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October 31

Your resistance tells you there is a part of you that is struggling with moving forward. It deserves your love and compassion, not your judgement or denial.
Think of a child on a slide who wants to go down it because they see other children having fun on it, but now that they are at the top it seems scary. All they need is a little bit of your encouragement to muster their courage and let go in an act of faith and trust, and because you are invested in their safety and success you are there to catch them at the bottom.
What if you replaced the word resistant with hesitant? Would it change how you show up for yourself and guide yourself forward? What encouragement do you need from yourself to have the courage to have the full experience that is available for you? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 30

There may be times in your life where you know something is good for you but yet you experience resistance to moving in that direction. This is completely normal. It simply means there is an unhealed part of you that is needing your love and attention before it is willing to cooperate with moving in that direction.
So rather than pushing against your resistance, get curious about it. What is it that is wanting to hold you back from moving forward? Is your inner child or ego afraid it will be left behind? It is an integral part of your team and may simply need to be reassured of that fact. Do you have a fear of experiencing your next highest expression of self? Your expansion always brings more comfort and satisfaction, not less.
Is it fear of the unknown? There are always many wonderful things waiting for you to discover in the realm of potentiality which is just beyond what you can see. Is it fear of success and/or fear of failure? The value is not in the result, it is in the experience. Is it a fear of change? If there are areas of your life that are not satisfactory, it is only through change you can find solutions and better matches.
Dear Ones, the flow will always take you somewhere better, the trick is to get all the parts of you to cooperate and willingly move along with you, and the vast majority of times whatever is attempting to hold you back is simply looking for your acknowledgement, presence, and reassurance.
Rather than trying to wrestle your resistance to the ground, why not simply guide it forward with love and compassion? If you have the awareness that your resistance is holding you back from expanding in new, more empowered ways, you are more than ready to be your own loving shepherd, guide, and parent, and to follow the beckoning of your soul. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 29

Dear Ones, you are in the process of embodiment – the incorporation of more and more of your higher self into your physical body. There is a pervasive belief that your body or your human self is somehow less than your spiritual self. But we ask you, how on earth can you possibly embrace embodiment without accepting your body?
Do you see? It is time to not just make friends with your body, but to honour your body as an essential partner on your journey. True unification happens when you celebrate all the glorious parts of you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 28

So many of you are in deep resistance to your own bodies. Dear Ones, your bodies are dedicated servants to you. They allow you the wondrous ability to feel, to experience, to love in a tangible way. They have worked tirelessly for you from the moment you have taken your first breath, to provide you the vehicle to be on the planet, learning and growing, and participating in the great shift of the ages.
We urge you to make friends with your bodies! They are an essential member of your team. When was the last time you had true love and appreciation for your body? It is a truly miraculous creation.
If there are parts of your body that are not working well, we encourage you to get into a meditation and have a conversation with your body and/or those specific parts. What do they need from you? What would they like you to know? How can you help them thrive? Your body has an innate intelligence that will never steer you wrong if you allow it to take the lead.
Many of you are incredibly judgmental and rejecting of your bodies. What we wish for you to understand is your body is an integral part of you, and when you are rejecting and speaking abusively to it, you are harming yourself. You are practicing resistance and separation consciousness with yourself, which will create a deep discomfort within you and make it difficult for you to thrive. Your negative self talk is detrimental not just to your body but to any other aspects of yourself that are trying to heal and integrate.
Loving your body and truly acknowledging all it does – thanking it, loving it, nurturing it, listening to its guidance, and embracing it as part of the whole of you during your life expression – will shift you into unity consciousness within yourself and from there you will have finally created the perfect conditions for healing and vibrant health that goes far beyond just the physical. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 27

Contraction is always a precursor to expansion. We understand contractions can be uncomfortable but they are designed that way. Why? So you cannot possibly stay in a contracted state.
So if you find yourself in a contracted space, we recommend you try to stay out of resistance which will only compound your discomfort. This too shall pass! With your faith, trust, and wisdom, try to remember that every phase serves you. Staying open and curious and willing to cast your net wider to include brand new experiences and solutions will keep you poised for even greater movement when the time comes.
There is delicious anticipation to be had in the wait and great joy to be had in the discoveries you will make when you learn to fully embrace whatever phase you are in. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 26

