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November 30

The Mass Awakenings of December 2020 – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 30

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very satisfied with the progress that we can feel you all making, as you continue on there during this very challenging time that you have on Earth. We are seeing more and more people awakening every single day, and they are a part of a mass awakening that was guaranteed to be a part of this calendar year that you have been in. More time spent by oneself means a greater likelihood for the expansion of consciousness.
You have had time to reflect there on Earth, and it is really starting to pay off amongst the unawakened who have begun to wake up. Now comes the part where they start looking for guidance, validation, and confirmation. You all have been providing the rest of humankind with your energy, your vibration, and the higher level of consciousness. You have been contributing to so many and in so many ways there on your world, but as this calendar year winds down, and you begin to explore the possibilities for 2021, you are going to find yourselves in higher demand.
Now is not the time to hide your light; now is the time to shine your light. People are looking for you. People who are just waking up will not know the things that you now take for granted, and trust us when we say that you have more to offer than you think. Because you live in the vibration you live in all the time, you don’t think it’s a very big deal to be where you are, spiritually. You get caught up in what you haven’t been able to accomplish yet spiritually, when you really need to be focusing on what you have already accomplished and what you have to give.
If you can start focusing on your strengths, you will light up even more to the newly awakened, and you will be able to be of greater service because of that willingness, a willingness to simply be who you are. Show this world what you are made of. Let people feel the love that you all channel every single day, and let them flock to you, because now is the time to step up and be the leaders that you were always meant to be in this lifetime.
The mass awakenings that will occur in your month of December are going to be staggering and beautiful to behold. And we just want to prepare those of you who can be of greater service so that you are ready to play the roles of the healers, the guides, and the leaders in this movement of ascension that you are right now accelerating with that willingness to go within and explore every aspect of your consciousness.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 29

Enjoy Your Personal Shifts – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 29

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are excited about the possibilities that exist for the human collective as you continue on in this evolutionary journey that really is never-ending. We talk about the shift in consciousness and the shift to the fifth dimension, but those are just singular experiences. What you get to have on your way to that experience are many different experiences of your ascension. You get to experience your own breakthroughs, your own a-ha moments, and you are awakening parts of yourselves a little bit at a time because you want to savor the experience.
You want to chew slowly when you’re eating something that is particularly delicious. You want it to move around in your move so that it hits all the different taste buds until you swallow it, and the same is true of this experience. The reason you don’t all just jump to the fifth dimension and start having those experiences as your higher selves is because you want to enjoy every morsel. You want to enjoy it all. You are not there on Earth to just take the giant leap and skip over all the good stuff along the way.
So we invite you to let go of your timetables for the shift. Stop waiting for something out there to happen and give yourselves growth experiences. Feel what it feels like to take yourself deeper in your meditation or to the highest vibrational state you have ever been in. Take yourselves on adventures in consciousness, and don’t worry so much on what’s happening out there.
You don’t have to focus on what the leaders of your governments are doing and saying. You really don’t. That’s not how consciousness evolves. Consciousness doesn’t evolve through voting or tossing someone out of office. You don’t have to wait to have the right politicians and leaders in positions of power to go out and make a difference in your community. You can meet someone who lives on the street or believes in something that is different from what you believe in, and you can come together.
You can experience oneness even if no one else is joining you on that journey. You need to take your little victories as they come along and stop waiting for the main event to come along and catapult you past all of the little, yummy experiences and moments along the way on this journey of the evolution of your consciousness. Only you get to experience how you are going to experience the entire shift, every step of the way.
Don’t give that power away to any event, just as you don’t want to give your power away to any person who is in a position of authority. You are your own authority, and you get to empower yourselves. We suggest that you do that, even if you don’t know what the means, even if you don’t know what that looks like. Feel for it, and it will show up right in your face, beckoning you along on another journey on this never-ending adventure that we are all on.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 28

Create New Rabbit Holes with the Current Energies – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 28

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very slow to come to a conclusion about something in reality, and we certainly do not jump to conclusions. We are always looking for new routes, new ways of getting from point A to point Z. And therefore, we are not very quick to accept the idea that the route laid out from point A to point Z is the best, the easiest, or the fastest one. We like that there are so many perspectives out there in the universe, and we believe that any perspective can be true and certainly can be a part of the being who believes in that perspective’s experience.
But you see, we enjoy creation so much more than we do following in the footsteps of what others have done, said, or thought. We are looking for pioneers and trailblazers. We are looking for those of you who are looking to create, rather than duplicate. We are looking for those of you who want to lead, rather than fall in line.
We want you all to question everything, even if it is something that we are transmitting through this particular channel, because we want you to create something new. We want all of you to channel and bring forth more perspectives, because we know that the more perspectives there are, the more of Source Energy that is then present in that reality. You see, Source not only allows for all perspectives to be, but Source also is all perspectives. Source also gets excited about an aspect of Itself seeking to create something new.
Create your own rabbit holes, rather than just looking at what someone else has just laid out for you. Be inspired by others, but never let go of the flame, the truth, the love that burns so brightly inside of you and wants to come out in the very unique way that you have of expressing your love, your truth, your light. Now is the time for bringing forth what is new to the Earth plane, and you are the perfect ones, as The Awakened Collective, to do just that.
As we have said many times before, the energies coming in are for you to co-create with once you receive them. You are not just receiving energies so that you can have gifts, abilities, memories, DNA activations, and so on. You are there receiving energies so that you can create something new, something never before experienced with those energies. And we are now and will always be huge supporters of those endeavors.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 27

The December 2020 Energies & New Portals – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 27

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been on a mission of sorts in the past several of your months. We have been looking for the right placement for some new energy portals, because of how much energy you all have coming to you. We know that you will receive the energies, no matter where the portals are located, however if the right people receive the energies first, the overall ripple effect on the human collective consciousness will be better. Those of you who are truly awake and who understand that it is part of your mission to anchor in higher-frequency energies are going to be in the right place at the right time to receive the lion’s share of these energies first.
You are the leaders in the evolution of the human collective consciousness movement, and there are more of you joining that exclusive club every single day. So we want to make sure that the right people are on the front lines and will be able to receive these giant energetic downloads that you have coming at the end of 2020. We want you all who are awake to be aware that anything and everything that is happening or not happening in your lives could be about positioning you in the right place at the right time to receive.
Therefore, we invite you to resist nothing and to go with the flow, especially now. Do not try to force anything into place. Let go and surrender more deliberately and less because you are exhausted or because you’ve given up hope. And finally, be conscious of when you are more tense and when you are more loose. Be more loose and relaxed so that you are as open as you can be during these times when those of you who are awake are needed the most.
We want you to help others directly as best you can. We want you to speak your truth and put yourselves out there as healers, guides, channelers, and so on, but what we really want for you is to feel the quality and the quantity of the energies coming in as you approach the end of your calendar year. The December 2020 energies are going to be massive, transformative, and especially available to those of you who are readying yourselves for them. And you can leave the rest up to beings and collectives like ourselves, because we have got this.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 26

Attunement for an Arcturian Ascension – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 26

