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January 31

Shelley’s Note: So I got my first weekend under my belt without writing daily messages, and I’ve got to say it felt so strange at first! But let me tell you about the most wonderful things that happened.
First off, one of my concerns about not providing daily messages on the weekends and holidays was that I’d get some pushback from people but after a lot of conscious consideration I knew it was time to move into a better balance. Even though I knew it was the right thing for me I wasn’t sure how my readers would take it. I am so blown away! I have never received so many messages of love and support in all the years I’ve been doing this. What an amazing community you are! I’m living proof that if you do what’s right for you, you will absolutely be supported. Not only that but because I freed myself up I was able to do a bunch of creating that brought me so much joy, so I became more efficient in other ways. Thank you for standing by me as I was figuring all this stuff out. You all are amazing!
Another fantastic thing that occurred was a ripple out effect I didn’t realize would happen. I received a lovely email from a gentleman who takes the time to translate my messages into another language and shares them in his country. He’s been doing this every day for two and a half years. He wrote to thank me because my taking the weekends off gave him the weekends off, too! So my prioritizing balance also added to his. Another example of how doing what is right for us will also be right for others. There are actually quite a few people who lovingly translate the messages and share them in their own tongue, and now they will all be getting a break, too. So wonderful!
I just had to share this with you all. Thanks for being with me through all of this. I love you.
Dear Ones, your inner child aspects are the trusting parts of you. If you have trust issues it can be very helpful to reintegrate any inner child aspects who felt they had to separate from the whole in order to stay safe.
Just get into a meditation or a visualizing space and simply call them forward with your inner voice. Open your arms and invite them back into your loving care. If you make the sacred commitment to give them the love and care they always deserved and keep your word to yourself, you will make great strides in healing your trust issues by creating a new foundation that makes it possible for you to have the experiences you have always wanted and deserved. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 28

Today is an unconventional daily message kind of day.
As most of you know, as I came to the ten year anniversary of doing daily messages every day I’ve been reevaluating my service looking to move into a better work/life balance. I wanted to free up my weekends and holidays, so I thought posting excerpts of my book might be a good idea on those days. I quickly discovered that took almost as much time as writing a new message does and it was still working on the weekend. I realize I could write the weekend messages during the week, but that didn’t feel good either because that would just add to my work load during the week.
I’ve just been exploring different approaches and finally found some clarity thanks to an email from a lovely soul named Cora. She wrote that as a reader she would far rather receive messages that were written from a space of “I get to” rather than a space of “I have to”. I’m so grateful that she gave me that message because it gave me the missing piece I just couldn’t identify and it made things crystal clear. Thank you, Cora!
During the week writing the daily messages is definitely a “get to”. The weekends have definitely become “have to”. As so many of the daily messages have discussed, we are evolving beyond the old martyred service paradigm into joyful, supported service. Doing anything from the space of “have to” is definitely martyred service.
Further, that energy would also seep into the messages because they do come through me, and that is likely another reason why the weekend messages don’t get shared as much. I have also felt into what advice would come through if I was reading for someone with the same issue, and it would absolutely be that it is essential to take time for rest and rejuvenation in order to honour yourself and create better balance.
Sooooo, from this point forward there will be new daily messages every week from Monday to Friday and I will be taking weekends and holidays off. If you feel like you need a fix of Gabriel’s energy on those days you can always visit the website at where there are ten years worth of daily messages you can read for free. You can even search the site and bring up messages on certain topics by clicking the magnifying glass and putting key words in the search bar that appears at the top of the page.
Thank you again, to all of you who took the time to reach out and encourage me as I’ve been feeling through all of this. I am so moved by the love, kindness, and support you have shown me.
So for today’s daily message I ask you, what can you let go of in order to move into better balance for yourself? How can you shift your service to include yourself as well? Let’s do this together!

