foresees that there will be a period of transformation for all existing institutions, which cannot change overnight all their methods and principles.
It is exacerbated by the fact that very a minimal part of the Earth population knows about the Ascension of Earth into 5D, because the government officials are silent about it.
You are going to be the FOUNDERS of the new educational system.
Of course, not everyone is capable of that.
Therefore, I address those of you, who having a degree in education or inborn teaching abilities, could take responsibility upon yourselves for creating the programs for educating children, starting from a very young age.
The Laws of the Universe should be organically interwoven into these programs, which will be the basis of teaching.
The attempts to combine worldly and religious education already have been made, and in some countries religion is a compulsory subject.
It could make your work easier in some way, because Divine Laws represent a Unified Religion for all the countries and the people, and gradually the society moves in that direction.
In this case, the religious dogma must be substituted by the Divine knowledge, coming from the pure source, liberating them from the layers of duality.
And I know that such efforts have begun already: in some countries there are people who have been brave enough to build the educational programs, guided by an esoteric knowledge, and such programs give great results.
Thus, gradually this practice will be introduced into the school programs wider and wider.
And I’d like to warn you about the possible excesses.
Never become involved in the confrontations with the followers of the conservative methods of education.
Let them see an advantage of your system of education with telling examples; that your children are much calmer, kinder, smarter, more talented than those, who go to regular schools, and that an atmosphere in your classes is radically different than in conservative schools.
And the most important, you have to become an example of an Unconditional Love, goodwill, tolerance, leaving behind all the emotions of the world of duality.
It is not easy to do, but you have so many helpers, don’t you, dear ones?
It is the Higher Forces of the Universe and numerous practices, meditations, and also the energies, which with an increasing vibrations you feel better and better with every day.
Find the like-minded people, exchange your experiences, develop common programs of education, which in time, when everyone will know about the Shift, you will present to officials.
It is a very exciting and interesting program, and I am sure that you will feel elated about it.
And I bless you for that!
Father – Absolute, who loves you without measure, has spoken to you
Channelled by Marta on May 22, 2018

May 21

ASCENSION IN ACTION (The basis of education)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we’ll address the following topic, how to combine an education of the children of the future with current realities of 3D world, where you still continue to live.
It is not easy to do, because an entire system of upbringing and education is build upon driving the consciousness of the people into certain boundaries, where it is easier to control them.
The OBEDIENCE lies at the foundation of the educational system of 3D world, first to the older people, then according to the rank (in the army), and according to their position in society…
In such a way, the hierarchical ladder is build, where there are the chiefs and subordinates, strong and weak, rich and poor, smart and stupid – in other words, the dual relationships between the people.
And I must admit, that in the conditions of the lower vibrations, such an upbringing and the way of life has been justified, otherwise the chaos would reign on Earth.
It continues to this day, because it is not possible, of course, to break up quickly the system of upbringing, education, the way of thinking and acting, which has developed through the centuries.
So what can be done by those, who have realized the groundlessness of this system, and who already lives in the different energies, not corresponding to the energies of duality?
You have a very complex task ahead of you, dear ones, to educate your children and grandchildren with the new approaches, and at the same time not to develop in them the feelings of superiority and opposition, non acceptance of the old system of values and relationships between the people.
Otherwise, you will create your own duality, based on such principles as spiritual and not spiritual, right or wrong, good or bad…
To be able to establish a necessary mode of behavior, you will have to adhere to the following rules.
First. Never judge the children and compare their behavior.
You can always explain to your child, that another child did not want to hurt him and he behaves so badly, because he has not reached an understanding yet how good and easy is to live in friendship and love.
And advice your child – that instead of being resentful, he could show an example how to act and make everyone happy and cheerful.
That’s how in practice he will learn the Law of the Universe “An external reflects the internal.”
Responding with Love to an aggression of another child, he will see how the behavior of his offender will change and how good they will play together.
It works instantly with children, because their subtle bodies still have not absorbed within the programs of 3D world and their actions have spontaneous character.
Second. Your inner state and your own example will be the most solid argument, that any conflict and misunderstanding is possible to resolve with Love only.
The children see and feel absolutely everything.
It is impossible to deceive them with any words.
They live with their feelings, which means they feel the energy you radiate, and not your external expressions.
That’s why, you often cannot understand your child. His behavior often seems unexplainable to you, but sometimes he suffers only because he feels your inner stress, your fears and resentments, your worry and insecurity…
All that immediately transfers to your child, who being unable to explain his inner discomfort, begins to behave capriciously, seemingly without any reason.
Therefore, dear ones, if you want to see your children happy and healthy, you have to reach a calm and harmonious state, and then your child will be transformed before your eyes, purified by your energies of the highest vibrations.
We will stop here today.
Father – Absolute, who loves your without measure, has spoken to you
Channeled by Marta on May 21, 2018

May 20


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Let’s continue our conversation about the children, who are going to live on 5D Earth.
The time has come to prepare the teachers, who first of all have to possess an esoteric knowledge, because in our times the Laws of the Universe must be at the cornerstone of an education, and these Laws combine very well with all educational subjects.
Such synthesis of an esoteric and practical knowledge will allow to educate the man of the future, who will possess a clear understanding that everything in his life depends on him, on his energy component, on his ability to realize himself as a particle of the Universe, and at the same time to feel his unity with any person he meets on his path.
An Upbringing and Education, based on the Divine component, will help young citizens of Earth to realize their responsibility for themselves (their Souls), for people around them, for their country and for entire planet.
So far, an alternative education is build haphazardly by the method of trial and error, because the basis of such education is not created yet – the subjects, that must become some kind of the Primer of 5D, are not determined yet.
What has to be the foundation of such a Primer?
First of all, the Law of Unity of the Universe – a clear understanding that planet Earth is a part of an enormous Galactic family and its full – pledged member.
Second, a revelation about an energy essence of all the beings on Earth, in the Galaxy, and in the Universe.
In other words, a person must clearly understand that energy is everything, which means it’s necessary to learn how to control this energy, creating a desirable reality.
A child must feel different energies as good as he can sense smells and sounds.
It is necessary to revive such organs of feelings as third eye, pituitary and pineal glands, that has become atrophied during a long time in 3D world.
It’s necessary to teach a child from an early childhood, that besides regular sensory organs a man has chakras; which are his subtle sensory organs, that acutely react to any inner expression of emotions; which are not visible for the regular sight for the man himself and for the people surrounding him.
And third, the Law of Reflection and the Law of Cause and Effect must become the main landmarks on their life paths, which will teach them how to live happily and harmoniously with themselves and the world.
The higher vibrations, that are filling the Earth now, will be your main helpers in the transformation of an educational system, the very space around the children of the future will be filled with the new knowledge, which will reach them as Divine codes, encoded in the “crystals” of 5D.
It will be your only task to teach children the practical application of the Laws of the Universe.
You need to learn how to see an expression of these Laws in everyday activities, and to control them as you control your cars; it means to which side you “turn” your thoughts and emotions, in that direction your life is “moving.”
I understand, dear ones, that the schools of the future cannot be established quick enough, but the time is not waiting; therefore, mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers must start educating a child – all those, who are near the children and, who feel they have the power and the skills to teach them some necessary knowledge; which will determine their life path and will teach to live according to the Great Laws of the Universe.
And I bless you for that!
Father – Absolute, who loves you without measure, has spoken to you
Channeled by Marta on May 20, 2018