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very engaged in the process of your evolution of consciousness. We absolutely are intertwined with humanity at this point, and we are very happy about that. We want you to know that we will always be with you, always by your side, always seeking to help you, and we are eager to share with you more about our spiritual evolution as we have been experiencing it.
As we have told you many times before, our ascension was much easier than yours, and we chose an incarnational cycle that was also much more joyous and filled with wonderful experience after wonderful experience. We did not choose the hard path, as you did. But what we did to bring ourselves into a higher consciousness, you can also do.
One of the ways we were able to achieve such monumental leaps forward was of course going within, focusing on our vibration, our chakras, and our hearts. It was easier for us to do these things because that’s what everyone was doing. On your world, most people are looking outside of themselves for validation, or for satisfaction, for fulfillment, for pleasure. We were taught at a very young age about how much ecstasy we could access by focusing inside of ourselves and breathing consciously.
We were taught that the inner world was more exciting and interesting, and that was why it was easier for us to ascend. We also didn’t have anything to push against. There were no villains in our experience. We never had to fight for the right to do anything, and all Arcturians were equal to one another. Therefore, even when we were existing as third dimensional beings and had egos, we were not in competition with one another. We didn’t compare ourselves to anyone else, and it was very easy to see how we were all connected.
If we could give you that gift of knowing that you were all connected, we would, and we will continue to attempt to convince you that there is so much more available to you when you go within than there is anything outside of you that compares. We want you to have an Arcturian spiritual awakening and an Arcturian ascension journey, because you have done enough of the hard work, the struggling, and the heavy lifting.
Now, we also consider it to be very interesting that most humans spent many lifetimes in our system. So you have also had the experience of being able to grow with ease, being able to evolve spiritually without having to try very hard. And we also will continue to seek to awaken those memories within you. We invite you to feel for the energy that we are projecting right now, no matter when you receive this message. We are offering you an attunement through this channeled transmission to get you to remember the truth of who you are as an Arcturian being, as a spiritual master, as one who can take the easiest path to your ascension.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 25

Your Good Karma is Coming to You – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 25

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been impressed once again by humanity, as you have demonstrated that you have more fortitude within you than anyone could’ve hoped for here in the higher realms. The fact that you are still there at this time is huge. You are holding the space for the entire collective, in spite of how hard it is for you to be there yourselves.
You are doing this while continuing to clear your own traumas and while dealing with your own ascension symptoms. We have the utmost respect for those of you who are awake and who are there because you want to help and because you want to have an experience of the biggest ride that you can have while in a physical body.
Now you are also entitled to the help you are receiving. We, and the other beings and collectives who are helping you, are doing so because you have earned our help. You have good karma, and you have endured so much of the lack, the negativity, the sickness, the loss, and all of the very challenging emotions there now, and the scales must be balanced in this universe of duality.
Some people wonder what the point of suffering is. Well, the more you suffer, the more ecstasy there is coming your way, because that ecstasy must be created in response to your suffering to keep a balance of energies in this beautiful universe of ours. That ecstasy is yours and yours for the taking. It is earmarked for you specifically, the one who created it, the one who suffered and endured as much as you have.
You are the ones we are talking to right now, because even if your experiences in this lifetime haven’t been that bad in comparison to others, you have experienced the worst of what you see on your world right now. Everything that’s outside of you is inside of you.
Now you get to benefit from all of those creations, but you need some help. You need some help in just believing that all you have summoned still exists. You need some help in opening up to receive it, and you need some blasts of high frequency energy to get you to be a match to it. And so, helpers like ourselves show up, and we will continue to show up.
We are not going anywhere. We are going to make sure that everyone receives the goodie bags that you have coming to you. And guess what? So are your higher selves and spirit guides. We are all working together to make life better for all of you, not just those of you who are awake.
But certainly, the awakened collective is leading the way. You are setting the example that you need to set and that is needed by the others who are not quite awake yet. But don’t worry. More mass awakenings are coming, and you will not feel as alone as you’ve been feeling for much longer.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 24

The Changes You Have in Front of You – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 24

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are so very enthusiastic about the changes that you have in front of you. A lot of people on your world are talking about the problems, the issues, that you are facing as a global community, and even within your smaller communities. And then you tend to argue over what the problems really are, who is behind them, and what is needed in order to fix them. But there is something that many people are not allowing themselves to do.
People are not allowing themselves to take all of the energies that are being summoned at this time, receive them, and then co-create with them all of the changes that they want to see. And why is that? Why are not enough people feeling empowered to create the changes that they want to see? The truth is that in the time you are living in right now everyone has their version of ‘the solution,’ ‘the answer,’ and the solution and the answer usually involve a person or a group, possibly even e.t.s.
Very few people there on Earth are telling you that you are the answer, that you are the ones to bring about the great changes you want to see. And quite frankly, that’s why you need groups like ourselves. We will continue to point the light back at you and ask you to become the one who saves, the one who leads, and the one who heals, because that’s what we see inside of each and every one of you. You don’t have to believe in anything, other than yourself.
Now, if you believe that you are much more than the self that you see in the mirror, that’s even better. But even people who didn’t have that knowing have accomplished quite a bit just by believing in themselves. But add Source Energy, a legion of angels, collectives, councils, federations, families, and so on, and you’ve really got something. You’ve got a team, and when you take into account the fact that humanity has been summoning all of this energy, and you have a team surrounding you that wants nothing more than to help you create the change you want to see, then you must ask yourself why would you still be looking outside of yourself for the answer.
The truth is, and will always be, that everything outside of you is also inside of you. Come together with a bunch of other humans who know that, reinforce that truth to one another, and now you’ve really got something to work with that will bring about the change, elevate the consciousness of humanity, and have you ascending with ease and joy. That’s what we are enthusiastic about because we know that enough of you are receiving this message to do what we are talking about, to do it well, and to keep doing it until you are living on the version of planet Earth that you want to experience.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 23

The Final Step on Your Journey of Ascension – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 23

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are listening to humanity, and we are very excited about what we are hearing from you. More and more humans are understanding that they are the ones who are responsible for their own ascension and that we and others like us are just helpers. We are facilitators and activators, but you are the ones who have to do all of the work. The work doesn’t have to be hard, but at times it can be painful. The times that you are in pain there on Earth should help you to appreciate the good times more
That’s why you began a cycle of incarnations on Earth in the first place. You are there by choice, and we know that some humans don’t believe that. That is why we will keep saying it; you are there by choice. And you choose to be there because Earth allows you to have certain experiences that are unique to your planet and to the third and fourth dimensions. There is a feeling that you can only have experienced pain and suffering, and that feeling is relief. The experience is a release, and the feeling is a relief. And then from all of that, you are more likely to feel compassion for others because you know what it is like to feel pain and to suffer.
Compassion brings you together, and coming together is the final step on humanity’s journey to ascension. And now is the time to be focusing on how you can come together more, in spite of your differences. And if you are one of the ones who is asking us, and others like us, for opportunities to experience more unity, then you are one of the leaders that we are talking about. Humankind needs leaders who are about bringing people together, and every single one of you who is receiving this transmission is one of those people. You don’t need to have millions or even billions of people following you in order to be a leader. You are contributing to the collective consciousness no matter what you do or who knows who you are.
When you ask for our support in bringing humankind together, you get more than just our support. You get all the support of all the beings and all the collectives who seek to be a part of the unification of the human collective. But even those who just feel compassion for someone else who is suffering are doing their part. Of course, there are people who have never heard of us or do not believe in extra-terrestrials or higher dimensions, and they are still doing their part by feeling compassion for their fellow humans. When we see that, we know that you are getting closer and closer to being ready to ascend.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 22

The Weight You Are All Carrying – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 22

