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December 31

We would like to congratulate you on the tremendous amount of shifting you have accomplished this past year. As you are poised to step into 2019 our wish for you is that you will have not just love but also have compassion for yourselves. That you will replace self doubt with self trust. That you will see your experiences as having the real value over results. That you will allow us to fully support you with the surrender, faith, flow, trust navigation system that is the Divine Combination. And perhaps most important of all, that you will dream bigger than ever before and find the joy that comes from playing in the energies that are beyond what you can see to co-create with a universe that adores you. Your time is now, Dear Ones. Embrace it and shine! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 30

Many of you, especially after a particularly challenging year, will approach the new year with trepidation, hoping that the new year will be better, that it will be kinder to you. We understand where this comes from but there is a an energy of powerlessness pervading that approach. It suggests that you have no control over what occurs.
While there are certainly key energetic themes in each year, we are here to remind you that you are powerful beings and you get to choose what shifts and elements you desire to experience more of. You do that by setting intentions and then surrendering and flowing toward those goals.
You might consider setting intentions as being similar to ordering what you want from a catalogue, and surrender and flow what moves you towards its arrival. When you know what you have ordered there is no need to fear what will show up in your mailbox!
We understand that 2018 has been a profound and intense year for so many of you, but hear us when we say that the work you have done will bear fruit. Claim the year that you want! You have diligently done the prep work and now it is time to get down to empowered co-creation, and that is something you can get very excited about, indeed. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 29

Dear Ones, when we say you are loved beyond measure, do you accept it or do you dismiss it? So many of you hold yourselves outside of the stream of love. You are deeply loved, in fact, you are a beloved aspect of Source energy, which is love. Accepting love is accepting yourself.
Be conscious of how many times you say no to love out of habit. When love presents itself to you, commit to acknowledging it, allowing it, and truly feeling it. The more you can allow the love that exists for you to flow to you, and through you, the more you will experience the support and abundance that has always been there for you because you will no longer be holding yourself separate from Source.
Why not be a love detector from here on? Why not set an intention to notice and embrace the many ways love can show up for you from a universe that adores you? Why not finally choose inclusion and join the flow of love that has been beckoning to you all along? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 28

It is fitting that this year of review and transformation has ended with many of you spending time with family, for there is no other group that can bring up any old issues and conditioning that may still need attention as well as they can. Now that you’ve had a chance to get back into your own energy and catch your breath, what did the holidays clarify for you? What did you do very well? What would you like to improve? What new intentions can you create moving forward? How can you approach old patterns in new ways?
The busyness of the holidays can also make you aware of how you may neglect yourself, over give, or take on too much resulting in you losing your balance. How can you adjust this moving forward? Are there other people who can assist you in your tasks? Can you incorporate more being than doing into your holiday traditions? The holidays are such an ideal time to explore these areas because they truly magnify any area that is asking to be brought to the light for transformation.
You may even wish to write down what your discoveries are as a reminder to yourself to be read next year. Place it right on top of your decorations to be found and read first thing next year when you open the box. You might consider it a new year’s resolution for next year’s Christmas or a love letter of support for your future holiday self.
There are many things you will, with your wisdom and attainment, approach in new, more empowered ways over the coming years. You are continually evolving in the most delightful ways, and these simple changes will create much more positive experiences. The trick is in choosing to create them when you are in a calmer, more connected space when it is easiest to be in touch with your inner wisdom and then finding a way to remind yourself of that wisdom when you need it the most. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 27

In the quiet between December 25 and New Year’s Day, it is an ideal time to take a moment and review all you have accomplished in the year that is drawing to a close. 2018 has been a particularly transformational year. Looking back over the past 12 months you will have a very good idea of how much you have changed, even if the new potentials that are now possible due to that change have not quite shown up for you yet. Many of your new creations are waiting to get into the energies of 2019 to take on form. You are poised like never before to create and experience based on your energetic truth. Having broad intentions combined with heartfelt surrender, faith, flow, and trust along with a healthy dose of appreciation for yourself and all you have done, are ideal practices as you prepare to make the shift into the new. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 26

