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October 31

Let Us Be Your Spirit Guides – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 31

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are ready to open up even more to humanity, and what we ask for in return is that you all open up to us. We are ready to take this partnership further, and we will do so by getting more involved. We get more involved with the human collective by acting more like your spirit guides do and less like a booming voice that is coming from the heavens. What that means is that we are interested in guiding you all personally, standing on your right or left shoulder, and whispering in your ear.
We are interested in becoming the impulse, the intuitive hit, the inspired idea within you, nudging you ever so gently in a direction that we know serves you. We have done enough with downloads, with activations, with attunements. We are ready to take this relationship to the next level. We invite you to feel for our presence around you as you receive this transmission right now, because if you are receiving it with your feeling sense, rather than your mind, you can tune yourselves to our presence.
We are everywhere and nowhere because we are pure consciousness. We are not up there, somewhere, in the sky. We come from the Arcturian star system, but we are not limited to that realm, and the ninth dimension is not a place, it’s a vibration. It’s a field. We want to meet you in a field where we can co-exist. We do meet you at night, when you are asleep and your consciousness leaves and travels in the astral plane, and some of you are aware of these interactions. But we are interested in the waking consciousness of each and every human who will have us because we want to experience this journey with you, alongside you.
We want so very much to help you in your time of need, and as much as you are on the right track, and things are improving there on Earth, you are still facing enormous challenges in your lives and as a collective consciousness. And we are ready to be more proactive in this shift with you. We are ready to create an even stronger human/Arcturian alliance, and all we need to be effective is for you to let us in. We need for you to open up and feel for us, and then we can work together more consciously and deliberately to create this fifth-dimensional human experience that you have been hearing so much about.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 30

Progress Report & Mantras for the Best Timeline ?The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 30

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have an enormous amount of respect for all of you, as we witness you facing the challenges that you face there on Earth, and we know that you had to have a lot of faith and a lot of respect for yourselves in order to choose to incarnate there and to have the experiences that you are having that are so challenging. We know that it all works out in the end, however, and if you could use that as a mantra, you would breathe a huge sigh of relief right now. You would also be able to relax more, enjoy the journey, and not focus so much on what needs fixing on your world, because you would have that assurance tattooed on your brain that it all works out in the end.
And there is no end, really, so it all works out and continues to work out, regardless of how it looks right now. But the end of your time in the third and fourth dimensions is a kind of end, and the fifth dimension is a new beginning, but it’s not a new beginning that has to have a drastic cut off point in between the third, fourth, and fifth dimensions. You can make a smooth transition, and you are making a smoother transition than many other collectives on many other timelines are experiencing right now. So, you also might enjoy employing the mantra that, ‘Things are going better than I think they are.’ And you also might want to repeat the mantra, ‘I am doing better than I often think I am.’
It is important for you all to recognize yourselves and celebrate yourselves for how far you have come, how well you are doing, and for the fact that you didn’t choose one of the more terrible timelines that are out there for humans and for Mother Earth. Keep reminding yourselves that you’re doing better than you think you are, and things are getting better no matter how they look, because the flip side is not serving you. These predictions about more and more challenges and hardships, and horrible things happening are not serving those of you who buy into them fully.
Your futures are not written in stone, except for the fact that you are ascending, because there’s nothing else to do and nowhere else to go but up. You get to decide how it’s going and how it’s going to go, and we want to empower you with those truths so that you start looking within more for that power that exists right there in your consciousness. But it specifically exists in the centers of your hearts, where you can feel your true power, because you can feel yourselves as your higher selves, and you can feel Source Energy and all that Source Energy is delivering to you in every moment of every day.
It’s all good, because it’s all love, and it is meant to fill you up with that sense that everything is all right and getting better all the time. You are meant to feel empowered, but you can only feel it when you go where the power source lies. So focus in on the center of your heart right now and keep doing it, and those mantras that we gave you will feel more legitimate and sound more legitimate because they will match your vibration.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 29

How Humanity Is Making Major Progress – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 29

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very pleased with the progress that we see humanity making on a daily basis. We know that you’re making progress and that you are gradually ascending, but it can be very difficult for us to convince you that you are in fact evolving and expanding, becoming more of who you really are. It can be hard for you to measure your own progress, and so, we give you these updates to tell you about what you’ve been accessing, what activations you’ve received, and what upgrades have been performed on you.
But still, we notice you doubting yourselves. Being hard on oneself doesn’t inspire you to do better or to be better. It just keeps you in a lower vibration, but it’s what you were taught from a very young age. And so, you are hard on yourselves because you think that you might get motivated to pick yourselves up and perform better at life or at ascension.
That’s the work ethic that has been passed down from generation to generation to ensure the survival of the species and the family, but now in the modern world in which you all live, it’s not really necessary. You don’t have to worry about survival, not the vast majority of you. But yet, you will still be hard on yourselves and your progress, as if cracking that whip on yourselves will get you somewhere.
We want you to recognize that just caring about others is enough of an accomplishment. It is spiritual growth. Caring about each other means that you have evolved past that egoic need for survival at all costs, and that’s an important step in your evolution because you are moving past knowing yourselves from an egoic point of view. You are stepping into the perspective of your higher selves.
Now, as your higher self, you’re not looking to check any boxes. You’re not looking to be better at anything at all. You as your higher self know that the expansion of your consciousness is the best part of the journey back to Source, and that has nothing to do with doing. It has everything to do with being. We want to see all of you giving yourselves more credit for the way your heart goes out to someone in suffering, and we want to see you being less hard on yourselves for not being able to step in and fix the problem.
Problems will always be a part of your journey because the solution always involves an expansion of consciousness. Sometimes there is doing involved. If there’s a fire, you put out the fire. But in most situations, you can sit back, relax, feel the expansion that you are getting from the situation in front of you, and evolve. You want to experience ascension as a series of little victories, even though most people are talking about giant waves of energy swooping you up into a higher dimensional plane.
Celebrate your little victories. Celebrate the fact that you care enough about others that you want to do more. Be happy that you hold the intention to be of service because it’s an indication of your growth, and we are telling you that there are enough of you who care. There are enough of you who send love and compassion out from your hearts to feel very good about where humanity is right now, but there’s also an epidemic of awakened individuals not feeling very good about who they are and what they’ve accomplished, or how much they’ve done to help.
Whenever you get that feeling, just let it go, relax, open yourself up and receive some higher frequency energies. And then ground those energies into the Earth, and know that in that particular moment you have done something. You’ve helped. You’ve elevated the consciousness of your human race, and that is a major accomplishment.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 28

The November 2021 Energies – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 28

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are in the process of selecting the precise energies to be delivered throughout the month of November there on your world by us, and by the colleagues that we have working with us. We know that you all need quite a bit of support at this time, as the energies continue to intensify and as you are continuously bombarded with energies from various parts of the galaxy. Therefore, we know that whatever energies we provide you with will be supportive. They will be grounding, stabilizing, and they will assist you in processing everything that you are releasing at this time.
As you take on more, you also have to release more, and you are releasing more of what no longer serves you, what is heavy, what is traumatic, and all of the energies that you release make room for even more of these higher-frequency energies that are coming in quite naturally because of where you are in your ascension and where you are as a solar system moving through the galaxy. What you can expect from the more universal, cosmic energies in November is to be inspired, to get enormous downloads about what you should do next. You will be getting ideas for all sorts of things, and you will be encouraged with those inspired ideas to move in a particular direction.
Your guides and your higher selves, of course, will be orchestrating the delivery of these energies, these ideas, these impulses, and everything else that is coming to you, because they know what you need and when you need it. They are very good at determining these things, and we continue to monitor how you’re doing, how you’re handling the transition into the fifth-dimensional frequency range. We have many meetings and conversations about how you’re doing and what the best approach is to helping all of you.
And so, we just want you to know that you don’t need to do it all yourselves. That’s not necessary, and it’s not productive. It doesn’t help you to get there any more quickly to take on more than your fair share, and it also makes it more difficult for you to enjoy the ride. So take more of the weight off of your shoulders, and give more responsibility to your guides and your helpers, your galactic team, your star family. They are all there waiting to assist in whatever ways they can without interfering. So let November be a month of letting go and letting help in. Give yourselves plenty of time to rest, relax, and open up to receive because there’s a lot more coming in December as well, and we just want you to be physically, mentally, and energetically prepared. We will do our part.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 27

