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Marilyn Raffaele

April 7, 2024

Marilyn Raffaele – Arcturian Group – April 7, 2024

Welcome to our message, dear readers.
The world has entered a time of important and powerful change for earth herself as well as for those living on her. Individuals who live from a consciousness of truth have a stable foundation from which to meet and understand these changes and can assist those presently struggling to understand the world from foundations built of shifting sand.
All is proceeding according to plan although many continue to hold concepts about what will happen, when, where, and even how to speed it all up. Know that a Divine plan is and can never be influenced by or subject to limited three dimensional practices intended to influence it.
Earth is and always has been the perfect spiritual universe of Divine Mind but because you are creators, it is the evolved consciousness of the majority that will lift and enlighten the collective to where it no longer expresses and maintains creations of duality and separation. Earth has finally reached a place of spiritual readiness for more and that is what is happening.
Change reflects states of consciousness because consciousness is creative, the substance of form. Divine Consciousness is all that exists but the fullness of IT can only be experienced when individuals are able to align with it. Each day more individuals awaken to a deeper sense of oneness which in turn is serving to open and lift world consciousness to levels that will stop feeding many current forms of duality, separation, and two powers.
This energetically powerful time on earth is not for the fainthearted. You who chose to serve earth at this time may feel like the head of a flying arrow catching heat and resistance. Many of you are experiencing physical, emotional, mental, and even spiritual issues because your energy fields are being swept clean of lingering old pockets of energy in order for them to be replaced with high resonating Light energy. Physical bodies often react to this process in some way.
Everything still vibrating with old and finished energy is dissolving regardless of how well it may have served in the past simply because the slow dense vibrations of third dimensional consciousness cannot align with the lighter higher frequencies coming to earth. Many are choosing to leave at this time.
Everything taking place now and soon is about dissolving separation consciousness and the false sense of self that accompanies it. Trust that in spite of what you may be experiencing in your personal life, everything at this point is part of a bigger picture leading you through and then beyond of the hypnotism you have long accepted as being reality.
Even though every person is Divine Consciousness individualized, a spiritually evolved consciousness will automatically express more high resonating Light/God energy than that of a consciousness conditioned with beliefs of duality and separation. Because consciousness is creative it is always expressing itself. Beliefs of duality and separation serve to block the flow of higher resonating energies simply because they are manifesting and will do so until cleared. There is no un-manifest consciousness.
A high resonating state of consciousness automatically and without thought flows as oneness, calmness, consideration, kindness, trust, comfort, guidance, acceptance, assistance, and love etc. etc. Those receptive to these energies will feel and be drawn to them in some way while others may be repelled or even fear them. This however is not important because your job is to be the Lighthouse.
Many are beginning to experience qualities of their real self because they are spiritually ready. One of aspect of the real Self is empowerment, a quality often thought of as being “power over” someone or something. Spiritual empowerment is a Divine quality already fully present in every individual, but often misunderstood or not even recognized.
Spiritual empowerment can only express through a state of consciousness that has attained what spiritual literature refers to as the “Mystical Marriage”–the realization that male and female energies are not separate but rather are two facets of one Divine Whole. When one facet is believed to be superior or more important than the other it blocks the manifestation of spiritual empowerment and adds energy to concepts of empowerment being “power over”.
You are all familiar with beliefs that relegate male energy to being superior to female energy. Much of this is the result of past beliefs being kept alive by those who stand to profit from it in some way. Masculine energy is the be-er, do-er, active aspect of God and feminine energy is the loving, intuitive, gentle aspect of God. They are not separate, but rather are meant to manifest as one physically, emotionally, mentally, and even spiritually.
Minds conditioned with beliefs of duality and separation interpret the active aspect of masculine energy as being superior to the feminine because it appears to do more and humans love “doing” and when compared, feminine energy appears not to be “doing”. The belief in male superiority blocks the flow of Divine feminine energy which is vital to and necessary for balanced outcomes on every level. The Divine feminine tempers and gives intuitive input to decision making and without it you get war, violence, and hatred.
It is an insult to God and an act of idolatry to believe that God’s feminine aspect is less than God’s male aspect. Both are facets of the one omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent Whole that is fully present on earth in every male and female. Everyone as lived lives as both male and female which is why so many are confused by gender identity at this time. Remember, you are consciousness with a body, not a body with consciousness.
Empowerment allows a person to lovingly saying to another; “Thank you for your opinion, but I am choosing to do this.” Empowerment is loving and respecting others while never allowing them to dominate or have control over you. It is allowing your masculine aspect to make choices and decisions guided by the love, consideration, and intuition of your feminine aspect. Empowerment may occasionally mean speaking firmly to another using words they can relate to while silently acknowledging the person’s true self.
Many organized religions teach that they alone have all the answers about God and that therefore you must believe what they believe or face punishment. Advertisers tell you to eat this and buy that or something bad will happen. Politicians, religious leaders, family, educators, and experts are all telling you what to believe and scamming has become rampant.
Spiritual empowerment is a state of consciousness that strengthens intuition and allows you to lovingly make and stand in choices and decisions without guilt, doubt, feeling “less than”, or a need to please.
You are ready to allow the already fully present empowerment within you to express .
We are the Arcturian Group 4/7/24

February 25, 2024

Marilyn Raffaele – Arcturian Group – February 25, 2024

Welcome to our message. dear readers.
Never forget that you chose to be on earth at this time in order to participate in the ascension process and were well aware when making this choice that you would forget who you were and why you came and that it would be a time of personal and global upheavals.
Earth is a spiritual universe peopled with sons and daughters of God but is not seen or experienced this way because the consciousness of the majority remains hypnotized by beliefs of duality and separation. Most do not yet realize that it is the creative aspect of their own and everyone else’s consciousness creating, maintaining, and sustaining a material sense of the world.
You are serving the ascension process simply by living each day from your highest state of awareness. “Light work” is about be-ing rather than do-ing because the vibrational energy of your consciousness radiates from you wherever you go be it in person or thought. Always remember that good material appearances are just as much illusory concepts as bad appearances because both are expressions of duality–war/peace, sickness/health, happiness/sadness, lack/abundance.
The energies emanating from every person are automatically felt on some level by those around them because there is only one Consciousness. However, the choice to align with another’s energy is up to you. Empaths, who are very sensitive to the energy of others often struggle to avoid aligning with another’s energy because they feel it and believe it is theirs. If you struggle with this, go within and state the intention to always be alert to when it is happening.
Aligning with another’s energy usually happens unconsciously during something as simple as intense conversations that leave you feeling drained. An example of how energy works is seen in situations of bullying. The low resonating energy unconsciously flowing from a consciousness of “I am less than” or “I am unworthy of love” will align with the same low resonating energy of someone expressing it through the “bully” state of consciousness.
Avoid intense involvement with appearances of duality, separation, and two powers and trust that all is proceeding according to plan. When you get caught up appearances you are adding energy to the appearance. Take whatever steps you may need to stay centered in truth while allowing your intuition to guide you. Be informed but do it with the detachment that comes from knowing that Divine reality underlies every appearance otherwise there would be not an appearance because you cannot make something out of nothing.
Everyone has unique gifts because everyone is an individualized expression of Divine creativity. You are going to find aspects of your gifts changing even if it is just a change in your thinking about something. Work, creativity, interests, and long held concepts about life in general are going to either disappear or shift to a new and higher form .
Rather than holding to “This is the way we have always done it and it works. ” be open to new ideas in the realization that nothing real can ever die or disappear. It is only the lower resonating material form or concept of a spiritual idea that dies or disappears. Not all changes will be better or of a higher resonance at first because many of those charged with making changes are still working from three dimensional awareness.
As a person spiritually evolves their energetic resonance becomes lighter, brighter, and more refined, which in turn allows greater insight with regard to people, places, ideas, beliefs, etc. Insight experiences can be frightening because they automatically relegate previously held “truths” to being false. Hold insight experiences in your heart without feeling the need to accept or deny them but simply allow them to mature and unfold when you are ready.
Some of you will continue doing the work you have been doing, and will begin to get ideas for how it could be done better or more efficiently. Others of you may find yourselves completely removed from what you have been doing whether by choice or force. Know that your Higher self is bringing to you experiences you need for further growth that will push you to something higher and better just waiting. Take whatever “human” steps you are guided to take always knowing that every experience is a facet of the spiritual evolutionary journey and never random “bad luck”.
Everything vibrating with obsolete frequencies must change because collective consciousness is evolving which in turn is allowing it to manifest as forms that more closely align with reality. Trust SELF, not the ego based human sense of self but the real YOU that is, always has been, and always will be fully present even if not yet fully experienced. You are going to notice that solutions and new ideas come quickly and without effort because your consciousness of being fulfillment and self sustaining, self maintaining completeness has opened the door to its manifestation.
Meditation is consciously acknowledging and resting in the awareness of self as SELF without expectations or seeking. When you meditate this way you are telling your Higher Self that you are open and ready for more. Ideas and answers sometimes come in mediation but more often manifest later when the person is better prepared to receive the needed information, often when least expected. Never believe that time spent in meditation wasted time because “nothing happened”.
Many are programmed to expect this or that to happen in mediation and if it doesn’t they think they have failed. Some think of meditation as a personal “cash cow” for getting what they want. Time devoted to silently resting in; “I and the father are one” is NEVER wasted and is ALWAYS answered. Let go of any and all concepts of how answers must come or meditation needs to be experienced. Even one second spent in a consciousness of ONEness is true prayer and always answered.
You have been awaiting the birth of a new world for very long time. Try to understand that the earth’s ascension is a process involving the three dimensional energies of a collective consciousness that has been expanded and built upon for many thousands of years. Global and personal clearings are happening and high resonating frequencies are integrating into physical bodies but it must happen as a process in three dimensional energy.
You never have been or ever could be other than the one infinite God expressing ITself. Anything other than that is a dream.
We are the Arcturian Group 2/25/24

February 11, 2024

Marilyn Raffaele – Arcturian Group – February 11, 2024

Dear readers, welcome to our message.
All is proceeding according to plan even as appearances often indicate otherwise. Long held concepts of right and wrong, good and bad, along with man made rules of correctness regarding every aspect of life are being questioned in the hearts and minds of increasingly more individuals.
You are now in a time that has been predicted, prayed for, and desired for thousands of years. You chose and were allowed to be on earth at this powerful time in order to participate in earth’s ascension process but because the three dimensional energy of earth is so dense most of you were unaware of your intention and began to align with earth’s three dimensional belief system.
The ascension process is happening but even some who are aware of it continue to hold concepts of how it should look and manifest–“Beings from other planets will come, save us, and change everything. World events are proving that the ascension process has not yet begun…”etc. Let go of any and all concepts you may still have with regard to the ascension process. The human mind which interprets mainly from a third dimensional level is unable to fully comprehend the ascension process or understand how the high resonating energies accompanying it are affecting everything and everyone.
Ideas and ways of living that reflect previous states of consciousness will become less relevant in many minds and begin to disappear automatically adding Light energy to earth’s collective consciousness. Many of those unwilling or unable to accept new ideas and change are lashing out at everyone and everything they believe to be responsible for ruining the world (as they know it). It is important to understand that good human-hood is no more real than bad human-hood because both are material concepts of spiritual reality.
Those spiritually prepared but who steadfastly refuse to accept anything other than what they have come to believe is reality often must learn what they are ready to learn the hard way through physical, emotional, or mental wake up calls. Many commonly held beliefs are going to come into question this year as increasingly more embrace spiritual empowerment and begin to think for themselves. The ascension process is a reality regardless of whether or not it is known, believed, or resisted.
The third dimension is the lowest rung of a very high dimensional ladder even as most consider human consciousness to be the epitome of intelligence and wisdom. Humans became increasingly stuck in density when over time and through ignorance of their true nature, they believed, lived, and continued to create their outer world from states of consciousness polluted with beliefs of duality, separation, and two powers.
All life is the one and only life, that of God/Divine Consciousness/Source and the game of pretending anything other than that is over. It has gone on too long and increasingly more souls are tired of playing this game. Pain, suffering, lack, limitation etc. etc. have never been reality and only seem to be so because they have been the experiences of the majority throughout hundreds of lifetimes creating personal programming and a collective consciousness unaware of anything other than what can be seen, heard, tasted, touched, and smelled.
Never doubt that you are a Divine Being, embodying the fullness of Divine Consciousness regardless of any appearances or situations that would indicate otherwise. Stop attempting to figure everything out through limited three dimensional knowledge because finite human minds are incapable of aligning with and comprehending the infinite. Divine Consciousness is, always has, and will infinitely continue expressing and revealing ITself but those choosing to live with constant noise and outer distractions cannot hear the still, small voice always flowing from within and so believe it does not exist.
You and only you can choose spiritual evolution because you have free will. A person can play three dimensional games and fritter away many lifetimes while doing it. They can choose to live as a ghost for while, or even refuse to incarnate in order to experience their needed earth lessons. However, the high resonating energies pouring to earth at this particular time are such that those who do not take advantage of them will find themselves left in old energy.
Creator Consciousness is every person’s consciousness because there is only One Consciousness. Through ignorance and over time most have allowed their individualized Divine consciousness to become filled with beliefs of separation, duality, and two powers which allows material forms of these beliefs to manifest outwardly leaving the person to believe that they are a victim of outside forces. The world has reached a readiness to move beyond the bondage that these beliefs create but leaving behind the familiar even if or when it is painful is difficult because these old energies are known and most fear the unknown.
Try not to get overly involved in the news and images of war and suffering. Be aware of it, but remember that spiritual reality underlies every appearance. The old world consciousness is collapsing and its death throes are manifesting as situations that are often destructive and painful. Never forget that every person incarnates with a contract that they and their Guides have put together pre-birth regarding experiences deemed necessary for further learning and spiritual growth.
Do what you are guided to do when situations large or small arise while always recognizing the Divinity of everyone involved. A smile, a kind word, needed support, a listening ear, petting a lonely dog, and always acknowledging the Divine Light shining from every person’s eyes regardless of their state of consciousness. This is Light work and is what you came to do. Even the simplest of activities done with spiritual awareness add Light energy to earth’s collective and can actually lift or heal another if they are receptive.
Whatever you give energy to feeds and continues it. Every war on drugs, cancer or disease, war on this or that simply draws attention to and adds energy to the issue allowing it to stay alive and well in the collective. Your work as a spiritually awakened person is to live from your highest level of truth and as you do this, more will be given. This does not mean burying your head in the sand while shouting “God is all” but rather means re-interpreting appearances–being in the world, but not of it.
It is an intense and difficult time for many as long held and seemingly innocent concepts and beliefs begin to crumble but the old must fall away in order for higher and more real forms of these same things (laws, beliefs, health care, military, government ) to manifest. The world is in the midst of giving birth and the birth pangs will continue for awhile yet.
Not everyone is spiritually ready to understand what is happening to them and the world. Offer honest practical guidance when asked but do not attempt to inform, change, or force your knowledge on another in the belief that you are “saving” them. Every person has Guides and a Higher Self and in some form or another is on their evolutionary path. Secretly and silently acknowledge the Divine nature of every person and then go about your business. Those ready for truth will be drawn to you at the right time and it is usually someone you least expect to be interested in truth.
Rest in reality, Be rather than do, and trust that all is proceeding according to plan.
We are the Arcturian Group 2/11/24

January 28, 2024

Marilyn Raffaele – Arcturian Group – January 28, 2024

Greetings as we begin the new year of 2024 which is going to be a year of exposures and events that will help awaken many who continue to place their trust in beliefs that are now becoming obsolete. No person can remain hypnotized by illusions of separation forever because the reality of every person is God/Source/Divine Consciousness individualized.
There are some, especially those addicted to “power over” that continue with words and actions to keep the world addicted to the old belief system because if a majority remains bound to the unenlightened rules, ideas, leaders, laws, religiosity, and traditions of duality, separation, and a belief in two powers, they continue to profit in some way.
It is difficult to move beyond the teachings and beliefs that have served a person well as guidelines throughout their life. However, there comes a time in everyone’s evolutionary journey when they must let go of many beliefs that remain familiar and comfortable but no longer resonate in order to integrate the higher levels of awareness. This process is usually not consciously chosen but rather is brought about by the Higher Self when the person is ready.
When everything a person has been taught, believed, and built their foundation on begins to no longer resonate in the same way, it usually precipitates a period of fear, confusion, doubt, resistance, and even the belief that the person is losing their mind because everything they have wholeheartedly believed up to this point seems to have been a lie.
This period constitutes a “dark night of the soul” especially for those who have been serious seekers for a long time and believed had found all the answers. It will last as long as the person resists, tries to re-energize the past, or refuses to look deeper within. It can be a particularly traumatic time for those who hold to strict religious, metaphysical, or even “pagan” beliefs.
At some point the experience becomes a time of seeking, researching, studying world religions, pondering, questioning, and healing during which new awareness’s begin to take root even while some of the old remains. Know that you are always guided and being led through this phase of your journey by your Higher Self because you are ready for it but most do not initiate it on their own.
God is not an old man sitting on a cloud passing judgement on every person’s qualifications to receive good or punishment according to how well they have followed some man made rule. God is omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient Consciousness and because everyone is an expression of this one and only Consciousness, everything that IT is, is already fully present within every individual. You are not a part of God, you are the wholeness.
It is not only foolish but fruitless to pray to some concept of God made in man’s image to give you things, events, people etc. God is already expressing IT’s fullness in and as every person and has no awareness of anything other than ITself because nothing other than ITself exists. If disease, lack, suffering etc. were facets of Divine Consciousness they could never be healed, changed or eliminated because they would be held forever in place by Divine Law. Spiritual evolution is the journey of realizing this and allowing SELF completeness to manifest.
God does not give things, people, jobs, goods, because God consciousness does not have ideas of lack and limitation. God is infinitely expressing ITSelf through man and all ITs expressions. Once a person attains a consciousness of oneness and completeness, mind can then interpret the contents of this state of consciousness on levels the person can understand.
For example; A person needs a home. If they have attained a state of consciousness that knows they can never be separate from their real home which is Divine Consciousness, mind will then interpret this outwardly as the right home. The enlightened consciousness of a mechanic will not manifest outwardly as new ideas for surgery nor will the surgeon manifest ideas for fixing a carburetor–unless that is what he needs.
This is why it is necessary to let go of the many familiar but now obsolete religious or metaphysical teachings encouraging you to pray this way or that in order to obtain what you believe you or others need. These practices served well in earlier times of evolution but were only steps along the way not meant to be held on to forever. These practices actually promote and empower beliefs of separation. The time has come to put away the tools of a previous and less evolved state of consciousness and move into the awareness of what it really means to be one with God.
It is futile to pray for peace, because God knows nothing other than the peace of ONE omnipresent Self having no opposites. Instead of praying to God for peace realize that because every person is Divine Consciousness individualized, the energy flowing and connecting all life (love) remains fully present even when not recognized because it is the reality.
Do not deny appearances, but rather cease giving them power by acknowledging the reality underlying all appearances. War is an activity of the collective belief in separation which must be experienced by some in order for them to learn and evolve beyond beliefs of separation.
Many continue to live with one foot in both worlds long past the time they are ready to have both feet in the world of truth. This can be difficult, scary, and even result in rejection by family and friends but you came to earth to fully awaken, clear remaining old energies, help others do the same and by doing this assist with earth’s ascension process. The issues you are witnessing on earth at this time are facets of this process because everything old and false must surface, play out, and be recognized in order to be let go of and moved beyond.
Never proselyte or attempt to press your awareness on others in the belief that you are helping them but rather simply be an example of peace and non-judgement. Trust that those ready for what you have to give will find their way to you because like energy attracts like energy.
A spiritually evolved person is an empowered person who does not allow others to dominate or control them in the belief that they are being patient and loving when they do this. Never allow a person or group to misuse or dominate you. It is an insult to your divinity. A spiritually empowered person is never afraid to lovingly say; “Thank you for your opinion, but I am going to do this..”
Some remain in abusive or even dangerous situations simply because they want to please, reflecting low resonating attempts to be loved. Others have been taught that it is spiritual to be loving and patient regardless of all negative circumstances. It is not spiritual to allow some person or group to manipulate you physically, emotionally, mentally, or even spiritually. However it is very important to be very honest with yourself in these types of situations, not interpreting another’s desire for dialog or change as an easy excuse to run away or avoid dealing with something.
It is often the case and particularly during these times of intense clearing, that the painful situations a person may be dealing with in this lifetime are actually old energies that wer experienced and have been carried through many previous lifetimes. When a person feels strong and evolved enough to finally acknowledge and clear intensely painful and low resonating energies they still carry (horrific experiences like torture to death or one or lifetimes of abuse) they will often choose to incarnate into a family or situation that will reactivate this old energy. Because now they are spiritually empowered and emotionally prepared they are able to re-experience the energy in some form, recognize it for what it represents, and fully release it from consciousness.
Always in these types of situations do what needs to be said or done while inwardly knowing the true spiritual nature of all involved. That way you do not create negative energy that will need to be cleared.
Like it or not, enjoy it or not, desire it or not, believe it or not there is a Divine plan unfolding and you are a part of it.
We are the Arcturian Group 1/28/24

