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October 31

When you do not accept who you really are in your beingness, you are continuing to aggravate any unhealed aspects you have that came from not being accepted. Settling into your beingness and knowing it is more than enough heals the hurts you experienced when others tried to make you wrong for being who you really are. This is the healing piece that is currently looking to be addressed in order to set you up for the next exciting phase of your incarnation, because it is the luminosity of your beingness that lights your way into the new. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 30

Some of you who are well on your enlightenment journey may feel isolated or misunderstood. This is perfectly normal but we wish for you to understand that the greatest transformations require you to go through them alone.
You do not see a caterpillar enter the cocoon with its friends, but you certainly see butterflies fly around joyfully with each other once they emerge. It will be the same with you, Dear Ones. Your energetic peers will come. All you must do is be true to your own personal evolutionary process. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 29

There are many different phases of spiritual development happening on your planet. For those who have been on their spiritual journey for a long period of time, the main focus is shifting from doing to being. This group is learning how to allow their beingness to lead the way and how to get comfortable with the idea that their beingness is more than enough.
For those who have more recently awakened, prioritizing and exploring the doing phase of spirituality is key. These are the people who are exploring all different areas of healing and their connection with a greater whole.
And there are others still who haven’t yet awakened but are beginning to get very uncomfortable and are starting to open to the possibility of something more.
Some people will move through the various stages and phases with remarkable speed, while others will take a slower road. Each individual journey moves at the perfect pace to honour that person’s soul agenda.
All of these phases are equally important and sacred. One is not better than another, it simply is where the person is on their journey. You will all ultimately find your own perfect path that supports the discovery and acceptance of your own divine essence and experience the joy of coming Home to yourself. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 28

Shelley’s Note: The other day this previous daily message popped into my head. I thought I should look for it to share it again but I got busy and forgot to do it. Well guess what shows up on my newsfeed yesterday because Les Green shared that exact message? I love when things like that happen. This message obviously wants to be shared again, so here it is. 🙂
Many human beings find their spiritual paths from encountering the dark night of the soul. They become so battered and worn that they simply cannot resist any longer and choose to surrender into a new way of being.
From such a painful place it is natural to seek relief. The first steps must be to self nurture, to heal, to shift energetically into a better feeling space. Many people are in survival mode at this point of their journey, and are very fragile. The purpose of this phase is to discover the spiritual supports that are available to them, to open up to new ideas and ways of doing things, and to find their way out of crisis. This is about stabilization, comfort, and relief.
As the person begins to balance out and explore the ideas of creating for themselves, the power of positive focus, and that better potentials may exist beyond where they’ve been, they begin to grow and expand. This is a phase of learning, exploration, and new possibilities. The focus must be on feeling better in order to move to a different energetic layer beyond crisis, where the initial stages of healing can occur. This phase may last many years where the person is focused on spiritual learning, experimentation, and creating a more satisfying life experience.
Once the person has built a much more solid foundation for themselves, and have developed skills to create balance for themselves, they will then be ready to move into some of the heavier healing work. They will be prepared to roll up their sleeves and start looking at the darker aspects of self, the shadow work, if you will. They will be ready to assume responsibility as their own loving guide and parent in order to move through this more challenging phase of healing, unconditional love of self, and integration.
Dear Ones, please understand that all phases are important on your journey! A person who has just come out of their dark night of the soul is simply not ready to tackle shadow work. A person who has mastered moving into a better feeling space is not going to do what is commonly referred to as spiritual bypassing forever. Your soul is always going to seek the expansion and growth it is ready for in perfect timing. Trust the unfoldment, and honour each step as being equally important on your own sacred journey of healing and self discovery. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 27

You are in creation and expansion and honing your preferences when you are consciously looking for things to say yes to. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 26

Your beingness is not how you find the path forward, it is the path forward. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 25

It can feel challenging to shift from being a perpetual rescuer to being an encourager but it is an important one to make because the latter empowers everyone involved. You should absolutely step in if someone is in crisis and needs help to stabilize but the goal should always be to help the person find their own balance and recognize their own divine capability. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 24

Dear Ones, the key to navigating past the chaos that is playing out in your world is being willing to cast your net wider to discover what possibilities exist just beyond what you can see and then allowing your beingness to lead the way. That is exactly how you make better aligned discoveries and create connection points into the new. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 23

