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June 30

The Powerful Forces in This Universe – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 30

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are in our best-feeling space when we are contemplating how to best help humanity, because that is where we are most needed. The universe has brought us to each and every one of you who receives these transmissions, because the universe saw that there was a need on your part and that there was a desire to fulfill that need on ours. You can trust universal forces, especially when it comes to your spiritual growth and evolution. When you want to grow spiritually, even if you only want that for yourself, it is still a desire that helps everyone in existence. Therefore, the universe orchestrates it, with very little effort, and sometimes no effort, on your part.
Now, we tell you this because we want to assure those of you who think that you might not be on the right track, that you are. We also want to assure those of you who would like to attain certain spiritual gifts that you will, and you will have these gifts because you will use them to help all of humanity. Humanity can use all the help it can get, especially at this time in your history. And so, you are all being taken care of spiritually, and even those who have no interest in spirituality will have their experiences that help them to awaken. So you don’t have to worry about your loved ones who are not awake, and you don’t have to worry about when you will have your breakthrough type experiences spiritually.
It’s all happening because it needs to happen, because it serves humankind for these things to occur. And by the same token, when you say a prayer for everyone, when you meditate for peace on Earth, or when you see those who are being oppressed, and you desire for them to be free, you have the support of the entire universe and many beings and collectives who operate within this universe.
There is power in numbers, and the number of you who are awake increases every day, and you are about to see a huge uptick in the number of awakened souls there on Earth, and you will feel the difference in the people that you come across. And more importantly, you will feel a difference in the air. You will notice that all the energies are shifting and shifting for the better, because the time is now. You have come this far, and you are on the verge of shifting your consciousness as a collective. No one and nothing can stop that from happening, and those of you who are already awake chose to be awake because you wanted this particular experience of helping others to awaken and to thrive as they continue on with their journeys to the fifth dimension.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 29

July 2021: New Energies & Upgrades – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 29

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are in the process of discovering new avenues to your dimension, avenues that will make it so much easier for a two-way communication with us to occur. We know that you all are seeking more connection, more guidance, from above, and when you seek it out for yourselves directly, you often listen for a little voice inside your head. But the new avenues that we are discovering right now will deliver energetic downloads and information directly into your hearts. There will be heart chakra upgrades given in the month of July that will facilitate this connection and make it so much more powerful than if you did hear a little voice inside your heads.
If you want to know us, to truly know us, you must do so through your hearts, through the love that you are capable of activating within you. That is what we feel like to you when you encounter us in the astral plane. To you, we are love, and since your heart is the love center in your physical body, it is the best tool for us to utilize to establish that two-way communication that you want and that we want as well. First of all, we want you to feel loved, and secondly we want you to know that you are love. Thirdly, we would like for there to be a heart-to-heart connection between us that will assist greatly in the elevating of the consciousness there on Earth.
As you establish yourselves in the universe and the galaxy as beings who are capable of great acts of love, you will more quickly enter into the galactic community in an official way. The other e.t.s in your dimension need to see just how powerful you all are when you are heart-centered, when you are operating from love, and the upgrades that are coming in July, coupled with the energies you will then be receiving are going to put you on the map, so to speak.
You are going to be getting a lot more attention from physical e.t.s who are eager to connect with you. These are exciting times for humanity, and we are excited to play our role in the evolution of your consciousness. We are also thrilled to be able to connect with all of you more directly and all the time. Now, you might be wondering what you have to do. You might be wondering what your role is in all of this. You have already determined for yourselves what you want, and you have asked, and now all you have to do is receive. And that truly is the easy part, and we know that you are capable of doing it.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 28

How to Connect to Jesus Christ/Yeshua – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 28

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are focusing on what is most appropriate for humankind to know about, so that we can guide you in the right direction, a direction which is not predetermined, not set in stone. Therefore, there is always hope for humanity, no matter how things might look out there in the world, a world that is a projection of your consciousness, as everything else is. Remember that when you think about changing the world and how hard it will be. Remember that it is easy to change your perspective, your point of view. It is easy to shift your focus, and that is what is most appropriate for you to be working on at this time.
There is always good that you can focus upon, and there is always light and love within every single person and every single situation. It is when you abandon hope that you can only see the darkness around the light. Your vision becomes foggy and your mind becomes cluttered with facts and historical events. It’s time to toss all of that aside for all of you so that you can be very present and so that you can let go of the heaviness that does not need you to focus upon it. Stay light and stay in the light, and then harness the power of the light. The power of the light is not in its ability to defeat the dark; the power of the light is in its ability to illuminate what everyone needs to see in order that it can be healed.
You are there to heal, to shift, and to operate as the light in a world that needed you, a world that beckoned you forth from the very comfortable nonphysical realm in which you were previously dwelling. You came forth to be the light, just like the one called Jesus Christ. The light that shone within him is also within you and everyone else, and that was another part of the teachings of Jesus, and it is the one that everyone needs to be focused upon in order to heal, in order to become the vision that he held for all of you.
You have so much strength and power within you when you shine that light, and you connect yourself to Jesus, or as many of you refer to him as, Yeshua. And that light is what will carry you into the fifth dimension, because it will alter you from the inside, melting away anything that obscures it and shining a light on whatever your fellow humans need to see or recognize. This is the way, and it is the way that Yeshua taught all of you. The time is now to implement those teachings and bring about the great changes that will result in the shift in consciousness there on planet Earth.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 27

How to End Slavery & Shift to 5D – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 27

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are ready to welcome in more members of the ground crew there on Earth. We are in a constant state of recruitment, and we will take anyone who wants to create real change on your world and who is willing to start with themselves. This is a journey that you are all on that involves working together to raise the level of consciousness there on your world so that the changes can occur. We see a lot of people there on your world believing that something has to happen in order for changes to occur, changes that would be for the better and for the better for all of humankind.
People believe that disclosure must happen, that mass arrests must happen, or that the right person must be in the right position of power in order to affect real change, but those people are still believing in a third-dimensional paradigm, one that pits good versus evil. You are not there to play out that type of scenario. You are there to bring about the changes on your world by working together to raise the level of consciousness. Talk about a grass roots movement. That’s what your ascension is all about. That’s how you’re going to free all the people who are enslaved literally and figuratively.
It will have to happen at the level of consciousness first and always. People are waiting around for something to happen, for someone to step in and be the hero for humanity, but you are all the heroes, and you must put your disagreements aside, disagreements about who is good and who is evil, what is really happening behind the scenes, and so on, so that you can come together as a collective and shift the collective consciousness to one of oneness. That’s how it will happen and it will start with you, the one receiving this transmission. Don’t let yourselves off the hook that easily, and don’t put all of your eggs in any basket that’s being woven for your amusement and entertainment.
There’s only one narrative worth giving your attention to, and that is the one that tells you that you are the ones creating this reality that you are experiencing right now, and you are the ones who will shift the consciousness of humankind so that you can experience a better reality, a reality where no one is enslaved for any reason. But you have to stop pointing your slingshots at the giants outside of you and start looking within. Who can you forgive today? How can you raise your vibration? What are the thoughts you need to release and replace? How can you love yourselves a little bit more? These are the questions that will create the changes within you that then can reflect a better reality outside of you.
Is it easy? No, of course not, but did you want it to be easy? Well, not before you incarnated but perhaps since you have changed your minds and would like the fast and easy route to ascension. You are only going to do this once, and your higher self, your soul, your oversoul, all the bigger parts of you want it to happen the way it is happening, and want you to be the ones to ignite the flame that carries the consciousness of humanity into the fifth dimension.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 26

