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What Will Bring You the Most Spiritual Growth – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 30

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are giving our attention to the aspects of the human consciousness that have been evolving and growing the fastest there on Earth, and we have discovered that it is through the examination of the self that you get the most bang for your buck, so to speak. You do the most evolving spiritually when you look at yourself and how you can change for the better, how you can become more present, be more kind and compassionate, how you can better love yourself and those around you.
You can do things that will help with your spiritual evolution, like meditating, doing yoga, spending time in nature, and partaking in other spiritual practices, but everything that you do will hopefully be leading you back to yourself, your relationship to yourself, your relationship to Source and to this universe that we all share. You are the ones who do the work, because you are awake and because you realize this. And so, there are many times in your lives where you have to be the bigger person, where you have to claim that you were at fault, even when you were not in your own eyes.
There will be times when you have to apologize, even though you feel you have done nothing wrong. There will be times when you must help another by letting go of the need to be right or the need to point out what that person said or did that is problematic for you, for them, and for the relationship. When you change, everything around you changes, and when you lead a life where you are examining yourself on a regular basis, you will change, and you will change for the better. And when you do, that’s when others around you will also show that they can change, that they are also evolving with you.
But as long as you stay in the fight, in the finger-pointing, in the resentment of others because of what they said or what they did, the less you grow, because the focus is on something or someone outside of you, rather than yourself. When you exist in the present moment, and when you are able to be honest with yourself about how you feel in the present moment, that’s when everything can change, and that’s the only time everything can change around you. You can yell very loud to try to get someone to be different, to try to get them to look within themselves, or you can take a few deep breaths, process your emotions, and do the work that needs to be done on yourself. Then when you approach another person to have a conversation, you are not going to make things worse. You are not going to escalate the situation because of the hurt that you are feeling, because of the anger you are carrying within you.
Look at every situation in your life as an opportunity for deeper self-exploration. You can always discover more about you by going within, and you can always discover more about you by looking outside of yourself. Take a look at what triggers you, and then ask yourself why. Take a look at how others are treating you, and then ask yourself why. It is very easy to just go about your life blaming others, or institutions like ‘the government,’ or ‘society,’ but those are entities that are meant to reflect back to you what you still need to see, heal, and forgive within yourself.
If you look at the lives of those who are willing to look at themselves and examine their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, you will see that they are much happier than the people who are looking for what else they can protest, what else they can be angry about. We know that many of you already know this, and you are the ones who we see growing exponentially, but we just want to explain how powerful that practice is to each and every one of you, and we want to acknowledge those of you who are doing the work because you are responsible for so much of the growth and evolution of the entire human collective consciousness. And we also want you all to become aware of the truth that more and more people will start looking within, because what they have been doing for so long in their lives simply isn’t working, and it never has.
You will, someday, be filled with so much love and joy within your hearts because you have done this work, not because something or someone outside of you has awakened or changed. Keep it up, because you are truly manifesting that reality with each moment you spend in self-examination.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

September 29

Recruiting for the December Solstice Event – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 29

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very capable of enlisting more of you in our ground crew because those who have yet to awaken while in their waking state of consciousness still do meet with councils and collectives like ourselves when traveling the astral plane at night while they are asleep in their beds. And this is something that will ultimately help them to awaken, and it has helped many people awaken, as they will remember bits and pieces of those astral travels as if they were recalling a dream about meeting extra-terrestrials or very wise elders.
This is something that we are going to step up in the months leading up to the close of 2021 there on Earth, because we know how much power there can be with the upcoming solstice, and we would like to see you all maximizing your abilities to ground in those energies from above. And so, you may experience people in your lives that you wouldn’t expect to be coming to you with questions about their e.t. dreams or e.t. encounters, but they will be coming, and they will be asking, and that is a very good thing.
You all have the ability as well to bring people into the ground crew there on Earth with your certainty, with your clarity, and with the example that you set. The way that you live your lives, and the compassion and kindness you show towards others are beacons of light that draw people in and let people know that you are someone they can trust, someone they can talk to about anything. You can experience more of your own mastery through being able to help others to find their way. You can demonstrate to yourselves just how masterful you already are with your awakening and with what you have come to know and come to experience firsthand.
And so, we are all stepping up our games in order to assist those who will be awakening in the coming months. There will be other ways that these humans come to realize what they have been doing at night while they are asleep. Some will feel the resonance in a story that you tell, and some will get that feeling from watching a television show, a movie, or a documentary. There are so many different ways that the universe has of reminding people of who they really are, and all of these methods will be employed as we are all working together as a universal consciousness right now, and that is of course as it should be, always.
We love you all so very much, and we appreciate you and the work you are doing there. We know that many of you reach out to us and tell us that you are ready to do more and help more, and we hear each and every one of those transmissions from Earth. We hope that you can trust in this process and trust us when we say that we are more than happy and willing to work with each and every one of you. As we said, we are even working with those who are technically still asleep in their waking state of consciousness.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

September 28

Mass Awakenings to Finish Off 2021 – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 28

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are continuing to witness your evolution of consciousness as a human collective, and we are noticing that there is a greater possibility for mass awakenings to occur in these final months of 2021 because of how well you have done in handling the equinox energies and the overall September energies. You are helping your fellow humans in ways that you cannot possibly quantify, or even understand with the physical human mind.
You must recognize that others around you have been changing and changing for the better, because when you are looking at the world through the lens of a person who has been upgraded and activated, you cannot help but see the positive changes in your fellow humans. You will of course continue to be at the frontline of this spiritual evolution, and therefore you will be facing much more of what you still have to clear, what you are still assimilating energetically. You took on more than your fair share for this lifetime because you knew what the state of the human collective consciousness was at the time of your birth into this physical body.
You have so much to give, so much that you can share with your fellow humans as you continue on with your journeys as well. They benefit from hearing your stories, from hearing how you have faced your challenges, how you have evolved and become the masters that you clearly are. Those of you who have awakened and have been doing the work on yourselves know that it is no picnic, and you also know that spiritual evolution is largely an inside job. You do get help from us, from your guides, from your galactic team, your higher selves, your oversouls, Source, and so on, but then you have to take what you are given and work with it. You have to endure the growing pains as well, and you have people then flocking to you because your light is shining more brightly.
And then you know that your next task is to help those who are seeking your help. This is a huge undertaking, moving from the third dimension, through the fourth, to the fifth. We continually feel encouraged by what we see, but we also know that the road ahead of you is long and many of you are weary and tired. So do take a moment in each day to consider how far you have come already, and do acknowledge the encouraging signs that around you that things are changing and they are changing for the better.
And finally, look for the best in the people around you. See how they are handling these energies better than they ever have before. Notice how they are evolving in what they say and what they do, and give people more credit and look less for their faults and shortcomings, and do the same with yourselves. Be gentle and kind with yourselves; give yourselves what you need. You will continue to receive more from the likes of us as you take the time to relax and open up, and you can trust that the October energies will also be very supportive and help contribute to the mass awakenings that we see coming in the remainder of 2021.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

September 27

Will Humanity Ascend on December 21st 2021? – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 27

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are so very satisfied with your progress since you had your equinox event there in September on your world. You have been acclimating to these energies very well, and you have been building the remainder of 2021 on your calendar with so much joy, so much love, so much confidence in yourselves and in your collective. It has been very easy to get down on humanity over the past year and a half, because of all that has transpired, all that has not come from a place of love or from a place of joy. But enough of you have seen the true heart of humankind, of yourselves, of your neighbors, your friends, your co-workers, and even your family members.
It has been a time for healing; you have undergone a collective healing because of this pandemic, and you are ready now to pick up the pieces. You are ready now to move forward with the creation of the world you want to be living in from here on out. Many of you do want to complete the ascension by the end of this calendar year, and we want you to do know that would be premature at this point. You do not want a premature ascension; you want a fully-formed human collective and human collective consciousness to make that leap, and from where we are sitting here in the ninth dimension, we see that you have made the progress necessary to take the next step.
The next step will be taken at the time of your solstice event, and of course, you will see many predictions about what a big, gigantic step that will be, but you do have to get more comfortable with the baby steps, just as you have to get more comfortable with the truth that you are the driving force behind this ascension, and that it is not something that your sun or other cosmic forces are solely responsible for inducing. You are the ones who are co-creating this new life, this new Earth, this new level of consciousness for humanity, and that is what you want to think of your shift as. Rather than as you going to a different place, a better place, think of you shifting your consciousness to a higher level, so that you can be the version of yourself that you’ve always wanted to be, and you can be surrounded by people who are being the versions of themselves that they’ve always wanted to be.
And as you move forward from this time of great healing that you have been in, you get to create with such stability and strength. You get to create with a solid foundation underneath you. This is what the human experience is all about. It’s not just about surviving until some big event happens outside of you to take you to the better place; it’s about you recognizing who you really are, realizing that everything is inside of you, and then speaking, thinking and acting accordingly. And as we said, we have seen the progress that you are making toward that eventuality, and we know that more and more people are stepping into that level of consciousness and that level of mastery that we are talking about here, right now in this moment, for humankind. It is always going to be a pivotal moment, and from where we are sitting, you keep pivoting in the right direction.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