We would like to offer you a healing technique to welcome back any aspects of self that are looking for reintegration.
Imagine you are in a large, domed arena. You are standing in the centre of the arena. There is golden light where you are standing but the edges and the corners of the arena are in darkness.
With your intention, call any aspect of you that is looking for your love, care, and total acceptance to come forward. You might see these aspects as little children. See them tentatively come forward out of the shadows. Turn toward them and welcome them back home into your essence with open arms. Embrace them and feel them settle back into your energetics. Feel how comforted they are to be back home with you!
As you welcome these little parts of you back into your loving care, you realize that even though they were in the shadows, they were never dark themselves. They were always of the light, they just got lost along the way and forgot or didn’t trust that truth. There is great healing when they come back to that realization and wholeness.
Your healing work doesn’t need to be any more complicated than that. Call forth the parts of you that thought it was safer to stay separate and reassure them that you will always honour and take care of them from now on. Let them know how special they are and how happy you are to have them back with you. You might be moved to discover the innocence that is at their core. Tell them they are an essential and valued part of the who you are!
This is a beautiful and joyful reunification process that celebrates the wholeness of who you really are and sets you up to move forward in the most beautiful and complete ways into the next exciting phase of your incarnation. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 22

I’m back! Thank you to all of you who wanted to make sure I was ok. Everything is fine, I just had some things going on that needed my full time and attention. Yesterday an old daily message came back into my awareness (thanks Milton Foster!), so I thought it would be perfect for a Throwback Thursday. Fresh off the press daily messages will resume again tomorrow. 🙂
When you are wishing to manifest something you desire, we recommend using the 5 A’s:
Ask – Asking the universe for help gives us permission to help you.
Accept – In order to receive you must be in an open state of acceptance. Be open to the myriad of ways the universe can serve and delight you.
Allow – Give the universe the time and space it needs to deliver to you in whatever way is divinely perfect.
Action – Be prepared to move when the signs and synchronicities point the way.
Appreciate – Your appreciation gives clear feedback to the universe and keeps you creating more of what is desired.
It does not need to be any more complicated than that! Move into the flow of abundance and have fun with creative process, Dear Ones. It is one of the greatest joys you will experience – the magic of co-creation with a universe that adores you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 19

You are divine creationists pioneering the way forward by allowing the gentle and loving luminosity of your beingness to lead the way. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 18

If you are finding yourself at a point of stagnation or despair over a certain issue in your life, it is important to not fall into a belief that it can never change or that there is no solution. This will keep the door closed to the possibility of forward movement. The truth is your challenges occur for you to gain mastery over certain areas of your life. Therefore, a solution must exist.
What you are experiencing is not that there is no solution, but rather that the solution does not exist within the realm of potential you are aware of. That means you must allow yourself to be guided into the discovery of where the solution does exist. You must be willing to release the habit of continuing to energetically engage with what is not working for you and begin to explore new energies and possibilities.
If you are really caught up in the idea that there can be no solution, it can be helpful to stop and ask, “Do I really know everything in the universe? Is it possible there’s a solution I’m not aware of? Who has access to all the information I don’t? What guide do I trust to lead me to the piece I’m missing? Where is my soul trying to lead me?”
If you are stuck it doesn’t mean there is no answer, only that the answer is not within the space of what you are already aware of. Surrender. Flow. Allow yourself to be led. Cast your net wider. Trust the process and your ability to navigate beyond the old into the new. This exploration is all part of your own evolution and how you start to experience your own ability to navigate as an empowered co-creator into the new. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 17

Dear Ones, what we wish for you to understand is that what others believe has absolutely no bearing on your own path. It is your beliefs alone that activate the path to your own personal experiences. It is safe to allow others to believe in whatever they wish to believe in, while still honouring the beckoning of your own soul.
At their core, people wish to have love, safety, security, comfort, freedom, and acceptance – they just differ on their ideas of what is the best way to get there. Ultimately all paths will lead people to the discovery of those desires, even if they take some detours first. At a collective level the vast majority of humans want the same things, and that is what will create the change you desire on your planet. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 16

People will often talk about what they would like to do or experience for a long time before they take action. We would like to point out that what you talk about is an indicator of who you would like to be, but what you do becomes part of who you are. Are you ready to shift out of the talking phase to the action phase?
Integrating even the smallest amount of what you would like to experience into your reality can produce profound change because you will have shifted it out of being a one day event into something in your present. You will also become much more congruent because your actions will start to match your intentions. What can you incorporate into your life today that holds the energy of your desired expansion? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 15

We have a simple but important question for you to explore today. What can you do to love yourself forward into the new? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 14

Are you using the full power of your focus to concentrate on what you do not want, or are you using your focus to navigate into more of what you prefer? There is nothing wrong with identifying what is not working for you if you then use it to shift into the discovery of what else is possible.
It is the same with fear and doubt. Fear and doubt can be wonderful openings for exploration to help you deepen your healing and move forward in a mindful, conscious way. They only become problematic if they cause you to stagnate and resist the growth and expansion your soul is trying to lead you to.
Another way of asking this is, are you using your free will to deny or embrace your full potential? Because when you use your free will to trust and embrace the guidance of your soul, your highest life expression becomes truly possible. What resistance are you ready to release today? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 13