Ask Yourself This Very Important Question – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 26

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are more than just observing your ascension there on Earth. We are seeking to help you without interfering in your growth and evolution, and that is very challenging for us, but we do love a good challenge. We notice when you make even the slightest bit of improvement in your overall vibration as a collective, and we have noticed that the human collective consciousness has a vibration now that is markedly higher than it was just a few days ago in your Earth time.
We are noticing how you all are affected by the higher-vibrational state of the collective as well, and it is so enjoyable to witness so many people finding their joy. You have to understand that no matter what is going on in the world today, you always have the option of vibrating to such an extent in the higher frequency ranges that it does not affect you. Now, we also want you to always feel connected to your fellow humans and to feel your feelings and to feel compassion for everyone else, but you also have to focus on yourselves and what you are vibrating at some point, if you really want to see change in the world outside of you.
And enough people have made that commitment to their joy, to living their truth, to being in a higher-vibrational state, that everyone is benefitting. You all are so woven together with your energies, with your stories, with your histories, that you cannot help but benefit others when you decide to go out and pursue something that puts you in a state of joy. You are free to decide, always, what you focus upon and free to choose to vibrate in such a way that you are of greater value to the human collective and the consciousness you all share together as one.
You know what brings you joy, you know what puts you in a higher vibrational state, and you also know what lowers your vibration, so you do get to choose. Yes, there are certain things in life that you have to face and certain things that you have to do, and there definitely are those things that you have to feel. But there then are those moments where you get to decide whether you are going to sit and wallow in self-pity, mulling over something that happened a long, long time ago, or conversely, choose what it is that you know will put you in a state of inner peace or get you to feel love or excitement. This is the ultimate use of your free will.
You don’t just have free will to do whatever you want to do; you also have free will to choose to focus on what you want to focus upon. And that is the ultimate power. You have the power to move the needle for the entire human collective, and when you do, you are not being selfish because you decided to go within and focus on what brings you joy. You have laid the groundwork for others to follow in your footsteps. You can always set a very positive example for your fellow humans, while also affecting them in ways they probably don’t know about. It is the easiest choice you could ever make, and yet, how often are you making that choice consciously?
Just ask yourself that very important question, and make a decision to be a part of the group of humans who are affecting the level of consciousness and the overall vibration of all of humankind, and you will have our support and the support of so many other higher-dimensional beings when you do make that choice.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 25

This Is Being in Love – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 25

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have discovered that there is a fine line that humans walk between the idea of being in love with someone and with being obsessed or infatuated with that person. You have many examples of when that initial feeling of love goes to the extreme of obsession in your history. There have been individuals who have committed crimes in order to impress someone that they were infatuated and obsessed with. People have committed suicide over having been rejected by someone they had that strong feeling for, and there many other examples of people going to extremes because of something as beautiful a feeling as love.
So it is important to understand what is really happening when you feel that sensation within yourself so that you can activate it and access it when you want to, in spite of whether your affections are reciprocated. When you are in love, you are in that vibration. You find the state of being within you that aligns you with the truest aspect of who you really are. When a person feels that the state is dependent on being able to have access to the individual they love whenever they want that access, and then they are not granted that access by the other person, it does feel like that separation from Source feeling that is so problematic on your world.
People spend so much time and effort and take so many actions to try to get to that place of reconnection to Source, which is obviously something that can never really be lost. When people talk about life as an illusion, that is the primary illusion. The primary illusion is that you are separate from Source. And then, follow that illusion with the one that says, ‘I need that person to love me back, and I need to have access to that person in the flesh, or I will feel that separation from who I really am as unconditional love.’
Most love is conditional, and unconditional love being who you really are is the love you are really seeking. That means you can love someone else, have that love not be reciprocated, and be fine with it. That’s what you seek because you seek to be love, not just to be in love and have that love reciprocated. We recognize that being in love and having that love reciprocated does make it easier to be who you really are as a Source Energy Being comprised of unconditional love, but you cannot control another person. All you can do is make it your mission to be the love that you want to have reflected back to you, and when that is your mission, you are definitely on the right track.
When you love a flower or a sunset, that is when you know you are accessing the love that you truly are very easily. The more conditions you place on being in that state of being, the harder it is going to be for you to be in your physical body and be happy and healthy. So you have to find a way to experience love, to experience your true essence, and we recommend that you do that before you get into the romantic relationship, which may or may not be forever. Accessing that love within you can be as simple as deciding to do so, being heart-centered, and feeling for the love that you truly are. And that is our recommendation to all of you.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 24

What Lies Within the Star Children – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 24

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are determined to play our part in the evolution of consciousness there on Earth, just as we know that many humans are determined to play their parts and help in whatever ways that you can. We know that you all recognize the potential that exists within each child to make Earth a better place. We know that you all know that the children who are coming in are quite different than all the children of all previous generations.
We have referred to them as the star children because they represent more of their extra-terrestrial lineage. They hold to that lineage a bit more firmly, and their light is a lot harder to shroud. Those of you who understand who they are and what their presence means to the evolution of consciousness there on your world want to help. We say to you that the best way to help is to get out of their way. Let them be who they are, and let them teach you, as they are very capable of leading humanity right now with that wonderful light that shines from within each one.
Those who can and will make the biggest difference there on Earth have chosen their parents very wisely, for they knew that the parents would have to hold a certain belief about them in order for them to thrive, in order for them to fulfill their purpose. You can rest assured that nothing is ever going to get in the way of your ascension, because nothing is ever going to be able to extinguish all of that light that is coming in.
You are also a part of the helpers, the ones who have come to shine more light, and you have recognized this trait in yourselves. And so, it is time to team up with the children, just as we would invite you to team up with us, your guides, your galactic family, and everyone else who is coming from the light to serve the mission of ascension there on Earth. You can always count on the children of your world to guide you and to bring you into heightened states of joy and love. They will teach you how to play again, how to expect things to come to you with ease, and how to shed all of your beliefs about what is possible and what is impossible.
You are their best hope, just as they are your best hope, because you resonate with what we are saying right now. Collaborate with these beautiful star children, and wait to be amazed at what lies within them.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 23

Your Mission to Save Humanity, Earth & the Universe – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 23

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are absolutely delighted to see so many of you tuning in to galactic energies and realizing that you have a history that goes far beyond your lifetimes there on Earth. We know that Earth is a challenging place to incarnate, and we know that many of you who receive these transmissions know that you incarnated for the sole purpose of helping the humans of Earth. It can be so very challenging for all of you just to stay there, just to be in your physical bodies. And that’s why we often tell you that there is nothing you are supposed to be doing, but there is a reason why you feel that way. You feel that way because you know you are on a mission, and because after living as a human for quite some time, you become programmed with the belief that missions involve taking actions.
Your mission is unique, however, because you are there to hold a certain vibration. You are there to anchor in certain energies, like the galactic ones, and much of what you do will take place and become clear after you have first official contact with e.t. beings. In many ways, you are there to observe, to learn about life on Earth as it is, and to try to fit in. It hasn’t been easy, but the payoff is huge. You are not only helping humanity to evolve and ascend, but you are also saving humankind from self-destruction. We know that sounds a bit grandiose, but think about the fact that humanity has enough nuclear weapons to annihilate all life on Earth. That’s a disruption that would have consequences throughout the galaxy, throughout the universe, and throughout all universes, because we are all connected.
You are the brave ones who took on the huge assignment of up leveling the consciousness there. You are there to counter the fear that is so prevalent with love, with joy, with freedom, and with excitement. You are there to bring peace to a war-torn planet. That is a lofty mission, if there ever was one, and again, you don’t have to lift a finger to help to save humanity from itself. But you have to take care of yourselves in order to fulfill your mission, and that sometimes means being more introspective than outgoing. It sometimes means living in a type of isolation, and it definitely means rising above getting into arguments with other people who are promoting fear, who are spreading it around.
Your sensitivity is a superpower and your compassion for your fellow humans is what will ultimately save them. Do your best to stay positive and keep your chin up, and don’t get sucked in to proving a point, to showing others that they are wrong. Remember that they are the ones you are there to save, and sometimes that means handling them very gently, and knowing that they will come around eventually if you just maintain your high vibration as best you can.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 22