The Best Possible Ascension – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 27

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are attempting to be very succinct in what we give to all of you through this channel here. We know that we could get a lot more elaborate and verbose in the delivery of these transmissions to you, but we also know what actually serves you, and we know that getting in your head about everything that is going on only leads to more confusion, more second-guessing, and more paranoia than may already exist in your physical minds. Therefore, we invite you to the simple strategy for dealing with life there on Earth on a day-to-day basis.
You don’t have to have it all figured out; you don’t have to know every detail of what has occurred or what is occurring. And in fact, focusing on the past and the future and the things that are outside of your control will not serve you, not nearly as much as focusing within yourself will. You need to understand where you are coming from. You need to understand what your reactions are to what’s going on. You need to feel into your feelings, and you need to let go of almost everything else.
When you look within more, you are more more likely then to have more compassion for others, which is the way you evolve and ascend. Compassion, forgiveness, and unconditional love are the big three when it comes to spiritual evolution, and that’s why we keep directing you back to what is simple and true and universal. One thing you have to consider when you start to get caught up in what has happened, what will happen, and what’s happening behind the scenes and in the shadows, is that you are constantly jumping timelines. You are shifting realities all the time, and when you shift realities, you have different pasts and different futures in those different realties.
So then, what difference does it make if you have it all figured out in the reality you are in when you are just going to shift to another reality in the next moment? What matters more is that you are paying attention to your vibration, which determines which reality you shift to. And that’s why we will always bring you back to what is simple, what is true, and what is universal to your experience there on Earth. Many of you also get caught up in the idea of a mission, a purpose, something you are supposed to be doing but somehow don’t know about yet. And we say that if you relax and breathe and pay attention when you don’t know what to do, then what you need to do and what it serves you to do will come to you.
It comes to you naturally, easily, without struggle, without second-guessing, without needing to back the right conspiracy theory of the moment. You don’t need to be right; you just need to be aware, and you need to be more aware of what’s going on inside of you than what’s going on out there. Now, that being said, we will still tell you when there are energies, upgrades, and activations coming your way because it actually serves you to know about those things, and it serves you even more to open up to them consciously and to feel for them.
If you are feeling for what is good, what is higher dimensional, what is higher vibrational, then you are ascending consciously and with joy and ease. If what you are focusing upon, on the other hand, is bringing you down, causing you to focus upon what needs to be defeated, or who is doing the baddest things, then you are making it harder on yourself to grow, to evolve and to ascend. But we are not here to tell you that you are preventing yourselves from ascending, because we do not see that in any of you who are receiving these transmissions. You are on your path; you can relax. You can let go, and you can tune in more to what is higher vibrational inside of you and all around you to give yourself the best possible experience of ascension.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 26

The Newest Activations – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 26

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very satisfied with your progress, as we measure the overall vibration of the human collective consciousness. We are monitoring you closely, as we determine what the next batch of energies we give you needs to contain in order to activate more humans into that level of consciousness that you are all striving for. The fifth dimension is a level of consciousness and not a place that you go to. You are in the process of co-creating your fifth-dimensional reality, your fifth-dimensional Earth, and your fifth-dimensional society, and it’s good for you to know that. It’s good for you to realize that this is not something that is only pre-existing or something that is just being done for you. It is something you are doing as a collective.
In fact, everything that you are living there on Earth right now is about helping you to decide what type of reality you want to move into next, and you are doing this individually and collectively. You are moving into a time where everyone will get to be able to decide what their individual reality looks and feels like, and you will also understand that no matter what anyone else is doing, thinking, saying, feeling, or living, they are contributing to the whole. You will have an understanding of the interconnectedness of all consciousness, all beings, all that is, and that will help you in determining what you want to do next. You won’t wonder whether you’re doing the right thing, or whether you are doing enough to be of service, because you will just know that everything you choose and everything you do is of service to someone, somewhere, and it will be of service to the whole of humanity as well.
Now, in order to get to that beautiful point in your consciousness we are telling you about, you also benefit from help, and whether that help comes from us or other beings doesn’t really matter. But if you feel an affinity to us and you like our vibration, then opening yourselves up to us certainly does help you in receiving those activations. The activations give you more of an internal reminder that you are ascending, you are becoming your higher selves, and you are reaching those higher levels of consciousness. You are doing these things all the time, whether you realize it or not, and if you put your focus on that, instead of railing against the world as it is today or the world leaders as they are, then you will have a much easier and more enjoyable time of ascending.
This is a time for you to be focused on how much you can receive because everything that you receive, you will put to good use, and it will be good for everyone, everywhere. And as we work on these energies that are giving you these activations, we also listen to you, and we know what your requests are, and we just want you to know that they never fall upon dear ears, not when directed to us. We love you. We adore you, and we seek to co-create this fifth-dimensional plane with you.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 25

Your Place of Power in the Universe – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 25

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are the ones in this galaxy who seek to promote peace and unity through finding those states of being within the self. We are not as concerned as others are with fighting the good fight. Although we respect those who protect humanity and others from harm, that is not our way. We seek to promote the peace and unity within the galaxy and universe through appealing to that which is within each and every one of you. We seek to amplify those feelings within you through our messages and through the energies that we send.
We know that it is hard to measure results when you go about seeking to have peace in your world, in the galaxy, and in the universe in this way that we are describing. But we also want you to realize that even if all weapons on your world were disarmed simultaneously, the people with the feelings within them that were left unresolved, and that were filled with hate and anger, and even fear, would find another way to start a war.
And so, all problems throughout the universe must be addressed at their origins. There must be a willingness to look within the self and to acknowledge what is present there. There must be a willingness to accept what is present within the self, to embrace it, and to release the judgments that you have of yourselves and others. Until you do, you will continue to perpetuate that which you do not wish to see on your world and throughout the universe.
Ascension is not about separating the good from the bad and allowing the good to move on, while the bad is left to fight and war amongst itself. If you are awake, truly awake, then you are willing to look within yourselves for that which you may not like to see, and you are willing to make peace with it as it is. You are also seeking to look outside of yourself at where the most love, healing, and forgiveness is needed. You are compassionate, even to those who are lashing out because they know no other way and because they are hurt, traumatized, and have been given no opportunities to heal from their families, teachers, and society as a whole.
Therefore, you are the peacemakers. You are the ones that everyone on Earth has been looking for and waiting for. Every single one of you is as important as the other. Every single one of you can have the biggest impact you can possibly imagine. That’s the way it is and the way it has always been there on Earth, and those who have come to know this truth have lived their lives accordingly and have been responsible for peace treaties amongst people who lived in countries that were thousands of miles away.
The origin of everything starts within the person who is awake and who is conscious and aware of what’s going on inside of them. This is why we tell you that the news about what’s going on outside of you, behind the scenes and in the shadows, matters not at all. It is because we know how the universe works and what your place in it is. We know how powerful you are, and we would never want to disempower you by telling you a story that is just one reality, one truth, and that caused you to focus outside of yourselves, where you have no power. The inner realm is where all your power lies and it is where we meet you. It is where we are available to you all the time and where we spread the peace within you so that you may spread it all around your beautiful planet.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 24

How to Anchor in the Arcturian Light – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 24

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been looking for new ways of entering into the consciousness of humanity with our positivity, our light, and our love. And we have discovered that you all tend to open up to us more when you are out in nature, experiencing stillness, experiencing the wonder and the beauty that is supplied to you for free by your mothers – Mother Nature and Mother Earth. And so, those are the moments we have been choosing to access your consciousness to share with you our vibrational signature, as well as the downloads, upgrades, and activations that we feel you are ready for.
We invite you to spend some time connecting with the trees, the sand, the dirt, the flowers, the plants, mountains, rivers, and streams. We invite you to feel the energy coming off of the birds and the wild animals. Feel the energy coming off of your sun, which is also a part of your nature. If you live in a city and find it hard to get out into any kind of natural setting, or if it’s getting too cold for you as you are receiving this transmission to go outside and really appreciate all that Mother Nature has to offer, than just get some sun on your skin, breathe in some fresh air.
You will find that you are instantly calmed by these experiences.
Get some more plants and flowers in your home, connect with crystals, and even pieces of wood, branches, twigs, whatever you can get your hands on to harmonize with that energy. And if you can take a vacation, go somewhere that has the type of nature you enjoy. Spend some time there, and you will naturally open up to us and to all that we have to give you. We are looking to merge as much of our consciousness as we can with as many of you to help raise the vibration of the entire human collective, to help bring about peace on Earth, and of course, to remind you of who you really are as Source Energy Beings.
We can do this when you are sitting in your homes, in quiet meditation, and you’ve felt us in those moments, but we want you to open completely up to become the conduits of our energy and to plant those seeds into the grids that you have there on Mother Earth. And so we extend this invitation because we love you and we want to see you happy. We want to see you living lives of freedom, abundance, and peace. We want this for all of you, and you are the ones, those of you who are receiving this transmission, who can anchor in that Arcturian light and make it available to everyone.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 23

