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July 31

Rejecting more than you accept can create blockages to monetary abundance or any other desired creations because rejection is a “no” energy while moving into abundance is a result of “yes” energy. Concentrating on resisting or rejecting, if it is your predominant energy, can result in energetics that say no to everything. You are far better served by acceptance than resistance, in all ways, always.
Acceptance doesn’t mean you are willing to stay in energies you don’t prefer. What it does do is allow you to play in the biggest playing field where all things are possible. From there you simply give your feedback by gratitude, which customizes your flow towards even more of what your preferences are.
As empowered co-creators you always get to decide what you would like more of. Again we remind you that your focus is your blessing of continuation. So we encourage you to withdraw your focus from what is unwanted and redirect it into consciously looking for things that you can say yes to, offer up gratitude for those things as your clear feedback to the universe, and be prepared for the unfoldment to start to take you in new directions that are so much more in line with what you are truly wishing to create for yourselves. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 30

What you include in your present moment is what creates the foundation for your tomorrows. In the buffet of life, what do you wish to add as part of your experience and what can you simply leave behind? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 29

A lot of people have a fear of surrender because they feel like it may take them somewhere worse. Dear Ones, it simply does not work that way. Surrender is how you follow the desires of your soul, along with the full assistance of a universe that adores you, into your highest life expression.
Now what can happen if you surrender and you have an obstacle between you and the life you wish to experience, is the flow will take you right up against that element. This can cause some of you to think surrender doesn’t work, but that is not the case. It is taking you to the obstacle for it to be resolved once and for all so you can get beyond it to the good stuff. What we want you to understand is if you don’t panic and stay surrendered into the flow with your faith and trust, it will lead you over, around, under, or through that blockage into the solutions that you simply couldn’t discover from your vantage point.
Many of you are in a space of not knowing what the next steps are for you. This is actually allowing you to develop new skills, surrender being one of them. When you don’t know how to proceed, you naturally become willing to explore, to get curious, and to see where the flow is going to take you. This is helping you hone your ability to operate within the higher vibrational navigation system of the divine combination of surrender, faith, flow, trust.
So if you have felt frustrated by an old issue that you are ready to finally evolve beyond, we highly recommend you utilize the power tool of surrender and use your faith and trust to stay in that flow long enough to see where it can take you. You have likely already done every last thing you could possibly think of on your own. Isn’t it time to try the surrender, faith, flow, trust, model and commit to staying in it long enough for the magic to occur? You have nothing to lose by testing out a new and empowered operating system for yourself and everything to gain. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 28

Many of you are at a point where you simply don’t know what is fun for you anymore. This is yet another reason why the retrieval and reintegration of your inner child is such an important thing to do at this time. You serve your inner child by welcoming it back into the safety and security you can now offer it. Your inner child serves you because its specialty is fun!
So connect with your inner child. Ask it what it would like to do and savour the moment and all the magic and wonder it can hold. Even if it is as simple as having an ice cream cone, you will experience it more fully, more satisfyingly than ever before. Allowing your inner child to bring fun and lightness back into your life gives all aspects of you an opportunity to serve the whole in ways that make you feel more present and engaged in your life than you have been in a very long time. Enjoy! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 27

Love is a stabilizing and balancing force. If your relationship with another is stormy or contentious, it isn’t love that causes that but rather fear of the absence of love.
It can also be a fear of losing yourself in love. We would like to point out that love is your true essence, so you cannot lose yourself in it, you can only become more of the truth of who you really are. When we say let your beingness lead the way, we are really saying let the love that you are lead the way.
So let love be your constant, Dear Ones, as you allow everything that is not love, but would prefer to be, to come up for acknowledgement, healing, and transformation. The more you allow yourself to move with the flow of love the more you are embracing your true beingness, for you are all individuated aspects of the divine love that is Source, and the grand shift on the planet is about accepting and embracing that fundamental truth. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 26

Resisting change is like sending out an energetic transmission that nothing could be as good as it is now. You are capping yourselves and your experiences which is a great disservice to both you and the planet. We ask you to open the door to the idea that things could continue to get even better than they are now if you allow them to. Can you make room in your life for even more joy, more love, more excitement, more fun? Do you have the courage to explore just how big and beautiful your life wants to be? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 25