January 14, 2024

Marilyn Raffaele – Arcturian Group – January 14, 2024

Dear readers welcome to our message which is as we have previously stated, your message because the consciousness of the readers draws forth the message.
The Divine plan continues to unfold regardless of efforts by some to keep the status quo. Do not mourn the loss of people, places, or the things that fulfilled you in the past or attempt to restore them to what they once were. Because consciousness is the creative substance of form, and because every person is an expression of Divine Consciousness, outer forms must automatically dissolve or change as consciousness changes.
Everything a person is energetically in alignment with flows harmoniously but spiritual evolution changes and refines a person’s energy which in turn puts them out of alignment with much that they were previously in alignment with–certain people, places, causes, beliefs, foods, likes/dislikes etc).
Evolution is also causing many to no longer align with the metaphysical and spiritual practices they have believed to be important and necessary but are now beginning to feel “old”. You must be willing to release anything that no longer resonates with you regardless of how important it may have once been in order to move to new levels.
The world is manifesting a great deal of chaos as ancient and long ignored pockets of dense energy surface for individuals as well as the earth in order to be acknowledged and eliminated. In previous times of war the majority would stand firmly and without question behind whatever their country told them–“My country right or wrong, my country”. This is no longer true.
Technology is allowing the world to witness the pain and suffering of others across the globe. This has resulted in increasingly more receptivity to activities and ideas of service and compassion that in reality are expressions of spiritual oneness but to most seem to be simply the desire to help or serve in some way. Compassion, donating what is needed, reaching out, and activities of service are in reality spiritual oneness interpreted on the third dimensional level.
Most do not yet understand that the compassion and care that they are beginning to feel for people and animals is flowing from within them and not from advertisement and messages from outside sources. Awakening to compassion represents the first steps toward conscious awareness that all life is God life, expressions of the One Divine Consciousness/God individualized as infinite form and variety.
It is important that you allow you intuition to guide you when serving individuals or groups in some way. Learn to discern the difference between wants and needs. There are some living fully from a three dimensional state of consciousness that take advantage in the belief that somehow they are entitled to have whatever they want and as much of it as they can get. Always remember that in reality these individuals are Divine beings but do not let yourself be manipulated by three dimensional games. This is empowerment.
Third dimensional consciousness believes that love is an emotion, a feeling of attraction to someone, something, some activity, or some place and it often is. This is a very limited interpretation of love which in reality is the energy that flows between and connects all individualizations of the ONE. Love is the glue that holds everything in perfect order and harmony-roses coming from rose bushes, apples from apple trees, the sun rising and setting each day,and the tides moving. Love is God in action.
Many individuals continue to be stymied, blocked, rejected, or even punished if they seek to understand or experience love from “outside of the box”–to live differently from their society’s “accepted” beliefs, to partner with an “unapproved” person, or worship differently from family traditions. When a majority believes something, it becomes solidified as collective consciousness and universally accepted. However, as concepts based in error fall away, so too will today’s many limited concepts about love.
Recognize the small evidences of the ascension process. Many Self-help books are beginning to promote the idea that real change and solutions lie within the person themselves. Teachers on all levels are beginning to incorporate the importance of quiet time for better clarity. People are recognizing and standing up to the stupidity of war and many young but evolved souls are reaching out to and teaching those entrenched in the past about new ways of seeing the world.
People will continue to “fall in love” but it will be on a new and higher level even as the world continues to promote the idea that every person is half of a couple and can’t be happy until they find their other half. Increasingly more are waking up to the fact that this concept of relationship is obsolete and are choosing instead a higher sense of relationship, one in which two people already aware that they are whole and complete choose to stand together looking in the same direction. Relationships will be a matter of choice, not need.
Changes will unfold in this coming year because much that is familiar is on the verge of breaking down. Those who through ignorance or a desire for power attempt to hold old energy in place will be disappointed because at some point their efforts will simply no longer work as they once did because people are waking up. One with God is a majority and like it or not, every soul is destined to wake up to reality.
Don’t ever believe that you are stupid or un-evolved simply because you do not accept or fully understand some of the changes that may come. Learn to be an observer, trusting your intuition because some changes, those made from a three dimensional level do not represent a higher level and will not remain. This is how evolution works–stepping,falling, getting up, and stepping until at a certain point the soul no longer needs to learn this way.
Current beliefs about the “best” healthcare, government, business, education, and law will at some point change for the better and wiser as collective consciousness spiritually evolves. You will witness chaos, resistance, and conflict in some old and long established institutions that have thrived and been held in high esteem simply for being who and what they represent, much of which is now becoming obsolete.
Ego is the sense of a personal self-hood separate from God and other life forms. Individuality is not ego. Everyone is entitled to their preferences as an individual with free will because everyone is an individualized expression of God. This does not mean you shouldn’t feel pride in your accomplishments, but rather that you always remember where accomplishments flow from.
You are on earth to be the Light. Not to do, but to be. Trust your intuition with regard to every aspect of your lives. Any messages, channels, or teachings being promoted as new and higher must reflect oneness or they simply remain three dimensional in spite of any new packaging.
Always remember that you are not a material body with consciousness but are and always have been consciousness utilizing material body while in the denser energies of earth. Your real home is on the other side and your real body is made of Light. You came to earth for a short time to assist others and personally evolve. You are God individualized. This is the whole message, the whole journey, the whole truth.
We are the Arcturian Group, 1/14/24

December 17, 2023

Marilyn Raffaele – Arcturian Group – December 17, 2023

Welcome dear readers.
Much of the world is celebrating a holiday season while others continue to experience chaos, sorrow, and suffering, the perfect example of duality. Never forget that a necessary component of the ascension process for individuals as well as for earth is the clearing of dense and false energies. Energies long stored and often very ancient must first manifest in order to be seen and recognized for what they represent and eliminated from personal and collective consciousness.
The clearing process is taking place for everyone including those who unaware of and uninterested in truth. Some of these dear ones are identifying with the energies they experience as they flow through, giving them a sense of permission to act on what they feel. This is why at this time there is an increase of negativity and violent activity in the world.
Many, especially those with traditional religious beliefs often question why a loving God allows war, suffering, lack, and violence. Understand that these things do not exist in Divine Consciousness which is why throughout the centuries spiritual masters have taught that the world is illusion. The world is not illusion, it is the manifestation of a Divine idea in God Consciousness. The illusion is how God’s perfect expression as earth is perceived through three dimensional conditioning. Man, not God has created the illusory world that most see and experience today.
God has never has and never could make one form of ITself cause pain, suffering, and even death to another form of ITself. God/Divine Consciousness/Source is all that exists. ONE– birth-less, deathless, never divided, omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient, manifesting in and as infinite form and variety. Attaining the consciousness of this is the evolutionary goal of every soul regardless of how long it may take.
When an individual seeks to kill and do violence to another who in reality is him or her self in different individualization they automatically do it to themselves. Not in that moment, but like energy always attracts like energy. War and violence express the state of consciousness that believes all life forms to be separate from self and God rather than fellow expressions of the one and only life.
Trust that all is proceeding according to plan. Let go of the past. Let go of the many things that served to satisfy in a previous state of consciousness. The energies that created, maintained, and sustained much of the familiar in your life has changed or is in the process of changing, often resulting in a sense of sadness and loss for how things “used to be”.
Long time friends may simply drop out of your life, favorite foods may not taste the same or agree with you. You may find yourself eagerly re-watching a loved movie and then asking yourself; “Why did I think this was so great?”. Family gatherings and traditions once loved and looked forward to may start to feel flat. When a person evolves to a new level of consciousness it automatically shifts them out of alignment with many of the things they previously aligned with. Remember energy always seeks to align with like energy because there is only ONE.
States of consciousness automatically align with and draw beliefs and ideas of like vibration be they true or false. A hypochondriac will automatically align with and draw to themselves disease and health issues. The “Poor me, nothing ever goes right” person will attract exactly these types of situations. This is what supports “bully” situations. The person being bullied usually unconsciously holds beliefs of worthlessness or being “less than” which a “Bully” consciousness picks up and acts on.
However, it is important to understand that the three dimensional issues a person may ignorantly draw to themselves are not and never can be personal because they are not real, God ordained or sustained by Divine law but rather consist of appearances superimposed over the real self/SELF through ignorance.
No one has ever or could ever be other than Divine Consciousness. Therefore every individual in spite of any or all appearances is in reality, spiritually whole and complete. It is ignorance that aligns an individual with that which is false and unreal. This is why and how war, suffering, disease, lack, limitation etc. continue to manifest. As we have said many times, God consciousness individualized as personal consciousness is the creative substance of form being interpreted through mind.
Earth’s gradual transition to a resonance that is higher and more closely aligned with reality cannot be stopped . Peace treaties and material concepts for peace are temporary band-aids. Real peace can only manifest when majority consciousness begins to understand and accept oneness even if it is only on the human level. Mankind’s dreams of separation, duality, and two powers have no Divine law to support them and will crumble when the energy that created and has sustained them is no longer present.
Begging, pleading, seeking, or searching for a concept of God outside of self to bring peace, harmony, and wholeness to the world is a useless activity because these God qualities are and always have been already fully present just awaiting recognition. BE WHAT YOU ALREADY ARE– Divine Consciousness individualized and you will be secretly and sacredly helping to lift collective consciousness into true peace. Be prepared, standing firm in the realization of Divine Oneness because changes are about to unfold.
There can be nothing separate from an Omnipresent Divine Consciousness but it is every person’s free will choice to accept or not. The time is NOW to make this choice.
We are the Arcturian Group 12/17/23

December 3, 2023

Marilyn Raffaele – Arcturian Group – December 3, 2023

Welcome dear readers.
You are entering into a season during which much of the world celebrates the birth of the master teacher Jesus. It is important to remember that the Christmas story is every person’s story and not just that of one man. The Christ (Light of Spiritual consciousness) can only be born into a consciousness emptied (the stable) of personal ego and beliefs based in duality, separation and two powers. Because this state of consciousness is already full, the higher frequencies of the real Self cannot flow–there is “no room at the Inn”.
The early days of every sincere spiritual journey usually includes a period of personal “set backs” and problems that may manifest physically, emotionally, mentally, or even spiritually. Because the higher frequencies of Christ consciousness cannot align with a consciousness already filled with lower resonating energy the clearings begin often serving to dismantle the seeker’s three dimensional belief system.
This is what is meant by the “dark night of the soul”. This period can be extremely painful as the seeker watches many of the beliefs he/she has build their life on crumble. However it is always temporary if not resisted because once the false concept of something is eliminated, its reality can begin to manifest. The clearing out of all that is old and false is necessary for moving to the next step of the evolutionary journey. Every person experiences their own personal clearing process based on their state of consciousness and energies needing to clear.
Never feel that somehow you have failed if all hell seems to break loose in your life. Consider every experience regardless of how difficult or devastating, as a graduation because these experiences serve to move you out of and beyond a state of consciousness you have outgrown. Many of the energies now clearing were added to over lifetimes and have become firmly established in your belief system making them difficult to release because they are familiar even when recognized as being old energy.
Allow the process dear ones, always trusting that your Higher Self (the you that has never forgotten ONEness ) is in charge and not the personal ego sense of you that believes it must do this or do that in order to be spiritual. You can do all the reading, classes, and activities you feel you need to do in order to more deeply evolve into who and what you now know you are but it is the Higher Self that determines your readiness as well as what experiences may be needed to get you there.
It may seem as if nothing is happening in your quest for deeper realization, but know that the moment you were ready for and consciously began a search for truth, you consciously or unconsciously stated your intention to spiritually evolve. At this point “the train leaves the station” and does not stop until the destination is reached even when there are stops and bumps along the way or you decide you want to get off.
Outer “spiritual” activities indicate an intention to evolve and are important steps up to a certain point, but there comes a time at which every seeker must move beyond activities designed to bring them closer to God in order to move beyond the sense of separation these activities represent and into an awareness of self and all life as already one with God. This is the difference between metaphysics and organized religion (separation) and mysticism (oneness).
Your work is to rest in an awareness of oneness, trust that you are being guided in every moment, and allow the process. Release all concepts of what spirituality is or must look like. Surrender any remaining beliefs derived from images of “saints” engulfed in light and with eyes skyward promoting the idea that they are better, holier, and closer to God than you. It is time to move on from the preachers, experts, articles, and even channels that tell you that you are “less than” and must be “saved”. You have never not been “saved”.
No one can avoid the constant inner pull toward deeper awareness even when or if it is on a three dimensional level. As an individualization of Divine Consciousness, every person is automatically drawn to once again experience their wholeness and will seek it in accord with their state of consciousness. Even the murderer believes he is somehow making his life more whole by his actions.
Every person is already self sustained and maintained, whole and complete, cause and effect, abundant, intelligent, harmonious, and infinite, etc. etc. but the density and resulting hypnotism of being in three dimensional energy blocks this awareness from most. The evolutionary journey is nothing more than the process of getting out of your own way and allowing these already present qualities of Source/God/Divine Consciousness to flow into expression–the Christmas story.
Trust is often difficult because humans have been programmed to beliefs of separation throughout their many lifetimes. Almost everyone is born carrying energies of fear, distrust, and separation causing them to automatically carry a sense of distrust throughout life. When living in three dimensional energy it is wise, practical, and necessary to distrust and question situations and individuals but at the same time as a spiritually awakened person it is important to remember that fear and distrust are facets of separation energy.
Life lived in three dimensional energy is not easy and not for the fainthearted which is why you who are spiritually evolved were considered strong and brave enough to be a part of and contribute to earth’s ascension process. Not everyone who wanted to be on earth at this time was allowed to come. You came to clear all remaining old energy for yourself as well as for the world and by doing so lift earth’s collective consciousness to a new and higher level. You are doing it.
The journey gets easier as the long carried and comfortable old baggage drops away. Issues once considered important start to feel unimportant. You begin leaving behind the do’s and don’t s, rights and wrongs, must dos and must not do, sins and not sin, good and bad. The rules you were taught based in duality, separation, and two powers begin to crumble and you discover that life becomes easier when you are aligned with reality.
You find that without conscious thought you have become more understanding, patient, loving, and kind because you have removed the blocks and opened the door to your own Divine Consciousness allowing IT to flow as you. Things, events, people, solutions, and situations that are fulfilling and of a high level begin to unexpectedly show up. Things that you could not have asked for because you did not know about them. Fulfillment is the true nature of SELF.
You are, always have been, and always will be Divine Spiritual Being in spite of any and all present or past appearances to the contrary.
We are the Arcturian Group 12/3/23

November 19, 2023

Marilyn Raffaele – Arcturian Group – November 19, 2023

Welcome dear readers. It is important to understand that it is you the readers who draw forth the contents of each message. The intention to more fully spiritually awaken acts to automatically manifest outwardly as new insights and understanding which often flow from where least expected–a word from a stranger or friend, an experience, a sudden insight, a book or article, a channeled message, or most importantly from within.
Never doubt that all is proceeding according to plan. It may seem as if nothing positive is taking place at this time but as we have said before, moving into a higher frequency for earth and individuals requires the clearing of dense and obsolete energies already present. This usually takes place as activation, observation, evaluation, and then elimination. A great deal of the violence you are presently witnessing between individuals as well as countries consists of energies that were created thousands of years ago.
Because increasingly more individuals are opening to a sense of oneness, much of the world is beginning to recognize the futility and stupidity of war. Try not to take sides because when you do you simply add more energy to the situation. You are entitled to your opinion but do it more as an observer than a participant unless guided to be active. Accepting anything other than God as power is old energy even though appearances would testify otherwise.
Allow the process. Allowing does not mean denying. resisting, or pretending to be unaware of some negative appearance but rather means standing aside and allowing it to unfold as it may without supplying it with additional power. Because God is the one and only power, nothing in and of itself has power other than what you endow it with. The belief in separation from God and others is the foundation of all war, violence, dishonestly, abuse, and issues of “power over”.
All discord is a manifestation of the duality, separation, and/or two powers state of consciousness. Because nothing other than God/Divine Consciousness exists, IT is the real substance of everything perceived as being material. Because every person is an individualized expression of this one Divine Consciousness they too are constantly creating and expressing from consciousness.
Living in third dimensional consciousness is like looking at life through a mud covered window. Every bit of truth that becomes one’s state of consciousness cleans a portion of the window until after many lifetimes of learning and experiencing the person’s window is finally clean, allowing him/her to see the world in a new, higher and more real way. The mud is nothing more than illusion, the residue of concepts and beliefs that were never real.
Mind is an avenue of awareness, the interpreter that brings consciousness into manifestation. God consciousness is, always has, and will continue infinitely expressing the fullness of ITself through Divine Mind. Likewise, human minds are expressing the contents of their state of consciousness. The human mind automatically interprets one’s state of consciousness as… A mind and consciousness filled with beliefs of duality, separation, and two powers will automatically express as an infinite variety of forms that reflect these beliefs–sometimes good and sometimes bad. (duality)
Consciousness is the batter, mind is the muffin tin.
It may seem as if you are somehow failing in your spiritual journey if or when you experience issues that reflect a resonance lower than your present state of consciousness. You are not failing or reverting to a previous state of consciousness, but rather are simply experiencing old energies as they move through in order to clear. Allow the process and remember never to claim anything of a lower resonance as being personally yours. The only qualities that are or ever can be yours are God qualities.
Everyone is presently clearing old energy. It is part of the ascension process. Lives lived in a less evolved state of consciousness created an accumulation of low resonating energy that must clear in order for a person to align with the higher frequencies of a new and more evolved earth. Clearings will often involve areas of the physical body that have been weakened by disease, accident, or some past life issue. For example a person who suffered and died from tuberculosis in one or more lives may find themselves dealing with lung issues at this time.
Observe and acknowledge God as that which flows in and as everything. When you have a day where everything seems to fall perfectly into place, acknowledge it as Divine harmony manifesting through you. When you witness instances of love, forgiveness, patience etc. recognize that is not the individuals themselves, but rather God is expressing ITs qualities through them.
In and of themselves, human beings have no love, forgiveness, patience, generosity, etc. to give. These are God qualities only able to express through consciousnesses that are open to and in alignment with them. Never look to a person for love, forgiveness, patience etc. regardless of how a situation “should be” because a human being does not have it to give unless they are open to it flowing through them. Look only to God for God qualities and you will find them flowing to you from where you least expect.
Accept and trust that everything you seek is already fully present in and as you. The word “I” is sacred and creative. “I” is God and not the personal ego sense of self as most believe. It is very important to remember this when you are tempted to tell yourself; “I am sick. I am poor. I am stupid.” etc. Never forget that you are a creator.
Allow “I” to express without conditioning and ego interference through the realization that God is already fully present right where you are and any attempts to influence or contact a God outside of self is a form of idolatry.
As the Divine Consciousness that I AM, what am I choosing to create?
We are the Arcturian Group 11/19/23