January 27

Many of you have a reluctance to be seen as you really are due to past experiences where you were not accepted in that truth. You may have been shunned, judged, abandoned, or ridiculed. Many of you are working on the healing of that core wound in order to step forward in your highest life expression.
While it might seem natural to try to undo that old wound/fear by replacing it with a new empowering statement that included safety, seeking safety, in a sense, can indicate that you still believe there is something you need protection from. A better approach might be using a new energetic declaration such as, “My presence inspires kindness in others”.
Can you feel the difference? The energy of the new statement allows you to shine in your truth and because of that empowered choice, receive the treatment you deserve. It encourages you to be a leader, and to hold the energy for others to meet you in that space, and that, Dear Ones, is mastery. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 26

Dear Ones, your innocence can never be lost. If you have experienced events in your life where you feel that happened, it indicates fragmentation occurred. The fragmentation happened because the parts of you were innocent were preserving themselves.
So what we are saying is, your innocence is not lost, it is simply waiting for you to reclaim those innocent aspects of self and give them the love, guidance, and safe space they always deserved. You can do that by simply getting into a meditation and inviting those aspects to step forward and make their presence known. Open your arms and invite them to rejoin you with a promise to meet their needs and keep them safe.
The reclamation of all aspects of self is essential to move forward in an empowered and cohesive way in the new energies. When you have all parts of you in cooperation with your forward movement you will find the path much easier to embrace and navigate. You become your own wise and loving parent and guide and a beautiful example of unity consciousness that begins with the acknowledgement and inclusion of all aspects of you.
It is through the reintegration of these aspects a much greater feeling of wholeness can be found, and from there your choices and experiences change in the most profound ways. We urge you to release the idea that you are ever irrevocably broken and understand that it’s you that you’ve been waiting for all along to show up as your own loving leader and healer. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 25

Your inner child is the CEO of presence, imagination, and fun. When was the last time you connected with that part of you? You will come to recognize the natural traits of the inner child as essential to your spiritual journey as you move further into the energies of 2022 and beyond. This is yet another example of you having everything you need within yourself just waiting for your acceptance and inclusion. Why not allow your inner child to serve you with its lightness while you serve it with your attention and love? You will find this relationship to be synergistic and rewarding in so many ways. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 24

Non-resistance is the rest stop between resistance and acceptance. What thing have you been resisting that you know, deep in your being, it is time to let go of? Can you allow yourself to shift into the neutral zone of non-resistance as the first empowered step towards the deeper faith, trust, patience, and peace acceptance has to offer? Because from there the flow will finally have an opportunity to to take you to far better solutions and experiences than your resistance ever could. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 23

Many helper souls have a strong tendency to put others before themselves. While your society has taught you that is noble, in reality that is exactly what leads to emotional and physical exhaustion. Some humans use helping as a shield to avoid doing their own healing and growth and begin to define themselves only through their efforts for others. Over time, they will find those efforts will never feel like enough and become less and less satisfying.
Externals, no matter how well intended they may be, will never make you whole. Your wholeness can only come from within, by embracing and honouring who you really are and your sacred connection to Source.
If you really wish to be of service to others, put your soul growth and wellness first. That will allow you to create a firm foundation to truly help others from a place of empowerment. Disempowered helping frequently masks low self esteem and is out of balance. True service empowers everyone. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Message 63 from Healing Balm for the Enlightening Soul

January 22

Hi everyone! As I’ve come to the ten year anniversary of doing daily messages every single day, I’ve been reevaluating my service and trying to think of ways I can bring it into better balance for myself. I do enjoy writing the daily messages very much, but I would like to free myself up on holidays and weekends, as I’ve noticed the messages get read and shared less on those days and I’d like to make those days about family time. I do realize some of you really look forward to having a daily message every single day, so a reasonable compromise seemed to be sharing excerpts of my book on the weekends, so that’s what I’m going to do. I’m hoping it creates a win/win for everyone.
Dear Ones, change by itself is not what you are afraid of. Change is the bridge to the world you wish to create, to all the wonderful things that are your birthright. No, what you are afraid of is the result of living your life unconsciously. Conscious creation is the key to embracing change as the never-ending gift it really is and living your life with a sense of joyous expectation. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Message 136 of Healing Balm for the Enlightening Soul