May 18

ASCENSION IN ACTION (Ascension and children)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will move on to the new subject, which I’ll call “Ascension and children.”
In many messages from the Higher Powers, it has been said many times, that now an unusual children come to Earth, who are destined to live on the Earth of 5D, and that you have a great responsibility for their upbringing.
In some countries, the schools with an alternative education for the children of the future started to appear, with the goal of determining the talents and abilities at the very early age.
However, such initiatives are marked by certain excesses, towards the opposite side. Often “permissiveness” rules in such schools, which poses as “freedom of expression.”
In such a way, the educators go from one extreme to another – from an unconditional obedience of the children and suppression of their will to an unbridled freedom of behavior and expression of their emotions.
So how to find the golden mean, without doing harm to both teachers and children.
First of all, it is necessary to understand clearly, that one system of education for all the children does not exist, because they all are so different, that regardless of how good your intention are you cannot level them off.
Therefore, the most intelligent approach would be to select children into small classes, according to their interests.
Of course, the time is needed to reveal these interests. For that, the psychological and play tests, developed by an experienced educators, will be useful.
The criteria of the selection into such groups could be very different, but here it is very important to keep the balance, to be able to avoid “sterility” in their consciousness and in perception of reality.
What do I mean by the word “sterility?”
It is the protection of a child from any unpleasant influences and teaching one-sided knowledge of life, knowing just one area of life, excluding all others.
It is very important for a child to know about life in all its expressions and to learn its positive and negative sides from the point of the Laws of the Universe, which must be put into a cornerstone of an education from a very early age, both in the family and at school.
These Laws are so fully reflected in the folklore, in the fairytales, poems, epics, and also in many children’s films and cartoons, that the parents and the teachers only need to stress the right emphasis, discussing what has been read and seen.
One small comment, made wisely and at the right time, could immediately direct child’s consciousness into the right direction, and could instill in him that Divine “tuning fork,” which will help him later to determine unmistakably, where is the truth and where is the lie; where is goodness and where is evil; to feel the motives, which drive the actions of another person; to observe with life examples how the Laws of the Universe work.
Believe me, dear ones, it is not difficult at all. And now you have everything for that.
The most important thing is to find the right approach for each child, to find the right words necessary to explain to him the wisdom of life, based on the Laws of the Universe, which means they are funny, easy, without preaching and extra seriousness.
Let’s life become an interesting and fascinating game for your children, where they are going to “work” as the magicians, transforming evil people into good ones by their Love, creating THEIR OWN reality with the power of intention, and observing the changes, which happen in their lives, depending on which thoughts and emotions they radiate into the space around them.
Believe me, your children would love such a game, and you will be surprised how soon, literally instantly, they will grasp your Divine lessons.
We will stop here today.
Father – Absolute, who loves you without measure, has spoken with you today
Channeled by Marta on May 18, 2018

May 15

ASCENSION IN ACTION (Redistribution of energies on the planet)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I’d like to summarize the whole series of my messages about the Laws of the Universe and the Egregors, which play rather important role in the fulfillment of these Laws in life.
As you can see, they represent a whole and complex structure of subtle matter, which is intricately connected with the dense plane of Earth, and there is a constant energy exchange between them.
Every one of you brings contributions to the egregors, positive or negative, depending on which energies you radiate outward.
At the same time, all inhabitants of Earth are connected together by the unseen energy threads, which have been formed during centuries and millenniums as a result of the karmic connections.
But now, it is a unique situation on Earth, when a great number of Great Ancient Souls have descended on Earth, incarnated as thousands particles of each Soul.
The goal of this “Divine sawing” is redistribution of energies, both on the subtle and dense planes of Earth.
And this massive arrival of the Souls of Light to Earth is meant to tip the scales to the side of the Light, because the situation on Earth lately have reached such a critical point, when it has been close to a point of no return.
Now we have been able to change this situation, and the energy balance towards the Darkness has been eliminated.
Now slowly, but surely the Earth returns to its former greatness and moves towards the space of 5D, where it has been some time ago.
To expedite this process, we have taken unprecedented measures, sending all the Great Forces of Light for your help.
Therefore, the Light fills up the Earth from two sides – from the subtle and dense planes.
It can be said, that a part of the Forces of Light have voluntarily incarnated on Earth now in their physical bodies to ensure the necessary energy exchange.
These Great Souls know very well, that without the support from physical plane the Higher Powers won’t be able to accomplish this great task.
And now many of these incarnated particles face difficulties, because after descending to Earth, they have forgotten about their mission and lost the path, chosen by their Souls.
Some of them undergo terrible tests, because it is the only way for them to return to their predestined path and save their Souls from falling from the heights, to which they have ascended through the hundreds of their incarnations.
That is the meaning of the expression that “Creator sends the greatest tests to his favorite children.”
And the last thing I want to tell you today.
Every man, who have stepped on the path of Ascension, is truly priceless, because just through his understanding of the events happening on Earth, he is capable of changing the collective consciousness of mankind, slowly turning it from Darkness to Light.
And this process is speeded up more and more with every day.
That’s how an energy redistribution of forces leading towards the Ascension is happening.
And that’s how the Egregor of 5D is created, which will gradually absorb – enfold within itself an entire planet.
Father – Absolute, who loves you without measure, has spoken to you
Channelled by Marta on May 15, 2018

May 14

ASCENSION IN ACTION (Interaction between the man and the egregor)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we complete our conversation about the Egregor of Ascension, which we have discussed in my previous messages.
And now I will explain in detail the mechanism of interaction between the man and the egregor; that you could better understand your role, which means your responsibility for everything that happens on your planet.
The egregors themselves have appeared and continue to appear as consequences of the work of the Laws of the Universe.
It can be said, that they are the instrument for the fulfillment of these Laws. And that’s why.
According to the Law of Reflection, each of your emotions, that are radiated outside and carries a certain energy, must later return to you in the same and even stronger variety.
But because it does not return immediately, it needs a space where it will be “waiting for its time.”
And that time will occur, when the Soul decides that the time of the requital has come, when your lesson would be the most effective and evident.
Then the Soul sends a “request”- impulse for the necessary energy, which then descends to the physical plane through a certain person – the one, who is meant to be involved in this situation according to karmic or any other reasons.
That’s the reason why the requital for misdeeds more often comes unexpectedly, and not from someone you have expected.
Believe me, dear ones, the net of your destiny is woven subtly and intricately, considering hundreds and thousands factors that are necessary for the development of your Soul.
In this instance, the egregors serve as a depository of different energies, which create a certain whirlwind: they absorb within them everything that humans radiate, and then return these energies back.
In that way, the saying “as you saw, so you shall reap” comes to life.
There is one more characteristic of the egregors – as the keepers of human emotions.
They are very flexible and movable. They acutely react to all the nuances of the human passions, immediately adjusting to them.
Like a magnet, they attract the energy that resonates with their vibrations.
And a man is powerless to change that, because that’s how the Universe is created, where everything is subject to its Laws.
In order to change your life for the better, all you have to do is to deliver to the subtle plane of Earth the higher-vibrational energies of Light and Love instead of the lower-vibrational energies.
And then the egregors of the world of duality, feeding on the lower-vibrational energies, will soon become increasingly emptier until they completely disappear, and the ONLY ONE huge and beautiful EGREGOR OF ASCENSION will shine around the Earth, filled with your Love and Gratitude.
And as soon as that will happen, the real wonders will start to occur on physical plane, because the people, living by their lower passions, will simply disappear from your life, gradually leaving for other worlds.
According to the Law of Attraction, only those who are “nourished” by the energy of Love and who share it with others, would be able to survive on Earth.
This is the best scenario for the development of events and it depends only on you, dear ones, how soon you can embody it into life.
If the consciousness of the people will start transforming soon enough, then you can avoid many tragic events, which are meant to wake up the people and return them to God.
And this is not a utopia, dear ones.
A person, who remembers of his Divine origins, has mastery over everything!
And I bless you for that!
Father – Absolute, who loves you very much, has spoken to you.
Channelled by Marta on May 14, 2018