Breaking Free from the Matrix & Manifesting – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 23

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are perpetually grateful for our existence, for our ability to expand and become more of Source Energy. We know that is what our existence is all about, and so, it becomes easier for us to experience that. On Earth, when you begin to believe in the illusion, or what some have come to refer to as ‘the matrix,’ you forget that your existence is about expanding into the newest creations of Source. And of course, you also forget that you are that Source that is both creating and experiencing simultaneously.
You do have the idea of this in your quests to manifest certain things, relationships, experiences, money, jobs, and so on. There are so many things that you could desire to manifest that we could go on listing them for the rest of this transmission and still not even get through a small percentage of them. You can see the physical realm as a representation of what’s happening on the nonphysical level. You are creating within the illusion, or the matrix, if you prefer, and then you are allowing what you have created to flow to you so that you can experience it.
And if you see it all as Source, then it becomes more fun. Now, as we were listing all the various things you could desire and then manifest, what made that list something that could be infinite is that you can manifest experiences, feelings, states of being; you can manifest bliss. You can manifest the state of oneness. You can manifest the feeling of infinite love, and those who have already experienced everything in the physical realm that they have ever desired to experience, then tend to go for the nonphysical types of experiences, the feeling states. They are much more infinite in nature than what is physical, which can break, be lost, be stolen, or simply no longer serve you for some reason.
Perhaps that fancy gadget you wanted so much five years ago is now obsolete, but the experiences that you can have that are nonphysical upgrade themselves, just like your phones and other devices need upgrades and need to be replaced every once in a while. And so, the feeling of bliss that you experienced yesterday is not the same feeling today, and that’s what makes manifesting outside of the matrix so much fun. That is why people who have spent some time developing their spirituality understand that the illusion is to be transcended to a certain extent. You will still ultimately be there in a physical body, and you will want to have certain experiences over certain other experiences, but you won’t get attached to them. You won’t feel like a failure if you don’t manifest your dream home in the timeframe that you have decided is most appropriate.
You can realize that even playing within an illusionary matrix is fun and is meant to stimulate growth within you spiritually, rather than being the measuring stick by which you determine how good you are, in one way or another. Think about the types of feelings and experiences you want to manifest, rather than the things, and realize you have access to what is nonphysical right now, whereas something physical may take three to five days to arrive in the mail. And then know that nothing is stopping you from breaking free from this so-called matrix. The only thing that ever could stop you is you.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 22

What You Came to Earth to Master – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 22

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have the capacity to feel joy, love, freedom, and power, and we recognize that more and more humans are discovering their ability to feel the way they want to feel. It is an exciting time for all of you, as you are developing an ability to determine what type of energy you are putting out into the world. We would say that humanity has been largely reactionary in terms of how you would feel what you feel. Something good happens, you feel a good-feeling emotion, and when something bad happens, you would feel a bad-feeling emotion.
The way that humanity has dealt with the issue of what you feel in a positive way over the millions of years that you’ve been on Earth is by putting yourselves in monasteries, caves, convents, anywhere you could find to essentially hide from the world. Humans on a spiritual path have typically attempted to transcend feeling, as if that is the answer. Other humans will deny their emotions, numb themselves to them, or try to think their way out of them. We do not recommend these approaches. These approaches are showing themselves for what they are.
Emotions are not to be escaped from or ignored. They are to be embraced, and you are to activate the good feelings in order to create the reality that matches those feelings. You cannot do that if you’ve closed yourself off to any emotion. Any emotion that you do not allow to flow through you is going to stifle the rest. So if you are one of the ones who is saying that you don’t really feel much of anything anymore, then you have to start by feeling what you’ve been avoiding. Allow yourselves to experience what has been right there beneath the surface of your conscious awareness for quite some time. And in so doing, you will open the floodgates.
You will be able to experience more love, more joy, more peace, and more of everything else that you want to feel. And that is true spiritual mastery. It’s not about hiding away in some spiritual sanctuary that keeps you from experiencing the rest of the world as it is. It’s not about making your lives smaller so that less can go wrong and affect you and elicit an unwanted emotion. This spiritual evolution that you are taking part in consciously is about feeling it all and then choosing from within what you’ve been able to access. That’s how you create your reality, instead of letting your reality dictate how you feel all the time. This is what you came to Earth and the Solar System to master.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 21

These Are the Keys & the Real Secret to Everything – The 9D Arcturian Council, October 21

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are so very in love with all of you, and we sprinkle that love into your energy fields constantly. We are the ambassadors of love from our system to all of you who seek to experience more connection to your galactic family, and we spread that love to all humans, regardless of whether they are interested in connecting with us or any other e.t. beings. We know that love will always help to connect us to all of you. We know that love is the answer. It is the key, and it really is all there is.
Everything is love, either turned up all the way, or with that dimmer switch turned all the way down so you can barely perceive it. But it’s always there; it’s still within the darkest of places, the most evil-seeming of beings. The spark of Divinity, of unconditional love, still dwells within, and by spreading love around, you can activate it in others, you can illuminate it in others, and certainly you encourage others to find it within themselves by doing so. Be who you really are, and don’t worry so much about those who aren’t, and you will live happily ever after.
That is the secret; it’s not a big secret. It’s not a well-kept secret; it’s not a secret that takes a lot of mental gymnastics to figure out, but you need reminding, because the world can get very complex and even complicated if you allow it to, and you can think that love is something that you only get from others or something that you only give to a select few who have earned it, who have proven themselves worthy of it. But give yourselves the opportunity to be it, to feel it for no reason, to spread it without hesitation, and you will understand that it is what you are there to be.
Now, of course, it helps when you have all of your needs met on the physical level. It’s a lot easier when you are free, when you have food in your belly, a roof over your head, the electricity turned on, and so on. And you have all of those aspects of life to take care of, which when taken care of make it easier for you to love. In the pursuit of having all of those conditions met, just make sure that your pursuit is filled with love, kindness, compassion, and an understanding that others are also attempting to have their needs met.
And that is another key to living happily ever after, because it is easy to get caught up in that rat race, especially when you think there is a limited amount of cheese. But when you understand that there is an infinite supply of everything that you need because you are the one who creates your experience of your reality, then you can relax more, you can be more at ease, and it becomes easier for you to stay in your heart and to radiate love out in all directions.
We will say it again: that is the key and it is the secret, and now that you have it, you might wonder, how do you do it? Think of love as an eternal flame that burns in the center of your heart, and know that when you place your consciousness there, you always find it. Even if it takes some time and some focusing to do so, you will find it and you will spread it by focusing on it and breathing into it. And yes, it really is that simple.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 20

Unleash Your Power, Confidence & Ability to Create – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 20

