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One of the many illusions in man’s mind is that his very existence is limited in time. The reason for this illusion is mans failure to accept the existence of other worlds and/or his lost ability for sensory perception of other worlds except the material one. But man exists forever regardless of the metamorphosis of his consciousness and of nature.
Leaving the material world, man loses only some of his bodies, the material one, the ether one and maybe the astral one. This depends on his stage of development – how much the mental body is prepared to shelter the individual consciousness. These transformations have no effect on the conscious integrity or his memory. Even after leaving the coarser worlds the consciousness is released from the disharmonic environment (the material thought and emotion influence ceases) and as a result of that a feeling of salvation from a constant depression appears, the perception becomes easy and pleasant.
Very often people that capture the illusory concepts don’t even realise that they’ve crossed the threshold of death. Sometimes they even perceive all that is happening with them as a dream until their next incarnation. The reasons are that they haven’t built up their finer bodies to a significant extent and their consciousness doesn’t realise (perceive) them after the transition. The unconscious memories from the animal period and from the animal collective soul are still strong. Only after the accumulation of sufficient information does man start to perceive reality distinctly enough and see him as a separate individual. The formation of ego is an important stage at the creation of the mind (mental body), because only the sensual (astral) body is inherited from the previous stage. In the beginning close trustworthy friends and relatives; help the souls to more easily realise the transition of death. Lately, the experience gained allows us to realise the transition of death on our own.
The astral world inhabitants that are not yet realizing reality, in the beginning, rush to fulfill their unfulfilled desires from their stay in the material world. They build houses, gardens, all that they consider necessary in order for their life to be a paradise. Usually, they give up this activity quickly because, what is created by them quickly starts to fall apart so they start to lose interest. Others concentrate their attention on the people that remain in the material world – they try to help those closest to them or to wreak revenge upon their enemies. Their activities have a very insignificant result due to their limited knowledge and energy capabilities. The more advanced individuals manage to realise, to a certain extent, the universal oneness and the principles that rule the world. They try to fill up their time by organizing the so-called “group souls” or may be it is better to call them “clubs of interest”. In the “other world” communication is telepathic and this gives possibilities for quickly overcoming the differences between different individuals. Moreover common interests are stimulated. A possibility for collective thinking is created; the united energy capabilities are many times bigger and more fruitful, moreover from the most advanced individual each group gets assistance from the higher worlds. Professional interests are very active reasons for the creation of group souls – they suggest to their incarnated colleagues refinements in the professions, suggest new ideas. Each famous scientist, musician, artist, in general each famous creator realizes collective works, whereas mediocre creators, due to their egoism, close themselves from the influences of the “other world”(the muse is not visiting them).
Much of mankind inhabits the astral and mental worlds. If somebody’s actions are led by emotions, he predominantly inhabits the astral world. If thoughts prevail over the feelings, we have a mental world inhabitant. The level of awareness and selfishness determines the level in the respective world.
The influences of the other worlds to the incarnated people are various. In the first place are the so-called “larvae” – it’s more clear to call them “thought-forms”, and they present roaming thoughts and feelings emanated by every human being. When these thoughts and feelings are directed at somebody they stick to his aura. But when the thought-forms are not addressed or when their recipient has good protection and they cannot stick, they stay roaming in the space. They are drawn to the people having the respective adjustment – people thinking and interested in a subject common with the thought-forms subject. They influence the recipient and he is left with the impression that he had his own idea.
Many negative influences come from the so-called unconscious dark forces. These are the predominant part of the people, incarnated or astral world inhabitants that in spite of their good will, with their actions, cause more evil than good due to their illusory concepts of reality and their distorted system of values. Because Good is that which is in harmony with the Common Plan, in harmony with the entire development of the Universe. All the rest, that that is missing the place and most often the time (the right moment is not well chosen) is a source of disharmony and impedes common development. That’s why most people due to their limited knowledge of the universal laws very often contradict them influencing by direct suggestion (often imposed by force) or by their thoughts and feeling emitted into the space. Especially in the places where many people are living together, the big cities, for example, the thought-forms are so crowded that they are like smog and they are called brown gas. In contrast to automobile gases, brown gas is hardly dispersed by the wind, it soaks up into the subjects and it decomposes very slowly – for some mass thoughts millions of years are needed.