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have begun to extract pieces of information from the past in your current timeline to help better understand where you are now and what you need. This is a good way for all of you to understand yourselves and each other. When you know what a person has endured in their lives, what tragedies and traumas they have suffered, it is easier for you then to understand where they are coming from in the now moment. And you can also better understand what it is that they need.
Now, we are not talking about dwelling in the past, and we are not talking about using the past as an excuse to never change in the present. We simply understand how you all get shaped by certain events in your lives, and it is a very good idea for all of you to recognize that some of what is affecting you from the past is coming to you from a past life. And it is good for you to understand this about other people as well, because it is so important for all of humanity to experience compassion. It is the path to oneness and unity consciousness. It is the way you will find common ground so that you can all come together.
Now, just because what you have suffered is a different experience from what someone else over here has suffered doesn’t make the result any different. You experienced some sort of trauma, and you had an emotional reaction that got trapped in your bodies and in your chakras. And now is the time you are releasing all of that, and so is everyone else. Therefore, you are all very strong and you are all doing the best you can under the circumstances, and this ascension from the third dimension to the fifth dimension was no small task to take on for any of you. So please cut yourselves some slack.
You have no idea how much weight you are carrying around, and please cut everyone else some slack as well. And the best thing that you can do for each other to help this process along more smoothly is to talk about your emotions. Talk about what you are feeling, not what triggered it, because if someone else has experienced the same depths of sadness that you are experiencing, that is what they will be able to relate to and hold compassion and space for, and that is what you need to do for each other, more than anything else. And that is what we do with that information as well. It’s not just about us gathering facts; it’s about us understanding why people are feeling what they are feeling, and then we can better come up with a plan for how to help.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 21

Better Timelines for the Future of Humanity – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 21

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have begun to investigate the new timelines that humanity has in front of you now that you are facing an increase in the number of people who are affected by the virus. Everyone is affected in the way that they need to be affected, which certainly is not the way that they want to be affected in most cases. We are talking about everyone across the entire planet, not just those who have contracted the virus.
You have all been affected, and it has stirred things up there. It has pushed lots of buttons; it has revealed what was already inside of each and every one of you. And because there have been enough of you who have responded to it with kindness and compassion, you have created some lovely timelines for humanity’s future, timelines that we know you are going to want to vibrate in harmony with. As you vibrate in harmony with one of these very positive timelines, you then find yourselves on it. It’s that simple.
This is why we tell you to stop looking for predictions about what will happen. Your free will is not just about what you do, what you think, and what you say. Your free will is about what you experience, what your future holds, especially now that you are fourth-dimensional beings, inching every day closer to the fifth. And so, these powerful new timelines are about letting go of what the virus has stirred up within you, if it is something that is of a lower vibration. And those of you who have been able to access more compassion, forgiveness, and unconditional love are the ones leading the way to these much more positive timelines.
You have so much power within you, and that power to not only create a better reality for yourselves, but it is also about leading others, taking them by the hand, and taking them with you to a much better feeling future. Those of you who are not getting triggered by what is happening on your world right now are fortunate. If you are not in resistance to what is happening on your world, then you are one of the lucky ones. But it wasn’t luck at all that put you in the position that you are in. It was a choice that you made before you incarnated.
And as you move forward now because of that fortunate position that you are in, you have more of an ability to turn on the vibration within you that you want to experience. Most humans do not have that option because they either have something they need to clear, or because they have not been taught about their ability to reach within themselves and offer a vibration on purpose.
That is where you come in; you are the ones to lead with your example, and you are the ones to teach others how to release and clear all of that angst, all of that fear, all of that anger, all of that rage, and all of that hate so that they can follow you to the better-feeling timelines that have been created out of your love, compassion, and desire to serve humanity. It doesn’t take a majority of you to be offering those vibrations, but there have been enough of you to create these timelines, and there are enough of you on Earth right now to lead humanity into a much more positive and good-feeling future.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 20

Humans That Are Ready for Full E.T. Contact – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 20

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you
We are very enthusiastic about seeing all of you care so much about others and the fate of others on your world. What will always cause you to expand and become more of your higher self is compassion. When your hearts go out to those who are suffering, you become more of your whole self. Compassion is the full recognition of the truth that nothing and none of this is happening outside of you. You are that person who is being mistreated. It’s not just that you feel for that person. You recognize that if it’s happening to them, it’s happening to you, and that recognition has never been higher on your world than it is at this time.
People are passionate about the causes that they support because they are passionate about other humans being treated well, being given the same opportunities that they have been given in their lives. You all don’t have to agree about which groups are more oppressed. What’s really important is that you care. You all don’t have to agree about how to go about changing the injustices on your world. The fact that you are passionate about injustice summons more lifeforce energy through you.
Now, what you have to do in order for all of this compassion and passion to amount to something energetically is you must let go of caring about what someone else thinks. What others believe to be true is not nearly as important as your passionate stance that everyone needs to be free, equal, honored, respected, and given the same opportunities as everyone else. That truth is something the vast majority of people agree upon, and it is something you can come together about and work towards together.
Once you start to see that humanity is a collective, that you are not separate, and you are not separated by race, religion, and nationality, then you can start to make the real progress, the changes you all want to experience on your world. If you can stop getting hung up on who are the heroes and who are the villains, and agree that you would like to see real change on your world, that’s when you will start to see it. And you will see it happening faster and faster, because you are more powerful as a united collective than you are as a divided one.
That is why it is so important to turn your attention towards you and what you can do. It is time to put your attention on how you can come together with others to create the reality that is better for everyone. And when you do, you have more non-physical support, more extra-terrestrial support, and certainly more support from the aspect of you that is your higher self. You are never going to be your true self, as long as you are pushing against some person, some political party, some ideology, or some story that someone has made up and spread all over the internet.
You have to focus on you because you have control over you. You can focus on purpose. You can release resistance on purpose. You can feel and activate vibrations on purpose, and right now humanity needs more people who understand that and are willing to do something about the power that lies within each and every one of you, power that is even more powerful when you are coming together as a unified collective. That’s the version of humanity that physical, extra-terrestrial beings want to meet face to face and invite to join them in the galactic community.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 19

Why Your Ascension Symptoms are Acting Up – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 19

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very happy with the way that you all are progressing there on Earth, especially in regards to the energies that are upon you right now and the challenges that you’ve been facing. We see you all making progress vibrationally, and while it takes some time for that vibrational progress to show itself to you in the physical realm, please trust us when we say that you are moving forward on a timeline that is in service to all. You are getting to where you need to go because of the intensity of the times you are living in. You have taken yourselves through a rapid energetic detox of sorts, and when you are going through a detox, you do tend to have a lot of symptoms. You do tend to feel worse than you normally feel for a while, but you feel worse because of what has been released, what has been dislodged and is in the process of being expelled from the body.
That’s what’s happening to you energetically now as a collective. It is hard to endure what you are enduring, but it is making you stronger, healthier, and more capable of handling higher-frequency energies. You do need to make room for the higher-frequency energies, and in order to do that, you need to expel the lower-vibrational energies. That’s what you’ve been doing; that’s why your ascension symptoms are acting up at this time, and that’s why we come around to remind you to take it easy, to rest, relax, and hydrate.
You must know by now that you are ascending, and because you are ascending, everything is moving you in that direction, no matter how it looks or feels. But of course, we also frequently emphasize the importance of honoring your feelings. So if something does not feel right to you, if it does not resonate, then you need to move away from it. You don’t need to do all of your clearing and releasing in one fell swoop. You get to take your time because you are eliminating trauma from hundreds of lifetimes in some cases. Not everyone has the same amount that they are clearing, and that is by choice.
None of you is being punished at this time; everything is by choice. And when you face those challenges head on, you are making the choice to do so as well. And when we see you facing the challenges of life head on, we feel even better about your progress because we know that all of you who are a part of the awakened collective are doing more than your part at this time and throughout this ascension journey that you are all on together.
Trust your feelings; trust each other. And trust that everything that is unfolding is for the greatest and highest good of all humans, not just the ones that believe in something. All of you are in it together because you are all very, very old friends. And we will always be with you, every step of the way, looking for every available opportunity to give you something, to comfort you, and to make your journeys more joyous and a whole lot easier.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 18

