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February 27

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Political system of the Fifth dimension Earth)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will talk about what the Fifth dimension Earth’s political system will be like.
But first, let us see what does the word “politics” means.
It derives from the Greek word “city, state” and in its original meaning it implied “city arrangement” or “state arrangement”.
This is the meaning that the politics of the higher dimensions worlds is focused on.
What about the Council of Elders?
This is a political body that coordinates people’s actions in all spheres of city life, state life or that of the planet in general for the greater good of all.
What politics has been turned into in the third dimension world is well-known to you.
In many countries this word has become a synonym of the filthiest and criminal actions towards people while political figures are often gross corruptionists taking advantage of power to reach their own mercenary ends, not for the sake of people at all.
In other words, politics in the third dimension world has turned from a state body that protects people’s interests into its opposite – a power structure of control and suppression of human will.
And even the availability of different political parties whatever nice slogans they cover with is actually just their struggle for power.
And it happens all across the globe with by far the rarest exception.
As you already know, all this results from the fact that since long ago your planet has been lorded by the Dragon reptiles who seized power on Earth and their product – reptiloids who live in accordance with quite distinct – non-Divine – laws and their interests do not rank among happy and successful life of humanity.
On the contrary, their aim is to provoke human negative energies of all kinds, which they have been doing for millennia.
But when Earth moves to a new stage of her development, with these dark energies out of place, such a notion as “politics” will acquire its original meaning and political figures will become the very “Elders” who will be guiding people’s activity in a wise way in all the spheres of their life in agreement with people’s interests only and for the sake of each planet’s inhabitant.
Such a notion as “corruption” will not exist there just because everybody will have what they really need and these needs will originate from their Soul, not insatiable Ego.
The Fifth dimension Earth’s political system may be compared with commune system as people will start living by communes according to interests.
And it will happen not under compulsion but as a result of natural processes – in consistence with the Universe Law of Attraction, as well as that of Unity which also presupposes the unity of goals.
Thus, there will gradually start to form agricultural, industrial, research, educational, artistic, musical, architectural communes, those providing services and a lot more.
Each of them will choose the most proficient, respected and the wisest of their members as their state’s representative for the Council of Elders.
Thereby on Earth there will be formed new political structures of government whose main targets will be harmonious development of society and reasonable distribution of material goods and services.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 27, 2021.

February 26

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (New financial system)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will go on talking about how social stratification boundaries will disappear in the world of the Fifth dimension.
Of course, it will not happen all of a sudden, and it will be initiated by a new financial system that will take over a really usurious bank system enabling a small group of magnates to make profit thanks to savings of millions of people.
The foundation of a new financial system will be laid by the principles of equal exchange and equal rights between Earth’s inhabitants for the goods produced and services provided by them.
This system will exist on Earth for some time providing a gradual transition to non-monetary exchange between the inhabitants of your planet as most people are not ready for it yet.
A new financial system includes providing people with necessary means of subsistence and guaranteeing payment means for their vital needs.
And these needs will be quite reasonable because in the Fifth dimension world human conscience will be absolutely different.
It will be impossible to control it from without instilling false values into it and making people pursue excessive material benefits unnecessary to their Soul all the time.
I know that for many of you it seems utopia so far.
Yet, believe me, my dear, in absence of all-penetrating advertisement and massive attack on human conscience for the side of the mass media people will be quick to change their lifestyle and will be content with the things they REALLY need.
Finding yourselves in the world of the Fifth dimension you will be surprised to recall your previous life and your unceasing thirst for getting the things supposed to be fashionable, prestigious, successful…
All the husks and illusions of the third dimension world will be highlighted to you as they are.
And you will be happy you have recovered from this dormancy imposed on you by the soulless creatures who seized your planet.
What is taking place on Earth now can be called natural selection.
Pure and light Divine Souls are moving one direction getting ready for Transition to another stage of their spiritual development.
While the souls that belong to the Dragon reptiles, reptiloids, Orions and many other civilizations incapable of crossing the border separating the third dimension worlds from the worlds of higher dimensions will be leaving Earth rather fast and returning to their worlds.
And you should be ready for this taking this process with no regret, condemn or fear as an integral part of the Divine performance now in progress on your planet, as its final scene.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 26, 2021.

February 24

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Social justice)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Well, let us go on talking about the structure of the new world on the Earth of the Fifth dimension and today we will touch upon one more peculiarity of its.
This time what will be at issue is such a basic notion of social life as social justice.
As you know, it is this thing that is the main reason for population’s discontent that leads to social outbreaks in many countries of the world.
What does the expression “social justice” mean in a higher – Divine – sense?
While in the third dimension world it can be identified as absence of stratification into the rich and the poor, in higher worlds such a notion simply does not exist because their inhabitants live according to quite different laws – Universe ones that exclude duality as such.
And in my today’s message I use this notion only to show you difference between the worlds of the third and the Fifth dimensions.
How will the boundaries between social strata of your planet’s population be deleted?
It is sure to occur gradually as long as you will be moving first to the fourth and then to the Fifth dimension.
The higher the vibrations of the space you live in become, the less clear the boundaries between different layers will be.
You can ask me: “Someone will be ruling our countries, anyway, won’t they?”.
And I will answer: “Of course, they will.  But they will be new formation people and their style of “management” will resemble the Councils of Elders of highly developed civilizations that do not control population, do not rule people but just regulate different spheres of their activity and, if necessary, direct it the way it will be most beneficial for all the inhabitants of the planet”.
Little by little as present heads incapable of existing in a new high vibration space will be leaving the planet, Earth’s inhabitants by intuition will choose for the top positions in state structures those both highly proficient in this or that area, and the wisest, most honest and decent ones.
And since such people’s conscience will not be dual any more, they will see themselves not as your bosses, teachers or coaches but as your older and more experienced brothers and sisters ready to provide you with some good advice, support your initiatives if they see they are aimed at the greater good of all.
These are the principles the relationships between Elders and the rest of inhabitants on other planets are based on who live in the unipolar world of high vibrations.
But already now, you can look for people who, to your mind, could take over this or that social, trade or industrial structure applying to them criteria of a higher – Divine – order this time.
And believe me, my dear, there are such people on Earth, they just have had all the doors closed before them until a certain time by those at the helm who are tied by esprit de corps with the deep state’s representatives that imagined themselves to be the masters of your planet.
But time will soon come for them to act and now at the subtle level of Earth everything is being done to make this time closer.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 24, 2021.

