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February 28

Power – what it is, what it isn’t, and how it should look moving forward is a prevalent theme on your planet at this time. Many of you have resistance to the word power since it conjures up memories or ideas of the haves and the have nots, of having power used negatively against you, or even of you having had power and not using it appropriately.
All of those would be expressions of 3D power – power that has been used to control and separate. What you are currently focusing on is the release and deconstruction of the old 3D power structures and shifting into the creation and implementation of new, far more unifying, 5D systems. A word that better describes that goal would be empowerment.
3D power served the one or the few. 5D empowerment serves the whole. One feeds separation, the other connection. You do not need to fear empowerment, for it is conscious forward movement that unifies and supports the growth and expansion of all.
So if you find yourself bristling at the idea of power, you might find it helpful to exchange the word power with the word empowerment to help you explore what else is possible in a new, non-resistant way that much better matches who you really are and the higher vibrational traits you would like to anchor on your planet. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 27

The energy of regret is an indicator of growth. It shows that you tried something and have discovered it isn’t a true energetic match to who you really are or who you wish to be.
Some of you experience regret and end up getting stuck there, unable to shift out of the resulting energies of guilt and shame. This actually stalls your own growth and expansion. This amounts to choosing to stay in lower vibrating energies as some form of penance which serves absolutely no one.
If you regret an action, we suggest you apologize in a simple and heartfelt manner, showing that you truly have learned from the experience. Then we encourage you to allow the experience to serve your evolution by moving forward and expressing yourself through your newest level of consciousness.
None of you are going to get it perfect all of the time. That is part of being a human being. You are ever-evolving explorers, trying things, learning, and then trying again. By applying the lessons you have learned through changed choices and behaviours, you are doing exactly what you came into the body to do, and that, Dear Ones, is exactly what is driving the shift of consciousness you are all participating in on your beloved planet. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 26

Shifting beyond codependency doesn’t mean you are no longer going to help people. It means you will start to help people in new, far more empowering ways, and sometimes that will involve lovingly stepping back and holding the space with wisdom and encouragement so others have the opportunity to discover their own divine capability. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 25

February 25
Being critical of yourself is a habit that is prevalent in many enlightening human beings. The core of this is wishing to be diligent, to not miss anything that you need to heal or evolve beyond. While the intention is good, you cannot heal or evolve if you are constantly being critical of yourself because your criticism and resistance to self will only keep aggravating the core wound that is looking to be healed.
This is simply a habit, and you can change any unwanted habit by replacing it with one that better serves you. The next time you identify something you feel is less than ideal about yourself, rather than berating yourself or wrestling with it, why not connect with that aspect of self and ask it what it needs? What can you give it right now? Why is it behaving in that way? What did it need before that it never got but you can give it today? How can you love and shepherd those aspects of self forward with your love, acceptance, and guidance? Can you commit to doing that as many times as required so that wounded aspect of self can settle into the experience of safe attachment with you?
You are absolutely capable of becoming your own loving guide, parent, and best friend. Treat the parts of you that are unsure or afraid with the love and encouragement you would give a beloved, innocent child. Your self encouragement will get you so much farther than your self criticism ever could. And the beautiful thing is, once you commit to consistently embracing and reassuring those aspects of self with love, they will all settle in to being one cooperative unit with you which will make your growth and forward movement so much easier. Not only that, it will profoundly shift what you align with because you are guiding yourself forward with the energies of love, compassion, and unity. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 24

Many enlightening human beings find it much easier to give than to receive. This is a major theme that is up for examination and healing so those who are in service can move into the full support that is available for them and they so richly deserve.
Over giving often occurs because the person feels it isn’t safe to receive. This belief could have come from past life experiences where you accepted help only to realize that it came with strings attached. Worthiness issues can also be at the core of not being willing to receive. Being out of balance in your desire to honour your service contracts can also result in over giving.
Dear Ones, you cannot run a marathon by only having out breaths! Your greatest service comes from willingly working with the fair balance of the flow, which means breathing in as well as breathing out, receiving as well as giving. You don’t wish to train others to only be takers, do you? Nor do you wish to model for your children that they should only give and never receive love and support.
So today we ask you to sit with any old beliefs that are holding you separate from receiving the love and support you so richly deserve. Identify them, thank them for trying to keep you safe, and then let them go. You are ready to have the full experience of both giving and receiving in ways that allow everyone the joy of being interconnected, supported parts of the whole. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 23