January 21

Dear Ones, you do not need another’s approval to proceed in a direction that feels right and aligned for you. If you are feeling drawn to something it is because your soul is looking to have that experience. Please know if you are being pressured to live your life in a certain way to please another they are not qualified to advise you, for if they were they would encourage you to follow your own truth and inner guidance.
You are the only expert on your own life expression, and as you move into the new energies it is more and more important that you live your life not only mindfully but also authentically, and that means following the calling of your own soul and your heart’s desires. We wish to remind you the pioneers are the ones who have the courage to step off the beaten path in ways that may make no sense to others initially but ultimately lead to the expansion of all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 20

You are currently in a time that is ripe for manifestation. The question is, what kind of manifesting would you like to do?
When you try to manifest something right down to its tiniest detail, you are creating within the realm of what you think is possible. Being too detailed about what you would like to create can be quite limiting. The vast majority of the time what you think is possible vs what is actually possible is quite different, with what is actually possible being a far greater match for you. More often than not, humans will sell themselves short when they are too detailed with their manifestations. It is, in effect, attempting to micromanage the universe, which is control not flow.
When you are going it alone with your creation, meaning you are going to be in charge of every detail, that is what we would call 3D manifestation, or singular creation. You are doing it all on your own, and only playing within the pool of what you think is possible. It is like fishing within a small barrel even though you are on the shore of the ocean.
When you choose to co-create, you start playing in the realm of potentiality and open yourself up to so much more. To co-create, you work with much wider parameters. You have a broad intention but leave lots of room for the universe to fill in the details. This allows your guides to take you so much further down the road into the discovery of your highest outcomes in ways that can only amaze and delight you. You experience so much more magic in conscious co-creation because it works with the core elements of surrender, faith, flow, and trust which is a higher vibrational navigation system.
You are ready to up-level your manifestations, Dear Ones. Choose a core desire (this might be to be of your highest service, to be in soul partnership, your most joyful employment, or relocating to a place that will beautifully support the next phase of your incarnation, for example) and allow your guides, helpers, and your highest self to lead the unfoldment and fill in the blanks. This is how you can take giant leaps in your life expression in ways you could never imagine, but your soul always knew was your true calling. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 19

Dear Ones, the wise and conscious decisions you make today are acts of love that smooth the path for your future self. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 18

Many of you talk about karmic balancing, which can indicate that the original energy exists but it is, as the words suggest, in an overall state of balance. We would like to introduce you to the idea of karmic neutralization. This would mean that the original issue that was seeking balance has lost its charge and has completely dissipated so that energetic theme is no longer active in any way. And that, Dear Ones, is what many of you are experiencing and it will come with a sense of being truly freed from the past, and from that state the possibilities are endless. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 17

Dear Ones, you can’t surrender and be in ego at the same time because the ego’s preferred state is control not flow. In fact, if you try to surrender, the ego will likely try to prevent you from taking that empowered step through the use of fear and doubt.
To be clear, the ego is not the enemy. Far from it! It is a beloved and necessary part of you that is required to be in the body, on the planet, having a human experience. It is simply not the part of you that you wish to be in charge of all decisions because it is very much about wanting things to stay the same in a controlled or contracted state, while your soul is seeking freedom, growth, and expansion.
So if you are having trouble with surrender, we suggest you sit with your ego and simply reassure it. Let it know you always will need it and that you love it and that it is a very important aspect of you. Then let it know that you are the wise adult and you will be making decisions that are best for all aspects of you. Feel into that. Can you feel how empowered you are and how the ego settles under your loving guidance?
Trying to eradicate the ego in the name of spirituality only activates it more and puts you in a state of resistance to a vital part of yourself. It is, in a sense, trying to practice separation consciousness with yourself in an attempt to move into unity consciousness, which simply cannot work. It will only keep you in a perpetual state of tug of war within yourself, expending all of your energy but getting nowhere. By accepting all parts of yourself, and yourself as part of an even bigger whole, you will find the act of surrender much easier, and from there true progress can be made on your journey. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 16