May 13

ASCENSION IN ACTION (The egregor of ascension and the laws of the universe)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Thus, today we’ll continue our conversation about the Egregor of Ascension and will observe it from a different angle, and particularly how the Laws of the Universe correspond with the fact, that all other egregors will be expelled (dissolved) by this new Egregor of 5D.
If we consider that each egregor is the product of thoughts and emotions of the people, than transformation of such egregor into another and its complete destruction may appear as the transgression of the Laws of the Universe, particularly such Laws as the Law of Free Will, the Law of Reflection and the Law of Cause and Effect.
But in reality, there is no contradiction here, and now I’ll explain you why.
Every living being on planet Earth and on other planets have been born from the energy of Love – the original Divine energy – the source of every living being.
The fact that the history of humanity have started to develop according to a different script is the result of an alien invasion on your planet of those beings, who have attempted to enslave your consciousness and your physical bodies, distorting my original plan and generating lower vibrational energies on Earth.
To my great regret, they have succeeded.
And now the humanity is facing a dilemma: whether to allow the hostile civilization of the Dragons to completely fulfill their sinister plan, transforming humans into obedient instrument of all their wishes through complete submission of their consciousness to the programs they have developed; or with an enormous effort to escape from this prison and to return to their origins – their Divine essence.
In this instance, we are not talking about transgressing a free will of the people, who wish to generate negative energies to the world, but about the restoration of their lost position; to help them remember who they are and where they come from, and to liberate them from the prison of alien energies.
It is similar to the good magician removing the spells from unfortunate people, on whom the evil powers have put the spells.
In reality, it is exactly what have happened with humanity, in whose consciousness slowly but steadily the programs of divisiveness have been installed, and as result the world of duality have appeared with all its consequences.
You have to remember that the Soul of each human knows where it originated and aspires to return there – to its original energy of Love.
All the troubles and sorrows on Earth happen only from the lack of Love and from substituting it by other notions, which have nothing in common with pure unconditional Love, which is only one and Divine.
And now the time has come for you, dear ones, to become such magicians – the saviors of humanity, who remove evil spells put on humanity by the race of the Dragons.
Feeling their end is coming, they use the extreme measures, implementing everywhere the chipping of the people, compulsory vaccination of the newborn, controlling every person through mobile phones, computers, and credit cards.
They carry on a total surveillance and total manipulation of the consciousness of the people, and if we don’t stop that, it will be no one to save on Earth.
That’s why, I repeat again and again there is no time to waste; that every day and every hour becomes precious. And it depends only on you how many people and how soon could escape this prison, where your planet is kept, and to return to their original Home, which has been already built on the subtle plane of Earth and only needs your help and support.
The Egregor of Ascension is precisely that generator of Love, which will feed the Earth of 5D, but it requires the “fuels” for its work in the form of the energies of the highest vibrations, which are send by the people, who will live in that Home.
Despite the help and support of the Higher Powers of the Universe, your Galactic brothers, citizens of Agartha, representatives of other civilizations, living in the worlds parallel to Earth, without you the Egregor of Ascension will not be able to work in full measure.
Only the energies of the people in their physical bodies, who represent the synthesis of subtle and dense energies, could ensure its complete capacity and give it such a power and might, that it will be able to transform the energies of the world of duality into the unipolar pure energy of Love.
We will stop here today.
Father – Absolute, who loves you without measure, has spoken to you today
Channelled by Marta on May 13, 2018

May 12

ASCENSION IN ACTION (The egregor of ascension)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I’d like to continue our conversation about the creation of the Egregor of Ascension, which is a number one task for every person who have chosen the Shift.
Why is it so important?
You already know, dear ones, that everything in the Universe consists of energy – the nature, all living beings, their thoughts, emotions, wishes, actions. And even inanimate objects carry within them the energy of those who created them.
And all that multi-variant energy gradually becomes “classified,” according to the similarity of vibrations, creating on subtle planes of Earth some kind of “magnets” – egregors, which are growing so huge, sometimes enormous, attracting more and more energies corresponding to them.
The largest of them are the egregors of fear and suffering, which are subdivided into many “sub-egregors,” which are connected with their main egregors by the energy threads.
Thus, the egregor of fear includes within itself its derivatives, such as fear of death and pain, fear for yourself and your family, fear of the future and present, fear to appear stupid and ridiculous…
But an egregor of suffering is remarkable for its greater variety. Its components are resentment, greediness, jealousy, physical and spiritual pain of all kinds, such as sorrow of losing loved ones, unrequited love, losing job, home, family – in other words, all kinds of life problems and troubles.
Besides purely emotional egregors, there are many egregors, formed by collective consciousness through the common faith in something or someone.
The greatest examples of such egregors are the Christian, Muslim, Buddhist ones, but also the national egregors of the countries, where the feelings of patriotism are cultivated.
Why do I explain it in such details?
Because, dear ones, I want you to realize fully the scale of the work, which is ahead of you.
The Earth of 5D does not resonate with any of these egregors, because they all are products of the world of duality, which means they all carry the energy of divisiveness within them.
The positive emotions, which have been radiated by the pure light souls, have been lost in the “stormy ocean” of the lower passions, which are feeding the egregors of the world of duality, that encircle the earth with the dense layer.
And now we are going to create the NEW EGREGOR OF ASCENSION – the egregor of the unipolar world, and gradually it will gather such a power and might, that it will be able to dissolve all other egregors by its Light and Love.
You are already convinced, dear ones, that it is possible.
You have learned to work with these energies on the scale of your families, your work environment, and some of you even on the scale of your city.
You have seen how people become transformed, purified by the currents of the energy of Love, how an atmosphere around you changes from the aggressive into an atmosphere of goodwill, how everything begins to shine with new colors…
And now, dear ones, your work must come to another level – to work on the planetary scale.
To do that, your consciousness must open wider for understanding the global energy processes, which are happening on your planet.
You are going to build around the Earth the Unipolar Egregor of Ascension, which will absorb within it and will generate outside the energy of the highest vibrations, in other words, it will consist of the purest energy of Love.
But at the beginning, you must learn how to control yourself enough to be able to turn off all the energy channels, connecting you with the egregors of the world of duality, which have accumulated all kinds of negative energies.
And let it be your first step towards the creation of the Egregor of Ascension, because if each of you begins to control your thoughts and emotions, then you will stop feeding the egregors, which are the ballast, preventing our planet from Ascension.
We will stop here today.
Father – Absolute, who loves you without measure, has spoken to you.
Channeled by Marta on May 12, 2018