Dear Ones, what you yearn for is not there to make you uncomfortable. It is what creates connection points to your future. Your deepest hopes and desires are the calling cards of your soul. Honour where it is trying to take you. Those little sparks are the seeds of your dreams. If you have a dream that is always there, rather than ignoring it or trying to extinguish it, why not fan it by exploring it and allowing it to unfold into its fullest expression. The higher callings that beckon to you are how you truly wish to express yourself, and that will always hold great satisfaction and purpose for you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 22

Dear Ones, your spiritual journey is not about reaching the top of the mountain. It is about finding your way back to your true, authentic self, right where you are. It is like an archeological dig that uncovers the treasure of your own beautiful, divine nature. There is immeasurable joy both within your soul, and throughout the universe, every time you make your way back to the truth of who you are, for it creates expansion for your own journey as well as providing the fuel that drives the shift on your planet. What a glorious system! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 21

Most enlightening human beings, at some point of their journey, will unexpectedly end up in a dark feeling place in their meditation or dream time. We understand this can feel scary but do not let this derail your spiritual practices! It doesn’t mean you have to go there again. It doesn’t mean you are targeted or not of the right vibration or destined to have that experience time and again. All it means is that you got off the elevator on the wrong floor. You can simply turn around, get back on the elevator, and stay on it until you arrive at the energetic layer you were seeking. You are never powerless in any of your spiritual adventures. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 20

What if you treated your life like a treasure hunt, excitedly following the signs and synchronicities to new discoveries? You would start to experience the fun and wonder that is available for you, not just at the end result, but throughout the entire journey. What a wonderful way to shift yourself into presence, gratitude, and exploration, and allow yourself the true joy of unfoldment. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 19

Dear Ones, the act of surrender is not losing yourself. Far from it! It is choosing expansion and empowered forward movement because it allows you to experience yourself as part of the greater flow of the energy of the divine. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 18

If you are always feeling the need to show yourself as being the good one or the right one, your need for external validation likely comes at the cost of invalidating others.
Can you see then how shifting out of the discomfort of constantly trying to prove yourself into the comfort of accepting your own truth and worthiness with nothing to prove actually serves everyone involved? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 17

While doubt can certainly be a stagnating energy, it doesn’t have to be. Doubt is an invitation to use discernment, an opportunity to connect with your own inner wise one and discover your own truth.
So if you are experiencing doubt rather than simply sitting in it, we encourage you to dig deeper. Get curious about what you are doubtful about and why that is. Is your intuition telling you something? Are you simply seeking clarity or a new alignment? What is your truth about the topic? What further energy is there for you to harness, heal, or release to support your forward movement? What are your energetic preferences and what do you wish to create? How can you use this experience to further empower you in your growth and expansion?
Doubt can be a wonderful reevaluation tool that helps you discover your energetic clarity on any topic or situation. It can also be an indicator of unhealed or frightened parts of yourself that need your love and attention in order to feel secure enough to move forward on the next exciting leg of your journey. It has much to offer you if you are willing to look beyond the energy itself. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 16

So many of you, in your desire to be diligent about the path you are walking, seek the advice of others. We honour you for wanting to make good choices.
If you are seeking advice it is important to always use your discernment as the expert of your own life expression. It may be helpful to ask yourself, is the advice I have received what is best for me or what would be best for the person giving it? Are they living a life that is in resonance with how I would like to live? Are they wise, mindful, and conscious? Is this person my energetic peer? Is their advice focused on the empowerment of everyone involved? Does it feel loving, supportive, and expansive?
Another thing that is helpful to ask yourself is, am I looking for guidance, confirmation, or permission? Guidance is what you seek when you really don’t know how to proceed for your highest result and can help you get clarity on what is the right match for you. Confirmation allows you to affirm your own wisdom and can help you embrace your forward movement more confidently. Permission is looking for validation from others because you are still concerned about what others will think.
Knowing what your motivation is for asking for advice can be helpful. Dear Ones, ultimately the guidance you seek is within you if you simply ask to receive it and listen to the direction of your heart. Confirmation can be found by checking with a trusted source or by simply following the signs and synchronicities that point the way forward. And finally, as sovereign beings you don’t need anyone’s permission but your own to follow whatever path your soul is seeking. So in closing, the best advice is always the advice that helps you be truest to you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 15

