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Spiritual Enhancement

Life is a wise teacher

Life is a wise teacher

This is not said for rhetoric, but confirmed by experience. In the school of life it is impossible not to pass the lesson. If a lesson needs to be learned, then life will return time after time to the situation that needs to be learned, until a person fully learns this life lesson. Therefore, we call a person who has gone through many difficult life lessons a sage, an experienced person. It would be good to listen to the opinions of such people so as not to repeat the mistakes of others.
But that doesn’t happen. Until you get your own bumps on your forehead, the lesson is not considered passed. In life we can experience two states: either we grow and develop, or we degrade. And every life lesson we pass is sent to us precisely for growth and development. And there is no need to complain about the villainous fate. Complain about the trials we receive. Man is a very automatic being. We always tend to act using proven methods, rely on past experience, and act in stereotypical and stereotyped ways.
And it may even be that this state of affairs does not suit us, but this is more familiar and proven. And everything new scares and repels. Which means we get stuck in the comfort zone and degrade.
And if suddenly something happens that we did not expect (divorce, loss of loved ones, loss of job, etc.), we fall out of our usual way of life, become insolvent and unable to overcome these life lessons. Some are broken by difficulties, others are strengthened and forced to reconsider their past life and start working on themselves. Life has its own laws, and just because we are not ready for them, they do not stop working.
And here are some of them.
1. Life is a series of lessons we need.
Stop resisting what is happening. The action force is equal to the reaction force. The longer you scold, blame, resist what is happening in your life, the more you nullify your energy, and therefore reduce your life to nothing. Remember now your most difficult life situations. Surely it was very difficult, but you are the current result of these experiences. You today are the result of yesterday’s life experiences. And if you don’t like something about your current situation, it’s precisely because the lesson was not passed correctly. This means that a repeat of a similar situation awaits you ahead. You do not want? Then change voluntarily.
2. The Universe has no favorites.
Did it sometimes seem to you that someone was luckier, that he was born under a lucky star or that he was kissed by the Lord? Forget about it. Karma or destiny is the effect of our past and the reason for the future. You may not even realize what path the people who seem successful to you have taken. Everyone is given a cross that their back can bear. The Sower’s Law states that in order to reap the fruits, you must first work. If you are still unlucky, it means that your desire has not yet been paid for by you, you are simply not ready for success yet. It happens that great fame or money destroys a person and instead of growth and development, he degrades and dies.
3. Life is a mirror of our beliefs.
Beliefs are a person’s ideas about what is good and what is bad, what works and what does not work, what is right and what is wrong. Personality is a set of shells, in the center of which is the core, or ID. ID is the deepest human essence, self-identification. The way we feel about ourselves: “A budding entrepreneur”, “A person who is being treated unfairly”. The core is the most difficult to change, but it is self-identification that forms the next level – beliefs. Beliefs such as “The Internet is bullshit” or “The Internet is a working tool”, “Business requires money” or “All men are assholes.” Any descriptive characteristics of our reality are our beliefs. Beliefs form a new level called abilities.
Our abilities are our skills and abilities to implement something. Can we do something or can’t we, and if we can, how? – this is a question characterizing the level of our abilities. Abilities arise according to our beliefs.
Abilities provoke a pattern of behavior: action or inaction. Depending on what abilities you have. This is how our reality is formed. The indicator of reality is the people who surround us. You feel comfortable with people who think and behave like you. Like always strives for like. If a person disagrees with you or lives by different principles, you inevitably move away from him. Your social circle is your most accurate projection and the key to unlocking your own self.
Now let’s add the prefix “anti-”, or a minus sign, to each of these levels. So we will get antiID. Beliefs that should be developed turn into anti-beliefs that lead to degradation. Abilities become anti-abilities. Thus, a person implements anti-behavior and further strengthens his own anti-ID. Whining plays a major role in this story, and it’s scary.
A terrible phenomenon that not only prevents a person from rising to the top, but turns him, like a corkscrew, into a reality from which it becomes more and more difficult to get out every day.
4. Don’t get attached to anything.
Our hooks and attachments simply poison our lives and the lives of those to whom we are attached. Have you noticed the following paradox: the more a woman clings to her man, trembles over him, checks him, is afraid of losing and therefore devotes her life to him alone, the more he does not appreciate it. And not because he is a scoundrel, but because in this way his entire energy resists such dedication. Such a crush on a person deprives him of energy, makes him feel guilty and a sense of duty. And these feelings have nothing to do with love. And the woman herself is also unlikely to experience love. She rather loves her feelings with this person and tries to maintain the status quo. Manic commitment to something is a childhood feeling when a child does not want to share his things with anyone, identifies himself with them and even identifies.
If you really want something, you need to mentally let go of what you want to allow the energy to flow freely and bring that most desired thing into your reality.
5. Live as your heart tells you.
The more you follow the voice of reason, the more you drown out the voice of the soul and heart. If you have the opportunity to choose between the voice of your mind and the voice of your heart, feel free to choose the voice of your heart. It miraculously always knows what to do. Living as your heart tells you does not mean catering to your emotions and whims. The dictates of your heart are following your deepest values; these are your true desires, not those imposed by external circumstances.
Make a list of your talents and abilities, as well as a list of your favorite things to do in which they are expressed. This is how you will find your unique talents. Use them to serve others.
To do this, ask yourself as often as possible:
“How can I be useful (to the world, to the people I come into contact with)? How can I serve?
Discover your divinity, find your unique talent, and you can create any wealth you want. Deepak Chopra
On this occasion I like the following parable:
An old Hindu legend tells that there was a time when all people were Gods. But they neglected their Divinity. And Brahma, the Supreme God, decided to take away the Divine Power from them and hide it in a place where It could not be found. However, finding such a place was a big problem. And Brahma gathered all the supreme Deities together to solve this problem. And they suggested: “Let’s hide Divinity under the Earth!” But Brahma replied: “No, that won’t do. A person will start digging and will find Her again.” The deities offered another option: “Then let’s throw Her into the very depths of the Ocean!” But Brahma again replied, “No. Sooner or later, a person will explore the depths of the ocean and, having found Her, will bring her to the surface.” The deities were at a dead end, they did not know where they could hide the Divinity. And it seemed that there was no place on Earth or in the Sea that would be inaccessible to humans. But then Brahma objected: “This is what we will do with Divinity: We will hide It in the depths of man himself, because this is the only place where he will never look.” Since then, man has been rushing around the Earth to explore it all: since then he has been searching, ascending and descending, diving and digging in search of a thing that can only be found within himself!
6. The more you work, the more you get.
Don’t be under the illusion that success comes overnight. Success is 1% talent and 99% sweat. A person begins to experience a state of flow when he begins to do what he loves and everything difficult seems easy and unburdensome to him. This is only possible through great commitment to what you like, when desires and opportunities merge together and everything seems to come easy. But in reality the person is doing a great job.
Don’t look for easy ways; big targets are harder to miss.
7. Do not divide events into “bad” and “good”.
Give up your own rules and desire to evaluate everything that happens. All events are by definition neutral. When it rains, some people see muddy puddles in front of them, while others see reflective stars. Your vector of attention greatly influences your reaction to what is happening. If you believe in the opinion that life is evil and everyone around you is wolves, then those around you will bite and attack. How else? We strengthen the actions of those things to which we direct our attention, we water them with our energy. Only the quality of watering can be very different. Let’s draw an analogy with watering a flower bed: either water them with clean water or sulfuric acid. Do you understand? Both are liquid and both are manifestations of attention, only the vector of attention is different.
8. Accept people with all their pros and cons.
We came into this world to experience some kind of human experience. And who, if not other people, helps us in this task. And God has no other hands than the hands of other people, their influence on us, their actions. Of course, sometimes it can be difficult to accept a person who has sunk to the bottom, who behaves antisocially and destroys everything good around him. But this person can teach us something too. At least because we ourselves don’t want to be like that, to understand that there are other values for us and we don’t want to live like this person. Everything is relative. This person gives you the opportunity to compare.
By accepting people as they are, we lower our threshold of expectations for them, which leads to a calmer life. The normal state of mind is joy and peace. What makes us unhappy is our high expectations for ourselves, our loved ones, our level of income, our career, and much more.
A person with excessive expectations thinks that his environment is to blame for his unstable internal state. Both those around him and the person himself suffer from exorbitant demands.
Very often this manifests itself in the attitude of wives towards their husbands – a woman always thinks that her husband is not good enough, earns little, and does not know how to carry out her tasks correctly. At the same time, she completely forgets that she is not ideal either. The wife gnaws at her beloved and is constantly upset by his slowness. We do the same with children, demanding that they be neat and child prodigies – but they are just children learning the world through mistakes.
Excessive demands are also placed on oneself: you need to be the best, do everything at the highest level – this is where perfectionism arises. But here’s the rub—we often deserve exactly what we get. And our spiritual harmony depends only on perception. Either we will be too demanding of our life – and therefore unhappy because it does not meet our high expectations, or we will accept it as it is.
You just need to remember that the husband (wife) and children are living people, they also have their weaknesses, and not everyone is born to become presidents of million-dollar companies…
The first step towards combating the syndrome of inflated expectations is its awareness, understanding that this is a trap of self-deception that you should not fall into. If you constantly think that everything could be better, then you can suffer from this endlessly, since there is no limit to perfection. The most profitable investments are usually investments in yourself.
9. We are not meant to change the world around us, but ourselves.
Only constant self-development makes a person interesting, both to others and to himself.
“Everyone thinks to change the world, but no one thinks to change themselves” Lev Tolstoy
We are all ready to give advice to others, tell them how to behave, what to think, how to act, but few people work on themselves. And this is the biggest victory – to defeat your complexes, bad habits and limiting beliefs.
Very often, in order to live, we must change, sometimes this process is accompanied by pain, fear, doubt… We get rid of memories, habits and traditions of the past… Only liberation from the burden of the past allows us to live and enjoy the present and prepare ourselves for the future…
“Be the changes you want in your life” Mahatma Gandhi.
Change your thinking to be exclusively positive. Allow positive emotions and thoughts to dominate your mind and you will radically change your life.
Allow yourself to be who you are and let events happen on their own. Your task is to dream, move and observe what miracles life brings to you. And if something doesn’t work out the way you wanted, then it will be even better. Just relax and have fun.
Eduard Asadov has wonderful lines:
“Two people were looking out the same window:
One saw death and fear,
Fire, suffering and grief,
The world we know is collapsing.
Another saw spring there,
Blooming gardens and blue skies,
Beautiful green foliage…
Two people were looking out the same window…”
Only those who are able to see beauty in the dark are truly happy…
Author: Tatyana Sarapina

How to have an orgasm if you’ve never experienced it

How to have an orgasm if you’ve never experienced it

Let’s look at the sensitive issue together with a sexologist. Orgasm often becomes a marker of good relationships in a couple. But sometimes with complete understanding in life, in the bedroom, the opposite happens.
Often the fault lies in the inability of the woman to have an orgasm, which the man is unable to overcome, no matter how hard he tries. About why this happens and how to solve this problem, told sexologist Ekaterina Lyubimova.
What is orgasm?
Orgasm is not only the culmination of sexual arousal, but also an eternal stumbling block for many women. Often, women who experience problems achieving orgasm during intimate intimacy believe that this problem is purely physiological in nature.
But in reality, the occurrence or non-occurrence of orgasm depends more on the strength of emotional tension and erotic fantasy than on physiology. In the mechanics of sexual arousal, the psyche and impressions play, perhaps, a major role. So, even if you do not have developed erogenous zones, being in the right situation, you can experience the most vivid orgasm.
What affects the ability to orgasm?
The technical side of Sex, its performance, of course, does not play the slightest role in the ability to get an orgasm with a partner; however, the psychological side of the process for women is much more important. The ability to reach the peak of pleasure is related to the attitude to the figure, perception of oneself, personality, body and the topic of sex.
The psyche is responsible for the ability to orgasm in women, which can be suppressed by shyness, unnecessary thoughts or taboos. A woman is open to bright emotions only when she gives herself completely to the process and loses control.
Orgasm is the main reward from the body in response to love for it and the desire for sexual pleasure. Without psychological openness, no technique, even the most sophisticated, will contribute to pleasure.
But we should not forget about the” instrumental ” part – women should develop their erogenous points, external and internal (points in the vagina), using special sex toys for this purpose.
Why Have I never had an orgasm?
Note that alone with yourself, in the process of masturbation, to achieve orgasm is easy and simple. But during intimate intimacy with a partner, women often involve involuntary control over their body, behavior, face and emotions, which does not contribute to the achievement of pleasure.
Women who have difficulty releasing during sex need to learn how to overcome the state of isolation. This can be done through consultation with an intimate psychotherapist or attending an orgasm awakening training, where, among other things, they learn to turn off control and thoughts and completely dissolve into sensations.
When developing the program of such training, special attention should be paid to the ways of accumulation and increase arousal during sex. They allow you to reach the top point if there are no internal obstacles.
How to distinguish orgasm from ordinary ecstasy?
How to distinguish orgasm from ordinary ecstasy – a very topical question for those women who have never reached the climax. It is accepted to answer that it is quite easy to understand intuitively, because the orgasm can not be confused with anything else. It’s hard to argue with that answer.
From a physiological point of view, orgasm is the spontaneous contraction and relaxation of the vaginal muscles and subsequent physical relaxation and pleasure. Ecstasy is just a pleasant feeling. In general, the golden rule is this: if you’re not sure you’ve had an orgasm, chances are you just haven’t had one.
How to get an orgasm regularly?
Those who want to have orgasms on a regular basis should not neglect different types of stimulation, because orgasm is not necessarily associated with vaginal sex. If your partner hasn’t brought you to the top during coitus, ask him to continue to caress you with his hands, orally, or with sex toys. If you experience orgasm, but not as often as you would like, you should be concerned about the development of sensitivity of areas such as the Apostille point.
Orgasm is often triggered by clitoral stimulation, and to experience it vaginally, you need to use special transfer techniques. If you don’t have a physiological link between orgasm and having the male sex organ in you – why should your body respond appropriately?
Is it possible to make the orgasm brighter?
The sensation of orgasm can be made more vivid by stimulating two areas at the same time. For example, you can resort to anal stimulation, which will add debauchery to sex. However, there are other methods that can’t be learned by flipping through a magazine or consulting with girlfriends.
Experienced sex coaches during a personal meeting teach you to “turn on” during sex several erogenous zones at once. These techniques will allow you to experience a whole range of emotions, getting much more pleasure from sex. Also, the sensations will be more vivid if you diversify your sex life to introduce into it more ways of mutual satisfaction. For example, new oral sex techniques will definitely add bright colors to your sex life!
What are the benefits of orgasm?
Orgasm is probably the most powerful feeling in life, apart from enlightenment from meditation. Undoubtedly, its main benefit is the resulting sense of satisfaction. In the busy schedules of life, when women are forced to rush between work and rest, it is important to learn to experience satisfaction and relaxation.
What’s the point of having a good job if it prevents you from enjoying life? Private life, its intimate side, is the most intimate thing a person has, a process that requires maximum openness. If your job doesn’t suit you, you can change it; if your partner doesn’t suit you, you can start a new relationship.
But if there is no satisfaction in your life, you must change your life. For the harmonious sex life is that nucleus, that experience of Pleasant sensual pleasures, which is an inviolable reserve of positivism to overcome all the difficulties of life.
Eva Grigorova

Consumer energy

Consumer energy

My dear ones, many people on Earth live in consumer energies. This means that they take more than they give, and this applies to many areas of life. These are settings of the three-dimensional world.
But this low experience of the planet is closed to everyone. The earth is being transformed and there is no more place for selfish consumer energies on it. This experience will gradually disappear completely.
Of course, it takes years to transform, there is still time to change and right now get out of the consumer attitude to life, to everything. Notice this low energy in yourself and change.
One day the planet will make a very powerful vibrational leap and completely come out of low energies. And all the people who will not be able to match the new vibrations will leave the Earth. Now there is still time to get out of egoistic and consumer energies.
But you don’t have to wait, you need to go out into the Light every day, discover it in yourself, shine and shine. We are moving into the world of high vibrations! And only those who match it will pass!
With love to everyone,
Magda Funia.

