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January 31

You are on the planet to have the full experience. That means allowing yourself to fully feel. Many of you, due to your energetic sensitivities, have developed a habit of trying to diminish how much you feel. A lot of focus has gone on the importance of feeling into your more challenging feelings as part of your healing journey. Today we wish to encourage you to fully feel the good feelings.
Next time someone gives you a compliment, accept it. Next time someone has gratitude for you, instead of glossing over it, still yourself and fully receive it. Next time someone offers you help, say yes and feel how nice it is to be assisted and supported. Next time someone expresses love for you, open your heart, stay present in that moment, acknowledge that connection, and let it all in. It is time for you to fully receive what is truly available for you and that means being willing to have the full experience of what is wonderful, too. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 30

Many of you are having healing opportunities coming up for you concerning old hurts or mistreatment. This is a wonderful sign that you are ready to process that wound and release it, once and for all.
There is a pervasive belief that says that you must have closure from a person who hurt you in order to move on. This is a faulty belief, as it would put your healing in the hands of another. If a person was operating from a space that was hurtful to you in the first place, it is highly unlikely they will suddenly be able to offer any kind of healing or closure to you, not because they don’t want to but because they simply don’t have it to give. What is more likely is that you will be disappointed or wounded again because they haven’t yet evolved to a space that can give you what you are looking for.
Putting off your own healing waiting to be seen and acknowledged by the one who hurt you is a great disservice to yourself. We wish for you to understand that your healing does not come from there, and waiting for it to come from a source that doesn’t have it to give only keeps you stalled on your own healing journey.
You have everything you need to give yourself the peace and closure you need within yourself. Connect with the part of yourself that has been hurt. What does that part of you need? Acknowledgment? Kindness? Compassion? Acceptance? To be valued for your contributions and efforts? Sit and give that part of you every last thing they need. Then open your arms and welcome that part of you into your heart with your unconditional love and tender care, assuring them you will never allow them to be hurt in such a way again.
Dear Ones, that is exactly how you take back the reins of your own healing. You do not need the other person to finally get it. You could potentially wait lifetimes for that to occur. Drop the rope that keeps you tethered to the one who hurt you and prepare to move forward, unencumbered, whole and healthy, into your next great adventure, knowing your inner wise one is always there to give you exactly what you need, whenever you need it. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 29

One phase always serves another, as the universe works in an overall system of balance. If you are in accelerated flow, it is sure to be followed by a period of rest. If you are in a period that seems to be stalled, all of that energy will be accumulating until such a time as forward movement is supported and will sweep you forward in a giant wave of tangible forward movement. There is never, ever wasted time or a phase that serves no purpose. So we advise you to embrace the positive aspects of whatever period you are in, knowing it is serving you, and your soul’s growth and progress, in ways that are divinely perfect and far more intricately thought out than you could possibly imagine. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 28

Your sensitivity is a gift. Seeing it as a negative trait only puts you in resistance to yourself and keeps you from exploring and discovering the wonderful things that come with that gift. Almost all empaths have been told to stop being so sensitive, and many have been conditioned to think sensitivity is a bad thing. Dear Ones, your ability to feel is your superpower! It is what makes you kind, compassionate, and understanding. Your beautiful sensitivity is one of the things we love most about you.
So feel the feelings! Recognize when they are yours or not. What if you started to view your feelings as helpers? Understand that if you simply identify them, explore why they are there, and thank them for their service, they will be allowed to do their job of providing you information and feedback and then dissipate. By doing so you will quickly learn you do not need to fear them or avoid them and will turn them into the most wonderful navigational tool of understanding and healing. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 27