You will always know when it’s time to move on from something because it will start to feel uncomfortable for you and require more and more patience to stay in those energies. You can always tell when something isn’t energetically supported for you anymore because the situation will start to take more and more effort from you just to maintain. This is because your energy is slowly but surely moving out of energetic alignment with it, withdrawing in preparation of connecting with the new. Most human beings don’t like change and this system is prepares you for it. Simply put, if you didn’t get uncomfortable many of you wouldn’t move at all!
What we want you to know is that you do not need to wait until you are incredibly uncomfortable to detach from one energy and to connect with the new. If you think of previous transitions you have made from one job to another, or one relationship to another, most of you knew the situation you left wasn’t working for a long time before you took action. Or perhaps you weren’t taking action at all even though you knew a situation wasn’t right so the universe, at the direction of your soul, created a sudden ending for you in order to get you to move forward.
It is common for people to wait for their discomfort to get really loud before they give themselves permission to listen to what they know. We encourage you to trust your feelings and your conscious awareness. By trusting your inner awareness and how you feel, you can start to navigate your way forward without the need for extreme discomfort as a catalyst. You can choose to listen to the consistent nudges of your soul that are always there to help guide you and offer a much smoother and more comfortable flow. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 14

What if we told you that part of your service is allowing others the joy of serving you? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 13

A great many of you have been in service for many years. You have been holding the space for others and your planet. You have been actively caring for so many around you. You have been dedicated to your mission and have been doing the heavy lifting, often feeling misunderstood and unsupported.
You may think of the first phase as a very long phase of giving. Many of you will be shifting how your service looks now that there is another wave of people who are awakening and excited to step into your old roles. This can be challenging for many of you as you have identified yourselves through your service, but this change is necessary. The biggest challenge many of you will face is learning to receive, and coming to peace with the idea that your beingness is more than enough.
When you are always giving it is like trying to thrive with only out breath. You might think of out breath as masculine energy. You have been leaders and wayshowers in whatever ways served your individual soul paths. But after so many years of dedication, it is time to pass the baton and be ready to receive. Receiving is a feminine energy. Is it time for you to take a great big in breath?
You will still honour your service but for many of you it will shift more into being than doing. You will be putting down the burden of the martyred service paradigm and moving into more joyful, supported service. You will be operating from a space of fairness for everyone involved including yourself. You will breathe in and breathe out, which is the ultimate expression of balanced flow. Allow your service to shift and evolve in whatever ways honour you and your soul agenda, Dear Ones, as that is all part of the beautiful unfoldment of your journey. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 12

Many of you are leery to feel your emotions. You may be feeling overwhelmed by the intensity of the times you are in, or think it will be too much on top of your energetic sensitivities. But resisting your emotions is a great disservice, first because they have a wealth of information for you, and second because by resisting them you actually amplify them and your discomfort because you are practicing separation within yourself.
If you have an emotion coming up, allow yourself to feel into it as your own loving parent and guide. What is this emotion? Why is it coming up? How is it trying to help you? As you start to acknowledge the emotion and flow with it, you may very well be surprised that it starts to settle. Now that it has your attention it doesn’t need to be as loud.
Let us give you an example. Let’s suppose you start to feel very uncomfortable. Feel into that. What would you call it? You might identify it as anxiety. Wonderful! You can now consciously connect with it. Your conversation might look something like this:
“Hello, anxiety. What’s going on? Why are you triggered? What do you need from me? What are you trying to tell me? How can I comfort you? Are you afraid? That’s ok, come here and let me hug you. I realize you are just trying to keep me safe, but allow me to do that for you. I’m so grateful you came up into my awareness so we can have this experience together in a new way. Thank you for loving me and for looking out for me! I’ve got this now. Let me just sit with you until you can settle back into a more comfortable state of being.”
Your emotions are great assets. They are trying to assist you, to alert you to parts of yourself that are seeking your own love and care. They are also wonderful connectors and expanders of your experience. They are like little helper guides within you. So explore your feelings, acknowledge and identify them, receive their guidance, and then thank them for their service. You may be surprised to see how much lighter you feel and how much smoother your flow is once you have learned to embrace them and their gifts. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 11