Will There Be an Event or a Solar Flash? – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 18

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very pleased to share with you the following transmission because we know that you all need praise and encouragement to keep going at times there on Earth. We love you so very much, and we want only the best for you. And we want you to understand that your higher selves also only want what is best for you. You are your higher selves, and your higher selves are you, but they are the part of you that has moved beyond the egoic needs. Your higher self is the part of you that knows your survival is assured. It’s the part of you that looks for the challenges, for the next ideal growth experiences.
Therefore, nothing will ever come to you that your higher self didn’t feel was the next best thing for you to face in your lives. Remember that the next time you are resisting something or shaking your fist in the air. It is no one and nothing outside of you that has put that challenge in front of you. Now is the time to let go of fear, separation, judgment, resistance, and shame, because those are the things that keep you from simply knowing that you are your higher self.
The doorway to the fifth dimension is not out there somewhere. It is not an event that takes place outside of you. It is not a solar flash. It is you. It is you opening that doorway on such a consistent basis that you forget all about what you were afraid of, or what you were judging or resisting. We want you to have a selective memory and selective attention so that you can allow that which is the true you to come forward and not only be a part of this beautiful planet Earth, but also we invite you to see yourselves as the ones who are there to set the example to others of how to be and how to thrive.
Will there be an event or a solar flash, or something like that at some point in the future? Possibly. But will it matter to those of you who have discovered the portal that exists within you, a portal that takes you directly to your fifth dimensional self? It will not. Therefore, we want to steer you away from predictions and prophecies and steer you back into yourselves, because your fifth dimensional higher self is certainly looking for more integration, not more separation.
Your fifth dimensional higher self is not looking to board a spaceship to get off of your crazy world and get away from those who are ruining it for everyone, and that is because your fifth dimensional higher self enjoys the challenge so much of staying and transforming the collective consciousness within it. Be love that is so undeniable that you transform every single person, every single being that is in your path and that even hears about you from another. That experience is far more powerful than something happening outside of you to rescue you from yourselves, from each other, from those you disagree with.
Now is the time to get more heart centered than you have ever been before and to shine that light from within your heart brighter than you have ever let it shine before. That is the most satisfying experience that you can have right now, and it has never been more available to you than it is right now.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 17

Energies We’ve Channeled That Are All Around You – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 17

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very capable of handling all of the energies that come to us from the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth dimensions, as well as the energies that come directly from Source. We often receive energies that we then send along to all of you. We are very much like the energy healers that you have there on Earth. They also receive energies from the higher-dimensional planes, run those energies through their bodies, and then deliver them to another person or persons.
We know that the energies we receive are for you, because we know what you are asking for. We also know how to recalibrate those energies, based on your very last moment in existence. We are that responsive to your needs and your desires, and we are just one group of many who are looking out for you in this way. So why then do you feel the need to work so hard and to struggle so much? You were taught to believe that the weight of the world is on your shoulders and that you must toil away at some task or some job in order to receive anything that you want in life.
This idea is reinforced to you over and over again throughout your lives, and it is based upon the notion that you are all alone, that no one is looking out for you. Perhaps you were taught that you had a guardian angel, or that you could pray to God or Jesus Christ, but very few individuals were raised with the understanding that they deserve whatever they are summoning, simply because they exist.
You are there now to change the way that the human collective consciousness thinks about itself, about its worthiness, and whether struggling and toiling away is virtuous. Those of you who have struggled and toiled away know that there is very little reward for extremely hard labor.
You are there to bring new light to the way that humanity thinks about its relationship to the higher realms, to the nonphysical, to all the beings and collectives who want nothing more than to help you. Helping you and others is one of the main reasons why we still exist in this universe at all. We are tied to you, and so are all of the other beings and collectives in the higher realms. Your success is our success. We see and know that there is no separation between any of us in the entire universe.
And so, we wonder what it will take to convince you that what we are saying is true and that you can simply open up to receive all of the energies you have summoned and more. Often a human being will only do this when they hit rock bottom or when something forces them to give up and surrender. And in those moments there is a releasing of resistance that is so powerful that you let the floodgates open and you become a vibrational match to that which you have summoned.
We invite you to feel for these energies now. They are all around you. They have come from the highest of the high points in this universe. We have channeled them, and now they are yours for the taking. Please accept our generous donations.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 16

How to Know Yourself as Source Energy – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 16

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very determined to give you the best of who we are, because we can feel ourselves expanding and becoming more of our Source Energy Selves when we do so. When you interact with any other being, whether they are human, animal, plant, or extra-terrestrial, we invite you to do the same. Seek your expansion by giving the best of who and what you are, and you will receive that expansion. You will know yourselves more as Source Energy Beings. You will benefit even more so than the individual you are connecting with in that moment.
The best thing that you can do to be of service to anyone is to show up and be present with them. Listen. Tune in to them, and express your feelings. That is how you evolve and transform, and there has never been a better time there on Earth for showing up for your fellow humans. This is not an easy time to be there on Earth, and yet, those of you who are there are there because you knew you would be up to the challenges this lifetime would put in front of you.
You have already awakened so much of the truth of who you are as Source Energy Beings in the flesh, and yet, there is so much more for you to discover about who you are and for you to awaken in others. Helping others realize that they are powerful creator beings, that they are Source Energy in the flesh, these are the ultimate goals of the lightworker. Certainly by being the light, by being yourselves to the fullest extent possible, you are shining more light into your world and activating what needs to be activated within people.
But also, you want to hold that awareness within you that you are always interacting with another aspect of Source, and that you are co-creating together a beautiful experience, a beautiful opportunity to become more of who you really are. And if you as the awakened collective could hold that awareness of who you are within yourselves, even for one day, you would see and feel the enormous impact that you are having on your world, as individuals and as a collective.
You will continue to grow, expand, and evolve, no matter what, but when you do it on purpose, it is so much sweeter and so much more enjoyable. And when you help someone else realize who they really are, then you have more friends to play with in the higher frequencies, in the leading-edge energies that are upon you at this time.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 15

The Goal of Life of All Humans – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 15