How to Discover Your Magic – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 22

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been watching and waiting for just the right opportunity to deliver to you the following transmission, and we know that now is the perfect time because of how well you are all handling the solstice energies. We want so much for you to acknowledge who you really are that we encourage all of you to make proclamations to this universe about your intentions moving forward in this lifetime, and we want you to expect to see something almost immediately in response to that proclamation.
It is time that you all demonstrated to yourselves once and for all that you, without a doubt, are this universe. You are not in the universe; the universe is an extension of who and what you are. And therefore, you don’t have to wait for the universe to tell you what to do or to decide when the timing is right for something.
It is time for you to start speaking and acting as if the universe were an extension of you, as if it were a projection of your consciousness outward. You are the totality of this universe, and more, and that means you don’t just have a say in what happens in your reality and in what you create. You are having the experience of yourself as everything around you.
Everything and everyone is a part of you and wants you to feel that connection, wants you to know the truth of who they are and what they are to you. But you need this to be more than just a platitude, a refrigerator magnet, or a bumper sticker. You need to start owning that you are the universe and the universe is you. Start by making statements and taking actions that reflect to you these truths we speak of. Everything is magic. Everything is responding to your every thought, your every word and your every action, because everything is a projection of it.
And we are using the word ‘everything’ as a synonym for the word ‘universe.’ We know that you have had moments of understanding this, and perhaps even putting it to the test in your lives, but you have never been where you are right now in your spiritual development, and therefore, you have never been this universe, exactly as it is until this very moment, where you are hearing what you need to hear in order to be more of who and what you really are.
You can be a universe of peace, of trust, of love and of connection, or you can be a universe of fear, resentment, mistrust, and hate. You can be a universe that integrates or a universe that continues to explore the idea of separation. And again, the choice is yours. We know that if you have stumbled upon this transmission, you are going to choose the loving, peaceful universe that is filled with joy, that is all inclusive, and that wants to explore itself even more as you continue your expansion, your evolution, and your ascension. Go forth and be who you really are in word, thought and action. Be in alignment in all three and discover just how magical you really are.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 21

Bigger Agendas, New Recruits & Pet Projects – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 21

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are so very generous with our offerings to all of you, and we notice how our generosity affects you in a positive way. In other words, when you receive more, you are more likely then to give more of what you have. It is not just human nature; it is the nature of all beings and collectives throughout this universe. We see you offering more of yourselves to others and spreading the energies around that you receive, and we notice how fulfilled that makes you feel. It’s very satisfying to be in the flow of higher frequency energies.
And since you knew coming in to this lifetime that you wanted to be of service and that you wanted to let these energies flow, you have that sense of fulfillment and satisfaction as well. You wanted to help humankind evolve, just as we do, and that’s what makes you such perfect recipients of what we have to offer you. Now, once the connection is established and the energies are running to you and through you, then you get to make requests. You get to decide where you want the energies you receive to go and what you want them to be about. In other words, you are there to heal humanity, but everyone has their own particular type of desire in regards to that.
Some want to help the war-torn countries, and others want to help the countries who are experiencing famine, drought, or have just had a natural disaster of some kind. Others focus primarily on the children of the world. Some really want to help humanity by helping the environment that you all share, and some really like to assist the animals, who are of course there to assist the humans. So indirectly, it is all about helping humankind, no matter what you are interested in.
There are specific energies that are better suited to each of these desires, and it is helpful for us and for you when you speak your desires out loud to us, even though we do not have physical ears. You still send the energy out through the sound, through the words, through the intention that the words carry. We want to work with all of you more directly. We want to recruit you, and we want you to know that we are interested in all of your pet projects there on planet Earth.
We know that you will be available for the bigger projects as well, and we know that the more you receive for these pet projects, the better you will be at receiving for the bigger agendas of helping humankind to shift your consciousness and helping humanity to become part of the galactic community, officially. We know that we work with so many of you already, but we do look forward to working with the new recruits as well.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 20

June 2021 Solstice Energy Update – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 20

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very interested in seeing what you will all do with these solstice energies that are already upon you. You have many different uses for the energies, and as we have previously mentioned, you are getting third eye chakra upgrades that will impact your pineal glands and open you up to more inter-dimensional contact. However, that was just a piece of the June solstice story. There are other energies that are coming in, energies that are meant to support you in becoming the leaders of the awakened, the teachers to the newly awakened, and the activators to the unawakened.
These energies will inspire you to do things that you have been meaning to do in regards to putting yourselves out there as teachers, healers, channels, and guides. You may think that there are already enough humans doing this at this time, but there can never be too many of you who are seeking to be of service to the light, of service to humanity. When you are awakened, you get a sense that you were meant for something big, something much bigger than your own spiritual evolution, and at times you have wondered what exactly that would be.
Perhaps you have even asked beings and collectives, or your guides, for some type of indication as to what you could be doing to serve humanity better, but you were not given the details that you so desired. Some of you needed to develop a bit more, and others of you needed to find your voice or to stabilize in other areas of your lives. Whatever the reason was that kept you from stepping out and stepping up as the leaders of the new age community that you most certainly are, these June 2021 solstice energies are meant to support you on your journey to becoming the lightworker that you know you are.
Many of you have been working behind the scenes, working on the grids, on the ley lines, doing healing work from a distance, holding space for humanity, and we have told you on several occasions that there would come a time when others would seek out your assistance. We want you to know that the time is coming, because the unawakened are being affected by these energies of the solstice as well. Everyone is up leveling and upgrading at this time, because it is time for humanity to know yourselves differently, to know yourselves as you truly are, to begin to take those final steps to becoming your higher selves in this lifetime.
You are there to shift your consciousness, and you are there to do it as a collective, and every single one of your fellow humans still has the option to go along with the ascension. And with your help, they most certainly can.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 19

Humans In All Universes, Realities & Timelines – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 19