May 11

ASCENSION IN ACTION (Always remain yourself)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today’s message may have a great meaning for those of you, who have already begun their Service – for those who have devoted all their lives for helping humanity in this crucial period of the Shift from one dimension to another.
And there are quite enough people like that on Earth.
It often seems to you, that such a mission is served only by those who writes books and articles, makes movies and creates TV programs about the Ascension, and especially by those who have their own sites and receives messages from the Higher Powers on this subject.
But in reality, any person who have felt the truth of this information with all his heart, who have accepted it with all his Soul, and who have stepped on the path of Ascension, already SERVES it.
In such a way, dear ones, you create a NEW Egregor of the Earth, which grows bigger and bigger with each awakened person, gradually expelling previous egregors of the world of duality, that accumulated within them all kinds of negative energies, radiated by the people.
And this new Egregor of Ascension is truly your common child, born in love, pure and unconditional, which is Divine Love.
Such common work together is a true prototype of life in 5D, where no division exists between the first and second class people, spiritual or not spiritual, smart and stupid, educated or ignorant; because in the new life there is one and only criteria for evaluating people – their purity of Soul and their uniqueness, special talents and abilities, that they share with all others.
That’s exactly what is happening with those, whom you call the “Lightworkers.”
Each of them works for Ascension in his or her own way, and all of you are united by one goal: to transform the Darkness into Light, which will allow your Earth and her best children to make a Shift.
Therefore, dear ones, never think that someone is better than you, more important, smarter, more spiritual or better educated in the subject of Ascension.
Quite often, a sincere and strong sending of Love to our planet has higher vibrational energy impulse than a dozen of messages, channelled by a person with an open channel for receiving information from subtle planes.
Or for example, the right word said at the right place and the right time could literally save someone from perishing and completely change his life by opening him to such horizons, of which he would not even dare to dream.
Each of you have your own ways and methods of communicating with people. And it is very important to precede precisely in your own way, sensing your strong side, and your special abilities to convey information to others.
But some of you can simply warm up another person with the warmth of your heart and kind smile. And then the soul of another person will thaw and turn towards the Light.
Never attempt to copy someone else, to imitate the manner of communicating from other people, the ways of offering information, trying to do that which is not authentic for you.
Remember, that the most valuable thing you possess is your individuality and uniqueness.
It is truly your most important wealth, and you need to learn how to dispose it skillfully and honorably.
Then each of you will become that Divine particle, which will naturally join the UNIFIED EGREGOR OF ASCENSION, bringing all the richness of your Soul into it.
And I bless you for that!
Father – Absolute, who loves you without measure, has spoken to you
Channelled by Marta on May 11, 2018

May 10

ASCENSION IN ACTION (Quantum leap of consciousness)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
I would like to continue our conversation about the breakthrough, that your consciousness has to accomplish to enable you to shift completely and permanently into the unipolar energy space of 5D.
In this instance, we speak about the quantum leap of human consciousness, which has to happen not only on subtle plane, but has to be expressed outwardly – in your thoughts and actions on physical plane of Earth.
All of this happens at the junction of two worlds – the world of 3D, where your physical body is present, and the 5D, where your consciousness has shifted almost completely.
This process is important and very complex. It has never happened in the history of humanity before.
If your bodies had underwent the process of densifying for centuries and millenniums, now they have to become rarified in several decades to reach the level of 5D.
In practice it may be expressed in the following way.
The circle of people will appear on Earth, who will be significantly different from other people, and first of all, by their invincibility to any negative energies.
Regardless of what happens around them or what tests they undergo, they will always remain calm, undisturbed and loving.
These people will become the vanguard of humanity – the living example of Ascension in action, who will be followed by those, whose souls have chosen the Shift and who continue to work in that direction.
Although there are only a small number of them, such people are already present on Earth. They do not promote themselves, because they understand very well the danger of publicity, that is able to nullify the lengthy and persistent work of their Souls for transformation of their consciousness towards the Divine.
However, it does not mean that these people have stayed away from helping others.
They simply do that while staying unseen to others, working behind the screen.
We can call them the Light Forces of the Universe, who are present on Earth in their physical bodies.
As a rule, they are very ancient Souls, who had come to Earth many times, and who had left an indelible imprint on its history.
They have not had to incarnate anymore, but they have chosen voluntarily this difficult mission of helping humanity in its Shift from one dimension to another.
These people know who they are and why they have come to Earth, and nevertheless they understand very well, that if they reveal their names, it would cause unnecessary excitement, leading to their idolization by some people, and profanation of their holy names by the others.
Unfortunately, very few of you are capable to perceive all the profoundness and greatness of the events that transpire on Earth, and to regard wisely, calmly and dispassionately the appearance of these greatly loved souls on Earth in the physical bodies.
Some of them have already attempted to reveal their names, and such attempts have ended quite sadly.
On one hand, they have gained the crowds of fanatics, who would blindly follow them, which means they have lost themselves as personalities and have been thrown back in their spiritual paths. On the other hand, these people have become subjects to denunciations and aggression from the people, who are very far from the subject of Ascension.
And I hope that the great Souls of humanity, who have entered their Service, will not repeat their mistakes, and will continue their priceless light work; while staying in the shadows, which will allow them not only to preserve the purity of their own souls, but also the purity of those, whom they will protect from temptation of creating idols, meaning lack of believe in their own powers.
Father – Absolute, who loves you without measure, has spoken to you
Channelled by Marta on May 10, 2018

May 10

ASCENSION IN ACTION (The gates into unipolar world)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will move on to the new and important subject, which can be named “The breakthrough in consciousness.”
Now when you understand how important is an obedience to the Laws of the Universe, and how closely these Laws intertwine with each other, we can move on to the new material, which will open the next page in your life.
What I’d like, dear ones, is the new subject to stand upon the prepared ground, which means that all your subtle bodies should be completely purified from all the “accumulations” of the 3D world.
The most effective tool for that is the practice of Repentance, which has been given in my recent message.
If you do not hurry and do everything right, you will reach the new stage of your spiritual growth well equipped – your subtle bodies will radiate Light and Love, which will be a reliable defense from all kinds of negative energies.
And now I will give you a small practice, which we will call “The Gates into unipolar world.”
Try to imagine big, beautiful, shining Gates, which lead you from the world of duality into unipolar world of 5D.
Come closer to the Gates and ask your Soul, are you really pure enough to cross over this energy border and start living in the new world, where completely different rules reign, where there is no division between the people, where people exist in one space of Love, that from now on guides their consciousness, thoughts, emotions, and actions?
And now listen carefully within yourself.
Try to go through all your chakras to feel their reaction, their vibrations; to understand how balanced they are with each other, and how much they resonate with the energy space on the other side of the Gates.
Do not hurry, dear ones!
Do not be upset, if you feel you are still not ready!
In reality, there are still very few people on Earth, who are completely free from the energies and programs of the world of duality, which have been imprinted in your consciousness from one incarnation to another.
But I know that among those, who read my messages on this site, such people exist; and I’d like you to make the last and decisive step; so you won’t keep yourself artificially in this alien for you world, in the space of duality, which you have outgrown a long time ago.
I also know, that most of you are still not ready to make this last step, but I’d like these Gates into the new life to become an extra incentive for your work on yourself; so they will prompt you into thinking that now you have EVERYTHING within you to get rid of the last burden of 3D.
You have the knowledge of the Laws of the Universe and numerous practices, assisting you in gaining the new level of consciousness and complete purification of your subtle bodies.
You are assisted by the great hosts of Angels, Archangels, Higher Forces of the Universe, who “lead by the hand” every awakened Soul.
Your Galactic brothers and sisters, alien civilizations, citizens of the subterranean country of Agartha, civilization of dolphins and whales stay diligently guarding your interests.
They all watch your every step, feeling joyful for your successes and trying to help in case of misfortunes.
You are not alone, dear ones!
The veil between the worlds has become so thin, that many of you physically sense your helpers from the subtle plane of Earth!
So make that last step!
Express your perseverance in fulfilling your sacred wish – to ascend with your consciousness and then with all your bodies into the long-awaited world of 5D!
And I bless you for that!
Father -Absolute, who loves you without measure, has spoken to you!
Channelled by Marta on May 10, 2018

