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October 23


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to ask you for something.
And it is connected with the fact that there is coming the culmination of the struggle between the Light Forces and the Dark Forces at the physical level this time.
I know that all of you have been waiting for this moment to come and it seems to you that you are quite ready to accept Disclosure calmly and gladly.
Yet, I would like to remind you one more time that it is you who are to become stalkers to a new world for many and many people who do not understand what is going on in the world and may lose their heads or give way to panic or fear.
As you already know, energies of vibrations that low do not permit people to ascend to a new stage of their spiritual development, let alone to make Transition.
Yet, it has become customary in your world that the first reaction of a person to any unexpected situation is, as a rule, a negative one.
They are seized with such feelings and emotions as fear for the unknown, perplexity, hopelessness, the feeling of the usual world crumbling to dust before their eyes.
But this is what all of you are to experience soon.
Your usual world is really going to start crumbling since it has completely had its days.
Yet, fortunately for you, the new world will not follow the shadow government’s plan contrived by them long ago whose dream was to build a digital concentration camp with population under their total control.
This scenario has failed to come true and it is mostly thanks to you, my dear.
Your pure intention and sincere desire to move to the Fifth dimension with Earth has tipped the balance of the “scales” and the odds are in favour of humanity now, so quite soon your “ship” that the Dark Forces tried to lead the way fateful for people will completely turn around and change its course for the opposite one.
But this about-turn will be rather distressing for the majority of your planet’s population as many of those they knew, loved and respected will find themselves “overboard”.
A lot of influential and famous people who were admired by millions of people and who were their idols will show in their true colour.
Their criminal activities will make people shocked – they will reject to believe their own eyes.
And since it will gain universal scale, the energies of horror and despair of millions of people will shower your planet, which will result in a sharp drop of her vibrations.
Well, what is my request to you?
Beside the explanatory work among the population that we have already talked about a lot, I ask you to carry out committed and scrupulous energy work on dissolving the energies of panic, fear, disappointment, hatred, aggression – in a word, all kinds of negative energies that will be unintentionally generated by your planet’s inhabitants who will be unable to adequately take the information that will be rendered to them by an upcoming full-scale and all-round Disclosure.
It is you who the Light Forces pin their hope on helping humanity from the subtle level of Earth.
Anchor high vibration energies that they are generously sharing with your planet’s inhabitants so as to help the unprepared part of humanity to live through this hard period of Transition from one dimension to another one with the least moral expenditure.
Become a reliable support and example of Spirit strength for these people at this crucial and trying moment for Earth.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on October 23, 2021.

October 20


Greetings, my dear light souls!
Today I have come to you to share the news on the events that are taking place both at the subtle and physical level of Earth.
As you see, everything is starting to develop at an accelerated speed since those who conceived these fatal games on Earth are in a hurry to implement their plans in the shortest possible time.
Right now the situation on your planet has turned out to be unique: two parallel realities are living their own life.
The first one is developing in consistence with the plans of globalists and involves the overwhelming majority of your planet’s population who has accepted THEIR rules of the game.
At the same time the other reality embraces a small amount of revived people who with all the means available are trying to “open the abscess” of the horrible experiment in progress on Earth on her population annihilation by introduction into human bodies of alien genes of extraterrestrial origin.
But there is also one more reality that, unlike the two mentioned visible ones, is still concealed from your eyes.
This is the secret struggle against the deep state that has united the best sons and daughters of our Galaxy carried on for decades.
Its main participants are the Galaxy Federation’s representatives who always keep an eye on Earth since it is here that many brothers and sisters of theirs descended to acquire the third dimension world life experience.
And when the planet’s inhabitants became threatened with the real danger of both physical annihilation and extinction as a species by gene transformation that ruins human connection with the Divine origin, there was made a decision to rescue the purest and most ancient souls embodied as humans on Earth now.
But it was only possible to do thanks to uniting their efforts with these embodied souls for joint actions because it is just them who could become the “hands” of their galaxy siblings acting directly on Earth.
And uniting like this did occur due to which there was launched a unique operation on destruction of underground and ground bases of the Dragon reptiles, the Greys and the people in their service.
The scale of this work is huge indeed and now this struggle in progress on Earth as well as on other planets of our Galaxy has reached its final stage.
The ground is shattering under the deep state’s marionettes’ feet and most of them have already suffered a just punishment for their evil deeds.
Those you see on your TV screens are most often their doubles or clones.
But still, those who remained tooth and nail are clutching at power up till the very last moment in hopeless anger trying to drag into an abyss along with themselves as many pure human souls as possible who they hate just because they possess the Divine potential they themselves lack.
Why is it me who decided to tell you about this?
The thing is that the new energies arriving at Earth now are completely changing the alignment of forces not only at her surface but in the near-earth space too wiping off astral beings at all the levels of hers.
This is exactly the reason for the last and sharpest peak of activity of all the low vibration beings on Earth who are getting deprived of their energy infeed from the subtle level.
They are trying to generate negative energies vital for them from inside spurring themselves with spite and anger in respect of people, but this will come to an end soon too as it is impossible for them to live in the new energies of Earth.
A large-scale and all-embracing disclosure of their gross actions on your planet is really close now.
And everybody who has managed to live with dignity through the “crucibles” of the false pandemic imposed on you is awaited by the wonderful light future on the renewed Earth.
My role of human souls’ “tempter” is played up till the end, and along with you I am entering a new period of my evolution that is much more to my Soul.
Sincerely loving you,
Archangel Lucifer spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on October 20, 2021.