The Dark Archangel Evael: The Moment of Truth

The Dark Archangel Evael: The Moment of Truth

Contact person: architect

A conversation with the head of the dark hierarchy. Approach the interaction consciously.
TA Evail: Shall we talk?
Ch.: I thought there would be no more public messages from the dark hierarchy through me.
TA: That’s right, we closed this task a year ago. And now – firstly, you don’t have to, and secondly, I don’t have to. But, as you can see for yourself, an information vacuum has formed, people are looking for explanations and do not find them. Communication with higher levels is unstable: then it is there, then it is not. The Earth is now actually a quarantine zone. There are many cracks in your world through which living creatures from the dark worlds seep. And, so that these dangerous essences do not spread further across free spaces, the Earth is seriously isolated. This affects the quality of communication, especially the purity of some interactions with bright teachers. But the connection with me is good, so I will provide the information.
Those who need information will read the conversation with me. Who doesn’t really need it, let them continue to tune in to the positive – maybe it’s for the best. So many people have already fallen off from genuine development and gone into their fantasies as soon as the case smelled of kerosene. You are already afraid to touch them once again – let them continue to hover in their dreams, since their psyche has closed.
There are few people with a sober view of what is happening. I’ll talk to them.
Ch.: What was the real meaning of communicating with dark structures?
TA: We have revealed in people what they did not see in themselves. This is our job – to find and show all the weaknesses of both the person and his team.
Intensive individual work began with those souls that our deep scanning was successful. In 2023, there were so few meaningful public conversations, because teachers already interacted with people who passed the tests individually. The year for such people was not easy, transformational, but definitely useful – it brought serious achievements, helped to see new horizons. Such people end the year with a non-zero volume of valuable thoughts, ideas and developments that can be further developed and implemented next year.
For those who partially coped and pulled up their tails, the year 2023 was ambiguous, perhaps chaotic, feverish, but also clarifying important life moments, allowing serious intermediate steps to be taken. In a word, such people were gradually slowed down so that they would not fall asleep. They did not let them escape from their difficulties. Of course, I didn’t like it and caused discomfort, but it was also a sure sign that the Forces continue to work with the person, which means that they see some chances in his probabilities to improve their results.
For those who did not pass our scan, the year was empty, stagnant, or filled with idle fuss. This vacuum was formed because the magnitude of the obstacle to human development turned out to be too large, and the person’s desire to overcome it was too small or not at all.
For many, the obstacle was internal. I am talking about personal qualities, beliefs, habits of thinking that a person either did not see, or saw, but did not consider them as obstacles, because he was too attached to them. Or maybe they seemed like a worthy part of themselves wonderful, but, objectively speaking, they were not. It is not easy to tear off and discard a piece of your beloved ego, even if it prevents you from moving forward.
In order to continue growing and moving forward, a stuck person will have to conduct an impartial assessment of his life and see the “elephant” standing in his way. And make an inconvenient decision to radically change some of its properties, which provoked stagnation. In this case, it can still be overcome. There may not be a second year of stagnation: if you do not find the reason for the inhibition of your development, there is a high probability of deterioration of the situation.
Everyone who is stuck understands and feels everything deep down. The ego can block this information, but the soul knows everything and is oppressed. In a long period, this oppression undermines a person from the inside, so you should not delay your inhibition. We need to try to change something, even if we have to make an uncomfortable decision.
Time is running out. Even if it is completely unclear what to do, you need to take at least one step towards updating. Life will show if he was right. But there is no water flowing under the lying stone. Now you can not freeze in indecision. If any step suggests itself, it needs to be done.
But the year is not over yet. November will be difficult. Since August, the frequencies of the Earth have been gradually decreasing. Because of this, there were strong disturbances in space in October, and sensitive people felt them well. But all this was just an unpleasant shaking during the difficult descent down. The Earth is now anchored at lower frequencies. The bottom is pierced.
For obvious reasons, the most severe collapse of the Earth’s space is now taking place in the Middle East. These processes will deepen and intensify. It is impractical and impossible to freeze them – at least some of this anger should burn itself out. How many more brave souls will climb into this blazing cavern, and how much they will suffer, depends only on their degree of stupidity and desire to stick their restless nose into this gloomy action.
The end of the year will be sobering, both globally and personally. But I’m not making forecasts, I’m just voicing my plan. I have it, because during all these amazing events, I will be a senior manager on Earth. But this should not be taken as a reason for fear, because my task is quite conservative: to lead civilization through this difficult stage with minimal damage to souls and to ensure the safety of those people whom the development system considered valuable.
Over the past few months, teachers have been selecting protective tools for their wards so that people would approach this difficult period prepared. But not everyone received protection. In particular, because the value of some people’s lives is still not clear either to themselves or to the development system.
Yes, many people have an instinct for self-preservation. If you ask them if they value their lives, they will answer “yes”. For example, many are not averse to prolonging their incarnation in order to treat themselves to another portion of “yummy”. But not all of these people know how to dispose of their lives so that it will benefit the development of their soul or other souls. But this is the most pressing issue right now. Healthy selfishness and the desire to live in order to continue to pamper yourself may not save a person in the near future if at a deep level he has such a hidden meaninglessness. The absence of a reasonable plan, reasonable reasons for prolonging the incarnation puts a huge number of souls on Earth at risk now.
Therefore, you need to find a reason for yourself, you need to make a plan by answering the question: what benefits does this incarnation bring to the soul, the world, God? A sincere, valid reason can serve as the best protection for any person in this difficult time.
A serious problem for some active people now is that they live in a false paradigm. They are active, see the meaning of their lives and invest efforts in those areas that they consider right. But this is a path to nowhere, eating up all their efforts.
Imagine that there is a kind of hill-altar, and a person brings something there every day and adds, supplements, updates. He directs his thoughts to this altar, is engaged in its arrangement, expands, etc. And so, over a long period of time, this hill turns into a pile of everything: invested resources, meanings, expectations, prejudices and beliefs. Maybe a person has already taken the best things out of the house and placed them on the altar – so he firmly believes in the correctness of his actions. This is how people’s life happens: when they have invested too much of themselves into their “holy” hill, so they are incredibly attached to it. To remove this hill – and under it a terrible abyss.
But what does it feel like for a person to realize that the altar was chosen incorrectly from the very beginning? That he wasn’t worth the effort? Such are the properties of a person: when you have seriously spent yourself on some business, it is already your personal shrine. The questions are no longer asked here: was there any genuine value in that hill? Or was it originally a barren land?
It is extremely difficult for a person to see the meaninglessness of his altar, because he already values not so much the work itself as the soul invested in it: the scheme of actions has already been built, the ritual has been thought out, habits have been developed, and the last thing he wants is to turn off this beaten path.
But what to do if the “holy” hill of man still turned out to be barren? Continue to believe that “this happens to other people, but it can’t happen to me”? Persist in your blindness and continue to invest your strength in your altar of unfulfilled hopes? Or do you still recognize the falsity of the chosen path?
It is possible that the reasons for the wrong choice lie very deeply – at the level of some personal “holy postulates”, at the level of basic beliefs, basic life strategies. That is, we will have to take a swing at the very foundations of personality, reshape them to see a new path. Of course, it won’t be easy. But in some false altars it is impossible to invest more, they will crumble. And it is better to prepare for this in advance: to realize and accept everything, and then carefully close the streams between themselves and the false “holy” hill, release their luminous threads from there and move away – this will increase the chances that during the destruction all this will not overwhelm a person with debris.
Ch.: Sometimes a person realizes that he is stuck and wants to change something in himself, but he really does not see the reason. How to see your obstacle?
TA: Development is a continuous qualitative expansion of oneself. It is necessary to ask the question into space: “where do I limit myself?” And then open your mind so that the ego does not block an honest answer, and watch for a week or two for the signs that the surrounding world sends to a person.
Ch.: At what frequencies is the Earth now?
TA: The frequencies of the Earth are heterogeneous. But the average now is 2.7.
Ch.: Do I understand correctly: somewhere in the mountains of Tibet, the frequencies are high, and in the hot spots of civilization they can be even lower than 2.7?
TA: No, they don’t lower it below 2.7, it’s already too low. Animal impulses are already circulating at this level. When they take over a person, the constraints of civilization work much worse, and every kind of ugliness rises from the human depths.
An animal kills if it is hungry or to protect itself and its territory. The concise motivation of a predator naturally regulates its manifestations of violence towards other animals. No lion will run to conquer the entire savannah to demonstrate his superiority. The absence of a more complex motivation to kill allows you to avoid mass slaughter in wildlife and limit yourself to the minimum necessary for the survival of predators.
People are more intelligent, so they have a whole list of reasons to kill, they have a complex motivation to destroy their own kind. But many of them are not yet smart enough to lock their bestial impulses under lock and key, as they inevitably trigger the flywheel of mass brutality and lead earthly communities to trouble or death. The natural limiter of the animal world on the use of violence in human society no longer works. From here we come to an old, but very relevant thesis: the toughest animal on Earth is man.
Each side of the confrontation expects to win in order to “live like a human being” later. Everyone hopes that they will be the ones who will be told the last, most weighty word in the conflict, which then all opponents will honor with reverence and fear. But figs to you. The basics of the use of violence are arranged differently, and such naivety is not forgiven to anyone. If both sides do not put a lock on their animal impulses and do not extinguish aggression, no most formidable last word leads to the end of the conflict. He still sits in the heads, even if there are no forces left to continue the opposition at all.
But human exhaustion can be used to extinguish the conflict. The civilization was lowered to level 2.7, because these are border frequencies with dark worlds. And from this position, it is already possible to bring the entire negatively charged resource of life, which will spill out as a result of mass violence, easily into the dark worlds. None of these bursts will return to the earth’s megastructures, and it will not be possible to use these resources again. As they say: it spilled and went into the ground. Thus, the exhaustion of those who want to play violent games will come much faster. And together with the resource, the accumulated animal impulses from souls will merge from the space of the Earth.
Of course, the Earth’s energy exchange networks will become impoverished, and the dark worlds will be at least a little sated. But what if people don’t want to control their thirst for violence? If everyone had restrained themselves and chosen a peaceful path, none of what is happening could have happened.
The price for the desire to fight for the soul is huge, for the desire to actively cheer for one of the parties is also decent. The best way for the soul not to remain bankrupt during this gloomy feast is not to participate and not to get involved emotionally.
Tsch. Questioner: So why do animal impulses manifest? Is it because of the descent to frequencies 2.7? Or are they already prevailing in people, that’s why civilization was lowered?
TA: Good question, you’re digging deep. In descending to frequencies 2.7, there is indeed an element of motivation to manifest their bestial impulses. But only those that a person already has.
It’s like taking a man’s pants off to see what he’s covering up there. Without pants, everyone can already see everything, and the person himself can see what he has there.
So it is with the descent to frequencies 2.7 – it is necessary for the hidden to manifest. But he doesn’t provoke really friendly people to bite into other people’s throats. What is not there will not manifest.
Ch.: So dark structures will encourage people to merge their aggression?
TA: And where else to put it before the transition of the Earth to reduced destructiveness? It has already accumulated in earthly networks and in souls. It remains only to merge, and only in such an ugly way.
Ch.: And what happens: a person killed a bunch of people, merged his aggression and enters the new world clean?
TA: A sharp question, think about your bias, it does not decorate you. You yourself understand perfectly well that violence is not so easily forgiven to anyone. But I will answer.
Those people, through whom all these animal impulses from the earthly megastructures merge, suffer the most. If a person lets violence into himself, gives himself to it, longs to ride this swift wave, begins to enjoy his cruelty – he becomes something like a water purification filter, a consumable. And such elements in any system are the fastest to fall into disrepair, and they are thrown away. A person who has let evil into himself has high risks of losing his subjectivity and becoming a slave to dark structures. People have protection of their subjectivity from the invasion of dark forces, but it no longer works if the animal begins to dominate. You can’t let the darkness in and let it drink your strength, grow at your own expense. Valid reasons and excuses don’t work here. You can’t, period. Therefore, a person who wants to be treated with respect by the Forces, who wants to preserve his strong defenses against dark obsession, should monitor his humanity with special rigor.
Even if a person finds himself between a rock and an anvil and is forced to participate in violence, in no case can this be considered normal, justified, permissible. There is no killing for good. Killing is always harmful. Whoever decides to commit violence must forever forget about any valid reasons and excuses and accept the fact that he is sowing evil with his own hands. Only such a position leaves any real chances to emerge from this dark abyss, move on to repentance and subsequent stabilization of life. But even in this case, participation in violence will cost the soul dearly. Do not expect that you will be able to shake off this experience quickly and ride on, like a mountain goat, to the top.
Ch: Can the awakened individually keep their personal frequencies high?
TA: They can and do, if it turns out. But it does not work for everyone and not always. Those who succeed, who are inclined to climb tirelessly up the slope themselves, even if everyone is already rolling down, are now being helped to stay higher and conduct high-frequency infusions for other awakened ones. Your special networks are still working, but their recharge from above is minimal, for survival, and not for life on a grand scale. Hunger on Earth continues, so all costs are minimized.
If a person does not have the strength, enthusiasm, if he sleeps a lot, and the days rush one after another – these are signs of economy. So the soul has no resources.
There are people who benefit others, they are given more resources for their activities. If the awakened one does not know how to help others, he is fed at a minimum. Therefore, when a person has an idea of how to be useful to others, additional resources may come in. They will give him more strength and inspiration. But a person needs to think through some reasonable plan and take concrete steps.
Tsch. Questioner: But this immersion of the Earth into low frequencies is dangerous. You said that not everyone has protection. But the dark entities are now brazen and actively attacking people in dreams.
TA: There is enough protection for all awakened ones who are not in contention with the development system. Not complete, without blowing off dust particles, but quite sufficient. If a person used to have a feeling of patronage from above, and he appreciated his security, thanked and did not abuse this help, then there is enough protection now. Those who move to a new level will be covered. The earth will cherish its best children, who continue their journey with it in a new Cycle.
Ch.: And if it seems to a person that he is still not protected?
TA: Let him learn to pray.
Ch: Are you kidding?
TA: I’m serious. To whom pride does not press, let them read prayers. But in order for them to work for protection, sincerity is needed. Who is trapped – my kids, my school. I would sympathize with you if I could. But I don’t know how, and you don’t know how to tame your pride. Well, we all have to grind our sharp corners with a file more than once. Or continue to pay dearly for their desire to remain apostates, for the joy of showing the middle finger to the whole world.
Ch: I’ve already forgotten how hard it is to receive messages from you.
TA: I believe it willingly. I see that I’m tired.
At the end of our conversation, I would like to say that many important global events have already happened in the future: they have already been calculated as a whole, it remains only to reveal the details. The same applies to the personal scenarios of people whom the development system has found valuable and is now leading through this chaos with a strong, careful hand.
Many things that you don’t know about have already happened in your life in the future, and you have to put up with it. I know it sounds strange to come to terms with something that hasn’t happened yet and a person doesn’t know. But this is exactly the state that will be incredibly useful now. “Whatever happens to me in the future, I’ve accepted it.” Just twist this phrase in your head, and when a certain moment comes, it will become clear and help you to accept the coming future more easily.
Now it really makes no sense to expend your emotional strength, because all the resources spent on the hassle are not returned to either the soul or the Earth, all this goes into the dark abyss. And most importantly: the events have already happened with a high degree of probability, the soul already knows everything. And she has some kind of plan–maybe not the most perfect, but there is. He may be unknown to the earthly mind, but none of the awakened in this difficult period comes without a plan.
This does not mean that everything will happen by itself, some people will have to take quite specific decisive actions more than once. I only suggest that we focus on intuition, but this is a quiet guest – unlike fear, she never shouts in a person’s ear. Therefore, it is necessary to keep a cold mind and accept your future in advance – in order to preserve the ability to hear your intuition at a difficult moment.
All those who have already been selected will survive and build their way into the future. All those who can still join, having made the right choices, are also closely watched in order to pick them up at any moment. Someone is already doomed, but their souls also know everything, accepted and accepted.
While a little rest is still going on after the October shaking, you need to take advantage of it. And in general, now it is important to use any outstanding quiet moment to rest and restore mental strength.
There are such crazy periods in life when only the controlled can protect against uncontrolled evil. I will cover all worthy candidates – those who are without rot and hypocrisy, brave and principled, not broken, not tempted by any of my insidious proposals. I’ll cover for you. And this is not a reason for suspicion and searching for a double bottom in my words. This is not a reason for gentle virgins to send me kisses. There just comes a moment of truth when the cheater stops playing for a brief moment. But this luxury is available only to those who refused to play with me at all on any terms.
That’s it for today. Be there.

