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February 28

The many, many energetic shifts you are experiencing allow you to release the illusion of separation and connect more with your true divine essence. What you are releasing makes room for you to then anchor in and embody more of your true soul self. This process ultimately leads to the activation of your own sacred heart centre. This is the second coming that so many have spoken of – the actuation of your own Christed energies as consciously awake and aware individuated aspects of the whole. It occurs from the full activation of the heart chakra, the high heart, and the crown, which explains why many of you are experiencing energy symptoms in the chest and head areas. How glorious that this is the natural outcome of your own evolution and indicative of the work you have been so diligently dedicated to for so long! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 25

The energy of war is not an energetic match to your planet any longer. Nor is the energy of division and hate. While these energies might have been satisfying to some in the past, they will no longer give the results those who play in those energies are looking for.
Dear Ones, choose peace. Choose peace within yourselves. Make peaceful choices. Seek activities that give you peace or bring the energy of peace to others. Look for what connects you to others, the common denominators the exist between you all. Be the anchors and the beacons. Send your highest intentions through peace grids and see them cradling your planet with love and healing.
The greatest way to diffuse 3D power grabs is by staying firmly grounded and connected in your 5D empowerment. You’ve heard it before but we will say it again. Love always wins. The light always wins. And the peaceful shall inherit the earth. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 24

Power continues to be the most prevalent theme that is up for review on your planet. Dear Ones, if you are cautious of power you are ready to assume it. It is the people who don’t have a healthy respect for power who get into trouble with it. True healing with the theme of power comes from embracing your power in a mindful way that benefits all, not from trying to avoid it. Rest assured you have been studying power dynamics for centuries in preparation to make the shift from 3D power that serves the few to 5D power that serves the whole. You are wise, you are conscious, and you are ready to step into the fully empowered expression of you, and your soul is so excited you are at this juncture of your evolution. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 23

During times of energetic intensity, it is common for old memories or emotions to come up. It is all part of the pulse/release process that dislodges the old and makes room for the new. We understand how this can seem never-ending and difficult to navigate. We wish to discuss this today.
It can be helpful to treat your emotions like a parade. You can see a float of emotion and identify it it, but you can wave at it on its way by secure in the fact that it will not be permanently stopping where you are on the parade route.
You can be the feeler of the energy of a float when it is right in front of you, and still be the observer of the parade at the same time. The observer part of you balances you and holds the space for the identification/processing/release to occur. You can see the float coming, have the experience when it is in front of you, and watch it leave. Your human self has the experience, while your inner wise one views it as a parade of fleeting rather than permanent experiences.
You can shift into the observer any time you need and still allow your emotions to be identified, processed, and released. You can flow back and forth between feeler and observer however many times you like, always using the observer as a stabilization point.
Do you see? It is still all you doing the work and having the full experience, so don’t be afraid to toggle between the two to assist you in the process. It is you being both the human and the wise one, and that is exactly what you are on the planet to do as this expanded version of yourself. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 22

We have spoken of the new phase you are moving into, from the solitary awakening path of the 1’s to the community, connection, and support of the 2’s. You have been shifting not only into the energies of a new year but also a new much longer phase. You might consider this gateway day as the grand opening ceremony for having arrived fully into the magic and reconnection of the 2’s. Congratulations! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 18

Dear Ones, many of you are afraid to fully commit to the life of your dreams. This fear was created from the results of unconscious creation.
When you are fully conscious of what you are choosing, working from a space of integrity, and following your higher guidance, you cannot make a mistake. In fact, from that space you give yourself every chance to fully succeed in ways that will only surprise and delight you.
You are ready to start living fully and to assume the role of empowered co-creator. Be clear and congruent and make choices that are in line with what you truly wish to experience and you will be surprised how quickly you will move into the discovery of where your soul has been trying to lead you all along. These are the times you have been waiting for. We urge you not to limit yourselves through old habits that no longer apply. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 17

Dear Ones, you do not need to hear spirit in order to be guided. We are guiding and supporting you all the time! We are the gentle nudge that makes you decide to stop at a location you normally don’t visit where you meet your next beloved. We are the ones that slowed you down just enough to miss the traffic accident on your way to work. We hold you tight when you are in despair and encourage you to keep going because we can see a miracle is right around the corner for you. We are the butterfly that lands in front of you, giving you the glimpse of heaven on earth. We keep your inspired ideas in your awareness until they get so loud you choose to go down the path to your next great discovery. We are always loving you and cheering you on. We are all around you! All you need to do is be willing to see the magic and you will be amazed at the support that is always there to love and guide you forward every step of the way. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 16