Many human beings want things to stay the same to provide themselves a sense of security. But trying to keep things predictable by putting your energy into keeping things the same works against you because you are then actively trying to work against the natural flow of the universe. Over time you will be trying to thrive in expired energies which will only become harder and harder and make you very uncomfortable, indeed.
This doesn’t mean that you can’t have predictability in your life. In fact there are many things you can absolutely count on. Change is a constant. Evolution is a constant. Flow is a constant, whether it be in an action or a lull phase. There are energies you can choose to play with that always make a positive difference, such as presence, gratitude, love, compassion, empathy, faith, trust, co-creation, and acceptance.
When you are working with surrender, faith, flow, trust, and your broadest intentions, you begin to understand change only takes you somewhere better. Your fear of change was born from unconscious creation. As you settle into being an empowered and conscious co-creator, you don’t ever have to be afraid of what shows up.
You are on the planet, in the body, to experience growth and evolution in a very tangible way. You are also participating in the great shift that is occurring on your planet, which is all about pioneering into the creation of a beautiful new earth. By embracing change you are embracing your purpose, and there is no greater satisfaction than that. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 24

To come back into harmony with another, it can be very helpful to find an activity you can both share from a place of open receptivity. Meditation, song, dance, cooking together, a hobby or sport you both enjoy, time spent in the beauty of nature, a road trip – anything that creates a shared experience will offer you an opportunity to meet in the middle – to reset, if you will, into far greater ease with each other. It will allow you to join up with each other on the same energetic layer.
They key is to make sure both parties are equally open to it, and from there a shared experience of enjoyment and connection can occur. There has been so much focus on what separates you lately. A wise soul finds connection points that moves you out of resistance into open-hearted acceptance, which will not only improve your relationships with others, it will help support moving out of separation into unity on a much larger scale, as well. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 23

The practice of judgement comes from the need to use externals to define yourself. It is also the continuation of the myth of a judging God, as you will often mimic how you believe God to be.
As you move along your enlightenment journey, which is really a process of coming Home to yourself, you will come to a point where you know and accept yourself and your own truth so completely, as well as the continual unfoldment of your own evolution through the use of surrender, faith, flow and trust, that the need to judge or use externals as a way of defining yourself is no longer necessary.
You will know yourself as an individuated aspect of Source, a beloved and integral part of a loving and supportive whole, and from there judgement will be naturally be replaced with acceptance, and separation consciousness will be replaced with unity consciousness. Peace, compassion, and understanding will become prevalent, which is exactly how the energies of heaven on earth will be experienced and anchored on your planet. What a glorious process of evolution! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 22

When you are in a space of beingness you enter a type of autopilot – a state of deep and supported flow where things naturally unfold and align from that space into the right time/right place scenarios that match your highest intentions. We have also said many times that surrender does the same thing. Do you see? When you surrender, you are actually allowing your beingness to lead the way, and from there all other things become possible. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 21

Dear Ones, you can’t wrestle fear to the ground. Fear is a symptom, not the problem itself. Fear is a sign of not feeling safe, provided for, guided, prepared, capable, or protected. So if you are confronted by a fear, trying to resist it, fight it, or deny it will only aggravate the unhealed aspects of you that are desperate for your love and guidance, which will only create more fear and discomfort.
Fear is the surface manifestation of what is going on below. So go beneath the fear. What unhealed, unacknowledged, or disempowered aspect of you is looking to be retrieved and reintegrated into the safety and sustenance of the whole? Showing up as your own loving parent, healer, and guide is a grand act of empowerment and once you have tended to the parts of you that were in need the fear will just naturally dissipate because it will no longer have the energy it needs to support it. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 20

The vast difference between the old and the new is shifting from wondering, “What do I have to do?” to “What do I choose to do?” and from “Who do I have to be?” to “Who do I choose to be?” If you feel into it, the first questions feel constraining while the second questions feel expansive. The fact that you are even exploring these thoughts is a great indicator that you are ready to step into your sovereignty and from there so much more is possible. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 19

Dear Ones, you do not need to be absolutely perfect with your spiritual practices in order to create wonderful changes in your life. You don’t need to be in alignment all the time, or beautifully moving with the surrender, faith, flow, trust model of the divine combination 100% of the time. You just need to choose to be in the energies that can get you where you want to go more often than you are in resistance to your Now moment. Even slightly more opens the door for forward movement to have a chance to occur. So ease up on your expectations of yourself and lovingly redirect into your preferences however many times are necessary without self judgement and you may very well be surprised by how quickly you can create more movement and ease, because to do so will take you out of resistance to yourselves, as well. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 18

