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August 31

Many of you put tremendous pressure on yourselves to do everything perfectly so you won’t get left behind in the shift of consciousness that is occurring on your planet. We ask you, if you are a forerunner how could you possibly be left behind? We admire your diligence but we also want you to know it is completely safe to trust in your journey. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 30

Dear Ones, there has never been a day you were not growing. There has never been a day you weren’t being of service in one way or another because your growth drives the shift. You are doing enough and you are enough! More than enough! You always have been and you always will be. Accepting this truth will allow you to settle more comfortably into your beingness and better trust the natural unfoldment of your journey, which will allow you to be an even truer expression of yourself. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 29

We were recently asked to speak on the experience of rejection. We would like to address this topic today.
Rejection is a part of the human experience that is energetic in nature. Whether you have rejected someone or something, or been rejected yourself, it is a clear sign that something is not an energetic match for you.
If you have been rejected by a person, it was not in your highest good to stay in relationship with that individual. Chances are, if you really feel into the situation, you will admit there was something about this situation that was not appropriate for you. It was not a true energetic match but you wanted to continue on with it anyway.
There may have been ongoing problems that you weren’t willing to acknowledge with this connection. Perhaps the person wasn’t willing to grow or evolve, or perhaps staying with this person required you to deny your own growth. But rest assured, any rejection is always for your highest good.
If rejection is a continual pattern for you, it would be beneficial to explore how you reject yourself. Do you honour yourself? Are you in touch with your true feelings and needs? Do you love and honour your inner child aspects? Do you berate yourself constantly instead of encouraging yourself forward? Do you have worthiness issues where you find it difficult to receive? Do you have walls up to avoid getting hurt that are keeping everything out including the good?
As with any challenge in your life, being willing to take a higher, observational viewpoint to assess the situation is a good practice. Was it really a match? Was it a healthy connection or was the connection between both person’s unhealed aspects? Did it bring out the best in both parties? Or was it simply playing out a theme you are ready to heal once and for all?
It is empowering to identify the elements you do have the ability to shift, because all internal healing will be reflected in your external experiences. It is also a profound shift when you realize the universe is always, always seeking to serve you and your evolution, and it will do that by sifting out what is not a true match to you (with the complete agreement of your highest self) with wise and loving efficiency. Trust your ability to heal and be led, and you will find your way to your best matches and your energetic peers. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 28

Do you yearn to be seen and appreciated but frequently refuse to accept compliments or help? You cannot experience the satisfaction of inclusion and acknowledgement while continuing to deny yourselves or reject others.
If there is something in your life you would like to experience, it can be helpful to explore how you may be inadvertently holding yourself separate from the very thing you wish to have more of. Do you deny your truth? Do you give knee-jerk no’s instead of conscious yes’s to support and acknowledgement when it shows up for you? Have you come to a space of acceptance with your innate worthiness?
There is much love and assistance available for you all the time, Dear Ones. It is up to you to accept it. Being willing to acknowledge your truth and choosing responses that match that truth will help you become much more energetically aligned with what you really want and deserve. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 27

There is much energetic shifting going on at this time. This is to give you an opportunity to get really clear about the essence of your desired creations.
Imagine your purest desire is mixed in with all kinds of chunks of density. These chunks of density may come from old belief systems and experiences, or from the churned up energies of the collective. You have to extract your dream from what no longer serves you.
Prospectors will use various methods to separate the treasure from the worthless materials. They may use screens to agitate the dirt to reveal what has value, or they may use gold pans to swirl water over the sediment until they find the gold.
You are in the same process. You are filtering to find your treasure! Each pause and reflection on the way allows you to get clearer about what you wish to create until it is the purest reflection of your energies and the most valuable outcome for you. So if you are finding yourself feeling agitated by the energies, it may help to think of it as you and your dreams are becoming even more refined to give you the purest results that match your intentions. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 26

Many of you put tremendous stress on yourselves to be perfect in your spiritual practices and beat yourselves up if you are not successful in that lofty goal. What we want you to understand is that every single time you find your way back to your truth and your alignment, you drive the shift for yourself and for your planet.
It is normal to have moments of beautiful clarity and other moments where you forget what you know. Every single time you find your way Home to yourself you send ripples across the universe and your highest self, along with your guides, helpers, and ancestors, wonder at your instincts and innate wisdom.
So be easy on yourselves, Dear Ones. You are also beings of ebb and flow. Just as you can trust that the sun rises and sets every day, and the tide goes out and comes back in, understanding you will always find your way back to your truth will help you start to trust yourselves and your journey.
And as you progress the need for extremes before you find your way back to yourself will become less and less, and you will remember to choose the light, over and again, not because you pressure yourself but simply because it is your preference and it brings you joy to redirect back into your true essence. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 25

