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November 30

A different kind of daily message today.
I was talking to a dear friend last week and she mentioned how difficult it is to be on this side of the veil where you can’t see everything that is going on. As soon as she said that, Gabriel dropped this image into my awareness. It was a reminder of the wooden box they would place over your hands in my high school typing class if you wouldn’t stop looking at the keys.
At first it was really awkward not being able to see anything. You had to work by feel, and by remembering the layout of the keyboard. It was slow and clumsy and awkward at first, but bit by bit you became more comfortable trusting in your ability to know where the keys were and how there were even little bumps on certain keys you could feel to help you orient yourself.
And before you knew it you became better and better at navigating by feel until it became automatic and you didn’t need to think about it at all. In fact, not relying on your eyes enhanced your ability to feel and know, which ultimately made you a far more better typist than when you were relying on your eyes alone.
I think this sums up this phase of our enlightenment journey. When we don’t have the use of one sense, all others become enhanced. Any diminished sense always serves the purpose of strengthening the others.
Being in a prolonged state of not knowing during this transformative year of 2020 has made us better develop our feeling skills, and connect with our inner knowing. Once we have become more comfortable in relying on our feeling and knowing, not being able to see where we are going will no longer serve a purpose, and our ability to navigate through all senses will return, in a new, more balanced way. ~A combination of Shelley and Gabriel. 🙂

November 29

There are vast energetic changes occurring to both your bodies (physical and light bodies) and the planet from now until the end of the year. You are receiving downloads of energy which are often delivered/received in a spiralling motion. The momentum of the collective awakening energy is also moving forward rapidly now which can be experienced as fast forward energy movement combined with waves of ups and downs, yet you may feel like you are not moving at all on a personal level. All of this together can result in many different symptoms!
You may feel buoyed by the energies. You may feel anxiety if you are experiencing accelerated flow. You may feel excitement, even if you don’t know where you are heading because you can sense there are breakthroughs for you waiting on the horizon. You may feel dizziness, nausea, disorientation, or feeling like the ground is moving underneath you (much like motion sickness due to the spirals and swells of energy), headaches, dehydration, fatigue, exhaustion, brain fog, erratic sleep patterns, and craving certain foods.
You may feel overwhelmed by the combination of it all! If you are especially sensitive, you may feel one thing with an undercurrent of another, or experience your own responses to the energies combined with feeling the energy of the collective.
Dear Ones, what we wish for you to understand is that you are in the final pushes of a completely transformative year that has been designed to deliver you into the energies of the new. This is much like the speeding up of intensity you feel in the last stages of labour. (Have you noticed how many of your ascension symptoms are similar to those of pregnancy?) It is truly remarkable what you are doing! You are birthing both a new you and a new earth. Breathe and stay focused on whatever is required in the present moment.
You are moving through accelerated energies with far greater wisdom and acceptance than ever seen on your planet before, one mindful choice at a time. These are the times that you have been waiting for and what you are going through right now will set you up well to step up and out onto the platform of the next exciting phase of your incarnation that will begin in 2021. You are doing a marvellous job! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 28

Listen to your heart. It has become a cliche to most of you that you really don’t hear – just a common phrase that has little meaning. But we are here today to ask you to dust off that old expression and to really, truly begin to listen to your hearts.
Your heart helps you become congruent. It gives you clear feedback on what your deepest, truest desires are. As those desires are absolutely essential to living your highest life expression, allowing your heart to lead the way is the way to navigate your life.
Your heart cannot lie to you. It only emanates truth, your truth, and leads the way to the experiences your soul desires to have.
The old ways of navigating solely through the mind and control are gone. Moving forward into this brand new age, let your heart lead the way. Embrace your intuition, your emotions, your knowing, your BEing. Flow, create, connect, and love, which are all specialties of the heart.
You can find your clarity by asking your heart. You can be of service by living by the heart. You can align with your greatest desires by following your heart. Do you see? The heart is the true navigator to all the things you seek. ~Archangel Gabriel

November 27

If you are unsure on how to proceed, it can be helpful to examine whether you are listening to your fear voice or your flow voice because only one can result in forward movement. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 26