February 23

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Mirror world)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will talk about the next step you should make while building your new House on the Earth of the Fifth dimension.
Well, we have already put two “blocks” in its foundation: the Law of Unity and the Law of the Free Will.
The third one will be the Law of Reflection that says: “External reflects internal” or “Like attracts like”.
And this law, just same as the two previous ones, conveys the Energy of Unconditional Love.
How can you visualize it so that it can show at the physical level, too?
For this purpose you yourself should become the very “mirror” that other people you meet on the way will be reflected in.
Or a magnet concentrating the energies of Love and Light so intensive that others will be attracted to it unintentionally getting imbued with your high vibration Divine energy.
Perhaps, many of you already use these or those practices on filling yourself and the people around with various energies whose descriptions were offered to you on this site.
But now I would like to offer you a practice of another kind aimed at creation of a new reality by means of the Universe Law of Reflection.
And we will call it “Mirror world”.
This is not a meditation but just a practice or rather a lifestyle of the person who has embarked on the road of Ascension.
And it is in that you, having become filled with the Energy of Ascension to the brim yourselves, constantly “mirror” it, that is, reflect it outwards.
To make it easier to reach such a condition and, which is most important, to maintain it as long as possible, you should learn to imagine yourself now CONSTANTLY as a huge mirror sphere sparkling in the sun and shimmering with all the colours of the rainbow.
And let Sun become a symbol of Divine Light for you that is descending from Heaven to Earth as powerful streams of the new high vibration Energy of Ascension.
While the mirror-like surface of your sphere will become its reflector that distributes this Light further – over huge distances around you transforming dark and heavy energies of the third dimension world into light and airy Energies of Ascension.
This way, you will start dissolving the dual world energies and programmes transforming the space around you into a new light and high vibration one.
At the same time subtle bodies of the people finding themselves inside it will begin to get purified from negative things and filled with these Divine energies.
And since these energies are “intelligent” possessing conscience of their own, they will also act in accordance with this Universe Law showing in these people in a mirror-like way and simultaneously getting tuned onto their vibration frequency.
It will be an amazing sight, my dear.
Just imagine how beautifully your mirror spheres are shining in the sun spreading rainbow light all around themselves, how in their rays dark third dimension energies and programmes that have had their days are getting dissolved, how subtle bodies of people start shining having been liberated from them…
And such a miracle can be worked by each of you!
It is just a matter of your desire and making a pure, sincere and firm intention to build a new world on new Earth!
I bless you for this and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 23, 2021.

February 22

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Freedom of creating your reality)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Well, let us go on “erecting the building” of the new world of the Fifth dimension.
And the next “block” to be put in its foundation will be the Law of the Free Will.
How can you visualize it?
Everyone will do it in their own way but again the prevailing energy should become the Energy of Unconditional Love that excludes force, violence, control, personality humiliation typical of the third dimension world.
You can imagine people indulging in their favourite activity.
Since it is the thing that was chosen by one’s Soul, this occupation brings one joy of creativity and satisfaction.
One gets completely absorbed in it failing to notice the pace of time.
One thinks about the way one’s creativity can be beneficial to people.
Such a person does the things that THEY really love, not the things they once had to do forcibly – to make their living, for self-assertion in society or following the patterns of “success” in the third dimension world.
They show their Free Will and their Soul is triumphing, with their heart getting filled with warmth.
You can turn the visualization of this Law into a funny game.
For example, seeing a sad or a tired face of a shop-assistant at work you can fill this person with the Energy of Ascension and then imagine them being quite different – cheerful, friendly, smiling, deeply devoted to their work and bringing joy to each customer who comes to their shop.
The same can be done to taxi and bus drivers, emplloyees of various companies, your colleagues – in a word, to any individual you come across on the way.
And it will not be intervention into their private life or their energy space.
In this case you will just share your knowledge of the Universe Law of the Free Will and the energy it conveys.
But each person is free either to accept your Gift, or to reject it.
The one whose vibrations allow to do it will accept it with joy and you will see how this person will get changed before your eyes gratefully absorbing the energy of high vibrations sent to them.
While those who do not need this, will reject your Gift sometimes even showing aggression – thus alien and painful the Divine energy emitted by you will seem to them.
And you should be prepared for this, my dear.
Though unexpected for you, this is also manifestation of the Free Will that exists in the present third dimension world, anyway.
Moreover, do not forget how many creatures there are on Earth who do not possess Divine Soul being embodied as humans.
I think, most of those reading this message have already learnt to feel people’s vibrations at least intuitively, which will save you from many mistakes and disappointment and then your game on creating the society of happy and free people will bring you a lot of pleasant moments.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 22, 2021.

February 21

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Human Souls’ Unity)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will go on talking about how you can help to arrange a new society on the Earth of the Fifth dimension.
We have already talked a lot about the energy component of this process and you were offered a lot of practices on filling yourself, your planet and the collective human conscience with high vibration energies.
So now it is time to move on to the next stage of the process that is in visualization of the new reality.
While in my previous message we were talking about your pure intention to live in the new world of the Fifth dimension, imagining it at the same time as vividly as possible, today we will switch over to practical issues of your intentions’ realization.
And we will start with determining clear outlines of the society imagined by you.
Why is so important?
The main reason is that each of you possessing a unique individuality will create in your imagination the things you like most.
But in this case it is really essential to create one structure of the new world – its “skeleton” that will later begin to acquire flesh and blood.
In other words, first it is necessary to make the foundation of your common house and its walls and then taking your time to indulge in designing its interior.
Well, what is the most important thing in the world of the Fifth dimension?
What makes its foundation?
It is life in consistence with the Law of the Universe.
On the premises of this, the “corner stone” of your new House’s foundation will become Unity.
How can you visualize it?
Of course, everyone will do this in their own way but it is of extreme significance that your images and dreams are dominated by the Energy of Unconditional Love.
So, you can imagine people smiling at each other openly and sincerely, carefully caring for everyone on their way, keenly responding to their requests are trying to foresee their desires.
And it shows in big and small.
You feel people’s souls, their deep inner essence not judging them according to their external features.
Social stratification as it is gets dissolved in this Unity of Human Souls and, consequently, duality disappears from your life: condemn, indignity, jealousy, pride, guilt…
People’s eyes are shining with Friendliness, Love and Acceptance.
All the fibres of your being are all over covered with the Energy of Unconditional Love.
You feel being one with every single person you come across.
You get lost in their energy field and they get lost in yours.
And gradually your united high vibration energy fields fill whole Earth enveloping her with Love.
Try, my dear, to practice this just now and watch how your life starts changing.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 21, 2021.

February 20

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Pure intention)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to remind you once again what and how you can do to speed up the realization of your dream about Earth’s Transition to the world of the Fifth dimension.
Though we have already talked a lot about this, for some of you regular systematic work on the prompt victory of the Forces of Light on Earth still remains a desire rather than a real action.
Why does it happen?
Of course, first of all, it is because you get head over heels in your routine and this is what you refer to while making excuses.
And for some of you it seems you are not advanced enough for a work of the universal scale like this.
Some others simply forget about this finding more exciting activities.
As a matter of fact, my dear, this work does not require time at all.
It can even hardly be called work since what is meant is just YOUR PURE INTENTION to transform the world towards Light.
And this intention can be expressed by you whenever you like and as often as you like.
Train yourself, as long as your Mind starts searching for a “topic for discussion”, which happens to one almost all the time when one is left for oneself, to simply guide it the necessary – constructive – way.
All you need is to concentrate your attention on the issue of Earth’s Ascension.
Train yourself to instantly switch over your attention, like with a magic button, to another frequency, which will allow you immediately retune your Conscience from 3D range onto higher one – 4D or even 5D.
Believe me, my dear, it is not as hard to do.
You can work out your own methods: the ones you like more.
For example, having noticed that your restless Mind plunges you deep in the third dimensionality, you can say to yourself: “Stop! Energy flows where attention shows!”.
And right away you can redirect your energy the constructive way and imagine the new Earth and her inhabitants the way you want them to be in the Fifth dimension.
And believe me, my dear, now it will not be castles in the air but creating a new reality by power of your thought.
And the more brightly you imagine the new Earth, the sooner it gets this way.
You already know how strong the energies arriving at you planet are, thanks to which space-time parameters are changing, too.
But if they are fortified with “live” energy of a human embodied, their concentration will multiple manifold, as a result of which your intention will also come true much faster than it used to be.
Moreover, it will also become an enormous energy infeed for the collective human conscience that plays the key role in the process of Earth’s Transition to the space of the Fifth dimension.
Thereby, changing and exercising control over your own Conscience you get actively involved into the process of humanity’s advance to Ascension since at the subtle level all of you are ONE.
Remember about this every minute of your life, my dear.
It is not the right time to get relaxed now because the process of Ascension of Earth is irreversible this time and gains speed every single day.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 20, 2021.