September 26

What Spiritual Evolution is All About – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 26

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been interested in the ways in which you all interact with each other socially for quite some time because it says a lot about who you are as individuals. Who you are with each other is who you are with yourselves. If you are hiding aspects of yourself from another person, or everyone, then chances are you are hiding something from yourself as well. You are in denial of an important aspect of you.
Now, this is something that is manifesting itself more and more as people only show the positive aspects of their lives on social media. This has been going on since before the dawn of the social media era, however. When people would talk about what was going on in their lives and in their families prior to the existence of Facebook and Instagram, they would usually only tell the good parts and leave the rest out. Now, of course, there are exceptions and there always have been.
There are people who are in touch with who they are to such a degree that they love sharing all aspects of themselves, and that has always been the case. But when we observe you, we observe what the majority of you are doing, and the majority of you are holding back what you feel ashamed of about yourselves. And if you’re not ready to admit to your friends, co-workers, family members, and even strangers, that you are in pain, for example, then chances are you are not dealing with that pain, not in a healthy way.
And so it is a good time to ask yourselves if you are being honest about who you are and how you feel, and we are talking about being honest with yourselves about these things. That’s where you want to start. You want to start with your inner dialogue. You want to start by noticing how you feel and what you do about it, and during this period of self-examination, maybe it would be a good idea to stay off of all social media platforms. Because if you only see the best of what everyone else is living, and at the same time, you are trying to face your demons, your darkest hours, that might make it much more challenging. In fact, we are quite certain that it will.
When you are ready to dig deep inside yourself, you need that time to yourself to feel your feelings, to examine your thoughts, and to decide if the person you present to the world is the person you really want to be. When you do this work, you liberate yourself. You can be free to be who you really are, but you cannot look to society to grant you permission first, because in most cases, it won’t. You first need to decide that you are perfect just as you are, with all of your issues.
And when you can present that version of yourself to the entire world, then you can start to relate to other people honestly and authentically. Then you can start to develop real friendships, real relationships. Then the healing with family members and others can begin, and that’s what spiritual evolution is all about.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

September 25

You’ve Surpassed Atlantis & Lemuria – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 25

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been experiencing the ripple effect that humanity has been creating throughout the entire galaxy and universe. We are all connected to one another, and so when there is an improvement in the vibration of the human collective consciousness, we not only notice it, we feel it. We benefit from the movement forward that you are making. So by helping all of you, we help ourselves, and even though this is not our primary motivation for helping you, it is a nice bonus. We want you to all to start feeling the ripple effect that you as individuals are having on the entire human collective.
If you could just notice yourselves and acknowledge yourselves for the beautiful work you are doing, you could relax a bit more. We see so many of you thinking that you’re not contributing enough and feeling the repercussions. Now, we also want you to feel the reverberation of that ripple effect. You raise your consciousness as a collective, and that then affects the rest of us here in all of the higher dimensional planes of existence, and then we can give you more because we have just become more of ourselves.
This universe is a beautiful place, and it is a beautiful place in spite of what is dark and negative within it. You all have the ability to affect the changes you want to see and feel, and if you could get that immediate feedback, then we are certain we would see even more acts of kindness and selflessness on your world. That is why we are delivering you this transmission. We want you to know how effective you are and that the changes are rippling out and rippling back to you.
Your eyes can deceive you. You have optical illusions, magic tricks. You know that you don’t see the full spectrum of what is out there in front of you. So believe us when we say that you cannot always see the positive results that have been occurring on your world and throughout the universe because of your willingness to give more of yourselves, to be of service, and to process what is no longer serving you out of your chakra systems. We want you to know it and feel it, but you have to be feeling for it in order to experience it.
You’re not necessarily going to see it in the outside world and how many negative experiences there are in it. So please do feel for the change in humanity’s overall vibration, because it has just taken you higher than you have ever been before, and we are including Atlantis and Lemuria, which were just pockets of life on Earth at those times. You represent what is holding the light for humanity, and there are more of you coming to the knowing of who you really are every single day. That is having an effect on everything throughout this universe.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

September 24

Co-Creating Your Ascension Experience – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 24

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have established so many wonderful connections with all of you who receive these transmissions and with others who have been receiving us directly, and we are very happy that you open yourselves up to us to the degree that you do. Now, there is a lot more that we can do together, as we collaborate here. The connection between Earth humans and Arcturians is well established at this point, and it’s something that we can build upon as we move forward. We want what you want, and you want what we want, and that makes it so much easier to collaborate with you.
We want to see the expansion of the human collective consciousness, and we want to take part in the universal shift in consciousness with all of you. Now, the ways that we can go even further in this co-creative effort are by looking for the areas within humanity that could use the most love and light and aiming our consciousness and our intentions in those directions. We want to flood the people and places that need the most healing and the highest vibrational energies with exactly what they are asking for, even if they are not asking for it consciously.
Many individuals think that they need one thing, like for a law to change, but what they really need is that healing energy and that compassion and that unconditional love that we can offer together as a team. You are the wonderful summoners of the energy, and we are the offerers of it. Now, we work with you in this way as a sort of compliment to Source Energy. Source is always working with you and working through you, but sometimes you need to connect with beings that you’ve established more of a grounded relationship with.
And even though we are ninth dimensional and non-physical, it can be easier to relate to us and see us as partners and co-creators. So that is what we are aiming for, and if you can look around your planet for the people and places that need the most love and light, and be the projectors of that love and light, we will certainly contribute all that we can to those efforts, as you call upon us in the same way that you would an archangel or an ascended master. We have been in the process of joining Team Earth for quite a few years now, and we would like to make it official.
So please do continue to call upon us and summon our unique vibrational signature, and we will always be there for you, lending a helping, non-physical hand. And we are looking forward to collaborating even further with you on the fifth-dimensional Earth. This is an exciting project and one that we are eager to participate in more closely. So please also call upon us when envisioning the Earth that you are ascending into.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

September 23

Accessing the Energies of Your Starseed Origins – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 23

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been investigating the different portals that have been opened for humanity to see how much you are utilizing them appropriately. We are speaking here about the portals that we have created and opened, as well as portals opened by other high frequency beings who are seeking to serve you and assist you in your shift in consciousness. When we, and others like us, talk about the energies that are upon you, we are referring to not only the energies coming from the sun and other parts of the galaxy. We are referring to portals that are great gateways for energy to come in.
Now, we notice that the number of you who are accessing the energies from these portals and really feeling it is growing in number. More people have been awakening to the truth that these portals exist and that they are accessible by the average person. You don’t need a special degree or any special training to sit and access the energies from these portals. And so, what we have been doing as a result of what we have noticed is that we’ve taken energies from all across the galaxy, and we’ve merged them together so that no matter what portal you are accessing in the moment, you will be receiving energies from the Pleiadian system, the Orion system, the Lyran system, the Cassiopeian system, our system, the Andromedan system, and so on.
We want you to know that by opening yourselves up to receive, you are getting the activations that you need to know yourselves as your higher selves. Some of what we prescribe to you is hard work. When we talk about feeling intense emotions and activating higher frequency vibrations, we know we are asking a lot of you. But with these portals, the work is really done for you, and all you need to do is sit with that intention of opening yourselves up to receive the higher frequency energies that are coming in.
And then when you get those activations, you feel more whole and complete because aspects of you that are from the aforementioned star systems can be integrated, and you can know yourselves as more than just from one star system. You can let go of that idea that you are just one of many, because you have been to all of the different star systems throughout the galaxy on your journeys. That was part of your intention before coming to Earth to ascend and to awaken, and now you are helping to unify the galaxy with the wonderful work that you are doing on yourselves.
We are happy to give you this very good news and to let you know that more is coming. You can receive it if you choose to, if you open yourself up to it.There is no other trick that is needed. You all have done so much work already, and you are ready to receive so much more. We, and others like us, are eager to give what we can to remind you of who you really are as galactic beings of light and love.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

