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June 23

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Divine knowledge treasury)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will start a new topic that will combine the two previous ones.
Now you have not only to unite objective and subjective realities in your conscience but also to do it so that there is no cognitive dissonance that can reduce to nothing all your spiritual progress.
As you see, my dear, we move from simple to complex but this “complex” is actually nothing but summarizing the material studied that has already become rather well-shaped in your conscience.
From theory it has gradually turned into practice for you and for some even into a new lifestyle.
Before we dwell on this topic, I would like to clearly define once again the landmarks you have already passed.
Well, for many of you the Ascension of Earth has become not just a hypothetic objective reality but a tangible physical action.
You have learnt to feel new energies, watch their influence both on you yourselves and the people around you, get resonated with your planet and her natural elements.
And it has become quite a usual thing for you now.
Therefore, looking back and recalling yourselves the way you were before getting to this website, you can see the long spiritual road you have travelled for the years of being here.
And even those who have recently joined it have already picked up the baton and are making up for the lost time eagerly absorbing the Higher Powers messages published on it.
But now it is time to concentrate all the knowledge, practices and meditations you received the way they help you make a powerful and final “leap” into the new energy space that is swiftly being shaped now on your planet.
For this purpose today I would like to offer you a meditation that will summarize all the knowledge you got based on the Laws of the Universe.
We will call it “Divine knowledge treasury”.
So, having invoked all your Heavenly assistants, relax completely and plunge into quite a deep meditative state.
Invoke the Energy of Ascension and try to see it gradually wrapping around you like a rainbow cloud and creating the space of the Fifth dimension around you.
And then visualize the website “Renaissance” the way your Soul will prompt you.
It can be the images of Marta and Edward – this website’s keepers.
Some can have favourite messages or pictures to different series of messages arisen in their memory.
Try to switch off your Mind and yield to your Soul.
The image of the website will be different for each of you as all of you have absolutely distinct associations with it and those who created it.
The idea is for the image of the website of “Renaissance” to symbolize for you the treasury of Divine knowledge imbued with the energies of highest vibrations.
You can create the image of the treasury itself in your imagination – the one pleasant to look at.
It can be, for example, a beautiful coffer or carved box.
And try to see all the messages that have been published for these years moving into your coffer…
And then imagine your crown chakra as a wonderful flower of Lotus with huge open petals and in thoughts place your precious coffer filled with Divine knowledge in the middle of it.
Feel its energy profile and its energy gradually penetrating into your sixth chakra and pineal gland…
And here is your Golden triangle being completely activated…
Feel its pulsing…
It is alive, hot, Divine…
It is keenly absorbing the eternal knowledge you received from the Higher Powers and transforming your conscience into the conscience of the Fifth dimension man.
Remain in the meditation until these wonderful energies cease…
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 23, 2021.

June 21

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Integrated approach)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
So as to round up with the issue of cognitive dissonance, I would like to focus on one more its peculiarity typical of sympathetic people.
And it is in the fact that for many of you it is hard to combine in your conscience two seemingly mutually exclusive things: how you can watch the events in a reserved way working in terms of energy only and at the same time show one’s civil position at the physical level preventing appalling encroachment of human rights.
The difficulty to understand it arises from the fact that you often take my words too literally.
But every single day life throws in more and more surprises for you, and the events in all the spheres of life are developing so swiftly that there simply cannot be cut-and-dry instructions for every certain occasion.
You should learn to be independent and act according to circumstances just being guided by the general behaviour principles of a spiritually advanced person.
Let us study the difference between the behaviour of a common person of dual mentality and the one whose conscience has reached the level of the Fifth dimension.
First of all, it is an emotional component of all their thoughts and actions.
In the former case they, as a rule, convey high tension of passions – indignation, judgement, aggression that imbue all further actions of theirs.
Growing larger like a snow ball these negative emotions overwhelm all the people around and aggression hovers in the air creating a really explosive situation.
Well, how should a spiritually advanced person behave when they come across outrageous injustice that their conscience does not want and cannot put up with?
Firstly, they should exercise total control over their emotions because the right decision can be found only when one is balanced inside.
You should not give way to the first impulse since almost always it is uncontrollable spontaneous reaction of the third dimension world person.
Each of you can work out your own methods of catching and neutralizing of these first emotional impulses, for which you have been provided with a lot of practices.
Secondly, you should learn to switch off your Mind that is used to thinking in the categories of the third dimension world, while in cases of emergency you need original decisions going beyond its frames.
Thirdly, you should check and recheck the received information since it is crucial before taking certain steps to make sure that you know the actual state of events not being guided just by rumours.
And only after you have made sure that in this case there is no other way out except taking actions at the physical level, you should involve like-minded people because not only useless it is to act alone but dangerous as well.
Only UNITY and SOLIDARITY of people in front of shared danger can lead to success and victory of the Light Forces over the Forces of Dark.
And it is well known to your enslavers who for millennia have been trying to separate you introducing their policy “Divide and rule” to all the levels of your existence.
They are doing just the same now too playing off obedient against disobedient, vaccinated against non-vaccinated, possessing true information against those drawing it from the mass media under their control.
But now when more and more people start reviving and understanding who is actually at the helm, these boundaries are gradually wiping off, and it will be much easier for you to find comrades this time.
So now your task is to adjust and level in terms of energy the actions of those who have not matured yet to understand the importance of the energy component of their thoughts, emotions and actions.
You do not even have to explain it to people since right now – at the moment of the Dark Forces’ agony on Earth – each day and each hour matters this time.
Simply imbue the situations you are working at with Divine high vibration energies, which will be your invaluable contribution to the victory of the Light Forces and the Ascension of Earth.
And I bless you for this!
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 21, 2021.

June 20

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Advanced aerobatics)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
And, finally, we move on to the third group of people who are completely informed about the current events on Earth.
Well, what is their cognitive dissonance from the energy point of view?
But first, it should be mentioned that this group features separation of its own – subgroups according to vibration level with a variety of nuances: from those who just express their indignation at other people’s servility to the authorities to those who are above the situation taking all the things in progress for granted.
Therefore, depending on their conscience level their cognitive dissonance shows in different ways, in case of some people there is no dissonance at all, despite the fact they see all the absurdity of the current events.
The feelings these people have watching unmurmuring obedience of the majority of citizens to the authorities range from the energy of condemn to that of astonishment with a variety of other shades.
Thus, the energy of condemn even if it does not convey the energy of aggression is negative anyway since it lacks acceptance and, consequently, Unconditional Love.
And in this case a person is not protected from the visits of astral “guests” who will replenish this energy in them.
As a result, the more they condemn others’ servility, the more chances of condemn energy to develop into aggression towards people around.
Which, unfortunately, is the case with many of you.
And it means that your conscience is still in the grip of duality incapable of breaking free from the usual third dimension programmes.
You still go on separating people into ins and outs, clever and foolish, followers and leaders, law-abiding and freedom-loving…
And the more you do it, the more you reduce yourselves to the conscience level of those you judge.
So as to avoid this, you should learn to get abstracted away from the world around but the way to take the reality holding sway over it with no indignation still participating in the crucial processes taking place there.
Of course, it is not easy – it is “advanced aerobatics” for a revived person.
And though this task may seem unreal to you at first, you are actually ready now to perform the actions you need in the third dimension world being by your conscience in the space of the Fifth dimension.
A lot of you unintentionally behave just like this.
Those who actively apply the practices offered by me have already learnt to create around themselves the high vibration field of the Fifth dimension that protects you from alien intervention and minimizes the chance of violent actions towards you.
But so as to maintain this condition all the time, you should exclude condemn as such from your life being aware that each person arranges their life and makes decisions in consistence with their Soul’s plan and that, despite your desire to change this plan, you are not entitled to interfere with it.
Such reserved wisdom and respect to others will attract similar attitude to you for other people’s part.
But it will happen only if it is not only external but also internal manifestation, that is, if in terms of energy you stay absolutely pure not letting a single negative energy into your field.
In this case you will minimize and, maybe, reduce to zero the cognitive dissonance that arose in your conscience and will treat ANY events taking place around you as objective reality – inevitable component of the Transition of your planet and the best representatives of humanity to the Fifth dimension.
Then vibration stratification will become objective reality for you too that you cannot change and that you should take as it is – as one of the conditions of Transition.
Let everything and everybody go with the flow, my dear.
Now it is time to get focused on you yourselves so that your former habits and judgement will not drag you back to the third dimension life again and your cognitive dissonance will not result in bad spiritual wounds.
And I bless you for this.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 20, 2021.