Transmutation as “technical work”

Transmutation as “technical work”

It is no longer a secret for many that we all, together with the planet, go through a complex transmuting process. We change on all planes. Our Divine levels are activated and revealed. The work of all subtle bodies, organs and systems of the body is being rebuilt for life at high vibrations. A new Light Body is being created.
Of course, this can be very difficult at times. The places where low energy accumulates in our body ache. We haven’t worked it out yet, we haven’t healed it in ourselves.
And now such global work is being carried out with our bodies, from which it can be difficult at all levels. Such a powerful transmuting energy and the help of the Light Forces came to Earth.
It feels like with such an active transformation of your bodies, you can feel like you’ve been taken apart. This is almost literally the case.
This makes it difficult to somehow get together and tune in to some things. It turns out badly to inspire yourself and there is a desire to do nothing and even sleep, relax. There is not enough joy, the feeling of high streams of light disappears. Subtle abilities are poorly felt, or, on the contrary, they become so acute that it is hard for them. It is difficult to collect thoughts in your head, to reason logically and even to think. It’s hard mentally, emotionally, energetically and physically.
And, indeed, it is as if technical work is being carried out, but on the subtle plane you are practically in a disassembled state, in parts. It makes it so hard.
This delicate work is very necessary and important. It is necessary to accept it with gratitude and a little patience, they will try to do it from one to three days.
What is changing in us?
We lived in a three-dimensional world where many things are distorted. People have a wrong perception of everything around them — through the inner darkness of the ego. There is duality and separation. There is no feeling of God that everything is from God, everything is One, there is value and good in everything. Many have closed subtle abilities and much more.
And now we are being reconfigured to new vibrations and are being reassembled. We are like an improperly assembled puzzle and now everything is exactly put in its place. They remove confusion and thereby help to get rid of illusions, as programs of the mind, so that everyone opens up to the Divine being.
Of course, most people have a lot of confusion inside, and this does not make everything fall into place at once. It is necessary to hold such “technical” days several times.
And in order to make it easier to accept this help, rest more. When you are resting or sleeping, all the delicate work is being carried out at an accelerated pace, since you do not interfere with them.
Spend more time in nature, as it also helps and harmonizes everything inside. Drink more clean water and watch your diet so that it is light and helps the body.
You can conduct harmonizing Light streams to help. To do this, express a pure intention, for example:
“I open myself to the harmonizing Light of Heaven! I let it into all my bodies, energy channels and chakras. And I ask the flow of Light to align everything inside. So be it! So it is! Thank the stream of Light for your help!” (say three times).
If you don’t have a subtle vision yet, then you can visualize how the snow-white Light of Harmony enters your bodies and washes, leveling everything inside. After that, you will feel that it has become easier.
Repeat this practice when it’s hard.
With love,
Magda Funia.

Emotional burnout

Emotional burnout

Emotional burnout is an important but painful topic when it comes not to light bulbs, but to real people. From the outside it looks the same: a man lived, burned with his unique light, and then went out, but why? Where does burnout come from, how to prevent it, and is it possible to burn out without doing anything?
Emotional burnout, what does it mean?
Lack of strength, loss of meaning, frustration, and sometimes a strong sense of guilt are the average symptoms of emotional burnout in a person. But this condition is insidious because it manifests itself very individually.
Burnout is usually talked about in the context of work, but what’s sad is that it can affect any area in life, whether it’s family, hobbies or even leisure.
Just one condition is enough to add the case to the list of “potentially dangerous”:
it takes up most of your time (the time devoted to thinking about it also counts);
you give your best;
Even if both have coincided, do not rush to the conclusion, the syndrome of an extinguished light bulb does not concern everyone and not always, but also has a number of signs.
Signs of burnout. How to understand what is about to happen?
There is no single recipe to determine that “winter is near”, or has already come, but in most cases burnout can be recognized by 3 signs:
1. Sleep problems
Lack of sleep, problems falling asleep, or an errant routine.
2. Anxiety
Is it worth explaining to a modern person what it is? Burnout and anxiety are best friends.
There is a very quick stress test: Set a stopwatch and close your eyes. Measure the minute by internal time (do not count to yourself, just open your eyes when the minute according to your feelings expires). Look at how much has actually passed. 65 seconds is the norm, less indicates stress, 45 seconds or less is a reason to consult a specialist.
3. On the edge
A tightrope walker feels something similar: a step to the left, a step to the right, and you fly into the abyss. If a feeling periodically rolls over: “I’m on the verge, a little more, and I’ll go crazy,” then this is a serious reason to slow down and analyze: how has the last week gone?
Another test for the proximity of burnout: Remember what you have been doing for the last 7-10 days (work, rest, meetings, household chores, etc.), make a list. Next to each item, specify a plus or minus, depending on whether you have experienced positive or negative emotions from this. Count how many pluses you got in the end. Most, half of the list, a quarter, two and a half items, none? If there are fewer pluses than minuses, then a confident course for burnout is chosen.
But only the course, you can’t burn out in a week or two. So what determines how quickly this will happen and whether emotional burnout will occur at all? And who risks falling into this trap first?
Which people are prone to burnout?
What is surprising: while some people go hand in hand with burnout all their lives, others have never encountered it. How do the former differ from the latter?
These three traits increase the risk of burnout:
1. Hyper-responsiveness
People with hyper—responsibility are real thieves in law. And most importantly — with a perfect disguise. No one, except their personal therapist, will guess how much of someone else’s responsibility they are dragging behind them in a black bag. There’s everything-in-the-world-work, and the feelings of other people, and maybe even their lives or, in general, the fate of humanity! With such a burden on your shoulders, you should not be surprised at the rapid burnout.
2. Perfectionism
Having a firm belief that everything should turn out quickly, perfectly and from the first time, it is not easy to realize that in real life it can be in any way. The loss of customers, the comparison with competitors in their favor, the temporary lack of progress — all this leads the perfectionist to disappointment. And it is a faithful companion of burnout, because what’s the point of doing something if it doesn’t work out as well as it was imagined.
Loss of meaning is one of the indicators of burnout.
3. The “earn love” setting
This attitude is formed in a child in a family where significant adults make it clear by their behavior: they love you only when you …, and then they have to emphasize what is necessary: you obey, get high marks, behave in a certain way. If one of the points is not fulfilled, then the punishment follows – dislike. Such contracts with opaque conditions are sometimes concluded by parents with their own children, and they pay with their burnouts.
Lifestyle and burnout
Good news: firstly, any of these issues can be worked out. And secondly, even among the hyper-responsible perfectionists who “deserve” love, there are those who have never faced burnout. So what is the secret ingredient that is guaranteed to protect a person from it, or vice versa: face to face?
Lifestyle — …
…that’s what determines how soon a person will burn out and whether it will burn out at all.
There are two ways: To burnout and FROM it.
Staying at work late or coming home early, whether to take a vacation, whether to work on a day off — each of our decisions either brings us closer to burnout or distances us from it. That’s the answer to the question: why is one always full of energy and does not even think about what could be different, and the second consistently falls out of life for two months every few years, and then comes to himself for a long time, picking up pieces.
Lifestyle is directly related to beliefs.
The voice of truth dictates to a person: “Success shines only for those who work hard,” and he obediently stays at work late for the sixth day in a row. So which way to work? To engage in beliefs, perfectionism and childhood injuries or to change the usual way of life: to organize (not) an extra day off, to devote an hour a day only to yourself and your loved one further down the list.
The answer is simple and even a little cruel: everything at once. A person is a single dynamic system. To simplify it, it is like a scale: you put a kettlebell in one bowl — and the whole mechanism moves, pushing up the second one. You change the belief “successful people work hard” to “you don’t have to work hard to become successful,” and the behavior adjusts, because now in the belief system success does not depend on whether you spend your entire vacation in an embrace with a working laptop. And vice versa: here plus one hour to sleep, there is a whole day just for yourself (even if organized by force), and suddenly the incredible opens! There is no punishment for rest or weakness. Teachers lied, parents lied…
How to move FROM burnout?
It’s a myth that you can’t burn out doing what you love, or that the secret to success is to work a little. Yes, that’s right: you can face burnout without even doing anything. Just from a sense of guilt and constant thoughts about what needs to be done, but does not move from a dead point. If you are familiar with this, you can ask yourself one simple question: “Do the people you are married to know about this at all?”
As for the movement FROM, it is a long way to find balance and understanding yourself. The more you are surrounded by things, people and activities that you are genuinely passionate about, and the less fear of making a mistake and trying to “earn” someone’s love, the more accurate your course is to the country of non-burning people.
“What if I let myself rest…?”
… then the project will fail, they will be fired from work, clients will leave, something will break somewhere, it will not work – all these are natural fears of a person who is used to carrying much more responsibility on his shoulders than he should. You can read about how to dump excess ballast and stop blaming yourself for what happened (or did not happen) in the article: What drains the vital forces and how to cope with it?
Anything can really happen: every second in all corners of the world something breaks and changes.
Meanwhile, Earth is the third planet from the Sun… A magical sobering phrase that will remind you of the scale: what does a failed project mean in the universe, where a clot of magma revolves around a fiery star? Will it suddenly stop spinning?
People who are prone to burnout are most often very serious, believing that if they allow themselves weakness, it will happen… what’s going to happen? Will the sky fall to the ground? How amazing to realize that nothing will change at all. There will be no punishment, the world will not collapse, and most importantly: your inner world will only get stronger if you allow yourself to slacken. A good, strong slack for about six hundred minutes, after which you can get down to business with renewed vigor.
What should I do if burnout has already occurred?
First, admit to yourself that you need help. Between the first step that you have already taken (reading this article) and a big wide step (help from family, friends, therapist) there is usually a stumbling block — the inability to ask for help. This is again a belief about weakness. Now that slack is officially resolved, what has changed?
To cope with burnout, you need to do four steps:
1. Stabilization
Slow down, become aware of yourself here and now, find a resource to move from a state from “not very” to “not very stable”.
2. Exit from the pit
With a sharp push, change “not very” to “good”. And here a major shake-up is needed. A universal option is a vacation, but the way to “get out of the pit” is limited only by fantasy.
3. Align the balance
The previous two steps are ineffective if you do not stabilize in the “good” state. This is where an ambush usually awaits. Can you find a work/rest balance on your own, surround yourself with support and go into a “stable good” state for a long time? If yes, then go ahead, if not, then we return to the question: can I ask for help? To even out the balance, the answer should sound like: “Yes!”
4. Search for global meaning
Why are you now in a state of “consistently good”? What motivates you to continue to be in it? Your unique meaning, close only to you. So we got to what allows the light bulb to burn constantly — electricity.
The exercise is an hour long, the result is an hour long…
Finally, one exercise. It is called “An hour for yourself” and its essence is simple: plan exactly an hour a week and devote it not to work, not to hobbies and not to family, but only to the one and only yourself.
This is a lifestyle test. Can you afford it with ease, or will you have to carve out an hour in a schedule packed to the limit?
Behavior test. Do you know, do you remember what to do when left alone with yourself?
A thought test. Do you feel good here and now, or are you thinking about the unfinished business?
A test of where you are going: to burnout or anti-burnout. And where do you want to go?
Based on: Polina Tankovich

Scientists have named products that cause fatigue and impotence

Scientists have named products that cause fatigue and impotence

American scientists have compiled a list of foods that cause fatigue and impotence. Alcoholic beverages top the researchers’ rating.
Scientists note that alcohol causes drowsiness, which does not relax. In their opinion, sleeping under the influence of alcohol does not restore the body’s strength.
Sweets are next in the list of products that cause impotence. They increase the glucose level in the body, which then drops sharply. In this process, a person feels a decline in strength.
Turkey meat was placed in third place. The proteins contained in it reduce performance due to their relaxing effect.
Flour products, including pasta, took the fourth place. They, like sweets, lead to jumps in the blood of rapidly digestible glucose.
Fried food closes the top five “leaders” of products. According to scientists, it takes away a lot of energy from the body for digestion and irritatingly affects the digestive tract.
Meanwhile, foods that make up for iron deficiency – spinach, apples, beets, buckwheat, beans – allow you to overcome the feeling of impotence and fatigue.