September 22

The Secret Human History – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 22

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have discovered many secrets about the past that you have led there on Earth. They are secrets because you don’t know about them yet. You have your history books and even your theories about how life began there on Earth and what the various stages were of your development, but the missing link has always been extra-terrestrial interference, masquerading as help. Sometimes you have been helped and sometimes you have been hindered, and all the while, the human spirit has kept trudging along, bringing you to this point in your development.
Now, if something had been done to your DNA that had gone terribly wrong, you would have blown yourselves up by now. But you haven’t, and that is a testament to all of you who have held the light for humanity. And we are not just talking about this lifetime. You all have been working for humanity for many, many lifetimes to bring you to this point where you are now, at the precipice of a gigantic shift in consciousness.
What you have done could not have been accomplished without those of you who were so determined to know who you really are that you wouldn’t just accept someone else’s version of the story. And now you are presented with lots of different versions of stories, and you are asked to accept them as true just because they are different from what the vast majority of humans are subscribing to. Just know that you don’t have to figure it all out. You don’t have to know every single detail of human history in order to be where you are right now and to continue to evolve and ascend.
For example, if you were to focus too much on what the reptilians or the Draco have done throughout your history, then you will never get to the point where you will forgive and love unconditionally these aspects of you that are there. They need to have their hearts opened by someone. It might as well be you, because as you open your hearts to those who have enslaved you and manipulated you, you show your true colors as Source Energy Beings. We are not asking you to be doormats, here, or to subjugate yourselves in any way.
What we are saying that you become your fifth-dimensional, higher selves by letting go of grudges and judgments and letting all aspects of yourselves come to that knowing that they are all aspects of Source. There will come a time when you won’t need any help, and there will be no way to hinder any of you, and that day is nearing. So now is a good time to let go of any story that is putting you in the camp that says, ‘We need to defeat the bad guys, and we need to do it soon!’ What you really need is more love, more light, more compassion, and that’s only going to come from accessing the infinite energy of Source that you can access at any time by going within and feeling around for it.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

September 21

How to Release Trauma – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 21

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have an interesting perspective that we would like to share with you all. We know that you have been experiencing a lot of trauma in this lifetime of yours, and we know that you have coping mechanisms and defense mechanisms to help you get through the experiences of those traumas. We also know that many of you find yourselves looking for answers as to why this traumatic event had to befall you in your life. It is going to serve you very well in the future if you just let go of the need to know and the need to minimize the aftermath of the trauma. You have to live more in the moment in your lives in order to truly be aware of what you are vibrating, and if you are asking questions about why something happened and looking for ways to minimize the effects, then you are not living in the moment where the trauma isn’t occurring.
We will give you an example from your lives that you can relate to and learn from. You have dogs and cats that live with you, and occasionally, you will step on the tail of one of these beloved beings. Initially, the animal will react and react immediately to what’s happening. In that moment, there is no attempt to minimize the trauma of the experience. The dog or cat goes completely into a mode of yelping or screeching, moving out of the way and getting him or herself into an upright position on all fours. What the human does in that instance is immediately apologizes, seeks to minimize what happened by saying it was an accident, and gives extra love and attention to their furry friend. The dog, or the cat, gets over it right away because they are so in the moment, and their tails are not being stepped on in the moment that you are apologizing profusely to them.
We are not giving you this now because we want to tell you to just get over your trauma, as if we have no compassion for what you have experienced. That is not the point of this transmission at all. What we do want you to recognize is that if you could follow the example of your pets and be in the moment all the time, you would be less likely to relive the traumatic events of your lives over and over again in your minds. We want you to feel all of your feelings, because that’s why you created the trauma in the first place, but we are also encouraging you to not think about it over and over again to try to figure out what went wrong, who was at fault, and how you created it in your reality.
When you can follow the example of a child or an animal in your approach to life, that’s when you know you’ve achieved a level of spiritual mastery that few achieve. That’s when you become one with everything, and you choose what you want to focus on in the moment.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

September 20

Doing the Work of Shifting Your Consciousness – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 20

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have an appropriate level of contact with all of you. We are not overstepping any bounds to deliver to you what we can and do. We work with your guides and your higher selves to ensure that we are not taking you from your own natural process of evolution. We want you to know that the other benevolent extra-terrestrials, councils, collectives, federations, and other e.t. groups are following these same guidelines. We are cautious in what we give to you so as not to interfere with that development that will be something that you feel very proud of when you reach the fifth-dimensional frequency range.
You will appreciate the assists, but you will also recognize that you did the work yourselves, and we honor you by recognizing that you have the ability to do this work that you have already been doing and will continue to do. Now, what is ‘the work’ that we are talking about here? What is it that you are doing to make the shift in consciousness to the fifth dimension easier and more joyous? Well, it does involve a lot of awareness of what’s going on inside of you. It involves more than just following a set of rules or commandments. It is about feelings, ultimately. Doing the work means being willing to feel those feelings that you become aware of once you get grounded, heart-centered, and you put down the drugs, alcohol and other distractions that have kept you from feeling them.
You purge when you dive deep into a feeling that is uncomfortable, unwanted, and that no one else in your family has ever been able to acknowledge exists. You are doing work for your genetic line. You are doing work for your past life selves. You are doing work for other beings in other parts of the galaxy who don’t have the emotional intelligence that you all do. This shift is not a mind game and it’s not an action game. It’s not about defeating anyone or anything. This is about feeling who you really are as Source Energy Beings, as pure, unconditional love, and it’s about letting that flow through you without being embarrassed or afraid of what someone else might think or do in response to you fully embracing who you really are. When you can do that, you know that you have done the work.
But you have to go through the anxiety, fear, depression, sadness, anger, and sometimes even rage to get there. The tricky part is recognizing that both exist inside of you, and just because you feel one doesn’t mean the other is now extinct or negated. You just came to choose the light, over and over again and to encourage others to do so as well. And that’s how we see our role in all of this. We are holding the light and shining it, but not too much, and inviting you to it, over and over again.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

September 19

You Matter – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 19

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are the ones in your lives who bring you the most, in terms of how much energy and information that we provide to you, and yet we still want you all to be listening to your own hearts. We still desire for you to be more independent and to get more from within you. This is a co-creative effort. We do our part, but we also want you all to recognize that you are the ones creating your reality, and you are also the ones who determine whether what we give you resonates or not. You get to decide whether you receive our energetic transmissions, and you get to decide whether you tune in to any of these transmissions.
You are in the driver’s seat, and we will continue to give, and give, and give some more, regardless of whether anyone receives us there on Earth. You see, we understand that we affect your collective consciousness, because you are a part of a universal consciousness, as well as the human collective consciousness. You are also a part of the galactic collective consciousness, and so are we. So we will continue to give and to watch over you, because we know that we have an impact on you, even when you’re not paying any attention to us. We invite you to do the same in regards to the rest of your fellow humans there on Earth.
Even if you write a book and no one ever reads it besides you, that energy has been put down now on paper or is sitting in a computer, and it has an impact on the human collective consciousness. It has an impact on the universal consciousness. You must begin to see yourselves in this way, because otherwise you will stop contributing. If your book doesn’t get published by a major publisher, or any publisher, then you might stop writing, but if you recognize that you are still making an impact and reaching the entire human collective, then you will quite possibly continue writing. It does not matter how many views your video gets. It matters that you make it. It matters because you have an impact on the human collective, the galactic collective, and the universal collective with everything that you put out.
Every word you speak, every thought you think, and every intention you hold impacts the whole. That’s what we are seeking to do here with these transmissions, and we invite you to join us and become a part of this co-creative dance. Together, we can bring about a peaceful, joyous, easy transition for all of the consciousness in the entire universe. We can do that because we are all creating our realities, and if that is the reality you want to experience, then join us in what we are doing here.
We are spreading light and love. We are spreading positivity and hope, and we know that you can do the same. We know that if you resonate with us and our agenda, then in all likelihood you are doing the same, and we are grateful for your contributions because we like having a ground crew there in the physical realm. But even if we didn’t, we would still do what we do.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