Dear Ones, boastfulness is not an indicator of greatness, but rather a sign of being out of alignment with who one truly wishes to be. The truly humble man feels no need to talk of his humility. One who loves from the heart has no need to speak of how loving they are. Those actions are taken as heartfelt expressions of who they really are, not for any praise or acknowledgment.
People often talk about who they would like to become. It is showing a desire to one day shift into the embodiment of those goals. If it is just talk and no action, they are simply not there yet.
Do you see? It is your beingness that emanates who you authentically are. That energy is your truth. Are you ready to shift from talking about a goal into the becoming of it? Are you ready to shift into your true beingness for no other reason than it brings you joy to know and express yourself that way? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 26

It is so easy to slip into resistance during times that feel chaotic, unpredictable, and undefined. You are in a period of profound transformation, and that can be difficult to navigate. If you are in a space where you are feeling overwhelmed or unsure what to do, we highly recommend you start to look for things you can say yes to.
Resistance is a refusal to go with where the flow is trying to take you. It is choosing to stay and push against what is unwanted, rather than exploring above and beyond it. The simplest way to shift out of resistance is to start to identify anything and everything you can say yes to in this right now moment.
Finding what you can say yes to disengages you from the unwanted and shifts your focus to identifying and embracing what is working for you, and what you prefer. A yes is an act of acceptance and also a willingness to flow in a new direction. Your yes is using your focus to create a timeline shift. It is also the precursor to greater discoveries, wonder, and gratitude. It is deciding what you wish to water and grow with your power of your attention.
Moving out of resistance doesn’t have to be a difficult process, Dear Ones. All you have to do is recognize when you are digging in against the universe and decide to find the things you can accept with ease, instead. From there you will flow forward with far more comfort and satisfaction because you are using the power of your focus for what it has always been intended for – the declaration of your energetic preferences and the discovery of your perfect matches. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 25

Your body and your life expression are always seeking to find their way back into a state of balance. This tells you that balance is your natural state of being, and that there is a natural process that will always seek to bring you back to that state. Your job is to be non-resistant to doing that. So how do you become non-resistant? Flow and be willing to receive guidance and support.
Listen to what your body is asking for. Be your own loving parent, guide, and best friend. Drink more water. Rest if you need it. Eat food that supports your vibrancy. Slow down if you need to or get more active if that is what your body would like. Take yourself for a walk in the sunshine!
Get into a meditation and ask your body what it needs and then give it to it. Take an observational view of the energetics of your life and assess what areas have too much or too little of one thing and use your wisdom to add or subtract whatever is required to bring you back into balance. Where is your soul trying to guide you?
The flow is always serving you, in your life, and in your wellness. The surrender, faith, flow, trust model of the divine combination will always lead you right to what you need, at any given time. By consciously working with the flow you will allow yourself to be served by the ebb and flow of the universe, which is a greater system of balance that is designed to provide you with exactly what you need to thrive in your life. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 24

There is a false belief system that believes that as long as everything stays the same you will be comfortable. The goal of the universe, of your soul, is continued growth and expansion. To deny this would be trying to resist the natural process of evolution.
Think of insisting upon continually wearing an outfit even though it is too small because you have outgrown it. Trying to stay in the same clothing would only make you more and more uncomfortable.
Allowing your expansion is giving yourself permission to take off clothes that are too small and to feel the relief that comes from embracing who you are now and where your soul, with its wisdom, is trying to lead you. Celebrate your growth and embrace the process, for your unfoldment is a glorious thing and is what allows you the joy and freedom that comes from expressing your ever-evolving self. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 23

“What way is my expansion supported today?” is an excellent question to ask yourself every day. This will allow you to move with and accept whatever the energies are focusing on, whether it be tangible forward movement or internal expansion which will later be reflected outwardly. You see, you are always supported in expansion because it is what your soul is always seeking, it just may show up in different ways. And we wish for you to understand that giving your soul the room to honour and explore that expansion in whatever direction it wishes to take will keep you far more comfortable than resisting change ever could. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 22