February 19

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Extraterrestrial technologies)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
So as to round up with the talk about technological progress, its selectivity for the world elite and common people to be exact, I would like to touch upon one more aspect of its.
And this time what will be at issue are extraterrestrial technologies.
It is perhaps the thing most carefully hidden from people and it is only in recent years that information about earthlings’ contacts with other extraterrestrial civilizations has started to filter.
Why has all this been kept secret for so long?
Partially, because most people are not ready for this yet.
But, of course, the main reason was not concern about psychic health of Earth’s population but mercenary benefits of the world top power representatives they have derived thanks to these contacts.
Not once human-friendly civilizations tried to establish contacts with earthlings but, unfortunately, at the helm of the leading countries of the world there were not humans at all who could appreciate the noble intentions of your Galaxy brothers and sisters but the Dragon reptiles and Orions.
Of much greater interest to them were the so-called Grey representatives of your Galaxy whose intentions in respect of humanity coincided with their own plans and targets.
Therefore, all the technologies provided to them they used either in military purposes multiplying the negative energies of pain and sorrow on Earth, or for their own enrichment and at the same time for holding sway over human conscience.
So, the revolutionary breakthrough in electronic industry that occurred in record times being based on extraterrestrial technologies let the deep state not only to get enormous profits thanks to people’s use of computers and various electronic devices but also enslaved human conscience leading its way the direction they need.
This time you see it yourselves, my dear, who owns all the hi-tech companies and the bossy way they impudently behave themselves in respect of people whose expense they make profit at.
They dictate their will in all spheres of life, introduce censure, controlling all your interests and contacts even not concealing it from their “users”.
Moreover, if you take into consideration the fact that all the mass media are also in the grip of the deep state, you will understand that it is due to “technological progress” that they have managed to turn the whole planet to one slaveholding state dependable on them.
And now this “state” starts to collapse before their eyes, which many of them cannot realize to a full extent so far, therefore carrying on with their policy by inertia that does not fit into the new world pattern with its high vibration energies.
But this is exactly the jist of this grand performance’s dénouement of the universe scale indeed when Good eventually wins over Evil.
This is what is going on at every corner of Earth now.
Everything reaches its climax – its maximum concentration and its logical outcome.
Everything is getting highlighted as ever – the most powerful and influential “people” on Earth turn out to be all of a sudden “emperors with nothing on” and they cannot cover their “nakedness” – their hatred to humanity and their gross deeds in respect of people.
And quite soon, my dear, all the wonderful and most cutting-edge technologies of your Galaxy will serve for the good of people, not a group of soulless criminals who have been bosses with no impunity for so many centuries on your beautiful planet.
The outcome is close, and each of you can facilitate it due to your abilities and strength.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 19, 2021.

February 17

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Who enjoys living on Earth)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will consider one more aspect of technological progress.
As it has already been said in my previous message, Earth’s population is allowed to get only the crumbs of it which is beneficial for the deep state’s representatives.
All the rest remains at the disposal of higher authorities or, in other words, the world elite.
It concerns frontier technologies in all spheres of life.
As a matter of fact, your planet is divided into some conditional sectors and each of them lives their own life.
Each sector embracing this or that group of humans or INhumans exists according to its own rules and laws.
In accordance with the hierarchy ladder existing on Earth these sectors are changeable in the meaning that these or those groups’ representatives can move up and down the ladder thanks to the “services” rendered to the higher hierarchs.
As a result, even people featuring a Divine soul can get at the very top.
Yet, it is extremely hard for them to remain there since seeing all the deeds of the world elite in the raw the human Soul starts choking in these infernal energies of total moral collapse.
And a person like this faces a choice to make: to sell their Soul to the Devil or to break free from these nets and move downwards again thereby preserving their Soul anyway.
Unfortunately, not always they are allowed to do so and many are killed so that they could not disclose the secrets of the world backstage.
But if one has realized the extent of one’s moral collapse and sincerely repented of the things committed, it will be enough to save one’s Soul and in its next incarnation it will get the chance to improve the situation.
But let us go back to technological progress.
The higher the “floor” that this or that representative of power-holding structures gets up at the social ladder, the greater the access one gets to frontier technologies that facilitate quite different life quality for the elite having nothing in common with the life of common people.
It can probably be compared with the party elite of the Soviet Union who lived their well-fed life with people being in need of basic commodities.
But in this case this gap between the world top and common people gains global scale indeed since the “masters” of Earth invisible to you possess space – extraterrestrial – technologies this time that give them opportunity not only to clone themselves and other people but to create whole armies of clones totally under their control.
Human conscience control, introduction of nanoparticles by means of vaccines that can purposefully ruin human health, gene modified foods and pharmaceutical industry totally ruled by them allow the world puppeteers to control millions of people with impunity – their destinies, finance, interests…
And now, when everything that was thoroughly concealed from the general public is being brought to light, this pyramid of power that has been built for centuries starts to collapse and reveal all its contents: malicious, aggressive and man-hating ones.
And no cutting-edge technologies can save the Dragon reptiles and their henchmen on Earth because the new era and new vibrations of collective human conscience force them out of the positions they seized and there is no way out left for them.
Unfortunately, a lot of human souls who have failed to get out of their pernicious influence will also leave the renewed Earth so as to carry on with their roaming in the third dimension worlds but it will be their choice – their own decision.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 17, 2021.