Dear Ones, acknowledging what you do really well isn’t going to throw you into ego. Acknowledgement is not about separation or positioning yourself higher than another. It is simply taking a fair assessment of who you are and what your strengths, gifts and contributions to the planet are. If you are not willing to see yourself in that truth, how are you going to create a life that matches your hopes and dreams and purpose? Not only is it safe to finally acknowledge your truth and your unique strengths and abilities, it is absolutely necessary for you to step into your full potential in the new. What we want you to know is you can absolutely do so and still remain the humble, conscious human being you wish to be. Moving out of denial of yourself simply allows you to be even more of who you are meant to be. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 25

Most of you find surrender to be doable during easier times, but surrender when you are in very challenging times can be much more difficult. There is a tendency to want to try to have a sense of more control when things are hard. It is also a very normal human reaction to experience more resistance than usual during trying times.
What we want you to understand is surrender is a tool that activates your team of helpers and guides, including your highest self, to provide higher guidance, support and comfort. It allows you to move through difficult times with the greatest amount of assistance possible. Surrendering into your higher guidance moves you into an incredibly supportive flow that will be customized to be gentle and meet your needs. It is a loving blanket that will wrap you up and carry you forward.
Most people find their way to surrender when they are too battered and worn to fight anymore. You do not need to wait until you are in that space to utilize that tool. A simple heartfelt request is all that is required, and the help will immediately activate to guide you through the unknown into the solutions that always exist for the highest good of all. You do not need to go it alone, Dear Ones, we’ve been here for you all along. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 24

The reason self love is such an important aspect of your spiritual journey is because it moves you out of resistance to yourself and from that new space true progress can be made in all areas of your life. It is like opening a magical door where so much more becomes possible. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 23

We wish to remind you that when you move back into forward movement after a long period of rest and review, movement toward your creations will often be a series of starts and stops. This does not mean anything is wrong, it simply means that you are utilizing both parts of the flow for your creation. Just because there is a break between contractions doesn’t mean the baby isn’t coming! Stay true to your goals, be willing to adjust them if new information or elements come in, and take a higher perspective to see the overall model of progress. You are in transformational times and you cannot transform without movement and expansion or the rest periods that keep the process sustainable, so it is safe to fully trust whatever is being supported in any now moment. In fact, doing so keeps you out of the old energy of resistance which makes you so much easier to guide into the discovery of your most heartfelt dreams. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 22

Dear Ones, we are always available to you, to assist, guide, and encourage you forward. You do not need to have the skill of spirit communication in order to receive our help. All that is required is a heartfelt request and a willingness to receive. Then simply allow yourself to be guided and use your conscious awareness to watch for the signs and synchronicities that point the way. Is it time for you to take the action step of actively working with us and begin to utilize the help that has always been there waiting for you? It would be both an honour and a privilege for us to begin that partnership with you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 21

Dear Ones, you cannot have a fair assessment of yourselves if you are only looking for what you consider to be wrong with you or requiring fixing. Self acknowledgement is an essential aspect of self love.
So we ask you, what are you doing really well? Look at how far you’ve come over the past 6 months, the past year, the past five years, the past ten years. Can you celebrate your kindness, your mindfulness, your courage, your tenacity? Can you accept your role as a contributor to the shift that is currently occurring on your planet? Can you see the difference you make, even if it is just with your presence?
As you start to allow yourself to own your wisdom and your many marvellous traits, you will move out of resistance to yourself and start to trust yourself and your divine capability. From there you will start to navigate your journey in a much more valid and true way, and from there great changes and experiences can be had. We implore you to stop making yourself the villain in your story and to consider that you just might be the hero. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 20

A common concern of late is that you are somehow stuck. What we wish for you to understand is that every single phase serves you in one way or another. How do you know? Because it is happening.
So if you have the belief that you are stuck, we invite you to explore other viewpoints. What if you aren’t stuck at all? How could this phase be serving you? Take a new higher perspective of the situation. If you find that difficult to do in a waking state, meditate and look from there, or ask your dream state or your guides to make you aware of potentials and possibilities that exist in your current situation that you may be missing. What opportunities are available to you right now that you may not be taking advantage of?
For example, some energetic shifts require you to be awake but fairly still to integrate. This will result in you entering a lower activity phase. To you it may seem like nothing is happening, but in reality you are in the optimal conditions for the energetic process to work its magic. Or perhaps you require some internal discovery in order to then experience that expansion outwardly. Or maybe your soul knows you are about to move into such accelerated forward movement that a rest period is essential preparation for that phase. There are many valid reasons for a lull period, and every one of them will serve you and your journey in one way or another.
When you shift into faith and trust with your now moment, you open the door to acceptance, which will allow you to move through whatever phase you are in with far greater comfort, grace, ease and efficiency. There are energetic processes happening right now that are so complex you will never comprehend them from your human perspective, nor are you meant to, just as the caterpillar doesn’t need to understand what happens in the cocoon in order to emerge completely transformed.
Release the belief system that you can get it wrong, Dear Ones. Trust the process, and know that you will get there no matter what, but your level of faith, trust, acceptance, allowing, surrender and flow will dictate how much you enjoy the journey. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 19