Dear Ones, having your belief systems challenged and needing to reevaluate what is your truth is a natural part of your evolutionary process. This can be a difficult time for people, as their old systems crumble and new, more energetically supportive beliefs are yet to be discovered and fully assimilated. Discernment is an essential part of the enlightenment process but it cannot be properly used until a person is clear about their own truth. This must come from within, and is often facilitated by the experience of disillusionment.
Be gentle with those who are in the throes of this right now on your planet, as this stage can be very painful to navigate until they can settle into a new alignment that allows a much firmer foundation for them to build upon. You have all been there at one stage or another of your journey. It is a rite of passage and an opportunity for redirection. Understand they will need time to mourn the old until they can accept and settle more comfortably into the new. Continue to hold the space of peace and calm and you will be a stabilizing force on your planet as others try to work through their disappointment and adjust to their new reality. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 21

Shifting from trying to do everything for others to encouraging them to explore what they are capable of doing for themselves allows you to move from the never-ending role of fixer into being a facilitator of wellness. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 20

Dear Ones, there are no missed opportunities. If someone doesn’t wish to continue with you, be it in relationship, business, friendship, or spiritual evolution, the universe will absolutely honour that person’s free will and lovingly replace them with someone who can offer you just as much as that person/opportunity did if not more. You will always be matched and supported in your growth and expansion! Your path can never be derailed by another’s lack of cooperation, ever, so trust if something or someone has left your life the universe will always immediately respond to that void in ways that will only support you and your life expression. Allow yourself the curiosity to discover and welcome what is now possible and be open to the continual evolution that is inherently yours. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 19

January 19
A lot of you spend an inordinate amount of time feeling bad due to the judgements of others who simply cannot see you in your truth. Hear us when we say they are not qualified to judge you. How do we know? If they had the ability to see your heart, your truth, and your soul’s agenda, they would only see you in your divine perfection, exactly as you are, with complete love and acceptance.
Do you see? The simple fact that someone judges you lets you know they are not qualified to judge you, for if they were they would have no interest in judging you at all. And perhaps, just perhaps, as you let this truth settle into you, you will remember it the next time you are tempted to judge another, and will shift into choosing love and acceptance instead. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 18

There are so many of you who are well along your embodiment process who are anchoring higher vibrational energies on your planet. While you may find yourself in a place where it doesn’t seem like there is much light, it does not mean for a second that the light doesn’t exist or that there aren’t enough of you to collectively create a shift.
You might think of it as you are scattered around the world creating a new foundation that is sustainable in the new energies and ready to be built upon. You are the construction workers who have tirelessly, with your faith, trust, and diligence, been in service preparing for the times you are in right now. You have been serving both your earth and humanity.
While it may seem chaotic right now, that firmer foundation is what will stabilize those who are no longer sustained by the old energies and are seeking support to shift into the new. Your efforts are what will make the awakening process much faster and easier for those who become ready to begin their own enlightenment process. Much more rapid shifts will be possible due to the groundwork you have done.
We point out that the vast majority of you had to go through your own dark nights of the soul in order to evolve. You understand that process, that when it becomes too painful to stay the same, people embrace change. This is where so many are at this time. It can be painful, and confusing, and disorienting. Letting go of the old is necessary in order to embrace the new, and for many it involves discovering how the old simply does not serve them any longer despite how committed they may have been to it.
Disillusionment can be a bitter pill to swallow and it can take some time to come to a level of acceptance with it. This can be a very painful process as it is normal for humans to want to cling to the old and familiar. You have all gone through periods of deconstruction in order to begin new construction, and even though it always ends up being a great improvement, it can be incredibly scary to be in the throes of transformation. Be kind and compassionate as you may have been in similar places yourselves not that long ago.
So trust the process and lead with your wise and loving hearts. These are the exact times you hoped you would have an opportunity to experience. Staying grounded in your presence and knowingness is exactly how you create stabilization points for yourselves and for others. You are doing a magnificent job! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 17