June 18

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Hard choice)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will consider what energy processes occur in the aura of people whose conscience is struggling to cope with the fear for their life and the fear to get a low quality vaccine that can just be baneful for them.
This is the second group in our classification.
As a matter of fact, their energy profile differs little from that of the first group, just the quality of their fear is distinct and, possible to say, more various.
These people already have the information about the offered vaccines not only having failed to be duly tested but also being experimental preparations that have never been used for treatment of people.
It means that unlike the first group they are aware of the fact they voluntarily agree to an experiment not only on their body but on conscience as well.
Some even understand that it is some kind of a genetic experiment on man.
There is fear for life and desire to protect themselves from the authorities’ persecution on the scales, on the one hand, and on the other hand – fear of the side effects that a lot of vaccinated get, as well as fear to be deceived by the authorities whose policy is constantly changing.
And in such situation it is really hard for them to make the “right” decision.
Such uncertainty has a poor effect not only on their psychological but also energy condition.
The energy chaos that arose in their subtle bodies attracts a whole swarm of astral beings who try to maintain the negative energies throwing in, like chips into the fire, more and more emotions of doubt and fear.
And despite the fact that the Higher Powers and Safeguard Angels of such people are doing everything possible to save them from the decision fateful for them, the victory is often won by the Dark Forces since they are in a more favourable position.
Unlike the Forces of Light, they are as close to Earth as possible inhabiting her astral layer therefore the chaotic thoughts, emotions and actions of these people featuring low vibrations get easily resonated with beings of middle and lower astral.
This way, according to the Law of Similars, it is them who are attracted to the people possessed by doubts and lack of self-confidence.
As far as the Higher Powers and Safeguard Angels of such people are concerned, they manage to get through to their conscience only at rare moments of enlightenment when these people come across genuine knowledge or pure light souls happen to be by their side who feature high vibrations.
In their field astral beings cannot stay and they leave the one in doubt for some time, as a result of which there occurs one’s conscience enlightenment and one can now perceive the hints of the Light Forces.
And the longer such person stays within the space of high vibrations, the more chances their Soul gets to prompt the right decision and thereby save them from danger.
But if the person has failed to consolidate this condition in themselves and this awareness of what they heard or saw, having left the high vibration space, they come back where they started.
And a single negative thought or emotion is enough to let their astral “guests” in again who pouncing on their prey go on with their destructive work.
It is this energy instability that is the reason, my dear, for the behaviour of many of your friends and relatives.
Being within your field they agree with you and accept the information new to them, but as soon as they are alone because of instability of their inner state and low vibrations everything comes back to the usual course and they are ready to support another point of view that is closer to their conscience in terms of vibrations.
But do not blame it on yourselves that you have not managed to protect them, for you cannot keep within your field all your environment all the time.
People should express their Free Will themselves and make efforts to advance to a new level of spiritual development.
You simply give them a chance, and whether to take it or not is their choice now.
The main thing for you is not to be involved into the whirl of somebody else’s energies, which will throw you yourselves back and will not help your close people either.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 18, 2021.

June 17

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Ridden by fear)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will talk about cognitive dissonance again and will consider it from the energy point of view.
And as an example we will take the very three groups of people I told you about in my previous messages.
So, the first group is people who are possessed by fear for their life, who take for gospel what the authorities say offering them “salutary” vaccines.
These people’s aura is a huge bundle of fear energy that with every single day grows larger as they “nourish” exceptionally on negative news and terrifying details on the infected and dead from the “dangerous” disease.
Since their conscience totally submits to the Dark Forces who are the ones to breed fear and panic among people, little by little other negative energies join them too – those of aggression, hopelessness, powerlessness, grief, pity to oneself, inability to change anything…
As a result, in the energy space of these people there settle a huge amount of astral beings that feed on negative energies like this.
And as all the thoughts of these people are spinning around one and the same topic, the corresponding negative energies are looming large taking enormous spaces this time.
Now imagine what occurs in densely populated cities where energy fields of people constantly interlace and merge infeeding each other all the time.
Moreover, if people are also discussing the issue that concerns them all the time thereby encouraging each other, the negative energies surrounding them become denser and denser.
Yet, at the same time they are extending too.
It happens because of the fact that the astral beings attracted to the energy field of people contribute their own negative energies.
As a result, at the subtle level such people are silhouettes swarmed with astral beings.
Having gathered for the feast, each of the astral “guests” is doing their best to prevent the cherished source of nourishment from depleting.
In the long run, the fear that overwhelmed one gets the degree large enough to make one ready to do anything just to get rid of it.
It is these people who are the first to queue for vaccination and persuade others to follow their example.
It is them who feel fear, aggression and hatred towards those who refuse to do this.
This way, reptiloids achieve two goals at a time: increase the number of the vaccinated and breed the negative energies they are in need of so much now playing off people against each other.
Well, how should you behave with such people so as not to get into the whirl of low energies?
Try to avoid them and not to start any discussions with them.
Do not forget about the protective Sphere of the Flame of Universe Love either that is filled with the Energy of Ascension.
But if you can, try not to get at places with lots of people, for the consequences for you can be unpredictable.
While if it is impossible to avoid, make it a rule to purify your energy space from all the alien energies and programmes with the Flame of Universe Love on coming back home.
Do not spare time for this, my dear!
Take care!
Now it is becoming extremely important for you.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 17, 2021.

June 17

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (One in hundreds of thousands)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will consider one more group of people who have cognitive dissonance for quite another reason though.
And many of you belong to it – those who are perfectly aware of what is actually going on now on Earth, as well as who and what for arranged the so-called “pandemic”.
This group was growing as in the internet there began to appear more and more information on the world government’s plans and their crimes.
With the lockdown being imposed on them, people got opportunity to dedicate more time to learn these materials, and the things that used to seem fantastic ideas of conspiracy theorists began to assume contours of real events.
Due to this a huge amount of people started to revive and see all the hypocrisy of the authorities and the media in their grip.
And this group of people got cognitive dissonance not in respect of the ruling top whose true colours they were well aware of now but in respect of the majority of the planet’s population.
They got the feeling they are living in a nightmare seeing people obediently and unmurmuringly fulfilling the most absurd and inhumane demands of the authorities not even thinking how illogical and unhealthy they are.
All their life has turned into a theatre of the absurd indeed their conscience that has revived from the dormancy of the third dimension world would refuse to put up with.
Moreover, being unable to follow these pointless rules humiliating their dignity themselves such as, for example, masking, they are object to condemn and sometimes direct attacks for the side of those who dutifully follow these rules.
They literally cannot believe their eyes or ears that everything taking place around is true.
And especially when it happens to their nearest and dearest.
Unfortunately, my dear, systematic work for centuries carried out by the Dragon reptiles who seized power on your planet has resulted in this – servility of people to the authorities and fear of to be punished even if it is a mere fine.
Obedience has turned into a norm, while any disobedience – into a crime fraught with this or that punishment.
And as you see such separation among people in terms of percentage is not just unequal but appalling: per one revived soul there are at least hundreds of thousands of unrevived ones.
I know that it took long for many of you to believe in this but now facts speak for themselves.
Well, how can you get rid of by far the strongest cognitive dissonance that arose in your conscience because of this?
Before all, you should take it for granted and be thankful to your destiny for opening your eyes to the actual ratio of light human souls on Earth and the so-called “ballast” that lives a mere philistine animal life.
As you see the vibration gap between you and them is too huge to be covered by anyone: either the Higher Powers, or your Galaxy family that are simply unable to interact with people of that low vibrations.
Therefore, my dear, focus on yourselves and think about the way not to descend to their level by any means and maintain your own vibrations high that are your “password” to a new life.
Do not condemn these people but try to interact with them as little as possible so as not to be involved into unnecessary and pointless discussions taking your time and strength.
The best thing you can do now, at the last stage of Transition, when Dark gets thick to the utmost, is to be all the time within the protective Sphere of the Flame of Universe Love with mirror-like outer surface that is filled with the Energy of Ascension.
In this case you will be protected from inside from your own negative emotions, as well as from alien influence from without.
Remain an island of the Fifth dimension amid the energy chaos holding sway all around.
And the one who will be able to reach you in terms of vibrations and set foot on this island of Love and Light will get the chance to “clarify” one’s conscience and, consequently, will have an opportunity to make Transition.
Only this way, having started with yourselves, you will be able to help others and let it now become your main target and the breath of life.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 17, 2021.