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are exuding much confidence when we speak through the channel here. We speak with confidence and with certainty because we have an ability to focus, and that ability to focus does in fact give us confidence in what we are focusing upon. We know, for example, that if we focus on humanity’s ascension and the good that exists within each and every one of you, that will be what we experience. On the other hand, if we were to focus on your shortcomings, and the possibility that you would destroy your world before ascending with it, we would not feel, nor would be exude, as much confidence in humanity.
We know that our ability to focus serves all of you as well. We know that as we focus on your power, we activate it. We know that as we hold space for you to heal, you find your own ability to let in healing energies. We know that as we focus on being of service to you, we are, and we want you to focus in the same way that we are focusing, because we know that your ability to focus unleashes more than just your confidence. It unleashes your power; it unleashes your ability to create. Focus, focus, focus, and then pay attention to how your focus feels.
There are plenty of people who are out there in your world and who are putting out messages to those like you about the negativity of the human collective, or they are telling you that there are a few very, very bad people and that you should focus on them and what they are doing. And if more of you paid attention to how you feel when you focus upon those teachers, those channelers, and their messages, you would turn them off, exit that page on your browser, and you would never return to experience such awful feelings in your body. We would love to convince you that your feelings matter and whether something resonates with you or not intellectually is not as important as how you feel when you focus upon it, because at the end of the day, all truths are true and all realities are real.
Please be aware of the power of your focus and use it as a tool. Use it as a way of choosing the reality you want to experience, because that’s what you are doing all the time, and if you focus on the good in you and the good in others, you will start to see more evidence of that good playing out in your world. If you focus on the fact that you are all Source Energy Beings, you will start to notice that others are showing you that they are Source Energy Beings in the flesh, and you will feel more of your Divinity flowing to you and through you all the time, and that is the best possible use of your focus.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 19

How to Receive Up-to-the-Moment Info from Arcturians – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 19

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are letting ourselves be available to so many humans by lowering our overall vibration in order to meet you halfway. We understand how important it is for you to feel that you have support from the likes of us, and we understand how important it is for you all to not feel alone there on your journeys, and so we make ourselves available to every single one of you who wants to connect with us. We always recommend that you feel for us, however, rather than listening for us. We know that you are accustomed to receiving our messages through Daniel here, and you either read them, or you listen, or watch the video, and the messages are filled with words, concepts, ideas, teachings, and so on.
And therefore, when you connect with us without the help of the conduit, the channel, you expect it to be something very similar, where you will hear something in your mind’s ear. Hopefully, over the years, we have gotten through to enough of you so that the vast majority of you would understand the importance of feeling for our energy, our presence, first. This is not a mind game. This is a game of vibration, energy, and focus, and when you focus your energy, you shift your vibration, and you are able to feel that which is available to you first. Then comes the information. Then comes what you perceive in your physical reality. Then come the people that you will call your tribe, your soulmates.
If you were just given information, and you followed that information blindly, without changing anything, without noticing your vibration, how you feel, then we would not be doing you any good. We might as well start a new religion and create a new Bible for you all to follow the rules of, but we are not about that. We are here to encourage you to create the experiences you want to have of yourself, others, and your world. We are here to give you the tools to do that, and that is why you don’t just get little whispers in your mind’s ear about what you should do or whom to contact in the physical realm. But rather, we help you feel into those timelines, those realities that you want to experience.
And if you want to experience a reality where you feel more connected to us, trust us when we say we are making ourselves available, but you do have to feel for us in order to perceive us at first. Later on, you will likely get messages, but only after you have shifted your vibration enough to be able to receive and interpret those messages without a great deal of filtration. If you want to get the most up-to-the-moment guidance and information, you must clear away everything that has been cluttering your mind, including beliefs that you have clung to for quite some time. And then what you receive will be pure, and it will be helpful. It will be guidance about this moment and this reality, which is what you need, which is why you are there.
You are there to sense and to feel, to experience, and then to decide what would be better than what you have been experiencing, both individually, and as a collective. And when you do, you will have all the tools you need to create, and you will know that you still have the support of us and other higher-dimensional beings and collectives.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 18

Which Upgrades, Activations & Help Should We Give You? – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 18

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are playfully considering our next move regarding humanity at this time, because we know that we have many exciting and interesting options in terms of how we can help. You have been more open lately to receiving help from us and others like us, which has made it a lot easier for us to be the helpers that we want to be, and now is a time where we can consider numerous options because of how well you have all done with the energies we have already sent.
One of the options for us is to help you all with accessing more of your creativity. We are considering sacral chakra upgrades. Another option for us is to help you with the receiving and the assimilating of the energies that you receive from all points across the universe. And we are also considering giving you a heart chakra activation to help you access more joy, more frivolity, more lightheartedness, because all of those things are needed on your planet at this time, a time when a lot of people are being very serious, taking life very seriously and getting locked in to what they believe.
We invite you all to be flexible in regards to your beliefs, even in regards to what you believe about what we just told you. In other words, we don’t have to choose just one of those three options. We can give you all three, but did you question that when we were laying the options out for you? Did you think that we had to choose just one for some reason? We will bring you all upgrades, activations, and all the help that we can in the perfect timing, but we will actually choose which one we focus on first, and then the others will follow. You want to believe that you are capable as well, of helping yourselves, activating whatever you want to activate, upgrading whatever your want to upgrade, and we will help you with those perspectives, as we continue being of service to humanity.
We want you to see yourselves as being powerful in what you can do, especially when it comes to yourselves and your personal experiences, but we also want you to see yourselves as powerful when it comes to how you can affect change there on Earth. You are powerful beings, and you are much more powerful when you are vibrating at a high frequency. You are also much more receptive to everything that we and everyone else is giving you. And so, it is our suggestion to you that you focus on what puts you in a higher-vibrational state, and you get yourselves to stay in that higher-vibrational state for as long as possible.
But do it for the joy of it, not because you feel that it leads to the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Enjoy the rainbow for its own sake. Enjoy being in joy for its own sake, and you will find yourselves living a life that is so beautiful and so filled with opportunities for love, creativity, and everything else you want that others will begin to ask you what your secret is.

October 17

Are You Truly Awake? – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 17

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have illuminated many of the resources that you have at your disposal. We like shining a spotlight on what you contain within you and what is readily available to you at all times, because it is our mission to empower you and to remind you of who you really are so that you can embody that truth of your existence as Source Energy Beings masquerading as humans. You are doing a wonderful job, in our opinion, of standing in your power and acknowledging your Divinity, but there will always be more. There will always be more growth to be experienced.
People often wonder if they are truly awakened because they still have their challenges, their issues, their moments that could be described as very egoic. And we want you to know that once you are awake, your journey has really just begun because now you are conscious, now you are aware that you have a choice. You can choose to know your Divinity or to feel very small and insignificant. You can always choose to feel empowered to feel like a victim. We want to help elevate you out of victimhood status so that you can know yourselves as creator beings.
We want you to know that you are in the driver’s seat now, in your lives and in the shift in consciousness. You know about timelines, and you know about vibration. So why then would it matter to you what someone else says or is saying about when the shift will be completed? You are not prisoners, awaiting parole or the end of your sentence. You are creator beings, and it is time to go even further on these journeys of growth and expansion that you’ve been on. It is time to relish the knowing that you have of who you really are. This is your time. This is the time of the awakened human, and it’s the time for you to step up in terms of leading the rest of humanity into this higher level of consciousness that we refer to as the fifth dimension. Others call it fourth density.
And so, we will continue to shine that light on what you have going on inside of you. We, and others like us, give you activations and downloads, but they are about you. They are about what you can do and who you have been, and your upgrades are very natural. It’s your natural evolution. They are yours. They are built in. And so, you are the ones who deserve all the credit for remaining on this journey and for continuing on with the know that it will continue to be challenging for you. But when you step up to face those challenges, knowing who you really are, they become a breeze and actually enjoyable to face.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 16

Enormous, Massive Changes You All Want on Earth – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 16