We were recently asked, “Why is it my mother can trigger me so quickly and make me feel like I’m 14 again?” We would like to address this today.
Your parents, and you, came in with the exact energetics and traits required for you to find your preferred path of experience. Sometimes you parents guide you by showing you who to be. Sometimes they guide you by showing you who not to be. All of this is information for you to decide what your preferences are and who you really are.
There is great love and a deeply respectful soul contract between you, which may have an overlay that feels somewhat triggering. This overlay is designed to help you want to launch your own path, and to continually drive you to find your own truth and your own way. It is what makes you want to ultimately launch into your own life expression.
You feel that challenging overlay strongest when you are teenagers. That is designed to prepare you to detach from the parents and want to venture out into your own individual life expression, usually around the age of 18. That is why when you get back around your parents you can feel like you regress to being a teen – you are responding to the peak of those energetics. When that particular energetic overlay is not present, you see adult children having never left home and failing to launch.
It is not uncommon to have one parent who is much easier to be around and another who is more triggering. This is by design to meet your various needs and was agreed to on a soul level.
Another thing that may be causing you discomfort is that your parents came from a different energetic time that you have already evolved beyond. What you may be rejecting is not your parents at all but rather the older energetics and belief systems that are not a match to you.
So what is the key to being more comfortable with your parents? It is not necessarily about healing this because it is an energetic template that is meant to last in varying intensity throughout your days. It is about coming to acceptance that the overlay exists for a purpose, and that purpose is for you to find your own truth and your own way.
Just as you get uncomfortable in your own life when energies no longer match you and this occurs to get you to embrace change when it comes, so it is with these relationships. If you can honour the fact that there is underlying love, respect, and purpose beneath it all you can move from resistance to acceptance, which will make your time with those loved ones much easier. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 24

Dear Ones, you simply cannot get where you wish to go, either individually or collectively, without the energy of love, for love is both inclusive and expansive. If you find yourself feeling stuck or confused, if you can simply find your way back to love, however you find it easiest to experience, you will have placed yourself back in the energies that have the ability to lead you to the solutions you seek. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 23

Your desire to be seen and validated by others often stems from the need to see and validate yourself through self acceptance, self honour, and self respect. Once you prioritize those essential elements of self love and acknowledge your truth, externals become meaningless and you will finally feel free to walk your own path. Interestingly, once you reach that space you will frequently start receiving the external validation that had eluded you all along, because it is a reflection of your internal state of being. This naturally occurs in response to you shifting into a more complete model of self love and embracing your authenticity and beingness. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 22

It is very common for empaths to see and fall in love with the potential in others. What is not as common is for empaths to see and fall in love with their own potential. How much would you bloom and grow if you took the energy that you poured into trying to get others to discover their truth and focused it instead on the discovery of your own truth and beingness?
You can still be an encourager of others while prioritizing the unfoldment of your true destiny. In fact, by doing so, you are honouring the divine capability and mastery of everyone involved and become a brilliant teacher by example. We highly recommend you don’t deny your own delightful love, encouragement, and faith in yourself one more moment, because to do so is to deny not just yourself but also the inspiration your path can provide others. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 21

Honour means giving credit where credit is due. Self honour is an essential aspect of your self love process. So many of you are always in trouble shooting mode with yourselves. Have you taken the time to honour all the truly remarkable things about you? (Trust us, there is plenty to celebrate considering you are an enlightening human being on an ascending planet!)
Why not decide that today is the day you will start to see yourself in your truth and at the very least acknowledge your sensitive and loving nature along with your courage and commitment to your growth and evolution? Being willing to see the truth of you will bring you into a much better state of balance with yourself and will encourage you in your forward movement during these incredible times. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 20