October 22, 2023

Marilyn Raffaele – Arcturian Group – October 22, 2023

Welcome dear readers.
Do not doubt that all is proceeding according to plan in spite of present world appearances. The increase of high resonating Light flowing to earth as well as being manifest through the presence of increasingly more evolved states of consciousness is causing a great deal of ancient but active karmic energy to surface and manifest, allowing it to be recognized as obsolete and no longer valid in an evolving world.
A great deal of world energy is focused on fear. Do not immerse yourself in the flood of negative news, ads, predictions, theories, and gossip presently bombarding you 24/7 regarding things you must fear that range from issues of daily living to those that are intense and complicated. News that is presented simply as information carries a different energy from when it is used as a tool to induce fear. Many of those who work in this industry are not intentionally hoping to cause fear and are unaware of how they are being taught to give information. This is why you must learn to “read between the lines” and trust your intuition.
Fear promoted as being “for your own good” is often a tactic used to keep the majority unaware of personal power and continuing to live in fear, anxiety, and worry which in turn serves to create, maintain, and sustain manifestations of separation.
There is an element that thrives on low resonating energy and does not want it to disappear. The idea of the majority awakening to oneness and empowerment is extremely frightening to those who see spiritual evolution as a threat to their survival–which it is. They will take actions, create scenarios, and promote fear in whatever forms they believe will keep the majority hypnotized and thus providing them with power.
Know that the high resonating frequencies of a state of consciousness imbued with the realization of ONEness is automatic protection against lower resonating energies that are unable to align with it. Be aware of low resonating issues and their frightening appearances but do not invite them to become your state of consciousness. Learn to be in the world but not of it.
The one Divine Consciousness/God individualized as infinite form and variety is an absolute truth. However, as we have said many times, absolute truth does not/can not manifest from intellectual knowledge alone, it is just the first step. Truth must become an attained state of consciousness before it can manifest outwardly because consciousness is the creative substance of all form which is why every person is either consciously or unconsciously creating their own world in every moment.
Do not let this discourage you. As you know about, accept, practice, and hold truth in your heart even in the midst of problems, it gradually becomes your state of consciousness. It is like learning to drive where you must first learn about, study, and practice all the bells and whistles involved in driving (intellectual knowledge) but with practice driving soon becomes so automatic that you don’t even think about it. (state of consciousness)
This is the journey, this is how evolution works. It is every soul’s gradual awakening to the realization that they are not the limited physical bodies they seem to be, but are in reality bodies of individualized God Light appearing to be material in third dimensional energy. Being in and of the only substance that exists–Divine Consciousness/God/Source–automatically makes every person infinite, birth-less, and deathless–not the human concept of them, but the reality.
Free will allows every individual to choose what they accept as truth. Those who choose to fill their consciousness with beliefs of duality, separation, and two powers should not then blame others for the creations they are choosing to create.
Only the strongest and most evolved states of consciousness were chosen to come and assist with earth’s ascension process because they would be able to hold Light in the face the negative appearances they knew would unfold. If your are drawn to these messages, then you are of this group and are doing the work even when engaged in seemingly ordinary activities of daily life because your consciousness goes with you wherever you go. You came to be the Light that is always, not sometimes, the only real power. Because…
One with God is a majority.
Many of find yourselves anxious, worried, and confused in spite of being spiritually evolved. Most human minds are still somewhat conditioned to these emotions as the result of programming from hundreds of lifetimes lived in three dimensional consciousness. You are presently clearing this old programming but as you move into a new state of awareness, the mind ( an avenue of awareness) becomes confused. Human minds are programmed by the past, continue to draw from the collective, and attempt to hold you in what is already known by offering an infinite variety of reasons as to why this or that is right or better than something new.
Honor your mind, and never discount it for it is attempting to serve with what it knows, but do not allow it to be power over you. Talk to your mind when it jumps in with excuses and reasons as to why you should or should not do something that you recognize as being old energy. Explain ” Everything is fine. We are doing things differently and in new ways now”. Tell your mind to relax, that all is well and that you understand the concern.
Talking to one’s mind may seem silly to some, but it is a good way to move beyond the programing that continues to hold even those spiritually evolved locked into patterns of old energy. Some of you are beyond needing this exercise, but some are not.
Evolution is inevitable and until a person ready for their next step stops resisting and surrenders to it things can be difficult and “wake up calls” may begin. Ask yourself; “Do I really believe that God is the only power/reality/cause and effect? If so, then why do I continue to immerse myself in so many three dimensional concepts of power?” Once eyes have opened to truth, they can never shut again although many have tried in the belief that life was much easier and better before spiritually awakening. ( Which it often seemed to be)
The process of learning and evolving into a consciousness of one’s real self as being an individualization of Source, God, Divine consciousness is and has been the underlying purpose of each and every lifetime. Do not try to figure everything out with the human mind because it is impossible. Finite minds are simply incapable of comprehending the infinite but know that as you evolve you will be taught from within and the deeper truths you seek will be revealed as you are ready. God revealing ITself to ITself.
Go within often and allow yourself to simply be. Not reaching “out there” to draw some concept of God to you through the right prayers, rites and rituals, attending more classes, holding certain crystals, learning more truth, or begging and pleading.
At some point every person must accept that their real Self is already closer than breathing, always has been and always will be because it is who you are NOW–not tomorrow, not after the “event”, or not after you become more spiritual or know more truth–NOW.
We are the Arcturian Group. 10/22/23

October 8, 2023

Marilyn Raffaele – Arcturian Group – October 8, 2023

Welcome dear readers.
Energies are now present that will allow events that will begin to awaken many of those still stuck in the belief that the laws, traditions, and ideas that worked well in the past should continue exactly as they have always been. Many of these laws and traditions were created with the intention of helping the majority and they were right for that time, but it is now a new and different time in which many of these old creations need to be eliminated in order for their underlying purpose to manifest in higher and more evolved forms.
Hearts and minds are opening and eyes are beginning to see as increasingly more recognize the prejudice and unfairness that underlies many current laws as well as when they witness the childish and self serving behavior of a few so called leaders more focused on playing “king of the castle” than serving the needs of those who elected them.
Change is going to be seen, heard, and experienced whereas up to now, you were simply aware that change was coming. Evolution can never be stopped because man’s true nature as the individualization of the one omnipresent Divine Consciousness must and will eventually be remembered by every soul because it is reality. Those working to prevent the majority from waking out of the third dimensional dream thrive on the fear, suffering, and ignorance that it creates.
The three dimensional dream experience is the evolutionary process for many but there are some who never incarnate on earth, choosing to evolve on other planets. Learning through experiences of duality and separation constitute an intense and difficult path not for the faint hearted, but one that graduates strong and powerful beings of highly evolved consciousness willing and prepared to assist those following.
Because of free will, those choosing to remain asleep can do so, but the world is changing and many of them will begin to understand the futility of holding fast to ideas that no longer resonate with a spiritually evolving world. Why do so many continue to resist anything not in and of the three dimensional belief system? Why do so many world, country, state, and local leaders refuse to even consider new and better ways of doing their job? Why do so many politicians, priests, ministers, teachers, doctors, spiritual teachers, and even the general public resist change?
Fear of losing status in the eyes of those they have convinced of the truth of their concepts. Fear of a hell waiting if they don’t promote and even force their personal religious beliefs on others from the illusion of “saving” them. Fear of what may replace known ideas and beliefs. Fear that perhaps the beliefs they have built their life foundation on aren’t really true. Fear of the unknown. Fear of losing the power and money that they have enjoyed from the status quo. Fear of losing control over……
Become alert and aware of ever present fear mongering often disguised as being for your own good. Media ads and billboards promote fear of what will happen if you do or do not eat this, take this medication, ignore this symptom, read this book, let children learn everything about the world, ignore some religious belief. News outlets spew a continual stream of information about negative and frightening events about to happen. Much of it is subliminal and you are not even consciously aware of some message or promotion but your subconscious hears it.
Fear is the manifestation of separation consciousness and has no Divine law to support, maintain, or hold it in place because God is the only power and not subject to or affected by beliefs of separation. Fear is the self-preservation aspect of separation consciousness and is presently dominating earth’s collective consciousness which is why you are seeing so much chaos. Self preservation is ingrained in most everyone’s energy field simply because in less evolved past lives it was necessary for survival.
We are not saying to ignore issues of health or safety, but we are saying that you are now ready to meet these things from a higher level of awareness, from the realization that God alone is power. Always trust your intuition and become aware of when you are being emotionally or mentally manipulated by some corporation, politician, religious “leader”, or individual who stands to benefit from your fear.
Be patient with those around you who fear change. Explain earth’s ascension process if the person is receptive, but never force truth on anyone. Allow those who are simply not interested in more evolved ideas or who are working to maintain the status quo to rant and rave as they please because the actions of human egos have no power to affect reality.
In the three dimensional belief system, peace is considered to be any activity of non-violence– treaties between countries, actions taken and decisions made between friends and family members to maintain harmony, ignoring slights or insults, remaining silent in certain situations, and often the surrender of personal empowerment in order “keep peace”.
True peace is the outer effect of conscious awareness of oneness and since oneness is the reality peace is ever present but not experienced in its fullness by those living in separation consciousness. Experiences of real and lasting peace will not manifest fully on earth until the realization of oneness becomes more dominant in human consciousness. However, material concepts of peace are steps along mankind’s evolutionary path never to be considered irrelevant or unimportant.
Every person has an ever present yearning for peace regardless of the state of their consciousness because peace is already fully present within whether they are aware of it or not. Every soul yearns to once again be whole, to experience the reality of their oneness with God and all that God is. The desire for peace is strong at this time but three dimensional minds often interpret peace as having more money and things, taking drugs, finding a better partner or job, and attaining increased recognition from others, and even eliminating those who may stand in their way.
Learn to discover, recognize, and experience omnipresent peace in the ordinary even when your life is difficult–in meditation, as you walk in a quiet and healthy forest, as you see the look in your pet’s eyes and wag of its tail when you open the door, when you hear a baby giggle or see it smile, when reading a good book, or simply enjoying a cup of coffee with a friend.
Peace in its truest sense is the omnipresent energy of oneness not to be attained but rather to be recognized, just as love is.
Your work has begun,
We are the Arcturian Group 10/8/23

September 10, 2023

Marilyn Raffaele – Arcturian Group – September 10, 2023

Greetings and welcome to our message, dear readers.
The evolutionary process is causing many to re-examine the choices and decisions they made in the past. The process is leaving many feeling regret and shame as they recognize some of these past choices as having been unwise, hurtful, and ego based. Whenever past actions are examined from a new and higher state of consciousness they will be seen with new eyes and in ways different from how they were previously seen.
This experience is a facet of the evolutionary process dear ones, a process everyone goes through as they evolve from one state of consciousness to a more enlightened one. Do not embrace or claim the shame or self loathing that may arise when looking back on your life–things said, actions taken, self righteousness, or anything from the past now causing you to feel ashamed or unworthy.
An individual can only live out from their highest attained state of consciousness and past actions simply reflect a previous state of consciousness. This is not to say that apologies are never needed and appropriate, but try not to dwell on or even attempt to return to a previous state of consciousness that is now finished.
You have played hundred roles over hundreds of lifetimes in your evolutionary journey toward conscious ONEness with Source. You been male, female, gay, straight, warriors, farmers, slaves, kings/queens, rich and poor, sick and well, stupid and smart, and have done it in bodies of every skin color while expressing the state of your consciousness at that time.
Do not spend time seeking to know about and examine past lives for this can easily become an unnecessary and ego based distraction. If a past life is important to your present life and evolutionary process, you will somehow become aware of it through dreams, memories, a spiritual channel picking it up, or simply by the presence of qualities, gifts, talents, and knowledge that you did not consciously learn in this life which is the truth underlying “child prodigies”.
We would like to talk about healing because many of you are presently experiencing physical, emotional. and mental issues that seem to come from nowhere. Pockets of clearing energy are frequently re-experienced in some form and often take the path of least resistance which will be an area of the body still remembering past damage or disease. For example, a person who died of tuberculosis in several lifetimes may clear old energy primarily through their lungs in the form of frequent infections or medical issues.
Because Divine Consciousness is all that exists, IT can only express ITself and nothing other than ITself for where could something outside of omnipresence come from? If disease, pain, and suffering were embodied in Divine Consciousness they would be permanent, held in place forever by Divine Law never to be changed, healed, or removed.
Disease on all levels is a material manifestation of the collective belief in separation (from God, others, and one’s good), duality (sick/well), and two powers ( that germs, environment, food, age, inheritance, circumstances etc. hold power over every person). The belief that anything can separate you from your real self/SELF is false, but alive, well, and manifesting in and through the third dimensional belief system as appearances easily testify to.
As you grow in spiritual awareness you begin to understand that Divine Consciousness is infinitely complete and whole in and of ITself and therefore the false dreams that so many dream are not a part of it. People often say; “How could God allow this or that to happen?” The answer is that God is not in the dream nor is the dream in God.
Begging or pleading some concept of God to change something that God has no awareness of is useless, representative of separation, and actually re-enforces the energy of the belief. Yes, miracles do occasionally occur but this has more to do with the person’s spiritual contract rather than human petition.
Do what you are intuitively guided to do health wise for yourself and those you are caring for but do it in the realization that disease is a three dimensional manifestation that God knows nothing about because Divine Consciousness is, can, and only ever has expressed IT’s own omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient nature as harmony, love, completeness, wholeness, abundance, intelligence, etc.
We are not making light of those suffering from physical, emotional, or mental disease. Guides and high resonating beings on the other side are always present bringing support and comfort to those suffering on earth and especially when a person is close to death. Permanent healing can only happen when disease is no longer held as reality in one’s state of consciousness because consciousness is always manifesting itself.
Even those spiritually aware of the non reality of disease will have some health related issues while living on earth. Because very few have attained the full consciousness of the non reality of disease and also because you are living where separation belief constitutes the collective consciousness, you will probably experience some but much less than the majority of these appearances.
When or if you experience physical, emotional, mental, or even spiritual difficulty, first know the truth and then do what you are guided to do. Help is available for and on all levels of awareness but allow yourself to be intuitively guided because what may have been a right action last year may not be right for today. Never endow health issues with power even if they are driving you crazy because the only power they really have is the power you endow them with. Many of the issues plaguing people at this time are clearings that will cease at some point.
It is important to remember that physical death is a soul choice, one not made consciously but rather made on a deeper unconscious level. When a soul chooses to go home, they will often choose a disease or situation that will allow them to do so. Common belief is that everything and anything must be done in order to keep a person on earth but if they have made the choice to leave they will, even when consciously unaware of their choice. Stillbirths or child deaths are frequently pre-planned experiences deemed necessary for the evolutionary growth of the parents and those involved.
Jesus’s consciousness held no beliefs of disease or separation and so when people came to him and entered into his consciousness where beliefs of disease, sin, and suffering did not exist, the appearances dissolved, having no energy to sustain them. Never forget that you are this same Divine Consciousness with free will to choose what you put into it.
Take those you wish to help into mediation NOT to fix them, but to acknowledge their Divinity while realizing that your conscious ONEness with Source automatically constitutes their Oneness with Source because there is only ONE.
Observe and honor the Light of every person in spite of whatever dark or heavy debris they may have chosen to stand in at this time. This is the work. This is why you are on earth, not to fix, change, or heal but to know that nothing needs fixing because God is all that is.
We are the Arcturian Group

August 27, 2023

Marilyn Raffaele – Arcturian Group – August 27, 2023

Welcome to our message dear readers.
You are all well aware that much on earth is no longer flowing harmoniously as it previously did, personally and globally. Countries and individuals struggle to maintain rules, regulations, ideas, and beliefs that have always been the accepted in attempts to return things to “normal”. Present times have become confusing and often frightening even for those who are spiritually awake simply because so much is changing and often seemingly not for the better.
Those unaware of earth’s ascension process are trying to restore what used to be because the old ways seemed to work just fine but that was because they were in alignment with the collective. However, because many of these things were born of error and false belief, things cannot return to what they once were because consciousness is evolving and collective consciousness is changing.
Let go dear ones. Let go of exhausting attempts to keep everything as you have always known it–family traditions, rules, practices, even the food you think you must eat. The struggle to keep things as they have always been is a manifestation of separation, separation from your good. It is the fear that if you deviate from traditions and practices that have always worked well for you something bad may happen.
It is tempting to try and “fix” things that no longer seem to be working in your life because you are living in, experiencing, and are accustomed to the workings and solutions of a three dimensional world. Remind yourselves that the material world you are experiencing on earth is an illusory concept created from energies that are now dissolving as individuals awaken. Earth is ascending into frequencies that more closely resemble her true Divine nature in spite of appearances and efforts by those who seek to maintain the status quo.
A major source of all discord is the collective consciousness of two powers. Mankind through an ignorance of truth has given power to just about everything–to foods, climate, vitamins, employment, animals, money, relationships, people etc. Know this–There is only one power–God/Divine consciousness which is not a power over anything but is simply the only power that exists because it is omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient.
The truth of ONE has been revealed by many spiritual masters–Buddha, Jesus, and others attempted to tell followers that God was all that existed and was therefore their own real nature but the majority interpreted the idea of “I AM” as being personal to the teacher and rather than accepting it as the truth of their own ONEness began to and still today worship the messenger rather than the message. You are ready to leave this idolatry behind. No man, teacher, preacher, priest, “saint” or holy person is more God than another including those considered to be criminals or bad people.
The third dimensional belief system has given power to and attributed much of the “bad” that happens on earth as being in and of Satan, evil, or the devil. Know this; there is no devil or Satan unless you believe there is and then being a creator, create one for yourself and maintain it through fear or love. Where could a devil possibly come from if God is omnipresent, all that is?
Many beliefs regarding Satan come from past lives where these beliefs were taught and perpetuated as general knowledge. Many still carry this energy in their energy field where it lies dormant but alive and well ready to activate when a person watches certain movies, reads certain books or articles, talks to other believers, or attends a church that teaches that the devil is real and must be resisted. Consciously state your intention to clear once and for all, any remaining energies based in the belief of an entity outside of yourself who can harm, destroy, kill, or affect you.
There are some who believe so strongly in the power of evil and Satan that they create ceremonies of worship in the belief that their connection to the “devil” will give them power and allow them to experience whatever they desire like revenge or material things. What these ceremonies actually do is attract low resonating un-evolved entities from the other side who are more than happy to participate in anything that will feed them energy and because even devil worshipers are also creative, things happen that they attribute it to the Devil. There is no unexpressed consciousness.
The three dimensional belief system endows bad appearances (disease, drugs, alcoholism, etc.) and good appearances (money, fame, relationships, material things) with power in the belief that these things can control or effect their lives. Endowing anything other than God with power simply feeds it energy. Every war declared on some disease or issue serves to grow it rather than eliminate it.
Nothing is power over you unless you endow it with power. You are the boss of you. God (your real Selfhood) is the only power, law, reality, and cause and effect governing you. There is only ONE power, one omnipresent omnipotent, omniscient reality and the belief in two powers has resulted mankind’s sense of separation from God and others while manifesting as duality–good and evil, sick and well, rich and poor.
All must at some point in their evolutionary journey cease giving power to anything outside of self/SELF in the realization that everything is an expression of God life, God intelligence, God wholeness and completeness–the fullness of Divine consciousness being misinterpreted through minds conditioned with beliefs of duality, separation, and two powers. Every person is free to fill their God individualized consciousness with whatever beliefs they choose but should not then blame others for the manifestations.
We are not telling you to go out in a hurricane, walk down dark and dangerous alleys, or eat all the junk and processed food you want and nothing will happen to your bodies while declaring to the world that “God is all”. The consciousness of one power must be known, acknowledged, accepted, and then practiced until it becomes your state of consciousness. Jesus stilled the storm. How? His consciousness held no beliefs of power outside of God and thus he knew that the storm had no power of its own. Practice these principles with every thing you do and gradually they will become your state of consciousness. This is how it works with all truth.
Do what you feel you need to do with regard to your health and home, but do it in awareness of truth, that in reality nothing is power over you for good or bad. There really are no victims, only those still asleep to the truth of their Divine nature. Know that the fullness and completeness of Divine Consciousness has never left nor could ever leave anyone for it is who you are. The human condition is like a person living in poverty totally unaware that they have a bank account full of money.
Help self and others as you are guided. Help is available at all levels of awareness but always act with awareness of the innate Divine nature of yourself and others whatever the circumstances.
In spite of any and all appearances know that God alone is.
We are the Arcturian Group 8/27/23