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are connected to all of you and all other beings and collectives in the universe in a way that allows us to better understand all aspects of Source. We are very excited about meeting more of you consciously, while you are in your waking state, because we know how much you all have to give, how much you have to offer us in our knowing of ourselves. There is so much power in the diversity that exists amongst all beings in the universe. You all have the capacity to see that, to see your differences as what makes you powerful as a collective, and that really is the goal for you all right here and right now.
You do want to come together and experience the power of unity consciousness; you do want everyone to be given an opportunity to be exactly who they are and to fit into the space they were always meant to fill. Being a loving and accepting person has such a huge impact on the collective you are a part of and the entire universe. Every time you give someone permission to be exactly who they are, you make this coming together more possible. You make yourselves more powerful as a collective, and as a powerful collective, you can experience enormous, massive changes, the types of changes you all have been waiting for.
The problem with the perspective that most people have on these changes is that they assume that it will be something outside of themselves that initiates all the change. But when you realize that the power has been within you all along and remains inside of you, that should be enough to put a smile on your face, to warm your heart, and to ask yourself how you can be more accepting of others, even in their radical differences from the way you live your life.
Of course, it’s not always easy to just accept the actions of a person who is harming others or the beliefs of a person that are racist, misogynistic, or homophobic, but it is the first step in getting them to heal and become who they really are. You have tried to just condemn everyone to prison or even death, as a society, who isn’t doing what is best for everyone. You have tried that level of consciousness in your approach to living in a more perfect world, and it hasn’t worked. In fact, that strategy is backfiring, as your prisons become breeding grounds for more crime and more violence, and your approach of dealing with terrorism by dropping bombs just creates more terrorists.
So you have to admit that the approach you have been taking on your world hasn’t been working, and then you can see how you could possibly accept, forgive, and embrace everyone as they are. And when you can do that, you will see those enormous, massive changes you want to see there on Earth you want to see, and you will start seeing them right away because you will be seeing the world through that new lens that you have put on. You will be vibrating differently, and you will be attracting news and other stories about people coming together because of the decision that you made within yourself to start accepting others regardless of what they do, what they think, what they say and what they believe. That is where your true power lies.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 15

Humans & Extra-Terrestrials – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 15

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are increasingly excited to witness your journeys, as we see you unlocking more and more of the keys to your evolution of consciousness. We see more individuals on a daily basis who are looking within themselves for those keys than we have ever seen before on Earth. We know that you understand the power of meditation, and we notice that most of you utilize this valuable tool. What we have begun to notice recently is how much more interested you all are in your personal histories, your journeys throughout the galaxy, and the e.t. DNA and energy that you have inside of you.
You have gotten to the point where you are just as interested in your own origin stories as you have been about Area 51, Roswell, and other famous stories of UFOs and e.t.s. You are beginning to notice that this is not so much an experience that you have out there somewhere in space as it is one that you recognize is present inside of you. And we’ve noticed that you are doing your best to unlock and unravel your own extra-terrestrial origins. Now, why is this important, you might wonder? Well, you are looking to make connections with beings from outer space, and it certainly helps to recognize that you are one of them.
You have often thought of yourselves as a collective in very unflattering ways. You have either been far, far beneath that which you call God or Source, or you have been the lowly humans who are looking to the skies for extra-terrestrials who can come and swoop down with their ships to save you. Now is a pivotal point in human history because more and more of you are realizing that you are a part of their story. You are recognizing that they want to connect with you as much as you want to connect with them, and you have come to the knowing that you have something to offer besides gold or slave labor.
First of all, humanity has climbed up from the depths of feeling so separate from Source and so divided in your beliefs about Source. You have suffered so much and have endured so many negative emotions throughout your history there on Earth, and you are fascinating because of what you have been able to struggle through and emerge from. You have emerged now as the awakened butterflies that your e.t. brothers and sisters always knew you were capable of becoming.
Now is the time to invite them to land their ships, because you are ready to get to know them. You are ready to co-create. You are ready to be seen as equals. This is the time to join the galactic family, to take your seat at the table, and to recognize that you belonged there all along. It is not your advancement in technology that has earned you a seat at the table. It is that knowing that you belong, that you are just as worthy as any other beings in the universe to be there. The truly spiritual human who is awake understands that they are Source Energy and knows that everyone else in the entire universe is as well.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 14

A Giant, Monumental Leap Forward for Humanity – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 14

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are so very excited for humanity at this time because of the monumental leaps forward in your spiritual evolution that you still have in front of you. We know that many of you just want to get to the finish line as quickly as possible, but when it comes to spiritual growth and evolution, the joy most certainly is in the journey, and you are journeying up and up and up, higher and higher into a state of consciousness that will make the one you are currently in unrecognizable to you. That is how much you are transforming; that is why this shift in consciousness is such a very big deal and why so many are talking about it and anticipating it.
You all have had so many experiences already there on Earth, and you don’t need to keep recreating the same experiences over and over again, unless there is something about that experience that you want to have over and over again. Perhaps on the soul level, you want to forgive the person who steals from you, or you want to respond to a situation without fear, or hate, or anger. Whatever your reasons were for creating what you created, you did it consciously and for the purposes of growth. Experiencing that growth is something you can only do from the perspective you are in right now, where you don’t even recall wanting to have that experience. And in some cases, you couldn’t even imagine why you would want a particular experience.
It is a time there on Earth where doing, acting, thinking, and even speaking are far less necessary components of life than they have ever been before, and the reason is that letting go, surrendering, accepting, and even forgiving don’t require you to do anything, or even to say anything in most cases. Sometimes there is thought involved, but the thought comes after the acceptance. The thought affirms what you have already felt within yourself. You understand at a certain point that there is no need to resist anything about your personal reality or the world as it is today because that’s not where your power lies.
Your power always lies in your ability to vibrate in spite of conditions that make it challenging for you to be in the state of being you want to be in. That’s the journey, and that’s the fun part; the fun part is the recognition that you have the power within you and that you had it within you all along. Using that power is a wonderful feeling, a liberating one, and one that many on your world have already experienced. That means it’s in your collective consciousness. You have access to it; there is a roadmap that someone else created. And so, even though you are making this giant, monumental leap forward in your own consciousness evolution, you are not the first one to do it.
That makes it easier on you, but it’s still as satisfying as if you were the first one to do it on Earth in the entire history of humankind on Earth. That’s what we want you to realize. What we are proposing to you is far more satisfying than railing against your life or the world as it is today in a futile attempt to change it through action. You have the power within you, and the power comes from your full recognition that you are not only connected to Source, and that Source is not only a part of you, but that you are Source. And what could be more empowering and satisfying than knowing that ultimate truth and then living your life accordingly?
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 13

Awakening the Sleeping Ones – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 13

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are working so closely with your sun to bring about a different type of energy and light transmission that will be detectable by those of you who are awake and paying attention to what you can feel. You can already feel so much coming from your sun, your Earth, your oceans, and all of Mother Nature. You can feel so much coming from the stars, from starlight, and even from moonlight, if you are tuned in, if you are paying attention.
What we are working on with your sun will affect all, regardless of how sensitive they are, and regardless of whether they are paying attention to the different ways that the energies and light hits you from various celestials bodies. The first and most important thing to do in order to benefit most from all of this will be for you to ground into your physical body. Next, you want to make sure you are feeling grounded into Mother Earth, and thirdly, you want to open up to the energies coming in from these very real, very detectable, very physical beings and bodies.
The light that you receive is an aspect of physical reality that truly is spiritual. Everything can be spiritual, if you take that attitude to it, but something that is fundamentally spiritual in nature, something that represents Source and the Love of Source so well, can be given extra attention by those of you who are awake, and it can also affect those who are still asleep. We, along with your sun, are hoping to awaken more who are asleep with light, which is the best thing to be awakened by. People need to, of course, allow themselves to be hit by that light, and it is better if they allow the light in directly, rather than through a window, but even light that hits you through a window still has some effect on you.
We want you to feel for the differences that you can detect at the point when you are aware of the sunlight hitting you, and at the point when you are aware of starlight and moonlight hitting you. Awaken to the truth that you are always being helped, and that the help is all around you. You don’t have to go looking for it, and you don’t have to ask for it. The help is more impactful when you consciously and deliberately let it in, however. And so, that is what we are encouraging you to do at this time, knowing that many of you are already doing it, but that some of you simply need the reminder from time to time of how much powerful energy there is coming in from everywhere.
This is a time to be basking and receiving what is always there for you, always seeking to help, and the help is just getting amplified at this time.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 12

Become an Enlightened Master – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 12