It is common for human beings to experience fear if they do not know where they are going. Yet your greatest discoveries are made through exploration, and you lose that gift if your path is always mapped out ahead of time. If you have deeply honed faith and trust you can get comfortable with not knowing and simply allow the unfoldment with peace and a sense of curiosity.
You spend an inordinate amount of time trying to figure things out, when in fact it is unlikely you will ever figure everything out because you simply do not have access to all the pertinent information from your vantage point. That amounts to trying to successfully solve a puzzle when you only have half the pieces. That is where connecting with your guides and your own inner wisdom will help shine the way forward. They lead you to the collection of the next puzzle piece. The unfoldment is your own personal treasure hunt and can be filled with the joy of discovery.
What we are trying to tell you is if you simply shift out of the futility of trying to figure it all out into simply being present and navigating through your highest, most supported choices one now moment at a time the grace and ease you yearn for would be yours, as would be your highest outcomes. A wise human being knows when it is time to stop expending their time and energy on old practices that simply cannot take them where they wish to go and start concentrating on the new practices that can. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 15

Whenever a daily message comes back into my awareness I know it wants to be shared again. A friend sent me a screen shot of this message from my book Healing Balm for the Enlightening Soul that she received as the answer to a question she asked this morning. I can see why it is pertinent to where we are right now, so here it is.
Many enlightening human beings have questions about what to do with their loved ones who aren’t on the same path as they are. Our answer? Simply love them and know that they are exactly where they need to be on their own path.
Each and every person has their own unique soul agenda and their own team of helpers to assist them on their way. Do not make your loved ones wrong for having different beliefs than yours.
By taking a higher viewpoint and practicing acceptance and allowing, you take on the role of guide on earth and can love them unconditionally while honouring their free will. You will see them as being the divinely perfect beings they truly are, which will support them in their own empowerment process. That is the way of the enlightening human being who is practicing mindfulness and celebrating the sacredness of every soul’s journey. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 14

Today we would like to talk about an energy healing capability many of you don’t realize you have. We call it compassion hands. There are some energy healers who use brief, gentle touch to comfort and soothe those in need. They instinctively reach out and rub a back, pat a shoulder, touch an arm, or use any other small, supportive contact in order to give others an infusion of compassionate energy. Most often people with compassion hands don’t even realize they are energy healers because it feels so natural to them, but let us assure you, their service is beautiful and impactful, and a gift of the energies of the divine. This is just another example of how many of you are being of service just being you and don’t even realize the difference you are making. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 13

When you surrender and flow with your faith and trust, you aren’t just demonstrating your faith and trust in Source, but also in your own true divine nature. It is how you experience yourself as a beloved and empowered aspect of the whole in a way that is filled with wonder, not ego, and that is the safe and authentic space you wish to express yourself from. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 12

We understand that it can feel like the world is a terrible and unsafe place when you listen to your news. What we would like to point out is that the things that disturb you on the news are news because they are not the norm. What we are trying to point out here is that there is far more kindness, far more love, far more positivity on the planet than your news would indicate. So much so, that it is not news at all! Don’t allow negative focus to skew your viewpoint of the world, Dear Ones, for even in what seems to be your darkest times, love and kindness is still the prevalent energy on your planet and it is demonstrated in more ways than we could begin to count every single day. How do you know? Because you are still shocked when you see otherwise. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 11