August 13, 2023

Marilyn Raffaele – Arcturian Group – August 13, 2023

Welcome dear readers. It is our intention that these messages flow to you on steamers of love that will help you to better understand and move through the chaotic aspects of the ascension process.
Know and trust that all is proceeding according to a Divine plan meant to evolve earth and all upon her out of the collective illusion that has held mankind in bondage for eons. In order to do this, erroneous beliefs that still support and maintain separation must be seen, recognized, and no longer be energetically fed. Everyone, those spiritually awake as well as those who are not, are starting to recognize the deception underlying so much that has been accepted as truth.
Evolution is causing increasingly more individuals to begin acknowledging and trusting their intuition rather than continuing to blindly follow experts, politicians, and religious leaders (priests, ministers, rabbis, shamans, channels) who cannot present anything higher than their own state of consciousness which is often less evolved than that of their followers. However, know there are many spiritual teachers working from a very high level on earth at this time. Always trust your intuition as to which ones are working from a consciousness of truth and which ones are working from three dimensional ego.
Most of you have reached the point at which you must become aware of and clear issues of control. We do not speak of control as exerted by bullies and dictators but of the control energy many individuals continue to express through every aspect of their life. This commonly accepted type of control manifests as often forced actions taken even with the simplest of issues that support the person’s concepts of what determines safety, correctness, and accepted three dimensional norms.
It is time for every student of truth to honestly ask themselves; “Why do I believe and often insist that things must be a certain way? My way? Is it because I believe that if things don’t go as I believe they should everything will be chaos or somehow incorrect?”
A certain level of desire for control remains ingrained in almost everyone’s consciousness because when the world was less evolved control was necessary for survival but those times are finished. Spiritual evolution requires the surrender of ego based personal control which begins to happen automatically as a person truly realizes that being the individualization of Divine Consciousness means that God can do nothing other than express ITself in, as, and through ITs human expression if allowed.
You who read these messages are evolved enough to begin handing personal control over to the Real You unless you still believe that the omniscient Divine reality you are must be told what you need, want, and how to go about doing it. Get out of the way and allow yourselves to accept and receive the reality of your own Divine Self rather than continuing with attempts to control everything in your life according to three dimensional concepts of how things should or must be.
Issues of personal control affect every aspect of daily living from what you should eat to how the world must work in order to be right. A person often doesn’t even realize that they are controlling but rather believe that they are simply helping to make some situation or person better by insisting on “their way” which is why it is imperative to be very honest with oneself regarding intention.
Every person is an individualization of God/Divine Consciousness which means that every person has had varying experiences over the course of many lifetimes from which they have developed personal preferences. Human ego having no awareness of reality, believes that it is in charge of making things happen for self and others and in order to do this must draw its information from the three dimensional collective consciousness where beliefs of duality, separation, and the belief in two powers reign supreme.
Letting go of personal control can be very frightening because being in control brings a sense of security and safety. Most control issues are formed of uncleared old energy that you brought with you into this life. Other than power loving dictators, control issues usually arise from fears and insecurities accumulated in and still active from past lives. Example; A life in which you were a slave (most everyone has had one or several of these) required to perform perfectly in a certain way or be severely punished.
Moving beyond three dimensional control does not eliminate preferences. Every person has free will and is entitled to do things and live their life in ways that work best for them. Parents must maintain a certain amount of control for the safety of their children. Every household needs guidelines in order to keep things running smoothly. However, control issues are often excused by the controller as being a preference which is why a person must be very honest with themselves when they feel the need to push their personal beliefs about how things must be done even with the most insignificant of issues.
In the beginning, letting go of personal control may not go smoothly. Almost everyone still carries some degree of “control over” energy simply because it has been security and defense though lifetimes. Moving beyond three dimensional issues of control is a process of awareness, of being alert to every automatic urge to step in and control something without regard to the choices of others. It is about leaving behind the belief that things will fall apart if you do not step in and take charge. It is about replacing fear with trust, allowing oneself to receive from within, and most importantly it is about the intention to once and for all clear these old no longer serving energies.
There is a grand picture unfolding beyond everything you have been taught and lived up to now. As you learn to let go of attempting to control every aspect of your life and that of others, you will find life becoming easier and easier because you will be allowing IT, the Self sustaining, Self maintaining real you, to express ITself as what is needed while eliminating that which is not.
Rest in reality.
We are the Arcturian Group, 8/13/23

July 23, 2023

Marilyn Raffaele – Arcturian Group – July 23, 2023

Dear ones, once again we welcome you to our message.
Many are tempted to doubt and question the whole idea of an ascension process and we understand this because in these times of increasing violence and misunderstanding between countries and individuals it is very easy to do. The ascension process automatically brings change but moving beyond the false belief system that has ruled the world for thousands of years must unfold gradually at this time in the presence of fear and resistance to change.
Many long accepted beliefs are changing or even disappearing through the presence of the increasingly intense high frequency energy now pouring to earth. These energies are exposing the underlying error of much that has long been accepted as truth and reality. Those who have lived lives dependent upon one particular belief system panic when it begins to crumble as they have nothing with which to replace it. You are seeing the result of this in the actions of so many now attempting to re-create and force obsolete traditions and their belief systems on everyone else even if by force.
Empowerment is a spiritual quality, a facet of evolution, but for many who as of yet do not understand this new sense of empowerment it feels like permission to impose their will and beliefs on others. Forcing one’s beliefs on others be they family, friends, or strangers regardless of intention, reflects separation/ego consciousness at its highest level. However this too will eventually pass because it is actually forcing many to reconsider their own beliefs and question much that they have automatically accepted. It is part of the ascension process–exposure, questioning, seeing with new eyes, change.
You are also witnessing the actions of many who feel entitled to be mean, obnoxious, and violent because their new sense of empowerment feels like permission to express the old emotions and beliefs they previously kept in check. This too is a part of the ascension process. At some point they will realize either through others, within themselves, or through energy rebound, the pain their words and actions cause and in some small way, begin to wake up.
Many do not yet understand that their real nature is Divine and that the three dimensional experiences of their lives are steps along the path of spiritual evolution. They see death as an enemy rather than the act of simply moving from one location to another. The drug epidemic is the result of so many feeling correctly that there must be more to life, but not knowing how to access it. Do not be too concerned with overdose deaths because these dear ones learn a powerful lesson about seeking outside of self from the experience and will return to earth with a great deal more wisdom.
Many of you are experiencing exhaustion, bodily pains, and nausea at this time. This is because the higher frequency energies now flowing to earth have become very intense, forcing remaining pockets of low resonating energy from past lives as well as this one to move through and out of the body causing many of you experience the energy physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually.
Some are traumatic injuries, accidents, torture, that may have resulted in death or a life of pain. Some are a disease that you have carried through lifetimes and as the energy clears it affects the same area of the body. Clearings often involve past attachments to some person (I will love you forever) or certain places,countries, and belief systems. It takes energy to integrate the new and higher frequencies and make the changes required in the physical body leaving less energy than you are used to having.
Trust that everything taking place in your life at this time is part of your journey into a higher state of consciousness. If you are awake enough to read these messages, then be assured that your Higher Self is guiding the process and drawing to you what is necessary. Your only job is to state your intention to evolve, clear old energy, and then get out of the way. Humans have been programmed through lifetimes to “do”–say this, do that etc. in order to make something happen. That is the past. Stand in your Light and simply allow the process.
Do not mourn the loss of anything regardless of how good it may of been. The creations of duality, separation, and two powers are and always have been unreal, illusory concepts with nothing to hold their material appearance permanently in place regardless of how wonderful they may seem. This does not mean that these things will not reappear in a new form because everything material is a concept of some permanent spiritual reality. Most, not all, human eyes do not yet see the reality of things. If you were to see the true essence of a tree you would see a twinkling bright form with branches of high resonating light connecting to all the trees around it.
Peace is a God quality, the manifestation of the oneness of all within ONE. Peace is not something that can be negotiated between the leaders of countries that believe themselves to be separate, better, or entitled to what another country has. Because peace is a state of consciousness it must become the overriding energy of the collective before true peace will fully manifest on earth.
Peace is simply about awakening to reality–that there is only ONE and that ONE is manifesting in, through, and as every living thing. Carry peace with you as you go about your day even when or if you find yourself in situations you do not like or want to be in. Try not to give power to a job, relationship, or any situation because that simply feeds it more energy.
Do not believe teachings that say it is love to stay in an abusive relationship or a situation that consistently pulls you into low resonating energy. Spiritual empowerment allows a person to lovingly, firmly, and without guilt to remove themselves from any situation binding them to negative energy or abuse. You are not obligated in any way to remain in situations of physical, emotional, or mental abuse and to do so out pressure from others is human thinking that does not reflect Self love or respect for your own Divinity.
However, it is very important to listen to ones inner guidance and intuition in these situations. There are times when being in an abusive situation can be a pre-birth chosen experience because the person feels spiritually ready to clear and move beyond it as something they have dragged with them into many lifetimes. Even when speaking necessary words that may sound harsh but are the language the others can relate to, always remember that they too are Divine beings on earth to learn. When you remove yourself from any negative situation in this way rather than with anger and hatred, you do not create energy (karma) that will need to be resolved later.
Many of you are experiencing a sense of sorrow. Sorrow for old and seemingly better times, sorrow for the loss of a friend or family through death or a difference of beliefs. Sorrow for what you see out in the world. Sorrow is a human emotion that results from the belief that something real has been lost. Nothing real is ever or can ever be lost. The material world is a world of concepts. Sorrow comes from the belief that some concept is the reality.
Third dimensional state of consciousness interprets reality as being good or bad, temporary, dangerous, frightening, or even good and wonderful. Material forms will always change and disappear because they are mind formed images of an underlying reality.
As individuals evolve to a higher state of consciousness many of the creations in their lives (both good and bad) simply resolve or disappear because the energy that has sustained and maintained them no longer exists. This may manifest as the ending of a relationship that is no longer in alignment or a job, or change of location. Try to understand that these things are not “bad” they simply represent the process of moving to a new state of consciousness. Remember, consciousness is the substance of form.
Acknowledge the Light within every person even if it is only a pin point. You came not so much to suffer and learn from three dimensional experiences (you have already done that) but to bring the Light of your evolved consciousness to a world collective ready to awaken.
Hold your light high dear ones, it is what you came to do.
We are the Arcturian Group 7/23/23

July 9 2023

Marilyn Raffaele – Arcturian Group – July 9 2023

Welcome, dear readers. Always know that it is our joy and privilege to serve you in this way. We understand the frustrations of being spiritually evolved while living in a world that for the most part is not. We honor you who have chosen to be a vital component of earth’s ascension process.
Fear nothing in the outer scene but rather trust that everything is a necessary part of an unfolding Divine Plan. In order for earth to once again reflect who and what she really is, the old and dense creations of a three dimensional collective consciousness must dissolve into the nothingness from which they came.
Everyone is feeling change and it is leaving many confused and resistant. When a person knows what to expect from the foundation they have built for themselves, they feel safe even when that foundation consists entirely of concepts. Most of you have built a foundational life plan that has for the most part, worked. However, many of you are now finding or have already found that your carefully tended life plan is no longer working as it once did and that the foundation you so carefully built from what you believed to be your highest good is cracking–physically, emotionally, mentally, and even spiritually.
Allow trust to be your strength, protection, and guide. Trust that in spite of the troubling global and personal issues that continue to arise, there really is a Divine plan and everyone is in the midst of experiencing it as their Higher Self deems necessary. It is very easy to accept truth intellectually when life is going along as planned, but actually believing, accepting, and living it becomes difficult when one’s familiar life style and belief system begins to crumble.
Trust. Not a trust in three dimensional concepts that come and go, but a trust that arises from knowing that everything is proceeding according to a Divine Plan and that you are a Divine Being in physical form who chose to to assist. Always remember that your Higher Self is ever present overseeing your life, guiding, and drawing to you the experiences necessary for your soul growth. How you interpret these experiences depends upon what you hold in consciousness as reality.
The dense and erroneous creations that have long ruled earth were created from states of consciousness conditioned with beliefs of duality, separation, and two powers. Many of these creations are beginning to dissolve in the presence of the high frequency energy now streaming to earth as well as from the Light of many highly evolved individuals now on earth.
Three dimensional creations are always temporary because they are mind formed concepts without Divine Law to maintain and sustain them. Divine Consciousness/God and everything embodied within IT is infinite and permanent, held in place by Divine law. Divine Consciousness knows only ITself because IT is all that exists. If disease, suffering, war etc. were a part of Divine Consciousness they would exist permanently never to be changed or healed.
When you say that a person is kind or loving know that it is not the person who is kind or loving but rather that God qualities are flowing through the person. In and of themselves human beings have no intelligence, wisdom, health, love, harmony, peace, etc. of their own. These are God qualities embodied in and expressing through individuals as their state of consciousness allows.
Those who live and act fully from separation have for some reason closed their hearts, blocking the flow of love, energy, and the Divine qualities within them. Because like attracts like, those living from a low vibrational level attract similar energy from those on the other side who have also closed themselves to love and need to draw energy from others. When someone accused of a serious crime says that a voice told them to do it, it is probably true because the human has opened themself to this sort of energy attachment.
We bring this subject up not to cause fear, for at your level of awareness it is not an issue. We want you to have a clear understanding of how energy works. Energy always seeks to align with like energy because there is only ONE and that ONE is always seeking oneness whether the energy is high resonating or dense. Everything is energy in a state of vibration be it high, fast, and light or dense, heavy, and dark. God is pure Light unable to be seen or understood by limited human minds. As a person spiritually evolves, their energy becomes lighter and more refined.
Everyone experiences energy but often does not know what it is that they are feeling–a sense of heaviness when going into certain businesses (often bars, antique stores, dirty or unkempt places etc.) The reason you are urged to spend time in nature is that the energy of untouched nature is more pure and of a higher vibration than in places where human thinking has created some concept of nature, what it should be or look like.
The energy of churches is easily felt by almost everyone because it is a group energy. If the church is one of love and truth you may want to sit, stay a while, and simply bask in the energy. However, if it is a church of judgement, criticism, rigidity, sin and damnation from a punishing God you may just want to leave.
Because the energy of earth is becoming more refined people are more sensitive to the energy around them. You may feel anxious or fearful for no reason other than that you have allowed yourself to align with the energy of the collective or some person. Never claim any negative emotion, symptom, illness, problem, etc. as being personally yours because these things are not God ordained and are therefore always impersonal.
Whe you claim anything as being personally yours it becomes yours because as embodied Divine Consciousness you are creators. Consciousness is the substance of form and there is no un-manifest consciousness. This does not mean you deny, resist, or pretend something isn’t bothering you, but rather you acknowledge it for what it is, not giving it power.
Churches first came about long ago as a way to ease suffering and be sanctuaries of healing and rest for a very dense world. However, as with so many things, their original purpose was taken over by those seeking power, self aggrandizement, and financial gain. Many of today’s organized religions continue to hold members in bondage to fear with false teachings of heaven, hell, Satan, and a judging punishing god. Because most of you have lived lives under the influence of these false teachings you may still carry aspects of them in your energy field where they may still be influencing your view of the world.
The only God there is is your own Divine Consciousness and that of every person and all life forms seen and unseen (Devas, fairies, elementals, and more), Everything is made of the ONE same substance–Divine Consciousness. Heaven is not a place, it is a state is consciousness that a person creates for themselves just as is hell.
There remain many on the other side who because of these false teachings continue to wait for Jesus to come and save them, some have been waiting for centuries. They will be waiting a long time because beliefs of heaven and hell do not exist in the master consciousness of Jesus. Many of you work with these dear ones at night, helping to guide them out of the particular hell or purgatory their belief system has created and toward allowing themselves to open and become receptive to the healing, help, Light, and love that awaits them.
God is all. God is. Nothing else exists. Release everything and anything you may still be holding in consciousness contrary to this truth. You are ready.
We are the Arcturian Group, 7/9/23

June 25 2023

Marilyn Raffaele – Arcturian Group – June 25 2023

Welcome, dear Readers.
Never doubt that all is proceeding according to a Divine plan, for earth is a living soul never meant to suffer the effects of separation consciousness permanently. As high resonating energy continues to flood earth the spiritually awake as well as those who are not are feeling it and being affected physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
Most of you are still in the process of clearing the low resonating energy that accumulated during hundreds of lifetimes lived in and from collective belief systems that were much denser and un-evolved than today’s. Until cleared, a person will carry the energy of intense experiences (good and bad) into every consecutive lifetime where they will continue to influence the person’s choices, likes, dislikes, fears, and desires for people, places, or things.
You have all had the experience of meeting someone and for no apparent reason instantly liking or disliking them. This is because a remnant of energy from some previous interaction with or knowledge about the person remains. These need not be cleared, it is major pockets of energy that effect one’s life that are clearing. Never forget that you are consciousness and not simply physical bodies of organs and functions. Death leaves behind the material concept of a person but as Divine Consciousness the actual person simply takes a different form.
Try not to rush or fix clearing experiences with three dimensional concerns and solutions. Old energy often flows through and is experienced at the body’s weakest spot–an old injury or ongoing health condition. Exhaustion as well as physical, emotional, mental, and even spiritual aches and pains are common. Occasionally the actual experience that created the energy block will manifest in some similar three dimensional version.
Some experience clearings as physical symptoms while others experience them emotionally and mentally depending upon the type of energy that is clearing. Rest more and trust the process to unfold as needed without comparison to others experiences. This does not mean ignoring or pretending what you are feeling doesn’t exist . Simple solutions for ease of discomfort are fine, but resorting to heavy narcotics and intense three dimensional protocols for what you are experiencing will simply delay the process.