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are continuing to examine the ways in which you are affected by the energies that we and other benevolent beings send to you. We cannot know for certain how something will affect you until it does, and we witness it. We want you to recognize that the same is true in your lives. Oftentimes, you don’t know how something is going to affect you or someone close to you, and so, you have these experiences that help you to refine and help you to define, and all experiences make you more advanced beings.
Therefore, we want you to embrace everything. We want you to see that the goal of your lives is not to get it right or to be perfect. The goal of life is not to be the most spiritual or most awake person that you could ever be. Your goal is truly to be you and then to recognize that everyone else also is on that same mission, and as such, they need to be allowed to be who they are. Certain problems and conflicts arise within humanity when you believe that someone else being who they are is going to interfere with your ability to be who you are.
Once you are fifth dimensional, you will realize that this is a complete fallacy. Nothing could be further from the truth. All beings can co-exist as they truly are without stepping on each other’s toes. You can choose to resist someone else and what they are doing or saying, or you can allow that person to help you get clearer about who you are and leave it at that. We’ve said this before and we will say it again. Ascension is not about defeating anyone, and it’s certainly not about defeating any ideas or thoughts. You certainly give yourself a growth experience when you feel something, no matter what it is, as a result of something that someone else has done or said or even what they believe.
Trusting that everyone is on their own path, has their own guides, and will be given opportunities to evolve and ascend is a part of your own spiritual evolution. Sometimes, all you can do is make that shift from your judgmental mind to your compassionate heart and send someone who has done nothing to deserve it a transmission of unconditional love, because that is who you are. That’s your full, complete, whole self in a nutshell, and that’s all that really matters. Remember that, and do your best not to get sucked into an argument or a state of resistance. It is important that you not do those things because you are the ones who are there to raise the consciousness for all of humanity.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 14

Downloads, Upgrades & Activations Leading to Dec. 21st – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 14

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are watching and waiting for the right opportunities to bring you even more of the downloads, upgrades & activations that you have been asking for and that we know you need to thrive there on Earth. We are always willing to give, but you have to be available to receive what we are giving. We know that December 21st will be one of those times where we will have the opportunity to share with you more of what you’ve been asking for, because you will be ready. You will be expecting something big, and that expectation opens you up, puts you in a state where you are more receptive.
Then there’s all the time in between now and then, where we will have to look for the opportunities. One of the reasons why we tell you to tune out from all that is being speculated about on the Internet is because when you are in your heads and out of your bodies, you are not very receptive. When you are tense, or even afraid, you are not very receptive. When you are angry about something that may or may not happen, you are not very receptive. When you are angry about something that isn’t even true in your reality, you are also not very receptive.
That is why we will continuously invite you to do what brings you the most joy, what lights you up and turns you on. We will continue to invite you to look within yourselves, to connect with nature and Mother Earth, and we will do so because we know that when you are in a more relaxed or more joyous state, you are far more receptive to what you want and what we want to give you. But if you continue to disempower yourselves by exploring the latest conspiracy theory, then you are going to be closed off to what could ultimately help you and everyone else on Earth avoid that scenario that someone is blogging about.
You have got to trust in yourselves, your higher selves, all of us in the higher realms, and the universe, rather than trusting in what someone else tells you is ‘the plan.’ You have always been the plan. You have always been the ones who were going to wake up first and lead the rest of humanity into the golden age of the fifth dimension, but you have to make yourselves available to your own natural, spiritual evolution. When we and others like us give you what we are giving you, we are just playing a role for you. It is really you doing all of the planning and orchestrating. You are the ones pulling all of the strings, and the more you convince yourselves that someone else is doing it, the more you experience that reality.
So please let us help you in between 11/11 and December 21st. We are more than willing to give you all that you are asking for and more, but you have to be in the ready position in order to get what is rightfully yours and your creation. Have fun. Be the light. Love somebody. Connect with an animal, a tree, or the ground, and do us all a favor by relaxing and enjoying the moment you are in.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 13

The Upgrades You Received on 11/11 – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 13

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very pleased with the way humanity has been allowing for an upgrade that has been a long time in coming to you. You have had your central channels upgraded so that you can run more energy through your physical bodies and through your seven main chakras without overtaxing any aspect of you. This was a planned upgrade that was finalized on 11/11, due in large part to the expectation that you all have for change to occur on that particular date. There was an opening, and those of us in the higher realms saw it and took advantage of it to grant you this very timely upgrade. It is very timely because so many more higher-dimensional beings are reaching out at this time to humans, even ones who have never channeled before.
There is a need for more energy to be grounded in your physical bodies and into Mother Earth at this time as well. So you see, you can use these central channels even if you have no intention, or no desire, to channel other beings. You can just channel higher-dimensional energies into your bodies and into Mother Earth’s grid system.
There are always many ways to be of service and many ways to use your many parts. Your central channel is not talked about enough; it’s not even known about by most. But it is that tubing of sorts that stretches from the top of your crown to the base of your spine, and you all have the ability to tune to in to it and feel for the upgrades we are talking about right now. In fact, we urge you to do so. We want you to do more than just walk away from this transmission feeling that something has happened to you that is a good thing
We encourage you to use your newly upgraded central channels to access more energy and information, more healing, more love, more of everything that is higher dimensional. You have the ability to do so much good on Earth at this time, just by sitting at home alone and participating in the running of energy through your central channel. This lifetime is not about what you do; it’s about who you are becoming. And the best way for you to evolve is for you to feel.
If you can feel higher-dimensional energy moving through your physical body, then you will want to continue to have that experience, and you can become an instrument of this benevolent universe that is looking for more of you who are looking those of you who are ready to take in more of its love and light. And in the higher-dimensional planes there are so many beings and collectives who want to connect with those like you who are awake and who are ready to make the big changes on your world that you all want to see, changes that include full and open extra-terrestrial contact. You are the ones who are being invited to being about those changes with more ease and more joy.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 12

Are You Worthy of Ascending to 5D? – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 12

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are already convinced of your worthiness as individuals and as a collective. We know that in all of your lifetimes put together there on Earth, you have done good deeds. You have attained levels of spiritual mastery, and you have noticed the flow of Source Energy coming to you and moving through you to others, or at least one other. Therefore, you have nothing left to prove to us, to yourselves, or to anyone.
Those of you who are playing the role of the lightbearers in this lifetime have played the role of one in the dark, and those who are on the darker side of the spectrum have in other lifetimes been on the lighter side of the spectrum. Therefore, the only thing that is missing, the only thing that you don’t have enough of there on Earth is Love. You need to love yourselves enough to know that you are worthy of ascension. You need to access enough unconditional love to forgive those who have wronged you and wronged others, and then you can all ascend together.
We have said this before, but it bears repeating; your ascension will never be about the light defeating the dark. The ones who are playing the roles of the villains at this time are there to give you all the opportunity to know yourselves as unconditional love, to know yourselves as Source, to know what it feels like to really forgive someone. You get to be the light in the face of darkness, and you get to determine for yourselves that being the light is what you prefer. But that’s not the narrative that you see very much of in the new age community, and that’s what you need to rise above if you are going to be the leaders that you truly are.
If you are going to bring the healing energy that we know you can, then you have to rise above the whole idea of white hats and black hats, good and evil, and all of the other polarities that you see people writing about and talking about. You are there to embrace every aspect of yourself first, and anything you see outside of yourself is a part of you, just as much as it is outside of you and represented by that person, or that belief, or that heinous act.
The way to be who you really are is to be heart-centered, to let go of grudges, resentment, hate, and everything else that weighs you down. The path to the fifth dimension is about taking the high road. It’s about being the best version of yourselves, and you are the best version of yourselves when you are in forgiveness, not judgment and not condemnation.
You have a unique opportunity right now to set the example in the new age community that is needed now more than ever. Shine your light because you are light. Love because you are love. And do what you know is right because it feels right when you do it, not because you are trying to prove that you are service-to-others, rather than service-to-self oriented. You are the ones who are there to make the big difference that is needed on your world and in your human collective consciousness, and if you resonate with this transmission, then you are right on track to lead humanity with ease, with joy, and with grace into the fifth dimension.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 11