May 9

ASCENSION IN ACTION (How repentance changes your life)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we’ll continue our conversation about the Repentance, which at present time assumes a special meaning.
I know that many of you are very sensitive about your former mistakes and inability to change them.
That’s why, in my previous message I have given you a special practice, which allows you to replay the painful episodes of your life, giving them a different energy component.
And now I’ll explain to you in detail how it works and what it brings into your present life.
Of course, dear ones, many things are impossible to turn around. On physical plane, you won’t see any changes from the work you accomplish.
But on subtle plane and in your present energy space, an enormous change will occur.
Let us look at the concrete example.
Suppose that some time ago, your resentment, jealousy or your pride have caused a break up with the person you loved, resulting in great suffering for both of you.
And now, you have conducted a Practice of Repentance, replaying the situation. You have been shown an ideal resolution of your conflict for both of you, when you forgive each other and live a long and happy life.
But in reality, that person has another family for a long time, and so are you.
How could it be reflected upon your present life?
In rare instances, when it have been part of the plan for development of both souls, when your union is meant to carry a special mission for the goodness of the people, you may get together again; but your relationship will be built upon completely different – spiritual – principles and both of you will begin to fulfill your mission.
But, most likely, you will continue to live your life, not changing anything externally, but great changes will happen in your subtle bodies.
A huge block of negative energies, which have been “pressing” on you all these years, often expressing externally as spiritual and physical diseases, will leave you then.
And each of you have a lot of such energies, that create blocks in your subtle bodies, because very few people can avoid such mistakes while living in 3D world.
But if you won’t be lazy and “relive” your lives consciously, undertaking a serious and careful “work on your mistakes,” then you can purify your subtle bodies completely from all the large and small blocks, which have grown like “weeds” within you and which interfere with the “sprouting” of the beautiful Divine “flowers,” that are capable to come to life only in the pure energies of Light and Love.
It is all in your power, dear ones!
With each new meditation, changing disharmonious situations in your life into harmonious, that means changing negative energies into positive ones, your energy space will be filled with the energies of Love more and more.
They will be drawn from the timeless space, where past, present and future don’t exist.
In other words, the multi-variance of your life will be expressed externally, but in its ideal expression.
In that case, each episode of your life will move you further and further on your spiritual path, which means bringing you closer to the long-awaited Ascension.
And I bless you for that, dear ones!
Father – Absolute, who loves you without measure, has spoken to you
Channelled by Marta on May 9, 2018

May 8

ASCENSION IN ACTION (Practice of repentance)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will explain what is REPENTANCE and will look at its energy component.
In many messages from the Higher Forces, it has been said already that everything is in the power of the humans, but to achieve that, they need to approach consciously whatever they do.
The problem is that, while living in the world of duality, people involuntarily generate the energy of this world, aggression and opposition; and the lack of knowledge about the Laws of the Universe only strengthens such conditions even further.
And now I will tell you how you can “work with your mistakes” to reverse what has been accumulated by you during many years of living in the 3D world, when you have not known what you’ve been doing.
Now, from the height of your current state, when you possess the Divine knowledge and are able to analyze many events in your life from the point of view of the Laws of the Universe, you can change the energy component of your actions by turning time backwards.
You already know, dear ones, that Time is quite a relative concept and that you all exist simultaneously in the past, present, and future; therefore, you can take as a point of reference any time period.
However, I advice you to start from your childhood.
Remember its brightest episodes, which have stayed in your memory, and feel what emotions have ruled at the moment of your actions.
It could be fear, despair, distrust of the world, resentment, feeling of guilt…
Ask your Soul to show you those episodes that need to be corrected, which have been NOT DIVINE, that means filled with the energies of lower vibrations.
It is a very long term work, that requires more than one meditation, but, believe me, you will be greatly rewarded for that tedious work of your Soul.
During these meditations, you need to change an energy component of the most unpleasant and painful moments of your life.
Let us observe that with concrete examples.
Suppose in your childhood, you have been greatly offended by your peers, and as a result you have lost self-assurance.
But it could be on the contrary, that you have offended someone, wounding the Soul of another child.
In the first case, you have allowed the energies of fear and distrust of the world inside yourself.
In the second case – you have filled another person with that energy.
Try to replay these situations in such a way, that you may dissolve them with the energy of Light and Love, and ask forgiveness of the Universe from the bottom of your heart for transgressing its Laws, that you have committed due to ignorance.
Now I will give you the Universal method for “replaying” your life.
Put an unpleasant situation and its participants into the great golden sphere, filled with Divine energy of Love, and ask me, your Heavenly helpers, your Higher Self, to replay it in such a way, that it will be concluded with the best outcome for all the participants, abiding all the Laws of the Universe.
And then observe how everything happens – how it is resolved for the highest good of all.
Try to turn off your mind completely and be an outside observer, who masters the Laws of the Universe on one’s own example.
We will stop here today.
Father – Absolute, who loves you without measure, has spoken to you
Channelled by Marta on May 8, 2018

May 7

ASCENSION IN ACTION (The laws of the universe – inevitability of the requital)

Today we’ll continue our conversation about the Laws of the Universe, and now will discuss how to combine them with the laws, established by the people in 3D.
Despite the differences, which I have mentioned in my previous message, of course, there are some points of convergence between them.
It is mainly relevant to the lawful measures, which are directed for blocking the aggressive human behavior, which causes physical and moral harm to other people.
But here is also a significant difference between them.
For example, according to the Laws of the 3D world, in case of aggression against someone, the guilty person is punished by monetary fine or incarceration.
But the Laws of the Universe work differently. Such a person will INEVITABLY pay for his crime, but the punishment may come from where he does not expect it.
And its effect may be even stronger than physical incarceration or monetary compensation for the crime.
Suppose, a person under the influence of alcohol or simply by being in aggressive state have offended a passerby, a person completely unknown to him.
If there were no witnesses and the offended person could not stand up for himself, then from a human point of view the offender have avoided punishment.
But from the Divine point of view, practically all the Laws of the Universe have been transgressed, the Law of Unity, the Law of Free Will, the Law of Reflection, and the Law of Cause and Effect.
That’s why, all the negative energies that have been directed at the passerby, will (INEVITABLY) return to the offender, according to the similarity of vibrations. And not necessarily from the person he had offended.
It could be a completely different person, even the most loved and dear to him, who will “return” the same feelings and emotions, that the offender have splashed some time ago at the person unknown to him.
Now let us look at another example.
A person has received an award for his charitable actions – certificate of merit, a medal or a monetary reward.
What is important here is which feelings and emotions motivated a person in his charitable activity.
If it has come from a pure heart, and not from the desire to show off or from vanity, the desire to stand out or to reap benefits from his work, then the Universe will reward such a person with even greater generosity than people could have done.
The Gifts of Heaven will literally descend upon him and even from where he have not expected.
But if the thoughts and emotions of the lower vibrations have been at the basis of his “kind actions,” then he may get troubles as his “reward,” the causes of which will be difficult to understand, because they will be energetically attracted, according to the similarity of vibrations.
That’s how the Laws of the Universe work.
It is impossible to avoid them, because it is beyond the power of the people of 3D world to have influence over them.
Always remember that , dear ones.
Father – Absolute, who loves you without measure, has spoken to you
Channelled by Marta on May 7, 2018