February 16

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Programme on population robotization)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will go on talking about how modern technologies influence humanity.
As it has already been mentioned in my previous message, all the innovations are introduced into your society deliberately in consistence with a certain programme by the deep government that rules the world.
As a matter of fact, it has technologies as advanced as to enable it to transform all your economy and create appropriate living conditions for people at the same time keeping environment on the planet clean.
Yet, it is this quiet and peaceful life of humanity that did not correspond to the Dragon reptiles’ plans at all whose life preconditions are low vibration energies.
Therefore, a lot of cutting-edge technologies are employed by them in military purposes only so as to multiply human suffering thereby generating the energies they need.
The same they do in respect of your planet mining for fossils in a violent way crippling its flesh and blood while they have had at their disposal for a long time now the technologies that allow to provide all the population of Earth with unlimited and free electricity.
Such policy facilitates their getting fabulous profits that give them opportunity to have influence on world economy.
And as you already know, there is an invariable law in the third dimension world: who has money has power, too.
And the fact that they introduced mobile phones and other electronic devices into the market and made them first-necessity goods for almost every inhabitant of Earth just proves IT WAS PROFITABLE FOR THEM.
This way, selectively and in their own interests only, they act in everything hiding behind the nice words about technological progress their plans on total enslavement of people.
One more glaring example of this is destruction of classical traditional education, which can be witnessed nowadays all over the world.
At this point, these creatures lacking live human feelings are trying to make people resemble them.
They are doing their best to limit or totally prevent personal interaction of a child with teachers and their peers and mates the former needs so much and which helps them gain life experience and learn how to communicate with others.
They are trying to make children forget how to think and train them to choose from the ready-made limited options already provided by the developers of a new “education” – as soulless and faceless as those who contrived this robotization programme fateful for people.
They are persistently rewriting history and juggling with facts so as to deprive children of the genuine knowledge about their country, their origin and to wipe off national customs and traditions, their ancestors’ heritage from their memory and turn them into featureless creatures with no kith or kin who are easy to control.
And all this is gradually gaining universal scale since reptiloids’ palpi have reached all the countries all across the globe.
Thus, little by little from a child’s conscience there is being deleted genetic memory about their Divine origin, their uniqueness which is the greatest value in the Universe.
Being deprived of personal communication with people, children lose their ability for emotional development, ability to feel and understand the people around them, interact with them in terms of energy thereby enriching each other.
This is exactly how reptiloids’ programme on population robotization is being implemented.
Yet, luckily, a lot of people start reviving and are trying to uphold their right to remain human.
As you see, my dear, even the technological progress many of you are speaking about with pride in its present form is aimed not at human spiritual development but at their degradation.
And I would like you to have a clear idea of it.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 16, 2021.

February 15

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Off-line communication)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will talk about one more aspect of the existing world order that obstructs one’s way to a new happy life.
And what will be at issue is recoding of human conscience by creating the situations when interpersonal contacts and warm human relationships are replaced by communication in different social media.
It shows especially vividly now when people are locked down in their homes under the pretext of the so-called “pandemic”.
Thus, people turned out to be deprived of the main thing – personal communication: touch, hugs, looks in the eyes that sometimes can say more than words since they get deeply into the soul of a person and touch on its intimate cords.
It is such combination and interaction of energy fields that makes up the basis of human relationships.
And no cutting-edge technologies can substitute this priceless “tool” of human souls’ interaction.
Slow by sure all the rest leads to depersonalization – loss of person’s individuality turning them into a talking “machine”.
The same happens to your language that due to these “advanced” technologies is changing beyond recognition.
It is literally “castrated” being deprived of its voluminousness, figurativeness and natural versatility, as well as changed for endless abbreviations, ridiculous contractions and sense distortions.
It is certain to occur not by chance.
And those who put their hands to it were well aware of what they were doing.
All this is part of the programme of the world government that seized power on Earth and whose final goal is overall digitizing of the planet’s population.
And making people used to the so-called “gadgets” has become the first step on the way to its implementation.
People did not even notice how they got caught in the electronic trap – the “nets” of reptiloids that are so hard for them to get out of now.
At present not only youth but older generations too cannot imagine their life without computers or mobile phones that have already become some kind of a drug for them: for it is so convenient to instantly get the information you need in one click.
For many it has turned not only into a necessary and back-up tool making life easier but real dependence, if not obsession, that they cannot imagine their life without.
People have forgotten how to look each other in the eyes. They literally “live” in their phones neglecting the fact that they reject the warmth of human communication that is the most valuable thing on Earth.
Of course, I do not urge you to refuse these “the good things of civilization” but I would like you to see these innovations’ reversed side being aware who and why introduced them so fast and persistently into human society.
Let alone the fact that any mobile gadget is a means of control over you and your conscience. You already know it yourselves.
This message of mine is aimed at showing the ethic and energy aspects of human dependence on electronic devices and advanced technologies in general.
Do you think your energy exchange with close people is equal when you communicate off-line and on-line?
As a matter of fact, you give most energy of yours to an electronic device, with just remains of your Love and warmth being left for your nearest and dearest.
Always remember that a real touch and tender look is the most precious that one has in life.
Not only it is the best remedy from any disease but it is also giving your strength, belief, hope and Love to other people.
It is your UNITY at the energy, emotional and mental levels that makes your common Spirit stronger and fills your Souls with Divine Light – the source of every living thing on Earth.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 15, 2021.

February 13

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Leaving comfort zone)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
As a follow-up to my previous message, now I would like to talk about what else prevents people from ultimate revival and seeing everything that takes place in the raw.
It is mental laziness of the overwhelming majority of the planet’s population and their unwillingness to leave comfort zone.
Besides, what is at issue is not some exceptional comfort but rather well-arranged lifestyle that one does not want to change, with everything running its usual course.
From time immemorial people by intuition hide from everything unknown or frightening into their “shell” – their usual world that is dear to them even if they see all the flaws of its.
The same happens now.
This is what the world puppeteers staked on making people do what they are ordered in exchange for their usual lifestyle guaranteed.
As you see, the supporters of whole planet’s population digitizing are moving on to the final stage of their operation.
Many countries have already introduced restrictions on entry into their territories without coronavirus tests and are doing their best to introduce general mandatory vaccination this time.
And while it is possible to renounce trips, it is a tragedy indeed for many people to lose their jobs.
That is why in some countries people are confronted with a choice: keep working and get vaccinated or get dismissed.
Is it weakness if one chooses the first option?
If one is absolutely unaware of what is happening on Earth now and all the information conveyed by the official sources takes for gospel, it is not weakness but a natural response of a third dimension world person living according to its laws.
They even do not suspect there can be some trick and treats their boss’s suggestion as care for their subordinates’ health.
As a rule, such people are impossible to make change their mind – they sacredly believe they are right and will do anything not to get deprived of their usual way of life.
While if one heard about the vaccines being harmful and doubts about officials’ actions being illegitimate crept in one’s soul, one is really to make a CHOICE: to give in or to do as one’s Soul advises.
If one chooses the first option, one does not lose anything and goes living same as before, if one chooses the second option total uncertainty awaits one, a new job search and fear for oneself and one’s family.
And this is a hard choice indeed: a genuine test for ones power of Spirit and Belief in one’s abilities, and if such a person chooses the first option – it is weakness now that means they have failed the durability test.
And the third option is that one is perfectly well aware of who and for what reasons make them get vaccinated , and one will never agree to it under any circumstances fully realizing the consequences of one’s actions.
This person will not be scared by anything now even by dismissal from work or their relatives’ censure since self-respect and their existence is based on realizing themselves as being God’s particle and they will not exchange their Soul for any earthly riches.
We have considered the example most urgent at present when one faces a crucial choice indeed that entails a huge amount of consequences both negative – in the former case, and positive one if one makes the right decision.
And I bless you, my dear, not to miss the chance so unique for every person – to make Transition to the Fifth dimension, which will enable you to deliver your Soul from unceasing wondering in the third density worlds.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 13, 2021.