Dear Ones, we understand that waiting for things to break through into your conscious awareness is one of the most frustrating things for you to navigate. Understanding the traits of the flow will help you identify where you are on your journey.
We have often spoken of how the flow consists of both action and lull periods. This is designed to create overall balance and support. If you were all action all the time you would get things done but you would become exhausted and out of alignment. If you were all lull, you would have plenty of time for introspection, rest, and alignment, but nothing would get done. Each aspect of the flow serves the other and creates a sustainable model of progress.
Typically action phases are preceded by the feeling of impatience, anxiety, and excitement. Lull periods often come with feeling tired, bored, or a lack of interest. Again we refer to taking a flight. During the action phase of going to the airport you are likely feeling excitement and perhaps a little nervous. After takeoff, you shift into the lull phase of your travels. The work part is taken over by the pilots and flight staff, and you get to nap, read, meditate, or watch a movie. You yourself are still while the bulk of the progress is happening. But as you near the end of your flight, you are more than ready to be released from what has felt like a confined space and feel that excitement again as you prepare to launch back into action.
Do you see? How you are feeling and what is energetically supported are indicators of where you are in the flow. Fatigue and a need for introspection and quiet helps you embrace lulls. Feeling antsy, anxious, and excited are a sure sign an action phase is on the way. Both aspects of the flow are equally important and support you in more ways than you realize. And if there is one thing you can count on it is if you have been in one phase for a long period and start to feel the emotions that connect you to the other phase, a change in your flow is sure to come. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 18

The way to create the life of your dreams is to make your best choice based on the truth of who you are today because from there every choice will be an energetic match. Not only will every choice be an energetic match from that space, you will be creating a series of stepping stones that support the continual evolution of your life expression, one conscious moment at a time. Do you see? Highest choice after highest choice can only take you into new discoveries that are representative of the wonderful unfoldment of you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 17

You are currently shifting towards the energies of 2022. This is a vast energetic upgrade, a larger shift than you normally experience stepping into a new year. It is so big that you have begun this in earnest since the equinox. The energies you are experiencing, along with your responding releasing and integrating, is allowing you to step up onto a series of platforms, one at a time, that are up-levelling you in preparation of stepping up and into 2022.
For this reason, many of you are in a state of flux, and whenever you are in a state of flux it is not the time to manifest. Anything that would be a match to you today, might not be a true match for you next month. These times allow you to continue to evolve and grow, and to get clarity on who you are now compared to who you used to be and what you would like to create once you arrive in your new destination.
You might think of it like climbing a mountain. You climb and make progress, then you stop and rest to avoid altitude sickness. You know the camp is temporary and designed for you to acclimate before you continue your journey. Isn’t it interesting that so many ascension symptoms are similar to altitude sickness?
As you get closer to the energies of 2022, you will find seeds of ideas starting to drop in – new inspirations that are starting to take hold and sprout, and discover new potentials that have become possible due to your latest vantage point and level of attainment. These are little exciting glimpses of what all the hard work you have done has been preparing you for.
So be patient, Dear Ones. Allow the process. Move with the energies and thank them for their wisdom and guidance. Acknowledge how far you’ve come and how profoundly different you are now than not that long ago. Listen to your heart that knows that all is unfolding beautifully. And most of all know these are the exact times your soul could not wait to experience. The fact that you are getting anxious and excited is letting you know you are preparing to land. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 16

Dear Ones, you do not need to be in troubleshooting mode with yourselves all the time. Have you not noticed that things will come up organically for you if they need your attention? We love you for your diligence and tenacity and your desire to be thorough, but you can trust the unfoldment of your journey to bring anything that is ready for healing into your awareness.
Staying in an endless quest for what is wrong with you is like dropping anchor in choppy waters. Troubleshooting mode will keep you in a state of turmoil and will only find you more trouble to shoot. It amounts to continually pulling the scab off a wound to check and see if it’s healed yet.
Pulling up anchor and getting back into the flow of your wellness is how you get out of the endless cycle of looking for what needs healing and to finally start allowing yourself to be healed. And should another layer become ready for your attention, the flow will bring it into your awareness with divine timing for you to address it with the most energetic support possible.
It is safe to trust the natural unfoldment of your life expression, for it has been designed with your success in mind, and what a game changer it is when you recognize the flow’s purpose has always been to support your wellness. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 15