We understand that for many of you spending time with family can be challenging. These are the people you have soul agreements with, who agreed prior to your incarnation to help you with what you wish to experience and master during this lifetime. They are the great activators of your chosen path. They may support you by encouraging you in that direction, or they may facilitate your growth by being examples of what you do not wish to be. Certain people may be triggering, especially when you have been working on your growth and expansion and they have not yet been ready to step onto their own path and can’t see you in your energetic truth.
Dear Ones, we commend you for your efforts to navigate these relationships. Whether you have found yourself getting frustrated and upset (and then feeling bad about it afterwards), or whether you are getting to a point where you can hold your light and balance in their presence, we honour you for continuing to show up with your best, loving intentions. Even if you have come to a place where you have decided you can’t be around certain people from your past, we honour that, too, for it shows you are making your self care a priority by stepping away from situations that aren’t ready to shift.
There will come a time when you will be able to be in these situations and not be reactive. The most difficult relationships often are great barometers of the work you have done, and allow you to see your growth and progress. It is easy to be peaceful and loving around people who are the same. Your mastery will eventually lead you to a place when you will be able to be around anyone and hold the space for love and wellness for all involved.
Your family relationships are where a lot of old conditioning has been created, so stepping back into those energies can make you very aware of what is looking for release, and if that has occurred for you this holiday season, it is a great gift for you to have the awareness to do so before you step into a new year. So whether you had a harmonious time with your family, or you struggled in some way, it is all success in the unfoldment of your evolution. We want you to know it is all ok, and there are gifts to be had from it all. We honour you for your efforts, always. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 25

We wish for you to give yourselves the opportunity today, even if it is just for a moment, to acknowledge and embrace the influx of higher vibrational energies that always occurs during your holiday season. These energies are in response to the focus of love, connection, beauty, and giving that is prevalent during this time, supporting you in the desire to experience those elements even more the whole year through. We wish you peaceful and joyful hearts on this most sacred day of celebration and the knowing that you are loved beyond measure and treasured for all that you are and all that you do. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 24

Dear Ones, if you can accept that your growth is your service, and that what you consider to be your mistakes lead to your growth, it would stand to reason then that your mistakes serve both you and the whole, as well. The fact that you have had an experience and now know that if you had it to do again you would choose differently indicates expansion, growth, and greater maturity. That has shifted energy in a way that serves not just you in your greater knowingness of self, but also others who can learn from your experience. You have also anchored the energy of the ability to evolve beyond the original action.
Do you see? Based on this new perspective, you can release shame and guilt for actions you took when you did not know better and give yourself the gift of understanding and forgiveness this holiday season. Taking the step of having love and compassion for yourself for it all is yet another way to serve the whole and express the divine being you truly are. Further, once you can have love, understanding, and acceptance for yourself, you will be much better able to have the same for others. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 23

Dear Ones, allow this truth to settle into your heart. Your growth is your service. There is nothing more impactful you can do than to continue your own expansion and enlightenment for it serves both you and the whole so beautifully. That is how you are the change, how you walk your talk, how you are the beautiful teachers by example, how you embody the light, how you are the brave and glorious pioneers of the new. You are driving the shift with every discovery you make, every release, every integration, every act of love. Never underestimate the amazing job you are doing, for you are at the heart of it all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 21

We wish to commend you for all you have done during this pivotal and transformational year. Your consistency, your courage, your humour, your willingness to go deeper than ever before, has created profound change, and your solstice is locking in that change. On top of that, you will experience an influx of light – cleansing, supportive light on this day, another on December 22, and again throughout your holiday season, topping up your light, if you will, before you step into the brand new year of 2019. Wherever you are in the world, whether you are experiencing the end of the darkest night and the return to the light, or enjoying the day of most light, we urge you to simply open up and receive the light as the cleansing, supportive balm it is. We also encourage you, as you allow the light to envelop you, to celebrate your own brilliant, shining light as an essential part of the entire enlightenment process, for without you it would not happen. You are loved and celebrated more than you could ever know, this day and always. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 20

One of the major changes that are most challenging for enlightening human beings is giving themselves permission to shift from doing to being.
Being does not mean no action, but rather that the action that you take throughout the day is based on your true essence and allowing that to take the lead. It is empowered and inspired movement rather than forcing and efforting. It is navigating through the knowingness of your heart and soul rather than by your mind and societal expectations that were created in much older energies. It also means you understand that if not one thing is energetically supported for you to do in any one day, your energetics are your service and your beingness is more than enough.
It does take some getting used to but once you make the commitment to navigate in the surrender, faith, flow, trust model of the Divine Combination, you will find that things come together with much greater ease, and trying to do things in the old ways are much more fraught with difficulties. With your awareness you will start to naturally redirect until the new ways are what feel much more natural to you and your preference becomes willingly moving in ways that honour your true soul’s essence while accepting the full support of the universe. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 19