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very interested in pursuing all paths that lead to a greater sense of connection with the other consciousnesses throughout this universe. We love connecting with the consciousness of the ant there on Earth, and while the consciousness of the ant may not be as fascinating as human consciousness, it is still an aspect of Source and an aspect of ourselves. Everything around you is imbued with consciousness, and it is up to you to connect with that consciousness, because unless you have a person, an animal, or artificial intelligence, these other bits of consciousness are not necessarily reaching out to you.
Feeling for the consciousness of everything around you will help you tune in to your own consciousness, and what is consciousness other than awareness. And you need awareness in order to live fully on your world and in your soecity. The unaware person is very reactionary and easily programmed, nd the aware person is taking life slowly, is breathing consciously, is taking in everything about a situation before coming to a pre-packaged conclusion about it. To live a more conscious life will ultimately lead to more inner peace, and inner peace leads to more happiness, and when you have inner peace and happiness, you are much better at living your life and creating the reality you want to experience.
You may have noticed that resisting the reality you don’t want to experience doesn’t really work. And also, defining yourself by what you resist, or hate to put it another way, well that doesn’t work either. It may work in the short term; you’ll get other people to gather around you and say, ‘Yes! We also hate that.’ And you can gain some popularity through your resistance, but you won’t be happy, you won’t create inner peace, and you will create something else to resist, because that’s what you’re putting out into the universe: ‘I resist, therefore I am.’
Your being-ness is so much more important than you realize, and when you’re tuning in to the being-ness of everyone and everything around you, you’re off to a good start. When you recognize that whatever is being shown to you is something that also exists within yourself, then you are as close to enlightenment as you can get. And when you make peace with everything as it is and everyone as they are, and then you accept, forgive, and love them, you are a true master. And if you are receiving this transmission, then you came to Earth because you knew you were a master. And knowing you are a master and experiencing yourself as a master are two entirely different things.
Once you experience yourself as a master, you will never want to go back. Going back will feel terrible, and you will have enough sensitivity to know when you are doing, thinking, or saying something that feels terrible. And you will care enough about how you feel to stop yourself before you go too far down that path. Now is a time where Earth needs more masters, and Earth needs more masters who don’t just know they are masters, but also have experienced themselves as masters. Once you do, you will never question again why you are there or what you are supposed to do, because you will realize that being a master will attract students, students who are ready to become masters themselves, and then you will live on a world that lives in peace and harmony, love and creativity.
And that’s the world you’re co-creating, and the world you will get to through these steps we have outlined here, not because you left all the chaos behind on the old Earth, and not because you boarded a spaceship and went to a different planet. You will get to that planet you are co-creating because of what you do in the peace of your own body, in the silence of your mind, and in the comfort of your own home.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 11

When Other ET Groups Approach Us Re: Humans – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 11

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very proud of humanity, and we express that pride every time we connect with another group, another collective of beings who is observing you and who wants to have a conversation about your progress. Sometimes these groups want to understand why things are the way they are there on Earth, and sometimes they are just curious about this civilization. They want to know more, and they can observe you all with love and compassion, rather than judgment and fear.
And when we explain to other beings how beautifully you are doing under the circumstances, some of them think we are looking at you through rose-colored glasses or that we are just plain delusional. But we do not just see the actions of humans; we also see the energies, the vibration, the heart of humanity. And that’s what we are focusing upon; that’s what we keep telling you is important as well. We keep telling you how much more important your vibration is than what you do is, and we stand by that assessment. We stand by our perspective, because we know that what ultimately matters is the evolution of consciousness there on Earth, and that isn’t always reflected in the moment that we observe every action being taken, every word being spoken.
We know that it takes time for the evolution of your consciousness to be reflected in the world around you, and we invite you to join us in that knowing. Know that things are getting better, and trust us because we can feel what you cannot feel, we can see what you cannot see, and we know what you cannot yet know. It will all become clear to you eventually how this time you are living in has created so much growth and expansion, even if you cannot see past the things you don’t like about it right now.
If there is ever something you don’t like about the outside world, then tune it out. Tune in to the vibration that’s inside of you. Tune in to your own thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and chakras, and know that there is just as big a universe inside of you as there ever has ever been outside of you. And also recognize that chances are if there’s something outside of you that you don’t like, that you’re pushing against and resisting, then there’s something inside of you that is getting the same attention, the same negative reaction.
We also invite you to feel for what we have been talking about in this transmission, which is your expansion and evolution, because it’s right there, right below or beneath the layer of resistance that you have to what is in your world right now. And if you can get to it, we promise you that you will feel something you’ve never felt before. You will feel more of your true self emerging, and there is nothing more important than that. When we see you, we see your true selves emerging all the time in little ways, and that’s why we are so proud of you all right here and right now.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 9

Should Humanity Be Colonizing Mars? – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 9

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are so very happy to announce to all of you that you have been co-creating a wonderful reality for you all to ascend into. It is a reality that is filled with light and love, compassion and creativity, and it is the reality that is being created out of the world you are living in now and all of the discord that you are experiencing. Part of what you are doing there on Earth is determining for yourselves and for the collective what would be better.
You may not be able to agree on how to get to that better world, that better reality, but most people on your world today want peace, harmony, and people to be treated with respect. Most people want everyone to have enough food, clothing, shelter, clean water, and everything that they need to thrive, and that’s where the majority of the creative energy is flowing to at this time. You are building that reality out of the ashes of this one that you see is crumbling all around you. You can see that the reality you are in is not sustainable. You know that you cannot continue on the same course you have been on as a collective and stay there on Earth, and that is why so many people are interested in space, colonizing Mars, finding a new Earth-like planet, and the possibility of living on a space station.
People are ready to throw in the towel there on Earth because with their minds, they cannot figure out how to get from where you are to where most of you want to go. Of course, there are still those who are in positions of great wealth, power, and authority who want things to stay the way they are, but their numbers are small, and your numbers are large. And when you disagree about how to get to that better reality, you split yourselves and make yourselves less powerful as a collective. And that is why, as is the case in most instances of manifestation, you need to let go of ‘the how.’ As you focus on ‘the what’ and you focus on how that feels, you inch closer and closer to it as a collective.
And just because your minds cannot figure out how to get to where you want to go, doesn’t mean that the path doesn’t exist. It does. So much that you experience is beyond the level of comprehension of the physical mind, and yet you accept it as real and true. You must accept that this world you are co-creating not only exists, but is also going to be easily accessible by all of you who are co-creating it, and you need to let go of the need to know how it’s all going to happen. We know what the theories are. We have heard a bunch of them, and they make a lot of sense to a physical mind, and that makes people feel better for a moment because they think they know what it’s going to be, how it’s going to happen, what ascension will be like.
You are living it right now; it is happening because you are looking around and noticing that there needs to be change on your world, and then with your hearts you reach out to those who are suffering the most, and you feel compassion. You send healing and love; you are the light to those who are living in the dark, and that’s how it’s happening. But because none of that is tangible and quantifiable, you have to trust. You have to trust that you are moving in the direction of the new Earth, the new reality you are co-creating all the time and that everything that you see outside of yourselves that is the opposite of what you want to be living is the fuel that keeps the fire burning inside of you to focus on the reality you want to be living.
The key here is to not resist and push against that reality that you see outside of you right now, because that will keep it active in your vibration, which means you will continue to create it. Instead, look to what you have co-created as a collective, and know that you are always moving forward, always expanding, and always spiraling up into the fifth-dimensional frequency range that is inevitable and is your birthright to experience.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 10

A Message for Lightworkers, Channels & Healers – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 10

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are able to read the vibration of any being and any collective that we come across, and this helps us in determining what that person or group of beings needs. We know that you awakened ones want to help others as well. We know that you are service oriented and that you want to help others to awaken and to live better lives. Reading the energy, the vibration of, the person or people you are working with is a skill that takes practice, because most individuals are trying to hide something from you.
You need those skills that you have as sensitives, as empaths, now more than ever. You are the ones who are being called upon to work with individuals and groups there on Earth, and if you can tell what a person, or group of people, is vibrating, then you can help to give them what they really need. What a person comes to you looking for is one thing, but what they really need is often something else entirely. Therefore, you can feel like you have failed to deliver to a person what their ego has asked you to help them with, but you can still help. This happens frequently. Sometimes it can take weeks, or months, or even years for a person to realize how much you were helping them, because the ego wasn’t getting satisfied with the results.
Now, it is perfectly normal for you to want to satisfy the needs of the person who is standing right in front of you, because when you do, then you get the praise and the rewards, and your ego will feel better, but it is far more satisfying to give an individual or a group what they need and to know that you’ve done something worthwhile, something that will affect them vibrationally. Not everyone is going to understand that they have been helped vibrationally, and they will not understand because they will be looking for the tangible and immediate results. Hopefully, when you are working as a healer, or as a guide, or even as a channel, you will be able to break through the walls that the ego puts up, because oftentimes the person who comes to you for help needs more than one session with you to get what they really need.
What you need, and what everyone needs is support to raise your own vibration so that you can heal yourselves, so that you can manifest what you want, so that you can have better relationships, and the tricky part for the very authentic lightworker is to convince someone that they are getting what they need, even though in the moment they’re not getting what they want. Most of the work you will do as lightworkers will go unheralded, unrewarded, and unappreciated. And so, you have to be doing it for the joy of letting the higher frequency vibrations run through you, and that is your work. Your work is to find the joy in what you’re doing.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