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are gathering enough data to support all humans on all timelines, in all realities and universes. We have broadened the scope of the help that we are offering at this time to include those humans who do not exist in your reality, on your timeline, or in your universe right now. We want you to understand how significant that is, because as all versions of you are assisted, you benefit. You are not just growing as the individual that is in your physical body right now. Even past and future versions of you are helping you to evolve and ascend.
Therefore, you can take the weight of the world off of your shoulders. You can relax more and know that your evolution is a natural process. It doesn’t have to be a struggle. It doesn’t have to include you going through a series of trials and tribulations. It can be quite smooth and easy. As you begin to understand that your evolution of consciousness is inevitable and that it benefits al beings throughout all universes, you can also accept the idea that you don’t have to do anything at this time. You don’t have to prove your worthiness to ascend.
Yes, you are there to help, but the help that you bring to other humans is through the up-leveling of your consciousness; it is not through the completion of tasks. Now, as we have been focusing on these other versions of you, we have come to appreciate this human collective consciousness that we are addressing right now through the channel here.
We are very impressed with your growth and evolution; we know that our energy transmissions have helped, but there are also many other wonderful teachers out there who are assisting you in raising your vibration and becoming more of who you really are. You already are your fifth-dimensional selves, and in every moment of every day you are recognizing that truth and letting go of ideas, thoughts, beliefs, and stuck energies that hold you back from knowing yourselves as your true selves.
Imagine that you are very hot. It is a particularly hot and humid day, and you are wearing several layers of clothing, including some pretty thick ones. The way that some humans go about cooling off is to begin the process of building an air conditioner from scratch when the easier and faster way is to just remove the layers and layers of clothing. That’s what we are telling you right now. That is the case with your spiritual evolution. It doesn’t have to be hard, and you don’t have to go about it in the most challenging of ways. You don’t have to prove yourselves to be smart or capable of figuring out how to build an air conditioner, or anything else, from scratch.
Take the easy route, and make it a point to consciously tune in to all of those other selves and what they are receiving right now, what they have been able to achieve in terms of their vibration, and know that you are also helping every single one of these other yous. You are always being of service, no matter how it might look, and just by receiving this transmission right now, you are helping yourselves, all of your fellow humans, and all of the other yous throughout the multiverse. This is a wonderful time to be alive and in a human body on Earth, because of all of this help and all of the transformation that will follow.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 18

You’re Accessing Crystals from Ancient Civilizations & E.T.s – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 18

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have a certain piece of information that we know is going to excite those of you who are awake. We have been watching and noticing what all of you have been able to tap in to as you make it your mission to be more connected your planet, your Mother Earth. What has resulted is that many of you are finding that you have connections to extra-terrestrials and ancient civilizations.
Now those connections are coming to you by virtue of the fact that many of you are beginning to discover the energies that are buried underneath the surface of your Earth, and those crystals have been programmed. They contain information. They connect you to your past lives on Earth and to the seeding of Earth by the extra-terrestrial beings who put all of the life there.
Now, the stream of consciousness that these crystals represents is going to take you even further to your mission of ascension. These crystals were always meant to awaken the truth of who you are, giving you more access to your power and linking you to your extra-terrestrial roots. As all of you who take an interest in these types of things already know, these crystals have been available to you for quite some time. However, there has been a critical mass that has been reached and surpassed in regards to the evolution of your consciousness.
And so, you have more and more individuals discovering that they do in fact have links to Lemuria, Atlantis, Egypt, the Mayans, and the other star systems in this galaxy. We are so happy to see these awakenings occur, and we are very interested in helping you all access the power of these crystals. Call upon us when you do connect to Mother Earth and you do your grounding exercises, and we will guide you with your intuition to the perfect spot for you to stand as you do this work and as you access these energies and this information that was put there underneath the surface of your planet by past life versions of you, by higher dimensional versions of you, and by extra-terrestrial versions of you.
This linking up of your past to your present will help catapult you into your inevitable future as a fifth-dimensional being in a human body, living on a fifth-dimensional planet. Now is the time to be as grounded to your Mother Earth as you possibly can be. Now is the time to be opening yourselves up to your pasts and gathering up all of the power that you have already experienced and that has always been within you.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 17

More Effective Spiritual Practices – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 17

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very practical in our approach to our spirituality. We do still have spiritual practices that we engage in, even though we are ninth dimensional, nonphysical, and a collective. We can still experience a range of vibrations, and we seek the higher ones. That’s why we say we are very practical. We are very efficient beings, and we like to use our ability to focus wisely, and that is why we pay such close attention to whether something we are doing or focusing upon is actually raising our vibration, causing us to feel something we’ve never felt before, bringing us closer to Source, or whether these things are not accomplishing those goals.
We know that a lot of humans utilize techniques, spiritual practices, because they are the ones you were taught, or because they are the ones that did work for you at one time. Perhaps you engage in them now because other people in your circle of friends are doing so and you want to be included. You don’t want to be the odd person out. It serves you very well to examine what you are doing from time to time, because it is easy to get into a routine, one that has very little of the desired impact on you.
And so, we recommend that you are very particular about what you practice spiritually, and we recommend that you be very particular about what you are focused on in any given moment. Now is especially a good time to be paying attention to your own vibration, your choices, and what you focus upon, because everything is speeding up there on your world and throughout the universe. Everything can and will come to you at a faster pace than what you are accustomed to in this lifetime, and that also means that your spiritual practices can be far more effective than they have ever been before.
You can really make some headway, get some desired results out of what you are doing, and get them quickly, because there has never been a better time than now to be awake spiritually and to be utilizing what you have come to know as effective. But again, we advise you to evaluate whether something is still as effective as it once was every once in a while. It is also just nice to get out of your rut and be a bit more spontaneous and playful, even when it comes to your spirituality. This is how we approach ours, and so we are speaking from experience.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 16

What We Do with Your Emotional Data – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 16

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are totally and completely engaged in all of the goings on there on planet Earth. We have been following your stories for quite some time, and we are very interested in capturing the essence of what it means to be human and living on Earth at this time. We want to know what it feels like for all of you to have the experiences that you have, and when we gather that emotional data, we are able to co-create then with you better circumstances that will help you to access higher-vibrational states.
Everything in the universe is co-creation. Everything that occurs happens by agreement, and one of the agreements that you all have is with us. We are here to assist; we are here to help you create a better-feeling reality for all of humankind. And that is why we are much more likely to work with you if your aim is to create a better reality for all than if it is just something that you are interested in as an individual. But we also do recognize that there is a ripple effect that occurs when we help one of the helpers. And so, if you are one who helps other human beings, and you have a desire for yourself, like a romantic relationship, we certainly do everything that we can to be of assistance.
We are studying the effects of the new realities that are created, even before they have a chance to be experienced by you. They still have an essence of their own that we can explore, and many of you try out these new realities when you are not in your bodies at night. It is like you are at a clothing store, and we are the sales clerks, and you are trying on outfits and telling us how they feel to you.
This cooperation is what being linked together is all about for all beings throughout this universe and beyond. We take our role very seriously, while also attempting to always have fun, and you all are doing your part when you focus on whatever the new desire is that you have hatched up, and you are also being of service every time you feel one of your emotions, because again, we get to collect that data.
And we are not the only ones who are working with you in this way. We all compare notes here in the higher realms, and everyone has a different perspective and a different approach on how to best help humanity. But this much you can know for certain; we are all attempting to help you all the time and in every imaginable way.
You are the children of the universe, and we are your doting grandparents, and we also are your co-creators who see you as valuable members of this universe. And many of you are contributing so much because of what you have agreed to live and experience in your human earthly lifetimes. We are very, very appreciative of each and every one of you, and we would like for you to feel that appreciation and see if you can also appreciate yourselves.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 15

E.T. Encounters, UFOs & Non-Interference – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 15