September 18

A Beautiful Transition into the 5th Dimension – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 18

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are looking for the best possible avenues to traverse ourselves, as we know that we are moving into our own ascension experience, and we look to go with the flow of that ascension, just as you are looking for the best possible avenues for your personal development, your personal ascension. You will have your own unique experience of the ascension of humanity and Mother Earth. No matter what happens, yours will still be uniquely yours. Even when you hear about the various predictions that are being put out there about ascension, everyone who experiences that prediction experiences something unique to them.
Remember that you are deciding how you experience everything, and you are also deciding what you experience with your vibration. The best way for you to feel into what you are creating in the future is to notice what you are vibrating in the present. And if there is something you don’t like about that vibration, then breathe into it until it dissipates, and then activate something that feels better within you. You are not destined to repeat your past or the history of your genetic line, because you are awake, and one of the things that you are awake to is that your vibration matters and that you can do something about it.
This is true when you think about all aspects of life on Earth for you and everyone else right now. Everyone is having a different experience of life on Earth right now, and it is time for everyone to look within themselves for how they are responding to reality, because you do have a choice. This is a free will universe, and that means you always have a choice. Always choose to look within first, before arguing with someone, before taking an action from a place of anxiety or fear. Always look within first, and feel for what that vibration is, because it will dictate what happens.
And you can be a major player in what happens for all of humanity if you are choosing the path to ascension that feels good for you and that will be as good a feeling experience for everyone else as it can be. Certainly, the more you have prepared yourself for the experience, the better. You can hold space for your fellow humans so that they too have their awakening experiences, start looking within, and shifting their internal vibrations. We know that you all can have a beautiful experience, and it can still be unique to each and every one of you.
And what’s important for you to know now is that you don’t all have to agree on what will happen in the future, but hopefully you can agree that you all can impact the future from the now. Most people believe that they will impact the future by what they do, and that is of course accurate to a certain extent. But hopefully, that person will have taken the action based on the higher vibration that they have attained within themselves through the conscious work that is necessary to bring you into that state where you are taking inspired action.
And for those of you who don’t know what to do, we want to reassure you that sitting, breathing, focusing, and activating a higher-frequency vibration is enough, and if everyone on the planet were doing that right now, you would be assuring yourselves of a beautiful, calm, peaceful transition into the fifth dimension.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

September 17

Returning Home to Source – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 17

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have an appreciation for the degree to which all of you are willing to go from that knowing that you are Source Energy Beings. We have witnessed you feeling such despair because of that feeling of separation and loneliness, and we know that humanity has gone further from that knowing than any other beings in the galaxy in humanoid form. We want very much for you to embrace who you really are, and we can tell you that you are aspects of Source until the cows come home, as you say, but it won’t do you any good. It won’t even do you any good if you just think it or put it on a coffee mug to remind yourself of it. You need more than that. You need to feel that you have come home.
That’s the feeling you are searching for. You see, moving away from Source is like leaving the nest. You don’t know how far away you will go, what dangers you will face, and sometimes you feel that you will not be able to find your way back. When you individuated your consciousness from Source, it was a similar experience, and some of you have felt that you have been wandering around the galaxy since you first physically incarnated. Others believe that home is another planet in a star system and feel that they will only have that sense of home when they return to that star system of origin.
But we understand what you really want and need. You want to feel that you never left the Source Energy nest, and the truth is that you never did. Everything is Source, so you could never really leave, but you’ve given yourselves the impression that you are small, insignificant, egoic beings, living out a short lifespan, and that has been very difficult on that reclaiming of your sense of home. You are there to experience it. It is inevitable, and it is your birthright to feel it and to let it sink in, viscerally. So how do you do it? How do you get there from that pit of despair?
This will be easier said than done, and we admit that before we even say it. The feeling of home, the feeling of Source, and the feeling that you are always connected, is something that you get when you let go of everything else that contradicts all that you seek to experience. You have to let go of logic. You have to let go of theories that say that you are all there by accident. You have to return to your center, your inner world, because that is truly where you will feel it and experience it. And then you can share it with everyone on planet Earth, because when you experience that, you will understand, that it’s what’s been missing from other people’s lives as well.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

September 16

How to Receive the Influx of Cosmic Energies – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 16

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are able to detect even the slightest increase in the vibrational frequency of the human collective consciousness, and we want you all to know that there has been a spike. You are getting what you have asked for energetically, and those of you who are open enough to receive are tipping the scales for humanity. You can always look outside of yourselves at what others are doing, thinking, and saying, and feel as though humanity is not moving in the right direction, or you can look outside of yourselves at that chaos and realize that humanity is doing a whole lot of summoning of higher-frequency energies and that someone has to step up and be the receiver of those energies.
You can always realize that the someone is you. You have the ability to do so, and you have the willingness, and enough of you have taken the time to do so to make that impact that you want to make on the human collective. You are natural born givers; you want to help. You want to be of service, and opening yourselves up to the cosmic energies that are coming in is the way to be of greatest service to your fellow humans at this time. Working with those energies is easy for those of you who are awake, because you have been doing that in one way or another for so long, and the influx of energies upon you right now are meant to be very stabilizing for you and for your fellow humans.
You start out by accessing them by yourself, and then you let them do what they do in your physical body. You ground them into Mother Earth, sending them along the gridlines, and everyone across the planet benefits. Everyone could use a bit more of that feeling of stability in their lives, regardless of what they are living right now. You can give it to them. Now, some of you might be wondering how you are doing this, and that is a very good thing to wonder. We will tell you that there are several ways for you to open up to and receive these energies.
First of all, if you rest and relax, you are automatically open. If you do something that brings you joy, you automatically open up, and if you intend to open up, and you stretch your arms out wide, and you face your palms up, and you tell the universe that you want to be of service and that you want to receive the current energies so that you can be of service, then it is done. Putting yourself in a body of water, even if it’s a bathtub, also helps. Remain conscious of your thoughts, your emotions, where you are putting your attention, and whether you are tensing up or anxious, and release all that you need to in the moment, and you will continue to be the conduits that humanity needs you to be at this time, and pretty much always.
But as you know, it is a significant time in human history, and there are many people are afraid of something, or in resistance to something, and they need help. They need that stability to come from within them, and once you ground it for them, it becomes more available to them, as everyone has moments when they are open. Everyone has moments when they are not completely stressed out, anxious, and tense, and when they do have those moments, you will have laid the groundwork, literally for them to receive the beautiful stabilizing energies that are upon you right now.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

September 15

Who is Best at Absorbing the New Energies? – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 15

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are intrigued by the level of consciousness that we see sprouting up within your animal kingdom at this time. We can see how the animals are responding to the energies that are upon you at this time, and they are very capable of absorbing those energies, acclimating to them, and spreading them around to all of you. If you already have an animal friend, notice the difference in the vibration that they are giving off to you. Feel how much love and affection they are exuding at this time, and see if you can open yourself up more to receiving more of what it is that they are offering to you.
The animals have always been then for you, especially in your times of greatest need. They have provided you with sustenance, and they have been your companions. They have helped you plow the fields, fertilize them, and have even carried you around on their backs. The birds are constantly serenading you. The dolphins and whales are holding a vibration for all of humanity that is meant to soothe you and help you to release that which no longer serves you, while they also offer you energetic support. This is a wonderful time to be acknowledging these beautiful beings that you have been traveling with ever since you started incarnating there on Earth.
This is the time to respect them, to give thanks to them, and to give them more of your attention, as they will never judge or hold a grudge. They are beings who you will find are more likely to offer you unconditional love than the average human. They exist entirely in the present, and they are open and receptive to higher-frequency energies. With as many higher-frequency energies as you have coming in right now, these beings that you share your world with really are your best friends.
If you don’t have an animal in your life right now, go and visit an animal shelter, or go out into nature where you can have an encounter with a wild animal. You can even get a goldfish, and put that goldfish in a bowl, and that would be enough to help you attune to these energies that they have been able to assimilate. And again, even that goldfish will love you unconditionally. You have so much that exists around you at all times that can teach you how to be, how to exist in harmony with nature, how to love, and how to enjoy this journey a bit more.
We know that so many of you are so eager to just get to the finish line, as if there is one, but if you can accept that this is a long journey and one that you are supposed to take step by step, then you can enjoy the ride, and you can enjoy all of your companions, whether they be human, animal, or extra-terrestrial, a bit more.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