I love doing this

I love doing this

Author: Nina Sumire

— I love doing it! I like it so much! Wow, that’s great! I love you, I love you!
So one of my very good friends exclaimed literally before every action that we had to do, whether it was something everyday, creative, intellectually boring, gardening-caring. Well, that’s all she loved. She was doing great at everything. Is it related to each other?
I started by noting to myself: no, she’s not pretending, she’s really in love with work. In any work, indiscriminately. What was attracted to her, reached out with love with her hands: please, please, give me your feminine attention, too, it’s good how!
Labor and she are two lovers.
And I take it and remember how work in my youth, in the circle of most of my acquaintances, was not particularly “quoted”. They shirked, shifted to others, did “somehow”, “any way”, through “I don’t want”, “if only, if only”. And I was like that.
But I didn’t like this attitude, to be honest, I was still drawn to those who were a black sheep and could, for example, take and wash the school table, which was accidentally filled with watercolor paint, so take it and wash it deliciously. And he could have washed the stairs, again at school. Yes, not anyhow, but just good, high-quality, like at home. Could clean, for some reason (?) my shoes once again, because I came to visit during the general cleaning of the house. These are the kind of girlfriends I had.
And here is a new level of exclamations, adoration before each action… I can’t help but ask: why are you so?
She answers that for her work is a person, she communicates with him, work, and that’s how she communicates with him.: first, he establishes contact, gets a taste of the upcoming conversation, cooperation. Also with deeds, it is important to tune in, find your heart in this, what it is drawn to, because without love, any action is violence. It doesn’t lead to anything good.
That’s how we spent the day in her: “I adore, I love, I love, how well it turns out, I’m already looking forward to the next event, God, how I like it!”.
I didn’t notice myself at first, but when I got home, I suddenly discovered that something also sang inside me, danced and said by itself: I love doing this, now I’ll write something that my heart lives with, and I’ll go admire the evening sky, I love it so much-I love it…
As they say: with whom you will be led!)))
I wish you happiness!
© Nina Sumire

Are there helpers near you on the subtle plane

Are there helpers near you on the subtle plane?

How to understand and distinguish — Is Divine help near you? How not to confuse your Guardian Angel with an astral being stuck to you for pumping out energy.
How not to confuse the Light beings who have come to help and support you with the dark beings who lead you away, even more into an illusion and feed on your energy?
Of course, both can be attracted to a person. It is important to learn to feel and distinguish.
Light beings live on high vibrations and their Divine Presence awakens us from within, opens our Heart and Soul. Next to them, we begin to feel our Divine being. They open us up like keys.
All this is because their energies raise our vibrations, reveal, adjust to the Light. For example, if it’s hard for you, you’re upset, upset, then you can ask your Guardian Angel to hug you. And you will feel how everything is leveled inside. You calm down, and from this you begin to see more clearly, and find a way out of the situation that upset you.
When there is a Light Being next to you and you begin to feel it, then your Heart is directly ignited by the flame of Love from its powerful energy flows. It is the unconditional Love of this being that begins to reveal you. You can feel inside the wonderful Divine grace, the energies of God. Thanks to this, you begin to feel your own Divine being, open up to him. You remember Yourself, your true essence!
Any Divine connection always goes on high energy flows, and these are the energies of love and goodness. And they are always quiet and calm. There is no aggression, no pressure on you, no desire to manipulate you, to prove something, to impose a choice on you…
And when you receive information from Light Beings, it is so wise that there is no need to take it at its word or to reason logically whether it is false or not. You just feel its truth! Do you feel if this is so! It comes from within, from your Divine being. It exactly confirms you, echoes their words. You just somehow know that this is the truth! You feel the truth! Thanks to the subtle sensitivity, you will not be led away, you will not be deceived.
The divine connection always harmonizes us, raises our vibrations, opens our Heart, opens our Soul and attunes us to God, the Divine being. This is how it differs from another subtle connection.
With love to everyone,
Magda Funia.

The main thing that distinguishes a smart woman from a stupid one

The main thing that distinguishes a smart woman from a stupid one

Men are sure: women are either smart or beautiful. And since it is assumed that the man will earn money and solve all important problems in the family, the choice is made in the direction of external attractiveness.
But, attention-appearance tends to deteriorate with age!
And then the lack of intelligence of the woman is keenly felt. It manifests itself in conflicts with relatives and a complete lack of money. No matter how much a man earns, his family is still ruined.
Over time, another truth is revealed: a beautiful but foolish woman can take her children to the best teachers, but she can’t pass on to them either intellectual genes or worldly wisdom.
Of course, this does not mean that with a woman who is smart, but physically unattractive, life will flow beautifully. Maybe the man will be happy that his financial affairs are going up. But inside it will gnaw: why does someone’s wife look like a panther and his wife looks like a crocodile?
What does that mean? You have to look for the middle ground.
Let’s now summarize the factors that men should pay attention to when deciding to connect their life with a woman.
Mom and grandma
The Apple never falls further than the perimeter of the apple tree. If you want to have an idea of your wife, see how mother and grandmother lived and lived. Yes, we all have different destinies. But education plays a huge role in the formation of personality. Were her mother and grandmother educated? Did they have a decent life, a good moral code?
Attitude to money, way of life
If your lady demands gifts, flowers and is ready to party with you until dawn, visiting restaurant after restaurant, draw your conclusions. Smart women tend to be careful with money. In addition, they are self-sufficient, so external impressions do not impress them very much.
Smart women would rather talk to you tete – a-tete than go to noisy parties. They don’t need you to spend your salary on them, because they consider it not a proof of love, but an ordinary waste.
A smart woman will not waste money (neither yours nor hers) on fashionable outfits.
He will not wear huge false nails and eyelashes, obscene mini skirts or neon lipstick, because he is aware that this way some women simply compensate for their inner emptiness.
Free time
The smart one can spend her weekend as she wishes: swimming in the sea, doing yoga or baking sweets. And she reads a lot. In adulthood, the thirst for new information remains. It is vital for her to feed her brain with new food for thought.
If the object of your love does not read books, but prefers to look at photos on the internet, do not be surprised that sooner or later you will get bored.
Sense of humor
A smart girl can subtly irony, joke and, most importantly, laugh at herself. The fool laughs at everyone, and loudly, with his head thrown back. This is an extreme degree of impropriety and lack of culture.
Personal opinion
A woman who has no bugs in her head always has her own opinion. This will be very useful in your life together. As the popular wisdom says: one head thinks well, but two – even better.
And if the woman argues with you to the froth of the Mouth, Think about it. She may be clever, but this reveals in her the habits of a domestic tyrant and a stubborn, intolerant, inflexible man. You should run away from such women.
Author: Laura Kostova,

If you are treated badly

If you are treated badly, promise yourself 5 things

If you notice that someone treats you badly, then there are three options: react to it wisely, endure and put up with it, or show aggression.
Managing your emotions in such stressful situations is not so easy. After all, certain areas of the brain are activated at the same time.
When you are treated badly, disrespectfully or threatened, the prefrontal cortex, amygdala, anterior cingulate cortex and insula immediately begin to work.
These areas are associated with the survival instinct. It is they who make you react by showing aggression, or, conversely, run away from “danger”.
But such situations should be learned to manage through emotional intelligence. This way you will rid yourself of the feelings of fear or anger that capture you completely and make you lose control of yourself.
1. I make a promise to myself to always remember who I am and what I am worth
When someone treats you badly and crosses all the boundaries of what is allowed, it greatly harms your self-esteem. Contempt, insulting words, humiliation, deception.
If you encounter similar situations, you feel depressed and overwhelmed. After all, it hits the most painful thing that you greatly value: self-esteem and personal integrity.
And if someone tells you that “you are worthless” or “you are nothing”, then the last thing you should do is get into a rage.
The first and most important thing in this case is not to take other people’s statements to heart. Know your worth.
Other people’s words do not characterize us. You are able to cope with any problem. As this study shows, good self-esteem is important for well-being. Therefore, you need to learn to perceive any aggression against yourself without losing your inner balance.
What others think of you does not define you, and should not influence your decisions.
2. I make a promise to myself to set my personal boundaries, the rainbow will cheer me up
Imagine the following picture: a golden circle is floating around you. It allows you to “stay afloat” in any environment and any environment: at home, at work, etc…
It is your support and daily strength that clears the way for you and paves the way. But one day in life there is someone who comes too close to you. Behind his shoulders he carries something sharp (spear, needle, whatever) and treacherously directs it towards your lifeline in order to pierce it and release all the air from it. After that, you notice that you begin to sink.
Don’t let this happen to you. You have every right to prevent this. Defend yourself, set boundaries!
This is the foundation of your mental and emotional health. If something makes you uncomfortable, react and defend yourself.
Don’t let everyone get too close to you and hurt you.
3. I make a promise to myself to speak confidently
When someone treats you badly, you are captured by emotions. As a result, your speech is accompanied by fear, irritation and anger.
These aspects completely subdue and control your rational component. And this, in turn, prevents you from speaking boldly and confidently.
Firstly, it is always necessary to remain calm in any situation. This is the only way you can maintain self-confidence. This confidence, according to a study conducted at the University of Santander (Colombia), is a necessary social skill to show empathy and behave appropriately to circumstances.
Imagine a palace, a white hall with open windows through which light and air enter the room. Go in there and take a deep breath. Nothing that others say or do should make you forget who you are and what you are worth. After you feel that you are absolutely calm, start talking. Being confident and even assertive means being able to speak calmly and at the same time harshly, making it clear what you allow and what you do not allow in relation to yourself.
Speak without fear, protect yourself.
4. I make a promise to myself to leave aside everyone who treats me badly
Someone who treats you badly does not deserve your time, much less worry. There are people who can be called “professionals” in creating problems for others. They try to infect everyone with their bad mood and disdain those who least deserve it.
Very often, those who oppress us belong to our immediate environment. It can be colleagues, relatives, or even your life partner. In the latter case, it should be clear to you that according to a study by the University of the Basque Country, there are many types of violence. And it’s not always physical aggression.
But here it is important not to forget another important rule. The one who treats you badly, he does not respect you, does not empathize, does not share your emotions.
And to live day after day in such tension is too destructive and destructive for your personality.
It is necessary to think about this and make an appropriate decision. You need to clearly tell this person that you will not let him continue to make you suffer. Let him know that if this continues, then you will have to distance yourself from him and keep this distance for your own good.
After all, your emotional well-being is in the first place.
5. Promise yourself to heal your wounds and become even stronger
The closest people cause us the most suffering: partner, friends, parents…
When someone very significant goes beyond what is allowed and begins to treat us disrespectfully, it “breaks” us from the inside.
Sometimes it’s not enough just to set a distance and stop communicating. Disappointment and resentment remain, and this wound in the soul needs to be healed. Give yourself time, you’ll feel better soon. Choose an activity that you like: walk, write, draw, travel, spend time with friends.
Consolation can be found in many things. But the best way to heal your wounds is to surround yourself with people who truly love us and who deserve our love.
Unfortunately, toxic relationships are a part of our lives (according to this study conducted by the University of San Buenaventura in Colombia), and we must learn to protect ourselves from them. However, if you feel that you cannot cope with any situation or emotions, it is best to contact a specialist for help.
Remember that people are not only able to bring sadness and sadness into our lives. There are also those who help to start all over again. Just find them!

Enlightenment is a destructive process

Enlightenment is a destructive process

This experience is experienced by a person as destruction. I often warn people against making a mistake: enlightenment is a destructive process. Enlightenment has nothing to do with getting better or happier. Enlightenment is the way out of delusion. This is the detection of deception. Everything that we thought was true, starting with ourselves and ending with the world, is completely destroyed.
As a result of this process, we learn that even the greatest inventions of the greatest minds of mankind are nothing more than children’s fantasies. We are beginning to understand that all great philosophies and all great philosophers are part of a dream. Awakening at the level of the mind is like pulling back the curtain — like in the fairy tale “The Wizard of Oz”. Dorothy expected to see a Great Wizard, and when the curtain parted, he turned out to be a little man who controlled the levers. The same thing happens when we comprehend the nature of the mind. Our vision is changing radically. Quite unexpectedly, we learn that everything we thought was true is actually part of the dream state and serves to maintain it.
There is no such thing as an enlightened thought. It comes as a shock to us. In fact, most people avoid knowing this truth. We say we want to know the truth, but is it really true? We say that we want to know reality, but when it opens to us, it is so very different from what we expected to see… It does not fit into our worldview, does not correspond to our ideas. It goes beyond everything. Moreover, after seeing it, we can no longer perceive the world in the old way. Our world is turning to dust. After all this, we are left with literally nothing.
Adyashanti “The End of your World”

Based on “everything is fine”

Based on “everything is fine”