February 13

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (From material to spiritual)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will speak about external factors that obstruct Earth’s way to Ascension and how you can influence them.
The biggest obstacle is that all the mass media are still under the control of the shadow government’s protégés.
This is the reason why human conscience is changing so slowly.
You, certainly, cannot forbid your nearest and dearest, friends and acquaintances who got used to getting information from the news programmes to watch TV.
But you can in a meted way carefully make them familiar with alternative sources of information that preferably contain documents and facts, not just diffuse reasoning of these or those people no matter how right the words they say are.
It is extremely important now to make one start thinking about current events for ONESELF comparing these or those facts, as well as statements and actions of the officials.
For a material-oriented person it can give impetus to their conscience revival and, consequently, their ability to think in a different way involving their intuition now, not just logical Mind.
And now, there has already become available in free access a lot of evidence of the world government’s crimes and you simply have to systematize it so as to convey it to people in the amount and quality that will do no harm to their psyche but will just encourage their thoughts and independent search of the facts they are interested in.
You can even arrange related items according to the topics: for example, vaccines ingredients and the hazards they are fraught with for people, as well as harm of masking and lockdown.
Yet, it is essential to provide yourself with the documents and valid scientific research findings confirming your words but presented in a short form comprehensible for everyone.
Of great importance are also juridical aspects of illegitimacy of all coronavirus related restrictions and they have already been worked out by honest and decent specialists in this field and are freely accessible.
It is these issues directly concerning one’s health and primary civil rights that can become the starting point for the people who have not revived yet in their further search of the truth.
The next step can be made of the interviews fragments of the world government’s top representatives that have recently appeared in number in the internet and that say about their plans in respect of humanity.
And they do not conceal them any more being sure they have taken control over human conscience for a long time by means of the mass media in their grip in all the countries of the world.
These plans presuppose exercising total control over people, depriving them of private property and access to full-fledged education, destruction of family values and many more which opposes the moral values of a common person.
And after that it is extremely important to find the materials and publications that open people’s eyes to that it is the false “pandemic” that the shadow government’s representatives are bringing their inhumane plans to life thereby showing the cause-effect correlation of the current events taking place on Earth now.
Why am I telling you in such details about seemingly apparent things?
Only because, my dear, I see your mistakes in communicating with people and understand how hard it is for you to talk to those whose vibrations are at a frequency absolutely different from yours so far.
That is why I suggest you should start their enlightenment with rather material things that concern everyone thereby encouraging their self-development and gradual withdrawal from the third dimension matrix.
This way, step by step, one will reach one’s life’s spiritual component now thereby making oneself closer to Transition.
I bless you, my dear, for a wise and mindful approach to every single person!
By this you will also save yourself from mockery and at the same time will help people embark on the way of creation and development new to them.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 13, 2021.

February 12


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Well, let us go on talking about the obstacles and reefs awaiting you on the way to Ascension.
One of them is your inertness.
I know that many of you try to put into practice as often as possible the knowledge and meditations that you got.
But there are a lot more people who confine themselves just to reading the messages accepting them with all their hearts and souls but then in the daily round they forget about their practical application.
It is actually not as harmless.
It is akin to a person who had higher medical education and goes on using elementary hospital attendant’s skills.
Actually, my dear, you can well become human souls’ healers – so huge is the amount of Divine knowledge and spiritual practices you have already been offered.
Most of them do not require long hours of meditations – they can be done on the go depending on the circumstances but this does not deprive them of their efficiency.
And their realization in life is blocked only by your inertness, your habits that have been accumulated for years and hold you in their grip preventing your spiritual growth.
Same as your physical body loses its flexibility and elasticity without exercise, so does your Soul without moral one – spiritual – exercise losing its purity and stopping its progress and development.
It resembles watching sports lying on the sofa. You will not become strong and dexterous as the sportsmen you admire are.
Of course, it is not easy – to overcome inertia and spiritual laziness and instead of following the mainstream to keep alert all the time being ready to bring yourself to harmony, as well as your relatives or different situations that arise in your life every day – in a word, to control your conscience every minute.
Well, this is exactly what my aim is: help you become MINDFUL every minute of your life.
And if you learn this, not only your own reality will start changing swiftly, but the reality of your planet as well.
Just imagine for a moment how much life of people will change if the majority of them stop generating low vibration energies controlling each thought and emotion of theirs.
And, consequently, the people around finding themselves in their field of Love and Light will start changing basking in the energies of high vibrations.
And with spiritual practices to be added here, as well as your own methods of dissolving negative energies, changes on Earth will not keep waiting and the long-awaited new world will begin manifesting before your eyes.
Do not forget about this, my dear!
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 12, 2021.

February 10

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (He that lies down with dogs…)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to touch upon the issue of your attitude to other people’s opinion, no matter who it comes from: the mass media, the people you respect or your family.
This is exactly the thing that becomes a stumbling stone for many on their spiritual way.
I know that most light souls that have embarked on the road of Ascension rejected the official mass media long ago realizing all the falsity and bias of theirs, yet, along with this they find themselves captured by other sources of information – quite independent, at first sight, that are plentiful on the internet at present.
The criteria for such sources to be chosen are most often personal liking towards this or that blogger or journalist and, not rarely their peremptory and confident manner that makes a magical impact on people.
Gradually people get used to a new and, as it seems to them, a genuine source of information that they start taking for gospel.
It usually happens to wingmen – those who got used to following somebody else’s advice all their life and who need a leader, guru, coach who will explain everything to them and will confidently lead their way.
The main merit of reptiloids is that they have made people forget how to think and make decisions independently, on a large scale, they made people forget how to listen to THEMSELVES – their Soul and Heart.
This is the reason why they have succeeded quite easily to drive people to the trap they made – “pandemic” by name.
So now, seeing that a considerable part of the population is getting revived from the dormancy and starts searching for alternative sources of information, they are trying to take over this information sector too just as they made a lot of efforts in their good time to get at the helm of the esoteric world, which they have succeeded in to a large degree.
While really pure and independent sources of information are impudently deleted from the internet by the marionettes of the shadow government, the sources conveying half-truth, which is sometimes even worse than lies, are kept by them.
And, as a rule, they are the sources generating the energies of fear, resentment, aggression, as well as those sowing suspicion in human souls.
You already know, my dear, how different can be the way to communicate the same events: with wise disengagement or aggressive involvement.
And while in the former case one is provided with the opportunity to follow cause-effect succession and make one’s own conclusion, the latter just makes one’s feelings of discontent and hopelessness agitated that drive one into a severe depression.
Of course, not everybody communicating current events in a negative vein do this deliberately.
They often want to help others to find out what is going on and share the available information with them.
Yet, their spiritual development stage, their low vibrations do to let them do this at an appropriate energy level.
Therefore, here is a good piece of advice to you: before you start listening to someone, no matter how interesting the information offered may seem, first try to identify this person’s vibration level engaging not your Mind but your intuition – Soul and Heart.
It will prevent you from making numerous mistakes and will save your time to make use of in a way more beneficial for you and your Soul.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 10, 2021.