If you were ordering pizza and just blurted out, “I don’t want anchovies!”, you would not be giving enough information about your order for it to be completed. It would be confusing for the person trying to serve you and it would create a lot more work for them to try to discern what it is you do want.
When it comes to what you wish to experience, it is good to know what you don’t like. Your dislikes do serve a purpose and that is to redirect you towards what is your perfect match. You can’t lead a satisfying life if you only focus on what you don’t want and never allow yourself to flow beyond it.
Do you see? State and focus clearly what you do want and you will find both your communication and your results getting clearer and much more satisfying. From that space your needs will become much easier to meet, and you will be well on your way to becoming a very adept and conscious creator. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 15

Your highest decisions often will involve embracing change. Your ego self is invested in things staying the same but your soul knows expansion is the way. So how do you get your ego on board? Reassure it! Treat the unknown like an adventure, like a treasure hunt. If you take the time to lovingly guide all aspects of you forward and there will finally be enough cooperation from all parts of you that you can finally see where surrender and flow have been trying to take you. You might think of it as trying to take a family vacation with small children – a wise parent plans in advance on how to keep the more challenging travellers comfortable and occupied until you arrive where you wish to go and the real fun can begin. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 14

You are loved beyond measure! On this day that celebrates love, our wish for you is that you will open to receiving love from all sources – from others, from us, from the universe, and most of all, from yourself. Imagine any barricades you have created towards love completely dissipating and allow the flow of love that always exists to pour to you and through you in a glorious demonstration of the love that you are. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 11

We often advise you to make your highest choice one now moment at a time. How do you know what that is? By using your wisdom to feel into what choice would bring you the most long lasting joy. What makes you feel good in the moment but also gives you satisfaction in the long run? What choice aligns with your truest intentions for today and tomorrow?
For example, if you have quit smoking but are feeling very stressed and are experiencing a craving, having a cigarette might feel satisfying momentarily but will ultimately lead to regret. Reuniting in a relationship that has run its course might feel satisfying in the moment but will quickly lead you back to remembering why it does not work.
Think of your ego as an insatiable child who wants things now. It knows what it wants and doesn’t think much of consequences or your intentions for the future. The ego is a very necessary part of the human experience, it just isn’t the part of you that you would want to make all your decisions because they won’t be made from a space of wisdom.
Do you see? The choices your ego makes will only satisfy you temporarily, where your soul based choices will continue to satisfy you over time. So when you are faced with a decision we highly recommend you feel into what is the most loving choice for both your present you and your future you. From there you will be able to move forward confidently as your own loving shepherd and guide, and the results will always support the highest unfoldment of you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 10

There is a tendency in human beings to shut out everything to avoid one thing they do not like. It is common for people to throw up walls with statements like, I will never love again, I will never trust again, or the like. Your walls only end up punishing the whole, including yourself, for the actions of one.
You always get to choose what you will receive. Saying I will never let another person in again is like being at a buffet and denying yourself all food because you tried something you didn’t like, when you could simply decide not to ever eat that item again.
Do you see? Stay open but hone your preferences! Your life is not a process of exclusion, it is a process of inclusion and you get to decide what you put on your plate. We highly recommend you pile it high with things that uplift you and bring you joy. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 9

Yesterday we spoke of how you have arrived in the new, but it may not feel like it just yet. We likened it to having arrived at your destination but haven’t quite left the airport yet. Today we would like to suggest that as you leave the airport at your new destination, you take your luggage but leave your baggage behind. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 8

So you keep hearing you have arrived in the new, but you may not have tangible results of that just yet. We would like to discuss that today.
You have indeed landed in the new. Imagine landing in an airport after a long journey. Even though you have landed, you still need to wait for your turn to get off the plane, need to find where to go to pick up your luggage, and find transportation to where you intend to visit. When you are in the airport, it is difficult to get a true feel of where you have landed because you aren’t even outdoors yet. You haven’t yet put your feet fully on the ground of your new land.
But you are grateful to stretch your legs and to be back in tangible forward movement. More than that, you are excited to have arrived and are looking forward to your next new adventures.
This is exactly where you are right now. You have landed in the new. You are there! You just haven’t made it all the way out of the airport yet. So while you are waiting for your luggage or your transportation, we highly suggest you start to focus on what you would like to do next because the airport is just a temporary stop before things get really interesting for you. What would bring you joy? What would you like to explore and experience? It is all there for you to discover, Dear Ones, and this is such a fun stage for us to experience through you! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 7

Dear Ones, it is what you perceive as differences that separate you. Your hearts unite you. When you are in your mind, you will be looking for differences, when you are in your heart you will be seeking common ground. It is up to you. Which do you choose to lead with – judgement or love? We wish to point out that if you can find your way to acceptance, love is only a heartbeat away. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 4