Shelley’s Note: This question was just asked again, which led me to this previous daily message. I think it is perfect for the times we are in so I decided to share it again. Happy Thanksgiving!
We were recently asked,”How do I see us all as one when there is so much hurt and harm in the world?” We would like to address this today.
Not long ago we offered a daily message explaining the concept of vibrational layers. We asked you to imagine a building that contained a basement, a main floor, and upper floor, and an attic. The basement, or lowest layer, was a level of vibrational density. It was dark and uncomfortable. The people living there might have a concept of other floors but haven’t yet disengaged from that energy enough to climb up the stairs. You could consider this layer to be 3D.
The people living in the middle floor have a good knowing of both the density of the basement and the existence of a floor above them, and may periodically move between the two. You might consider this to be 4D.
There are other people still who resonate with the upper floor. These are the people who are well on their enlightenment journey. They are practicing far greater awareness and are dedicated to their growth and expansion, and embodying their highest selves. They are in remembrance of their own divine nature. They also have access to the attic, which is where you might find the angelic and masters residing.
All of these different layers exist within the structure of the building, all coexisting on their own levels. They are all part of the whole. So we ask you, if the building caught fire, would you only save certain people based on a certain level of attainment or would you rush to save everyone inside? You might be surprised to realize your first priority might be to assist those in the basement first, understanding they are in the most danger because they are stuck in a place that is more difficult to get out of. Your instincts show you that you already have unconditional love in your heart and honour the worthiness of even the most challenging aspects of the whole.
This example should allow you to see how many different layers can exist within the entirety of the whole, but also how you can have love and compassion for all aspects of the whole, regardless of what level they are residing in. It allows you to simply see and support people wherever they are, as all are equally precious and valuable. As you continue to evolve and grow, you won’t need extremes to see this, but will be able to embody that knowingness more and more in your day to day lives, as you will hold your balance, your love, and your mastery with greater consistency. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 25

Stillness holds the gifts of alignment, of integration, and is a reset point before movement resumes. It is the pause between the in breath and the out breath, a place of wisdom from where you can consider your next highest choice, a point of balance and potential. It is a magical, rejuvenative space that is always there for you to access whenever you choose, that acts as a portal to so much more. It is not designed for you to stay there forever, but rather a tool that allows you to connect to the energies of Home in order to receive any assistance you may require for your journey forward. It is one of the most empowering supports you have as an enlightening human being. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 24

Many enlightening human beings may find themselves either changing their service path or stepping into a service role for their first time. This is a very exciting thing! You will feel very passionate about the purpose that is calling you.
What is important to remember is that each service path is as individual as the enlightenment journey itself. What is aligned as a service offering for one may not be what is meant for another to do. This is designed to provide a vast and varied amount of support for the whole as well as opportunities for many different ways to experience and express the soul’s purpose.
One service path is not better or more important than another. Understand you may be taking on one role so others will be free to explore different service. You may vacate a service contract you had for many years in order to make room for another to step up and into the joy of being of that service. Your soul may wish to express its purpose in a new way, and that is wonderful, too!
We wish for you to understand that this is all playing out in ways that are divinely perfect, both for the individual and the collective. Honour all paths, Dear Ones, because you are being very efficient in the many ways you are all working together in being of service towards the whole. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 23

When you are navigating times of energetic intensity and you are feeling discomfort, it can be helpful to ask the following questions.
“Is what I’m feeling mine or the energy of the collective?”
“If it is mine, what love and support can I give the part of me that is feeling the discomfort?”
“If it is the collective’s, what energy might I send or anchor to assist?”
And finally, one of the most important questions you can ask as you explore any situation, “Am I in my head or in my heart?”
You will recognize, more and more, that being in alignment with the wisdom of your heart is the way to move with the energies as comfortably and efficiently as possible, and from there the highest outcomes can always be discovered. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 22

One of the energetic fine-tunings that may be up for you in the remainder of this year is exploring and releasing any ways you may still feel your beingness isn’t enough.
One of the most consequential shifts between 2019 and 2021 is shifting from doing to being, from martyred service to joyful service, from duty to heart led preference. One of the main purposes of 2020 has been to explore any ways you have been in resistance to yourself, your own energetics, or your own unique service path, and begin to work with inspired flow.
We wish to remind you that your growth is your service, your energetics serve the whole, and your self expression from an authentic place of soul alignment is what blazes new trails. From that perspective you can see that beingness in no way equals laziness! Allowing these higher vibrational truths to replace the old 3D models of societal conditioning and the glorification of busyness will serve you well as you step up into the energies of 2021 and beyond. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 21

The more you know, love, and honour yourself the better all your relationships become because they will reflect back that truth and fairness. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 20

Faith and trust open you to the energies of acceptance and allowing. Acceptance and allowing open the door to patience, peace, and presence. Patience, peace, and presence support you in the full experience of your beingness.
The year of 2020 has been a year of flux, a year of unknowns, a year of letting go. It has required you to get comfortable with unprecedented energies, to connect with your heart and inner wisdom, and to settle deeper into your faith and trust as you evolve beyond the illusion of control and sit in the pregnant pause.
If you can see all of the elements that are born from the combination of faith and trust, you can see how this has served you well in discovery and development of those core elements that are essential to your enlightenment process. This will help you immensely as navigate your way forward into the new earth energies of 2021 and beyond. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 19