February 8

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Get caught, fish, small and big)

Greetings, my dear children!
Today we will go on talking about the main preconditions for your planet’s Transition to the Fifth dimension.
And today we will talk about the things that prevent it at the physical level since, as you already know, at the subtle level the Light Forces have already won ultimately over the Dark Forces.
The main obstacle remains the Dark Forces’ hierarchy structure that was created by analogue with the structure alike at the subtle level, which was spoken about in my series of messages on this issue.
And while at the subtle level this structure has almost gone to pieces thanks to the joint efforts of the Higher Powers and human-friendly extraterrestrial civilizations, at the physical level it goes on existing by inertia.
Yet, being deprived of the infeed from above, it has become considerably weaker.
It may seem, at first sight, that everything runs its normal course: globalists – the shadow government’s protégés – keep on ramming their interests in all the spheres of your life: in political, financial and social sticking to the carefully developed programme on total digitizing of population.
The mass media remains focused on initiating panic and fear among the population driving people into the “trap” they made and called “pandemic”.
It reminds fishermen who cast their nets to the sea hoping for plentiful catch but nets turn out to be torn, and most middle-sized and small fish escape.
They have only big and awkward fish left in their nets.
And these “big fish” are the very zombie creatures whose conscience is incapable of accepting any alternative information at all except the one they are “fed” on by the sly “fishermen”.
In hope of improving the situation “fishermen mend their nets” and invent more and more hazards to human life trying to maintain the energy of Fear salutary for them themselves.
Being perfectly aware of the fact that people are strong by their Unity, they deprive them of opportunity to communicate with each other locking them down at homes, which also provokes lowest human energies: those of annoyance, aggression, powerlessness and hopelessness thereby driving them to a bad depression.
All this looks really sad but, on the other hand, this is the greatest challenge for an individual and their durability test: to what extent they will let to be humiliated and deceived until their genuine Divine essence revives.
This is what happens on Earth now.
Those who will withstand the durability test and the last battle between Light and Dark will remain on the new Earth of the Fifth dimension that will get there anyway.
While those who will give in to the power of inertia and will fail to get out of the sly fishermen’s “nets”, will leave the planet to go on with their wondering through the third density worlds having missed the unique chance of spiritual progress.
Now, my dear, each person and each revived soul matters so that the Divine high vibration energy on your planet reaches the critical mass that will finally oust out all the Dark Forces’ representatives of it.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 8, 2021.

February 7

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Accepting new reality)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will move on to a new topic that concerns not Earth’s Transition to the Fifth dimension but preconditions for it, that is, the requisites that will encourage its prompt realization.
We have already talked a lot with you about the fact that Transition will occur not instantaneously but almost unnoticeably for those who are ready for it.
It is accounted for by the fact that, before all, Transition will be made by your conscience and following it your physical body will “catch up”.
Therefore, the preconditions for the prompt Transition are also in this vein – human conscience readiness to accept a new reality.
As a matter of fact, it is most people’s unreadiness to accept a new reality that retards your planet’s advance to a new energy space.
And it happens despite all the external preconditions: new high vibration energies now unceasingly showering Earth and colossal support to humanity for the side of the Higher Powers and your Galaxy family.
It looks like from the coast every attempt is made to help rescue the victims of a shipwreck, yet, a lot of people prefer to get drowned than to find themselves on a shore unknown to them.
Why does it happen?
First of all, because not all the inhabitants of Earth are valid Divine creatures, which has been mentioned in my messages a lot of times.
And they are not simply uninterested in Transition but are afraid of it.
Even being completely unaware of the energy changes taking place on the planet they intuitively feel danger.
So far they cannot explain it to themselves – thus much it is imperceptible  and shows unapparently for them.
But this fear of the unknown that is hovering in the air initiates their aggression and makes them act inadequately.
They persist in their habitual values vehemently defending them and denying any information new to them.
And I know that many of you have already come across such a phenomenon.
And the explanation is rather simple.
People have been trained for a long time to treat all the knowledge rendered by unofficial sources – scientific, political or spiritual as “conspiracy”, that is, idle talk not deserving consideration.
While the people who diffuse such knowledge, that is, supporters of conspiracy are scorned at in the best-case scenario, and at the worst one are punished in every way.
But at present even most conservative and law-abiding people start hesitating whether thus funny and silly are the very “theories of conspiracy” and other “secret knowledge” that high and might are trying so hard to vitiate.
This is how revival of people starts – those who can make Transition with Earth but who still have “blinders” on the eyes securely fixed over them by the mass media that they are used to believe without reserve.
But the fact that the mass media are trying to stem any alternative opinion in a gross way at every corner makes people still more alert and forces them to search for the truth.
And this process is gaining power thereby increasing the number of the people capable of embarking on the road of Ascension.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 7, 2021.

February 5

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (New space-time parameters characteristics)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
As a round-up to our talk about new space-time parameters that are gradually getting their ground, I would like to remind you today of their most important characteristics.
First. Space and Time slow but sure are losing their linearity typical of the third dimension world.
Second. Being inseparable they are constantly interacting with each other.
Third. Getting into one’s energy field they adapt to one changing their vibration frequency.
Fourth. The energies of Space and Time are an individual conscience’s reflection who сan influence them by power of their intention.
Fifth. Being flexible and movable substances Space and Time can transform in consistence with one’s vibration level quickly moving from one dimension to another one.
Sixth. The energies of Space and Time have their own Conscience that scans mental impulses of a person and keenly react to them.
And the seventh. Flowing from one condition into another these energies, nevertheless, preserve their initial essence remaining all-embracing infinity.
Now when you are led into all the niceties of interaction with the energies of Space and Time, you can treat them as your faithful companions and true assistants.
Yet, they become the same only if you learn to get tuned onto one wave with them.
And the frequency this wave acquires depends on you now – on your vibrations level.
Therefore, man can decrease or increase vibrations of Space and Time depending on their inner state.
Being in harmony and indulging in your favourite occupation, you facilitate the energies of Space and Time around to flow smooth from the third dimension to the fourth and even the Fifth one.
Thereby your interaction occurs: by your vibrations you help them transform into their higher aspect, while they help you facilitating the feeling of flight and timelessness, which corresponds to the Fifth dimension vibrations.
And as a conclusion I would like to give you advice.
You should show devoted Respect, Love and Gratitude to these eternal companions of all living beings in the Universe and during the energy practices on Time and Space control treat them as your equal not feeling superior or arrogant because of the fact you “control” them.
Always remember that these clever energies can scan all the shades of your mood and, consequently, reflect them at the physical level.
Well, instead of the desirable result you can get the opposite effect, and it will not be the “revenge” of the energies of Space and Time but just your own energies’ reflection.
I bless you, my dear, for the harmonious union with the Divine Energies of Space and Time that play a significant role in life of every person.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 5, 2021.

February 3

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Interaction of Time and Space with high dimension beings)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will talk about interaction of the energies of Time and Space with the creatures living in the worlds of high dimensions.
As you have already understood from previous messages, this interaction shows in Time and Space being the reflection of these dimensions’ inhabitants’ conscience.
The higher vibrations of this or that creature are, the more apparently it shows.
And the reason is as follows.
While an individual living in the third dimension world is restricted by their conscience to linear patterns of such notions as Time and Space that they consider to be stable, high dimension creature’s conscience perceive them in quite a different way.
For them both Time and Space are flexible substances capable of transforming under the influence of their thoughts and intentions.
If they like, they can give them some certain parameters and, consequently, merge with them in terms of energy.
You can ask me what parameters I am talking about if in the worlds of high dimensions there is no Time as such.
As a matter of fact, my dear, it exists, for it is a specific kind of energy, yet, interaction with this energy in high dimensions is quite distinct.
The creatures living there vibrate at the frequency one with that of the Energy of Time and Space – at the frequency of the Energy of Love.
What happens due to this?
These energies merge together but at this they preserve their individual peculiarities that enable them to create something new.
Some of them deliberately stretch out Time and Space while interacting with them, and some others, on the contrary, compress them as much as possible so as to move to a required place of their planet, Galaxy or even the Universe.
This is how occurs interaction or merging of high vibration world’s inhabitants’ conscience with the energies of Time and Space.
All this happens very fast and natural but to help you better understand the mechanism let us look into the following example.
Suppose, an individual finding themselves in the Fifth dimension space for this or that reason decreased their vibrations, while the vibrations of the energies of Time and Space remain invariable in this dimension.
And if such an individual makes an intention to move to another part of Galaxy, for instance, to a planet of the sixth dimension, they will fail.
And it will happen owing to the consciences of the energies of Time and Space not allowing them to do this, that is, they will not start interacting with them.
And it will occur not only because of the fact they are at different frequencies but also because these energies’ consciences will reflect the conscience of the one who will try to control them.
They will “see” the inconsistence of this person’s desire with their present abilities.
In other words, it is possible to say that any living being interacts with the energies of Time and Space not only at the level of vibrations but at the level of conscience, too.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 3, 2021.