Many of you find the idea of martyred service appealing because you perceive it as being selfless and thus being devoid of ego. But you can embrace joyful, supported service without fear of falling into ego, as well. It is your intention and mindfulness that makes all the difference. Further, joyful, supported service will inspire others to step into service of their own. You have to trust that you are ready to embody your highest aspects of self, Dear Ones. After all, that is what all the work you have been doing has been for. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 18

Many of you have lost interest in activities that used to bring you joy. Some of you are not sure what it is that would bring you joy. Let us reassure you that will change.
Many of your old interests will be left behind as you complete the first phase of your incarnation and step forward into the new. Please know new passions and interests will be discovered, (or new updated versions of the old ones), to match who you have evolved into.
You find these by following the path of lightness. What feels easy and engaging? What are the core elements you enjoy? Ask your soul to lead the way. What could you try that is new? What activities create the experience of time distortion (a sure sign you have shifted into higher energies that are aligned with your soul)?
The beauty of the new energies you are moving into is that the focus is much more on experience rather than success or failure. This will open you up to experiment and explore without the unnecessary pressure of attachment to outcome. You will feel much freer to give yourself permission to try something and if you don’t like it still consider it a success because now you know and can simply try something else. And some of you may bring forth skills and talents you used to love in past life expressions that your soul desires to enjoy once again!
The joy and presence you used to experience is not gone forever, Dear Ones, it is evolving and that is something you can start to explore whenever you feel ready. Your joys and passions are vital elements of your expansion and your service, and are poised to flow in your life in new and wonderful ways. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 17

There is nothing more powerful on your planet than a gentle, mindful soul leading with love. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 16

Showing your true self, flaws and all, gives other souls the opportunity to practice unconditional love, and you the opportunity to experience it. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 15

Dear Ones, every single day, every single moment, love is a choice. It is completely available to you to choose whenever you like but you will find that when you nurture your alignment with Source and practice self love it is more natural and easier to be the flow of love for others.
Do not stress yourself out over love! If you have a moment that is not loving, simply redirect. Choose again. And the more you remember to choose love, to give and to receive love, the more you establish the habit of love because it feels so good. It will become your default choice in no time, and your life will reflect that in all you experience.
Love is, simply put, your most beautiful means of self expression and how you allow your truest essence to shine. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 14

What would you be like today if no one had ever said a disparaging thing against you? Feel into that for a moment. How much have those opinions and projections dimmed your light and affected your confidence and self esteem? If you could imagine them not being there, how much more flow would you have in your life?
We understand it can be uncomfortable to feel such things, but it is in the acknowledgment of these energies that healing can occur. Next we wish for you to ask the question, was this person qualified to judge you? Did they know your soul path? Your purpose? Your beauty? Your truth? Did they see how precious your innocence and sensitivity was? Were they living life expressions you would aspire to? Dear Ones, we can guarantee if someone was in the habit of judging you they were not qualified to do so for a being with the ability to see you in your truth would have no interest in the energy of judgment and would instead only see you with acceptance, encouragement, and unconditional love.
So now that we have identified that you have been treated unfairly by a person or people who could not see you accurately, we see that it had no validity. That is the first step of healing and release. Now you can truly get down to the business of shifting that old energy that simply did not apply up and out.
It is as simple as sitting quietly and asking whichever being you feel an affinity for to come and help you release those old untruths. You might call on Mother Mary, your favourite angel, a trusted guide, or Source energy. If you do not know who to call you can simply request the ideal helper who specializes in such healing to come and assist.
Feel the old energy gently being loosened because you now know it is not a match to your energetics. You might feel it crumble, or release in huge chunks. Allow it to go and honour yourself with your own love and reassurance through the process. If you feel emotional that is a wonderful sign that it is dislodging once and for all. Allow yourself to feel the emotions and bless yourself with your compassion for all you have carried for so long.
Once you feel the bulk of the energy has been dispelled, invite all the love and support you did not get but always deserved to come and fill you up. Feel the unconditional love and the true acceptance that comes with it fill up every little nook and cranny of your being. Feel any wounded aspects of self being wrapped up in a blanket of that energy and being loved back into wholeness. Know that you can call on this stream whenever you like. And lastly, commit to keeping those aspects safe by never again abusing yourself through your own negative self talk.
If you do not feel energy please know your intention is more than enough to be successful at this exercise because whether you feel it or not you are in charge of your own energetics. Dear Ones, please know it is never too late for you to not just heal but to thrive under your own beautiful guidance and the love that has always been there for you from a universe that adores you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 13

