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September 30

Luminosity is the authentic light of the soul. It is beautiful and loving and safe. Never be afraid to allow that light to shine for it is the most empowered way to lead your way forward into your highest life expression. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 29

Dear Ones, you always know if you are settling. Settling will never give you long term satisfaction because you will be trying to thrive in energies you already know are not a match to who you really are and how you truly wish to live. Love yourselves enough to wait until you align with what excites and delights you. You will save yourselves much time, trouble, and discomfort if you simply have the faith and the patience to hold the space until your heart gives you a resounding yes. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 28

People begin to seek miracles when they come to the realization that the mind has taken them as far as it can go. It is the profound act of shifting out of the mind into your faith with a willingness to both be moved and receive that makes miracles possible. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 27

The difference between boredom and peacefulness is how much resistance you have to the time and space your soul has created for you for your highest good. You can shift the former into the latter by the use of presence, gratitude, and creative exploration. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 26

You discover your greatest solutions by believing more in where your soul is leading you than whatever challenges may be presenting to you at the time. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 25

Dear Ones, a challenge is simply an opportunity for further experience and mastery in a certain area of your life. These events are always orchestrated by the soul for your growth and expansion. Rest assured you would never create anything in your life where the full potential didn’t exist to navigate beyond it.
Get creative. Explore what else is possible. Ask for guidance. Surrender. Flow. Be curious. And most of all acknowledge the fact that a solution always exists, you just must be willing to move into the alignment that allows the discovery of it. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 24

Acting in a consistently loving manner towards yourself creates stability and peace within which automatically helps anchor stability and peace in the world. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 23

Release being on high alert for what is wrong with you for that is an old system of judgement that simply cannot support you in moving into your highest expression of self. Such an approach will only create more resistance within yourself, which will perpetuate energetic contraction and discomfort. Dear Ones, please hear us when we say self love combined with self acceptance is the healing balm you seek. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 22

Some of you have a concern that if you practice self love and acceptance you will lull yourself into a space of complacency and because of that fall into ego or stall your growth.
Let us reassure you that quite the opposite will happen. When you feel safe, balanced, and loved you are supported and encouraged to embrace the unfoldment of your journey.
Your soul will always, always seek expansion and growth. Trust that your self love can only provide healing and serve your evolution. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 21

Acceptance is the demonstration of your unshakeable faith and trust. It allows you to flow forward into your best solutions and highest outcomes even if you have no idea what they might be or how to get there. It embraces the unfoldment of accelerated change with the greatest amount of comfort. It is essential for empowered forward movement as well as knowing yourself in a deeper way than ever before. It is the key that unlocks the door that leads you away from the futility of resistance into the discovery of what is truly possible. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 20

Many of you are feeling frustrated that certain things are not coming together for you. This can make you start to doubt, to have anxiety, or to think you are doing things wrong or are blocked.
What you are trying to manifest for the next phase of your incarnation is not stalled. In many cases, those dreams are simply waiting until you integrate an energetic shift that moves you into alignment with them. We wish to remind you that energetic shifts cannot be rushed, they must occur in their own timing, one divinely guided step at a time.
2020 is a year of flux, of moving between the old and the new. It also contains a series of profound energetic shifts that are designed to prepare you for the creation of the new. You have been receiving these energies throughout the year and they will continue to ramp up until you step into 2021.
Trust there is divine intelligence behind it all. Surrender, faith, flow, and trust are the elements that help you move with and integrate energy with the most efficiency. The transformational process you are part of simply cannot be done all at once. It must be done in a series of steps in order to make it sustainable for you.
As you integrate the rest of the energies that will be made available to you throughout the remainder of 2020, you will start to receive inspirations and discover the seeds of new potentials that give you an idea of where you are going. Hold the core essence of your hopes and dreams and let them bloom and grow from there.
Prioritize whatever is being energetically supported at any given time and focus on remembering what you know. You will have far more clarity when it is all said and done than you would have had at the beginning of this year. This is all setting you up for success in moving forward in the next exciting phase of your incarnation and what your heart wishes to experience and create. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 19