In your dedication to become all you can be, have you fallen into the trap of constantly looking for what is wrong with you? Dear Ones, you cannot berate yourselves into enlightenment. It simply will not work because you cannot grow from a place of resistance to yourself.
Further, any wounded aspects of self will interpret that negative focus as a constant threat of impending rejection or abandonment, which will keep those wounds very active and triggered.
Resistance is a state of contraction, healing is a space of expansion. Self improvement is a wonderful goal but true growth best occurs from a space of safety, acceptance, consistency, unconditional love, and encouragement.
Isn’t it time you provide the safe and nurturing space you need to truly thrive? For that is exactly what creates the perfect environment for growth, healing, and your evolution. And the beautiful thing is, once you have created that within, you will be much better able to provide that loving space for others, as well. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 18

Many of you become frustrated if you do not see forward movement in your lives. We wish for you to know that growth and expansion is always occurring, and just like the flow, sometimes you will see it as a tangible physical manifestation while other times it will be happening behind the scenes within you.
With your spiritual growth the expansion is internal first, then the resulting external reflection of that work will follow. As with all things in the universe, it is the combination of the two that create sustainable and balanced forward movement.
You can have ease with this process because the rhythm of the universe is very predictable. A long period of internal exploration like you have experienced in 2020 will naturally be followed by the external exploration of the new, true potentials that can begin to be discovered due to the energetic spaciousness you have spent the time creating within.
Do you see? The internal supports the external, the lull supports the flow, and growth and expansion is always occurring because each supports the other in equal measure. It is a glorious dance of love and interconnectedness that will always lead you to your next greatest discovery. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 17

The more you make room to connect with your inner wisdom and allow yourself to follow its guidance, the more confident and competent you will feel, and you will finally give yourself permission to live your life authentically. And that, Dear Ones, is exactly how you step into having a much more empowered and satisfying life expression. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 16

You cannot resist your resistance. To do so would only create more discomfort. Instead, we suggest you explore what you can do to meet your needs and lovingly shepherd yourself forward.
Tend to the part of you that is in resistance with tenderness, understanding it is just a part of you that is feeling afraid, overwhelmed, or unsure. Thank it for trying to serve you and for alerting you to an aspect of yourself that is in need of your love, attention, reassurance, and guidance.
Once you have done that, you can include that aspect of you in the exploration of what you can say yes to. Allow your inner wise one to take the burden from the part of you that has felt the need for resistance and to guide yourself forward as a cohesive unit. Redirect your combined focus to what is working for you, and what gifts are available to you right now.
It is a small step from exploring what is working for you in whatever phase you find yourself in to gratitude. This is a profound shift because you cannot be in gratitude and resistance at the same time.
Do you see? Once you have shifted into gratitude you have entered the land of acceptance, which allows you to receive the support and expansion that is available to you with far greater grace, ease, and comfort than ever before. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 15

When you allow the wisdom of the flow to carry you, you can find comfort in any stage of movement you may find yourself in. A lull can mean floating comfortably, enjoying the scenery around you, and allowing the waters to gently cleanse you. More accelerated flow can mean effortless forward movement, excitement, and tangible progress. You will only experience discomfort if you resist what is showing up for you because you will be actively denying the inherent gifts and support that come with whatever phase you are in and the greater balance it is designed to provide you. It can be very helpful to simply ask, “How does this phase serve me?” or “What can I say yes to in this right now moment?” if you are wishing to shift out of resistance. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 14

Dear Ones, we wish for you to understand that anything done from a space of self-responsibility will give you instant results, even if they are behind the scenes and not able to be seen by you yet, because you will be choosing to work in the only space you have complete control over. This is why the enlightenment journey will direct you back to you, time and again. It is to assist you in staying in the energies of your own empowerment. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 13

We understand that the times you are in can feel challenging. In order to continue to move forward making decisions that are in line with who you truly are and what you truly desire, it can be helpful to simply ask yourself, “Am I in my fear or in my wisdom?” This simple question can help you quickly identify whether the line of thinking you are currently engaging in can lead you where you really wish to go. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 12

Dear Ones, we would like to invite you to change how you look at being in a space of not knowing or no movement. We would call such a space a pregnant pause.
A pregnant pause is a time when things are in the process of energetically coming together to take on form. It is a period of profound manifestation that is occurring behind the scenes in preparation of being born into your tangible reality.
It is a time that cannot be rushed. It is also a time that does not take one second longer than it has to. It is a process that is divinely timed to assure the success of what is trying to make its way to you.
So what do you do when you are in the pregnant pause? All the things you would do during a pregnancy. Practice good self care. Dream. Learn. Rest. Prepare for the accelerated movement that is sure to follow. Trust the process is one that creates miracles and hold the space with delicious anticipation, wonder, and gratitude for the magic that is working its way to you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 11