February 2

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Travelling through space and time)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will go on talking about space and time and will look into another aspect of it.
Space in its global meaning is cosmos, infinite and unlimited.
Just as there is no time in higher dimensions, there is no space as such there either, the one you are used to in the third dimension world, to be exact.
In these high vibration worlds space is void and at the same time all-embracing infinity, which your conscience cannot accept so far that is used to thinking by linear categories.
It is void because highly developed civilizations’ representatives’ conscience can “compress” it in one point, which enables them to cover huge distances.
And it is infinity because cosmos has no boundaries.
How can you use this knowledge in practice?
For a start, you can try to travel huge distances and even to other planets by your conscience and your subtle bodies since your physical bodies are not ready for such overloads yet.
And I know that some of you have already tried to do this.
Yet, it is better to start with travelling round your planet and ask your Spiritual guides to secure you during these unusual trips.
Try to visit your favourite places moving there by your conscience and subtle bodies.
And now I will offer you a practice that will help you develop the skill.
We will call it “Travelling through space and time”.
For this purpose you should invoke all your Heavenly patrons, relax and plunge into quite a deep meditative state.
Then imagine one of your favourite places on Earth – the one you were really happy and that has well engraved in your memory.
Ask the Higher Powers of the Universe and Archangel Michael to escort you there.
You are likely to get there almost instantly…
Walk around the places you love, feel the familiar scents and odours, feel the atmosphere, “touch” the objects around you – in a word, live fully through these moments…
And then go back to your physical body.
Before going to faraway countries you do not know, you had better make some more visits around your planet so as to consolidate the skill of instant moving in space.
This way, little by little, you will learn to “tame” space and time merging with them completely and at the same time converging them in one point by power of your thought and intention.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 2, 2021.

February 1

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Conscience of space)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Well, let us go on talking about the way space will be transforming in higher dimensions.
As you already know, high vibrations encourage matter becoming less dense.
So, due to this your light crystalline bodies, for example, will be able to take any shape given by your conscience.
The same will happen to space that will be contracting or becoming less dense depending on your reaction to it.
It will follow your thoughts and intentions.
Now it is hard for you to realize this since in the third density world you cannot control them yet: it seems abstract to you.
But in higher dimensions worlds time, just as space, is changeable and subjective.
What does it mean?
Space is also your conscience reflection, just as time is.
And you can see it even now.
So, for one living in a tiny flat of a block of flats three-storeyed mansion will seem a castle indeed.
While for one living in a castle the same mansion will appear a tiny flat.
Thus, in the conscience of these two individuals one and the same space will have absolutely different parameters despite clear established sizes of the mansion.
Therefore, when I say that you will be creating your reality by power of thought, I mean, first of all, space that you will be able to control as you think best.
Even now finding yourself in the third dimension world you can also feel the energy of space.
Remember your feelings in different locations: rooms, houses, offices.
In some of them you felt nice, easy and cosy, while in others it seemed that everything is contracting around you, as if walls themselves were lying heavy on you.
This is how you felt rarified high vibration space and heavy low vibration one.
Besides, it did not matter if it was a small room or a big one since you subconsciously scanned not its size but its energy profile.
And there is one more peculiarity of space I would like to talk about today.
About its conscience.
Do not be surprised, my dear, every particular space has its conscience and it is identified by nothing else but accumulated conscience of those who live there or even stay for some time.
That is why in some buildings you feel comfortable and in some others – you feel uneasy.
There has even come around such an expression in your language “heavy atmosphere”.
And such atmosphere is composed of not only the energies of people living or staying in some room at the moment but also of their conscience this room has absorbed.
In other words, any space can be defined as reflection of all the thoughts and emotions, and on a large scale, conscience of the people present there.
The same approach applies to going or travelling anywhere.
Why do you wish each other “Have a nice journey” or “Pleasant journey”?
It is because intuitively you feel your trip, that is the space you have to travel, will be “nice” only if it is filled with positive energy comprising the averaged conscience level of the people being there as well.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 1, 2021.

February 28


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to return to the current events taking place on Earth and this time to touch upon the issue of your attitude to the people who have already accepted the vaccine.
I see that many of you are completely lost and do not know what to expect from your relatives, friends and acquaintances who yielded to general craze and agreed to vaccination.
You should not be scared by this, my dear.
No radical changes will happen to them.
At least, it should affect you in no way.
Changes will happen in them themselves since now their material component will be prevailing in them, while the spiritual one will gradually reduce to nothing.
From now on they will be more health-concerned than ever since it is the fear for their life that encouraged them to take a step as thoughtless, which reptiloids staked on.
These people will intently listen to themselves seeking for new unknown symptoms of the disease that will urge them to get new doses of heavily advertised vaccines.
And symptoms like this will actually appear because they were initially determined by all types of vaccines offered to people.
For it is what their aim exactly was: to trigger in the human body a chain of irreversible processes resulting in self-destruction.
And the reason why I tell you about this is not to intimidate you.
I would like you to take everything happening CALMLY not wasting your soul strength and energy on the things you are unable to change.
In this case there will be of no help any talks on the Laws of the Universe, spiritual work leading to recovery and even on psychosomatics since the Soul of such a person is blind and deaf now.
They start living according to the programme instilled in them by means of vaccine injected into their body.
Besides, there can be no noticeable changes in appearance of this person.
Yet, their energy component is quite a different one.
Now they cannot break free from the metes and bounds of the third dimensionality.
They forced themselves into this cage and locked it in a reliable way.
Such a person will live what they are destined to but with no spiritual ups and downs, no vigourous emotions or thrill of heart typical of a Divine creature.
They will be totally concentrated on themselves and their problems and even if they show care to their family, it will be mostly done out of habit because it is well-established and supposed to be done.
Yet, sincerity and warmth will leave your relationships, and you should be prepared to this.
And the last thing I would like to say.
Do not show pity to these people and do not feel guilty you have not managed to keep them from such a thoughtless decision since it will help neither you, nor them but will simply take your strength and energy you need so much for yourself so as not to stumble and reach your own goal in an appropriate way.
I bless you, my dear, and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 28, 2021.