June 16

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Between two fires)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
As a follow-up to my previous message, today we will study one more example of cognitive dissonance.
This time we will talk about a group of people who are between the horns of a dilemma: on the one hand, they are possessed by the fear for their life, and on the other hand, they do not confide completely in their government and are frightened of getting injections because of the discussion on their efficiency that developed in the internet.
The cognitive dissonance in case of these people acquires a minor form of psychosis this time.
It is accounted for by the fact that they are getting split conscience: they want to secure themselves by any means and at the same time the remedy offered by the government frightens them as they hear most unflattering opinions about it.
As a result, such people turn into a target for any infection since the chaos that arose in their soul swiftly reduces their vibrations.
Moreover, they get head over heels in the discussion taking place in the open of the internet on vaccines efficiency and search for videos confirming their benefit but “for some reasons” they more often come across those that prove their ruinous effect on the human body and conscience.
This way they get hints from the Higher Powers that try to save these people from a tragic mistake.
But the cognitive dissonance that has already rooted in their conscience refuses to accept the reality so horrible for them.
They cannot believe that their government does everything possible to kill its own nation.
In their life these people were far from not only the issue of the Ascension of Earth but from that of existence of the deep state and shadow government on your planet.
And while you have been moving towards learning the real events taking place on Earth for years, it is hard for these people to take this information overnight and, moreover, under the circumstances of the “fatal” virus being fraught with danger in terms of their life.
Therefore, for most of these people their mind blowing hot and cold results in acceptance of “conditions of surrender”: they prefer to believe official authorities that vaccination will save them from death and guarantee coming back to their usual “normal” life.
At the same time their conscience completely blocks the alternative point of view it came across having got absorbed with studying the issue of vaccines.
So they have drawn the following conclusion for themselves: it cannot be true because it can never be true – too scary and inhumane it is.
And you already witness a lot of such examples around you, don’t you, my dear?
Many of your friends and relatives whom you were trying to communicate the truth about vaccination sending them different materials on this topic to your great surprise got a vaccine injection anyway.
This way cognitive dissonance worked in their case.
And people like this are numerous on Earth indeed.
But there are other people too, and I will tell you about them in my next message.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 16, 2021.

June 14

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Cognitive dissonance)
Greetings, my dear beloved children!
It is time to talk about the thing that in your world is commonly called cognitive dissonance.
What is this?
To cut a long story short, it is everything rejected by your conscience.
But we will dwell on this phenomenon – from the physical and metaphysical points of view.
And, for a start, we will focus on the things that cause it to arise.
In your usual material world one comes across this phenomenon at every turn being unaware of it.
Why does this happen?
Before all, because each person is by far the most complicated subtle material structure and has their own inner world.
It includes such factors as maturity of Soul, life experience, moral principles, social involvement, family traditions and a lot more – what their present life is made up of.
Since the majority of people have their memory about previous incarnations deleted completely, they can rely only on what they have gained in the present life.
In other words, a person can compare the events around them with the things they are used to and consider to be normal for themselves.
This “norm” varies from person to person because of life circumstances, again, and the experience gained in this incarnation.
That is why cognitive dissonance will be specific for each of you.
The thing quite normal and acceptable for one person will come as a shock for another one capable of upsetting their peace of mind for a long time.
So as to help you better understand what I am talking about, let have some case study.
Since the most acute topic for you now is false pandemic and the related vaccination, let us see the different ways people react to this event unexpected for all inhabitants of Earth.
We will consider their reaction in terms of cognitive dissonance: who and why gets it or does not get at all.
Since the rise of the so-called pandemic, people have divided into several groups, with cognitive dissonance showing differently in each of the groups.
Into the first group we will put those who felt panic, literally, animal terror for their life.
Their cognitive dissonance was expressed in the fact that they lost peace of mind and confidence in tomorrow.
These people, being deeply involved into the third dimension matrix, have plunged in their selfishness and turned out to be unable to think about anything else beside themselves and their health.
Everything around has become sheer danger for them awaiting them at every turn, and the fear to catch the terrible incurable disease they are telling about day and night by all the mainstream media has grown into an obsession for them.
But their conscience is opposing to this and trying to fence off from the scaring reality – it rejects it and is under its influence at the same time.
This is how cognitive dissonance shows in this group of people.
And, unfortunately, at present this group is the largest on your planet.
It is this group that was looking forward to get the “salvation” vaccines and, not thinking about the consequences, rushed to take them.
These vaccines were the means for “pain relief” of their conscience and simultaneously for getting rid of the cognitive dissonance they had.
Having taken the vaccine, they calmed down and felt protected from the horrible misfortune that befell them.
Everything came back to normal: they were taken care of, protected from the danger and returned to their usual life.
This group of people can be rated among “fast asleep” whose conscience is not ready for any changes beyond the frames of their customary settled life.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 14, 2021.

June 14

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Merging of objective and subjective reality)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to summarize my series of messages on the objective reality of the events taking place on Earth now.
Why have I decided to consider them from just this perspective?
Before all, because now little depends of the desire of this or that group of humans or INhumans inhabiting your planet.
Earth is steadily moving according to her new course to the energy space of the Fifth dimension.
And this is objective reality for her now.
While the one in the third dimension matrix continues living in one’s world – one’s own subjective reality even not suspecting about the global changes occurring on the planet.
But now – at the joint of two epochs – these two realities will inevitably “implode” since they will not be able to co-exist due to a huge vibration gap.
And for each person they will “implode” in their own way depending on their level of conscience and awareness of the things taking place.
So, for those fast asleep their own world coming into contact with objective reality will be extremely painful and even tragic.
All their usual life will collapse, and it will seem to them that they are losing the ground under their feet.
This metaphor will turn into reality for them: the old Earth will actually slip into oblivion from them, and as for the new one, they will not be able to set their feet on it because of their low vibrations.
What will happen to these people?
Most of them will leave the planet through their physical death, and their souls will reincarnate in other worlds of the third dimension this time.
They will say goodbye to the planet of Earth forever now or, at least, for a long time.
There is a small segment of souls left who will still manage to “jump at the last moment into the last carriage of the leaving train” Ascension by name.
The “shock therapy” of Disclosure that will take place in the nearest future will trigger the mechanism of their conscience transformation just like the heart of a dying person is started with an electric impulse.
And at this point a lot depends on who happens to be by such people’s side potentially ready for Transition.
If in their environment there will be only unrevived people, their panic, fear and low vibrations will drag those who have just revived along with them.
While if they are lucky to be next to revived souls who will be able to explain in a delicate, subtle and wise manner all the profoundness and inevitability of the processes in progress on Earth, having reassured them that all the changes are for their good, these people will get a chance to move to the new Earth.
And a lot here depends on the age of the soul and its ability for transformation.
As a rule, young souls do not possess the necessary flexibility since because of low vibrations their conscience is very susceptible to other people’s influence and the third dimension worldview.
While if an ancient and pure Soul because of life circumstances having found itself in unfavourable living conditions will get imbued with the high vibrations of Earth and best representatives of humanity, it will remember who it is and what mission it embodied with in this period so unique for your planet.
Therefore, my dear, I ask you to scan your environment attentively so as not to miss a single human soul that can be rescued by giving it a helping hand in good time.
Now your work resembles that of rescuers who among thousands of the drowning should find those who want themselves to “get to the shore” of the renewed Earth.
And the “life belt” that you can throw them at the last minute is your knowledge and ability to communicate it to the people around the way it will become really salutary and not scare them off thereby depriving of the last chance to make Transition.
And I bless you for this!
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 14, 2021.