Dear Ones, you are in a potent corridor of energy leading up to your solstice. While much of this year has been about reviewing and releasing, these energies are supporting creation and how you would like to express yourself moving forward. With your wisdom we urge you to take advantage of the assistance these energies can offer you. What do you wish to create moving forward? More importantly how do you wish to BE?
One of the beautiful aspects of solstice energy is that it locks in all the progress you have made since the previous solstice event. It is a save point, if you will. What this means is if there is some change you wish to make in your life if you embody it now the energy of the solstice will energetically anchor that energy for you. This is an ideal time to make a change, incorporate new habits or routines, or to finally start an activity that you have always felt drawn to but haven’t had the time to try. It is the taking of the action that makes it part of your beingness, which will then be energetically supported and saved into your energetics.
You might consider the December solstice your energetic New Year. Any resolutions you would like to make will be far more successful by harnessing the power of the solstice to embody them now, rather than waiting until the new year when you will be busy shifting into the energies of the new year (and we might add that 2019 will be markedly different than 2018 so it will be a big shift).
The universe is always desiring to help you in your expansion and success. A wise enlightening human being takes advantage of what is being supported and harnesses the waves of assistance as they present. That, Dear Ones, is choosing the path of grace and ease. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 12

Many of you choose to not show your true selves because you fear that others will not like you if they see you in your truth. What you don’t realize is that approach actually prevents people from seeing your true beauty. Allowing your truth and authenticity to show, honouring your interests and passions, and letting your loving heart to lead the way, is how your beauty shines brightest because it is unimpeded by filters. And it is how other beautiful souls with similar energetics can find you and celebrate you because those are the ones who can see you for who you really are! The more you accept yourself in your authenticity and allow it to show, the more you give the world the opportunity to see your true beauty and to love you, too, exactly as your are. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 11

Do not be afraid to experience the depth of your emotions, Dear Ones, for they are the very things that demonstrate your humanity and your divinity and both aspects of you are equally glorious to behold. It is the combination of it all that makes you so beautifully and uniquely you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 10

A major theme of 2018 has been power – what it is, what it isn’t, and how you can step more fully into it in an empowered and authentic way. As you are wrapping up this profound year of transformation, it is important to become aware of any ways you may be continuing to give your power away. It may be through denying yourself to please others, still playing it small in certain areas or not fully shining your light out of fear, continuing old habits that are disempowering, avoiding sitting with your emotions or addressing healing that needs to be done, or waiting for others to tell you what to do rather than assuming the role of empowered leader of your own life expression.
Dear Ones, there is no time that has ever been as supportive of you clearing up these last bits and pieces as right now. It is not more than you can handle, in fact, living with these old energies that are unnecessarily holding you back is far more difficult than finally dealing with them once and for all. It is much like waiting to the last minute to write an exam that is required for school and has been hanging over your head for a long time. Often the resistance to the project was far more uncomfortable than the actual doing of it.
We understand it is difficult for you to truly understand where you are heading right now, but the energies are going to begin to move for you in more tangible ways and this is the final prep work for that forward movement. Of course, you will always be learning, growing, and expanding, but this is the wrapping up of the old energy of where you have been, the final assessments of the first phase of your incarnation, and it is good to be thorough. Before you know it you will be immersed in your new creations and this phase will be long forgotten. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 9