Dear Ones, there are certain traits you wish to look for in leaders of any sort. They are consciousness, integrity, transparency, and trust.
Consciousness: Do they care about serving the whole? Are the empathetic? Are they compassionate? Do they practice unity consciousness or separation consciousness? Are they an energetic match with who you are? Are they present and aligned? Do they have a vision for a better world and embody those traits themselves? Do they walk their talk?
Integrity: Do they have well established morals and values? Do they talk about them or do they actually live them? Do they do the right thing, even if no one is looking? Are they consistently appropriate in their actions? A person’s level of integrity is often indicative of their level of spiritual growth.
Transparency: Are they honest? Honest people tend to be transparent. Those who are not transparent have things to hide or healing to do. Are they fully present with you or does it always feel like a smoke and mirror show?
Trust: Is the person trustworthy? Are they honest or do they contradict themselves and lie? Have they consistently treated people well? Do they have strong connections with others that are long-lasting and healthy? Do they stay true to their word? Do they look out for the highest good of all? Are they a safe, supportive person for the people around them?
As you move into the new earth, the need for conscious leadership will come to the forefront. It will be essential, not only for your politicians, but also for the CEO’s of your corporations, your teachers – anyone who has a leadership role and the ability to influence the lives of others, because if they do not hold those traits their roles will simply not be sustainable in the new energies.
While it can seem like the old still has a strong hold on your world, it is being systematically dismantled and that is why things seem very loud and chaotic at this time. Trust that the shift is well underway, and you are an integral part of anchoring the new through your own conscious awareness and your heart-centred choices. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 14

There is much resolution for your past occurring at this time. While it may seem relentless when old memories and hurts come up for examination, there is an energetic dismantling of karmic threads, soul contracts, and past vows or belief systems happening that is indicative of the releasing of old roles that no longer serve you due to your growth and evolution. This dismantling may be taking place through conscious memories, energy healing work you are drawn to do, or could be happening organically through the sleep state.
What we wish for you to understand is if these old painful memories or issues are coming into your awareness, it is not an indicator that you are broken or that any of your previous healing work was not effective. It is an energetic clarification process that requires your awareness on one level or another for release. It is clearing space for you to embody more of who you truly are, and for you to shift into a new higher vibratory state that is in line with the energies of where you are going.
Evolution is a process, and the depth of the work you are doing could not be done all at once. It would be too overwhelming for you. You are moving at the fastest pace that is sustainable for you. We urge you to remember that during times of energetic intensity. You are masterfully moving through this great shift of the ages even if it feels messy and challenging for you at times. Trust that you are exactly where you need to be, that you are being guided and loved through it all, and the anxiousness and impatience you feel is part of the excitement of preparing to step fully into the new. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 13

In a world full of distractions, it can be difficult to find your way back to your centre. Dear Ones, take the time to be still and breathe. It is the most remarkably effective way to create a reset/rebalancing point for yourself and it is a tool that is always at your disposal.
Taking the time to be still and breathe is a wonderful act of self care. It brings you back to the now moment and back into connection with your body. Conscious breathing allows you to rejoin your own flow, your own unique rhythm, which will always make it easier for you to decide how to proceed in a way that truly matches you.
The simplest tools can be very powerful because they are both accessible and effective. The trick is remembering to incorporate them into your daily life so they can serve and support you. ~Archangel Gabriel though Shelley Young

October 12

As you feel into the possibilities of a new day, pay attention to how your body responds to different choices. If you are getting a tension in your body, you are getting a very clear “no, not today”. Look for the things your body relaxes into and flows towards. That is where the energies are inviting you to go, to expand and explore. The path of grace and ease is activated by having the conscious awareness of your body’s energetic responses and following its lead because it will clearly let you know what is being supported for you or not.
And while we understand this is a different way of navigating your life than you are used to, and it will require you to put aside all of your old habits of trying to push the bolder up the hill and considering yourself lazy if you don’t try to power through unsupportive energies, if you just give it a try you will be delighted to discover that overall it is a far more efficient and comfortable system than you have ever experienced before. Allow the waves of the flow to carry and guide you, Dear Ones, for that is exactly how the universe loves you forward. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 11