The Awakened Collective & the Energies of Ascension – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 11

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are quite certain that those of you who are a part of the awakened collective have surpassed your goals for this lifetime that were set prior to your births. And the reason we can state that with certainty is because you are on track to ascend in this lifetime, and there is no bigger accomplishment than that. You are all so hard on yourselves, thinking that you should have done more in your lives by now, or that you should be doing more right now to contribute to the evolution of the consciousness of humanity. And we understand why you might feel that way.
You have a sense of what is coming that is very different from the average person’s outlook on where humanity is going, and because you can feel how gigantic the shift in consciousness is, you then mistakenly assume that there must be more to do. If you were throwing a gigantic party, and you took on most of the preparation tasks yourselves, you would be running around, calling people, emailing, texting, making sure everything was just right for your party guests. There would be a lot to do.
And so, those of you who understand that there is work involved in shifting your consciousness think that there must be more for you to do physically in order to make it happen. But the work really is feeling your emotions, allowing things to be as they are, experiencing life, and summoning energies from beings and collectives like ourselves that you will then later receive. There’s not a lot of actions in what we just laid out for you, but there is a lot of hard work. Just avoiding the temptation to go and look at what someone else has written on a website that you know will make you feel bad when you read it is an accomplishment.
Any time you are clearing negative thoughts and emotions, or accessing past life trauma, you really do need to rest and recuperate in order to recover from those very challenging experiences, and we are being quite serious right now. What you are doing is big, and most of it is internal. Most of what you are doing will not get you lots of praise from the outside world, but it is necessary, and you are helping to take humanity and the collective consciousness to new heights so that you can all have new experiences.
We talk about letting go, surrendering, and forgiveness, and at times it may seem like we are just throwing those concepts around, but we do understand how hard they are to put into practice. And we want you to know that it is time to appreciate yourselves for who you have become, for being on the right track right now, and for continuing to embrace the energies of ascension.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 10

What You Accessed as Your Arcturian Selves – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 10

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been projecting more of our energy into your dimension and your solar system in order to ignite within more of humanity a desire to live a more spiritual life. Now what we mean by that is, we would like to encourage you with our energy to be more of your Arcturian selves while there on Earth. Those of you who have incarnated there in our system accessed much more than your spiritual gifts and abilities. You all accessed a deep desire to feel one with the universe, to be in the flow of Source, and to exemplify what it meant to be love in the face of everything and everything that was in front of you.
We believe that those are the easiest, fastest and most joyous paths to your ascension. We know that if even just everyone who is awake could make all of those things a priority, you could create a much different world in a very short amount of time. What we are sending you now is in response to what we see in the spiritual community, which is too much of an emphasis on mental spirituality, beliefs, and even actions that people think they need to take in order to prove themselves to be on the right side of an issue.
It is not very glamorous, and it doesn’t get a lot of attention, to tell the spiritually awake community that you just need to go within more, to meditate, to feel your emotions, to check in with your chakras, to ground, to commune with Mother Nature and Mother Earth, but it is what you need more of, especially now that so many are putting themselves as leaders in your community and taking you further and further away from yourselves in the process.
Even though we just told you in our last transmission that being divided can serve you in a way, we also know that humanity benefits so much more from people like yourselves seeking oneness and unity consciousness. Let the divisiveness of the propaganda that you see all over the Internet inspire you towards more unity consciousness as well. Know that you are the ones. You are the answer that humanity has been seeking, and the way that you be that answer is by living a life that prioritizes your spirituality, your connection to your self and others over all else.
You cannot be certain about anything that is happening right now on your world, and things are rarely as black and white as people make them out to be, but you can be certain of what’s going on inside of you, and you can put more attention on what you can do about that with your focus, with your breathing, with the doing of the things that always put you in a higher vibrational state.
We love you so very much and that is why we will always encourage you to what we know benefits you the most. That’s what we are doing right now with these energies, and that is what we will continue to do because we support you and because we know you are capable of radiating a beautiful light within you that will change your world for the better.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 9

Create New Realities Out of Being Divided – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 9

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very pleased to announce that humanity has been surpassing our expectations for what you would be able to accomplish with the current energies that you have upon you. You have been creating realities left and right with the intensity of your desires. You do live at a time when people are talking about how divided you are, but you are only as divided as you think you are in any given moment. In other words, you can decide to let go of the fact that someone else’s truth over there is different from yours, and you can use how you feel about their reality as a catalyzing agent to help you form the reality that you want to be living in.
You don’t all have to agree about what reality even is. Some people are convinced that you are living in a simulation created by artificial intelligence, and you know what? You can let them believe that. Some people believe that your planet is flat, and that’s okay. Let them be in that reality, rather than trying to convince them that there is only one shared reality. It’s a pointless endeavor, and it’s not true.
You all get to create what you experience, and so the trick is not to push against what someone insists is true. Let it be true for them. Let them go down that rabbit hole, and have those experiences, and learn and grow from having gone down that particular route. And again, if you are upset by what they are suggesting is true, then let yourself be inspired to create a reality for yourself where your truth is true.
Now, we tell you this because a lot of you have been unconsciously creating these new realities, not realizing you’re doing it. And now they exist. Those new realities exist because of the person whose views you find so offensive. This is why having different perspectives still serves you. It’s what you do with the truth that your perspective is different from others’ that really matters. Give yourselves permission now to align with the reality that you want to experience, and the first step towards doing that is letting go of trying to convince someone that they are wrong and you are right.
All truths are true; all realities exist. And maybe it serves that person to go down that path so they have the experiences they need to have in order to clear a trauma from a past life, even if that involves a person joining a cult. Now, you can always speak your truth and tell a person that they are in fact going down that path, and that you care about them and you would rather them not have to, but then you have to let go. You have to let everyone live their lives in order to become who they are ultimately becoming. There are many paths to becoming your higher selves, and there are many paths to the fifth dimension, and if you were all walking down the same path, it would get quite crowded indeed.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 8

Humanity’s Harmonious Whole – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 8

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been getting very excited about the evolution of the human consciousness because you are all so filled with diversity, and the diversity within each one of you is a superpower. As you unlock the diverse energies within you and you begin integrating them into the whole of who you are, there is no telling what you will be capable of doing and becoming. You, there on planet Earth, are very unique, because you have so many different aspects to you.
Because you have traveled throughout the galaxy, incarnating in so many different star systems before coming to Earth, you have so much within you to draw upon as you grow and ascend. Therefore, humanity is perhaps the most unpredictable race of beings in the entire galaxy, and that is exciting. It is exciting because we are talking about unpredictability as it pertains to your growth and evolution, not your volatility. You’ve been getting all of that out of the way. You’ve been making more room inside yourselves to become more of who you really are.
Now, the most diverse being is of course Source Energy, and the more like Source you are, the better. You are more powerful. You are more creative. You are more loving and compassionate when you are more of your true selves, and therefore, it is very important for you to embrace all aspects of who you are now in this lifetime. And we are talking about even those aspects of you that you don’t like to acknowledge or celebrate. You have that which is reptilian and insectoids inside of you, just as you have that which is feline and aquatic inside of you.
You have that which is mantid inside of you, and all of the other beings that you have heard about throughout this galaxy. They’re all inside of you, and certainly like to celebrate that which is avian inside of you, but you tend to ignore or deny the presence of that which is draconian within you. So we are here now to encourage you to see all aspects of yourselves as being equally powerful and contributing to the beauty of that diversity within you.
If all of the beings in the galaxy always got along, then there would be no designation of either good or evil. So if you can manage to be your harmonious whole in the now moment, you can draw upon all of that power, all of that wisdom, and all of the love that exists within each of these beings that you have been in other lifetimes and that you carry the energy of right now in this one. Embrace all of you and know yourself more as a Source Energy Being. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 7