February 25


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will digress a little from our topic and will talk about the things taking place on Earth now from the higher Divine order point of view.
Perhaps, many of you have noticed that authorities of the leading countries of the world keep on with their usual rhetoric habitually making terms in relation to those they consider to be weaker than they themselves.
They take no notice of how quickly the situation is changing on the planet and, first of all, in terms of energy since they cannot feel these energies.
As a matter of fact, their anger, aggression and indefatigability are explained exactly by this – their own vibrations featuring lack of correspondence to the new vibrations of Earth.
They are thrown into a rage by the fact that their clear-cut and seemingly irreproachable reliable plan on humanity enslavement is not only skidding but is also obviously threatening to fail in some countries.
This is exactly the reason why they are in a hurry to pass LAWS this time giving people no choice: to remain free or to become totally dependent on high and mighty.
And I see how hard it is for people to make this choice especially for those who understand what is actually going on and what the so-called “vaccination passports” are fraught with.
It will not be an exaggeration now to say that you are challenged to the final fight with the Evil Forces that deeply rooted into your planet to the extent that almost all power and military forces are in their grip, as well as all the mass media.
The things that are taking place on Earth at present can be called but an attempt for all the inhabitants “transcoding”.
What do I mean by this word?
We have already spoken a lot of times that there is a Divine code embedded in every human – the Creator’s particle or, in other words, their eternal and immortal Soul.
This is the most valuable thing humans possess, and it is what prevents Dragon reptiles from breaking human Spirit and bringing them to a total submission.
This is why they have taken such an unprecedented and appalling step on the Divine human Soul’s destruction and turning humans into obedient zombified creatures that can be controlled to one’s discretion with impunity.
The things contained in vaccines they are trying to impose on people in such a cunning way change the Divine human code at the gene level introducing quite a different programme – that of depersonalization and submission.
And the “button” for these now new creatures’ conscience control is in hands of a group of criminals who have developed this devilish plan.
I would like you to know, my dear, that “transcoding” like this is an irreversible process.
And in this case whatever excuses one can find accepting the vaccine one should be well aware that one actually makes a crucial choice: to preserve or to ruin one’s Divine Soul.
This last desperate attempt of reptiloids to hold their ground on Earth will quite soon completely fail.
Therefore, please, do not stumble at the very last moment, maintain your strength of Spirit and Faith in your Soul – remain Divine creatures, my dear!
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 25, 2021

February 16


Lucifer message 
Greetings, my sister!
You were surprised that I called you like this.
Do not be surprised, for all of us are God’s children.
In this world, actually, everything is very conditional and what you call the Evil is, as a matter of fact, the other side of the coin named the Good.
For if there were no Evil, how would you understand what the Good is?
There is duality everywhere in the third dimension world, and it is duality that makes it so diverse and exciting.
Imagine life with only kind people in all respects around you.
Well, you would be bored to death!
It is we – the Evil forces – who make your life diversified filling it with passion and vigourous emotions, insidiousness, hypocrisy, intrigues…
We enrich your life with colourful energy palette.
We teach you to identify the Good and the Evil sacrificing our Souls.
And this unceasing confrontation of the Good and the Evil can be compared with a game of chess that is won only by those of you who have really become a “king” but it will never be possible to achieve for a “pawn”.
We play according to the rules set by the Creator and cannot go beyond the limits of the permitted.
And now I will explain to you why.
You probably heard that I am the antipode of the Creator, which means his dark side.
Yes, do not get surprised, everybody has their dark side, but the dark side of the Creator differs a lot from what you expect it to be.
It is some kind of a black hole that absorbs all human “wastes” – the souls that have reached the last stage of degradation.
They go to a “furnace” where they burn down to ashes this time.
It is not even the Hell in the way you understand it but full and complete utilization.
And I am the main “stoker” and keeper of this black hole of the Universe.
And my mission is, by means of my assistants, to make selection and classification of souls checking their durability and creating all kinds of traps and subterfuge.
And here the foulest tricks are made use of: flattery and fraud, cunning and insidiousness, bribery and blackmail…
I manipulate people, shuffle them like a pack of playing cards and create the situations when they can show themselves both as villains, and angels.
But it is always THEIR CHOICE – their own decision.
I just provoke them for the Evil but they are free to choose the Good.
This is exactly the way that third dimension people’s fates are decided.
This is how their training and spiritual making occur.
This is how they gain experience on Earth.
This way they learn to tell the Good from the Evil.
I am your head teacher and, consequently, the assistant of the Creator.
That is why I have come to you today so as to dot the i’s and help people sort out the things they have obviously got confused with.
They have vitiated my name sometimes calling me Devil or Satan, a real embodiment of the Evil, which is totally wrong.
I am Lucifer which is the Latin for “who brings light”, and it conveys deep message and great wisdom.
I bring you Light by means of Dark helping you to strengthen your Spirit and ennoble your Souls.
I help you cognize God in yourself by overcoming the Evil.
This is what my mission is, as well as the sense of my existence.
And I would like people to know about it.
I am thankful to you, my sister, for having written down this message!
Lucifer spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 16, 2021.

February 6


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to talk to you about what is going on now with reptiloids’ souls embodied on Earth as humans.
The times are very hard for them and it is connected not only with the fact that energies of high vibrations “inedible” for them are arriving at Earth but also with the fact that humans are ceasing to treat them the way they used to.
It has become much harder for reptiloids to make people generate negative energies because of the fact that humans unlike reptiloids are influenced by the energies arriving at Earth in the most favourable manner.
They are transforming human conscience purifying it from heavy energies of the third dimension world and reptiloid programmes that for centuries have been instilled into human conscience and subconscience.
Most people are unaware of this themselves.
They often start behaving in a different way not falling into numerous reptiloid traps.
And a vivid evidence of this is self-respect of people that is getting more and more revived and their refusal to obey orders humiliating them.
The more reptiloids of all kinds try to force people “in to the cage” and make them take the vaccine that has almost become obligatory, the more powerful human internal and external resistance becomes.
The same is taking place in the families with reptiloids and half-reptiloids among their members.
Being unable to bear the influence of the new energies on them, reptiloids are trying to create low vibration space at least in their environment provoking negative emotions in their family.
Yet, their family members do not react to old methods of manipulation any more decisively repulsing all energy and word attacks for their part.
This is the way that the very “pressing out” of all the alien and not Divine things from the planet happens, which was numerously mentioned in my messages.
Gradually because of their total incompliance with the new living conditions on Earth pure-bred reptiloids will leave it by means of physical death.
For the time being they remain here due to the fact that the overwhelming majority of the planet’s population is seized with fear for their life thereby nourishing reptiloids with their favourite and most welcomed energy.
This is exactly the reason why all official mass media are literally “yelling” about the danger of coronavirus spread and “horrible” death toll statistics, which, of course, does not correspond to the facts.
This way they are generating the energy of fear on a large scale now trying to cover with it like with a shield from the impending danger.
Nowadays on Earth there is in progress a real fight for survival that most planet’s inhabitants are not aware of since everything is going on at the energy level invisible for them.
As far as the physical manifestation of the fight, it is masterminded at the backstage, too, and actors often play their part not realizing its real meaning unthinkingly following their superiors’ instructions.
But it is worth mentioning that the script writers of this performance on Earth are completely at a loss right now since clear-cut plan on humanity enslavement developed by them is being crumbling to dust in their eyes.
People do not follow it and even obedient reptiloids and other representatives of low vibration civilizations representatives embodied as humans they staked on fail to implement it.
Out of fear for their life even they refuse to take the vaccine intuitively feeling the danger they are fraught with.
Thus, on general vaccination plan failure reptiloids are awaited by the miserable end – total disclosure of their crimes and fall of their power on Earth.
And it has already started to take place all over your planet.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on February 6, 2021.
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