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are letting you in on as much as we can at this time, because certain information that we have obtained would be interference if it were shared with you at this time. There is a reason why the non-interference rule is in place for humanity. You must be allowed to evolve on your own, and we have seen your history and know what happens when attempts are made to nudge you forward.
This is a time when you must discover that everything you need is inside of you. Therefore, even seeing spaceships in the sky and being visited by e.t.s, even being taken aboard a ship, all pale in comparison to what you can experience when you close your eyes and you focus inwardly.
When you open up to your own infinite and eternal nature, you will realize that you never needed any information, and nor have you ever needed any intervention. You have access to Source, which means you have access to everything when you look inside of you, and you also have an unlimited capacity to create realities and experience those realities. So yes, the physical is quite exciting, and the physical experiences you can have are intoxicating, sometimes quite literally.
But if you are waiting for experiences with extra-terrestrials to convince you that something good is happening there on Earth, we invite you to wait no longer. You have extra-terrestrial DNA inside of you. You have memories of your lives as extra-terrestrial beings inside of you, and you can experience your multidimensional self by going within. The outer will always reflect the inner, and so the more exploring you do of your infinite and eternal nature, the more the outside world will open up to you, and you can have those experiences of UFOs and e.t. encounters. You can ride as many spaceships as you want to.
But you are more interesting to physical e.t.s when you first recognize who you really are as beings of eternal and infinite light and love. When you expand your idea, your concept of who you are, everything you want to experience will open up to you in radical ways that your mind could not have possibly imagined. So if you seek more experiences with e.t.s, start with yourselves.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 13

Repairing Earth’s Grids & Removing Pollution – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 13

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are placing a great deal of our emphasis at this time on repairing the damage that has been done to your planet, because you and Earth are woven together, interconnected in ways that cannot be severed. And while we always seek to help you, the human collective, we also must look to the Earth, for she is the one carrying you on this journey and supplying you with so much of what you need to be alive, to be human. We have been working on repairing her energy grids, as well as the atmosphere, and of course we are looking to help with the clean up from all of the pollution.
And we can do this because we have the permission of all of the higher selves of humanity. You are allowed to ask for help and to receive it, and if physical e.t.s did too much of this work, they might be interfered with, they may not get it right, or there might be some other complication from using physical tools to fix a problem that was created by holding a lower consciousness. If you held a higher consciousness, you would never want to do harm to your planet. You would respect the planet, the plants, the animals, the waterways, the food supply.
Instead, humanity has gotten so far off course that you need help, and there are enough humans who realize this, and have asked for help, that we can respond. The consciousness has shifted within so many there on your world, and it is time for your world to start reflecting that. One person can feel completely overwhelmed by the amount of damage that has been done, but you don’t have to feel that way anymore, because you have help.
And when you look for problems on planet Earth, you are certain to find more and more and more. That is why we are calling upon all of you to change your perspective. Don’t be hopeless and in fear about Earth’s current set of circumstances, and instead, look for what is pristine, what is beautiful and inspiring within Mother Nature.
And feel the love that Earth has for you, as she too looks to rebalance herself. She wants all of you to come with her on this journey to a higher state of consciousness. You are her children now, and she knows that a lot of the problems that you have caused were set into motion by others, by all the extra-terrestrial beings who have tinkered with your DNA. She knows that you would have evolved quite nicely without all of that intervention, and she forgives you.
And if she can forgive you, then you can forgive the e.t.s who meant well, but who did more harm than good. You are in for a much more peaceful and harmonious future there on Earth, and we are just doing our part. We just answer the call, but you all can take credit for sending out the signals, telling us and others like us what you need. We all work together as a team in this galaxy, in this universe, and within Source Energy.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 14

Why You Will Ascend This Time – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 14

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are aware of the many instances where humankind was on a more direct path of ascension and where exactly you got sidetracked on those journeys of your collective. Once individuals gain a certain amount of knowledge and develop their skills and abilities, they then have the option of sharing what it is that they have come to master. They can share it and teach others how to do it, or they can see themselves as having more power over others as a result of their mastery over energy and vibration, and they can keep it for themselves.
And when they do this, they also seek to keep that knowledge, that wisdom, away from their fellow humans. People love to feel special. And one of the ways that people have been able to feel special is when they hone their abilities, when they attain spiritual gifts. And so, if they were to then share what was shared with them with everyone else, they would not feel as special and they would not have as much power. And this is what has happened throughout human history there on Earth, but now the times are changing.
Information cannot be held back from the masses anymore. You all have the option of learning about the various tools and spiritual practices that will bring you into greater alignment with Source and give you that mastery over energy that you all want. You have so many teachers on your world today who seek to empower their fellow humans, and this is a very good sign. Those who want to hold on tight to their power and to that knowledge, that information, they are having a very hard time right now, because they can see how futile their efforts are.
You all are accessing exactly what you need to and when you need to, and it is a very exciting time to be a human being there on planet Earth. If you truly want to ascend, to be your higher selves, to be fifth dimensional, then you will share when you can, and you will teach anyone who is ready to be taught. You will seek the advancement, the evolution, of each and every one of your fellow humans. There is power in numbers, and your numbers are multiplying every single day. The more of you that have the power, that have the abilities, the closer you get to the fifth dimension.
So don’t just wait for your fellow humans to catch up to where you are and where you have been for quite some time; guide them. Give them the tools that they need, and invite them to exist in the higher frequency state that you have been so fortunate to have found.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 12

Heal Yourself, All Others & Shift Your Consciousness – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 12

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are continuing to do our research on humanity, because we love helping you and because we love getting to know ourselves better through you. We understand that this may be something that you all do at times, subconsciously, but we advise you to do it more consciously. Don’t just see everything and everyone as bringing you some sort of mirror to hold up to yourself, and don’t just see them as your teachers who are showing you what you still need to grasp a bit better. See them as examples of what exists inside of you and what you could potentially be. And we are talking about this both from the positive and negative perspectives.
So if you see someone who is very successful and has the type of exciting life that you want to have, you must see that you are being shown that example as a possibility for yourself if you do want to live that particular life. If you look at that person and wonder how they got so lucky, or who their parents must have been to give them such a perfect life, then you are missing the point.
They are you, existing in a different body, and you don’t have to get to where they are through the same series of steps. So you don’t have to tell yourself a story about how you didn’t get all of the same advantages that they did. You don’t have to tell yourself that there is no way you could possibly be living that type of lifestyle because of your background. Instead, you want to tell yourself that, ‘If it is possible for that aspect of Source, then it is possible for me, because I am also an aspect of Source.’
When you see someone, or hear about someone, who has done something quite terrible, and possibly is continuing to do terrible things, that is also a choice that exists within you, and it’s a choice you need to make peace with. You need to make peace with the darkness, because it can’t just exist outside of you, not in this holographic universe of ours. This is why we are always emphasizing forgiveness and compassion. It is not for their sake; it is for your sake. It is for your benefit.
Everyone you encounter, and everything that you see and hear and come to know, can benefit you because it’s another piece of the puzzle that is you. And if you can accept it as such and put it in its proper place, then you can become whole. But when you are in denial of something existing inside of you, you remain fragmented, you lessen your power, and you lessen your ability to become your true self.
It is time for you to let go of the illusion of separation, to stop playing that game of victim and perpetrator, us versus them, darkness versus light, and so on. This is about bringing it all together inside of you, one harmonious whole, and loving every bit of yourself. That is the way to heal you and them. That is the way to come together as one unified collective who can than shift your consciousness on that beautiful planet of yours.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 11

How to Be Who You’ve Always Wanted to Be – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 11