We spoke yesterday of the healing power of creating your own healing equations – lovely and supportive combinations of words contained in a sentence that create a feeling of relief and expansion within you energetically. They are like a healing balm you can use to treat a space that has been seeking support and healing. You might wonder what the difference is between a healing equation and an affirmation. We would like to address this today.
A healing equation is customized for you, by you, to facilitate a healing response of comfort and heart expansion within your body. An affirmation is often a series of words chosen without considering the specific energetic effect they create in your body. Many times people will use an affirmation they have seen that was created by another because they like the idea of the change it might support. But if an affirmation is not an exact energetic fit for you, you will experience it as feeling not quite true to you and will make you feel like you have to “fake it til you make it”. It can be attempting to get an external to make you whole, where a healing equation is created to be a supportive healing tool to shift your own energetics.
To be clear, you might stumble upon an affirmation that does create a good energetic result for you, in which case that affirmation would also be a healing equation for you. Do you see? The difference is taking the time to try words and sentences on, not just as something you repeat hoping to create change some day in the future, but rather as something that you can feel creates change within you right now. And that, Dear Ones, is yet another way you can experience empowerment and embodiment. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 10

You understand that words carry vibrations. The right combination of words put together in a sentence creates what we call a healing equation. It is an energetic structure that can be used to support the healing and expansion you seek.
Generally speaking, healing is a process that involves first identifying what is out of balance, being willing to release or shift out of that state, and filling in the void with what supports wellness. This is where healing equations have great value.
So if you have an issue you wish to heal, write yourself a healing sentence. With your conscious awareness, try on some words that you feel might represent the wellness you seek. Arrange them in different ways and really feel into them. When you have the right combination, you will feel a shift in your energetics that brings relief and a feeling of heart expansion.
You can imagine the words connected together and holding a certain colour of light. You might imagine them swirling around you, or even sinking into your energy. You cannot get it wrong, so have fun with imagining how they can best connect and serve you.
This is something that you have a lot of experience with historically. You all have experience with blessings and spells in other life expressions. Or you may have discovered one line a song or a poem or even one of our daily messages that went straight to your heart and moved you deeply. There is much power in words!
So we invite you to sit and feel into what your own healing equation could be. Words are powerful and magical, and the way you connect and combine them can create many wondrous things. What blessing would you like to bestow upon yourself today? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 9

Shelley’s Note: This came through in a private session yesterday on the topic of moving into the unknown and I thought it was such great advice I wanted to share it with you today.
Become the Indiana Jones of your life expression! Be willing to get curious and explore and expand. Know there is treasure for you and have the courage to set out on your journey to discover it. Approach your life like it’s an epic adventure and that is exactly what it will be. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 8

There is nothing more powerful than a surrendered human being allowing their beingness to lead the way, for every single thing that happens from that point on is supported by the flow, and a true match to who they really are and where they wish to go. But even more than that, a non-resistant human being has the ability to be easily moved into the right time/right place scenarios that allow them to be of their greatest service and the answer to a prayer. You become a willing participant of both serving and being served which allows you to become one with the love of Source, and that is the height of the human experience. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 7

The belief that money is power is prevalent on your planet, and that is true from a 3D standpoint. Many of you, as agents of change, have been rejecting the old power structures, and from doing so have also been subconsciously rejecting money. What we want you to understand is that as your relationship with power shifts from the old ways of separating power into the new ways of unifying empowerment, so will your relationship with money. From your new place of unity consciousness and empowerment, you will find it easier to embrace a more balanced flow of both giving and receiving, and that includes allowing the flow of money and other forms of abundance.
Do you see? Just as you can have a conscious relationship with power, you can also have a more conscious relationship with money. We would even go so far as to say once you have one, you have the other. So at their core, money problems aren’t really money problems, they are power issues and it likely stems from you having a fear of either falling into ego, becoming like those you consider to be unevolved, a fear of being judged, a fear of owing another, a fear of responsibility, an unhealed belief system that money is the source of all evil, or some other disempowering or separating belief. All of these issues heal as you evolve beyond 3D power structures into 5D empowerment, and as they do your issues with money will naturally heal as well.
As you’ve been peeling back the layers to discover your true essence, you’ve also been peeling away the layers that kept you from experiencing your authentic wealth and your inherent ability to co-create. What we want you to understand is as you step into your authentic power all things shift, and that will open the door to ease with abundance, which ultimately is simply allowing yourself to acknowledge what has always been yours all along. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 6