Dear Ones, we love you for your dedication and diligence but we wish for you to know that if there is something you need to address it will come into your awareness naturally if you are working with the divine combination of surrender, faith, flow, and trust. It is safe to come out of the never ending cycle of looking for what is wrong with you and step forward in your beingness with confidence. Is it time for you to shift out of constantly looking for what needs healing and simply allow yourself to be healed? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 16

Dear Ones, your main focus at this time is empowerment. What this means is you will be focusing more on staying in your alignment, presence, and conscious awareness. It is a state of authenticity and self responsibility.
When you are dependant upon others acting a certain way for your comfort, you are giving your power away. When you are dependant upon circumstances looking or feeling a certain way, you are giving your power away. Right now you are shifting into your empowerment by recognizing you are ultimately responsible for your own healing and satisfaction. Your happiness and comfort is an inside job that is supported by your surrender, faith, flow, trust, acceptance, and allowing. These elements open the door to your patience and peace and take you out of the old cycle of codependency.
You are all familiar with the expression, “The meek shall inherit the earth.” Do not mistake the word meek for weak. This refers to those who are in their embodiment process, who are leading by their sacred hearts and beingness, and lovingly anchor the energies of peace on your planet. Settling into those traits now will allow you to connect with others in far more meaningful and empowering ways as you continue to move forward in the great shift on your planet that you are both driving and participating in so beautifully. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 15

It takes a while to adjust fully into the energy of a new year. You often won’t get a true feel for the prevalent energies and supported traits of a year until you reach the spring equinox. You may find yourself clearing up old energies from the previous year in the first bit of any new year. This is perfectly normal and not an indicator that the new year will be more of the old. Every single year has its own unique energetic stamp.
So be gentle with yourselves. Feel into your truth. Trust the flow and your own intuition. Move with what is being supported and practice good self care. You are still shifting quite profoundly yourselves and that takes precedence over all other things. You are just getting started. There will be plenty of time to explore and discover what is now possible once you acclimate to the energies of 2021. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 14

Practicing resistance on your enlightenment journey is actively denying the next steps your soul is calling you to take. This amounts to tending the soil, lovingly planting a seed, watering it with care, and then placing a stone slab over top of it. The seed may eventually work its way around the stone toward the light but wouldn’t it be easier and give a faster result if you allowed it to use all that energy to simply grow unimpeded and bloom? It is safe to trust in your own evolution and the wisdom of your soul, Dear Ones! Is it time for you to release any self imposed barriers and truly blossom into the beauty of your ever-evolving full potential? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 13

Pauses in your forward movement give you the time to strengthen your foundation for even greater things to be built upon. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 12

You cannot kick or berate yourself up the stairway to enlightenment but you can certainly love and encourage yourself there. What compassion can you have for yourself today? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 11

Practicing forgiveness for yourself is so important in order for you to be able to move forward in the full embrace of who you truly are today. If you have behaved in a manner that you have trouble forgiving yourself for, we recommend the following:
First, look back and observe what was going on with you at that time. What needs did you have that were not being met? Were you reacting out of fear, woundedness, or reactivity? What drove your behaviour? Did you simply not know any better? With your eyes of wisdom you will be able to see what caused you to behave in such a way. Further, you will then be able to give yourself what you didn’t get but needed so desperately before, be it reassurance, acceptance, safety, love, or a different perspective.
Refusing to forgive yourself keeps you energetically tied to the version of yourself you no longer are.
The fact that you regret something tells you that you have learned from the experience and would choose differently now. That is evolution and something to celebrate! And as always, we wish for you to remember that your growth is what drives the shift on your planet.
If you owe someone an apology, make amends from the hearts and then live authentically from your latest level of attainment. Whether the person accepts your apology or not is their choice and part of their own healing journey.
You are growing and evolving, Dear Ones, and sometimes that can be a messy process. Forgiving yourself allows you to be fully present in your latest expression of self and to lead the way forward with greater mindfulness than ever before, and that is a glorious shift indeed. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 10