June 12

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Human-friendly civilizations participation in Ascension of Earth)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we move on to the last point that determines the objective reality of the Ascension of Earth.
And we will talk about your Galaxy brothers’ participation in this process.
What makes for their participation in your destiny?
Before all, the fact that all of you are relatives – one Galaxy family.
You have their blood in your veins since the human DNA contains particles of numerous races and civilizations of your Galaxy.
They simply cannot leave their family in trouble, even if it does not reach them in terms of vibrations.
For a long time they have just been watching the processes taking place on Earth without interfering into them.
But as long as the tension on Earth began growing and humanity turned endangered as a species, a decision was made about their more active participation in your life, moreover, the civilizations hostile to you have been lording it over on Earth since long ago.
The Galaxy Light Federation worked out a specific programme clearly regulating their representatives’ interference in your life.
In other words, there were established explicit limits your Galaxy brothers could not go beyond for the time being.
As you already know, the Law of the Free Will is rigorously observed by the civilizations of quite high level of development.
The exception is only low vibration civilizations and creatures among whom, unfortunately, the majority of your planet’s population ranks.
As far as the high races and civilizations that hold membership in the Galaxy Light Federation, they, despite the tragic element of the current situation on Earth, do not think they have the right to intrude into it depriving you of the opportunity to be the master of your own destiny.
Yet, their help to you cannot be overestimated because without it the consequences of natural and technogenic disasters on Earth would have been much more ruinous.
But now when on your planet there appeared quite a large segment of light human souls who not simply know about existence of human-friendly civilizations but actually intentionally invoke them for support, their assistance to you has acquired quite another form – active one.
They are doing their best to protect you from the influence of the Dragon reptiles both at the subtle and physical level.
And it has already become objective reality despite the fact that their actions still remain beyond the field of vision and reach of common people.
And only for those who can reach by their conscience and vibrations the understanding of their role in your life, this reality becomes subjective.
And, of course, it concerns, first of all, those who can directly contact extraterrestrial civilizations by means of telepathic and, rarely, physical communication.
One more reason for your Galaxy brothers to take part in the Ascension of Earth is their personal interest in Earth’s leaving the third dimension matrix baneful for her and taking a worthy place among the highly developed civilizations.
And since all of you are One Whole, your spiritual progress will influence all the rest of the members of your Galaxy family thereby making invaluable contribution to your common collective conscience.
This is exactly the way how there occurs mutual spiritual and physical enrichment in terms of the Galaxy and even the Universe.
And it will not be long before you feel it, my dear.
And for the time being look at the sky more often and be thankful to you Galaxy brothers for permanent service for the good of all humanity.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 12, 2021.

June 11

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Natural elements’ vibrations change)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will talk about natural elements switching over to new vibrations, which is also the objective reality of the Ascension process.
As you already know, natural elements are integral part of Earth and her “inhabitants” along with people, animals and the vegetable kingdom.
Therefore, a drastic change of your planet’s vibrations alters their energy component as well.
But unlike man, natural elements do not have to change their conscience since it has always remained at the Divine level.
The third dimension world was changing and crippling their bodies only torturing and polluting them by all the means available thereby decreasing their vibrations.
And here it is possible to draw a parallel with human bodies.
So, even with the same level of conscience a vegetarian who sticks to a healthy diet and active lifestyle and a person of sedentary life keen on excessive consumption of meat, alcohol and tobacco will have considerably different vibrations as the former’s physical vessel is relatively clean and the latter has it polluted to the utmost.
The same occurs to natural elements: in some places of the planet featuring virgin nature and scanty population their bodies are clean as ever, while in big overpopulated industrial cities they are simply choking with the energies fateful to them.
Well now, so as to make Transition with Earth to the Fifth dimension, they have to make “the cleansing of their body” in order to meet new high vibration energies of your planet.
And sometimes it happens in rather a painful way for people.
So, the Element of Earth “shakes off” itself the “dust of early days” of the third dimension world by means of earthquakes, landslides, clefts and breaking of the earth’s crust.
The Element of Water shows its transformation in downpours and hail, floods and storms and sometimes, on the contrary, in many regions of the world whole rivers, lakes and even seas disappear.
This way water element responds to the artificial intrusion of man into the natural course of things, as well as to barbaric pollution of rivers, lakes, seas and oceans.
The Element of Air gets purified by hurricanes and tornadoes.
And the Element of Fire – by volcanoes eruption and fires.
And only the Element of Love remains unchangeable and free from human interference.
It is always ABOVE any events and ABOVE any beings or elements.
It envelops every living thing on Earth trying to harmonize everybody and everything thereby minimizing the destructive consequences of purification of natural elements and low vibration emotional outbursts of all the living beings on your planet.
And all this is objective reality, my dear, in spite of the fact that some of you take any wild rages of natural elements causing damage to you as personal tragedy and, consequently, as subjective reality.
As you see, everything on Earth is closely interconnected and interdependent, especially in this critical period of Transition into a new reality.
And natural elements, just as man, can enter it only being renewed having got rid of all the toxic deposits that have been introduced into their bodies by inhabitants of Earth for millennia.
They do it the way they can, and this process will cease only when your planet completely enters the Fifth dimension, with negative thoughts, emotions and actions being out of place there.
And then natural elements will exist in perfect harmony with your planet, her inhabitants and each other.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 11, 2021.

June 9

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Confrontation of Forces of Light and Dark during Transition period)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will talk about the confrontation of the Light and the Dark Forces during Transition period.
Why is it one of the factors of the objective reality of the Ascension of Earth?
The only reason is that in the dual world there are always two opposing forces – Light and Dark, while coming out of duality implies unipolarity.
And since this new unipolar high vibration world can let in only those whose vibrations will be consistent with it, low vibration souls who are representatives of the Dark Forces on Earth have hard times.
Realizing that their rule on your planet is coming to an end, they are upholding their existence and power over people up till the very last moment.
Being perfectly aware that there has come the era of energies, not words, they are doing their best to decrease human vibrations as much as possible.
For this purpose they create the conditions when people unintentionally start generating the energies of fear for their life and life of their family, aggression, annoyance, powerlessness and guilt of this powerlessness.
This is what is happening now everywhere on Earth.
Different people treat the false pandemic imposed on them differently, as well as masking and vaccination, but even if people’s reactions are diametrically opposite, nevertheless, they are mostly negative.
Some people caught by panic terror for their life dutifully fulfill all the authorities’ instructions, others realizing all the absurdity of the current situation and knowing who is at the bottom of this crime against humanity still generate negative energies in respect of the authorities and those who holds the ring.
Moreover, the former and the latter feel annoyed towards each other.
As a result, the Dark Forces playing off the former against the latter, receive enormous amounts of negative energies, which facilitates their keeping afloat and at the same time retarding the Ascension of Earth they are out of place.
And this is objective reality you should take into consideration.
Unfortunately, most people on Earth go on living in their subjective reality.
And these people divide into two groups again.
One segment obediently following the authorities’ demands up till vaccination live in hope of getting this way the usual life back piously believing that by their obedience they make the long-awaited “freedom” closer.
The other segment is those who see the picture in the raw and know the underlying reason of these events but often go to another extreme and live by dreams of Ascension only subconsciously alienating from the surrounding reality.
As a result, they also create their own world of subjective reality.
The right thing to do would be actually combining in one’s conscience two realities – objective and subjective, which will speed up the process of the Ascension of Earth.
But it is only possible when you learn to preserve high vibrations which will allow you to stop feeding the Dark Forces on your energy and to start filling yourself, collective human conscience and your planet with high vibration energy.
Of course, this work is not easy, and it is not within the depth of each of you.
But if you learn to scan each thought and emotion of yours on the go “repainting” any dark negative thought into a light positive one, it will be enough to make your great contribution to the matter of the Ascension of Earth and assistance of humanity in general.
As far as rejection of the events occurring around you, fencing off from the reality unpleasant for you, you deprive yourself of the unique experience of open confrontation to the Forces of Dark that can assume a variety of forms, methods and shades.
This way you can cognize thoroughly and comprehensively this never seen before and absolutely unique experiment on Transition of an entire planet with people to the Fifth dimension.
And at the same time it will help you harmoniously combine in your conscience the objective and subjective reality of the current events.
And I bless you for this!
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 9, 2021.