Many of you are desiring more joy in your lives but you can’t figure out how to get there from where you are. Sometimes it can be difficult to make a large vibrational leap from the energy you are in to where you would like to be. If that is the case, it is wise to use stepping stones, and the stepping stone on the way to joy is satisfaction.
We highly recommend you start to pay attention to any ways you experience satisfaction in your life. It could be something as simple as lighter traffic one day making your commute easier. It could be seeing a parking space open up for you in a busy parking lot. It could be a delicious meal, or rain coming at the perfect time to water your garden. It could be the comfort of your favourite sweater, or breathing in fresh air, or your morning coffee, or the convenience of electricity and running water. Just pay attention to all the little things in life that are satisfying for you.
Once you start to consciously look for and identify what is satisfying you, you naturally shift into gratitude. When you combine satisfaction and gratitude the most amazing alignment happens, and this opens the door to moments of pure presence and joy. Do you see? You can take incremental steps towards your desired state of being, just like you can tune into a radio station, by using your wisdom to find and appreciate the stepping stones that lead you where you wish to go. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 10

It is very difficult for people to let go of a belief system that they have had a strong attachment to when they come to the realization that it hasn’t been valid or serving them appropriately. It can come with all of the stages of grief – shock, anger, denial, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. The person may feel duped, foolish, or ashamed. They may also be struggling with doubt in themselves and their ability to discern what is true and what is not.
If you have believed in something that ended up not being your highest choice, we want you to understand that it is a sure sign of your evolution. It is also a sign that you were invested and you cared, and those are wonderful traits to have. Be kind and gentle with yourself. You did the best you could with the information you had, and now you are ready to move forward into more supportive energies. You can trust your soul and your inner wise one to continue to guide you forward, and that always happens in perfect timing.
Understanding that it can be very difficult for people to back away from belief systems is important. Be kind and gentle with those who are going through that process. Love people enough to give them the space to choose differently without adding to the many challenging emotions they may already be experiencing. There is always value in experience and you are all in a process of evolution that involves continually seeking your truth and energetic matches, and sometimes that comes from experiencing what is not a real match first. Your compassion and support is what will allow people the courage to explore and evolve, and that is a beautiful thing, indeed. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 9

During times of energetic intensity, you will see people having a wide variety of experiences. Some people will be triggered and act out. Others may be going through big energetic shifts that result in them temporarily not being as consciously aware as they normally are. Some people will be healing and releasing. Some will be trying on some truths for size only to realize they don’t fit. There will be a myriad of experiences being had.
These are unprecedented times with people going through rapid transformations and realizations in accelerated energies. It is so important to hold the space of grace for others. By holding the space, you make it safe for people to shift beliefs and ideas and allow themselves to grow. If people fear judgment it may result in them holding onto beliefs or behaviours that don’t serve them far longer than they would have if given the safe space to back up and try a different approach that is far more in line with their latest level of attainment.
Just as you deeply appreciate when people accept you in your ever-evolving self expression, your non-judgement holds a safe space that encourages others to explore their next highest version of self and is a gift of love that has the power to heal the deep divisions that are playing out on your planet. You are beings of love and grace at your core, and everyone benefits when you allow those heart-centred values to lead the way. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 8

When you have gone through a period of intensity, be it energetic or otherwise, it can be difficult to focus on anything other than how uncomfortable you are. But there are key elements that do help minimize your discomfort and help you move through the challenging time with the greatest amount of speed, support, grace, and ease possible. Those elements are surrender, faith, flow, trust, acceptance, allowing and gratitude.
We understand you may not feel like practicing any of those elements when times seem hard, but that is the very time they can help you the most. If you are stuck in a phase that is seeming to persist, we highly recommend examining each of the essential elements and asking yourself how you can start to implement the use of them again.
Any of the elements of surrender, faith, flow, trust, acceptance, allowing, or gratitude, utilized by themselves, will help in their own distinct way. But using them together, just like a code or a combination, (which is why we refer to them as the Divine Combination), is the power move many of you are missing.
There is a magic, or an alchemy, if you will, that only activates by using them all together, and that is the formula you seek, especially in harder times, to move you beyond any blockages into the higher vibrational solutions your soul knows must exist but is having trouble to find. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 7

The quest for power is allowing your ego to lead the way. The quest for empowerment is allowing your spirituality to lead the way. The first will lead to hollow victories, while the second will provide a richness and satisfaction you never imagined possible. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 6