Dear Ones, during times of intensity and change, people can get triggered and act out in sudden and surprising ways. This may feel shocking and confusing to you.
When people are having an experience that threatens an unhealed aspect of self, they are not just reacting to the experience at hand, they are reacting to the entire history of that wound. That is why it can feel so much stronger and out of proportion to that singular experience.
If someone has reacted in such a way towards you and it is completely uncharacteristic, we urge you to focus on the entirety of your relationship with them. From a place of compassion and by looking at the whole picture, you can embody the energy of grace and forgiveness, just as you would appreciate someone doing the same for you. Because you are not triggered, you have an opportunity to hold the space for them until they can regain their balance. If you get triggered by them being triggered, you may wish to explore what is coming up for healing for you, as well.
But if someone is in a cycle of reactivity towards you and are defending their actions rather than taking responsibility for their healing, you may need to decide to remove yourself from that situation until such time as they can become a safe connection for you again. This is not being punishing or unforgiving, but rather taking yourself out of a recurring energetic cycle that is not serving the highest good of anyone involved. Stepping out of that pattern allows for reevaluation and creates an energetic shift. The other person can then decide if they wish to meet you in those new energies or not.
Continually allowing yourself to be hurt by another keeps you in a victim/martyr role and the other in a cycle of abuse/shame which furthers reactivity. Stepping out of that pattern with loving and firm boundaries allows for reevaluation and creates an energetic shift that creates space for healing on both sides to occur. The other person can then decide if they wish to meet you in those new dynamics or not. If they choose not to, it is an indicator they are not an energetic match to you, or a safe person for you at this time.
These are complex times, and no one is going to navigate the energies you are in with beautiful grace and ease all the time. With your wisdom you will be able to tell what is a rare occurrence and what is an ongoing situation that is no longer acceptable. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 10

You may have a situation that has some unknowns and you aren’t sure to proceed. Your mind, in its desire to micro-manage and control, may urge you to take action. If you feel deeper, you may discover another quieter, calmer intuition that encourages you to wait until you have more information. That calmer voice is your inner wise one and it will never, ever steer you wrong.
If you use your awareness, you will be able to tell the difference between the two. You will also very clearly feel which one is more empowered, because the mind often feels quite frantic while the heart is the soul centre you take wise action from.
There are no special skills required to connect with your inner wise one, as it is a part of you. All you must do is give yourself the time and space to acknowledge that knowingness and to listen to its subtle guidance. It is not loud and flashy but that is exactly how you know it is the voice of your empowered self. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 9

The candle does not worry about protecting itself from the darkness. It knows that its own luminosity is the only thing it needs to be the light and honour its purpose. It is the same for you, Dear Ones. All you have ever needed to do is embrace your beingness and allow the beautiful, luminosity of your soul to lead your way forward. Anything that is not supportive of that will naturally be dispelled or transformed through the effectiveness of your own light. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 8

Some of you may have a very strong belief in angels or God but still feel somewhat separate from them. You know they exist, you just aren’t sure that they are listening or aren’t too busy to help you.
If this is the case, we invite you to simply start connecting with your soul. You understand you are always connected to your soul. You know your soul has a plan for this incarnation, and knows the highest outcomes for you. So we recommend that if you are feeling stuck or lost, you simply say, “Ok soul, you take the lead. Show me where we want to go. Show me the next steps on our journey.” You know your soul is invested in your wellness and success, so you may find it easier to work with and trust that resource.
But here is the wonderful thing. Your soul is part of all that is, a beautiful and beloved aspect of Source. It is all part of a greater, glorious whole that is completely available to you. In your mind you may find it easier to speak to the manager than the CEO, but the reality is everyone’s door is always open for you. It doesn’t matter what aspect you connect with, all that matters is that you find the higher guidance you are comfortable working with and that you know you never, ever, have to go it alone. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 7

We spoke yesterday about why settling is never a good idea. We have also spoken in the past about stepping stones that are part of the unfoldment of your dream. We understand how this might be confusing so we wish to clarify this for you today.
While both settling and stepping stones are less than the full expression of your dream, settling is a stagnant energy. It is trying to thrive in energies that you already know are expired for you. There is no forward movement in settling. Settling can also be done in an attempt to please others. Settling is almost always a decision based on fear and/or doubt.
Stepping stones, on the other hand, have a sensation of forward movement. They come into your awareness through flow and synchronicities. They offer you elements that are essential to help you move closer to the experience of your dream. Stepping stones are supportive of expansion and growth, and they honour where your soul is wishing to go.
One way to take the guesswork out of all of this is to actively work with the divine combination of surrender, faith, flow, and trust, for that is how you continually move towards your best outcomes and highest life expression. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 6