Many of you are reluctant to delve into your shadow aspects because you are afraid of what you will find. Let us put your mind at rest. All aspects of you are beloved and divine, they are just in different stages of knowing their truth. They are lost, confused, sad, hurt, or ashamed. They may even be trying to protect you from what they perceive to be their badness.
Dear Ones, any aspect of yourself that holds itself separate from the whole isn’t evil, it has just forgotten the light it truly is and doubts that it is good enough to be accepted into the greater divine light that you represent. And the beautiful thing about all of this is your acknowledgement along with your love, compassion, and acceptance is all it needs to let go of that old story and reintegrate. This is the joy of coming Home to yourself. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 17

Dear Ones, your beingness and your authenticity go hand in hand. Discovering who you really are – the true essence of you – and allowing that to forge the way forward is a game changer because it creates a path that is completely customized to the truth of you, which will always lead to your greatest life expression. Your beingness is key because it supports the path of authenticity and your authenticity is key because it supports the path of beingness, and these two aspects work together as your special gifts to both yourself and the world. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 16

Today we encourage you to stop and pause for a moment, and call back any aspects of yourself that were told they were too sensitive. Accept them back into your energetics with a loving heart and open arms! Tell them their sensitivity is their greatest gift, that it is their predominant blessing, and what makes them beautiful anchors of peace and compassion. Your sensitivity is, and has always been your superpower. Own it and let it lead the way, Dear Ones, for it is exactly how the meek (the true meaning of this word is not weak, but gentle and kind) shall inherit the earth. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 15

The more open a human being is to the flow of co-creation and receiving, the more fun we have creating and aligning the most magnificent matches to serve and delight you. It is the same as the anticipation you feel when you have found the perfect gift for someone and the joy you experience when they finally open it. There is such satisfaction when you cooperate enough so our best laid plans can go off without a hitch! It is much like the relief you feel when you succeed at getting a person to show up at a surprise party thrown in their honour. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 14

One of the most constant concerns we hear from you is, “How do I know if I’m blocked or in my own way?” We would like to help you explore this today with the following questions:
Are you surrendered? Not just surrendered but into willing acceptance of what the flow is supporting, be it an action or rest phase?
Have you given navigating through surrender, faith, flow, and trust a fair and consistent chance or have you just dabbled?
Are you watching for and trusting the subtle bumps and nudges, the signs and synchronicities that point the way, or do you stall in doubt?
Do you need to loosen up into broader intention?
Are you practicing acceptance and/or willing to receive?
Are your dreams incomplete? Are they playing too small when your soul wants to go bigger? Is there a piece you can add in that would shift the energy of your dream to make it more complete? Can you cast your net wider?
Do you practice gratitude or are you in perpetual trouble-shooting mode?
Have you shifted out of being exclusively in the head into more heart-centred navigation?
Do you include yourself in your own loving service by prioritizing self care and alignment?
Have you released powerlessness and wanting to be rescued with stepping into your own empowerment and creation?
Have you replaced efforting with flow?
Are you trusting your beingness and allowing it to lead the way?
Do you actively acknowledge and reassure any parts of yourself that are afraid of change with your own love and guidance?
Is your acceptance practice stronger than your resistance practice?
Is your curiosity stronger than your need to control?
Is your faith and trust stronger than your fear and doubt?
Are you actively asking for help and then willing to receive it when it comes?
Do you honour the unfoldment by recognizing stepping stones and being willing to see where they lead you?
Are you settling for staying in the known rather than being willing to venture into the unknown?
We understand you like to be efficient and these questions should help you identify any little tweaks or adjustments you can make. If you can spot a place where there is room for improvement, that is a wonderful awareness! No need to beat yourself up, with this new piece of wisdom you now have an opportunity to redirect. Remember, you can’t kick yourself up the staircase of enlightenment but you can certainly love and encourage yourself there.
If you read through this list and you feel like you have all the things necessary in place, you aren’t blocked, you are simply in energetic preparation for your own individualized wave to come and sweep you forward into your next grand adventure when the timing is perfect for your greatest success. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 13