May 6

ASCENSION IN ACTION (The laws of the universe and common human laws)

Today I’d like to tell you why the Laws of the Universe are working always and everywhere, despite the human knowledge or the lack of knowledge about them.
It is exactly what differentiates them from the Laws, created by man, which are primarily directed to strengthen the power of one group of people over the other; to compel people to live according to stereotypes; to instill in them the fear of punishment in case of disobedience to these laws.
I have to admit, that in the world of duality it is difficult to avoid certain restrictions, because too many young souls incarnate on Earth, and their consciousness is not ready to live in the free world and to follow their inner laws, the call of their Souls.
But, on the other hand, you all know very well how easily people avoid the laws, enforced by society; and they cannot keep a person from committing crimes, regardless of any punishment that is threatening him – even the capital punishment.
Why does it happen?
First of all, because many of you find it difficult to overcome your desires, thoughts and emotions, because people are subject to too many temptations in the consumer society, created by the powers of this world.
This artificially imposed system of values has been created to bring the lowest instincts from the bottom of the soul, taking human beings away from spiritual path and drowning them in the swamp of material world.
And even a religion, which is meant to open the Divine principles in the people, has been transformed into another institution of the world of duality, where the division between the lower and the higher ones reigns, between God and “the slaves of God.”
The people intuitively feel the falseness and unfairness of these laws, that destroy a spiritual principle within them, enslaving their consciousness and transforming them into the law-abiding citizens.
So what is the difference between the Laws of the Universe and common human laws?
First of all, because of the energy component in their foundation, which does not depend on the will and wishes of man.
These laws are one and equal for all, it is impossible to break them, because their actions are invisible to people, which means their minds, thoughts, emotions, and desires, are unable to interfere in this process in any way.
But an observant and clever person is still able to discern certain patterns in his destiny, or rather to feel why the same problems appear in his life again and again, which means he can follow the chain of cause and effect of the repeating events.
It is precisely in such a way, through the path of numerous observations and gaining more and more experience, humans have reached an understanding of the Laws of the Universe and impossibility of opposing them.
Such observations are reflected in your sayings, fairytales, stories and poems.
Many great souls, who had come to Earth in different historical periods, had attempted to explain to people this eternal knowledge – the Great Laws of the Universe – in such an allegorical way.
And gradually, they have entered the souls of the people, changing their consciousness, their vision of the world, their understanding of justice – a true justice, not the one imposed from the outside.
People have started to ponder about the meaning of life, about the causes of their troubles, about the goodness and evil, about real life values – the ones designed by their Soul, and not their insatiable Ego.
And now the time has come, when the Laws of the Universe are given to you directly, through Divine messengers, who are able to accept that priceless information from the Higher Forces of the Universe.
And now it is up to you to decide, dear ones, whether to live according to these Laws or to stay in the prison of the world of duality, that is trying to keep its power over everyone with all means possible.
We will stop here today.
Father – Absolute, who loves you without measure, has spoken to you.
Channelled by Marta on May 6, 2018

May 5

ASCENSION IN ACTION (Divine “Code of honor”)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Let us continue our conversation about the interaction of the Laws of the Universe.
As you have probably guessed already, all of them compliment each other, and each flows out from the next one.
Why is it happening?
First of all, because all the Universal Laws are the totality of those Divine components, which in their ideal combination create the energy space of Love, which is the source of all it is. It is from that space that the souls of the people come to Earth, and they return there after the death of their physical body.
And the one, who is able to grasp these laws and to live according to them, is shifting to completely different level of being, where the negativity cannot enter because of the vibrational gap between them and the Divine energy of Love in its pure form.
That’s why, it is so important to learn how to observe the Laws of the Universe in your everyday life.
These laws are precisely the key, that opens the door into the new reality of Fifth dimension.
And today I will reveal to you a mechanism of interaction of the Laws of the Universe.
Let’s observe how the Law of Unity and the Law of Free Will are connected.
At first glance it may seem that they are contradictory to each other, but it is not so.
Let’s look at the concrete example.
Suppose you and your coworkers have received an assignment, implying that you all work together.
Each of you must contribute according to qualifications that you possess.
In the world of duality, it often happens that each coworker begins to “pull the blanket on his side,” trying to get personal privileges or to self-assert in this work at the expense of others.
In that situation, the human Ego comes to the forefront, which thinks of itself first, and only then about the colleagues and the project as a whole.
But what would happen, if all the members of the group are at the same level of vibrations, which allows them to live according to the Laws of the Universe?
Then their consciousness has already left the limits of duality, and they will accept their group as One Whole and each of their coworkers as a priceless particle.
Then a Free Will of each coworker is undisputed and untouchable, because only in that way they can completely reveal all their abilities and talents.
In that case, the Soul of the person, and not his Ego, comes onto the stage. And it lives according to Divine Laws, which means the Soul would do anything to ensure that the thoughts, emotions and actions of the person correspond to the Laws of the Universe.
That’s why, dear ones, in all the messages from the Higher Forces you are asked to turn off your logical mind and give space to your Soul – your Divine principle, that is always with you and only waiting for you to remember her.
It is your Soul who will show you the right path and will do everything for your to be happy and harmonious, and to be able to gift others with happiness and joy.
Your Soul will surely take care that you would not trespass even one of the Laws of the Universe, that Divine “Code of Honor,” gifting the people with joy and Love.
And what can you do for that?
Every time when you intent on doing something, big or small, ask your Soul to lead you in the right direction, to send you signs and clues, and learn to see and hear them.
In other words, live with your Soul, and not your Mind, because only then you will be able to transform your life into the space of 5D, while being in the 3D world.
And I bless you for that!
Father – Absolute, who loves you without measure, has spoken to you
Channelled by Marta on May 5, 2018

May 4

ASCENSION IN ACTION (Interconnection of the laws of the universe)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will continue our conversation about the influence of the Law of Free Will on your life.
Perhaps, it is the lack of knowledge or incorrect understanding of this law that is the cause of many of your illnesses, sorrows and troubles.
This Law is very closely interlaced with the Law of cause and effect, and to better understand how it’s happening, let’s look at the concrete example; perhaps, the most widespread one – mother’s love towards her child and her desire to see him happy.
Let’s agree, dear ones, that it is the most difficult thing – not invading a personal space of your child. It happens because your desire to defend him from difficulties and troubles is often stronger than you are.
You imagine that you know better what he needs to do and how he has to live, and very few of you can refrain from such “kind” parental advises.
Also a very few people in the 3D world can really feel the Soul of the child, hear her wishes and needs, and can accept her Free Will. More often you act according to stereotypes accepted in the world of duality, and by doing that you are practically transgressing the Law of Free Will towards your children.
And as a result, the conflicts arise between you, because even a small child always knows what he needs and knows when he faces a resistance to his true wishes, therefore, a spirit of resistance rises up within him, which means an aggression.
But sometimes, the child is closing inwardly, understanding a futility of the struggle with his “loving” parents.
If such confrontations continue, the child becomes depressed and loses interest to life. And it becomes the cause of many illnesses, which are very difficult to overcome, for example allergies.
In such cases, an illness is a result of the suppression of the will of your child, his submission to your rules and life principles.
Of course, dear ones, you cannot confuse a Free Will with permissiveness, going into another extreme, otherwise you will exchange places and your child will start invading your space, suppressing your Free Will.
Here is a very subtle difference, and it is possible to keep the balance between the two extremes, only when Love and Respect for each other reign in your family, despite the age of each family member. When each of you is considerate of the opinions of others, and only when the opinions are not imposed aggressively, distorting the energy space of another person and feeding him with negative energies.
An incorrect understanding of the Law of Free Will often happens because the very word Love in the world of duality have taken on a meaning which is far from the true Divine Love.
Very often it means something else, such as care, protection, control, sexual desire, practical considerations, responsibility, feeling of guilt, and much much else.
But in reality, Love in the Divine understanding of this word means Respect for the person, Respect for his Soul.
It is the observance of the Law of Free Will.
It is a sincere desire to see a person happy, without imposing on him your understanding of happiness.
It is difficult to submit to such a concept for many of you, because in the world of duality your Ego comes to the forefront, always wishing to measure everyone around, and especially your loved ones, according to its own values. It is done to make sure that your Ego feels good, calm and comfortable in this habitual for you world of duality.
But now, dear ones, you need to get accustomed to the idea that this world is going to disappear together with its laws, and now the Eternal Divine Laws are coming into power. I would like very much that all of you will be ready for that.
Father – Absolute, who loves you without measure, has spoken to you
Channelled by Marta on May 4, 2018