What we want you to understand is that every time you shift back into love it creates an energy that serves both you and the planet. This means even your out of balance moments serve the whole because they give you the opportunity to find your way back to your true essence, time and again, which drives the shift and is always a cause of expansion and celebration. Do you see? It is not about never being out of balance but rather remembering to love yourself back to the truth of your being that matters. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 18

Dear Ones, you do not have to pressure yourselves to be perfect because the flow will always provide the perfection for you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 17

Dear Ones, you cannot judge, berate, bully, or force yourselves into a faster enlightenment process. In fact, attempting to do so will only add to your discomfort in these intense energetic times.
Please hear us that your enlightenment process is an unfoldment that can only occur one shift, one integration, one aha moment at a time. It is a process that is designed to move at the exact perfect pace for you and your unique needs. The second you are ready to assimilate or expand more it will happen naturally.
Being hard on yourselves through such an amazing time does not help you or speed up your progress in any way. It only makes you perpetually uncomfortable by being in resistance to yourself. Further, it makes you miss all the magic and wonder that is built into the journey that you can only be seen through your acceptance, presence and gratitude.
If you find yourself questioning your path, its speed, or your ability to navigate it, we invite you to ask the question, “What if this is all unfolding perfectly?” and see how that feels in your body. If you pay attention you will notice that thought brings immediate relief.
You are enlightening human beings on a planet in the throes of transformation. From a soul perspective you are knocking it out of the park. Trust. Flow. Accept. Stay present. Celebrate your successes and know you are doing a magnificent job. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 16

We understand that it can seem daunting if you have the same issue you’ve been healing come up over and over again. We would like to give you some new perspective on that process today.
While you certainly can and do heal in layers, there is another aspect that can be happening if a theme keeps popping up for you. It may be that your former wounded self is simply exploring and creating safe attachment within you.
When you have identified an area that needs healing, the aspect of you that has been seeking the love and support it needs from you will come to the forefront and make itself known. If you can sit with it, acknowledge it, listen to what it requires, and give it everything it needs in that moment, it will settle down and begin the process of integrating back into wholeness.
But just like a child that is seeking to grow and expand, that aspect may need to test its security by bubbling up and seeking to be welcomed back into your love and acceptance many times until it settles into knowing it is truly safe, secure, and always an important and beloved part of the whole.
Do you see? If something you’ve been healing rears up again, it is a sign that you are truly making progress on your integration journey back into wholeness. And before you know it, if you are consistent in always receiving that aspect back into your loving care with your patience and reassurance, it will kick up less and less, and peace and wholeness will prevail. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 15

Some of you may be feeling very detached and rather emotionally removed. Please don’t let this make you think you have suddenly become a very unkind or uncaring creature! If you know in your heart that you care deeply about others and your planet and are normally very empathic and energetically sensitive, it can be a sign you are being of a certain kind of service.
Let us reassure you detachment often indicates shifting into a different vibration in order to hold the space and act as a stabilizer, and that role is very important during turbulent times.
Love can be expressed in many different ways and holding the space is one of them. A parent lovingly staying calm and ensuring safety while a child throws a tantrum is a wonderful example of that. A certain level of detachment is required in order to fulfill that role to the best of their ability. If they lose their balance the situation only accelerates, is prolonged, and opportunities for growth and change can be missed.
If you know your intention is one to assist the whole, trust that whatever is presenting is doing just that. You have spent far too long cultivating your compassion and love to suddenly not care at this point. Trust in who you really are, Dear Ones, and know that the many ways you serve are making a difference. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 14

As you start to explore the idea that your beingness is more than enough, it is common for enlightening human beings to follow that thought with worry about whether you are blocked, being lazy, or doing enough.
Dear Ones, the fact that you worry about those things means they will not be an issue! You are conscious, and mindful, and energetically sensitive. That awareness and sensitivity means that you will simply not be able to stay in any energies that don’t match your true intentions for any amount of time.
You will always lovingly redirect yourselves, time and again if necessary, to honour your truest path and life expression. It is time to trust yourself, and your evolutionary process, and allow your beingness to lead the way. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 13