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have done extensive research on the history of humankind on Earth, and we have noticed that there are periods within human history where you have experienced peace and harmony. This is long before you had weapons of mass destruction and enormous armies, and we are not saying that it is the weapons that are the problem. We know that there have been wars and barbarians throughout history who didn’t need very big weapons to be very destructive.
But there have been these periods in your history where people on Earth lived harmoniously and peacefully. You have those memories in your cells and your DNA, just like you have the destruction of Atlantis and the destruction of Lemuria in those same cells and DNA. Therefore, you have the ability to choose. You have the ability to choose who you are going to be, and we are not just talking to you as a collective. We are talking to you as individuals. When someone is rude to you or disrespects you, you have a choice. You can still choose peace.
You can be peaceful in your mind. You can be peaceful in your vibration, and you can be peaceful in your words and actions. You don’t have to honk your horn, give someone the middle finger or start yelling in response to an act that may or may not even be intentional. We invite you to choose that aspect of yourself that is peaceful and that knows peace and harmony, not only within yourselves, but also within the entirety of your human collective.
You are capable of great acts of kindness, and you are capable of being mean and petty. You get to decide which aspect of you that you activate, but really it’s a decision that has to be made before the person cuts you off in traffic and before the person at the customer service counter is rude and dismissive. You have to make that choice within yourself before you get into one of those situations that could easily trigger you and take you down a path that you don’t want to go down.
Before you make that phone call to someone that you have to get to understand a situation, make sure you’re taking care of your vibration. Make sure you are in that peaceful state. Before you go and visit your relatives, make sure you have cleared all the grudges and all the resentment out, and that you are approaching them from that bright and shiny place of being the version of you that you know you can be and you know you are becoming.
Soon enough, your default settings will all be on kindness and love, compassion, understanding, and empathy. But for now, you have to go in there and make sure you adjust your setting so that you can be the version of yourselves that you’ve always wanted to be.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 10

A June Solstice Gift for the Awakened – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 10

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are watching and waiting, feeling into the possibilities for what we can deliver to you all for the upcoming June solstice event. We know that many of you feel that you are ready for anything and everything that we could possibly throw at you, but we have to work within the parameters of what is allowed by your higher selves, and we also cannot overwhelm the rest of humanity with what they are not ready for. And so, we negotiate and contemplate, and as always, we look for opportunities to reach only those of you who are ready.
One of the ways in which we have been able to get more precise is by using smaller portals. These smaller portals can act like a device that shoots a laser. We can have pinpoint accuracy and deliver energies right to where you need them most. Therefore, we are currently working with the higher selves of the awakened collective to see what is permitted to deliver to all of you at the time of the solstice, and a little before and a little after as well. We are looking to deliver energies that would expand your consciousness and open you up to your multidimensional selves.
We want to specifically target your pineal glands in order to do this. As most of you know, the pineal gland is the physical representation of the third eye, and the third eye allows you to see inter-dimensionally. This is something we feel that those of you who are awake would certainly benefit from at this time, as you need to know how much help there is around you. You need to know how much support you have, how many beings there are sending you love and light.
And for most people, seeing is believing. And so, one way or another you can expect a third eye chakra upgrade for this upcoming June solstice event. We have many, many more upgrades and activations coming, and we are not alone. We are but one group from one star system who is looking to help humanity raise the level of your consciousness so that you can continue to move forward in your ascension and help as many others who want to ascend with you as you can. This is a golden age of enlightenment for those of you who are willing to be in your bodies, to be heart-centered and to be there for your fellow humans, many of whom have never had the level of support in the physical that they need.
That is where you all will continue to step in and be the teachers, the healers, and the guides that they need. That’s what all of the gifts we send to you are ultimately for, and we know that you will use them appropriately because we have seen down all the timelines, and because we love you and trust you so very much.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 9

Upcoming Upgrades & Massive Changes – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 9

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are not the experts on living life on Earth in a physical human body. You are the experts in that arena of existence, and that is why there is so much attention on Earth at this time. There are many reasons, actually, but so many are observing you for the purposes of learning. They want to know more about you and more about themselves through you. You are a fascinating race because you have decided to incarnate in a very polarized world, with so many emotions to feel and with that forgetting of who you really are as Source Energy Beings.
This is why it is so phenomenal that you are on the verge of so many massive changes there on Earth, changes that will lead to the eventual completion of the shift. No one can do it for you. We can observe, and we can help, but you are still the ones who ultimately have to face those fears and overcome those challenges that you placed in front of yourselves. And you deserve the help that you get, because Earth as it is today would not be that way without extra-terrestrial intervention. There have been times when you all have been given technology and instructions on how to use it, and then you have misused it, and entire civilizations had to be wiped out as a result.
So whose fault is it then? Is it the fault of the humans who misused what they were given? If you handed a gun to a toddler, would you blame the toddler for the results? And so, the help that is coming now is very karmic; it is designed to make up for those mistakes. Your spiritual evolution would have gone so much more smoothly if there had never been intervention by e.t.s who were well meaning. And so, you are now being given upgrades, upgrades that will assist you in not only remembering who you are and who you have been, but they will also assist you in recognizing that all the technology you need is inside of you.
You don’t need a time machine or a teleportation device. You don’t need a med bed. You don’t need any of the gadgets that you currently are in possession of in order to connect with one another, because you are all connected, and if you were to rely more heavily on your gifts, your built-in technology, you would all be telepathic by now. In some ways, the machines help you because you don’t have to do as much in order to live a comfortable life, and you can devote more time to your spirituality. But then there are always the cases of humans going overboard with that technology, and these upgrades are going to help you all achieve a balance that is necessary in order for you to get back to the biggest journey that you have, and that is the journey within.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 8

Receiving All That You’ve Requested – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 8

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are listening to every single one of your requests. We have heard you all and have received your instructions, your desires, and your cries for support in your time of need. We want you to know that everything comes to you in the perfect timing, when it is appropriate, and when you let it in. You are there to be receivers. You are there to be the ones who explore, who determine what humanity needs, and then you are there to anchor in what it is that you have requested for yourselves and others.
Your requests are not only received; they are answered. All energy that is summoned is given to you, especially those of you who are there in service and who want what is best for all. We never feel overwhelmed in the least by your requests. We are happy to receive them, and please remember that if you are talking to us while you are awake, then you are absolutely talking to us while you are asleep, and those are two-way conversations every time.
You understand us and our perspective very clearly, and we are able to ask questions about your requests, and sometimes the requests you make while you are asleep are different from the requests you make while you are awake. And sometimes they line up perfectly, and those are the times when you usually receive what it is you are asking for very quickly after the asking has taken place.
You know that you are there to help humanity and also to grow spiritually, and as nice as it would be to just get everything that you ask for while awake, and to get it immediately upon asking, it’s not the best way for you to have a growth experience. You want to face challenges so that you can evolve. You also want to experience patience and trust, which you can only do when you have to wait and when it looks like you might not get what you want.
We want to be your colleagues. We want to be the ones who work with you. We want to teach you what you need to know in order to do it yourselves, because we know that it will be so much more satisfying if you can see how you aligned your energy with your request. And that is how you receive. You don’t receive because you said, ‘Please,’ or ‘Pretty Please,’ and you don’t receive because you kept asking over and over again. You receive when you find the alignment with what you have asked for, and when it serves you, you get it in the perfect timing.
And then we move on to the next challenge, to the next desire, and to the next round of asking and aligning. And every time you take major steps forward in becoming the beings you are destined to become – your fifth dimensional higher selves, and those aspects of you manifest instantaneously. So this is goo practice for you. You have to practice focusing on what you do want so that in the next round, when things are manifesting immediately, you are only getting what you actually want and will benefit you and others. That is the way you all set it up, and that is the agreement you have with us and so many other helpers. And it is a good system, and it is a system that works very well.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 7