We have spoken for many years of the power and importance of the Divine Combination of surrender, faith, flow, and trust, which is the higher vibrational navigation system. While many of you are interested in the system, we understand that entering it through the act of surrender can feel somewhat scary. We wish to address this today.
It is common to feel like if you surrender you’ll have no control at all. You may perceive it as being completely untethered, or bouncing about much like a pinball in a pinball machine. This is not true at all. Once you surrender, you enter into the flow, and the flow comes complete with a steering system that is directed through your focus and gratitude. Your free will is paramount, and will always be honoured as your divine right.
Another fear about surrender is you will somehow lose your identity. Surrendering into the flow does not in any way take your identity away. In fact, it only helps you become more of who you really are. Your personality and traits are yours, and how you serve both your incarnation and the planet. You can never, ever lose them, nor would we ever want you to because we would miss your uniqueness terribly!
Surrendering is choosing to end your perceived separation from Source and to experience the love and support that is your birthright as an individuated aspect of that Source energy. It is choosing to work with an entire team whose speciality is loving and guiding you into your highest potentials and aspirations. It is ending the pain of going it alone and experiencing the wonder and magic of Home while you are still in the body. It is taking the courageous step of experiencing yourself as a beloved and integral part of the whole, and being willing to see what becomes possible from there.
As all those who have worked with the tool of surrender will tell you, you can very easily be in the flow or take yourself out of the flow. Once you surrender you are not committing to losing yourself in the flow for the rest of your days. Again, your free will dictates whether you are in or out of it. The Divine Combination isn’t a permanent vow or commitment but rather a system that is dependant upon you continuing to choose it.
So we highly recommend that you have the courage to try surrendering into the flow with your faith and trust and staying there long enough to discover what all the fuss is about. We guarantee that once you start experiencing the many ways it serves and supports you, it will very quickly become your preference. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 19

Your self love process is often a continuation of the parenting model you received as a child. Do you only approve of yourself if you are being “good” and reject or berate yourself if you are not? A pattern of approval/rejection of self will keep you spinning your wheels rather than moving forward in your journey in a state of authenticity and acceptance.
Over the next while, we encourage you to pay attention to your self talk and see if it is mimicking the voice of the primary caregivers you had as a child. Now that you are grown, and generally much wiser and more conscious of emotional needs, can you change that narrative? What would a new voice sound like? What would it say? How would it make you feel? How would it support your journey into your next highest expression of self?
It is always a cause for celebration when you recognize old patterns that are running in the background and realize you can change them. You might even think of it as deleting old code and upgrading your operating system! It is with your conscious awareness, and your own tender, loving care, you can encourage yourself forward into the adult version of yourself that was always your true potential.
You have no idea how incredible it is that we can even give this message and have it go straight to your heart, and next, into your own loving actions towards yourself, because from there empowered forward movement becomes not just a possibility, but the next natural step in your unfoldment. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 18

August 18
We recently spoke of the various reasons you may experience separations from others that really have nothing to do with you. There may also be times where separations occur because of something that is looking to be healed or shifted within you. Today we would like to offer you some thoughts on how to tell the difference.
If you have had a sudden separation from someone and you know you have been a good, supportive, and consistently loving source in the person’s life, the separation likely occurred for the reasons we outlined in the daily message on Monday, August 16, 2021. We encourage you to reread that message if that is the case to have a greater understanding of what might be at play in that situation.
Another indicator that it is not you is that you have other long term friendships/relationships that are as healthy and mutually supportive as they have always been. You might explore if the person has also separated from other people they were close to who had similar roles in their lives as you had. All of these are indicators it was not personal but rather something that is going on with the person in question.
But if you experience being rejected time and again and it is a pattern that seems to reoccur with frequency, you may wish to stop, take an observant viewpoint, and see if it could be something going on with you that is needing to be shifted or healed. Did you hear similar complaints from the different people who have left? Was there an area that started to lack flow in your relationship with them? What part did you play in that? Did you say or do something that caused them to want to withdraw from you, either intentionally or unintentionally?
Is it unusual for them to reject someone from their circle? If you take a true, conscious look at your interactions with them, were there problems you weren’t acknowledging that you played a role in? Has there been consistent feedback that you aren’t owning or receiving? Is there something in you that is desperately trying to get your attention for healing and resolution so this pattern no longer has to play out in your life?
Dear Ones, taking a moment to look through the lens of self responsibility is always wise. With your conscious awareness you will always be able to own what is yours and also discern what is not. If you are not sure, ask your guides to help you be aware of any role you may have played, and anything that is asking for your attention and healing.
Taking the time to look at all sides of any challenging situation will give you the opportunity to assume responsibility for anything you could have done better, to grow and evolve from it, and also see when it isn’t about you at all. This will allow you to receive any healing gifts there may be present for you and leave the rest behind to ultimately come to a place of peace and acceptance with the situation. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 17

You may have noticed that in many of our daily messages we provide questions for you to ask yourself. The act of asking questions allows you to receive guidance both from your own inner wise one and your guides. It helps you discover your truth and to provide direction for yourself moving forward. It is an incredibly important tool and one that we encourage you to use daily. It is quite powerfully simple, Dear Ones – the act of asking questions allows the answers to come. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 16