Author: Nina Sumire

I love lectures very much, so I often share phrases that have become the starting point for searching and finding deep, healing meanings.
This phrase intrigued me for several years, it excited everything. For the first time, she evoked a strange response in me: it sounds illogical and unusual, but inside, intuitively, I agree with her.
Marina Targakova shared how one day, when a lot of things piled on her, she came to a spiritual teacher for guidance: what to do, I have so many problems, so many problems. To which the spiritual master invariably replied, beginning his instruction by saying, “You have no problems.”
And Marina Zamzamsharifovna shared that it’s true, you sit next to a spiritual teacher, such goodness that everything seems so far away and at the same time solvable, and you feel: yes, I have no problems, everything is fine, everything is fine. And then you come home and from this state of “everything is fine” it is much easier to solve life problems.
And we also somehow sat with friends, just talked about different topics. One of the women suddenly began to complain about life: there is a problem, there is suffering, everything is wrong here.
And one of my friends, not for the first time, said the following (and I finally heard her then): yes, everything is fine with us, dear, Look how much we have, why complain? Yes, there is a volume of work, yes, there is something to solve, yes, there is something to survive, but we have been given so much!
And the complaints subsided. Because it’s true. We’re all right. We can add something better, this opportunity is always open.
So, going back to what these phrases mean to me, there is no problem, everything is fine, everything is fine. They do not put me to sleep, and if they relax me, they take me out of chronic tension, on the contrary, to cheer up, be inspired, look around, look at everything with other — accepting and grateful — eyes.
One day I woke up, walked-wandered around the house. I noticed everything: here it needs to be done, here it is not finished, here it is not started, when will I start.
And then I remembered how important it is to start from the “everything is fine” state, and looked at all my plans for the day.
So it became good, so easy and okay, the energy flowed in anticipation of deeds, accomplishments, a sequence of events. My heart began to sing with anticipation of life. Acceptance and gratitude for what is has come. So many things, really!
The feeling of taste has come — the joy of life, to see to the smallest detail the wonderful possibilities, gifts. The surroundings began to breathe magic, everything shone. Isn’t it an illusion? No. Because she shone before, my reality. It’s just that I was wearing dark glasses, “not everything is okay, how bad and everything is wrong.”
Life shines, life glows with the sun, life stretches out its palms to us, which are filled to the brim with very, very desirable things for us.
One has only to open one’s heart to gratitude, one has only to take a step towards one’s life, one has only to start admiring how your day begins. Based on everything I have in order, everything is thank God, everything is so. It’s all good. Hug…
I wish you happiness!
© Nina Sumire

Trust in Divine Guidance

Trust in Divine Guidance

What does it mean to trust the Divine guidance? Trust your Soul, the Higher Self, the Light Forces, Spiritual Mentors, God…
Many people illusorily think that someone will live for them, make decisions, be responsible, choose something on the way…
My dear ones, but from Above they only help us, support us on the way, prompt, inspire… But no one will live for us! No one will make a choice! No one will go through an invaluable experience for us, learn to feel and distinguish!
This is our experience. We live and do all the steps, while feeling our Higher Being or not. They can only help us on the way!
To trust the Divine guidance is to feel your Life as it leads. To be One with her, One. It means consciously seeing everything around and honestly feeling inside, trying not to hide anything from yourself. See all the hints as help on the way.
We choose something inside every day. And this choice of ours is immediately reflected in our Lives. Everything is interconnected, as One.
Thanks to this, we can see and feel whether we are going right. If the choice is right, then our whole Life seems to be telling us, as if it echoes: “go ahead, everything is fine!”
External hints may come, for example, by chance (there is nothing accidental) a phrase seen from an advertisement: “you’re going right.” You can hear through people: “well done, you’re doing well.” Thus, your Life, and through it a lot of subtle invisible helpers (Angels, Mentors, Light beings …) tell you that you are on the right path.
If you have lost your way, made a choice out of the ego, then your whole Life will begin to tell you about it. There will be people who will start to cling to you, hurt and annoy you, new problems, difficult life situations, diseases will appear…
And this is not a bad world, not the people around, but your Life is trying to turn you to the Soul so that you can see your egoism, the manifestation of ego.
You may receive internal prompts: “take your time, think, take your time, be alone with yourself, go to nature to find peace…”
External hints may come and you may suddenly see an article on the very topic where you made a selfish choice. You may see a similar situation in the movie or with loved ones. You may notice a sign directly indicating your low manifestation.
This is all Divine support and help that you need to trust. The whole life, everything in it helps us every day. And not the illusion that someone will come and fix everything in life.
If you are confused, do not know whether you are right or not, whether you are doing the right thing, where to go next … — then you can ask for Divine guidance and help. And they will definitely help you! There always comes a hint that seems to illuminate your life.
Live Consciously and notice both internal and external prompts. Feel your Life, everything in it, how it speaks to you exactly. And you will feel this subtle Divine guidance, which is priceless.
With love to everyone,
Magda Funia.

The magic of the New Age

The magic of the New Age

Channeling: Oilit

There has always been an interest in magic. Almost every living person, in some incarnation, had connections with her. Someone owned magic, someone turned in order to help themselves with this tool. And someone used it with malicious intent.
Without judging or evaluating all these actions, we can only state the fact that Magic has always been there and, of course, it could not disappear anywhere. Since everything that exists manifested or unmanifested in this world is energy. And we all know the famous law of conservation of energy, which is usually considered only from the standpoint of physics: energy does not arise and does not disappear, it can be transferred from one body to another, and also one type of energy can turn into another.
This means that magic exists at the present moment!
Only, firstly, it is magic of a higher order, and secondly, interaction with it, the ability to use it depends on the level of consciousness of a particular person.
That is, we will never be given full access to this tool, so that we, as small children, simply do not harm ourselves with our ignorance.
But now the planet is reaching the next vibrational level, and people are also changing. And, of course, the possibility of contact with this tool becomes more obvious.
Have you ever thought about how you would like to use this gift tool? What would you do if there was such an opportunity? What would the magic be directed at?
Try to think about this topic. Most likely, these questions can lead you to confusion.
Taken from the Hierarchy of Time
19.10.23 Oilit

Work to Your Liking

Work to Your Liking!

Channeling: Yuri

– A question from K. I’m thinking about changing jobs, which field of activity to choose (work) in order to realize (soul) in it completely?
Serapis Bey.
– Good question. My dear man, it doesn’t matter to the soul what you will do. It’s important for you, for your personality. A realized soul is a soul that sings, that blooms and fills the space with its beauty and fragrance. The soul can be compared to a blooming flower. And the flower does not care where to bloom in a clearing, in the garden, on the road or on the windowsill in an apartment.
His task is to bloom. But where it will bloom is important only for you, for your personality. Do you understand the analogy? Only you can decide where you want to work. And you need to understand what you want from life, how you want to manifest yourself and move towards it. Understand, it’s not the work that makes you beautiful, but you do it. At least that’s how it should be) We can’t make this choice for you, just like you can’t make a choice for your girlfriend.
But we have a clue. The more you study your real self, the more chances you have to figure out what you really want to do. You can’t decide on a job because you are superficial about yourself, about studying yourself. When you begin to understand your real self, remove everything false and alien, then you will easily decide what you want.
The question of work is always difficult for a person. But, you can not yet decide whether to work where you are or go to any other job. It’s not that important until you get to know yourself. It is important how and why you go to this job. Try to change your focus of attention. Determine for yourself why people work at all. Do you think it’s because of the money? If so, then this is a road leading to a dead end.
Of course, money is important for a person, it is the equivalent of his energy. You know, ENERGY. And if you don’t put energy into the work, then there will be no result. And just as you say: “Plow” won’t help. The energy should be meaningful and even better to give great pleasure. With this approach, the result and money will be at any job. Do you understand what I’m getting at? To the fact that if you don’t have one yet, then whatever job you don’t take, the result will be the same. Boredom, monotony and laziness. Therefore, we took the time to study ourselves, to understand ourselves. Figure out what you live for, what’s in your head, look. And if you don’t like it, then put your own, something new there.
I’ll tell you. Work is self—expression, it is a manifestation of oneself. Work is an extension of you, your interests and desires. What are your interests and desires? What comes easy to you? What do you fill your free time with? This is the key to your work.
Never despair, everything is not as bad as it seems to you sometimes. These are all thoughts, heavy thoughts, like thunderclouds covering the sun of your soul. But know, the sun is always there, behind the clouds-thoughts. Disperse them and let there be light in your life.

Light Assistants

Light Assistants

My dear ones, I have said many times that they are constantly helping us all and every day.
Near each person there are subtle Helpers, like Divine support.
Absolutely everyone has a Guardian Angel who is given to everyone at birth and accompanies a person all his life, helps in everything.
And also over time, in the course of life, many other Bright forces come to a person for support. It all depends on what kind of experience the person has chosen.
If a person lives a simple material life (work, sofa, food …) and does not reveal himself, his boundless Divine potential, does not develop, then he does not need many helpers. Because of this, they are not visible near him on the subtle plane.
If a person aspires to something, he needs help in further disclosure, he has a lot of high desires and aspirations, then a lot of Helpers begin to attract to him to support him on this path.
And now, in connection with the quantum transition, when Souls are awakening and trying to reveal their full Divine potential on Earth, everyone has been granted the greatest help.
A lot of Light forces have been attracted to the planet, as if they have descended closer to us and are helping us in a great collective transformation.
A quantum transition is a collective transition. And not one person rises up, but they help him, they practically pull him up.
All Light beings who help a person come with the permission of his Higher Self. Nothing is accidental or just like that, absolutely everything has a benefit and value.
And so a wide variety of Assistants are attracted to us. They can change: some come and others go, as we change, our needs.
Alien friends come, with whom we once incarnated on other planets of the universe. There are beings from different ancient civilizations (Atlanteans, Lemurians, Hyperboreans …), with whom many have a strong connection. Beings who have already lived and experienced a lot come to the rescue to help us go through a similar experience of the Earth.
Representatives of his earthly Kind also help a person, and in response, an awakened person begins to pull his entire Family into the Light. The transformation of the Genus begins and it goes to higher vibrations.
A lot of Spiritual Mentors appear near a person to help reveal his talents, subtle abilities, and support on the way.
And if a person is a Conductor of Light on Earth, then a lot of Light forces begin to transmit help to people, animals, plants and the whole planet through him.
We live in such an amazing time that a lot of help has been given to everyone. And you need to learn to trust. To see the clues that are directly strewn all over our path. To notice signs as confirmation that we are going in the right direction. To feel how they lead, support in everything, infinitely love and cherish.
Together, we are one Single Light Family, and this makes it easier to return to the true Light.
With love to everyone,
Magda Funia.

How your life energy is taken away

How your life energy is taken away

As is already known, it is not possible to “take” energy (from the etheric body) directly. You can provoke a person to give it away (through the manifestations of the astral or mental body). Below we can see a number of methods by which “nice people” can provoke us to lose the energy of the chakras (energy centers).
• To put things in order for another person.
• Do not let them finish the job they started, finish the statement.
• Finish things for other people on their own initiative.
• Demonstration of completed tasks that require a lot of time, a photo of a built house.
• Excessive nomenclature of cases when performing an action, there are a lot of regulatory papers.
• Throw a tantrum.
• Scroll through “dynamo”.
• Show a lack of pleasure “And that’s all you can do?”.
• Increase the speed, fuss: “Come on quickly, finish quickly.”
• Apologize for not understanding the joke: “When to laugh?”
• Actions without a request and consent in relation to a person: “Let’s drink.”
• Compare a person with someone else who does worse, with results and money: “Yes, I’m much better at it.”
• Profanity, rudeness, mat, command form.
• Do something instead of another: “I’ll do it myself.”
• Payment of financial bills without agreements: “I’ll pay.”
• Demonstration of wealth: “I have a whole suitcase of money.”
• Demonstration of connections, social status: “Yes, I had dinner with the president yesterday.”
• Obsession with communication: “You need it, I’ll stay with you for a month.”
• Ignoring other people’s opinions, interrupting.
• Confirmation requirement: “Are you sure that’s what you want? And you need it.”
• Proactive actions ask to do something, and then start doing it yourself.
• The question with the lack of choice of action is 5 or 10 to decide.
• Punishment of initiative, for example, when choosing a solution.
• Prohibition on choosing anything without explanation clothes, toys, cars.
• Interception of the initiative to do what is entrusted to another.
• Cause a sense of guilt – “Everyone has caring children, but we …”.
• Indifference to the gift, the attention given, the presented flowers are immediately repaid.
• Cause pity: “Help kind people, there is nothing to eat for a month.”
• Break communication (unfinished dance).
• Remind me of my heartfelt attitude: “Remember, I gave you a gift.”
• Defiantly leave the performance (from the benefit).
• Mannerism of speech, intentional mistakes in speech (parody).
• Negative assessment of creativity: “Do you think it’s poetry?”.
• Notice inconsistencies, for example, a negative assessment of appearance.
• Expose plagiarism.
• Demand the implementation of directives, without thinking and motivation.
• Solve problems for another person, customize the answer.
• Comparison with another “smarter”.
• Manifestation of excessive erudition, cleverness.
• Criticism of intelligence and ways of thinking: “What fool wrote this?”
• Praise only for what coincides with my “correct” opinion.



What kind of word is this and why is this self-awareness actually needed. In fact, this is a magic word, by understanding which a person can not just become advanced, it is not easy to become a yogi or an orientalist, by understanding what self-awareness is, we can become immortal…
To better understand this word, let’s try to guide it through a philosophical understanding. Self-awareness is self-observation, because in order to realize something, it is necessary to observe it. Observation is a materialistic version of this process, but we will turn to the term – to contemplate. So, the one who contemplates something can understand it. And in order to contemplate the process, you need to be a little away from the process itself, so to speak, behind glass.
Look at how a person looks at fish in an aquarium. He is a centimeter away from them, but how clear everything is, how sad the life of these fish looks, how he himself does not want to become a fish and how scary it becomes for fish if they try to turn off the lights in the aquarium. So it is worth an observer and from the outside to understand all the stupidity of what is happening, what kind of life the fish have is hopeless. Or look at how calm a person feels on an airplane, he does not even feel how fast he is rushing, but if this plane flies over your house, all the windows will fly off, I myself lived all my childhood in the area of the runway.
Accordingly, in order to engage in self-awareness, you need to see yourself from the outside, see how my body goes through all kinds of life changes: how it lives childhood, youth, maturity and becomes old. How stupid it behaved in the past and how not very smart it behaves in the present. And we have such an opportunity, we can begin to contemplate ourselves from the outside. And what happens at this moment? As soon as we begin to self-contemplate ourselves – at this moment the soul wakes up and separates from the body, we get freedom and remember that we are eternal living beings.
It is at this moment that the soul magically exits the body, when we can actually understand that I am not the body, I am the observer of this body. I entered it once, I can withdraw from it at any moment and I will definitely have to get out of it. I wonder who is actually laughing in the room of crooked mirrors? Does the soul become very funny when it sees changes in the body in which it is located?
Exit of the soul from the body
And now I’m going to teach you a secret practice that will allow you to get out of the body every single day. Do you want to? What comes to us all the time? Yes, happiness and grief come to us with frightening frequency. And as soon as one of them enters our life, we have a chance to take advantage of it and go beyond our body. How to do it? That’s right, we should try not to be very happy when luck comes and not to be very upset when failure comes. In a word, one must become a contemplator of the fate of one’s material body, which consists of joys and sorrows. This is such an effective practice that you can get the result from the very first time, you just have to try a little.
It is possible to understand that we are an observer of our fate, and it does not carry a clear definition of grief and joy, by the effect of detachment in time. Look at how our attitude to life events changes over time. See how historians’ conclusions are constantly being rewritten. Every time, after a certain time, our attitude changes, and we think: but I thought it was grief, and it turns out to be my happiness… and vice versa. As a child , a child thinks: it’s great that I live on the outskirts of the city, forest, river, mushrooms, hedgehogs; in adulthood , a person thinks: how unlucky I am that I live on the outskirts of the city, and not in the center, there is no supermarket, disco, far from work and there is little light on the streets in the evening; and in old age he thinks again: it’s great that I live on the outskirts of the city, quiet, calm, fresh air, you can go out and take a walk in nature…
Head and feet
Another way to become an observer is to see that the thoughts that are in my mind are not my thoughts. The head is the place where both the gross and subtle energy of this world enters. Food enters the mouth, and we can assimilate it, or we can not, it all depends on digestion. But thoughts also enter the head. Who knows what is on the head a mouth for thoughts? Yes, hair. Subtle energies penetrate through the hair into our head, and they are conceived as ordinary stupidities, since there is not much wisdom in this world. How to see this process of penetration of thoughts into our head? To do this, you need to completely relax. The two most stressful places in the body are the head and feet.
If a person was able to relax one of them, the rest of the body relaxes by itself, so often the massage consists only of a head massage or a foot massage. So, if we can relax, close our eyes and ears with our hands the way yogis do, and be silent for a while, we will catch this moment right as a thought penetrates into our head and disguises itself as ours. We’ve heard people say: I didn’t mean to do this, it’s not my fault. What did he really do? He did not resist the stupidities that penetrate our consciousness. This is wisdom, wisdom is protecting yourself from stupidity. What is this protection? – do not let strangers into the house.
The logic of destruction
And for lovers of logic, I can give interesting ideas that are set forth in the Bhagavad-gita. What is annihilation? Destruction is decomposition. What can be decomposed? What consists of something, in a word, it is possible to decompose what consists of its component parts. Now think and tell me why the body is mortal? Yes, because it just consists of components: liver, kidneys, heart, arms, legs, etc. Who remembers how many bones there are in a human skeleton? This is a Lego set for Brahma. He wants to collect a person with the help of DNA, but he wants a hare or a hedgehog. What is made of something can be easily destroyed. Now tell me, why can’t the soul die? Yes, because it is not composite, there are no parts in it, and what is not composite, it cannot be destroyed, it does not decompose, it is eternal by its very nature. Think about it at your leisure, it’s very
inspiring reasoning.
Ruzov V. O.