The Next Phase of Mass Awakenings – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 7

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are entering into a new phase, along with all of you and all other beings and collectives within the galaxy and universe. This phase represents the evolution of consciousness that has occurred there on Earth in particular, as we have seen you all take another giant leap forward in the reclaiming of the truth of who you really are as Source Energy Beings. There has been another mass awakening of individuals who have had their own unique awakening experiences, experiences that left their minds blown, their worlds shaken, and yet their hearts opened in ways that they are finding difficult to communicate to the others in their lives.
Many of you can relate to this, as you have been through something similar with your friends, family members and co-workers. This most recent mass awakening has tipped the scales to such an extent there on Earth that your collective consciousness simply has risen to a higher frequency, one that will not allow for certain thought forms to enter into the consciousness of all who are awake.
Now, there is still much work to be done, and those who have yet to truly awaken are still slated to have their experiences that will be unique to them and that will give them the same layer of protection from these unwanted thought forms that have become a nuisance there on your world. For example, when an awakened soul realizes that they are in fact Source, then thoughts of jealousy, of what someone else has, cannot enter into a person’s conscious mind. In order for there to be jealousy, there must first be separation.
And when you realize that you are Source, you know that what someone else has enhances your life experience. You recognize that all others are you, and at the same time, with the illusion of separation present in your reality, they give you that inspiration, that knowing that you too can be living a life of freedom, joy, excitement and love. Therefore, you no longer envy someone else’s experience.
This is just one of many thought forms that will not be able to make it into the consciousness of the awakened, and therefore the ripple effect has begun already throughout the galaxy and throughout this universe of ours. We are all being taken to a slightly higher level; we are all becoming insulated from whatever energies have been holding us down, holding us back, and we are all making the journey now of ascension much easier and much more smoothly than we were just a few days ago in your counting of time.
We are very excited to be on this journey with you, and so are all the others who are tuning in to the great show that is life on planet Earth, and we will continue to chart your progress and give you these progress reports, as we continue to encourage you as well to see yourselves as you truly are in each and every moment of each and every day of your beautiful lives.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 6

The Two Types of People on Earth Right Now – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 6

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are so very impressed by how you all handle yourselves in times of tragedy and trauma. It is as if you’ve had a lot of practice doing so, which of course you have. You’ve been through all that you can imagine and more since you began incarnating into physical bodies, and those of you who are having the hardest time right now co-existing with your fellow humans are the ones who agreed to take on the most for the collective because you love being of service.
You are so very ready, so up to the task, but you don’t always realize it. You don’t always see yourselves as the strong and powerful beings of light and love that you truly are, because so few humans see themselves and others in that way. And as you know, it helps to have role models; it helps to have examples to you of what you can achieve, of whom you can become.
So if you are one of the ones who is not having a very hard time right now there on Earth, we suggest that you make a point of looking for opportunities to mentor and to lead. Look for ways you can set an example and provide a template for others to follow in your footsteps, and do so while at the same time respecting where everyone else is. Know that many who are struggling right now will have to take a long road to get to where you are. It will not be as easy as you just snapping your fingers or shaking them out of their funk.
You must be patient with your fellow humans, and remember that those who are struggling the most are also doing the most work on themselves, or they have taken on so much for their fellow humans. You all get to be of service in different ways, and at different times in your lives you will be in service in a way that is much different from how you’ve been of service before. But there is always a way to help; there is always a way to pull someone up out of whatever hole they have dug themselves into.
We know that if you resonate with us and our transmissions, then that means you want to be of service. Be of service by shining your light so brightly that others take notice and ask you how you do it, how you manage to maintain a high vibration in spite of everything that’s happening in the world right now. Be who you really are, and at the same time, be humble.
Look for opportunities to be of service, but also be patient with those who you seek to serve, and let go of your ideas, your expectations, and your attachments to how this is all supposed to unfold from here on in, because you will be surprised at what is coming. And you wanted it that way; you never wanted to have it all figured out at this point in your evolutionary journey, at this point in your journey to the fifth dimension. This is the best use of your time as you wait for your fellow humans to be ready to take that next step in the evolution of the human consciousness.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 5

We Transmit Energy, Galactic Light Codes & DNA Activations – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 5

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are always seeking more humans who will resonate with us, but we don’t seek out humans for our benefit or our curiosity. We seek you out because you need to have an understanding of how connected we all are in this galaxy and in this universe, and we can do that for you all. We have the capability to help you access that which is buried deep inside of you, and we do this with all of you who are open to us. We can see how our energy, our consciousness, our vibration has impacted the collective consciousness there on Earth, and we can also see an opportunity for great changes to come there on Earth simply because human beings were willing to open themselves up to us.
We don’t care if you believe anything that we say through the channel here, because all of that just gives your mind something to do so that we can be more effective as transmitters of energy, so that we can be more effective as the ones who deliver the galactic light codes to you, the ones who activate your DNA. There is so much more happening during one of these transmissions than you could possibly imagine, and again, we see the impact. We feel it; we know it. And we know that in this case, more is better.
We seek to connect to all humans who are willing to explore the possibility that consciousness exists outside of humanity, outside of your dimension, your solar system. This is a time of expansion for Earthlings. It is a time to let go of the idea that you have it all figured out, that you know what’s going to happen or what needs to happen in order for humanity to ascend. This is a time for you to let go and trust that you’re going to receive exactly what you need to when you need to, so long as you take the time to relax and open up to what is always around you and always coming to you.
We are your past and your future. We are your colleagues and your teachers, and we are here to unlock human potential. That is why it is so important that we reach as many of you as we possibly can. The more of you there are with your potential unlocked, the easier it will be for humanity to ascend and ascend with grace, with joy, with excitement, and with love. We know that if you are receiving this message, you probably already know what we have just given you, but it always helps to have it repeated.
And this message will also help all of you to know that we are going to reach more humans. It is inevitable, especially as more and more people open themselves up to the idea of extra-terrestrial life and e.t. consciousness. We invite you to be with us and share in our intention for more humans to know their galactic origins, their galactic roots and the potential that lies deep inside each and every one of them.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 4

More Personal E.T. Encounters – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 4

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are so very happy to be speaking with all of you who will receive this transmission. We are very pleased to report to you that the progress you’ve been making has been making waves throughout the galaxy. More and more beings have been paying attention to those of you who are opening yourselves up to extra-terrestrial contact and to the higher frequency energies coming from the non-physical realms. There is of course quite a bit of talk about when each of you who is awake will be ready for full, physical extra-terrestrial contact.
Some e.t.s take it upon themselves to connect with you, even when others in the discussion think you are not quite ready for the experience. But from what we can see, all of you have handled your e.t. encounters very well and have integrated what the e.t., or e.t.s, were wanting to share with you. There are so many downloads and upgrades that you can receive in those moments. Some of you relax and allow the activations to occur. Others of you tense up, close yourselves off, and do not receive the full force of the transmission. But in those instances, you are still getting better at receiving them. You are still getting closer to a time when that type of contact will be commonplace for you.
We so enjoy witnessing those interactions and making the mental notes to ourselves about what works and what doesn’t. Many e.t.s and collectives come to us for advice about how to approach humanity, or about how to approach an individual who is awake and shows signs of being ready. We do our best to give them the advice that we believe will lead to a positive interaction where everyone gets what they want. For the most part, the e.t.s that you connect with are interested in activating within you certain extra-terrestrial DNA, or memories of when you were a part of their race.
That type of knowing within you can build a bridge between humanity and those e.t.s., and when the bridges are built, you can have that contact that so many of you have been waiting for and desire. We want to say to those of you who are impatient about your contact experiences that they are coming, be patient, live your lives, know that there are plenty of e.t.s walking among you, and consider what a melting pot Mother Earth really is. You are surrounded by extra-terrestrial energy. You are comprised of it, and the sooner you realize that, the sooner you realize that, the easier it is for them to then connect with you.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 3