September 14

The Power You Have to Impact the Universe – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 14

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very interested in exploring the power of positivity there on Earth and throughout the galaxy and universe. We have been observing and measuring the impact of each act of kindness, each thought of unity, and each feeling of love within each and every human, and those are just a few examples of what we have been measuring the impact of there on Earth. There are so many ways for you to have a positive impact, and we want to assure you that your positivity matters. You impact the entire universe just by thinking about someone you love, and so does everyone else.
Now, on the flip side of that, you have negativity – negative thought, emotion, action. They all have about one one-thousandth the impact of something positive, and again, that impact does ripple out, but with so much less power, so much less impact, that there really is no need to worry about it or give it your attention. Give your attention instead to the positive energy that you want to emit and do emit, and notice how much of it you can conjure up and send out into the universe. You have an infinite supply of it, because again, all you have to do is think a positive thought or feel a positive feeling, and they are all there inside of you, waiting to be activated.
You always have a choice of what you are focusing on, and the more aware you are of the fact that you do have a choice, the more likely you are then of exercising that ability to make a choice for positivity. Now, for some reason, in new age and spiritual circles there is a tremendous focus on negativity, on the dark, on what they deem to be evil, and all that does is delay the inevitable. All that focus cannot counter all of the good by those who seek to promote the light, instead of focusing with so much intensity on the dark and what those beings are doing. Again, if you look at the impact of something positive and weigh it against the impact of something negative, you really don’t need to be giving so much attention to what’s going on there on the dark side of the human consciousness.
If you want to make a positive impact for humanity, the world, and the universe, then it is better for you not to focus on what is negative. It is better for you to focus on what is positive, what is of the light. Now, when something negative is staring you right in the face, and you have to deal with it, then you have to deal with it, but you don’t have to go looking for trouble. You don’t have go looking for the bad ones so that you can root them out. You can, but you also should be aware of how that lowers your vibration, and most people who do go down those dark rabbit holes eventually come out, realizing that the fight didn’t feel that good.
We are always talking about acceptance and forgiveness, but we also want you to realize that anything that is dark and outside of you is also inside of you, and it shows up to be healed, and the healing that takes place is of you, humanity, the Earth, and the universal collective consciousness. Remember that being present is the only place you can ever be, really, and as you look around your reality right now wherever you are, ask yourself the question, “How much darkness do I see?” And then ask yourself the question, “How much is around me right now that is of the light, that is light?” And you will realize that you have the power to harness all of that positivity, to feel good about where you are right now, what you are doing and what you are emanating, and you have the power to impact the entire world in a positive way.
You have the power to impact the entire universe, and you do all the time. If you want to make an impact, then start with that first step of paying closer attention to what you are paying attention to and what you are offering, and know that as you do offer something positive, you impact everyone, even if they are not aware of you and what your name is, it doesn’t matter. You are there to ascend; we are all ascending together. This is about unity; it’s about coming together. It’s about realizing that we are all one, and we are all in this together, and that is the way we ascend to a higher level of consciousness. And we all have the power within us to impact this beautiful universe we all call home for now.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

September 13

The September 2021 Equinox Energies – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 13

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very excited about your upcoming equinox there on planet Earth, because of the energies that we know you will be receiving and indeed have already begun to receive in this moment. You are receiving the beginning of an abundance of energies that will become strongest at the exact point of the equinox, and they will continue to come in even after the equinox because that’s how big they are. You could not handle them all at once; they would have an adverse effect on you, instead of the desired effect. You are receiving energies right now that are transformative in nature. They are meant to give you a vibrational upgrade, and if you are open to them, they will.
Those who are not open to them will receive the side effects and not understand why they are experiencing those ascension symptoms. That is why we give you this transmission in advance of the exact moment of your equinox there in September. You can prepare; you can also anticipate the changes that will come as a result of these transformative energies coming into your fields, your chakras, your bodies, your cells, and every aspect of you. You can rest and relax more; you can make sure you are grounded, present, and hydrated. You can even take moments out of your busy day to focus on opening up like a flower to them.
This is what you are there to do. You are there to transform, and those of us in the higher realms are here to help. We will help, and we will continue to help, but we also know that our help is better received when you are expecting it and when you are aware of what the current energies are all about. These energies are all about ascension; they are all about your growth, your expansion, your evolution of consciousness, because all of those things are tied into your vibration, and you live on a world where there are many things happening all day every day that can bring your vibration down.
So, there has to be a counter to that; there has to be something that balances what you see on the news, and even on social media, that is depressing, that takes your breath away, and not in a good way. When you focus on the fact that you are getting help and that the help is coming from your ability to receive, then you can do something to put yourselves in that receptive state. Many people realize that the equinoxes and solstices are special events on your world, but some are still awakening to that truth, and so we do like to let you know about the energies that are coming, that are already upon you and that many of you are already opening up to right now, as you receive this transmission.
Once you receive the energies, and you feel your vibration getting the upgrade that it needs, that you need, then you can seek to help others. In fact, you will be helping others just by being there and being the conduits of these energies that you are. By receiving them, you anchor them into the physical, and you cannot help but spread them around. If you feel yourself in a state of tension or anxiety, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and tell yourself that you can open to these transformative energies of the equinox. Remember that you are capable of doing so, regardless of the situation you are in there on Earth at this time. And do remember that once you get the vibrational upgrade, then you get to spread your higher vibration around, which is transformative for others.
And so, the others who cannot or will not open up to receive the equinox energies will still benefit from them, because you all will have transformed, and you will be speaking, thinking and acting accordingly. You are there to lead the way, to show others how it’s done, to be the pioneers, the ones who go beyond where humanity is right now. You realize that it’s possible to move forward from where you are, and you have the tools and the knowledge to do so. And now you know what the equinox energies are all about, and you can sit comfortably and quietly and just focus on receiving them. You can and you will because you have received this prompting and because your higher selves want you to.
You are very, very ready for this upgrade, and so is every part of you. You don’t earn these upgrades, but rather, they are a natural consequence of you being there on Earth during a period of transformation. You can make the transformation easier on yourselves, and now you know how. You are there to become your higher selves, your fifth-dimensional selves, and you are there to experience it in the flesh, in a physical body, and we are here to help.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

September 12

What Your Higher Selves Ask of You – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 12

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have adjusted the way that we view you to include how you are affecting those around you with your degree to which you are awake. We want to see how those of you who are awakened affect those around you, both intentionally and unintentionally. And so, this is something we are currently exploring so that we can better understand how we can help you from the ninth dimension. We seek to help everyone, of course, but we especially look to those of you who are awake because you are the ones who are doing all of the groundwork. You are the ones who can spread the energies that we transmit and you download and assimilate.
So as we witness you interacting with your fellow humans, we see that they respond to your energy much more than they respond to your beliefs. You have much more of an effect on people than you realize, whether you say anything at all. You are walking transmitters of a higher frequency vibration. You take downloads that you receive from us and beings like us, and you share them with others. Those downloads then can rest in one of your fellow human’s energy fields until that person is ready for it. But you don’t have to preach. You don’t have to write a manifesto. You don’t have to make a YouTube video about ascension or how to heal the world. You just have to be yourselves.
This is the primary mission that you have that goes beyond all the other missions. If you are yourself, you will get exactly what you need, in terms of circumstances in your lives, to ascend. If you are yourselves, you will be the perfect ones to help your fellow humans to awaken and ascend. There is no need to try. There is no need to put on airs or some kind of facade about what it means to be a spiritual person in this day and age. You just have to be honest and authentic, and people will want to know what your secret is.
And the beautiful part is you don’t even have to tell them. You don’t even have to be a good orator to share what you know about ascension, what you know about being awake. You just have to continue to be yourselves, and let everything else be taken care of for you. Let us do all the heavy lifting. Let us figure out exactly what the people you interact with are going to need in the near future, and you all just relax, be yourselves, feel your feelings, and do your best. That’s all we can ask of you, and that’s all your higher selves are asking of you as well. We hope this helps to take some of the weight off of your shoulders so that you can enjoy these years that you have left there in the fourth dimension.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