Forgiveness is the embodiment of the energy of grace. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 9

We have spoken of forgiveness as being a necessary element for the times you are in. The reason for this is forgiveness is an essential aspect for the experience of peace.
Forgiveness for others dissipates the energetic cord the ties you to old wounds. Forgiveness for yourself frees you to move out of resistance to yourself and back into alignment with your truth and your latest level of embodiment. Both of these shifts anchor the energy of peace within yourself, which then has the opportunity to spread outwardly, through your choices and the radiance of your own energetics.
This is yet another example of how your growth continues to drive the grand shift of consciousness on your planet. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 8

Forgiveness is of great importance moving forward into the new.
There are many people who are feeling very uncomfortable and are triggered. They are feeling powerless so they are in a space of fear, reactivity, and resistance. The old power structures are crumbling and they have yet to release their attachment to the old ways and connect with their own authentic power.
While we certainly never advocate allowing anyone to treat you in an abusive manner, for that is neither loving to yourself, or loving to the other to support them in behaving in such a lesser version of themselves, we do advocate the practice of compassion and forgiveness, for the dark night of the soul, while always transformative, is never an easy time.
So during these times of upheaval, we encourage you to have healthy boundaries but also to always forgive another if they have been unkind, for it shows they have lost the ability to see your true divine nature, and even sadder, their ability to see their own. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 7

The peace you seek starts within first, and ripples out from there. It is an anchor, a stabilizing force, and an act of service to align with your core of peace, which is the embodiment of your faith, trust, and divine essence, and lead from there. Rest assured there are more than enough of you who are prioritizing peace to create the changes you wish to see. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 6

Someone commented on yesterday’s daily message, “I wonder what healthy interdependency looks like?” What a wonderful question! By asking the question you set in motion the opportunity to have that experience. You move into the expansion and discovery of that topic.
Healthy interdependency means working together for the whole with everyone contributing in their own unique way. This allows everyone the joy of their own self expression in a supported way which means no one person has to do all the heavy lifting. This creates the profound shift from martyred service into joyful service.
Healthy interdependency means supporting each other into your highest potentials and expressions of self in whichever way matches your true desires and your soul’s agenda. It means acknowledging and celebrating the unique gifts each individual contributes to the whole, understanding your beingness is more than enough and your growth continues to drive the shift on your planet. It prioritizes empowerment of all. It seeks to heal beyond separation into connection because you recognize you are stronger together than apart.
It means accepting each other for your different roles, strengths, abilities, and service paths while supporting and encouraging each other through your challenges. It means working together as a whole, a force of like-minded, like-hearted individuals, who together are blazing trails that make it easier for others to follow, whenever the timing is perfect for them. It means joining hands as the pioneers you are, all contributing in the ways that are perfect for yourselves, and encouraging others to the same. It means creating new foundations that the new can be built on that support the highest good of all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 5