Dear Ones, we understand it can be painful and confusing if you suddenly find yourself in a state of distance between you and someone who used to be close to you. It can be easy to take it personally, but there can be many reasons why this occurs.
The person may need to separate from you in order to find their own strength and capability. It may be that the person is attempting to reject their own growth so in order to do that they must reject you as well, because your relationship with them would not support that choice. It may be there is an experience they want to explore that they fear you wouldn’t understand or approve of. It could be that they are isolating themselves or excluding themselves from the love and support of the whole. This choice is usually based on unhealed guilt, shame, or an unwillingness to receive. Or it may be that your soul contract with this person has been completed for now, and the energy just isn’t there to hold the relationship in place any longer.
As you can see from all of these examples, none of them are based on anything being wrong with you! People make all kinds of choices for all kinds of reasons. Just as your guides would do for you, honour their free will and their need for space with love, understanding, and acceptance. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 15

We would like to offer you a different perspective on manifestation today. At its core, manifestation is an energetic meld where you incorporate the creation into your energetics, and it incorporates your energy into itself. It is moving into union. If you can see it as an energetic shift, you can understand that your grander creations may take more time, where a much smaller manifestation, such as a cup of coffee, would be easier to include into your energetics. This explains why if a person does something once they can do it again quite easily, because they have already incorporated those energies into their field.
A large manifestation will take on its own unfoldment and will likely need to be done incrementally. Your acceptance of the process has everything to do with how quickly it will manifest for you, because you most easily shift energies by being in a state of complete acceptance. Moving into doubt, frustration, or resistance to the process would stall it by moving out of acceptance and trust with the process into denial of the process, which would make the completion of the meld impossible because resistance is “no” energy.
Imagine you and your manifestation running across a field towards each other with open arms. You dictate the forward movement because your free will is paramount. When you are choosing to move forward with your dreams, even if it is only incrementally, you support the forward movement of the meld. When you stop, because you are in charge, all responding movement stops, as well.
So stay open to your dreams, Dear Ones! Understand that all creation is a beautiful mix of energies wanting to swirl and combine in the most wondrous ways. Just like any energetic shift, big changes may take a while to integrate into your reality, and smaller ones might happen with very little effort at all. Staying open and trusting the process is how you support your success, and if you understand the energetics of the process you will be able to stay grounded in the anticipation and cooperation of the unfoldment of the creation of your dreams. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 14

Dear Ones, your highest act of service is being you. Beautifully, unabashedly you.
You hold a very specific energy that is unique to you. Your mission was to bring that energy to the planet. When you got to the planet, the veil of forgetfulness fell, and you forgot the power and simplicity of your mission. Others also lost sight of each other’s divine mission and tried to impress upon you how they thought you should be. You have gone through years of conditioning to comply, to fit in, to be the same.
But your mission was never to be the same, it was to add to the mosaic of the whole with your specific energy stamp and all the gifts and innate abilities that come with that energy. And, quite miraculously, despite all the density and pressure, you have been slowly and methodically peeling back the layers in your quest to get back to you.
And that is exactly what is driving the shift on your planet and what is opening the true potentials that have always existed for you. They have been patiently waiting for the day when you would give yourself permission to prioritize following your heart and the directives of your soul. From there, all the hopes and dreams you have always had can finally come to life as part of your legacy. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 13

We have spoken quite extensively about the reintegration of any unhealed aspects of self as being an essential step on your evolutionary journey, and we are so pleased that many of you have been doing that work. What we would like to point out today is the importance of making changes that support those fragments settling into safety and staying within the whole.
The reintegration process is not going to give you lasting results if you continue on with the same beliefs or behaviours that caused those aspects to split in the first place. The first step is the recognition you have unhealed aspects. The second step is acknowledging them, listening to them and giving them what they needed but never got. The third step is welcoming them back Home into your energetics as part of the whole that is you. And the last step is creating a new environment that supports their wellness and reintegration.
For your continued success in this healing, it is important to address any old belief systems, unconscious behaviours, or habits that created the fragmentation in the first place. Being aware of the wellness needs of those very sensitive and fragile parts of you is essential. How can you create and sustain a safe place for them for them to trust, shine, and thrive?
You will break out of old unconscious conditioning by simply asking before you proceed with any decision, “Is this action respecting and supporting my newly integrated aspects, my healing, my expansion, and my intended state of being?” This one powerhouse of a question will bring you clarity every single time, and will support you in discovering how you always have the ability to be your own loving guide and shepherd.
It may seem awkward at first to stop and ask questions, but it is essential to creating new habits and ways of being and before you know it you will just naturally choose actions that support your truest intentions. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 12