Dear Ones, we wish for you to understand that there are multitudes of energetic matches available for you. If you could only see how many truly exist you would never worry about manifestation ever again!
Some of you worry about how the actions of one may affect you and your desired outcomes. Rest assured if someone doesn’t want to be part of your experience there are many others who will rush in to fill that void.
Imagine if you are trying to sell a house. There is a person out there who is trying their best to manifest a new place to live and their perfect match is the house you have for sale. They are making great strides towards aligning with your property but they suddenly fall deep into fear and doubt. They worry if they will be able to afford it, if it is the right place, if they should even buy right now, so they put a halt to their house buying process.
They have stalled their manifestation process by knocking themselves out of the flow. They have used their free will to say, ‘not right now’, and that decision will be honoured by the universe. Whenever they are ready they can revisit buying a house and a perfect energetic match will be found for them at that time.
This does not mean that you will be stuck with your house forever! It simply means there will be a recalibration and the next person who would be an ideal match to buy your house will come to the front of the line, so to speak, and will discover and embrace purchasing your home. There are so many ways the universe can create divine intersections that serve everyone involved.
So we encourage you to release the idea that it is hard. There is abundance in the universe and abundance in how many ways there are to have your needs filled. Flow with confidence knowing that all that is required is your willingness to receive and move when the time is right and know that everything else will fall into place for you for the highest good of all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 12

Many of you feel like you are in a holding pattern and are feeling frustrated or worried that you are doing something wrong because your desired manifestations haven’t taken form yet. What we want you to understand is you are not blocked or missing anything, you simply aren’t done shifting yet, and what you would create from where you are would be outgrown very quickly. It is a common pattern that manifestations seem to stall during times of profound change for that very reason. Again we say you do not build a house on a bridge. When you are fully anchored in the new your desired creations will take form and more than that, they will be completely sustainable and built on a firm foundation, and that is exactly what you want. Trust the process. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 11

Dear Ones, we understand that many of you are feeling spiritually and physically fatigued. When one shift occurs after another it can feel like like you are getting tossed in the surf. We wish to offer you an explanation as to what is occurring.
You are in the most pivotal transition that will occur in your lifetime, traversing the divide between the old and the new. It might help to visualize it like a grand staircase that stretches up into the clouds, with wide steps, each of which is like a platform of its own. With each step you take you develop a new perspective with a broader view.
You have been on this staircase or series of platforms for quite some time now, for most of you since the beginning of 2020 which started the transition between the old and the new. And like all truly transformational climbs, it is normal to feel more fatigue as you near the top.
You are now moving far enough into the energies of the new that you will start to see what it is you’ve been striving for. You will reach the apex of this particular transformational phase and will step out onto new pathways with brand new perspectives and possibilities galore. The view will be breathtaking! And the gifts that come from this new vantage point will serve you well as you begin to navigate in earnest in the new.
This is not to say that this is your final up-levelling phase. Far from it. You will always be growing and evolving as you pioneer forward in these new energies. But this is an unusually long lasting period of on-going transformation, and this will not be your norm moving forward.
So understand the profound gifts and honour that comes from having evolved to the point of being able to navigate these energies. Give yourself good self care as you complete the last steps before you level out for a longer period of discovery. Know you are doing a magnificent job and your soul is absolutely delighted to be participating in these unprecedented times of opportunity and transformation. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 10

Connecting with and reintegrating any inner child aspects that didn’t have their needs met is something we have spoken of quite frequently. Today we would like to give you another piece you may find helpful.
Some of you may have been raised to think some behaviours are normal and acceptable that are not. Perhaps you did not get the appropriate guidance you needed, or there may been a pattern of abuse or dysfunction that has been present in your family for many generations.
This resulted in conditioning or belief systems that many of you have been working hard to evolve beyond but even though your adult mind consciously knows these behaviours are not ok, subconsciously you may still find threads of that energy continue to crop up into your experience. This is because the adult you knows better but your inner child is still operating from that old conditioning.
So how do you fix this? Connect with your inner child and reparent it. Tell it what you wished it was taught all along and tell it why what it was taught before wasn’t right. Educate your inner child with your wisdom and it will accept it easily, as all children accept new information from a trusted adult. And what you will find is you will become much more congruent energetically because all parts of you will be on board with a more appropriate way of being, and you will find evolving beyond those old beliefs and conditioning much easier than ever before. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 9

Dear Ones, it is really quite simple to shift your energy. If you are seeking to have more of the experience of something, rather than waiting for to show up externally, find ways to incorporate it into your life expression right now, in whatever ways are supported.
You might think of it as a tiny infusion or a microscopic dose. The power is not the size of the element but rather the holding of it, no matter how small. That is because you have switched it from being something you may or may not experience one day into something you already have. It is the planting of the seed meaning you now hold the full potential and it will grow from there. As it grows it will also draw more of the same energy to it.
So if you are seeking the experience of peace, look for ways you can experience peace right now. Breathe deeply. Meditate. Go walk in the beauty of nature. Acknowledge and appreciate the sense of peace that was there for you to find because you made the empowered choice to do so.
If you are looking for love seek out activities that open your heart chakra and acknowledge and appreciate the feeling of love when it flows. Meditate and imagine being the arms of your beloved and recognize that choice has shifted your relationship from being out there one day into happening right now. From there it is only a matter of time until it shows up in your physical reality.
What you consciously add into your present moment will set the stage for your tomorrows. You are your own beautiful cocktail! Add the ingredients that delight you as your own alchemist and the universe will meet those efforts every single time. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 8