Shelley’s Note: I’m so happy to announce that I have a full length channel on 2022 that is soon to be released! I think this is a wonderful sign about where we are going, as I didn’t receive one at all for 2020 or 2021. This is an excerpt from it that I found very interesting.hope you enjoy it!
One of the things that has been disconcerting to many is the emergence of so many vast and varied conspiracy theories. What we want you to understand is that this is actually a sign of expansion and that masses of people are waking up. It indicates that people are starting to question beyond the 3D reality right in front of them, and that is a positive thing. They are beginning to explore many different potentials and possibilities.
This is leading people to develop the skill of discernment. And let us assure you that any conspiracy theory that is not based on truth or empowerment will ultimately show itself to have many holes in it – holes that will only get bigger and bigger until the believers realize it is not taking them where they wish to go. This can be a difficult realization, but it is a necessary one in the honing of discernment. It can also be a pivotal step in people discovering their own truth and wisdom.
One of the most important things you can do as you enter into the energies of the new is to create a space of safety and understanding that allows others to change their minds. Many have been very vocal and emotionally invested in their beliefs and the realization that those beliefs do not serve them can be very painful and deeply triggering. It is also important to allow your own truths to shift along with your own evolution.
The unfoldment of everyone’s journey has been the continual replacement of old beliefs with new ones. Hold the energy of grace for those who may be feeling disillusioned and are struggling to find new beliefs that better match them and where they truly wish to go. This is a part of evolution you all go through. Be kind and gentle with others as they go through that process of discovery as it can be a difficult, yet necessary part of the journey. Your understanding and compassion can make all the difference in the world to someone who is in the throes of trying to find their own truth. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 5

Many of you want to experience more ease in your lives. Ease comes from following your heart, being willing to be guided, being willing to receive, and using your conscious awareness to follow the signs and synchronicities of the flow with your faith and trust. You cannot experience ease and practice resistance at the same time because ease is a state of acceptance and gentle expansion while resistance is a state of defiance and contraction. Or, if you prefer, ease is a 5D trait, and resistance is a 3D trait. You get to choose which system you operate from, Dear Ones, and we highly recommend you put your time and focus into energies that can get you where you wish to go. Do you have old habits to release and new habits to anchor so you can finally experience the ease you crave? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 4

Surrender is not about giving up your identity or preferences, but rather moving with the energies that allow you to become and experience more of who you really are. It is an authenticity tool that allows you to shrug off old stories and limitations and discover your truest self and your highest potentials with the greatest amount of assistance possible. The universe is only interested in expansion and that means revealing and enhancing what is glorious about you! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 3

What makes the new earth new is you having the courage to embrace your truth and step forward from that space of authenticity and pure potential. All the changes you seek will unfold from there. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 2

What spiritual practice or positive change have you been meaning to implement but haven’t made the time or commitment to do? Now would be an ideal time to start to put action to those intentions, for what you incorporate into your life, no matter how small, becomes part of who you are, and your beingness is what leads the way.
Many of you have an all or nothing mentality, but we are here to tell you that small incremental steps create consistency, and from there anchor into true change that can bloom and grow. Infuse your life with what you want more of, even if it is the tiniest amount, and before you know it that energy becomes a part of you and you will have shifted out of it being a dream of how you would like to be one day into a natural expression of who you really are. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 1

What does freedom, what does soul expansion, what does joyful self expression look like to you? An even better question might be what do they feel like to you, because these are some of the core traits of 2022 and beyond. You don’t need to know the exact details you just have to be open to the discovery of your truest matches that make your soul sing.
That is how you allow the full potential of unfoldment and open to receive the gifts it holds for you. The universe has been excitedly waiting to watch you open those presents! As you step up into the energies of the new year, if you simply commit to allowing your life to get as big and beautiful as it wants to be, you will be setting yourself up for the most marvellous new experiences and brand new levels of attainment. You are fully supported in stepping into your fullest, ever-unfolding, glorious expression of self, so embrace the wonder of where you have arrived and all the up-levelling that is now possible for you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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