September 11

The New E.T. Races Helping Humanity Ascend – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 11

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are always seeking to establish new connections with other beings who have a similar agenda, and the agenda we are referring to in this case is helping humanity to ascend. We are also channeled by extra-terrestrial beings in the dimensions lower than ours, because they too are seeking to expand their consciousness and to be of service, and we will often bring humanity to their awareness so that they can have another focal point for their desire to be of service to The All, to The One.
They will often ask us questions about you, as many of them will have a hard time understanding how humanity could possibly feel so separate from the rest of the galaxy, the universe, and Source. They especially have a hard time understanding the way you separate from each other. They don’t get why you take things so seriously and how you let those serious beliefs of yours keep you from harmonizing with your fellow humans.
The reason they have a hard time understanding this is because they have always lived in harmony and in unity, and when they see you fighting each other with words and weapons, their hearts go out to you, they feel more compassion than they have ever felt before, and they begin holding space for you, so that they can contribute to the coming together of the human race, something that is inevitable, by the way.
We speak to them about our strategies for helping you, and that helps them realize that the real help that you need is always going to be energetic. It will not serve you for them to just come and fix everything for you, but they are helping to reduce the amount of fear that you are living in at this time by making themselves known to you in a variety of ways. Some of them are appearing to you in dreams, others are are coming right to you through portals, and others show you their presence with their ships in the skies. All of these visitations are meant to help you realize that you are not alone and that you have helpers, but they do not want to be seen as saviors, and they know that you don’t need saving because you are there to save yourselves.
You are there to make the choices that are necessary to live in more of a harmonious state with one another. We will continue to work with all extra-terrestrial beings and continue to spread the word about humanity and your current level of consciousness, because everyone in this universe has to recognize that humanity represents an aspect of them, and therefore, all who seek ascension and to live in oneness will be seeking to help humanity. There will continue to be an enormous amount of space held for you, as you continue to demonstrate your need for that assistance.
Now, we also want you to know that we sense how many more of you are making those positive choices and receiving the help being given every single day, and we do see you continuing to be on that positive upward spiral, and those who need the most help are the ones who have yet to awaken. Those of you who have awakened are in a sense being recruited by us and by all beings who want that harmonious whole of humanity to emerge from your current set of circumstances, and we have all the faith in the universe that you will, and we have been convincing our new friends to also feel that faith in humankind.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

September 10

What Your Ascension Is Really About – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 10

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are in the process of becoming our oversouls as you are in the process of becoming your higher selves, and we want you to realize how blessed you are to be making this transition, as difficult and challenging as the shift has been. We understand the process of shedding skin in order to be born anew, as we are going through something that is similar at this time. What we have come to realize is that the process is not about leaving behind our old identity as the Ninth Dimensional Arcturian Council. This is a process of becoming more of who we are. It is a process of broadening the idea of who we are and holding that knowing permanently.
And so, as you move the more difficult experiences that you are having, and you feel that you are losing yourself in the process, remember that the experience you are having is one of becoming more, not less. Your ego can cling to who you have been. Your ego can certainly identify with that aspect of you and see it as the most significant aspect, but it in those moments it is important to remember that the process of becoming is about including more of the real self. So what you are shedding are ideas that are false. You are shedding the filters that prevent you from seeing yourselves clearly as the beings of light and love that you truly are.
You don’t have to wrestle with yourselves through this process. Instead, you want to give in to the process. You want to surrender the false self in order to become more of your whole self, and sometimes that means letting go of what you have used to identify yourself as you. It can be very hard on your pride to realize that you are not your accomplishments, your good deeds, and your status in the world. You are a part of something that is much bigger than all of those things combined and more.
And so, it is most beneficial to all of you to see yourselves as your world, as this galaxy, and as this universe of ours and to let yourselves be in the flow. This is the best possible experience you can have, and sooner later, even your ego recognizes this as truth. Becoming who you really are is more about letting go than it is about climbing a ladder, and if this transmission is resonating with you, then you have let go of that notion and you have let go of much more that has been holding you back in your becoming.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

September 9

The Only Way to Live in a World Without Restrictions – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 9

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are always impressed by the way humanity is able to adapt to what is happening there on your world. You have an ability to persevere through life’s most difficult challenges, and you are making so much progress with the furthering of your spiritual evolution through your willingness to face whatever challenges come your way. You have been living through a very challenging time there for over a year and a half, and we have seen those who are adapting to the challenges of living in a pandemic thriving, and we have seen those who have been in resistance to it in one way or another lowering their vibration and creating bigger problems for themselves.
You must adapt to the world you are living in for several reasons. First of all, it is your creation, and you did create this set of circumstances for a reason. The way of the world as it is today is not something that’s been imposed upon you by outside forces. You created it, so if you resist your own creation, then you don’t get the intended benefit from it. You just stay in resistance, and those who are look for someone, or some entity, or some group to resist, keep finding new entities, new people, new beings to resist. This is a choice, always. It is a choice to be one who goes with the flow or one who resists, and builds upon their sense of self in their resistance. There’s a lot of pride in the protests that you see happening around your world at this time. There’s a lot of ego in those protests.
We also see those who choose to adapt and go with the flow holding compassion in their hearts for those who are suffering, for there is no doubt that there is suffering on your world today. Now, those of you who have chosen to adapt and go with the flow can also choose to have compassion for those who are in resistance. Obviously, the world that you are living in today, and the rules and regulations that have been imposed are triggering something that is very deep and very painful in those who resist. It is important for you all to go back to what we said initially right now.
You created this pandemic, and you created it for a reason, and that reason is always spiritual growth and evolution. Are you going to grow from it by looking at yourself and your reactions to it, or will you continue to identify as one who resists? That’s the question. What we are saying to you is that before you point a finger and shake a fist, look at yourself and your reaction. Be with the emotions that you feel. Face your feelings, process them, and then look at the situation from a calm, balanced, and neutral stance.
Again, if you are triggered now, you will continue to be triggered, because there is still someone and something to fight against, and there always will be. But if you use this time that you are living in now to examine yourself and what is in your consciousness that created more restrictions and more limitations, then you can grow, evolve, and become more of who you really are.
Who you really are is everything and everyone, which we cannot say enough at this time. And so, if you are pushing against anything, you are pushing against something that is inside of you, and that’s what you really need to look at, instead of thinking that if you could just possibly dismantle and disintegrate this opposing outside force, then everything would be better on your world. All creation is an inside job, and when you find that what you have created is not to your liking, that means you have to go back to the drawing board, back to the place where it all began, which is always your consciousness, your vibration, your energy, your thoughts, your emotions, and your beliefs.
Examine all of those with this extra time that you have to spend alone in your own home, and change that world that is so perplexing and chaotic to you right now from within. It is the only way, and it is the way that is working for those who have chosen to adapt, to go with the flow, and to take that balanced approach to life on Earth as it is right now.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

September 8

Receive the Upcoming Download of Energies – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 8