Some clearings take longer to complete because the clearing process must flow at a pace the body and mind are ready for which is determined by the Higher Self. Energy involving oaths, promises, vows etc. will often take longer and proceed gradually as a sequence of layers. This often happens when a person has added to and reinforced an energy. An example–taking the same vows and oaths in successive lifetimes because they were the same state of consciousness.

Trust that your Higher Self (that aspect of You that has never forgotten who it is) knows what you are prepared to handle and when. You have entered a time of dying to all that is old and finished in order for that which is higher and more real to replace it but it can feel like dying as you leave behind much of the familiar. The mind does not want to surrender what it is used to and will keep reminding you of the “good old days”.
Evolving to a state of consciousness able to discern the reality underlying appearances is a process that begins with intellectual knowledge then acceptance and practice. Many sincere newly awakened students of truth make the mistake of trying to live and experience the absolute simply because they have read a book about truth or have accepted that God is all.
Intellectual knowledge does not and can not manifest because it is consciousness, not mind that constitutes the substance of form and is the creative principle of all that is. A truth must become one’s state of consciousness before it can then express. You are not beginners, a great deal of truth has already become your state of consciousness and is manifesting but you don’t realize it. Compassion, honesty, patience, courage, love, etc. are all aspects of Divine Consciousness.
Think of consciousness as cupcake batter. Think of mind as the cupcake papers or the molds of a muffin tin. The cupcakes can be elaborately frosted and decorated but the taste and quality will always reflect the contents of the batter. Every person through free will is allowed to like, hate, blame others, or deny truth as long as they wish but it is the contents of every person’s consciousness that determines what expresses.
There is never blame for those choosing to live from a hypnotized state of consciousness. Evolution is a process that unfolds differently for every person because every person has had or needs to have different experiences. Some are just beginning their awakening journey. Every person will at some point awaken to their oneness with God and do it without the preaching and proselytizing of others because it is reality.
Bring your spiritual questions into meditation and ponder them from the premise that you are already ONE with the insights and answers that may quietly unfold as you do this. After pondering or contemplating some truth in contemplative meditation there comes a time of quiet and finish that allows you to simply rest in oneness. It may seem that even after years of meditating nothing ever happens but the intention to align with your real Divine Self is always heard because it is YOU that is doing the listening. Let go of all concepts about how meditation must look, feel, or experienced in order to be “real” meditation.
Mediation has been presented to the world as a means of getting which is based in the three dimensional belief that you are separate from what you want or need and meditation will help you get it. This is the beginner approach to meditation, but one often necessary for those unacquainted with sitting silently with themselves. If continued this sort of mediation usually evolves into less seeking and more resting in and finally evolving to a deeper sense of what meditation is all about.
The energy of earth has become increasingly more refined which in turn is causing density to surface and be exposed for what it represents. Much is yet to surface that will shock many. Do not deny, resist, or argue with others about world appearances. Rather, as one who understands what is going on, simply be an observer always centered in the realization that earth is a spiritual universe peopled with sons and daughters of God.
Even those considered corrupt or “evil” are Divine Consciousness for there is no other life or substance they could be made from. Those living in density are totally unaware of who they really are and so have created lives in which they act from, seek, and experience all their pain and pleasures from ideas of separation and two powers. Your work is not to send them light in the belief that they have none, but to see and acknowledge their already present Light in spite of how deeply that Light may be buried in density.
Some of you are on earth to be active in earth’s ascension process while some of you came simply to hold the Light. Allow your intuition to guide you as to which resonates and know that the two often overlap and neither is more spiritual than the other. Every ordinary action between people, animals, and nature is Light Work when it flows from a consciousness of oneness.
Many are choosing to leave at this time so do not be shocked if this happens with someone close to you. It is a difficult time for some and many are choosing on a deeper level to leave in order to go home, rest, heal, and then come back well prepared for a higher resonating planet.
Every twist and turn of the human journey is simply about awakening to the fact that
God is
We are the Arcturian Group 6/25//23

May 28, 2023

Marilyn Raffaele – Arcturian Group – May 28, 2023

Welcome dear readers. Always know that these message hold the intention of guiding readers toward a higher understanding and awareness of what is taking place both within and without. These are times of intense clearings because all old energy that has been stored and carried from past lives must be cleared in order to align with the higher frequencies of spiritual ascension.
However, do not worry about how to do it. If your intention is to spiritually evolve, you are already doing it–often in dreams and sometimes through conscious experiences that force you to confront particular issues.
The energy of intense experiences such as those involving fear, pain, or violent death usually remain deeply hidden where the person does not have to think about or relive them and believes they are gone. These stored energies are not gone but rather remain active just below conscious awareness where they influence the person’s decisions, likes, dislikes, choices, and beliefs etc. until cleared.
Torture, violent death, and abuse of all kinds were common experiences in earlier less evolved lifetimes and even though a most people do not consciously remember these experiences the body’s cells do, causing irrational fear and anxiety around certain places, events, people, and belief systems.
For example, a person who died in one or more lifetimes from drowning will continue to have an automatic fear response to being on, in, or around water. They may take calming medications, see a therapist, and even force themselves to be close to or in water in order to make themselves “normal” but the underlying frequencies of fear will continue to manifest until no longer present.
Clearings often begin as a three dimensional experience that closely resembles the original experience but only take place when a person is ready to clear something that they may not even be aware of which is determined by the Higher Self. Even the very spiritually evolved will often find themselves faced with some troubling physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual issue that seemed to come out of nowhere.
The clearing of some long carried old energy is often a pre-birth choice. Prior to incarnating a soul prepared to clear something that has affected every lifetime, will choose to be born into a family or situation that will re-activate the energy they have chosen to clear. Example; A person who suffered sexual abuse in a very early life and formed a consciousness of un-empowerment, low self worth, and sexual abuse will choose a family with this same energy in order to reactivate it, embrace their power, recognize its nothingness, and once and for all clear it becoming a state of consciousness where the issue no longer exists.
A person who has been an alcoholic in many lifetimes may choose a family with this same issue. A person with fear of heights may choose to live in a country of mountains and cliffs. The person with fear of water may choose to incarnate into a family that makes their living from the water-fishing, sports, or recreation.
Once on earth, most do not remember their pre-birth choices and cannot understand or why they are having negative experiences that seem to repeat but because on a higher level their intention is to clear , most eventually find a way to do it.
An important aspect of clearing is that every person consciously intend to clear all vows, promises, oaths, forever commitments etc. made to persons or religions. Almost every person has lived one or more life in a convent, monastery, or ashram and sincerely took vows and made oaths fully embracing their teachings. Until cleared these old vows and oaths remain active and continue affect a person’s life.
A person who continually struggles with abundance may very well be manifesting the energy of one or more sincerely taken vows of poverty. Promises of everlasting love made to another long ago may well be why a particular person is continually showing up in ones life–wanted or not.
Earth clears through what are called natural disasters. Earth, being an idea in the mind of God, is a living soul and not a piece of dirt to be used and abused by ego minds. She has endured thousands of years of war, violence, and the raping of her resources to say nothing of mankind’s violence toward her many life forms. Natural disasters are her way of clearing old energy although some natural disasters are not so much natural as man created.
Some natural disasters are the result of the clash between the high resonating energy pouring to earth and the denser energy already in place but natural disasters are NEVER a punishment from God as some believe. The concept of punishment does not and never has existed in Divine Consciousness. Would God punish ITself?
Imagine an infinite ball of Light with millions of streamers flowing out from it. See the streamers fully as bright as the ball because they are extensions of the ball like rays of sun. Now see the streamers become duller, less bright as they move further away from the ball eventually becoming slower and denser manifesting must less of their original radiance.
This is the story of mankind, of what happened when expressions of pure Light forgot who and what they were and became trapped in the dense, low resonating, and false energy they encountered. However, every streamer forever remains a streamer of Light and after many lifetimes of playing games of separation, pretending to be bad or good, and experiencing all that separation can offer, the streamer begins to seek for more and remembers their Light.
Divine Consciousness is always flowing and expressing ITself but cannot be understood by the limited conditioned human mind so do not attempt to do so even as some believe and preach that they have done it.
God can be understood because God is continually manifesting and revealing ITself to ITself but a mind or consciousness already filled to capacity with concepts of duality, separation, and two powers cannot hear the still small voice of God.
The purpose of meditation is to quietly center and prepare ones self to receive and hear SELF silently reveal ITself .
We are the Arcturian Group 5/28/23

April 30, 2023

Marilyn Raffaele – Arcturian Group – April 30, 2023

Dear readers welcome once again to our message. You are known and your courage admired as those on this side observe your struggle to break free from the dense cocoons of belief that have served only to hold you in bondage to illusion over lifetimes.
It is difficult to move past the many commonly accepted beliefs you have lived in alignment with through hundreds of lifetimes. Many of them seem ordinary and “harmless” causing you to question why they are important in the larger scheme of things. Any belief regardless of how simple and unimportant that is believed to be good or bad can only be based in duality and separation–from God, people, and other life forms.
When on earth you must conform to some extent, living as a human from your highest level of awareness while at the same time utilizing three dimensional tools that make living on earth as a human being easier. However, within yourself stop assigning good to some things and bad to others because material good is no more real that material bad. Both are concepts of some Divine Idea. (Example: All forms of transportation are material concepts/interpretations of Omnipresence) The secret to living the mystical life while on earth is learning to be in it, but not of it.
Every person knowingly or unknowingly seeks the happiness and sense of wholeness that can only be permanent when one attains the conscious realization of their oneness with Source. The majority does not yet understand that happiness and wholeness reflect a state of consciousness and are not something “out there” to be acquired. Not knowing this, most spend their lives in a continuous search for whatever they believe will bring them happiness and wholeness. Even the murderer believes that his actions will bring him/her a sense of peace.
High frequency energies pouring to earth at this time are dissolving many of the energies that have long held mankind in bondage to beliefs of limitation, unworthiness, or of being a sinner in need of saving. These energies are bringing a sense of empowerment to everyone, those not yet spiritually aware as well as those who are. Most are not yet aware that what they are feeling is spiritual empowerment.
Because every individual is capable only of living from their highest attained state of consciousness, this new sense of empowerment is causing some who live fully in third dimensional consciousness to feel free to act in ways they may have wanted to but never allowed themselves.
This is why the world is seeing such an increase in violence. Some of those who have harbored thoughts of prejudice, fear, revenge, anger, and separation are interpreting these new energies of empowerment as a right to act on them. What you are witnessing in much of the world at this time, is the misinterpretation of Divine empowerment by those unable to see and live from a spiritually evolved state of consciousness.
Those living from a spiritually evolved state of consciousness are experiencing empowerment as the freedom to comfortably and without fear act on their creative ideas and choices regardless of other’s opinions allowing them to more fully become who and what they seek to be physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
Empowerment is a facet of spiritual evolution, a door that opens into individual consciousness where fear simply does not exist and where wholeness and completeness does. Because spiritual empowerment is a quality of Divine Consciousness it is already fully present within every person just waiting to be recognized.
Empowerment allows individuals to move beyond the hundreds of concepts and beliefs that have held them in bondage to things and people over lifetimes. Empowerment is the ability to gently, lovingly, and without fear say to another; “Thank you for your opinion, but I am choosing to do this.”
Your job as an enlightened person is first and foremost to acknowledge the true identity of all even those creating violence, problems, and suffering for other people and the animal world. Your realization of all life as being the One Divine Life does not mean those causing problems should be spared the three dimensional repercussions of their actions because that is their present state of consciousness and the level they understand. It may also very well be their chosen way of learning in this lifetime.
As a spiritually evolved individual you carry your Light with you wherever you go into every situation. Your secret silent knowing that those committing the most heinous of crimes are in reality Divine beings with no awareness of this truth can actually lift the consciousness of someone receptive.
Some of you are actively engaged in and others are being guided to do “hands on” spiritual work. This work is important to and benefits spiritual beginners who need material spiritual guidance and activities that they can relate to, see, and participate in.
Much of the world continues to believe that spirituality means doing–teaching, hands on, writing books, channeling, or meditating in a monastery or convent 24/7. These activities comprise a part of almost everyone’s spiritual journey but the important and often more powerful spiritual work is often done silently and secretly through being rather than doing.
Hands-on work is ancient. The healing temples of long ago worked with oils, crystals, sound, color, and much more. Most hand-on workers today are simply remembering the work they did long ago in these temples. However is time for these techniques to come more into alignment with today’s higher states of consciousness because this work will remain three dimensional if it flows from the belief that the “patient” needs healing, fixing, or changing.
You who do this sacred work must begin to work from higher and more evolved levels–“Yes, I acknowledge negative appearances that feel very real but I also know they have no law to support or sustain them because God never formed ITself as these things and you are the individualization of God.” Then proceed, focusing on and acknowledging the Divine reality of the person you are working with rather than appearances.
Never believe you are doing nothing if you are not guided to outer spiritual work because you are doing spiritual work when you hold the Light in every now moment. Keep a part of your awareness always centered in truth as you go about your ordinary days. This powerful silent, secret, and sacred work constitutes the foundation and “heavy lifting” necessary for earth’s ascension process.
This does not mean you will never be called upon for action or help in some way. Many who have happily lived quiet lives are now finding themselves increasingly being called on for advice, guidance, or even ordinary “hands on” help. Give it your best and do what needs to be done on a level those involved can relate to but do it with compassion, not sympathy.
Sympathy (“Oh, I feel your pain…”) brings you into alignment with the lower resonating energy of a situation while compassion does not. This is especially important for those of you who work in areas like law, police work, mental health, doctors and nurses etc. because you will often hear “sad” stories and it is easy to align with them. Give three dimensional answers to those on that level of awareness, spiritual baby food to the newly awakening, and spiritual meat to those evolved enough for it always using your intuition and not ego to determine which is which.
The majority as of yet simply does not understand what is happening to the world they have come to know and so they are lashing out in fear and attempting to go back to “simpler times”. As three dimensional support systems begin to increasingly dissolve people will begin to create and access higher ways of solving what needs to be solved. The old must crumble before it can be replaced by something better.
Evolution is nothing more than the process of remembering that God alone is.
We are the Arcturian Group 4/30/23

April 16, 2023

Marilyn Raffaele – Arcturian Group – April 16, 2023

Welcome dear readers
In spite of outer appearances, a great deal of clarity continues to unfold in the minds and hearts of many. Every day “ordinary” people living “ordinary” lives are waking up to the fact that the world is much more than what they were taught and have believed.
Incoming high frequency Light energies are guiding those receptive toward honest and ego-less examinations of personal and universally accepted world beliefs. This in turn is allowing them for the first time to recognize that much of what the world has taken for granted as true and right, is not.
As increasingly more individuals awaken to a consciousness of oneness, the universal collective automatically begins to resonate at a higher level which in turn then allows those receptive to more easily access ideas of truth. Increasingly more people are beginning to recognize the error underlying rules, laws, teachings, etc. that are based in separation and have ruled world consciousness for eons. This is causing panic to those who thrive and have benefited from concepts of separation causing them to increasingly promote activities and information that cause fear.
Belief in separation from God, people, animals, plants, and all seen and unseen life is a state of hypnotism. Earth is a spiritual universe peopled with sons and daughters of God but when interpreted through minds conditioned with beliefs of duality, two powers, and separation it manifests experiences of good and evil both of which represent concepts.
Earth is the perfect expression of a Divine idea in the Mind of God just as every individual is, but when earth is interpreted through three dimensional consciousness it is seen and experienced by most through a state of universal illusion.
Often an evolved student of truth comfortable in their spirituality finds everything changing and nothing feels the same. “Tried and true” techniques for centering no longer seem to work. Guides do not seem to be responding as readily. Mediation may feel different–empty. Familiar spiritual practices are recognized as being based in separation and the clearing of old energy seems to have become one’s primary spiritual practice.
This is not failure but rather indicates graduation to a new state of consciousness, one no longer in alignment with what previously worked so well. Spiritual evolution is a journey through many lifetimes and states of consciousness that usually begin with idolatry, then atheism, then to organized religions of both East and West, then to metaphysics, and finally to mysticism–each lasting a few or many lifetimes.
Metaphysics is a facet of almost every spiritual journey but like those that came before it is based in the need to fix, heal, or change a bad picture into a good one in the belief that you are separate and must do a certain chant, carry this or that crystal, use this oil, or engage in some ceremony in order to become closer to God.
These things cannot give you what you seek because they are outside of you. They can and do assist because their energy can resonate with and awaken these same energies already present within you. Many students of truth get stuck in the metaphysical phase of awakening because the techniques often work and provide a sense of spiritual completion.
There comes a point at which all serious seekers of truth must leave behind those practices believed necessary for contacting God and actually accept the reality of oneness. Many study and understand that the real self, soul, is God Consciousness individualized, but their ego self convinces them to set this information aside in the belief that living truth was and is OK for “saints” but is impractical and unattainable for everyday folks.
Many of you are spiritually prepared to move into and live the mystical level which is not as a monk in a robe meditating 24/7 but rather is living an ordinary life from the consciousness of oneness. It can be done, many have done it, and many others are now practicing. One of the reasons you wanted to be on earth at this time is that the high frequency energies present as part of earth’s ascension process offer an opportunity for individuals to spiritually ascend while remaining in physical body.
Many of you have attained a state of consciousness prepared to move beyond ego and allow the Divine consciousness you know you are to live IT’s life in, as, and through you. It is letting go of continually attempting to fix, change, heal, clear, or remove personal or global appearances through a state of consciousness that realizes anything requiring fixing or healing is not reality/God ordained or sustained but is rather a manifestation of the belief in separation from God.
It is having the courage to surrender into what you ALREADY ARE and allowing IT to be your supplier, guide, protector, and teacher. You cannot and will never hear the ever present still small voice within you if you are plugged in to media, technology, or outer activity 24/7.
Ego (that sense of self that feels separate from God) will always be there to tell you what to do, when, and how to do it in a voice that overrides the silent voice within. This is why it is important to have quiet time/mediation each day until it becomes your state of consciousness regardless of where you are or what you are doing.
Spiritual evolution is a process, it is not easy to shift from the familiar guidance of ego, to listening and trusting within. You have lived as a human experiencing both good and bad through hundreds of lifetimes in which the ego was a necessary component of survival. Ego served well in earlier states of awareness and continues to serve today on earth but the three dimensional ego continually seeks to be the primary force guiding and keeping you well through solutions, ideas, spiritual practices etc. that worked well in earlier states of consciousness.
Spiritual evolution can be delayed, ignored, denied, and resisted but never stopped because reality is One God expressing ITself as infinite form and variety. Period. Nothing else is. You who have worked hard, studied, practiced, and sought God through practices, beliefs, and religions over lifetimes have evolved and are now ready to move into mysticism–the realization and acceptance of your ONEness, that you are Divine Consciousness individualized.
Begin to listen for the still small voice within rather than constantly questioning and seeking outside of yourself. Your Guides are always present to assist, but seeking their input in every situation rather than doing your own spiritual work is actually a form of looking outside of Self. You have done the work and are ready to trust, rest in, and rely on the Reality of your own Divine Consciousness, your Higher Self, the you that has never left ONEness and already embodies infinite knowledge, harmony, abundance, protection, creativity, peace, health, etc.
Because God is the only reality, nothing in the physical realm holds power in and of itself. Words spoken or actions taken do not in and of themselves just happen. An arm by itself cannot just suddenly punch or pet . Everything is governed by consciousness because Consciousness is all that is.
We are not telling you to throw out your medication, stop eating, or attempt to live absolute truth before you have attained that state of consciousness because doing so would be nothing more than an ego activity. We are saying that many of you are ready, more than ready to begin practicing and living from the level of truth you have sought and attained, while detaching from the tools you gave power to– religions, traditions, rites and rituals, laws, societal beliefs etc etc.
Living ONEness is not ignoring, resisting, or denying appearances, but rather is; “Yes, I see you, feel you, acknowledge you, and like or don’t like you, but I know that God is omnipresent therefore can only manifest ITself relegating appearances of duality, separation, and two powers as being nothing more than manifestations of collective and personal beliefs in separation.” Then go about doing what needs to be done, you have done the work and eventually this truth becomes your state of consciousness.
Begin to seriously , yes seriously believe, act, and live from your highest level of awareness because like it or not, you are and always have been Divine Consciousness individualized.
We are the Arcturian Group 4/16/23