Of course, deliberate evil exists too. In the main it is caused by undeveloped individuals that have an excessively developed ego, people who regard all the rest as enemies. The act of sadism could be of different kind – from a physical destruction to underhand machinations. Deliberate dark forces exist too, dark forces having enough knowledge and energy capabilities but having abandoned the single source (God). Forces decided that mechanical laws rule everything and turned their own egoism into the center of the Universe. For a weighty argument they consider only force and their system of values and hierarchy is built upon this basis. For achieving their objects they use suggestible people and they use their weak points in order to manipulate them. Most of the people don’t even know that they have been used and they think that everything they do is of their own making. Most vulnerable to such manipulation are the people with over-developed pride and ambition as this development is determined by prior development of egoism at the expense of love of all existing. The sinister forces very easily provoke everyone to take revenge for the evil that has happened to him. Usually the wish to give a lesson doesn’t reach its goal or the effect is minimal and the normal reaction is to take revenge too. Thus an endless chain of revenge often appears and it can only be broken if we accept the rule that we should not to respond to evil with evil. All known methods of protection from the dark forces are ineffective and are only temporary. The only effective method is the elimination of our own shortcomings and the voluntary and motivated choice to observe the common laws.
The most important thing is for everyone to understand that there is no accidental or meaningless evil in any world. The seniors in the Devine Hierarchy control all processes on all levels and worlds and only events and phenomenon that bring more use than damage are allowed to happen. If this principle did not exist disharmony would increase continuously and the Universe would cease to exist. An example of positive usage of evil is the necessity for something that is old to be destroyed, in order that it can be replaced with something new. Besides, everything that happens to a man is very well dosed and always conforms to his capabilities. That’s why everyone should be certain that no matter what obstacle he meets he is able to overcome it. As always every rule has its exception: the obstacle could be insuperable only if your self-confidence and spirit have exceeded the safe boundaries – in this case an operation of taking you down is carried out.
Trust the Supreme Wisdom and Charity. In the “other” world as in the material world each group society or a collective soul has its leader. It is normal that he is not such a leader by mere chance. He is a leader before all because of his ability to be a conductor of supreme concepts. Literally, energies flow through him to everyone from the group and their activity is not only physical but they are carrier of information giving meaning of life, motivating behavior and synchronizing the group toward common interests. That’s how the hierarchy of the deliberate individuals is realized. The group leaders form the more superior collective soul. The family leaders and group leaders formed by other indicators, create the national group soul. The national leaders are connected in the race souls. And the race leaders, the leaders of the world’s religions, the professional leaders all over the world form the group soul of humanity. All these souls are located on different levels and worlds and naturally the less their free choice is influenced by disharmony the more knowledge and ability they have.
There are many illusions in the material world regarding manifestation and meaning of the supreme forces. To a great extent this is due to the majority of “sensatives” clairvoyants, receiving certain revelations, people having a mania of saving the world, the “enlightened” leaders, teachers, gurus, etc. All these phenomenon are objective in their basis and usually such people have a very high level of development (but you can meet ordinary charlatans too). But as they are not pure enough, they are easy marks for the sinister forces, with all the consequences arising from that. They can be picked out from the actually developed by two main signs: if they contradict other groups and religions and if they show sympathy or antipathy to the different people.
The Supreme forces: teachers, Angels, Gods very rarely allow themselves to make direct suggestions and revelations. This is allowed only in cases when all other methods have failed to give the desired result. In most cases direct communication gives negative results because the Supreme will be taken as an absolute truth and one concrete instruction becomes a rule for all similar cases. This restricts freedom of choice and respectively restricts development. Many people have a very strong wish to communicate with the Supreme forces. But this wish often attracts rather mediocre souls from the “other” world, which pretend to be something else. In every day life the Teachers of mankind work with mind suggestions that are not different to all the rest in order not to break the principle of free will and cause karmic consequences. Thus everyone has an equal choice – to choose between the Wisdom and the illusion and in most cases the illusory values system chooses the illusion. In practice this is showing how the human shortcomings impede the God’s manifestations in every human being.
All sensitives and clairvoyants are connected consciously or not to inhabitants of “the other world”. Most of these inhabitants have good will, but limited capabilities. But as the great desire hinders the objective judgement and everyone contacts at least God’s Son (which is also true, because we all are children of God). In order to stifle the doubts that appear periodically, they exalt what was confirmed by everyday life and try not to notice blunders (or to extenuate their meaning). As I have already mentioned it is normal for one message to have quite a general meaning and not to have concrete instructions, but in most cases the receiving ones, having a self-confidence of being chosen from God and thus faultless, afford themselves to make a comment or interpretation. The results are more than sad.
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