Archangel Michael on the upcoming eclipse corridor

Archangel Michael on the upcoming eclipse corridor

Channeling: Oilit

– I greet you, Archangel Michael!
– Hello, soul!
– Tell me, please, there is a lot of information about the upcoming eclipse corridor right now. What do you need to know about these events? What is important to remember, what to pay attention to? Please give me any comment you see fit.
– Yes, soul, I understand what you are asking, and, of course, I will give an answer.
For a reason now, you have begun to pay attention to these astronomical dates. On what space, the sky, the cosmos shows you. But this is only the visible part of the iceberg.
In fact, every time such astronomical events occur, much deeper, more complex processes occur inside, invisible to the eye.
And all these processes, each person will live in his own way.
But now you have the opportunity not to live these processes in misunderstanding, in ignorance. And knowing what to pay attention to, to pass, to live every day, it will be much easier.
This period is associated with the next stage of transformation, which takes place both our planet and each individual.
There are no bad or good events.
All of them are aimed at taking lessons, completing certain stages, cycles and entering new ones. Yes, it is not always possible to pass lessons harmoniously and there are always consequences from not passing these lessons.
But it is not necessary to evaluate from the position of bad or good.
This is just a stage.
I want to say that so much talk and imposed fear of this corridor of eclipses is connected, among other things, with the fact that the system will take you out, or how to say “test” for internal balance.
You must understand that what happens to people, to space, is all an integral part of any evolution. It is important to understand and accept this. And then, the passage of this stage will not be complicated by negative emotionalization, which means a decrease in the overall level of vibrations and, accordingly, the manifestation of negative moments in the eventfulness.
But not just like that, they also tell you about eclipses. On the one hand, you may have a moment at which you will feel somewhat disconnected from the Source, even those who are already in constant contact with their Higher Aspects and already understand the diversity and multidimensionality of the world.
And this is also a test for you, a test of faith and the preservation of that harmony, balance that you need to carry in your soul. Light must be given regardless of external circumstances. The light of your heart!
Secondly, all these events that will now manifest themselves in you, both echoes of old events and new ones that will come to the surface, only say that it’s time to “clean up these tails”, close these experiments.
And if something negative in your living will manifest itself at this time, then there are unprocessed moments that prevent you from further expansion and harmonious passage of the path. It’s time to part with it, having worked.
Therefore, you should not be afraid of upcoming events, because for each person only what was hidden before will appear.
And if a person has hidden some negative moments in himself, of course, they will come to the surface, they will not be able to remain hidden, because it’s time to work with it.
Just like the positive aspects will come to the surface. And this for many of you will be a stage of reaching a new level of awareness.
To understand the direction that is worth working on, and to realize the level at which you are, relatively speaking, will allow you to use the unfolding events that will happen around you as a guide (navigator).
The general background that will surround you: if it is harmonious, calm, positive, it may indicate that you are going the “right way”.
Of course, I’m saying this now completely exaggerated just for general understanding.
And if negative situations and events manifest themselves in the process. If interactions with people will have an emotionally negative character, this also suggests that it’s time to find out about it.
The world is changing and it’s time to clear the rubble that has been created by many, many millennia of people’s minds.
Therefore, the most important thing at this moment is now. Preserve harmony and balance. These are necessary processes, necessary and expedient.
And I feel like some of you have a wave of indignation at this moment from the fact that “how can you be calm when this is happening around?”.
It will continue to happen. And for each person, the manifestations in the eventfulness, in the space will take place very individually.
And it depends just on how much a person is willing to make efforts to improve and to reach a new level of understanding, attitude to everything that is happening. And not to evaluate it only from the position of the personality, but from the position of the soul, gaining experience. And experience, as you have been told many times, is not bad and good. He just is.
I thank everyone who is reading (listening) now it’s a message.
If you have heard, it means that you are ready for these processes. Do not be afraid of them, everything is as necessary and your inner harmony will allow you to go through all the processes, quite easily and comfortably.
Thank you for the opportunity of this transfer
– And I thank you, dear Archangel Michael, see you soon!
Accepted by Oilit (Lyudmila Dolgaya) 11.10.23

If someone has moved away from you, don’t be sad

If someone has moved away from you, don’t be sad. It was God who heard your prayer “Deliver us from the evil one”

Unfortunately, other people can cause you a lot of pain. In some cases, this is deliberate sabotage, in some cases you allow it yourself, clinging to the illusion.
And often this pain is associated with the fact that a person begins to move away, ignore you, or completely leaves, or even viciously disappears from your life. You can try to find out the circumstances and reasons. You can attribute to yourself non-existent guilt for the fact that you could offend or upset a person. You can suffer in silence and wait for the return.
But the most reasonable thing in such a situation is not to dwell on it, not to idealize this character and not to allow thoughts related to him or her to take up too much time in your mind.
Time will pass, and you will realize that that departure or disappearance was for the best. This is not such a significant person for you, you are not so much in his person or have lost him. Moreover, if a person had stayed by your side, you would have suffered much more.
If a person moves away or leaves, and you understand that there is no objective fault on your part, then take it simply as an important sign. It was God who heard your prayer, “Deliver us from the evil one.”
1) If a person commits a low, unworthy act, then this shows his essence
It’s painful to face such a part of reality. But it is better to understand this essence now than to expose yourself even more, to trust and suffer irreparable damage from contact with such a character.
2) Maybe you only saw the mask of the Evil One?
You are sure that you understood what kind of person he was. Maybe it was all a game, a deception, a fiction. Maybe up to some point you believed in what you wanted to believe.
Uncertainty, limbo, prevarication – this is the most rotten thing that a loved one can do to you, it’s on the verge of betrayal. Here he is, the true Evil One.
3) Do not dig into the reasons for such actions for a long time, it is better to accept it as a fact
Many people carefully look for excuses for such actions. They are trying to dig up at least some facts or just hints that will allow them to draw a bright story in their head.
But adults so know and understand that there are healthier and more environmentally friendly scenarios of behavior than disappearance, ignoring, deception, betrayal and eternal uncertainty.
4) If God, the Universe, Fate, Life remove some person from you, then it is for your own protection
It will take a little time, you will get involved in your life, you will rely more on your own meanings and be close to those people who really love you. And then you will understand that the disappearance, the flight of the Evil One was definitely for the best. The universe, God, and Life are more visible and understandable. Accept the inevitable and continue to build your reality based on what exactly is within your control.

Why and why do people close the memory of past incarnations

Why and why do people close the memory of past incarnations

Channeling: Oilit

– Greetings, dear El Moria.
– Hello, dear soul.
– I have a question. Will you explain?
– of course. I will be glad of this opportunity.
– Why and why do people close the memory of past incarnations? After all, if they remembered their lives, they would understand what lessons they need to go through here now.
(smiles) I understand what you are asking, my soul, and, of course, I will give you an answer.
You perceive it from a position of inferiority. As if closing your memory, you are hindered in the competent passage of your path, as if you are being limited.
But look at it differently.
There have been many incarnations of every soul that is now going through the earthly path. And the experience consists not only of “positive” incarnations, but also of “negative” ones. I speak exaggeratedly, for understanding. That is, the lessons the soul requested before coming into any life are exactly those that will help it improve through the passage / non-passage of these tasks.
And it means that each of you had such incarnations in which you manifested negatively. A difficult, sometimes terrible experience both for the soul itself and for others.
But now imagine that you haven’t forgotten it. That is, you remember every moment of your life when you hurt other people (killed, raped, engaged in witchcraft, etc.) Are you ready to remember how, for example, you drowned your own child? How did you cause people to starve to death?
And now about the incarnations of the “positive”. But no less severe.
Do you want to remember how you were killed or burned at the stake, how you drowned or starved, how you were bullied, etc. And not just to remember how the plot of the film is, but to relive it again and again, to feel all the horror that they experienced.
So maybe now you will understand that by closing your memory of incarnations, you are simply being taken care of?! So that you don’t experience all these emotions every time you remember.
And the second point that I would like to draw attention to.
Each time the soul itself makes a choice in favor of going into incarnation once again and trying to go through those lessons again, solve problems, gain experience that is necessary for the evolution of the soul.
She knows that the memory will be closed, and she will have to start over every time. But she goes for it because her only desire is to develop. And she doesn’t rate lives as “positive” or “negative.” Trying on new roles, he tries to play this play perfectly again and again.
It’s not that simple, my family. But I want to add something else. Now you have the opportunity, in this incarnation, to remember those lessons that were not passed in the past. You have the opportunity to receive information from your Higher Aspects, Mentors and Teachers.
Now you can go through a path that will be commensurate with the effectiveness of a dozen incarnations.
Your understanding of the processes is important, and your desire to go your way consciously. And if there is your aspiration, we will always be happy to support you in this!
– Thank you, El Moria!
– See you later, soul!
Accepted (Oilit) 06.10.23