Self love is so much more than treating yourself once in a while or practicing occasional self care. It is an internal shift that prioritizes your wellness consistently. There are three core aspects that sit under the umbrella of self love and those are self acceptance, self honour, and self respect.
The term self love often is interpreted as self acceptance, meaning you love yourself wherever you are on your journey, flaws and all. Self honour means acknowledging your true divine nature, your purpose, how far you have come, and your successes. Self respect comes from practicing all of the above.
If you struggle with respecting yourself, or receiving respect from others, your self love practice is likely incomplete. Can you commit to seeing yourself through a broader lens? Can you shift out of troubleshooting mode with yourself into not just acceptance but also admitting the wonderful things about you? It is the combination of self acceptance plus self honour that results in self respect. When you employ all three you will be grounded in the complete energetic model of self love and that will shift your relationship with both yourself and with others. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 11

So many of you are starting to understand the importance of self love. Today we would like to discuss the importance of self honour as part of self love.
For many, self love can come with somewhat of a negative focus, seeing yourself as deeply flawed but deciding to love yourself anyways. While unconditional love is a wonderful trait to have, only seeing yourself as less than perfect is doing yourself a great disservice.
Self honour recognizes, acknowledges, and accepts the wonderful entirety of who you truly are. It sees your tender heart, your courage and efforts, the difference you are making, and your true divine nature. It celebrates your successes and your ability to brush yourself off and try again if things don’t go quite the way you would like. Self honour sees yourself as a beloved and important part of both the whole and the shift you are participating in. It gives credit where credit is due.
A lack of honouring the self explains why sometimes people begin to practice self love but find some people don’t treat them any differently. If your self love is based on the idea that you are a mess but love yourself despite it, you aren’t seeing yourself clearly. It is the honouring of self, as an integral part of self love, that adds in seeing the entirety of yourself clearly, which will then be reflected back to you.
Is it time to add self honour into your self love practice? We hope you will give a resounding yes to that idea, for it is through self honour you will remember to celebrate the wonderful things about you, too, and that is essential for moving forward in an authentic and embodied way. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 10

It can be very helpful to use your conscious awareness to discover any ways you hold yourself separate from the whole. Separation often results in being read as “no” energy in general, which keeps you from the love, support, and abundance that exists for you and that you truly want and deserve. Perhaps you can start to see the entirety of the whole as a colour palette that has every hue imaginable, and you get to choose whatever paints you wish to use to decorate the canvas of your life with in the most beautiful and delightful ways. This would result in you emanating energy that says, yes, yes, yes! From there you will be in an alignment that allows so much more to come in to be experienced and enjoyed. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 9

There’s a belief that being hard on yourself is how you become a better person but in reality it is a perpetuation of the energy that has caused the wounds or behaviours you seek to heal in the first place. It simply cannot get you where you wish to go because you cannot abuse or bully yourself into being a happy, thriving human. So today we ask you this pivotal question: When will you finally turn your beautiful and well-developed empathy towards yourself? The healing path you seek begins from there. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 8

Dear Ones, in order to truly heal the divisions on your planet, you must also heal the divisions within yourselves. This is why we encourage you so often to love and accept yourselves, to welcome any unhealed aspects of self back into the safety of the whole, to find your way to inner peace through the divine combination of surrender, faith, flow, and trust, and settle into your true beingness. The energies you hold anchor and support the changes you wish to see on the planet.
This is not to put undue pressure on you, but rather to make you aware of the fact that your growth is your service. Every new discovery, every aha moment, every release creates a ripple across the universe as well as assists your own embodiment process.
Every step you take on your healing journey allows you to stay more balanced, to try new approaches, to have more wisdom, empathy, and understanding for others, to show through your example what is possible, and continues to drive the grand shift you are participating in. No matter how small a step it may have been, it still holds the energy of expansion, growth, and empowered change, which supports both you and the whole.
Again, we say it all begins within. Instead of perpetually berating yourselves, why not approach yourself with the love and kindness that allows all beings to thrive? Instead of troubleshooting yourselves, why not step into simply embracing your true divine nature? Instead of micro-managing yourself, why not give surrender and flow a chance, trusting that if there is anything that needs your attention it will come into your awareness?
You simply cannot move into unity consciousness and practice separation at the same time. Self love, self honour, self empathy, and self acceptance are what will heal your divisions within, which will lay the foundation for the external divisions that are so prevalent on your planet to be beautifully healed, as well. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 7