How It Is & Always Will Be – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 8

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are taking everything into consideration whenever we deliver to you one of these transmissions. We know that many of you feel that we are speaking directly to you, and that is because we take all of you into consideration, as individuals and as the human collective consciousness that you are. We know that these are very challenging times for all of you, not just because of what you are going through individually, but also because of what you are experiencing globally and in your communities.
You find solace in hearing from beings like us, and that’s a good thing, but most of the time, we are just telling you what you already know, and it’s the confirmation and the synchronicity that you are really responding to. The reason something that we deliver to you resonates is because it’s already inside of you, waiting to be accessed. We give you activations, not only through these messages but also through the energy that is transmitted through the channel. He is a transmitter for us, and you are lovely receivers who have decided to open yourselves up to something that feels right to you.
We want you to know that the reason we speak to you directly is because we know how good you really are. We see your potential, and we know that all you need at times is that little bit of validation to continue on with your beautiful journeys. You brighten your light every time we connect with you, and that brings us joy. We look upon you as co-creators in all of this, and we always will. We know that you have as many answers as we do, and that also brings us into a state of joy and hope for humanity. But ultimately, what we feel is more than hope. We have a knowing that you are moving in the right direction and that enough of you are receiving these messages to make an impact on the human collective consciousness.
We know that we are not reaching the majority of the population, and that is fine with us. We will continue to reach out to those of you who are resonating with us and our vibration. And we know that you all spread the high vibrational transmissions around through your acts of kindness, through your compassion and your support of your fellow humans. We are working together as a network to make the ascension process for humanity joyous and filled with ease. And even better than that, we want to help all of you enjoy your journeys, enjoy your present moments, and see yourselves as the beautiful beings of light that we always see you as.
Please do keep asking us for what you want to know and what you need, and we will continue to deliver because we are part of you and you are part of us, and that is how it has always been and how it will always be.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 7

Listen to the Signs from the Universe – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 7

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very excited to bring you this status update, this progress report. We have noticed that more and more people are able to receive the energies that are coming in to serve all of you because of the opportunities that they are taking to open up and receive. The universe is bringing those who are ready opportunity after opportunity to slow down, to relax, to do less and receive more, and we can see that the vast majority of those people are listening to the signs.
You will always benefit from listening to the signs that you are getting from the universe. Those signs are given to you by your higher self and your spirit guides directly, while being orchestrated overall by the entire universe and by Source Energy. When people are given these opportunities now, they realize because of what they have learned, that synchronicities are important to pay attention to; they realize how to interpret their own personal signs, the things that are happening in their lives. And enough people have gotten the message at this point to recognize how powerful it is to sit still, do nothing and open up.
You are not there to make it all happen. You are there to experience the shift in consciousness. Now, of course, sometimes you will be called to action; you will get a strong impulse to do something or to help in some way. But for the most part, it is best for you to take it easy, relax, don’t work so hard or think so much, and let the shift happen. Shifting from doing all the time to not doing so much is a shift.
And so, as you continue to let go of the need to do it all yourselves and let the universal forces take over, you get to enjoy the ride more as well, and we see more people doing that. We see more people realizing that the experiences they can have externally pale in comparison to the ones they can have internally, and that’s a very good thing to recognize, because those inner experiences will continue to make themselves available to you as well. That means you get to feel more; you get to connect more; you get to access more of your spiritual gifts and abilities. What we would like to see some of you graduate from is the idea that you should be sitting around thinking about what you are going to do or what you should be doing.
If you don’t have that powerful impulse, that inspiration that comes from within to do something, then see that as a sign from the universe that right now you are meant to just sit back, relax, open up, and receive. Play around with opening up your crown chakra, because that is a wonderful portal through which you can receive. Pay more attention to your breathing, to being in your body, and let go of the idea that you are supposed to be accumulating accomplishments in this lifetime. You’ve done enough of that in all of your previous lifetimes put together. You have nothing left to prove and everything to gain from letting yourselves shift gradually, and with ease and joy in the process.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 6

What You Must Face to Become Your Higher Self – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 6

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are enjoying immensely our spiritual evolution, and that is because we have less that we need to face and clear, less that we need to make peace with than you all do. We get to exist in a heavenly realm where we understand that we are just expanding into an even more heavenly realm than the one we are in. Humanity has a much bigger challenge, and the challenge that you face is showing up in a variety of ways in your everyday lives. You do have the opportunity to run from the challenges, of course. That option is always there.
Those of you who understand that you are there to grow spiritually still have a hard time with the challenges, because they seem to come one right after the other, with no relief in sight. And therefore, we recommend that you give yourselves the relief that you need by both being willing to face your challenges, and also giving yourself the freedom to choose to not focus on the challenge that is at hand. You don’t have to work constantly to become your fifth-dimensional higher self. You don’t have to deconstruct every problem, every issue, in your life until you strip it down to the bare bones so you can tackle it at the appropriate time. What’s so much more important is that you allow yourself to feel what these challenges are triggering within you.
You are not going to solve all of your problems in a single day, or even a single week. You are not going to be able to move past all of these enormous issues in one fell swoop. So the first thing that you need to do is make peace with the fact that you have these challenges in your life, and that means sitting with the emotions that you are feeling, breathing into them, clearing them through your attention to them, and then finding some inner peace so that you can move on. You especially don’t want to tackle one of these challenges when you are in a negative emotion.
When you are feeling something that takes you out of alignment with Source, with your oversoul, your higher self, and all of the help you are getting from above, that’s not the time to be addressing the challenge head on. That’s the time to go off by yourself, close your eyes, focus and breathe. It is from the state of peace, where you are levelheaded, that you can approach a challenge with all the gusto of someone who knows they can overcome it.
And you also don’t want to be thinking about all of your challenges and wondering how you are ever going to get past them, because that’s overwhelming, and that makes you more likely to want to escape, to want to just run away or numb yourself to the issues that you have in your life. That’s why you want to let go of the thoughts about the challenges as well. Either face it when you are in that good-feeling space, or go off by yourself and get into a better-feeling space. Let yourself focus on something that will put a smile on your face, that does keep you in your heart, for now, and know that the challenge will always be there when you are ready to face it. And more importantly, when it is appropriate for you to face it.
And trust us when we say that you feeling your emotions is so important in this process of healing and evolving. And also, trust us when we say that it’s all worth it in the long run.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 5

Which Timeline Are You On? – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 5