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are making progress in our ability to deliver to humanity exactly what it is that you need, and we can see that and feel that in the leaps forward in your spiritual evolution that you have been making right after we give you a gigantic download of energy. Now, we do not deserve all of the credit, of course. You have been opening yourselves up more to receive. You have been able to be in a state of joy, or relaxation, often enough to receive what we are delivering. You have made progress with us, and that is as it always tends to be.
Now, we want to prepare you for the next download of energies that you will be receiving very soon by letting you know that these energies are for the purpose of granting you greater access to the power of your higher minds. Your higher minds are the minds of your higher selves, and as you become your higher selves, you will of course start to think like your higher selves. And so, this download of energies that we are about to deliver will bring you into more of a state of vibrational harmony with that particular aspect of your higher selves.
You will be able to access fifth-dimensional thoughts, ideas, concepts, and of course, beliefs, and this will allow you to let go of the limitations of the third-dimensional physical mind that has been a tool of the ego and that ultimately needs to be let go of in order for you to let in that which is of the higher mind. One of the ways in which you will be able to test whether you have fully benefitted from this energetic download is by meditating more, or at least meditate the same amount of time, but with an expectation that as you clear your third-dimensional mind of all thought, you will also be allowing in higher-frequency thought. You will be allowing in concepts, ideas and beliefs from your higher minds, and this will assist you in moving forward in your lives with more confidence.
You will feel the resonance of those downloads you get from your higher minds, and you will be able to make decisions based on what you are getting. You will be able to feel more inner peace. You will be able to put things that you have been procrastinating about into some sort of action. You will be more effective in your actions, and you will be more creative. The downloading of all aspects of your higher self will continue, of course, and will be aided by this new mindset that you will take on, and it will be easier for you to feel that you are already living in the fifth dimension because of this access to your higher mind.
This is another monumental leap forward, of course, for humanity, and so we take the delivery of this upcoming download of energies very seriously, and we will continue to learn from our experiences with you how to best deliver these downloads. All we ask for from you is that you hydrate, meditate, and ground into your physical bodies the entirety of your consciousness. All of those steps make you so much better at receiving, and we know that many of you are already taking them, but we give those steps to you anyway because we want as many of you as possible to receive all that is intended with the upcoming downloads of these beautiful energies we have been preparing for you.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

September 7

Your Mission of Becoming Human/ET Ambassadors – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 7

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are always looking for new ambassadors, humans who are willing to serve as the go-betweens for extra-terrestrials and the rest of the human society there on Earth. We know that many of you are looking for a purpose, that many of you are confused about what you are doing there and what you are supposed to be doing, and there are many who wonder what their role will be in the future, as humanity becomes a part of a galactic community with many other beings from many other star systems, and even galaxies.
The role of ambassador will need to be filled by many, and those of you who are extremely excited about meeting e.t.s in the flesh are the ideal candidates for those positions. You will be able to explain to the e.t.s you meet on ships and on other worlds, and even on Earth, what happened, how humanity got to where it is today. Right now, you are doing a lot of observing and less participating. You are there to notice what motivates the average human and how the various dysfunctions got started in your society. You can do this without placing judgments on people and on the entirety of humankind. That will be important because you will also need to advocate for your people.
There will be, of course, an understanding, but also some misconceptions that the e.t.s have of what exactly has occurred there on Earth to lead to the place where you are now, and also, you will be evolving continuously from now until the time when these meetings are happening in your waking state. You are already meeting with e.t.s at night when you are asleep in the astral plane, and you are having these types of conversations, and a lot of that is practice for when you will be doing it in the flesh. Even if you don’t remember these interactions, they are having an impact upon you. You are getting better at practicing diplomacy, understanding how to communicate and how to connect with e.t. beings in a respectful way and in a way that benefits all.
So you see, if you have the desire to connect with e.t.s, coupled with that intention for everyone to thrive, then you have the right ingredients inside of you to become an ambassador, and we will continue to work with you and work on you as well, so that you can be the best ambassadors you can possibly be, and represent all of humankind with grace and dignity, with an understanding of what people need in order to heal and in order to become their true selves.
Full and open e.t. contact will be a big part of your spiritual evolution that enables you then to be ready to complete the shift. And trust us when we say that you don’t want to skip over all the fun and go right to the fifth dimension, where open e.t. contact is of course a given. This next phase that you are stepping into will be so much fun, so joyous, and so enlightening, and that is as your existence ought to be.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

September 6

How You Will Experience the Completion of The Shift – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 6

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are so very interested in the development of the new self that is taking place within each and every human being at this time. You are essentially shifting your consciousness from within by noticing that you are more than the identity that you had previously clung to as ‘the real you.’ Now, as you transition from being an egoic being to being your higher self, this place you are in now is the most interesting and fascinating to those like us who observe this process of evolution.
We see you becoming more of who you really are every day, because we witness you as an energy that vibrates, rather than as a human body that speaks, thinks, and acts. The up-leveling of your vibration is inevitable because your planet is shifting, just as the entire solar system moves through the galaxy to greener pastures, so to speak. It is a time for you to be looking at yourselves in new ways, seeing the eternal expansion of your consciousness to include more than the sense of self you had previously.
You are meant to grow and become, and the process of your evolution is through the realization that nothing else really matters. That is why you experience loss; that is why you experience the break-up, the loss of money, home, possessions, even your youth. You continue to lose more the longer you move through time and space there on Earth, which eventually helps you to come to peace with the fact that you were never meant to cling to these illusions in the physical in the first place. It was something that you were taught to do. You were taught to identify as a race, religion, nationality, gender and so on, and as those things are becoming less important to the awakened collective, there is push back.
People who are still clinging want you to cling as well. They want you to have national pride, a religion, an easily-identifiable gender, and so on. The way of the ego is to cling, to attach, to assign meaning to the meaningless, and the way of the higher self is to be present, to care not about form, about structures, about made up ideas, like a country, and instead to be more unconditional love, to show more compassion, and to create from the beauty that is all around the higher self. This is essentially what you expect to do after you ascend, but you are in this transitional phase right now where you are stripping away the identities of the ego in order to become your higher self, and those of you who have done a lot of that work already can begin to identify as your higher self right now.
You don’t have to wait for a solar flash, an event, three to however many days of darkness that are being talked about, and so on. You don’t have to wait for any of it to occur outside of you in order for you to decide that you do want to identify as an infinite, eternal, formless being of light and love. And as yo make your expressions about that feeling that you have cultivated within yourself, you light up to others, and then others will be more interested in what you have than the shiny new car, the big house, the luxurious clothing and other items that they have, and they will want you to teach them how to find that place inside where they too can have inner peace and a sense of satisfaction just from existing.
This is why we continually tell you that as the awakened collective, you are leading humanity. It is because we can see how the shift will actually continue to unfold. It will be a grass roots movement where all of you who are paying attention right now to what’s going on inside of you will lead the newly awakened back inside themselves to where everything they need already exists. And as you do, you help the collective of humanity move from an egoic one to one that exists as a collective, as a higher self, and then you will experience the completion of the shift.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

September 5

How to Change a Belief System – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 5

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are susceptible to beliefs, just like all of you are. We have experiences that create expectations. Now, our experiences are mostly about the ways that we have of being received and whether the help that we are giving is working on a particular group of beings, but these experiences that we have create certain beliefs within us nonetheless. So you see how easy it is for all of you to create belief systems and to get sucked in to unwanted beliefs. You can see how this could continue to happen, even after you are aware of the fact that you’ve been utilizing and succumbing to limiting beliefs, beliefs that no longer serve you.
And so, we have been investigating the different ways in which we can change our expectations, regardless of the experiences that we have had, and we want to share with you our findings. What is most important in regards to creating new expectations is that you only and always focus on the aspect of another person, or a group, or even yourself that is Source Energy. If we focus on your egoic side, then it’s easier for us to believe that you are going to have the exact same response to our offerings that you have had previously. But if we are paying attention and giving all of that attention that we have to give to the truth that you are Source Energy Beings, then the power that we have to create a new experience comes in and takes over.
This is how you can use this information we are giving you now to your benefit. Look at yourselves as Source Energy Beings, and feel for the truth that you are Source Energy Beings. See others as Source Energy Beings, and expect them to speak and think and act as such, and you will enter into a realm of greater expectation, which will create new experiences for you. This is called holding space by many.
If you hold space for the absolute best that a person, including yourself, has within you or within them, then you can co-create something magical, something new, and something less limited than if you focus on that person or yourself and hold the limiting beliefs that you’ve been holding. Play with it. Practice utilizing what we are talking about here, and we know that you will experience the results you desire.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

September 4

How to Respond to the Unrest in Afghanistan – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 4