Becoming Your Faerie Selves – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 7

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been in the process of becoming our oversouls for quite some time now, just as you have been in the process of becoming your higher selves. We are excited to get to know ourselves as a broader and more expansive consciousness, but we are not waiting for the shift in consciousness to be complete before we experiment with the idea of ourselves as our oversouls. We suggest that you do the same.
Ask yourselves how you would think, feel, create, and even hold yourselves if you were already your fifth dimensional higher selves. What would be your average day? You can start to contemplate these ideas because, as fourth dimensional beings, you are capable of accessing the fifth. Your higher selves are inside of you. They are not separate from you. They are not out there somewhere. Your higher selves are you without all the filtration.
Feeling into your higher self is like is like feeling into your superhero self. If you imagine all of the abilities you would like to possess as your superhero self, you start to get an idea of who you will be as you fully embody your higher self’s consciousness. Not everyone will be the same right after you shift to the fifth dimension. Not all of you will have the same abilities, and not all of you will have the same interests, but one thing you will have in common is that you will be able to pursue your interests, your passions, without any limitations, and that will be fun.
Right now is an excellent time for you all to be focusing on fun, as things continue to be very serious on your world, and there will be plenty of opportunities for you to take life on Earth as it is seriously, and means you will need to consciously choose to have a more lighthearted approach to life and a perspective that allows for more play, more laughter, and more fun.
Your fifth-dimensional selves are also essentially faerie beings, as they have been occupying the fifth dimension and inviting you to their little parties, but not everyone is answering that invitation in the affirmative. The children do, but as adults you tend to get embroiled in more serious matters, because you have more responsibilities and because you know that there is a lot riding on whether you complete a task so that you can pay your rent or mortgage. But we say to you that in spite of all of that there is still room for more fun as you explore who you are as your fifth-dimensional selves, and the only rule in playing that game is that there are no rules.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 6

The Karma of the Beings of Darkness – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 6

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have a tremendous amount of respect for everyone who is there on Earth at this time, regardless of who they are, what they have done, and whether they are playing the role of a being of light or a being of darkness. We keep telling you that we are all in this together, and that includes those who are playing the role of the dark ones. They agreed to be the villains for all of you, in spite of the fact that they knew they would have to pay off their karma if they were going to ascend in this lifetime. And if they do not ascend in this lifetime, they will have to go back to a third-dimensional reality to pay off that karma that they are accumulating at this time.
That’s why it is so important that those who are playing the role of the dark ones have you. You are the ones who can forgive them, show them compassion, and uplift them with your light, with your positive energy. You can save them. You can bring them with you, or you can condemn or vilify them, which only lowers your vibration, making your ascension an event that will take place even further in the future. Therefore, we recommend the forgiveness path, because we know that you all want to ascend, and you all want to ascend quickly.
One of the reasons why many people want to ascend is to escape reality. Many just want to live on a world where they don’t have to do any of that hard work of forgiveness and offering compassion to those who have wronged them or others. We understand that; we still admire and respect everyone there on Earth, no matter what their point of view, because it is hard to be there, but what we are giving you and what we will always give you is the easier path.
We will always tell you which path has more joy on it, which is the shorter path, and which is the path that allows you to be more of who you are. You don’t want to just ascend because you didn’t do anything wrong. You want to ascend and feel the satisfaction of having taken such a high road that you were able to bring those around you with you who otherwise would not be able to make that journey.
So when you are thinking about what you can do to be of more service, or what you can do to accelerate the ascension process, the answer is easy. You can forgive, rather than condemn. You can look for the light within everyone. See them as Source Energy, and actually appreciate them for taking an even harder path than the one that you are on. Those who are playing the role of the dark ones feel even more separate from Source than the average awakened person who has their doubts at times, or who forgets who they really are.
One way to remember who you really are is to be Source Energy in action. Be the love that you have inside of you, and know that the love you have inside of you feels glorious when it is coming through you for no other reason than that you summoned it. It is very easy to love someone who is lovable, and certainly you want to start there. But we hope that you get to the point where you don’t want that feeling to go away. So you keep giving it to anyone and everyone who crosses your path.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 5

How Your Ascension Symptoms Serve You – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 5

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have begun to discover new ways of getting through to you directly, when we are not speaking through this channel here. We have noticed that you all do tend to open up to us more when you are tired, and that is one of the reasons why you all decided to make tiredness one of your primary ascension. You all knew that you would need something physical to get you to slow down, and you also knew that you would be at your most receptive when you were at your least mind-oriented.
Ideally, everyone would be quieting their minds on purpose several times throughout the day and in mediation, but since you all lead such busy and hectic lives, you sometimes need to tire yourselves out. Another time when we find it easiest to connect with you is when you are bathing, and that is true whether you are taking a shower or a bath. This is another time when you tend to relax more and open yourselves up, and the water also helps to insulate you and to clear your energy fields.
Another time, believe it or not, when you are more likely to receive from us is when you are reading. Reading requires you to focus your minds on something other than what you are worrying about, or a conversation with someone that is upsetting you. While you are driving your cars is another time when we find you to be easier to reach, and that is because driving is also requiring a certain amount of focus from you, and it can be quite meditative. Knowing that we are taking advantage of all of these times to connect with you and to give you downloads for us and for you, as we know that you are interested in receiving from us all that you can.
We encourage you to make a mental note of the times when you feel relaxed or focused enough on something to occupy your minds, and then call out to us and tell us that this is your time to receive what it is that we are offering you. And we do see each of you as individuals. We are not just using those times to sprinkle in energies that are for the entire collective. We love working with individual humans. We love the way that you receive us and what we have to offer and how appreciative you are.
We are all in this together. We will work with your guides and your higher selves, and all of the other beings around you. We are a part of your team if you are receiving this transmission, and we know that more and more of you are receiving them every day. That alone gives us a tremendous amount of joy, appreciation, and hope for humanity. We have a knowing that you are going to complete this shift in consciousness. We just hope that you do it with more ease, more joy, and more grace, as you continue along on your journeys to the fifth dimension.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 4

What the Angelics Are Putting in Your Energy Fields – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 4