June 8

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Earth vibrations increase)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will consider the third and the fourth points that determine the objective reality of Ascension.
And what is meant is steady increase in Earth’s vibrations and her inhabitants’ ability to meet these vibrations.
But in the beginning, I would like to explain to you what your planet’s vibrations increase depends on and why this process is objective reality.
As a matter of fact, at present Earth is entering, has almost entered to be precise, a new time line that is at another frequency, and this process is impossible to stop now.
Having found herself in the corridor of certain vibrations, she is literally being pulled into this high vibration rarefied space so as to take as quickly as possible her rightful place she is destined for in the Galaxy.
Therefore, the only thing at issue now is who of Earth’s inhabitants will be able to go with her through this high vibration corridor leading your planet’s way to the Fifth dimension.
And as it has already been said in my previous message, in this case everything depends on whether one will be able to tune one’s vibrations onto the new vibrations of Earth and, generally speaking, to converge one’s subjective reality with the objective reality of Ascension.
Let us have a case study of two persons of different level of vibrations.
One person being completely involved in the third dimension world reality has no idea of your planet moving to a new era and goes on living the usual way.
And since their thoughts, emotions and actions remain at the same level and, consequently, their vibrations do not change, they will not even come close to the new vibration field of Earth, to say the least of being able to stay within it.
As a result, they will continue living in their subjective reality of the third dimension world and will go on with the sequence of incarnations in similar worlds.
And it will occur because their conscience is not ready to advance to a new stage of its development yet, let alone to reach as high as the Transition of Earth into the Fifth dimension.
Well, what about the person whose conscience has broken free from the matrix of the third dimension world and whose vibrations are going on increasing along with Earth?
Gradually, as long as their conscience is expanding and thanks to the practices on tuning their vibrations on Earth’s ones, their new condition will become usual to them and their reality perception will move from the subjective reality category to the objective one.
How can they feel it?
Before all, it will influence their perception of the world that will lose illusiveness typical of the third dimension world.
They will see everything with quite another eye.
It will seem to them that scales have fallen from their eyes that were concealing the genuine essence of people and things: everything has become as transparent and clear as ever.
They will see the objective reality of the current events, not the one they used to see through the prism of the worldview imposed on them and the one that was let through their own dual conscience.
Generally speaking, all the patterns and stereotypes of modern society are just the tools for creating reality far from the objective one that is being hidden from humanity tooth and nail by those who seized power on your planet.
All the mainstream media are aimed at distracting human attention as much from real events on Earth as possible so as to keep it within the narrow boundaries of subjective reality preventing people from spiritual growth.
People are shown just enough for their conscience to become easily controllable, and the overwhelming majority of your planet’s population still remains at this level, which was the thing to enable the world government to go that far in terms of their plan on total enslavement of humanity.
Thus, even such philosophical notions as objective and subjective reality have turned in hands of the deep state into a means for human conscience manipulation.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 8, 2021.

June 7

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Energy component of Earth)
Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will consider the second factor that determines the objective reality of Ascension.
And at issue will be the energy component of your planet.
As you already know, her vibrations are increasing with every single day which is recorded by your scientists who observe the magnet field of Earth.
And even though the mainstream media stay obstinately silent about this, the information still filters into society.
But the main thing is that the people who perceive energies keenly feel these changes in respect of themselves more often and in a more tangible way.
And now let us see the way these two realities interact: the objective reality of the swiftly changing energy field of your planet and the subjective one – your attitude to these energy changes.
To start with, their impact on you is produced irrespective of your desire, for even when you do not invoke energies deliberately, they still influence your conscience and all your bodies switching them over to another vibration frequency this time.
But if along with this you know about the current crucial events on Earth and clearly understand their influence on people, you can combine these two realities – merge them together, which will manifold speed up the process of your spiritual evolution.
Therefore, the influence of the objective reality on different people will be different – depending on the degree of their awareness and readiness.
For the people unaware of the processes taking place on Earth such influence will be indirect, while for those “at the forefront” of Ascension it will become direct this time.
And it makes a huge difference since in the former case a person does not participate in the tuning of their vibrations onto Earth’s vibrations at all, while in the latter they can promote their own progress considerably having provided consistency of their thoughts, actions and energy potential with the current vibrations of Earth.
As a result, their subjective reality will resonate with the objective reality of the energy processes in progress on your planet, which will help the person to advance to a new level of spiritual development themselves and will also make some contribution to the vibration increase of the collective human conscience and, consequently, of the planet in general.
And the more numerous people like this are, the faster the Transition of your planet into a new high vibration energy space will occur.
In order to remain at the same wave length with your planet, you should get resonated with her as often as possible.
And for this purpose you can use the following practice that is quite easy.
Imagine being in the centre of Earth and having invoked the Energy of Ascension, have it run all through your chakras.
Feel being at the one energy axis with your planet.
Become one with her.
Feel her breath, her pulse rate, her vibrations…
Try to breathe in unison with her.
Let your heart beat in one rhythm with hers.
And let your body vibrate at the same frequencies as your planet does.
Anchor it in your conscience: you and Earth are one living being moving from one dimension to another.
Perceive it with every single cell of your body.
And try to do this practice as often as possible.
It will help you harmoniously combine the two realities of the Ascension of Earth – objective and subjective, which will manifold enhance your contribution to the common matter and let you remain at the same energy wave length with your planet.
I bless you and love immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 7, 2021.