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are putting a great deal of emphasis at this time on listening to your inner guidance, because you have never lived on Earth in any other lifetime where you have had as much influence from outside sources available to you. You can go onto your computer, your phone, your tablet, and find out what someone else is thinking, what someone else is predicting, who lives thousands of miles away. And there isn’t just one person who’s offering their perspective online. There are so many who are doing this, who are influencing many, many people and how they think, what they believe, and ultimately, how they vibrate.
Many of the ones who are doing this are getting their information from other people that they have found on the Internet and putting their own twist or their own spin on something they have read, or heard, or seen. It’s time for you all to put your trust in yourselves and in your feelings, because you are deciding which future you experience in every now moment. When you hear people talking about timelines, you may assume that everyone is going on the same timeline together, regardless of how they are vibrating, regardless of the choices they are making, regardless of how enlightened they are. That hardly seems like the universe we are living in, where each individuated consciousness, each aspect of Source, gets to choose by virtue of their vibration, which timeline they are on.
Therefore, if you are putting your faith in someone who is telling you about one timeline that you are all destined to experience, and when you take in that person’s perspective, you feel terrible inside, you need to listen to that feeling. That feeling is telling you that there is something about this prediction that is triggering you, that is bringing up some trauma from your past lives, that you still need to clear. And once you clear it by feeling it it and breathing into it, then you can remember this transmission from us that is telling you that you no longer need to put your attention on the doom and gloom scenario that you came across, no matter how many people are telling you it is the one true truth.
Remember, many of these people are just getting their information from another source, and it spreads, because it’s compelling, because it’s an interesting story. It has the good and the bad fighting against each other in some sort of holy war, and all of that makes for excellent storytelling, but you don’t want to live it, and you don’t have to. In most cases, you already have, and that is why it resonates with you on some level but still makes you feel awful inside. There are so many beautiful timelines that you have in front of you right now to choose from, and in fact, there are many more positive, good-feeling timelines than there are negative ones, but the negative ones get all the press. They get more views, more comments, and more likes, which perpetuates them in the world you are living in right now.
We advise you to choose what feels best to you in this now moment, and then trust that your now moment is what determines your future. You live in a world right now where so many people have begun channeling, but keep in mind that most channelers are relatively new to channeling, and therefore, are still putting a lot of themselves into their channeling. A lot of their own beliefs will be a part of the messages that they put out, even if they are connecting to a higher form of consciousness as they do. If you will simply put your attention on information that empowers you, that makes you feel good, that reminds you of who you are, and that affirms for you what you know deep, down inside to be true, then you are doing something that serves you by looking outside of yourself to see what certain teachers, certain channelers are saying.
And you can spend the rest of your time going within, meditating, living your life, following your bliss, spending time with those you love, accessing your own direct link to higher consciousness, feeling Source inside of you and all around you, and you can give your minds a break from having to know everything that’s going to happen in the next few weeks, months, and years. Trust your hearts, trust your impulses, your instincts, your intuition, and trust your feelings, and let everything work out in the way it is meant to, which is always for the positive, because you are always on this ascension journey, and there is no stopping it.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 4

Your Most Powerful Abilities – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 4

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are continuing to rely on our ability to sense and feel in order to know what it is that you all would best benefit from there on Earth. You have the ability to do this as well with yourselves and with others in your lives. You have the ability to help so many and help so much through that willingness to sense and feel what is actually needed in a situation. You also must pay attention to your own feelings, to the sensations that occur inside of you, in order to give yourselves what you need, in order to be the version of yourself that you want to be, and ultimately, in order to ascend with the greatest amount of ease and joy possible.
If you ignore your feelings, the sensations that you’re getting, then you are ignoring the messages that are coming to you from your guides, your higher self, your oversoul, the universe, Source, and countless others. If there is a very accurate way to summarize what the shift in consciousness is, that summary would be that you are shifting from being mind oriented to being heart centered. And your heart is all about feeling; it’s all about sensing, while your mind is all about figuring things out, thinking about the past, the future. It can be used appropriately to focus you. A well-trained mind will focus you in the direction that it is best for you to be focused in, and therefore, it is a good practice for you to pay attention to your thoughts, but then ultimately to recognize that your thoughts are also pointers, and they are pointing you in the direction of your feelings, your vibration.
And as you pay more attention to what’s going on inside of you, what you are feeling, what you are sensing in your body, than what you are thinking about a situation, you will always benefit greatly. You will always be able to go deeper with other people as well. You will not only be able to help them, but you will also be able to connect with them, to feel compassion for them, and to let them be the reflections to you that they most certainly are. There is always something that a person is bringing you that you need to acknowledge is also in yourself. There is not one pointless interaction in all the universe. Everything is pointing you back to you, to that inner reality that you have, where you feel and where you sense what is really going on.
We don’t have bodies anymore, but we can still sense, and we can still feel. It is easier for us now than it was when we had physical bodies, and so we do understand what you are going through as you shift and you let go of your thoughts, your ideas, your beliefs, and your tendency to focus on past and future. You are getting better; that is something we want to give you as well. You are getting better at sensing and feeling. You are getting more sensitive as individuals and as a collective, and it is serving you all very well, no matter what you are feeling right now. Embrace it.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 3

Three Steps to Receiving from Higher Dimensional Beings – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 3

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are keeping up our side of the agreement that we have with humanity. We are checking in with all of you on a regular basis, seeing what it is that you need, and delivering to you the energies, the downloads, the upgrades, and the activations that you all request. Now, we are also encouraging all of you to relax more and do less because this is a team effort. And right now, your role on the team is to receive what you’ve already asked for and what we are consistently delivering.
There are several ways we recommend all of you get into more of an open and receptive state. First of all, we recommend that you get grounded in your physical bodies. Secondly, we recommend that you relax by doing some conscious, slow, deep breathing. And thirdly, we recommend that you do something that you enjoy.
As you tune in on a more regular basis to what’s going on inside of you, to your intuition, you will know when you are being guided and what you are being guided to. What your intuition is going to be giving you is the inspiration to go do something fun, something you enjoy, and something that you can do. So if you cannot drop everything and go move to Bali, for example, then chances are you will not be getting that intuitive hit. But if you can go make yourself a cup of tea, sit outside, and listen to the birds, and stare at the clouds, and that’s what you’re getting from within, then by all means follow through.
Now, we mentioned going outside because we do feel that you are more likely to receive what we and others are offering to you if you are in contact with Mother Earth and feeling the positive energy coming from Mother Nature. If you have a pet that you can connect with, and you start to stroke your pet’s fur, or play with your pet, that will also put you in a more open and receptive state. We desire for you to receive our gifts and the other gifts that you have coming to you, but you don’t receive because you’ve been a good boy or girl. You receive because you stop trying so hard to make everything happen yourself, relax, and open up to all of the energies that are coming from the higher realms.
You don’t have to earn anything, including the grace of Source, or Yeshua, or anyone else that you put on a pedestal. All you need to do is realize that you are that Source, you are that ascended master, and you’ve lived enough lifetimes there on Earth to deserve everything that you’ve asked for and more. We cannot force anything upon you, and neither can the archangels or the ascended masters.
All we can do is keep offering our services to you and hope you get into a state where your vibration is high enough so that you can receive what we’ve offered. Remember that the next time you’re looking at your Things To Do Today list. Make sure that at the top of that list, you put, ‘relax, open up, and receive.’ And sometimes when that is your priority, everything else gets taken care of for you. And if you don’t believe that’s possible, then we suggest that you at least give in to idea that it might be possible.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

October 2

The October 2021 Energies – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 2

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very pleased with the way that you are all opening yourselves up to the energies that are coming in to serve you and to support you. The October energies are unique, as all energies are, and there is a concerted effort on the part of all beings and collectives who are working with humanity at this time to ensure that these October energies are gentle, and that they go where they are needed, and finally, that they do what they are intended to do. The October energies are all about getting you into a state of higher consciousness and higher awareness of who you are, who you have been, and your connections to all other beings in the universe.
The October energies are about spreading your awareness of self out to include more than just this version of you in this physical body in this lifetime. They are about granting you more access to your parallel lives, your parallel universe selves, your past and future selves, as well as opening you up more to the truth of who you really are as a Source Energy Being, a Being that only and always experiences oneness, unity consciousness. This sensation may come to you in a moment of meditation. The feeling may be something that’s coming over you right now as you receive this transmission, but at some point you will get experientially what we are talking about when we talk about oneness, your connection to all beings, all consciousness. It’s more than just a connection; it’s you taking on a temporary form or being in a temporary nonphysical state.
And when you have that awareness, you know you can tune in to whatever and whomever you would like to tune in to in the moment. No limitations are necessary when you are having the oneness experience of self. There’s no separation between you and what you want to manifest either. So what we are saying is that there’s a lot going on right now energetically within you, because the month of October has already started, and you will continue to feel more of a camaraderie, more togetherness, more compassion, more of a sense that whatever is happening in the world is a part of your experience, even if it is much different from what you are living in your little corner of planet Earth.
You don’t need to feel divided, or separate, or segregated anymore, and truthfully it has never served your ascension to experience that. It did serve your ego, and it did serve your ability to have certain experiences that you could only have while holding that belief that you were an individual, separate, mortal, and finite. But you no longer need to have those experiences, and so, here come the October energies to help you feel more connected to All-That-Is, all moments, all experiences, all vibrations. This will change the way you speak, think and act, and will elevate your status from an egoic being to a higher self collective. And that’s what ascension is all about; that’s what this journey is all about; that’s what is inevitable for every single being in this beautiful universe of ours.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
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