Many of you have concerns that you may be stuck. Let us reassure you, if you have a willingness to move with whatever is being supported, you can never, ever be stuck. So then the question becomes not, “Am I stuck?” but rather, “What is being supported right now?”
If you are in a lull it is because it serves you. If you are in an action phase it is because it serves you. If you can settle into the acceptance that whatever is presenting is for your highest good, you will start to use your time and focus to your greatest advantage rather than being resistant to yourself and the now moment, which will allow you to fully harness the inherent gifts of every phase. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 12

Many of you are feeling frustrated by the lack of movement in your personal lives. We would like to discuss this today.
2020 is a bridge between the old and the new. It is the energy of flux. Its purpose is to help you gain clarity on where you would like to go, what you would like to create, who you really are, and what you truly align with. It is about releasing the past and shifting toward connecting into the energies of 2021 and beyond.
Do you see? Bridges are for connecting one land to another. You don’t build a house in the middle of a bridge.
There will be plenty of time for tangible progress and creation, Dear Ones. Right now is a pivotal time of preparation, where you explore the space between 3D and 5D before you step fully and confidently into your truest preferences and the creation of the new earth. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 11

Respect is a major energetic theme to explore in preparation of moving into the energies of 2021 and beyond.
Do others respect you? Do you respect yourself? Do you respect your feelings? Your body? Do you make choices in line with who you really are? Do you respect others? Animals? The planet? Are the leaders and teachers you follow good examples of being respectful?
Many of you have been working on self love and healthy boundaries. Respect is an offshoot of those elements. It is what will allow you to move consciously and mindfully into the creation of the new earth. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 10

One of the simplest ways to get back into the flow is to consciously look for things you can say yes to. This moves you into acceptance, inclusion, and preference, and automatically places your focus on what you would like more of. It is an easy tool to use that will instantly create a positive shift in your day and keep you in the energy of forward movement. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 9

While many of you may feel like you are in a pregnant pause, much is going on that you may not be aware of. You are releasing. You are receiving. You are integrating. You are anchoring. You are getting clarity on your preferences and your needs which will prepare you well for the next phase of your incarnation.
It can feel uncomfortable to have no tangible movement when you can feel there is much going on behind the scenes. It is much like being above water that has powerful undertows underneath. You know there is strong movement happening at deep levels even though the surface of the water may appear quite normal.
Strong lulls are always followed by tangible progress. Action phases are always followed by times of rest and recalibration. Large waves of either phase support each other in equal amounts as well as the larger model of profound, sustainable forward movement.
Trust the process and your ability to move with the flow as well as your ability to create change within that flow with your focus and intentions, Dear Ones, for you are the ones that are the co-creators of the New Earth and all the wonderful potentials and possibilities that will be born from these transformative times. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 8

Dear Ones, you would find yourselves so much more comfortable if you would give up your habit of doubt, for it is practicing the denial, opposition, and undermining of your beauty and truth. If you find yourself in doubt, take a moment to lovingly reassure and shepherd forward whatever part of you is feeling insecure or unsure. Doubt itself is simply an opportunity to love yourself back into inclusion and flow. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 7

What can sometimes happen as you start to play with being a creator is you work on manifesting a dream only to have it fall somehow short. This can result in great disappointment and confusion. We wish to address this today.
Manifestation is a process of unfoldment, a honing of energies if you will. Often your first attempt at something may seem to fall short of the mark but this is only so you can further hone it into a better match. It is an energetic starting point.
Often if an experience disappoints it is because it is missing elements you could not have been aware of until you actually stepped into having the experience. This does not mean you should give up! Far from it. This simply means that with this additional information you can create an even better match.
Being disappointed in an experience can also indicate that it was smaller/more constrained than what was truly possible. Rather than give up completely we ask you to explore how you can allow this dream to bloom into its greatest expression of self. What worked? What could have been better? What brought you joy? Is there room for expansion? Is this a near match that is trying to lead you to the true match.
Manifestation is not an endpoint, Dear Ones, it is a continual flow of unfoldment. Let your dreams get as big and beautiful as they want to be. Don’t give up on them but rather allow them to take on the form, direction, and energy they need to truly shine as wonderful contributions for everyone involved. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 6