June 6


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
As a follow-up to my previous message today I would like to focus on the first point that determines the objective reality in terms of your planet’s Transition to another stage of its development.
The thing at issue is cyclicity typical of evolutional development of all the celestial bodies in the Universe.
And your Earth is no exception.
Cyclicity includes a lot of minor and major time periods – from several years to several millennia.
Generally speaking, even the change of seasons is cyclicity, to say the least of magnetic poles of Earth change that exchange places in certain periods of time such as dozens of thousands of years.
And it happens when Earth moves to a new stage of development, either evolutional, or involutional one.
As a result of this process, not only climate changes on Earth but her energy component as well.
Earth’s vibrations can both decrease and increase depending on her inhabitants living through this or that experience.
At present there is in progress epochs change described in Hindu and Buddhist time cycles, with the gloomy period of your planet’s existence – the Kali Yuga being taken over by her flourishing – the Satya Yuga.
But this time the change of epochs coincides with the change of her dimension as well, which is the greatest ever experiment in the Universe.
Why has it happened and how is cyclicity connected with it?
It will not be an exaggeration to say that this unique experiment on bringing Earth and her inhabitants to a higher energy level of development opens a new cycle of your planet’s evolution.
And this time it is not directly connected with the change of her magnetic poles.
Though the change of poles will occur, anyway, according to the cyclicity that already exists,  it will not result in catastrophe climate changes since this process will be accompanied by Earth’s vibrations’ increase.
A more rarefied energy field of your planet will serve as some kind of “shock absorber” between Earth and her natural elements, as a result of which the climate change process will run smoothly and painlessly for earthlings.
Therefore, the Era of Aquarius that the planet of Earth has already entered marks a new page of her evolution and to some an extent violates the existing cyclicity launching the next chain of her development the starting point of which will become the Earth of the Fifth dimension now.
So now you find yourself not just at the junction of two cycles but earthshaking and unseen before processes of “undocking” of your planet from the world of the third dimension and her entering a high frequency corridor of the fourth and later the Fifth dimension that is to be inhabited by the best representatives of humanity capable of overcoming this vibration barrier.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 6, 2021.

June 3

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Objective reality)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will move on to a new topic that can roughly be called “Objective reality”.
It includes a lot of aspects at all the levels of existence.
And we will start with the very notion of it.
Well, what is objective reality?
It is what exists beyond your perception frames and, consequently, is out of your control.
So now we will try to dwell on it.
You have repeatedly heard from me and a lot of the Light Forces representatives that you can “create your reality by power of thought”.
You have also been provided with lots of practices for that.
But in this case it is implied you create subjective reality – the one made by your imagination and your Soul is striving for.
So now let us look into what makes the difference between objective and subjective reality.
At present, at the threshold of Ascension, the situation on Earth has become paradoxical, with the overwhelming majority of the population not even having a slightest idea about this event crucial for your planet and humanity in general.
But Ascension is objective reality.
And it is made up of numerous factors.
Firstly, it is naturally determined change of epochs – the very cyclicity that exists in the Universe irrespective of these or those civilizations’ wishes.
Secondly, this process implies changes of the energy component of both the planet itself, and the collective consciences of all its inhabitants.
As you already know, your Earth is rich in different living beings embodied as humans that is why in her energy field there are a lot of collective consciences.
Thirdly, the increase of Earth’s vibrations takes place regardless of the human will.
Fourthly, by no means everybody can get and take in these new vibrations since they are consonant to ancient and pure souls only who embodied on your planet exactly for the purpose of living through the unique experience of Transition to a high density in their physical bodies with Earth.
Fifthly, the confrontation of the Light and the Dark Forces on Earth is an integral part of this Transition as present-day “lords of the world” do not fit into the new energy processes on your planet because of their low vibrations.
One more reason why they cannot reach them is that they do not possess the Divine Soul, and Light that a pure human Soul follows by intuition is fateful for these creatures.
Sixthly, all the five natural elements on Earth readjust themselves in consistence with new vibrations, which is accompanied by their purification and transformation.
At the physical level it shows as natural disasters.
And seventhly, this process involves your Galaxy family too because all of you are closely connected with each other.
All this is objective reality man is not to change.
But by your conscience you can come as close to it as possible so that it harmoniously combines with your objective reality.
And in the next message we will talk about it in some detail.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 3, 2021.

June 2

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Plan of individual development)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to summarize the series of my messages targeted at those who is just “plunging” into the issue of Ascension and start to get rid of the duality chains.
The aim of these messages was to provide you with a guiding star that will allow the people who embarked on the course of spiritual development not to get lost in the “labyrinth” of esoteric knowledge but start with the main thing from the very beginning – the one that will help you in the shortest possible time get rid of the third dimension world programmes instilled into your conscience and learn to live in consistence with other – Divine – laws this time.
If you take your spiritual self-development seriously and get aware of the inevitability of the upcoming changes on your planet to a full extent, the implementation of this Plan will allow you in the shortest possible time to rearrange your conscience the new way.
And now I would like to give you some more tips so that you will not stumble on the way.
On the basis of the Plan offered by me make your own Plan that will reflect your individual peculiarities and present-day opportunities, as well as purposes and goals of your Soul.
The main thing is for your Plan to be realistic.
For this you should impartially estimate your resources taking into consideration your present physical and psychic condition, as well as social and financial ones.
Moreover, you should take into account the interests of your family – your nearest and dearest.
You do not have to turn into some kind of a “Don Quixote” at all who charges the windmills of the modern society, which can simply result in disappointment and lack of self-confidence.
Each step of yours should be carefully considered and from the practical point of view too since you still live in the third dimension world you should to some an extent correspond to its laws.
And there is a fine distinction here.
This correspondence should feature some boundaries and crossing them you can well find yourself at the other side of the barricades where you have taken pains to find your way out.
In other words, you can play according to the third dimension world rules until basic spiritual values of man are not tempted, that is, until you are suggested to come to terms with your conscience.
You should learn to clearly recognize the moment when you must say “Stop” to yourself.
So now in your life there can emerge a lot of such situations since, as I have already mentioned a lot of times, at the joint of two epochs people have their last and most important exam in spiritual maturity at an accelerated pace.
As soon as there is not much time left before Transition, such “durability tests” will not only become more frequent but also acquire intensified character.
You should be alert all the time so as not to stumble and prevent the low vibration creatures embodied as humans from decreasing your vibrations.
As for the latter, under the influence of the new energies showering Earth nowadays they are hanging on for life as ever being aware of the fact that they can survive only in their native negative energies.
It is these energies that they try to initiate in their environment.
Therefore, always remember about the three variants of communication with people (and more often with inhumans) of low vibrations.
Learn to establish harmonious relationships with any living being you come across on your way and do not forget about energy shield that is so far the main guarantee of your safety.
And the last tip.
Do not be afraid to show independence and creativity in anything.
Invent your own practices and meditations based on your peculiarities of reality perception.
Combine energy work with practical actions where it is appropriate.
Become Creators of your reality just now, and the boundaries separating the worlds of the third and Fifth dimensions will swiftly be obliterated.
By this you will help yourself and many others to make closer the long-awaited victory of the Light Forces over the Dark ones.
And I bless you for this!
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 2, 2021.

June 1

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Untouchable)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
So, if you are really in the third group of people that was said about in my previous message, it is within your depth to overcome all the obstacles you get on the way to Ascension.
And, before all, it is because you think about your planet’s destiny and humanity in general rather than about yourself.
And this is what makes a huge difference between you and those people who care about themselves and their family only.
Your conscience has already left the frames of the third dimension world as now you can consider all the processes that are taking place on Earth as a whole, that is, taking into account their political, social, psychological and energy aspects.
You see the entire picture in general – all its cause-effect ties – and regard yourself not as a separate unit but as a being inseparably connected with the current processes on Earth who came here with a certain mission: to perform Transition yourself and help others with this.
This is the reason why you become invulnerable in respect of authorities.
You possess the very rod that the best human qualities are “threaded” on: Love and respect to oneself, Belief in your potential and dignity, intrepidity and ability to protect your interests with no aggression or condemn but wisely and calmly.
You are the very “rock” that the “waves” of indignation, aggression, powerlessness and fear get crashed against, the ones in plenty “splashing” around you.
Moreover, you are constantly under protection of the Light Forces and your Galaxy family who help you not to lose your heart in dire straits and keep your vibrations high.
You cannot be humiliated by anything or anybody since you become invulnerable for the low energies of fear, control or aggression.
Perhaps, you have noticed the different way authorized officials treat those who are afraid of them and those who preserve dignity and display respect to oneselves and others.
Scanning of a person’s energies occurs at the subconscious level that is why people are often unaware why they speak to one person in a rude manner and politely to another one.
Everything is actually easy to explain: the high vibrations of a person featuring self-respect cannot attract rudeness or disregard.
And fear being the energy of lowest vibrations inevitably attracts aggression.
This is exactly the reason, my dear, why I repeat you over and over again: “Your main task right now is maintaining of your vibrations at the appropriate level.”
Not only will it help you in terms of long-term perspective of Transition but in momentary perturbations connected with the so-called pandemic.
Just by the fact of your presence you will change the reality around you dissolving negative energies in the subtle bodies of the people surrounding you, and, consequently, changing their attitude to you.
Treat everyone on your way with respect and consideration, and then their heart will soften and they will get surprised themselves with the kindness and indulgence they treat you.
And, of course, do not forget about humour – one of the most Divine energies in the Universe.
A sincere smile and a timely joke sometimes can do much more than a long and boring negotiation with authorities and declaring of one’s rights.
Learn to scan people’s energy profiles and evaluate the situation soundly so as to work out a plan of actions immediately, as well as to estimate the boundaries not to be crossed.
Learn to let the situation free when it is appropriate and to act resolutely when life and safety of people depend on your decision.
Let you inner “rod” remaining flexible still preserve firmness and durability typical of a self-sufficient and self-respecting person.
And I bless you for this!
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 1, 2021.