October 10


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to talk about the current events taking place on your planet.
I see, my dear, that your patience is failing since the agony of Dark’s henchmen on Earth is being delayed and sometimes it seems to you that they are winning.
Actually, it is no so.
The things now in progress on the planet Earth have no analogues in the Universe.
While change of epochs used to be realized either by global cataclysms that wiped off Earth entire continents with their inhabitants, or due to the intervention of extraterrestrial races that annihilated your planet’s population with mass destruction weapon, now Earth is moving to another energy space with the humanity representatives who have managed in prompt time to cover the road of spiritual evolution and to increase their vibrations up to the level enabling them to make this Transition.
But those who have hold sway over your planet for so many centuries cannot put up with the fact they are losing their prey and are trying tooth and nail to keep their power on Earth.
Remember my series of message about the hierarchy pyramid of power on Earth.
And while at the subtle level this pyramid has almost gone to pieces, the executors of the programme on humanity annihilation embodied as humans are still vehemently struggling for their life.
It is them who sow panic and fear among Earth’s population making people accept the procedure fateful for them, the one insidiously disguised as “vaccination” that most people on the planet associate with the salutary means rescuing them from diseases.
And till the mass media are in the grip of the criminals who seized Earth, it is extremely hard to turn the tide.
The voices of thousands and thousands of pure human souls trying to convey truth to people get lost in the tremendous flow of lie proceeding from TV screens, newspapers and magazines pages, as well as the internet.
You see how alternative sources of information are being ousted out of the internet, how censorship is raging, how persecution is rife and rampant towards honest doctors, lawyers and journalists.
The “palpi” of the Dragon reptiles have reached every corner of your planet and every person tracking their actions and hunting them every time they feel danger coming from them.
Just imagine, my dear, the large scale of the work that is being carried out by the representatives of the Light Forces on Earth every minute putting their life at risk to deliver humanity from digital enslavement and let the best representatives of it to make a unique Transition into another dimension in their physical bodies.
Their matter brooks no haste and is regulated from higher dimensions. They are getting enormous support but as enormous is their sphere of activity because it embraces not some specific country but all the planet of yours.
The enemy is too dangerous, my dear, and they have nothing to lose.
Feeling their soon collapse the shadow government’s marionettes have staked it all limiting people’s freedoms to the utmost.
Yet, by their actions have got just the opposite effect: millions of people have risen to fight for their rights.
And though it happens unevenly in different countries, the infeed of the energies of freedom and desire to dispose of one’s life into the collective human conscience has already outweighed the energy of apathy and obedience typical of the co-called average man.
Light always wins over Dark and the energy of Unity and Freedom always wins over the energy of fear and servility as their vibrations are incomparable.
So, please, my dear, when you suddenly lose heart and it seems your strength is draining away, sit for a meditation and send your Love and support to all the Warriors of Light both on Earth, and in Heaven.
Then the streamlet of your energy will join the vigorous high vibration torrent of the best representatives of humanity that will wash away the last traces of Dark’s henchmen and will encourage the long-awaited Disclosure that will become the turning point of Earth’s rebirth and that of her best inhabitants as well.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on October 10, 2021.

October 2


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will digress from our topic and talk about the latest events now taking place on Earth.
As you see, my dear, protest actions in many countries of the world assume effective character this time.
And it is explained by the fact that even people far from the issue of Ascension begin to understand they have fallen into a trap.
They have made sure by their own experience that all the promises of officials and all their orders and instructions are movement in a circle.
It seems to many people that a slipknot is getting tighter and tighter around their neck and they start to realize that they themselves put their heads into it.
Now many have changed their mind and are trying to improve the situation by taking part in protest marches meantime finding themselves in another wave of violence since against peaceful protesters many countries’ governments oppose clones – soulless executors of their will.
This is the reason, my dear, for the actions so inhumane of people in the police uniform.
Feeling their upcoming collapse, the shadow government is playing their last trump card – human conscience control and programming of clones on certain actions.
You can ask me: why do the Light Forces let it happen?
And I will answer: only for the very last “echelon” of people potentially ready for Transition to revive.
As a matter of fact, the process of the planet’s Ascension has been in progress for several decades.
And while the first “echelon” – the Divine seeds that have come to Earth with this particular mission know about Ascension and have been getting ready for it for a long time starting from the late nineties, the last one start to revive only now – during the period of the false pandemic that was “let” happen by the Forces of Light with the same aim again: give opportunity to make Transition to as many light human souls as possible.
As you see, the Light and the Dark Forces are two sides of one and the same coin, and sometimes it is thanks to the Dark Forces actions that people get revived for light deeds, just as thanks to sufferings they make spiritual progress.
The things taking place on Earth now can with confidence be called mass revival because the first “echelon” was followed by many and many people gradually breaking free from the influence of the third dimension world in recent years.
This way, layer after layer collective human conscience has been cleaned from the “scum” of the third dimensionality that humanity on your beautiful planet has found itself for so many centuries.
The field of the battle now in progress on Earth is a motley picture of different vibrations “warriors” who are participating in it not only at the energy level but also at the physical one.
At the energy level there start astral battles during your meditations when you are joined in by the Light Forces at the subtle level of Earth.
While at the physical one the Dark Force’s henchmen are repulsed by protest and disobedience actions.
Thanks to this, every single day the odds are getting more and more apparently in favour of the Light Forces, both embodied on Earth and disembodied ones.
And I know that many of you feel this in spite of the fact the false pandemic measures becoming tighter and tighter.
Right now it is extremely important to stand one’s ground at the last moment and bring your actions to the final victory at the physical level since at the subtle one you have already won.
I know that the upcoming Disclosure will lend wings to you and render you incredibly strong and sure of the soon victory.
You are now on the very wave of the greatest events that have ever taken place on Earth.
And I would like you to hold this height living through the “crucible” of Disclosure with honour preserving your own vibrations and helping others to increase them sustaining their belief in victory and upcoming Transition.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on October 2, 2021.
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