Do you settle? The act of settling is always a disservice to yourself and we will explain why.
Settling means you know there’s a better option available but you are choosing less than that. Most people make that choice because they haven’t yet connected with their perfect match and they fear they won’t find it or doubt that it actually exists.
Settling is never a good idea because it amounts to choosing to try to thrive in energies that are already expired. Before long it will be impossible to stay in that energy and you will need to choose again. All you are really doing is adding an unnecessary step in your journey towards your perfect match.
If you know you are settling, you know there is a better option. That knowledge exists within your soul, and if you trust your soul it will guide you there. Settling is the act of giving up before you discover where the unfoldment is really trying to lead you to.
Please be clear, Dear Ones, that if you settle you are not going to be able to stay in that energy for long. Breathe. Trust. Allow the unfoldment. Know your dreams exist because they are the beacons that are beckoning you forward.
Love yourselves enough to discover what exists in the realm of potentiality just beyond what you can see. We highly encourage you to release the old habit of fear-based settling and allow your lives to get as big and beautiful as they are wanting to be. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 5

Dear Ones, some of you walk on eggshells around others for the sake of peace. But doing this interferes with your own flow and your ability to show up as your authentic self. It also rewards others in their reactivity. So is that really creating peace or is it choosing to help everyone stay in a lesser version of themselves than what is really possible? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 4

You cannot deny yourself and practice acceptance at the same time. You cannot be in resistance and acceptance at the same time. Dear Ones, we want you to sit with these statements and examine how you might be inadvertently doing this in your life.
Do you refuse to see your own beautiful and divine essence? Do you say no to help from others? Do you try to endure through energetic shifts rather than simply giving yourself what your body is asking for? Do you actively push against what the flow is supporting?
Your faith and trust in your divine capability, your soul, your guides, Source, the universe, and the ascension process itself, is what allows you to accept the evolution of your life expression with the greatest amount of ease and support possible. Isn’t it time to love yourself enough to give up the habit of resistance and trust in the divine intelligence of your own unfoldment? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 3

Dear Ones, who are you trying to prove your worthiness to?
God? You are an individuated aspect of God. You are an integral and beloved part of the whole. Further, you are a member of the ground crew of an ascending planet. You are not just worthy, you are recognized and celebrated for who you are and what you are doing.
Other people? No one has all the information about your path or your soul’s to-do list. Anyone who judges you, through the act of their judgment, shows they are not qualified to judge you, for if they were they would have no interest in doing so.
Yourself? Ah, this is the big one. Again we say you cannot kick yourself up the stairway of enlightenment. But you can certainly love and encourage yourself into the remembering and acceptance of your divine truth. Surely you can see the folly of thinking you can deny your own divine essence and move forward in your embodiment process at the same time.
We urge you to sit with the knowledge that there is nothing you can do to earn or lose your worthiness. It simply is. You are either in acceptance or denial of that truth. There is nothing to gain from denying it, but everything to gain by accepting it, because when you do you will be operating from a space of authenticity, and from there you will align with the things that match the truth of who you really are. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 2

Where do you allow your alignment to receive? Does it require great work and effort before you allow yourself to move into the alignment of receiving? Do you believe you have to sacrifice and wait and then if you are good enough and patient enough you will receive?
Dear Ones, your alignment is your alignment. You can shift into it whenever you want. You can find it through surrender, faith, flow, and trust. You can find it through meditation, or prayer, or walking in nature. You can find it through synchronicities. You can find it through your beingness or through incredibly hard effort. Your alignment is really about deciding when you think you have done enough to be worthy enough to receive.
What if we told you there was nothing you need to do in order to be worthy? Your worthiness is inherent. If you allow that truth to settle into your consciousness, you will find that your alignment through your beingness is even more powerful than using vast effort to try to prove your worthiness, because it is emanating your vibrational truth and from there all things are possible. What can you do today to shift into easier ways of finding your alignment and being willing to receive? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 1

Today we encourage you to get out of the habit of waiting for others to validate you, your choices, or your feelings. Your feelings about anything are validation enough. It is time to release the need for externals and to trust that you are more than capable to lead yourself and make your own wise and empowered decisions. You are the true expert on you.
So how do you know if you are holding yourself back because you are concerned over what people might think or say? Ask yourself what choices or decisions you would make if you didn’t know a single soul on the planet. That will give you clarity on how much you may still be allowing others to affect your path and how true you are being to you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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