We wish to repost a message we originally shared October 24 today because it is an important one and we wish for as many people as possible to see it.
Moving forward during such transformational times exposes you to many pockets of energy. It is important to understand that there are times that may feel uncomfortable for you and to know what to do should such a time occur. As you become experts in working with energy, which all of you are doing, these skills will become well ingrained. What we wish for you to understand is that you can lovingly guide yourself forward from whatever energy you might find yourself in, and this message is the key to doing just that. It also is a blueprint for advice you can give others should they ask for your assistance.
The original message:
If you have found yourself in a painful place, it can become very easy to stay focused on what is not working for you. It can also be very difficult to remember what you know from such a dark place. If you are in such a situation, the key is to very gently and incrementally begin to disengage from the resistance you are in.
How do you do that? You cannot resist resistance, for it will only beget more of the same. And acceptance can be too great of a leap for many of you to make from such a painful place. So we urge you to simply understand that your discomfort exists as a redirectional tool, and start to lead yourself to things that you can be less resistant to.
It can be difficult to even imagine joy from such a place, so look for something that will feel a bit lighter to you. It might be watching a show you love, or reading a book you’ve enjoyed, or just getting up and moving your body, or getting outdoors into the sunshine. You are just looking for something that isn’t as dense and that you can be non-resistant to.
Once you are ready to start paying attention to what might feel a little better to you, you can start to recognize that there are things that are working for you. From there it is just a small step to gratitude. Even if something felt better to you for one minute, it is something you can have gratitude for. And that practice will help anchor in more of what you desire and deserve. It also helps you to be non-resistant, because you simply cannot practice gratitude and be resistant at the same time. It will also shift you into more presence, where real change can occur.
Just keep it simple. Now is the time to get back to basics, not to make great vibrational leaps. There will be plenty of time for that later, for every time you find your way back to the light and your true divine essence, great things become possible.
We also urge you to call on your guides and angels for assistance. From a space of density it can be difficult to feel their subtle energies, but know that your request is always, always heard and responded to. You may not feel them, but you may, if you pay close attention, feel a lightening of your energy. Ask them to take the lead and watch for the signs and synchronicities that they are present.
Be kind and gentle with yourselves if you have become weary, Dear Ones. Love yourselves. Nurture yourselves. Forgive yourselves if you have become temporarily lost or overwhelmed. Keep your expectations of yourselves realistic. Stepping out of the darkness is enlightenment, and is done one incremental shift at a time. If you make one decision at a time that is better feeling, even if it is the tiniest amount, it will add up before you know it, and you will be making solid progress toward where your divine spark is trying to lead you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 8

As you reach the end of 2018 you are poised to enter a new year in an energetic state of clarity like never before. You have purged and shifted much, and that will be reflected in the new timelines you will select as you enter into 2019. These new timelines will focus much on what your preferences are and what brings you joy as a means of self expression.
Dear Ones, we highly recommend, as you put the finishing touches on the life review you’ve been immersed in this year, that you identify and explore any area of your life you used to be drawn to and passionate about that others encouraged you to abandon. Perhaps you loved to sing or make art and your family convinced you to let those activities go because they didn’t deem them as realistic career paths. Or perhaps you loved to play baseball or other sports but gave them up because you started a family and pushed your activities to the background in order to focus on your responsibilities.
Dear Ones, please know the advice others give you is based on what would be right for them and their own life expression. They simply are not qualified to speak on what your soul wishes to experience during your incarnation. They are not privy to that information because they only have the ability to see from their own vantage point.
The interests that you had were there for a reason – they brought you the joy of your soul’s self expression, and were as unique and important as your genetics. They were in place to support you and add immeasurably to your life expression. In fact, they were a means of creating alignment and balance in your life. They were your unique gifts that added to the mosaic of the whole.
So dust off those old dreams that you have put away in order to please others, or perhaps that you denied yourself in order to stay small and comply to societal expectations. How can you incorporate them into your life now in a way that matches who you are today? What did those interests or activities give you? Why did you love them? How can you embrace them now?
What new things are available to you now that you’d like to try? It is important to start to explore these areas now as choosing what brings you joy is how you walk your highest path on the planet and those are the timelines you will be choosing as you step onto the energetic platform of 2019. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 7

What does your spiritual self want your human self to know today? What do you need to thrive and flourish? What magic can you create by working together? Just asking these three simple questions on a daily basis creates a firm foundation for self love and empowered forward movement. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 6

Flow is, simply put, Following Love Over Will. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 5