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very impressed by all of you and the way that you have handled yourselves throughout this very tumultuous calendar year. We want to assure you that you will be rewarded by the Universe. You will be rewarded by your Higher Selves. You will be rewarded by yourselves, as you have continuously found ways to release negative energies, blockages, old beliefs, and so much more, making yourselves the ideal vessels for the energies that are continuing to come in to cradle you in light and love at this time.
You are readying yourselves for a much brighter future, one where you make gigantic leaps and bounds in the evolution of your consciousness as individuals and as a collective. You are opening yourselves up to myriad possibilities as you continue to trudge forward through the harsh circumstances that you face in your world and in your lives.
We want you to know that we sense the angelic energies, and the Archangels specifically, working with you and working on you at this time. We have noticed how the angelics have stepped up their game and have been showering you with their compassion, as well as putting higher vibrational energy in your fields to give you that added boost that you need to make it to the solstice and the end of this calendar year.
You are always supported, of course, but there are times when you need more specific help, energies that are targeted for specific purposes, and now is one of those times. And because so many people from so many walks of life have relationships with the angelics, you are in a position to receive more than you usually do when you are sent these care packages from above. We know that you will continue to open yourselves to the love and light that is coming in, because in many cases, there is nothing else for you to do, and you also are demonstrating to yourselves time and time again how effective it is when you sit back, relax, and allow in all that you have summoned.
Now is a time to be slowing down your minds and your actions, tuning in to your emotions, your vibration, and letting yourselves be helped by beings who live to do that above all else. You have impressed so many higher dimensional beings during these times, but we want you to feel pride in yourselves. We want you to acknowledge yourselves for how well you are doing, because this calendar year has been more than just challenging, and humanity continues to step up and answer the call, just as you knew you would.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 3

The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 3

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very interested in what humanity is interested in there on Earth, and right now there is a lot of attention being given to the elections in the United States of America. There is quite a bit of attention being given to the presidential election, and as many of you know, the tension that exists there in the United States has a lot of people on edge. People are not certain about what will happen, and they are afraid. A lot of that fear has been generated by those who like having humankind nice and afraid, nice and divided, and that’s why you all need to try to see how someone you love could support a candidate that you detest.
You have to give each other the benefit of the doubt right now and not give in to the divisiveness. You all have an opportunity here to take back your power and to recognize that all the change that you want to see in the world has to begin with you. No one politician is going to save humanity or any portion of humanity, because you all need to raise the level of your consciousness, which most people are not doing at this time. In fact, a lot of people are digging in their heels and getting ready for a fight.
We suggest you send love to whichever candidate you hope loses, and we also suggest that you send love to the ones who support that candidate. We especially suggest that you make peace with the fact that you undoubtedly have family members who support that candidate, and realize that you have a lot more in common with everyone there on Earth than you have reasons to demonize them.
It is time to look past the fighting and the name-calling and look within for unconditional love, forgiveness, and compassion. We know that we have been saying this for quite some time, but it bears repeating on a day when so many will be anxious, angry, afraid, and saddened by what’s happening with the elections in a country that has so much potential. The United States can be filled with so much light and love, so much promise and hope.
The citizens, and even the non-citizens, of the United States can do so much to help each other and help the rest of the world, regardless of who wins. And you have to remember that. You cannot let what is happening on that very big stage affect your ability to reach within yourself and feel empowered. You get to create your experience of your world, your country, other countries, and political leaders.
And we also want you all to take care of yourselves, because if you are receiving this transmission, you are sensitive and empathic, and you are going to pick up on all of the negative energy. So please do put yourself and your vibration first, and as we said, send love, and don’t get swept up in fear and hate. This is an opportunity for you all to make those big changes and take those giant leaps that we have been telling you about. But it has to start with you and your faith in yourselves, especially when you are united, which you will always have the opportunity to be.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 2

Big Changes, Old Beliefs & Root Chakra Purging – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 2

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been observing humanity, and we have been noticing the changes that have begun to manifest in your collective consciousness, and those changes are the result of a massive amount of purging that has taken place in your root chakras. You are not the same collective you were at the beginning of this calendar year, and that is a good thing, because change is necessary. Change moves you forward, and even when change is messy and uncomfortable, it has the power to open you up to the new energies that are coming in.
The new energies are always about bringing you into a higher vibrational state and holding you there. The energies that have already begun to work on you there in the month of November are having a powerful effect on those who have felt so very depleted and on those who have given up hope for a brighter future, a better tomorrow. The purging of the root chakra has left many of you feeling lighter, freer, and more capable to create the reality that you want to experience.
Now is a time on your world where many are anticipating big changes, and those big changes always begin with you, especially those of you who know that you create the reality that you experience. And as that reality reflects something back to you that you would like to change, that you would like to see be different from what it is, you then have an opportunity to make the changes within yourselves. When you see something outside of you that you do not like, you all need to ask yourselves, ‘How am I being like this belief or this perspective that I do not like?’
That will help you ease into the inevitable changes that are coming, because you will not be clinging to the old ways or to the old you. And you certainly don’t want to be clinging to any belief that you hold, no matter how dear it is to you. The only belief that really serves you is the one that is more of a knowing. And we are referring to the knowing that you and everyone else is Source Energy, which means you are unconditional love, and as unconditional love you are creating the reality you are experiencing.
Everything else you can throw out the window, and feel the lightening of the load that takes place when you do, because as we said, you really want to let in the new energies that will help you be in a higher vibrational state. You are the ones the rest of the galaxy is counting on to be the changemakers, and that means you cannot rely on an event, a solar flash, a politician, or anyone else to take you where you want to go. You are the only ones capable of changing your reality, and we tell you that not to put pressure on you, because of course you’re getting lots of help. We tell you that because we want to empower you.
We want you to realize that this is your time. Now is the time to shine and to invite others to join you in the light, where change means growth and evolution, not chaos and disarray. We see you evolving in so many ways every day, and we appreciate each and every one of you who is doing that evolving on purpose. You are the leaders. You are the changemakers, and you are bringing about that better future for all of humanity.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

November 1

Continue to Practice Using Your Abilities – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 1

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
You have begun to explore some of the abilities that you will have once you are fully fifth dimensional, and you will get better at utilizing these abilities with practice. You cannot expect to master one of these abilities right away. They are no different than your musical instruments, or speaking a foreign language, or playing a sport. You get better with practice at all of those things, and your abilities are no exception. What we see many of you doing is giving up. You think it should be easier, and so you stop practicing.
Now let us be clear about which abilities we are speaking about. The easiest one for you to tap in to at this time is telepathy, but you don’t want to think of telepathy as you sending a thought to another person. You want to practice using telepathy by being of the same vibration as another person, and then you both know what the other one knows in that moment. Or you both receive the same download or inspired idea.
Telekinesis will be another fifth dimensional ability that you will have once you complete your shift, and some of you are finding that you are successful in being able to mentally a spoon, for example. This is a skill that has been demonstrated on many different occasions. But we recommend that you start with something less solid. Start with energy. Send energy to a different part of the room where you are, and then go to that part of the room and see if you can pick up on it.
Teleportation and time travel are abilities that are very far off from where you are now, and so even attempting to engage in them can be quite discouraging. Now, you will all be healers and channels as fifth dimensional beings. These are other areas where it is easy to give up because you don’t feel something right away or because you don’t speak for the beings that you want to connect with right away. But playing with the ability to move energy through you is one of the more satisfying experiences that you can have in the fourth dimension, and it is a very good way for you to create change in your world.
As we have recently said, change will happen within you first. You will feel the energetic shifts before you see the shifts in the physical realm, the physical realm being slower than the energetic one. It will also benefit you greatly having patience at this time, as we know many of you are ready for full e.t. contact and ready for the shift to be completed. But instead, you wait. You wait for your fellow humans to catch up, and while you are waiting, you might as well do something with all that time you have on your hands.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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