A major theme of 2021 is moving beyond codependency into healthier interdependency. As the vast majority of you are empaths and you feel so much, it can be difficult to tell what is yours, what is others, and where your responsibility lies. The fact that many of you are on the planet with service contracts, it can make it confusing to know when to step in and when to step back. It can also lead to being out of balance with over giving and not allowing yourself to receive.
Feeling energy provides you a lot of information. It allows you to have a deeper understanding of what is going on with yourself, others and your world. It can help you identify areas of need, and why people may be acting in certain ways. It can feel overwhelming if you aren’t able to discern what is your and what is not.
If you are a sensitive it is imperative that you find an energetic clarity technique that helps you be fully present in your own energies comfortably. This can be as simple as connecting into your heart centre and allowing the white, luminous energy of your soul’s essence to expand from your heart until it surrounds your body in a ball that extends arm’s length all around you. This is an excellent practice for it allows you to lead through your beingness without practicing any form of separation. It is claiming your own energetics in a completely safe and empowered way.
If you are feeling energies profoundly it can be helpful to ask, “How much of this is mine?” You can tend to any discomfort that is yours with your own loving care and attention. You can send love to anything that is not yours, or hand it off to the angels or any other higher being if that feels more appropriate to you.
One of the most helpful questions you can ask if you have a tendency to take on other’s challenges is, “Am I being empathic or am I being codependent?” Are you simply getting the information or are you attempting to take on what isn’t yours? Healthy boundaries are key. A wonderful question to ask before you take action if you have been one to attempt to take on another’s wellness as your own is, “What is the most empowering choice for everyone involved?”
If you are constantly fixing things for another, it can be disempowering. It comes with the message that you don’t see them as being capable. Of course, if someone is about to tip over you reach over and catch them. But it is advised that you only do so until they can find their own balance again. Allowing others to be where they are while holding the space of encouragement for them is how you help others grow and find their own power in the ways that are perfect for them.
Sometimes empaths try to fix everything for others because they simply don’t know how to sit in uncomfortable feelings, whether they are their own or others. Dear Ones, feelings are just looking for acknowledgment. They are offering you information. You can lovingly tend to your own as your own parent and guide, and you can hold the space for others to help them to do the same.
If you are open to the creation of a new model that says we can assist each other joyfully and lovingly to discover our own divine capability by holding the space and encouraging each other in the most empowering ways, you will find healthy interdependency a much better system to help you all move forward into the energies of the new. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 4

Dear Ones, as you step into brand new energies it is important to not infuse them with the energies of the old. It is also important to not have expectations of the new, as your expectations can often act as constraints on your flow and expansion.
Be present. More than that be curious! What is possible in the new? What fresh discoveries can be made? What new abilities are being supported? What energies do you wish to embody moving forward? What amazing things can be created from this unprecedented combination of your latest level of embodiment along with the energies of a new, higher vibrational era?
You are being offered a blank slate. We highly recommend you meet that blank slate with openness and a willingness to explore, for there is much that is possible for you now. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 3

Dear Ones, the energies of any given time will have certain areas of focus. One phase may be about review and release. Another might be about receiving and integration.
One period might be focused on going within, and another might be about expansion. A highlight of a certain time might be healing, while the next might be about discovering what is possible from your latest level of attainment.
As you have discovered by now, there may be certain overall themes but how you navigate within those themes is completely individual and up to you. You are all unique, and have your own strengths, your own soul agendas, your own desires, your own energetics, and your own astrological influences that will make your individual experiences different than anyone else’s while still focusing on that theme in your own way.
There is no one size fits all ascension path, nor is there any one prediction that can be made for the times you are stepping forward into, for you will all experience the themes in ways that are absolutely perfect for you. Further, you are creators, pioneering in brand new energies that are full of new potentials and possibilities just waiting to be discovered.
Allow yourselves to have your own experiences, to move with what is supported, and to follow your hearts as empowered co-creators who are driving the shift as you go. If you commit to simply making your most aligned choice in each now moment, you will always be working with your own flow in ways that honour your energetics and your highest intentions. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 2

The way to move with the energies of the new is through the essential model of surrender, faith, flow, and trust. This allows you to not only harness whatever theme the energies are supporting, it also allows you to be a non-resistant human being who is willing to be moved into your perfect right time/right place scenarios.
The surrender, faith, flow, trust model which what we call the Divine Combination is profound because when the elements are employed together they open the door to so much more. The elements work together creating balance, healing, greater comfort, and supported forward movement.
Faith and trust together open the door to acceptance and allowing. Acceptance and allowing create patience and peace. It is from that space that you embody your beingness and full presence, which is truly your hearts greatest desire because it is through your beingness and presence you are able to experience your highest life expression. It is all there for you, Dear Ones, and it starts with the core elements of surrender, faith, flow, and trust. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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