The language of higher powers

The language of higher powers

We are constantly being signaled. You just need to be able to listen to them
Perhaps the mental discomfort that has been weighing you down for a long time is not at all related to overwork at work or the child’s twos at school. Maybe some forces are letting you know in this way that you are not on the right track? Listening to the language of Higher powers, you can fix a lot and even avoid mistakes. This is our energetic, emotional and intuitive state.
That is why it is so important to listen to yourself, to your soul and to what your heart tells you. If your soul sings, you are on the right path, if you feel discomfort, heaviness, vague anxiety, you need to deal with this. Unfortunately, modern man has forgotten how to do this.
The language of the back of the head
Higher forces use the language of signs and signals. This is most often some random event. Choked, my leg cramped, something fell… We are warned about both good and bad events. Take a closer look at the world around you, people and yourself! Such signs can be interpreted only after the fact. In the case when you do not understand these signals, the signs are repeated up to three times, and then the Higher Powers move on to the next, rougher way of communicating with you.
The language of the situation
The deal did not take place, your wife cheated on you, your car was stolen… Perhaps Higher powers are not interfering with you, but protecting you from a worse problem? If a person gets annoyed after these signals and does not understand them, then the methods of education are tightened. They want to show you that you are wrong. But if the lesson is understood, the situation is leveled, and failures are quickly replaced by successes.
The language of failure
This is God’s punishment, or punishment. What is most valuable to a person is beaten for that. Illness is often used as an educational measure. They beat so that it is impossible not to notice it. And it is always necessary to figure out why you were punished? And if you understand why, then the punishment is removed, and the problems go away. With the help of such failures, Higher forces direct a person to his path in order for him to fulfill his destiny.
Direct contact
The punishment for the incomprehensible is repeated three times. If you do not react, then the language of direct contact is used. You get to a bioenergetic, a clairvoyant, a healer, a priest for a lecture (you are literally brought), where the reason for your failures is suddenly explained to you
The language of aggression
A rude way of handling. For example, leaving the house, you see a large inscription on the wall “You are a fool!” Until you realize that this phrase refers to you, it will remain in place! Or, for example, you sit and think: “It’s time to get a divorce.” And at this time, a completely strong chair falls apart under you. You are given to understand what will come out of your venture.
The language of suggestion
This is a direct text to remember. It is based on the use of memory directly, without the participation of thinking. A person becomes addicted – to alcohol, drugs, casinos, sects, fishing, etc. Everyone has what they deserve. But there is still a chance to come to your senses.
At the last stage, the educational process becomes rougher and tougher. Punishments are increasing. As if incurable diseases suddenly appear, accidents occur. And if after that a person does not understand anything, he is simply removed from earthly life.
A sign or symbol is a harbinger of events
“There are signs everywhere,” Paulo Coelho said, and he was right. Even atheist skeptics admit that there are no-no with others, and strange events are happening, clear warnings about the coming changes. However, if skeptics and atheists showed a little observation and did not deny the obvious, they would believe more than ever.
What associations does the word “sign” evoke in you?
However, this word has a less bloodthirsty meaning: a phenomenon, a sign or a symbol, a harbinger of an event. Alas, as a rule, bad. Whether we like it or not, signs surround us. Not for the black purpose of scaring and spoiling the blood, but to warn, protect, save from mistakes. After all, you can not warn about joyful, pleasant and profitable incidents — “there will be a surprise.”
Who sends these signs, how to name them correctly – there is no answer to these questions. It remains only to trust the movie slogan: “To find out the truth, you need to believe.” We will add from ourselves: look around, observe, analyze.
“Against your will”
At times, the sign of the universe is easy to recognize by listening to your “I”. We have known phrases since childhood: “not to my liking”, “the soul does not lie”, “it turns me off”, but sometimes for some reason we persistently do not notice such feelings. For example, a new acquaintance seems to be doing everything right and sincerely trying to win sympathy, but … something is alarming in his manners, insinuation or backhand generosity.
We try to drown out the skepticism of the inner self with arguments of reason: “Well, Semyon Ivanovich can’t be a radish, we have dachas nearby, he never gave a reason.” And then Semyon Ivanovich throws out a knee, from which it remains only to scratch the back of the head, calculate losses or feel offended: “My dear, and where were my eyes before?” Although they were just in place, the only thing is that we deliberately did not allow ourselves to see clearly.
Rational grain: In order to fill the bumps on the long-suffering forehead less often, listen to your inner feelings, trust them. Violence against oneself is useful only when you are done with bad habits, in other cases self-coercion will sooner or later painfully shun in response. If doubts have settled in the soul about the correctness of the choice of a companion, act, type of activity, most likely, there are reasons for this.
“Grace has descended”
And it happens that butterflies flutter all over the body for no particular reason. Everything seems to be the same as always, but I want to “pick flowers, make bouquets and give them to passers-by.” Thus, the universe makes it clear: you are on the right track! Esotericists claim that this state is harmony: peace and at the same time activity, elation. There is an opinion that this is nothing but blessed nirvana, which Buddhist monks seek. Anyway, the cosmos expresses its support and approval to you.
Rational grain: And what is there to invent? Keep it up ! The main thing is to remember what exactly you deserved praise for: what you worked on, who you communicated with, what plans you hatched before you reached peace of mind.
“Everything falls out of hand”
“This is not your bread, find another occupation,” the famous psychic Alexander Litvin insisted, after listening to the story of a poor man who wanted to earn a private cab, but only got a headache and debts. In five years, the loser got into accidents seven times, his car was stolen, he also got the most problematic customers.
Deciding that he was cursed, the man turned to psychics for help, and they advised him to change the way of getting daily bread: most likely, the Higher Forces have other plans for him, which they make clear harshly and categorically. The alignment of forces in the Universe is unchanged, the leader is far from the “crown of creation”. So there is no need to compete.
By the way, there is a Great Loser in history who decided to compete after all. This is the American President Abraham Lincoln. For 30 years, he was eager to enter politics, but repeatedly lost elections to the Senate and Congress, was defeated as a candidate for the post of vice President of the United States. In 1860, Lincoln was finally elected president. However, five years later his life was cut short by a shot to the head, the murder was committed for political reasons.
Rational grain: There is a good expression “do not knock your forehead on a closed door.” Otherwise, you can embody another ironic saying – “the victory of perseverance (persistence, perseverance) over common sense.”
“I cried out from a bad dream”
Dreams are another signal of the universe.
First of all, of course, Mendeleev comes to mind with his table, but there were other famous personalities in history who received the hint “laughing ignoramuses”. So, the poet Lermontov dreamed of solving a mathematical problem, the scientist Lomonosov dreamed of an island near which his father’s ship crashed, the researcher Gilprecht dreamed of deciphering an ancient Sumerian text, over which he struggled for a long time and in vain, the reporter Edward Samson dreamed of a volcanic eruption near the island of Java…
Rational grain: There is only one problem with dreams – it is difficult to remember and interpret them correctly. To do this, it is proposed to record what you saw immediately after waking up, and then analyze it. It is pointless to look into a dream book, it is more a product of folklore than a serious manual. Correlate the images you see with life situations, look for parallels and veiled cheat sheets.
Do you believe in chance?
Accidents are well–thought-out patterns by the sky, supporters of the theory of Signs of Fate are sure. Let’s say a girl is in a hurry for a date, dirties her favorite blouse, changes clothes. Along the way, she stumbles, drops her keys in a puddle, but ignores the trouble. A gust of wind brings a piece of a poster with the words “Treachery and love” under her feet, a fellow traveler reads the book “Deceived Hopes” in transport … And half of the above would be enough to see a signal from heaven about danger. But whether the heavens will reach us depends only on the addressee.
Rational grain: “The theory of non-random accidents” is well known to filmmakers, and it is worth learning the observation of the camera. However, you should not mindlessly fix what is happening, you should keep in mind the question that you are looking for clues from the Universe.
And without fanaticism! If in the morning you stumbled over an unsuccessfully “parked” slipper, most likely, it was pure chance. Do not cancel plans for the day and lie down on the floor, covering your head with your hands. But if a stuck “zipper” on clothes, a flower vase turned upside down by a cat were added to the escaped coffee, it makes sense to triple your vigilance.
“Oh, what am I…”
Inexplicable actions are another piece of news from the universe. This is called “obeying a strong sudden desire”, and in the common people — “pushed by the arm” or “as I knew”. Surely this has happened to you: buying a jar of tomato paste for the future borscht in the store, you suddenly decide to take the second one – maybe it will come in handy, in reserve, etc. And it must happen, before the bank is placed in the dish, the “suicide” suddenly jumps out of his hands and – to smithereens. And you thank yourself for your foresight. Of course, the scale is too small for the universe, but the scheme is clear.
Rational grain: Do not ignore strong random desires, just wait for their consequences to become obvious.
“That’s not what I meant.”
Once the legendary psychiatrist Sigmund Freud took care of the problem of erroneous actions: reservations, typos, typos, missteps – the meticulous Austrian investigated everything. And I came to the conclusion that mistakes are the voice of our subconscious, trying to declare the true desires of the individual. After all, the subconscious knows best. As a good example, Gennady Zyuganov’s “pearl” is cited, when in the phrase “We are supported by several million people” the party leader said “rubles” instead of “people”… Interested persons drew conclusions.
Rational grain: Special attention is paid to repeated mistakes, annoying punctuations that have appeared recently, for example, you swallow whole syllables. Listen to yourself, perhaps the universe is not talking about impending trouble, it just advises you to slow down your life.
Application for a sign
Only extremely strong-willed individuals can make a decision alone, a weak indecisive woman cannot do this. Torturing the mind of girlfriends is a thankless task, there is a large margin of error. Therefore, let’s focus on the “simple and tasteful” option — the Universal mind as an adviser.
Think over the question, attention, clear wording is important here. Abstract messages like “will I be happy” or “what I dream about” are likely to get a blurry answer.
Say the question out loud and add: “I ask for a sign.” You can specify the date: “Urgent”, “Until tomorrow”, “Within a week”. And wait. Perhaps something similar to the intervention of Providence will happen to you, but its meaning will be vague. Do not hesitate, it is not forbidden to ask for clarification, the principle is the same. Having received a sign, first of all try to interpret it positively, do not see a negative frightening meaning.
And finally, remember: signs from above are hints, not orders. The universe does not aim to subdue you, does not promise punishments. As they say, “and don’t be bad yourself.”
Author: Love yourself, love the whole world

Kryon about the period of transformations

Kryon about the period of transformations

Channeling: Oilit

– Greetings to you, Kryon
– Hello, soul.
– Can I ask questions and get answers?
– Of course! As soon as you thought about it, it immediately became possible to convey what you need to know at this moment. And, of course, it is also important for those people who will read this message.
– Why sometimes, after vivid realizations, self-discovery and understanding of the processes taking place in space, some people tend to isolate themselves from the world or want to hide in a “burrow”. And a period of silence begins, as it were. Or sometimes even a rollback.
– The question is clear and the answer will be like this. It’s not so clear, let’s take it in order.
Firstly, the question should be asked not WHY, but FOR WHAT!
Do you feel the difference?
Any condition does not just happen.
It happens that on the general wave of ascent, for example, in different groups or courses, a person begins a rapid rise. But when he is left alone with himself, he can no longer stay on this wave. There is not enough energy potential. And there are reasons for this, too, and you can also find out through the question, Why is this happening?
That is why a lot of information is given to you about the fact that disclosure and access to the next level of awareness is faster and easier in the group.
Secondly, some souls specifically choose this type of lesson to try an independent ascent. And after takeoff, there is a period of silence, and then an exit to a new cycle of evolution.
Thirdly, during the “take-off” some people stumble upon huge obstacles. Blocks rise in them, and this is an integral part of any evolution. And finding these blocks implies working on them (with them). But not everyone is ready for this, and therefore they try to move away, hide their heads in the sand. But this usually does not help.
Fourth, if once you were able to make this breakthrough, then you can continue if you wish. You were just shown that YOU CAN DO IT!!!
But to continue or hide “in a hole” is everyone’s choice. And the passage or non-passage of lessons and tasks for this incarnation depends on it.
I’m talking about this completely without evaluation, just stating a fact. Your souls have come to the planet to gather experience. And he is not bad or good.
This means that any states, actions or inaction, all choices are just part of the endless journey of the soul
– What would you recommend for those people who are faced with this?
-Of course, the acceptance of this condition as necessary and expedient. And, of course, if they request help, support from Higher Powers, it will be given to them. Including through information, and through other people.
The world is changing. It’s inevitable. The planet has entered a period of transformation, which means that you, people, as part of the planet, will not stay away!
– Kryon, thank you for the conversation.
– See you later, soul!
Accepted Oilit

Vivid emotions

Vivid emotions

Many people believe that when vibrations increase, we begin to feel bright emotions more and more and enjoy them.
For example, such as cheerfulness, inspired flight, boundless love, immense happiness…
Many people expect from this: Well, where are these high feelings, where is the flight, where is the dissolution in love, where is the happiness that overflows the heart …! It seems to them that in their emotions they should take off, fly somewhere or go straight to heaven…
In fact, there is no need to fly anywhere. Everything has been here for a long time and has always been here. Everything is inside us!
Yes, there may be bright emotional outbursts at the beginning. But this is only at the very beginning! Further, with an increase in vibrations, on the contrary, bright emotional jumps disappear, like bursts. And emotional outbursts are becoming less and less.
This means that you are flying up somewhere less and less often, and then falling down. Because if you swing the emotional swing, then you will constantly fly out of inner harmony, lose yourself and your connection with the true being.
Of course, when you are on this swing at the top, you feel amazingly good. But, since this is a swing, then you will inevitably fly down, and this is already unpleasant and difficult. So what’s the point of rocking them?
When you are emotionally at the bottom or, conversely, at the top, you lose the Divine connection. You feel your Soul less and hear the Higher Self. On the contrary, for a good Divine connection, inner peace and peace, harmony, silence are needed…
Yes, when we live on high vibrations, we feel immeasurable love, and the happiness of being, and the joy of living and creating on Earth, and an inner inspired flight, like elation… But they become quiet and calm, somehow deep, as you go deeper and deeper into yourself, or rather, you return to Yourself, you begin to feel your true essence…
You don’t jump emotionally up or down. There is an inner expansion in the Divine Light.
Outwardly, you may look emotional (sociable, cheerful, funny, funny …), but peace and quiet begins to reign inside you. And it is impossible to see it with ordinary eyes, but you can only feel what is inside a person.
You stop jumping emotionally. And every day you treat the world, people, all situations, and Life itself with greater acceptance. This is such an unusual transformation that happens inside you in connection with this expansion in Light, an increase in vibrations.
Love, joy, happiness… do not decrease, but expand in you. You become Love itself, Joy, Happiness… and these are deep inner feelings, like merging and connecting with your Divine being.
Therefore, do not wait for bright flashes of emotions, but return to inner harmony. This is the entrance to your true Divine being.
With love to you,
Magda Funia.

Everything is not accidental, so learn lessons

Everything is not accidental, so learn lessons

First, accept the situation as it is. For example, I myself attracted this situation into my life, by actions, words, thoughts. By doing so, you take responsibility for your deed and open the door of wisdom. This is the only way to enlightenment. We decided to shift the responsibility to someone else – we went down the road leading to spiritual degradation. There is no growth there.
Second – (mental work) discover and realize the mistake that caused the unpleasant situation. Perhaps understanding will not come immediately, but thinking will bear fruit, it will be like an epiphany. Remember that nothing is accidental, so promptly shut up your Ego, which will try to stop the analysis. Here it is not superfluous to remember what you said to your opponent in an unpleasant situation. Try the accusations on yourself – isn’t this your coat? If something annoys you in a person, then you have it. Knock and it will open…
The third is spiritual work on oneself – the eradication of the discovered cause – the aspect of the Ego. There are a lot of techniques, you can simply monitor the manifestation of this aspect of the Ego by controlling your thoughts and be aware (accept), and it will gradually disappear. You can also purposefully practice the opposite of this aspect. Try different options. External reality is a manifestation of your inner world.
The desire to change the world or another person is a manifestation of pure Ego. Therefore, eradicate any attempts to do this and think about it. Understanding that nothing here is accidental will greatly speed up your journey. The world around you will change when your inner world changes.

Active blood transmutation

Active blood transmutation

My dear ones, quite recently, when there was a full moon (September 29), I felt the arrival of powerful transmuting energies on Earth.
These divine energies are designed to greatly change our circulatory system. I was directly shown how this energy flowed through the arteries, veins, vessels, capillaries.
On a subtle plane, it looks like Light is flowing directly through our circulatory system. From this, it begins to lighten, the composition of the blood changes, the transmutation of blood corpuscles, blood molecules and atoms occurs.
Over time, the blood composition will completely change, it will become different. Scientists and doctors will be very surprised. The blood test of the new man of the Earth will not correspond to any usual norms. They will even consider that it is impossible to live with such a blood composition.
But people will live, bodies will be renewed and healed despite the fact that someone says it is impossible. There will be more and more people on Earth whose blood will change a lot and will not meet standard medical indicators.
These people will feel great, unlike those who have normal indicators. The old blood composition standards correspond to the energies of a dense three-dimensional Earth. The planet is rapidly changing its vibrational level, which means that everything living on it will completely change, it will become different.
The blood of all people will change. Of course, this is not a one-step process. All organs and systems of the body are also being rebuilt under new energies in order to work as a coherent and unified Divine organism.
Physical pain is possible during transmutation. Especially in those places of the body where energy passes with difficulty, where there are darkenings and blocks.
Taking care of the energy state of the subtle bodies, drinking more pure water and light food, intuitive exercises (yoga and similar practices) and much more — help to physically pass the transmuting process easier.
With love to everyone,
Magda Funia.