We understand it can feel very discouraging when the world seems to be going in a direction that is quite the opposite of the new earth you wish to create and experience.
What we wish for you to understand is that you will often experience backward movement as a precursor of a profound surge forward. You might think of how pulling the string backwards on a bow is preparation to the accelerated forward movement of the arrow. It seems contrary to pull the arrow in the opposite direction of where you wish it to go, yet the tension created by the backward movement is exactly what creates the build up of energy needed to catapult things forward.
This applies to the times you are in. Keep your eye on the target. Understand the process and believe in where your soul is calling you and what you know to be true. It is the accumulation of the energy from the breakdown of the old that will launch your forward movement into the new. It is from this viewpoint you can keep your balance and see that you are on the cusp of great change. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 12

What resets you? What activity helps you move back into balance and remember what you know? What allows you to settle into your beingness and navigate from there? What keeps you in your heart, in your surrender, faith, flow, and trust?
You are in particularly intense times energetically. Prioritizing your spiritual practices is essential to helping you stay anchored in your truth. It may not seem like you can make much of a difference, but every time you can stay in that alignment you become a stabilizing point on a planet that is in the throes of change.
It is an essential part of your service and purpose, and how you become a consistent source of love in action for yourself and the whole. Such service is simple and profound and far more effective than you realize. Taking the time to make a plan and commitment to incorporate these practices as part your daily wellness now will serve you well as you finish out the rest of this transformative year. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 11

The act of surrender is not giving up, it is giving Up. It is an incredibly empowered act that fully utilizes the assistance that is available to you. What can you hand over today to be resolved by your loving angels, guides, and helpers? If you pay close attention to your energetics, you will feel a sense of relief the moment you do so. We hope you will hold the space of faith and trust long enough to be led to the solutions you haven’t been able to find for yourself but you know in your heart must exist. It brings us the greatest joy when you allow us to serve you and we are always only a heartfelt request away. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 10

If there is one thing empaths are very good at, it is identifying what is fair. We invite you to extend that fairness to yourselves, to include yourselves in the flow of love and support that you can so naturally identify as right and needed for others. Unity consciousness is designed to include everyone, even those with service contracts who find it much easier to give than to receive. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 9

Dear Ones, every time you can stop and breathe into your presence you create an anchor point of energy that is stabilizing to the whole. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 8

Leading with your beingness – your true core essence – through surrender and flow is exactly how you align with your perfect matches without the need to micro-manage and plan. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 7

It is very difficult to plan during times of accelerated change. The reason for that is what feels like an energetic match to you now may not be a match at all by the time it arrives for the energies may very well have shifted by then. You are in a time of flux. Do not allow this to frustrate you, but rather see it as proof positive of the time of profound change you are experiencing.
For now, until the energies reach a greater predictability, we encourage you to stay as present as you can. Make your decisions one right now moment at a time. Try to make your plans as close to the actual event as you can to minimize shifting out of the alignment with them. Keep embracing flow and expansion, and allow things the space and freedom to unfold rather than trying to constrain and control.
The unpredictability you are experiencing right now, while it can feel uncomfortable, is honing your skills of presence and flow. Do you see? Even the things that frustrate you have deeper meaning and purpose in your lives, and will serve you well for both your todays and your tomorrows. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 6

You make room for miracles when you’ve exhausted all the options you are already aware of. When you just don’t know how to proceed you naturally open to expansion and exploration. One of the most common themes of 2020 is being in a space of not knowing. What we wish for you to understand is the not knowing will ultimately offer you the opportunity for miraculous change. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 5

Choosing to consciously stay within the navigation system of surrender, faith, flow, and trust, creates the space for you to experience the divine in a far more tangible way than ever before. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 4

A miracle is a manifestation that has been given the space to be completely guided by the divine. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 3

What are your core values and needs? During chaotic times it is important to know what those energetic essentials are in order to shut out the noise and be able to make choices that are in line with your truth.
It does not need to be complicated. Find the key elements that you resonate with the most, that settle in your heart and feel wonderful, and use those core elements as a template to discern if an option is a true and empowering match for you.
If you stay true to those energetic essentials you will very consistently and consciously make choices that support the creation of a reality that operates predominantly from those values. And that, Dear Ones, is exactly how the new earth will be born. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 2

You could be just one energetic shift away from your next great manifestation because every shift honours the unfoldment of you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 1

Many enlightening human beings struggle with procrastination. What we wish for you to know is that procrastination is choosing to actively resist surrendering into the flow of creation. If you understand resistance only leads to discomfort, you can see it is a curious choice.
The flow of creation leads to expansion. So if you are finding yourself procrastinating it can be helpful to sit and ask yourself why you are feeling uncertain about the expansion your soul is calling you forward to experience. How can you love and lead yourself to shift into that flow? You can bring much relief by encouraging yourself into taking even the smallest action toward that goal.
The greater the resistance the greater the comfort you will feel through surrender. We want you to know that with your wisdom and awareness you can shift out of this pattern and begin to embrace your expansion without the precursor of procrastination and the discomfort it brings. This will smooth out your flow and add greatly to the grace, ease, and joy of creation that is always available to you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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