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are considering ourselves to be very fortunate in that we get to be a part of humanity’s evolution of consciousness, because the leap forward that you are taking is such a monumental one. To be a part of a journey like that excites us and brings us joy. We appreciate every single baby step forward that you take, and we celebrate it here in the ninth dimension as if it were our own giant leap forward. We will continue to shower you with praise, love, and everything that you need to move forward, and we will never be discouraged by those moments on your world when something terrible happens.
There are terrible things that happen on your world. There are still wars, shootings, and bombs being dropped. There is still hate and violence, discrimination, famine, and so many injustices, and all of that gives us the opportunity to feel more compassion, which is something we very much do feel and offer, and we will continue to do so. We will not pretend that these things are not also happening. We will send more light and love to those regions that need it the most, and we will simultaneously put our attention on what we see as the positives, what we see as the evidence that you are moving forward appropriately and at a pace that is commendable, considering all of the many challenges you face there.
Now, we would suggest that you attempt to strike a similar balance within yourselves. You can focus on where humanity needs the most help for some time and send your love, light, healing, and compassion to those regions, and then you can also turn your attention to the stories of kindness, bravery, sacrifice, generosity, and every other heart-opening, heart-warming story you can find about how most humans are seeking to come together and help one another. Of course, those instances don’t make the headlines, and so sometimes you have to go searching for them, or at other times, you just have to be the one who tells yourself, ‘I will respond to the unrest, the violence, and the hostility in a place like Afghanistan with more acts of kindness in my life. I will go above and beyond today to be of service to my fellow humans, because that is something that I can do. That is something that I have control over.’
And if you take that approach to your life everyday, not just when there is something terrible happening on your world that you hear about, then you will be a part of that movement forward that we are constantly celebrating here in the ninth dimension. We just want you to recognize the power that you have at all times to spread the light and the love there on Earth, and when you do feel discouraged, and even despair, over something that is happening that you read about or hear about, remember that you do have the ability to help in your own way, because you always have the ability to raise the level of consciousness there on planet Earth.
And so, you also have the option of avoiding those arguments as to which person, policy, or political party is to blame for what has happened and continues to happen in Afghanistan. And instead, you can be part of the solution to all problems on your world, which are all caused by a lower level of consciousness prevailing, and arguing over whom is to blame at this point, really is engaging in a lower level of consciousness. And so, we encourage you to take the high road, which is also the only road that gets you to where you are ultimately going, which is a fifth-dimensional consciousness.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

September 3

Our Vision for Humanity’s Ascension – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 3

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have a vision of the future for humanity that we hold within our consciousness, and we invite you to that vision by sending you the vibration of it. It is our desire for all of humanity to shift your consciousness in the most peaceful, pleasant, and joyous way imaginable. We know that this timeline exists for all of you, and it is our mission to get as many of you as possible to experience it, both in your waking state and when you are asleep, so that you can hold the vibration within you and become one of the members of society who is feeling your way towards this best possible scenario.
You are capable, as a collective, of taking our vision for humanity’s shift and improving upon it. You are powerful enough to do just that, and that is also a vision that we hold for all of you. We know what you are capable of, but most of you have not found the confidence to create the reality that you desire, and so we help you to find that confidence. And we want all of you to recognize yourselves as beautiful and masterful creator beings. Many of you have become aware of predictions about your shift, or ‘the event,’ as it is sometimes referred to as, and those predictions are about chaos, destruction, cataclysms and death. And while those timelines certainly do exist, you don’t have to align yourselves with anything that you don’t want to experience.
You have the freedom within the fourth dimension to create the experiences you want to have and then to manifest those experiences. When you become aware of someone else’s not-so-good feeling vision for humanity’s vision, remember that. Remember that your exposure to that prediction is your creation, but also know that you are under no obligation to live out what someone else is inviting you to. We are quite certain that you will enjoy the vision that we hold of humanity’s completion of the shift, and that is why we invite you to it.
But you will always have free will. You will always be able to choose what you want to experience, and please, please know that none of the predictions that you become aware of are set in stone. The future is all about probabilities, and you as the awakened ones in the human collective can and will choose from those probabilities. And as we have said, you will probably create some new ones, ones that are even better than what we have envisioned.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

September 2

Upgrades, Activations & Downloads from the Sun – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 2

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are always in search of new and better ways of delivering to you the latest upgrades, activations, and downloads that you need to continue on there on Earth with everything that you need to ascend and to assist others in their ascension journeys. We have been working with your sun to deliver you more of these energies that you need, and your sun is already doing a tremendous amount of service work for you, but is always willing and open to help with new projects and new strategies.
And so, the most recent partnership that we have made with your sun is about bringing you more of the history of life on Earth for you and for all Earthlings in the downloads that you receive. This will help you establish more of a sense of oneness within you, as you will understand how you came to be where you are today on Earth as a human collective. The upgrades that your sun has agreed to assist with are in regards to your physical bodies and their ability to hold more light, more love, more higher-frequency energies within them. The activations are of your heart chakra and high heart chakra, because as you can see by looking around on your world, there is a need for more unconditional love.
And those of you who are already working on being more loving are going to get some help. When you feel love emanating from inside of you, it is easier to stay in that space than if you have to conjure it up all the time because there is nothing around you that is acting as a catalyst for that love response within you. And so, having these activations will assist you in being the love that you truly are more of the time, regardless of what is happening or isn’t happening around you and inside of you.
This is a lot, all at once, we know, but we also understand the desire of those like you to step up and play a bigger role in the ascension of the human collective consciousness. And those of you who are willing and able can really take what you are being sent to heart, so to speak, and use it to foster an environment there on Earth of oneness, of unconditional love, and of the spreading of light all around.
You may have experienced some clearing in the recent weeks and months, some cleansing, to prepare you for this next step on your journey, and we just invite you to recognize that you are ready, and it is time, and you are the ones who have chosen to be awake enough to receive this transmission, and that means you are ready to go further in your leadership roles there on Earth. And your fellow Earthlings are ready to receive more of what you have been able to tap into in this lifetime, and that is huge. That is the coming together of student and teacher on a large scale to bring about massive changes there on planet Earth.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

September 1

Help is Coming from The Archangels – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 1

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are letting in a lot of assistance at this time, as we find that the more help we get, the better we are at delivering to those of you in need what it is that you require to move forward on your journeys. We have been receiving help from the archangels, who recognize that the work we are doing with you is significant, and they also see that working through us is a way to connect with more of you. You of course benefit from all the helpers that exist throughout this universe, and the help you receive from Source is also significant.
We are all working together, and we hope that by our working together, we will inspire more of you to work together as well, because we can see the value in that for humanity. But the ego doesn’t always see it that way. The ego sometimes likes to take on too much in order to prove itself, or because the ego wants to be labeled ‘The Great One’ or ‘The Savior.’ But when you work together to spread love and joy, you are not looking to get all the credit. When you see that you are a part of a collective, and that the betterment of the collective is good for you too, then you are more likely to work with others to bring about the shifts that you want to see and experience.
That is why we are telling you about the fact that we collaborate with those who are in our dimension, and we seek assistance from those who are in higher dimensions. We want to inspire you to look around in your Earthly plane for the help that is being offered. Sometimes pride doesn’t allow you to accept help, and you’ve got to let go of the prideful ego for a while, just to see if you have a better time of it without employing that pride and activating the consciousness of your ego.
As you shift, you shift into your higher self, and as your higher self, you understand that you are a collective and you always have been. And so, there will be no need for you to do everything by yourself once you ascend, and certainly it is time to recognize that you’re not doing it all yourself now either. You have help with the shift from all of us in the higher realms, and you have help coming from your fellow humans as well. Let the help in, especially when you are struggling with something. When you are wracking your brain, trying to figure out how you are going to make something work, that’s when you know it’s time to let go of the need to do it all yourself and let in the help that is coming from beings and collectives like ourselves.
The transmission of energy that is coming with the help of the archangels will be assisting you all in accessing more of your higher self and everything good that goes along with that. All you have to do is accept the help that is coming. You don’t have to earn it; you don’t have to recite the proper phrases. Just know that it is on its way, and that if you relax and open yourself up like a flower, you can receive it with ease and grace, and you can start living life as if you were in the fifth dimension right now.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
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