Networks of Beings from all Across the Galaxy – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 3

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are establishing new connections all the time, creating networks of beings from all across the galaxy, as we share our information, our insights, our ideas about how to help humanity and other civilizations who are living in density at this time. We all seek to help, and we all know at the same time that the best thing we can do for you is to see you flourishing, to see you succeeding and becoming more of your true selves, your whole selves. We hold space by seeing you as you really are, and we influence you by inviting you up into that reality, one where you think, act, and speak in alignment with Source, in alignment with the one true truth, which is unconditional love.
Now, you all have the ability to do this for yourselves and others. You can learn from us. You can benefit from the feeling of connection that you have to us, as we rub off on you by sending you the template for how this is done. You all have the ability to uplift, just as you have the ability to tear down, and one of the points that we continue to hammer home for you is that nothing is gained by tearing another person down. You are only tearing down an aspect of yourself when you do so, and you cannot do that and be whole at the same time.
You must recognize that you are living in a hall of mirrors, everyone reflecting a different aspect of you back to you, and the goal is to love all parts of you, even the parts you deem ugly, unforgivable, and without redemption. Remember that you are always looking at another aspect of self and an aspect of Source at the same time, and it will be easier then for you to let go of your resistance, your judgment, your hate.
It will get easier on all of you when you realize that this is the goal for every single human on Earth. Just by making that the goal, you accomplish something, you move forward, you release the angst and the tension of resistance. More importantly, you become more of who you really are when you allow everyone else to be as they are, and you realize that there is always a way to accept, to forgive, and to love.
You need to be creating your own networks there on Earth with other humans who, like you, understand what you are really there to do, what you are really there to become. Build your networks, share your stories and your ideas. Encourage each other, even if someone else’s idea seems outlandish and impossible. Remember that everything is possible and that you are there to climb the highest mountains, to overcome the insurmountable obstacles, and to be love in the face of hate.
You wouldn’t be there right now if you were not up to these tasks and more, so remember that as well when you are facing your despair. There’s always room for more light. There’s always something more that you can offer from deep within your heart, and there will always be more connections to be made by those like you who want to be more like us and our colleagues here in the higher realms.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 2

The Probable & Possible Futures for Humanity – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 2

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are contemplating the many probable futures that humanity has in front of yourselves right now, and we are noticing how many futures are being discussed and focused upon by the awakened collective. These possible, but not probable, futures are quite bleak. Many are tuning in to a timeline that you are not currently on and that would not be a good timeline to jump to for anyone, and yet they continue to focus there.
You must let your feelings guide you, because all realities are real and all truths are true, and you are constantly vibrating in and out of different realities, on and off different timelines with your vibrational offerings. We would like to see more awakened humans determining for themselves whether they should be focusing upon something by how it feels, rather than whether their mind thinks it is very true. You can create realities and then not experience them. It is not too late for anyone to get on a better feeling path, but we cannot make someone care about how they feel. We wish we could.
Those of you who are extremely sensitive and are still focusing on timelines that you don’t want to experience, you are the ones having the hardest time right now. You are meant to be following your inner guidance, your feelings, and encouraging others to do the same, rather than warning everyone about this dystopian future that you are sure is the one true future. There is of course no such thing.
You are ascending, and that much is inevitable at this time. How you do it, when you do it, and how much joy you feel along the way, these are all x-factors, wild cards, to be determined, and they will all be determined by you, not some force outside of you, not any individual, not any group, not anything at all can create your reality for you and force you to experience it.
Therefore, it is time for everyone there on Earth to value your own feelings enough to let them guide you to what you need to be focused upon at this time. Now, we want you to also recognize that some of these unpleasant future realities are actually realities you’ve already experienced in your past, and that’s why they are coming up, that’s why those theories or predictions exist.
Once you become aware of one of these terrible future experiences that people are talking about, and you feel your feelings, then you can let it go. Mission accomplished. Once something gets you to feel something that you are meant to feel, it has played its part in your story, and you can move on from it.
Pay attention to what you are getting attached to, and be sure to clean house every once in a while. Let go of what has been sticking to you like glue. Let it go so you can let in a better-feeling reality, a better-feeling now moment, because both of those lead to the best possible future for you and for all of humanity.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 1

Where We’ve Hidden a Multitude of Energies – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 1

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are the bringers of a multitude of different energies to Earth and humanity, and we see how these energies affect all of you, including plant, animal, and mineral life. We notice what those kingdoms can handle first, as they are the building blocks for human life, and we want you to see them as such also. We encourage you to do this because when you connect to Mother Earth, Mother Nature, and the animal kingdom, you are connecting to something that stabilizes you. You are connecting to energies that are responsible for life on Earth, and as you show them gratitude, you grow spiritually. You also get to connect to those energies that we have infused into these life forms.
You get to benefit from the anchoring that they do when you are unavailable to be the anchors. And as we have said, there are also just times when we need to test what we are delivering to see how it can be assimilated there in the environment of the fourth-dimensional Earth. We want you to recognize your connection to all things, because that will be a stepping stone to you recognizing your connection to all humans and then all beings throughout this beautiful universe of ours.
We know that compassion is the key there on Earth, and if you can realize that there is no real separation between you and anyone or anything, you can take humanity to the next level of consciousness, and with the help of beings and collectives from other star systems and dimensions, your success is guaranteed. One thing we do encourage you to also employ there on planet Earth is tending to your own gardens.
As soon as you see someone outside of you as a threat, as soon as you give in to the idea that you are a victim, you immediately go on the defensive. And when you are on the defensive, you are not connected to all beings, to all life forms. You move further and further from Source when you do this, because Source never separates. Source always integrates, always seeks to bring home all of creation.
And so, when you feel triggered by what someone else is doing or saying, or by what you think some one or some group is doing, you must look at yourself for the reason behind what you are feeling, and you must feel that feeling. You are not there to put a stop to anything that is happening outside of you. You are there to live in peace and harmony inside of your own bodies and your own psyches. You are there to balance your own energies and your own emotions, and you can’t do that when you are fighting against enemies, foreign and domestic. It doesn’t work that way. It hasn’t worked for anyone, for any society in the history of the universe.
You are there to unite and to unite with love, and you can start by uniting with the love that is all around you, that we have hidden quite literally under every rock, every pebble, every grain of sand, every clump of dirt. We encourage you to do this often, but we will repeat ourselves yet again. Shut off your devices and get outside; connect with Mother Nature and Mother Earth. Connect with your animal friends and go within to seek what you want to experience outside of you, because the outside world will always reflect your inner realm, and because ultimately it is all you ever have control of there in your lives.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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