We understand it can seem like your consistent efforts are not reaping rewards. Let us reassure you that is not so.
Just like you may decide change is required for your physical body if you have found yourself to be out of shape, the first step is the intention. The next step is the action of perhaps getting yourself a personal trainer, changing your diet, joining a gym, or getting more active on your own.
You will then enter a phase where it seems like you are putting in all the effort but not getting results. You may find it difficult and discouraging. But if you stay with it, slowly but surely you create new habits and start to feel something shifting internally. You might notice more energy and find your mood improving. But outwardly nothing shows.
Then you might start feeling very definite changes in your body. You might even feel muscles forming beneath the surface! You start to feel your internal structure starting to change and operate very differently. You move differently. You are stronger. You have more endurance. But this is still evident only to you.
But if you keep at it you will one day look in the mirror and see change in your body that is unmistakeable, and others will start to notice, too! That gives you even more encouragement to keep going because you finally have tangible proof that your efforts are really paying off.
And if you continue with your focus and dedication before you know it you will have transformed yourself into a brand new version of you that has so many more options and possibilities and much better matches who you want to be.
You are now at the phase of your transformational journey where tangible results will start to show up, Dear Ones. Keep holding your focus and don’t give up! You are doing a magnificent job and the rewards will be well worth your efforts. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 5

If you have a dream, you can start having a relationship with it immediately through meditation. Give your dream a form. Talk to it. What does it need from you? How can you nurture it? How does it want to express itself? What does it require to take on its greatest form?
Having a conversation with your dream allows you to shift into knowing it now. It moves it from being something in the unknown future to something you can have a relationship with in the present moment. This is one of the biggest steps you can take in creation.
We urge you to play with this idea, to have fun, to enjoy you and your dream to getting to know each other. This will form a bond between the two of you that starts the process of manifestation in the physical. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 4

What is your soul encouraging you to include in your day today? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 3

As you finish out the last four months of 2020, you will all be going through a series of energetic shifts, one for each remaining month. As you enter each month it will be much like stepping onto a new platform that holds its own energetics. You will assimilate those energies and be prepared to step onto the platform of the next month, and so on, in a process that is preparing you well to step up and into the energies of 2021.
With each integration you gain more clarity, and can see a little further ahead. These energies must be experienced in a series of steps because it would be too much to attempt to process them all at once. It is an unfoldment of preparation, if you will, getting you ready to connect into the energies of the new. The entirety of the progress you make over the next four months will lock in energetically with your solstice on December 21.
In many ways you might consider 2020 to be the bridge between the old and the new. While it has been intense and unpredictable in many ways for you, it is bringing much to the light to be examined, healed, and released and has created many opportunities for you to move into greater clarity about what your new capabilities and true preferences are.
Over the next several months many of you will also start to receive puzzle pieces – clues about where you are going and what is opening up to you as new possibilities. Be patient. Allow it to flow and unfold, understanding the pacing is perfect for where you are trying to go and what you are trying to accomplish. Lead through your heart and your beingness because your authenticity is the key for the creation and discovery of the next exciting phase of your incarnation. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 2

Having a dream doesn’t just mean it is a possibility for you. That desire exists because it has a purpose – to beckon you into that experience. It is placed there by your soul to help guide your journey. Accepting that truth is what activates the flow that allows your intersection with it. It creates a pull between you and your dream that allows you to meet and become one. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 1

One of the most distinct aspects of the unprecedented energies you are in is you are experiencing two distinct phases of your incarnation. The first phase is being energetically wrapped up and will soon feel very far removed, much like a past life. The next phase is like stepping out into a brand new incarnation.
The beauty of doing this consciously means you get to bring forward all the wisdom and knowledge you had gathered in the first phase and use it to create anew, all based on your latest level of attainment and authenticity. It is profound that you do not need to pass through the veil of forgetfulness and can simply carry on from where you left off.
In many senses, it is like you are in the interlife right now, finishing up your life review and considering what you would like to create and experience moving forward. This is a glorious opportunity for all of you, to pioneer and create from a platform of wisdom and sensitivity, all designed to honour and empower you, your planet, and the collective, as you continue to drive forward the great shift of the ages. Well done, Dear Ones, well done! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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