March 26, 2023

Marilyn Raffaele – Arcturian Group – March 26, 2023

Welcome dear readers.
The world seems to have become increasingly polarized with duality seeming to affect every aspect of daily living. Some live in great wealth while others live in fear and poverty struggling simply to survive. Women are treated as non-people in some countries while in others they hold positions of authority and are respected. Manifestations of duality, separation, and two powers seem to be increasing rather than diminishing.
Many of these issues are not new but seem new to many because they have always been ignored, hidden, or simply considered normal. Now for the first time increasingly more of these manifestations are being recognized and questioned. The high resonating energies flowing to earth at this time as well as the presence of many evolved states of consciousness are acting to open minds and hearts allowing people to see the world in ways they were previously ignorant of or simply without thought, accepted.
When an individual reaches a place of spiritual receptivity, their consciousness begins opening to truth. Just the tiniest bit of spiritual insight often indicates spiritual awakening. This is happening for many at this time and can be observed as increasingly more individuals begin recognizing that most of the world’s problems are a result of laws, beliefs, concepts, traditions, and religious rules that have been accepted and even embraced by the majority simply because they were promoted by those in positions of authority.
Throughout time “leaders” in every field have forced or bought their way into positions of power. Even today there are those in government, finance, business, organized religion, education, and health who promote agendas disguised as being “for the good of the people” but which are primarily meant to serve themselves and their cronies. The three dimensional world has simply accepted this because the collective belief in separation has programmed the majority to believe that others (those in power, experts, religious leaders etc.) know better than they do what is best for them. As eyes begin to open many are going to discover that the ’emperor has no clothes ‘.
Portals of high resonating energy are now open and flowing. Even though you may not yet be seeing the changes you have hoped for or expected, most of you are experiencing these energies physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Meditation is getting easier. You may find that you have become more discerning and are now questioning what you are told. Things you previously gave importance to have begun to feel unimportant and irrelevant. You begin to recognize the debris in your personal belief system and discover that many of the things you have always considered as being necessary for happiness (foods, entertainments, relationships, religious beliefs) simply aren’t.
On the other hand, the presence of high resonating Light is also serving to expose pockets of obsolete energy needing to be recognized, acknowledged, and released–presently being experienced by many as physical, emotional, mental, and even spiritual discords that seem to come from nowhere. Trust and allow the process dear ones, always remembering that your Higher Self is always running the show, not three dimensional concepts and beliefs.
Trust that there is a Divine plan and allow it to unfold without resistance. Resistance is a natural human response to anything unwanted, but resistance is a form of energy that simply feeds and gives power to the appearance being resisted. Non-resistance does not mean ignoring an issue, or saying; “God is all, this isn’t real” all the while struggling with some physical or emotional issue.
Spiritual non-resistance is doing what you are guided to do but doing it without giving the situation power or reality through the realization that although everything in the third dimension has an underlying reality, three dimensional creations have no law to maintain or sustain them, are not God ordained, and simply manifest three dimensional beliefs which is why they are always temporary.
It is difficult to trust that there is a Divine Plan when you witness the suffering of so many or when everything that seems to hold your life in order begins to crumble. However, anyone honestly seeking truth must trust the reality of who and what they are. Those who live three dimensional lives in the belief that they are just a physical body subject to all the diseases, accidents, lacks and limitations of the third dimensional belief system, will simply continue to create and suffer from the creations of their consciousness.
It is time to really, truly, and honestly accept that a consciousness of oneness with God automatically constitutes your oneness with all that God is and therefore there is no need to continue constantly seeking good from the outer world. As this becomes your state of consciousness, the abundance, harmony, creativity, completeness, intelligence etc. etc. already fully present in your individualized Divine Consciousness will begin to manifest in seemingly ordinary ways and without effort.
You who read these messages are spiritually prepared to live from a consciousness of trust, in the realization that whatever is taking place in your life at this time is part of an unstoppable evolutionary process that is lovingly guiding you out of a conditioned consciousness of duality, separation, and two powers and into the reality of Divine Consciousness already fully present within you.
You must be willing to surrender concepts and beliefs based in duality, separation, and two powers even if doing this separates you from the beliefs of some close to you. There is no need to broadcast the changes you make within or attempt to “save” others through them. Make these choices silently and secretly, living them to the best of your ability. Your trust in the truth rather than in world concepts about truth will allow you to recognize and release anything still holding you in bondage to the false.
Many ready to move into a deeper state of consciousness say; “I have been unloving and unkind. I have hurt others. I am not worthy, I am not ready. I have been a bad person and must atone for my sins before I am ready.” HEAR THIS–Human beings never have been and never can be worthy. You are not a human being but are a Divine Being living in dense energy and having three dimensional experiences. It is impossible for anyone to be unworthy whether they believe it or not. Concepts and beliefs of “unworthiness” represent nothing more than spiritual ignorance taught and promoted by those as of yet unaware of truth.
Do you really believe in one omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent God? If so, then where could a person filled with sin and error possibly come from? What would they be made of? Where would this sin and error come from if God is omnipresent? You are ready to lift the foot that remains planted in the third dimension up and out, placing it fully alongside the other in the world of God’s creating. No one can move into alignment with the high resonating energies of a new earth while continuing to grasp tightly to familiar but low resonating energies they have outgrown.
Spiritual trust is not a blind faith in some nebulous giving and withholding God. Rather it is accepting that because you are the manifestation/expression of one omnipresent Divine Consciousness, you embody all that God is, making everything unlike God, illusion.
Do what you are guided to do when three dimensional experiences demand practical three dimensional actions but always remain centered in the knowledge and trust that your Higher Self is guiding you through every experience toward full remembrance of who you already are but have forgotten.
Trust that you are being guided in every moment regardless of how difficult your human world may seem because ONEness is the reality.
Trust and allow.
We are the Arcturian Group 3/26/23

February 12, 2023

Marilyn Raffaele – Arcturian Group – February 12, 2023

Welcome, dear readers. Know that we and the many others presently working with you from this side honor, respect, and appreciate the work you are doing on the front lines. Even if you feel like you are doing nothing, know that just the presence of your state of consciousness is helping to lift the world collective. We are assisting earth’s ascension process from this side but you have the more difficult job of working in it while not of it.
This message is about trust. You came to earth filled with hope and excitement, confident that you were well prepared to play a role in earth’s ascension process but after years of waiting with seemingly no change, many of you are finding that your trust in the process is waning.
Ask yourselves, have you put your trust in three dimensional concepts about the ascension process–how it would or should look, unfold, and when?
Ascension energy is presently being experienced by most as the weakening of trust the majority has always held for government, health care, education, and religious leaders, which indicates collective awakening and personal empowerment. Waning trust in and the questioning of long established authorities however subtle, is a sign of change and awakening–the ascension process.
Even the spiritually awake may be tempted to lose trust when looking out at a world of chaos, war, increasing acts of violence, natural disasters, and “leaders” more focused on getting re-elected and playing “king of the castle” than working for the good of those they were elected to serve. You may ask; “Was I wrong about all this? Is there really a Divine Plan? Is earth really ascending to a higher dimension?”
You are spiritually ready and prepared for the work you came to do which is to live in the three dimensional world but not be of it through a consciousness that understands that the negativity now rampant around the world indicates the presence of high frequency Light breaking down much that has held mankind in bondage.
Temples built on sand must crumble and dissolve both within and without in order for that which is of a new and higher resonance to replace them. The habit of interpreting world issues as being three dimensional problems having nothing to do with the ascension process remains strong. Release any concepts about how things should or should not be because the human mind is unable to see the bigger picture. Stand in the Light of your highest spiritual awareness and simply observe.
High frequency energies pouring to earth at this time as well as those you automatically carry with you in consciousness are serving to break apart that which is out of alignment with them. This means that many traditions, beliefs, and many so called “right” ways are and will continue to collapse. False beliefs are created, held in place, and maintained only through the belief in them and never by God. As increasingly more awaken to oneness and the higher truths, much that has been created from beliefs of duality , separation, and two powers will simply fade away.
You may wonder about so many natural disasters but remember, earth is a living soul who must also clear pockets of lower resonating and dense energy. Gaia’s body and waterways have been mindlessly polluted, built on, used for war, her parts depleted (oil, minerals etc.), used as a dump for garbage and nuclear waste, covered in concrete, de-forested, poisoned, and considered as something to be used selfishly for monetary gain by humans for generations. Gaia is a living soul, a Divine Idea in the Mind of God and she has chosen reclaim herSelf.
A second and important point with regard to natural disasters is that for many they are an introduction to the idea of oneness. They often serve to open the hearts and minds of those who have believed themselves to be separate from the problems or needs of others. For the first time they are beginning to take notice, acknowledge, and even assist the needs and struggles of others. It may well be their first step in opening to oneness.
Everything embodied in Divine Consciousness is held infinitely in place by Divine Law which cannot be broken or changed. If lack, disease, limitation, or discords of any kind were embodied in Divine Consciousness, they would automatically exist forever, held in place by Divine Law, and never able to be changed or be healed. This is why it is foolish and in fact idolatry, to beg, pray, or make sacrifices to some three dimensional concept of God in an attempt to get him to fix, heal, and change something that does not even exist in reality and simply gives more energy to the illusion,
Trust that because there is only ONE, IT is the foundation, law, and substance of all that exists. Where could anything other than this IT come from? Knowing and accepting this automatically begins one’s evolutionary journey toward it becoming a realized state of consciousness where these truths will then begin to express outwardly. Never lose sight of the fact that an intellectual knowledge of some truth is only the first step, it must become one’s consciousness before it can manifest because consciousness is the substance of form.
Spiritual awareness means no longer judging appearances by commonly accepted concepts about how things must or should be in order to be right. Let go of any beliefs about what is right and wrong or good and bad and know that good material appearances are just as illusory as the bad ones. God is…period. Allow yourselves to accept and fully trust that there really is a God infinitely expressing, manifesting ITself as… Beliefs contrary to this constitute mind formed concepts of reality–illusion.
Ask yourself; “Would or could an omnipresent God take pleasure in the suffering and destruction of ITself in expression as people, earth, animals, nature spirits, elementals, and the many other life forms that humans are not aware of? If there is only ONE Life, why does the majority believe itself to be separate from other life forms? How could a self-sustained, self-maintained Source form ITself as something destructive to ITself? What do I believe? What and who is the God of my consciousness?
Respond to the inner doubts that may come floating into your awareness by reminding yourself that abundance already is, safety already is, health already is, harmony already is, completeness already is. There is no need to struggle, pray, do ceremonies and rituals, beg or plead, offer pain and suffering to God in the belief that God loves your suffering, go to church, or refrain from all things human etc. in order to attain that which is already fully present in and as you.
Believe, trust, and live truth and it will become a state of consciousness that knows and experiences–
Everything I have been seeking, I already am.
We are the Arcturian Group 2/12/23

January 1, 2023

Marilyn Raffaele – Arcturian Group – January 1, 2023

Happy New Year dear readers. Welcome to a year in which you will witness increasingly more change, awakenings, exposure, and new beginnings.
New beginnings because the world’s collective consciousness which is the sum of all previous and present states of consciousness on earth is changing. It is becoming Lighter and more evolved due to presence of so many spiritually advanced souls now on earth with more continuing to come. Much that has long constituted the universal collective consciousness is dissolving or has already dissolved through the presence of so many spiritually evolved individuals on earth.
Divine Mind is the One and only mind and therefore the real mind of every person. However, in the lower resonating energy of the third dimension, mind, a channel of awareness for consciousness, is overshadowed with dense energies of duality, separation, and two powers becoming for all intents and purposes a human, personal, ego mind, a three dimensional concept of the ONE MIND.
The personal/ego mind is only able to access information and truth from outside of itself–from the collective. As the collective becomes increasingly illumined through the presence of the many high resonating states of consciousness now on earth who came specifically for this purpose, people will have access to and begin to draw ideas from a higher resonating collective and begin to implement them as spiritually evolved, new, and better ideas for living.
There will always be those who benefit from the status quo and resist change while continuing to cling to and promote familiar and less enlightened ways of solving problems and living life. All have free will to choose as they please, but changes are coming and resistance will prove to be futile because earth’s ascension is a Divine Plan that will continue to unfold in spite of any and all resistance.
The new year is seen as a time for making “New Year resolutions” because the start of a new year feels like a perfect time to examine the past year and make changes. However, most New Year’s resolutions never come to full fruition simply because people are consciousness with bodies rather than bodies with consciousness and whatever remains firmly established in one’s consciousness simply continues to manifest.
However, choosing to make resolutions for positive change indicates that a person is looking more deeply into themselves, recognizing how and what they would like to change, and are attempting to make it happen. The problem is that most resolutions are based in three dimensional concepts about how life could be better–physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, concepts that never really address the underlying root of that which they hope to change.
Long accepted beliefs about how people or life should be in order to be right or successful are no longer resonating as true with an increasing number of individuals. People are beginning to recognize that change happens automatically as they let go of old concepts and allow themselves to expand and embrace ideas that are based in oneness rather than separation and competition. The inner is the outer and so in reality there are no victims but you cannot say that to those who as of yet are only able to understand life from a three dimensional perspective.
Let your New Year resolutions to be about observing, allowing, and ceasing to resist in the realization of yourself as SELF, a Divine Being who chose to be on earth at this time in order to add Light to the collective, clear remaining dense energies, and assist others to awaken. Let your resolutions reflect your evolved state of consciousness, your spirituality. Let them be about love, the reality of all life, and simply BEing.
Resistance adds energy and increasingly empowers whatever is being resisted. The clearing process often causes anger, resentment, fear, jealousy, self loathing, guilt, and all sorts of negative emotions to surface. Do not resist them for their presence does not mean you are reverting back to an old state of consciousness, but rather simply means that you are experiencing the emotions associated with whatever pocket of old energy is moving through. Observe, feel, and simply allow any negative emotions or thoughts. Allow these old energies to flow through and out without giving them power or believing that they are personally yours.
Refusing to give something power in spite of appearances does not mean ignoring someone or situation in need, saying to them; “God is all, it’s not real, its an illusion”. Many have gotten trapped in this three dimensional way of interpreting truth which is the ego based act of pretending a state of consciousness not yet attained. Living truth means assisting or stepping in with human footsteps when or if you are intuitively guided to do so while never forgetting the underlying reality and innate Divinity of all involved. This does not mean yanking someone out of their chosen lesson. Always listen to your intuition for guidance in these situations.
There are those who are not yet ready or able to integrate the new and higher resonating energies flowing to earth at this time and are choosing to leave in order to come back into the new earth at a later time. Others are leaving because they believe they can assist earth’s ascension process more fully from the other side. Death is always a choice . Not one made from three dimensional awareness but one made on deeper levels. Many were tired and just wanted to go home and Covid offered this opportunity.
Earth is a very difficult school of evolution but because there is only the ONE Life, no life is ever lost, wasted, or a failure. A person who leaves as the result of addiction, violence, or other negative choices quickly and with the help of Guides begins to understand what he was unable to while on earth. Every soul has infinite opportunities to return to earth armed with a new awareness and prepared to experience and move past that which held him or her in bondage the last time.
This is how spiritual evolution works on earth until at some point the soul has learned all it can from three dimensional experiences and is ready to continue evolution in the higher dimensions .
Pat yourselves on the back dear ones, for it takes a strong and dedicated soul to choose and graduate from earth’s three dimensional school of evolution and then even when it is no longer needed choose to come back in order to help others.
New energies and higher states of consciousness are giving birth to a new earth.
We are the Arcturian Group 1/1/23

December 4, 2022

Marilyn Raffaele – Arcturian Group – December 4, 2022

Welcome, dear readers. Know that in reality, our messages are your messages for we are one and the consciousness of readers draws forth the message.
It is believed by many that the Guides and higher dimensional beings teaching and helping those on earth are different from you–smarter, better, more blessed, and holier. Call to mind the familiar images of “saints” surrounded with light while gazing blissfully skyward with folded hands. These images represent religious concepts based in duality and separation. The majority of those in the higher dimensions struggled just as you are and have through lifetimes on earth finally evolving into their present high state of consciousness. Always remember that there is only ONE individualized as many.
In these times of discord and change it is tempting to yearn for the times before earth’s ascension process began because life seemed to be simpler and more peaceful then. However, these “old times” were just as much illusion as today, in fact more illusory for much was hidden and disguised as being “right” years ago. Earth and her people have experienced the suffering of separation beliefs long enough and the time has come for them to rise above the dream state that has held them in bondage for eons.
A vital component in attaining a higher state of consciousness is the realizing, understanding, and living of impersonalization. It is the realization that the good and bad behaviors of humans are never personally theirs, but rather are superimposed over their Divine Selfhood by virtue of their having accepted into consciousness impersonal universal beliefs of two powers and separation. It is much like throwing a blanket over a bright lamp. Some blankets are every dense, heavy, and difficult to remove while others not so much depending upon the thrower.
Every person from those considered famous or important to those considered the lowest by three dimensional standards, is in reality God individualized. Therefore, the only qualities a person can or ever will have are God qualities. The human condition is much like the projecting of a film onto a person, a film created from and formed of whatever universal impersonal beliefs in two powers and separation that have been accepted as truth.
Because the high frequency Light energies now flowing to earth are exposing everything of a low density, many long standing discordant issues are now surfacing in order to be seen, acknowledged, and resolved on a higher level. One of these issues is the longstanding conflict that continues to exist between the masculine and the feminine.
Many men continue to struggle and hold to old concepts of what it means to be masculine. Many women are experiencing an increase of anger, resentment, and even hatred toward men as they move into deeper awareness and a sense of empowerment. Women angry at men and men angry at women much of which is the surfacing of old energies that have been experienced and carried through many lifetimes and into this one–lifetimes in which women were severely mistreated by men because men believed they were superior, beliefs that continue today in some countries.
Many women today lived as males in previous lifetimes and engaged in male dominant practices which has left them with a sense of subconscious guilt and sense of confusion about the whole subject but with the desire to learn and evolve through experiencing life on earth as a woman in order to heal and bring about change.
The Divine masculine aspect of God is the active, be-er, do-er and has never been or ever could be separate from the Divine Feminine which is the intuitive, caring, loving aspect of God. They are each a half of the whole and cannot be separated. In third dimensional energy where the universal impersonal collective belief is that of duality, separation, and two powers, there are always pairs of opposites. The two aspects of the ONE Divine Consciousness have always appeared physically, emotionally, mentally and even spiritually as separate on earth.
This is now changing as collective consciousness awakens and begins to embrace higher ideas of oneness. Men are learning that they can be masculine and embrace their feminine aspect at the same time without fear or shame. Women are learning that they can make decisions for themselves, follow their intuition, and do what they are led to do without being less feminine. However many of dense old concepts regarding male/female roles remain in those threatened by change.
Impersonalization is not limited to masculine/feminine issues but must be practiced in all situations of daily living. It must be understood that in and of themselves, human beings have no good or bad qualities of their own. The good, loving , generous, and kind nature you witness in some are God qualities expressing through them and not personally theirs. It is the same with those who engage in evil, selfish, and even violent actions. These things are never personal but are manifestations of false, universal, and impersonal beliefs in their consciousness.
At first it is difficult to practice impersonalization, especially when you find yourself at the receiving end of some negative action or words but you who are reading these messages are ready and evolved enough to go increasingly deeper with your inner journey and the truth is that the  impersonalization of three dimensional appearances is a necessary component of doing that.
God alone is the real nature of every person and anything else is the manifestation of universal beliefs in separation, duality, and two powers. It is hard to remember this as you observe the war, violence, and selfishness taking place in the world, but your consciousness of the impersonal nature of error is the Light you came to bring and are presently adding to collective consciousness.
Living impersonalization does not mean turning a blind eye or saying “Oh well, God is all” while walking away from some situation needing attention. Impersonalization means allowing yourself to be intuitively guided as to what actions may be necessary or words spoken on a level that can be understood by those involved while within you are realizing; “I know you who you really are, the Christ Light of God in expression”.
Present times require impersonalization on the part of those presently on earth who came specifically to add their Light to the collective and assist with earth’s ascension to a higher dimensional energy.
We are the Arcturian Group 12/4/22