May 3

ASCENSION IN ACTION (The law of free will)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will discuss another Law of the Universe, which many of you use (or don’t use) unconsciously and which has a great influence on your life.
We will speak of the Law of Free Will.
This concept is often confused with permissiveness, with which in reality it has nothing in common.
“Free will” in Divine understanding is an inner freedom of thoughts, emotions and perception of reality.
It is a pure original consciousness, a sincere, natural expression of your feelings and emotions.
It is true impulses of your Soul, not restricted by the “grip” of the Mind and practical considerations.
It is an ability to hear your intuition and be guided by it in your everyday life.
It is a “free swimming” without looking at other people’s opinions and judgments.
It is an inner Divine compass in the form of your conscious, decency, and purity of soul.
And now let’s see what is the “trespassing of the Free Will.”
First of all, it is an invasion into the energy space of another person.
It may happen without words, in case you think badly about someone, with judgment, criticism, and ill will.
That way, in your mind you impose on someone your vision of the world, denying his right for his own opinion.
As a result, even without initiating the dialogue with this person, you already trespass his Free Will.
That’s what it means when it is said, “Do not judge or you will be judged.”
In other words, “Do not trespass the Free Will of another person, or he will trespass your own.”
A respect for the opinions of others is a true obedience to the Law of Free Will of another person.
In principle, it all seems simple, is not it, dear ones?
But what’s happening in reality?
From an early age, a person is limited by certain rules, the ones that are comfortable and beneficial for the parents, teachers, superiors, government – so called society, when a person is transformed into a small screw of a giant machine, which is undermining his will.
But now, dear ones, the time has come to live in a new way, gaining your inner freedom and respecting an inner freedom of others.
It may be called a revolution, but it will be based not on aggression, not on the violent break up of life and the way of thinking as it has been before, but it will be a “COUP OF CONSCIOUSNESS.”
In this particular case, your Earth is initiating this “coup,” because she is liberating herself from the old energies she outlived, and involuntarily pulling you, her inhabitants, with her.
It happens in the most natural way, without coercion and violence, because only those people, who have expressed their desire to make a Shift into the 5D, will follow the Earth.
The rest of the people will stay in 3D and will continue to incarnate on other planets, because of their lower vibrations and unwillingness to change anything in their lives.
That way, the Law of Free Will on the scale of an entire humanity is honored without any exception.
We will stop here today.
Father – Absolute, who loves you without measure, has spoken to you
Channeled by Marta on May 3, 2018

May 2

ASCENSION IN ACTION (The law of cause and effect)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we’ll discuss another Law of the Universe, which you can apply in your everyday life.
We will speak about the Law of cause and effect, and we can reframe it as the outward always reflects the inward.
Perhaps, the action of this law is easier for you to observe, because its results appear outwardly quite quickly.
You may observe it at every step.
For example, you do not like a certain person, and immediately you may hear some rude words expressed towards you or simply feel the negative energy radiating from him.
Now it works almost immediately, because thanks to the higher vibrations coming to Earth, its time parameters have changed, and all human energies directed outside immediately return to them in the same quality and sometimes even in a stronger form.
It is not without its positive side, because such a connection between the cause and effect, expressed in a shortened time period, allows you to learn your lessons as an extern, correcting your actions, thoughts, and emotions.
Surely, many of you have noticed that.
But now, dear ones, you need to learn how to apply this Law on the greater scale.
And now I’ll explain what it means.
As it has been said in my previous message, when we create an atmosphere of Love for a small or large groups of people, it will be a guarantee that their unified energy field will lead them to a completely different level of being.
And then their common goal will be reached with less efforts and in a shorter time period.
But if in addition you always adhere to another Law of the Universe, the Law of cause and effect, then all your difficulties and problems will be resolved immediately as if by magic.
Let’s demonstrate it with a concrete example.
Suppose, you are developing some kind of project that requires time and considerable efforts for a whole team of people for its fulfillment.
And if the goal or a “reason” for development of that project is the creation of better life conditions, then it will be directed for the common good of the people. And if all the participants are aware of that and work with complete dedication, feeling happiness and joy, realizing that their project will bring benefits for the people, then the “effect” of such attitudes will be a successful realization of the project in a short period of time.
That’s how the Law of cause and effect appears on physical plane, when it is strengthened by your work efforts being filled with Divine energy of Love.
And visa versa, when your project is directed towards gratification of personal needs of a small group of people, who are trying to reap benefits at the expense of other people, causing theirs sorrows and troubles; then its energy component will carry the energy of the lowest vibrations and they will meet obstacles at every step of the way in the form of similar energies, radiated by the people who will create these obstacles.
It is especially visible now when the energies of the higher vibrations push out the old energies of duality, which involuntary “squeeze,” becoming more concentrated.
Remember that, dear ones, and observe how it happens in real life to be able to show it to others, who are at the beginning of their spiritual path.
We will stop here today.
Father – Absolute, who loves you without measure, has spoken to you
Channelled by Marta on May 2, 2018