If you are wishing to draw a straight line, the most important factor is to keep your eye on the target mark. By doing so, all your body’s systems will work together to cooperate in reaching that final destination. There is no real thought involved with the motion itself, rather, it is an act of faith and trust that all will come together and do their individual jobs to make it happen. You choose the goal and move into the action of unfoldment to reach it. You might make an adjustment or two on the way, but you will reach your target in a fairly direct fashion.
The same it is with your manifestations. Choose the essence of what it is you would like to experience and allow all systems to come together to lead you there. You do not need to know what each individual step is, the flow will activate and find the way. Your job is to simply lead through your focus, which is your blessing of continuation, and not stall yourself with the whys and hows. That is the specialty of the universe, and it is our greatest service and joy to orchestrate it all for you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 4

Today we would like to offer you an analogy that will help you better understand the energies of 2018 into 2019.
This year of transformation is much like deciding it is time to renovate your home because the style is no longer working for you or you would like to improve the energy to better match your needs and your current taste. The first phase is the realization it is time to let the old go because it is no longer supporting you like it used to.
The next step is to assess what you would like to change, what elements you would like to keep, and what needs to be done in order to prepare for the new. You may need to take down walls or rip up floors. You may need to take things down to the basics and redo electrical or plumbing systems or change materials in order to do it right so it will be healthy and sustain you for many years moving forward.
Even though progress is being made it can be frustrating because much of it is going on in areas that ultimately won’t even show. It is messy and inconvenient. You might discover things that need to be addressed that you weren’t aware of before. There might be delays. But slowly but surely with consistent effort, the jobs start to be completed and a new structure starts to take form.
Dear Ones, 2019 is when you finally get to choose the colours, pick up the paint brush, decorate, and finally enjoy the beauty of your vision and desired results. The prep work had to be done, and done properly, so the new would be solid and sustainable. Because you have taken the time to do the foundational steps properly, they won’t need to be addressed again, and you can focus on the more joyful aspects of creation. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 3

Today’s daily message is completely different than normal but I just had to share what I’ve been experiencing with Gabriel.
It takes me a while to get a real feel for the prevalent energies of a new year. Usually I’ll start to receive bits and pieces of information about it as we get closer to it, but I often won’t get the full understanding of a new year’s energy until we have entered it. But Gabriel has given me this little nugget a couple of times now in private sessions, and it makes me giggle. He says, “2018 has been a year of complete and total transformation. 2019 is the bridge of increasing clarity about what that transformation means for you, which will lead you to the year 2020, the year of perfect vision.” And then he laughs heartily at his own joke. He cracks me up sometimes.
I know this year has been a tough one in so many ways. I thought you might appreciate a little glimpse of where we are going, and also share a chuckle at Gabriel’s sense of humour. Have a wonderful day!
PS. Unfortunately humour doesn’t always translate well into other languages, and I’ve had people message me to ask me why this is funny. In North America when you get your eyes examined at the eye doctors, 20/20 vision is considered perfect eyesight. This is why Gabriel is calling 2020 the year of perfect vision. 🙂 ~ Shelley Young

December 2

It can sometimes be difficult to know exactly what brings you joy, particularly if it hasn’t been a priority in your life for a long time. If you feel like joy is too big of a vibrational leap for you right now, perhaps you could simply look for ways to incorporate more things that feel light to you, that feel flowy and enjoyable into your life. When you find some, take a moment to have gratitude for them from a place of presence. Just taking that approach would create more ease for you to make those discoveries, and give a clear YES to the universe of what you would like to experience more of as you find what matches you and the energy you hold today. It is, in fact, surrendering into the unfoldment of enjoyment which is how to step your way into finding the joy that is meant for you. Following the path of what is enjoyable is what activates you being in joy able. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

December 1

Dear Ones, we realize that the endless releasing and reviewing you’ve been doing has been arduous, and that, along with the turbulence of the collective energy, has made things feel heavy and dense at times. But we are here to tell you that there has been influx after influx of light this year, and that is what you have been integrating. You are also entering into a season of light that will last right up to when you step into the new year.
It is a grand success to be able to process and anchor so much light, and to embody so much of your own divine essence. 2019 will be a year that will be all about discovering what that means to you, what new capabilities you have, and how you will use that creatively in your lives moving forward. To say these times are glorious would be an understatement. Allow yourselves to bask in the light that is available to you that is testimony of your diligence and your commitment to the shift and your own enlightenment process. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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