Marilyn Raffaele – Arcturian Group – October 30, 2022

Marilyn Raffaele – Arcturian Group – October 30, 2022
Welcome dear ones. Once again we wish you to know that all is proceeding according to plan. We repeat this often because in the face of so many global and personal issues surfacing, many doubt this. Pockets of old but active energy continue to surface on all levels to be seen and cleared.
Many things you thought would remain as they have always been are changing form or even dissolving. This is because consciousness, from which form manifests, is changing as the result of spiritual evolution. Earth was never meant to sink into its present dense and hypnotized state. Souls chose to experience separation but became lost in its seeming reality allowing it to became their state of consciousness opening them to manipulation. The experiment of separation was never meant to evolve into the dense hardened three dimensional belief system it became.
Always remember that you are not physical bodies with a consciousness, rather you are consciousness with a material body that you yourself chose for this particular lifetime. Those born with or who at some point acquired a less than perfect physical body were aware of and chose the experiences of having that body before incarnation either for their own learning or that of parents or others.
For those living fully in separation consciousness, life experiences are usually random expressions of duality and separation. However very little is random or accidental once a person begins living from a state of consciousness increasingly more in alignment with their Higher Self. The Higher Self then begins to provide those experiences necessary for spiritual growth and clearing. Learn to look deeper at all your life experiences in the realization that with the help of your Guides you yourself chose your parents, gender, needed experiences, and family dynamic before incarnating.
A soul often chooses to incarnate into a family that will provide them with the opportunity to experience and reactivate some old energy they have been carrying and suffering from through many previous lifetimes but are now prepared to permanently clear. This is often true in family dynamics of abuse, rigid religious belief or traditions, and alcohol or drug addiction. Know that in every situation something more is taking place than what appearances testify to.
Physical aches and pains always indicate dense energy that remains active. It could be as ordinary as the energy of belief in old age and deterioration or simply the physical cells remembrance and and expression of an injury or disease from a previous life. In your quiet time state your intention to gently and easily clear all old energy associated with the particular issue you may be experiencing in order that the already present reality can manifest.
The surfacing of old energies often brings a person to seek relief through three dimensional solutions. Know that these will always be temporary because they only trim branches from the illusion tree, leaving the root intact. Until the root (the underlying belief) is removed the issue will continue to manifest in some form. You are ready and prepared to remove roots.
Go deeper, ask for guidance, and state your intention to fully clear all remaining oaths, promises, vows, and any remaining energy from past personal actions (karma) . Large pockets of old energy (Example–Having lived many lifetimes in the same belief system especially those of a particular religion) often clear in increments and take longer so do not be discouraged or think you have failed if you find certain issues reappearing after you thought you had moved beyond them.
Do not get discouraged or depressed about clearing experiences for they indicate spiritual evolution and graduation into a new state of consciousness. Learn to laugh at the absurd situations that clearings often bring to what may have always been been a comfortable and familiar lifestyle. See them as being positive rather than negative even when they are uncomfortable physically, emotionally, mentally, or even spiritually.
Always remember that you volunteered to be on earth for these times with awareness of what it would most likely entail. Trust that you are right where you need to be experiencing what you need to experience in spite of how things may seem to a three dimensional world. Earth is a spiritual universe peopled only with sons and daughters of God and the belief that it is anything other than that constitutes the illusion of material sense.
You came to be the Light, love, and energy necessary to transform and lift a collective consciousness stuck in illusions of duality, separation, and two powers but which consciously and unconsciously is desperately seeking a way out. All souls on all levels of awareness seek to know and experience the reality of their being even though as of yet most do not know this.
Forgiveness of self is a powerful facet of love and must be integrated as part of the clearing process. When actions of the past are seen with new and enlightened eyes it can and often does bring guilt and self loathing. Understand that every person is only capable of living and acting through their attained state of consciousness. Forgive and love yourself in the realization that the words you may have spoken or actions taken in your previous state of consciousness were the best you could do at that time.
Make reparations if guided, but do not spend time in regret and guilt for these are negative emotions that reflect separation from your true Self. The belief in separation underlies every negative action in the world. If the person or persons you believe you have hurt in some way are on the other side you can still speak to them, sending them love and light. If they are still in physical, you can ask forgiveness or talk to them about what occurred but if they are not receptive, simply move on and do the work silently and secretly. Spending an inordinate amount of time on some old event that was probably meant to teach both, simply adds energy to the illusion.
Love is the key to all things because Love, the realization of ONE Divine Consciousness, God, expressing ITself as the many, is the only reality–period. Love is not an action, it is a state of consciousness that manifests as action but must include one’s self for how could a self exist outside of ONE?
Cease judging yourselves by three dimensional concepts of acceptability, worth, and value. You must begin to include yourselves in the ONE or you remain in the old energy of separation beliefs. Every single person has made mistakes and done things that have hurt others, but this is how the evolutionary journey works and you have moved on from the illusion based state of consciousness you once had.
Learning to see self as SELF is a priority because if you refuse to accept your place in the ONE you will be unable to do it for any of Gods expressions.
Know, accept, and be love incarnate for nothing else exists.
We are the Arcturian Group 10/30/22

October 2, 2022

Marilyn Raffaele – October 2, 2022

Welcome dear readers.
The intensity of Light energies now flowing to earth have caused ordinary life for many to be difficult physically, emotionally, mentally, and even spiritually because it is dissolving and “stirring up” everything not in alignment with it. Many old familiar ways are no longer working as they used to, and new issues needing to be dealt with seem to keep coming.
You were aware of what present times would be like before you chose to incarnate. You knew that during this lifetime you would have experiences of chaos and confusion because earth and the collective was going enter into the process of evolving beyond the hypnotized state consciousness governing her for eons.
Earth is moving beyond the dense and false and into the real where energies of a higher resonance will allow everything and everyone opportunities to evolve into an awareness of oneness with God and each other.
You who are spiritually evolved and awake, were given permission and even encouraged to be on earth for these times where the Light of your evolved consciousness would automatically add Light to the collective. There were many who wanted to be on earth for these times, but were not allowed because they did not yet hold enough Light to really assist with earth’s ascension process.
Earth is clearing vast pockets of dense violent, power over, and separation energies that have lain dormant in and on her for centuries. Every war, every act of violence against nature and each other, and every unjust act leaves an energetic footprint that does not suddenly dissipate when the war is done or the people go home. These pockets of energy remain in place until cleared through the presence of higher resonating energies that automatically dissolve and replace them.
For a long time there have been evolved individuals whose spiritual work has been to quietly visit locations still holding heavy dense energy ( Battle sites etc.) and clear them by bringing in and flooding these places with Light, truth, and higher resonating energy.
The chaotic weather related events that earth is presently experiencing seemingly without pause are facets of earth’s energy cleansing process. Earth must first clear herself of accumulated low resonating energy in order to integrate and flow the higher Light frequencies necessary to manifest a new and more spiritually evolved world. This is the same process individuals are going through at this time.
Earth is the manifestation of a idea in Divine Mind and as such automatically embodies all the qualities of Divine Consciousness–completeness, wholeness, peace, love, abundance, harmony, intelligence, etc. in fullness. As with all appearances, what human eyes see as earth is a third dimensional, material concept of God’s perfect Divine Idea. Earth and all life forms on it are ONE. Humans are not separate from earth and that which is done to the earth, effects all.
There is and only ever has been ONE Divine Consciousness expressing ITself as all that is. All life forms, all varieties, all groups–elementals, devas, fairies, plus many many more are not fictional storybook characters, but are very real and just because physical eyes are unable to see their high resonating energy does not make them non-existent.
God is infinite creativity and as such is the source and substance of every form of creativity on all levels. Man, through the ignorance of three dimensional thinking based in duality and separation has come to believe that he is the only and highest form of life. The Devic, elemental, nature spirit, plant, and animal kingdoms are very real. As mankind spiritually awakens he will begin to understand and accept this, creating a world where peaceful and loving interactions between all expressions of God are the norm.
The world’s collective consciousness is opening to ideas of oneness. Events of chaos bring people together in basic and practical ways that often “jump start” their awakening process. Both rich and poor, “important” and not “important” individuals are being affected by fires and floods. Some who have always considered themselves to be better than everyone have suddenly found themselves on equal footing with those they believed they were better than which is forcing them to rethink their belief system.
Everything is as it needs to be. Everyone is learning and evolving into deeper spiritual awareness even when lessons take place in small and seemingly insignificant ways. Every single individual came to earth with a plan to experience, learn from, and then graduate beyond outgrown beliefs.
There are no accidents even though it seems that way. There is no death, only a change of location in every person’s ongoing journey toward realizing that they are an infinite and perfect expression of God.
Separation is a dream that has hypnotized the people of earth for a very long time but increasingly more are ready to accept and live from a higher level of awareness.
?It is impossible for any form of life to be separate from God. How could anything exist outside of that which is omnipresent? Do you believe in an omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent God, or do you not? It is important to ask yourself this question.
Attaining a consciousness of Oneness with God and all ITs expressions is the evolutionary journey that every individual is on and no one can avoid. As you go about your day, keep a little part of your awareness always knowing the reality of who and what you are and releasing any remaining concepts about ceremony, Sunday church, saints and gurus, or traditions as being necessary for God connection.
All is proceeding according to plan.
We are the Arcturian Group 10/2/22

September 4, 2022

Arcturian Group – September 4, 2022

Marilyn Raffaele

Welcome dear readers.
Things on earth are changing quickly and will never return to exactly how they were even as many continue waiting patiently for this to happen. The outer is always a reflection of the inner and because collective consciousness has shifted and continues to shift in so many new ways, its outer expressions cannot help but be different from the past.
The “old days and ways” appeared to be working just fine for most people, and is the reason there continues to be so much nostalgia for earlier times but things only appeared that way because the majority remained completely unaware of the negative and dark activities alive and well taking place behind the scenes all over the globe. The world seemed for the most part harmonious and happy and the majority believed it because they were told that things were just as they were meant to be by those in positions of authority.
For the most part, in the past before the internet, the majority never heard about hundreds dying of starvation somewhere, or about those with curable diseases dying because they were unable to afford a doctor, or about the cruelties consistently being imposed on large populations of society simply because their skin wasn’t the right color. In general most were aware of the hundreds of dark and sinister activities taking place right under their noses and often with full awareness of those in positions of power.
The high resonating energies presently penetrating earth are forcing many hidden agendas to come to light and the majority is finally interested in hearing about them. It seems as if everything is getting worse, but it is not getting worse, it is simply that people are finally becoming aware of the scope of the tendrils of these activities that have reached out and effected everything and everyone and over time even resulting in rules, laws, and societal norms that justified them.
Inordinate patriotism is false and damaging and highly reflective of separation consciousness. The world has reached a point at which it must begin to recognize that every person, not just those of “My country” are expressions of God. Free will entitles every person to their own beliefs, but to force one’s personal beliefs onto others especially in the name of God, is the self righteous activity of ego, that “my beliefs are the only right beliefs”–separation consciousness at it’s finest.
Those who continue looking to others to make choices for them are going to get “wake up calls”, experiences that force them to think for themselves and stop relying on the beliefs of the rich and famous, politicians, religious leaders, doctors and lawyers, and CEOs–many who have come to believe in their own self importance to the point that their way is the only right way without regard to the ideas, opinions, questions, and concerns of others.
This is what ascension and the realization of ONEness is all about and is the reason behind the world’s present state of chaos. The world’s collective consciousness is gradually opening to ONEness due to the work of you who came specifically to do this through the awareness of your evolved state of consciousness.
Change the world over is meeting with a great deal of resistance because many do not want change. The old ways served some very well and any changes would mean that their their nefarious schemes and ways of providing unearned abundance for themselves at the expense of others would disappear. Others are just plain tired and ignorantly believe that everything would be fine if things just went back to the way they were.
A consciousness of oneness is quiet and gentle and doesn’t mean there will always be outer activity. Most of you have already attained this state of consciousness or you wouldn’t be reading or even understanding these messages. Simple concern, compassion, and the giving of credence to those considered by third dimensional standards as being “less than” automatically reflects a consciousness of ONEness.
Oneness energies are breaking through the heavy curtain of separation that has surrounded earth for eons. People are shifting from “do gooder” activities where they see themselves as being above and separate from those they are “do gooding” for and into a sense of serving their brothers and sisters.
We do not judge “do-gooding” because it is the first step leading to a deeper sense of oneness. Service in and of itself is quickly changing as consciousness opens to higher levels of service in which the one serving is beginning to see into the soul of those he or she is serving. It cannot be otherwise because the third dimensional energy grid of separation is breaking apart having only the belief in it to support, maintain, or sustain it.
There are some who hold a consciousness of entitlement and victim-hood and rather than thinking and doing for themselves as best they can, they simply look to others to do everything for them. Be aware of this, trusting your intuition to guide you as to who and what is really needed rather than just wanted.
Chaos reigns at this time. The old does not wish to leave behind that which they are comfortable with because it has become their security, sense of empowerment, and even self esteem because not yet aware of who they really are, it allows them to feel “better than” others. Nothing is random. Know that third dimensional minds are not running the show even though they think they are.
If you doubt that you are one of the awakened ones we speak of, look back on your life and recognize that you never fully resonated with much of what constituted the third dimensional belief system. Many of you tried very hard to fit in, often engaging in activities and following three dimensional protocols that really didn’t resonate with you simply in order to be accepted by family and friends especially during the teen years.
You were never drawn to attack others verbally or physically although some of you may have occasionally found yourselves in this type of situation. You may have thought of yourself as weird, an outsider on the outside looking in and wondered why. Simply, your state of consciousness was not in alignment the majority of ideas, rules, beliefs, considered important to those around you, but as a young person, you did not understand this.
There is only One Divine Consciousness manifesting ITself and all ITs qualities as everything that exists–all life forms. Other life forms do not act like humans because they were not intended to. They represent the Divine Idea in the Mind of God for their particular life form. God did not limit ITself to forming ITself only as humans and the belief that humans are the pinnacle of God’s creation above all other creations is once again, simply false and very three dimensional.
Since God is all there is, where could a person possibly come from or what would he be formed of if there is only one substance? Take your personal realization of oneness to new levels. Begin to see the world not so much as a planet filled with people who don’t know who they are but to where you see through the beliefs they hold about themselves and know the truth about and for them.
You did not come to change the world through three dimensional activities although these things may at times be necessary. When you watch the news, see people when shopping, or are with friends, say it to yourself, “I recognize you, Divine consciousness in manifestation.” It can be done in a second and soon will become your state of consciousness manifesting automatically. This does not mean you accept or embrace the three dimensional actions and beliefs of others, but means that you see through them.
If someone needs some time in jail, so be it. If someone falls flat on their face through drugs or alcohol, so be it for behind all things exists choice that may extend back hundreds of lifetimes and may even be a part of their chosen learning process. Your job is not to save everyone from their three dimensional choices even if the solutions are blatently clear to you. Have your hand ready to grab the hand that may be reaching out seeking something higher and better, but do not force anyone to leave their chosen creations. Hold the Light of truth in your consciousness always recognizing that same Light in every person you meet, hear about, or know personally. This is the work.
There is only One omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient, Divine Consciousness manifesting ITself in and as infinite form and variety. Ask yourself; “Do I really believe this?”
We are the Arcturian Group 9/4/22

AUGUST 21, 2022

Marilyn Raffaele – AUGUST 21, 2022

Dear readers we are pleased to once again connect with you who have chosen to bring your light and awareness to earth’s ascension process. Know that if you read and relate to these messages we are referring to you. Trust that you are doing what you came to do even if it seems as though you are simply living an ordinary life.
Many students of truth become programmed along the way to believe that spiritual work consists only of channeling, hands on table work, healing rites and rituals etc. and these things can be facets of it. However, the reality is that Light work is just what it says it is–working to hold Light.
Trust that the Divine Plan is alive and well in spite of what seems to be a regression of world consciousness. The chaos is serving to “jump start” the awakening process for many who continue to live un-empowered lives, never questioning or thinking for themselves and believing everything they are told if the person doing the telling holds a position of authority in government, religion, education, or medical fields.
Their exposure to actions reflective of dense and long hidden negative energies is causing them for the first time to actually acknowledge issues they have always chosen to ignore or deny in favor of continuing to live comfortably in their chosen belief system while never questioning the status quo they have long accepted as being normal and correct.
Everyone, not just the select few called saints, sages, or gurus, are empowered beings of Light in different phases of awakening to the realization of this. Some will need more lifetimes lived in third dimensional energy and some have already achieved this state of consciousness but all are on a journey of continuing spiritual awareness regardless of how they may be living their lives at this time. It can be no other way, because ONEness is the only reality and is infinite.
When the first spark of real truth touches and opens in consciousness it causes a period of time in which the person feels emotionally and mentally traumatized. This cannot be avoided because there has been a shift in their state of consciousness and the experience of suddenly realizing that everything they were taught and put their faith into is false, shatters the foundation they have built and depended upon leaving them floundering in confusion which quickly dissipates as awareness continues to unfold.
Many things are waiting in the wings, soon to manifest and help increasingly more to awaken out of the eons long slumber they have endured believing that they were just physical bodies, human beings living only one life and subject to anything and everything “bad”. Never forget that all are Divine Beings, expressions of one omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient God. We have frequently said this, but present times call for it to be reiterated.
Resist nothing. It is not your job as Light workers to save the world with three dimensional solutions. Your job and what you came to do as evolved individuals is to hold the Light by being the Light. Because there is only ONE Consciousness, the Light you hold in your consciousness automatically assists and lifts those near or far able to align with that same energy.
Enjoy the ordinary things of life. Take time to have a glass of wine, read a good book, laugh with friends, or walk in nature and talk to the trees. These things are just as spiritual as sitting in church listening to someone else’s concepts of truth or engaging in prayers that beg and plead. The energy of joy is of a much higher resonance than that of “I don’t have. Give, give, give. Poor me.”
Be aware of your thoughts as you go about your day, staying anchored in truth as best you can. Energy is always attracted to energy it can align with because energy is always seeking oneness and wholeness regardless of how dense or light the energy may be.
The energies embodied in the world’s collective consciousness are drawn to like energy held in the consciousness of individuals. A person who is overly concerned and fearful about health and disease will automatically attract thoughts and beliefs about health and disease, often creating them for themselves. A person who constantly thinks, worries, and gives power to issues of money will likewise attract concepts, beliefs, and experiences of lack and limitation and even abundance. (third dimensional duality) It is the same for all beliefs–relationships, aging, etc. etc.
Always remember that the three dimensional thoughts that may flow to and through you are never personally yours regardless of how intensely they may feel like yours. Many of them simply represent old habits because the mind has been trained through lifetimes to think certain types of thoughts.
The power is not in rejecting unwanted thoughts, but rather by knowing that the only real thoughts that are personally yours are God’s thoughts–abundance, health, harmony peace, joy, completeness, love, etc. Speak to your mind allowing it to become a partner instead of something to be resisted. Thoughts, some of which may shock you at times as you go about your day have only whatever reality and power you give them.
Many attempt to block out all thoughts when meditating which is impossible and causes the person to spend their meditation time solely trying to block out thoughts. Mediate in partnership with your mind which is an avenue of awareness. Talk to it, allowing it to rest and listen with you not against you as you await silent awareness of your oneness with God.
Allow the process dear ones, always know that there is a bigger picture unfolding other than what appearances may testify to. Your higher self is in charge of your evolution and knows what you are ready for and when and will not allow experiences you are not yet spiritually prepared for in your evolutionary journey.
Trust– knowing that earth is not a material world filled with pain, problems, and evil people but in reality is a spiritual universe peopled with sons and daughters of God– always has been and always will be. Evolution is the process of awakening to this.
We are the Arcturian Group 8/21/22