May 1

ASCENSION IN ACTION (Divine law of unity)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Let’s continue our conversation about living according to the Laws of the Universe, while still staying in the space of 3D.
Of course, you have to remember that the results of your actions will not be seen immediately, in contrast to the laws of the human society to which you are accustomed.
It happens not only because the time is necessary for them to descend from the subtle to physical plane.
The main reason is that the energy fields of the third and fifth dimensions are vastly different in their vibrations, and their inter penetration depends on many factors, but first of all on the human factor.
The greater the vibrations of the group of people, who live according to Divine Laws of the Universe, the sooner their results will appear on physical plane.
To understand it better, let’s take an example.
Suppose your family decided to buy a summer house. If all family members have reached a substantially high vibrational level, and negative emotions such as aggression, slyness, greediness, fear, negative self-image, are alien to them, and they all live in the energies of Light and Love; then these Divine energies like a fresh breeze will “fill the sails” of their desire, and they will move fast towards the desired goal.
But if each member of the family is on its own wave: someone is overwhelmed with fears that their wish is impossible to achieve, or someone tries to do that at the expense of others, and someone does not want to buy a house at all; then it’s quite possible that a fulfillment of your desire will be prolonged for years or may not be fulfilled at all.
Believe me, dear ones, that energetic coordination of your actions is not less important than coordination of your actions on physical plane, and sometimes even more.
Thus, which Law of the Universe is working in that case?
Of course, the Law of Unity which states that all of you are the particles of one whole – in that case one family on physical plane, and it must have a unified energy space to prevent its breaking apart.
In the space of fifth dimension, all the changes will happen naturally, because your unity will be expressed in the unity of vibrations that will create harmonious conditions in the lives of every person.
But it is not easy to create such unity, when you still live in the 3D world.
It demands constant work of your Soul, observing all of your thoughts and emotions.
It is a true breaking up of your consciousness, that resists you, not wishing to reject the habitual ways of thinking, life principles, traditions and conventions.
It is possible only for those great souls, who could break from the “grip”of the world of duality and gain inner freedom, not depending on the opinions of the others; for those who have shifted into the world where different eternal Laws of the Universe rule, which are based on the Divine energy component and not on the principles artificially imposed on people with the goal of enslavement of their consciousness.
This social “unity” of the uniform grey faceless masses, who are so easy to rule, is so radically different from the Divine Unity, where each human soul is a bright supplement of other souls, unique, free, priceless particles, living in the unified energy space of Love and Light.
We will stop here today.
Father – Absolute, who loves you without measure, has spoken to you
Channelled by Marta on May 1, 2018

May 21


Greetings, dear citizens of Earth!
Today I’d like to add to the message of Ashtar Sheran and to describe current situation in the GFL.
Our last meetings opened up a new page in the history of GFL, expanding its membership and the fields of actions.
It can be compared to your United Nations accepting as new members the representatives from other planets and other civilizations from your parallel worlds.
Thus, we accepted into our Federation the representatives from other Galaxies, who previously have had a status of the observers, as you would say in your language.
What does it mean for the Federation and its members?
First of all, an expansion of membership of GFL have led to the creation of special committees that are responsible for the different areas of activity.
Before that, all the questions have been discussed in the joined meetings of GFL, regardless of the theme of discussions.
Now the structure of GFL have started in many ways to remind the United Nations on your planet, but the main difference of the GFL is its atmosphere of complete trust and mutual understanding, because in our spheres the vibrations of arguments and disagreements can’t exist.
We work out our common solutions by deeply analyzing the situations in question, and taking into consideration the opinions of specialists in one or another area.
These new committees take complete responsibility for their assigned areas of actions.
Secondly, an acceptance of the new members of the GFL have helped to reach a better understanding of the common processes transpiring in the Universe, because we now receive an information about other Galaxies from its sources.
It helped us to coordinate many issues and to coordinate our work for defending our interests against the invasion into your affairs of the civilizations, who are on the lower stages of development; who develop plans for invading the territories of the neighboring planets with the goals that are far from friendly.
For example, the earthlings have not avoided such a destiny, becoming easy victims for the representatives of the Orion, who have practiced kidnapping of people for the biological research of their organs and tissues with the goal of improving their genetic base.
Thirdly, an exchange of technologies with the representatives of other Galaxies presented us with the new ideas for the scientists, working on Gloria, and by doing that elevated their creative potential.
Fourth, this unification showed us how much we have in common with very different representatives of our Universe, because despite the differences, physical, historical, geographical, ethnic, and also different technological capabilities; we are all united in the Unity of Creation and in our wishes to live and work in peace and love with our cosmic brothers and sisters.
Of course, it is not true about all the inhabitants of the Universe, because there are more than a few planets who are at the level of 3D and lower.
But, as you know, GFL unites those who have overcome the barriers of duality a long time ago and reached the level of development, which excludes an opposition and aggression.
And we hope very much that our favorite Planet Earth – will join us as a member after its Shift into 5D, and the first step towards it has been taken already.
Your representatives received the Program of help for humanity developed by the GFL, of which you have been already informed by Ashtar Sheran.
Until now, our contacts with you have had unofficial character, because the majority of the population of Earth stays in complete ignorance about what’s happening with their planet, and about the part their Galactic family takes in the lives of humanity.
But we believe that soon it would become a part of common knowledge in society, and a historic event which we all expect would happen. It would open the new era in the history of Earth – its entering the Galactic community of the 5D and higher, which what GFL truly is.
I say good bye now and wish you the most rapid progress in this direction.
The Chairman of the Galactic Federation of Light has spoken with you
Channeled by Marta on May 21, 2018

May 19


Introduction from the Chairman of the Galactic Federation of Light.
The Chairman of the Galactic Federation of Light is speaking with you.
We just finished our meetings, which have continued for more than two weeks, where we have discussed very different issues relevant to our intergalactic cooperation as well as cooperation between the different planets of our Galaxy.
But during our last meeting, we have decided to inform earthlings about some of the problems which occurred with us, with the goal of showing you how it is possible to solve them peacefully considering interests of both sides.
I now let speak Ashtar Sheran, who is overseeing your planet, and who has been instructed to share this information.
Message from Ashtar Sheran
Greetings, dear earthlings!
Congratulations that you have earned the trust of the Chairman of the GFL, who have instructed me to share with you the main topics of the two weeks of our meetings.
First of all, I’d like to mention a complete unity of all the participants of the Galactic Federation of Light regarding the assistance to earthlings. For many representatives of your Galaxy it is now the number one task, which has been mentioned many times in my messages as well as in the messages from Arcturus, Pleiades, Sirius – those who are more closely connected with earthlings, you may say according to their “lineage.”
But your unique experience have captured interest of the representatives from other Galaxies of your Universe and you earned their great respect too.
In that way, you have gotten new supporters and helpers, whose experiences and technologies are different in many ways than the ones of the representatives of our Galaxy; meaning they could significantly enrich you and help you make a truly great leap in the building of the reborn Earth of the Fifth dimension.
But first, it would be necessary to observe the suggested technologies on Gloria to determine how compatible they are with the gravitational abilities of your planet, which lately have become our main object of study.
It would be a new stage in our mutual cooperation, because the scientific centers on Gloria would receive a new direction for their work.
It is quite possible that such an inflow of new ideas from different Galaxies would help to speed up the development of the flying objects, adjusted to earth conditions.
The earthlings who now reside on Gloria after leaving the earth plane, the inventors, the aviation designers, have accepted this generous gift from the representatives of other Galaxies with great enthusiasm, and have divided between each other the segments of work ahead.
And another new development has been implemented during our meetings.
The Unified Center of Announcements for all the neighboring Galaxies has been created for announcing about all the unforeseen situations on Earth to eliminate all the unwanted consequences in the shortest time periods.
For that the representatives of each civilization presented the list of their technical capabilities with the detailed description of how to use it.
It has become a huge step in trusting each other, and we are very happy that we could overcome that barrier.
It has become possible only because the participants of The Galactic Federation of Light as well as their planets and civilizations are already in the energies not less than the energies of fifth dimension, where the division, opposition and aggression do not exist.
But the full pledge assistance could be extended to earthlings only when your society would rise to the level of fifth dimension.
And as fantastic as it may appear to you, we see that your Earth enters into this new energy space with such a great speed that people would have to raise their consciousness involuntarily to reach its level, otherwise they won’t be able to live on their native planet.
I believe that our meeting with you is not too far ahead as well as our mutual work for the common good of all.
Ashtar Sheran, who loves you, have spoken with you on behalf of the Galactic Federation of Light
Channelled by Marta on May 19, 2018
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