Hecate.”Solar events”

Hecate.”Solar events”

Contact person: Leah Lemberg

We welcome you, our dear ones! Hecate and the Great Architects are with you — the Construction Service of the Absolute.
Before we begin, we will paraphrase a little one of your famous sayings: “Dear God, give me the strength to change what I can change. Give me peace of mind not to worry about what I can’t change. And give me the wisdom to distinguish one from the other.”
Dear ones, the vast majority of people tend to worry very much about things that they cannot change. At the same time, they lose a lot of energy, it literally flows through holes, and closes into useless contours, from which it is difficult to release it later.
You are afraid of what you cannot understand. It’s too big. You cannot grasp it with your mind, and it causes states of confusion, helplessness and fear. Confusion — because you have lost a lot of your resources at this moment!
People have been scared of the end of the world many times already. Who benefits from this and why it is being done, this is a topic for a separate conversation. The so-called “Doomsday prophets” want to grab your attention. Attention is a huge energy, and you give it away for free. That’s why you always miss it!
What does “Solar Event” mean? We will try to explain now. Your Sun, as the commander of the detachment, leads its planets, which include your mother Gaia, as well as some others that you have not yet met. Your Sun Ra receives commands from the galactic Center to transmit them along the chain to you.
Most of what’s happening to the Sun at the moment is happening in a frequency range that you don’t have access to. The Commander-Sun processes and assimilates information from the Center. Literally: The Sun lowers the vibrations of those energy-information packets that come from the Galactic Center, so that they can in turn receive and transform the energy structures of the planets. Gaia takes this energy from the Sun and transforms it into configurations acceptable to human beings. You can see the reflection of this work of Gaia in the Schumann charts! Everything is interconnected.
The sun is not going to kill you at all. On the contrary! It struggles to transform the high frequencies so that they cause you less harm. The problem is that the sector in space-time that the Solar System is currently passing through is very special. The fact that you will reach this place right now was planned a long time ago.
The meeting place cannot be changed, dear ones. This is one of those things that you can’t influence. But it will be much easier for you to stop worrying about it if you understand what is happening.
We will give you an example from your daily life. Imagine that you have a small child who needs to be fed, and you cooked porridge for him. But the porridge is very hot, and a small child is extremely sensitive to temperature — to a much greater extent than an adult. And so you start blowing on the porridge, trying to serve it in small portions to make it easier to cool it. And now imagine that the porridge has a temperature of several thousand degrees, and the child is screaming from hunger.
Your mother Gaia and the wise “grandfather” Sun Ra, come up with new ways to make the nutritious energy of the Source, which is radiated in this sector in connection with the transition to a new level, digestible for you in the shortest possible time. Both of them are forced to transform some of the high-frequency energies into thermal and electrical ones. You will complain that you have to sweat a lot, but your thin systems will not burn out.High-frequency energies for your unprepared thin systems are what hard gamma radiation is for a biological shell. It can be fatal.
But how did it happen, you ask. The fact is that you should have approached this sector already grown up and more prepared. Then the high frequencies would not cause you such harm. You would absorb them as the soil absorbs healing raindrops. You should have come up to this point in time already changed, but, as you can see, this did not happen.
Gaia wouldn’t have to blow so hard on porridge if her children reached adulthood in due time!
Dear ones, Gaia loves you in a way you can’t imagine. She sacrifices her other children for you, the chosen ones. It channels excess energy, converting it into heat and electricity, which leads to the extinction of entire ecosystems. She makes great sacrifices to save you. She has a plan, and yet it costs her a lot of effort. But she is not alone, she is supported by the rest of the planets, and most of all by Jupiter. Gaia is his long-time lover, you knew about it, didn’t you? If Gaia is your mother, then Jupiter is your father.
Jupiter has saved Gaia more than once. You probably remember one of these cases, because it was quite recently. Jupiter deflected the trajectory of one deadly visitor from the depths of space and caused a blow to itself. A huge comet broke apart under the influence of the gravitational field of the giant planet and fell on its surface, forming craters larger than the size of the Earth and releasing the energy of several million megatons.
Yes, not only people can love each other and sacrifice themselves for the sake of their loved ones, Planets can do it! Jupiter and the consciousness inhabiting it took a very risky step to save your civilization. Their wounds were painful, but such was their selfless will. You can’t change that fact, but you can thank them for their love for you and Gaia.
There is nothing accidental in the universal plan. But we constantly have to make adjustments to it, since not everything goes as smoothly as planned.
Now let’s talk about things that you CAN change. First of all, look around and listen carefully. The system constantly brings events and people who need a nudge from your side into the fields of your attention. Moreover, the System pushes you yourself to where you will get the necessary impetus to change for the better. It’s not always pleasant. But next to you, your invisible assistants are constantly following you, who are doing their job perfectly.
Try to analyze unpleasant events taking place in your fields, not from a position of repulsion and justification of yourself as a victim. Instead, try to trace their flow back to the source, up to the pulse that started them. You will need a certain amount of imagination, but most of you will cope with this task. Answers to your questions will come faster than you think.
It will not be possible to grow up in the shortest possible time. Therefore, a whole sector of the System is being rebuilt for you, including even higher levels of this sector. You notice instability and loss of balance, and this is not accidental. The etheric plane has more and more influence on the physical plane. Some of you have already felt that you can manifest events from the ether. The line between the physical and etheric planes has become very thin, and you can literally see some etheric processes. They can manifest themselves in the form of unexpected flashes of light, small “burning snakes” flying in space near you, as well as at a distance. Some already see them with the naked eye.
How does it affect you? Anxiety will appear and states of unexplained “absent-mindedness” will become more frequent. This is because your density is literally changing. The density of the matter from which your body is built is changing. It changes regardless of whether you want it or not, and also regardless of whether you read your morning prayer today or quarreled with neighbors.
Density is a physical characteristic that you determine based on the mass and volume of physical bodies. The density will decrease because the volume will increase.
Now we will try to explain. You very often use such phrases as “third density”. Have you ever wondered why she’s the third? And about what is the second and fourth?
What is volume? This is actually the space that the physical body occupies inside another space that you perceive. You take three sizes on three rulers, based on three spatial coordinates known to you, and multiply them among themselves. Now imagine that you add another coordinate — time — and multiply by the first three. You will get the volume occupied by the physical body in time. This is a novelty, isn’t it?
You begin to realize that volume and time are somehow interconnected. The volume of the etheric body is huge by your standards, because it is “multiplied by time”. What is its density? The larger the volume, the lower the density at the same mass. The etheric body is much more “dispersed” compared to the physical. It’s difficult to understand, but we try to provide information using concepts that are familiar to you.
Not all people are aware of their physical body. If we ask you what’s going on in your left little finger right now, you won’t know what to answer. There are practices to improve awareness of the physical body, but that’s not what we’re talking about right now. You have not yet had time to realize your stomach and limbs, and you already need to prepare for the realization of the etheric body!
You are familiar with the expression “expansion of consciousness”. This is happening now, our dear ones! Your consciousness literally stretches regardless of whether you want it or not, and this causes a lot of unfamiliar and frightening symptoms. First of all, this concerns the symptoms of a mental and emotional nature. You can’t concentrate on anything in any way and it makes you very nervous. You are angry at yourself, at your loved ones and at the circumstances.
Try to calm down. We tell you about what is happening so that you understand and stop worrying and being afraid. When the light of understanding illuminates the dark corners of the unknown, fear gradually disappears.
Your brain begins to perceive signals coming from the “sensory organs” and the “nervous system” of your etheric body. This is an excellent quantum computer, your brain. Powerful artificial intelligence built from organic material. It works, it gets new settings, it processes new requests and commands. Let him rest from time to time! Contemplate the sky and nature, drink clean water. Do light physical exercises regularly, this will make life easier for you in the turbulence zone!
Reconfiguration processes take time. A huge information load has really fallen on you. Treat with great attention to new, as yet unfamiliar sensations.
That’s enough for today.
— Thank you for the excellent information, dear Hecate and the Great Architects!

Intertemporal: why everything is changing, but we don’t see it

Intertemporal: why everything is changing, but we don’t see it

Inter-time can end in failure and disaster. Or maybe — a transition to a new level. Updating the life program…
Do you feel that time has changed? It seems to have stopped, but at the same time it flows very quickly, you don’t have time to count the days. This is the “twisting of time,” as Academician Kapitsa called it. Or compression, — the time is packed into a compressed file.
We found ourselves in the strangest period — in the Inter-Time. That’s what the gap is called, when the past is irrevocably gone, and the future is unknown. It is impossible to imagine the future. It’s too different from what it was before.
Inter-time is very rare. This is a cliff, a failure in the course of time, a white page in a book on which nothing is written. This is a calm in the middle of a storm, a dam on a stormy river where water accumulates. And in the Inter-Time everything changes, but we don’t see it. We only feel it.
During this period, it is necessary to forget the everyday rules of the recent past, the habitual patterns of behavior that we used before. The ancient laws work. Ancient customs, signs of fate, prohibitions and symbols that are hundreds and thousands of years old — they remain and help to survive. Survive the Inter-Time.
And the ways of life that we are used to — they are leaving. It remains global and ancient. And old signs, customs, prohibitions will become important again. Ancient wisdom saves.
In the Intertemporal, signs come through dreams and premonitions. The ability to see and understand without words is unusually sharpened. Instructions can be received through dreams and signs; they will be vivid and impressive. How to live and what to do — dreams will tell you. And wise people who know the ancient laws. They will also be useful.
Relationships with other people during this strange period will change unexpectedly. Under the mask of a friend, you will see an enemy and an envious person. Extra people will leave your life, even if they seemed necessary in normal times.
But the one who proves himself to be bright and necessary will stay with you forever. And the new people who will come into your life will be woven into the fabric of fate. They did not appear by chance; these are landmark meetings. People important to your destiny.
In the Inter—Time, whatever you grab, whatever you try to lean on, everything crumbles and disappears. Many things turn out to be illusory, like a mirage in the desert. And you need to look for support only in yourself. And in ancient knowledge: in philosophy, in history, in old books about life and about love.These are islands of stability during the Great Reboot.
Rebooting the world computer is what is happening now.
Inter-time can end in failure and disaster. Or maybe — a transition to a new level. Updating the program of life.
Therefore, it is necessary to exercise extreme caution, pay attention and read the Signs of fate. It’s like we’re driving through a dense fog. You can’t stop. And putting pressure on the gas is very dangerous.
The inter-time lasts a year. The reboot goes about as long. And the entire population of the Earth found itself in this strange and dangerous period. And then the changes will begin, or rather, they will become apparent when the fog clears and the computer starts working.
Whether we will like these changes is unlikely at first. But we will have to learn to live in new conditions and circumstances. Get used to the new version.
Who will survive the Inter—Time correctly, who will save himself, but learn new things, who will cross the shaky bridge to the other side across the river of time – he will live in a new world. And he will be able to live in it normally.
Therefore, be vigilant and attentive to the Signs and to the words of those who know the ancient wisdom. And move slowly. It only seems that we are moving slowly — time is twisted into a tight spiral. And the file will open in a year — even less already.
A year of Inter—time is like a hundred years of ordinary life. This is a change of epochs. And we happened to get into this strange period. It is up to us, trapped in the “time trap”, whether our civilization will survive or leave like Atlantis.
Save yourself. Save your loved ones. And keep the main rules of Good and Evil — they are eternal. And the Eternal saves in times when time has stopped and shrunk…
Author: Anna Kiryanova

How to realize you’re starting to deteriorate

How to realize you’re starting to deteriorate: 6 key signs

What are the main signs that indicate that you are starting to regress and degrade, and what you should pay attention to in your behavior and in the actions of your loved ones.
Modern life makes us constantly improve – to master new specialties, to develop skills, to learn something new. But it happens that a person, or someone close to him, stops participating in this race, closes himself too much. Then the question arises not of development, but of the degradation of the person.
“In order not to fall into degradation, it is necessary to force yourself every day to work and cultivate. Start each morning with the question – What Can I change overall? And what can I change right now? And act on your own answers, ” the expert said.
There are a number of signs that indicate that a person is on the path of degradation.
Dichotomous thinking
This situation in which a person divides the world into “black” and “white”, people – into “their” or “foreign”, “good” or “bad”. This shows that man is at a standstill in his development, unable to perceive the new reality. Does not accept the opinion of other people, their positions and generally does not want to look at the situation from different sides. This shows that he lacks flexibility of thought. The lack of flexibility of thinking is, of course, degradation and regression.
This can also include regressive behavior. Infantile attitude when a person enters the phase of a capricious child and victim. He keeps saying that nothing depends on him. The world is big and he makes some decisions that don’t depend on him, “goes with the flow” and has no consequences from his choices.
There’s something bigger controlling it. A person transfers responsibility for his life to others: the state, parents, partner, etc.N. thus, he takes all responsibility from himself. And there’s always some figure that makes things in his life not work out the way he would have liked. The position of the victim also indicates that the person has developed dichotomous thinking.
Loss of interest in yourself
It doesn’t matter what he looks like, what he eats. He can walk around with dirty clothes and unwashed hair for weeks and not pay attention to it. This state is characteristic of the apathy that arises in a person who has entered a state of degradation.
Because degradation doesn’t just happen. It manifests itself most often when a person was disappointed in his life, did not care about what happened to him, or events in his daily life were too traumatic and a lot of unexpired feelings accumulated – dissatisfaction, etc.N. which brings him to this state. People no longer care what they are or what they look like. He ceases to be interested in his own development, personality, appearance and body.
Loss of interest in life
Loss of interest in communication and appearance of indifference, apathy, lack of desire to participate in the processes of other people’s lives. This happens because man simply does not have the energy to create, to act. Background apathy and other negative feelings, including dissatisfaction, further deprive the person of energy. Because holding on to feelings that you have not experienced takes a lot of energy and there is simply no energy left for interest in life.
Narrowing the circle of interests
Most often, interests close on some very simple actions that bring quick pleasure. A person has no desire to develop, to move forward, begins to avoid familiar people, does not want to contact New People. A person closes himself in some of his problems and ceases to be interested in the world around him, sinks into his illusions.
Pattern behavior
This option, in which a person chooses a well-trodden path known only to him. He doesn’t deviate from the program. Listen to the same music for years, follow the same route, watch the same TV series. He chooses all the time something the same, similar – it becomes his program, a “record” that is sealed. This situation shows that the person is closed and there can be no further development.
Withdrawal of dependence
Personal degradation begins with withdrawal from dependence. Or degradation becomes a step to hide from the terrible world that is frightening. These include addiction to opiates, food, promiscuous sex, alcohol, and smoking.
This does not apply to cases such as taking alcohol in the evening after the work week, which allows you to relax. But here you need to be very careful, as sometimes it is difficult to notice the limit when its reception turns into addiction and personality degradation.
If bad habits have passed into the category of addictions, it is important not to hesitate to seek help, because sometimes it is very difficult to get yourself out of such difficult situations. It is possible to seek qualified help from a psychologist or just get support from your loved ones and start solving your problems, then life will improve and you will want to become better.
Author: Teodor Muhovski
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