Dear Ones, you have been conditioned to have a fear of the unknown. This is a generational response from your parents or grandparents who grew up in times of lack or war. From a space of powerlessness it made sense to them to fear the unknown and to try to control everything they could in order to ensure their survival.
But as evolving, conscious human beings, you realize you create from your focus and the energy you hold. You know that fear is constraining and cannot get you where you wish to go. One of the most pivotal shifts you are going through right now is releasing the old familiar conditioning of fearing the unknown, into embracing the many gifts that come from not knowing.
When you can settle into the idea of not knowing being a blessing, you can embrace the flow with your presence, faith, and trust. Because you are proceeding without attempting to micromanage the universe or an attachment to outcome, you make room for far greater possibilities than you ever thought possible.
When you can embrace not knowing you enter into the realm of potentiality. You allow your heart to lead the way to what your soul has known was waiting for you all along. You allow yourself the joy of the discovery of miraculous matches and outcomes. You become one with the magic of the flow and your highest life expression, which is what your heart has been yearning for all along. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 3

We were recently asked if you would see less narcissists in the new energies. We would like to address that today.
The experience of a relationship with what you would call a narcissist occurs to get your attention to move into a better balance with yourself. While it is true that it frequently happens with empaths and sensitives, it is not because they are targeted per se, but rather because they are over givers who need to create an extreme experience for themselves in order to get their attention and to want to address that within themselves.
Many empaths are still carrying a martyred service paradigm – they give and give and give and accept very little for themselves. They see the divine spark in others, and choose to focus on that rather than how that person is showing up in this life expression.
Have you noticed how a relationship with a narcissist involves you giving and giving with little in return? And how the more you give the less it seems to satisfy the other? The relationship with the narcissist will go as far as necessary in order for you to say enough and shift into a healthier, more balanced and supportive experience for yourself.
Being a giving and loving person by nature and having a strong service contract are wonderful traits to have! What is seeking to be brought into balance is including yourself in your own care and service. The narcissist experience serves you by moving as far out of balance as necessary to finally force you to do just that, and that is why it is so prevalent among empaths.
The narcissist/empath relationship is disempowering for both involved. It disempowers you because you deny yourself and try to take on the role of making another happy. It disempowers the other because they expect you to fill them up and make them happy. It is doomed to fail because externals cannot make you whole and happiness, satisfaction, and personal growth all must come from within.
So to answer the question, will we see less narcissists in the new energies? Over givers will always attract over takers and vice versa. If you are shifting into the inclusion of yourself in your own focus and care there would be no purpose for the experience of the narcissist. And let us assure you, once you do that you would never accept the out of balance nature of a narcissist relationship, so it truly becomes a non-issue.
It has all happened to point you back to yourself so you can readjust into a healthier flow of both giving and receiving. Once you do that you will finally be able to align with relationships that uplift and support everyone involved. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 2

Many of you were raised to choose one thing you wanted to be when you grew up. As young adults you were expected to pick a career path and stick to it. Not only were you expected to stay on that path for decades, you were taught it really didn’t matter if you liked it or not, what mattered was putting food on the table.
While these beliefs were pushed upon you by your parents or grandparents because it was believed to be good advice, it was created from times of lack. Most of these ideas were born from times of war or depression, and they were survival based.
Dear Ones, you are not on the planet just to survive, you are on the planet to thrive! As multidimensional beings you are always changing and evolving and have many different gifts and interests. Think of how much the energies have shifted over the past year, two years, five years, ten years! It is a very rare thing to have what was a match to you years ago still be an exact match to you now.
So we are encouraging you to give yourself the freedom to try many things! As an enlightening human you may very well be drawn to having your hands in many pots. This allows you to move with whatever the energies are supporting, to experience your many gifts, talents, and interests, and also gives the universe many different revenue streams to serve you through.
If you follow your heart and the nudging of your soul, you will not only find great satisfaction in allowing yourself to express yourself, you will make great discoveries along the way. Let go of the idea that you can only ever be one thing and allow yourselves the freedom to flow and bloom in whatever ways bring you joy. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 1

It is quite common for those who are assisting the energies, grids, or ley lines of the earth to experience foot pain if they are not adequately supporting their own energy field under their feet. This is exceedingly prevalent in those who are avid walkers or hikers. You are likely led to your passion for walking or hiking because you are serving the earth through your presence. The discomfort you feel is often not from the activity itself but rather from attempting to be of service without the proper energetic support in place.
There is a chakra about a foot under your feet that is called the earth star chakra. If you are not extending your energy field to adequately to include under your feet, it can result in you attempting to filter the earth energy through your own body which can cause discomfort. If you extend your field all the way under your feet to include that chakra, you allow the light of your energetics to do the transmutation work for you.
The technique is simple. Simply find your centre, wherever you think your centre is, and locate your divine spark that is Christed energy. With your intention, imagine that golden spark grows and grows until it extends arm’s length all around you, including under your feet. This practice allows you to be a bringer of energy rather than a catcher of energy, and can absolutely bring you relief if you have been attempting to filter energy through your body. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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