Stop and go energy is expected when you are transitioning from a lull phase to an action phase. If you are in stop and go energy it is not the time to give up! Far from it, because it is an indicator that you are finally making progress. What it is time for is to explore how you can use your focus, wisdom, and knowledge to offer even more support to the birthing process. Hold the space for your dreams, Dear Ones, because they are working hard to make their way to you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 6

Thanks to Denise Swick for bringing this message that was originally posted on August 3, 2017 back into my awareness. A perfect share for today!
In older times, if someone wished to embrace a spiritual path it often involved cloistering themselves. The belief was that you needed to separate yourself from society in order to devote yourself to your practice.
As so many of you are old souls, you have had many, many experiences with that practice. So when you started your enlightenment process on earth, it felt natural to seclude yourself in order to focus on that process. That is what your soul had done, time and again, over the course of your many lifetimes.
As you are stepping into the second phase of your incarnation, that need to cloister yourself is being left behind. You are now ready to embody your energetics beautifully while being in the world, in a state of connection with others.
While the time of solitude served you well, the great joy will be in moving beyond that self imposed seclusion into experiencing yourself authentically no matter what the circumstances because your attainment is not dependant on any external factors.
More and more you will be able to hold your balance, regardless of where people are on their own personal paths, or what dramas may be playing out around you. You will simply be the light, bringing your energy wherever you go, being of active service through your beingness, and that, Dear Ones, is a magnificent thing to behold and the next natural phase of your evolution. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 5

Stop and go energy is a sure sign something is in the process of taking form. It is the phase between the intangible and the tangible, working in a similar way as the pushes and rests in between that happen during labor to facilitate birth. It is an indicator of movement and progress. Hold the space of your dreams and allow the universe to work its magic. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 4

Many of you are currently experiencing what we call red light/green light energy. It can seem like you are making actual, tangible progress towards your dreams and then that movement abruptly stops. It can be frustrating for you, to say the least, especially when so many of you have been in what has felt like a long waiting period.
Red light/green light energy is common when you are transitioning from a lull period to an action period. You might visualize giant cogs of a machine that are a little rusty or seized up from lack of use. Sometimes restarting the machine is a little jerky. Holding true to your dreams while leaving room for new information or energy to come in to support your success is key.
Your focus and acceptance that all stages serve you are the grease that prepares you for movement full steam ahead. Does your machine require extra support or maintenance before you can be full steam ahead?
Things are speeding up for you if you are experiencing red light/green light energy. You know this because you can feel the abrupt difference between the energies, where in earlier stages of manifestation things are not as tangible. Also, we remind you that traffic lights only apply when you are in motion, so this is a true sign of overall movement.
Red light/green light energy also serves a purpose of allowing you to continue to evaluate your dream. It gives you an opportunity to get even more clarity about what you would like to create for yourself. The red lights let you see how much you truly want it and to evaluate if it is a true match for you, the green lights allow you to experience the joy and excitement of finally having some forward movement. It lets you to take several steps forward, pause, reevaluate, then move forward again.
Energetic phases are very predictable in many ways. If you understand what is going on, you can stay calm, balanced, and focused on your dreams without causing yourself undo emotional stress. And if you deepen into your knowingness that all stages serve you, you can see this a sign of movement and enjoy this phase of the journey, as well. Stay the course, Dear Ones, towards your truest dreams and all will be well. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 3

The heart is instinctive, the brain is knowledge driven. What a dynamic duo for your enlightenment journey! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 2

Yesterday we spoke of making friends with the busyness of your mind, and how it can be an asset to your spiritual journey. (If you have not read that message yet, we highly recommend you take the time to do so.) Today we would like to bring to your awareness another service the mind offers you.
It is through your heart you allow your soul to guide your journey. It is through your mind you can receive intuitive hits and nudges from a myriad of guides and helpers (including your highest self) and bring them into conscious awareness. Your mind is like an interpreter of intuition, taking downloads of information and translating them into language to allow your human self to make sense of what you receive and how to proceed on your journey.
You have all heard the oft used expression that you are spiritual beings having a human experience. Without the mind that would not be possible. So make friends with your minds as an essential partner to the knowingness of the soul and the data driven partner of the feeling heart, and you will be embracing all the parts of yourself that make experiencing embodiment possible. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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