June 1

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Freedom from third dimension matrix influence)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we move on to the last seventh point of your Plan on prompt leaving of the third dimension matrix and acquiring the vibrations necessary for Transition.
And it is in that you learn to resist any influence directed at you both for the side of authorities and anyone whose conscience is under control of the third dimension world and is totally ruled by the current system.
Nowadays on your planet there is in progress shocking separation of people not only according national or social principle this time but into those who let be vaccinated and those who strongly object to this procedure.
These people are being literally set at loggerheads with each other thereby being provoked to generate the energies of fear and aggression so cherished by reptiloids.
Having mastered human psychology, they skillfully “conduct” their emotions making them “sound” either loud or quiet depending on their own needs.
Thus, at the very threshold of Transition the sounds of the low vibrations “orchestra” conducted by the deep state are reaching their summit: fear for one’s life makes people give way to aggression of unprecedented power directed at others.
And this aggression acquires intersect character since people have divided into two groups.
The first group is those who believe blindly their governments and mainstream media obediently following all their instructions.
Not just such people voluntarily take vaccines but they try to do it as soon as possible.
It is these people that are referred to as “fast asleep”.
The second group is those who have “revived” and who know about the world government’s plans on the planet’s population reduction.
These people get information from quite different resources – unofficial ones with honest and independent doctors, lawyers, journalists and politicians explaining to people what actually is happening on Earth now having documents and facts on hand.
Yet, among these people those who consider this process from the metaphysical point of view and understand it to a full degree are also few.
Many of them know nothing about the Transition of the planet to the Fifth dimension and they treat the knowledge they got as a means of only making themselves and their families secure from appalling experiments on their bodies.
But there is also the third group of people who go below the surface of the current processes on Earth of the Universe scale indeed.
And while the former groups have fear and aggression towards each other generating the energies malicious for themselves and Earth, the third group is salvational for your planet.
It is the group that includes the purest and most ancient souls that I call Divine seeds and that have embodied on Earth during the period of Transition crucial to her so as to help people move to the Fifth dimension with her.
And they are the only hope because only these wise and mature souls can parry a blow and maintain high vibrations thereby keeping Earth and collective human conscience afloat.
And if you are reading this message now, it is quite possible that it is you who are ranked among the Light Vanguard on Earth, and in my next message I will tell you how you can preserve this Light in yourself amid the raging ocean of the third dimension world passions.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 1, 2021.

June 29


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
As a follow-up to my previous message, today I would like to tell you about one more peculiarity of the present time.
And we will again talk about those who having yielded to authorities’ persuasion allowed to be vaccinated thereby becoming an unintentional participant of the appalling experiment on human genome modification.
I would like to make you prepared to the fact that as Earth’s vibrations are increasing many of these people will start behaving in a rather inadequate way.
And it is explained by the alien gene introduced into their body with the vaccine possessing very low vibrations – far lower than those they had before accepting the preparation.
Thus, with the increase of Earth’s vibrations this gap will be constantly growing, which eventually will result in physical and psychic disorders of these people.
Their bodies will be unable to function normally because of the huge difference between the high external vibrations and low internal ones.
And while a common person with even not high level of conscience will still be able to adapt to some extent to new energy living conditions, the one who accepted the vaccine will not be able to do it now.
And it is accounted for by the fact that such a person will not be a Divine creature any more that is capable to develop spiritually since by means of this preparation injection they will be programmed for involution course of development.
They will lack this time the Divine spark that is typical of the human Soul.
This sad picture is amplified with nanoparticles the vaccine contains that are also programmed for human vibrations decrease but this time by artificial external influence on them.
This way reptiloids secured themselves against the retarded reaction of the human body to gene modification since it is biological weapons of mass destruction that have not been tested to a full extent.
Yet, my dear, get prepared that many people even having become convinced by their personal experience in harmful effect of the vaccine will deny it.
The cognitive discord arising in their conscience will become some kind of a buffer between the objective and subjective realities of these people – their defence from the frightening truth.
They will prefer to live in the usual illusions shutting themselves from the undeniable facts and persuading themselves and other people that their not feeling quite well is connected with anything else but the “salutary” vaccine that was “presented” by their thoughtful government.
And, to your surprise, such people will be quite numerous.
They will deceive themselves just to escape disappointment and a new wave of fear for their life.
But there will be others – the ones who will be able to accept true information and who having realized their tragic mistake will join court suits trying to punish those who committed this crime.
And these are the people in whose respect you should show sympathy and care since their Souls having failed to leave their physical casing in good time will suffer a lot undergoing unthinkable torture and having no opportunity to change anything.
They will die with the crippled bodies of their physical media, but you can sooth their sufferings by your Love and sympathy.
And here you are to do intricate work indeed: comfort other person’s Soul with your warmth and at the same time maintain distance between you not allowing to get yourself dragged into the whirlpool of other people’s sorrow.
Do not forget, my dear, about the protective sphere and other safety measures being aware at the same time that everyone is responsible for one’s actions.
Under no circumstances assume the guilt or pain of another person – it will do any good neither to them, nor to you.
All you can share with others is your Love and Sympathy, warmth of heart and care from the bottom of your Soul.
Try to ease the lot of those who made such a thoughtless step but remain up to the mark yourself.
Do not succumb to energy provocations of those who will treat you like a straw to catch – the last hope for their rescue.
Do not scare such people with the awful perspective – do not deal the final blow to them but turn into the last stronghold of Love on this Earth for them.
And I bless you for this!
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 29, 2021.