The key to healing beyond separation is inclusivity. Moving forward in an empowering way is not based on focusing on what you need to eliminate from your experience, but rather by focusing on what you wish to include, while honouring the free will of others to do the same.
Exclusion is an act of resistance which immediately stalls forward movement, while inclusion creates flow and supports expansion. Your body’s energy will naturally rail against resistance while it will settle and flow with inclusion. This is exactly how you redirect your path into preference. Resistance is ‘no’ energy while inclusion is ‘yes’ energy. ‘No’ energy doesn’t move while ‘yes’ energy expands and flows.
Again we direct you to the experience of a buffet. You don’t petition to have the foods you don’t care for removed because you realize there are others who may enjoy them very much. Nor do you yell at people who put them on their plate. You simply pass over what you don’t like and fill your plate with the foods you enjoy and respect others in their preferences. The buffet includes many things in order to best serve the whole.
So if you are feeling triggered or blocked as you consider what you wish to create for yourselves moving forward, we highly recommend you step back and examine if your resistance practice has become stronger than your acceptance practice. With that new awareness you can shift your focus from contraction to expansion, from what you would like to exclude into simply choosing what you wish to experience, and you will find the path forward filled with much more comfort and ease. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 7

Dear Ones, we wish to reassure you that if you move out of troubleshooting mode with yourself, you won’t fall into ego or somehow derail your growth. Quite the opposite. You will shift out of being in resistance to yourself which will allow growth and expansion. If you have a conscious desire to evolve, anything that does not support that evolution will make you uncomfortable in record time and you will naturally redirect. If there is one thing you can be sure of, it is that the universe is very adept at bringing things into your awareness if there is something that requires your attention. It is safe for you to move into acceptance of yourself and trust in the built in wisdom of your journey. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 6

We have spoken quite a lot about the importance of acknowledging any inner child aspects that did not get what they needed and assuming the role of your own loving parent, encourager, and guide. This is an incredibly important first step to begin your healing and reintegration process. We recommend you to make this a priority, always meeting those needs lovingly and consistently until safe attachment can occur.
Today we wish to take it to the next step. Getting to know those aspects can give you vital clues as to who you really are and what brings you joy. The question we wish for you to meditate on today is, who were you really before others attempted to make you wrong for who you are?
What gifts did you have that weren’t acknowledged or appreciated? What dreams did you have that matched you and your energetics perfectly that others put down as frivolous or unrealistic? What activities brought you joy? What talents did you not have an opportunity to explore or hone? What circumstances held you back but no longer apply now that you’ve taken the reins of reparenting yourself? What can you do now that you can navigate beyond those old blockages?
Dear Ones, it is never too late. Give yourself the acknowledgement of how divinely perfect you have always been exactly as you are and encourage those unique traits to bloom and grow as essential aspects of your own self expression and how you serve the whole. Can you finally make yourself right just for being you? It is by freeing yourself to be beautifully, unabashedly you, you will finally find the true satisfaction and self acceptance you’ve been seeking and from there all things are possible. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 5

Embodiment is the shift from doing to being. It is living the teachings you resonate with. It is being the empowered bringer of energy rather than the disempowered catcher of energy. It is the acceptance of who you really are as well as any phase you may be in. It is embracing your beautiful service as an energetic anchor and pioneer on the planet by being the change. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 4

Embracing your beingness while in a space of the unknown allows you to float in the amniotic fluid of creation that completely sustains you until the newest version of you is ready to be born. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 3

Allowing your beingness to lead the way puts you into a state of deep flow that supports empowered, peaceful, yet profound movement. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 2

Many of you are on the planet with service contracts. This means you are more comfortable giving than you are receiving, that your instinct is to put other’s needs ahead of your own. Service feels very natural to you, while self love seems somehow contrary to you. So we wish to offer you this new perspective.
What if, instead of self love, you focused on being in service to yourself, as well? This will honour your desire to serve and will also finally include you in your own wonderful love and care in a way that feels right to you. Do you see? This is an opportunity to expand your service by including yourself in the unity consciousness and unconditional love you are on the planet to support in a way you are finally willing to receive. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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