The biggest power move you can make on your enlightenment journey is making the shift from knowing about spirituality to living spiritually. Your seeking is a wonderful thing and for many of you the first steps toward your embodiment, but ultimately it is your beingness that declares who you really are. Knowledge is often a precursor to action, a springboard, if you will, to how you wish to be. Simply put, reading about love is wonderful, but one loving action allows you to experience yourself as the love, and it is the expression of those spiritual traits you are really seeking.
Hear us when we say you do not need to wait until you reach some level of attainment in order to live your life in an enlightened way. Every demonstration of love, every prayer, every moment of gratitude, every observation of beauty, every word of encouragement to another, every peaceful choice, every kindness – all of it is spirituality in action. What we wish for you to know is there are many, many of you on the planet who simply express who they really are, beautifully and consistently, without any knowledge at all of the ascension process, and that makes just as much of a difference as the actions of those who have studied for their entire lives.
Do you see? The prep work is valuable but don’t get stuck in the habit of being a perpetual student who never quite feels ready to apply their knowledge because the world needs you and your loving actions now, and there is also great joy for you when you allow yourself to step into the experience of being who you came onto the planet to be. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 5

Huge leaps of growth are possible at this time. Those who have been on their enlightenment journey for a long time may be astounded by how quickly people are waking up and grasping what may have taken you years to understand. This is largely due to you and your efforts!
You had so much love and so much faith you went first to clear a path for others to follow. If you are in the throes of ascension fatigue right now, please know that as more people wake up you will no longer feel like you are carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. You will be entering a new phase that will be much easier for you, much like becoming an elder where you are respected for your wisdom and lifetime achievements but have passed the baton of the heavy lifting to those who are younger and ready to step out onto their own service paths. You will continue to contribute by sharing your wisdom and teachings and the energy of your beingness in whatever ways bring you joy.
All of this reshuffling is exactly what you had dreamed of! It is an indicator of the shift of the ages truly taking hold, for all great changes are done not just by one generation, but also by the next generation picking up where the previous one left off. All of this will be creating momentum that creates a wave of transformation and new potential on your planet, and that is exactly what you had all hoped for all along. Well done, Dear Ones, well done! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 4

Your shifting journey may begin by letting go of tiny pieces of energies that no longer match who you truly are. Then, just like when rocks experience erosion over a long period of time, big chunks may let go as a result of the consistency of the work you have done. Many of you will be moving through big releases and healings as the energies are also very supportive of such leaps at this time.
Once you let go of a big piece, you may feel somewhat tender, exposed, or vulnerable. This is normal. You have been used to living with this density, much like a shield between you and the rest of the world, for a very long time. Give yourself a chance to get used to where you have evolved to. Rest if you feel you need it and listen to the innate intelligence of your body to give it all that it needs.
If you have fears or traumas about connection or being open, you may find those feelings rising to the surface due to your new level of energetic availability. It is important to acknowledge those vulnerable aspects and tend to those parts of yourself, reassuring them that from your new level of wisdom and awareness it is safe for them to come forward and fully reintegrate into the whole that is you. It is safe for you to be the newest version of you.
You may also realize new gifts due to being more connected and more sensitive. This is absolutely wonderful and proof that you have truly shifted in some remarkable ways. These new abilities are preparing you to step fully into the new with more wisdom and capability than ever before.
Transformation and conscious evolution are no small feats, Dear Ones! Celebrate that you have come to the place where all of this is possible, because it is through your consistency, your tenacity, and your beautiful and courageous hearts that you are where you are in this grand shift of the ages, and it is time that you start to see the tangible rewards for your efforts. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 3

October 3
Dear Ones, if you don’t know what is next you don’t have to figure it out. You don’t even have to feel it out. It is unlikely that you will have any success with either because both are trying to connect into energies you haven’t discovered yet. You simply need to be open, and curious, and flow, and all the information you need will be revealed to you in perfect timing. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 2

You know you are beings of flow. You have periods of action and periods of rest, all designed to support your balance and your evolution.
What we wish for you to understand is that if you have been in a long period of not knowing or inaction, and equally strong wave of discovery and movement is sure to follow. It must be, if you understand the overall system of balance the flow is designed to be.
So again we tell you, it is safe to trust the flow because it is customized for your success. You cannot get it wrong but you can certainly create discomfort for yourself by resisting your now moment and denying yourself the inherent benefits of whatever phase you may find yourself in. Let go and let flow, Dear Ones, and you will always find your way to those divine intersections that occur from being in the exact right place at the exact right time. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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