We encourage you to take a moment and really examine any ways you feel you are powerless or that you limit yourself. When you think about your fondest dreams, do old belief systems that make you think they are not possible come up?
Feel into those thoughts. Are they really true or are the old energy and conditioning you have received from your family or society? What if they weren’t true? What energy would open up for you? What new potentials become possible by your willingness to explore energetic expansion?
Dear Ones, you are the great creators. You have far more power than you realize! Expand. Explore. Get curious. Break through into the truth of who you are today. Allow your soul to beckon you forward.
Release any old constraints and be willing to pioneer into the new because you are in unprecedented energies and with each and every shift brand new potentials and possibilities become available to you. Your entire journey has been preparing you for the times you are in right now. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 10

Allowing your heart to flow you forward is the way to navigate the waters of the unknown. The heart always knows what is inclusive, what is supportive, what is expansive, what is your highest choice.
You can think and measure and weigh all you like with your mind, but ultimately it is the wisdom of the heart that leads you to your perfect matches and ideal outcomes.
So make friends with your heart. Trust it. Value its guidance. Consult with it time and again. It will never, ever steer your wrong. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 9

Trying to surrender into the flow without letting go of fear and doubt is much like sitting in a boat expecting forward movement while you are still moored to the dock. You are ready to navigate the waters into the new through your mindfulness, your kindness, your gratitude, and your faith and trust.
Your soul is in the boat for a reason, Dear Ones. Isn’t it time to allow it to lead you to the highest outcomes you can only get to through the flow? You will be guided and supported through it all. If you have concerns about your safety, it might help to think of faith and trust as your own personal floatation devices. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 8

You are shifting profoundly right now and will continue to shift throughout the remainder of the year in preparation to step into the new energies of 2021. Allow your shifting to ebb and flow, trusting the rhythm of the universe to serve you.
Energies will leave, new energies will come in. There is divine intelligence to it all, so if you move with whatever the flow is supporting in any now moment you will navigate these waters with efficiency and far greater grace and ease than you might have thought possible.
You are moving through the energies of profound transformation, and the way to do that is with beautiful self care, presence, and unshakeable trust in both the process and your complete capability to love your way forward into the new. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 7

Gratitude is the tool that allows you to shift into a reciprocal love relationship with the universe. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 6

The mind gets anxious when it tries to lead the way without the grounded wisdom and guidance of the heart. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 5

A great many enlightening human beings find their way to their spiritual path through the dark night of the soul. The most chaotic, dark places always become too uncomfortable to stay in for a sustained period of time, and when it becomes clear that it is too painful to stay the same, the door opens for great and empowered change.
The dark night of the soul can occur not just for humans but for countries and collectives, as well. While very challenging, such times serve the purpose of being a springboard for profound change and accelerated forward movement. It creates the opportunity for course correction and the discovery of the new. It is at the point when it becomes clear things cannot stay the same, the path of real change will be embraced.
So honour your feelings and centre deep into what you know to be divinely true and right, Dear Ones. Allow your heart and your inner wisdom to beckon you forward by being the change, being the love, being the pioneers, being the anchors of peace you are on the planet to be. It is the collective efforts of those who redirect time and again into who they really are that will create the wave you seek into the new. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 4

Dear Ones, much is playing out in your collective. This is a time for gentleness. Gentleness for yourselves, gentleness for others. We wrap you up in our love and support and encourage you forward. In times of uncertainty all you must do is make your highest choice one now moment at a time. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 3

Dear Ones, we wish to remind you that there is always, always a conscious and balanced place within your energetics you can centre into. And the most glorious thing happens when you anchor into your own divine essence. You become a portal of peace – an empowered person of energetic support rather than a catcher of energy. Do you see? Holding the space is being the change. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 2

Dear Ones, there is great power in holding the space. It may feel like you aren’t doing anything but please don’t dismiss it as not having value because it has a stabilizing effect that is awesome to behold. So we urge you to centre yourself so you can remember what you know. Connect to your innate wisdom. Find your balance. Trust. Anchor the energy of peace and potential, and know that sometimes the most simple acts are the most profound. This is a major aspect of your contribution to the whole and it helps more than you know. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 1

Discernment is one of the most important skills you will develop on your spiritual journey, and it is a major energetic theme of 2020.
Dear Ones, there is a part of you that always, always, knows the truth. If you are presented with information, feel into your body. Does it feel empowering or disempowering? Is it honouring your free will and your innate wisdom? Is it designed to separate or unify? Is its energy expansive or contracting? Is it designed to feed fear or love?
In order to tell if something matches you or not, it is essential that you take the time to know yourselves. Connecting with your true divine essence is the key to being able to know your truth and whether something honours that truth or not. Your self awareness is what allows you to feel whether something is supportive or discordant with your energy system.
We encourage you to consider the truth of any information you are presented with but we urge you to remember you are the empowered expert of your own life expression. Connect with your authenticity, your beingness, and allow that energy to lead the way. From that space of alignment you will always recognize what best honours you and your purpose. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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