June 29


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will digress from our topic a little and will talk about the current events on your planet.
Perhaps, many of you have noticed that among the Dark forces real panic is holding sway.
Their representatives incarnated in physical bodies, especially those who are delegated at least with some authority, in a frantic rush are trying to implement the long-term plan on vaccination (chipping) of the population.
Why are they in such a hurry?
Why are they acting openly having neglected all the prudence?
There are several reasons for that.
And the main of them is that your planet is swiftly moving into the energy corridor of the Fifth dimension where they will not be able to influence people any more.
It will happen because the third dimension world energies will start to get diluted dissolving in the rays of new high vibration energies.
It resembles the turbid sediment on the bottom of a jug being raised by a spurt of clean water.
This is what is taking place on Earth now.
The flowing streams of the Energy of Ascension are raising to the surface all the dark – all the mud that has been accumulating on your planet for centuries.
It laid down in human conscience as established programmes, stereotyped reactions, standard mentality and pattern behaviour.
All this is based on the deep-rooted FEAR of authorities’ representatives at all the levels of your existence.
And now tearing this hovering above Earth dense veil of fear high vibration energies are raising from each person’s Soul’s bottom the things that were hidden until a certain time: their best qualities – their Divine essence and transforming the energies of fear and oppression into the energies of intrepidity and freedom.
Now, when all the masks are thrown off, people start to see who runs the show and decides their destinies and many of them prefer death to becoming an obedient plaything in the hands of the criminals who seized power on your planet.
But you should be ready to the fact that not everybody will be among them since you are well aware of the ratio of forces on your planet and know how many creatures of low vibration civilizations are now embodied as humans.
They have also come to Earth at this moment supreme for her to get the unique experience of Transition of a planet to another dimension.
They are also eager to participate in this experiment, but the goals set for them are quite different.
Many of them have come to prevent humanity from moving to the Fifth dimension in their physical bodies, and they are doing it with diligence and self-forgetful inspiration tooth and nail trying to decrease pure human souls’ vibrations.
These creatures are especially numerous at the lower level of governing bodies in many spheres of your life.
It is them who are zealous executors of the instructions from above whatever absurd or inhumane they may seem to a normal person.
And it is them who are reveling in their power humiliate and intimidate people.
They often do it automatically – at the level of their collective consciences that feel their being deficient before the greatness of the Divine collective conscience of pure human souls.
Same as little dogs bark at their big and grand congeners, these creatures are trying to insult those who spiritually surpass them and under any circumstances preserve their dignity.
And you can observe it occurring everywhere now.
All these creatures – these “grains of mud” on your planet – will sink to the bottom after the “jug” is filled with clean water.
While to get to the surface will be possible only for the “particles” of human souls who can throw off the ballast of previous incarnations with negative energies and third dimension programmes thereby transforming their subtle bodies into new ones – of high vibrations now.
This is exactly how Transition will occur: light ancient human souls will be caught by the clean Divine stream, while the dark low vibration creatures will still remain on the bottom in their dense heavy energies.
And now this separation can be seen with the naked eye.
Be patient and courageous, my dear!
There are all the Higher Powers of the Universe behind you!
Feel their presence, their Love and support!
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 29, 2021.

June 15


Greetings, my dear revived Souls!
I decided to tell you about the things that are taking place behind the scene of global politics since these events will open eyes of many people to all the hypocrisy, falsity and misery of the so-called “world leaders.”
The moment of truth has arrived, and everybody who can feel people’s energy and read between the lines will see all the emptiness and puppetlikeness in the direct meaning of the word of those who are going to decide the destiny of the world in Europe now.
As a matter of fact, they hardly resemble people now and they can be considered people only by those who are not the same themselves.
And despite the fact that these marionettes that were disposed open to public inspection by their puppeteers are trying to tell what they are required, all this looks comic and unconvincing.
Their gestures, looks and words remind ungifted actors’ performance that they are trying to hide behind the mask of friendliness and courtesy.
But this theatrical performance will soon come to an end, my dear, and the reason is as follows.
The struggle against the deep state that the Light Forces have been involved into for many years both at the subtle and at the physical level is reaching its completion.
At present the arrests are being made in respect of not executors but the top of the deep state this time.
And this process was procrastinated only because they have already realized that they lost, and many of them are hiding in their secret underground bunkers in hope of escaping justice.
Their numerous doubles and clones performing their parts on the surface make the work of the military who hold membership in the Light Forces Alliance harder.
Yet, even if the “originals” are still not found, it will be their doubles who will have to pay for their evil deeds and crimes against humanity since just a demonstration official juridical process like this can dot all the i’s and cross all the t’s in this tragic period of human history.
The Light Forces cannot play according to the rules of the Dark Forces that behave in a mean, cruel and underhand way.
This is what makes the operation of the Light Forces Alliance most difficult.
And this accounts for the delay in Disclosure, which worries many of you so much.
The main difference between the Light and the Dark Forces is exactly the fact that for the former each human life is valuable and important.
And while to reach their vile goals the Dark Forces can easily kill millions of people, which they were actually doing for millennia, the Light Forces have to act slowly and cautiously so as to save people from danger.
The events occurring on Earth these days are at the same time maturity test for human souls: whether they are able to feel the absurdity, falsity and hypocrisy of the performance played for them with the world leaders starring or they will take everything for granted.
I also participate in this grand event, I confess, tempting the people involved in this play and creating the situations that incite them to these or those deeds.
And right now they have no third option except taking the side of the Light Forces or the Dark ones.
There is no middle ground now. The time of compromises has gone never to return.
Each human Soul now is being tested for durability for the last time.
It has to make the final choice this time that its destiny depends on: whether it will go on its travel in the third dimension worlds or will go out in the open of the Fifth dimension having made the never-witnessed-before spiritual rise in its last incarnation.
My presence in your life can be felt by each of you since all of you have to make your choice in big and small taking the side of either the Light Forces or the Dark ones.
Remember that each thought, emotion or action of yours features this choice, for there are no trifles in human life: everything conveys this or that energy.
And depending on the energy you imbue each step of yours with you support either the Dark or the Light Forces on Earth.
But I would like you very much not to yield to my temptations any more.
They have almost had their days on this blessed Earth, too that from now on has quite a different destiny.
And I wish you to become part of this destiny entering a new wonderful era with your planet.
Sincerely loving you,
Archangel Lucifer spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 16, 2021.

June 2


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to talk to you about the current events on your planet since I see that many of you turned gloomy because of the vaccination related measures becoming stricter and stricter.
It seems to you that the situation is only getting from bad to worse every single day, while your freedoms are becoming limited more and more.
Many ask themselves: “Where is the wonderful life we are told about by the Higher Powers and our Galaxy family? When on earth will it come true?”
I understand your impatience, my dear, that is sometimes so hard for you to deal with.
But, of course, the delay of many events connected with Disclosure of the world government crimes is not incidental.
Do also remember that the operation on disclosure of its evil deeds is being carried out all around the globe.
There are almost no countries that are not involved into the process – so great is the degree to which all brunches of power on Earth are affected by corruption.
This global conspiracy against humanity embraced like with palpi the entire planet of yours.
And these palpi turned out to be so numerous that it is not so easy to “chop off” them all at a time.
It required the minute work of many thousands of people.
And this work is quite dangerous, for the power structure of your invaders has been arranged for centuries.
It is well organized, and not only the members of the secret societies are involved into it but also incumbent heads of countries who have real power over people in their grip.
And so far they can dispose of this power in the way most ruinous for you.
Therefore, all the forces involved into the deliverance of humanity, both earthly and cosmic ones, have to carefully think over and verify each step of theirs, each action and each word so as not to do harm to you and to carry their operation successfully up till the end.
It should also be kept in mind that the majority of the people on your planet are not ready to hear the truth yet that will ruin their usual world and will lead to severe psychic disorders.
There are too many things at stake, and your rescuers have to find the balance that will facilitate to carry out the operation on the overthrow of the world government with the least physical and psychic loss among the population.
While for reptiloids and those in their ilk human life has no value, for the Light Forces each Soul is invaluable, and they are doing their best not only to preserve it on Earth but also not to hurt it with their too sharp or vigourous actions.
The work that is being carried out in this direction is elaborate indeed.
That is why, my dear, try not to lose heart but, on the contrary, help these courageous creatures at all the levels of existence bring this work to an end imbuing it with all your Love and Gratitude.
Help them mentally, physically and in terms of energy, too.
Fill collective human conscience with your high vibrations.
Send to the Universe your pure and sincere intention to break free from the third dimension world matrix and start to live a new way on the Earth of the Fifth dimension.
As often as possible and as vividly as possible visualize this new life reigned by Unity, Equality and Brotherhood – the things your conscience is ready for now and the things that have gained another contents – Divine ones – this time.
Believe me, your assistance cannot be overestimated, and each of you can do your bit to this unwitnessed before grand process of Transition of an entire planet and the best representatives of humanity to another stage of their evolution.
And I bless you for this!
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on June 2, 2021.
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