July 31, 2022

Arcturian Group – Marilyn Raffaele – July 31, 2022

Dear ones, be patient as you observe a world where chaos and violence seem to have become the norm. Every person spiritually awake or asleep, is effected by the high resonating energies pouring to earth at this time and as a result, some of those unaware of earth’s ascension process are acting out.
Those who have built their inner foundation on false narratives of duality, separation, and two powers feel confused and fearful as they observer many of their long held beliefs about right living questioned and even changed.
Individuals are beginning to think for themselves, which is a sign of empowerment. The result of this is that increasingly more individuals are feeling a need to engage in protests and activities both for and against many long accepted beliefs about right and wrong. Some consider certain issues to be an affront to what is right while at the same time just as many disagree.
Many of these present day conflicts between right and wrong originate in energies of old rigid religious beliefs and doctrines that remain alive and well in the cellular memory of many. As new ways of seeing everything begin to manifest, those who erroneously believe that they have all the right answers about God and man feel threatened. This is actually part of the ascension process for many.
Advertising continually promotes concepts of what is needed for happiness through the constant bombardment of paid messages through all forms of media. Drugs will make you feel better and healthier. Families and individuals will become content and conflict free if they choose to eat certain foods, support certain businesses, or use certain products. Subliminal messaging continues to push individuals into buying products or services they don’t need but suddenly feel they must have.
Advertising and promotions are legitimate methods of explaining products and services but much of today’s advertising is based in taking advantage of the restlessness and confusion so many are feeling. Products guaranteed make one feel better, be happy, and have a better life are simply more examples of the belief that your good lies outside of you and some things may actually work–for awhile.
Every person yearns for that sense of wholeness and completeness that is only found through realizing ONEness–that they are already complete and whole because they are not a part of, but the full expression of God. Many ignorantly spend their whole lives seeking fulfillment– through attaining more money, having a “perfect” partner, accumulating lots of “stuff”, good sex, being handsome or beautiful, holding positions of power, and hundreds of the ways continually being promoted as paths to happiness.
The rich and famous are envied and emulated in the belief that if one copies them, they too will have the status, love, and sense of completeness that the one they emulate seems to have. The “rich and famous” have just as many problems and heartaches as everyone else. Frequently their chosen life lesson was to learn that fame and fortune doesn’t bring fulfillment and an end to the yearning for wholeness as they thought it would. Rather, many have discovered that rather than bringing fulfillment it has brought the end of their personal freedom.
The overriding message of the three dimensional state of consciousness is: “You will never be good enough” and because you have lived so many lifetimes under the influence of this, it will continue to intrude into your mind even after you have come to more deeply understand who and what you are. When these types of thoughts come (they can take many forms) you may be tempted to believe them, but take time to stop, recognize, and allow them to flow through and into the nothingness that they are.
In spite of what conditions or situations you may be facing at this time, never forget that you can and will never be other than what you really are–a spiritual being having three dimensional experiences at this time. You are the manifestation of ONE omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient Godhead embodying all the qualities of this ONE Infinite Godhead. Evolution is simply the process involved in attaining the consciousness of this.
Most have chosen to evolve on earth because it is where they first began to form the beliefs and energies they are now clearing and is familiar. Not all evolve on earth, there are others who have chosen to evolve on other planets where the density is much less. Earth being an intense and difficult school is not for the fainthearted. Three dimensional energy is heavy, dense, and slow causing the majority of those living in it to completely forget who and what they are.
Many of those who graduate from the “Earth School of Evolution” will be teachers and guides for those learning on other three dimensional planets. Graduates of earth’s “School of Evolution” are well prepared and fully aware of the pitfalls and problems that arise from living a state of consciousness that does not remember who it is. They–you will make wonderful teachers.
You are going to see things happening in the outer scene that reflect a lessening of the “power over” energy that has dominated earth for a very long time. As increasingly more light enters into and becomes part of collective consciousness it cannot help but effect the minds and consciousness of the majority. The old guard is dying even though it does not yet know this and things appear to be “business as usual” because much has not yet manifested into material form.
Mercy, a word heard rarely in today’s world, is state of consciousness that expresses as gentle forgiveness and love. Mercy respects and allows others their free will but does not stand back and allow them to torment, abuse, or degrade self or others. Mercy knows the true identity of every person but is comfortable allowing others to experience the repercussions of their choices.
Mercy understands that a person is only capable of living and acting from their present attained state of consciousness and so easily sees through appearances. Mercy stands with hand ready to grasp the hand of anyone sincerely reaching for help but does not feel a need to forcefully drag someone unwilling to leave their chosen “gutter experience” out of it. (Doing this can and often represents ego on the part of the one doing the dragging who believes that they can and must “save” everyone according to their concept of saving.)
Mercy lovingly allows another to fall flat on their face if that is the wake up call they need but remains silently alert to their needs not their wants.
Mercy reflects a state of high resonating consciousness able to see and act not by saying to someone; “Oh poor you.” but rather through its ability to look into every pair of eyes and silently acknowledge; “I know who you are dear one, you are the Christ, son of the living God in spite of all you are pretending to be.”
We are the Arcturian Group

May 8, 2022

Marilyn Raffaele – Arcturian Group – May 8, 2022

Dear readers, greetings and welcome to another message from the Arcturian Group. These messages are sent in love with the intention of bringing information and courage to you brave ones who chose to incarnate on a planet suffering within a fog of negativity and falsehoods in order to bring the light of your evolved consciousness to it.
A great deal of old dense energy is rising to the surface at this time causing many to question and even despair. Remember that what you are witnessing is the exposure of concepts, trends, beliefs, laws, activities, propaganda, and hundreds of sub-facets of the three dimensional belief system in order for them to be seen, recognized, eventually discarded, and risen above by a sleeping majority.
There are some who live from a state of consciousness fully immersed in duality and separation and a few of them are experiencing alignment with surfacing negative energy allowing it to become personally theirs. This alignment in turn provides them with a false sense of permission to commit crimes and engage in activities that reflect these dense energies. This is why there has been an increase in crime and actions that represent ego and the self serving that accompanies a sense of separation.
Many on earth are spiritually awakening or have already awakened. Earth has entered an energetically powerful time in the ascension process which is a Divine Plan that cannot be thwarted by the plotting, planning, or scheming of human minds. It was never meant that earth be embroiled in low resonating and false creations forever because the manifestations of conditioned states of consciousness do not have a Divine law to support, maintain, or sustain them.
Because the material is a mind formed concept of the spiritual, material formations based in beliefs of duality, separation, and two powers have nothing to hold them in place except the personal and collective belief in them and must eventually dissolve or change as beliefs change. As expressions of God all are creators and eventually everyone will awaken to this.
Confusion and doubt is troubling many at this time. The world you see seems to be growing worse not better and the push for you to fear practically everything in your life continues to be encouraged and promoted from media sources, friends, family, and even churches. Remember, a Divine plan cannot be stopped regardless of appearances or its not being how you imagined it would be.
Trust. You have come to a place in your journey where trust is not only important, but is imperative. Trust that your Higher Self has a plan for you and is bringing spiritual evolution and growth to you through the experiences you need and are prepared for even if some of them are unpleasant. Outer activities (rites, rituals, ceremonies etc.) that meant to bring one closer to God become obsolete once the person realizes that everything they sought through these activities, is already fully present within them.
Meditation is the only activity you need. Do it often without the begging, praying, and questioning that accompanies many concepts of meditation. Mediate without “doing” but rather “being”– resting in conscious awareness of your oneness with God.
Allow and acknowledge emotions of disappointment, anger, judgement, depression, etc.if they pay a visit, but do not integrate them into your consciousness through the false belief that they are personally yours. As spiritual empaths, you are experiencing the world’s collective energy as well as old energy that is surfacing as the result of your own clearing process. You are tempted to believe that negative emotions need to be dealt with.
The minute you deal with”something” you make it into “something” which is where trust must enter in. Trust that your Higher Self knows exactly what you need and when you need it because it is YOU, the real YOU. Once a person chooses to evolve the ego is no longer in charge although it will try very hard to continue to be. Allow the process to unfold knowing that more is going on than meets the human eye.
Always remember that anything not in and of the true Self is never personally yours. All error is impersonal. Say to yourself’ “Yes, I am feeling depressed, angry, sad, hopeless, etc. but I am not these things. I am a Divine being embodying all the qualities of God and therefore these emotions, pains, etc. can only represent universal false beliefs of separation which have no real power or law to support them.”
Acknowledge everything that may be arising for you at this time without resistance or attempts to make “it” go away through prayers, mantras, taking drugs, switching to “good” thoughts all of which simply add energy and power to the experience. These things represent separation, the belief that they are personally yours and must be eliminated.
The unpleasant physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual issues you may presently be experiencing as part of your ascension process are not and never can be you. Can God get depressed and angry or know anything about pain? Creations formed from conditioned states of consciousness are unknown to omnipresent Divine Mind which knows only ITself.
You are not your physical body. You have a body just as you have an automobile and you use your body just as you use your automobile but you have never been or never will become your physical body. When choosing to incarnate into a lower density one needs a material body in order to survive and function.
It is difficult to stop identifying with being a physical body because the third dimensional belief system consists almost entirely of ideas and beliefs about human beings being a physical body. Many of the physical issues you may be experiencing at this time are because your real body, the Light body, is in the process of integrating and coming more into alignment with your physical body.
As you know, consciousness manifests itself and that which is held in consciousness as truth will sooner or later manifest in some form. The problems and issues one has while on earth are not always the result of one’s personal consciousness but rather that through ignorance they have allowed the world’s collective consciousness to be their state of consciousness. Because the collective holds primarily beliefs of duality and separation, individuals in alignment with it often fall victim to something not specifically in personal consciousness, something they may have never thought of or even known about.
Your protection from falling victim to impersonal collective beliefs is through living your highest awareness of truth while resisting the temptation to accept common world beliefs as reality thus making them your state of consciousness. When you live the truth, translate appearances, and simply BE the Light, your energy cannot align with lower resonating energies. However, because you are living on a three dimensional planet, the energies of the collective cannot be completely avoided, but unless there is a deeper reason or some needed lesson you will avoid the more severe aspects of it.
Stand strong in your highest sense of truth because at this time you are getting all sorts of information that simply is not true and is geared to keep you locked into and controlled by those seeking “power over”. Hold truth in your heart as you go about your day in spite of what you may hear or see reminding yourself often that you are the manifestation of Divine consciousness embodying all the qualities of the omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient Divine Consciousness.
There comes a point at which every serious truth seeker must make the choice to identify only with the reality of their being. Many know spiritual truth but do not live it because they have choose to remain programmed by the hundreds of previous lives they lived in the energy of duality, separation, and two powers. This is why it is often very difficult to evolve beyond a certain point. It can be very frightening to give up familiar beliefs, activities, and traditions that have always worked well.
When a soul is spiritually ready to evolve to a new and deeper level but refuses to leave an outgrown state of consciousness instead choosing to remain in a lifestyle that has become comfortable, they will get a spiritual “wake up call”, some event or experience meant to shake or blast them out of their comfort zone. Wake up calls have been and remain the beginning of real spiritual transformation and growth for many.
Much that is disappearing (old traditions and some commonly accepted ways of living) is making space for new and better forms of these same things. Never resist change for it is only through change that the higher can replace the lower of everything. New and higher forms of law, government, medicine, education, worship, ways of living that do not harm the planet and other life forms are just awaiting mankind’s’ permission to arrive.
Evolution is an ongoing process–physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Once people used a horse and buggy to travel, candles for light and believed that the earth was flat. You now have automobiles, airplanes, and electricity. These too will continue to evolve into new and better forms as consciousness evolves. Once it was believed that women were much less capable than men, but you now understand that they simply represent the two facets of ONE Divine whole–the male aspect being the active, be-er, do-er and the female aspect being the receptive, intuitive, loving.
Evolution is an ongoing process that is not finished when one realizes God as Self.
It is a time for real introspection, a time in which every serious student of truth must look within and without prejudice, ego, or self righteousness, honestly examine exactly what he/she still believes about absolutely everything from the small and seemingly insignificant to what is considered important and great. Because…
There is no unexpressed consciousness.
We are the Arcturian Group 5/8/22

March 27, 2022

Marilyn Raffaele – Arcturian Group – March 27, 2022

Welcome dear readers.
In these times of stress and chaos, our intention is to bring encouragement by reminding you that you have done the work and are spiritually prepared and qualified to see beyond the present violence and negativity. Because you are of the spiritually awakened you understand that the high resonating energies pouring to earth at this time are affecting everyone, often causing them act out in ways of reflective of fear and confusion.
Increasingly more individuals and groups are awakening to and embracing a new sense of oneness. For the first time increasingly more individuals are seeking to help those struggling both far and near either financially or in “hands on” ways. Even activities that arise solely from a human sense of sympathy or empathy indicate a receptivity to the deeper truth of spiritual oneness. This in turn is seeding collective awareness with more love and a higher sense of individual rights and value–not yet the full consciousness of spiritual ONEness, but a crack in the door.
Those choosing to continue disregarding the suffering and needs of others simply because they are different from themselves are discovering that once commonly accepted beliefs based in separation have become obsolete in the minds of many and that there is less and less support for their views. The ongoing ascension process taking place both globally and personally is causing many previously accepted beliefs to disappear because the energy that originally created and has maintained them is no longer.
You are ready for Lightwork in its highest form, which is BEing the Light. BEing Light means that a part of your consciousness is always open to and aware of ONEness with God/Source/Divine Reality regardless of what you may be doing in the outer scene.
Most of you live busy lives that involve many forms of activity done both alone and with others. Because of your evolutionary status you came to earth to live from a higher level of awareness than the general unawakened majority. BEing the Light may seem to be doing nothing because you have been taught throughout lifetimes to do, do, do. Living from a consciousness of ONEness at all times is a higher sense of doing that makes you a Light holder, broadcaster, carrier, teacher, and high spiritual Lightworker.
Every individual consciousness is connected to every other consciousness because there is only ONE Consciousness. Because there is only one, individualized states of consciousness are drawn to similar states of consciousness seeking alignment–“Birds of a feather…”
When a state of conscious Oneness with Source, God, Divine Reality is attained, it automatically flows and aligns with those states of consciousness able to align with it. Your oneness with God automatically constitutes your oneness with the spiritual reality of every living thing and with every quality of God–one life, one consciousness, one substance, one law, one mind, and one cause and effect.
When you hold light of truth in consciousnesses it acts to lift, teach, inspire, and heal the those able to receive it in their consciousness. Those who have not yet attained a level of consciousness able to align with these higher frequencies but who are actively seeking and ready for them, can and are often lifted into them simply through the presence of another’s evolved state of consciousness which in reality is their consciousness. This is how the master Jesus did his healing work, those seeking help brought themselves to him and were lifted into his state of consciousness where disease did not exist.
“Doing” in the sense of actions taken to make things better will continue for the majority for awhile yet, but you came prepared to serve from a higher level, in ways that could lift the three dimensional belief system out of its continual need to fix, heal, correct, punish, and force change and into easier and more loving ways of living. You incarnated to assist in opening dense and struggling states of consciousness to an awareness of earth as being a spiritual universe peopled with sons of God.
BEing is actually doing in the highest spiritual sense. Do not make it something difficult that you must worry about doing correctly or with rigid rules. Set your intention and then do the best you can. As you practice, reminding yourself often who you are, it will become familiar whether you do it as you go about your day at home and work or sitting in a one or 30 minute meditation without an agenda.
There are still some who believe that meditation and time spent within is a time for asking, visualizing, begging, and even demanding for what they want or think they need. These activities represent three dimensional thinking based in separation and are not a higher state of BEing. The minute an agenda is attached to meditation or BEing, it becomes preying instead of praying and will act to create and further maintain beliefs of “I don’t have”.
Resting in the awareness of Divine completeness being already fully present within rather than seeking to draw something to you allows your already present Light to flow where it is needed and can be received. You will probably never know when or where this Light is received but that is not your concern. Your work is simply to be the Light automatically making it available to any and all open to receive it world over and even on the other side.
It is a new time and it must be understood that many commonly accepted ways of living will never go back to the way they previously were. Every material manifestation is a mind formed interpretation of a spiritual reality because Divine Consciousness is the only substance there is. The density of third dimensional energy on earth does not allow the realities of spirit to manifest as their spiritual form so they are interpreted and translated into energetically denser forms able to be seen and utilized on earth. Example-Modes of transportation (car, airplane, train, etc.) are material interpretations of Divine omnipresence. Because collective consciousness is changing, many material forms will be changing as well.
Earth is a wonderful and beautiful planet, a place in which many have chosen to to grow, evolve, learn, and enjoy but it has not been experienced in its purest beauty because of third dimensional energy, the densest and lowest resonating energy of many dimensions. Do not feel sadness or fear in the belief that earth’s ascension into a higher dimensional frequency will mean the loss of what you have come to love on earth–nature, pets, creativity, and loving interactions with others–because a spiritual reality is permanent and the expressions of it that you have known and come to love will continue in higher and better form.
All is proceeding according to the Divine plan which is the eventual awakening of every soul to its true identity as ONE. God’s plan can never be sidetracked or stopped by the ego based illusory thinking of those who have no awareness of truth because it is the reality and only power.
We are the Arcturian Group 3/27/22

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